oitotja HY JOHN S. C. HOGAN & CO. mmus APPEAL PUBLISHED DAILY WEEKLY bt JOHN 8. C. HOGAN ft CO nv n.nr k.'miuwl ner iftDM : : 112 i - - per week : To currier aad P py : Vt:)J annum ito aunvne) sen aa- - rt aa rlroV tnlf rat1 n nrill eak tor a li Urn liu one month. BITE or UVUTUIM. One sqonr on inserrtoa :::::: fl IB each additional Inwrtlon : to two Hkl on moots : Mr Al! KlviT'.imimd MMMM uu afire he net insertion. mt Kigbt line of solid nonpareil HMMH a square. Allwmtgiatilla IheHoeel! Notice c..,uan will charged SDcenu per line. otncr or Adverili menu to be Inserted In the Weekly paper only, ora' trrwlr iutarraJ In either or trie paper, will h chart t! per square for each and every insertion. Mr AU ad minimis t no! marked for a spe- cial time will be discontinued al the end of one week. - AD adrertlsemenU for the Ami I. moat be handed la at Ue Cir' desk. Mr TVonsum adt erumumu mutt 6 mmmt for "air NoadTertlaamcnt will appear In' the Wlnee, Llqnors, Fruits etc-- , Vk1.it ilwr unless, by special centra. :. friends are iiaied to tte uiei best ti. to send os sohsenb. r. and nil np onr Hats, and also to .'ocward any items of Met thut mac be of fulsdrtil local luipcrtone to warrant their publication. As an Indneement to ret up clubs, we hare adopted the following aaaseof arte,, which are . our currelil offlce . i(l- - a of: JfiW JiVf WJ ue tiopy. one yeajr ss no To ctnb of ten or more, each 4 Sti twenty or more, : : 4 v MASONIC DIRECTORY. HEBREW llfB lASaSK A.-- . S3T. 1 Tlsrt, Mth Septeanher 1 Kheavan, lUth October 1 cawle u. ftth Kovsanber i Tebeth. u nsosmri.r.. I rneit. Tib Jaaoary 1 Adar. Vh Kebrmaiy, 1 Wad-- . h Hates, 1 Nisaa, Ui Anril 1 liar, tub May, ... XZ. 1 ell Mia. 4Ul 1' 1 Tliamtn. t'h 1 Ah. Sd Auiro 1 Klul, 1st rear. ' MteMMbr.. rVnle.stsJone..'..'" MASONIODI RECTORY. yj f r IDGSS. AwoiaoMA. Se. 1V Meet" lit evev iiiot.lt al ll.i4-- r .liow and Main. UlC. Trader, W. St., H. T. Turn linson. Hoc Boitu NltrHP. each rassitr Mj J. T Bellar. W. Li: I. a Hcott. No. month llall. eo AiMiie. w. v.: Hiltos, No. month tM- - Ke! W M ; W. H. Bi Kn.wiajenan. la. of ear well V urtl.ani. paatK ".ar. Meets EOTAL tlrtd-K- lews' P Fr" I'ouueii. lUj J. W.K.P.. R TBVPX.A: CTraa'a t'OT.n.anderi'. t. inoittu. VI tf AND bCO'lTISH Strert. H saa rs Lodjte Slated Comniu of inoati CAtVAlY Plliutrra L CoSSl-STOB- or CaJJtlBa. ea - JtUnkM tf ,.e07. t I RAILROADS. llnnlif la ear. of nd 11, m i. of Stanley, it P.l tth rldT sireet John J. w. M : K. nden, 23d. Sec. ASCII. Ho 4. of A. J. WL.ee.ar, 11. H. Pay uter. St. i each moot Th. 11. No day of each SU VoJ each each W. Meet y. each par each Hi!'. motitl Hall. John mmt Masts tb Mod. John 7m. Com.; N. J. KITE. L uiaht M .; caartes al. Carroll, lth. .. js lediLe of Periectlou, liih.; i. 1 Meeia ma Weuneaday of aaQhraaalh Uxors M..,erh. ad. .'. E'i A. A. Fi an k land. Casi MtA encil at Pr aces J ernaalaav lath- -; So. mr Our Hoc. Sid Beni. K. JJd Tacb,-- . tJiUUt.'U. CHAPTKB Charles Adaou ltueon. C iSet ". DTl'Lass o. P. William V. Itnfli Wl . itec 1 or I tl r , il. . st h i , Rose crolx. laui., 1. CM, at.'. ; H.T.T(tu- - i ' ., ; mt TsNBisrK. CM. John In Chief ; MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD. CHANGE OF TIME- - (jastaaaL 8riaanrrs-ln-- c is. i, IstT, and tfc r Mini)y. via. I pi:ius Frllay necond. MeeUd Mondsr ot Pullen. Henry Comm.. Dodge Maseru Traiaaupon Koad will run as lo lows Elpress Train -- l se Mernpai. every day (Kunday eM.-1'U-- t ! " m . luiikinc it aaaul" at lluiiioovli with M il. i J .cason, Treulaa, TaMa nn, radaeah Coluuibus, and at Cairo with lllnisaaCaMutral Ka.lroad lor UT. I.OITK IX 5 HOI KS, "iu'ir:iiii tnil Jill pointtt Rasi. A 10, NMJabvlMf via Cirktvtl kn hours, ho J to LaHltSTtti WITHOUT CHANCE OF CARS MaklDg eWww? ronnpcttonfi tber Witt; Jeffenowi- - VlllC lilTOtad FORALL POINTS EAST, Mea. hian New Vorfc at p.m , beinz Nhrtrte-t- , Brst and Qilrkest ItoHtr To Mew fork and all Eastern Ones. Mail Train at 4 p.m. even- - Jay. toplni at all Btaatoaa, uiaalua connect. on- - for ill. PwfBTC BMT, WEST i'B KTI. Ule IIS. arid iin.'. Uin. through 4t I T HOI T ( H AM.K OF AR-- S Mevpinc latra on all Sight Trati ii KAtAiAOl. CHKCKED THROUUH PCiINT. n.vilm -- nr., BSS3T ate. At At v ... t n. point. r Ufa i y .. ; f v i h sleanphis SiSO am. and tickets ate: all mformailou, Maun iAre-v- , and of Mslu street. IS AM .JONTX Uwaeri.1 Haperl'iMi, dent. IS kM) tURl.KSTUA AIIilTOAr). 'or ok .ioi. i ., urn u eve U. W C. or to t at at & 1 Ac Mia... Onlueabta. Nashville, Uouis-- Ai ihei4aitora, tot al iices la Eastern Ueosa.it, Neath .i.d Carollaa, VeweAf-""'1- ' Tl eeuaa Mall msnnlssl Wsaad JuocUuli ..li tran for ncltoar asal Jackaou. Tann. At luawar. Ut Ala s. Pulaski, aIsCoIusb- - buv N,hvd'e,ete. At (."battauiHa Mail train, ninuea for eaiae et and fun h So 13 Uouri W. I lianioiid 1, ftMKCJJ Heeeip ln for f till. oln nail ny r:isl or river. lead tlass sealed l .n. New York- - W.Ji MILLINERY. lay No. v Ud, Ko. K- -a. Ul. the aad the po TO A LI h " tf . o, i rj a s o c. Hon apply at Kin, t. AKeUL. John F'rnt A.'. Ueu'l LATEST SPRING STYLES .. a at' MILLINERY, Oar. BUin and Jeflemon Streets. THE MISSES QUINLAN JwwsAlA. iecpt of lsra svud ctirelul AKJC of Ue most eleafsuii Of ib Wbbxb. vbleh dermlnl lSjftlff mZIVmi FRED u attAj iiwuet: aaa lira us. IbvT OO Mad to lKKHk) snliswt aim WEBBER House and Steamboat Roofer al,K dealer In llnsftan Uum as W phetTlmxaruJMd XooHu Iui. rted wlii mTimi fart nnT arlo preparation THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. CONFECTIONERIES. SPECHTS CONFECTIONARY REOPENED I OoBffftlontry l 7 Vsrtetv, And all of Ike beat quality, rrsaataally on hud and lor oat al prima to anil the lime. A LARGE LOT OF TOYS. WIS ft 8 ASD CHAMPAGMS Of .superior TlutAge. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES scpd wh wrm, -e- e. P. H HEINRICH ft BRO., HIUi i - WUo!ui and Retail OoxiTo otlonorj CANDY MANUFACTURERS ! in Tm ported Ctnn, Ac Trent Street, m MEMPHIS. TEWsT. INSURANCE AGENCIES .l KMASU Life Insttrance Company, 80 Broadway, IT ew York. HI JOHN H. FRERICHS, 302 Nam Street, Geaeral Asat Tor Wrttrra THE ST. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets 1st over : SL50U,000. D. A. J AM 4 RY, : Preoident. J M C AS, 1 icclTesiileii! WN. T. SKI.HY. : Secretary. WsL M. BES I O, en'I Ag nt. DIREOTOHS: Jame. H. Lucas, Oterstolz, Mamnel Wild, Sick. Se.he.vr. Boot M. runkhoaser, Wtllsssn T.G iy. Clsaa. H. Peck. Rol.t. K Wood. Jules Valle. (teo. R Rohlnsrm, Chaa. W. Mct'orJ. Johu f Thornton, hen. M. Knnyan, rpHISt uieuirr.reDt as siiv ol gerd tsPrn.1 j are divided on o It Is in paid git.i.eee in tL-- . . M. 1). J.mmo John rc.pany Poheiea prompt OFFICE MEMPHIS VA9IS05 STKK4T, DeSoto Block. ID1CAL WHITE, litis General Agents, Met West Maussp whom all ai'pllraliou m Agencies aodreased. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY INSURANCE COMPANY Madison Street. f. W.Bmlth DIRECTORS: W. Trotter, a p.aiuith. C. Partee. . Ooronna, A. P. Biirdltt. 