.THE OTX3J33IO]SrD DISPATCH— THUEKD AY, DECEMBEH 25, 11902. THE ANNUAL DINNER TnANSPORTATIOS LINES. BASK STATEMENT. A GREAT IXFOHMAIi FKSTIVAtj AT Tllli; WnSTMOHELAAD CLUB. Opcnlnj; of <'ie »w Addition of the Club Celebrated a< tlie Santo Time, nic Governor nnd Ttto Ejc-Govcr- nors Anionsr tbc Gnentw. REPRESENTATIVE GATHERING. V TRAXSPORTATIOS LIKES. IFjSSICI) thaws ' liEff MAJM-STa££r4UfiJ^ November »», 100-. : \u25a0 KICMiibAO., , ,( 7:45 A. M Except Sunday. Newport News Local. All stops. O-oo A. >M. Daily, lor Old Point, New- port News, and Norfolk,v. Two ! .hours and twenty-five minutes to -^•- Norfoltl. Stops Williamsburß New- port N.ms, Hampton.^and Pho«bu» only. Parlor car R:cbmonu to Old Point ;/."; ,--\u25a0 \u25a0"" -. v *'.- " .. \u25a0:,> 4:00 P.I'M. Dally, except Sunday, tot Old Point. Newport News, ard Norfolk.. Two- hours and twen.y- five minutes to Norfolk. Stops Wll- iiamsburg. Newport News, anu Hampton only. Buffet Parlor car. Gordonsville to ; Old Point. Con- nects at Newport N^ws on Mon days. Thursdays. Fridays. an<» \u25a0 Saturdays.- with M. ard M. steamer to Baltimore: at Old Point-:. with Washington, Baltimore, and Cap* Charles stes-mrs; at Norfolk wlih : . Old Dbminiuft " 6team»rs for New York. . 5:OO p. M. Dall>v for Newport New» and Old Point. On Sunday cn>> ; connects' for Norfolk. Makes pr»n- cipal stopt. lUINLINE WEST-BOUND. . 10:10 A. M. Local. Kxcept Sund&y; for ... Clifton Forge; connects for Orang-e. Culpeper. Calverton. and Manas3aa. 2:00 P. M. Daily. Cincinnati and Louis- ville Express. Buffet Parlor Car. '\u25a0 to Gordonsville. Pul(man Sleepers Gordonsville to ' Cincinnati, -and -\u25a0 Louisville. Dining Car 6ii at Gor- don3vile. Connects for Virginia Hot Springs. A local train from Gordonsville to Staunton follows for local. stations, except Sunday. 0:15 P. m. Except Sunday. Accommoda- tion to Doswell. . . ' 7:00 p. M. "St. Louis and Chlcngo Soe- cial." Daily, with Pullman cars; Richmond to Cincinnati; Gordona- vil!e to Indianapolis, and St. Loula. Parlor car Cincinnati to Chicago. Dining car on at Gordonsville. JAMES-RIVER DIVISION. 10:20 A." M. Daily, for Lynchburg. Lex- ington, and Clifton Forge, except Sunday, for Rosney. Alberene. and . New Castle. Parlor car. 5:15 p. M. Except Sunday, to Bremo. ARRIVE RICHMOND. From Norfolk and Old Point. 10:05 A. M., and C:3O P. M. daily; 11A. M. and 7:20 P. M.. except Sun- day. MAINLINE. From Cincinnati and the West. 7:45 A. M.. daily; and 3:30 P. M.: daily. Local. 8:30 A. M.. except Sunday, and 7:10 P. M.. except Sunday. JAMES RIVER DIVISION. 6:35 P. M. Dally and 8:10 A. M.. ex- cept Sunday. Apply at. 809 east •Main' street. 903 east Main street. Murphy's Hotel. Jefferson Hotel. ' and Main-Street Station for fur- ther Information, rates, tlcket3. and Pull- man reservations. \u25a0 -, -. W. O. WARTHFN. -- District Passenger Agent. C. E. DOTLE. H. W. FULLER. General Manager. Gen. Pass. Ajjent. or Pike. , Hundreda bt negro presidents nay^ been oiucieu to leave Uiese counues durinu uic punt tmeo inoauuj, btaiiti; Bervcu: wiin luuices jsujtpoacu 10 emanaU norn "\\ niiiicaj)" </r & uiiiz«aioni«; . . \u25a0 Waehlnston.— Ti.v 2va\y Department* or- uorea-ivoar-AOijiutil i'naip Couptr 10 tae cuiuiiianu 01 tti'i oyuUieru uiviojon or" tne Afiinuc fauiuon, to jjiicceed \u25a0 Aumirai who wim UetacncU on Monday, yXying to; sicknvhs. >\ Honolulu.— Thomaui T. Fortune, special labor cotnnU&i?i<jner, appoint ed \u25a0by isec- l'ciary ojiavv to \lslt Urn jt'ui.ippincs and JiUvN.iilau isiuiidb. is nerc." 111 an lntor- Vitw 111 uio biar \u25a0 tiv suyo: "i believe tne ijiiporiaiioii oi. iit;gtuccs here ". lorms-.'a imCuiiil soiutlua vi vie dhaculty wnich unuvuiuatiiy loiions tne 'aoaorn-ion 01 tropical oi-fctnu- tropical counints by iho UJUivd btatts. in the tjoutheiii btatcs and in in« Caroilnas the negro nmue the inuusiries .-wnat tney are." ." Schcncctady. N. \'.— Yv'iillam Potter, the memoer yi company' i\ &ccuiid-i-iegiinent,-. v>iio was 'oxiJeliJo irom tlic «ocal painters' uiuoi:. t>>.t.'auf;o ol liis-,'i>Srvjce in liio nuu- ituu .railway striiv*:. was " reinstated by. tiiul iirfianizauon, "niur.o'jiatejy :ipi-"icU to "nis lonrivr cJTipiojVra 10 re-eini»»uy.-'hinj. lus request was acc»uVd io, aiid iio was pat" to work. Madrid.—Notification of the. conclusion of an arbitration treaty between Spain and Uruguay was gazetted. Washington.— Tho Navy Department has decided that Admirals Crowninshield and £umncr> shall return to their forn/cr sta- tions afici- the close of the winter ma- noeuvres in USo Caribbean Sea. t Akron, O..—A combination has been ef- fected of the shrift and Polo companies of tho country. The company will be as the Pioneer "Pole and Snaft Company, and has been- incorporated "in West Vir- ginia, vdth a capital of $3,000,005. New Work.— Nat Salisbury, controlling partner. in the Buffalo Bill Wild "West Show, died at his liomo in Long Branch, aged 57 years. _, New York.— Joseph L«. Mcßirney, trea- surer of the National Dead Company^ died, of pneumonia. Badford. Pa. At Olivcdale, a small '"hamlet near Bradford, Mrs. Edward' Burdick shot John Ryan dead in defence of her honor. A coroner's jury returned a verdict- of justifiable homicide. Pueblo, Colo.—Six persons .were killed In a wreck on Ihp Colorado Southern Rail- way, near Trinidad. . ...'\u25a0 St. Louis." MO.— Charles G. Warner.\u25a0vice- president and general manager of the Missouri Pacific road, was stricken with a sudden attack of illness. Pittsburg. Pa.— Notices will be, posted throughout ihe Connellsville coke regions, granting the 10.000 employees of the^Frick Coke Company a voluntary., advance . in wages, averaging S per cent. Mexico City.— The resignation of Gen- eral Reyes, Minister of War. has caused a decided sensation in political circles. The immediate cause of his resignation is said lo have been articles appearing in La Protest, 'a newspaper. . whicn vio- lently attacked Finance Minister Liman- tour," and which articles were attributed to a near relative of General Reyes's, though this is denied by the person con- cerned. Schedale In ElTecf, sovl 30 r 10©a. ... TUAIAS LEAVE *ItlCllMO.>l>r-Bir»» V STUEHT STATIOX. »160 A. JI.. NORFOLik liTM i-T'fD® Daily. Arrives Petersourg. -3:31 s \u25a0*££& : iI.-Norfolk'll:2(> A:.M-VStop^onW|ij4 ',- at ";Pttersburs.-. Waverly. and S^-,;; :RO A. Dally. Arrives Peter sburt^; 9:13 A. M./ Emporla;lo:42.A; >«*?' <\u25a0. Vveldon 11:22 A. ' M.. FayettevllW^ A$£ 7P.-."'M.;7 P.-."'M.;- Charleston^ U:la &**W. . \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0.- m:. '-y^vj..^ ih" \u25a0r-"'-^^^&msk sonville 9:<S A. M.. Tampa u:00;»r;< M..-Port -Tampa 7:30; P .: 311 -: i^ vl*^v I *^ ing'Goidsboro^-Ss'p. llC^llniinr^ .ton 5:45 P. M. Pullman sleeper Weil ,j ; \u25a0 *.; \ol'n. iv JaJi\3Ui*n i.ic. - ;. " "~ \;;' f IZiiV p. .M.- Du»ly. arr—;ng Fete/sburg-^ . 1:CO JK AI. c«":r.cct.« - .»th NocfolH-v; - and V^3tv>— ., raiiwa> ; for:RoanoK«r ;! anH intermediate rointa.'' Stops ali -DVewry'3 Vi\iZ, " Cehtralia: >n« g :3:0O IVM.^OCEAX SHOltr: t.IMITE^:^ I/aiiy. ' Arrives : Petersburg 3:30 F-! Mr. Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops onlJ j \u25a0'-.--;. at Petersburg, Waverly. a::d aci-.-.h-' folk. '-,:.}: \u25a0 '- : -: - - ;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::.:• -.-p%i 4:10 P. M.v Dally. except Sundny. -Ar» .i rives Petersburg 4:53 P. n-vV* 61 :' don -6:54 P. :M.. and Rocky Mourn 8:10 P. m.: Makes all intermedlaU ; 5:5« P.-.M.- Dally.: Arrives Petersburi j. «:4S P. M. Makes all stops. ,^.^V- ; •C:5« P. M. FLORIDA AND WEST 1N« , ; . l.i-v..' . ..- ,/ u.-^'. .n\vs . -.:\u25a0 Petersburg 7^2 P. M." Connect! , . wiit> ..sui.olk untl vVesieiT. ioc"i>or- t;: : foU-- im.-t ?->t? —nci\ -»»v; r->!r>r-- &?!'/•£ porla SM3 P. M. (connect 3 with At^v ittiu;u aiixi .uaiiviiit. 101* s.i:itioiia-ibe- .;£ \u25a0f" t-n-^f-n h;rT>r>pri-» i'ntV L1'"'"""'L 1 '"'"""'* I*-"- ville); Welclon 9:09 P.. M.. Wilmlnj* \u25a0; ton 10:10 A. M.. F.ivettevlll« 12:47 A, \u0084, M.. Charleston 5 :;5 A. M,. Savanj- nah 7:55 A. M.; Jacksonville l:0lc , P. M.. Tampa 10:00 P. M.,- Port -; Tampa 10:3J P.M. «- - : i\i^w. i.iiNri VO MIDDLHs; \u25a0 GEORGIA POlNTS— Arriving; Au-,:?; gusta 8:25, A. M v Macon 11:23. A. iS-Vv- Atlhr.ta 1:0.' P. M. Pullman sle«pe»; :, N"ew York to Wilmington. Charley;;:, ' ton. Port Tampa. jacKsonville.'Aa* ; gusta, and^JlaCon. Dlnlngr car set* vice.- -. ".'.- .\u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0 :"-':.': ':>'""-: : -\ 0:35 P. -M. Dailvv Arrives Petersburg >- 10:15 P. M. "Connects at Petersburg:: with Norfolk and Western rail- -, way. arriving Lynchburg 2:40: A- : M.. Roanoke 4:45 A. -M-. Bristcl: : 10:40 A. M~ Pullman sleeper Bicb-; 1 monJ to Lynchburg.,' —^ . 11:30 p. m. Daily. Arrives Petersburgr 12:10 A. M :. "":-'. TK.vns AimiTE KtCHKOSO. k 4:07 A. M. Dally. From JackaonvllH * \u25a0 bavannah. C'hariVbioii. Atlanta. , Macon. Augusta, and. all pomti South. , - ' 7:35 A. M. Daily. From Petersburfts Lynchburg. and the West. , " B:4S A. M. Daily, except " Sun/ iy- 1- Petersburg local. \u25a0 , ..' 11:1O A. St Dai. y, except Sunday. I*ron»; Rocky Mount and Intermediate sta« tlons. Norfolk, and Suffolk. ' 11:1O A. M. Dally. From. PetaraSurfc » Suffolk, and Norfolk. . - -. 11:42 A. -M. Daily. From Norfolk. Sirf* . folk, and Petersburg.. . - ; 2:«o p. -m. Daily. -From Petersburg Ronnoke, and in terrrvdiate pointy \u25a0 «:5O p. EM. Dally. From Norfolk, Sut+ ; . folk, and Petersburg. \u25a0 •;'- \u25a0-. .J- 'i V__*; : : 7:4.1 P. M. Dally. From Miami. Por* ; . Tampa. JacksonviH**. Savannah^ Charleston, Wilmlneton. Golds- . boro'. and all points* South.,;. .-. . .-,! 8:50 P. :M. Daily. From -Peterst«ir«r r- Lynchbure. nnf' \\'f> *-.- \u25a0 » -\u25a0'- ~ H. M. EM»rERSON, \u25a0-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; TralUc Manager. VT. J. CRAIG. ,v -i^:.. . v v General Passenger Agent. - V . C. S. CAMPBELL.. \u25a0 . Division Passenprer Agent. -\u25a0':\u25a0... -. Jal4 S3S Vnst 'Main street.: . OCEAN STEAMERS. 4M*^iE"' Som BOSTON '^Plr? Direct to the H^^sU^ AZORES. GIBRALTAR' \b»S»£|&sg ENOA ' NAPLES de I^^^^^ALEXAKDRJA. EGYPT BBRShiinlpiri;:Llne- •"ComnumwerltV 1 Twin Screw, 13,000 tona, Jan. 3, FeD. 14. Mar. 38. •'Van- couver," Jan. 10 F«b. ii. "New Eng. land," Twin Screw, I^4oo tons, Jan. ifr Feb. 28, Apl. 11. "Cambroman,"Jan. 31, Mar. 14. tend for rates and illustrated booklet. , "These steamers touch at Algiers ana are the largest in Mediterranean servi:9. BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWH, AND LIVERPOOL. "Merion," Jan. 17, t P. M. Saloon, $50 to $65 upward, ad Saloon, $40. 3d Clasß at low rates. For steame r plans, «tc, address, Dominion Line, Bosto a itmay. be assumed that .the mimic engnge- ments and working out of hypothetical problems will be- anxiously watched by Russian and French naval men In the far East. \u25a0 , In Japan Great. Britain has an efficient and wel! equipped maritime ally. Japan's shipbuilding programme, begun on -the payment of the Chinese war indemnity, will giveher by -April, 1904, four first-class battleships of 15,240- tons each, six first- class armored cruisers of 9,200 tons.