uu si it h n is ,a h ih ki m ;ri J in h ,n Sttabllihed July a, 1830. 1 VOL. XVII. NO. 3398. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAY, JUNE 5. IS93. PRICE 5 CENTS. trorld, at least 60 much of the . Central Slliccriicfnifnt'j Pacific Commercial Advertiser Special 2Cottcca. Special Ko tires. world as 19 known to the Spanish IS PUBLISHED HAWAIIAN nation. It is founded upon a lake of salt water, 200 leagues long, like unto Mare Caspium. The first that ever saw Manca was Johannes (Sciural iDDcrnsnnrnit.. J. H. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Coussellor-at-La- w. Office Merchant Street, CflAS. T. GULICR, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Every Morning Except Snndays, Abstract and Title Co. Martines, master of the munition BY TUX to Osdace. At a port called More- - HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labo Contracts. quito, in Guiana, there lieth at this day a great anchor of Osdace's Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-- I NO. L'-- i MKIlCIlyVN'r 81'. AC No. 46 Merchant St. ship ; and this port is some 300 lulu, Uann. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & o LEWERS A COOKE, (Successors to Lewers & Diction) Hardware, Builders and General , always up to the times in quality, styles and prices. Plantation Supplies, a full assortment to suit the various demand . Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with extra parts. Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc. Carpenters', Blacksmiths' miles within the land upon the great river of Orinoco." Toledo Bcott'8 Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. HONOLULU, II. I. SUIi3CRII?XION RATE81 liee. Iuiixrter and Dealers In Lomber Real Estate Broker & General Agent, Bell Tel. S48; Mat. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415. LU o o And all Kinds of Building MtteiUls. So. 82 FOBT STBEET. Honolnln. Daily Pacific Commercial. Advehtiser OCEANIC F. M. iiatcn Cecil Brown W. U. Castle J. F. Brown, W. F. Frear 'resident Yice-1'rei.ide- nt tretAry Treasurer A. Manager Auditor (6 pages) OFFICE: No. 33 MERCHANT St., Hosoixltj, Oahtj, H. I. ISAAC M00EE, STEAMSHIP CO c .2 E E o Per year, with "GuideVpremium- -l 6 00 Per month......... & Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00 CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. Office with L. A. Thurston. and Machinists' Tools Per year, postpaid to United States m i . . t . j a . KrrTr I J.nis company is ureparpu io seai-c- of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00 L I records and furnish abstract of title to Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, J I I I A I r" rn jrarues placing joanson,or coniciup.ai A H'-- I ,IHj() I Ing the purchased real estate will find It WrEJCLT (12 PAQZ3) HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Per year, with 'Guide" premium.! 5 00 Per year, postpaid Foreign .......... 6 00 Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture. i 10 uieir aavaniage 10 consult lae company Australian Mail Service. For JSan Francisco: W. H. STONE, ACCOUNTANT, ggyp. O. Box No. 17. 3230-lm- tf Office at present: Corner King and m regard 10 m,e' Blake's Steam Pumps, Fort Street, vrith Dr. R. I. Moore. I i7All orders attended to with rorapt- - Payable InTariaMy In Advance. Iueas. Weston's Centrifugals. EJV i ians, cpotmtauoim uaaiwuuu Mutual Telephone 138: Bell Telephone fiT" All transient Advertisements ouperentendenc given tor an aescnp-- 1 ivz. i . v. no a-a- . C5 a J. M. A r. W. M'CHESNBT The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship SEWING MACHINES, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington. B. W. M CIIKSNET, 124 Clay St., 8. F. must be prepaid. 40 Queen St, Hono. tion of Buildings. 3317-t- f " 99 MARIPOSA M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS, EDWIN A. JONES, NOTARY PUttLiIO. II. M. Whitney, Manager. Aethcb Jouxstoke, Editor. Lubricating Oils ln quality a nfntncy surpassed Honora! Morphonriica t is not possible to list ATLAS Of tho Oceanic steamship Company will I Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- - D8 ane at uonoiuiu, irom oyaney ana v,f nnA T tn Auckland, on or about viwiiwi ui diui uiiuuuivju, every thias we have If there is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be Assurance Company Has opened an OfUco for transacting o a. E SPECIAL NOTICE. 40 Qaeen St., Houolalu. JUNE 29 ill, politely treated. No trouble to show goods. 3278-tf-- d 1462-tf-- uuBinesa in connection wnn Iau HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., .eut advertisements and sub- - And will leave for the above port with Trusts. Purchase and Sale of Bonds, Mails and Passengers oh or about that Steam Engines, KCnptions musi oe prepaiu. date. Capital. Asserts, 8 6,000,000 $ 9,000.000; Stocks and Real Estate .Kvxrrior. Mr, not allowed to sell B itkro, Sng&r Stilt Cooler, firnss 1843. 1893. nnrt Lead Castings, papers, nor to receive payments from auoscribers. For Sydney & Auckland SEMI-CENTENNIA- L, And machinery of every description made Having been appointed Agents of the ;.-Ti mAp of the Dailt Advib- - to order. Particular attention paid to And is prepared to Audit Accounts. yCT" Office : Cor. Fort and Merchant above Company we are now ready to r WritifLT Gazette can al- - ahips' blacksmithinsc. Job work excuted effect Insurances at the lowest rates of ased from the News The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship " " ALAMEDA 5 Per Cent Debenture Policy on the shortest notic. Streets. Dealers or at the office of publica premium. tion, 40 Merchant street. T. O. Box No. n". 3250-- 1 y H. W. SCHMIDT A 80NS. LEWIS & CO., -- ISSUED BY- - rnm. 1 A T 11 A.TI.Y .ADVEBTISEB. 50ctS. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco. ' co tter monm. or - t.w j.-4- - ti I - C. BREWER & CO., L'D in advance. Wkbkw uazettk, ?.w i on or aDOUt The Mutual Life Ins. Co. m. b. l mooee a rear iu advance. .rapers uuv i Wholesale and Retail Grocers, promptly paid for on presentation TTTATTTl OAil. of the bill, will be stopped witnout J U -- LJ Zlfjlll, further notice. I 111 FOItT w3ub3criDtions for the Daily Adveb- - I And will have prompt despatch with iiTUEET. P. O. Bos asT OF Richard A. McCurdy, Queen Street, Honolulu II. I. AGENTS ITOrt HawaUan .Agricultural Co. Onomea Sugar Co. HonouiU Sugar Co. Wailukn Sugar Co. Waibee bugar Co. Makee Sugar Co. llaleakala Ranch Co. President. paid at tne publication owce, Ahnt street, or to the collector. BEAVER SALOON, Assets 175,084,156.61. i swas. who is authorized to The undersigned are now prepared to issue receipt for the same. r.rt Siret, OpposIJw Wilder A Co.'e Information reeardint; this form of policy, or any particulars concerning the iWAnvsabscriber who pays to the an various other forms of policies Issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Company may a. J. KOLTK, TKOPEISTOK. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS Offica: Corner King and Fort Streets KapapaJa Ranch. I Plantera Line San Francisco Packets. dersisrned for either paper one year. be obtained of rii-cl- a Lnncbei Berved with Ten, Coffee strictly in advance, wuireHB w (Over Hobron & Newman's Drug Store.) I Chas. Brewer & Co.'b Iine of Boston IN THE UNITED STATES. S. B. ROSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. rackets. copy oi i iie uvtw " a premium. Bod Water, dinner Ale or clllx. Ojri From 3 t. m. till lO f m Smnkera'BeqnliltQBa Specialty. Office Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. I Agents Boston Board oi Underwriters. m.T TITira reward Will be Paid for ffiPFor further particulars regarding Agents Philadelphia Board of Undcrwri 3271-l- m ters. information that will Iead.. J Freight or Paseage apply to JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer ca Dealer ln Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., List of Ofticebs: Daily or Weekly left at the office or residence of subscribers. H. K.-MoINTYR- & BRO., JOHN H. THOMPSON, ...,?mna hould be It GENERAL AGENTS. Hon. J. OJ Carter, President & Manager George II. Kobertaon - Treasurer GENERAL MERCHANDISE. hanWia during tho day. to insure i .i: : nnvt mnrnlT'7. onOrt I NOTARV PIlRTim ?-A- P.. - - Secretary IMI'ORTKRS AND DEALERS IN OCEANIC Col. W. F. Allen Auditor No. 35-3- 1 Qneen Street, Honolaln. Hon. C. R. Bishop notices received up to 10 r. v.. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Dir H. Waterhouse Esq. ectors. Agent to take Acknowledgments to H. HACKFELD & CO., STEAMSHIP CO 8. O. Allen Esq. H. M. W mis it. Manager. Groceries, Provisions and Feed LABOR CONTRACTS. Geuei'iil Commission Agents Time Table. RALEIGH AS A. ROMANCER. aST-Offic- e at Gulick's Agency, No. 38 EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. Oor. Fort & Qaeen SU., Bosolnlc. Merchant Street, Honolulu. LOCAL LINE. New Goods received by every packet from tho Eastern States and Europe. Sir Walter Told Some Extrava- gant Stories of Uis Travels. S. S. AUSTRALIA OHAS. V. E. DOVE, Surveyor and Engineer. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders fanhmllv attended to, and Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1892. 3181-3- m Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. While in Paramaribo I secured a Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92. CHARGES EXCEEDINGLY MODERATE Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. forS.F. Apr. 19 Apr. 20. May 17 May 24. June 14 June 21. M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. genuine treasure a musty little volume which is no less than Sir Pionoor Steam Room 11, Spreckels' Block. Walter Raleigh's own account of CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. WILLIAM C. PARKE, THROUGH LINE. his first voyage to these parts, maae in 1505. After perusing it one is almost reconciled to the beheading ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW From Sydney for From San Fran. F, JIOKN lractioal Contectioner, l'astrv Cook and Jlaker. Eoyal Insurance Co., OF LIVERPOOL. "THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD." of the gallant old nobleman at the San r rancisco. for Sydney. AMD Agent to tak Acknowledgments. hands of an ungrateful sovereign, Arr-lv- e Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. No. 71 Hotfll 8t. Telephone. fi Ft ) lothing more tl n - - : Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono DENTIST, eS HOTEL STREET. 4S5"Ofhce Hoceb 9 a. u. to 4 r. m . THE CHEAPEST PLACE lulu, il. 1. otthe aiajii!,ua jnne i juaairw rfna of a few lines only. Speaking in Honolulu to get your island cr 'Trinidaao' wnere ine Massage. i t i- -j . tT Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,17400 Dartv nrsc lanueu, soys. ii. . TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer, .najs, H H V ANH ! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw .. . Rg pRAy W0ULD ANNOUNCE DRS. ANDERSON k LUNDY, hath store oi oysiers upon I 1 that she will attend a limited nam- - Done In at- - tFire risks on all kinds of insurable property tairen at Current risks the branches of the trees, . An wnmofe r.of patients. Address at H. M. whirh were verv salt and well iiavilJ UiauD ttiiuugoiuW. Whitney's, KinK st. ; Bell Telephone 75. by JAMES NOTT, JB's iinL i .. I txt if l-- i r PnminiceinnPt' nf A cr- - I DENTISTS. tasted. All lucir oysiera grow ufjun i tiiii tug vuiuiuiiuuvi those boughs and sprays, and none riculture to enable the public ARTHUR M. BROWN, J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Cor. King and Akkei Streets. 3140-l- m on the grouna. . to obtain with the least possi Attorney and Couhsellor-at-La- w thev found crains of gold in some ble trouble, the compound for Prices Lower than Ever! Call and - . I . it Tkl t I 1 1 of the rivers, but they Having tne clestrovmer tile linsiU. WUlCll NOTARY PUBLIC, "Office : No. 13 Kaahumanu street, Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S, McGrevr' ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL purpose to enter Guiana, the maga- - is SQ prevalent n0V7 in and te Convinced. gjln ordering by Telephone he nre Honolulu, H. I. "uc w . . nvmmrl H rr r.1 n 11 . nnxr noi-cn- n 3200-- 1 y spend time in search thereof." Ar- - "UUU1UU1' iov"" fffGA8 ADMINISTERED. PETER EIGH, - - - Proprietor. OFFICE JNJD IMI : rived in Guiana, he writes : ''Be- - leaving an order with us for and rinp up the right number: Mutual Telephone Store 261. Resi cause there may arise many doubts, 4 lfoc of Rosin. 2 lbs Tallow I1USTACE A CO., dence 244. Bell Telephone Store 73. . . . . - I - r On Alakca and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. and how this empire 01 uuiana is OUR. GERTZ, IMPORTER AKD DEALER IX GENTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S I MM V I 1 fi 1 1 J DKALEH3 IS . U. Box 352. C. B. RIPLEY, with co m,nv OTP-i- t nit es. towns, oe iurnisnea wiui an oruer MOULDINGS, -- - j o ' temples and treasures (?), I thought which if presented at the Boots, Slioes ana Slippers Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. WOOD AND COAL AEOHITECT ! good to make it known that the Government Nursery on King from emperor those mazrdfictnt descended princes of Street will enable the bearer Has removed to Nuuanu Street, Fos- ter Block, opposite Merchant St. 3344-t- f Aleo White and Black Sand which w TURNED AND SAWED WORK. will 6ell at the very lowest market rates. whose large territories, of whose to obtain 5 gallons of COm-politic- s, conquests, edifices and pound, ready mixed, 1 pint of Ornci Efbeckelb Block, Boom 5, IIckolclu, II. I. Plana, Specifications, and Sanerintend- - HAWAIIAN GAZETTE C0 2syBELL Telephons No. 414. o SF"Prornpt attention to all orders. T K Ij 13 3? II O 1ST 15 B : Z3- T- MUTUAL 55. U u u "" which added to 1 erallons of ence given for every description of Build. rrSfilcTUAL Tklephonk No. 414. uave wnuen large ui&courbe&. ' . . ... .r T.nw . and - OatiotpI Bookbinders g3T BELL 498. 3033-l- y "The empire of Guiana is direct- - water, Will niaKe an euecuvo " - -w-- w- Old Building3 sncccssfully remodelled lv east from Piru toward the sea. I ni;Vif Wodi and enlarged. i:.u nnninnri. r"&uu ACCOUNT-BOOK- S MANUFACTURED Designs for Interior Decoration)?. Maps or Mechanical Drawlntr. Tracing. J. R. AIARM0NT, Fa r7u : :;T." : BUV a few gallons Ot migHt to any Pattern, including the Supply " xj t ix -- w.. -- - , , n ir, T,n1tl0uio oi raper. Kulmg, Printing, raging, and Blueprinting. TA ' l A Jl j oi golu tnan any part 01 reru, anu ii.auo.uu. emu jwwi. rerloratmg, Binding, (iilding, Leiter for Eook or NewpDauer The llnstratlon. Ucill V JLl V er LlSer Boilers laspected. Tested and Repaired r and as many or more great cities trees. Send your Ion can ing, etc. than ever Peru when it flourished vnreilw nrtA i,ovp it, I MUSIC AND MAGAZINES BOUND to Pianos For Kent. most. I have been assured by such r: A,U"V1J' w any Pattern. as have seen Manoa. the imperial I tilled. GIVE ESTIMATES FOE NEW WILL Tanks. Pipes, Smoke-stack- s, City of Guiana, which the Spaniards V. O KATJ, SON. Letterheads, billheads, receip- - Fifjcaes. Bndges.and general Sheet iron work. Boilers repaired at libera' rates- - PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER ontb. fvPSS&i from f 4.CM) to ?7.00 per if B j 81 MUSIC DEPARTMENT call El Dorado, for the greatness, books, shipping receipts and com- - the riches, and for the excellent Corner b ort and King btreets. mercial printing at the Gazette OF 100 lbs. cold water or steam pressure gua. ranteed on all work. 26Addree P. O. Box 479. Honolulu, H.I. 3144 14S4-t- f THE HAWAIIAN NEWB 50 CENTS PER MONTH, seat it far exceedeth any of the old 3bo5-l- m Oflice. COMPANY.

The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw

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Page 1: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw


si it

h n is,a h ih ki m ;ri J in h ,n

Sttabllihed July a, 1830.


trorld, at least 60 much of the. Central Slliccriicfnifnt'jPacific Commercial Advertiser Special 2Cottcca.Special Ko tires.

world as 19 known to the SpanishIS PUBLISHED HAWAIIAN

nation. It is founded upon a lakeof salt water, 200 leagues long, likeunto Mare Caspium. The first thatever saw Manca was Johannes

(Sciural iDDcrnsnnrnit..


Attorney and Coussellor-at-La- w.

Office Merchant Street,


For the Island of Oahu.

Every Morning Except Snndays,Abstract and Title Co.Martines, master of the munitionBY TUX

to Osdace. At a port called More- -HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labo

Contracts.quito, in Guiana, there lieth at thisday a great anchor of Osdace's Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-- I NO. L'--i MKIlCIlyVN'r 81'.AC No. 46 Merchant St. ship ; and this port is some 300 lulu, Uann.

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &oLEWERS A COOKE,

(Successors to Lewers & Diction)

Hardware, Builders and General ,always up to the times in quality, styles and prices.

Plantation Supplies,a full assortment to suit the various demand .

Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with extra parts.

Cultivator's Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc.

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'

miles within the land upon thegreat river of Orinoco." Toledo

Bcott'8 Parcels Express.Agent for the Burlington Route. HONOLULU, II. I.

