The Miracle Healing Body - Dr. Paul Anderson · The Miracle Healing Body - Dr. Paul Anderson because I spend my time on the research side. This is kinda poor, but this is showing

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Page 1: The Miracle Healing Body - Dr. Paul Anderson · The Miracle Healing Body - Dr. Paul Anderson because I spend my time on the research side. This is kinda poor, but this is showing

The Miracle Healing Bodyby Dr. Paul Anderson

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Female Speaker 1: So this person that I’m about to introduce I met by happenstance. And how many of you have ever met someone and you just knew right away that you would be instant friends for a long time? You know? Like when you met John Langbine, right? And so we were at a retreat in Sedona and he was our guest speaker. And he is an amazing formulator. And he had tabled this formula and I looked at the ingredients.

And I leaned in, and I said, “You designed this for migraine headaches and PMS, didn’t you?” And he said, “How did you know?” And so I shared a little bit about my educational background and we’ve been great friends ever since then.

So this gentleman is a board certified medical doctor. He is certified to practice medicine in the great state of California and also in Canada. And he is also – and I have to read this title – “He is a diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management.” He is a world renowned expert in natural pain management. And I know firsthand of the thousands and thousands of people he’s worked with. He currently has a brand new clinic in Toronto.

He is able to cure things like migraine headaches without drugs, which is so powerful. And I called up Harvey several months ago. I said, “I live here now. I want to be of service. If you want me to fold napkins or do whatever I need to do to help with the reunion – and he had so much going on with the university, obviously, and Harvey said, “Well, do you know a world class speaker?”

And I said, “I think this person would be amazing because the journey we’re all on to be the best of what we do require us to be as healthy as we can to be able to do it.” So I would love for all of you to get on your feet and welcome an amazing human being, Dr. Paul Anderson.

[Applause] Dr. Paul Anderson: Thank you, Susan, for those kind words. I’ll wait until we get that

up. We get better as we’re going on. Don’t you worry. So when Harvey asked me to speak, the first thing he said to me was, “If I put 100 doctors in the room, how many would agree with you?” And I said, “Usually none, maybe one.” He goes, “Perfect. Can you come?”

So we talked about winning the longevity game. I’m gonna talk about it from a different perspective. I’m gonna talk about it from

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physiology and science, what we know today. And the nice thing is I tried to come up with something that you can all use easily and incorporating it into your lives. I’m gonna talk about a lot of things, but the message is, like Chris’ message was, pick one thing to start with. You don’t have to do it all.

So this is interesting. This is Drew Avery. He’s 52. He was fat and out of shape at 32, won the Bill Phillips’ Body for Life. 20 years later he looks like this. And the reason I put him up, not because he’s a total stud, which he is, but because he’s on a mission to help people with anti-aging. He’s out with a low glycemic exercise message and he’s going around the country. He’s about to launch a new product, new book, so I love him for that.

And I was talking with Susan and we came up with the Seven Secrets to a Lean and Healthier You. And again, looking at Susan – and I wasn’t gonna share her history – I love to hang out with Susan. There’s no filter, so it’s like I was just gonna be very polite and Canadian since she came off the couch. Well, she told you she was bedridden with MS. That was a death sentence. So let’s just be clear about it. She’s supposed to be dead. So she came off the couch.

Not only did she come off the couch. She comes off and looks like this and now she’s out – her mission is to make people healthy and live longer. All right. So let’s just scare you because Harvey and Susan said, “Scare them.” Okay. One-third of you will get Diabetes in this room. And often what I do about this is you’re always looking at the guy next to you, “It’s not me. It will be him or you, but it won’t be me.” But I’m gonna get all of you at the end.

Half of you will get cancer. Now, this is not when you’re old. This is sort of between 40 and 60. Half of you will get cancer. The good news is half of you will survive. The bad news is half of you won’t.

One-third of you will get Dementia. Now, the sad thing about Dementia, we know 30 years ahead of time when it starts. There’s actually new imaging technology and I can actually predict ahead of time who in this room will be the one-third driveling and losing their marbles. We know. So that’s coming. It’s not out yet

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because I spend my time on the research side.

This is kinda poor, but this is showing you the holes in your brain of Alzheimer’s and still one-third of you will get Alzheimer’s. And one-third of you will have a heart attack. And the thing about the heart attack is one-fourth of you will not survive. You’ll have what we call the widow maker. Basically it’s [inaudible] [00:04:44] and you’re done. You ain’t coming back.

So if you think this doesn’t apply to you, as Chris’ messages earlier, it applies to all of you, even in your 40s. This is not old age. This is young people are getting heart attacks. I’m gonna talk about why in a second.

So one thing I want to talk about is how are all these – yeah, you like the guy on the cell phone I put up there? That’s care and love, baby. He’s just loving you. Hey, what’s my inheritance?

So we got to talk about some type of model that makes sense where all these diseases are coming for to allow us to put some strategies in place that are workable. So the first thing is Time Magazine was the first one to figure it out that the secret killer was actually inflammation. And it links all of these diseases together. And what’s amazing is that’s not the only factor, but it’s a factor that allows us to develop an intelligent model for us to do things that really alter our outcome.

And if you see we talked about heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, neurological, cancer, yes, the only thing that’s not up there that should be is strokes as well. So let’s just talk about what’s going on. What does high body inflammation mean? It means that your cortisol levels are sky rocketing and your anti-aging growth hormone is plummeting. And if you walk around in that state you are gonna get one of those diseases. The organism will break down.

Is one pill one cure? You have to realize is we’re a system and you have to look at the system. So what you want to do is not be in this state, which is what we call catabolic state when we were talking about sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a reflection of being in a catabolic state. You want to be in an anabolic state when you have a growth hormone high, cortisol low.

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And that turns over to the magic of aging humans. So I want to explain Chris was talking about [inaudible] [00:06:34] but what it really was talking about was deep belly fat. So there’s someone at 120 pounds, someone at 250 pounds. On the 120 pounds, let’s work from the outside. What do you see on the outside of that body? A little bit of fat. Right? The yellow. And then what do you see? What’s next? Red. Right? Muscle. What’s the white?

Group: Bone. Dr. Paul Anderson: And what do you see sort of in the middle there around where the

lungs are? Hint, lungs. Air. The black is air. Black is good in this case.

Now, let’s look at this person here. Right? 250 pounds. What do you see a lot more of on the outside?

Female Speaker 2: Fat. Dr. Paul Anderson: Right. And they have a lot more what? Muscle because they’re

heavier but look what happened to the organs. That’s deep belly fat. That’s what kills you. That means that you have a high cortisol state, very, very hard to get rid of.

So most of America is playing the anti-aging game, and they’re overweight. Rule No. 1, you can’t play this game if you’re overweight. Fat is very metabolically active. It releases interleukins, which are inflammatory chemicals, but my favorite, it releases a chemical called obesigens. This is diabolical. So the minute you gain a pound of fat, the fat says, “Hey, I guess you want to be fat, Randy. So I’ll tell you what. I’ll make some more.” So your fat actually produces a chemical that makes more fat. And it goes on and on.

So the fatter you get, the fatter you – fat makes you – the more inflamed it makes your body, the more your cortisol drives up, the more your growth hormone drops. Now, remedy, modern medicine is we’ll put you on a diet. Well, UCLA has shown us most diets fail. 95 percent fail.

But Pennington did some research that shows one-third of the weight loss you have is actually muscle. So even if you weigh the same after a diet you are much fatter, which means you’re getting

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higher inflammation, which means you’re getting sicker. Serial diets lose muscle mass much faster than people that don’t diet. So this does not work.

Then we got out and exercise. Does this look healthy? 250 pound guy overweight running around? This is gonna cause a mass amount of body inflammation. This is gonna raise cortisol. This is not a healthy activity at this weight.

