“Gathering together, Growing in faith, and Going into the world in Jesus’ name. THE MESSENGER A monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church www.zionsuperior.org 2022 E. 2nd Street, Superior, WI 54880 715-398-3663 Church Hours Winter Hours Monday to Friday 9:00a—1:00 p DECEMBER 2017 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. —-John 1:14

THE MESSENGER - jwwmedia.s3. · PDF fileprovided music or silent auction items, put out flyers, ... *Wed, Dec 6: Free dinner for all at 5:45, worship 6:15 ... Coffee Fellowship There

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“Gathering together, Growing in faith, and Going into the world in

Jesus’ name.”

THE MESSENGER A monthly publication of

Zion Lutheran Church www.zionsuperior.org

2022 E. 2nd Street, Superior, WI 54880


Church Hours Winter Hours Monday to Friday 9:00a—1:00 p






The Word became flesh and made his

dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came

from the Father, full of grace and truth. —-John 1:14



ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL All Children ages 3 years through the 5th Grade are welcome at Zion Sunday

School. Classes are Sunday mornings at 10:15 from September to May. To register your children for Sunday School, you may contact the church office

(715-398-3663) or go to zionsuperior.org for a registration form or simply come to Zion on any Sunday to get your child started on his or her journey of faith! God

loves our children and has wonderful things to teach them at Zion Sunday School. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!



Saturday, Dec 16th

Program Rehearsal (9:30 am to noon)

Includes birthday party for Jesus!

Sunday, Dec 17th

Christmas Program (3:00 pm)

Sunday, Dec 24th

No Sunday School

Sunday, Dec 31st

No Sunday School

11-5-17 Singing in church on All Saints Sunday

A Nativity Play Sunday, December 17th, 3:00 pm


Growing in Faith: As 10-9-22-17, we owe 93,436.51. YTD Interest paid is $3,617.35.

YTD Principal:$6,694.65. Monthly mortgage payment was $781.00. Please consider a gift to Growing in Faith above and beyond your regular giving. Thank you for your gifts.

Thank you all for participating in the fundraiser for Dexter Ojeda. Whether you were on the planning team, enjoyed a meatball supper,

provided music or silent auction items, put out flyers, donated generously, or helped keep things going smoothly the night of the event,

we couldn’t have done it without your support. Close to $13,000 was raised for Dexter and his family. Thank you!!

Dexter Benefit Committee members

Advent Activities at Zion

*Wed, Nov 29: Prepare by helping hang the greens for the season 4-5 p.m. All are welcome, dinner is served. *Sun, Dec. 3: First Sunday in Advent, regular services. *Wed, Dec 6: Free dinner for all at 5:45, worship 6:15 *Sat, Dec 9: WELCA Cookie Sale, 8:30 am. *Sun, Dec 10: Second Sunday in Advent, regular services *Wed, Dec 13: Ring bells with the LOGOS youth from 4:30—5:30. Free dinner for all at 5:45, worship 6:15. *Sun, Dec 17: Third Sunday in Advent, regular services. Sunday School Christmas Program 3:00 pm. *Wed, Dec 20: Come caroling with LOGOS youth and mentors at local nursing homes from 4-5:30. Free dinner for all at 5:45, worship 6:15. *Sun, Dec 24. Fourth Sunday in Advent. One service at 10:00 am. Christmas Eve Services: Contemporary 4:30 pm Traditional Service at 10:00 pm. December 25: Christmas Day—No Services

December 6—The Gerasene Demoniac December 13—Bell Ringing for Salvation Army December 20—Christmas Caroling December 27—Christmas Break

Homemade Bake Sale Saturday, December 9, 2017

Beginning at 8:30 am Cookies * Candies * Breads * Pies

Craft * Quilts


Be a



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Coffee Fellowship There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the Fellowship Hall.

Thanks to all who serve.

Check the Photo Gallery

Zion Web www.zion superior.org

Food Shelf: Second Sunday of the month. They always need canned veggies, fruits, assorted goods, peanut butter, and non perishable items. Thanks to all who help. Vicki

A Bible study from Gather Magazine, led by Karen St. George,

To be announced in the bulletins

Pennies—Continue saving. Every penny does make a difference. Thanks, Sharon


We meet the second Sunday of each month during the 10:00 hour between Sunday Services. Please watch the bulletin for any last minute changes.