^eacii, three second-class cruisers of 4.850 tons, each, two third-class cruisers of 3,200 tons each, arid ;a"- proportionately -strong fleet of. torpedo boats and destroyers. To the above vessels, in getting at Japan's ag- gregate naval strength, must , be added the forty-three cruisers and gunboats and the twenty-six torpedo boats she possess- ed at the close -of the war with China. . Japan has gone about her programme of naval expansion most intelligently, and In one very Important reg-ard she has shown a foresight and consistency that might well put our statesmen to the blush. Full provision has been made for an increase in personnel to keep pace with the in- crease, of ships, so that the day a new vessel Is ready for servict she can be sent to sea,' if need be, with her:fu!l com- piement of officers and men. "f- "fes^Old Dominion p^^ Steamsfiip Co. DAILY UHE FOR HEW *ORX t THS KCRTH iHD EAST. BW mm 3M \u25a0- _ _,__ . \u0084.. American Line NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON Sailing. Wednesdays at 10 A. M. Philadelphia. Dec. 31 1Philadelphia. Jan. 21 St. Paul Jan. 7 i Friesland Jan. 2S Red Star Line. NEW" YORK—ANTWERP—PARIS. :. Sailing Saturday at 10 A. M. Kroonland Jan. 3 I Finland Jan. 17 Zeeland......Jan. 10 I Vaderland....Jan. 24 Piers 14 an d^ 15," North river, Office, 73 Broadway. N. Y. W. 11. PALMER & CO., my 15, 'SB-Tu,Th&Sat Richmond. R* F, &P. RAILROAD Schedule lv Effect Jfov,- 30, 1002. ' TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOXD-SORTH- " WARD. .' ; ;\u25a0; 4:15 A. M; bally from BYRD-STREET STATION, for Washington and 'beyond. - Stops at Mil ford. Fred- : ericksburg. and .Alexandria. Stopa Occoquan Sunda3 ; s~'- Sleeping Cars, to , Washington and New. York. Dining-Car. ". - " :~*" .z~- ' ' ": : .6:45 A: M. Daily.-from MAIN-STREET STATION,"- Florida and-Metroprtll- tan Limited, for Washington nrd beyond. Stops at < Fredericksburg / . and Alexandria. .Buffet Sleeping- ; . Cars to New, Y6rk. r : . ; \u25a0-.-•'. : ..-'\u25a0;. 7:00 A. M: Except Sunday.Vfrom ELFA STATION, accommodation for Ash- land and intermediate points. ;., 8:00 A? M. Sunday onlyr from - liYRD- ' STREET STATION, for;- Washing-; ' ' lon. and beyond. -Stops sat -Elba; Glen Allen. ; and local stations. Ashland to Cherry Hill inclusive. . Negley, Occoquan, and iilexandns. ';. Buuet'Parior Car. . \u25a0•'"-" -\. . 8:40 A.M. Except Sunday, from BYRD- STREET STATION, for ..'.Vashinn- ton and beyond. Stops at Elba, den Allen, and local-rtations, Ash- land to Alexandria, inclusive. Par- lor car.'v .. , ... , ~ 12:O5 Noon. Except Sunday, from BYRD- S"REET STAiaON. fur Washing- ton, and. beyond.. Stops at Elba. Ashland. 'Doswcll. Milford, Fred-, ericksburg. arid Buffet Parlor Car." -Connects with Con- : ~ gressional \u25a0 Limited; , *; OO P M. Except Sunday, from BYRD- STREET STATION.: accommoda- tion for Fredericksburg and inter- mediate points. B:fC P. M. Daily, from MAIN-STREET ; STATION, for Wasnington and be- -. yond. Stops at Doswell. Frede- ricksb-Tg. Brooke. Wide water, and ' - Alexandria. Buffet Sleeping Car to New York. ; '; \ '\u25a0'_'\u25a0 0:25 P M. Except Sunday, from ELBA - STATION. Accommodation for - - Ashland '-and "intermediate points.- S-0.1 P. M. Daily; from BYRD-STREET STATION, for Washington and be- yond. \u25a0"'\u25a0 Stops' at Elba. Ashland. Doswell, Milford, Fredericksburg. Brooke, -Widewate-, Quantico, and Alexandria. Stops at other sta- tions .Sunday. Sleeping Car Rich- mond to New York and Washing- ton to Philadelphia. ; 11:15 P. M. fcxeept Sunday, from ELBA " STATION. Aocommqdation for Ashlaiid and intermediate points. riiAINSARRIVE RICHMOND—SOUTH- WARD. -\u25a0 - : -," ' C-40 A. M. Except Sunday, at ELBA - * STATION Accommodation from Ashland and intermediate polnt3. 800 A M. Daily, at BYRD-STREET STATION. Stops at Alexandria, Occoquan. Widewater. Brooke. Fredericksburg, Milford. Doswell. 4shland. and Kli-a. Stops at other stations Sunday. Buffet Sleeping Car New York to Richmond. .. 8-25 A. M. Except Sunday, at BYRD- ' STREET STATION. Accommoda- : - tion from Fredericksburg and in- termediate- points.- - '" - -' \u25a0 \u25a0 in.ni v M. Except Sunday, at BI'RD- STREET STATION. Stops at lo- cal stations, Washington to Ash- land inclusive. Glen Allen and Elba. Parlor car. 205 P. M. Daily, at MAIN-STREET STATION. Stops at Alexandria, Lorton, Occoquan. Quantico. Fred- ericksburg Milford. Doswell, and . Ashland. Buffet Sleeping Car from New York. e-OOP. M. E-J.cept Sunday, at FLBA STATION. Accommodation from ' •" Ashland and Intermediate points."" 6-io P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREET " STATION. Stops at Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Doswell, Ashland. and Elba. Sleeping cars from New York fc-nd Washington. Dining tar. 000 P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREET STATION. Stops at Alocandna and local stations, Quantico to Ashland inclusive. Glen Allen and Elba. Buf- fet Parlor Car. 10-20 P. M. Daily, at MAIN-STREET STATION. Florida and Metropoli- tan Limited. Stops at Alexandria Fredericksburg. and Dosweli. Biif- .__ fet Sleeping Cars from NewYork. 11:00 P. M. Except Sunday, at, ELBA STATION. Accommodation from Ashland. .' "W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager. : W. D. DUKE. General Manager. ..-;\u25a0; E. T. D. JIYERS. President. The snntinl reunion and Christmas eel- I cbraiion. of the Westmoreland; Club, thfe slfiest zr.3 most famous organization In the city, was had last night fl.t the liand- aoac Quarters of the organization, at Sixth arid Grace streets, and was one or the m^st memorable in the long list of/ such celebrations. It /was also the ior- inal opening cf the recently completed addition to the clubhouse, and was in every way a njost auspicious one. The': Westmoreland numbers among its membership many men prominent in the (justness,; political, and socisl circles of the city, and, inueed, of tho entire State. , 'Xkere was a liberal representa.tio:s of \ tho membership presc-nt last night; and I many guests from this city and from va- i nous portions of the State. When one looked over the assemblage it eecrn- ed thai, it -.would be easier to say who trere not there. tha.sl who were, for there nr.:st have been, five hundred din- ers, among whom were many of tne men who have contributed to the growth and development of Richmond and Vir- SiiUa.. Among so many and. in such an infor- n-al graiherins it is dinicult to-sinplc; out the prominent ?rentleme:i present. The. oc- casion was marked, by the presence of Governor Montacrue and two of lour sur- viving ox-Governors.; of. the- State— Hon. Charles" T. O'Ferrall "and General Fitz- bugh Lee. There '.were present", nlso Con- gressmen H. D. Flood and John Lamb, arid majiy othc-rg prominent- in public UfeJia this State, not to attempt to men- tion tfc> many '. -well-kjiown " Richmond sentiemen there. The cafe and dining-room had been combined into a great ba.nquet hall for the occasion, and accommodated with some oeffrc-e of comfort the great gathering. The entire building- was -thrown open and -ivas brilliantly lighted and gracefully dec- orated with cut flowers, potted plants, and "waving-" palms. Behind a bank of p.nims a string orchestra was stationed, KtiJ made, music during- the evening. The assembly hall, adjoining the other rooms, \u25a0was -thrown open and the guests-overfl- owed into that. AN OLD FASHIONED DINNER. The dinner was on tne order of an old fashioned barbecue, roast shoat. lamb, sr.d other meats, salads and all that goes 10 make up a sumptuous menu of a din- ner on a large scale being served in a. very informal manner. Allkinds of wines and drinks were served in the wine-room, ss Was c-pc-nogg. the great Christmas drink of Virginians. Everything was informal, dellghtfully bo, there being no set speeches nor toasts. A few responded to "persifiant calls' for speeches; songs, and stories, and many raconteurs regalea appreciative groups of listeners with well-told stories. The male members of the Bijou Musical Comedy Company were present by spe- cial invitation of the club management. Manager Jake Weils refusing to accept any- proffered .'compensation,; as did the % entertainers in this clever bevy of en- tertainers an<l good fellows. They contri- : buted no small part to tli© entertainment of the guests and hosts, and -were favorites. " .. . " " POLK MILLER THERE. Polk Miller was present and delighted the assemblage with his clever stories and stage songs, and Captain Frank Cunningham contributed notably to the entertainment, singing several solos'. Rev. Dr. Edward N. Calisch was present and responded to calls with a 'happy talk, in \u25a0K-hich he told an anecdote with an ap- plication and told it very effectively; Many others sang songs and there wero choruses, informally, .'started and joined in by the company. A spirit of delight- ful» bonhomie characterized the occasion. in<2 the hours were delightfully spent. The era In the history of the old and ,'emous club was aonropriatc-ly comm^no- fateg. * " ----- - Rleliijiomler* in Gotham. NEW YORK. December 24.—(Special. )—i Following are the Richmohders register- : ed to-day in Nc-w York: i Waldorf, V. G. Davis and wife, D. Ax- teU. . ilarlborough. G. TT. Painter. LATEST FROM THE WIRES. Charleston. S. C.— Lawrence Williams . "vas shot and instantly killed by his bro- ther. Itichard "Williams. Both are color- ed. Chattanooga. Tonn.— Announcement was made that the wages of engineers.'fire- men, conductors;': trainmen, and station employees ox" the "Alabama Great South- ern have been increased from- 5 to 10 per cent., effective December 1. London,—William Waidorf Astor has piven J150.000 to build; a new .out-patient \u25a0 4epartnient for the Hospital for Sick Children, in Great Ormond street. It wili be dedicated to tiie memory or "his daugh- ter -Gwendoline, who died recently. Berlin.—The German cruiser Sperber is hurrying pr.'-pa rations" to sail from Kiel for .Venezuela about New- Year's Day. ; Parlt?.— The police, of the city have seized the papers of Jean de la Mar, manager of the Klondike Mining Com- pany. He is suFpvcted of irregular pro- reedingp. The company is. a Paris, con- cern, and all the parties interested arc Frenchmen. Three arrests have beccn made. Jackson. Miss.—Governor L- ong in o festied a proclamation offering $50 reward '.or the' arrest and conviction of any per- lon who forces a. necrro to lr-nw ftliherSof :he counties of Lincoln, Amite. Franklin. The Eißht-Honr Day. (New York Times.) The insistence of organized labor upon the eight-hour day could be made a prac- tical Ipsup, with very little opposition, if those who vv-oiit it would demonstrate that it is economically possible in the present condition of industrial and commercial competition. On this subject the Iron Age offers a very good suggestion by proposing that labor shall prove its contention that the eight-hour day would not place em- ployers granting it at a hopless disad- vantage by selecting -works sufficiently, representative to make the test a. fair one. and saying to the proprietors in ef- fect: "We want the oight-hour day. We do not. hovrcver, want to ruin you. ami we perfectly understand that if we do so not "only will jtve lose our jobs, but we shall have established an unanswerable argument against the eight-hour system. Consequently, we make you this proposi- tion: Taking present average output as the standard of what is satisfactory and profitable to you. and present cost per unit of product as low enough to_enable you to meet existing competition, we promise, if the eight-liour day is given .1 throe months' trial, to demonstrate that your production will not diminish per "unit of labor nor the labor cost increase per unit of production. If we establish our contention, you agree to continue the eight-hour day permanently; if we do not. we agree to "conform in hours of labor to what is customary in our trade. We will look after your interests, at least to the extent of protecting your interests against injury from any cause for which labor ie responsible." - MERCHANTS' AND MINERS'! TRANSPORTATIOH CO/S DIKECT ROUTE TO BOSTON, MASS.,. AND PROVIDENCE, A. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY and' SUNDAY -a*. <> P. M.; for Providence MOJNUAY. THURSDAY,- and SATUR- DAY at O P. M. Accommodations and cuisine unsur- passed. Passengers and freight taken for all New England points. Tickvts on sale at Chesapeake and Ohio and Norfolk nnd Western r.-...way offices and 819 east Main street. R. H. WRIGHT, Agent. ap 30 NoTfOik. Va.. Schedule in Effect NovVsO, 1002., LEAVE RICHMOND (DAILY), BYKD- STREET STATION. 900 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar- rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Waverly. and Suf- ' - folk. Stops at Wakefleld only to "let off passengers holding tickets from Richmond and Petersburg. 0:00 A. M.. THE CHICAGO EXPRESS, for Lynciiburg. ±toanokV\ cmum- bus, Cincinnati, and Chicago. Buffet parlor car Petersburg to Roanoke. Pullman sleeper Koa- noks to Columbus and Bluetield to -Cincinnati: also, for Bristol, Knox- ville. and Chattanooga. Pullman . \u25a0• steeper KoanoKe to- Knoxville. 12:2O P." ;M.. ROANOKK -EXPRKSS. for Farmville. Lynchburg, Roanoke. and intermediate stations. I:OOP. M., OCEAN SHORE LIMITED Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops ' only at ' Petersburg. Waverly. and Suffolk. Connects at Norfolk with eteainers to Boston, Providence, New York. Baltimore, and Wash- 6:56 P. M., for Suffolk, Norfolk, and ln- terni r -rilaie stations. ai rives at Norfolk at. 10:40 r-. .M. 0:35 P. M., for Lynchburg and Roa- noke. Connects at Lynchburg with - ' Washington and Chattanooga Lim- '\u25a0; - ited. Pullman sleepers Lynchburs to Memphis and New Orleans. Cafe, parlor,' and observation cars Radford to Attala, Ala. Pullman slefper between Richmond and Lyn^hbt'rg. Berths ready for oc- cupancy at 8:9) P. M. A.lso. Pull- man sleeper Petersburg and Roa- noke. ' TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND FROM Lvnchbure and the West daily at 7:85 A. M.. 1!:OI> P. M.. and H-.r.ii "p. M-: from Norfolk and the East at JI:1OA. M., 11:42 A. M.. and «:5O P. M. Office: &38 Main street. JOHN E. WAGNER. City Passenger and Ticket Agent. C. H. BOS LEY. ... District Passenger Agent. W. B. BBVILL," Gereral Passenger Agent. General Offlro: Roanoke. Va. re 2S DAILY BETWEEN - RICHMOND AND NORFOLK. The Kew Staamsrs \u25a0\u25a0'....,\u25a0 BSflSDOfi ASD BE^ELEY LeaVC-^'-^^'ind nlgntly at 7 o'clock for Norfolk " : &i -^ " *at Newport News.li, both dlrectloi.-.. _rrlvln« at .^f° Ik .-£ f. A M.. there tra.T3ferrlng to Naw lorK steamer, daily. .except Sunday. . Passengers can leave daily, except Sun-. day by Chesapeake ana Ohio raliwny.-at 8-50 A* M. nnd 4 P. M.. or 9 A.M. and* P M by Norfolk and Western railway,, both lines .connecting at Norfolk with di- rect steanfprs sailing same day. i Freight for all northern, eastern, and foreign ports rpcelyed and forwarded daily except Sunday, at company s wharf (foot- of -Ash street). Rockctts. £;" : Tickets on saJ« at company' 3 office. No. ITeast Main street: Richmond Transfer Company. No. no east Main, street; Mur- phy's ITotel: Chesaneak* and Ohio, and Richmond and Petersburg depots, and, at company's wharf. Richmond. Bagca«» checked through to all !«>>"'«• % Local fares between Richmond , ana Norfolk." Newport News. Old Point, and Hampton, $2.50; to Baltimore and Wash- ington, S4.CO. . " Round trio fare between Richmond and Norfolk 54.50. Time limit. 10 days. Above fares inclue stateroom berth between Nor- folk and Richmond. Meals. Table d'hotdj 50c Richmond to New .York; all water, Or rail and water. $?.00. Limit. 3 days. Round trip. $14. W. Limit. SO days, including meals and stateroom berth. . > JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. ;; 1212 east Main street, Richmond. VaJ J. J. BROWN. General Passenger Agtifc H. B. WALKER, Traffic Jlgr., N. T. ' \u25a0 do 24 . . ;;\u25a0;: \u25a0\u25a0-, \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0-;-::' BAY LINE TO BALTIMORE Via C. & O. Railway and Old Point A Cliristlnn's Defence of SmokinGf. Chronicle.) One of Melbourne's historic buildings. Bishop's Court, the official residence of the Anglican prelate, is about to be <la- molishea and to giv.-j place io a more up- to-date structure. In its garden is the oidest gum tree In Australia, declared by the late eminent botanist. Sir Ferdinand yon Mueller, to date from the sixteenth century- Under this old tree was -the fa- vorite scat and open air ' study of Dr. Moorhouso, now Bishop of Manchester, during the ten years that he occupied the Sec of Melbourne. A lady visitor having once supprested that -tobacco' was. of Sa- tanic oripin. Bishop Moorhouse replied: "Pnrdon m«?. madam. I smoke, and 1 am a better Christian for doing so. Do yo.r road my letters in the.- papers?" The lady answered that she did. with pleasure. "Do you ever see anything discourteous or un- kind in them?" "Certainly not; I often remark "now. well you keep your temper.'." "Well, madam, the first drafts-, of 'these letters contained the most cutting things I could think of. "Then "I- 'would go an.l sit on the butt of that old gum tree, light my pipe, and- have a quiet smoke. After that I 'would •\u25a0 return to the house an-1 strike out every Hue that might give psin to others. So. you sec. smoking makes mo a better Christian." U. S, MAILROUTE, Leave Richmond via Chesapeake and Ohio railway daily, except bunday, al 4 p M-. connecting at r 'Ul Point with the supvrb steamers c? the OM Hay Line: leaving at 7:13 P. M., arriving Baltlmor* 0:30 A. M.. in time to make connection with all trains North. East. ar.J-West Snort rail ride and all night on oi« 01 tha finest steamers In southern : water*. : : Returning, -arrive Richmond 10 'A- -M. 1 dally, exevpt Monday. \u25a0\u25a0 Kissed to Death Unintentionally. On the arrival of the Australian sol- dters.at Melbourne from the seat of war. they were welcomed by a. crowd whose enthusiasm the police were quite unable to. stem. The female portion was particu- larly demonstrative, the men being in many instances -.literally torn from the r'ankS'to.be the decipients of a veritable hurricane of favors . from the fair lips. Many were completely overcome, and one actually fainted under the labial salutes of 300 Victorian. damsels. Though these victims escaped without actual hurt, says the Chicago Tribune, such immunity has not always been the case. In the autumn of 1900 a doctor was called, in to see a young woman who was said to be suffering from sn attack of pleurisy. On examining her, however, he discovered that one of her, ribs was frac- tured— an injury- which. , it subsequently transpired, she had. received at the hands, or rather at the arms, of her fiance, who had too ardently embraced her on the oc- casion of their last parting. , Betty, the Infant Rosclus. when at the zenith of his juvenile fame,- was on one oc- casion waiKinif with some ladies when another bevy of female admirers bore down upon him. and, pulling him away from his companions, commenced to lav- ish upon him endearments and kisses. The others promptly, rushed to their idol's rescue, who ' between the contending par- ties—each determined to possess the boy actor— was thrown to the ground and so much bruised and injured as to be una- ble to appear for a couple of- nights. Insignificant, however, iwas this' mis- charice to the fate that befel M. de Langy. a courtier of the time of Louis XV.. whose supreme conceit so irritated certain la- dies of the, court that they resolved to inflict upon him. a novel punishment. Feigning one day to be overcome by the beauty -of his face and person., they fen upon him en masse, hugging and .kissing the wretched dandy till he cried, "for mercy. Deaf to his entreaties, the ladies continued their' merciless caresses until the object of their mock love—who. In- deed, was but. a - sorry' weakling—in en- deavoring to .break away;. from their clutches, broke a blood vessel and died a few days later. \u25a0 Amu rath IV.. the Turkish Sultan, sus- pecting one of his ministers of having uesigns upon vthe sanctity. of his harem, ordered the culprit: to be kissed to death by his female slaves. This sentence was actually carried out. the miserable victim being securely fastened'to, the. ground and then suffocated by the caresses and kisses of his female executioners, who were stimulated to unflagging exertion by the unrelenting rcus of the tyrant's eunuchs. Musical "lions" seem in especial danger of this '\u25a0 novel method of 'assault, and many of our most famous pianists have run the gauntlet, only to emerge crushed and exhausted from the ordeal. CLOUDS IN GRAND CANON; Japan's Xaval Growth. (Milwaukee Sentinel.) -- . England has given n fillipto the naval progress and policy of her Oriental ally. It is understood that "recent representa- tions from the British ministry will cause the present Japanese Parliament to decil most liberally with the navy, and a joint series of manoeuvres by the British and Japanese fleets off the west coast of Japan has been arranged for the coming summer. The condition or actual war win be reproduced as closely as possible-, and COMPANY. ggg?<%r_ PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND. r ANX> NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LiXTZ. -:.-'\u25a0:\u25a0 v- : Appointed sailing days every TUES-^ DAY. FRIDAY, and B UNDAY at day- light. ' - -\u25a0 - : \u25a0 -^ : r-- - \u25a0 Height received -dally' un.U 5 P. M.4 1 For further Information applj* to. " r \u25a0\u25a0.-;\u25a0: J. w/ M-CARkicK. ; General Southern Agent: Omce.ißoclretts. General Agents. Philadolphia. V effspring, as well as the vegetation, con- tinuing their sculpture, deepening gorges nnd sharpening peaks. . Sometimes blend- ing all together, they weave a ceiling from, rim to rim, perhaps opening a win- dow here and there for sunshine to stream through, suddenly flighting some palace or. temple and making it flare in the rain as if on fire. Sometimes, as one sits gazing from a high, jutting promontory, the sky all clear, showing not the slightest wisp or penciling, a bright band "of cumuli will appear suddenly, coming up the canon in single file, as if tracing a well-known trail, passing- in review, each in turn darting its lances ana dropping- its show- er, making a row of little T verUcal rivers in the air above the big brown one. Others s«em to grow from mere points, and fly high above the canon, yet following Its course for a long.time,- noiseless, as if hunting, -then. suddenly darting lightning at unseen marks, and hurry on. Or. they loiter here Uncl there as if Idle, like" la- borers out of work, waiting to be hired. DEATHS. - GOLDRACK.- Died. December 24th, at his residence, 201 east Marshall street at 7:15 A.'M.. ABRAHAM GOLDBACK; ns?e .59 years, funeral services will be held at the Mortuary. Chapel. Hebrew Cemttpry. at 3:45 THIS (Thursday) AF- TERNOON. ;. . * DTCEfKINS.— Died, December 22nd. at nis regiddnce. Holly Bank.rienr FederMsbtirg,. Md., FRANCIS AUGUSTUS DEEKINS. in: the 77th year of his age. CRUMP.— Died, at the residence of his parents, in ' Hnnover; county; Decemßer M.'-'IOO2. PARKE WIT^KERSON CRUMP, infant son of Parke Wllkerson Crump and Rowena^Merryman Crump, aged 7 months and 24 days. " te»Ar VIRGiHU KAYIGATION ?oft RIVER t^ DAY LINE. : !=itj._ier FocahouUis 'cave.* %,wty iio.V- ' DAI'. WEuNKSOAi'.: and FRUjArgatlSi ; : A. .M; for -Norfolk. i\*r tsmoutn. "4 Old^^ Point. N«wport News. Claremont,%s*an4pS iames-rlver la ndtngs. 1- and - connecUng a at^ Did' Point 'and "Norfolk for VVaahJnstonLSS*S Baltimore. "and the- North. - -• State-rooms -reserred for the night moderate = prices. " - i Electric-cars direct to the whart Par*'^ only 11.50 and sjl; to Norfolk. -Muilclbrl^ Grand Orchestrloa. ' ;\u25a0 Freight received for, above-named places^ and : all apolnts -in Eastern Virginias and Hl* North Carolina. IRVIN AVKlsiiJEß^^fe ,;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0• \u25a0-:\u25a0•\u25a0:.