And the health diet. This is what most Americans insist on. You may or may not, right? But it’s funny because I do a lot of traveling. So I was traveling – it’s ironic. I’m going to do a longevity talk and there’s a young mother with a son who’s probably 8 to 10 months and with a nanny. And she thoughtfully prepared breakfast. She went to the pizza place at 10:00 in the morning and bought three pizzas. Let’s just sentence the kids to death now. Right? Breakfast for champions, you’re feeding a kid pizza for breakfast?

And this is not isolated. So then I get on the plane and the guy beside me, nicest guy, he was sitting in business class, nicest guy. But he weighs 350. And I’m thinking is he gonna make it? Because that guy kinda looks kinda gray. Is he gonna have a heart attack before I get there? I really don’t want to do CPR and adrenaline at 30,000 feet. I’m kinda hoping he makes it.

But then the flight attendant tries to finish him off and brings around the death tray. So this is lunch. She brings around the tray. Potato chips, candy bars and Trans fat specials. We’re gonna talk about that. So she’s trying to finish him off during flight. Right?

Stress – this was mentioned earlier – stress is gonna be a huge part of our discussion, actually. And one of things you can do very easily that will have a huge impact on your health. Sleep, we’re gonna talk about sleep. Most of you don’t sleep. You don’t sleep enough. And humans think that they can store sleep. Oh, it’s okay. I don’t get a few hours here, a few hours there. I’ll make up for it on the weekend. That’s not we’re designed physiologically. You have to get the same amount of sleep every night. We’re gonna talk about what that means.

Now, I know some of you have kids and that’s a problem. The kids are waking you up every night. I get it. If you can strategize

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with your kids and say, “Just see Mom tonight. I’m gonna sleep. And tomorrow night you can visit Dad,” if you can’t, well, until your family older there’s not much you can do.

[Inaudible] [00:10:36] Well, as my one friend said when they had really young kids, “I don’t have the equipment for breastfeeding so go wake your mother.” Right? So the final thing is a tremendous stimulant use in America now is the way to make up for the lack of sleep and the stress is using a tremendous amount of caffeine. And it’s exploded. When we were kids, you don’t drink coffee as a kid. You weren’t allowed to drink coffee. You weren’t allowed to have anything with high caffeine. Now kids are into these energy drinks.

I’ll tell you large doses of caffeine are neurotoxins. We’re gonna have the stupidest young population. You’re talking about talent. I’m afraid a lot of the talent ain’t gonna be too smart by the time we’re done.

So they make up for it by trying to take medication and supplementation and the end result is a heart attack or cancer. And they’re always surprised. “I don’t know. I’m 100 pounds overweight. I don’t know why this happened to me. I’m not sure. I eat like shit. I don’t sleep. I have massive stress. Why would I ever have a heart attack?”

And this happened to a friend of mine who thought he was playing the longevity game. His gut was over here. He goes inside and has a heart attack. Zip. They whip him into emerg, right? Two stints go into him. The first thing they say to him is, “You need statins.” This came up today in cholesterol and I’m gonna have one controversial thing I’m gonna wander through here. I’m just gonna give you some food for thought because I’m not gonna try and convince you one way or the other. I’m gonna tell you some real facts. Okay?

The theory is cholesterol causes heart disease and that you should be on statins. Great. Okay. Explain this to me. Explain this to me. What this tells you is – this is a graph on cholesterol, saturated fat versus heart disease. Finland, they’re all dying, but the French aren’t. And they consume the same amount of cholesterol. In fact, if you do population studies around the planet, there is zero correlation between cholesterol and heart disease. None.

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There’s countries that have high cholesterol and have heart disease. There’s countries that have low cholesterol and have high heart disease and the other way around, Fact No. 1. Fact No. 2, the theory of heart disease is cholesterol causes heart attacks. Okay. One-half of the people that have heart attacks have normal cholesterol. Hmm. Okay. Half. But they keep lowering the standard, so every year the standard gets lower and lower and lower because they’re trying to get the standard low enough to match the theory.

But if we were in business and we’re wrong half the time, so I’m gonna open up the 50 percent we make it sometimes the airline. So I’m gonna sell tickets. I’ll give you a 50 percent discount. We only rely on 50 percent of the time once you get on my bus. This is a ridiculous theory so you have to come up with a theory that’s different.

Cholesterol has been vilified in this. The thing to think about is inflammation of the coronary arteries. The thing to think about is the initiating event. Now, I’m mostly on the research side. We’ve known that inflammation is the main cause of heart disease for 30 years. You’re not gonna see it for another probably ten or 20 years.

In fact, the measurements we use on the research side hasn’t even hit the public yet. And I have a friend of mine that’s gonna actually do an IPO and start in California the next few years, bringing inflammatory chemical measurement to the general population based on all this. I was giving you facts. You can decide.

But this is even more interesting. This looked at meditation and what it looked at meditation was about approximately 50 percent of people that meditated had reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke and death. Now, if the theory is cholesterol suddenly walking around and my body leaping out onto my coronary arteries going clop, why would meditation ever help?

And more interesting is this is like a new study, 2012. I got a study from 1973 showed a 75 percent reduction in secondary heart attacks in males because it lowered stress. Not talked about because you can’t make money off meditation. I went to see the

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doc today. He’s gonna give you medication. Well, that’s not gonna work. Not gonna work. This is just food for thought.

Here’s a book you can read about it. I usually send most people to this. I don’t agree with Chapter 2. What he says in secondary heart attacks you should take statins. I think you should meditate. But you can read about this with Dr. Steven Sinatra.

Male Speaker 2: I missed the thing about statins. What was the bottom line on that

part? Dr. Paul Anderson: Statins are used to lower cholesterol. And I’m saying is the

problem is you’re running down the wrong road. The problem is inflammation. In fact, they’re starting to talk about statins as anti-inflammatories instead of lowering the cholesterol because cholesterol doesn’t have a lot to do – it’s how much inflammation you have. But I’m gonna talk about a whole other area that you can work into that are probably a lot healthier and a lot better for you than taking statins.

But I’ll give you one tip. If you do insist on taking statins, it’s super important you take CoQ10 because statins drop CoQ10 to just about zero. CoQ10 is a chemical that you need for your immune system and for your brain. Is either if you don’t supplement statins with CoQ10 I’ll guarantee you one of two things. You’re gonna end up demented or you’re gonna get cancer.

Now, the smart cardiologists are starting to add it in, so if you do insist on taking it, make sure you’re adding CoQ10. It’s just something – a pathway in the liver.

So we’re gonna talk about the seven secrets to a leaner and healthier you. We have to have a model work off. So low inflammation, you want to do is release growth hormone or anti-aging hormone. Growth hormone burns fat, puts on lean muscle mass and thickens bones. It’s all about what we need for aging.

Now, I have this picture intentionally. This is an Okinawan fisherman showing off. He’s 65 years old and he’s upside down for a reason because he’s showing how much fitter he is than Americans. To show you his growth hormone on average, at 65 is the same level as a 30 year old American male.

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Now, what I love this story – as everyone will tell you, and I already heard it today, “Ah, I got longevity in my family. Screw all this stuff. Forget this. Look at my aunt. She lived to 100. She smoked. She drank. She ate like crap. I’ll live to 100, too.” Yeah? Good luck to you. My mother had the same theory. We have longevity in my family that’s extraordinary.

My mother decided to get cancer at 78, not unheard of in our family. She had a very toxic diet. Genes will only carry you so far in this game. At some point you do have to realize is you do have to take care of yourself. The human body was never designed for the toxicity and the inflammatory lifestyles we’re leading.

Female Speaker 1: Paul? Dr. Paul Anderson: Yes? Female Speaker 1: Could you just throw out a piece about meta genetics, too?

[Inaudible] [00:17:07] Dr. Paul Anderson: I’m gonna come to that. So why don’t we just save small time, call

it a day, go to the bar after this and just take a shot? So the anti-aging approach, it’s being taken on a fairly large scale in this country is to use testosterone and growth hormone shots. Now, thinking about it I just told you growth hormone’s good. Right? Why not go take the shot? You can afford it. It’s two to three grand a month. Take some testosterone.