Baby Shower for Superior Life Care Center

This is the time of year we receive an abundance of requests of aid to needy families. Sew n’ Sews, Mission and ELCA women will all be working to help the Lake Superior Life Care Center to provide an opportunity of caring for their infant and/or child through ages 2-4. We are, again, looking forward to another outstanding

Baby Shower on January 13 at 1:00 p.m. Pick up a brochure (from entry or Jan and Lucy) to see what you might add to make our cold winter more enjoyable for a very needy cause.

—-Jan Arena —-715-817-8567 —-Lucy Sullivan — 715-718-0662

We’re busy bees after Summer vacations, Pasty Bake, and other church events. Now we see seven names of military prayer

concerns. Another military quilt has been made and we would like to get pictures, addresses, and information of each one (and

the branch of service represented) to make a support system to insure them that we care. Please contact Jan Arena with the


Sew ‘N Sews

The Church Council is asking for volunteers to help organize a blood drive hosted at Zion. The Red Cross brings in the equipment needed for collection and will provide marketing materials. Red Cross is currently scheduling drives for Jan-March. They ask that Zion provide indoor space, donor recruitment to reach the goal of 25 units, and provide a few volunteers for the day (usually 5 or 6 hours). One unit of blood saves up to three lives. Please contact Polly or church office for more information. We need to decide on a date by January 15th. Thank you.


LAY MINISTRY FOR DECEMBER 2017 Traditional Contemporary

Communion Assistant Minister Assistant Power Point Minister Assistant/Reader

Jeanette Betterman Aine Merrill 12-3 Lynn Rochon

Mark Betterman Karen St. George 12-10 Tim Ingersoll

Lucy Sullivan Aine Merrill 12-17 London Jonasen

Combined Service Sign Up Sheet

Combined Service Sign Up Sheet

12-24 Combined Service Sign Up Sheet

Marilyn Starstead Karen St. George 12-17 Sara McKone


John & Jean Madsen 12-3

Jack & Shirley Boris 12-10

Mary Hickman Sharon Miller


Combined Service Sign Up Sheet


Linda Pelliter 12-31

Usher Reader Counters (Both Services)

Kate Maki Marian Maki

Linda Moe 12-3 Mary Jo Bartylla, Linda Pelletier

Ken Thimm Kelly Thimm

Janet Arena 12-10 Kelly Thimm, Janet Arena

Duane Betterman Mark Betterman

Polly Lohman 12-17 Greg Kvam, Ken Mertz

Combined Service Sign Up Sheet

Combined Service Sign Up Sheet

12-24 Lois Smith, Polly Lohman

Donald Anderson Anthony Anderson

Lucy Sullivan 12-31 Beth Arnson, Paul Freer

Altar for December Altar Guild Members Food Shelf

Faith United Methodist Church

Home Communion Jeanette Betterman

Unable to serve at scheduled time?

Please call office at 715-398-3663

with name of your replacement.

Thank you for your service.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary

5 (recycling) 5:00 Missions 6:15 Choir 6:00 Al-Anon 6:30 AA Mtg

6 4:00 LOGOS-The Gerasene Demoniac 6:15 Advent Service

7 1:00 Sew ‘N Sews 5:00 Book Study with Pastor 6:00 Kingdom Mtg 7:00 Superior Singers Concert


Superior Singers Concert 7:00 pm & Dessert


8:30 WELCA Cookie Sale 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary


Regular Services

4 6:00 AA Mtg 7:30 Band

10 (Food Shelf Sunday)

Regular Services

10:00 WELCA

11 6:00 AA Mtg 7:30 Band

12 5:00 Missions 6:15 Choir 6:00 Al-Anon 6:30 AA Mtg

13 4:00 LOGOS Bell Ringing Salvation Army 6:15 Advent Service

14 1:00 Sew ‘N Sews 5:00 Book Study with Pastor 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary 6:00 Church Council


16 9:30 a Program Rehearsal 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary


Regular Services

3:00 pm Christmas Program

18 6:00 AA Mtg 7:30 Band

19 (recycling) 4:00 Missions 5:00 Operations 5:00 Worship/Music 6:15 Choir 6:00 Al-Anon 6:30 AA Mtg

20 4:00 LOGOS Christmas Caroling 6:15 Advent Service

21 1:00 Sew ‘N Sews 5:00 Book Study with Pastor 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary 6:00 Council Mtg