- T ;v;v : :.-; General Masairer. "; - E. A..Carber. ? Jr.hS»cretary. r tlv'x « ? S \u25a0 \u25a0 ... f 9 : - ? )& for past favors and solicitude for future patron- » 3 *%< -/ \. •' \u25a0 : : . -- * « * * ' •- ' ' ' „\u25a0- -\u25a0 \u25a0.- vf 62 whose double store is a monument to the generos- +; BE' ' -B r ky.of the Richmond 1 public, extends to. his custom-,' ' m \u2666'\u25a0\u25a0• . "--.:'- . * . - .' ' "'\u25a0-•{£'\u25a0 ? * ers warmest Christmas .greetings and best wishes ;; .; . ;\u25a0;\u25a0\u2666\u25a0• a \u25a0 -.--\u25a0\u25a0 T m for a bright and prosperous. New Year. ? Mists Thnt Rise Out iixe Gfreat Gorpre. . (Ivrovember Century.) Agooa storm cloud, full of lightning and rain, on its way to its- work on a suriny desert day, is a glorious object. Across the canon, opposite the hotel, is a little- tributary of the Colorado called Bright Angel creek. A fountain cloud still bet- ter deserves the:';namie\j'Angel of the Desert Wells"— clad in bright plumage, carrying -cool shade arid living water to countless animals and plants ready to per- ish, noble, in. form arid gesture, seeming able f of anything', v pou ring lif e-glying v wonder-working floods frorii Its alabaster fountains, as if some sky lake had brok- en. To every gulch'arid gorge on its fa- vorite ground is. given. a passionate tor-, rent, routing-, replying, to the; rejoicing linhtriirig— stories,'- rtons in J weight. . hurry- ing^ away as if frightened, showing some- thing, of the way Grand Caribn work is \u25a0dorie..'. : -'.\u25a0\u25a0 ' . " .'\u25a0• '\u0084 •. '.• .. '. ' "' - Most of the fertile "summer clouds of,the_ canon :ar« of this^s.orl. 'massive, swelling cumuli, crowing rapidly, '"dlsp.layirig de- Helou's tones of ptsrple and gray in ; the hollows .of their s'unbeaten bosses. Show- ering "favored areas j.of . ,the ' heated ' land-" scape, and vanishing In an hour or two. 3ome;.bus>' and thoughtfuKlobklng* jglide' ,with beautiful motion along; the^mlddle. of; the canon} in flocks,; turning aside^ here : arid there.lli nger Ing/ as Jif ! ; studying, > the. needs of ' particular Jsp6te, exploring? side; "canbris." peering- Into follows . like^ birds ; seeking : nest ; places, ; or ; hovering ; aloft foh outspread Z wlngs-^ -They i scan^aH-S the jredi j tbe|fmt«i^sri«rMWn«|tJ^i^ In Memory of Mrs. Jolin R. "Bedford. .>.; Since *she went home— The evening shadows linger here. The winter days fill so much of the, year. And 'even summer winds are chill and \u0084 ". drear. .._-.-' : \u25a0.: .-" '-, ' \u25a0.'\u25a0•- ' Since she went home. Since she went home— The robin's note has struck a. minor .strain, \u25a0'; -. . ;fhe old giad songs- breath out a. sad ..• refrain— And laughter sobs with bitter, hidden pain. : \u25a0 . \. '. Since she went home. -..".- ... ' '/ Since she went home-7' How'still the empty rooms her .presence -. -1blessed. 1 <. s ~ < '. "•'. *- : ... \u25a0 Untouched the pillow that her deaf head v! "'pressed, ' V ' --^ * .. . Our' lonely hearts, have nowhere to rest. . .Since she. went home. ....'.:..,..^.:._.-.,:. ; ; ..:.\u25a0/>\u25a0.. * -:,.-.\u25a0 ,• .>\u25a0-". ;\u25a0; Since she we>it:homa— Th«: J6ngv;- long days have crept ; away like iV'^l: years.'^- ~ %£\u25a0 ••'\u0084 >i~-'-£.:\ " - '\u25a0\u25a0£; \u25a0\u25a0 > : -' t'-:'t '- : ' The i "sunlight ; has ,b** n r' d ! mnle<i t * rlt^: doiibtand fears,' . v. And.the;lbng:n!ghtsjha ; ve rained «ii« W«it b™; .... , M^ RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, Dec, 14, 1002. Tro in* Leave anil Arrive 14th-Stsreet \u2666 Station. 'TRAINS LEAVI 3 RICIIMOXD, VA. 7:0O A. M. No. 7. daily for Danville. Charlotte, and all Jocal stations south, connecting at uanvillfi fur stations to Lynchburg. also- wltn. D. and W. railway for Martins- vllle and stations on that line. At Greensboro" for all stations east and v/est thereof. , ' .. 12:50 p. M.. No. 13, limited train diiily, - for .TacKsonvillQ and all Florida points; Havana. Nassau. -etc. Con- nects at Moseley with - Farmville and Powhatan railroad; at Greensboro* for Durham. Raleigh, and Winstc-n-Salem; .it Danville with No. 35. Unite- Stnte3 fast mail, solid train. . daily, for New Orleans and points South.' which, carries Sleepers to New Orleans. Columbia. St.-'annah. and Jackson- ville. Dra wing-Room Buffet Sleeper Richmond to Atlanta and Birming- ham. Througrb coach for Chare City. Oxford, anu Durha.M. Through train, with Sleeper. Salisbury to Memphis. fining-Car service. "... H1:05P. " : -M.. No. 11. Southern Express. daily. for/Atlanta. Augusta. Jack- sonville, and points South.. Sleeper for. Danville. Greensboro. Salis- bury,. an(3 Charlotte, open at Rich- mond 9:30 P. M. Connection with New York and Florida Express and Southwestern Limited, which car- ries throve to Augusta, SavaVir- h. J^c'-s"onville. Tampa. Nashville, Memphis. Atlanta. New Orleans, etc. Complete Dining-Car service. ~- Also. -Pullman Tourist . - Sleeper Mondays Wednesdays, and Fridays Washington to San Fran- cisco, without change, with connec- tions, for all points in '.**xas, Mcxi- - ~ - co, and California. 6:00 p. jr.. No. m.r local dally, except Sunday, for Keysville and fnterme- \u25a0 _ diatc points. ' TIIAIXSARniVJ?.-X> RICnMOSD. B:«5'A. JIV ' - .' : .' \u25a0 \u25a0 ". '; . «:25 P.M.). From At'.anta, Aujriota. \u0084 Jacksonville. Asheyille. and all - points South. 8:40 a. M.. from Keysvllle, and local \u25a0 \u25a0---:\u25a0' stations. •\u25a0 : <; \u25a0..-;\u25a0\u25a0 --. : .. •'•.,..-:. \u25a0:_'."\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.- 3:25 P.. -M..- from --Darham. -Charlotte; Danville, and fnt«rin'"li.ite stations. LOCAL FREIGHT... '. . •-.. Nos. 61 and 62. between Manchester and \u25a0: Neapolis. , YORK-HIVEB LINE, Vl tm^ THE FAVORITE ROUTE NORTH. LEAVE RICHMOND. 4:30 P. M., No. 16, Baltimore Limited, daily, except > Sundays, -- for .West Point. , Connecting . at West Point with steamers for Baltimore .fnti Yqrk-river. landings ;Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. , : 2:15 P. M.. No. 10— Local "express "for West- Point 'and intermediate sta- tions, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.- Connects with, stage: at Lester Manor for Walkerton and ••". Tappahannock.'- :•\u25a0 - -.-".;. 5:00 A. M., No; 74. locak mixed. La ivrs daily, except Sunday. "for .West ;-'*;' Point and intermediate ; stations. connecting with, stage at ; Lester -. Manor for' Wfllkerton and hannock. / . TRAINS ARKIVE RICHMOND. 0:15 A.f M., No. 15. 'dally, from "West' Point, with: connection from Balti- more; Sundays.. \u25a0 Wednesdays, and : \u25a0\u25a0 Fridays. -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : . ,:\u25a0'...-..".,- ;\u25a0 .'\u25a0•-;-' 10:45 A., Mi. No. 9— From .West Point. and . '"local stations, Wednesdays-- and ,: : '.\- Fridays.- -'"\ ;. :-•'.;•'.-''\u25a0 r - ' . ,\u25a0 : ",^V 4:50 P. M.,,daily, r except" Sundays, f»*oin, \u0084 -.West /Point and:';^lntermedlate : .ota-' \u25a0;- . -\u25a0 ttons. ,"\u25a0-\u25a0>-•;•-•.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0'-' : ' '.'.'\u25a0 : .J:.-:-*' ' -- : '-' \u25a0 . Steamers sail fromlWest Point 5:50. P.; Mi, . ' Mondays* : i.Wednesdays, : varid;.. Frl-, days;and \u25a0 will': call' at*"AUmonds,. Clay-' batik,- and Gloucester Point, v^-' 1 -\u25a0.-*\u25a0 ;. \u25a0\u25a0-r^'l: r > >:-;\u25a0 -: c. i^v.^ westbury;- -_ ; : y - ' 5. . 'District! Paspenger/Agent; u.i ." \u25a0 M^O^astMain Jstieet^Rlchmondwy^fr S..H. IIARDWICK;«. ;. -. aeheri r-5r -5 Passenger^' Afceidt' ;f S?IP " :• •\u25a0%&$ SEABOARD Air Line Hailw/st. Short line to principal cities of the South and Southwest. Florida, Cuba, Texas, Cal- ifornia and Mexico, reaching the capitals of six States. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 23, 1902. TRAINS . LEAV'B RICHMOND—MAIN- STREET STATION—DAILY. .«\u25a0 No. 27. No. 31- 2:i5P M. 10:37 P. M.—Lv. Richmond. 2:53 P. M. 11:20 P. M.—Lv. Petersburg. 6:58 P. M. 4:15 A; M.— Lv. Raleigh. 9:35 P. M. 7:15 A. M.—Ar.Hamlet. 9:45 P.M. 7:35 A."M.—Lv. Hamlet. 7:33 A. M. 4:00 P. M.— Ar. Atlanta. ,1:15 A.M. 11:20 A. M.-Ar. Coiumoia (Eastern Time). ; 12:20 A. M. 10:25 A. M.—Lv. Columbia ; - {Central Time). 4:55 A. M. 2:35 P. M.— Ar. Savannah. -9:15 A. M. 7:WJ P. M.— Ar. Jacksonville. : 11:^5 A. M. -Ar. St. Augustine. | G:0O P. M. 6:45 A. M.— Ar. Tampa. j 10:32 P. M.- 13:33 A. M.—Ar. Charlotte. j 12:51 A.M. 10:30 A.M.— Lv.-Chester. 3:25 A. M. 12:37 P. M.—Lv.Greenwood. ! 5:5S A. M. 2:52 P. M.—Lv. Athens. | 7:35 A. M. 4:00 P. M.— Ar. Atanta. j 5:40 P. M.—Ai. Augusta! j 11:35 A. M. 7.20 P. M.—Ar. Macon. I 6:«> P. M. 9:20 P. M.-Ar.Montgomery. 2:55 A. M.—Ar. Mobile. - '\u25a0--'\u25a0 7:^5 A..At.— a r. New Orleans 8:55 P. M. 1:30 A. M.— Ar. Nashville. SfflA, M. \u25a0 8:20 A. M.— Ar. Memphis. . Train N0..35 leaves Richmond 9:10 A.M. dally for Petersburg. Norllna. N. C.^and all \u25a0intermediate" points. - Connection at Norllna with train arriving Henderson 2:02 P. M. and Raleigh 3:40 P. Mrdaily, and Durham 4 P. M. daily. except. Sunday. Connections at Jacksonville for all Flo- rida Eaat Coast points. \ At Tampa for Havana and all points in Cuba. At At- lanta for Montgomery. New Orleans, and all points in Texas. Mexico nnd Califor- nia; .also, for Chattanooga, Nashville, and all points west. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND- DAILY. . 6:35 A.M.. No. 34 (From all points South 4:55 P. M;. No. 6>» | :. and Southwest. 5:45 P. M.. No. So, from Noriina. N. C. ' Petersburg and local points. . SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE, f Nos. 31 and 34—Seaboard Express. Toll- man ,~Drawing-Room. -Sleeping-Cars ue- tween New York and ' Tampa.. Vestibuled Coaches between New York and Rich- mond,: and Richmond f and" Jacksonville .Pullman Sleeping-Cars (daily) between Jacksonville and Tampa. Also, through "Drawing-Room ; Sleeping-Cars : between New' ton: and Atlanta and* Cale Cars between Hamlet and Atlanta and '-'Hamle:* arid Savannah. Tri- Weekly Sleeper between Washington and Pinehurst. leaving Washington Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays: returning. leave; Pinehurst Mondays, .Wednesdays, and Fridays. Nos. 27 and 6&~Sea board v Mail. ' Pull- I man r Dra wing-Room Buffet Sleeping-Cars between New<Tork and Jacksonville.* con- necting at 'Hamlet -with 7 Sleepingr-Cafs '\u25a0: to : i&nd"\u25a0.' from'- Atlanta. -./In-" connection '-^ with which \u25a0' through Pullman tickets ; are sold.- ;Fincßt"r 'Day Coaehts. v'.«Buffetv::.Par.*ur-' Car :.\u25a0' '-~ Service between -; : ; Washlnrtoh. Southern Pines, .and =; Hamlet, /"leav-i Ing: t .Washington ?.;.-Mondays. ~ ;Wednes^i : days,": and \ Fridays ; returning." leave Ha ra- Uet'-Tueadayß.'iThuradays.iandiSaturday^ CafoCar»[on^ali>tbrough;trainß. •>•-•- '-- ' W. J. MA*. City Ticket ;/Ajjenu |;!J»P4BiiiiU».ipiimdt>Piwwiuier;-A««iit^ RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG^ ELECTRIC RAILWAY. CAHS'^LEAVS "CORKER >PBRRvNjua*i§ ". ;-'\u25a0< SEVENTH^STREETS.r2^IAN»^Sp| ' . , : CHSBTEH. , * : .' . Every "\u25a0hour:; from 39 ?A.""3tf.ltoo10 ap>&i>*aaSl Last car ll^to P. M. ; l^££ ; ,;V;CARSs:t.EAyE PEVTERJJBURO- - " ' ' \u25a0 SJ •; Minutes- :'Af terJEveejculloiM.: t roxaitJill %£&"-' A. St. : to 10:30 P. M. J^, Xrhasi 1 902. New Year, - Compliments of .;_.-•- : the season. 1 ; * Mofhcitnefs Economy Store. The Season 's Greetings. Walter D.Moses & Co. extend to their patrons their most \u25a0 cordial thanks for a year of unexcelir ' ed prosperity, and their best wisiies for the NEW YEAR. .<v.

