The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Page 1: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you
Page 2: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

Metal MotivationThe Metal Mindset for Dominating Your Life!

© 2016 by C. J. Ortiz

This electronic book is the intellectual property of C. J. Ortiz and may not be reproduced in any format without written permission from C. J. Ortiz. It also cannot be modified, sold, or used as a promotional item. You may, however, freely distribute this PDF for the purpose of equipping others so long as you share the

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In short, if you mess with my work, I’ll hunt you down! \m/


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A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal Motivator

The Metal MotivatorDaily Screams for Living Aggressively

The Metal MotivatorDaily Screams for Living Aggressively

Page 3: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Metal Will Never Settle and Neither Should You!

Lying within the depths of your soul is a vast ocean of power that if fully

released, would create ten times more than what you’re presently experiencing.

This is power we all need to tap. It’s the unstoppable life force that can bring

success in whatever it is you’re working towards. It’s the dominant side of you that

will stop at nothing to have its hunger satisfied.

We all have it, but we haven’t all experienced it. We all possess this

commanding force, but we haven’t all released it. If we did, both our lives, and this

world, would change in short order. Put more plainly, there’s nothing comparable

to the sheer force of the human spirit when it’s unchained to feed on the

achievement it hungers for.

You might be thinking, “Who is he talking about? That ain’t me! I don’t think

I’ve ever seen my dominant side.” Maybe you haven’t—at least not to the degree

I’m talking about—but it’s still there. It may be simmering deep below the surface

of your life experience, but it’s there—waiting. I guarantee it.

Under Pressure

I think you’ve seen glimpses of your other self. I’m willing to wager there were

numerous times when your “inner dominator” finally stepped in and took the reins

that harness your personal power. When did this happen? It happens every time

you put things off to the last minute. Have you ever done that? We all have. It’s

called procrastination, but at least you finally did something.

When the power of procrastination bulldozes all your neglected tasks into a

pile around you, your dominant side goes into action. Have you ever said, “I work

Page 4: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

Metal Motivation The Metal Mindset for Dominating Your Life!

Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!2

better under pressure?” It’s true. We all work better under pressure, because it’s the

pressure created by a deadline that finally drives out all the excuses and pushes you

to take action.

When the pressure increases, something changes in you. When you’re in a

rush to accomplish something you’ve put off until the last minute, that deeper

part of you takes over. This greater sense of power was always there, but it needed

something from the outside—it needed external pressure to awaken the beast of

achievement inside you.

You Sold Your Soul

Why haven’t you experienced more of your dominant side? It’s because you

lack the deep sense of desperation that releases your ascendant self. It’s because

your personal power is stifled by the sense of satisfaction with the way things

are. It’s your compromise with life that entraps you. It’s your negotiation with

mediocrity that limits you. It’s your settlement with hell itself to withhold your

personal power in exchange for a life without risk, struggle, or sacrifice.

You might be existing on the bare edges of the next paycheck, but it’s enough

for you. You might be dragging your heels to a job you don’t like, but you’ll

endure the senseless boredom so long as you’re supplied with enough for rent and

groceries. You sold your soul, but it wasn’t for rock

and roll. You sold it to silence the beckoning voice

that’s calling you to something greater.

Well, I’m here to tear up that contract, and

this book is my rude intrusion into your world to

create greater dissatisfaction with the way things

are. My goal is to ignite your intensity, fan to flame

your resolve, and increase your hunger to the level

of a dog-like determination. My objective is to

make you a rabid beast when it comes to changing

your life, renewing your thinking, and maximizing your resources.

This is the only way to release your inner-strength. There is no magic to the

process, but something does need to go off in you. A trigger needs to pulled. A

bomb needs to be ignited. Something has to light the fuse that enrages you to war

“You sold your soul, but it wasn’t for rock and roll. You sold it to silence the beckoning voice that’s calling you to something greater.”

Page 5: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

Metal Motivation The Metal Mindset for Dominating Your Life!

Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!3

against the part of you that holds you back. You need a new slave master. You must

become a power slave. You must submit yourself to your dominant side.