1 . Clrode, Oscar Minor, H. A. Kapoleon HU1, S. . U -- And- Dealer 286 DNK. AS. H. R. P. lsaae W Win. J. !' is, V. Jr., Hon. Hu lames lives Hall. t'onrt May acv, thy lu this city In tm. 11 M A par sV uaesat to shoe tie 99 Ueo. W. HTKBBIN8. HERNANDO INSURANCE COMPAjNY, H.LAIK1, Piesideiat. DIRECTORS UCSHUSIi. TOWNBKM1, BEN MAY, B Abstract Preiddeiit. V s'l andhec'y. April Henry lvkl Keith, Mltcbel!. w Reaaar, Tamm, IN EXAM w u. Id W. H. LVKItS SKW1.V, M. ts : Term., Fund Arfcinti KfcWTuN Office, LlllteLon, Davis, M.Uatea, Jefferson, Morris, Murphy, hie, Wolcott, Kdward Warburx, Lowenstelu. NOsUUs President. a I 1 n. i il- T.i da t. s f. J. W. P. J. J. A L. M. H. M. P. alt O. W. TROTTKR. J. K Secretary. Company in now tfnerJ I n- - 1 I'tt-K b by otf elty anI biuiu-pt- inn. lu ua titoduHiHif 1m hojaiufew to tbe .vlvaaiatc of bdlb tb C'omj-aiu- y aud Ihe Policy Holder- : : : H. uib'21 m Den. S. B W11.I.1A.MSO.H, A C. I'llUI'WU.:,. : : Secretary. TAILORING, SCOURING JT. C. THRALL & CO.. MERCHANT TAILORS, No. l'J JEF VERSOS 8TMMET. A SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF Cloths A asimprTs Just Uecolved, asrW.M. KllOKKIS, fonuerty with Power A McUeoy, can he here ready I" waft i his old and new customer. myl lira cuat. St a. aiToai-T- . JfnfjRtYtf RIVGLEY, MERCHANT TAILORS KO. 31 MADISON STBElST, Merchant Tailoring Uj K make every aariuent oareal TV naarauteeHaiisfactlon all case. apt Is STITIII IN TIME 51SE." Dmaa, SCOURING, gaij mz tt SEP AI BIN lOaa ml watkOrl DUtlC bf vorahl ISAAC ISAACS, 54 2 Jefferson Street. sjatsam eiht Otis. dofng Hu.u--- . owned found wUl , t i'A r All JbW XCUUHl With laaaWlatjBBB SaJOaJ aVlati t liLirtJ AM,litaiaWtiU a;Uar4VtJ Ltftod WQS1 work in aonc niur3 SALES EXTRAORDINARY! The floeat, aiuat varied and complete stock of CLOTHING Koreserrp owned by J. H. WAOQENER, I. now retailed KKLOW Ku IV Cuerry, ctiMT, by re or C in L.. FRAIt. C AkMST&OW, A ot of rurchaaer. Th whole of tea, varied sIk- ol In- - t'ri k.A i'Uril uooiai evp.h aaot n MKMPina Most be Sold wittn Siity Days Those who sail Oct will have the f rat choice. Possession of the tioase must tie ivu within stxly days. CALL AT ONOEt VUy ami Trunin Supplied, H 'lit.;, -- at, ami Retail, mm tf ABSTRACT OFFICE. BOOM NO. X. Corner Maaree and ir hav Uanenkamp THIH and SATIS lis tbf and .Hi CoutUry the more than a years' trial of their accuracy, eu a trciui experience iu the business, (aa on mistake having o. urrd la all that ilasei, w aie enabled to furnish euaplete deralan-menaa- bile to all Port Pickering, Memphis and Shelby County Lands, a aa aba a aaBBat al sa fa mmi . .son. hie lenu. a. J. CAM PsiKLL a THE MEMPHIS APPEAL MEMPHIS HATITtDAT. : : "Rt.tlYIKi. Maximilian', experiment cost $3fK,o010N. aud probably his life. Wonderful to relate, the sultan of Turkey in to vle.it Paris. Ta rammers in Ruse ran America last about twenty minotea. -- The applioationa for divorce in Chl-cajr- o average four per day. A temperance convention for the state of Maryland lacalleii to meet in Baltimore. A m.n has died In New York from hyiirophobia, although tfoe hut death he did not remember to have been bitten. rnrrmas Austin, of NorthfleM, N. H.dleil on Sunday, ared one hundred year and nine months. La-- t week, in Cincinnati, a lariv over sixty-tw- o years of age gave birth to trip- lets. Some freed men in Montgomery, Ala., have organized a debating society. A spring of dear, cold, and soajk- - ling water burst up in one 3 the streets of Patterson, N. J., last Hat ui - day. Mr. Benge, ot Miami county, Ind., r.H n tJ ' .hot a inru n .i., - yard of Mr. Jackson, playing around like a kitten, and apparently enjoying itself heartily. The strawberry season is nearly over in Charleston, but blackberries are abun- dant and cheap. Wheat will be ripe in a month, corn is Ave or six inches high, and potatoes are in full bloom. The attorney-gener- has given a de- cision in regard to the effect of a presi iiaeiy to result ; UIJ,m the of skirt a t i lerabie depletion of the treasury, is by a Land of mohair, Dr. Daboey, author of Stonewall Jackson's biography, censures Oen. Joeeph E. Johnston's denial of the prac- ticability of going to Washington, after the battle of Manassas, in a seven-colum- n newspaper article, full of testimony from -- inordinate officers, and ends by sayinur : " All I can say is, that I have beard hiic say what 1 have atataji." A planter in Leon county, Texas. lias been furced by the military to support the families of some negroes that were xuied on his place. James Ferguson, of Benham, Texas, wilh narrow wishing to sun-ide- , recently of small silk tassels electricity. methods into a prsveyard and cut his throat. A guard in charge ol two prisoners, undergoing some punishment at Lyneh-btiri- r, Va., one day last week, deserted with the prisoners, leaving his gun and accoutrements. (Jen. tiillem, one of the negro bureau gentry., reports from Mississippi that "there is very little chance in the mar- riage relatione of the freed " They still continue to "take op together" as tsfore toe war. The French emperor has commis- sioned several naval officers and hy-d- n irrapliers to proceed to varkins points of the iflobe in order to determine a cer- tain number of fundamental meridiaus which will serve to fix the geographical ii. on or intervening points. Ii- - Nearly one-ha- lf the members of the mnectk-u- t legislature, or 104, are farni- - in.i all but twentyefour are marrietl. rate The . l.ui member is seveuty-nin- e years ooo of age. the youngest twenty-thre- Uov. Jjaigiisb is nfty-fiv- e years of age. - At Na-an- , New Providence, one Haaday, recently, a portion of a baptist ,n tr re-r- ion were ataidenly inimerseti in the latptlstery. The joist and brick flooring of the front etps gave way, precipitating those above into the tank. - The I niversalists of Vermont have raised fifty dollar for a uni- - versity at Barre, and the building is to be at once commenced. Maine has iu operation at present ! twelve railroads, estendine an aggregate distaui e of 873 mitea. The new roads now (.tiil'ling are ten ta number, and I will run an aggregate distance of 458 j miles. The first of July, it is said, is to be tbedav on which tl.e new dominion of1 Canada will go into operation, and it will hereafter be a genera day of rejoic- - in the provinces. No less than fifty-tw- r. churches ltd - been consecrated in Landon a the past four years, and this exclusive of all the ' temporary iron churches which have been erected. Jas. Alexander, of Parkeviile, luii., i is the father of fourteen children, seven aud of round raised families biack now living, lie nas one hundred and thirty grandchildren, one hundred eight great grarsdchildren, three great grandchildren. His posterity in all numbers two hundred and rJfty-flv- Trie Lynch bun; Sf wx learns that on the 1st of June the Adams express com- pany will retire from the Virginia routes and transfer