fashion cr e a t i v e the monthly do | interviews with dendoo geneticboi

The Monthly Do | Interviews with dendoo

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The monthly do is a monthly interview with dendoo showcasing artists, art styles, fashion, and much more. Each month I will highlight something new and allow your eyes to feast on the yumminess that is hidden out there! Enjoy.

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fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com

fashioncreative &

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo


much lovedendoo

who says women are the only ones who can

tear it up on the fashion scene? sucks

to you if that’s your frame of thought. we

show fashion as art and how we

creatives blaze our own trails. the

monthly do is ALL bout fashion

meeting creativity and who better to turn all

misconceptions on their butt than

geneticboi; a fashion lover and

artist of mega proportions 1geneticboi // not who you want to be or who

the world expects you to be // seven words

a daydreamer, artistic, friendly, enthusiastic, loyal, ambitious, and spicyQ

When did you truly start ctttoming into your own fash-ion sense and what urged you to sorta "break out" into your own style?

probably 2 years ago when I really got comfortable in my own skin, embracing who I am. That's when I own what i wear, instead of it owning me. I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one style.

Style is how someone carry themselves while being confident in what they are doing and wearing.

Plus, think of it this way, everyday is another chance to get up, dress up, show up. You can be a different person everyday, depending on what you wear. But I really admire those who break rules and try to bend genders, androgynous styles.


?Where are your fav places to shop? I want my next boyfriend to look snazzy!

haha, I usually shop online! I know! BECAUSE online

shopping sometimes have online exclusives which

means you don't have to bump into people with the

same stuff, can we say, TWINS DAY FROM HIGH

SCHOOL? oh NO ma'am! I also go to vintage thrift

stores a lot.

Combining expensive items with cheap stuff will make your outfit one of a kind!

YesStyle, H&M, Topman, consignment shops too.

Is there a certain item you'd love to add to your wardrobe?

Anything juicy you're lusting for?

I wouldn't know where to start. I want everything from a lot of de-signers, but my real answer is that, I try to be content and instead of wanting more more more, I want to look back at what I have, and make them work... until they don't work anymore, then I go and get an upgrade! haha!



creativeYou're also an artist, tell us who is another artist that gives you that boost of inspiration and what would you like to tell him or her?

this is hard! there are so many inspiring artists out there!

visual artist, I'd say James Jean, his work is so ethereal and chilling; a great combination of sadness and fragility. I love anything sad and beautiful. He makes me want to practice more to achieve such skills.

recording artist would Utada Hikaru, her lyrics are very poetic and melancholic, sometimes playful, sometimes dark with many visuals. I want to thank her for writing such visual-driven lyrics. It helps me with lots of my artwork.

Do you feel like you inspire others whether it's for your fashion sense or for your artwork?

Or maybe...it's just for being you!

I don't know really, but quite a few people have told me I inspire them on being all 3 of those things. That's all I wanted to hear; I want to be myself so people see that and want to be themselves too, ya know?

the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

eternal sleep


the monthly do | interviews with dendoo

absolutely! your fashion sense is your "hello" to someone without saying anything when you first meet. I consider fashion as a medium like paint,

or color pencils, I use it to express myself. Whether it be drawing what I feel, or wearing

them on me. I am my work.

is fashion a form of art? min hoall artwork by quan // gentecboi

Do you ever feel as a creative person you must be edgy, fashionable, a little quirky?Do you think that's how the world expects us creatives to be?

to a certain extent, I think all artists possess those little things, BUT believe me, I have seen some that donot. That makes me think, not just artists, everyone should be edgy, fashionable and a little quirky, it might sound vain, but I think if you are an artist, you should somewhat look pre-sentable. In my head, I think a designer should look... like a designer! haha!

Got any words of wisdom for the lost

fashionistas // fashion-mistas and

artists out there?hmmm... I can give you many advices, but it's ultimately up to the person that's doing it, to actually do it. It's hard with today's society telling you to be yourself, yet when you are being yourself, you get criticize. so, have thick skin and lots of confidence! Do you like cheeseburgers: sure. haha!

Lucky Charms or Corn Pops: Lucky Charms! I like his green hat!Kanye or Pharrell (that's a tough one): yes, hella tough! I'd pick Kanyedo you go gaga for Lady Gaga: why, of course!Picasso or Van Gogh: Van Gogh because of his romantic, impressionistic work.To be or not to be: TO BE. be all that you can be!Did you believe in Santa: not really. such an american thing!What would you say to Obama: gon' head witcha bad self!

Lightening round:

much lovedendoo

next month we will meet again to right wrongs and triumph over evil // wait that’s

sailor moon!

nevermind but we’ll be back next month to open eyes and Introduce new

artforms, new ideas and smiles.

thanks quan and you can find out more about him at www.geneticboi.blogspot.com

i’m having a 30 day challenge at my blog so 30 days of fun and making us better

versions...upgrade anyone? head over to www.dendoo.wordpress.com