The Messenger Parish Magazine of St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich with St John the Evangelist, Byley 50p December 2014/January 2015

The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley

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Page 1: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley

The Messenger

Parish Magazine of St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich

with St John the Evangelist, Byley


December 2014/January 2015

Page 2: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


Service plan for December 2014

7th December– 2nd of Advent

8.00 am Middlewich Communion

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

4.00 pm Middlewich Christingle Service

14th December— 3rd of Advent

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Morning Praise

11.00 am Byley Communion

2.30 pm Middlewich Baptism

6.30 pm Middlewich Church @28

21st December— 4th of Advent

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Nativity Celebration

11.00 am Byley Morning Prayer

6.30 pm Middlewich Carol Service

28th December—1st of Christmas

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship

11.00 am Byley Communion

6.30 pm Middlewich No evening service

Tuesday 30th December- No Healing Service

Thursday 1st January– No Communion Service

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Week of Prayer For Christian Unity

The week of prayer for Christian unity will begin here in Middlewich on Sunday 18th January 2014. This is a great opportunity for members of the various churches in Middlewich to get together and be united in prayer for one another and our community. The programme of meetings is as follows:

Sunday 18th January 6:30pm United Service - St Mary’s RC Church

During the week there will be daily meetings for prayer, each 30 minutes long.

Monday 20th January 10:00am United Reformed Church Tuesday 21st January 7:00pm Methodist Church Wednesday 22nd January 10:00am Middlewich Community Church Thursday 23rd January 7:00pm St Michael’s Church

St Michael’s Church Office

28 Hightown, Middlewich, CW10 9AN

01606 738005 Office hours 10am-2pm Monday-Friday

Office Manager : Beth Deakin [email protected]

For further contact details please see p20 …

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve– Wednesday 24th December

4.00 pm Middlewich Crib Service

11.30 pm Middlewich Midnight Communion

Christmas Day– Thursday 26th December

10.30 am Middlewich Family Service

11.00 am Byley Christmas Communion

See next page for services in January!

Page 4: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


Don’t forget to check out the 28 website...www.at28.org

Service plan for January 2015

4th January—2nd of Christmas

8.00 am Middlewich Communion

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

6.30 pm Middlewich Prayer for the New Year ( No. 28)

11th January—1st of Epiphany

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Morning Worship

11.00 am Byley Plough Sunday Service

6.30 pm Middlewich Evensong

18th January—2nd of Epiphany

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

6.30 pm Middlewich Churches Together Service At St. Marys

25th January—3rd of Epiphany

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Morning Worship

11.00 am Byley Communion

6.30 pm Middlewich Church @ 28

Healing Service each Tuesday at 9.30 am

Communion Service each Thursday at 9.30 am

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Letter From the Rector Dear Friends, A teacher had asked the class to construct a manger scene in the corner of the classroom. They built the stable, covered the floor with hay, and filled the structure with the figures of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, the animals, and a tiny doll, representing the baby Jesus. All the children were excited about the project except one little boy, who kept looking at the manger scene with a troubled expression. The teacher finally asked him if something was wrong. With childlike wisdom, the boy said: “What I’d like to know is, where does God fit in?” Now that, I think, is a good question! – but why? In 2006 the Royal Mail stated that they had made a conscious decision to not have ‘Christian’ images on their Christmas stamps but rather to opt for secular festive images such as Father Christmas. Whilst such a decision was ‘regrettable’ (to quote the official C of E response back then) I have to say I was not at all surprised. The reason being that actually a very large proportion of the population of our nation just don’t know where God fits into Christmas anymore. Since then the Royal Mail have issued ‘Christian’ images on their Christmas stamps, including the 2013 range, but I see from their website that once again 2014 is to be ‘Christian’ image free. As the Christian church we try our best to communicate the true Christmas story. We encourage schools to do nativity plays, we put on carol services and christingle services, we do many different things to publicise the story of Jesus’ birth - but simply knowing that the baby in the manger is called Jesus doesn’t actually answer the question ‘where does God fit in?’ So where does God fit in? Well the simple answer is that actually Jesus is God, or to quote the Old Testament – Immanuel, God with us (Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:23). That’s why the celebration of his birth in a small town in Palestine 2,000 years ago is so important, because that was the moment when God stepped in to change the course of history, to overcome evil and


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All the rooms at Number 28, which is opposite St Michael’s Church, are available for rent when not being used by the Church.