them to the Southern ex- - press company. The government life saving commis -- ion has oucluded its labors, after hav ing been in session thirty-nin- e days and examined tiiree hundred and rifty-tiv- e lifT'ereut devices. It is believed their report will do oaocb toward decreasing the destruction of life at sea. The annual meetintr of the board of delegates of American Israelites will take place at Philadelphia aest week. The sessions will commence aa the chambers of the ."seventh street ua-gogue ou Monday, May JTtb, at 3 p.m. Pike'- - New York opera boue is nearly completed. The is eighty-tw- o feet wide, seventy-si- x feet deep and forty-nin- e feet high. It will satat 2500 persons, and its coat is estimated al a j round million of dollars. I A Frenchman has invented a gun j which is to 1 fired by electricity. Two' electric batteries are inclosed in the stock, the conducting; wires from which emerges at the surface nsr the breech. Off a simple arrangement Uiey can be' connected at pleasure with a isiaatinum inclosed within the charge wtiteo ia ignited. " Blaekbird of Sonr," is the term ap- plied y the London Km U Blind Tom, who is annul performing at t. James i hall. His power-- s of musical imitation axe prououuesd " superhuman." A curious strike has occurred in an Knglisli mine the boys striking against the men. A fine had been imposed on j several of the lads for breaking lamps, which they deemed unjust. The rest of ' the boys, forty in number, made com- - mon cause with their comrades, and re-- fused to go down the pit uuless Use lines were remitted. The result was that that working of the pit bad to suspended, i The men had gone down were ob- - liged to return, and some f.iur hundred miners are in cotMetjuence thrown out of work. A " tin " wedding was observed af- ter an unusual manner, in Vermont, the other The d with a young fellow, takinif with derail the "tin" her husband had saved in ten years. Thai discovery of her absence of course closed the festival. 8ueh has been tha influx of invalids into Florida that hotels cannot be built and enlarged fast enough to aooommo- - date them. A Boston locksmith has rarritsbed three hundred and forty duplicate keys to one club room established to check mate the state constables. c. off .Nashville nillowe of his bed, said he had by aeci dent put tbem mts bis earn for wads of cotton. The Muucio ( Ind. ) Guardian tells a story of a reputes I who set all j the susceptible girls oi that city eraay, j rjirted and promised to marry a score of Sea, finally got drunk, got in jail, and was Dy a cuulriDuiion ironi his friends. Railroad men in have de-- cided to cover the cuts in the mountains to prevent their being tilled with snow is winter A very strong species of roof must be devised. A radical organ advises that con- gress forbid the Alabama legislature to call a new county " Diaie." -- China baa population : w,iju,uuo people, and her rulers govern an area of 1,0V-,- . urn square miles. The Boston Itt strawberries sell at a quarter of a dollar a smell in that city. Much of tbe land bordering on the Ht. John river, in Florida, has been pur- chased by northern men, who have em- barked in the cultivation of ora gas. Tbe consumption of beer in England is increasing. In 18.i7 there were 17,4,-77- barrels brewed, whilst in, 1) there war barrets brewed, as of over forty per cent. Tbe ratio of increase in population during the aarae period was but six per cent. In 1IW6 the American Baptist publi- - oation printed 171, OOu.lMX) pages of reading matter. The Home Mtneion aortiety, during the year, employed 317 missionaries, who baptized : : converts and bad 38,71:1 children in the mission 8abiath school". A man named jonnson was roooeu $4u"' In a sleeping car on i- ' ..iT..i ..llr.1 . lew mirhtx uu The CU motiey waa ail subsequently recovered bv tbe detecUvea, West Virginia has a coal bed extends over 40,000 aeres and is seven feet thick. TweBty-flv- e of the forty-fo- mem-baa- s of the senior class at Phillip'." Andovar, Mass., hav been ex peifed for going out of town without A new religious journal nas Deeu starred IB CO.. l?T7L7L' lauAi U osooeaaor. to Bond at to the rave. MEMPHIS, TElsnST,, SATUEDAY, JXJyTE 1, 1867. IKTEKRHTIKft O LAU1CH. fashion far Jnae. reran Madame aVetiiorcat's Mirror or Fnahlon, flat Jane. , One of the styles of morning drees is of dotted muslin, the skirt made narrow at the top. ami wlthaetngledeep flounce, edged a plain hem, aad pat on with bot little fullness. High body, edged round the throat, and down the front, with narrow Valenciennes lace, aad wide, open sleeves with a short puffed undersleeve at the top. Another style of morning dress is of white French print, dotted with blaclt. This skirt also is made with a deep nounce, inmiueo wim uireerowsoi very narrow black vine leaf boniering, which acenmpanieh the drees. The flounce is headed by a strip of the same. The belt, and the bony, winch is made with a deep pointed yoke, are trimmed to match. The sleeves are shaped, and trimmed down the back, and upon the curT. A third atyle of morning dress gored ) is of plain blue cambric, trimmed with white braid ia two rows, to similate a tunic, and with three round the bottom the loog skirt. The is trimmed across the descending in points, back and front. Sleeves flow- ing, and edged with three rows of braid to match the skirt. White crotchet buttons down the entire front of the dress. Walking dress of lilac-stripe- d mohair, the long skirt scalloped out round the bottom, and edged with a black silk braid, which is carried up between every scallop, aud separates them. Short sac, the edge iiuisbed to match the skirt. Short walking dress of light icray mo hair, with small paletot, ornamented with plaiting of blue silk. This plaiting edges the skirt and paletot, ornaments the tops of the sleeves, and descends dential paruon mat is tn front the men. The petti- - coat similated trimmed with lengthwise straps of blue silk. Carriage dress of cbene silk, dove color, gold dots. It is cut in the emsjire style, with a very long train, and worn with a black lace burnouse, and bonnet of blue crape aud lisse. A dinner toilet dress for a young lady is of white muslin, with high tucked bodice, and loog Grecian sleeves, trimmed with lace. Around the ..tttom of the skirt is a narrow flounce, also edited with lace. A peplum of blue and white stripe.1 silk, trimme.1 commit went blue satin, When those are pot work thousand init and and stage be day. only lady society body and narrow fringe of pearl or crystal 1 leads. A simple evening dress is made of ' tulle, putfed over a stiff net skirt closely i;ored; the puffings are divided by rou-- ! leaux of violet satin, edged with narrow blonde. The corslet, with basque at the back, is of violet satin, etixed with white bead fringe; and the coirlure of violets, with a single white caoielhi. Another evening dress is of wljite striped gains tie