The problem is you turn off your own internal feedback system. And it doesn’t help you with all the inflammatory things you’re doing. It doesn’t solve the problem. And this one’s for you, Harvey, because I know you work out and you’re just in such great shape.

So my father comes to me at 80 years old and he says, “What should I do for anti-aging?” “Dad, you’re 80.” “Yeah, but I got another 15 years. What should I do?” I said, “Well, lift weights.” “I’m too old.” I said, “You’re not too old. Let me tell you about a study, Dad. They studied people between the ages of 18 and 82. And they had them go to the gym and lift weights. And then they had another group that they gave growth hormone shots.

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And in three months the measured them. And guess what? The growth hormone was about the same, but the ones getting injections were having a lot of side effects. They’re starting to have joint problems. They’re gonna start to have cardiac problems, whereas, the one in the gym for 40 bucks weren’t having a problem at all.”

So the message of exercise and weight training turns out to be very powerful for your anti-aging. So the shot, not such a good idea. The other problem you’re gonna face is – and it was mentioned earlier today – is the reptilian brain. You think that your conscious mind runs your body. I spend most of my time in neuroscience. I got to tell you your reptilian brain that’s many of millions of years old runs your life. And when it makes a decision, it then informs the rest of your brain.

And you go, “Well, I can’t believe I thought of that.” Sometimes you don’t think of that and it makes you do things. You go why am I doing this? Because your reptilian brain is driving your behavior. And it’s very simple. It wants to keep the body the same. It’s very much into sex, more for men than women. Women it’s more for family. Right? Food and neurotransmitters in the brain, and we’re gonna talk about toxins and neurotransmitters in the brain.

But [inaudible] [00:19:19] and this is some great work by Charles Dehug. And you can get this book. He talks about how to be able to change your mind set to go ahead and develop a keystone habit to alter your behavior. And it turns out is that’s the thing that was talked about, commitment. It’s also talking about how do you get the brain to stop the reptilian brain from sabotaging your behavior? And a lot of the strategies he talks about in this book will really help you.

Stress, so the first thing is reducing stress is everything. In fact, back in the ‘70s it was all about stress and smoking. And all of a sudden stress isn’t – we don’t talk about it as a major part of all the diseases. It’s a huge part.

So we used to say you needed to meditate an hour a day, do a deep spiritual prayer an hour a day. But it turns out we were wrong. Dr. Henry Benson out of Massachusetts has just shown if you meditate for 15 minutes a day in 30 days you will turn off 2,000

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inflammatory genes. That’s what Susan was talking about, meta genics. It turns out your genes do not dictate your fate because you can turn them off and on.

And it turns out meditation the 15 minutes a day will have a massive impact on your life span, No. 1. No. 2, if you don’t like meditation, no problem. Do Thai Chi. If you don’t like Thai Chi, do prayer. If you don’t like prayer, do yoga, unless you’re the nonflexible guy like you. It’s not so much fun. But you need to do something spiritually for that 15 minutes where you have to take time out – and who was kissing the mirror earlier? Who’s the mirror kisser?

Male Speaker 3: [Inaudible] [00:20:53] Dr. Paul Anderson: No, but who was the guy with the lipstick on the mirror? Male Speaker 3: People that are cocky and confident, they have chapped lips from

kissing the mirror too much. Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, this time is you need to take time out to kiss the mirror. It

turns out that 15 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your life. So this is one of the easy things you do. So this is the S of our first secrets.

The next one is exercise. And let’s dispel some myths about exercise and so on. I’m gonna talk about exercise from a growth hormone perspective. Now, it turns out you have to work at it, but the good news is you only have to lift weights for ten to 12 minutes one day a week. And you need to do interval training twice a week, real interval training.

Now, on the lifting weight part, the problem is you actually have to work hard. And it’s heavy weight training. It’s not functional whole body exercise, which is something different, which is great for you. I’m talking about is you need to stimulate the organism as hard as you can for ten to 12 minutes.

So I’ll give you an example. So my sister and I go to the gym. My sister’s never been athletic and we’re at the gym. And my sister says, “I’m gonna lift weights today.” Okay. I was kinda surprised. She gets out the blue ball, a couple little weights, and she stands on it and goes like this. And I looked at her and I said, “What are you

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doing?” “I’m lifting weights.” “No, you’re trying to achieve flight. That’s got nothing to do with lifting weights because you can’t balance and lift maximum loads.”

So the thing about whole body exercise, it’s great for your brain. It’s great for your body. But it’s not as good for your growth hormone. Well, you know this is true because Nassau’s told me. So Nassau when it goes looking at exercise, they have a problem with their astronauts in space is they get a lot of fractures. There’s no gravity.

So Nassau when they studied exercise said, “What’s the best exercise to boost growth hormone.” And they looked at all the literature. They did all the testing.” They said, “It’s lifting weights.” But you and I are running Nassau. What’s the problem when you go up in space and you try and do a bicep curl? You can’t lift weights in space. So Nassau said, “Well, that doesn’t work.”

First I’ll give you this book, The Body by Science. Again, you can read about all the research based on how many times a week you should lift heavy weights. It’s one to two depending on your body type and age and so on. But you can read about this. Dr. Douglas Modoff is great and John Linville, who’s Canadian, of course is great.

But what Nassau came up with was interval training. It turns out if you do two hard interval training sessions a week; you boost your growth hormone about 454 percent, which is a pretty good increase. So – and you don’t have to train very long. One of the problems is, yeah, we can talk about doing 45 minutes to 60 minutes of aerobic activity a day on mild to moderate. You don’t want to do high intensity [inaudible] [00:23:32] because it actually is very inflammatory for humans. But on the lower heart rates, great. The problem is time.

So if you have to pick what you can do and you’re willing to work hard, the interval training and the heavy weight training works very well. The rest of the time you can fill in the week and do other activities. Doing activity every day is really important because it’s very good for your brain. But in terms of growth hormone, you only need to have two or three sessions a week to really maximize it. But you need to be active for your brain and

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we’re gonna talk a bit about that.

Your brain needs to work out. And what happens to most – now, this group’s a little different. You’re creative. You’re moving ahead. You’re doing things, but simply reading and going along in your business and in your life is not enough to stimulate the brain. And you want to do whole brain stimulation. You want to do creative stuff. You want to do logical stuff and you want to combine it all together. The more you stimulate your brain from all the different areas, the more neural growth factor you will deploy.

Yes, it is true. We do grow new brain cells as we get older. It’s very dependent on how much you stimulate the brain. Now, the difference between an adult and a teenager or a child is we don’t release as much growth factor for neurons in our brains. But you really want to stimulate your brain every day as much as you can. Passive reading is great for you but it doesn’t stimulate. You must think or you must create.

That’s why, Harvey, you’re doing so well. You can read about neural plasticity. This is the brain that changed itself from Norman Doidge. He also just wrote a book called The Brain Way of Healing that’s also fantastic. And you can learn about how the brain can heal a lot of problems. So this is why the daily activity that Chris was talking about earlier was so important, not only just for longevity but also the brain.

A 20 minute walk – in this case red is good in case you’re wondering. So there’s the student sitting quietly. There’s students taking the test after a 20-minute walk. So although golf may not be a great sort of aerobic activity, golf is great for the brain. You’re out walking. You’re in nature. You’re hitting the ball. Some of you are in the woods. Some of you are on the beach. Some of you are actually on the lawn.

Let’s talk about – the next thing is cleanse out the toxins. Toxicity is a major problem for us. And if you don’t think it applies to you, here’s the 2005 study from Mount Sinai School of Medicine. The average person walks around with 167 deadly toxins stored in their fat. And that’s not the person next to you. That’s all of you. We were never designed for this by our Creator. Our liver is our main detox system along with the kidneys and the colon. We were

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never designed for this.

And they’re stored in the fat. They’re highly inflammatory. Fat’s already a very grumpy organ. It’s the meanest organ in the body. And you stuff if full of toxins. It gets even angrier, so the first thing it does is it makes more fat and releases more obesigens and causes more inflammation.