SUIi3CRII?XION RATE81 liee. Iuiixrter and Dealers In Lomber Real Estate Broker & General Agent,

Bell Tel. S48; Mat. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415.


ooAnd all Kinds of Building MtteiUls.

So. 82 FOBT STBEET. Honolnln.Daily Pacific Commercial. Advehtiser OCEANICF. M. iiatcnCecil BrownW. U. CastleJ. F. Brown,W. F. Frear

'residentYice-1'rei.ide- nt

tretAryTreasurer A. Manager


(6 pages) OFFICE: No. 33 MERCHANT St.,Hosoixltj, Oahtj, H. I.




Per year, with "GuideVpremium- -l 6 00

Per month......... &

Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00


Typewriter and Notary Public.

Office with L. A. Thurston.

and Machinists' ToolsPer year, postpaid to United States m i . . t . j a .

KrrTr I J.nis company is ureparpu io seai-c-

of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00 L I records and furnish abstract of title toScrew Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills,

Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, J I I I A I

r" rn jrarues placing joanson,or coniciup.aiA H'-- I ,IHj() I Ing the purchased real estate will find ItWrEJCLT (12 PAQZ3) HAWAIIAN GAZETTE

Per year, with 'Guide" premium.! 5 00

Per year, postpaid Foreign .......... 6 00Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture. i 10 uieir aavaniage 10 consult lae company

Australian Mail Service.

For JSan Francisco:



ggyp. O. Box No. 17. 3230-lm- tf

Office at present: Corner King and m regard 10 m,e'Blake's Steam Pumps, Fort Street, vrith Dr. R. I. Moore. I i7All orders attended to with rorapt- -

Payable InTariaMy In Advance.Iueas.Weston's Centrifugals. EJV i ians, cpotmtauoim uaaiwuuu Mutual Telephone 138: Bell TelephonefiT" All transient Advertisements

ouperentendenc given tor an aescnp-- 1 ivz. i . v. no a-a-.


aJ. M. A r. W. M'CHESNBTThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship SEWING MACHINES, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington.B. W. M CIIKSNET,

124 Clay St., 8. F.must be prepaid. 40 Queen St, Hono. tion of Buildings. 3317-t- f" 99MARIPOSA M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS, EDWIN A. JONES,

NOTARY PUttLiIO.II. M. Whitney, Manager.

Aethcb Jouxstoke, Editor.Lubricating Oils ln quality a nfntncy surpassed

Honora! Morphonriica t is not possible to list ATLASOf tho Oceanic steamship Company will I Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- -

D8 ane at uonoiuiu, irom oyaney ana v,f nnA T tnAuckland, on or about viwiiwi ui diui uiiuuuivju, every thias we have Ifthere is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be Assurance Company Has opened an OfUco for transacting


SPECIAL NOTICE. 40 Qaeen St., Houolalu.JUNE 29 ill, politely treated. No trouble to show goods.3278-tf-- d 1462-tf--

uuBinesa in connection wnnIauHONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,.eut advertisements and sub- - And will leave for the above port with Trusts. Purchase and Sale of Bonds,

Mails and Passengers oh or about that Steam Engines,KCnptions musi oe prepaiu.date. Capital.

Asserts,8 6,000,000$ 9,000.000; Stocks and Real Estate.Kvxrrior. Mr, not allowed to sell B itkro, Sng&r Stilt Cooler, firnss 1843. 1893.nnrt Lead Castings,papers, nor to receive payments from

auoscribers. For Sydney & Auckland SEMI-CENTENNIA- L,And machinery of every description made Having been appointed Agents of the;.-Ti mAp of the Dailt Advib- -to order. Particular attention paid to

And is prepared to Audit Accounts.

yCT" Office : Cor. Fort and Merchantabove Company we are now ready tor WritifLT Gazette can al-- ahips' blacksmithinsc. Job work excuted effect Insurances at the lowest rates ofased from the NewsThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

" "ALAMEDA 5 Per Cent Debenture Policyon the shortest notic. Streets.Dealers or at the office of publica premium.tion, 40 Merchant street. T. O. Box No. n". 3250-- 1 yH. W. SCHMIDT A 80NS.LEWIS & CO., --ISSUED BY- -rnm. 1 A T 11 A.TI.Y .ADVEBTISEB. 50ctS. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco.' cotter monm. or - t.w j.-4- - ti I - C. BREWER & CO., L'Din advance. Wkbkw uazettk, ?.w i on or aDOUt The Mutual Life Ins. Co. m. b. l mooeea rear iu advance. .rapers uuv i Wholesale and Retail Grocers,promptly paid for on presentation TTTATTTl OAil.of the bill, will be stopped witnout J U --LJ Zlfjlll,further notice. I

111 FOItTw3ub3criDtions for the Daily Adveb- - I And will have prompt despatch with iiTUEET.P. O. Bos asT

OFRichard A. McCurdy,

Queen Street, Honolulu II. I.AGENTS ITOrt

HawaUan .Agricultural Co.Onomea Sugar Co.

HonouiU Sugar Co.Wailukn Sugar Co.

Waibee bugar Co.Makee Sugar Co.

llaleakala Ranch Co.

President.paid at tne publication owce,Ahnt street, or to the collector. BEAVER SALOON, Assets 175,084,156.61.i swas. who is authorized to The undersigned are now prepared

to issuereceipt for the same. r.rt Siret, OpposIJw Wilder A Co.'e Information reeardint; this form of policy, or any particulars concerning theiWAnvsabscriber who pays to the an various other forms of policies Issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Company maya. J. KOLTK, TKOPEISTOK.THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS Offica: Corner King and Fort Streets KapapaJa Ranch.

I Plantera Line San Francisco Packets.dersisrned for either paper one year. be obtained ofrii-cl- a Lnncbei Berved with Ten, Coffeestrictly in advance, wuireHB w (Over Hobron & Newman's Drug Store.) I Chas. Brewer & Co.'b Iine of BostonIN THE UNITED STATES. S. B. ROSE,

General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. rackets.copy oi iiie uvtw "a premium.

Bod Water, dinner Ale or clllx.Ojri From 3 t. m. till lO f m

Smnkera'BeqnliltQBa Specialty.Office Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. I Agents Boston Board oi Underwriters.

m.T TITira reward Will be Paid for ffiPFor further particulars regarding Agents Philadelphia Board of Undcrwri3271-l- m

ters.information that will Iead.. J Freight or Paseage apply toJOHN T. WATERH0USE,

Importer ca Dealer lnWm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., List of Ofticebs:Daily or Weekly left at the office or

residence of subscribers. H. K.-MoINTYR- & BRO., JOHN H. THOMPSON,

...,?mna hould be It GENERAL AGENTS. Hon. J. OJ Carter, President & ManagerGeorge II. Kobertaon - TreasurerGENERAL MERCHANDISE.hanWia during tho day. to insure i

.i: : nnvt mnrnlT'7. onOrt I NOTARV PIlRTim ?-A- P..- - Secretary

IMI'ORTKRS AND DEALERS INOCEANIC Col. W. F. Allen AuditorNo. 35-3-1 Qneen Street, Honolaln. Hon. C. R. Bishopnotices received up to 10 r. v..

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., DirH. Waterhouse Esq. ectors.Agent to take Acknowledgments toH. HACKFELD & CO.,STEAMSHIP CO 8. O. Allen Esq.H. M. W mis it. Manager. Groceries, Provisions and FeedLABOR CONTRACTS.Geuei'iil Commission AgentsTime Table.RALEIGH AS A. ROMANCER.

aST-Offic-e at Gulick's Agency, No. 38EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.Oor. Fort & Qaeen SU., Bosolnlc.

Merchant Street, Honolulu.LOCAL LINE.New Goods received by every packet from tho Eastern States and Europe.Sir Walter Told Some Extrava-

gant Stories of Uis Travels. S. S. AUSTRALIA OHAS. V. E. DOVE,Surveyor and Engineer. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders fanhmllv attended to, and Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1892. 3181-3- m

Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited.While in Paramaribo I secured a Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92.


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. F. forS.F.Apr. 19 Apr. 20.May 17 May 24.June 14 June 21.

M. E. Grossman, D.D.S.genuine treasure a musty littlevolume which is no less than Sir Pionoor SteamRoom 11, Spreckels' Block.Walter Raleigh's own account of

CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY.WILLIAM C. PARKE,THROUGH LINE.his first voyage to these parts, maaein 1505. After perusing it one isalmost reconciled to the beheading ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAWFrom Sydney forFrom San Fran. F, JIOKN lractioal Contectioner,

l'astrv Cook and Jlaker.

Eoyal Insurance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.


of the gallant old nobleman at the San r rancisco.for Sydney. AMD

Agent to tak Acknowledgments.hands of an ungrateful sovereign, Arr-lv-e Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. No. 71 Hotfll 8t. Telephone.




lothing more tln - - : Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono


4S5"Ofhce Hoceb 9 a. u. to 4 r. m .

THE CHEAPEST PLACElulu, il. 1.otthe aiajii!,ua jnne i juaairw rfnaof a few lines only. Speaking

in Honolulu to get yourisland cr 'Trinidaao' wnere ine Massage.i t i- -j . tT Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,17400Dartv nrsc lanueu, soys. ii. . TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i

Ptatstores of teer, .najs, H H V ANH ! liog and TinworkIruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw . . .

Rg pRAy W0ULD ANNOUNCE DRS. ANDERSON k LUNDY,hath store oi oysiers upon I 1 that she will attend a limited nam-- Done In at- -tFire risks on all kinds of insurable property tairen at Current risksthe branches of the trees, . An wnmofe r.of patients. Address at H. M.whirh were verv salt and well iiavilJ UiauD ttiiuugoiuW. Whitney's, KinK st. ; Bell Telephone 75. by JAMES NOTT, JB'siinL i .. I txt if l-- i r PnminiceinnPt' nf A cr- - I DENTISTS.tasted. All lucir oysiera grow ufjun i tiiii tug vuiuiuiiuuvithose boughs and sprays, and none riculture to enable the public ARTHUR M. BROWN, J. S. WALKER,

Agent for Hawaiian Islands.Cor. King and Akkei Streets.

3140-l- mon the grouna.. to obtain with the least possi Attorney and Couhsellor-at-La- w

thev found crains of gold in some ble trouble, the compound forPrices Lower than Ever! Call and- . I . it Tkl t I 1 1

of the rivers, but they Having tne clestrovmer tile linsiU. WUlCllNOTARY PUBLIC,

"Office : No. 13 Kaahumanu street, Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S, McGrevr'ENTERPRISE PLANING MILLpurpose to enter Guiana, the maga- - is SQ prevalent n0V7 in and te Convinced.

gjln ordering by Telephone he nreHonolulu, H. I."uc w . . nvmmrl H rr r.1 n 1 1 . nnxr noi-cn- n

3200-- 1 yspend time in search thereof." Ar-- "UUU1UU1' iov"" fffGA8 ADMINISTERED.PETER EIGH, - - - Proprietor.OFFICE JNJD IMI :

rived in Guiana, he writes : ''Be-- leaving an order with us for and rinp up the right number:Mutual Telephone Store 261. Resicause there may arise many doubts, 4 lfoc of Rosin. 2 lbs Tallow I1USTACE A CO., dence 244. Bell Telephone Store 73.. . . . - I - r On Alakca and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.and how this empire 01 uuiana is



I 1 fi 1 1 J DKALEH3 IS

. U. Box 352.

C. B. RIPLEY,with co m,nv OTP-i- t nit es. towns, oe iurnisnea wiui an oruer MOULDINGS,-- - j o 'temples and treasures (?), I thought which if presented at the Boots, Slioes ana Slippers Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. WOOD AND COAL AEOHITECT !good to make it known that the Government Nursery on Kingfromemperor

those mazrdfictntdescendedprinces of Street will enable the bearer

Has removed to Nuuanu Street, Fos-

ter Block, opposite Merchant St.3344-t- f

Aleo White and Black Sand which wTURNED AND SAWED WORK.will 6ell at the very lowest market rates.whose large territories, of whose to obtain 5 gallons of COm-politic- s,

conquests, edifices and pound, ready mixed, 1 pint of

Ornci Efbeckelb Block, Boom 5,IIckolclu, II. I.

Plana, Specifications, and Sanerintend- -HAWAIIAN GAZETTE C0 2syBELL Telephons No. 414.


SF"Prornpt attention to all orders.T K Ij 13 3? II O 1ST 15 B :

Z3-T- MUTUAL 55.

U u u "" which added to 1 erallons of ence given for every description of Build.rrSfilcTUAL Tklephonk No. 414.uave wnuen large ui&courbe&. '. . ... .r T.nw . and - OatiotpI Bookbinders g3T BELL 498.

3033-l- y"The empire of Guiana is direct-- water, Will niaKe an euecuvo " - -w-- w-

Old Building3 sncccssfully remodelledlv east from Piru toward the sea. I ni;Vif Wodi and enlarged.

i:.u nnninnri. r"&uu ACCOUNT-BOOK- S MANUFACTURED Designs for Interior Decoration)?.Maps or Mechanical Drawlntr. Tracing.J. R. AIARM0NT,Fa r7u : :;T." : BUV a few gallons Ot migHt to any Pattern, including the Supply

" xj t ix -- w.. -- - , , n ir, T,n1tl0uio oi raper. Kulmg, Printing, raging, and Blueprinting.TA ' l A Jl joi golu tnan any part 01 reru, anu ii.auo.uu. emu jwwi. rerloratmg, Binding, (iilding, Leiter for Eook or NewpDauerThe llnstratlon.Ucill V JLl VerLlSer Boilers laspected. Tested and Repaired rand as many or more great cities trees. Send your Ion can ing, etc.than ever Peru when it flourished vnreilw nrtA i,ovp it, I MUSIC AND MAGAZINES BOUND to

Pianos For Kent.most. I have been assured by such r: A,U"V1J' w any Pattern.as have seen Manoa. the imperial I tilled. GIVE ESTIMATES FOE NEWWILL Tanks. Pipes, Smoke-stack- s,

City of Guiana, which the Spaniards V. O KATJ, SON. Letterheads, billheads, receip- - Fifjcaes. Bndges.and general Sheet ironwork. Boilers repaired at libera' rates- - PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER

ontb.fvPSS&i from f 4.CM) to ?7.00 perif B j 81 MUSIC DEPARTMENT

call El Dorado, for the greatness, books, shipping receipts and com--the riches, and for the excellent Corner b ort and King btreets. mercial printing at the Gazette OF

100 lbs. cold water or steam pressure gua.ranteed on all work.

26Addree P. O. Box 479. Honolulu,H.I. 3144 14S4-t- f

THE HAWAIIAN NEWB50 CENTS PER MONTH,seat it far exceedeth any of the old 3bo5-l-m Oflice. COMPANY.

Page 2: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw


TAKE POSESSIOS.r a rrm 1 1 mrny Cismroi Jlitotrtliimtnfe307op Stoves and Eanges


favorite REDWOOD.

Invoices of Gcodi ex Amy Turner and Australia just to hand for the


A Water Filter at Low Cost; Cone Filters for Water Cocks. A NEW LINE OF

CHANDELIERS!Hal!, Banquet and Manning La-np- ; Revere Garden Hose ;

Turkev and Ostrich Dusters; Tjck's Packing; Coe's Wrenches,Zinc and 13ra?s i filer; Cow Rails; Carriage and Machine Bolts;

Nuts and Washers; Sal So la; Ox Bows;Ci.t Nails, Galvanized and Plain; Cotton Waste;

Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails.

Tinware, Rinsing, Dish and Dairy Tans, Cork Screws,Charcoal Irons, ard Brooms, Locks, Night Latches, Yale Locks,Disston's Saws, Files and Cano Knives, a full atsortment;Ratchet and Spofford Braee3, Hook Hinges, Brass and Iron Butts,

Chisels, Squares, Bitts, Cliest Handles I

In fact Mr. "Allan Dare," whom theBulletin modestly declines to no-

tice, coolly ignores any eventsvhich transpired prior to January1G, 1S93, and draws a Utopian penpicture of Honolulu on that date,false in every, particular, as tbebasis f r i lie inverted pyramid ofmisstatements which follows. It isthe article of a partisan, withouteven the merit of seemiDg logicalor historical consistency.

The reason why the ex queendid not attack and immediately ar-

rest the men who had seized theseat of government is alleged to bebecause the troopa from the U. S.Boston would be under fire fromall points of attack ! The friendsof the ex-quee- n "advised the sur-

render to the U. S. troops 1" Theold falsehoods about the dismissalof Hawaiians from office and theinaugurating of a "business boy-

cott," together with the vernerabletale about the'regiilars being filledwith ex-convic- ts, fugitives from jus-tice, deserters, etc., ars repeated ;

the latter as a pretext for revamp-ing the royalist statement that theprotectorate was placed over Ha-

waii to protect the Provisional gov-

ernment, or the "filibusters," fromthe mutinous and undisciplinedsoldiers. .. .

But this was too tame for thebrave "Allan Dare." The combatdeapens. Even Minister Blount isdragged in to help the "scare arti-cle" along. Mr. Blount's just andconservative manner of conductinghis investigations "may precipitatea bloody conflict," for which theannexationists and sugar baronswould be responsible. Was thereever such royalist rot written be-

fore?There are some humorous state

Cup Hooks, Paints, Lamp Black, Putty, Brushes,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,



For Preserving and Beautifying the Complexion

Contains none of tho poisonous ingredients so generally addedto such preparations, but is entirely harmless.

have made a careful analysis of CAMELLINE, and find it to beabsolutely free from all 2)oisonou8 or delalcrious substances too ofltnpresent in rcparationa for the complexion. It ia compounded with greatcare and skill, and I can recommend it as being perfectly harmless in itseffects upon the skin or health.