chamoery, the skirt edged with a dounce, which is headed by two rouleaux of maize-color- ed satin. A maize satin tunic cut in points at the aide, and round at the back, where it is ejecpest, U edged with white aud gold satin, aaade iuto a twisted cord. The points are tiuiehed with gold-dolor- tassels. A tulle scarf, dotted with gold, commences underneath the upper skirt, aad is tied iu a wide bow, with floating ends, low upon the skirt below. The new round hats are very similar to the old mosquetaire shape, only smaller. The crown b low and slightly oval, the brim narrow and rolled. The very latesis the chignon hat. It is in line F.uglish straw, anil lias a nar- row brim, wbi'-- rolls ii( decidedly at the back, but run- - off very narapw in front, wiser it liescends low Upon the forehead. Scarfs of lisest, tijlle, or lace, are very general upon the louud .a.. The above are the pr tailing monies in New Virrk. The fofluwing are taris- - esM copied from a London paper : China crepe has once more come into vogne, and it has happened in this wise : As shawN have not been much worn of late, some ladies had their Chmew shawl-- cur up into peplunis, with large Crep-- J drapes so well that on its reappr arani in this form it was at once taken Into favor, eyep crepe shawls are to be seen now occasionally. There are as maoy shapes in patetots as there are in bonnets, but the lattst niivelties in outdoor covering is the Imagine a large talma with pointed euti at each side, hollowed out at the back and with no sleeves. This peplum is made In both black and white cashniere, and is trimmed all iioye seveu girls, thirteen whom wirb irimp and niue of whom are fSoruetimes great wire released IVISSW) with shoulders, with and narrow guipure, velvet studded with jet, and narrow eluny tdgio round the velvet, is substituted for the gimp. Two long ends commence at the top of the back of the peplum aud fall several Inches below it : they termiuate with points. The peplnm-iuaperatric- e will be popular at the seaside and spas. PepibBW JRPile entirely of cluoy lace are IikewiVff the same 'orm. and they are bordered al! arounJ wit narrow clBny edging to match. (tressee of cluny lace worn over either blue cr co-ri- silk, aud mads with both high and low bodices, with pepluma, to match, are to be seen both at the theater aud at fashionable dinner parties. Mmc. tie Metteruich wore the first of these ciuny dresses o it maize silk petticoat, aud a wide maize seh covered with bouquets at the back. Yellow, tr;Dge to say, is the favared color of this very elegant princess, and she has succeedeu ini waiting some of its shades fashionable. Her eanisus painted a gold-yello- aud the Marlou) of Uallifet has of late adopted the same aLada for her equipages, the princess Ue ateUe.-ni- h very frequently wears black ami yellow dresses the Austrian colors and the last time I saw her the dress she wore bad a most original effect. The silk petticoat was the golden yellow shade, and it was pleated round the edge in horizontal instead of perpendicular lines, as is usual, over this petticoat there was a black silk tuuic, divided into two parts: It was round at the hack. and was trimmed with blasial ilk gimp richly worked with gold beadts. Tlio small and very short pale- tot had f .: jr. ... sleeves toil, and these were lined wiUi gotic yellow silk. They opened stirhcieutiy to -- w.w the narrow underaleeves, likewise of yettow silk, which were aloaed to the wrist. The paletot was trimmed lu mabib tile tuuic with blackgimp, worked wiUigold beads. The Hungarian sleeves, witieti ate straight aud open to the top of the arm, and slashed together agaiD with silk cord, are very stylish. As the narrow coat sleeves are worn under them, many who are economically inclined are re- modeling their old paletots with this novel eisjeve. This cannot be done with the other new sbteve, the OaMlee, which is wide, but require an narrow one be- neath it. irATi 1 1 1 1. The Afrssrioasi (Tamn of iSuoijay says the business of Chattanoowa fur tbe past week has been most fnsulferably dull, aud general stagnation appears to hav taken complete control of the city Z. M. Taylor, of Clarksville, ofTers to be one of one uantjred to give a hun- dred dollar each to build a Masonic, s, Temperance and City ball, on the site of the old Masonic hall, to be worth ten thousand dollars when Tiiesaa? night Dine prisoners escaped Tbe itron of a cheap boarding from the workhiHis at Nashville. when accused of can vmg ate The Unton and fjUtpat'h millionaire California up , a says t ' aoflBBBawBal says that a voung man wl use name had t'ecn published as one of tbe fallen Con- federate soldiers on the sanguinary field of Murfreesboro, and whose funeral bad been preached shout a year ago. sud- denly appeared to bis friends at the old hooitvtead, a day or twe since, arriving just in time to claim his share of the estate which was to have been divided among the heirs iu a iiiw days. He had been in California all tbe tlavto hln friends were monrning him as dead, anil same back a robust and healthy as when he left his home as a soldier. A letter from Gallatin contains this encouraging paragraph : During a crip to the couutry yesterday va bail an op- portunity to see large fields of growing wheat. They were, without exception, very luxuriant, and almost ready for the reaper. ludeed, we noticed one fruitful field, a part of which had been already cut. It will be a blessed thing for the poor when the golden grain is brought to market. Tbe present famiue prices of Hour are grinding their faces terribly. Judge Walker, of Pulaski, is at Kaah- - VlllH. The Cnion and Disjxtleh of the 30th says: There are uow 4iu conviota in the penitentiary the largest number of prisoners ever tieiu iu uiat institution at any one time. Tbe same journal nays tbe radical Bilbo is to addreec his fellow-citizen- s at the Tbe speech, it is naid, will be a dissection of Ktheridge aud everything conservative. Chief Justice "Cuane has appointed John E. Peebles register in bankruptcy for tbe eighth district of this state. T. II. Kainey, knight of the silver star, carried off the flret prize, at the of trie of are tournament, on Basil I hike waa tbe 29th not re ent, aa expecteu, ana mere were no speeches OB tbe occasion, though (Jen. Uuarles aud Maj. (Jus. Hwnry were there. Thb state department at Washington aaade public a Chinese history of the Coiled States, which was written by Seii-- - Yu, during the be was gov. eruor of Fuh-Kie- from 1844 to I860. A high tribute is paid to Washington, as tbe founder of the country, and it mild Indiana for the express pur- - irmtitutioua, which is even compared to in.. sjaee of "savagoiy pitcumg iato cnris- - a leature of tlie celestial government. tiao ladies who wear mzxlea hair and The daring author was deposed for hie tbiinfs. pains by the emperor in 1850, but through M. Do Chaillu, the great African ex-- 1 tbe influence of