16 ^r^^fm-tVy"- '• Tuesday ' Evening, fpr^'W^'^^^f^J^^^g'- THE MINNEAPOLIS'^ JOURNAL. re March 147 1905. "' ~'8S? RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ~ HOTEL ARRIVALS. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS BUILDING PERMITS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MILWAUKEE DEPOT CMcaeo. ffiiiwautee St St. Paul RaUway Jan. 8, 1905. Ticket office. 3as Nicollet ay. Phone. 122. JWRJiENT Unfurnished Houses, EDWARD L. MoGRORY, Rental Expert, Temple Court. Management of Property. _ <,. Real Estate and Rentals. DAVIS-DEANE COMPANY, CONTRACTORS, will build for you; especially easy terms; any location; plans furnished free. 304 Kasota. Telephone 9382. _. HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED—WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN more money? There is an opening with an established stock and bend house for local and general representatives lu various towns in the northwest. Good references required. Address room 440, Temple Court, Minneapolis. •Dally. aEx.Sunday. xEx.Sat.l Leave. | ArrlTe. Chicago, La X., Milwaukee.. * 7:50am Milw'kee. La Crosse, Winonal* 2:20pm Chicago, La X, Milwaukee. .\* 6:45pm Chicago Pioneer Limited *8Hm Chicago, La X.. Milwaukee.. Northfield. Faribault, r.K.Clty Chicago, Faribault. Dubuque. Northfield, Faribault, Austin. La Crosse, Dubuque, Rock la. Ortonville. Mllbauk. Aberdeen ,*_-•-_ Ortonvllle. xFargo, Aberdeen|« 6:45pml* T:16am Mankato. Wells l«U:55amJ8 1:00pm Mankato. Wella I* e:23pm|alO:25pm •10:25pm » 8:20am 3:50pm z 7:15pm E 7 :60am slo :15am 10:3Cpm • 3:20pm •12:01pm *A|00 O am *12:01pn> 0:20pm *10:16am Ell :20am zlO :30pm z 6:00pm N ^OTg^yESfERirhliEl Office 000 Nicollet Ave. Phone 810. tEx. Sun. Others daily For CHICAGO Lv 7:60 am. 8:00,8:00,10:20 pm From CHICAGO..Ar 7:66,10:16 am, 8:20,10:20pm FOND DU LAC Lv 6:00 pm.Ar 10:16 am D0LUTH, Lv f7:36 am, 4:00 pm. Ar to:06,9:86 pm For SIOUX OITY fV^lO, 9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From SIOUX OITY 8:10 am, f4:45, 8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv f7:10,9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From OMAHA.. Ar8:10am,8:10pm For KANSAS OITY Lv9:10 am, 7580,8:30 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:10 am, 8:10 pm CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN to. CITY OFVXOBI fifth and Nicollet. DEPOT: Washington .and Tenth Ave. South. PBOMK: Mala aw. 8824 BLAISDELL AV; EIGHT ROOMS, strictly modern; rents for $23; a snap; or would Bell for $2,400. Edmunds, 200 Bank of Commerce. FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE IN GOOD neighborhood; gas and water: suitable for a small family. Apply rear 2523 Portland av. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 46 8d st S. FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM DWELLING, 1033 16th av SB, city water and sewer, $20. V. H. Van Slyke, 614 Guaranty bldg. LIST 'YOUR R6bMS~AND HOUSES FOR RENT with us. Union Realty Co., 407 Boston block. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST S, HAVE flats and houses, $10 to $45. SEVEN ROOMS, CENERAL LOCATION, 980. 420 10th st S. A YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL AND MANAGE country business for local nrm; good salary, ex- penses and small commission to energetic man. Hustler can earn $1,600 per year; steady em- ployment and good chance tor advancement; references required; young man irom ti*e coun- try considered. Address with stamped envelop, b\ W. Potts, Sykes block, Minneapolis. WANTED .(OK U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages of 21 .and 36; citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to re- cruiting oilicer at Phoenix building, St. Paul, or 324 1st av b. Minneapolis. Minn. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN WATCHMAKING, jewelry work, optic's engraving; only actual work school for Jewelers exclusively; money made leamiug. -Minneapolis School of Engrav- ing, Watchmaking, 7tu st ana Hennepin av, ^vhole lourth floor, Walker building. - ANT ADS 1 Cent* Word All ads 1 cent a word, when paid for in ad- vance; otherwise 8 cents per line. 7 words to the line. No Ad taken for less than 20c each insertion; except Situations Wanted, Male or Female, which are y 2 c a word: no Ad less than 10c daily; 20 words or less, one week, 50 cents. SMALL COTTAGE, $16 PER MONTH, st S. 316 9th Furnished Houses. A MODERN, WELL FURNISHED HOUSE TO private family; in desirable part of the city; within easy walking distance of business cen- ter; from June 1 for the summer or for year or mqre. 2309, Journal. SEVEN-ROOM, FURNISHED, LATHED AND plastered cottage, situated on two high lots, With fine trees, at Mlnnetonka Beach. Chas. M. Morton, 300-302 Nicollet av. FOR RENT—MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE; May 1 to Nov. 1. 2406 Bryant av 8. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED; 623 Washington av S. $6. «E». Sunday, others Dally. sand Bast, Dubuque », Kansas City, Omaha ...... J, Des Moines, Kansas City .. Chicago Chicago, Chicago, vooy^Au^., «»». v»„j .. Kansas City. St. Joseph. Des Moines Omaha, Ft, Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, > Mankato, Faribault. Northueld. f Dodge Oanier> Bayfield Lv.MplB 140 am 800 pm 1015 pm loeoam 7 40 a m •766 am 4 66 pm 4 86 pm Ar.Mpla 1090 pm 800 am 116 pm siopm 8iopm *180pm 1068 am lieoam c. a. « Q. R. R. Phono N.W. Main 648. T. 0.602. Ticke* office, 414 Nioollet av. Leave 7.80 a.m. 7*0 ism. 7:60 p.m. All Trains Daily Arrive Winona, La Crosse, Du- buque, Chicago, St.Louis "Ohloago Limited".. Winona, La Crosse, Du- buque, Chicago, StLouia 1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. MINNEAPOLIS &,ST. LOUIS H. P ••• Station, Washington and 4th avs N. " ' Office, 424 Nicollet. 'Except Sun.; others dally. Leave for CHICAGO *9:85 am 7:45 pm Leave for ST. LOUIS •9:35 am 7:45 pm Leave for D E S MOINES ..... *9:o5 am 8:35 pm Leave for OMAHA, California.*9:85 am 8:85 pm For Watertown and Storm Lake *8:57 am For Madison and Estherville ,.*8:57 am 6:15 pm THREE UPSTAIRS, ONLY $6. 914 6th AV S. THREE DOWNSTAIRS, $8. 613 6th ST N. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, ONE NICE large front rcom, on second floor; also one Bmall room, with large closet;, finest location in city modern house, heat and gas. 28 13th st S. ROLLER SKATING—ROLLER SKATING. xou are cordially invited to attend the Central Holler ssKutlug Kink, 5th st and 3th av S, atternoous and evenings; good music; capable instructors to teach ueginuera without ex era charge. ' WANTED—FIVE MORE MEN OF NEAT AP- peurunce and pleasant auuress, to sell alarm clucks' and other goods. Sold on eusy pay- ments, city work, ltigs lurnisued absolute- ly tree. Manager, O. u. Autuns Co:, 78 1th st S. WANTED—500 RAILROAD LABORERS,** TEAM- sters, day and station and extra gang uieu in Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. Free fare from Minneapolis, summer's work. Ship daily. Call at 8, 11 or 12 1st st S. MARRIED FARM HAND; OPERATE HOUSE, garden, cow pasture; steady job if satisfac- tory; state age, tauiliy; references; $85 inoins, eigut months; light winter work. Address CnarlesK. Finkuey, Falrmouut, N. D. - When so desired, in place of name •ind addresB, an advertisement can be addressed to a number furished by and in care of The Journal. Answers for out-of-town advertisers will be tor warded^ ' * SITOATIONSJWANTED Male. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, %o A word; no ad less than 10c dally; 20 words or less, one week, 50c. YOUNG - MAN, 30, COLLEGE AND C0MXER- cial education, understands books and accounts, good penman; wants office position or trust where reliability and worth are appreciated; used to meeting business people; good address and personal appearance; iair salary accepted. Address 3iM>2, journal. WANTED—POSITION AS TRAVELING SALES- man for hardware, stove or Implement house; would accept good position as clerk in whole- sale or retail stor#; young man, with seven years' experience; best of reference furnished. Address A. E. K., care of Emerson Newton. 708 3d st S. WANTED—POSITION AS ASSISTANT B00K- keeper or shipping clerk or' work in general store, with cnauce tor advancement; honest young man; age 28 years; understands book- keeping; have no objection for leaving city. 3058, Journal. Advertisements ordered run "until forbid" (T. 1<\) will not be discon- tinued except upon written order, duly signed. WANT PAGES CLOSE YOUNG MEN TO' LEARN TtU. PLUMBING and heating trade; both day* and evening classes; for terms address Practical School oi I'luuibing and Heating. 3030 Nicollet av, Min- neapolis, Minn. - EVERY DAY—AT 10 a.m. for . that day's noon edition. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY— AT 1 p.m. for entire afternoon edition. SATURDAY ONLY—AT 12:30 p.m. for entire afternoon edition. GET YOUR ADS IN EARLY FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY DESIRABLE, IN strictly modern house; all conveniences; tele- ? hone, gas. bath, steam heat; excellent loca- lon. 1331 Hawthorn a v. TO RENT—ONE OR TWO ROOMS; ONE AL- cqve; furnished or unfurnished; thoroughly modern; private family; phone service. 68 13th st S. near Nicollet. NEWSPAPER SOLICITORS FOR CITY; NEW proposition, great success; the boys are mak- ing twice more money than the daily papers are paying. Cal forenoons. Mr. Mann, 722 _ Boston Jttock. WANTED—MAN WITH CARPENTER'S TOOLS to set up new furniture In receiving room. Ap- ply Wednesday morning. ' L. O. Kellogg, vice president N/ew England ii'urniture & Carpet Co. 713V4 NICOLLET AV—SUITE OF TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping, with or without use of kitchen; also single rooms, first-class and modern. N. W. 807-Jl. NICE, CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS, steam heated, bath, gas; low rates; week or month. The Algonquin, 310 2d av S. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, large closets, parquet floors, entirely modern. 116 E 14th st. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R'Y. TICKET OFFICE, 830 NIOOLLET AV. Phonos T. O., 856; N. W., Main 855. Leave. Chip»ewa Falls, Marsh- neM,Athtand,Ir<>n Towns, Fond du Lac Oshkosh. I 8 a.m. Milwaukee, Chicago f 7.-05 p. m. Arrive. 8:50 a. m. 5:10 p. m. ., HOTEL i ^ I V A L S The following persons from the north* west are registered at Minneapolis hotels: HOTEL VENDOME—A. W. Jeerens, Chicago; A. H. Bennett. Benson. Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. William De Noma. Davis, S. D.; E. E. Ladd, W. F. Smith, Kewanee. 111.; W T illis McPeeley, Chicago; 'Gracia I. .Tenks, Annandale, Minn.; August Norman. Willmar; William Grass, Portland, Ore.: Mrs. H. C. Emery, Fargo, " X. D.; B. E. Dueher. Canada; C. B. Kidder, . Terre Haute. Ind.; Charles F. Gilles, Red- . wood Falls, Minn.; John Max, Yankton. S. D.; - Mrs. A. I'. Johnson. Milwaukee; J. A. Batcher, Fnribauli, Minn.: George Walker, St. Paul; C. T. Daniels. Chicago; A. G. Randall, Ken- sal. X. D.: A. P. Burke. Shell Lake. Wis.; " V. 3. Kennedy, New York: J. E. French, New Haven. Colin.; F. Walsttu, Park River, N. D.; W. H. Mann, C. B. Westfall, Beards- iey. STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS; telephone service. ?S to $10 per month. 1043 Hennepin av. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Inquire at 86 Eastman av, sec- . ond ' floor. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN flat. Apply 127 E Grant st. flat 2. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- ing, at 27 8th st N. Unfurnished Flats. FOR RENT—ONE OF THE FINEST - FOUR- rooiu flats in the city; modem in every way; facing Loring park: light and airy and beauti- ful In summer; rent only fc30 a month; can be taken at once. Call 815 W 15th st, flat 43, The Oak Grove. WANTED — MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad- uress 4OT3 and 4W5 Eastou av, St. IJOUIS, Mo. WANTED—EXPERIENCED LIFE AND ACCI- dent Insurance man to. sell our endowment ac- cident iUBjrauce; the best of contracts given. Call or write 502 Sykes block, Minneapolis. WANTED—TINSMITH, AT ONCE. FIRST- class; most be,able to take control of snup; give references and state salary expected. Beach & Gibson, Craven, N. W. T., Cauuua. SALESMEN - ^"SELL - OUR~GOODS~TO GENT eral stores, clothiers, druggists and grocers; line side lines;' big prohts; liberal terms. Model Mfg. Co., Box L. South Bend, Ind. ^ELPjyAN3^D c: FHMAI^ ROLLER SKATING—ROLLER SKATING. You are cordially Invited to attend the Central Roller Skating Uiuk, 5th st and 5th n\ S, afternoons and evenings; good music; capable instructors to teach beginners without extra charge. ^ WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG MARRIED man as stenographer; best of habits and ref- erences; willing to work regardless of hours, and will start with moderate salary. Address 2»«», Journal. WANTED—POSITION AS ASSISTANT OR shipping clerk, or wora in wholesale house, witn cnance for advancement; honest young man, with six years' experience. A d u r e s s *ti<;>, Journal. WANTED—WORK BY MAN 22, WITH FIVE years' experience—in retail clothing and fur- nishings; can trim windows; references; will leave city. Address_2«80, Journal. WANTED"—POSITION BY A STEADY AND SO- ber butcher; teverai years' experience; reason- able wages; references. F. A. Austin, 320 Walnut st, Grand Forks, X. D. BUSINESS^CHANCES f 10 UPWARDS. Wanted—Parties to Invest any amount from 110 upwards In a manufacturing machine com- pany in this city, manufacturing heavy ma- chinery; there is not nor will be no competi- tion in this line, and we positively guarantee at least 12 per cent on investment the first year. Stock is now being sold a t | 5 a share, par value fio. Now, if you are looking for a place to put your money where the directors are all local business men and you can see bow it Is used, where it la absolutely secured and where we can show you what we have done, not what we are going to do, Investigate this. Call at our office and see our models and allow us to demonstrate. International Hoisting Machine Manufacturing Co., 619 Phoenix Bldg. Minneapolis. MEAT MARKET FOR RENT: ONS OF THE best country markets in North Dakota; doing a good business and a moneymaker: best loca- tion in city, with barn, slaughter housfc and 160 acres pasture, with running water: is impossible lor me to give this business much attention and iiold county office; here Is a snap, and will bear inspection; will rent or sell. George F. Faher, sheriff. New Rockford, N. D. SHOPPING BY FOR SALE OR RENT—CONFECTIONERY AND restaurant. If you are looking for a busi- ness opening you can't do better than look this over; will take good team of driving nurses on the deal; this is one of the best propositions in town; will sell or rent to suit customer. Write or call ou Charles Landerholm, Clarissa, Minn. COMPANIES PROMOTED, STOCKS AND bonds of other corporations underwritten and guaranteed. Charters obtained, prospectuses written and stock put on market. If you have the*mine, patent, industrial or railroad proposition see me. W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus building. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, STEADY Posi- tion, clerk iii hardware store or assistant shipping .clerk' in wholesale house, In or out of city. 3050, Journal. WANTED—tOSUXiUd AS CASHIER OR As- sistant cashier in Minnesota or Dakota ban*; have had live years' experience; best refer- ences. Z21H, Journal. WAMTED-^YOUNG MAN, STRANGER IN CITY, wants position in wholesale house; four years' experience as shippiug clerk; good references. B., 1214 Yale place. WANTED—TO CORRESPOND WITH FIR8T- class dressmaker, who is willing to work among lirst-cla&s country trade. Address P. O. Box Xo. 17, itock Rapids, Iowa. WANTED—EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON power sewing machines to make shirt waists; also girl for folding waists. Van Stone & Forbes, 716 1st av &'. WANTED—EXPERT LADY CANVASSER, CITY work, $18 per week to start; good opportunity to advance. American Soap & Chemical Co., 2812 Central av. BUSINESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR SELF- dependent lady of business ability; good pay and permanency to right person. 310 Bank of Commerce.. WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, neat, competent girl; house has every modern convenience. Apply at once. 2447 Girard av S. WAHXED—YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER, some knowledge bookkeeping, for wholesale impltn.ent l,ouse; state age, experience and salary wanted. Address 3140, Journal. MAN AND WIFE TO GO ON FARM, EITHER as tenant or on salary; must be experienced farmer. Geo. II. Elwell, office Minneapolis Furniture Co., 9th st and 5tn av SE. EXPERIENCED GERMAN DRY GOODS CLERK for North Dakota, $50, $00; also want Nor- wegian general clerK, North Dakota. S. A. Morawetz, 315 Kasota building. HOTEL HYSER-^Tames Eagan, Lincoln. . Neb.; i .1. M. Brown and wife, R. L. Hardy, Ben ' Wolff. Chicago; George B. Carr, Milwaukee; W. !•'. Kt-enke, Hutchinson: W. E. Weisman, Xew York: ('. A. Harker, T. H. Sullivan, Chi- cago: George E. Bilger, Chicago; H. A. , Holmes, Towner, X. D.; L. A. Emerson, Minot; Captain Jack Hart, Mound, Minn.; H. G. . Heid. St. Paul; O. E. Smith and wife, Chi- cago; C. H. Baugh, Sioux City; B. S. Brainard. Chicago: A. Toscos, Livermore, N. D.; Peter Kaps, Chicago; J. R. Dougherty, Grand Porks, X. J). CRADLE, ALTAR, GRAVE E. J., 125 Union BIRTHS. Bartholomew—Mr. and Mrs. atreet SE, girl. Murphy—Mr. and Mrs. A., 162S Jefferson street NE, boy. Larsen—Mr. and Mrs. A., 2719 Sixteenth ave- nue S, boy. Smith—Mr. and Mrs. J„ 2602 Riverside ave- nue, boy. Jackson—Mr. and Mra» QT» J., 514% Thirteenth avenue S, boy. Kaehn—Mr. and Mrs. John, 1029 Fourth afreet N, girl. Andersen—Mr. and Mrs. W., 828 East Seven- teenth street, boy. Woodward—Mr. and Mrs. H. W., 1604 Fifth •treet S, boy. Anderson—Mr, and Mrs. John, 1619 Chicago avenue, boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Guy B. Jameson and Sylvia L. Brabeo. Frank Lappen and Clara Anderson. Joseph W. Heard and Martha B. Schacht. John W. Clayton and Clara Fancher. Thomas Sullivan and Edna Donnay. Joseph Hurd and Mabel Leonora Nelson. Edwin J. Capwell and Margaret O. Roberts. Hennan S'chroeder and Minnie Schualbe. Frank A. Charney and Fannie Tobiash. Henry G. Landmeyer and Alice Johnson. John Dickey and Carrie Simonson. James Livingston and Christina Moe. Charles E. Kjelstrup and Beulah Trowbridge, DEATHS. Olson—Birger, 2542 Fourth street NE. > Tantges—Peter, 2631 Grand avenue. Englund—John H., 957 Twentieth avenue NE Mulken—Elizabeth. 