The rooms seat between 8 and 60 people, are well appointed and would suit private functions or business meetings.

A full commercial standard kitchen is also available.

Go to the Number 28 Website www.at28.org/roomhire

to see details, or phone the office on 01606 738005.

death, and reconcile humanity to himself once more. Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection from the dead made all that possible. The problem is that if people don’t believe that then they will probably never understand why we, as Christians, get excited about celebrating Jesus’ birth, or why we make such a fuss about the associated shepherds, angels, stable, wise men, etc…. The unfortunate reality is that a significant proportion of our society don’t believe that Jesus is God and therefore just don’t get it. I think part of the problem lies with us, the Christian church. We have stopped telling people the truth about Jesus because it’s no longer considered acceptable in a modern multicultural society. It is a risky thing to proclaim publicly that Jesus Christ is God (see Luke 22:70, John 10:38, Romans 9:5, & Hebrews 1:3) and that his death on the cross is the only way humanity can be reconciled to God (see John 14:6, Acts 4:12, & Romans 10:9). It might make us unpopular, like the first disciples. It might mean we end up in court, like the first disciples. It might even mean we end up in prison, like the first disciples. But it might also mean that some people finally have the answer to the question – Where does God fit in? It’s a risk – but it might be worth it! Yours in Christ Simon Drew

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Unless the Lord Builds the house,

its Builders labour in Vain. (Psalm 127:1)

So don’t forget to Pray!


March 8th 2015 at 6.30 pm.

Have you been confirmed? Have you recently started coming to church? If you now see yourself as belonging to St. Michael’s or St. John’s, and have not yet been confirmed, this is important for you. We are having a Confirmation Service at St. Michael’s at 6.30 pm on Sunday, March 8th. If you are someone who has come to faith recently, we invite you to consider Confirmation. It is an opportunity to make the vows made for you at your baptism for yourself in public, and to receive prayer for the infilling of the Holy Spirit from the bishop. For many it is the occasion of their first Communion. If you have not yet been baptised, we will arrange that at a suitable time. But you may have been coming along for years, you may have joined St. Michael’s or St. John’s from another Christian denomination, and you want to make a public declaration that you now belong to us – then again, please consider Confirmation. It is good to have an opportunity to learn more of the faith in an informal setting, and always good to rededicate our lives to the Lord. Young people need to be in year 10 or above. There is no upper age limit! I normally hold five preparation classes and then a rehearsal on Sunday afternoons from 5 – 6 pm downstairs in No. 28. The classes will start on Sunday, January 11th, missing the half term weekends. If you think you might be interested, please contact me soon. If you are not sure whether it is for you, or what is involved, it would be good to have a chat – do please get in touch.

Liz Woode Tel: 01606 75030 email: [email protected].

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.. this Christmas How odd? you might say, that someone is getting excited about singing a song that we’ve all sung many times before, in School Assembly, Carol Concerts or perhaps while out shopping in the Supermarket in the weeks leading up to Christmas? To some, the carol will “Herald” the arrival of Father Christmas, with his sack full of toys, sleigh and reindeers on the roof, mince pie, carrot and glass of sherry set ready. To others the Carol may herald long shifts spent on the Wards of a hospital, caring for those whose body doesn’t know that it’s Christmas, and that it should be up and about busying itself in preparation for the big day. But to me, and many others like me, this Carol heralds in a celebration to beat all other celebrations – it heralds in the season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, over 2,000 years ago. It tells the story of the night before Jesus’ birth, when God’s messengers came down to earth to tell, sing, shout out the good news that God was to come down to earth to live amongst us. That God would be here, with us, as one of us. The Carol was written by Charles Wesley in 1739, which can explain some of the old-fashioned turns of phrase, like ‘offspring of a Virgins’ womb’ or ‘veiled in flesh the Godhead see, hail the incarnate Deity’. The tune that we all know was penned by Felix Mendelssohn. There have been a few tweaks to the words, and the music has had a make-over to include the well-loved descant verses but fundamentally it is as the composer intended it almost 300 years ago. So why has this particular Carol stood the test of time, when many other things have faded into oblivion? Could it be that its message is so huge, so important, so joyous, that its intensity will never fade, will always be the best news ever? I think so. It reveals that on one night, 2,000 years ago, God decided that He would come to live amongst the human race, be mortal man like the rest of us, and begin life as a baby, both fully man and fully God, to bring reconciliation