23 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary


Christmas Eve Services 10:00 a 4:30 p 10:00 p

25Christmas (office closed) 6:00 AA Mtg

26(recycling) 4:00 Missions 6:15 Choir 6:00 Al-Anon 6:30 AA Mtg

27 4:00 No LOGOS

28 1:00 Sew ‘N Sews 5:00 Book Study with Pastor 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary


30 6:00 Kingdom Mtg in Sanctuary


Regular Services

Every Sunday 9:00 Traditional 10:15 Sunday School 10:00 Coffee Hour 10:50 Contemporary


Care Basket Ministry Please take a Care Basket for those you know who have been ill, a death has occurred in the family, a person may need a smile to let them know we care about them. We have baskets with soup, a book, small presents in them and a card that states we care. Baskets are in the closet in the fellowship hall. Write on the clipboard the date, recipient of basket , and who will deliver the basket.. Thank you for being the hands and feet to show others we care about them.

We are working from a limited birthday list. Please check with the office to see if you are on Sheperd’s Staff with a birth date. There are many names without the date. Let’s plan ahead for JANUARY.

Please call Pearl at the office 715-398-3663. Thanks.


The recycle bin is now in library. Thank you and keep saving shinny paper. Keep Saving! ——Aine

December 13—Ronald & Denise Lundberg — 42 years December 19—James & Connie Jackson — 64 years

December 27—Ron & Carol Peterson—59 years December 29—Thomas & Mary Nykanen—57 years

Payton Miller Dec 1 Gwenn Carlson Dec 3 Stevie Ocampo Dec 4 Sara Downs Dec 8 Laura Kilner Dec 8 Pamela Mertz Dec 8 Ariana Amys Dec 9 Tanya Anderson Dec 9 Chad Bennett Dec 9 David Moe Dec 10 Lois Smith Dec 10 Lynn Rochon Dec 11

Victor St. George Dec 12 Ellen Adrihan Dec 16 Kearra Thimm Dec 16 Tammie Johnson Dec 17 Tony Amys Dec 18 Ashley Bennett Dec 19 Delories Anderson Dec 20 Shannon Carlson Dec 20 Ellen Oaks Dec 25 Delores Mackie Dec 27 Cory Johnson Dec 30 Jay Johnson Dec 31

Tuesday Evening Mission Group began in September and continues every Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. We are strong and we plan to

join us for a meal and for sharing your outreach ideas. November 7th we celebrate the September, October,

November, and December birthdays at Fuller’s Restaurant in South Superior at 5:00 pm

All are welcome! Sunnie

Baylee Ryan Stariha Daughter of Ryan & Julianne Stariha Baptism, November 5, 2017

Champ Olson Son of

Marjie Hickman & Wes Olson Baptism, November 12, 2017

“Superior Singers Christmas Gospel Hour” Thursday , December 6th at 7:00 p.m. Zion will host the Superior Singers Christmas Concert. This year will feature gospel music and a capella spirituals celebrating the Birth of our Lord. The concert is in honor of their good friend Ruthie (member since 2009) who unexpectedly passed away in June. Join us for the concert and the wonderful desserts served afterward in the Fellowship Hall.


When we lived in Minneapolis, Karen and I got in the habit of opening our home to celebrate holidays with the people we loved. That could mean siblings (but none of our sisters and brothers lived nearby), parents (see the comment about siblings), other family (OK, our daughter), or some other people. The other people are what made the gathering most interesting. There were people who had moved to Min-nesota in order to go through treatment, and had no family in the state. “Come to our house,” we would say. “We’ve always got room for more.” There were also people from work who didn’t have family to cele-brate with. What made it really interesting was the last few years we lived there. We would have people in early recov-ery, people who worked in the Twin Cities, and classmates of mine from Luther Seminary who weren’t able to get home for the holidays. These gatherings were an interesting group of people, and sometimes it felt like there was a little tension, as people of faith shared fellowship with people of no faith, and people who could be mistaken as “goodie-two-shoes” types prepared to break bread with folks who were still a little shaky from withdrawal symptoms. But by the end of the meal, a transformation would have taken place. Rather than focusing on how we were different from each other, the simple exercise of practicing fellowship and breaking bread would allow us all to find our common humanity together. I cannot say that those who had no faith suddenly understood that we were all children of God, but some of us recognized that in a very real way. That’s not why we started welcoming people into our home. We started welcoming people into our home because we enjoyed their company and wanted to spend time with them. The fact that we also gave them a place to go for the holidays was an added bonus, and one that made us feel warm and fuzzy. The joy of Christmas is recognizing that we are all children of God, and sharing our family connections – whether those connections are through blood, work, recovery, or a simple meal – is one of the most important things we do.