And if you think you’re thin and you get away from this, guess what? You have a higher density of toxins because you have less fat. The thinner you are the more toxic you are. It’s counterintuitive. Fat people actually have more room to store toxins. So we got to get them out.

And it turns out getting them out actually is very good for you in a number of ways. We are designed to fast. We are actually designed to fast for one or two days. By the third day we’re not. So if you’re gonna do any cleanse or any fasting program, piece of advice, never go past Day 2. Because the first two days growth hormone spikes and it really spikes. It’s about – what is it – a 1,300 percent in women and it’s about 2,000 percent in men. It’s a massive growth hormone spike.

But on the third day it actually gets flipped down because we’re supposed to be out hunting when we’re starving. But on the third day, the Creator goes, “You’re not so good. I think I’ll put out cortisol which is your starving hormone, and I’m gonna shut down your growth hormone.” And you start eating your muscle mass and thinning your bones. So you always want to be anabolic so never more than two days.

Now, you can’t simply fast because that won’t flush the toxins out of the body. You need to use some kinds of cleansing product or supplement, whatever you’re gonna do because the liver was never designed to get rid of these toxins. And there’s good data showing now that if you use the right kind of cleansing product you’ll have a massive improvement in your health.

And Susan is one of the world class experts on this if you want to talk to her about it. She knows all about it. Talk to her about it.

The other thing is sort of just reduce your exposure, so using household chemicals, things in your house and so on, start thinking

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about those soaps you’re using, cleansers and so on, they’re highly toxic. And they’re readily absorbed through the skin. You may want to start thinking about using natural products that don’t have these problems. So that’s exposure.

Romance, a no brainer. It turns out romance is really good for both sexes because it boosts testosterone and it boosts growth hormone. So regular romance turns out to be really important for you. The problem is most people aren’t feeling well enough to have it. The good news is if you start to raise your growth hormone, you will raise your level of desire.

Let’s talk about eating because this is very controversial. The first thing I’ll tell you is you have to eat right for you.

Male Speaker 3: Can you go back to romance for a second? Dr. Paul Anderson: I’m not sure most people would need a second on that, but in case

– apparently you do. Male Speaker 4: He does. Dr. Paul Anderson: You need more on that? So you want me to note for your wife? Is

that what you’re saying? Male Speaker 3: Yeah, another note. Dr. Paul Anderson: Yeah. So another note for your wife. Male Speaker 3: So does romance mean sex or does romance mean – Dr. Paul Anderson: Yes, in your case it means sex. [Laughter]

Just want to be absolutely clear. All the way, baby. Both parties.

All right. Eat right for you. There’s a lot of books that talk about different diets and we could pick any nutrient and there’s a diet for it. High carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, high protein and so on, paleo and Adkins and so – it goes on and on and on. One of the main principles I’ll tell you is you got to find out what works for you. Susan and I are very healthy and we have very certain types of diets. I’m an omnivore. I will eat meat and protein, but Susan’s a vegetarian. But we both enjoy really good health.

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So it’s about finding what’s right for you. It doesn’t mean telling you, oh, you shouldn’t be a vegetarian or you shouldn’t be an omnivore. You shouldn’t eat meat. It’s about finding what’s right for you because I will tell you if I go around this planet and there’s four groups of human populations we can look at, here’s the variation in diets.

There’s one group, the Maasai, that only eat meat. They don’t even eat vegetables. They eat six grams of cholesterol, butter, fat a day. They should be dead. They are in amazing shape. You put them on our diet. In two years they get all our diseases and they’ll die young. You put them back in their African and they’re fine. So it’s not genetic. There’s studies on this.

Then you can take other population, which in China, they’re all vegetarians. I can take other populations in Africa, all vegetarians, live to their ‘90s, very, very healthy. I can then go look in the Swiss mountain village and what are the eating? Meat and dairy products all day long. I can go to the Polynesians before we contaminate them. What are they eating? They’re eating mostly fish and vegetables and fruit. I can go to the Okinawans. They’re mostly fish eaters. There’s no consistency on the planet.

And I’ll tell you the cutting edge that’s coming – it’s interesting. This is in Dr. David Promotter’s next book. He’s talking about the brain and probiotic bacteria. And what it turns out is your bacteria will make what’s deficient in your food supply if you’ve been there long enough. The problem is humans, we’re migratory so wherever your tribe came from you may struggle on a diet where everyone else around you is healthy because you’re simply not wired that way because you’re expecting your environment to make it. And it doesn’t.

Another example are the Eskimos. The Eskimos, hard to have vegetables when you’re surrounded by snow. Right? They eat almost predominantly all meat. They’re one of the healthiest populations until we messed with them. They used to stroke out because they had so many enzymes from the raw protein. They lived a long, healthy life.

So it really depends on where you’re from. So you got to find out what’s right for you. That’s the first message. I’ll save you a lot

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of time. Eat organic. We’re not gonna talk about right or wrong but we’re gonna talk about what it means. But I’ll save you a lot of time. Eat organic with a caveat – and Terri and I talked about it yesterday – there’s some things you need to know. But basically, you got to avoid inflammatory foods. And there are some on the target list we’re gonna talk about.

All right. So in this group, can anyone tell me – whoever put the slide together made a mistake. I put this up intentionally. Which one of these foods is not inflammatory, in fact, is anti-inflammatory if it comes from a healthy animal? Does anyone know? The pure lard, is that what you’re pointing at?

Male Speaker 3: Salt? Female Speaker 3: Salt. Dr. Paul Anderson: No. It’s the pure lard. Turns out when we took lard out of the

food supply the heart disease took off like a skyrocket. Yes, because we substituted margarine and Crisco, which are Trans fats, which are one of the major causes of heart disease. So it turns out that’s not true but the rest of it happens to be true.

And it’s kind of obvious, as Chris saying, is don’t eat crap. Don’t eat processed food. It’s pretty simple. But organic does matter. So let’s have a little discussion about this. This is funny because Terri and I were having this conversation last night, and she discovered her family is trying to kill her.

[Laughter] And I had to break it to her because they try to take her to the world’s worst restaurants that are conventional food. So this is the argument. Humans – this has been very interesting in my Science career. There’s a new theory. Let’s give it to you and then try and prove it’s not bad for you. That’s the latest theory. Huh. That’s a really good theory.

So up until 1945 we all ate organically, except for Trans fats, which came in from the French who sold it to us. And well, that’s another story. But other than that, you ate fresh fruits and vegetables with no pesticides or fungicides. There was no food additives.

But if I’m a weapons company after World War II what do I do?

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There’s a lot of dead humans. There’s a lot of dead bugs. Hmm. Dead bugs. Hmm. Oh, new industry. Okay. I know what to do. So then we’re gonna say – I’ll tell you what. We’re gonna spray all the fields with pesticides and fungicides, but I’ll tell you what. We’ll just give it a little bit so it won’t kill the humans. This is the theory.

Who said you were gonna be right? It’s a neurotoxin. Okay. So that’s how your lettuce is sprayed. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to eat my lettuce from a guy who’s been wearing a HAZMAT. In fact, I’m with the gopher. Really?

So people argue all that organic stuff doesn’t matter. Do you know anything? Have you ever read the research? Do you know the pathways? Do you know about how neurotoxins break down in the human body? They store in the fat. So I’ll give you an example. If you eat conventional food, well, over the course of a year you consume the equivalent of one gallon of pesticide every year. So if you think you’re a escaping this, you’re kidding yourself. And the people that say organic doesn’t matter, it matters a lot because we are not designed to take in neurotoxins in small amounts on a daily basis.

And if you don’t like that I’ll give you one for the kids. Because I had a friend of mine who says, “You really want to scare an audience, most of them have kids.” 25 percent increase in IQs in kids in two weeks put on an organic diet. Two weeks. And I can produce the studies. I’ve got dozens and dozens about the kids. The reason is the only – you take the amount of the pesticides and fungicides you also take away all the food additives, which are a big problem that’s also affecting the kids’ brains along with so called ADD. A lot of it’s food additive behavior.

