The Merciad, Sept. 17, 1992

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Sept. 17, 1992


    On Page2Campaignx92

    On Page4" Weeding it Out"afcjftS&

    On Page5The Hurst gets rocked


    M e r c y h u r s tf o r m a l l y o u t l i n e s s e x u a l By Joseph LeglerEditor in Chief

    Mercyhurst collegehas put together aformal sexua l harassment pam phlet outlining the college's policyon this illegala ct

    There are several examplesof sexualharassment listed in the brochure. Amongthem are: 1)Repeatedly askingfor a dateafter the person ha s expressed disinterest; 2) Unwelcome patting, hugging, ortouching of a person*si body, hairorclothing;3) Disparaging remarksto aperson about her/his genderor body; 4)Making suggestive facial expressionssuch as lickinglips or wiggling tongue;5) Sexual innuendoes, jokes,or comments; 6) Sexual graffitior visuals;7)Asking abouta person's sexual fantasies, sexual preferences,or sexual activities; 8) Pressure for sexual activityand 9) Requests for sexual favors.These examples are not all inclusive of

    the types of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment Each situation

    must be consideredin light of specificfacts and circumstances to determine ifsexual harassment occurred.



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    Clubs fair' wellat eventBy Jule Gardner,Merciad News Editor

    Mercyhurst*s club fair took place Sunday, Sept.13 ,at 2 the StudentUnion. Representatives from 22 clubswere set up at tables withbasic information about their pa rticular organizations.The purpose ofthe fair was to generateinterestand to recruit club members. Thefairwas sponsored by FreshmenStudiesand,-therefore, was essentially gearedtoward freshmen, although itwas opento all levels of students. v

    The fair had greater success thaninyears pastThis is possibly dueto the fact

    that it was scheduled aftera requiredintroductory meeting for freshmen.

    Joel Montminy, vice-presidentof theMercyhurst Business Association(MBA), thoughtthe flow of students wa s"overwhelming." "Whetheror not theinterest continues, we'll haveto see.There weren't this many inquiries lastyear. We're pumpedfor a great year," headded. t

    Diane Ashmore, vice-president ofthePolitical Science Association, said,"Iwishwe had this when Iwas a freshman.It isn'tas though youhave to join something, butthis lets you know what is outthere."

    By Joseph LeglerEditor in Chief



    On Friday, Sept. 4 at about2:30 a.m.,an alleged rape occurredin one of theMercyhurst apartments.

    According to Bud Dever, the directorof security,the allegedcrime occurredwhena male individual,who could notgain access to his apartment wasallowed to stay on the floor of a girl'sapartment.

    Dever said, "The individual chargedwith this alleged crime was befriendedby the people who livedin this apartment He had been lockedout of hisresidencehall and was allowedto stay onthe floor ofthe apartment! I

    As a guest in the apartment he is alleged to have ma de improper advancesto one of the students livingthere{*Theyoung woman involved cameto

    ward," said Dever, "Thisis somethingwe are really tryingto emphasize thisyear. Anyone whois the victim of analleged rape, sexual assaultor sexualharassment shouldnotbe a fraidto comeforward*to myself. Dr. Brown or thecommittee of a dvocates. ^ ^ ^

    The committeeof advocatesis theMercyhurst CollegeRape Crisis/SexualHarassment Victim Advocates who wereformally trained bytheErie CountyRapeCrisis Center througha 32 hour workshop.Deveris amongthe advocates.

    You can obtaina brochure withthephone numbersof all the advocatesthrough the Resident Life office, locatedon the second floor of Old Main.


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Sept. 17, 1992



    M 1 " 1 " 11 1 " 1 ^^ ^ 4

    By Jule GardnerMerciad News Editor

    Current Lea der in VariousPolls: Bill Clinton10-15 points

    The Democra tic Scene:

    * G overnor Bill Clinton is m aking a push to win over the state ofTexas, the state President Bush calls "home/* Two weeks ago hisbus tour stopped deep in the heart ofthe Lone Star State for someheavy campaigning.A Clinton pollster returned from the sta te of 32electoral votes with news that the trip was successful. Clintonadvisors now believe Texas is within D emocratic reach.

    * Clinton has basically stopped taking reporters' questions duringthe ceremonial boarding and unboarding of planes. He has beencalled "tense and ca reful"by Th i New York Times in these last legsof the campaign.His advisorssay this is because heis concentratingon keeping the campa ign focusedon his main concerns:the failingsoftheBush administrationand the economy. Clinton is tryingto stayclear of character issues , believingthe voters want the candidates tostay, in the words of Clinton's aides, "On m essage."