the Mofhcitnefs *^ -. llC^llniinr^ Economy Store. › lccn › sn85038614 › ... · and has been- incorporated "in West Vir-ginia, vdth a capital of$3,000,005. New Work.— Nat Salisbury,

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Page 1: the Mofhcitnefs *^ -. llC^llniinr^ Economy Store. › lccn › sn85038614 › ... · and has been- incorporated "in West Vir-ginia, vdth a capital of$3,000,005. New Work.— Nat Salisbury,





Opcnlnj; of <'ie »w Addition of the

Club Celebrated a< tlie Santo Time,

nic Governor nnd Ttto Ejc-Govcr-

nors Anionsr tbc Gnentw.



IFjSSICI) thaws'

liEff MAJM-STa££r4UfiJ^November »», 100-.

: \u25a0KICMiibAO., , ,(

7:45 A. M Except Sunday. NewportNews Local. All stops.

O-oo A.>M. Daily, lor Old Point, New-port News, and Norfolk,v. Two

! .hours and twenty-five minutes to-^•-Norfoltl. Stops Williamsburß New-port N.ms, Hampton.^and Pho«bu»only. Parlor car R:cbmonu to OldPoint ;/."; ,--\u25a0 \u25a0"" -.v*'.-

" .. \u25a0:,>

4:00 P.I'M. Dally, except Sunday, totOld Point. Newport News, ardNorfolk.. Two- hours and twen.y-

five minutes to Norfolk. Stops Wll-iiamsburg. Newport News, anuHampton only. Buffet Parlor car.Gordonsville to ;Old Point. Con-nects at Newport N^ws on Mondays. Thursdays. Fridays. an<»

\u25a0 Saturdays.- with M.ard M.steamer•to Baltimore: at Old Point-:. withWashington, Baltimore, andCap*Charles stes-mrs; at Norfolk wlih

:. Old Dbminiuft"

6team»rs for NewYork. .

5:OO p. M. Dall>v for Newport New»and Old Point. On Sunday cn>>

; connects' for Norfolk. Makes pr»n-cipal stopt.lUINLINE WEST-BOUND. .

10:10 A. M. Local. Kxcept Sund&y; for... Clifton Forge; connects for Orang-e.Culpeper. Calverton. and Manas3aa.

2:00 P. M. Daily. Cincinnati and Louis-ville Express. Buffet Parlor Car.

'\u25a0 to Gordonsville. Pul(man SleepersGordonsville to

' Cincinnati, -and-\u25a0 Louisville. Dining Car 6ii at Gor-

don3vile. Connects for Virginia

Hot Springs. A local train fromGordonsville to Staunton follows• for local. stations, except Sunday.

0:15 P. m. Except Sunday. Accommoda-tion to Doswell. . .'7:00 p. M. "St. Louis and Chlcngo Soe-cial." Daily, with Pullman cars;Richmond to Cincinnati; Gordona-vil!e to Indianapolis, and St. Loula.Parlor car Cincinnati to Chicago.Dining car on at Gordonsville.JAMES-RIVER DIVISION.

10:20 A."M. Daily, for Lynchburg. Lex-ington, and Clifton Forge, exceptSunday, for Rosney. Alberene. and. New Castle. Parlor car.

5:15 p. M. Except Sunday, to Bremo.ARRIVE RICHMOND.

From Norfolk and Old Point. 10:05A. M., and C:3O P. M. daily; 11:«A. M. and 7:20 P. M.. except Sun-day.

MAINLINE.From Cincinnati and the West. 7:45A. M.. daily; and 3:30 P. M.: daily.Local. 8:30 A. M.. except Sunday,and 7:10 P. M.. except Sunday.JAMES RIVER DIVISION.6:35 P. M. Dally and 8:10 A. M.. ex-cept Sunday.

Apply at. 809 east •Main' street. 903 eastMain street. Murphy's Hotel. JeffersonHotel.

'and Main-Street Station for fur-

ther Information, rates, tlcket3. and Pull-man reservations. \u25a0

-, -. W. O. WARTHFN.--District Passenger Agent.

C. E. DOTLE. H. W. FULLER.General Manager. Gen. Pass. Ajjent.

or Pike. ,Hundreda bt negro presidentsnay^ been oiucieu to leave Uiese counuesdurinu uic punt tmeo inoauuj, btaiiti;Bervcu: wiin luuices jsujtpoacu 10 emanaUnorn "\\niiiicaj)"</r&uiiiz«aioni«; . .\u25a0

Waehlnston.— Ti.v 2va\y Department* or-uorea-ivoar-AOijiutil i'naip Couptr 10 taecuiuiiianu 01 tti'i oyuUieru uiviojon or" tneAfiinuc fauiuon, to jjiicceed \u25a0 Aumirai

who wim UetacncU on Monday,yXying to; sicknvhs.

>\ Honolulu.— Thomaui T. Fortune, speciallabor cotnnU&i?i<jner, appoint ed \u25a0by isec-l'ciary ojiavv to \lslt Urn jt'ui.ippincs andJiUvN.iilau isiuiidb. is nerc." 111 an lntor-Vitw 111 uio biar \u25a0 tiv suyo: "ibelieve tneijiiporiaiioii oi. iit;gtuccs here ".lorms-.'aimCuiiil soiutlua vi vie dhaculty wnichunuvuiuatiiy loiions tne 'aoaorn-ion 01tropical oi-fctnu- tropical counints byiho UJUivd btatts. in the tjoutheiiibtatcs and in in« Caroilnas the negro

nmue the inuusiries .-wnat tney are." ."

Schcncctady. N. \'.—Yv'iillam Potter, thememoer yicompany' i\&ccuiid-i-iegiinent,-.v>iio was 'oxiJeliJo irom tlic «ocal painters'uiuoi:. t>>.t.'auf;o ol liis-,'i>Srvjce in liio nuu-ituu .railway striiv*:. was

"reinstated by. tiiul

iirfianizauon, "niur.o'jiatejy :ipi-"icU to "nislonrivr cJTipiojVra 10 re-eini»»uy.-'hinj. lusrequest was acc»uVd io, aiid iio was pat"to work.

Madrid.—Notification of the. conclusionof an arbitration treaty between Spainand Uruguay was gazetted.

Washington.— Tho Navy Department hasdecided that Admirals Crowninshield and£umncr> shall return to their forn/cr sta-tions afici- the close of the winter ma-noeuvres in USo Caribbean Sea. t

Akron, O..—A combination has been ef-fected of the shrift and Polo companiesof tho country. The company will be asthe Pioneer "Pole and Snaft Company,and has been- incorporated "in West Vir-ginia, vdth a capital of $3,000,005.

New Work.—Nat Salisbury, controllingpartner. in the Buffalo Bill Wild "WestShow, died at his liomo in Long Branch,aged 57 years. _,

New York.—Joseph L«. Mcßirney, trea-surer of the National Dead Company^died, of pneumonia.

Badford. Pa.—

At Olivcdale, asmall '"hamlet near Bradford, Mrs.Edward' Burdick shot John Ryan deadin defence of her honor. A coroner's jury

returned a verdict- of justifiable homicide.

Pueblo, Colo.—Six persons .were killed Ina wreck on Ihp Colorado Southern Rail-way, near Trinidad. . ...'\u25a0

St. Louis." MO.—Charles G. Warner.\u25a0vice-president and general manager of theMissouri Pacific road, was stricken witha sudden attack of illness.

Pittsburg. Pa.— Notices will be, postedthroughout ihe Connellsville coke regions,granting the 10.000 employees of the^FrickCoke Company a voluntary., advance . inwages, averaging S per cent.

Mexico City.—The resignation of Gen-eral Reyes, Minister of War. has causeda decided sensation in political circles.

The immediate cause of his resignation

is said lo have been articles appearingin La Protest, 'a newspaper. . whicn vio-lently attacked Finance Minister Liman-tour," and which articles were attributedto a near relative of General Reyes's,though this is denied by the person con-cerned.

Schedale In ElTecf, sovl 30r 10©a. ...TUAIAS LEAVE*ItlCllMO.>l>r-Bir»»V

STUEHT STATIOX.»160 A. JI.. NORFOLik liTMi-T'fD®Daily. Arrives Petersourg. -3:31 s\u25a0*££&: iI.-Norfolk'll:2(>A:.M-VStop^onW|ij4

',- at ";Pttersburs.-. Waverly. and S^-,;;•:RO A. Dally. Arrives Peter sburt^;

9:13 A. M./ Emporla;lo:42.A; >«*?' <\u25a0.Vveldon 11:22 A.

'M.. FayettevllW^A$£ 7P.-."'M.;7P.-."'M.;- Charleston^ U:la &**W.. \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0.- m:.'-y^vj..^ ih"\u25a0r-"'-^^^&msk

sonville 9:<S A. M.. Tampa u:00;»r;<M..-Port -Tampa 7:30;P.: 311-:i v̂l*^v

I*^ing'Goidsboro^-Ss'p. llC^llniinr^

.ton 5:45 P. M.Pullman sleeper Weil ,j;\u25a0 *.; \ol'n. ivJaJi\3Ui*n i.ic.

- ;." "~\;;' f

IZiiVp. .M.- Du»ly. arr—;ng Fete/sburg-^. 1:CO JK AI. c«":r.cct.«-.»th NocfolH-v;-

and V^3tv>—., raiiwa> ;for:RoanoK«r ;!

anH intermediate rointa.'' Stops ali• -DVewry'3 Vi\iZ,"Cehtralia: >n« g

:3:0O IVM.^OCEAX SHOltr: t.IMITE^:^I/aiiy.'Arrives: Petersburg 3:30 F-!Mr. Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops onlJ j

\u25a0'-.--;. at Petersburg, Waverly. a::d aci-.-.h-'folk.'-,:.}: \u25a0


: -: - -;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::.:• -.-p%i

4:10 P. M.vDally. except Sundny. -Ar» .irives Petersburg 4:53 P. n-vV*61:'don -6:54 P. :M.. and Rocky Mourn8:10 P. m.: Makes all intermedlaU ;

5:5« P.-.M.- Dally.: Arrives Petersburij. «:4S P. M. Makes all stops.

,^.^V-;•C:5« P. M. FLORIDA AND WEST 1N« ,;. l.i-v..' . ..- ,/ u.-^'. .n\vs. -.:\u25a0Petersburg 7^2 P. M." Connect! ,

. wiit>..sui.olk untl vVesieiT. ioc"i>or- t;::foU-- im.-t ?->t?—nci\ -»»v; r->!r>r-- &?!'/•£porla SM3 P. M. (connect3with At^v •

ittiu;u aiixi .uaiiviiit. 101* s.i:itioiia-ibe- .;£\u25a0f" t-n-^f-n h;rT>r>pri-» i'ntV L1'"'"""'L1'"'"""'*I*-"-

ville); Welclon 9:09 P.. M.. Wilmlnj* \u25a0;ton 10:10A. M.. F.ivettevlll« 12:47 A, \u0084,

M.. Charleston 5:;5 A. M,. Savanj-nah 7:55 A. M.; Jacksonville l:0lc ,P. M.. Tampa 10:00 P. M.,- Port -;Tampa 10:3J P.M. •

«-- :

i\i^w. i.iiNri VO MIDDLHs;\u25a0 GEORGIA POlNTS— Arriving;Au-,:?;

gusta 8:25, A. Mv Macon 11:23. A. iS-Vv-Atlhr.ta 1:0.' P. M. Pullman sle«pe»; :,N"ew York to Wilmington. Charley;;:,

'ton. Port Tampa. jacKsonville.'Aa* ;

gusta, and^JlaCon. Dlnlngrcar set*vice.- -. ".'.- .\u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0 :"-':.': ':>'""-::-\

0:35 P. -M. Dailvv Arrives Petersburg >-10:15 P. M. "Connects at Petersburg::with Norfolk and Western rail- -,way. arriving Lynchburg 2:40:A- :

M.. Roanoke 4:45 A.-M-. Bristcl::10:40 A. M~ Pullman sleeper Bicb-;

1 monJ to Lynchburg.,' —^ .11:30 p. m. Daily. Arrives Petersburgr

12:10 A. M :. "":-'.TK.vns AimiTE KtCHKOSO. k

4:07 A. M. Dally. From JackaonvllH*

\u25a0bavannah. C'hariVbioii. Atlanta. ,Macon. Augusta, and. all pomtiSouth. , - ' •

7:35 A. M. Daily. From PetersburftsLynchburg. and the West. ,"

B:4S A. M. Daily, except " Sun/ iy-1-Petersburg local. \u25a0 , ..'

11:1O A. St Dai.y, except Sunday. I*ron»;Rocky Mount and Intermediate sta«tlons. Norfolk, and Suffolk.

'11:1O A. M. Dally. From. PetaraSurfc »

Suffolk, and Norfolk. . - -.11:42 A.-M. Daily. From Norfolk. Sirf* .

folk, and Petersburg.. . - ;2:«o p.-m. Daily. -From Petersburg

Ronnoke, and interrrvdiate pointy \u25a0

«:5O p. EM. Dally. From Norfolk, Sut+ ;.• folk, and Petersburg. \u25a0 •;'- \u25a0-..J-'iV__*;::7:4.1 P. M. Dally. From Miami. Por* ;. Tampa. JacksonviH**. Savannah^

Charleston, Wilmlneton. Golds- .boro'. and all points* South.,;. .-. . .-,!