2631 Sixteenth avenue S. - Pixley—Lula G., Asbury hospital. Cronin—William E., 942 Central avenue. Seaburg—Ruth E., 1071 Eighteenth avenue SB Moriarlty—Maurice, 1584 East Twenty-sixth Itreet. Vaughns-Daniel, 519 Washington avenue N. Duffy—A. E., 166 Lyndale avenue X. Bjorkland—John, St. Barnabas hospital. Hurley—Eugene, Milwaukee tracks and Twen ty-fourth street. OJalar—Laurie, Bassetfs creek. * Conners—Henry. Soldiers* Home. --• Morgan—Jane, 1513 East Lake street. r ' MODERN FLATS, EXCEPT HEAT, ON E.J5T- man av, Nicollet Island; walking distance. ?10—First floor, three rooms. $14—Main floor, three large rooms. $18—Second floor, five large rooms. S. C. Staggs, 323 Hennepin. BEAMSTER AND STOKER WANTED TO WORK on sheep shearling for coat trimmings. First- class positions for two good men. AUdreas Box loo, Brandon, Manitoba. DURING - "THIS MONTH~CATON BUSINESS College, 612 Hennepin av, admits students un- der contract to pay tuition after they obtain employment. UNFURNISHED FLAT—THE FINEST SIX- room modem flat in the city; beautifully deco- rated, hardwood floor, elegant bath, electric light, good locality, walking distance. Flat 2, 707 9th st S. FOR RENT—4-R00M UNFURNISHED FLAT. Steam heat, hot water, hardwood finish and floors, large, light, airy; janitor service; walk- ing distance; $21.50. 147 Lyndale av X. flat 2. OAK GROVE, 815 W 15th ST; THREE, FIVE and six rooms, strictly modem, finest location . in city, facing Loring park; light and airv. Edmunds, 206 Bank of Commerce. * TO LET—FOUR-ROOM APARTMENTS, MOD- em ID all appointments; nice neighborhood; within walking distance. Alexander Campbell & Co., New York Life bldg. FOR RENT APRIL 1—VERY DESIRABLE SIX- room flat, 1509 Clinton av, only four flats in building. Apply S. G. Harris, 1507 Clinton av. Telephone 4181-L1. SECOND FLOOR, THREE CONNECTING UN- furnished rooms lor housekeeping; open plumb- ing, wet sink, business district; references re- quired. 717 1st av N. FIVE ROOM FLAT, FRAME, DETACHED house, modern, gas, bath, swell location; for man and wife only $25; vacated April 1. Ad- dress £079, Journal. MODERN STEAM-HEATED FLAT OF FOUR rooms and bath, hot water, gas range, polished floors, ground floor, $25 per month. Borg, 145 Lyndale av N. TO RENT—STEAM HEATED MODERN FLATS, every convenience; fine location; good service; very desirable; summer rate. Janitor, 527 5th av SE. t, ELEGANT OUTSIDE 7-ROOM APARTMENT, beautiful decorations, $30. "The Waldorf," corner Park av and 18th st. See janitor or «. Vanstrum. FOR, RENT—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH barn and three extra lots, newly painted and papered, 4448 Bloomington av. Inquire 1300 8th st S. . FOUR-ROOM FLAT, THOROUGHLY MODERN, walking distance; 1406 Spruce place, flat 7. Clarence Brown, 510 New York Life building. 6EVEN-R00M FLAT, THOROUGHLY MODERN, hardwood floors, hot waler heat, second floor, detached house, $25. 1605 Chicago av. FOR RENT—THREE AND FOUR-ROOM FLATS, steam heat, all modern, janitor service, walk- ing distance^Olmsted, Temple Court. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment %>y thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 46 3d st S. PAINTERS, YOU SHOULD HAVE OUR COM- plete descriptive catalogue; most complete paint stock in northwest. Moifett, 19 Wasniug- ton av N. YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR WITH BOOKKEEP- ing, who can operate typewriter, for office assistant. Address in own handwriting, 2569, Journal. WANTED—MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF CLUB- room; must know how to handle boys; salary $i; per week. Call City Circulator, Journal Office. WANTED—TAILOR AND CLARIONET PLAY- er; tine opening in live town; large territory to draw from. Address John H. Held, Hawley, Minn. TRY ME—WATCHES CLEANED, 75c t MAIN springs, 75c; warranted one. year. All kinds or jewelry repaired. Schaffer's, 24;s Nicollet av; INVESTIGATE—MEN OF AMBITION, ENERGY and ability, the Metropolitan Life Insurance _Ca Metropolitan Life bldg, 2d av S and 3d st. WANTED—SINGLE'YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE single rig; must know city; Scandinavian pre- ferred. John E. Layne, 12% Kasota Bldg. PAPER. HANGERS, FULL LINE OF LATEST tools at Moffett's paint store, 19 Washington av N. Descriptive catalogue on request. MEN WANTED TO FILL HIGH GRADE Posi- tions, stenographers, bookkeepers, traveling men, clerks, etc. Atwood, 412 Nicollet. SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTES; BEST OAK soles, sewed. 75c; nailed. 50c; rubber heels, 40c. S. T. Sorensen. 312 Nicollet av. WANTED—YOUNG MAN AS PARTNER TO open confectionery in small town. Further in- formation call room 39, Golden West. WANTED—TWO COLLECTORS AND AGENTS: good pay to workers. Apply at 120 Hennepin av from 9-to 12 a.m. Wednesday. - ; WANTED—PIANO SALESMAN, MUSIC HOUSE in city; one that can talk quality, able to close sales, etc. 3084, Journal. WANTED—WOMAN TO DO WASHING, IRON- ing and housecleaning; one who can room here; highest wages paid. 517 E 15th st. T. C. 2694. WANTED—GIRL ABOUT 17 TO CARE FOR baby; eat and slaep at home; hours 8 to 7. Call after 7 evanings. Rialey, 410 9th st S. WANTED AT ONCE —HONEST, GOOD, steady girl for general housework; small fam- _ily; no_children. 2716 Colfax av S . _ WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED MAKER, WITH home in city, at C. T. Nelson's Millinery, 429 Cedar_av. Also apprentice girls. WANTED—GIRL FOR~ GENERAL HOUSE- work; a comfortable home for a good, willing girl. Apply Flat F, 734 E 16th st. 0. S. BUTLER, 1606 3d AV 8, EXPERT Ac- countant and general bookkeeper; books opened, examined, auuued; prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. Telephone Grocers. Bain, B. R. & Co ..... if 2716 It Berglnnd, L. P 8 986 3 Hall, W . P M 8868 Hanson, P. G X 8M Harrington, A. A Son 8 37—S Klnkle, J. V - M £836 La McBride, "The Grocer"*...S 4 8 1140 Mandell, A. M 2668 J6 Oys, John M 2761 LI Peterson, L. J 8 1041 Jl Rogers, W. H M 8768 Jl Sunny side Crsh Grocery S 288 J2 Swager A Worrall (Meats) .... 8 7 Wiggin A Mattlson 8 1468 * DO YOU WANT A FINE EUROPEAN HOTEL? One, 60-rooni, clearing «$:ioo monthly; one 4o- room, clearing $200 monthly; one 35-rooni, clearing $200 monthly. I also have small rooming house, grocery store, cigar store, etc. Whitemau & Selleck, 314 l'ioueer Press, St. Paul. FOR SALE—STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS BAK- ery; town of 3,000; everything new, line trade, $1,300 soda fountain, tobacco, cigars and fancy groceries; present owners can't agree; in- voices $3,800: will take $3,000 cash. E. L. Grout, Breckenridge, Minn. WANTED—SITUATION AS STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, by competent young man salary $35 a .mouth, aeua, Minn. Address Box 238, Wa- WAKTED—A GOOD LINE, SIDE LINE, OR specialty to handle on the road.-Nsmall salary and commission; have a iiood line now. 2987, Journal. WANTED—TO CLERK IN HOTEL, CITY OR country, or would manage hotel for widow. Strictly temnerate. Best of references. 2926, Journal. YOUNG MAN WITH HIGH SCHOOL EDUCA- tlon would like employment; have had six months' experience in a grocery store. 3106, Journal. AS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER; GOOD PEN- man, rapid and accurate at figures; age 22, and can furnish references. Aadress 3118, Jour- nal. DELIVERING OF SOME KIND WANTED BY good, reliable man; will furnish own horse and rig; well-acquainted. Address 3029, Jour- nal. WANTED—A SPECIAL LINE TO TRAVEL FOR on the-road; part expenses and commission; having good success now. 3022, Journal. WANTED—VEGETABLE COOK; KITCHEN girl and two chamber girls. At the Hampshire _ Arms, corner 4th av and 9th st S. WANTED AT ONCE—SELF-RELIANT - WOMAN of good education fov pleasant and high-class work; references. 3133, Journal. ACCURATE BOOKKEEPER, ONE FAMILIAR with typewriter; $10 to start. Address In own handwriting. 2870. Journal. , WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Take Monroe & Bryant car. Mrs. Baker. 3333 Colfax av S. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL H0USE- work; modern house: small family: good home. Call 1521 10th av f§. WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER ON TRUCK FARM, inside city limits: four men, no children. Ad- dress-2975, Journal. WANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; two in family. 1326 Vine place, flat 2, downstairs. WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1825 1st av S, next to Wesley church, flat 4 WANTED—JEXPERTENOEB tflRL FOR GENER- al housework; good ^Wages. 1 . small family. 2307 Colfax av S; '•:.'"' v:•••><'-' BUY YOUR TRUNKS OF THE BIJOU TRUNK Factory; old cnes n, thkea in'exchange. 18 Wash- ington av N. WANTED—EXPERIENCED GENERAL HOUSE- work girl; three in family; high wages. 2404 Pleasant av. WANTED—EXPERIENCED SKIRT FINISHERS and helpers on waists and skirts at once. 805 _15th av S. . . COMPETENT? GIRL WANTED; GENERAL housework; call. 1653 W 26th st, near Lake of the IsleSj_ WANTED—A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework and care of children. 2886 Port- land av. WANTED—EXPERIENCED COOK WITH REF- erences. Mrs. F. W. Clifford, 410 Clifton av. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework: small family. 3181 2d av S. PRINTER WITH A LITTLE MONEY, OR property, to buy a paying plant in good town. Address at once, 3103, Journal. WANTED—BUSHELMAN AND PRESSERS. WE pay well; steady work. Hoffman's Toggery Shops, 51 and 53 4th st S. WANTED—TWO •GOOD .C0ATMAKER8, ONE vest and one pants maker, union shop. Lad, the tailor, Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS SIGN PAINTER; good wages; year contract; steady work. Uan- niff Co., Grand Forks, N. D. AN EXPERIENCED STOCK CLERK IN wholesale saddlery wanted. Apply Schulzs Brothers Co., Duluth, Minn. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS BARBER AT once; steady job and good* wages. H. L. Hanson, Blue Earth, Minn. FOR RENT—WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE, five rooms; thoroughly modern; $25. Worrell & Cherry, 803 Kasota block. SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 17TH ST AND Nicollet av. Inquire of T. K. Gray, 108 Hen- nepin av. » 119 lOih ST N—FOUR ROOMS, PARTLY MODT A. X. Trussell, 1101 1st ern, ground floor. av N. •» REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Herman Stern to Hush Victor Mercer, undivided half lots 8 and 4. block 2. Me Fee's rearrangement »72o Susan C. Jones to Mathilda F. Sawyer, part lots 1 and 2, block 6 Lindley & V" LIngefelter'8 addition 1,000 Andrew J. Brown to M. White, lots 25 and 26, block 11, J. T. Blaisdell's addi- v tion, revised 1.000 Herman Stern to Hugh Victor Mercer, undivided half lota 1 and 2, block 2, Mc- Fee's rearrangement r 725 Andrew J. Hitt and wife to H. B. Rude, lot 3 and part lot 4, block 9, Williams' g, addition • • • Jv Hurd and wife to Josephine ThlbodeaU, t -lot 23, block 5, Ramsey, Lockwood & '•^Others' addition Emniji R. Dickinson and husband to Wil 400 2,100 AHUBI J. Boulger, part lot 41, Village of * Excelsior. .- , 600 Agues Jordan and husband to Maria M. ? Scliimming. lot 10, block 13, Wolver- *. Ion's addition 1,750 Emma J. Brown and husband to B. O. ' Nelson, lot 1. block 7, Allen & Ander- h son's Second addition- BOO Homestead investment company to W. II. H. James, part lots 11 and 12, block 6. The Washington Yale addition 6,000 Mary R. Wilson to Mary A. Hough, lot .. 28, block 3, Chicago Lake Park addi- tion* ...; . Harry S. Thompson and wife to H. O. Noyes and wife, lot 11, block 14, Motor Line addition E. T. Glenn and wife to R. G. Glenn, lot 1, block-5, Hancock & Rice's addition.. . B- K. Silsbee and wife to David C. War-, t den, lot 27. block 8, First Division of < Remington Park 2,600 I Oscar Peterson and wife to U. S. Install- * ment Realty Co., lot 15, block 11, Wil- liam's addition M. White and husband to Emma E. Crab- tree, lots 25 and 26, block 11. J. T. Blaisdell's Revised laddition... William Knaeble and wife to Herman p Lentz, part lot 1, Hayniarket addition FOR RENT—FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED flat, Southeast; May 1. 3123. Journal. FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT, $25. 321 Washington cv S. WANTED—RIP SAWYER; PREFER MAN used to matching quarter sawed oak. Apply to Barnard-Cope Mfg. Co. ' ' WANTED—AN ALL-AROUND v COOK FOR club, 40 miles from city; will pay good wages. Address 3131, Journal. WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT FAMILY trade; stata age, experience and wages ex- pected. 2867, Journal. WANTED—REAL ESTATE MAN; A GOOD proposition to the right man. Call at 514 New York Life Bldg. Stores. STORE—20x50, WITH STEAM HEAT, AT 881 5tb st S. Byron & WlUard. 29 5th st S. SMALL STORE FOR RENT—NEAR NICOLLET and 4th. Chadbourn & Braden. 17 4th st S. Offices. DESKROOM IN ONE OF THE BE8T OFFICE buildings m this city; with use of desk and phone; $6 per month. George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix building. * FOR RENT—TWO OFFICE ROOMS ON SECOND floor of Sykes building; rent reasonable to • right party. Dr. Sullwold, 254 Hennepin av. SMALL OFFICES WITH VAULT AND^SAFET Inquire at 666 Bank of Minneapolis bldg. Farms. 120-ACRE FARM FOR RENT; 12 MILES FROM city; cheap for cash. Pllgram, 515 Temple Court. 775 425 2,600 1,000 4,000 831 Total .$25,831 TAILORING BOARD AND ROOMS DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR families; board; detached house, with lawn; pleasant location. 124 E 16th st, corner Stev- ens av. BOARD WITH TWO VERY LARGS WELL furnished rooms, in modern house; centrally located. 825 4th av S. BOARD AND ROOM FOR $3.50 A WEEK; bath, gas, heat and walking distance. Ad- dress 207 B 17th st. HOTEL WAVERLY—SEE WHAT WE HAVE before you settle. Single, suites, private baths. WANTED—MAN FOR GENERAL WORK IN wards. Apply steward. City and County hos- pital, St. Paul. WANTED—PANTRY AND SCRUB GIRLS AT the Minneapolis Club. Ask for housekeeper. A GOOD DRESSMAKER JWANTED AT ONCE". Good style; references. Call up T. C. 16443. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at'once, 1614 1st av S. WANTED—GOOD GIRL housework; no washing. FOR GENERAL 1316 7th st SE. GOOD, COMPETENT GIRL FOR . GENERAL housework; family of two. 3217 Park av. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; thnee in familv. 905 6th st SE. WANTED—THREE • three scrub girls. CHAMBERMAIDS Windsor hotel. AND EXPERIENCED CASHIER FOR RETAIL STORE —S'. A. Morawetz, 315 Kasota bldg. WTNTED^-GOOD" GLRL FOR housework. 1219 Hawthorn av. PAPERHANGER WANTS WORK; MODERATE; city references. 2421 1st av S. T. C. Tel. 4270. N. W. Tel. 1221. I WISH TO SELL AT ONCE A SMALL STOCK of general merchandise; store and restaurant fixtures; if you meau business write at once for full particulars; fine Al location; rent $29 per month. Address P. O^Box 350, Rau- dolph. Wis. Terms cash. East Side Grocers. HanBsen A Rckdahl £ 08S £ King, W. J E 719 J l McMullen's Fancy Grocery E 748 Menellley, 0 . W . . . , E 263 J l Meat Markets. Baker, A. A K 8776 » Boston Fish Market M 988 Bowen, J. N M 2477 J2 Chant, James X 1661 J2 Ewald, John 8 86 J l Gem Market, The ..... M 1848 J Hoyt, O. W M 1866 Jl Mandell, A M 1809 J2 North btar Meat Market ...... E 624 J Oys, John M 2761 LI T. 0. 8676 4860 888 17 4452 ttM 4476 1651 1887 8022 8024 4616 4988 1720 16104 18876 16*60 1618S 1196 1864 1684 llttft 4961 6X8 2149 8277 16»*3 1887 Feed, Fuel and Transfer. Anderson Co., Kosenquist, prop.S 826 L2 Andrews, George E 8 678 J l Daneu's Feed, Fuel A Transfer 8th Ward Feed, Fuel, Transfer.8 8 LI Fellows, E. O., Coal Co M 83 Field, E. A., Fuel Co M 979 LI Holmes & McCaughey Co JC 1891 Jackson, F. L., Coal Co M 8*9 Jones & Adams Co.,/The M 4418 Plymouth Fuel & Lumber Co..M 3846 LI Washburn Coal Co ,*.M 831 Laundries. Phoenix Phoenix . M 1628 ..X 1688 M 8644 LI BUSINESS CHANCK—WANTED AT ONCE, A. business manager and tieasurer, with $5,000. ! Custom for a Chicago plaster company; will pay j Fuller ' .'.'.'.',','..Ttl AM $150 per mouth and 7 per cent interest on j Mnls.. S. H Towler Pron M 7as 5 K,ner iJ t , hl ", is a S ut " e dged business. Ad-1 M ^ Y f^Hrt ™f; «££" —** ™* dress 2961, Journal. HAVE YOU USED YOUR STONE AND TIM- ber rightV if not, write me and 1 can show you how to net 600 per cent on your money; I have a few .imber claims that are extra good and nicely located. Address 2722, Jour- nal. STOCKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed. Companies desiring to float their stock should call at this office for information, which costs nothing, but will start you uff right. W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus bldg. DRUG STORE FOR SALE IN GOOD WESTERN Minnesota town of 400 population; good coun- try awd territory; liberal offler for cash; ex- change for good land; stand close Investigation. An opportunity. 2669, Journal. WANT PARTNER—LIVERY, HACK, TRANS- fer line, Sioux Falls, or will sell Minneapolis livery; cannot handle both. If you want something good, look this up quick. Kor- thof, Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD habits, work of any kind. Address J. C. P., 224 4th av NK. BOY OF 17 WISHES AN HONEST POSITION, chance of promotion; fair education. Address S031, Journal. YOUNG MAN WITH SSATE LICENSE WANTS position as assistant stationary engineer. 2999, Journal. WANTED—WALL PAPER CLEANING TO DO. Phones: N. W., Main 8827 L2; T. C, 9281. YOUNG MAN OF 20 WANTS TO LEARN butcher's trade. Address L. V., 880 5th st NE. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE WORK DRIVING team or farm work. Address 3135, Journal. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, fto A word; no ad less than 10c daily; 20 words or less, one week, 60c. WANTED—BY EXTRA COMPETENT 8TEN- ographer, work to do at home; have had ten years' experience. Will call for work and deliver same. Best satisfaction guaran- teed. 2819, Journal. HAIR DRESSER; THOROUGHLY EXPERT enced, would like a few private customers; hairdressing, shampooing, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. Call T. C. 9010. DRESSMAKER, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED and good fitter, ou street suits, shirt waists or evening dresses, desires dressmaking in fanil- lles; references. 8100, Journal. FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAKER. ALSO Ex- perienced dressmaker, wants position at once. Permanent preferred; willing to leave city; ra~* sonable wages. 2347, Journal. POSITION WANTED AS BOOKKEEPER; Ac- curate and competent, capable of taking charge of business; best city references. 8028, Jour- nal. SHIRT WAISTS, 76o AND UP; SKIRTS 88 AND up; ladles' costumes and coats a specialty. Work guaranteed. Miss Schafer, 13 B 14th st. COMPETENT COOK WANTS PLACE IN A PRI- vate place; no washing; will go to the lake; references given. Address 2963, Journal. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER, good penman, with best references, desires position in office at once. 2696. Journal. WANTED—^POSITION AS HOUBEKEEPER BY capable middle-aged lady; can furnish first- class references. Call at the city haU. WANTED—WASHING TO TAKE HOME; LAOE curtains a specialty; can furnish first-class references. T. C. phone 9409, Journal. LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION; has had experience in lawyer's office; refer- ences given. Address 2962, Journal. GOOD GIRL FROM THE COUNTRY WANTS work in private family; not afraid of work; call at 46 Central av. SITUATION WANTED B Y A YOUNG LADY in a small family place; understands little English. 746 3d st N _L WANTED—PLACE TO ASSIST IN SEWING or to do housework. Address Housekeeper. Na tional hotel. GENERAL WANTED housework. GOOD GIRL FOR Call 409 9th st S. GENERAL WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBER- maid. Call 510 loth st S. WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 513 4th av SE. GOOD SEWING GIRLS WANTED AT 1816 E 19th st. at ouc^. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. St SE. 906 6th FIVE SOLICITORS BY PIANO HOUSE IN city; a good thing for a good hustler. 231S, Journal. WASH GOODS SALESMAN WANTED AT once. S. A. Morawetz. 315 Kasota building. WANTED—CARRIAGE PAINTERS. WALLXCE Coach & Carriage Works. 12 and 14 E Grant st. WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAINSPRINGS, $1. Warranted one year. Paegel's. 22 3d st S. WANTED—AT ONCE, TRUNKMAKER, AT Garland's, 378 Robert st, St. Paul, Minn. WANTED—PANTS AND VESTMAKER AT once. Frank .TelineU, Bayfield. Wis. WANTED—PANT AND VESTMAKER. M. Schon, Hawhrden, Iowa. APPLY _LOSTJPOTODJ^WARDS_ FOUND AT POWERS—PACKAGE OF SEWING, roll of music, notions, veil, silk, lace, under- wear, 1 wrapper, 1 package of hose,. l- ; lace ccver. Owners may have same by calling at Lost, and Found Des'k of this store. L0BT—MONDAY, A BLACK HOME-MADE MIT- ten, between 8th and 10th avs on 18th st. Please return to L. J. Peterson's grocery store, 1729 Chicago av. LOST—MALE BOSTON TERRIES; COLOR brindle and white, weight between 21 and 25 pounds. Return to 2015 Stevens av for re- ward. ; • . ; . X FOUND—A PLACE-TO HAVE YOUR TRUNKS repaired or. exchanged for. new ones. Bijou Trunk Factory, 18 Washington a» N. LOST—LADY'S FUR COLLAR, TIPPET. FIND- er will please return -to v W.i, R;: Murray, First National Bank,\for. rewards '••; £ j x CLAIRVOYANTS KB^RON^WLLirCONVLNOE^YOU, Tells your name, occupation and what you call for; tells who and when to marry and how to win the one you love. His advice on busi- ness, investments. . speculation,, lawsuits, di- vorces, separations are wonderful. Readings 50c by presenting this ad; time limited. Offices. 88 on 8th st S, between Hennepin and Nicollet avs. Mail readings $1. Send date of birth with any private questions. STOVEJREPAIRS j T your Inspection. Turnquist The Tailor, 616 ijlEPALBS FOR ALL STOVES; GREAT WES. JL ia* »T 8 , "„f * - , „ '; ^ /, , , ; \ , * „i., tern Stow Repair Co^ 812 Hennepin FOUND—GOLD CROSS; OWNER CAN HAVE same by describing and paying for ad.. Room 84S Nicollet Hotel. DRE^IVIAKma^ ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING, PLAIN AND fancy shirt waists, made as samples, at half price for next two weeks; tailor suits a spe- cialty. Hammersley, 23 13th st S. ^NOUNi^WgENTO^ REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago. Denver. Spokane and Pacific Coast points; frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on tba Boyd Transfer and Storage Co.. 46 3d st S. __BUSINE|S^PROPERTY__ WAREHOUSE, 620-622 3d AV N, CENTRAL Market, new building. 40x60 feet, office, lava- tory, trackage.' etc.; excellent location for commission or feed house. Ralph W. Jones & Co., 330 1st st S. Both phones No. 3189. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT, RE- llable housekeeper; good references. 8144, Journal. AGEOTSWANTm A LIFE INSURANCE MAN, CAPABLE OF producing a good personal business, and han- dling agents, can obtain a general agency in Minneapolis for one of the best known New York companies; excellent opportunity for future: give age and experience; no objection to replies from present rirpresentatlves. Ad- dress P. O. Box 787. New York city. FOR SALE BY OWNER—LEVEL QUARTER section of land within eight miles of Huron, S. D.; 125 ajres under cultivation; will con- . sider part payment in good property. Address Box 34. Huron, S. D. EXCHANGE—FINE $4,600 GROCERY IN TOWN of 5»000, for a good farm, clear or nearly so; also several merchandise stocks for exchange. Answer at once. A. D. Kleineman, N. Y. Life. Minneapolis. FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING TAILORING BUSI- ness in one of the best towns in North Da- kota; stock and fixtures about $1,500; part time will be given if desired. Address 3074, Journal. Model Laundry, East Side E 821 32 Profit Sharing „..M 8708 S. A H . M . X 109 White Steam M 867 J Bakers. Lewis' Ideal Home Bakery ...M 8390 Olde Tyme Bakerie X 953 Woman's Baking Company ...... X 1918 Florists. Latham, R. A ^M 1498 Whitted, H. B X 8417 J8 8188 1488 16006 4*f6 7/6 1606 8461 8840 1616 8*07 2026 1298 12*8 138 880 766 16008 870* 868 1798 Teas and Coffees. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co X 1886 Thompson, Benj. W., & Son. .X 8816 JS Spring Water. The Qlenwood-lnglewood Co...X 888 8089 953 1818 8706 1960 1836 1238 828 DRAY LINE FOR SALE; NINE HEAD OF horses, seven wagons, two lots with barn, icehouse with 800 tons of lee; will sell with or without ice. Joe Jeneweln, Granite Falls, Minn. WE CAN SELL WITHIN 80 DAYS, FOR CASH, your business, farm or other propertv, wher- ever located. Call or write for particulars. Northern Realty Co., Andrus building, Minne- apolis. FOR SALE—STOCK OF GENERAL MEROHAN- dise, fixtures and store building and lot; living rooms over store building; lot stock $3,000; other business. Box 12, St. Francis, Minn. WE CAN QUICKLY BELL FOR CASH YOUR business, farm or other property, wherever lo- cated. Call or write. American Realty Co., Dept. C. New York Life building. St. Paul. KING'S DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION 8ER- •ice; competent detectives for all occasions; watchmen furnished immediately. Suite 505, Century building. Telephone. Main 537. FOR ROOFS AND BRIDGES, USE Maire's Roof Preserver. Manufactured by Maire Paint Co., 242 1st av N. CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY; FIVE LIVING rooms; exceptionally good location: splendid business; this opportunity can't be beat In city. 1100 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE FOR SPOT CASH—ONE NEW building for grocery or meat market, with or without fixtures; very cheap if taken this week. Address 2984, Journal. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. FARMS OK other property for cash; no mutter where locat- ed. Send particulars. Royal Real Estate Co., Pioneer Press bldg, St. Paul. tfOR SALE OR RENT—CORNER BUILDING, two-story, steam heat, electric light; good lo- cation. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 222, St. James, Minn. GROCEBjY—EXCELLENT LOCATION; REA- son for selling, owner has other business; do not answer unless you mean business. Ad- dress 3061, Journal. FOR SALE—CHEAP, ONE OF THE BEST SUM- mer hotels- on Muskoka Lakes; a moneymaker; ready for occupancy. Address D. T. Hodgson, Bracebridge, Ont. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, FINE Lo- cation cheap rent, good trade; good reason for selling: little money handles it, 59 Loan & Trust Bldg. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE—DOING A GOOD business in a growing town in eastern South Dakota: sickness is cause for selling. Address 7675, JournaL BLACKSMITH SHOP. TOOLS AND STOCK; also house, three rooms, half acre lot; good business; price $1,000. Charles B. Wilson, Mon- damin, Iowa. WANTED—AGENTS OF EITHER SEX TO handle our celebrated corn and bunion cure; every box accompanied by a $5 guarantee. We will pay good agents $3 per day to Intro- - duae our goods Into - their sections. Sample box 25c. Six boxes $1. For terms and par- ticulars address the manufacturers. C. H. Bierce & Co., lola. Wis. WANTED—SOLICITORS OF GOOD STANDING, wide business acquaintance, who '-an interest capital in high-grade proposition, dividend pay- ing; right parties can secure good position. The Sarber, Sefter Co., H. E. Emmons. Mgr.. 203 Andrus building. RUOMI^JOARPET^LEANgrG NEW RUGS FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS; carpet renovating and Irving. National Car- pet Cleaning Co., Nicollet island. Both phones. 0 4 0 ft « A Great Growth in Want Ads Saturday The Journal Printed « FOR BALE—ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED meat markets in the city: cause, other business outside the city; no agents. Address 3007, Journal. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN—EARN GOOD SAL- ary traveling for honest house; permanent po- sition. Address General Agent, 2712 Humboldt av N. FOR SALE—$2,000 STOCK GENERAL MER- chandise, good location and reason for selling; no land considered. P. O. Box 36, Altamont. S. D. WANTED—BAKER WITH SMALL CAPITAL to form a partnership with a good candv maker; good location; call room 89 Golden West. FINANCIAL. SHE XLNNESOTA XORTGAGR LOAN CO* She Old Homo Company, Established 1S80. ~ ' To talarled persons holding permanent posi- tions, without indorser or security except your own name. Our rates are and always hava been the lowest. Small or large payments, to suit the borrower. Weekly or monthly, with on or before privileges, thus stopping all In- terest. Also On furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc.. without removal from your possession. Our record and reputation for 24 years insure* honorable and confidential ri—Hng to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 806 Bank of Commerce Building. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money ? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates. Easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 69 p.m. Call, write or telephone—N. W., Main 1770, Twin City, 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Glob* Building, 28 4th St, B. REAL ESTATE LOANS—4ft AND 6 PER CENT; no commission; business closed promptly. Henry Rothschild, Special Loaa Agent North- western Mutual Life Insurance Co.. 414 Man- hattan Bldg., St. Paul. T«L Main 1189. MONEY TO LOAN—FIRST XORTGAGR LOANS on approved Minneapolis real estate promptly made by the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur- ance Co., suite 608 Bank of Commarce build- ing. J. M. Herchmer, manager. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE- tail merchants, teamsters, boarding houses, without security. Largest business In 48 princi- pal cities. Tolman. 920 New York Lite bldg. MONEY TO LOAN—LOWEST RATES WITH ON or before privileges; no delay in closing or se- curing answer. Building loans also accepted. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building. X0NEY FOR LOANS AND SNAP8 IN CAV. alter county and Mouse River country, North Dakota. J. A. Johnson, 208 Bank ot Com- merce. Minneapolis, Mien. MONEY TO LOAN ON SHORT TTXE, GOOD collateral and reasonable rates. Insurance policies .accepted. J . D - Cleghom. 1084 Guar. anty Bldg. I MAKE BUILDING LOANS WITHOUT RED tape, disappointment or delay; money advanced as needed. B . D . Brown* 788 Lumber Ex- change. R. D. CONE A CO., 617 Guaranty bldg, hava on band to loan on improved property $1,000. , $1,500. $2,000, $3,500; lowest rates. . $500 TO $8,600 TO LOAN OlS IMPROVED CITY property; easy terms; no delay. C S. Wood- ruff, 605 Guaranty bldg. , f8,600 TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY; ALSO smaller sums; current rates. NewhalL 550 Temple Court. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. NO delay. Thayer A Gale, 218 N. Y. Life bldg. $1,600—60-FOOT LOT ON IRVING NEAR MT. Curve, the coming location; street Improve- ments all In; great bargain. Yale Realty Co. ROOMY HOUSE, INCOME $180, RENT $65, good furniture, central location. This can be handled with 8400. 69 Loan A Trust Bldg. FOR SALE—60-ROOM LODGING HOUSE OR hotel; best location In city; doing good busi- ness; this is worth looking up. 8141, Journal. WANTED—A PARTNER WITH MONEY TO engage in the dyeing and cleaning business, with an .experienced man. 3021, Journal. FOR SALE—GOOD BUTCHER BUSINESS IN town of 600: no opposition. Address James J. O'Marr, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. WANTED—TO PURCHASE LEASE AND FUR- nlture of 85 to 40-room hotel. Address Box 326, Columbus Junction, Iowa. 9F" WANTED—TO PURCHASE LEASE AND FUR- nlture of 85 to 40-room hoteL Address Box 826, Columbus Junction, Iowa. ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING, PLAIN AND fancy shirt waists, made as samples, at. half price for next two weeks; tailor suits a spe- cialty. Hammersley, 23 13th st S. ^JffilNgJgmVESTM^TO^^ 2,000 SHARES ARIZONA COPPER MOUNTAIN at 12c per share If taken this week, 8129, Journal,; * , ' & :v*^fKSg -^ ss> Separate Individual Paid Want Ads. The same day a year ago The Journal printed 920, an increase of 206 ads. * ; There must be a good reason for this. » &&£: TiU.* «.'i *B^Cfii&.&&\?&0£te'AL££'?%&*:-wjr A Results to the Advertiser X BMMOMOiiOMO>«OM«a>«OMOMOMa»«Mi $10 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH WILL SE- cure stock In a first-class manufacturing con- cern. 2983, Journal. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TELEPHONE STOCKS. George Girling A Co.. Temple Court. Mpls. FOR SALE—DAIRY. 8884 84th ST 8. STORAGE^ THE BOYD TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. H A S unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack- ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi- cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure reasonably prompt and re- liable service. For the best of service at tha lowest rates, write or call at 46 3d st S. OAXERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Best facilities for moving and storing house- hold goods; expert packers; 200 Nicollet. Both phones, 1802. Res. phone, T.C. 18324. BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND STORAGE; finest vans and warerooms; goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both Tela. 952. VIREPBOOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE; CLEAN, separate rooms. 100-112 1st ar N. Both phones. PRLNTING—ANYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE with Ink and paper; our work Is equal to that of high-priced print shops and our prices much lower; try us, Ewald, 288 M »T K. ^ , LOANS ON LLTE INSURANCE POLICIES, NO delay. W m . A- Badger. 306 Oneida block. LOANS^ AND CHATTELS WE LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIAN08. HORSES, wagons, warehouse receipts and salaries. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co, 408 New York Life Bldg. VTT.T.TAMB, 4g4 QPARAKTY BLDG, LOANS"o5 furniture, planoa or any security; large loans a specialty; terms to salt borrowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg. $16,000 REAL ESTATE AND CHATTEL MORI. gage for sale, due one-tenth every year, with accrued interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum; property secured valued at $35,Cx*>; absolutely safe; have assignment •< $15,000 insurance. Address 2672, JournaL FOR SALE—85 8KARES TWIN CITY TELE* phone Company preferred stock. 8161. 3^:- nal. FOR SALE AT A DISCOUNT—U. 8. INSTALL. ment Realty contract. Address 3126, Journal. BEST PRICES PALO FOR LIFE INS. POL- lcies; loans made. C. L. Abbott, 421 Andrus. AUTOMOBILES AND BICYCLES FOR SALE AX A BARGAIN—fcARQE I8-PAS- senger automobile, in good condition; •ttstabla for hotel, tourist, or livery business. Will sell at big bargain if bought at onca. It will pay you to investigate. Strong Automo- bile Company, 249 3d av S, Minneapolis, AUTOMOBILES—WE CLEAR OUR FLOOR OF all second-hand automobiles this week. Regular Sale Price. Price. 1903 Rambler $750 1903 Cadillac with tonneau 850 1903 Knox with top, 4-passenger newly painted 1,275 1908 Olds, newly painted 650 1902 Rambler, good order ....... 750 1904 Queen. 10-H.P. D. cyl 850 1904 Rambler, 8-H.P. S. cyl 850 1904 Brennan, 16-H.P. D. cyl... 1,200 1904 Rambler. 16-H.P. D. cyl... 1,350 Great Western Cycle A Auto- Co., 612-623 1st av S. I 0LDSX0BLLE 9*60 1 1904 Rambler, with tonneau « 640 I Waterless Knox, 10 H. P.. 4-passenger .... 600 1 Grout Steamer, practically new, 4-pas- senge* ...430 1 Knox, 5 H. P.. rebuilt 250 Northwestern Motor. Vehicle Co., 219 6th St S. $800 473 650 300 225 575 550 600 930 INTERNATIONAL AND B. F. GOODRICH RUB. ' ber tires for automobiles, carriages, bicycles, etc; flrst-clasg repairing of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Tka J- N-.Jobsso* Oa» 818 ! Nicollet. Both phon«% WS^P^g'^'tti^ ffiffiSS Defective Page \