"Very truly Yours,"(Signed.) THOMAS PRICE, M. D.,

. "Analytical Chemist."

CAMELLINE, Fluid White and Flesh Color.CAMELLINE, Powder White. Flesh and Brunette.


HOL LISTER & CO., DRUGGISTSFort Street, Honolulu.



The "Colorado" LubricatingOil has met with such

success that manufac-turers in the East haveimitated it as to name andhave tried to do so in quality.This fact prompted us to havethe name registered as a TradeMark so that dealers as wellas consumers on these islandscould be protected. We are thesole owners of this brand of oil,and it can be purchased onlyfrom us. That it has beenimitated in the United Statesis proof sufficient that it is asuperior quality of oil. Everyengineer who has tried this oil,has expressed himself as beinghighly satisfied with its qualityand effects.

The season for Aermotorsand garden hose is with usagain, and we are prepared forthe attack. Our stock of Gard-

en Hose comprises all sizes ofplain and wire bound of asuperior quality and which wecan recommend to you. If youwish to add to the life of thehose, there is no better way ofdoing it than by adding a hosereel to your list of lawn im-

plements. The celebrated Cal-

ifornia sprinklers are bettermade now than ever before.

Aermotors aro in demand byplantation managers who wishto irrigate their lands at atrifling expense. Last weekbrought us an order for two ofthe largest size, one for Kauaiand the other for Laie. Thisarticle of machinery seems tobe growing more popoularevery year. If you need a smallone for your house, w7e will beglad to supply you.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

307Fort Street

JUST -r-I- Ni



Hard Hnomnl itmnIjIK LUIUI fl IICrlean


ButtonsIn order to niovo them

quickly they will be

sold for

1.50 EACH


Come in to-da- y and get yours,

or you will be too late.

J3I AUinumiillu 1'xt-cntir-e Dei aMiner.t having

be-v- i Miovr I to I''ani Palace, hereafterto K? . ei"f'f a the Kx--t:'- i ive Bill --

ing. Mill? vr '1 he opened to publicit :0 o'ciock a. x. MONDAY,

J a it? 5th.Inuricr QZLc J 'ne 5th, 1803.

3393--1 t

Mr. WILLIAM McWAYlSE has thisday been appointed Assistant Luna totake up cstrays on all the GovernmentRoads and Lands from Kamoiliili andDiamond Ilead, to and along PanchbowlStreet to Nauana Street, Honolulu,Oaba.

J. A. KING.Minister of the Interior.

Interior OIEce. Juno 1, 1893.3307 1432 3t


June, 18SS.

Mo ra. W. Tl Fr. moos' rBAjifl.

3 s June 7.Lut Qa'rt'r.

6 7 9 "IT 11 r-- "June IS.L New Moon.

12 13 II 16 16 7s--j Jane SO,

19 2. 21 2.' 29 3 35, Jane 28,

19 v;F"ll Moon.


Six Pages.IS J oat and fear not;

Let all the end thon alm'at at boThy Country', thy Ood'i, and Troth'a.



Leading newspapers of theUnited States suggest there issome political connection betweenthe anti-annexati- on policy of theNew York Herald and that to bepursued by President Cleveland.We are inclined to the belief thatin sending out a correspondent tomisrepresent affairs here, the Her-ald has acted upon its own respon-sibility and has blundered politi-cally as U3ual. President Clevelandis hardly the unwise statesmaneither to suggest or follow the un-Americ- an

policy of the Herald.As far as Nordhoff is concerned

he cuts no figure, otherwise than asa journalistic tool. As far as hisability and former reputation gothey are of little weight ; the factremains that he has not evenwritten well-turne- d falsehoodsabout Hawaiian affairs, but hascontinually exposed himself to re-

peated contradiction and well-deserv- ed

ridicule. When, for in-

stance, he wrote the Provisionalgovernment would go down beforea slight push, he evidently failedto appreciate the value of journal-istic silence and over estimatedhis own knowledge of Hawaiianaffairs. It is more than probablehis former reputation as a fair-mind-ed

and circumspect journalisthas been rather the result of acci-dent than merit. In the Hawaiianinstance accident did not favor theHerald's correspondent, and hisreputation together with his falsetestimony have collapsed like ahouse of cards.

President Cleveland has hereto-fore felt more than once the neces-sity of keeping clear of the Heraldand its friends. In the presentcaso poor old Nordhoff, just totter-ing into his second childhood, willbe the onlf person hurt the Her-ald has no reputation to lose.


Many curious things happen injournalism. One of these tookplace last Saturday in Honolulu.In the Californian for June isprinted an open letter to the editoron "Mr. Blount's Mission," whichcovers over five pages. The articleis signed "Allan Dare." The factthat the article occupies the bulkof the editorial department of themagazine and brings Hawaiianaffairs prominently into notice isdirectly relevant to the curioushappening mentioned. It was this;The Bulletin contained in its lastissue a half column review of thecontents of the Californian maga-zine and failed to make any men-tion of Mr. "Allan Dare's" exparte statement of Hawaiian af-fairs.

This is especially curious, as theBulletin can "point with pride" toits publication of royalist misstate-ments of -- fact relating to the laterevolution, and this was an oppor-tunity it should not have missed.The article in question goes onebetter than Nordhoff ever dreamed.

The Executive Building will heFormally Cccvpitd ibi

Morning.Thi3 morning at 10 o'clock tht

Government will take formal pos-

sesion of the executive building.To make the afl'air interesting twocompanies of the militia will bepresent companies A and E be-

sides the Hawaiian band. At thehour mentioned President Dole andthe members of the executive ccuu-c- il

will walk over from the courtroom and with a simple ceremonypossession will be taken of the newexecutive quarters.

Commescing with today the en-

trances to the executive buildingwill be thrown open and the publiccan enjoy a walk in the pleasantgrounds. The band stand will notbe removed as on every Tuesdaymorning hereafter the Hawaiianband will give a public concert onthe grounds. ':

On Saturday there was a rumorcurrent that a republic would beproclaimed today. President Dolewas seen regarding the rumor andhe stated that there was no founda-tion for it. In fact all he knewabout the rumor was what he hadheard on the streets.

Sugar Bounty Iaw.There has been some talk about

bringing the constitutionality ofthe sugar bounty provisions of thetariff law of 1890 to a test. It wasreported in advices from Washing-ton some days ago that the presi-dent intended to submit to theattorney-gener- al the questionwhether he had authority to directthe secretary of the treasury todraw no more warrants for the pay-ment of sugar bounties, in orderthat a judicial determination as tothe validity of the bounty provis-ions might be had. What founda-tion there i3 for this report doc3not appear, nothing having beenheard of the matter since. Theprocedure suggested is, to say theleast, somewhat peculiar. Brad-street- s.

The appointment of Mr. Blountas minister to Hawaii may be re-

garded as tantamount to a deter-mination on the part of the admin-istration at Washington to continuenegotiations with the Provisionalgovernment until a satisfactoryagreement shall have been reached.In the end there is no doubt thatAmerican supremacy will be as-sured. The problem is how to eatthe peach without swallowing thepip. Philadelphia Record.

Auction Sales.BY- - JAS. F. MORGAN.

THIS DAY.Mortgagee's Notice of Intention

to Foreclose and of Sale.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEJL provisions contained in an indenture ofmortgage dted March 19th, 1S91. in ado by I.KEALOUAPAUOLE of Month Kona. Island ofHawaii, to William C Achl of Honolulu, 0hu,of ncordin Liber 129 paes 274, 275 and 27ti inthe Hawaiian Kecistftry of Deed, which paidmortcue was doly fuslned to Henry Smith,Trimee of paid Honolulu on May 6th, 18H1:Notice is hereby given tbt the undersigned in-ten-

to foreclose paid mortgage for conditionbroken, to-wi- t, non-payme- nt of the principaland interest.

Notice is also given that after the expirationof three week from the date of this notice, theproperty Id said mortgage deed described will besold at puhlic auction in Honolulu Island ofOaba. ou MONDAY. June 5, at 12 o'clocknoon of said day at the salesroom of James FMorean. auctioueer.

for farther particulars apyly to the under-signe- d

at Aliiolaul Hale. Honolulu.Dated Honolulu, April 2lst. 18'.i3.

UBSBV SMITn.Trustee, assignee of mortgage.The property described in said mortgage deed

is as follows:1. All those premises coureyed to mortgagor

by deed of J W Lap.iulla Kahanaaina, recordedin Liber 123 page 318, containing an area of323 9-- acres si tnate in Ilonokua. South Kona,Hawaii, being the same described in 11 P 6857 LC A 7713.

2. The one undivided fifteenth interest ofmortgagor in land situate in 1'ahochoe, SouthKona, Hawaii, being Government Grant No1974 containing an area of 381 acres conveyed toniorteagor and others by deed of i Kamaiopili,recorded in Liber 66 page 389.

3. A piece of land containing acres situatein Pahoehoe, South Kona, Hawaii, described inR P 6016 LI' A 9931, conveyed to mortgagor bydeed of Lumilumi recorded in Liber 82 page 70,

3397-- 2


Japanese Crape!Something different from that


kt KIMONO!"Sillc Handlcercliiefs,

Curios, etc., etc.,gQCThe above Goods to he sold at

very reasonable prices.

ITOHAN,Importer of Japanese Goods

Fort St., near Custom House.331V5 tf


--L pounds, in first-cla- ss condition inevery respect; in use only short time;will sell at a bargain. Enquire ofW. E. BROWN,

3390-- tf This Office.

Daily Advertiser 50c. per month.

Ikiiliaii - Australian


TJME TABLE.For Vancouver, B. C.

KUO'a SYDNEY.Ariive Honolulu.

S. S. WARUIMOO July l,lS9iS. S. MlOWER Aug. 1, li933. S. WAKRIHi Aug. 31, 3893S. S. Ml OWE h A Oct. 2, 1S93S. S. WARRIMO'J Nov. 1, 1S'J3S. S. MIOWERA Dec. 2,1893S. S. WARKIMOO Jan. 1, 1S91


Ftir Sydney aud BrisbaneFROM VANCOUVER, 33. C.

Arrive Honolulu.S. 8. MtOWERA June 21, 1893S. WARKLMuO July 21, 18938. S. MIOWh.UA Aug. 21, 18938. S. WARKIMOO Sep. 21. 1S93S. S. MIOWEKA Oct. 21, 1S93S. S. WARRLMOO Nov. 21, 1893S. S. VIOWKKA Dec. 21,1893S. S. WAHRI-MO- Ian. 21, 1894


Pass(;nrer and Freight Uatejto Vancouver, I. C. are the

Sam ) as to San Francisco, Cal.


Canada and theUNITED STATES PKIl C.T?.IZ.

gJST For Freight aud Passage, apply to

Theo, H. Davies & Co..3373-- td , GENERAL AGENTS.

The Leading Entomologists and

Horticulturalists !


Lewis Comlbmatioii


Best and Cheapest !

Three Machines in one for usewith tho


Pacific Hardware Co.Limited. 3355-t- f


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL rLEASE'itfSv t&he notice that tha fine


, Master,

To Sail on or about AUGUST let, ifsufficient inducement offers.

gJ3-- Kor further partirn!ar prIy to


'Tlie Gorman'NEW EUROPEAN !

100 Elrgmtly Furnished Rooms


From Main Entranca to tha Fair31C-3- 18 65th Terrace, Chicago.

Rates: $1 per Day and Upward. lst-Cl- ass Cafe

3359-Sn- i J. F. GORMAN, Prop.


To journey to Chicago,but quite another to remain there com-fortably during the crowded season.

The untaken rooms are going rapidly.Have you arranged for a place yet?

All the World's Fair Hotels demand acash deposit before they'll look at you orbook your name. The much-advertise- d

Hotels may not be the choicest, butthey'll get money.

Join the Pacific Kxccksion Co., andavoid such risk. Our fee of $5 covers thecash deposit demanded by Hotels. Wehave 5 Hotels, which have been person-ally selected by our President, and canbe recommended.

You can go by any route, at any time,and remain as long as you care to.


Assignee's Notice.CONG DON FOliHENRY well as for the firm of H.

Concdon & Co., having made an assign-ment to me of all his property, I herebyrequest all persons having claimsagainst said Henry Congdon or HenryCongdon & Co., to send their bills atonce, and all persons indebted to saidHenry Congdon or Henry Congdon &Co , are hereby requsted to make imme-diate payment to

C. BOLTE,Assignee.

Hono'ulu, May, 26, 1803. 3393-l- w

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNAL1LOstreet, at present occupied by E.W. Holdswort h, containing doubleparlors. 4 bedrooms, dreasine an

bath rooms, dining room, pantry anakitchen. Grounds 800x105 feet, well laidout; servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building.

R. I. LILLIE,2822-t- f with Theo. H. Davies & Co.

WHITESpecial B

Fort Street.




Clothing ! !

Cash Prices!!to order ftt S6-5-


$22.50 a Suit.



N. S. SACHS',104 Fort Street - Honolulu.

-- Just opened, a new assortment of

WHITE GOODSIn stripes and plaids, which wo offer at ASTONISHINGPRICES.

ments, which are none the lessfunny because they are false. Thefollowing is a sample : Bravo "Al-

lan Dare" says the keynote of theannexation scheme is "that the sug-

ar barons are now reaching out forthe tempting bait of the two centsa pound bounty on sugar raised inthe United States," and adds inthe next paragraph, speaking ofAmerican capital invested here :

"The actual fact is that outside ofwhatever capital Claus Spreckelsmay have brought to the countrythere is not one dollar of Americancapital invested there."

Mr. "Allan Dare" is a nice littlefellow, well-know- n in Honolulu,but he needs experience and tui-

tion. We would respectfully sug-

gest that he take a few lessons fromthe well-pai- d Nordhoff and in themeantime persuade the Bulletin tobring his essays into public noticebv at least a casual mention.


A dispatch published lately inthe Washington Star, correctingsome of the Herald's misstate-ments, says the total voting popu-lation of Hawaii is 15,000. Eventhis estimate is altogether too high.The total voting population of theislands will very probably not ex-

ceed 11,000 voters.

The New York Times tells thestory of an American girl who hidin a sentry box in Berlin andfrightened a German soldier sobadly by jumping out and crying"bool" at him, that he droppedhis gun and ran. The questionnow troubling the German news-papers is why the sentry ran.

They have an emphatic way ofraising a point of order in the NewSouth Wales parliament. A Syd-

ney paper says that lately thepremier was accused by a memberof nepotism. His reply was, "Youare a bigger liar than the man whotold you." It ended by the premierwithdrawing hi3 point of order.

It seems that the bank crash inAustralia has been largely causedby paying too nearly the marketrate of interest on deposits, and bylending money under conditionsthat prohibited calling it in whena crisis occurred. When settlementis made it is not likely depositorswill lose a dollar.

The report that Herr Kruppwould present his great cannon atthe World's Fair to the city ofChicago is not confirmed. Krupp'sagents state that after the fair isover the "world's largest gun" willbe returned to Essen, where it wasmade. When it ia known the gun,as now mounted at Chicago, cost$300,000 it will not be wonderedthat Krupp does not meet thesuggested presentation with



Clo thins !

Cash Prices!200 Pairs of Pants Zt100 Olll5 made to order at




The DailyH. F. W CH AN.


Page 3: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw






B B A DA.M. P.M. P.M. r.M.

Leave Honolala . . 8 :45 1 :43 4 :35 5:10Leave Pearl City..9:30 2.Z0 5:10 5:56Arrive L Mill.. . 9:57 2:57 5:33 6:2 J


C B B AA.M. A M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Ewa Mill.. 6:21 10:43 3:43 5:42Leave Pearl City..6:55 11:15 4:15 6:10Anlve Honolulu. .7:30 11:55 4:55 6:45

A Saturdays only.B Daily.C Sundays excepted.D Saturdays excepted.


Steamship3 will leave for and arrive fromSan Francisco, on the following dates, tillthe close of 1903.

Leave Hosolclc J Due at HonoluluSamFrascisco. Fm. Sas bakcisco

City Peking.. J nne C Australia. ..June 14

China June 18 Miowera, from Van-couverAus,ralia...June 21 June 21

Belgic June 27 Alameda... .Jine 29Mariposa June 29 China July 9Warrimoo, for Van-

couverAustralia., .aJiiIv 1 2

..July 1 Warrimoo .from Van-couverPeru July 7 July 21

Oceanic July 17 Mariposa July 27Australia July 19 Oceanic Aug. 7

lUo Janeiro.. July 25 Australia Aug.Monowai July 27 Monowai. . .Aug. 24

tinflia Auk. 6 Australia Sept. 6City Peking. Aug. China Seit. 18

Australia. ...Aug. 16 Alameda Sept. 21

Altmeiia. ..Au 24 Australia Oct. 4

Australia. .Sept. 13 Ooeanic Oct. 16

Mariposa. . Sept. 21 Mariposa ...Oct. 19

Oceanic ept. 2 Australia Nov 1

Australia. ..Oct. 11 Monowai. . - Nov. IB

Monowai. .. Oct. 19 China Nov. 27

China ..Nov. 6 Australia lec. 6

Australia. .. Nov 8 Alameda.. .Dec. 14

Alameda Nov. 10 Oceanic ... .. Iec25Oceanic Dec. 4 Australia Jan. 3Australia.... Dec. G

Alameda....Lec. 14City Peking Jan. 2

Meteorological Keeord.

at thx ovxamHT Btravrr. fttblibhtdZVZRT MOWDAT.