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between God and man and bring us the free gift of eternal life! From the first to last line, this song tells the story to beat all stories, which has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. The greatest story ever told, for me, for you and for everyone who believes that Jesus came to earth, to die to absolve me of sin and thereby open the door of heaven to me. So I don’t want an iPad, or an Xbox or a new bike this Christmas. I want what I get every year when the carol is sung as the recessional hymn at the Christmas Eve Communion: a huge wave of happiness and a leap and bound in my step as I enter Christmas Day knowing that I have the best Christmas present of them all – Jesus in my life, Last year, this year and forever!! Anne Latham

Prayer for Christmas Presence

Generous Father, At this busy time of year, help us to remember the important things. In all the rush of sending cards and giving presents may we make time to be still, to acknowledge your sending and giving of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Thank you that he didn’t stay in the stable in Bethlehem, but lived and died and became the Saviour of all who put their trust in him. May we receive afresh the gift of your presence with us in Jesus, now and for ever, with great thankfulness. In his name, we pray. Amen.

By Daphne Kitching

A Saint at Christmas

Lord of pots and pans and things, Since I’ve not time to be A saint by doing lovely things, Or watching late with Thee

Although I must have Martha’s hands, I have a Mary’s mind that’s free - And when I clean and cook and care, It is your face that I see.

Or dreaming in the dawn light Or storming Heaven’s gates, Make me a saint by getting meals, And washing up the plates

I think of how you trod the earth Each time I scrub the floor, Accept this meditation Lord, I haven’t time for more

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Parish Registers for 2014

Middlewich Funerals

24th October Lilian ARROWSMITH, Newton Court Care Home

28th October Shirley Verena DALE, Elm Road

29th October George Leonard BRAY, Rosedale Manor Care Home

13th November David EYRES, Wavertree Drive

18th November John Adams EDNIE, Warmingham Lane

19th November Freda MILLINGTON, The Crescent

21st November Rosemarie HAMLETT, Haworth Avenue, Congleton

2nd December Ann THORNLEY, Long Lane South

Byley Funerals

28th October Peter John WILKINSON, Yew Tree Farm

Crematorium only Funerals

24th October Ivan JOHNSON, Willowmere


12th October Oliver David UNSWORTH

Samuel Donald UNSWORTH

Vincent Raymond Stanley HASSALL

Alexander Paul CARLAW

27th October Niamh Elizabeth Sue IKIN

2nd November Aaron Joshua BISHOP


15th November Tolulope Oluseyi TAIWO and Claire Emily HUNTER

At Byley

31st January 2015 Samuel Arthur JONES and Emma Louise KAYE

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The cost of heating and lighting St Michael's for a whole year is nearly £6,650:

Heating alone costs about £38 per day. So please turn the lights off and shut the door after you!

A Christmas Concert at St. Michael & All Angels Church

on Saturday, 13th December at 7.30pm. The concert is "A Christmas to Remember" with Chris Eaton and Abby Scott. It commemorates 100 years of the Great War and also celebrates the ultimate Peace and Hope of the Greatest Promise given to us at Christmas through the Birth of Christ. Chris Eaton is a contemporary Christian singer-songwriter. Chris has recorded his own albums and also written songs for numerous artists; he wrote "Saviour's Day" the 1990 Christmas number 1 single for Cliff Richard. Chris married singer-songwriter Abby Scott in 2009. Check out Chris Eaton on his website for more background information. The Festival Choir have been invited to sing at the Christmas Concert and will also accompany Chris and Abby on their new song "1914 A Silent Night". Tickets cost £7.50 for adults and £5 for concessions with refreshments included. All proceeds donated to St.Michael's Restoration Fund. Tickets are available from the Church Office at No.28 Hightown or by calling Josie Dunning and Neil Clewes tel. 01606 619721

Church Rules Six year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother Joel sat together for the Christmas concert in church. Joel kept giggling and whispering until his big sister had had enough. “Be quiet in church!” “Why?” Joel demanded. “Who is going to make me?” Angie pointed to the back of the church and said: “See those two big men standing at the door? They’re hushers.”

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Future events Tuesday, 9 December

We will be holding our Advent service at 1.30pm in No.28. If you are willing to do a reading, please give Susan a call on 01606 832148. Sunday, 14 December

Rev. Thia Hughes will be admitting four new members to the Mothers’ Union at the 9.15am service and offering a welcome to members who have moved to Middlewich or re-joined the Mothers’ Union. Our new members are: Cynthia Sant, Lynn Astles, Bridget Anton and Anne Latham. Please do come and give them your support at this service.