The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1905-03-14 [p ...Transfer and Storage Co., 46 8d st S. FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM DWELLING, 1033 16th av SB, city water and sewer, $20. V. H

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Page 1: The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1905-03-14 [p ...Transfer and Storage Co., 46 8d st S. FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM DWELLING, 1033 16th av SB, city water and sewer, $20. V. H

16 ^r^^fm-tVy"- '• Tuesday ' Evening,fpr^'W^'^^^f^J^^^g'- THE MINNEAPOLIS'^ JOURNAL. re March 147 1905.

"' ~'8S?







CMcaeo. ffiiiwautee St St. Paul RaUway Jan. 8, 1905.

Ticket office. 3as Nicollet ay. Phone. 122.

JWRJiENT Unfurnished Houses,

E D W A R D L. MoGRORY, Rental Expert, Temple Court.

Management of Property. • _ <,. Real Estate and Rentals .

DAVIS-DEANE COMPANY, CONTRACTORS, wi l l build for you; especially easy terms; any location; plans furnished free. 304 Kasota. Telephone 9382. _ .


WANTED—WOULD YOU L I K E TO EARN more money? There i s an opening wi th an established stock and bend house for local and general representatives lu various towns in the northwest. Good references required.

Address room 440, Temple Court, Minneapolis.

•Dal ly . aEx.Sunday. xEx.Sat. l Leave. | ArrlTe.