BiHOM. 2 3B s . 5"a o.; c a.

B 3 " 3

70 79 0.t'4 80 4

I 7i H 0.19 717 1C 0.16 76 9

; 60 8 0 19 65 8 Kiri5 72 81 0.03 7i 6-- 2

i 7i 81 t.01 C9 4 ESi tlO 79 0.01 60 81 WKI



8lO.Moo 29TueWad 1

. ThuFrt. iSit. 3,:VI 11 3O.0

Tide. San and Moon.bt o. 1. LTOM.

u xiucncocK, Mr Kane and others.From Kapaa, per stmr James Makee,

June 4 a iMchois and 9 on deck.From Makaweli,per stmr Iwalani. June

J fcpreckfcls, W G Irwin. 11 rLa;din. Adam Lindsav, Mrs iSto'z andchild, and V Knudsen and 14 on deck.

From Waiana, per stinr Kaa'.a, June 3ii a. Men'ann aim larmiy.

From Kanai. per stmr Mikaha'a, June4 Hon G X Wilcox. J H McKenzev. KeyIj M Mitchell, Miss llines. Misa Ju liniith. Mr P Keppler, H Humburg, Mr

ccnaiizs, o ininese. ana J aeck.From Maui, per stmr Claudine, June

4 C E Colville, Mrs J S Kaleo, E H Bailey,Sister de Sales, Miss M Nunes, Miss GraceAl edice. Mr Dana. J Blackball. Mr lielowi:z. C Alama. E A Ake. Rev J P Kui. RevJiro Okabe. Mrs Smith and 2 children, LeeShou, and 49 deck.


For San Francisco, per Lkt lrmgard.June 3 11 Willeeroth. Miss Alexander, uA Gracier, 11 S Overend, Mrs li W Liineand son, G Moler and Mrs G A Lane.

IMPORTS.Per Kaaln 2v53 bags sugar.Per Iwalani 4G17 bags sugar, 2 horses

and 25 pkgs sundries.PerJas Makee 2G50 bags sugar.Per Kawailani 900 bags rice.Per Liholiho 833 bags sugar.Per Waimanalo 15 calves and 300 bags

potatoes.Per Claudine 4333 bags sugar. 133 hide?,

93 hogs, 99 bags potatoes, 79 bags corn, 115pkgs sundries.

Per Mikahala 51S3 bags sugar, 150 headsheep, 2 horses, 10 bdles hides, 0 bag3bones, 25 pkgs sundries.

EXPOKTS.For San Francisco, per bkt lrmgard,

June 3 C Brewer & Co. CC9i bags sunar.Castle & Cooke. 797 bags sugar; F ASchaefer & Co, 3393 bags sugar; Theo HDavies & Co, 17GJ bags sugar; total, 19,149(I i"8 tous) sugar; domestic value, $79,-574.8- 0.

DIED.WHEELER At Mokae, liana. Maui, May

30. 1893. Edward Wheeler, aged 4 years.New Bedford, Mass., papers please



Diamond Head, June 4, 10 r. mv:Weather, clear; wind, fresh E.

The bark Amy Turner finisheddischarging her freight on Satur-day. After receiving ballast shewill be moved out in the stream toawait orders.

The steamer Mikahala brought150 sheep and 5480 bags of sugarfor II. Hackfeld & Co.

The steamer Waialeale will leavetomorrow morning for Hamakua,via Lahaina.

The four-maste-rs Lyman D. Fos-

ter and King Cyrus are both atanchor out in the stream. Theyhave finished discharging theircoal.

The barkentine lrmgard left onSaturday with 19,09G bags sugar,valued at $79,574.86.

Norrie and the Star.On Saturday morning Judge

Foster gave his ruling oa the de-

murrer interposed by the defendantin the Norrie-McGre- w libel case.It was in favor of Norrie. JudgeHartwell immediately appealed tothe Supreme Court. Later in theday A. P. Peterson, the attorneyfor the complainant, notified thecourt that the case would not beprosecuted so it has been droppedfrom the calendar.

To Add More Acres.A correspondent writing from

Kilauea, Kauai, states that Col.Claus Spreckels intends to enlargethe Kilauea plantation by convert-ing the extensive Koolau Kukuigrovo into a canefield.

St. Louis College Band.The St. Loui3 college band gave

a concert on Saturday evening atthe college grounds before a goodsized audience. The members ofthe band have been supplied witha new uniform.

Ci M. O A w M v.'...Judge Foster has given his deci-

sion in the case of C. Gertz, charg-ed with importing opium. Thedefendant was sentenced to sixmonths imprisonment with a $500fine slapped on. Gertz noted anappeal to the circuit court. .

Circuit Court Term.The first term of the circuit

court, second judicial circuit, willopen on next Wednesday at Wai-luk- u,

Maui. Judge A. N. Kepoikaiwill preside. Deputy. Attorney-Gener- al

G. K. Wilder will representthe government.

Will Finish Today.Hustace & Co., the draymen, ex-

pect to have everything movedfrom the court house to the execu-

tive building before nightfall. OnSaturday twelve safes were re-

moved, in addition to governmentproperty.

f Resigned From the Star.V Dr. J. S. McGrew has resigned a3editor-in-chi- ef of the HawaiianStar. It is understood that for thepresent the board of directors willassume the duties of the vacantpost.

Released from Quarantine.The Gaelic's immigrants were

released from quarantine yester-

day afternoon about 4 o'clock.There were 116 Chinese and twoJapanese.

fcaT For Sans Soucl per S. .S.

Monowai from San Francisco, Juno1st, 5000 Shell Oysters, fresh sal-

mon, celery, cauliflower, soft shellcrabs, etc. All of the above in splen-did coudition and will bo kept smoth-ered in ice until used up.

O0P0 '21

JpCT" Fines't Enameled Cabinetsonly 53 a dozen at CosmopolitanPhoto Co., 467 Nuusna street.

3311-t- l

Those desirous of having theirPianos Tuned or repaired, willplease send in their orders to W. II.Benson, at the Arlington. 33S2-S- t

gGT Novelties ia Lyons Silk,Ladies' Parasol;?, very stylish;Chiffon Scarfs and Fichus, at X. S.Sachs', Fort street.

gECr" Fresh Island Potatoes re-

ceived weekly, and for sale at theI X L.

Bengal Silkaliue Draperies,new choice patterns at 23 cents ayard, also a good assortment of SerimDraperies just received at Sachs', 101

Fort street.

ggfT For Bargains in New andSecond hand Furniture, Lawn Mow-

ers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. L, corner ofNuuauu and Kin streets.

2ST" Now is the time to lay in astock of Honolulu Soap. You canbuy it of the Honolulu Soap Worksfor 50 cents a box less thau inferiorsoap is now selling for in San Fran-cisco. Highest prices paid for tallow.

3317-t- f.

0"" If you want to sell outyour Furniture in its entirety, call

at the I. X. L.

gj-- Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machiues, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

IST The Musical Library of thelate G. L. Babcock is now on sale atthe Golden Rule Bazaar.

3264-l- tf

gjeST' The Bon Ton Drcssmaking Parlors are now at corner of

Fort and Beretania streets, open tothose of Honolulu and vicinity wish-

ing stylish suits and costumes, as wellalso as comfortable and neat gowus.

The public are now enabled to havetheir warJrobes fitted out as well andwith the same style as can be ob-

tained in San Francisco. 3267

Prompt returns made onGoods sold on commission at theI. X. L.


SOLD OUT MY EXPRESSHAVING all accounts due Sanders'Express up to June 1st, will be collectedby Mr. Frank U.Cooper. After June 15thall unsettled accounts wi 1 bo put intothe hand cf a collector.

3395 2w M.N.SANDERS.


lor, Dining Hoom, 4 Bed Room?,Kitchen, Pantry, etc., corner of

Beretania and Keeaumoku Sts., at pres-ent occupied by Mr. J. M. McChesney.Possession fciven after April 15. Applyto Mas. COWES,

3339--tf 9-- - Hotel Street.

Real Estate for Sale.

7 VALUABLE PIECESof improved Property, locat-ed in different part of thethe city of Honolulu ; all bar-gains. Apply lor full parti

culars toBUUCE & A. J. CART WRIGHT.

3393 tf

To Let.

THE PREMISES SITUATEon th ecorner of Beretania andAlanni NtrpRtH. The UoUSe JS

large and contains five airy Rooms withlarge Lanai and the lot, The.--o Pre-

mises are pleasantly and convenientlylocated. Possession given May 1st,1893. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOOX,Next Post Office.


To Let or Lease.

DESIRABLE PREMISESTHOSE Street, lately occupiedby Mr. E. V. Peterson. For particularsapply to E. C. ROWK,

3292-t- f King Street.


FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILY BATHINGA Resort has been opened atWaikiki.Tramcars pass the gate . Special arrange-ments can be made for Family Picnic3and Evening Hathing PartioB. 3274 3m

For Kent.

A DESIRABLE DWELLINGwith commodious Grounds;Shrubberv. etc.. on Kinau Street

next to corner of Pensacola; on blockfrom Tramcars. E. R. HENDRY,

3577-t- f Hawaiian Hardware Co.

A Sailor on the Matilda Accusedof Foul Play.

Patrick Connolly, a sailor onboard the bark Matilda, was lockedup on Saturday on a charge ofmurder. Readers of the Adve-rtiser will remember that on thenight of February 22d a sailornamed Alfred Steven3 lost his lifeby falling off the vessel namedwhile she was moored at a wharf.In falling he struck the fluke of ananchor, and his body did not cometo the surface of the water.

Previous to the fall he and an-

other sailor named Fred Godfreyhad been fighting and Connollywas mixed up in the quarrel insome manner. Finally the threemen met in the forward part of thevessel and during the quarrelStevens fell or was shoved over-

board. The next day the bodywas recovered and an inquest washeld. The coroner's jury broughtin a verdict of accidental drown-ing.

Since that time and during thevessel's present stay in port thepolice have secured evidencewhich points to foul play and thearrest of Connolly followed.


A Concert to be Given Tonightat Emma Square.

The Hawaiian band, under thedirection of Prof. Berger, will give

a public concert at Emma squarethis evening at i :o0 o'clock. 1 heseven new members of the organi-zation will take part. The follow-

ing excellent programme will berendered :

part i.i Arnmii r)frller" Faust2. Overture "Light Cavalry".. Suppe3. Jiuphoniom ooio -- uTOKeuiu

the Deep" xvuumsuuTtv Air. J. Gomes.

4. Selection "Pirates of Penzance"Huiuvau

PART II.5. Medley ''Ye Olden Times"... BeyerG. Clarionet Solo "scenes mature

Brightest" rreuaevineRr TVTr. T. K. Naone.

t WoltT "The Viennese"... Czibulka8. Galop "Wally" Heinsdorf

Hawaii Pouoi.

Two Monthlies Issued.The Anglican Chruch Chronicle

and the Friend are both out forJuner The Chronicle containsmuch that will interest its readers.The Friend contains the usualfeatures, backed up with able editorial mention on current events.

The Visiting Clergymen.The ladies of the Central Union

church will give a dinner party tothe visiting Hawaiian pastors inthe church parlors next Thursdayafternoon.

Tourists and others visiting Hilocan find the Daily Advertiserand Hawaiian Gazette (weekly)on sale at the store of J. A. Mar-

tin, Waianuenue street.


Reciprocity Sugar Co.

SPECIAL MEETING OF THEA Stockholders of Reciprocity SugarCompany will be bell at the office ofW. O. Smith, on MONDAY, June 5,1893, at 10 a. M. Important business.A full attendance is requested.

W. li. CASTLE,Secretary Reciprocity ugar Co.

Honolulu, May 3 , 1893.3394 5t

PIONEERBuilding aad Loin Association.

REGULAR MONTHLYTHE will bo held at the Chamber ofCommerce, MONDAY EVENING, June5, at 7:30 o'clock.

Hereafter, for the convenience of thosewho cannot attend the meetings, pay-ments will be received at tho rooms ofthe Association AND THERE ONLY,from 1 to 4 p. M. Saturdays and from 4 to5 o'clock r. st. Mondays, prior to eachmeeting.

JgJ Payments are required in Gold.THEO. F. LANSING,

3397-2- t Secretary.


Ice Cream, Sherbets, Sodas,Candles, Cakes, Coffee,"

Chocolate, Tea, Etc.Mrs. ATWOOD, Proprietress.

339S-t- f

Notice.SHALL NOT EE RESPONSIBLEI from this date for any debt or debts

that mav be contracted by my wife. KateMarion "Thoma3, without mv writtenorder. E. B. THOMAS.

Honolulu, Jane 5.1 S9L 3393 tf


Hawaiian pork packingThe; have removed their officeto the west corner of Maunakea andKing Streets.



on Judd Street. Possession givenat once. For particulars, apply to

H. GUNN.3397-t- f At Egan & Gunn's.

E. B. Thomas has a - notice inthis issue.

Colonel Claus Spreckels is intown again after a visit to Kauai.

The Hawaiis and the Karceha- -mehas will play the next leaguegame.

Don't forget the lunch at theArlington today from 11 :30 until 2o'clock.

Messrs. W. G. Irwin and H. P.Baldwin arrived from Kauai onSaturday.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.have their usual fund of informa-tion in this issue.

The Palace ice cream parlorsmake a specialty of keeping finecandies, ice cream, etc.

To-da- y at noon at his salesroom,Jas. F. Morgan will hold a mort-gagee's sale of property.

A gentle driving mare and phae-ton are offered for sale cheap. Ad-

dress "J. J.," this office.

The offices in the executivebuilding will be ready for businessthis morning at 10 o'clock.

The monthly meeting of thePioneer Building & Loan Associa-tion will be held this evening.

The Hawaiian Pork Packing Co.have removed their office to thecorner of Maunakea and Kingstreets.

Fever is spreading widely at Ki- -

pahulu, Maui. Eight seamen belonging to Wilder's steamers aredown with it.

A special meeting of the Reciprocity Sugar Co. will be held thismorning at 10 o'clock at the officeof Mr. W. O. Smith.

Chas. Nordhoff and Miss Nord- -

hoff dined with his Lordship Bishopa vww.aa w "

Willis and Lady Willis last Saturday at Iolani college.

TvYn old French resident namedAlex. Cornio died at the leper settlement on Molokai last week. Heleaves an estate valued at $30,000.

On Saturday Judge Foster finedtwo natives $100 each for sellingliquor without a license. ManuelMadeiros was lined iflo lor assaultand battery.

A wrestling tournament willtake place at the armory on nextSaturday evening. A feature ofthe evening will be a "neck tug-of- -

war tournament" for cash prizes.

The fish chowder, backed bybaked ham, delicate salads andNolte s coffee, made in rsolte a beststyle, promises to be an epic poemfor an epicure today. All this canbe had at the Arlington today.

Annexation on Hawaii.A native writes from Kona, Ha

waii, and says that the annexationcause is gaining ground daily inthat district. A great many nativeshave joined the annexation club.Prominent among the signers is J.H. Waipuilani, who was a memberof the last legislature.

How He Got Even.A native named Kakaio has a

little kuleana at Makiki. He alsohas a taro patch. Two boys havebeen annoying him for some timeand to quit even he threw both ofthe youngsters into the taro patchwith the mud up to their necks.He was arrested for battery.

He Kept Root Beer.Louis Olewa is languishing in

jail on a charge of selling liquorwithout a license. He keeps a rootbeer joint near the Bay View resort,and on Saturday night the policemade a raid on his place. Theyfound a barrel of some kind ofliquor that i3 warranted to kill atforty rods.

Smashed a Window.

William Hakalaau and JohnNaukana had a row with a Chi-

nese restaurant keeper on Satur-day night. To emphasize theirremarks they smashed a pane ofglass, and now they have a chargeof malicious mischief recordedagainst them on the police register.

Fulminate of Silver.The police have not captured

the owner or owners of the ex-

plosives which were found on lastWednesday evening. It transpiresthat the powder found in the vialis fulminate of silver and not ful-minate of mercury as previouslystated.

Natives With Opium.The police made two captures of

opium on Saturday evening. Anative named Sam Mahelona wascaught with five tins of the drug inhis possession. Shortly after thefirst arrest a native woman namedWaioahukui was found with sixtins.

Any kind of printing at the Ga-

zette Office equal to work doneabroad.

Tako Flouris perfect, thatis, it containsnothing but ta-

ro, the mostwholesome ve-

getable in thoworld. We knowit, so do you; wedon't mind " re-

commending itto you, andyou're glad wedo, because ittempts jTou touse it and you'reglad you do, be-

cause it rids yourstomach of dys-

peptic tenden-cies and makesyou feel better.

$SThe gro-

cers sell it.

THE ELITEIce Cream Parlors

Are well known for their excel-lent quality of

Fine Ice Cream,Cakes, Candies, Ties,

Fancy Pastries,Ioa Cream Soda, Sherbets,

Hot Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, Etc.

The most attractive colllection of

Island Curios!T NATIVE FANS a specialty.