All right. So let’s talk about GMO. And this is also a GMO study and toxins. So the other theory was GMO was good for humans. We’re gonna save the planet. You need GMO because we’re gonna run out of food. Okay. Great. Why don’t we make sure it’s safe. Okay. We’ll do rat studies for 30 days. First of all, we don’t have tails and funny teeth. That’s problem No. 1. Our physiology isn’t that much related to the rats. And they live a lot longer than 30 days. But most of the rats survived 30 days. GMOs are born into the population.

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The French got suspicious a couple of years ago. So the French decided to run the studies for 120 days. This is the result. One got Roundup. The other group got Roundup and GMOs and the other group got GMOs. This is the rats. Most of them died or they have massive organ failure, tumors and so on.

Male Speaker 5: GMO means? Dr. Paul Anderson: Genetically modified organism. That’s the only reason they’re

organic because you’re not supposed to be using GMO with organic. If you’re gonna play God and alter the food supply and poison it with neurotoxins and you don’t expect humans to get fat, sick and die young, you’re deluding yourself. Because all we’re doing is you’re proving it so far.

Male Speaker 2: Will we be able to feed the planet without it? Dr. Paul Anderson: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Those studies – it’s funny because

when you actually really do the math it’s not true. We are gonna have to farm fish. You are gonna have to do things differently, but there’s other alternatives. But GMO is not a viable alternative because the problem is you’re taking bacterial DNA. You’re weaving it into the food supply and feeding it to us. It’s gonna kill us.

Male Speaker 4: What’s [inaudible] [00:36:33]? Dr. Paul Anderson: A genetically modified organism? Most cereal – Male Speaker 5: [Inaudible] we eat? Dr. Paul Anderson: Almost everything conventional is GMO these days. Female Speaker 4: Corn, soy – Dr. Paul Anderson: Everything. Male Speaker 3: [Inaudible] Dr. Paul Anderson: But they were really cute two inches. All right. I’m gonna have to

keep moving, but I’ll answer questions at the end there. So I like this groundbreaking new study shows that pigs – this is for you –

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were harmed by the consumption of feeding genetically modified crops. Really? You need a groundbreaking study to tell you that adding bacteria DNA to our food supply was a bad idea? Wow. Okay.

But pigs are very similar to us. They’re actually better to study

than rats because they’re very much like us because if you get a heart valve and you can’t get the steel one, you get a pig one. All right.

So let’s talk about modification of animal protein. Red meat is bad

for you. Yeah, it is if you don’t buy it from a healthy animal. Red meat from a healthy animal, if it’s right for your body type is fantastic for you. So I’ll give you an example. A grass-fed cow has the same omega three levels as a tuna. If it’s a grass-fed and grass finished and that means something. What a lot of people will do is farmers will grow it on grass, the last month feed it grain, GMO corn flakes, feed it concrete dust and do all sorts of other nasty stuff to that animal. It’s toxic. It’s sick. It’s not good for you.

But it turns out that feeding your animals their natural diet is really

good for the animal and good for you. So if you have a choice between organic beef that’s grain fed and natural beef that’s grass fed, take the natural beef that’s grass fed. Because it’s all about animals being on their natural diet. They have super high levels of omega three. So it isn’t about whether it’s red or white. It’s about what’s good for you but also animal husbandry. It really, really matters.

So antibiotics, growth hormone, steroids given to the animals, and

that goes into you. It goes into your kids as opposed to – who would have thought a cow should eat grass? Wow. I’m on the edge, Harvey. I’m getting out of control.

This is my favorite, though, farm fish. Now, farm fish I think is

gonna eventually be important, but the problem with fish is they’re not like herbivores is they need a lot of room to swim. So this is a bit of a problem right here. But my favorite is this, the salmonfe. What this is they go around to the farmers that raise fish and they say, “What color would you like your salmon, Dave Linfield? Hey, what do you think will sell well in your local market? Choose wisely because the guy down the street might pick a better

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color pink than you.” So these are artificial dyes that they give the animals. So guess

which one is Alaskan and guess which one is farmed? Who thinks Alaskan is on the – I guess your right? Raise your hand. Who thinks Alaskan is on the left, raise your hand? See, you’re all fooled because this is Alaskan salmon. It’s the dark pink. This is they’re eating their crustaceans. This is how salmon is supposed to – most of you are eating farm fish. And farm fish turns out to be highly toxic.

Real fat is good for you. This whole concept of low fat in the ‘80s

was a total nonsense. You look at human studies. Fat is great for you if it’s healthy fat. It’s all about if you’re eating fat from animals that are in their natural state or you’re gonna eat vegetable oils, everything, they need to be in their natural state. So again, save a lot of time. Eat organic.

Let’s talk about grain for a second. Grain is generally bad for most

humans. It really is. It’s basically a form of sugar. We know that hyperinsulimia is a major factor in inflammation and all of the diseases in humans. You want to keep your sugar and your glycemic index low. Grains are generally a bad idea. They’re also implicated in food reactions, especially kids. It’s called IGG food reactions. You can look it up.

And finally is – was asked about earlier, Dr. David Promotter, I’ve

spoken to David a few times, major risk factor for Alzheimer’s, grain consumption. And it makes sense.

All right. Should you take vitamins and minerals? Big

controversy. Everyone argues this and that. Okay. Well, I’ll just tell you the facts. 84.21 percent loss of vitamins and minerals in the food supply because we’ve poisoned the soil. Okay. That’s over 20 years. That is the USDA data, I pulled it right from the USDA. Okay. So if your food supply is missing all this, what are you gonna do? You have to supplement. You need to take vitamins and minerals. You have to do it intelligently. You have to find good ones, but your food supply has been corrupted.

So you say, “Well, I’m gonna eat organic. It’s okay.” Even

organic food, on the studies, have 15 to 85 percent of the vitamins and mineral content they should. So you have to take vitamins and

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minerals. Just find a good one. Eat organic. Okay? So this is it. Simply eat unprocessed food. Right? And

yes, butter was good for you. Water, okay, this whole trend of plastic bottle this and that, some

plastics are okay. But generally, you’re better off with glass. This leaks a lot – there’s BPA free now plastic coming out. It’s BPA free. Yeah. But what are the other 199 chemicals in there that they don’t take out? So there is some plastics are safe. It’s hard for the general population to know. Glass bottles are better. In Europe, this is how you get served. And there’s a reason for it. And another thing is you can filter your water at home.

Other supplements that will help you or the foods. In this case,

whey protein complex. If you can take whey protein and it agrees with your body, it’s actually very anabolic. We know that if we give you an extra shake a day, which is increasing your calories, you will actually burn more fat and gain lean muscle mass. It turns on growth hormone. We know this.

We know you take a small amount of whey protein before you go

to sleep at night, it will boost your growth hormone curve. And this is what the diet looks like. This is how you’re supposed to eat. And the nice thing about this, you will lose fat very rapidly on this diet without any effort.

Now I’ll talk about the evil twins. [Inaudible] [00:42:36] fats,

this is just a nasty story. So Trans fats come into the population in the US in the mid-1910. And there’s a study showing that saturated fats in their study were not associated with heart disease but Trans fats increased heart disease.

Yeah. We’ve known this since the ‘70s. So we’re gonna label

Trans fats. Okay. Great. Thanks, guys, but we’re not gonna label Trans interestrified fats which is its evil twin which is just as inflammatory. We’re not gonna label it. So if you’re not eating organic, they can use this in the food supply.

And here’s the problem. Both trans-fat and interestrified fats raise

sugar levels. And we know that that raises insulin, which is a major part of inflammation.