Chicago, La X. , Mi lwaukee . . * 7:50am Milw'kee. La Crosse, Winonal* 2:20pm Chicago, La X, Milwaukee. .\* 6:45pm

Chicago Pioneer Limited *8Hm Chicago, La X. . Mi lwaukee . . Northfield. Faribault, r.K.Clty Chicago, Faribault. Dubuque. Northfield, Faribault, Austin. La Crosse, Dubuque, Rock la . Ortonville. Mllbauk. Aberdeen , * _ - • - _ Ortonvllle. xFargo, Aberdeen|« 6:45pml* T:16am Mankato. Wel ls l«U:55amJ8 1:00pm Mankato. Wella I* e:23pm|alO:25pm

•10:25pm » 8:20am • 3:50pm z 7:15pm E 7 :60am s l o :15am

10:3Cpm • 3:20pm •12:01pm * A | 0 0

O am *12:01pn> • 0:20pm *10:16am El l :20am zlO :30pm z 6:00pm

NOTg^yESfERirhliEl Office 000 Nicollet Ave. Phone 810. tEx. Sun. Others daily For CHICAGO Lv 7:60 a m . 8:00,8:00,10:20 pm From CHICAGO..Ar 7:66,10:16 am, 8:20 ,10:20pm FOND DU LAC Lv 6:00 p m . A r 10:16 a m D0LUTH, Lv f7:36 am, 4:00 pm. Ar to:06,9:86 pm For SIOUX OITY fV^lO, 9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From SIOUX OITY 8:10 am, f4:45, 8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv f7:10,9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From OMAHA. . A r 8 : 1 0 a m , 8 : 1 0 p m For KANSAS OITY Lv9:10 am, 7580,8:30 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:10 a m , 8:10 p m

CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN to. CITY OFVXOBI f i f th and Nicollet. DEPOT: Washington

.and Tenth Ave. South. — PBOMK: Mala aw.

8824 BLAISDELL A V ; EIGHT ROOMS, strictly modern; rents for $23; a snap; or would Bell for $2,400. Edmunds, 200 Bank of Commerce.

FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE I N GOOD neighborhood; gas and water: suitable for a smal l family . Apply rear 2523 Portland av .

HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 46 8d s t S.

FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM DWELLING, 1033 16th av SB, city water and sewer, $20. V. H . Van Slyke, 614 Guaranty bldg.

LIST 'YOUR R 6 b M S ~ A N D HOUSES FOR R E N T with us . Union Realty Co., 407 Boston block.

CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST S, H A V E flats and houses, $10 to $45.


A YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL AND MANAGE country business for local nrm; good salary, ex­penses and small commission to energetic man. Hustler can earn $1,600 per year; steady em­ployment and good chance tor advancement; references required; young man irom ti*e coun­try considered. Address with stamped envelop, b\ W. Potts , Sykes block, Minneapolis.

W A N T E D — .(OK U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages of 21 .and 36; citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits , who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to re­cruiting oilicer a t Phoenix building, St . Paul, or 324 1st av b. Minneapolis. Minn.

YOUNG MAN TO LEARN WATCHMAKING, jewelry work, optic's engraving; only actual work school for Jewelers exclusively; money made l eamiug . -Minneapolis School of Engrav­ing, Watchmaking, 7tu st ana Hennepin av, ^vhole lourth floor, Walker building. -

ANT ADS 1 Cent* Word All ads 1 cent a word, when paid for in ad­

vance; otherwise 8 cents per line. 7 words to the line. No Ad taken for less than 20c each insertion; except

Situations Wanted, Male or Female, which are y2c a word: no Ad less than 10c daily; 20 words or less, one week, 50 cents.


316 9th

Furnished Houses. A MODERN, WELL F U R N I S H E D HOUSE TO

private fami ly; in desirable part of the c i ty ; within easy walking distance of business cen­ter; from June 1 for the summer or for year or mqre. 2309, Journal.

SEVEN-ROOM, F U R N I S H E D , LATHED AND plastered cottage, s i tuated on two high lots, With fine trees, at Mlnnetonka Beach. Chas. M. Morton, 300-302 Nicollet av.

FOR RENT—MODERN F U R N I S H E D HOUSE; May 1 to Nov. 1 . 2406 Bryant av 8.

Unfurnished Rooms. T H R E E NEWLY P A P E R E D A N D P A I N T E D ;

623 Washington av S. $6.

«E». Sunday, others Dally. s a n d Bast, Dubuque », Kansas City, O m a h a . . . . . . J, Des Moines, Kansas City . .

Chicago Chicago, Chicago, vooy^Au^., « » » . v»„j . . Kansas City. St. Joseph. Des Moines Omaha, Ft, Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, >

Mankato, Faribault. Northueld. f Dodge Oanier> Bayfield

Lv.MplB 140 am 800 pm

1015 pm loeoam 7 40 am

•766 am 4 66 pm 4 86 pm

Ar.Mpla 1090 pm 800 am 116 pm s i o p m 8 i o p m

*180pm 1068 am l i e o a m

c. a. « Q. R. R. Phono N . W . Main 648. T. 0 .602 .

Ticke* office, 414 Nioollet av. Leave

7.80 a.m.

7*0 i s m . 7:60 p.m.

Al l Trains Dai ly Arr ive Winona, L a Crosse, D u ­

buque, Chicago, St .Louis "Ohloago Limited".. Winona, La Crosse, D u ­

buque, Chicago, S t L o u i a

1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m.

8:00 a.m.

MINNEAPOLIS &,ST. LOUIS H. P • • • Station, Washington and 4th avs N. " '

Office, 424 Nicollet. 'Except Sun.; others dally. Leave for CHICAGO *9:85 am 7:45 pm Leave for ST. LOUIS •9:35 am 7:45 pm Leave for DES MOINES . . . . . * 9 : o 5 am 8:35 pm Leave for OMAHA, California.*9:85 am 8:85 pm For Watertown and Storm Lake *8:57 am For Madison and Esthervil le , . *8 :57 am 6:15 pm

T H R E E UPSTAIRS, ONLY $6. 914 6th AV S. T H R E E DOWNSTAIRS, $8. 613 6th ST N.

Furnished Rooms. F U R N I S H E D OR U N F U R N I S H E D , ONE NICE

large front rcom, on second floor; also one Bmall room, with large closet;, finest location in city modern house, heat and gas . 28 13th st S.

ROLLER SKATING—ROLLER SKATING. xou are cordially invited to attend the

Central Holler ssKutlug Kink, 5th st and 3th av S, atternoous and evenings; good music; capable instructors to teach ueginuera without ex era charge. '

WANTED—FIVE MORE MEN OF NEAT AP-peurunce and pleasant auuress, to sel l alarm clucks' and other goods. Sold on eusy pay­ments, c i ty work, l t igs lurnisued absolute­ly tree. Manager, O. u . Autuns Co:, 78 1th st S.

WANTED—500 RAILROAD LABORERS,** TEAM-sters, day and station and extra gang uieu in Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. Free fare from Minneapolis, summer's work. Ship daily. Call at 8, 11 or 12 1st s t S.

MARRIED FARM H A N D ; OPERATE HOUSE, garden, cow pasture; steady job if satisfac­tory; s tate age, tauil iy; references; $85 inoins , eigut months; l ight winter work. Address C n a r l e s K . Finkuey, Falrmouut, N. D. -

When so desired, in place of name •ind addresB, an advertisement can be addressed to a number furished by and in care of The Journal. Answers for out-of-town advertisers will be tor warded^ ' * •


RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, %o A word; no ad less than 10c dal ly; 20 words or less , one week, 50c.

YOUNG - MAN, 30, COLLEGE AND C0MXER-cial education, understands books and accounts, good penman; wants office position or trust where reliability and worth are appreciated; used to meeting business people; good address and personal appearance; iair salary accepted. Address 3iM>2, journal.

WANTED—POSITION AS TRAVELING SALES-man for hardware, stove or Implement house; would accept good position as clerk in whole­sale or retail stor#; young man, with seven years' experience; best of reference furnished. Address A. E. K., care of Emerson Newton. 708 3d s t S.

WANTED—POSITION A S ASSISTANT B 0 0 K -keeper or shipping clerk or ' work in general store, with cnauce tor advancement; honest young man; age 28 years; understands book­keeping; have no objection for leaving c i ty . 3058, Journal.

Advertisements ordered run "until forbid" (T. 1<\) will not be discon­tinued except upon written order, duly signed.


YOUNG MEN T O ' LEARN TtU. PLUMBING and heat ing trade; both day* and evening c lasses ; for terms address Practical School oi I'luuibing and Heat ing. 3030 Nicollet av, Min­neapolis, Minn. -

EVERY DAY—AT 10 a.m. for . that day's noon edition.

EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY— AT 1 p.m. for entire afternoon edition.

SATURDAY ONLY—AT 12:30 p.m. for entire afternoon edition.


F U R N I S H E D ROOMS. V E R Y DESIRABLE, I N strictly modern house; all conveniences; tele-

?hone, gas . bath, steam heat ; excel lent loca-lon. 1331 Hawthorn a v.

TO RENT—ONE OR TWO ROOMS; ONE AL-cqve; furnished or unfurnished; thoroughly modern; private fami ly; phone service. 68 13th st S. near Nicollet.

N E W S P A P E R SOLICITORS FOR CITY; N E W proposition, great success; the boys are mak­ing twice more money than the daily papers are paying. Cal forenoons. Mr. Mann, 722


to s e t up new furniture In receiving room. Ap­ply Wednesday morning. ' L. O. Kellogg, vice president N/ew England ii'urniture & Carpet Co.

713V4 NICOLLET AV—SUITE OF TWO ROOMS for l ight housekeeping, wi th or without use of kitchen; also s ingle rooms, first-class and modern. N . W. 807-Jl .

NICE, CLEAN, A I R Y OUTSIDE ROOMS, steam heated, bath, g a s ; low rates; week or month. The Algonquin, 310 2d av S.

TWO ELEGANTLY F U R N I S H E D FRONT rooms, large closets, parquet floors, entirely modern. 116 E 14th st .


Phonos T. O., 856; N . W. , Main 855.

Leave. Chip»ewa Falls , Marsh-

neM,Athtand,Ir<>n Towns, Fond du L a c Oshkosh. I 8 a . m . Milwaukee, Chicago f 7.-05 p . m.


8:50 a. m. 5:10 p . m.

. , HOTEL i ^ I V A L S The following persons from the north*

west are registered at Minneapolis hotels:

HOTEL VENDOME—A. W. Jeerens, Chicago; A. H. Bennett . Benson. Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Will iam De Noma. Davis, S. D . ; E. E. Ladd, W. F. Smith, Kewanee. 111.; WTillis McPeeley, Chicago; 'Gracia I. .Tenks, Annandale, Minn.; August Norman. Wil lmar; Wil l iam Grass, Portland, Ore.: Mrs. H. C. Emery, Fargo,

" X. D.; B. E. Dueher. Canada; C. B. Kidder, . Terre Haute . Ind.; Charles F. Gilles, Red-

. wood Falls , Minn.; John Max, Yankton. S. D . ; - Mrs. A. I'. Johnson. Milwaukee; J. A. Batcher,

Fnribauli, Minn.: George Walker, St. Paul; C. T. Daniels. Chicago; A. G. Randall, Ken-sal. X. D . : A. P. Burke. Shell Lake. W i s . ;

" V. 3. Kennedy, New York: J. E. French, New Haven. Colin.; F. Walsttu, Park River, N. D . ; W. H. Mann, C. B . Westfal l , Beards-iey.

STRICTLY MODERN F U R N I S H E D ROOMS; telephone service. ?S to $10 per month. 1043 Hennepin av.

TWO F U R N I S H E D ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Inquire a t 86 Eastman av, sec-

. ond ' floor. F U R N I S H E D ROOM FOR R E N T I N MODERN

flat. Apply 127 E Grant s t . flat 2. TWO F U R N I S H E D ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP-

ing, at 27 8th s t N.

Unfurnished Flats.

FOR RENT—ONE OF THE FINEST - FOUR-rooiu flats in the city; modem in every w a y ; facing Loring park: l ight and airy and beauti­ful In summer; rent only fc30 a month; can be taken at once. Call 815 W 15th st , flat 43, The Oak Grove.

W A N T E D — MEN A N D BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad-uress 4OT3 and 4W5 Eastou av, St . IJOUIS, Mo.

WANTED—EXPERIENCED LIFE AND ACCI-dent Insurance man to. sel l our endowment ac­cident iUBjrauce; the best of contracts g iven. Call or write 502 Sykes block, Minneapolis.

WANTED—TINSMITH, A T ONCE. FIRST-class; most b e , a b l e to take control of snup; g ive references and s ta te salary expected. Beach & Gibson, Craven, N . W . T., Cauuua.

S A L E S M E N - ^ " S E L L - O U R ~ G O O D S ~ T O GENT eral stores, clothiers, druggists and grocers; line side lines;' big prohts; liberal terms. Model Mfg. Co., Box L. South Bend, Ind.


You are cordially Invited to attend the Central Roller Skating Uiuk, 5th s t and 5th n\ S, afternoons and evenings; good music; capable instructors to teach beginners without extra charge. ^

WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG MARRIED man as stenographer; best of habits and ref­erences; wil l ing to work regardless of hours, and wil l start with moderate salary. Address 2»«», Journal.

WANTED—POSITION AS ASSISTANT OR shipping clerk, or wora in wholesale house, witn cnance for advancement; honest young man, wi th s ix years' experience. Aduress *ti<;>, Journal.

WANTED—WORK B Y MAN 22, W I T H FIVE years' experience—in retail clothing and fur­nishings; can trim windows; references; wil l leave city. Address_2«80, Journal.

WANTED"—POSITION B Y A STEADY AND SO-ber butcher; teverai years' experience; reason­able wages ; references. F . A. Austin, 320 Walnut st , Grand Forks, X. D.

BUSINESS^CHANCES „ f 10 U P W A R D S . Wanted—Parties to Invest any amount from

110 upwards In a manufacturing machine com­pany in this city, manufacturing heavy ma­chinery; there i s not nor wi l l be no competi­tion in this l ine, and w e positively guarantee a t least 12 per cent on investment the first year. Stock i s now being sold a t | 5 a share, par value f i o . Now, if you are looking for a place to put your money where the directors are al l local business men and you can see bow i t Is used, where i t la absolutely secured and where we can show you what w e have done, not what we are going to do, Investigate this. Call a t our office and see our models and allow us to demonstrate.

International Hoisting Machine Manufacturing Co.,

619 Phoenix Bldg. Minneapolis. MEAT MARKET FOR R E N T : ONS OF T H E

best country markets in North Dakota; doing a good business and a moneymaker: b e s t loca­tion in city, with barn, slaughter housfc and 160 acres pasture, with running water: is impossible lor me to g ive this business much attention and iiold county office; here Is a snap, and will bear inspection; wi l l rent or sell . George F. Faher, sheriff. New Rockford, N. D.


FOR SALE OR RENT—CONFECTIONERY AND restaurant. If you are looking for a busi­ness opening you can't do better than look this over; will take good team of driving nurses on the deal; this i s one of the best propositions in town; wil l sell or rent to suit customer. Write or call ou Charles Landerholm, Clarissa, Minn.