We have arranged some really inspiring, interesting and humorous events for 2015. Programmes will be available by the middle of December. Our meetings start at 1.30pm and usually end around 2.45pm. Tuesday, 13 January

Our first speaker of the year is Bridget Anton and the title of her talk is “Journeying – Walking in the Footsteps of the Saints”. Tuesday, 10 February

Branch AGM followed by Janet Chisholm, asking “Who would believe it?” Janet will be telling us about her recent awards. Tuesday, 10 March

It is always a pleasure to welcome Joan Colwell to our meetings. She will be talking about “MUGS”.

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There is always someone available to pray with you after services.

Just ask. It’s good to pray!

Equally, if you would like someone to come and pray with you at any time speak to :

Sylvia, Elaine or Sue Ikin.

Mothers’ Union Sunday Rota

Duty December January February

Intercessions MU Member Bridget Anton Susan Hawkes

Banner Chris Overton Angela Tempest Thelma Ashley

Escorts Pam Dunning &

Pauline Ashley

Pam Jackson &

Lynn Astles

Miriam Sant &

Cynthia Sant

Offertory Susan Hawkes &

Miriam Sant

Janet Chisholm &

Cynthia Sant

Edna Rose &

Angela Tempest

Special date for your diary. On Tuesday, 12 May we shall not be holding our usual monthly meeting. We plan to attend the MU Diocesan Festival in Chester Cathedral. The new Bishop of Stockport will be officiating; Lynne Tembey, Worldwide MU President will be speaking and our new MU Chaplain, Rev’d Chris Humphries, vicar of Whitegate and Little Budworth will be commissioned. Chester Archdeaconry branch banners will be processed, which will be a first outing for our own new banner.

Jo Hulse

Page 14: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


The Normal week at St Michael’s

Monday 9.15am Staff Meeting at Number 28 with prayers

1.15 pm SMILERS at church (not during school holidays)

7.00 pm Rehearsals for the Festival Choir in Church

7.30 pm SMAART St Michael’s handbell ringers

Tuesday 9.30 am Healing service and coffee at Number 28

7.30 pm Tower ringing practice in church

Wednesday 7.00 am Prayer in church

9.30 am Prayer @ 28

6.00 pm Worship group

7.30 pm Choir practice

Thursday 9.30 am Communion

7.30 pm Card Group at Number 28

Friday 6.00 pm BLOG (Club for Years 4, 5 and 6) not during school holidays

7.30 pm DYN@MIC (Club for Years 7, 8, 9) not during school holidays

8.00 pm AFTER DARK (Club for years 10 and above) not during school holidays

Byley Players 2015 Pantomime

Dick Whittington By Cheryl Barratt

An updated version set in London Town and Overseas Wednesday 21st January Thursday 22nd January

Friday 23rd January Saturday 24th January

Nightly at 7.30 pm Also matinee on Saturday at 2.30 pm

(doors open half an hour before showtime) Ticket Line 01477 533293

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Popular ‘chat show style’ radio ads for Christmas campaign An award-winning stand-up comic, Paul Kerensa, has teamed up with the Christian communications network – ChurchAds.net – to raise awareness about the true meaning of Christmas. Kerensa, also a writer for sitcoms like Miranda and Not Going Out, features as a number of character voices on three new ads as part of the Christmas Starts with Christ Campaign. “For me, Christmas normally ends in a mess but this campaign reminds us it starts with Christ. These excellent ads spoof the daytime tabloid talkshows and hopefully, these commercials will remind listeners that in the birthday party this Christmas, we shouldn’t forget the birthday boy,” said Ke-rensa. The ads jog the memory about the nativity story in the style of a confrontational chat show: The Three Wise Men defending why they did not tell King Herod where to find baby Jesus (“We’re the three wise men, Herod, the clue’s in the name”); the Archangel Gabriel facing complaints about waking up everyone at 3am with the Hallelujah Chorus (“We had shepherds and environmental health on our backs, they thought we were having an ille-gal rave!”); and the donkey, that Mary rode to Bethlehem, trying to get in on the act (“How else were Mary and Joseph going to get to Bethlehem? By shuttle bus?”) We believe these radio ads reach out in a creative and imaginative way to young people, many of whom know little of the Christmas story. We hope this will encourage them to find out more about the birth of Jesus and the continued relevance at Christmas in 2014,” said Francis Goodwin of the ChurchAds.Net. The national advertising campaign is funded by long-term supporters Jerusalem Productions. The radio adverts can be downloaded for free use at: http://www.ChristmasStartsWithChrist.com/resources/