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Male Speaker 5: Can you go back and show me where [inaudible] [00:43:26]. Dr. Paul Anderson: You cannot. There does not have to be labeling by law. That’s the

problem, so – Male Speaker 5: What’s the giveaway? Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, the giveaway is saturated fats but the answer is to eat organic

because they can’t use it in organic food. Male Speaker 6: [Inaudible] Dr. Paul Anderson: No, no. This is well hidden here. The palm oil, soybean lecithin

with monodiglycerides, that’s probably – shortening is not real shortening. That probably is [inaudible] fats. There’s no way without knowing without talking to me. It’s hidden in the food supply.

So we’ve known we’ve had this problem. For how long? Since

110 years the FDA has allowed the sale of Trans fat. Okay? 2013 the FDA says, “Well, we don’t think they’re safe, but we’re gonna let interested persons additional time to submit comments. They still haven’t resolved this. They were gonna take them out of the food supply. They left them in and they know that they cause cancer. They know they cause heart disease. They know that they cause you to get Alzheimer’s and they’re leaving them in.

And this is it. If you don’t think they’ve done it before, you

remember this? I showed this to a friend of mine that says that’s not true is it? I said, “No, it’s true. Doctors used to smoke camels more. It’s true.” When this was going on, they knew. They knew that cigarettes cause cancer and obstructive lung disease and the doctors were still promoting it and the tobacco companies. This is not new behavior.

And we’ve come to the final one, which is sleep. Sleeps another one as six to ten hours, this is what most people need. For most of us that’s eight hours, but you’ll vary. People will vary. You want to find out what’s right for you, but you got to get to the deep levels of your sleep.

Here’s why. Between 12:00 and 2:00 a.m. unless you’re a shift worker, that’s when you release growth hormone. You have

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another little peak around 8:00 a.m. Those two peaks, if you don’t get to your deep sleep, you cannot release growth hormone, which means automatically cortisol rises. You’ve got inflammation going on, no way about it.

So you’ve got to get to your deep levels of sleep. You need to sleep consistently. We don’t store sleep. You cannot have a few hours and then suddenly make up for it. We don’t work that way. So you want to make sure that you’re boosting your growth hormone while you sleep.

Here’s another little caveat. Sleeping pills do not get you to the level three and four of your sleep, the deep stages, where you release growth hormone. So if you take sleeping pills, your growth hormone starts to plummet. That’s why they often don’t feel well rested in the morning because you never got to the deep level of sleep. We cycle all night long, by the way.

So we’ll have a little discussion with Vitamin D3. How much time have I got, Marilyn?

Marilyn: You have seven minutes. Dr. Paul Anderson: Seven minutes, all right, so the Vitamin D stories. Let’s talk about

Vitamin D, which is a hugely important supplement. So we’re all African. We’re all African. That’s the way it was. So we’re all African and then the Ice Age comes along. It sucks the water right out of the continent. So where did all the animals go? They go to the edge of the continent.

What do we do with humans? Most of us go. Some stay, but most of us leave. So as we start following the animals around the planet, what happens is you have to thin your skin. That’s why we’re all different pigment. But the ones that went very far north have beautiful skin like me who burn because I have to have the – I’m in a very thin light, thin UV. So for me to make Vitamin D I need to have very little sun. Otherwise, I die.

Someone like Susan or David who have darker skin, their ancestors never got that far from the equator because they needed the darker pigment to protect them from the UV. And they can make Vitamin D. But here’s their problem. Their skin type needs to be by the equator and they need about ten to 12 hours of sun

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exposure a day in a thong. Now, you may not want to see Dave in a thong, but Susan might be a different story. Right? But you can take someone like me and put me in a less northern climate, but again, I got to get out and get a light tan.

So Vitamin D story No. 1 is Vitamin D is essential to make serotonin. Serotonin makes melatonin and that’s what puts you to sleep. Your Vitamin D is low you’re not gonna make a lot of natural killer cells. You make cancer cells microseconds every day all day long. Your natural killer cells are what kill them. If your Vitamin D levels are low, you are not gonna kill your cancer cells. Vitamin D is essential for all the steroids and all the hormones in your body and all your brain cells. You need Vitamin D.

So here’s the problem is when you have light skin like me or Harvey is you’re supposed to get sun exposure in the summer. And in the winter when we’re not out as much, it’s stored in our fat and it gets released. Someone like Dave and Susan are supposed to get sun exposure all year round. But if you put them in a northern climate they are going to get sick, which Susan proved very well. She came back but that’s one of the reasons is without sun she’s gonna have a lot of problems.

So that turns out okay. So we know how it’s supposed to work. And along come the dermatologists. And the dermatologists were gonna save you from skin cancer. “I’m gonna save you.” Fantastic. What are you gonna do? I’m gonna give you sunblock. Okay. Do you know your sunblock’s got a major carcinogen in it? Well, that’s okay. Because we don’t want to get skin cancer.

Well, okay, fair enough. About too long I will have a problem with skin cancer. The problem is that agent you’re giving me is gonna cause me to have other cancer, but you’re also gonna drop my Vitamin D levels to just about zero. And you’re gonna make me very, very sick. And there’s lots of studies on this. It turns out D3 is very, very important.

I’ll give you a couple tips about D3. One is I cannot tell you how much to supplement. It depends on how much sun, skin type and so on. Get a blood test. And at least get to the mid-range of the blood test and you’ll probably be okay. So get a blood test.

No. 2 is most humans in North American society need 5,000 to

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10,000 IUs a day. The FDA talk about 800 to 1,000. It turns out it’s woefully inaccurate and you can’t even predict a population because it’s so heterogeneous you’ve got to go out and say, okay, test you. Test you. Let’s go check out what it is.

The third thing is it needs to be liquid form, ideally, not hard. Because it’s a fat soluble so you can use liquid or you can use capsules. And make sure you get a really good brand. Okay? And get your level checked. It should come up within 30 days and just make sure it stays there all the time. That will have a massive impact. If you do nothing else from this, go get your D3 level and get it up to normal. It will have a massive impact on your health. It will also help with sleep.

So the final little secret I’ll give you is nine out of ten people that take their Vitamin D3 at night, it boosts serotonin to sleep. About one out of ten it will boost dopamine, which is your antigenic chemical and you won’t sleep. So if you take your D3 at night and you’re not sleeping just take it in the morning. It still will support the brain, but the odd person – I happen to be one of them so I have to take it in the morning. So that’s another tip that I wanted to tell you, but most people it’s good at night. It really will help you sleep.

All right. That’s the seven secrets to a leaner, healthier and younger you. And I’ll answer any questions you have right now.

[Applause] Male Speaker 7: So what do we do? Dr. Paul Anderson: You have a whole choice of what to do there, Randy. There’s a

mike runner right behind you, Dave. Dave: Am I good? Hello? My doctor gave me a Vitamin D pill that I

take once a month. And I don’t know how many milligrams or grams or whatever it is that’s in it, but it’s one gel a month.

Dr. Paul Anderson: Yes. So the other way to do it is you can take sort of 50,000 to

100,000 once a month, which works fine. But since people have so much trouble with sleep, we’ve found over the years that for people that have any trouble sleeping at all the new definitely give it on a daily basis. But there’s no difference in terms of level giving it monthly once you’re stable. So both work.

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Dave: With or without the Vitamin D, I mean, I still do have problems sleeping. And I take a real low dose, like a fourth of a – like 2.5 milligrams or whatever it is of Ambien –

Dr. Paul Anderson: We’ll talk. Dave: – a night. Is that a bad thing? Dr. Paul Anderson: Yes. We’ll give you better options. There’s much better options.

Unfortunately, that’s gonna alter your sleep architecture. Dave, put on your thong, baby. That’s all I got to tell you.

Male Speaker 8: That was an ugly thought. Dr. Paul Anderson: Sorry about that. You were right beside him. Male Speaker 8: Now, when it comes down to – would you really just suggest going

to a really good nutritionist that looks over necessarily your whole body and what do you recommend? Because too many times a doctor which normally our – they can recommend, oh, you need some D3 or you need some B6 or whatever, but everybody is different. And if you start [inaudible] [00:52:15] and my wife at one time had so many different products of B this and D that on the shelf. And you don’t even know if it’s any good or if it’s good for you.