Mr. Williams, late pfdrar, has incurred the displeasure and charge of tbe United states at Pekin, he tavuked the wrath of the radicals for hi waa nubtieo; ueutiy recalled, aad given a of the inferiority of the negro position in the toreigu office of th gov- - OamphaU. arumeut. ELstCTstlC I.18HT The nineteenth la already most snicnous among the centuries far great inventions which minister to the wants of mankind. Three-tenth- s of it still remains; and the leaders of progress in science and the arts are more nunier oua and active than ever before. It is certainly far from impossible that many who are now living may witness pro- ducts of genius yet untbooght of, which, for usefulness, may be ranked with the locomotive, the telegraph and the photo- graph. Indeed, we are not visionary in believing that we are already advancing ' Into the shadow of something which may be as admirable aad useful as any of them. Recent advances in science seem to indicate plainly the path which promises to lead to on of the moat be- neficent developments, ft has been demonstrated that what we light, heat and electricity, and sup-pose- d to be peculiar kinds of matter, are, after all, only forms or modes of motion ; that the motions which constitute their peculiarities have no greater differences LATEST TELEGRAPH IMspatcheB. report among themselves than the motions of minion Canada is to be organized with our ordinary machines. It has Mr. Bellan as lieutenant and aemonstraieu mat tney oe con- - ampDeii, neiionani, McDougal, How-verte- d into each other that either of laud, (.'artier. Gait, McQee Longiver them may be converted into ordinary ' as ministers of state, motion and, conversely, that ordinary Aunatolm, May 31. The motion may be converted into either convention adopted a bill them. In other their production slavery shall not be in and operation involve simple questions state: but been aboAshed of mechanics. The precise amount of the policy and authority of the United mechanical force required produce compensation cnetderation and electricity have been exactly thereof due from the United States, and mathematically determined. Thus, Gen. Eckert, assistant sec re -- the force the falling a one tary war, testified that diary pound a distance of 772 feet will produce is now the same condition when neat just sufficient raise a pound of first seen by him. water one degree Fahrenheit. This ex- - Begistering in South Carolina is corn-a- ct transformation of falling force into Dieted, 60,000 negroes and 450,000 neat may uw accoanpii.-iie- u oeio legisiereu greatest ease. The two verse, however, we have uot yet reached in practice. Ja our attempts by the steam engine to get heat into ordinary useful motion, we practically realise only about Ave per cent, of what we strive after. It is pos- sible that, before the nineteenth century closes, we shall learn how to secure all, nearly all, ua that ninetv-fiv- e per cent, which now eacaef-us- . When we have that knew ledge, one pound uf fael which we use for generating power have its present value multiplied nearly twenty fold. The labors of scientific men, within the last five years, have developed meth- ods of transforming ordinary force into folds blue who that time been that into the moat practical form, we shall have electricity so cheap that its appli- cations inawr be multiplied a hundred fold. Practical resul ts have not been so fully obtained attempts to transform me- chanical force into light. But what we know ia sufficient to nil with, the moat exalted expectations. The possi- bilities are too bright even for dreams. The precise amount of force required to produce a given degree of light has not been determined, mainly for the reason that it is mi ait,..i ti,at eludes our meas- urement. It is asserted by savana tlai the strength of a child wooid be sufficient to turn night into day for the city of New York, provided that strength were wholly converted into, and should reap- pear as, light May not this be accom- plished iu tlu) nineteenth century? But, couueruiug eleutrui light, wonder- ful things are already accomplished facts. We have transformer! force into light through the medium of electricity, and the process has been a success. Such a light promises to come, ere long, into general use. Tbrouirli experiments in France and KnKiand, and official arrangements for tests in the L'aited States, indicate the importance attached to electricity for illuminating lighthouses. Trie results at ('ape La lieve on the French, and at Dungeness on the British coast, prove that," in clear weather, the electric light ia visible seven miles further Z. miles against SO) than the best lights ever be- fore shown at those points; while the advantages are still greater In thick weather, as its density, whiteness and brilliancy enable it to penetrate fogs that almost totally obscure other lights. The experiments of the French lighthouse board, corroborated by the Itritish experiments, may well encourage our jj.r,encan lighthouse hoard In the test, about to t,e instituted in this coun- try, especially as this difficulties yhyifc cause t he British author ties to hesitate about introducing the electric light gen- erally along their coasts " lest th- - 'r heavy machinery might breakdown") are understood to have been overcome by inventions of American genius. It may be added that the brilliancy of the electric light will actually throw shailows from the flames of street lamps on a wall distant about 1500 feet, and that it surpasses sunlight in photograph- ing effecting the object in one-thir- d of the time required by Sol himself. Some of the lintish phssographers now use tbe electric light alight for much of their work, especially fer copying and enlarg- ing pictures a profitable part of their business. Tlie occasional worjf (ng cf the Atlantic cable both being thrown into one circuit of nearly 5uUu miles, by the inliuites-imall- y small battery in a lady's thimble Bias ts utterly revolutionised the notions of electricians and telegraphers ti'iuottrn-in- g the power required for working thai vast telegraphic circuit, that intelligent people are now scarcely surprised at the latest assertions concerning the illimit-abl- p resources for cheaply generating eiectrls: 'n., Tn:! the quality of that light compared with solar hgut. The electrical display on top of the Massachusetts state house one fourth of July nigbt, which shed a flood light tiat taahleti people to read newspapers en Honton sionimoc, wip; useri'i luui kliL- -i this terbln calamitv." costly. . r". . - rf . apparatus less clumsy and also with the " weighty machinery " that produces brilliant results iu fog or clear weather .if the Dungeness light-bous- e on the British coast. Simplify and cheapen tbt! mode of effecting such re- sults, and what Is thare to prevent the general use of electricity in producing light? Why should not streets and our harbors, our factories and