Pastor Victor

Church Council Meeting Thurs-day, October 26, 2017

Present: Pastor Victor, Polly Lohman, Lynn Rochon, Linda Moe, Greg Kvam, Don Anderson, Tim Inger-soll, Vicky Holm, Becky Hubbard, JR Pedersen, Kenny Mertz Jr., Absent: Laura Kilner, Marilyn Starstead

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm by Polly Lohman. Devotions were led by Lynn. Devotions for November were not assigned.


Secretary's Report: A motion was made by Becky and seconded by JR to accept the September minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: Discussion was held about some upcoming financial needs, including service to the boiler. A motion was made by Linda and seconded by Vicky to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.

Pastor's Report: Pastor reported that he enjoyed working on pasties. He noted that when we do things to-gether there’s a spiritual benefit. He is also moved by the work that is going into the benefit for Dexter. He is retaining his position as Conference Dean, and attended a conference meeting. We will be electing a new bishop; therefore the next Synod Assembly will be a two day event, which we will need to note for the An-nual Meeting. On Monday, Oct. 30 four churches will be gathering at Pilgrim Lutheran for a service to hon-or the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Logos: (Lynn) Logos students conducted a food drive for the food pantry at Faith United Methodist. Bell


ringing has been scheduled for Wed., Dec. 13 and there is no Logos on Wed., Nov. 1.

Sunday school: No report.

Worship and Music: (Linda) There was no Worship and Music meeting this month. Pew Record Books are in the pews and members will be reminded of how to use them correctly at both services.

Missions: It was noted that the Missions Group has been involved in preparing for the benefit, helping with past-ies, planning a baby shower for January and working on mittens.

Congregation & Caring: (Marilyn) No report, but it was noted that Marilyn has been visiting shut ins.

WELCA: No report, however it was mentioned that the treasurer position has been filled and the cookie sale has been scheduled.

Audit Committee: (Polly) The current members of the committee (Libby Gray and Kendra Lohman) have been contacted and another member is still being sought.

Operations & Finance: There are no big projects planned at this time. Discussion was held to purchase protective coverings for the hall carpet for large events. Greg reported that the boiler needs to be serviced and we were given a quote of 1207.00. Vicky made a motion to proceed with the repair and servicing. Becky seconded and the mo-tion carried. Greg will call and schedule the servicing.

Unfinished Business Status of Pew Record Books (see Worship and Music) “Pray Ground” in church: This is being tried in second service. A small table/chair, blocks, coloring supplies,

a mat and small cars and books are set up in the back corner to allow families with small children to keep them in church during service. We will monitor this to see how it goes.

The Join Forces for a Reason Benefit Concert/Dinner/Silent Auction is scheduled to take place on Friday, Nov. 3 at Zion. All are encouraged to attend as the benefit will provide support for Dexter Ojeda and his family.

Pasty Bake: 997 orders have been received to date. We are planning to make 1200 pasties from Nov. 26-28. Profits will be put into the general fund.

New Business Organ/piano Tuning: Sam Gray requested that the organ and piano be tuned. Becky made a motion to approve

the tuning at the quote of $800 and to get specifics for proper maintenance of the equipment, including the temperature requirements to ensure that they remain in tune. Vicky seconded and the motion carried.

New worship times sign: Discussion was held around a request to change the sign on the front church corner to reflect the current worship time of 10:50 for second service. It was noted that while the music begins for second service at that time, actual worship begins at 11:00. It was decided to find out the price for making the change and based on the amount, how we will proceed with the funding.

Holiday Decorating: Logos students will be hanging the greens on November 29 from 4-6. The congregation is invited to help with this project.

Sanctuary projector: A few ideas were shared regarding how to get the projector functioning again. Tim will look into this during school break in December.

Pastor’s vacation: Pastor has two weeks of vacation remaining and he will not be able to fit both of them in for 2017. He asked if he could roll one of those weeks into next year and council approved his request.

Nominating Committee Report: Council is requesting a Nominating Committee report as this will be needed for the Annual Meeting in January.