Charts co.jVhonoluuj

85 Hotel Street.

Typewriting, Engrossing, Draughting

H. M. MISTIs prepared to undertake any business inthe above named lines . Office with Mr.E A. Jones : entrance Mercuani treei.

3372-- 1 m

Money to Loan.

TN SUMS NOT LESS THAN $1,000L on first-clas-s security. For particulars,

i.. T. P. U1AS.3385-- 2 w At Gonsalves & Company's.

F. M. WAKEFIELD,Attorney and Counsellor at L&w

Temporary Office with C. W. Ashford,

Merchant Street, Honolulu.339 My


JOHN WIKLAND'cJExtra Palo Lager Beer

On Draught. Clear, Cool and Invigorating.

Also, always on hand


fB2Tlo. Lunch from 11 :30 a. m. to1 :3U p. M daily. 3373 lm


E0-- Leave orders on slate at Koora 13Arlington Hotel. Hotel Ht 3040-Irn- tf



Office: No. C6 Fort Street, (W. O.

Smith's Law Office). 3360 --tf


Dressmaking Rooms99 HOTEL. STREET.

Prices lower than elsewhere in Hono-

lulu. Latest styles as worn in Londonand Paris. A specialty of Wa-shin- DreBS-e-s.

All work neatly and promptlyfinished. 3340


Has removed her

DRESSMAKING ROOMSTo Hotel st, Opp. the Y.M. C. A. Hall

Where she is prepared to do Dressmakingin all the latest styles. The new methodof form-fittin- g employed (the methodnow used by all the leading dressmakersin San Francisco).

SS?"All work neatly and promptlyfinished. Prices as reasonable as any inthe city. 3234-t- f


Pliysic3ian. and SurgeonOffice: 34 Alakea Street.Offics Hocks: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4

p. M., 7 to 8 p. m; Sundays 9:30 to 10:30A. U.

Telephones : Mutual 424, Bell 116.

Residence: No. 10 Union Street, MutualTelephone 490, Honolulu, tx. i.

3350-t- f



AND- -


The undersigned are pre-

pared to give intending tour-

ists tho advantage of a

Special Round Trip Hate


Chicago i ReturnIn connection with tho Steam-

ers of tho Oceanic SteamshipCo. of San Francisco and thoUnion SiKAiisnip Co. of NowZealand.

tSETFurthcr particulars mayhe had upon application.

.G. Irwin & Co.





Table Board fl per day.Board and LodRini? 2 " "Board and Lodin $12 per week.CE7"Specfal monthly prices.TTe. KKOUKK. Puoprietob.

Notice.UNDERSIGNED WILLTHE the Central Market, formerly

earned on by Mr. .fumes Love, cn .lunelut, and will kfrp a first class Maket.Patronage i -- olici'ed.

WKsTm.OOK & (JAKES.3.TJ3-- 1 t


Contractor and Builder

ESTIMATES OIVKN OHail kinds of Hrick, IronStone and Woodi-- Build-ings.If! Allkimlnof JobbingIn th btiilrfhiii trail at

tor, tit-- tn Kcpnn for ale: iirtrk. LimeOenient. Iron Htone Pin an1 KittinjrH oldand new CorruRat-- ) Iron, Minton Tiles,(,uarr Tiles, assorted sizs and colors,California and Monterey Haud, UrunitCurbing ana uuCK8. r.ic., r-i-c.

Hfflro and Yard ('or Kin 17 And Hlllitll8ti. Office Hours to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m

Telephones lieu mi ; wuiuai ii. aipmdence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117.


rpHE ABOVE REWAKD WILL BEJL paid for any informatioii that will

lead to the arrest and conviction ul thperson or persons who purloinedthe copv of Mr. J. L. Stevens' Remarkson the Hawaiian Situation, and publishedthe fame in an evniiiKJaper in this city,Mav 24. II AWN. OAZI TTK CO.

M ay 25. 1 14S11f

the l;aUit.R reuioi? lotOotiorrliuea A Cilrrr.

UAY The only aie remiy U.t1 i.innvtil Di XsencorrhtraorWLitc.lH Stricture. 1 nrrarrltie it and lu l

wife in rcvniuniliJ:2ilto all fnlTerfm.

t CNC.NTi,0.E?7r3 A. i. BTON Kit M. IK.

SoHl ft OroirrtaUb

Hounos, NiwuiN & Co., Azenti tlonolaUolubtsb A Co., vv !- - Ant

Bxsioir.HwiTH A Oo..WaGlejaieAg63ti.

OU 1 Ul t2o 0 e

B By m B 2


n.m. . a.m. p.m8.401 3.60 2 20 6.17 6.40 11.46

Taea... O 9.30 4.20 S 30 5 17 6 40

WoJ ... 10. ao 10.20: 4 4.30 6 17 6.4J "623

Yhar... 11.4 11 20' 4 SO 6.40 6 17 .4l 0.6rt

Vrt.MM 0.60 12. ill 6 2. 7. 6.17 6.41 1.3.J

tut..... 1. aoj 0.20 8.20 8.3.1 6.17 6.42 2.10

Han... 2. U 0.60 7. O'lO. 0 6.17 6.42 2.52

Latt quarter of the moon on the 7tb at 3a. 12m.A. M.

Time Whittle blojm at lb. Ma, 4s. F.M. ofHonolala Ume, which tn the m 12b. 0m. 0.of Greenwich time.


AltKlVAI.9.Satcrpat, June 3.

Stmr Mokolii. McGregor, from Molokai.Stmr Waimanalo. Dudoit. from Molokai.Stmr J.A Cummins. Neilson. from Koo--

,4Stmr Iwalani. Freeman, from Makaweli.Stmr Kaala. Oahan, from Waiaiua and

Waianae.Scsday. June 4.

Stmr MikaViala. Chaney, from Kauai.Stmr Claudine, Davies, frpn Maui.Stmr James MaKee. llaiilund. from

Kapaa.Schr Mahimahi from W aialua.Schr Lutta from Kohala.Schr Kawailani from Koolau.

DEPAKTCKES.Sathbday, J une 3.

Am bkt lrmgard, Schmidt, for San Fran-cisco.

Strar Pele. Peterson, for Makawen.Stmr Lehua. Wiebarih, for Laupahoe-ho- e.


Stmr J A Cummins, Neil3on. for Koolau,at 10 a m.

Stmr Mokolii. McGregor, for Molokai,

atStmrnVaimanalo, Dudoit, for Molokai,at 5 pm. .

Schr Moiwahine for Ilamakua.Schr Liholiho, Uerry. for V, aimea.Schr Kawailani for Koolau.Schr Kauikeaouli for Kohala.

VKHSK1.1 IN 1'OKT.(Tale Hat does not laclado coater.i


CSS Adams, Nelson. San Francisco.U S S Boston, Day. cruise.


Am Mi bkt MorningStar.Oarland.Kusa;e.lir sch Norma. Macquarrie, okohama.Ursh Greta, Garland, Newcastle. .

Am schr King Cyrus, innstmiwrii.. L ir Lvman D Foster, ureyer. ir.Pendleton, iroru i .Bfc Amv Turner.

Am bk "Albert. Winding. San I ranciscoAm bk Matilda. Swen-on- , Nanaimo. 1. o.Am brgt WG Irwin. Williams. San Iran.Am bit S C Allen, Thompson. S.m t ran.Am bk Discovery, McXei 1, San ran.Am bkt Mary Winkelman, Xiessen.s r.

rCBEION VESSEI.3 EXPECTED.Tatielj. Wfcere from. Dos.

Am schr J O North-A- m ...8 F(Mah) June 1

brgt Lurline ..S F(llilo) June 2Am bk Aiden Besse. . S F(Kah). June 5Am bgt Conauelo... ..S F(Kah)..June &

Ger bk G S Wilcox . Liverpool.. Julv 4-- 10

Br bk Ladstork ...L'pooL.July 25-3- 1

Ger bk J C Pfluger .. Bremen... Sept 5-- 15

i r,-- . Ki Mn.n,a DniriQ Ilos ton . . . . Lec o-l- o

Am bk Sharpshooter... Newcastle. .June 1

Br bk R.m tenbec fe.... Newcastle.. J une 5-- 10

Am bk Colusa Guafamala..June 5Am bkt HUo San Fran June 12



From Molokai, per steamer Mokolii,

Page 4: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw




Book NA

D Job


Merchant St., Honolulu.



Law Books and Blanks, Pamphlets of any kind,Lawyers Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster "Work,

Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cards,Ball and Wedding Card3, Programmes, Billheads,

Letterheads printed in CoDvinir Ink. Elf.. P!fr. V.tn.. V.u- -





m sis



$6.00 a Year

In all its

The Hawaiis Take n Fall Oat ofthe Crescents.

The. baseball game on Saturdaybetween the Hawaiis and tho Cres-

cents was a big surprise party bothto the players and the audienceFor eiht innings the Crescents hadit all their own way. But in thelast half of the inning named theHawaiis had good batting eyes andthey hammered the ball in all di-

rections and, aided by a little rag-ged playing on the part of tho op-

posing team, Thompson's menscored nine times and won thegame.

The Hawaiis had the sympathyof the audience and when the Ecorebell rang nine times the applausewas tremendous. The prettiest playof the day was in the fourth whenWillie Wilder, with the assistanceof Soper, retired two runners to thebench.

The fielding of Holt, of theCrescents, was a feature of thegame. He caught several flys andotherwise played well. Thompsonon second, and Pryce, catcher, forthe Hawaiis, put up their usualgood game. Palmer Woods wasput in the box for the Hawaiis inthe sixth. He pitched a steadygame and distinguished himself bymaking a clean three base hit. TheCrescents had a new player in theperson of George Lucas. He washandy at bat, and as a base stealerhe took the honors on Saturday.At intervals the Hawaiian bandplayed selections. The new menhave materially improved the or-

ganization.SCORE BV INNINGS.

Crescents 0 221 1200 08Hawaii 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 9 012


She Is Without a Captain atPresent.

The schooner Robert Logan is re-

ported at Yokohama, Japan, andthe late Captain Worth no longerin charge, he having been dis-

missed from the mission for im-

moral conduct. Tho Logan waschartered by some wrecked Japan-ese for the voyage to Yokohama.Now she must be got back to Rukand a new captain sent down totake charge of her. Moreover thereis war on Ruk, and the Rev. Mr.Snelling is very feeble. The ladiesof the mission need protection. Aman must be sent on to look afterthem. This may mean the deten-tion of the Star till after the arrivalof the steamer of the 14th of June.Miss Wilson, a resident of Los An-geles, Cal., is expected on the nextsteamer to go on this voyage of theStar, to be associated with theteachers in the girls' school at Ku-sai- e.

The Friend.


Why Twelve of the HawaiianBand were Dismissed.

An Advertiser reporter saw. Mr.Henry Berger yesterday regardingthe statement made in Saturday'sBulletin that twelve of the mem-bers of the Hawaiian band hadbeen dismissed because they wouldnot sign the annexation roll.

"It is false, every word of it,"said Mr. Berger, "ten of the menwere dismissed for disability andtwo for bad behavior. They wereall taken on probation and as theydid not fill the bill after a reason-able time their places have beenfilled. It was their inability tomake necessary improvement thatcaused the twelve men to be sentfor from San Francisco."

There were seven natives andfive Portuguese discharged. Theband ia now composed of six Port-uguese, three natives and thetwelve musicians from San Fran-cisco.

The Sitaation Sized Up.

The Hawaiian Star of May othdeclares that the annexationistshave not lost strength or faith, butare as sincere as ever, and that thebest element of Hawaii is stronglyin favor of union with the UnitedStates. It is unable to understandwhy reports to the contrary shouldhave been spread. We can com-prehend it easily foreign interestsare opposed to the United Statesdominating in Hawaii, since itmeans the destruction of the hopeof European powers controling thekey to the Pacific. Hence the put--ling anoat oi tne rumors. aacra-raent- o

Record-Unio- n.

Empress of India.Victoria, B. C, May 23. The

steamship Empress of" India ar-rived today after an uneventful butspeedy and pleasant voyage, with aheavy passenger list. Among thepassengers are the Earl and Coun-tess of Jersey, Lord Grey de Wil-ton, and other notables.

The steamer brings news thatfour Russian warships have, left forpatrol duty among the sealing isl-ands to compel the observance ofthe arrangement arrived at withGreat Britain.

A Report of a Murder Turn Outto be False.

On Saturday evening a reportwas brought to the police stationwhich created no little excitement.The informant stated that a Japan-ese had been murdered in :t lanewhich is situated in that delightfulportion of the city known a9 CapeHorn.

In a fe.v moments a dGzen police-

men were on their way to the sceneof the murder, with the intentionof recovering the corpse and arrest-ing the murderers. When theyreached the place they found sevenJapanese in different stages of in-

toxication, but no corpse. Theymade a fuither search and found aa seventh man who was deaddrunk. The whole crowd was es-

corted to the police station. Thisended the murder story, much tothe digust of the policemen.

A Self-Propcl)i- ug Vessel.

A New York genius has inventeda machine for the self-propulsi- ofships. It consists of strong plat-forms, rigged out on either tide ofa vessel, that rise and fall with theroll of the waves and operate apropeller. The motion of theseplatforms in a strong sea would besimilar to that of the pump-handle- s

of the old-fashion- ed fire en-

gines when the "boys" were "shak-ing her up lively." The inventorthinks that the tend ency of theseoutriggers would be to steady thevessel as well as to force it for-

ward. They would operate in a"dead" calm nearly as well as in astorm, for the ocean is never atrest. Ex.

Work equal to the best at SanFrancisco prices at the GazetteOffice.


FOB THEMiadle-weiff- ht Championship

of the Islands (Grreeo-ltoina- n Style).


153 lbs. and not exceeding 160 lbs.Entries open to all comers (cash

prizes). Will take place at theBERETANIA-STREE- T ARMORY,

Saturday Eve, June lOAdmission - - 50 Cents.

3393--1 w


-- AT-

Reasonable Hates !

C7"Enquire of


3305-- 1 w 14S2-2- w Waialae.

For Sale.

A FEW MASTIFF PUPSfor aale. Enquire of

P. K. 1SENBKRG.339'-l- 1432-2- w Waialae.



167 Nuuanu Avenue, opposite EagleBouse. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m 2 to5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. 3396-t- f

Notice.UNDERSIGNED HAS THISTHE d.sposed of his Express Business

to Mr. D. McCorriston. Thanking thepublic for liberal patronage, I wouldsolicit a continuance of the same to Mr.McCorriston.

3395-l- w M. N. SANDER5?.

Notice.PURCHASED SANDERS'HAVING Business, 1 am now prepar-

ed to attend to all Cartage at reasonablerates. Mr. Cooper will continue in myemploy ; office as formerly, King St. TheBusiness will be conducted under thefirm name of "Sanders' Express."

3395-i- w p. McCorriston.

Notice.INTERESTED IN THELADIES Temple are invited to

contribute to a tablo of Fancy Articlesto be sold in aid of the furnishing fund.Contributions to be sent to

Mrs. IIASSINGER,3387-t- f Eagle House.


OFFICE WILL BE CLOSEDMY six weeks, from May 29 untilJulv 12, during mv absence.

33S9 1w Hr 'M.K.GROSSMAN.


f N ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE,V Mr. N. S. Sachs requests all ac-counts due him to be paid before the lothof this month.

June 1. 1893. 3395-- 1 w


PLAIN SEWING BY Mrs. W. E.3 doors beloTT Fort Btreet

School. 3368-- 1 m

Provisional Government of theHawaiian Islands.

Execctivk Council.S. B. Dole, President of the Provisional

Government of the Hawaiian Isl-

ands, ar.d Minister of Foreign AN

fair?.J, A. Kin.', Minister of the Interior,

i M. Damon, Minister of Finance.V. O. Smith, Attonic-- v General.

' Jos. P. Mocdonra.i

; Advi- - j.y Council. .

i W. C. Wilder. V nt of the Provisional Go; r M.ment of the HawaiianIslands.

C. Bolte, John Erameluth,Cecil Brown, E. D. Tenney,.John Nott, W. F. Allen,F. W. McChesney, Henry Watei house.James F. Morgan, A Young,Ed.Suhr F. M. Hatch.

Suikkme Court.Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. 11. F. Bickerton, First Associate

Justice.Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Fred Wundenberg, Deputy Clerk .

Geo. Lucas, Second Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones. Stenographer.

Ciscurr Judoks.

FirstCircuit: $; ' SpSH "Second Circuit: A.N. Kepoikai.Third and Fourth Circuit : S. L. Austin.Fifth Circuit : J. Hardy.

OfIices-an- d Court-roo- m m GovernmentBuilding, King street. Sitting in Hono-lulu First Monday in February, May,August and November.

Department of Foreign Affaiks.Office in Government Building, King

street.His Excellency Sanford B.' Dole, Minis-

ter of Foreign Affairs.Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.W. Horace Wright, Ed. SUles. Lionel

Hart, Clerks.


Office in Government Building, Kingstreet.

His Excellency J. A. King, Minister oltho Interior.

Chief Clerk, John A. llassinger.Assistant Clerks: James II. Boyd, M. K.

Kcohokalole, Jarr-e- s Aholo StephenMahaulu, George C. Ross, EdwardS. Boyd.

Chiefs of Bureaus, Interior DepartUK NT.