workshops, offices and our homes, be thus bril- liantly and illuminated, now that American scientific skill has devised uertain modes of producing electric light whivl; arc olaimed to be " more econom- - j icai and more elective than any of the methods hitherto employed 11 We scarcely open a foreign scientitic journal without finding allusions vari- ous uses for wuiab electric light are em- - ployed, or about to be employed. One of tbe latest papers says that one of these lights is arranged for service on board the Prince Jerome, Prince Napoleon's yacht not to the vessel itself, but, on the contrary, to throw light on other such as a vessel, or a coast, for purposes of attack or defense. For such uses, in case of fog, this light promises to prove very valuable, as at full speed, of lyng-to- , or at an. oborage, can thus be kept free fforn dan- ger ai collision, and, in battle, the ob- ject to be attacked can illuminated, " However late in the field of praotioal adaptation," says the Loudon Chemical Xews, " the electric light, once estab- lished on board of a vessel, will become a necessary adjunct to tbe marine and transport service," and Invaluable on board of the Beet passenger steamers. " Tbe illumination of this eame Ufbt for railways, at the stations, and the ap- proaches thereto, at curves, and other- wise." savs a Parisian writer, 'has been tlie order the day, and the subject deep study for some weeks past ;" and the experiments on the isast railway of France are said have been " sue Ccwsful, that there is reason to expect tbe best results." Why not this new light be advantageously used on looouio- - tiVes .' Multitudinous ways will be found for em ploy in a light -- o powerful, and so easily and cheaply geuerated ; and, profiting by experience of " the way ibey oW these things in France" and in Kugland, our Auieruian inventors, who claim tohavedevisedstill better metboua, can bardlv fail to meet prompt and proper attention from people who are an- noyed and over-taxe- by the effluvia and enAoriwii of the if. companies. uiiivi t 1 1 tr aa. Bishop O' Neil Catholic of the Geor- gia diocese, left Savannah this week for the grand convocation of cardinals aud bishops at Rome. The Albany .Vetos of the 26th, says r The recent rain has revived everything exceedingly, and cotton that last week waa thought reedy to die, is looking finely. The wheat this locality now about ail harvested. Tbe yield in gen- eral is light, and the crop was also lim- ited. Mr. John l- Robinson, of Newman, has the Herald, that place, with some very large ripe cherries, grown on his lot. His early varieties have ripened and gone. the purchase of some tnirty miles of iron, part of which has reached aud Columbia, and that track had been commenced. This is a very ' enterprise, and will lessen the distance between western state and Washington, by the route through Geor- gia the Carolines, sixty miles. J. E. Hays, proprietor of the Repib-Usxa- a, Sued and imprisoned for libel in March last, was released by pardon Gov. Jenkins, on the 26th ult. Mercer will be removed to Atlanta, and the Dr. Tucker, D. D., was in Atlanta ou Tuesday select- ing a site for the buildings. St. Phillips church at! Atlanta, is being enlarged by two wings, giving it fork of a Greek cross, and the work ia rapidly progressing to com-- pUteoo. j There are forty-nin- e (reeilnien's agent ia the stale of Texan, BY Noon IWBSTsaui AsaocuTCD rasas .New York, May 31. -- The of Uen. Tope declares that the mayor took no measures to orevent the dVitiiHiauaesaL which everybody expected, and that the cnier ponce was either In i; aipatky with the rioters or unfit for office. Shep- herd says Kelly's speech was dignified and patriotic, and fully aeqaft him of tue cnarge or provoaing tfce Kelly delivered bis rloslai Danville yesterday. Usual crowd bled, with the addition or several lady teachers of colored schools. A Montreal special savs new do of governor, may and constitu- - ot Clonal words, the having under to States, ia beat is formerly of of weight of of Booth's in aa to whites wi'.u toe or may in us successful of iu cheaply to illuminate objects, of of to so iu la of laying aud of college of Cincinnati. Mav 31. The Preahvt. rian general assembly adopted the ma- jority report on reunion. Aaron Jones and Miles McCboi met last evening anddepoeited thvae hundred dollars each, forfeit money, and will meet again to-d- ay to sign the articles of agreement for a prise tight, to csw off in ten weeks. " Charleston, May 31 A bill of waa admitted in the United States district court yesterday, restraining Fra-- , ser, Trenholm Co, from disposing of their real estate here. Oen. Sickles will meet President John-- , son at Haleigh. Washlugton, May 31. Gen. Thomas has been given full discretionary powers in regard to affairs in Tennessee. He will, no doubt, protect the people from Krowulow'a militia, and sea that Ethe-ridg- if elected, takes his seat. E. C. Augemar, special levee of Louisiana, has been appointed member of the board of visitors for West Point, this being the first time Louisiana has been represented ou that board since the war. Toftosrro, C. W , May 31. -J- efferson Davis was enthusiastically received here. He goes to spend a few days at Niagara Falls, and intends to reside at St. Cath- erines. LTNVHaritt,, Va., May 31 A free fight eaane off here yesterday between members of Lnited States bureau corps auo a numoer or negroes, two being wounded on eacb side. London, May 30. Tbe uncertainty of the tale of Maximilian creates an intense and painful feeling Europe, in the house of oomiBons Lord Stan! y. iu reply to a request for in formation in regard to the safety of tbe Mexican emperor, replied that the government had received no official information on the subject. Paris, May 30 It is expected that the emperor of Austria will arrive in the city the first of July. HiautalPPI ITEM. A mad dog created no little excite- ment at Hernando oa Wednesday k as. Finally he was killed by Sheriff Bynum, hut, uniortuiiately, not before be bad bit-te- a several uai ves, bogs and dogs. Col. Felix l.tbauve, an old and tioc ular citizen of Hernando, left for POilsj France, on Thursday last. The ice cream and strawberry festi- val given by the ladies of Hernando on Thursday night of this week was a com- plete success, and tbe Memphis visitors, especially, are unanimous in commend- ing both the excellent management of the entertainmen' and the cordial hos-pitli- extended to visitor from other uities and' lowiw. Cl,trm of the rth last, con- tains a list of persons sentenced to he penitentiary by the circuit court, re- cently in session at Jackson, for various periods from one to twenty years. Of the number live were white and nine colored, three of tbe latter being women. The crimes were burglary or larceny in each instance. Tbe town of Tupelo, famous in tbe annals of the late war, is the county seat of tbe newly created