    * Clintonaides are trying to persuadethe Bush campaign to acceptthe debate format established by the non-partisan Comm ission onPresidentialDebates..Mickey Kantor, the Democratic campaignchairman, saidthat he would attend ameeting with the Commissioneven if it this meeting would be with the absence of Republicancampaign chairman, Robert Teeter. Bush's campaign aides haveportrayed their ca ndidate's desire to debate but feel B ush wouldbenefit more from wo deba tes rather than three.

    Bill Clinton Georg Bush

    The Republican Scene:

    * PresidentBush openeda three-day campaignpush in the Far Weston Monday,In aspeech during anOrange County rally, he attackedClinton's political-endeavors. His attacks were considered mild,however, in comparison to those of formerPresident Ronald Reagan,and Californiarepresentative;Robert Dornan. Dornan's remark,calling Clintonthe Democrat "Chicken Little of Arkansas,"was notendorsed by White House spokespeople.

    * Bush visited logging com munities in Oregon and Washingtonon

    Mondayto appealto timber workersin problematic rural areas. Hehas publicly sided with the Fa r West loggers in their conflict withenvironmentalistsover a threatened owl. Bush has vowed toveto therenew a l of the Endangered Species Act unless consideration is givento jobs and the economy when legislatingorders to save disappearing creatures.

    * Bush's ad campaignhas a new edition.The 60-second commercialis the second his campaign has released since the RepublicanNational Convention. The ad represents the on going focus of hiscampaign to concentrateon the future rather thanthe past four yearshe spent in office. It stresses that the President does have aneconomic agenda that is different fromClinlon's on major pointsand tha t he is fighting for tax relief and health carereform^

    Freshmen enrollment booms


    By Megan CircleMerciad Staff Reporter

    As you are walking around campus this year, you m ay find yourself seeing many new faces. Theupperclassmen may be thinkingthat there seemsto be many morefreshmen than in previousyears.That assumption would be correct Comparedto other years, the1992 freshmen class is significantlylarger. The number of newstudents jumped from340.fiyyears ago to 864in 1992. Thereason for the unusually high increase wasI brought to AndrewRoth, dean of enrollment.Roth said there are many rea sons

    the enrollment atMercy hurst hasgrown this y ear. One of which isthe economic recession that ourcountryis now experiencing. D ueto the lack of obs,there is a greaterdemand for education; therefore,producing a greater number of students wanting to attend college.However, this is true in many colleges all over thecountry.So whyis it that Mercyhurst's enrollmentgrowth is larger than many colleges nationwide?Roth feels thatthe main reason is

    10 years, Mercyhursthas been ona "roll." I ts reputationas a collegeis constantly improving, whereasother schools* positions a re staying basically the same or are declining.

    Financial raid isjalso beinghandled differently this year. TheEnrollment Office took the applicants thatthe school most desired

    land and Virginia a rea.The enrollment procedure has

    gotten so big that they decided toform an Admissions AdvisoryBoard. The board'sjob is to examine criteria in the four year program and decide if they{shouldmake significant increases in standards. They a re currently deciding on whether or not to change

    and tried to meet their fina ncia l the admissionshere atMercyhurstneed.This led to a greater quantityaswell as quality of students whoenrolled in Mercyhurst. Roth feltthat this, too,hadra significantimpact on the number ofnew students attending Mercyhurst./The recruiters have alsodone an

    exceptionally fine job this year,accordingto Roth . Students fromtwo new territories have come toMercyhurst; 15 from New Englandand 10 from he Delaware, Mary-

    from rolling to batch admission.With batch admission, applicantswould berequired to submit applications by a certain deadline. Decisionssuch as thesewill be madeby the board sometime this year.In general, Rothseems very posi

    tive about Mercyhurst's growthand future. Thecampus is becoming more and m ore attractive toprospective students, and hopefully this trend will continuefo:/ears to come.

    MSG kicks off^ B y KarenT rapolsi

    Merciad Staff Reporter

    The clockin Garvey Pa rk chimed[ a t8:30onMonday ,Septemberl4,

    the general positive momentum ofas President John Bruno ca lled theMercyhurst. For the last seven to first*92-93 Mercyhurst Student

    Fair recruits volunteersBy Susan Lee EbackMerciad Staff Reporter

    Mercyhurst sponsored the Volunteer Fair on Friday , September10.The all-day fairwas held in theStudent Union.

    This was the fourth a nnual fairorganizedon campus. This year'sfairsaw participation by22 organizations in Erie C ounty.A few ofthe that a ttendedthe fair

    Borden-Casssays thatany organization that requiresa serviceproject should let her know because she has ideas.

    Mary - Borden-Cass can bereachedather office in the StudentUnion atext. 2473. 1

    Government meeting to order.The first issue concerned skate

    rentals. 40pairs of skates will beava ilable for rental once the icere-opens in October.