Surveyor-Genera- l, W. D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. K. Rowtll.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector, Electric Lights, John Cassidy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. ThrumDeputy Registrar, Malcolm Bream.Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. II. Cum

mings.Chief Engineer Fire Dept., F. Ilu-tace- .

Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. Mc Wayne

Office, Government Building, Kingstreet.

Department of Finance.Minister of Finance, IIi3 Excellency S.

M. Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Ross.Registrar of Accounts, Geo. E. Smithies.Clerk to Finance Office, Carl Widemann.Collector-Gener- al of Customs, Jas. B.

Castle. .

Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jona. Shaw.Pc.stmaster-General- , J. Mort Oat .

Customs Bureau.Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort

street.Collector-Genera- l, Jas. B. Castle.Deputy-Collecto- r, F. B. McStocker.Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeyer.

Department or Attorney-Genera- l.

Office n Government Building, Kingstreet .

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, Capt. A. N. Tripp.Prison Physician, Dr. C. B. Cooper.

Board of Isimkj ration.Office, Department of Interior, Govern-

ment Building, King street.President, Hi3 Excellency J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration :

Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G.Spencer, Mark P. Robinson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.Board of Health.

Office in grounds of Government Build-ing, corner of Mililani and Queenstreets.

Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr.Andrews, J. O. Carter, J. T. Water-hous- e,

Jr., John Ena, and Attorney-Gener- al

Smith.President Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary Chas. Wilcox.Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds.Agent on Leprosy Pavid Dayton.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Ser-

vice L. L. La rierre.Inspector G. W. C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. G. Trousseau.Dispensary, Dr. II. McGrew.Leper Settlement, Dr. R. ,K. Oliver.

Board of Education.Office, Government Building, King

street.President, Hon. C. R. Bishop.Secretary, W. James Smith.Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

District Court.Police Station Building, Merchant street.William Foster, Magistrate.Jarnea Thompson, Clerk.



To Connect With the CanadianPacific Railway.

The Miowera is the pioneer shipcfthe tow Canadian-Australia- n lice,which. ha3 alreudy been subsidized bythe Dominion government and whichwill probably be farther subsidizedby New South Wales and Queens-land and by the Imperial govern-ment. The credit of originating theidea of adding this to the list of theworld's" highways belongs to Canada.The service, as now inaugurated, isonly the beginning of an enterprisethat will establish a weekly steamservice in the Atlantic and Pacificocoans, connected by the CanadianPacitic railway, and capable of landing London mails at, say, Brisbaneor Sydney in about twenty-si- x days.That, taking the distance into con-sideration, wonld be one of the mostnotable postal, commercial and tra-veller's highways on the earth.

Mr. James Hnddart, the managingowner of the Miowera and Warrimoo,the pioneers in the new service, bearsa name which has long held a prom-inent place in Australasian maritimeenterprise. The firm of Hnddart,Parker & Co. is well known and hasone of the large fleets employed inthe exchange of commodities betweenNew South Wales, Victoria, SouthAustralia and Tasmania. Tne Mio-wera and Warrimoo, were builtin 1892, at Newcastle on Tyne,by Messrs. Swan & Hunter, underMr. H add art's supervision last year.In January last he wrote to SirJohn Thompson, the Dominionpremier, and the ultimate result ofthe parley was that Canada offered asubsidy of 125.000 per annum, andon this basis a contract was coneluded for a monthly service. TheTact that action was taken at theBrisbane conference, held so recentlyas March last, should finally disposeof the feeling that Mr. Hnddart's en-tprit- -e

is in any sense or in any de-gree nnfair to New Zealand, whichpays nearly all the present subsidyto the San Francisco service.

In 1892 New South Wales purchased goods from the United Statesto the extent of ovtr 4,000,000. Thasame colony exports to the States atotal ot over 87,000,000; but of thisabout 53,000,000 was gold, showing atrade balance very distinctly in favorof the States. The total exchangebetween the United States and NewSouth Wales alone in the ten years,1883-9- 2. amounted to no less than

18.000.000. Screly this is a tradeworth fostering and developing. TheUuited States and New Zealand arevery welt able to subsidize the SanFrancisco service. Mr. Hnddartavoids both New Zealand and theUnited States. He starts from Sydney, calls at Brisbane and Honolulu,and goes on to Vancouver.

In view of the resolution passed atBrisbane conference, Mr. Hnddartasked Sir George Dibbs, to conferwith the other colonies on the sub-ject of a federal subsidy. Mean-while Mr. Hnddart addressed a letterto the Australian governments, inwhich he set forth the case for theproposed service.

Sir George Dibbs pledged himselfto bring the matter of subsidizingservice under the consideration ofparliament before the close of thesession, and the session was intendedto be closed by the end of May. Thegovernment would propose and sup-port a subsidy of probably, either

50,000 or 60,000. As far as couldbe judged when the Miowera leftSydney, the legislative assembly wasdistinctly favorable to the proposal.Queensland has been asked for

40,000, the ships calling at Moretonbay, the port of Brisbane, as the lastport of departure and the first ofarrival.

The more commerce is created be-tween the British communities inthe South Pacific and the Americancontinent the more will the produc-tive capacities of tho island groupssituated between them be developed.At present Hawaii leads. Hawaiishows what can be done by enter-prise operating intelligently nponthese tropical soils. Fiji, which willprobably be called at by the shipsrunning in the Canadian-Australia- n

service, is getting into a strong posi-tion. Her external trade now amountsto about 3,000,000 annually. SirJohn B. Thurston, the governor, isextremely anxious that Fiji shall bebrought into one of the great linesof ocean travel and traffic. He isconvinced that it would help ia themore rapid development of the agri-cultural resources of a group whichhas &3 much good land as 'there is inthe British est Indies. At presentonly about 40,000 acres out of a totalarea of about 5,000,000 are cultivated.Of course it is not expected that Ha-waiian commerce with Australia willgrow to large dimensions. It is re-cognized that Hawaii's trade mustgo chiefly to California. But theCanadian connection may prove ofconsiderable value in the course oftime. Canada is a consumer of tro-pical commodities, and the CanadianPacific railway is a cheap road to theAtlantic seaboard, and anyway, thegood people of Honolulu will not ob-ject to seeing the ships of the Cana-dian Australian line in their port orto the additional tourist expenditurewhich must be involved in brief visitsto their picturesque settlement.


Magazines, Law Books, Music Books,Blank Books of any description, Account and Time Books,

Day Books and Cash Books, Journals and Ledgers,Map and Photograpn Mounting, Portfolios, Scrap-book.-s,

Albums, Old Books Re-boun- d, Letter Copying Bookw,Edge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,

Mrs. A. 3T. AllenFerry, Wash.

20 Miles from a DoctorBut Hood '3 Sarcapartlla was

Equal to tho EmergencyPleurisy, CliMs and Fever ZIlUc

Leg Perfect Cure."After my baby was born I got into very scrN

ous condition, having pleurisy, clillte unit fever,gradually developing i"'111 eS-- Wo 1Iv0 -miles from a physician and did not know whatto do. rinally after a great tloal of uffer-in- s

I began to tato Hood 3 Sarsaparilla andwhen I was using tho third bottle I could seo

It Was Doing W!e Ccod.I continued with another bottle, and recoveredso rapidly that now I am in good health. I

Hoods Sarsa-parilla Cure;

cordially recommend it as a good mediclna."Mrs. A. M. At.t.kv, Ferry, 'Washington.

Hood's Pill3 euro all Liver Ills, Bilious-nes- s,

Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.HOBRON, NEWMAN & CO.,

3 330 Wholesale Agents.

MORTGAGEE'SForeclosure Sale of Chattels!

VIRTUE OF A CHATTELBYmortgage, executed by James Nott,Jr., to Alfred A. Doiron, dated March 8,A. D. 182, and recorded in the Registryof Deeds, in Honolulu, book 131, page464, and following, and upon which de-fault lias been made, to wit. non pay-

ment of interest, I will expose for saleand sell for cash, at public auction (un-

less sooner disposed of at private sale ashereinunder provided, on MONDAY,the l-'t- day cf June. A. D. 1893, at 12o'clock noon, at corner of Alakea andKing Streets, in said Honolulu, the pro-

perty n;ortgaged, consisting of 1 BayHorse, 1 Buck ISkin Mare, branded, aceclubs on hip and L. R. L. under mane ;

1 Wagon, 1 Brake, 2 Hand Carts, 2 Sad-dles, 2 Sets Harness, and also, all Toolsand tock in trade, comprising or be-

longing to the plumbing business ot thomortgagor heretofore conducted at saidcorner r.f King and Alakea ttree's, andnow being and situate at said place ofbusiness, also, a Life Insurance Policyon the life of the mortgagor, to wit: num-ber 391.491 for $1,000 in the-Equitab- le

Assurance Society, dated June 4th, A.D.1888.

The undersigned is authorized undersaid mortgage to dispose of the aforesaidproperty at private sale and will do hoif he receives an advantageous offert herefor, prior to the date of said auction

A complete schedule of the propertyand further terms of sale and other par-ticulars can be obtained of W. A. Kin-lie- v,

attorney for the undersigned, No.318 Fort street, Honolulu, or at thepublic auction aforesaid.

ALFRED A DOIRON.Honolulu, May 16th. A. D. 1S93.

30S1-3- W

Hawaiian StampsWANTED.

WILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHERI large or 6mall quantities of used Ha-

waiian Postage Stamps, as follows :(These offers are per hundred and any

quantity will be accepted, no matter howsmall, at the same rates.)1 cent, violet $ 751 cent, blue 751 cent, green.... 402 cent, vermilion 1 602 cent, brown -- - 752 cent, rose 3'J2 cent, violet, 1891 issue 505 cent, dark blue . 1505 cent, ultramarine blue.... 1 00Scent, green 2 5010 cent, black - 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 CO

10 cent, brown 2 5012 cent, black . 6 0012 cent, mauve 6 0915 cent, brown.... - 5 0018 cent, red - 10 0025 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red 25 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 502 cent envelope 754 cent envelope.. 2 005 cent envelope 2 0010 cent envelope - 5 00

EAST'S o torn stamps wanted at anyprice. Address :

GEO. E. WASHBURN,T. O. Box 206S. San Francisco, Cal.

3021 1418-t- f

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OFExecution, issued out of the District

Court, on the 24th day of April, A. D.1S93, against D. M. Crowley, defendant,in favor of C. On, plaintiff, for the sumof $117.90, 1 have levied upon and shallexpose for sale at the Station House, inthe District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu.at 12 o'clock of FRIDAY, the 23d day ofJune, A. D. 1893, to the highest, bidder,all the right, title and interest of the saidD. M. Crowley, defendant, in and to thefollowing property, unless said judge-ment, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid.

List ot property for sale: 1 SewingMachine, 1 Picture. 2 Stands, 1 Case forMagic Lantern. 1 Box Hide3.

E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal.

Honolulu, May 25th, 1893. 3390-30-t


on right hind leg, indescribable.

ing for this advertisement and provingproperty.

3394 3t CLUB oTAIiLKs.

Ledeers with tiatent backs at theGazette office.




Cis?cwla.tissg tliposglaowt the Islaxzds,




1 you Wish to be Abreast of the Times this



Page 5: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw


ICcnj ClDnfrticrmniU.MAUI NEWS.

yrup Special Bargains !




from Maui for Chicago last Satardav,tho 27th of May.

It is probable that the MauiTeachers' Association will hold theirnext meeting in Lahaina, during thelatter part of J uly, provided of coursethat they ail do not go to the World'dFair.

Mrs. J. N. S. Williams and hrmother, Mrs. W. L. Green, are visiting in Makawao.

A general convention cf the Sanday schools of south Makawao willbe held in the old Pookela church onSunday, June lltb. Mr. E. Maikaiof Kula i9 the general superintend-ent.

The Hamakuapoko invalid havoeither recovered or Lave vastly im-proved in health.

Last Saturday there were stored inKahului warehouses 70,000 Lag3 ofsugar, and no vessel in port, thoughthe Consuelo wa3 daily expected.

Daring Monday, tho 29th of May,the bark Forest Queen, H. R. Dyre-borg- ,

master, arrived in ballast fromSan Francisco, having made the voy-age in 11 days. She leavps for thecoast today with the following cargo:3170 bags of Haiku sugar, 4830 bassof Paia and 5290 of H. C. Co.'e,makinsr a total of 13,290 bags, valuedat 58,3-10.2-

Weather: Wind and showers, theclouds hanging continually over thenorthern shore of the island.

Maui, June 3, 1893.


104 Fort Sti'eot


Commissioner Blount. Minister to Hawaii.

Thurston, Minister at Washington.

Wilder, Consul at San Francisco.

As I like to keep abreast of the times, my store in tho

PGfuture will bo known as the DRY GOODS STORE.

m:. s. levy.Offers a line of New Goods.

White Dress Goods, checked and striped.Figured French Percales.Sateens in all shades.A fine line of Ladies and Men's Shoes.

Japanese Cotton Crape, Hosiery, etc.

The Popular German Dry Goods Store.

M. S. L!B"V"Y




How Edwin Booth Tried to Play-- a

Joke on "Aunt" Louisa Eld-ridg- e.

A group of actors, writer? andartists was gathered about a central figure ia the parlor of thePlayers Club. He was a dignifiedman of commanding presence, butemaciated features. From out cfthe depths of his sunken eyes thereflashed the fire of genius that evenillnes3 could not subdue. EdwinBooth, for it was he, was in a reminiscent mood and his hearera listened eagerly to his words.

"Yes, gentlemen," he said, "Idid try once to play a joke on'Aunt' Louisa Eldridge, but I willnot try it again. It was during anengagement in London. On the1st of July I heard that Mrs. Eld-ridge was in London and I senther complimentary tickets for theevening of the Fourth of July.

"On the afternoon of the 3d ofJuly my attention was attractedby the display of gaudy hoisery ina shop window. One of the pairsof hose was of silk, of barber-pol- e

length and made up of brilliantred, white and blue stripes. Ibought them and ordered themsent to Mrs. Eldridge.

"The evening of the Fourth cameand I was playing "Hamlet." Thebouse was crowded and Mrs. Eld-ridge was in her box with herfriends. I had told the membersof my company about the stock-ings, and we wondered what shewould do with them. At the endof the soliloquoy, 'To be or not tobe?' the audience rose in wild ap-plause. I then noticed that themembers of my company were en-deavoring to prevent an outburstof merriment, and I turned towardthe place which their eyes indicat-ed, which was the box occupied byMrs. Eldridge and her friends.'

"She was holding a large placardon her lap, and the inscription onit could be plaiuly read :

i can't wave themBECAUSE

.i've got them ox.

"She almost broke up the play."And the great actor relapsed

into silence. New York Herald.

The Illustrated Tourists9 GuideThat popular work, "Thb Tourists

Guide Through tgx Hawaiian Isl-ands," is meeting with a steady saleboth at home and abroad. Tourists andothers visiting these islands should bein possession of a copy of it. It Is a per-

fect mine of information relating to tnescenes and attractions to be met withhere. Copies in wrappers can be had atthe publication office, 46 Merchantstreet, and at the News Dealers. PriceGO cents.

All kinds of artistic printing atthe Gazette Office.

CDtncral 5liH)rttscmrnts.

To Let.

Furnished House at Palama, near theReformatory School. Kent, $22 month.

1 Cottage on Beretania Street $25 permonth.

1 Cottage on Beretani.i Street $20 permonth.

1 Cottage on Beretania Street, oppositeIce Works.

3 Stores on Nnuanu Street, nearBeretania Street.

For Sale.

House and Lot on Beretania Street,near Pensacola; Lot 200 ft. frontage and140 feet deep.

11 Building Lots and 3 Fish Ponds onthe road to Waikiki.

Also, a Valuable Block of Brick Build-ings in tho hea-- t of the City.

1 Upright Piano.G. E. BOAEDMAN.

3382 tf Agent.

Notice of Instruction.

B. RUCHWALDYPROFESSOR to inform the ladiesand gentlemen of Honolulu, that he haslately anived here with the view ofteaching Violin, Cello, Guitar, Mandolin,Philomela, etc., etc.

'I he Professor was formerly in theCourt of Siam as Violin Virtuoso andInt'ormator to II M. the King and Prin-ces of Siam, where he was decorated bythe II. M. with the Royal Gold Medal ofHonor Pussamalla.

&JS3t Applications to Arlington Hotel,No. 8, are requested for particulars andterms.

Honolulu, May 16th, 1893. 3382-t- f

Notice of Trade MarkOWNERSHIP OF THE NAMETHE KADO" as applied to mine-

ral lubricating oils, having been assignedto the undersigned, a corporation doingbusiness under the laws of the Hawaiian

the public is hereby; notifiedthat paid name has been registered inthe effice of the Minister of the Interiorin a book: provided for the purpose.

Dealers are cautioned against offeringfor sale a lubricating oil under this name,''The Colorado Oil" except that purchas-ed through us.THIS HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,

307 Fort Street, Honolulu.June 1, 1803. 339t3-3- t 14S2-- lt

M. L. MINER, D. V. S.,


and Dentist.Office: Hotel Stables.Office Houes: S--10 a. m., 1:30-- 3

:30 p. M.Residence: "With Dr. F. L. Miner,

Beretania Street.S5T"All calls will receive prompt at-

tention. 3303-l- y

B. F. EHLERS & CO., Fort Street.

Chenille Portieres and Smyrna Rugs in great variety;India Dimity in white and colored, just suitable for this

climate;Knotted Swiss, a very pretty line, entirely new;Figured Irish Lawns in Double width;Foo Chow Pongee, greatnovelties;Silkaline and Villa Drapery;Sateen Gloria and Cashmere Sublime.