county of Lee. The Purest Rnngt r is the name of a new paper published by Mr. J. P. Dement, formerly of the Carthage Herald. The registration at Vickburij ia as follows, Whites, 135; negroes, 374 total, 509. Leonard, 2lth C S. infantry, is on trial before the military commission m session at Vicksburg, for the killing of a comrade at Matches last week. Brevet Brigadier General Dudley Is president of the court. The Oxford Paicon of the 25th says : " We received the painful intelligence Mr. M. Wilson, a gentleman living thirteen miles southeast of this place, a 'ew days since was fearfully mangled by the running away of his horses, attached to a buggy. His wife, also, was nwfjfrv bruisetl, pierced by the fall, and their recovery is very doubtful. They bad i,ii.t iu- - .l eating what may be profitably by w Lv less So 7. . our our especially be may presented that exiint t 'ounee BMBfl of tne litn uienuoiis the killing of Major Krank I'laibnrn, a few days previously, by Mr. Edward Vignee, and says the latter ia juatrned in public for the homicide. The editor of th Brandon Miss, Eepubiian has been shown a hen's egg with a small snake on the little end of it. The snake is made of the same material as tbe egg shell, and lies on top, but fas- tened to the shell. The bead is flat and perfect, and the tail winds around the egg- - KKSTVCKT ITBBUa. fie work on the new Gelt house, is pcogressmg When finished it will be one of the largest and hotels in America. The Oweusboro Monitar supplies the following: A gentleman near lion Har- bor gigged aud seined three hundred pounds of fine fish in one of the sluices in that region Saturday last. Dr. Thomas Higgias and wife were poisoned in Owens bo ro, it is supposed, by a negro girl. The poison was admin istered in sugar, and ' is victims on account of its be ig an overdone Mr. W. T. Lea, oi this county, sheared seven sheep one day last week, tbe wool q which weisjlied sixty pounds one, a yearliBg buck, yielding nrteen pounds, nice and olean wool. Where is your blue grass sheep ? The Statesman says : The small-po- x bas almost entirely disap- peared. We hear of only a few cases m the city. n the same authority we give tbe fol- lowing: The other night, three hand- car loaded with men ar- rived in Stanford, and proceeded to the residence qf the gallant Maj. James H. Bridgevater, with the intention, it Is supposed, of lynching him. On arriving at the premises tbe mob were fired upon by Maj. Bridgewater, causing tbe mob to disperse. As they retreated through Stanford, they called for a man whom none of tbe residents seemed to know, and, fortunately, no blood was shed. The mob then GOODS. SHEPHERD, WATKINS k CO., COMMISSION DRY-GOOD- S AND NOTIONS, 321 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENS. WE IEU TO MERCHANTS ONLY. ntyl in a SOUTHERN TSIMMING EMPORIUM ! Toe Augusta uironrcrc learns mm ai a recent meeting of the directors of the Augustaand Columbia railroad company, the president, Wm. Johnson, reported JAJBalibb r Charles- ton important tbe university president. Kpisoopal the the com- plaint commis- sioner throughout loo sentiment iiouisviile, rapidly. tMBwJeotuest Lexington "Lynch's dispersed. Gh MOFFATT, 347 Main St., Bests, of IstoR, OP Ladles' and Trim- mings, French and German Battens, Fancy Goods, Notions, Zephyr Worsted, Worsted Patterns, Toys, DRY Dross Cloak AaaatMrtbe Boulevard Hoop Skirts! 01019 Be BANKS AND BANKING No. 153 T. W. SMITH. D. A. SHP ssyStr ModiHon Street. RXmS. : THJC MEMtCMAJfTS" NATIONAL BANK Or MS MP HIS, TauTfllllM, names ated depository ash v aav- - U -- tal Afent of the United At at rapltaJ ! point, in the m the H. CHKRKY. iian.'taaJly Mayaaesu, A.T. LACKY, : !- - J.J. FKEKMAN. : : Oinactoaa, Aoso WooawaC Ca.pt. TJ. B. Chatoh, H A. Parte. UMali. M. E, t oenran. A. J. White. 11. T. T ttnson. lohn - Taylor, Mermoan. Tho. j smith. A. T. Lmtmj. W. caaanr. tf MEMPHIS WIN Si IBt1tTI0N, SB. M BAM la. General Tt.sa.T-- . t- - Asm American ami European EXCHANGE BUtNESS- - PiJTE, FRIB. WlKJIB, - - - - myMef FIRST NATIONS BMKi OF MEMPHIS. DefMMttorj and rinanclal mWmX XJixltod StAtei F. DAVIS, - - a. c. nnun, C. F. MORRIS, -- T. W. JOHaflTOsf . DIRECTORS WM A. UWTaT. . DAVPA, DAN ABI.S. L HOWES. H. ' RR. NK1.KY. a. a. BEAi.'M.ia-r- , Hoa. J. W. myfltf 23 i s MA J. T. F. M. - I.J. MURPHY, T. A. EL-ri- ora o.aT a. J F PRANK. J. T. STRATl'ON I TRia laatsaalaaa at CaaJtier. JL poalta. to buy aud mU -- riiicip.it ou this aosaav an.l rales teood- - wyn. Jaa. 58. Uratu BtTBDrrr. BavolBE, YUUHU, stsUa, LarTWICH IEMPHIS INSURANCE COMPAJT. ORGANIZED OmCX, MURHIIY, TWiyrraTB, 1844. CASH. DIRECTORS Palla wiyer I this section. I'rwerlclamt. VTHG8 Dee) AJJr'ER!UN, JOIlNSJOrt, iiAerelal principal sWmitlsMce promptly k DAaaL THE DeSOTO BANK OF MEMPHIS, XO. 90 MADISOS STREET. JAMBS UBKa. ?r;lident. W.B. WMI, . . nce-PrelaB- t. ' S. FASmWSSTS. .... Caaaaw. HA TOM tUTDHB IISTITVlafSa, UKXPH18, TK.NNBMBKE. BsBkinic House 19 Sadlson This lasjBa n ooutlnuous and sucoeasful operation far the past ten continues 'rsnsanl aaTSSTtAT, SIC HAN ASV BAiSKIlfG BTJSIITBSS. Will BaoaiT mills. Bar seat Baa -- ai d oretgai A, iMaaeaaaa Watga, oatee. l saawsaa wlliai streets. Meen Louden leading cities the United states, ia mm i and aad pases la taw Bar i B. S. aTeBT, fatal I : Caairiiair. ST&ttT BICNJ clues, .... St years, OB JSflS U-IB- a, PreaidBBt. tf MEMPHIS CITY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Baaataa t oawaa, Teawj a Co- -. Ia. 1 Jefferson Street, Seraphi. Tenn. St K..TOBET ; r. , C. KIRK, Cash. rpiUN&ACra s Creneral Banking Business, 1 Receives liepon nlca in Hold, SlilTer, Kxctiaii. Uovernment SSeeurlties and Unour-rei- u Money - Collection promptly atteuded DIRECTORS J. WHITE, AMtJH WCKlDaUFP, a. TOBEY, trial MT MAY, COIIEBl'IAL BIN Of TEWESSEE, J. rifiS. Jr., : B. t. wABTB, : : : : all spin I : J. : ; i JOB. of t le Oaiy : I la la dtr. aad ail P. AT on at wth re- - si A. B. at. A B. B. PrealdenL A a p. iS W. W. C P. 