COMPANIES PROMOTED, STOCKS AND bonds of other corporations underwritten and guaranteed. Charters obtained, prospectuses writ ten and stock put on market. If you have the*mine, patent, industrial or railroad proposition see me. W . P . Mason, 419 Andrus building.

W A N T E D B Y YOUNG MAN, STEADY P o s i ­tion, clerk iii hardware store or assistant shipping .clerk' in wholesale house, In or out of c i ty . 3050, Journal.

WANTED—tOSUXiUd AS CASHIER OR A s ­s is tant cashier in Minnesota or Dakota ban*; have had live years' experience; best refer­ences. Z21H, Journal.

WAMTED-^YOUNG MAN, STRANGER IN CITY, wants position in wholesale house; four years' experience as shippiug clerk; good references. B. , 1214 Yale place.

WANTED—TO CORRESPOND W I T H FIR8T-class dressmaker, who is wil l ing to work among lirst-cla&s country trade. Address P . O. Box Xo. 17, itock Rapids, Iowa.

WANTED—EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON power sewing machines to make shirt wais t s ; also girl for folding wa i s t s . Van Stone & Forbes, 716 1st av &'.

W A N T E D — E X P E R T LADY CANVASSER, CITY work, $18 per week to start; good opportunity to advance. American Soap & Chemical Co., 2812 Central av.

BUSINESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR SELF-dependent lady of business abi l i ty; good pay and permanency to right person. 310 Bank of Commerce..

WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, neat, competent girl; house has every modern convenience. Apply at once. 2447 Girard av S.

WAHXED—YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER, some knowledge bookkeeping, for wholesale impltn.ent l,ouse; state age, experience and salary wanted. Address 3140, Journal.

MAN A N D W I F E TO GO ON FARM, EITHER as tenant or on salary; must be experienced farmer. Geo. II. Elwell , office Minneapolis Furniture Co., 9th s t and 5tn av SE.

EXPERIENCED GERMAN DRY GOODS CLERK for North Dakota, $50, $00; also want Nor­wegian general clerK, North Dakota. S. A. Morawetz, 315 Kasota building.

HOTEL HYSER-^Tames Eagan, Lincoln. . N e b . ; i .1. M. Brown and wife , R. L. Hardy, Ben ' Wolff. Chicago; George B. Carr, Milwaukee;

W. !•'. Kt-enke, Hutchinson: W. E. Weisman, Xew York: ('. A. Harker, T. H. Sullivan, Chi­cago: George E. Bilger, Chicago; H. A.

, Holmes, Towner, X. D.; L. A. Emerson, Minot; Captain Jack Hart, Mound, Minn.; H. G.

. Heid. St. Paul; O. E. Smith and wife , Chi­cago; C. H. Baugh, Sioux City; B. S. Brainard. Chicago: A. Toscos, Livermore, N. D . ; Peter Kaps, Chicago; J. R. Dougherty, Grand Porks, X. J).


E. J. , 125 Union BIRTHS.

Bartholomew—Mr. and Mrs. atreet SE, girl.

Murphy—Mr. and Mrs. A. , 162S Jefferson street N E , boy.

Larsen—Mr. and Mrs. A. , 2719 Sixteenth ave­nue S, boy.

Smith—Mr. and Mrs. J „ 2602 Riverside ave­nue, boy.

Jackson—Mr. and Mra» QT» J . , 514% Thirteenth avenue S, boy.

Kaehn—Mr. and Mrs. John, 1029 Fourth afreet N, girl .

Andersen—Mr. and Mrs. W. , 828 Eas t Seven­t e e n t h street , boy.

Woodward—Mr. and Mrs. H . W. , 1604 Fi f th • t ree t S, boy.

Anderson—Mr, and Mrs. John, 1619 Chicago avenue, boy.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. Guy B . Jameson and Sylvia L. Brabeo. Frank Lappen and Clara Anderson. Joseph W. Heard and Martha B. Schacht. John W . Clayton and Clara Fancher. Thomas Sull ivan and Edna Donnay. Joseph Hurd and Mabel Leonora Nelson. Edwin J. Capwell and Margaret O. Roberts . Hennan S'chroeder and Minnie Schualbe. Frank A. Charney and Fannie Tobiash. Henry G. Landmeyer and Alice Johnson. John Dickey and Carrie Simonson. James Livingston and Christina Moe. Charles E. Kjelstrup and Beulah Trowbridge,

DEATHS. Olson—Birger, 2542 Fourth street N E .

> Tantges—Peter , 2631 Grand avenue. Englund—John H. , 957 Twent ie th avenue NE Mulken—Elizabeth. 2631 Sixteenth avenue S.

- Pixley—Lula G., Asbury hospital. Cronin—William E . , 942 Central avenue. Seaburg—Ruth E. , 1071 Eighteenth avenue SB Moriarlty—Maurice, 1584 East Twenty-s ixth

I tree t . Vaughns-Daniel , 519 Washington avenue N . Duffy—A. E . , 166 Lyndale avenue X . Bjorkland—John, St . Barnabas hospital. Hurley—Eugene, Milwaukee tracks and T w e n

ty-fourth street . OJalar—Laurie, B a s s e t f s creek.

* Conners—Henry. Soldiers* Home. --• Morgan—Jane, 1513 East Lake street .

r '

MODERN FLATS, EXCEPT HEAT, ON E.J5T-man av, Nicollet Island; walking distance.

?10—First floor, three rooms. $14—Main floor, three large rooms. $18—Second floor, five large rooms. S. C. Staggs, 323 Hennepin.

BEAMSTER AND STOKER WANTED TO WORK on sheep shearling for coat trimmings. First-class positions for t w o good men. AUdreas Box l o o , Brandon, Manitoba.

D U R I N G - "THIS M O N T H ~ C A T O N BUSINESS College, 612 Hennepin av, admits students un­der contract to pay tuit ion after they obtain employment.

U N F U R N I S H E D FLAT—THE FINEST SIX-room modem flat in the c i ty ; beautifully deco­rated, hardwood floor, elegant bath, electric l ight, good locality, walking distance. F la t 2, 707 9th st S.

FOR R E N T — 4 - R 0 0 M U N F U R N I S H E D F L A T . Steam heat, hot water, hardwood finish and floors, large, l ight , airy; janitor service; walk­ing distance; $21.50. 147 Lyndale av X. flat 2.

OAK GROVE, 815 W 15th ST; THREE, FIVE and six rooms, strictly modem, finest location

. in city, facing Loring park; l ight and airv. Edmunds, 206 Bank of Commerce. *

TO LET—FOUR-ROOM APARTMENTS, MOD-e m ID all appointments; nice neighborhood; within walking distance. Alexander Campbell & Co., New York Life bldg.

FOR R E N T A P R I L 1—VERY DESIRABLE SIX-room flat, 1509 Clinton av, only four flats in building. Apply S. G. Harris, 1507 Clinton av. Telephone 4181-L1.

SECOND FLOOR, T H R E E CONNECTING U N -furnished rooms l o r housekeeping; open plumb­ing, we t sink, business district; references re­quired. 717 1st av N.

F I V E ROOM FLAT, FRAME, DETACHED house, modern, gas , bath, swel l location; for man and wi fe only $25; vacated April 1. Ad­dress £079, Journal.

MODERN STEAM-HEATED FLAT OF FOUR rooms and bath, hot water, gas range, polished floors, ground floor, $25 per month. Borg, 145 Lyndale av N.

TO RENT—STEAM HEATED MODERN FLATS, every convenience; fine location; good service; very desirable; summer rate . Janitor, 527 5th av SE. t,

ELEGANT OUTSIDE 7-ROOM APARTMENT, beautiful decorations, $30. "The Waldorf," corner Park av and 18th st . See janitor or

«. Vanstrum.

F O R , RENT—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE W I T H barn and three extra lots, newly painted and papered, 4448 Bloomington av. Inquire 1300 8th s t S. . •

FOUR-ROOM FLAT, THOROUGHLY MODERN, walk ing distance; 1406 Spruce place, flat 7. Clarence Brown, 510 New York Life building.

6 E V E N - R 0 0 M FLAT, THOROUGHLY MODERN, hardwood floors, hot waler heat, second floor, detached house, $25. 1605 Chicago av.

FOR R E N T — T H R E E A N D FOUR-ROOM FLATS, s team heat, all modern, janitor service, walk­ing d i s t a n c e ^ O l m s t e d , Temple Court.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment %>y thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 46 3d s t S.

PAINTERS, YOU SHOULD HAVE OUR COM-plete descriptive catalogue; most complete paint stock in northwest. Moifett, 19 Wasniug-ton av N .

YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR W I T H BOOKKEEP-ing, who can operate typewriter, for office assistant . Address in own handwriting, 2569, Journal.

WANTED—MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF CLUB-room; must know how to handle boys; salary $i; per week. Call City Circulator, Journal Office.

WANTED—TAILOR AND CLARIONET PLAY-er; tine opening in live town; large territory to draw from. Address John H. Held, Hawley, Minn.

TRY ME—WATCHES CLEANED, 75c t MAIN springs, 75c; warranted one. year. All kinds or jewelry repaired. Schaffer's, 24;s Nicollet av;

INVESTIGATE—MEN OF AMBITION, ENERGY and ability, the Metropolitan Life Insurance

_ C a Metropolitan Life bldg, 2d av S and 3d st .

W A N T E D — S I N G L E ' Y O U N G MAN TO D R I V E single rig; must know c i ty ; Scandinavian pre­ferred. John E. Layne, 12% Kasota Bldg.

P A P E R . HANGERS, FULL LINE OF LATEST tools a t Moffett's paint store, 19 Washington av N. Descriptive catalogue on request.

MEN W A N T E D TO FILL HIGH GRADE P o s i ­tions, stenographers, bookkeepers, traveling men, clerks, etc. Atwood, 412 Nicollet.

SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTES; BEST OAK soles, sewed. 75c; nailed. 50c; rubber heels, 40c. S. T. Sorensen. 312 Nicollet av.

WANTED—YOUNG MAN AS P A R T N E R TO open confectionery in small town. Further in­formation call room 39, Golden West .

WANTED—TWO COLLECTORS AND AGENTS: good pay to workers. Apply at 120 Hennepin av from 9 - t o 12 a.m. Wednesday. - ;

WANTED—PIANO SALESMAN, MUSIC HOUSE in c i ty; one that can talk quality, able to close sales, etc. 3084, Journal.

WANTED—WOMAN TO DO WASHING, IRON-ing and housecleaning; one who can room here; highest wages paid. 517 E 15th s t . T. C. 2694.

WANTED—GIRL ABOUT 17 TO CARE FOR baby; eat and slaep at home; hours 8 to 7. Call after 7 evanings. Rialey, 410 9th st S.

W A N T E D AT ONCE — H O N E S T , GOOD, steady girl for general housework; small fam-

_ i l y ; no_children. 2716 Colfax av S . _ WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED MAKER, W I T H

home in city, a t C. T. Nelson's Millinery, 429 Cedar_av. Also apprentice girls .

WANTED—GIRL FOR~ GENERAL HOUSE-work; a comfortable home for a good, wil l ing girl. Apply Flat F, 734 E 16th st .

0 . S. BUTLER, 1606 3d AV 8, E X P E R T A c ­countant and general bookkeeper; books opened, examined, auuued; prices reasonable; satis­faction guaranteed.

Telephone Grocers.

Bain, B . R. & Co . . . . . i f 2716 It Berglnnd, L. P 8 986 3 Hall, W . P M 8868 Hanson, P . G X 8M Harrington, A. A Son 8 37—S Klnkle, J . V - M £836 La McBride, "The Grocer"*.. .S 4 8 1140 Mandell, A. M 2668 J6 Oys, John M 2761 L I Peterson, L. J 8 1041 Jl Rogers, W. H M 8768 J l Sunny side Crsh Grocery S 288 J2 Swager A Worrall (Meats) . . . . 8 7 Wiggin A Mattlson 8 1468 *

DO YOU WANT A F I N E EUROPEAN HOTEL? One, 60-rooni, clearing «$:ioo monthly; one 4o-room, clearing $200 monthly; one 35-rooni, c learing $200 monthly. I also have small rooming house, grocery store, cigar store, etc . Whitemau & Selleck, 314 l'ioueer Press, St. Paul.

FOR SALE—STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS BAK-ery; town of 3,000; everything new, line trade, $1,300 soda fountain, tobacco, c igars and fancy groceries; present owners can't agree; in­voices $3,800: wil l take $3,000 cash. E. L. Grout, Breckenridge, Minn.

WANTED—SITUATION AS STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, by competent young man salary $35 a .mouth, aeua, Minn.

Address Box 238, Wa-

WAKTED—A GOOD LINE, SIDE LINE, OR specialty to handle on the road.-Nsmall salary and commission; have a iiood line now. 2987, Journal.

WANTED—TO CLERK I N HOTEL, CITY OR country, or would manage hotel for widow. Strictly temnerate. Bes t of references. 2926, Journal.

YOUNG MAN W I T H HIGH SCHOOL EDUCA-tlon would like employment; have had six months' experience in a grocery store. 3106, Journal.

AS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER; GOOD P E N -man, rapid and accurate at figures; age 22, and can furnish references. Aadress 3118, Jour­nal.

DELIVERING OF SOME K I N D W A N T E D BY good, reliable man; wi l l furnish own horse and r ig; well-acquainted. Address 3029, Jour­nal.

W A N T E D — A SPECIAL LINE TO TRAVEL FOR on t h e - r o a d ; part expenses and commission; having good success now. 3022, Journal.

WANTED—VEGETABLE COOK; KITCHEN girl and two chamber girls. At the Hampshire

_ Arms, corner 4th av and 9th st S. W A N T E D AT ONCE—SELF-RELIANT - WOMAN

of good education fov pleasant and high-class work; references. 3133, Journal.

ACCURATE BOOKKEEPER, ONE FAMILIAR with typewriter; $10 to start. Address In own handwriting. 2870. Journal. ,

WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Take Monroe & Bryant car. Mrs. Baker. 3333 Colfax av S.

W A N T E D — GIRL FOR GENERAL H 0 U S E -work; modern house: small fami ly : good home. Call 1521 10th av f§.

WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER ON TRUCK FARM, inside city l imi t s : four men, no children. Ad­dress-2975, Journal.

WANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; two in family. 1326 Vine place, flat 2, downstairs.

WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1825 1st av S, next to Wes ley church, flat 4

WANTED—JEXPERTENOEB tf lRL FOR GENER-al housework; good ^Wages.1. small family . 2307 Colfax av S; '•:.'"' v:•••><'-'

B U Y YOUR TRUNKS OF THE BIJOU TRUNK Factory; old cnesn,thkea in'exchange. 18 Wash­ington av N.