Cranmer Awards

Four of our young people entered the Chester Diocese heat of the Cranmer Awards, this year held at Gawsworth. This is a competition which involves reading from the Book of Common Prayer – not easy! In the junior section, Alice Olbrich, competing for the first time and only just old enough, came third. Megan Ellison was narrowly beaten into second place by her brother Paul. Paul will be competing in the final, a very prestigious event, next year. Charlotte Buckley, only just old enough for the senior section, came second – by one per cent! All were praised by the judges for their high standard Congratulations to all of them.

Christine Malkin

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Christmas Wreath making and Table Decoration Workshop

Saturday 6th December at 10.00 am in Byley Village Hall

Cost £6.50 (including a soup lunch) The wire base, some foliage and table decoration base will be provided.

Bring your own thin wire, decoration, secateurs And, if possible, a contribution to the foliage

Ring Glenys on 01606 834343 to book your place.

And so to 2015!

Plough Sunday Service and Lunch

Sunday 11th January Service 11.00 am in church

Followed by Plough Sunday Lunch 12.30 pm in the Village Hall.

All meals to be booked in advance Tickets £10.00 (child’s concession available)

Ring Jean on 01606 833808 Bring your own drinks and glasses.

Byley Community Association 1st event of 2015

80’s Night

Saturday 7th February (Ticket only event)

For more information ring Graham Lowe on 01606 737807 after 6.30 pm Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles.

Byley Community Association Christmas Quiz Night

with pie and pea supper Monday 15th December at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Tickets £8.00 per person (including supper) Ring Graham Lowe on 01606 737807 after 6.30 pm

To book your meal and register your team. Teams a maximum of 6 members only

(individuals welcome to make up teams on the night) Bring your own drinks and glasses

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Byley Notices

Cleaning Rota

30th – Dec 7th Vera Farrow 14th – 21st Jean Percival 28th — Jan 4th Ruth Bennion 11th — 18th Jane Wildman 25th — Feb 1st Anne Nichol 8th — 15th Glenys Richardson

Flower Rota December 7th — 21st Advent Ring (Glenys Richardson) 25th Glenys Richardson January 11th — 18th Jean Percival 25th — Feb 1st Anne Nichol 8th — 15th Caroline Oakes PCC Meeting January 26th 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Carol Service

Friday 19th December 7.00 pm in church

Followed by mulled wine and mince pies In the Village Hall

The Christmas Draw will also take place.

Carol Singing

Monday 22nd December Meet in the Village Hall car park

At 6.00 pm for a prompt start If you would like the singers to call at a specific time:

Contact James Bennion (01606 46263)

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Byley This Month

7th December Morning Praise Readers Sidesman

Thia Hughes Organist Vera Farrow Celia Wilkinson

14th December Communion Readers Sidesman

Lorraine Reed Josie Trelawny Alan Boyle Vera Farrow

21st December Morning Prayer Readers Sidesman

Liz Woode Jean Percival Glenys Richardson Nigel Martin

28th December Christmas services

Communion Readers Sidesman

Thia Hughes Celia Wilkinson James Bennion Caroline Oakes

19th December 25th December

Carol Service Christmas Communion

7.00 pm 11.00 am (with Liz and Anne)

Those shoe boxes

Many grateful thanks to the ladies of Byley and Middlewich– a total of 67 shoe boxes were beautifully wrapped and filled for distribution in poor and war-torn parts of the world by Samaritan’s purse. You are all amazing!

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Byley Readers

For those who like to prepare well in advance:

the readers for February 1st are:

Celia Wilkinson and Glenys Richardson And for February 8th,

James Bennion and Alan Boyle

Home Communion If anyone in the Byley area would like Home Communion please phone Glenys on :-01606 834343

4th January Morning Praise Readers Sidesman

Vera Farrow Jean Percival Frank Walton

11th January Plough Sunday Service Readers Sidesman

Anita Halman Josie Trelawny Eleanor Winnett

18th January Morning Praise Readers Sidesman

Christine Hankey Anne Nichol Glenys Richardson

25th January Communion Readers Sidesman

Frank Walton Organist Anita Halman

Byley in January

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Rev Simon Drew, Rector– Middlewich and Byley