8:50 P. :M. Daily. From -Peterst«ir«r r-Lynchbure. nnf' \\'f>*-.- \u25a0 » -\u25a0'-~

H. M. EM»rERSON,\u25a0-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; TralUc Manager.

VT. J. CRAIG. ,v -i^:.. . v vGeneral Passenger Agent. • - •V . C. S. CAMPBELL.. \u25a0. Division Passenprer Agent. -\u25a0':\u25a0... -.

Jal4 S3S Vnst 'Main street.: .


4M*^iE"' Som BOSTON'^Plr? Direct to theH^^sU^ AZORES. GIBRALTAR'\b»S»£|&sg ENOA'NAPLES de


BBRShiinlpiri;:Llne-•"ComnumwerltV1Twin Screw, 13,000

tona, Jan. 3, FeD. 14. Mar. 38. •'Van-couver," Jan. 10 F«b. ii. "New Eng.land," Twin Screw, I^4oo tons, Jan. ifrFeb. 28, Apl. 11. "Cambroman,"Jan. 31,Mar. 14. tend for rates and illustratedbooklet., "These steamers touch at Algiers anaare the largest in Mediterranean servi:9.


"Merion," Jan. 17, t P. M.Saloon, $50 to $65 upward, ad Saloon,

$40. 3d Clasß at low rates. For steame rplans, «tc, address, Dominion Line, Bostoa

itmay. be assumed that .the mimic engnge-

ments and working out of hypotheticalproblems will be- anxiously watched byRussian and French naval men In the farEast. \u25a0 ,In Japan Great. Britain has an efficient

and wel! equipped maritime ally. Japan'sshipbuilding programme, begun on -thepayment of the Chinese war indemnity,will giveher by-April,1904, four first-classbattleships of 15,240- tons each, six first-class armored cruisers of 9,200 tons.^eacii,

three second-class cruisers of 4.850 tons,each, two third-class cruisers of 3,200 tonseach, arid ;a"-proportionately -strong fleetof. torpedo boats and destroyers. To theabove vessels, in getting at Japan's ag-gregate naval strength, must , be addedthe forty-three cruisers and gunboats andthe twenty-six torpedo boats she possess-ed at the close -of the war with China. .

Japan has gone about her programme ofnaval expansion most intelligently,and Inone very Important reg-ard she has showna foresight and consistency that mightwell put our statesmen to the blush. Fullprovision has been made for an increasein personnel to keep pace with the in-crease, of ships, so that the day a newvessel Is ready for servict she can besent to sea,' ifneed be, with her:fu!l com-piement of officers and men. "f- "fes^Old Dominion

p^^ Steamsfiip Co.DAILY UHE FOR HEW *ORXt THS


BW mm 3M \u25a0-

__,__ . \u0084..


Sailing. Wednesdays at 10 A. M.Philadelphia. Dec. 31 1Philadelphia. Jan. 21St. Paul Jan. 7iFriesland Jan. 2S

Red Star Line.NEW" YORK—ANTWERP—PARIS.:. Sailing Saturday at 10 A. M.

Kroonland Jan. 3 IFinland Jan. 17Zeeland......Jan. 10 IVaderland....Jan. 24

Piers 14 an d^ 15," North river,Office, 73 Broadway. N. Y.

W. 11. PALMER & CO.,my 15, 'SB-Tu,Th&Sat Richmond.

R* F, &P. RAILROADSchedule lv Effect Jfov,- 30, 1002.



4:15 A. M; bally from BYRD-STREETSTATION, for Washington and


Stops at Milford. Fred-: ericksburg. and .Alexandria. Stopa

Occoquan Sunda3;s~'- Sleeping Cars,

to ,Washington and New. York.Dining-Car. ".

- " :~*".z~- ' '": :

.6:45 A: M. Daily.-from MAIN-STREETSTATION,"- Florida and-Metroprtll-• tan Limited, for Washington nrdbeyond. Stops at <Fredericksburg

/ . and Alexandria. .Buffet Sleeping-;. Cars to New, Y6rk.r: .;\u25a0-.-•'. : ..-'\u25a0;.

7:00 A. M:Except Sunday.Vfrom ELFASTATION, accommodation for Ash-land and intermediate points. ;.,

8:00 A? M. Sunday onlyr from - liYRD-'STREET STATION, for;-Washing-;

' ' lon. and beyond. -Stops sat -Elba;Glen Allen. ; and local stations.Ashland to Cherry Hill inclusive.. Negley, Occoquan, and iilexandns.

';. Buuet'Parior Car. . \u25a0•'"-" -\. .8:40 A.M. Except Sunday, from BYRD-

STREET STATION, for..'.Vashinn-ton and beyond. Stops at Elba,

den Allen, and local-rtations, Ash-land to Alexandria, inclusive. Par-lor car.'v .. , ... ,~

12:O5 Noon. Except Sunday, from BYRD-S"REET STAiaON. fur Washing-ton, and. beyond.. Stops at Elba.Ashland. 'Doswcll. Milford, Fred-,ericksburg. arid BuffetParlor Car." -Connects with Con-

: ~ gressional \u25a0Limited;,*;OO P M. Except Sunday, from BYRD-STREET STATION.: accommoda-tion for Fredericksburg and inter-mediate points.

B:fC P. M. Daily, from MAIN-STREET;STATION, for Wasnington and be-

-. yond. Stops at Doswell. Frede-ricksb-Tg. Brooke. Wide water, and

'- Alexandria. Buffet Sleeping Car toNew York. ; '; \ '\u25a0'_'\u25a0

0:25 P M. Except Sunday, from ELBA-STATION. Accommodation for- -Ashland '-and "intermediate points.-

S-0.1 P. M. Daily; from BYRD-STREETSTATION, for Washington and be-yond. \u25a0"'\u25a0 Stops' at Elba. Ashland.Doswell, Milford, Fredericksburg.Brooke, -Widewate-, Quantico, andAlexandria. Stops at other sta-tions .Sunday. Sleeping Car Rich-mond to New York and Washing-ton to Philadelphia. ;

11:15 P. M. fcxeept Sunday, from ELBA"STATION. Aocommqdation forAshlaiid and intermediate points.


-:-," '

C-40 A. M. Except Sunday, at ELBA- *STATION Accommodation fromAshland and intermediate polnt3.

800 A M. Daily, at BYRD-STREETSTATION. Stops at Alexandria,Occoquan. Widewater. Brooke.Fredericksburg, Milford. Doswell.4shland. and Kli-a. Stops at otherstations Sunday. Buffet SleepingCar New York to Richmond. ..

8-25 A. M. Except Sunday, at BYRD-'STREET STATION. Accommoda-


tion from Fredericksburg and in-termediate- points.- - '" - -' \u25a0


in.ni v M. Except Sunday, at BI'RD-STREET STATION. Stops at lo-cal stations, Washington to Ash-land inclusive. Glen Allen and Elba.Parlor car.

205 P. M. Daily, at MAIN-STREETSTATION. Stops at Alexandria,Lorton, Occoquan. Quantico. Fred-ericksburg Milford. Doswell, and. Ashland. Buffet Sleeping Car fromNew York.

e-OOP. M. E-J.cept Sunday, at FLBASTATION. Accommodation from'•" Ashland and Intermediate points.""

6-io P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREET"STATION. Stops at Alexandria,Fredericksburg, Doswell, Ashland.and Elba. Sleeping cars from NewYork fc-nd Washington. Dining tar.

000 P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREETSTATION. Stops at Alocandna andlocal stations, Quantico to Ashlandinclusive. Glen Allen and Elba. Buf-fet Parlor Car.

10-20 P. M. Daily, at MAIN-STREETSTATION. Florida and Metropoli-tan Limited. Stops at AlexandriaFredericksburg. and Dosweli. Biif-

.__ fet Sleeping Cars from NewYork.11:00 P. M. Except Sunday, at, ELBA

STATION. Accommodation fromAshland. .'"W. P. TAYLOR,Traffic Manager.

: W. D. DUKE. General Manager...-;\u25a0; E. T. D. JIYERS. President.

The snntinl reunion and Christmas eel-I cbraiion. of the Westmoreland; Club, thfe

slfiest zr.3 most famous organization Inthe city, was had last night fl.t the liand-aoac Quarters of the organization, at

Sixth arid Grace streets, and was oneor the m^st memorable in the long listof/such celebrations. It/was also the ior-inal opening cf the recently completed

addition to the clubhouse, and was inevery way a njost auspicious one.

The': Westmoreland numbers among itsmembership many men prominent in the(justness,; political,and socisl circles of thecity, and, inueed, of tho entire State.

, 'Xkere was a liberal representa.tio:s of

\ tho membership presc-nt last night; andI many guests from this city and from va-i nous portions of the State. When one

looked over the assemblage it eecrn-ed thai, it -.would be easier to say whotrere not there. tha.sl who were, for therenr.:st have been, five hundred din-ers, among whom were many of tnemen who have contributed to the growthand development of Richmond and Vir-SiiUa..

Among so many and. in such an infor-n-al graiherins it is dinicult to-sinplc; outthe prominent ?rentleme:i present. The. oc-casion was marked, by the presence ofGovernor Montacrue and two of lour sur-viving ox-Governors.; of. the- State— Hon.Charles" T. O'Ferrall "and General Fitz-bugh Lee. There '.were present", nlso Con-gressmen H. D. Flood and John Lamb,arid majiy othc-rg prominent- in publicUfeJia this State, not to attempt to men-tion tfc>many '. -well-kjiown


sentiemen there.The cafe and dining-room had been

combined into a great ba.nquet hall for theoccasion, and accommodated with someoeffrc-e of comfort the great gathering.The entire building- was -thrown open and-ivas brilliantlylighted and gracefully dec-orated with cut flowers, potted plants,and "waving-" palms. Behind a bank ofp.nims a string orchestra was stationed,KtiJ made, music during- the evening. Theassembly hall, adjoining the other rooms,\u25a0was -thrown open and the guests-overfl-owed into that.

AN OLD FASHIONED DINNER.The dinner was on tne order of an old

fashioned barbecue, roast shoat. lamb,sr.d other meats, salads and all that goes10 make up a sumptuous menu of a din-ner on a large scale being served in a.very informal manner. Allkinds of winesand drinks were served in the wine-room,ss Was c-pc-nogg. the great Christmasdrink of Virginians.

Everything was informal, dellghtfullybo, there being no set speeches nor toasts.A few responded to "persifiant calls' forspeeches; songs, and stories, and manyraconteurs regalea appreciative groupsof listeners with well-told stories. Themale members of the Bijou MusicalComedy Company were present by spe-cial invitation of the club management.Manager Jake Weils refusing to acceptany- proffered .'compensation,; as did the

% entertainers in this clever bevy of en-tertainers an<l good fellows. They contri- :buted no small part to tli© entertainmentof the guests and hosts, and -werefavorites.

" • ..." "

POLK MILLER THERE.Polk Miller was present and delighted

the assemblage with his clever storiesand stage songs, and Captain FrankCunningham contributed notably to theentertainment, singing several solos'. Rev.Dr. Edward N. Calisch was present andresponded to calls with a 'happy talk, in\u25a0K-hich he told an anecdote with an ap-plication and told it very effectively;

Many others sang songs and there werochoruses, informally,.'started and joinedin by the company. A spirit of delight-ful» bonhomie characterized the occasion.in<2 the hours were delightfully spent.The era In the history of the old and,'emous club was aonropriatc-ly comm^no-fateg.

* " ------Rleliijiomler* in Gotham.

NEW YORK. December 24.—(Special. )—iFollowing are the Richmohders register- :ed to-day in Nc-w York: i

Waldorf, V. G. Davis and wife, D. Ax-teU. .ilarlborough. G. TT. Painter.

LATEST FROM THE WIRES.Charleston. S. C.—Lawrence Williams. "vas shot and instantly killed by his bro-

ther. Itichard "Williams. Both are color-ed.

Chattanooga. Tonn.— Announcement wasmade that the wages of engineers.'fire-men, conductors;': trainmen, and stationemployees ox" the "Alabama Great South-ern have been increased from- 5 to 10 percent., effective December 1.

London,—William Waidorf Astor haspiven J150.000 to build;a new .out-patient

\u25a0 4epartnient for the Hospital for SickChildren, in Great Ormond street. Itwilibe dedicated to tiie memory or "his daugh-ter-Gwendoline, who died recently.

Berlin.—The German cruiser Sperber ishurrying pr.'-pa rations" to sail from Kielfor .Venezuela about New-Year's Day. ;

Parlt?.— The police, of the city haveseized the papers of Jean de la Mar,manager of the Klondike Mining Com-pany. He is suFpvcted of irregular pro-reedingp. The company is. a Paris, con-cern, and all the parties interested arcFrenchmen. Three arrests have beccnmade.

Jackson. Miss.—Governor L- ong inofestied a proclamation offering $50 reward'.or the' arrest and conviction of any per-lon who forces a. necrro to lr-nw ftliherSof:he counties of Lincoln, Amite. Franklin.

The Eißht-Honr Day.

(New York Times.)

The insistence of organized labor uponthe eight-hour day could be made a prac-tical Ipsup, with very little opposition, ifthose who vv-oiit it would demonstrate thatit is economically possible in the present

condition of industrial and commercialcompetition. On this subject the Iron Age

offers a very good suggestion by proposingthat labor shall prove its contention thatthe eight-hour day would not place em-ployers granting it at a hopless disad-vantage by selecting -works sufficiently,representative to make the test a. fairone. and saying to the proprietors in ef-fect:"We want the oight-hour day. Wedo not. hovrcver, want to ruin you. ami

we perfectly understand that if we do sonot "only willjtve lose our jobs, but weshall have established an unanswerableargument against the eight-hour system.Consequently, we make you this proposi-

tion: Taking present average output asthe standard of what is satisfactory andprofitable to you. and present cost perunit of product as low enough to_enableyou to meet existing competition, wepromise, if the eight-liour day is given .1

throe months' trial, to demonstrate thatyour production will not diminish per"unit of labor nor the labor cost increaseper unit of production. Ifwe establishour contention, you agree to continue theeight-hour day permanently; ifwe do not.we agree to "conform in hours of labor

to what is customary in our trade. We

will look after your interests, at least tothe extent of protecting your interestsagainst injury from any cause for whichlabor ie responsible." -



Steamers leave Norfolk for BostonTUESDAY WEDNESDAY. FRIDAYand' SUNDAY-a*. <> P. M.; for ProvidenceMOJNUAY. THURSDAY,- and SATUR-DAY at O P. M.