    Now that all the students aresettled into their apartments, thestudent government board hopesto put together a directory soon.

    Your help is needed. If youknow anyone who would like tobuy an ad for the directory, youwould get 10% commission oneach ad you sell.

    Committees for student government members as well as otherinterested students were broughtto attention. 'Those mentionedwere Resident Life,Environment/Recycle,|\lcohol/Drug Aware-i iess and Fa cilities Use. The Laker

    were: the JFK C enter,the American Lung Association,theGertrude A. BarberCenter, Campus Ministry, Sisters of Mercy,Stairways, MartinLuther [ KingCenter, Juvenile Court, AmnestyInternational, Council on Volunteers for the Erie^Community,Hospitality 4House> Services forWomen, Shriner's Hospital, Second Harvest Food Bank and theErie Infants a nd Youth Home.

    Mary Borden-Cass, director ofStudent Volunteers, arranged thisyear * s fair. Borden -Cass said, Th efair is basically for freshmen, butall students a re welcome. The purpose is to make students awa re ofthe agencies in our area a vailableto them if those services areneeded.*'

    According to Borden-Cass, theReligious Studies Departmentrequires that their students doservice hours for local agencies. Thestudents volunteer their time for10 hours a term.Thereare other departments that

    also require volunteer work. The


    fair was presented to aquaint thestudent withthe people necessaryto complete these requirements.

    On Thursday,Sept. 24, from 1-4 p.m,the Mercyhurst communityis invited to an open house atHammermill library to welcomeour first CD-ROM based computer system, AcademicIndex onInfoTrac.

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Sept. 17, 1992


    SEPTEMBER 17,1992 THEMERCIAD PAGE 3 " T f W V ' W f W

    tMerciad1 offers freshmen tipsContributed by the MerciadEditorial Board

    Most people at Mercyhurstcanrecognize reshmenas though theyare wearing a big red" F ' on theirforehead. To tone down this*T"we have a few suggestions:Don't paintan **F*on your forehead.*Never, ever carry a purse unlessyou are male.*Don\wear blue eye shadow upthe ying-yang.* Avoid wearing brand new whitesneakers or tennis shoes. It is adead give away .Don't fall in love with your first

    "sure thing.*Burn your high school jacket orleave it back home.* Don't drool whensomeone walksby y ou in the cafeteria.-;Don't make Mr. Kubiak'sclassapart of your overload.*Always look people in the eye,not..elsewhere.*Don't callthe dorm of the opposite sex at 4 a.m. thinking you'recool.Don't throwup in the Baldwin orMcAuley public bathrooms.Don't eat at the cafeteria if alingering odor hits you beforehand.

    Don't wear socks and flip-flopsat the same time.

    just because y our feeling"reeeaa 11good." *;*, AMakesure security is not aroundwhen you sneak "guests" up toyour room. ;Avoid wearing shirtsthat advertise the year of your high schoolgraduation. iG o out J Don't sit and stare atyour four walls the rest of yourlife. )Keep up with your studies.Don't ask wheresomething iswhen your standing right in frontof it. jjj *Always"have a good sense ofhumor.

    Make sure you come back nextyear. The apartments are worthDon't wake your roommate up# ne wa jt

    Yeah...whateverBy Joseph LeglerEditor in Chief

    % *



    Politics a nd false promises areone in the same.A promiseis definedas apledge

    to do or not do something specified by an individual. Politics isdefined as the art or science ofgovernment, of guiding or influencing,? governmental policy, orof winning and holding control

    over a government. 1They sound nothing alike by definition,butFwhen ITisten to thvarious political'hopefuls running for office this year, they are]remarkably similar. j


    ask notwhat youroountnican do for T O - a s k . what WJcen do or your country.

    T Hferon 17765 JUlncobi 18651FDR 1935I JFKB61R.Reagan f i> \

    LawrvncaWilkiSa iuonderfol man. Haused tote,or was,ar-tuhatever heis now,bless him.

    Ro- t - a - t -o -e .

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Sept. 17, 1992



    eeding it ouiBy Jule GardnerMerciad News Editor

    Welcomeback and all that junk. "Howwas your summer????"Minewas spent in the depths ofsmall town hell. At leastI didn't getawayfrom that oh-so-cozy atmosphere of acollege campus. W orking inthethick of office politics a tSt. Bona venture University taughtme a fewlessons I'm sure I needed to learn.t