The Rectory, Poplar Fell, Nantwich Road, Middlewich CW10 9HG

01606 833440

[email protected]

Jeremy Coles, Director of Music & Family Work

6 Shilton Close, Middlewich CW10 0RN office: 01606 738005

[email protected] mobile:07981 051776

Rev Liz Woode, Curate & Tony Woode, Reader

6 The Grange, Hartford, CW8 1QH 01606 75030

[email protected]

Rev Thia Hughes, Curate

The Vicarage, 50 Norley Road, Sandiway, CW8 2JU 01606 883286 mobile 07970 734507

[email protected]

Rev. Lorraine Reed, Curate

1 Douglas Close, Hartford, CW8 1SH 01606 781071

[email protected]

Rev Simon Hamill-Stewart, Assistant Priest & Christine Hamill-Stewart, Reader

87 Warmingham Lane, Middlewich CW10 0DJ 01606 737329

[email protected]

Steve Broadfoot, Reader

Ruth Broadfoot, Electoral Roll

22 Angus Grove, Middlewich CW10 9GR 01606 738373

[email protected]

Jacqui Briscoe, Reader and Alpha leader & Bob Briscoe, Health and Safety Officer

53 Lewin Street, Middlewich CW10 9BG 01606 836460

[email protected]

Sylvia Bosomworth, Pastoral Care Worker

98 Sutton Lane, Middlewich, CW10 0BY 01606 737338

[email protected]

Elaine Reynolds, Pastoral Care Worker 01606 832596

28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN

e,[email protected]




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Sue Ikin, Pastoral Care Worker

110 West Ave., Rudheath, Northwich CW9 7ET 01606 42258

[email protected]

Beth Deakin, Office Manager (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm)

Church Office, 28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN

01606 738005

[email protected]

Steve Bailey, Middlewich Church Warden

4 Ladies Walk, Middlewich CW10 0BH 01606 834264

[email protected]

Graham Ikin, Middlewich Church Warden

110 West Avenue, Rudheath, Northwich CW9 7ET

01606 42258

[email protected]

Elaine Reynolds, Church Warden

28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832596

[email protected]

Christine Malkin, Middlewich PCC Secretary

5 Lindisfarne Close, Middlewich, CW10 9HS

01606 833023

[email protected]

Stuart Barber, Middlewich PCC Treasurer

24 Waterside Way, Middlewich CW10 9HP 01606 833161

[email protected]

Jo Hulse, Middlewich Mothers Union

56 Nantwich Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HG 01606 832198

[email protected]

John Briggs, Pledges Officer

85 Rolt Crescent, Middlewich CW10 0BE 01606 832810

Janet Chisholm, Middlewich Flower Guild

37 Brooks Lane, Middlewich CW10 0JG 01606 836263

[email protected]

Anne Hardy, Organist

54 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832121

[email protected]






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Page 22: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


If you have any articles or photographs for the next magazine, please would

you e-mail them by 15th January 2015 to the Church Office-

[email protected] . You can also place articles in the pigeon hole for the Church Office. Alternatively, you can e-mail direct to

Margaret English at: [email protected].

Ian Taylor, Middlewich Bellringers

78 Long Lane, Middlewich CW10 0EN 01606 834095

[email protected]

David & Miriam Sant, Children’s Society local representatives

29 King Street, Middlewich CW10 9EJ 01606 832583

[email protected]

Glenys Richardson, Byley

The Gables, Byley Lane, Byley, CW10 9NL 01606 834343

[email protected]/uk

Anne Nicol, Byley PCC Secretary

The Round House, Byley Lane, Cranage, CW10 9LW

01606 836314

annenicol@btinternet .com

Frank Walton, Byley Church Warden

Woodside Farm, Goostrey Lane, Cranage, Holmes Chapel, CW4 8HD [email protected]

01477 533284

Alan and Jean Percival, Byley Church Warden and treasurer

[email protected]

The Green,Yatehouse Lane, Byley, CW10 9NS 01606 833808

Christine Hankey, Byley Village Hall

Chestnut Farm, Byley 01606 832938




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The church website address is www.middlewichparishchurch.org.uk/

St Michael’s is a registered charity, number 1127335

Page 23: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


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Page 24: The Messenger - A friendly parish church in Middlewich, CheshireJanuary 2015... · 2014. 11. 30. · 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship 11.00 am Byley


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