The Determination of a Dog

Nothing will teach you determination like a dog. If you have one, then you

know what I mean. I have a small dog that has a fetish for every other animal or

person we walk by. He makes dog walking a bit of a challenge because he wants to

get at every bird, every squirrel, every dog, and every kid that’s nearby. He doesn’t

care how much I pull the leash—he wants what he wants.

Dogs can be so determined that they’ll kill themselves before letting go

of something. They can literally run themselves to death, or attack another

animal many times larger, to go after something they want. Their power and

determination exceeds their concern for their own wellbeing. It’s at that moment

that they are maximized.

Not us. We calculate, reason, and then put out half the effort, because we lack

the instinct that drives the dog’s single-mindedness. Our first thought is to secure

our security. Our “instinct” dictates that we restrain aggression and cast down any

thought of personal sacrifice. No goal is worth risking what keeps us afloat!

If we truly understood our resident capacity, our reaction to new

opportunities would be different. We would seize them immediately and exploit

any foothold we could to see our resources increase. We would push past that first

thought of security and lock our jaws on what represents an advantage to our

personal progress.

You Possess the Power

Real achievement1 begins when the revelation hits you that you already

possess all the power you’ll ever need. All that can be had is already had by you—

there’s no such thing as manufactured personal power that you can order from an

informercial. Power doesn’t enter us from the outside. Every bit of personal power

that you’ll ever need is closer to you than your own nose.

1. Real Achievement - When you maximize your gifts, talents, and abilities as much as you can for a purpose greater than yourself.

Page 6: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!4

That should be good news. Imagine if you had to beg the gods in the sky for

more personal power, and they were predisposed to ignore your pleading. You’re

sunk! There’s no helping you. You need power, but you can’t get it. Be grateful that

is not the case.

You don’t have to beg the heavens above, or buy any potion, to have personal

power. That energy force is in you, and it’s more than you’ve ever conceived. At

this very moment, you would be floored if you could measure the power that you

presently possess.

Fully Maximized

It’s this revelation that marks the difference between those who achieve and

those who don’t. It’s this understanding of inner power that enables someone to

achieve lasting change while others are paralyzed at the thought of kicking a minor


This is why some people can get more done in a given day, and then get more

results out of what they do. They are maximized and their output is ten times more.

They have multiplied their power and their 24 hours seem more like 30. They don’t

have more power than you—they’re just maximizing the power they have.

They’re not special, but they’ve probably endured some hell to release their

personal power. Nobody becomes great, and maximizes their resources, unless

they’ve walked through a valley of fire. It’s those who come out on the other side of

personal struggle that live above everyone else. In all fields, they are the elite. They are

the ones who multiply their efforts to excel.

Hell Week

Nowhere is the idea of the elite as maximizers of personal power more

pronounced than in the military. Special forces groups like the Army Rangers,

Green Berets, Delta Force, Marine Recon, and the Navy Seals are filled with soldiers

who’ve proven they can maximize their personal power for a purpose greater than

themselves.2 One group in particular—the Navy Seals—have dominated new

headlines, TV documentaries, and movies because of their numerous assignments

into the military’s most dangerous international missions.

2. This is my definition of success: to maximize your resources for a purpose greater than yourself.

Page 7: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!5

The selection process for the Navy Seals is called BUDS (Basic Underwater

Demolition/SEAL), and it’s purpose is to establish who really wants to be a Navy

Seal and who doesn’t. There’s a saying that goes, “Everybody wants to be a Navy

Seal, but nobody wants to do push ups in the rain.” Well, doing push ups in the rain

would be a cake walk compared to what the Navy Seal instructors put these young

sailors through.

The fourth week of the first phase of Navy Seals training is called “Hell Week,”

and there is no better name for it. If the first three weeks of the military’s toughest

conditioning weren’t grueling enough, then how about five and a half days of

continuous brutal training with only four hours of sleep allowed? That’s exactly

what these young wannabe Seals will be forced to absorb by their instructors.