Accommodations and cuisine unsur-passed.

Passengers and freight taken for allNew England points. •

Tickvts on sale at Chesapeake and Ohioand Norfolk nnd Western r.-...way officesand 819 east Main street.

R. H. WRIGHT, Agent.ap 30 NoTfOik. Va..

Schedule in Effect NovVsO, 1002.,LEAVE RICHMOND (DAILY),BYKD-


rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M.Stops onlyat Petersburg. Waverly. and Suf-' -folk. Stops at Wakefleld only to

"let off passengers holding ticketsfrom Richmond and Petersburg.

0:00 A. M.. THE CHICAGO EXPRESS,for Lynciiburg. ±toanokV\ cmum-bus, Cincinnati, and Chicago.Buffet parlor car Petersburgto Roanoke. Pullman sleeper Koa-noks to Columbus and Bluetield to

-Cincinnati: also, for Bristol, Knox-ville. and Chattanooga. Pullman. \u25a0• steeper KoanoKe to- Knoxville.

12:2O P." ;M.. ROANOKK -EXPRKSS. forFarmville. Lynchburg, Roanoke.and intermediate stations.

I:OOP. M., OCEAN SHORE LIMITEDArrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops'only at

'Petersburg. Waverly. andSuffolk. Connects at Norfolk witheteainers to Boston, Providence,

New York. Baltimore, and Wash-

6:56 P. M., for Suffolk, Norfolk,and ln-• terni r-rilaie stations. airives at

Norfolk at. 10:40 r-. .M.0:35 P. M., for Lynchburg and Roa-

noke. Connects at Lynchburg with- 'Washington and Chattanooga Lim-


ited. Pullman sleepers Lynchbursto Memphis and New Orleans.Cafe, parlor,' and observation carsRadford to Attala, Ala. Pullmanslefper between Richmond andLyn^hbt'rg. Berths ready for oc-cupancy at 8:9) P. M. A.lso. Pull-man sleeper Petersburg and Roa-noke.


TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND FROMLvnchbure and the West daily at7:85 A. M.. 1!:OI> P. M.. and H-.r.ii"p. M-: from Norfolk and the Eastat JI:1OA. M., 11:42 A. M.. and«:5O P. M.

Office: &38 Main street.JOHN E. WAGNER.

City Passenger and Ticket Agent.C. H. BOS LEY.... District Passenger Agent.W. B. BBVILL,"

Gereral Passenger Agent.General Offlro: Roanoke. Va. re 2S


RICHMOND AND NORFOLK.The Kew Staamsrs \u25a0\u25a0'....,\u25a0

BSflSDOfi ASD BE^ELEYLeaVC-^'-^^'ind nlgntly at 7 o'clock for


"*at Newport News.li,

both dlrectloi.-.. _rrlvln« at .^f°Ik.-£f. A M.. there tra.T3ferrlng to Naw lorKsteamer, daily..except Sunday. .

Passengers can leave daily, except Sun-.day by Chesapeake ana Ohio raliwny.-at

8-50 A*M. nnd 4 P. M.. or 9 A.M. and*P M by Norfolk and Western railway,,

both lines .connecting at Norfolk with di-rect steanfprs sailing same day. i

Freight for all northern, eastern, andforeign ports rpcelyed and forwardeddaily except Sunday, at company s wharf(foot- of -Ash street). Rockctts. £;":

Tickets on saJ« at company' 3office. No.ITeast Main street: Richmond TransferCompany. No. no east Main,street; Mur-phy's ITotel: Chesaneak* and Ohio, andRichmond and Petersburg depots, and, atcompany's wharf. Richmond. Bagca«»

checked through to all !«>>"'«• %Local fares between Richmond ,ana

Norfolk." Newport News. Old Point, andHampton, $2.50; to Baltimore and Wash-ington, S4.CO. . "

Round trio fare between Richmond andNorfolk 54.50. Time limit. 10 days. Abovefares inclue stateroom berth between Nor-folk and Richmond. Meals. Table d'hotdj50c Richmond to New .York; all water, Orrail and water. $?.00. Limit. 3days. Roundtrip. $14.W. Limit. SO days, includingmeals and stateroom berth. . >

JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. ;;1212 east Main street, Richmond. VaJ

J. J. BROWN. General Passenger AgtifcH. B. WALKER, Traffic Jlgr., N. T.

'\u25a0 do 24 . . ;;\u25a0;: \u25a0\u25a0-, \u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0-;-::'


Via C. & O. Railway andOld Point

A Cliristlnn's Defence of SmokinGf.Chronicle.)

One of Melbourne's historic buildings.Bishop's Court, the official residence ofthe Anglican prelate, is about to be <la-molishea and to giv.-j place io a more up-to-date structure. In its garden is theoidest gum tree In Australia, declared bythe late eminent botanist. Sir Ferdinandyon Mueller, to date from the sixteenthcentury- Under this old tree was -the fa-vorite scat and open air

'study of Dr.Moorhouso, now Bishop of Manchester,during the ten years that he occupied theSec of Melbourne. A lady visitor havingonce supprested that -tobacco' was. of Sa-tanic oripin. Bishop Moorhouse replied:"Pnrdon m«?. madam. Ismoke, and 1ama better Christian for doing so. Do yo.r

road my letters in the.- papers?" The lady

answered that she did. with pleasure. "Doyou ever see anything discourteous or un-kind in them?" "Certainly not; Ioftenremark "now. well you keep your temper.'.""Well, madam, the first drafts-, of 'theseletters contained the most cutting thingsIcould think of. "Then "I-'would go an.lsit on the butt of that old gum tree, lightmy pipe, and- have a quiet smoke. Afterthat I'would •\u25a0 return to the house an-1strike out every Hue that might givepsin to others. So. you sec. smokingmakes mo a better Christian." U. S, MAILROUTE,

Leave Richmond via Chesapeake andOhio railway daily, except bunday, al4 p M-. connecting at r'Ul Point withthe supvrb steamers c? the OMHay Line:leaving at 7:13 P. M., arriving Baltlmor*0:30 A. M.. in time to make connectionwith all trains North. East. ar.J-WestSnort rail ride and all night on oi« 01tha finest steamers In southern :water*.::Returning, -arrive Richmond 10 'A- -M.1dally, exevpt Monday. \u25a0\u25a0

Kissed to Death Unintentionally.

On the arrival of the Australian sol-dters.at Melbourne from the seat of war.they were welcomed by a. crowd whoseenthusiasm the police were quite unableto.stem. The female portion was particu-larly demonstrative, the men being inmany instances -.literally torn from ther'ankS'to.be the decipients of a veritablehurricane of favors . from the fair lips.Many were completely overcome, and oneactually fainted under the labial salutesof 300 Victorian. damsels.

Though these victims escaped withoutactual hurt, says the Chicago Tribune,such immunity has not always been thecase. In the autumn of 1900 a doctor wascalled, in to see a young woman who wassaid to be suffering from sn attack ofpleurisy. On examining her, however, hediscovered that one of her, ribs was frac-tured— an injury- which. ,it subsequentlytranspired, she had. received at the hands,or rather at the arms, of her fiance, whohad too ardently embraced her on the oc-casion of their last parting. ,

Betty, the Infant Rosclus. when at thezenith of his juvenile fame,- was on one oc-casion waiKinif with some ladies whenanother bevy of female admirers boredown upon him. and, pulling him away

from his companions, commenced to lav-ish upon him endearments and kisses. Theothers promptly, rushed to their idol'srescue, who

'between the contending par-

ties—each determined to possess the boyactor— was thrown to the ground and somuch bruised and injured as to be una-ble to appear for a couple of- nights.

Insignificant, however, iwas this' mis-charice to the fate that befel M.de Langy.a courtier of the time of Louis XV.. whosesupreme conceit so irritated certain la-dies of the, court that they resolved toinflict upon him. a novel punishment.Feigning one day to be overcome by thebeauty -of his face and person., they fenupon him en masse, hugging and .kissing

the wretched dandy till he cried, "formercy. Deaf to his entreaties, the ladiescontinued their' merciless caresses untilthe object of their mock love—who. In-deed, was but. a

-sorry' weakling—in en-deavoring to .break away;. from theirclutches, broke a blood vessel and died afew days later. \u25a0

Amurath IV.. the Turkish Sultan, sus-pecting one of his ministers of havinguesigns upon vthe sanctity. of his harem,

ordered the culprit: to be kissed to deathby his female slaves. This sentence wasactually carried out. the miserable victimbeing securely fastened'to, the. ground andthen suffocated by the caresses and kissesof his female executioners, who werestimulated to unflagging exertion by theunrelenting rcus of the tyrant's eunuchs.

Musical "lions" seem in especial danger

of this '\u25a0 novel method of 'assault, andmany of our most famous pianists haverun the gauntlet, only to emerge crushedand exhausted from the ordeal.


Japan's Xaval Growth.(Milwaukee Sentinel.)


England has given n fillipto the navalprogress and policy of her Oriental ally.

It is understood that "recent representa-

tions from the British ministry will causethe present Japanese Parliament to decilmost liberally with the navy, and a joint

series of manoeuvres by the British andJapanese fleets off the west coast ofJapan has been arranged for the coming

summer. The condition or actual war winbe reproduced as closely as possible-, and

COMPANY. ggg?<%r_


Appointed sailing days every TUES-^DAY. FRIDAY, and BUNDAY at day-light.' -

-\u25a0- : \u25a0 -^ :r--


Height received -dally' un.U 5 P. M.4 1For further Information applj* to. "r

\u25a0\u25a0.-;\u25a0: J. w/ M-CARkicK. •;

General Southern Agent: Omce.ißoclretts.General Agents. Philadolphia. V

effspring, as well as the vegetation, con-tinuing their sculpture, deepening gorgesnnd sharpening peaks. . Sometimes blend-ing all together, they weave a ceilingfrom, rim to rim, perhaps opening a win-dow here and there for sunshine to streamthrough, suddenly flighting some palace

or. temple and making it flare in therain as ifon fire.

Sometimes, as one sits gazing from ahigh, jutting promontory, the sky allclear, showing not the slightest wisp orpenciling, a bright band "of cumuli willappear suddenly, coming up the canon insingle file, as if tracing a well-knowntrail, passing- in review, each in turndarting its lances ana dropping- its show-er, making a row of little TverUcal riversin the air above the bigbrown one. Otherss«em to grow from mere points, and fly

high above the canon, yet following Itscourse for a long.time,- noiseless, as ifhunting, -then. suddenly darting lightning

at unseen marks, and hurry on. Or.they

loiter here Uncl there as if Idle, like" la-

borers out of work, waiting to be hired.


GOLDRACK.-Died. December 24th, athis residence, 201 east Marshall streetat 7:15 A.'M.. ABRAHAM GOLDBACK;

ns?e .59 years, funeral services will beheld at the Mortuary. Chapel. HebrewCemttpry. at 3:45 THIS (Thursday) AF-TERNOON. ;. .


DTCEfKINS.—Died, December 22nd. at nisregiddnce. HollyBank.rienr FederMsbtirg,.

Md., FRANCIS AUGUSTUS DEEKINS.in:the 77th year of his age.

CRUMP.—Died, at the residence of hisparents, in

'Hnnover; county; DecemßerM.'-'IOO2. PARKE WIT^KERSON CRUMP,infant son of Parke Wllkerson Crump andRowena^Merryman Crump, aged 7 monthsand 24 days. "


DAY LINE. :!=itj._ier FocahouUis 'cave.* %,wty iio.V-


DAI'. WEuNKSOAi'.: and FRUjArgatlSi;:A. .M; for -Norfolk. i\*rtsmoutn. "4Old^^Point. N«wport News. Claremont,%s*an4pSiames-rlver landtngs. 1- and

-connecUng aat^

Did' Point 'and "Norfolk for VVaahJnstonLSS*SBaltimore. "and the- North.- -• •

State-rooms -reserred for the nightmoderate =prices.

" -iElectric-cars direct to the whart Par*'^

only 11.50 and sjl;to Norfolk. -Muilclbrl^Grand Orchestrloa.

';\u25a0 Freight received for,above-named places^and :allapolnts -in Eastern Virginias and Hl*North Carolina. IRVINAVKlsiiJEß^^fe,;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0• \u25a0-:\u25a0•\u25a0:.- T;v;v::.-;General Masairer. ";- E. A..Carber. ?Jr.hS»cretary. r j»tlv'x

« ?S \u25a0

\u25a0... f

9 : - ?)& for past favors and solicitude for future patron- »

3 *%< -/ \.•' \u25a0 : :. -- *

«* * '

•- '' ' „\u25a0- -\u25a0 \u25a0.- vf

62 whose double store is a monument to the generos- +;



r ky.of the Richmond 1public, extends to. his custom-,''

m\u2666'\u25a0\u25a0• . •

"--.:'- . *. • -


? *ers warmest Christmas .greetings and best wishes ;;.; .;\u25a0;\u25a0\u2666\u25a0•

a \u25a0 • •-.--\u25a0\u25a0 T

m for a bright and prosperous. New Year. ?