Do you need a nutritionist to say, “This is your body makeup and this is exactly the kind of stuff you need”? Otherwise, we’re guessing.

Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, the D3 you’re not – what you’re asking is how do you

determine what supplementation is right for you? Okay? That’s what you’re asking. The answer is no one knows right now. I just gave you like the CoQ10 and the D3 and the multivitamins and minerals because we’re missing in the blood supply.

Right now there’s a huge movement to measuring the biochemical pathways in the human body. It’s in its infancy. It is coming along. It’s called eugenics, metagenics, whatever you want to call it, and they measure all the pathways in your body. And they’re designing specific nutrient supplementation for you. I find that the science behind that is just not quite there yet. It’s where we’re going. And also trying to find a nutritionist that sort of knows this

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level and detail is very difficult. It is possible. So in this instance, ask Susan.

[Inaudible] Yeah, so we need a mike for you there, honey.

Female Speaker 4: There is a huge difference – there are different types of

nutritionists. There’s a holistic nutritionist, which is what I am. Then there’s a nutritionist. Then there’s a dietician. There was a study done by Harvard that illustrated that the US food pyramid and the Canada food guide would actually shorten your life by ten years because it’s created by lobbyists. Drug companies have more skin in the game to sponsor drugs.

There are very few studies on supplements. However, the acceptable death rate for a drug is what, Paul, out of a population? It’s like one out of 1,000. Where I challenge you to find someone who is OD’ed on Vitamin C in 30 years. It doesn’t happen. The supplement game is hit and miss and there are bad supplements out there. There are all sorts of things. Get a good integrative health panel. That’s your testosterone, your thyroid, not just your TSH, your T3, your T4, all of it. If you want to know what you should get in a blood panel, email me. I will give you the whole list.

Your blood panel when it comes back needs to be five pages long. If it’s not five pages long – some of you in this room have gone and done blood panels and I’ve recommended and you feel tremendously different. It needs to be long, comprehensive and then take that to someone who is holistic and integrative. And they will help you.

Dr. Paul Anderson: Do you feel better now, Dave? Dave: Well, no, I just [inaudible] [00:54:51] because everybody will say

they can read all the books they want. And they think they’re smart and they buy something and it’s wrong.

Dr. Paul Anderson: That’s part of the problem. I was trying to keep it to very simple

things we know really do profoundly affect – there? You’re pointing. Oh, yes. Hi, Bill.

Bill: Hey. Not to be confused with someone who gets bloated, but can

you actually feel when your body is inflamed? Like is it physical type deal? Like maybe your ring finger gets too – or your ring gets

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too tight on your fingers? Or not to be confused with like women who get bloated certain times of the month or a lot like when you go hiking your hands sometimes swell because you’re swinging them and stuff.

Dr. Paul Anderson: I’m not gonna touch you with the menopausal swelling there, Bill,

but I’ll summarize this. Bill: Yeah. I’m not going there. Dr. Paul Anderson: You’re asking can you detect yourself when you’re in the

inflammatory state? Bill: Exactly. Dr. Paul Anderson: And the answer is most of us can’t because we get seduced into it.

So what happens is you really don’t notice until you’re out of it. So once you get low inflammation, what happens is, yeah, most humans walk around ten to 14 pounds of inflammatory water weight. So once you lower your inflammation you’ll shed about ten to 14 pounds of water. You’re right. You won’t be as swollen. You’ll feel better.

When you’re in this state which we’re talking about was low inflammation where you’re actually anabolic and you’re fat burning and you’re building lean muscle all day long, you actually feel fantastic. And the second you come out of that state you’ll know it, but right now there’s no way you’ll know it. Most people are so inflamed there’s no way that they can tell a difference until they actually go down to zero.

Bill: Is there a way to tell when you are – Dr. Paul Anderson: The problem is there’s no blood testing and there’s nothing in the

clinical world yet. In the next two or three years there will be testing. This is where we’ll be in ten years. You’ll be testing your inflammation and you’ll know exactly where you are. It’s not there yet. I’m just trying to give you principles today that will make a big difference in your longevity. Yes?

Male Speaker 9: Hello? Okay. Anyway, I was gonna ask – I’ve thrown out the

statins, but is there any – hello? Is there any reason to continue or take the CoQ10 even if you’re not using statins as a supplement?

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Dr. Paul Anderson: Okay. So there is in certain circumstances where taking CoQ10 is

very important. Yes, there is. Okay? I don’t want to get into that too much here, but when it was talked about earlier, cells are either dead or growing or alive.

There’s actually a quiescence state and it turns out taking CoQ10 with certain nutrients makes a massive difference. If you want to read about it, there’s a great book by Steven Sinatra called Reversing Heart Disease. And his first book called The Sinatra Solution, he will talk about a combination of nutrients that actually improve the antigenic performance of cells that are malfunctioning.

And we’ve actually studied this and we’ve proven this. It also improves athleticism a lot, and I mean a lot. So you can read about that in his book, The Sinatra Solution, by Steven Sinatra.

Female Speaker 5: Could you talk to me – Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, I’m just – Female Speaker 3: [Inaudible] [00:57:55] few more questions to ask. Female Speaker 5: I just wanted to make sure he talks about the re-growing the

[inaudible] because this was my first conversation with Harvey [inaudible].

Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, that’s a whole other discussion, but I’m trying to manage my

few minutes of Q and A here. Bill: Well, I was just gonna ask one other thing. I read a recent survey

that showed – it was a statistical study and it showed that those who are of advanced age, those who are most resistant to Dementia and Alzheimer’s happen to be heavier people. Now, there’s a dilemma in my mind. I don’t know how to get to an advanced age if you’re a heavier person, but I don’t know if –

Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, the die eight to ten years younger so I’m not sure how that

study is, so I don’t want to comment on it. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

Female Speaker 5: First of all, thank you for being here today. Last night our dinner

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conversation, once you start to integrate these practices into your life, there are moments where it starts to get a bit uncomfortable. For all of us, we travel a ton. And you don’t always have access to beautiful organic foods and all of the healthy things that you want.

And so, we were kind of talking about the fact that whenever I come home and my family all wants to go out for dinner and they want to eat at these like all you can eat Chinese buffet places and when I go I don’t eat. You know? And my parents are like, “You eat like a bird. Why don’t you eat anymore?”

And it’s not that I don’t eat because I am a huge foodie. It’s just that I don’t want to eat that, and it does get uncomfortable. So I was wondering if you had any recommendations for those of us who do travel a lot. What are some best practices that we can incorporate? What are some things that we can do?

Dr. Paul Anderson: I’ll do two things. First I’m gonna compliment you. It was like

last night she practiced the Okinawan way of eating. And Okinawans are one of the longest living healthiest – they’re Japanese fishermen. She did the 80 percent rule. What the Okinawans do is when they’re 80 percent full they push back. They’re always slightly under caloried. And you did that last night. You’d eat a little bit, say to the waiters, “Take it away. I don’t want to eat it.” Eats a little bit, like, “Take it away.” Right? So she’s eating a little bit but just keeps sending everything back to the kitchen. The chef was upset but that was a different story. So that’s No. 1.

So No. 2, and it’s funny because Susan and I often speak at the same conference. We’re fighting our way to the Whole Foods or the local organic – so what I do is stock up the fridges. So Susan and I are sometimes fighting over the shelf and the last organic whatever because then we sort of train people. What I’ve learned now is to get there before them. So I take earlier flights because I got now 100 people behind me coming to the grocery store fighting over the organic food. Susan and I get there first. Right?

So it really is important is that if I can’t get the food I want, I take the food with me. And not uncommonly on the plane I have my food. I have time because I had ten minutes, so I know I have another minute. So a funny story. So I’m sitting in business class coming back from Canada. And I love doing this. So I have an

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organic meal that I’ve cooked with me and it’s curried chicken. So I open it up.