WANTED—EXPERIENCED GENERAL HOUSE-work girl; three in family; high wages . 2404 Pleasant av.

W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D SKIRT F I N I S H E R S and helpers on wai s t s and skirts at once. 805

_ 1 5 t h av S. . . COMPETENT? GIRL W A N T E D ; GENERAL

housework; cal l . 1653 W 26th st , near Lake of the IsleSj_

W A N T E D — A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST W I T H housework and care of children. 2886 Port­land av .

WANTED—EXPERIENCED COOK W I T H REF-erences. Mrs. F. W. Clifford, 410 Clifton av.

THOROUGHLY COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework: small family. 3181 2d av S.

P R I N T E R — W I T H A LITTLE MONEY, OR property, to buy a paying plant in good town. Address at once, 3103, Journal.

WANTED—BUSHELMAN AND P R E S S E R S . W E pay we l l ; steady work. Hoffman's Toggery Shops, 51 and 53 4th s t S.

WANTED—TWO •GOOD .C0ATMAKER8, ONE vest and one pants maker, union shop. Lad, the tailor, Sioux Falls , S. D.

WANTED—FIRST-CLASS SIGN P A I N T E R ; good wages ; year contract; steady work. Uan-niff Co., Grand Forks, N. D.

A N E X P E R I E N C E D STOCK CLERK I N wholesale saddlery wanted. Apply Schulzs Brothers Co., Duluth, Minn.

WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS B A R B E R AT once; steady job and good* wages . H. L. Hanson, Blue Earth, Minn.

FOR R E N T — W I T H I N WALKING DISTANCE, five rooms; thoroughly modern; $25. Worrell & Cherry, 803 Kasota block.

SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 17TH ST A N D Nicollet av. Inquire of T. K. Gray, 108 Hen-nepin av. »

119 lOih ST N—FOUR ROOMS, PARTLY M O D T A. X. Trussell, 1101 1st ern, ground floor.

av N. •»

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Herman Stern to H u s h Victor Mercer,

undivided half lots 8 and 4. block 2. Me Fee's rearrangement »72o

Susan C. Jones to Mathilda F. Sawyer, part lots 1 and 2, block 6 Lindley &

V" LIngefelter'8 addition 1,000 Andrew J. Brown to M. White , lots 25

and 26, block 11, J. T. Blaisdel l 's addi-v tion, revised 1.000 Herman Stern to Hugh Victor Mercer,

undivided half lota 1 and 2, block 2, Mc-Fee's rearrangement r 725

Andrew J. Hi t t and wi fe to H. B. Rude, lot 3 and part lot 4, block 9, Wil l iams'

g, addit ion • • • Jv Hurd and wife to Josephine ThlbodeaU, t - lo t 23, block 5, Ramsey, Lockwood & '•^Others' addition Emniji R. Dickinson and husband to Wil



A H U B I J . Boulger, part lot 41, Vil lage of * Excelsior. .- , 600 Agues Jordan and husband to Maria M.

? Scliimming. lot 10, block 13, Wolver-*. Ion's addition 1,750

Emma J. Brown and husband to B. O. ' Nelson, lot 1. block 7, Allen & Ander-h son's Second addition- BOO Homestead investment company to W.

II. H. James, part lots 11 and 12, block 6. The Washington Yale addition 6,000

Mary R. Wi l son to Mary A. Hough, lot .. 28, block 3 , Chicago Lake Park addi­

tion* . . . ; . Harry S. Thompson and wi fe to H. O.

Noyes and wife , lot 11, block 14, Motor Line addition

E . T. Glenn and w i f e to R. G. Glenn, lo t 1, block-5, Hancock & Rice's add i t ion . .

. B - K. Silsbee and wi fe to David C. War-, t den, lo t 27. block 8, F irs t Division of

< Remington Park 2,600 I Oscar Peterson and w i f e to U . S. Install-

* ment Real ty Co., lot 15, block 11, Wi l ­l iam's addition

M. Whi te and husband to Emma E. Crab-• tree, lo t s 25 and 26, block 11 . J. T.

Blaisdel l 's Revised l a d d i t i o n . . . W i l l i a m Knaeble and wi fe to Herman p Lentz, part lot 1, Hayniarket addition

FOR R E N T — F U R N I S H E D OR U N F U R N I S H E D flat, Southeast; May 1. 3123. Journal.

FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT, $25. 321 Washington cv S.

WANTED—RIP S A W Y E R ; P R E F E R MAN used to matching quarter sawed oak. Apply to Barnard-Cope Mfg. Co. ' '

WANTED—AN ALL-AROUND v COOK FOR club, 40 miles from ci ty; wi l l pay good w a g e s . Address 3131, Journal.

WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT FAMILY trade; stata age, experience and wages ex­pected. 2867, Journal.

WANTED—REAL ESTATE M A N ; A GOOD proposition to the right man. Call at 514 New York Life Bldg.

Stores. STORE—20x50, W I T H STEAM HEAT, AT 881

5tb s t S. Byron & WlUard. 29 5th st S.

SMALL STORE FOR R E N T — N E A R NICOLLET and 4th. Chadbourn & Braden. 17 4th st S.


buildings m this c i ty ; w i th use of desk and phone; $6 per month. George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix building. *

FOR RENT—TWO OFFICE ROOMS ON SECOND floor of Sykes building; rent reasonable to

• right party. Dr. Sullwold, 254 Hennepin av .

SMALL OFFICES W I T H VAULT A N D ^ S A F E T Inquire a t 666 Bank of Minneapolis bldg.


ci ty; cheap for cash. Pl lgram, 515 Temple Court.







Total .$25,831



DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR fami l ies ; board; detached house, w i th lawn; pleasant location. 124 E 16th s t , corner Stev­ens av.

BOARD W I T H TWO V E R Y L A R G S W E L L furnished rooms, in modern house; centrally located. 825 4th av S.

BOARD AND ROOM FOR $3.50 A W E E K ; bath, gas , heat and walk ing distance. Ad­dress 207 B 17th s t .

HOTEL W A V E R L Y — S E E W H A T W E H A V E before you sett le . Single, suites , private baths.

WANTED—MAN FOR GENERAL WORK IN wards. Apply steward. City and County hos­pital , St. Paul .

W A N T E D — P A N T R Y AND SCRUB GIRLS A T the Minneapolis Club. Ask for housekeeper.

A GOOD DRESSMAKER JWANTED AT ONCE". Good style; references. Call up T . C. 16443.

W A N T E D — GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply a t 'once , 1614 1st av S.

WANTED—GOOD GIRL housework; no washing.

FOR GENERAL 1316 7th st SE.

GOOD, COMPETENT GIRL FOR . GENERAL housework; family of two. 3217 Park av.

EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; thnee in familv. 905 6th st SE.

W A N T E D — T H R E E • three scrub girls.

CHAMBERMAIDS Windsor hotel.



WTNTED -GOOD" GLRL FOR housework. 1219 Hawthorn av.

PAPERHANGER W A N T S WORK; MODERATE; city references. 2421 1st av S. T. C. Tel. 4270. N . W. Tel. 1221.

I W I S H TO SELL AT ONCE A SMALL STOCK of general merchandise; store and restaurant fixtures; if you meau business write a t once for full particulars; fine A l location; rent $29 per month. Address P . O^Box 350, Rau-dolph. Wis. Terms cash.

East Side Grocers. HanBsen A Rckdahl £ 08S £ King, W. J E 719 J l McMullen's Fancy Grocery E 748 Menellley, 0 . W . . . , E 263 J l

Meat Markets. Baker, A. A K 8776 » Boston Fish Market M 988 Bowen, J. N M 2477 J2 Chant, James X 1661 J2 Ewald, John 8 86 J l Gem Market, The . . . . . M 1848 J Hoyt, O. W M 1866 J l Mandell, A M 1809 J2 North btar Meat Market . . . . . . E 624 J Oys, John M 2761 LI

T . 0 . 8676 4860

888 17

4452 ttM

4476 1651 1887 8022 8024 4616 4988 1720

16104 18876 16*60 1618S

1196 1864 1684 llttft 4961

6X8 2149 8277

16»*3 1887

Feed, Fuel and Transfer. Anderson Co., Kosenquist, prop.S 826 L2 Andrews, George E 8 678 J l Daneu's Feed, Fuel A Transfer 8th Ward Feed, Fuel, Transfer .8 8 LI Fellows, E. O., Coal Co M 83 Field, E. A., Fuel Co M 979 L I Holmes & McCaughey Co JC 1891 Jackson, F. L., Coal Co M 8*9 Jones & Adams Co.,/The M 4418 Plymouth Fuel & Lumber Co..M 3846 L I Washburn Coal Co ,*.M 831

Laundries. Phoenix Phoenix

. M 1628 . . X 1688


business manager and tieasurer, with $5,000. ! Custom for a Chicago plaster company; wil l pay j Fuller ' .'.'.'.',','..Ttl AM $150 per mouth and 7 per cent interest on j Mnls.. S . H Towler Pron M 7as 5 K , n e r i J t , h l " , i s a S u t " e dged business. Ad-1 M ^ Y f ^ H r t ™ f ; « £ £ " — * * ™* dress 2961, Journal.

HAVE YOU USED YOUR STONE AND TIM-ber rightV i f not, write me and 1 can show you how to net 600 per cent on your money; I have a few .imber claims that are extra good and nicely located. Address 2722, Jour­nal.

STOCKS AND BONDS U N D E R W R I T T E N A N D guaranteed. Companies desiring to float their stock should call at this office for information, which costs nothing, but wil l s tart you uff right. W . P. Mason, 419 Andrus bldg.

DRUG STORE FOR SALE I N GOOD WESTERN Minnesota town of 400 population; good coun­try awd territory; liberal offler for cash; ex­change for good land; stand close Investigation. An opportunity. 2669, Journal.

W A N T PARTNER—LIVERY, HACK, TRANS-fer line, Sioux Falls , or will sell Minneapolis l ivery; cannot handle both. If you want something good, look this up quick. Kor-thof, Sioux Fal ls , S. D.

W A N T E D — B Y A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD habits, work of any kind. Address J. C. P. , 224 4th av NK.

BOY OF 17 WISHES A N HONEST POSITION, chance of promotion; fair education. Address S031, Journal.

YOUNG MAN W I T H S S A T E LICENSE W A N T S position as ass i s tant stationary engineer. 2999, Journal.

WANTED—WALL P A P E R CLEANING TO DO. Phones: N. W., Main 8827 L2; T. C , 9281.

YOUNG MAN OF 20 W A N T S TO LEARN butcher's trade. Address L. V., 880 5th s t NE.

BOY OF 18 WOULD L I K E WORK DRIVING team or farm work. Address 3135, Journal.


word; no ad less than 10c dai ly; 20 words or less, one week, 60c.

W A N T E D — B Y E X T R A COMPETENT 8TEN-ographer, work to do at home; have had ten years' experience. Wi l l call for work and deliver same. B e s t sat isfact ion guaran-teed. 2819, Journal.

HAIR DRESSER; THOROUGHLY E X P E R T enced, would l ike a f ew private customers; hairdressing, shampooing, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. Call T . C. 9010.

DRESSMAKER, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED and good fitter, ou street suits , shirt wais t s or evening dresses, desires dressmaking in fanil-l l e s ; references. 8100, Journal.

FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAKER. ALSO E x ­perienced dressmaker, wants position a t once. Permanent preferred; wi l l ing to leave c i ty ; ra~* sonable wages . 2347, Journal.

POSITION W A N T E D AS BOOKKEEPER; A c ­curate and competent, capable of taking charge of business; best c i ty references. 8028, Jour­nal.

SHIRT WAISTS, 76o A N D U P ; SKIRTS 88 A N D up; ladles' costumes and coats a specialty. Work guaranteed. Miss Schafer, 13 B 14th s t .

COMPETENT COOK W A N T S PLACE I N A P R I -vate place; no washing; wil l go to the lake; references given. Address 2963, Journal.

EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER, good penman, with best references, desires position in office at once. 2696. Journal.

WANTED—^POSITION A S HOUBEKEEPER B Y capable middle-aged lady; can furnish first-c lass references. Call a t the city haU.

WANTED—WASHING TO TAKE HOME; LAOE curtains a specialty; can furnish first-class references. T. C. phone 9409, Journal.

LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION; has had experience in lawyer's office; refer­ences given. Address 2962, Journal.

GOOD GIRL FROM T H E COUNTRY W A N T S work in private fami ly ; not afraid of work; call at 46 Central av .

SITUATION W A N T E D B Y A YOUNG LADY in a small family place; understands l i t t l e English. 746 3d s t N _L

WANTED—PLACE TO ASSIST I N SEWING or to do housework. Address Housekeeper. Na tional hotel.


WANTED — housework.

GOOD GIRL FOR Call 409 9th st S.




GOOD SEWING GIRLS WANTED AT 1816 E 19th s t . at ouc^.


906 6th

FIVE SOLICITORS B Y PIANO HOUSE I N c i ty ; a good thing for a good hustler. 231S, Journal.

W A S H GOODS SALESMAN W A N T E D AT once. S. A. Morawetz. 315 Kasota building.

WANTED—CARRIAGE PAINTERS. WALLXCE Coach & Carriage Works. 12 and 14 E Grant st.

WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAINSPRINGS, $1. Warranted one year. Paegel 's . 22 3d st S.

W A N T E D — A T ONCE, TRUNKMAKER, AT Garland's, 378 Robert st , St. Paul, Minn.

W A N T E D — P A N T S A N D VESTMAKER A T once. Frank .TelineU, Bayfield. Wis .

W A N T E D — P A N T AND VESTMAKER. M. Schon, Hawhrden, Iowa.



roll of music, notions, veil, silk, lace, under­wear, 1 wrapper, 1 package of hose , . l - ; lace ccver. Owners may have same by call ing a t Lost, and Found Des'k of this store.

L0BT—MONDAY, A BLACK HOME-MADE MIT-ten, between 8th and 10th avs on 18th st. Please return to L. J. Peterson's grocery store, 1729 Chicago av.

LOST—MALE BOSTON T E R R I E S ; COLOR brindle and white , we ight between 21 and 25 pounds. Return to 2015 Stevens av for re-ward. ; • . ; • . X •

FOUND—A PLACE-TO H A V E YOUR TRUNKS repaired or. exchanged for . new o n e s . Bijou Trunk Factory, 18 Washington a» N.

LOST—LADY'S FUR COLLAR, T I P P E T . FIND-er wil l please return -tov W.i, R;: Murray, First National B a n k , \ f o r . rewards '••; £ j x


Tel l s your name, occupation and what you cal l for; te l l s who and when to marry and how to win the one you love. H i s advice on busi­ness , investments . . speculation, , lawsuits , di­vorces, separations are wonderful. Readings 50c by presenting this ad; t ime l imited. Offices. 88 on 8th s t S, between Hennepin and Nicol let avs. Mail readings $1 . Send date of birth w i t h any private questions.