    Well, now that we 've finally gotten that out of the way , let's get;down to the regular bitch session known asmy column.Seriously, I| ust returnedto the Hurst. I hopeno one expects a longand involved!diatribeon the failings of society a ndthe Mercy hurst administration.(No mention of"fascist pigs"in this column.)I'm positive it will not take long to really ra ttlemy cage. In the mean

    time I do ha ve some minor complaints to tide y ou over. The firstl(speaking of cages),is the view from my apartment.I live in the|basement and every timeI look out the front window, I get anup-close-and-personal view of a bikerack. In the three weeks thatI'vejbeen here, I'veyet to see someone actually use this bike rack.Therefore,I can onlyassume its main purpose in existingis tomakemy roommates andI feel asif we live ina zoo. Care to feedthemonkeys? Actually,we are more in quest of quenching our thirststhanlooking for victual handouts. 1

    This brings me to my second complaint. Did anyone try, and Idomean try, togo out on campus this weekend? Well, of course, some

    lost souls did. I knew it was going to beope of those nights when Imade the hike to Briggs Ave. to find everyone hanging out atthebasketball courts.I'm sure Dr. Brown I and Co. will get special!pleasure out of mine and many others' frustrations. "Hey, I'm just[doingmy job."

    Seriously,I am aware that this school has to ha ve alcohol polices andthe means to enforce these policies, but let's evaluate the situation,shallwe? Busting every pa rty, small andlarge,on campusis not real lygoing to stop college studentsfrom drinking.That's a rea lity. Anotherrealityis turning tothe bars whenthe campusis dry. Walking homefrom a Hurst party may bea sobering experience, but the consequences couldbe much worse forsomeone who istryingto soberupbehind a wheel.

    I am aware that my logic can be blown away by bureaucraticstipulations. I just know that say inghow youwillact when faced witha situation is one thing and what a ctually transpires could be something completely different. Drinking and driving could be severelylessened ifstudents stayed in their own community.This problem isnot without possible soludons.

    At St. E ;>naventure theyhave this program knownas the Bona Bus.die sole purpose for this bus is to provide transportation for students.

    lOkay, soit can take you to the mall. Tha t isn't abig deal and it isn't|mv .lain point. This bus alsogives students who've tippeda few too

    I my a safe ride back to campus. t1 I'm sure Mercy hurst could never afford a programas useful as this[one ha s provento be. There a re flowers to plant and policecars to buy.Enough of this lecture. I tisn't quenchingmy thirstand I'm growing

    lold. u.

    Dave McQuillen,you bettertake a seat.I' m going to write somethingpositive. After the summer fromSatan'sLair, I've cometo theconclusion that I like Mercyhurst. Most of the students I came into{contact with at Bona's jwere cold, pushy andfar too awareotthemselves in general. They were cloneswho claimed their territorylike dogs that urinateto claim theirtrees. * ,j

    Mercyhurst has enough faults to fill at least this column and the!conversations of ma ny, but it isn't socially frigid. The spiel Admissions gives prospectives to sell this place isn't complete excrementafterall. It reallyis the people of Mercy world thatmake you want to

    comeback. Now if onlyI could get a beer around here...

    A meeting for all freshmen andsophomorepre-medical students,includingthose in denta l, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy,podiatry and veterinary programs,will be held on Wednesday, September 3 0 at 3 p.m. in 107 ZurnHall.Those whocannot make thismeeting must see Dr. Luttonassoon as possible.

    emment Cham bers of the Student

    The 1991-92 Praeterita yearbookshave arrived! Students canpick up their yea rbooks beginningSeptember17a t the front desk inthe Student Union. Only studentswho have paid their activityfeefor the 1991-92 academic year,meaning sophomores, juniors a ndseniorswho attended Mercyhurstlast year, will receive yearbook.

    Students who have questions regarding distribution ma y call theYeaifoook Office atext. 2990.The Yearbook Staffwill be hav

    ing its first organizational meeting onThursday, September24 at2:30 p.m. in the basement of OldMain in the room a djacent fromtheCopyCenter. Anyone wishingto contribute literaryskills to ThePra eterita should attend this meeting. No experienceis necessary jand openingsare availablefor S h o w e n t i t l e d H o w S a f e fc Safe

    Union from September28 to October2. Ma ke-up pictures will betaken from November 3 to 6. Asitting fee of$5 will be charges toeach senior. Checks can be madepay able to Mercyhurst Yearbooks.If seniors ha ve any questions regarding their pictures, they maycall the Yearbook Office at ext.2990. i

    A Stand-Up Comedy/Game

    many positions. The Pra eteritastaff is also seeking a copy editorfor the 1992-93 academic year.Scholarships are available. Anyone with questions may call ext2895.k %.

    Senior yearbook pictures arescheduled to be taken in the Gov-

    Sex?"will be hosted by Dr. BillGoettelon September25.Thepresentation dea ling with the prevention of sex problems will be helda t8 p.m. in Zurn Recital Ha ll.

    If security is needed at any time,call ext 2000 after 4:30 p.m.

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