And the guy beside me goes, “What are you doing?” “I’m having lunch.” “But you know they give you food here?” “Yes. That’s why I’m having lunch.” “But it’s free.” “I know that.” “Have you tasted it?” “Yeah. That’s why I’m having lunch.” He couldn’t get it. Meanwhile, though, the reason I did curry because then the whole first class smells like curry. And it’s like I’m eating curry and they’re eating the crap that they feed them. So I like doing that. That’s just kind of a fun thing.


Male Speaker 10: So you mentioned that you and Susan both have very different

diets that work for each of you. How do you know what’s the right diet for you? And the second part of that question is, is there anything to the blood type diet?

Dr. Paul Anderson: The problem with the blood type diet is we’re so mosaic and your

probiotic bacteria really have so even if you want to look at it as a starting point, the problem is it’s too broad. It’s way too broad. What it is is experimentation. You just have to start eating certain ways and see how you feel. There’s no way if you’re an omnivore eating meat that you suddenly know that you’d be better off eating vegetarian. And vice versa, so you slowly have to introduce stuff to you. So take stuff away, put stuff back in and start to see how you feel.

And the kids it’s easier. You can start to see they’re more energetic. They’re doing better at school. They’re more focused. And the concentration goes up. The kids it’s pretty obvious. Right? Especially get kids off sugar. Huge, huge improvement.

Male Speaker 11: My only question – and I hate when people have to step out and

mostly I just needed to stand up. So I was here but I did miss one question. So I hope I’m not overlapping, but on the weight thing I’ve heard different things about, well, actually if you have more weight you’ve got a lot more place to store toxins. And for me –

Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, you do. Male Speaker 11: – when I got thin, I stopped having headaches – thinner – there’s

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thinner people in the world, but I’ve heard things today of fat breeds more fat. And it’s negative. And I’ve heard people say you’re healthier, have a little fat. What’s best?

Dr. Paul Anderson: Well, I’ll sort of narrow that question down. So you’re trying to

say is that we talked about people that are lean that I said had more toxicity just because of concentration.

Male Speaker 11: So that guy’s really toxic. Dr. Paul Anderson: No. Because he’s clean. He cleanses. He gets it out. So the

message is you should be cleansing to get the toxins out regardless of whether you’re lean or large. Being fat is worse than being lean, no question about it. But the toxicity is a little higher in the fat concentration. All I was trying to make the point is if you’re leaner you still have to cleanse. What happens when people get really lean and they look really good like Drew, they say, “I don’t need to cleanse.” Drew knows he needs to cleanse. Right? But you still have the inflammation. You still have the toxicity. Whether you’re large or small you have to deal with it. But being large is worse. Being overweight is a bigger problem.

Male Speaker 12: I travel a little bit and when I do I oftentimes take an Ambien to

sleep when I’m in a time zone, then I need to get to sleep earlier than normal. Can you talk about that? Or do you not have enough time?

Dr. Paul Anderson: I’m not sure I have enough time, but I’ll give you one little tip in

that we use double release melatonin. Melatonin’s really great for two reasons is it’s great in terms of resetting the biological clock. The second thing is you need double release because Melatonin will only put you to sleep for about four hours. Then you’ll wake up.

But if you do double release there’s actually physiologically a second release of Melatonin in about four hours that keeps you to sleep until the morning. So double release Melatonin, if you can’t find anyone I’ll give you my guy out of Colorado where you can order it. But it really is a good way to manage your sleep better than Ambien, because you’ll still get the deep sleep. Melatonin actually supplements on low levels have been shown to increase growth hormone. The problem is you’re just turning off your feedback system.

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Female Speaker 5: One more question. One more question. I got a question. Dr. Paul Anderson: We got a question right there. Male Speaker 13: Can you talk a little bit about oils? You mentioned Crisco but oils

are very confusing. The use of oils. Which kind of oil? What’s the best oil? What’s the worst oil? So give us little tips on oils.

Dr. Paul Anderson: Wow. Okay. So we have an hour? Five more minutes. All right.

So Rule No. 1 is you don’t want to use – most vegetable oils are out. The main vegetable oil to use is olive oil because olive oil when you put it out without chemically altering it, it will last many years. And it doesn’t go rancid. Why? It’s naturally antibacterial. It’s naturally antioxidant. That’s why the Mediterranean diet exists. Olive oil is huge. So the message is olive oil, organic, raw, unprocessed raw. So the big thing is in their natural state.

Now, the other vegetable oils in their natural state are okay for us, but you’re really better off with olive oil. The other one is coconut oil. Coconut oil turns out to be highly anti-inflammatory. It’s absolutely terrific for you. It’s something called a medium chain fat. It’s vilified because it’s saturated, but that’s from people that don’t understand the chemistry.

The chemistry of coconut oil is you actually burn it as a fuel. That’s why when the Polynesians used to go 3,500 miles they were stocked full of coconuts. Well, it’s hard to take the pig and the goat on the way. And catching fish is a bit awkward because the paddle keeps getting in your way. They took coconuts because coconut allows you to have that energy burst. So coconut oil is great. And again, you want to buy raw organic always of all these things.

In terms of meat and – well, I’ll go with you. Trans fats you know about, not good for you. Most vegetable oil in cooked goods are either trans-fat, partially hydrogenated, all terrible for you. Right? They’re all chemically ordered highly inflammatory and [inaudible] [01:06:21] fats, they’re called transit interesteroid fats. They’re called interesteroid fats. That’s just another chemical process to alter a vegetable oil to make it behave like lard or butter.

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Lard is great for you from a healthy animal. Butter is fantastic from grass fed cows. Yes. You’ll see it bright orange or yellow because it’s full of something called CLA. It’s a type of fat that’s tremendously helpful for you.

And I’ll give you one more tip on this. Raw dairy is great for you. Snickers is bad for you, Harvey, and we’re gonna talk about that. Okay? Raw cheese, I gave Terri this tip last night.

[Inaudible] That’s okay. Raw cheeses are very, very important and we’re actually designed to consume raw dairies. Once you pasteurize dairy, it’s not so good for humans. Raw cheeses are fantastic. Most of them come from Europe. You can get them at Whole Foods in most good cheese shops. Second of all, they taste fantastic, whole different taste experience. Great for you, great for the kids. Most humans do better on goat and cheap dairy than they do on cow dairy; especially North American cows are different antigenically than Europe and the rest of the planet. So my advice is to buy European raw cheeses.

Male Speaker 14: It seems like generally people that are a bit overweight look

younger and people leaner have a tendency many times to look older. And people spend a lot of money to look younger. So Mitch is very happy, right, John?

Dr. Paul Anderson: All you’re talking about is – what you’re talking about is

youthfulness. If you’re overweight you can look a little more youthful in the face, yes, because we have fat. So all you have is you have more fat in your face. Your feet are fatter. Actually, the first place you lose weight is actually your feet. Your feet store fat. Then eventually it will come off your face and then it will eventually come off your belly. So yeah, you can look a little leaner, but I tell you you’re gonna live a lot longer. So your face may not look quite as youthful. You’re gonna outlive them by ten or 20 years. So you pick what you want.

Male Speaker 14: You’re gonna die [inaudible] [01:08:29]. Dr. Paul Anderson: That’s right. Hi. Female Speaker 5: Hi. Yeah because I’ve never done this before. I was just gonna

make a point. Harvey, you’re 83 years old. Eat the goddam Snickers.

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Dr. Paul Anderson: Yeah but I don’t want him to make mistakes so I’m gonna give

him chocolate or rock his world. Female Speaker 5: You know what? Eat the Snickers. Dr. Paul Anderson: No. I’ll give him chocolate. It will make him feel great. He’s got

to go another ten years. You don’t try and kill him early. Female Speaker 5: Dark chocolate. Dr. Paul Anderson: Don’t you kill him early, baby. Female Speaker 5: Yeah. They make dark chocolate Snickers now. Dr. Paul Anderson: No, no. We’re gonna give him real dark chocolate. Harvey: Okay. We’re gonna end it right there. Let’s give him a hand. [Applause] [End of Audio] Duration: 69 minutes