Dressmaking under the management of Miss K. Clark.

Golden Role BazaarSOLS AG KM' FOB THK C I KI'H(TI I)

Remington Typewriter S

Which has no cjua!.

Society Stationery,Blank Books,

OlUce Supplier


To suit all sights careful teta trade bythe Kvemetcr, which must b correct.

S3rbu)l Stock Gold Framed Specta-cles and Eyeglasses.



TOILET GOVl'S,iiAirt miusHKs, ivro.

At Prices to Suit the Tiers!

X7"Last but not least, don't forjretthat this store in established on a Cashhasia and can afford to sell cheaper thanthose who go in lor tho credit system.

full surrLY


W. F. REYNOLDS.3301-l- m rrtOPRIKTOU.

Honolulu tyetay !


Wootten & Bromley, - Proprietors.


Cushion Tire Safeties and Tandems

FOB RENTBy tho day or hour. Hiding leasoni

given day or evening.


American Rambler Safeties

Fitted vrith Elleptic sprockets and G. &

J. corrugated air tube tires. These tirescan be fitted to Any pneumatic Fah-ty- ,

they are practically puncture proof, donot slip on wet road, and are very fant.Any desired trar can to fumihhed withthese wheels from No. to 80.

While on my Rambh-- whoH I'm seated.And up the btrect, I swiftly plidc.

They say discussion, prows qniie healedTo know what wheel that man doth ride;

Ani when my wlm-- I let them try,Thcv exclaim with look intent

This is th whfd we'll surely huyI we don't lay up a cent.

All Kinds cf Bicyclo Repairirg Done

at short notice and at raPonabloprices. All work guaranteed. Work fromthe other islands attended to and return-ed promptly.


Columbia Bicycle PartsON HAND !

Aleo, Lamps. T.cIIm, Whistles, F.undloCarriers, Lubricating Oil, IlluminatiiKOil, Bicycle Enamel, Trouser Guards andrubber cement for mending leaky tires.

Bicycles EnameledAnd small parts Nickle p!atcd.

jDfiJ"Bargains in New and Second handSafeties for Ladies, Gentlemen andBoys.

fXFC&M and examine them.3375-- tf


E OFFEIl FOR SALE AT TIIEw following prices :

Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at .50 per doz.Poha Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz.Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 per doz.Guava Jelly in 1 lb. cans at L50 per doz.

China Orango and Tapaia Jam, (thisis a very superior article), in 2 lb. cartaat $4 50 per dozen.


Kealakekua, Kona,3140-3-m Hawaii, H. I.

The Daily Advertiser is deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a month.King up Telephones 88. Now isthe time to subscribe.

Ice Cream Festival at Paa Jinttrel Entertainment at


Daring Wednesday evening, May31t, at Paia, occurred a ''grand con-

cert and ic8 cream festival" underthe direction of the Ladies' Aid So-

ciety of Makawao.Despite of threatening clouds and

heavy showers, a good number ofWailuka'a, Kahulai'a and Spreckels-ille'- a

best people arrived at Paia bytha train and joined the Makawaocitizens in providing a fall house toappreciate and applaud the evening'sentertainment.

The cobwebby interior of the oldwarehouse seemed to Lave beenstruck with a fairy's wand for inplace of dnst and cobwebs appearedthe pretty foliage of bamboo and thebrilliant colors of bunting giving awarm, cosy, pleasing effect to every-thing within quite in contrast to thecold, the wet and darkness without.At one end of the halt was con-structed a roomy stage with curtain,footlights, etc., from which theSmiths, a family of seven (Mrs. G.E. Simpson, Misses Morris andCampbell, Messrs. Dickey, Chas.Baldwin, Lindsey and Aiken) openedthe entertainment and sang a seriesof solos and choruses most humor-on- s

and unique. They stood behinda large screen and gave a view oftheir faces only to the audience itwas to all appearance a transmigra-tion of bodies familiar faces at-

tached to unfamiliar, abnormal andgrotesquely painted bodies.

After au interval of fifteen min-utes the bell rang, the curtain part-ed, and W. D. Howell's "Mousetrap" was performed in 6uch a man-ner as to interest and amuse theaudience.

The dramatis personco were repre-sented as follows: Mrs. Amy Som-e- ra

by Mies Hammond; WillieCampbell by F. W. Hardy; Jane byMiss Morri; Mrs. Agnes Roberts byMrs. W. Ogg; Mrs. Miller by MissGregory; Mrs. Lou Bennis by Mrs.B. D. Baldwin, and Mrs. Curwen byMiss Campbell.

The five ladies in elegant toilets,standing on chairs, table and sofamade a most effective tableau andtheir screeches of fear because of afictitious mouse seemed to causemuch amusement.

Miss Hammond deservedly re-

ceived many compliments fur herrendering of the part of Mrs. Somers.

After the farce, the ice cream andtake stand received a most liberalpatronage, and altogether the re-ceipts of the evening will very nearlyaccomplish the purchase of a pianofor the church's vestry.


During Satnrday night, May 27th,the Wailuku Dramatic and Charita-ble Association gave their secondgrand entertainment in the WailukuGovernment School building. Thelarge hall was filled to repletion bypeople of the two districts, Wailukuand Makawao, and nearly 200 aboveexpenses were realized and present-ed to the sisters of Wailuku hospital.

In the overture Mr. E. B. Carleyacted as interlocutor, and Messrs.Graves, M. T. Lyons, Iiobinson, andHoller man as end men bearing thestage names of "Wailuku," "Kahu-lui- ,"

"Makawao" and Lahaina." Thefive gentlemen did their parts mostacceptably.

The list of songs were as follows:"The Babies on Our Block" by theCompany; "Oh! Susan Jace," soloby W. T. Robinson; 'Old BlackJoe" by T. B. Lyons; "Folks tnat

-- Pat on Airs," by C. Hefferman; "IWant to See the Old Home," by W.Bal; "Ob! Dat Watermelon," by M.T. Lyons; "Hooheno" by G. Copp;and "Kahului Races" by G. Groves.The chorus singing was a markedimprovement over that of the formerentertainment.

The following numbers were deserving of compliment; the quintette

"Malanai," the solo "WhistlingCoon" by G. Groves, the clarionettesolo by T. P. Rochfort, the clogdance by J. McGwire, and the stumpspeech "Water versus Whiskey" byE. B. Carley. Groves' acting andsinging of the "Whistling Coon"was generally thought the mostludicrous thing of the evening.Good and amusing work was donein the sketch, "No Pay, No Cure,"aod in the farce "Midnight Intru-der "

At the conclusion of the programme, it was announced that a ropetition of the entertainment will begiven June 10th (the proceeds thistime to be devoted to the benefit ofthe association.)


The jury term begins in Wailakaat 9 a.m. Wednesday morning, the7th inst.

Messrs. C. F Horner and R. Bal-lentin- e

of Lahaina were in Wailukulast Saturday.

Last Taesday night. May 30th,Max Eckart's little jeweller's shop inWailuku was entered by thieves anda wntch stolen so it is said.

Miss May Bailey of Kauai is visit-ing at D. D. Baldwin's, Haiku.

Two Makawao gentlemen lastWednesday night on their returnfrom the entertainment at Paiawere disagreeably surprised todiscover that their rooms had beenbroken into during their absence andthe desk of one and the safe of theother had been carried off. Aftersome search by moonlight the miss-ing receptacles were found in anadjoining field. Tho desk was brokenopen and 30 had been abstracted,together with some papers, etc., butthe strong box was none the worsefor two or three blows of an axe.

Miss Lottie Alexander departed

We heve selected tvro orCroup. three lines from letters

freshly received from pa-rents who have given German Syrupto their children in the emergenciesof Croup. Yoa will credit these,because they come from good, sub-stantial people, happy in findingwhat so many families lack a med-icine containing no evil drug, whichmother can administer with con-fidence to the little ones in theirmost critical hours, safe and surethat it will carry them through.

Ed. L. Willits, of Mrs. Jas.W. Kixi,Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters College,to my children when Ilarrodsbursr, Ky. Itroubled with Croup have depended uponand never saw any it in attacks of Crouppreparation act like with my little daugh-l- L

It is simply mi- - ter, and find it aa inraculou9. valuable remedy.

Fully one-ha- lf of our customersare mothers who use Boschee's Ger-man Syrup among their children.A medicine to be successful with thelittle folks must be a treatment forthe sudden and terrible foes of child-hood, whooping cough, croup, diph-theria and the dangerous inflamma-tiou- s

of delicate throats and lungs.


CE1TEEI0NFresh Oysters

-- FOR-


3335-- 1 y





Life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON,

.A.lliarice AssuranceCOMPANY OF LONDON,

iEtna Fire Insurance Co



Kamehameha vs. Hawaiis

Saturday, June 10.A.T 3:30 O'CLOCK 3?. ISI.

Hawaiian Baseball Association Grounds



Oyster Cocktails !


Merchants' ExchangeWhere tha popular

ENTERPRISE BEEROn Draught 13 al ways Fresh and Cold.

For Lease.


opposite the Makiki re-serve, recently occupied by Mr.

Charles Creighton. The grounds arespacious, and well ehided with Ornamental and rruit Trees ; oniy a minute's waiKto Tramways. The Buildings will he putin thorough" repair to suit the wishes cf agood tenant. For further particulars,apply to BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,

Trustee lor xurs. .uary o. levey.3358--tf

Masonic Benefit.

AID OF THE FURNISHINGIN for the New Masonic Temple, thewives of the Free Masons of Honoluluwill give a series of Lunches and hold asale of Fancy Articles, at the ArlingtonDining Room on Hotel Street, beginningMONDAY, June 5th. lasting until FRI-DAY. June 9rh, 1893, inclusive, betweenthe hours of 11 :30 a. m. and 2 o'clock p.m. Admission fee to Lunch 50c. All arecordially invited. By order of the


SUN NAM SING,N"o. 109 Nunanu Street,

P. O. Box 175,Begs to call the attention of the publio

their large and well selected

Stock of Japanese Goods8uitabla for this market, which will

be sold at Lowest Prices,


75-FO- STREET-75- .







by Carrier


Of Special Lines wo wish to close out.


At bed rock prices.

ITelt " Straw HCats



From oar San Francisco Correspondent.

The daughter of the late DanielT. Murphy, of Murphy, Grant &Co., and Anna L. Murphy are en-

gaged in a lawsuit over the willsof their parent and several milliondollars are involved, three of thedaughters are trying to prevent afourth Lady Wolseley of Englandfrom getting anything.

Henry J. Crocker has beenelected president of the Olympicclub succeeding William GreerHarrison.

A highbinder row has brokenout in Chinatown over the deci-

sion on the Geary law. The high-

binders have placed a price of $300on the head of the president of thoSee Yup society (one of the sixcompanies) whom they blamewith having caused many Chi-nese to refrain from registering.Some blood has already beenspilled so far.

Joseph McCauley and a party offriends left for New Guinea on theMonowai to open up rich placermines in that country.

W. H. Chambliss, alleged soci-ety leader, and John B. Kevin, so-

ciety youog man, had a free fighton Market street recently, onaccount of some newspaper arti-cles in which Chambliss accusedNevin of robbing him. The fight-ers were arrested before any dam-age was done.

The Olympic Salt Water Co.has decided to build a mammothsalt water bath house at Bush andLarkin streets, at a cost of about$200,000.

Fresno people who are paying$2,000,000 a year in freights to therailroad company are in San Fran-cisco trying to raise money to con-nect Fresno with the San Joaquinriver by a canal, and secure watertransportation to San Francisco.

The Herbert Howo Bancroftlibrary has been sold to the Uni-versity of Chicago for .$80,000.Bancroft wanted $250,000 from theState of California for the collec-tion.

The Carnall-Hopkin- s Co. (realestate dealers) are in financialtroubles, and it is thought its af-

fairs will shortly be wound up.The Grand Army officials are

still busily engaged in investigat-ing the affairs of the Soldiers'Home at Yountville; and aresecuring many evidences of lax ifnot dishonest management.

John D. Spreckels and his asso-ciates are working before the streetcommittee of the supervisors fortheir telephone franchise with ex-

cellent prospects of success.The North Pacific Coast railroad

(narrow gauge) has been sold to acompany of San Francisco capi-talists, among them A. Borel, J. B.Stetson, C. de Guique and John E.Coleman.

The jury which tried Y C. Rip-pe- y

for shooting John W. Mackaydisagreed, and it is not likely thatRippey will be tried again.

Ex-Lieuten- Governor JohnDaggett has been appointed super-intendent of the mint by PresidentCleveland.

Jim Corbett is playing an en-

gagement as "Gentleman Jack" atthe California theatre. He wasgiven an enthusiastic reception onhis return to California.

The Traffic Association is rais-

ing $1,000,000 with which to startbuilding a railroad from Stocktonto Bakersfield.

Professor Wiggins, the Canadianastronomer and weather prophet,once more claims the ear of man-kind, this time with the announce-ment that he has succeeded individing the angle of an equila-

teral triangle into three equalparts in other words, in findingthe ninth of four right angles. liepromises to publish the solution ina few days and predicts that itwill cause universal joy amongmathematicians. It would be dif-

ficult for WTiggins to inspire morepleasure than has already beenfelt by his countrymen at the fail-ure of his many lugubrious predic-tions. Ex.

A large and varied Stock of Embroideries atprices that will surprise you.

BOYS' CLOTHING AT COST PRICES!Having concluded to go out of tho above lines

of goods we offer them at the lowest prices.







Fine Tailors' Goods, Cashmeres !


Entirely new patterns. Suits made to order at prices ranging from $18 to f25.

jf?"Goods guaranteed to fit.

GOO KIM, Nuuaiiu Street.

The Daily



Page 6: The Mutual Life Ins.Assets January 1st, 1892,-$ 42,432,17400. TiTnnmTmnn tin rrr i Ptat stores of teer,.najs, H H V ANH! liog and Tinwork Iruits, hsh ana xowi. a salt river nuvxw


THE LAGOrtCn. C5f!icral Utorrtiscmrnis.


COALAt MtKiii)y Jru...ert

urci'Ait'ruitro havSTOVE COL

At $12 a ton J

STDelivered to any part of IWlulU FEES.


tle ocfclna tuo Ticeues of your oVa iv.v.hi urged.

Shu he&itaied and cast a rapid glanc3at him. Her lip3, quivering as withsome hidden emotion, strovo to smile.

"We teem fated to havo strange confi-dences, you and I."sho said and laugheduncertainly. "If you are very cariocsto know, it is yes.' I shall accept Lin."

Perhaps it was only fancy or the flick-ering of tho lamps, but it seemed asthough a sudden spasm crossed his face,born of disappointment or of pain.

"You can for him of courserAn uncontrollable impulse moved the

woman to dash aside the barrier of con-ventionality and give expression to whatshe felt. She raised her eye3 to his. Theym?t, and the anguish in them touchedhim to the heart. She shook Ler headmerely, then turned her face away.

"Then tell me why you aro going tomarry him."

"Because he is rich, and my father'sproperty is mortgaged. I may as welltell you the reason; everybody willknow."

"You intend to sacrifice j'ourself foryour family's sake."

"Sacrifice! What an ugly way of put-ting it! I am going to make a 'marriagecf convenience.' Other women are do-ing the same thing every day."

There was silence, save for the drip-ping of the water among the ferns andgrasses in the rockery and the subduedsound of distant music.

They were alone.In the dim, religious light of the richly

colored lamps the man was blind to allbut the white clad form against the massof foliage. The heavy perfume of theexotics seemed to rise and stifle him; thewoman's beauty intoxicated his senses;the consciousness of her presence thrilledhis very soul.

He leaned over her and touched hergently on the arm.

"Sylvia, we are scarcely more thanstrangers, you and I. Perhaps you'll tellme I am mad. But I love you heavenknows I love you. I believe I loved yon

then. Sylvia, will you oh, for pity'ssake take me instead of him!"

"A most romantic affair," said the so-

ciety papers when they were married."He proposed to her the first time theymet." Buffalo News.

Steel and Iron lianges, Stoves and FixturesHOUSEKEEPING GOOrS AND EITCHEU UTESSILS,


White, Gray and Silver-plate- d


Plumbers Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.,

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,



One Hundred Founds Worth Two Hundred of Any Other.o

M. W. McChesney & Sons3301-l- y

Tor a rrrr.! Ju hi f Jitiutf Ire there la neverthe Kjry tt follow

"jen ahea Lt 1'ie poet arise toto Mfr the wort lie Las done.

Bet to rifcioas alive ender shallows of slsht. la.the Uborcr a crorrn w Apollo a.

White etanria li. j-- In his prime and sweat.to wivitle for iru:td of ti.e sun.

Caa an enemy wither 1.1a cheer? Not you. yfair yellow Cowering ladies

Who Join trith your lords to Jar the chords ofa booont heroic and clot:,

"Tla tha faltering friend, an Inanimate land,tnar dra--r a creat soul to their hades

And flnnpt him far from a beam of star tillhe hears the deep bay of the dog.

Apparition ia there of amonstertask ina policyearring new fasiiiona;

The trinnlnyr course than the rale of force,z.d the siTiaar lured to ton in a stream;

II weald tend tonga fuk, he rrotild stiJcn teeteed, point reason to swallow the passions.