Until Hell Week, plenty of candidates drop out of the program in humiliation,

but the fourth week is the real crucible that purges most of the weak links that are

still trying to hang on. Once the Seal instructors take away the luxury of sleep, the

men are thrown against the wall of their personal limitations in a way they never


The instructors say that Hell Week proves to those remaining sailors that their

bodies are capable of ten times more work than the average man thinks possible.

Without this ordeal, some of these men would never realize their full potential.

They would go through life—just as the rest of us—without ever living by their

dominant side.

The idea of ten times more is not limited to the body. We can all push through

the imagined ceilings of all areas of our lives, but for most us, no Hell Week or Seal

instructors are pushing us to reach further. For most us, we’re not even aware we

have such capacity.

“I Give Up. Kill My Daughter”

I call it “being maximized,” and it means increasing your potential, your

output, and your skills by tenfold. Whether it’s the Navy Seal, or the dog on a leash,

real breakthrough happens when we lose sight of our comfort zones and push past

our pain barrier. We can only do that when we know what we want and the price

we’re willing to pay to get it.

Page 8: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!6

Those young sailors that quit during Hell Week didn’t want to be Seals as

much as they thought they did. How can I say that? Simple. Imagine if you were

faced with a Hell Week, but the prize you were striving for was the life of someone

you loved. If your three year-old daughter was threatened with immediate death

if you quit during Hell Week, could you find the power to make it through to

the end? I’m sure you would. At what point would you say, “I give up. Kill my


You would find the strength. Your mind would push past the pain barrier by

keeping before you the value of what it is you truly want, and that desire would create

in you a level of determination akin to self-sacrifice.

Determination: Deciding What It Is You Want

Here’s the simple math: power comes forth from determination, and

determination is created by hunger. There’s no other way it works. Unless you are as

determined as a dog after a cat, or a sailor to become a Navy Seal, you cannot tap

into the greater levels of your own personal power.

Determination has two basic meanings: purpose

and establishment. When you’re determined, you’re

resolute, or settled, on the purpose or aim you’re after;

but you’ll never be filled with purpose until you first

establish what it is you truly want.

How do you know what you want? You know

what you want by your hunger—that deep desire, or

void, that occupies your mind. It’s the overall direction

you want your life to take. It’s the great vision that

torments your thoughts because it’s unfulfilled. That passion that’s eating a hole on

the inside of you is what sets the agenda for what you truly want.

If you don’t have that level of hunger, you’ll have to cultivate it. If you don’t

live with a gnawing in your heart for something beyond where you are, then you

must create it. If you’re not hungry, then you’re satisfied, and that means you must

become dissatisfied. You must learn to despise your limited existence to hunger for

maximum living.

“How do you know what you want? You know what you want by your hunger that deep desire, or void, that occupies your mind.”

Page 9: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!7

Filling Your Void

What is hunger? Hunger is a void—it’s an empty space that makes itself known

through pain. Pain is the great indicator that something’s wrong. It’s the alarm that

lets you know an area of your body needs attention. Sure, it hurts, but without

that pain, the problem would get worse. Without that pain, you won’t run to the

emergency room.

Physical hunger is the empty stomach that turns your insides in knots, and

drives you to the kitchen. You’re now faced with a void—an emptiness—and eating

is the way you fill the void, but it’s the void that causes the pain which drives you to

take action.

If I wanted to make your hunger pain more severe, I only need to show you

some food commercials. You know what that’s like, right? We’ve all experienced

feeling hungry at Midnight and then getting hit by a series of fast food commercials

on television. With most fast food chains sporting 24 hour drive-thrus, there’s

more people getting out of bed to satisfy their desire for a double cheeseburger or

sloppy burrito. The pain of the void will get even the lazy out of bed.

Coveting Can Be Good

It’s when the hunger pains get severe that we finally stop what we’re doing and

make eating our focus. It’s the pain created by the void that releases your power to act.

Therefore, the more hungry you are for something, the quicker you’ll take action.

If you’re not releasing the level of personal power right now to achieve your goals,

or make a life transformation, then you’re not determined enough to do it. If you’re

not determined enough, it’s only because you’re not truly hungry. Therefore, you

have to increase your hunger.