Mists Thnt Rise Out o£ iixe GfreatGorpre. .

(Ivrovember Century.)Agooa storm cloud, full of lightning and

rain, on its way to its- work on a suriny

desert day, is a glorious object. Across

the canon, opposite the hotel, is a little-tributary of the Colorado called BrightAngel creek. A fountain cloud still bet-

ter deserves the:';namie\j'Angel of theDesert Wells"— clad in bright plumage,carrying-cool shade arid living water to

countless animals and plants ready to per-ish, noble, in. form arid gesture, seeming

able fof anything',v pou ring life-glying vwonder-working floods frorii Its alabasterfountains, as if some sky lake had brok-en. To every gulch'arid gorge on its fa-vorite ground is.given.a passionate tor-,rent, routing-, replying, to the; rejoicinglinhtriirig—stories,'- rtons inJ weight. .hurry-ing^ away as if frightened, showing some-thing,of the way Grand Caribn work is

\u25a0dorie..'. :-'.\u25a0\u25a0'.

"• .'\u25a0• '\u0084 •. '.• .. '. '"' -

Most of the fertile "summer clouds of,the_

canon :ar« of this^s.orl. 'massive, swellingcumuli, crowing rapidly, '"dlsp.layirig de-Helou's tones of ptsrple and gray in;thehollows .of their s'unbeaten bosses. Show-ering "favored areas j.of.,the



scape, and vanishing In an hour or two.3ome;.bus>' and thoughtfuKlobklng* jglide'

,with beautiful motion along; the^mlddle. of;

the canon} in flocks,; turning aside^ here:arid there.llinger Ing/ as Jif !;studying, >the.needs of

'particular Jsp6te, exploring? side;

"canbris." peering- Into follows. like^birds;seeking :nest ;places, ;or;hovering;aloft foh•

outspread Zwlngs-^ -Theyiscan^aH-S the jredij


InMemory of Mrs. Jolin R. "Bedford..>.; Since *she went home—

The evening shadows linger here.The winter days fillso much of the, year.

And 'even summer winds are chill and\u0084 ". drear. • .._-.-' : \u25a0.: .-" '-,


Since she went home.

Since she went home—The robin's note has struck a. minor.strain, \u25a0'; -. .

;fhe old giad songs- breath out a. sad..• refrain—And laughter sobs with bitter, hidden

pain. : \u25a0 .\. '. Since she went home. -..".- ...

''/ Since she went home-7'

How'still the empty rooms her .presence-. -1blessed. 1

<. s~

< '. "•'. *-:... \u25a0

Untouched the pillow that her deaf headv! "'pressed, '

V' --^ * ...

Our' lonely hearts, have nowhere to rest.. .Since she. went home.

....'.:..,..^.:._.-.,:. ;; ..:.\u25a0/>\u25a0..* -:,.-.\u25a0 ,• .>\u25a0-". ;\u25a0;

Since she we>it:homa—Th«:J6ngv;- long days have crept ;away likeiV'^l:years.'^-

~%£\u25a0 ••'\u0084 >i~-'-£.:\

"- '\u25a0\u25a0£; \u25a0\u25a0• > • :-'t'-:'t

'-:'Thei "sunlight ;has ,b**nr' d!mnle<i t*rlt^:

doiibtand fears,' . v.And.the;lbng:n!ghtsjha ;ve rained

«ii« W«it b™; .... ,

M^RAILWAYSchedule In Effect, Dec, 14, 1002.

Tro in* Leave anil Arrive 14th-Stsreet\u2666 Station.


7:0O A. M. No. 7. daily for Danville.Charlotte, and all Jocal stationssouth, connecting at uanvillfi furstations to Lynchburg. also- wltn.D. and W. railway for Martins-

• vllle and stations on that line. AtGreensboro" for all stations eastand v/est thereof. ,

' ..12:50 p. M.. No. 13, limited train diiily,-

for .TacKsonvillQ and all Floridapoints; Havana. Nassau. -etc. Con-nects at Moseley with


and Powhatan railroad; atGreensboro* for Durham. Raleigh,and Winstc-n-Salem; .it Danvillewith No. 35. Unite- Stnte3 fastmail, solid train. . daily, for NewOrleans and points South.' which,

carries Sleepers to New Orleans.Columbia. St.-'annah. and Jackson-ville. Dra wing-Room Buffet SleeperRichmond to Atlanta and Birming-

ham. Througrb coach for ChareCity. Oxford, anu Durha.M. Throughtrain, with Sleeper. Salisbury toMemphis. fining-Car service. "...


:-M.. No. 11. Southern Express.daily. for/Atlanta. Augusta. Jack-sonville, and points South.. Sleeperfor. Danville. Greensboro. Salis-bury,. an(3 Charlotte, open at Rich-mond 9:30 P. M. Connection withNew York and Florida Express andSouthwestern Limited, which car-ries throve to Augusta,

SavaVir- h. J^c'-s"onville. Tampa.Nashville, Memphis. Atlanta. NewOrleans, etc. Complete Dining-Carservice. ~- Also. -Pullman Tourist. - Sleeper Mondays Wednesdays, andFridays Washington to San Fran-cisco, without change, with connec-tions, for all points in'.**xas, Mcxi-- ~ - co, and California.6:00 p. jr.. No. m.r local dally, exceptSunday, for Keysville and fnterme-

\u25a0_ diatc points.


B:«5'A. JIV'- .' : .' \u25a0

\u25a0 ". ';.«:25 P.M.). From At'.anta, Aujriota.

\u0084 Jacksonville. Asheyille. and all-points South.

8:40 a. M.. from Keysvllle, and local\u25a0 \u25a0---:\u25a0' stations. •\u25a0 : <; \u25a0..-; \u25a0\u25a0 --.:..•'•.,..-:. \u25a0:_'."\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.-3:25 P.. -M..- from --Darham. -Charlotte;

Danville, and fnt«rin'"li.ite stations.LOCAL FREIGHT... '.. •-..

Nos. 61 and 62. between Manchester and\u25a0: Neapolis. • ,


LEAVE RICHMOND.4:30 P. M., No. 16, Baltimore Limited,

daily, except > Sundays,--

for.WestPoint. ,Connecting .at West Pointwith steamers for Baltimore .fntiYqrk-river. landings ;Mondays,Wednesdays, and Fridays. ,:

2:15 P. M.. No. 10—Local "express "forWest- Point 'and intermediate sta-tions, Mondays, Wednesdays, andFridays.- Connects with, stage: at• Lester Manor for Walkerton and

••". Tappahannock.'- :•\u25a0-

-.-".;.5:00 A. M., No; 74. locak mixed. Laivrs

daily, except Sunday."for .West;-'*;' Point and intermediate ;stations.connecting with, stage at ; Lester

-. Manor for' Wfllkerton andhannock. / .


0:15 A.fM., No. 15. 'dally, from "West'Point, with:connection from Balti-more; Sundays.. \u25a0Wednesdays, and

: \u25a0\u25a0 Fridays. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

: . ,:\u25a0'...-..".,- ;\u25a0 .'\u25a0•-;-'

10:45 A.,Mi. No. 9—From .West Point. and. '"local stations, Wednesdays-- and,: :'.\-Fridays.- -'"\ ;. :-•'.;•'.-''\u25a0 r- ' . ,\u25a0 : ",^V4:50 P. M.,,daily,rexcept" Sundays, f»*oin,\u0084 -.West /Point and:';^lntermedlate :.ota-'

\u25a0;- . -\u25a0 ttons. ,"\u25a0-\u25a0>-•;•-•.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0'-' :''.'.'\u25a0 :.J:.-:-*''--:'-' \u25a0

. Steamers sail fromlWest Point 5:50. P.;Mi,. 'Mondays* :i.Wednesdays, :varid;.. Frl-,days;and \u25a0 will':call' at*"AUmonds,.Clay-'batik,- and Gloucester Point, v^-' 1 -\u25a0.-*\u25a0;. \u25a0\u25a0-r^'l: r> >:-;\u25a0 -:c. i^v.^westbury;- -_ ;:y- ' 5. . 'District!Paspenger/Agent; u.i ."

\u25a0 M^O^astMain Jstieet^Rlchmondwy^frS..H. IIARDWICK;«. ;.

-. aeheri r-5r-5Passenger^' Afceidt';f


":• •\u25a0%&$

SEABOARDAirLine Hailw/st.

Short line to principal cities of the Southand Southwest. Florida, Cuba, Texas, Cal-ifornia and Mexico, reaching the capitalsof six States.SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 23, 1902.TRAINS .LEAV'B RICHMOND—MAIN-

STREET STATION—DAILY. • .«\u25a0No. 27. No. 31-

2:i5P M. 10:37 P. M.—Lv.Richmond.2:53 P. M. 11:20 P. M.—Lv.Petersburg.6:58 P. M. 4:15 A;M.—Lv.Raleigh.9:35 P. M. 7:15 A. M.—Ar.Hamlet.9:45 P.M. 7:35 A."M.—Lv.Hamlet.7:33 A. M. 4:00 P. M.—Ar. Atlanta.

,1:15 A.M. 11:20 A. M.-Ar.Coiumoia(Eastern Time).;

12:20 A. M. 10:25 A. M.—Lv.Columbia ;-{Central Time).

4:55 A. M. 2:35 P. M.—Ar. Savannah.-9:15 A. M. 7:WJ P. M.—Ar. Jacksonville. :11:^5 A. M. -Ar. St. Augustine. |

G:0O P. M. 6:45 A.M.—Ar. Tampa. j10:32 P. M.- 13:33 A. M.—Ar. Charlotte. j12:51 A.M. 10:30 A.M.—Lv.-Chester.

3:25 A. M. 12:37 P. M.—Lv.Greenwood. !5:5S A.M. 2:52 P. M.—Lv. Athens. • |7:35 A.M. 4:00 P. M.—Ar.Atanta. j

5:40 P. M.—Ai.Augusta! j11:35 A. M. 7.20 P. M.—Ar. Macon. I6:«> P. M. 9:20 P. M.-Ar.Montgomery.

• 2:55 A. M.—Ar.Mobile.-'\u25a0--'\u25a0 7:^5 A..At.—a r.New Orleans8:55 P. M. 1:30 A. M.—Ar. Nashville.SfflA,M. \u25a0 8:20 A. M.—Ar. Memphis.. Train N0..35 leaves Richmond 9:10 A.M.dally for Petersburg. Norllna. N. C.^andall \u25a0intermediate" points.

-Connection at

Norllna with train arriving Henderson2:02 P. M. and Raleigh 3:40 P. Mrdaily,and Durham 4 P. M.daily.except. Sunday.

Connections at Jacksonville for all Flo-rida Eaat Coast points. \ At Tampa forHavana and all points in Cuba. At At-lanta for Montgomery. New Orleans, andall points in Texas. Mexico nnd Califor-nia; .also, for Chattanooga, Nashville,and allpoints west.


6:35 A.M..No. 34 (From all points South4:55 P. M;.No. 6>» |:. and Southwest.5:45 P. M.. No. So, from Noriina. N. C.

'• Petersburg and local points.. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE, fNos. 31 and 34—Seaboard Express. Toll-

man ,~Drawing-Room. -Sleeping-Cars ue-tween New York and

'Tampa.. Vestibuled

Coaches between New York and Rich-mond,: and Richmond fand" Jacksonville.Pullman Sleeping-Cars (daily) betweenJacksonville and Tampa. Also, through"Drawing-Room ; Sleeping-Cars :betweenNew' ton: and Atlanta and* Cale Carsbetween Hamlet and Atlanta and '-'Hamle:*arid Savannah. Tri-Weekly Sleeper betweenWashington and Pinehurst. leavingWashington Tuesdays. Thursdays, andSaturdays: returning. leave; PinehurstMondays, .Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Nos. 27 and 6&~Sea board v Mail.'

Pull-Iman rDra wing-Room Buffet Sleeping-Carsbetween New<Tork and Jacksonville.* con-necting at 'Hamlet -with7 Sleepingr-Cafs '\u25a0: to


i&nd"\u25a0.' from'- Atlanta. -./In-"connection '-^withwhich \u25a0' through Pullman tickets ;are sold.-;Fincßt"r 'Day Coaehts. v'.«Buffetv::.Par.*ur-'Car :.\u25a0' '-~ Service between -;: ;Washlnrtoh.Southern Pines, .and =; Hamlet, /"leav-iIng:t .Washington ?.;.-Mondays.


:days,": and \Fridays;returning." leave Hara-Uet'-Tueadayß.'iThuradays.iandiSaturday^CafoCar»[on^ali>tbrough;trainß. •>•-•-

'-- 'W. J. MA*.City Ticket;/Ajjenu|;!J»P4BiiiiU».ipiimdt>Piwwiuier;-A««iit^


CAHS'^LEAVS "CORKER >PBRRvNjua*i§". ;-'\u25a0< SEVENTH^STREETS.r2^IAN»^Sp|' . ,: CHSBTEH. ,

*: .'.Every "\u25a0hour:;from39?A.""3tf.ltoo10 ap>&i>*aaSl

Last car ll^to P. M. ; l^££; ,;V;CARSs:t.EAyE PEVTERJJBURO-- " ''

\u25a0 SJ •;Minutes- :'AfterJEveejculloiM.: troxaitJill%£&"-' A. St. :to 10:30 P. M. J^,

Xrhasi 1902. New Year,- Compliments of .;_.-•-

• :the season.1; *

MofhcitnefsEconomy Store.

The Season 's Greetings.

Walter D.Moses &Co.extend to their patrons their most

\u25a0 cordial thanks for a year of unexcelir'

ed prosperity, and their best wisiiesfor the

NEW YEAR. .<v.