A motion was made to adjourn by Becky at 7:25. Tim seconded. Motion carried, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Lynn Rochon, Secretary


A Christmas Message from Bishop Hoyme Behold, the virgin shall conceive and Bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel…..Isaiah 7:14b Dear Friends of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, The year was 1986 and it was a beautiful December morning in our new home in Minnesota. We had recently moved and I was preparing my Christmas Eve message for my new congregation. But I was having difficulty focusing on the task at hand. Each time I attempted to pen relevant and impressive thoughts, my eyes were diverted to a photo on my desk; a photo of a baby with thick dark hair and deep brown eyes. Although we had never met, she had been named and she was loved. Her name was Laura and Lutheran Social Services had assured us that she would soon be on a plane that would fly her from Seoul, South Korea to the Minneapolis airport and then into our arms. But for now, she was in a crib in an orphanage in a faraway land. And that made me sad… I was sad because this little one would spend her first Christmas alone… or as alone as one can be in a room filled with cribs. But she would not be held in the arms of loving parents and sur-rounded with gifts. And that was sad. And it made me feel alone. But I had a sermon to write… so back to the words in my Bible and back to the story they told. “Immanuel” - God with us. This word is first written in the book of Isaiah and then again in the Gos-pel of Matthew. Both times it is written as a promise that God will be with us, and God will never leave us. It is a promise that a baby will one day be born and that baby will fulfill the promise of God’s presence with God’s people. Oh my goodness…could this be true? Could God’s promise not be an ancient one, but one that was being fulfilled, even as I attempted to write a message of hope to my new people? Is God re-ally with us? Her first Christmas; wrapped in cloths and lying in a hard bottomed crib in the center of a faraway orphanage. And God is with her. God had knit her together in her mother’s womb, and God would never leave her. And her name was Laura. And she was a child of God. I remember this beautiful December morning often. I remember it when I am feeling alone. I re-member it because I need to believe that God is with me. And that God will never leave me. And I believe it. This will be my last Christmas message to you as your bishop. Next year at this time, you will read words from a new bishop but the promise will not change. God is with you. His name is Immanuel and the promise is real.

Have a blessed Christmas and… go to church! God will be there!


Church Council for year 2017

Term ends January 2018 Term Ends January 2019 Term Ends 2020

Greg Kvam Knute Pederson, Jr. Linda Moe

Polly Lohman, President Lynn Rochon, Secretary Don Anderson

Marilyn Starstead Ken Mertz Jr. Laura Kilner

Becky Hubbard, Treasurer Vicky Holm, Vice President Tim Ingersoll

Pastor Victor St. George


Zion will be brightening the Sanctuary this Christmas with Poinsettia’s. We will be ordering them from Engwall/Wolff’s Florist and, as usual, there is a choice of red, white, pink, or marble poinsettia’s wrapped in the standard foil.

Small Plant — $10 large Plant — $20


Number of Plants _____ Total Cost $ _____ From: _______________________________________________________________________ In Memory of: ________________________________________________________________ In honor of: __________________________________________________________________ Please return this order form with payment to the church office by MONDAY, DECEMBER 4

Call the church office at 715-398-3663 if you have any questions, or email at: [email protected]

Cut here and return completed form and check to office.

We wish a Merry Christmas and a

Happy New Year To ALL




“Gathering together, Growing in faith, and Going into the world in Jesus’ name.”

715-398-3663 www.zionsuperior.org Victor St. George, Pastor 218-343-4089

Worship Services Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:50 am

Sunday School 9:45 am Coffee Hour in Hall between services

Youth Ministries Grades 6-12 on Wednesdays LOGOS 4-7 pm

Adult Learning Ministries Wednesdays Bible Study 2:00 pm

Service/Ministry Opportunities available throughout the week

Church Office Winter Hours 9-1 M-F

715.398.3663 [email protected]

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 2022 East Second Street

Superior, WI 54880

Contact Zion Pastor

Victor St. George, [email protected] Office Secretary

Pearl Swanstrom [email protected] Choir Director

Samuel Gray [email protected] Organists

Libby Gray, Samuel Gray Custodian

Jerry Johnson Newsletter

Pearl Swanstrom [email protected] Prayer Ministry and Requests

[email protected] Sunday School (ages 0-5th grade)

Laura Kilner [email protected] Missions

Sunnie Lamppa LOGOS

Greg Kvam, Lynn Rochon

THE MESSENGER is a monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church