How do you cultivate a greater hunger for something you want? By dwelling

on it. By keeping it in front of your mind’s eye. You cultivate hunger by a positive

coveting of that which you really want.

When you covet something, you yearn for it. In the Bible, coveting is a sin—

thou shalt not covet—but if one were to read closely, it’s a specific type of coveting

that’s forbidden (now don’t “freak out” because I’m referencing the Bible):

Page 10: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!8

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s

wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any

thing that is thy neighbour’s. (Exodus 20:17)

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a husband or wife. It’s when you want

someone else’s husband or wife that the criminality begins. Coveting someone

else’s property, position, or status is the root cause of theft. You won’t work for your

own, so you try to rob the productivity or property of another. Still, coveting is a

form of hunger, and that’s a good thing when it’s directed towards a lawful goal.

Get Addicted

Desire, or hunger, is what produces determination, so when we are absent the

instincts of an animal, we have to create this level of drive ourselves. It isn’t easy,

but it’s doable. It isn’t pleasant either; but like that first swig of beer, what’s forced

down at first can develop into an addiction if you keep drinking the distasteful


Addiction is a form of desire. It’s one of the stronger forms of human desire,

and it’s the closest we’ll ever come to the self-sacrificial determination of an animal.

Addicts are under the complete control of their addiction. They’ll lie to those

they love in order to swindle money for their next fix. They’ll sell their children’s

possessions to pacify their withdrawals. They’ll lose all self-respect in complete

subservience to a substance that they know is destroying their lives, their families,

and their future.

Now try to imagine the opposite. For example, what if your addiction

was for something that would change your life for the better? Imagine if you

were “addicted” to good health—that you couldn’t go for more than a day or

two without getting back on your routine of healthy eating and exercise. Your

determination would transform your physical body in a matter of months.

Dependency Breeds Control

The power of addiction is found in dependency, and the more an individual is

dependent upon a substance like alcohol or crack cocaine, the more they are under

the direct control of that substance. This should give you a hint as to where all this

Page 11: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

Metal Motivation The Metal Mindset for Dominating Your Life!

Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!9

is leading: if you want to create greater self-control, then you must become addicted to

the disciplines that create what you want. Do that and you’ll be under the control of


Here’s a question for you: is it that we are in control of our disciplines, or

are our disciplines in control of us? I tend to think it’s the latter, because we can

be disciplined in one area of our lives and yet leave another area without any

supervision. We tend to be controlled by whatever we’ve created dependency for,

and dependency is the key to creating an addiction.

To become dependent, you have to first acquire a taste for the disciplines you

don’t like. It’s like the first time you drank a beer. I don’t know anyone who loved

the taste of beer the first time they tried it, but because they kept forcing it down

their throats, they eventually acquired a taste for it. For some, that taste became an


The more you can get yourself to do the unpleasant disciplines, the sooner

you’ll acquire a taste for them, and that will lead to dependency, addiction, and

control. It won’t be “just like” a substance addict, because they are dealing with

actual chemicals, but the psychological dynamic is similar. For me, I cannot go very

long without exercising and eating right, but it wasn’t easy at first. Now, it would be

harder not to do it. The very thought of living on junk food, and sitting in front of

the television for hours, turns my stomach.

Hitting the Vein of Obsession

Hunger, desire, covetousness, and addiction are all forms of slavery, but

they are a slavery to your personal power, which is the type of slavery you should

seek. It’s determination that releases in you the drive to get what you want. You in

essence become obsessed, and obsession means to fill the mind continually.

Isn’t this what an addict experiences? Their minds are filled with a

preoccupation over what they’re dependent upon. There minds are so full of

covetousness for their addiction that there’s simply no room for any competing

thoughts or desires. Like the dog, they are now maximized, and their personal

power will drive them to disregard all shame and put their very lives at risk to get

their fix. They cannot be negotiated with. They’re obsessed.

Page 12: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

Metal Motivation The Metal Mindset for Dominating Your Life!