STOVEJREPAIRS j T your Inspection. Turnquist The Tailor, 616 i j l E P A L B S FOR ALL STOVES; GREAT W E S . JL i a * » T 8 , "„f * - , „ '; ^ / , , , ; \ , * „i., tern S t o w Repair Co^ 812 Hennepin

FOUND—GOLD CROSS; OWNER CAN H A V E same by describing and paying for ad . . Room 84S Nicol let Hotel . •


fancy shirt wais t s , made as samples, at half price for next two weeks ; tailor suits a spe­c ia l ty . Hammersley, 23 13th s t S.


goods to Chicago. Denver. Spokane and Pacific Coast points; frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on tba Boyd Transfer and Storage Co.. 46 3d s t S.


Market, new building. 40x60 feet, office, lava­tory, trackage. ' e t c . ; excellent location for commission or feed house. Ralph W. Jones & Co., 330 1st st S. Both phones No. 3189.

SITUATION W A N T E D B Y COMPETENT, R E -l l a b l e housekeeper; good references. 8144, Journal.


producing a good personal business, and han­dling agents, can obtain a general agency in Minneapolis for one of the best known New York companies; excel lent o p p o r t u n i t y for future: give age and experience; no objection to replies from present rirpresentatlves. Ad­dress P. O. Box 787. New York c i ty .

FOR SALE B Y OWNER—LEVEL QUARTER section of land within e ight mi les of Huron, S. D . ; 125 ajres under cult ivation; wi l l con-

. sider part payment in good property. Address Box 34. Huron, S. D.

EXCHANGE—FINE $4,600 GROCERY I N TOWN of 5»000, for a good farm, clear or nearly so; also several merchandise stocks for exchange. Answer at once. A. D. Kleineman, N . Y. Life. Minneapolis.

FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING TAILORING BUSI-ness in one of the best towns in North Da­kota; stock and fixtures about $1,500; part t ime wi l l be g iven if desired. Address 3074, Journal.

Model Laundry, East Side E 821 32 Profit Sharing „ . . M 8708 S. A H . M . X 109 White Steam M 867 J

Bakers. Lewis' Ideal Home Bakery . . . M 8390 Olde Tyme Bakerie X 953 Woman's Baking C o m p a n y . . . . . . X 1918

Florists. Latham, R. A ^ M 1498 Whitted, H . B • X 8417 J 8

8188 1488 16006 4*f6 7/6 1606 8461 8840 1616 8*07 2026

1298 12*8 138 880 766

16008 870* 868 1798

Teas and Coffees. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co X 1886 Thompson, Benj . W. , & Son. . X 8816 JS

Spring Water. The Qlenwood-lnglewood C o . . . X 888

8089 953


8706 1960

1836 1238


D R A Y LINE FOR SALE; N I N E HEAD OF horses, seven wagons, two lots w i th barn, icehouse with 800 tons of lee; wil l sel l wi th or without ice . Joe Jeneweln, Granite Falls , Minn.

W E CAN SELL W I T H I N 80 DAYS, FOR CASH, your business, farm or other propertv, wher­ever located. Call or wri te for particulars. Northern Realty Co., Andrus building, Minne­apolis.

FOR SALE—STOCK OF GENERAL MEROHAN-dise, fixtures and store building and lot; l iving rooms over store building; lot stock $3,000; other business. Box 12, St. Francis, Minn.

W E CAN QUICKLY BELL FOR CASH YOUR business, farm or other property, wherever lo­cated. Call or wri te . American Realty Co., Dept. C. New York Life building. St . Paul.

KING'S DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION 8ER-• i c e ; competent detectives for all occasions; watchmen furnished immediately. Suite 505, Century building. Telephone. Main 537.

FOR ROOFS AND BRIDGES, USE Maire's Roof Preserver.

Manufactured by Maire Paint Co., 242 1st av N.

CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY; F I V E LIVING rooms; exceptionally good location: splendid business; th is opportunity can't be beat In c i ty . 1100 Lumber Exchange.

FOR SALE FOR SPOT CASH—ONE N E W building for grocery or meat market, with or without fixtures; very cheap if taken this week. Address 2984, Journal.

W E CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. FARMS OK other property for cash; no mutter where locat­ed. Send particulars. Royal Real Estate Co., Pioneer Press bldg, St. Paul.

tfOR SALE OR RENT—CORNER BUILDING, two-story, s team heat, electric l ight; good lo­cation. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 222, St. James, Minn.

GROCEBjY—EXCELLENT LOCATION; REA-son for sell ing, owner has other business; do not answer unless you mean business. Ad­dress 3061, Journal.

FOR SALE—CHEAP, ONE OF THE BEST SUM-mer hotels- on Muskoka Lakes; a moneymaker; ready for occupancy. Address D. T. Hodgson, Bracebridge, Ont.

GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, F I N E L o ­cation cheap rent, good trade; good reason for se l l ing: l i t t l e money handles it , 59 Loan & Trust Bldg.

MEAT MARKET FOR SALE—DOING A GOOD business in a growing town in eastern South Dakota: sickness i s cause for sel l ing. Address 7675, JournaL

BLACKSMITH SHOP. TOOLS A N D STOCK; also house, three rooms, half acre lot; good business; price $1,000. Charles B . Wilson, Mon-damin, Iowa.

WANTED—AGENTS OF EITHER S E X TO handle our celebrated corn and bunion cure; every box accompanied by a $5 guarantee. We wi l l pay good agents $3 per day to Intro-

- duae our goods Into - their sect ions. Sample box 25c. Six boxes $1. For terms and par­ticulars address the manufacturers. C. H . Bierce & Co., lola. Wis .

WANTED—SOLICITORS OF GOOD STANDING, wide business acquaintance, who '-an interest capital in high-grade proposition, dividend pay­ing; right parties can secure good position. The Sarber, Sefter Co., H. E. Emmons. Mgr.. 203 Andrus building.


carpet renovating and Irving. National Car­pet Cleaning Co., Nicollet is land. Both phones.

0 4 0 ft


A Great Growth in Want Ads Saturday The Journal Printed


FOR BALE—ONE OF T H E B E S T LOCATED meat markets in the c i ty : cause, other business outside the c i ty ; no agents . Address 3007, Journal.

LADIES A N D GENTLEMEN—EARN GOOD SAL-ary traveling for honest house; permanent po­sition. Address General Agent, 2712 Humboldt av N.

FOR SALE—$2,000 STOCK GENERAL MER-chandise, good location and reason for sel l ing; no land considered. P . O. Box 36, Altamont. S. D .

W A N T E D — B A K E R W I T H SMALL CAPITAL to form a partnership wi th a good candv maker; good location; call room 89 Golden Wes t .



S h e Old Homo Company,

Established 1S80. ~ '

To talarled persons holding permanent posi­tions, without indorser or security except your own name. Our rates are and always hava been the lowest . Small or large payments, to sui t the borrower. Weekly or monthly, w i t h on or before privi leges, thus stopping a l l In­terest .

Also On furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, e t c . . without removal from your possession. Our record and reputation for 24 years insure* honorable and confidential ri—Hng to a l l .

Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 806 Bank of Commerce Building.

A R E YOU LOOKING For a Friend

To Loan You Money ? W e loan on furniture, pianos, salaries,

horses, wagons, e tc . Low rates . Easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday t i l l 69 p.m. Call, write or telephone—N. W . , Main 1770,

Twin City, 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co.,

601-602 Glob* Building, 28 4th St , B.

REAL ESTATE LOANS—4ft A N D 6 P E R CENT; no commission; business closed promptly. Henry Rothschild, Special Loaa Agent North­western Mutual Life Insurance Co.. 414 Man­hattan Bldg., St . Paul. T«L Main 1189.

MONEY TO LOAN—FIRST XORTGAGR LOANS on approved Minneapolis real e s ta te promptly made by the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur­ance Co., suite 608 Bank of Commarce build­ing. J. M. Herchmer, manager.

MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, R E -tail merchants, teamsters , boarding houses, without security. Largest business In 48 princi­pal c i t ies . Tolman. 920 New York Li te bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN—LOWEST RATES W I T H ON or before privileges; no delay in closing or se­curing answer. Building loans a lso accepted. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building.

X 0 N E Y FOR LOANS A N D S N A P 8 I N CAV. alter county and Mouse River country, North Dakota. J . A. Johnson, 208 Bank o t Com-merce. Minneapolis, Mien.

MONEY TO LOAN ON SHORT TTXE, GOOD collateral and reasonable rates . Insurance policies .accepted. J . D - Cleghom. 1084 Guar. anty Bldg.

I MAKE BUILDING LOANS WITHOUT R E D tape, disappointment or delay; money advanced a s needed. B . D . Brown* 788 Lumber Ex­change.

R. D . CONE A CO., 617 Guaranty bldg, hava on band to loan on improved property $1,000.

, $1,500. $2,000, $3,500; lowest rates. .

$500 TO $8,600 TO LOAN OlS IMPROVED CITY property; easy terms; no delay. C S. Wood­ruff, 605 Guaranty bldg. ,

f8,600 TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY; ALSO smaller sums; current rates. NewhalL 550 Temple Court.

MONEY TO LOAN A T LOWEST RATES. NO delay. Thayer A Gale, 218 N . Y. Life bldg.

$1,600— 60-FOOT LOT ON IRVING NEAR MT. Curve, the coming location; street Improve-ments all In; great bargain. Yale Realty Co.

ROOMY HOUSE, INCOME $180, R E N T $65, good furniture, central location. This can be handled with 8400. 69 Loan A Trust Bldg.

FOR SALE—60-ROOM LODGING HOUSE OR hotel; best location In c i ty ; doing good busi-n e s s ; this i s worth looking up. 8141, Journal.

W A N T E D — A P A R T N E R W I T H MONEY TO engage in the dyeing and cleaning business, w i th an .experienced man. 3021, Journal.

FOR SALE—GOOD BUTCHER BUSINESS I N town of 600: no opposition. Address James J . O'Marr, White Sulphur Springs, Mont.

WANTED—TO PURCHASE LEASE AND FUR-nlture of 85 to 40-room hotel . Address Box 326, Columbus Junction, Iowa.


WANTED—TO PURCHASE LEASE AND FUR-nlture of 85 to 40-room hoteL Address Box 826, Columbus Junction, Iowa.

ALL K I N D S OF DRESSMAKING, P L A I N A N D fancy shirt wa i s t s , made as samples, at. half price for next two w e e k s ; tailor suits a spe­cialty. Hammersley, 23 13th s t S.


at 12c per share If taken th i s week, 8129, Journa l , ; * , '&:v*^fKSg -^ ss>

Separate Individual Paid Want Ads. The same day a year ago The Journal printed 920, an increase of 206 ads. *

; There must be a good reason for this. »

&&£: TiU.* « . ' i *B^Cfii&.&&\?&0£te'AL££'?%&*:-wjr

A Results to the Advertiser X BMMOMOiiOMO>«OM«a>«OMOMOMa»«Mi

$10 DOWN A N D $10 P E R MONTH WILL SE-cure stock In a first-class manufacturing con­cern. 2983, Journal.

ELECTRIC LIGHT A N D TELEPHONE STOCKS. George Girling A Co.. Temple Court. Mpls.

FOR SALE—DAIRY. 8884 84th ST 8 .


unequaled faci l i t ies for moving, storing, pack­ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED F R E I G H T RATES thereon to Chi­cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure reasonably prompt and re­liable service. For the best of service a t tha lowest rates, write or call a t 46 3d s t S .

OAXERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Bes t faci l i t ies for moving and storing house­hold goods; expert packers; 200 Nicollet . Both phones, 1802. Res. phone, T.C. 18324.

BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND STORAGE; finest vans and warerooms; goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th s t N. Both Tela. 952.

VIREPBOOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE; CLEAN, separate rooms. 100-112 1st a r N. Both phones.

PRLNTING—ANYTHING THAT CAN B E DONE w i t h Ink and paper; our work Is equal t o that of high-priced print shops and our prices much lower; try us, Ewald, 288 M »T K. ^ ,

LOANS ON LLTE INSURANCE POLICIES, NO delay. W m . A- Badger. 306 Oneida block.


wagons, warehouse receipts and salaries . Lowest and best rates .

Minneapolis Financial C o , 408 New York Life Bldg.

VTT.T.TAMB, 4g4 QPARAKTY BLDG, LOANS"o5 furniture, planoa or any security; large loans a specialty; terms to sa l t borrowers. Lowest prices.

RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg.

$16,000 REAL ESTATE A N D CHATTEL M O R I . gage for sale, due one-tenth every year, w i th accrued interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum; property secured valued a t $35,Cx*>; absolutely safe; have assignment •< $15,000 insurance. Address 2672, JournaL

FOR SALE—85 8KARES T W I N CITY TELE* phone Company preferred stock. 8161. 3^:-nal.

FOR SALE AT A DISCOUNT—U. 8. INSTALL. ment Realty contract. Address 3126, Journal.

BEST PRICES PALO FOR L I F E INS. POL-lcies; loans made. C. L. Abbott, 421 Andrus.



senger automobile, in good condition; •ttstabla

for hotel, tourist, or livery business. Wi l l

sell a t big bargain if bought a t onca. I t

w i l l pay you to invest igate . Strong Automo­

b i l e Company, 249 3d av S, Minneapolis,

AUTOMOBILES—WE CLEAR OUR FLOOR OF all second-hand automobiles this week.

Regular Sale Price. Price.

1903 Rambler $750 1903 Cadillac w i t h tonneau 850 1903 Knox with top, 4-passenger

newly painted 1,275 1908 Olds, newly painted 650 1902 Rambler, good o r d e r . . . . . . . 750 1904 Queen. 10-H.P. D . cyl 850 1904 Rambler, 8-H.P. S. cyl 850 1904 Brennan, 16-H.P. D. c y l . . . 1,200 1904 Rambler. 16-H.P. D. c y l . . . 1,350

Great Western Cycle A Auto- Co., 612-623 1s t av S.

I 0LDSX0BLLE 9*60 1 1904 Rambler, wi th tonneau « 640 I Waterless Knox, 10 H. P . . 4 - p a s s e n g e r . . . . 600 1 Grout Steamer, practically new, 4-pas-

senge* . . . 4 3 0 1 Knox, 5 H. P . . rebuilt 250

Northwestern Motor. Vehicle Co., 219 6th St S.

$800 473

650 300 225 575 550 600 930

INTERNATIONAL AND B . F. GOODRICH R U B . ' ber t ires for automobiles, carriages, bicycles, e t c ; flrst-clasg repairing of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Tka J- N - . J o b s s o * Oa» 818 ! Nicollet. Both phon«%

WS^P^g'^'tti^ ffiffiSS

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