Bid Britons awake two Eteps to take whereone is a trouble extreme!

iCot the Ibzs Li be nerved with the laborer'slute hope; that by him shall be written.

To honor his race, this deed of ffrace. tvt theweak from the strong made Just:

That her eons over tea in a rally of praise iuybehold a thrice vitalized Britain,

Azliine with the light of the doin of light,at the c&tes of the future In trust.

Georrre Alercdith.


He was ruined. As he left the casinoand wandered rat into tho gardens l.eha-- I absolutely not a franc in his pocketswherewith to purchase a lodging orzneaL Tho downcast profile was clear cutand firm, arguing powerful individual-ity in its owner, and yet the mania hadseized him, as it had seized many aweaker man, and he had staked his alland lost over the gaming tables at MonteCarlo.

The moonlight touched his bowed headeoftly, silvered the outlines of his figure,revealed his haggard whiteness. It fellon something else something that glit-tered in his hands like steeL

"Stop! Don't do that rIt was a woman's voice that spoke, a

woman's touch that rested lightly cn hissleeve, a woman's great dusky eyes, setin a face such R3 one sees but seldom ina lifetime, which were raised to his.She had strolled from her party to enjoyalone the beauty of the evening, and ab-

sorbed in meditation had wandered far-ther than she knew.

The man's arm dropped to his side,lie looked at her in silence, wondering,admiring, perhaps a little ashamed.

"Why did you want to do it?" pursuedthe gentle voice. "Docs lifa seem soevil a thing to you?"

"I have been a fool a madman! I amruined! I wish to God I had never seenthis cursed place."

'But you are a man. You can work.You can regain all that you have lost"

He shook his head."I cannot find employment here, and 1

haven't the means to get away. I havehad the viatiqne already, and I went,back to the tables thinking to have onemore bid for fortune and lost. The au-

thorities will not help me twice."Her hand slipped into her pocket and

out again. Adroitly she drew the pistolaway from him and pressed somethingin its place.

"See, I have bought this thing ofyou,"she said hurriedly. "You need not feeltoo grateful. Compatriots should helpeach other. If you want to repay me,swear to yourself that you will never do

what you attempted just now. I mustleave you now. Goodby."

She was gone before he could stay orthank her swallowed up and lost in theshadow of the trees.

Olisa Ferris, allow me to introduce toyou Mr. Fergus Landeck. "

The first time they had met alone be-

neath the stars at Monte Carlo, now theywere amid a fashionable London crowd,and the was in evening dress, with dia-monds sparkling at her throat and in herhair.

For an instant she returned Lis gaze,questioning, perplexed; then there wa3 aflesh of recognition, and he saw she knew.

""Will you take me into the conserva-tory, Mr. Landeck? 't is so warm here."

They left the ba-.-x-mi and strolled

under the domed glass where the palui3and lilies grew.

"You have not forgotten, then?"' Itwas his voice, low and tremulous, whichbroke the silence.

"27o; nor you, it seems.""There are moments in a man's life

which he never forgets. That was oneof them. Do you know I have oftenwondered whether we should ever meetagain, but I dared not indulge a hopeuntil thi3 evening, when for the firsttime I learned your name. Miss Ferris,hn we sit down for awhile? Wait, let

me fix that cushion for you. I am verygrateful for this opportunity of speakingto you alone. I want I want to returnto you, with many thanks, the the giftyon gave mo five years ago. Ah, don'tsay no. The obligation under which youplaced me will none the less exist, andand I shall always keep the little pursealways in remembrance of that nightand yon."

"Fortune has evidently favored yousince," she said after a pause.

"Yes, fortune has indeed favored me.Miss Ferris, your gift was like Che en-

chanted purses in the children's fairytales bottomless. It enabled me to reachthe Transvaal goldfields. I worked hardthere; I saved a little; by and by I specu-lated much. Sometimes people growrich there in a month a week. I wasone of them. Whatever I touched seemedto turn to gold; whatever I did was right.Money camo to me in thouinds tens ofthousands hundreds even. On the dayI sailed from Cape Town, three weeksego, 1 was one of the richest men in SouthAfrica, and if it had not been for you Ishould be lying in a suicide's grave."

Something glistened on her lashes. Shedrooped her eyes ;. toyed with thefeathers of her fan.

'I am glad, so very glad, you havesucceeded."

His gaze lingered on the subtle outlineof her figure, the curve of her full whitethroat and cheek, tho brown hair withthe threads of gold which waved andrurved about her brow and neck.

And you" his voice sank lower stilla-y-ou have not married?"

"No, as you 6ee. But it is probablethat I shall lose my freedom soon."

Does that mean you are engaged?"It means that Lord Hythe proposed

to me by letter this morning, and that Iam to give him Ids answer tonight."

"And is it to bo 'yes?' "She laughed a little."Do you know that is a very strange

question to put on so short an acquaint-ance and that our conversation is be-coming unusual In the extreme? Mr.Landeck, you seem to forget that wewere introduced only half an hour ago!"

"Yon were present at the most solemnmnmeatjQfjny existence, Let me a lit


Ye;irs 90, Mrs. Yost built a type- -

wiiter, tho Remington No. 2 and

Caliraph which were good enough

then. But the family has incresised

by thousands. Olher folks have

hitched on extensions to hold 'era.But it's the same old typewriter,same ribbon, same scales, samerickety print. We want something

modern, and we get it in the NewYost, which lises superior to thedifficulties of any ribbon machine.The ribbon biurs print, wears full

of holes, clogs type, takes power to

pull it along, weakens manifoldingand costs $S or $10 a year. Ourink pad outlast3 twenty ribbons.Can be changed in ten seconds, andcosts less than $2 a year. And asto permanent alignment the Yostis the only machine which accomplishes this much desired feat.




NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

TILES FOIL FLOOBAnd for Decorating Purposes ;

Mattiso op all Kixds,SIaxila Cioakb.

Chinese Fire Crackers, Rockets andbombs, Japanese Provision and Soy.

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-erubroider-


Assorted colors and patterns of Crer.eBilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cups

aud Saucers. A Cue lot of

BOATS AND ACCESSORIESA few of those handy ilosqnito Urns.

Also, au assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE



No. 2 Nnuanu Street.

The Hawaiian Newspapers


KUOKOAWith a combined Circulation cf

4,800 COPIESFurnish the best medium foradvertising in tho Hawaiianlanguage, and are tho onlyrecognized leading Journals.

ESsH Advertisements anasubscriptions received at theoffice of the

Hawaiian' Gazette Co.,

40 Merchant Stseet,Honolulu.


Pork Packing Co.The above Company is prepaied

to buy


In any quantity at Highest MarketPrice.

&7"PiS3 for Roasting, Dressed or onFoot.Manufaclurers of

Extra Loaf Lard,Guaranteed rvnie, and nade under theinspection of the Hoard of Health.

rost Office Box 314; Mutual Tel.CS.

27Slaughter Yards and Pens,, Iwilei.gggOfiice, 55 Hotel St.. near Nmianu.



ti-- - ouu a numa.3Square, a ladv's Cini.i rti, t-- v.

with owner's name on back case ofv mcu. xteiurn to adveetiser office andreceive reward. 3368-t- f

AMERICAN mAineiiciui Whig Hunting


$lm auii Stripes Bunting


Tha Larg-t-- l nui Most Complete Assort-ment of

P1EE -:--- :-

WOBKSKver Imported in this Country.

For Sale at the


833S-l- m


Just arrived ex Palmas a fine assort-ment of

Matting, Camphor Trunks,Rattan Chairs and Tables,Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs,White Chinese Linen,White and Colored Silk in Rolls,Fine Tea3, Fine Manila Cigars,

Chinese and Japanese Provisions I

And a general assortment of Groceries,which we will sell at the very lowestprice .

,33?"" Fresh Goods by every steamerfrom California and China.

WINU MOW CHAN,No. b-- J Kisa Street,

rtiU-i-u- , Near Mannakea.

The Planters Monlliij


FKBUUAUY - - lam.

The 17th of January.Homesteads for llawaiiaiis.Hawaiian Fruits.Shipping Oranges to London.Information Wanted.Consumption of Sugar iu the United

States in 1S92.Meteorological Summary for 1892.Lalas or Branches, as Cane Seed.Automatic Megass Firemen.Sugar Boiling in Vacuo.How Manufacture Affects Cultivation.Sugar Production in America.Sugar Cane Insects in New South

Wales. .

A Tree for Bee-Keeper- s.

The Banana Industry in Central Ame-rica and Florida.

Artesian Bores as Affecting Climate.Wage- - which the Sugar Industry in

Queensland can afford to give the un-skilled laborer.

Use of Pineapples.

MARCH - - 1893.

Concerning the Hawaiian Islands.The Hawaiian Kec5procity Treaty.The Next Louisiana Domestic Sugar

Crop.A Plea for Cocoa.Olowalu Plantation.Molasses as a Fertilizer for Sugar Cane.Tobacco and its Culture.Cultivation and Uses of the Cow-Pe- a.

Manures and their Application.The American Sugar County.Twenty Years' Improvement in the

West Indies.Useful Data Respecting Meirass from

Single and Double Crushing.Diseases of the Sugar Cane.The Farmers on Sugar.Professor Wiley on Sugar Bounty.Diversified Farming.

APRIL 1893.

Hawaiian Commercial Statistics.Cultivating Tea Plants.The American Beet Sugar Crop.Labor on Hawaiian Plantations.A Misstatement Corrected.Electricity in Sugar Making.The Tea Industry of Ceylon.Handling Sugar Cane.Seedling Canes.Cultivation of Arrow Root.Kainit in the Stables.Some Phenomena of the Atmosphere.Report of the Hawaiian Commissioner

of Agriculture and Forestry.Fruits of Jamaica.The Pine Apple.Cultivation of Cocoa in Cuba.Look Out for Insect Pests.

Yearly subscription $ 2 50Foreign " 3 00Bound Volumes 3 50

Back Volumes bound to order.Address :

G 1ZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,46 Merchant St.. Honolulu.

For Sale or Exchange.

fj&l RESIDENCE IN A VERYaijj desirable part of Honolulu. Par-

lor, Dining Room, 2 Bed Rooms,Pantry, Kitchen, Kewing Room, in mainhouse. Cottage adjoining of 2 paperedRooms, Store Room and Bath Room.Lot 100x200 feet. Sell or exchange forsmaller property and cash or securitv.All the buildings are new. One blockirom Tramways. Apply at this office.

3013-t- f

Artistic printing at the GazetteOffice.


CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in the latest patterns," H01a.seh.old. 99 Sewino: IVIachines

Hand Sewing Machines, all with the latest improvements.Also on hand

Westermayer's Celebrated Cottage Pianos !

Parlor Organs, Guitars and other Musical Instruments.GEir'For sale by

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Kin Street, opposite Castle & Cooke.

Ring up No. 414 on Both Te.phones.3172-t- f


1892. 1892.



fVi 1 r l f L'fiv.) iiiiii.l

Through k Hawaiian fslards


Pric8 In Honolulu, 60 Cents per Copy

The Book has 176 pages of text, with

20 Full Fig Illustrations of Idard Ecencrj

and a description of the 1'earl RarboiKailway enterprise, and surroundinfcountry.

It has also FOUR MAPS of the IargfIslands , prepared expressly for i t.

The OUIDE Rives a full description oeach of the principal Islands and fcfettloments m this Group, and will prove aninvaluable hand-boo- k for tourists, and forresidents to send to their friends abroad.

Some of the illustration i in t.book are very fine specimens of the I'holotint process of engravin. and acnirattijrepresent the scenes portrayed.

3?For sale at Haw.iifnn Ni. .jany's, and at T. O. Thrum' L'p-to-u

Stationery store. d Jt v d

The Guide will be maiieii in nv',...,i .

the islands for 64 Cents per C'oiv.

Or, to any foreign country for 70 tN n.c

J5ST-Publish- by the


40 .Merchant Ht.,


Fertilizing CompanyWhile thankful to the Planters for

their generous support duringthe pap.t year, do now

ofi'er a few tons of

Various Grades of FertilizersStill remaining cn hand," and ready for

immediate delivery :

Complete liih Grade Fertilizer


Rotted Stable Manure and Land Plaster,Sulphate Potash and Muriate Potash,

Nitrate of Hoda and Dried Llood,Dissolved Laysen Island Guano,

Pure Raw Bone MealGround Coral Lime Stone,lie, Etc., Etc.

Having disposed of Large Quantities oflianures and High Grade fertilizersduring the year 1892, we are now pre-pared to receive orders lor 1893, de-livery in quantities to euit.

Sf""We will give tenders for anyQuantity and of any Grades desired.

Fertilizers made to order, and anyanalysis guaranteed.

S3""While making your orders for1893, give us a call, or Bend yourorders to

A. F. COOKE,Manager Hawaiian Fertilizting Co.


03" HIE


Insurance CompanyOF NEW YORK.

ASSETS $5,879,208.00- - -NET SURPLUS - 2,255,389.00

Solid Security Against Fire.

Fire Insurance Only.

S3fWhen Pi.tes are Eaual. tet theBest ecr.ritv.

WILDER & OO..3320--1 m AGENTS,





Pneumatic Bicycle provid

have not got one, call and see

and he will sell you one.

A RIS-1 m


Sir. Carlisle's Favorite Recreation.While Mr. Carlisle is a great brain

worker and has capacity to get thrcajrha large amount of meut-a- l lalxr which isexhausting as well to the physical lody.yet ho is fond cf pleasure and recreation.His chief recreation is a Finall game cfdraw poker a sort of family game athis residence, one or two evenings duringthe week, with a few invited friends.The ante is only 5 cents, and the limitbut 23 cents. He always plaj--s in badluck I think quits the game four cutof five times a loser.

The fives and deuces seem to have agreat fondness for his hand. One rarelydeals without giving him a deuce or afive, and he never fails to call the atten-tion of the players to the fact with theexclamation: "Here's that deuce" or"Here's that five again. I get it everytime." But all the same he enters intothe spirit of the game with as much ear-nestness as he does in solving a greatquestion in political economy, and fromthese poker party meetings he derives agreat deal of keen enjoyment and muchneeded recreation. Louisville CourierJournal.

Carious Trades of Parisians.AL Rossignol, tho well known Parisian

police officer, has compiled a list of somecf the extraordinary "trades" exercisedin Paris, of which tho following is a se-

lection: Ratters, who capture living ratsand sell them to exhibitors of curiousbeasts; collectors, who gather sewergrease and seize the corks and stoppersat the Suresnes sewer grating; stamjers,who beg bread crusts, which they sellagain; ant egg collectors, who take theirgatherings on Sundays to the bird mar-kets; bird "professors," who offer theirservices at that market as trainers ofblackbirds, canari3 and jiarrot'?: "sen-ators," who aro none other than thecommissionaires of the flower market,and merchants for the sale of night shel-ter n ambers, who stand in a line and re-sell their tickets to their more fortunatebrethren. Pall Mall Budget.

Tlackeray,Inflneuee Over Sala.G. A. Sala recalls a meeting in his

youth with the white haired Thackerayand the strong impression made uponhim by the novelist's kindness. "I havenot forgotten, I hope," he says, "oneword of the wise and gentle counselwhich Thackeray give me that night,and how ho bade mo 'buckle my belttight,' 'hang out my sign' and ask Mmto come and take a chop with me. Someof his forecasts of what I might do if Itried proved to be almost of the natureof prophecy, and if I may borrow an im-age from one of the crafts which I prac-ticed in my youth I may say that myheart and mind were to me as he talkedeven of the nature of a plate of copper,and that, with the acutest of needles andthe strongest of aquafortis, he etchedand bit in on that plate a rule of workand study and conduct from which Ihave been enabled these many years pastvery rarely to deviate."

A Dog That Stopped a Runaway.I had a dog named Chris. One day

papa and mamma went out riding, andthe dog went with them. As they wentaround a corner three miles from home,the carriage tipped over and threw themout, and then tho carriage righted itself,the lines dragging under the carnage.The dog, who was under the carriage,pulled the lines with his teeth and triedto stop the horse from running andcould not. Then he ran to the horse'shead and kept jumping, nipping him inthe nose, so ho stopped running andwalked. Every time he tried to run thedog kept on in that way for two milesuntil a policeman stopped him. Everafter, so long as he lived, whenever thehorso would start up suddenly, Chriswould go right to the horse's head.Cor. New York Recorder.

Her Kindness Paid.A crabbed old bachelor who was in

the habit of calling at a Washingtonpostofnee for his letters was so muchimpressed by the kindly attentions ofthe postmistress that he one day walkedup to the counter, and, remarking thatshe was the only person who had spokena kind word to him for years, handedher a parcel which contained a deed for.five acres of land worth $3,000.

Girls from the Dressmaking De-partment of Kawaiahao Seminarymay be employed to go out sewingby the day or week to do plaindressmaking or sewing.

If three wheels is a tricycle, and two wheels is a

Columbia Pneumatic-:- - -:- - Bicycle

What is a one wheel ?

Why, a wheelbarrow of course.

If you want to take a ride before breakfast or after work

in the afternoon, you do not get into a wheelbarrow, but

you jump on your Columbia

ing you have one, and if you

the Columbia Bicycle Agent,


The Daily

50 VKll MONTI!

Delivered b"y Carrier