Visit MetalMotivation.com In Whatever You Do, Don’t Suck!10

No one can negotiate with me when it comes to what I want to do. By that I

mean no one can convince me that my calling isn’t worthwhile. When people ask

me, “How do you do it?” I simply say, “I cannot do otherwise.” I mean that. I have

so completely filled myself with a desire for maximizing my personal resources that

I’m driven to perform my calling in as many ways as I can. I know I will do what I

set out to do. I try not to question myself.

Power Slaves

You’re capable of ten times more in every area of your life, but I don’t want

you to feel condemned because you’re not living at that level. I’m not either, and it’s

not the point. My purpose is to show you that you have a vast supply of personal

power ready to be unleashed, but without desire and determination, you’ll remain

as you are.

We must become power slaves, because coming under the control of our

hunger and addiction is what creates the discipline and consistency that moves us

towards maximizing our resources.

You also need to realize that nobody else has more power than you. The only

difference between your meager existence, and the great achievements of someone

else, is that they have maximized their personal power while you have only sipped

it. The only difference is that they have forsaken security and stepped into the

unsure waters of their resident potential. This step awaits you. Will you take it, or

will you remain in the boat?

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Page 13: The Metal Motivator A Promotional eBook from C. J. - The Metal … · 2019. 10. 12. · I’m talking about—but it’s still there. ... called procrastination, but at least you

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Metal Motivation takes the power and aggression of heavy

metal and combines it with the proven principles of personal achievement to create a system of “life mastery” that obliterates weakness and strengthens personal resolve. This is not merely “Tony Robbins dipped in metal”—it’s a completely unique “metalosophy of success.” As the originator, C. J., says, “It ain’t self-help—it’s metal help!”

Metal Motivation is the brainchild of an old school metal head, C. J. (the Metal Motivator), who recognized that the time had come for the international community of metal heads to begin to take their place at every level of society as leaders, motivators, and agents of change. Since heavy metal had effectively served as the “soundtrack of success” for C. J., he took the obvious next step and created the “ultimate brainwash” by utilizing the uncompromising power of metal to articulate a unique system for personal development: “You don’t mellow out to metal,” he says, “You go out to seek and destroy!”

C. J.’s “Metalosophy” purges the unproven and useless elements found in most personal achievement systems—the type of pop-psychology of the late night infomercial gurus that the Metal Motivator refers to as “all think, no action.” Instead, Metal Motivation begins with the proven life shaping system used by the military where the pain of the past is not pandered to but rather converted into personal power to create a better future for the individual: “The ‘TV talk show windbags’ like to blow powerless sunshine up everyone’s backside, while the military turns the ‘average Joe’ into a conquering warrior in six weeks!” Like heavy metal itself, Metal Motivation is simple, straightforward, and uncompromising.

At Metal Motivation, you won’t find “The Secret,” laws of attraction, personal manifestation, think and grow rich, or mind over matter. As C. J. likes to say, “That’s all magical thinking that cannot be proven to work for all people, in all situations, at all times, but it does make the false prophets of

self-help a great deal of money.” For C. J., his Metalosophy is simple, “There’s no such thing as ‘mind over matter’—only mind over your own lazy ass.”

In addition, Metal Motivation covers elements not found in other self-centered philosophies of success. The Metal Motivator re-introduces the life principles that originally created the best of Western Civilization—e.g., innovation, industry, technology, liberty, self-government—but presents them in a way that will revolutionize the lives of those whose only input has been public education, television, and pop culture.

C. J.’s videos, podcasts, and articles are a perfect fit for any metal/hard rock radio station on air, or the web, and any rock-oriented magazine or blog.

C. J. is available for interviews as well as speaking in any public or corporate event suited for his message and style. He also offers coaching and consulting services for those ready to go to the next level in life and business. For more information, you can contact him at [email protected]

“Metalosophy: a system of life mastery that destroys weakness and strengthens your personal resolve.”

The Metal MotivatorDaily Screams for Living Aggressively

The Metal MotivatorDaily Screams for Living Aggressively