'Jieo w K. J. C 14. a P. M. Ce. to ail to. to Pi on an of at ta . ls, sr to. A. H. N. an JAM. (J. HI 1)1 EJI. E. C. W. MbMbs BANK BnHBIJIO, Corner Madison mm Hsis DOES A GENERAL, DEPOSIT AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS; Cot:,, Unemrrant manaf and Government Baa aiiaaai ClletloBS from GERMAN NATIONAL BANK MEMPHIS. No. 393 Main Street. fiTHA" C0B0HHA, BASm SKIT tit, J.JB55T, DIRECTORS: W. COROMMA. SPPXTHT, A. K BOPrHElMKB, Of t i C. A. JACOB ' J. AND. earreat aayg NICH J. J. JKNNY. Act of : aetata H.Ua Freeiilsat. tarry . CiSH pninte in awaaar a w : SbMSSB OF Catbler. JOHN DITXJNGBB, UAMXAlf, MOPPStAN. il . passed December 2th. ltB. an ise eOectaaf wbica have or aaay a assiKOmeuU among their creditors,'' aotl hst slse sSsssw to holders of nti Planters' Bank of Teunesaee to them with Lne inderslarnud. ai tlie lluik in .shvlle. be-- PAH ta "A HI WL. W. :ity the the me nrst lay et nd idlly-nin- ilSWl, and for, or wUl be for-- be received of detils the Bank, or alter me ist or jun- ta WKAVKR, Tranae. LAW1I1CI 4 il. itll iVo. 9 If am Sareat, Mem Yark. or Sale tf IstdU, RAILWAY SVECURITIES mt ta moat uaral.t iraat atnattf U.JU- - ' L ws- -s. Hi&itolution HE flrm of PTJCKlSTT A NKKLT is day oimoived by maUAni J. C. Neruy aioue ea- rner they We have secured Ul i""' M. Co. M. KIRK. iasn Banks, January, will due eaRsant. J. C. N ft ELY WmS&Fig' m?l7iw VOLUME XVII-ISTXTMB- ER INSURANCE AGENCIES TO MT OLD FRIENDS TTAVIaW in flsa a Hal tfil MUutisaippl Arkanna. i Dernin-i,- - ap aj LOri-- i MPTfTAI. f.l irar i Veil-- . a safe, certain aad rellsol i which tw asar BSBfB Aainat-wa- ct ia uw wal of death, or them-aaese- a Masai 1aaeABtM as aa la eaa associated with dm and ts Oar lwJTs",e5,"ol. aaMadi'n OrofftSi ansa.. Deasto faoek where we will he Sea j a aaaan say information to Uaaws dm- - law Ua Inestrenea awa J M. Mosf AJwaMa, INS U RANGE. .. Fire and ' mmmm Iawnnee mt J . M . E "V J iS , New row. 11 - ..aVwAjaTI m laspotasr and WoaLasala Dealer .a mr' ...d mmm mm few ts ' Mjtxm at i W Hai BL, esaaaia, Teaa Caterprla Ii - rauce ( Of J1.SH TTAJS ia star and to arr- t- Aasssa. ..jt.oaai.ac XX i , la hatress ; Patmua Ia.ur.ar Caaaak.y ntPSiCi."1 sh(ajitl .mtajm ia plpea Hollaod aad Setieyim ,:-- JE well estahllehed rpatatlon o, tkw. .C'JSniT tuT ".s and 1'aanaahsa. ts asasa ; waVuf na'f. bUTS. rZZJZn i?-- rty Holders who deaire .asaraa. for do BoVjrt ' aaUtar frre or Manne. We represent no com- - a eat Tl as si is, da nan les bat those authorize. I by toeal law. All tosses adjusted and paid thla Parser aai Hntteh Aim: mSZTST' F1a A Oo. Porter - ii waaatacd naatxa-ve- ty Una; Ownetal lasaranee Aaen. No. 11 Madison walasaas a son Brown street lap ataass), Meaaphls, Tenn. apat aaa jta aad qsnw" PLANTERS' IISURAMCE COMPANY OF TES LESSEE. Capital, ... $200,000. Ofllce, 27 S PraU Street, BrrWTTEW COCRT AND MADDSON. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. N. R. f0KRI!I .. . P P. DOUttMlCRTV . V. ST. DKDBICK T. P. K KN V N ejrl daw peopli-- s LNSURaANCE COMPANY. rtfflre in CAPITAL STOCK, Organised Is $300,000 take Pire Marina as DIRECTORSS : W. a HRKEN.'.A W, J A M ESI Kl.llER, 'l M. KARKINliTON, C. W. ijoYER. M. H. BKUCft. CHARLE JONKJ. JOHN OVESru,Js. OFFICERS : W. B. 6REK1 dt W. . . Pteoideat. J1SB8 BLSBS, - - 8. P. It it 9. . - ... scrretar) mhi 1m B I LSS OWK.V. SB. aooaa. Owen, Moore & West, AGENTS FOR THE is Hone unmet lompssj. Of ( 'oltunbaa (Is. Cash TaplUl aad - BUT US SI. State Insurance Company, Of Nab.vUle, Term. Capital, F.tss Life iBsarsBce Of liartforU sawsjtts Over . . . KM yna waul your ! North toe w.- -i 1 W: Ule w. mo psits. Ter. i BrStrto annex teerf aarplaa, Cumpssj, tt.mSSB. Property red. ofltr. Main Mad uh7 tm BOOTS A CD SHOES. Stray Cow. TAKES L'P, one dry COW. wuite n.l red. say lot last wtni r. Tlie owner will pleaae prove property, pav cha tee, and take her away. 0. WHITE Chelsea, lawlw CAjLVARY cemetery FOR to .1 a. Conn. or in to Is opa INTERMENTS Purchase of Hots. Moarliweet corner of Linden OPPIt:R street.. Honrs: to to am.. from US nm. Or etary. In. and NO GIFT ENTERPRISE Mjr cBver Iswiadlt llBBOlKI A1B H 1'CST ST1TSAIB H1VA5A l.i'T fclil K.l. ONLY LEGAL L0TTERII8 C. 8. HK T sr drawn under Ktaic- Cliartsprs uave 1 bttenflrawa 'or orr KORTT VKAK- -. Bond it moAvL titt ind avre dvpuatafBti with V. Co ltsctor sm Tne prize miv drsAwsi plite toy twowora i.oiiiuiiMer fpFtuted by Um SwaUt. Maim hm drawn ir tU k. tm avrv sold or not. PRIZES ALL CASH. There are two Stat Drawl ntr each day, and two Biivuua Drawing- - em-- month. Drawlnas ean be seen two hour ciiaa of Ucketa. One-ha- lf tne Tickets are Prise. Prise paid day of pareba Tickets fl to Ml. according to Prise to ainu.iMi, itceonllna to Principal Anent. UkU. W. fA.1 VDABT. tary. St- - tf S. In on a JaBataoa atieet, IruMee's Sale. virtue of deed of trust to me executes! BY Charles Pfannenesteth oa tbe 'Bah day ul September. ISA, and duly recorded a the Kswi.ier's office or Hh, .by county, tenners- - e. In Record Boon. No. .ir, part second, pass, ass. is and S7U. ix-t- bar IS. UK), for the purpose of securing a uotc ror roe sum or saxty-tw- unn- oted and Thirty-tw- o Doll.- - Stic SS), owed by mm to a. i.eecu, in-- i iy aotnoniy in me teaeB the properly conveyed 10 me in 'aid trust 1 will, on tbe luth day of uar. sen, on tne pi emtucK. n o'clock aca.lo the htahwst bidder, for caah. the described procertj- A certain tract or pai of land Mtuaeed. lying; and h. trc is the city or atetnpius. sneioy county, stale or ten lessee, aeaignt in and of the tnree nun laattlu needed ins, and original lots emphla aa of let aoty-on- e aad the ill lde urge 8 feet westward!- - rrora the Interaction ol ind fhird Stic-1- . neuce eastwanlty with the aide of Jefferson m 11 It termination and Hon with Third street thence southwardly with the weal side Third street 1S 't to an alley thence westwardlv w th the porta side or said alley lttw feat to tasaaa satst of another allev thence northwardly with the east side -- eld allay l feet to th boundary line of the Cromwell let: thane taatwardly said Cornwall's south boundary line feet to the southeast corner of the said Cromwell lot thence northwardly with the east bound- ary hue of the said Cromwell lot U'S feet t th beginning, together with all the privneg-e- s and ipurtec.Anoea tliereonto belonging. The title is Palwvad to be good, but 1 sell only as Trustee the, right of redemption THOB. LKKCrJ.Trusle. Memphis, Stay 9. ls7. uiylu Lta Chancery Hair of Seal Estate. On Tuesday-- , June 11, 1SOT. No. 3s N. B. B Baatuel Tat et al. va Lewis ttelby et at. Chanoary Court of Memphia. Tj)Y virtue of an lnterloontory degree ni me n JJ thia caasr, will sell. t pahlie anelioa, tu the highest bidder, at the Courthouse door. In th city of Mom puis. Teaoaasee, oa Tuesday J une 11,167, between the hoars of a nt. it at., to following dsseri bed real estate, t: Aesv aain lot or esxce: of ground situate, lying and belrtg ut Baa by county. Htate of Tenne-ae- e, aad in the 1th Civil tttr1ei of aid couniy. eaataiBlng -- i.lit acre- - inj fourteen hanuredtcs of an acre, the known ltam-sa- r 1ve"i.. -- nhuivi.ied rod). loickei's marked Tate. months, noienwith .ecorlty. interest retained purchase money. aimliv eoemot barred. myii eflH TO ICE. creditors Ma.one hereby notified n.el insolvency County Courtof Tipton county. Tennessee, momhan5a?daSh?or" "S AANPOaVD, Administrator. Attachment Suit. Oowrt Memphia. ttlaavi. plalntiflk, nil ffswali defendantis PPiBAVlT tkunt having having taoaod officer levied, etc..'' fendanu. Uavnie part 171), l niter.-- ; i ; said with Uu1, ; . aad , the north of lea No. 17 of subdl -- Ion no. 7, as oa tne plan of tne suix. ision oi the jonn grant of and as kw B. A. Kerr and is. S. Lot Ho. 17 a, on ma T. 14 IBB in ' cred t of stz and twe' ve a jd wlta fsaaa d.y of sale, ami lien till of ta of on I fl I are the ... Ai ci ., A of th estate of 8. B. 'hat I have of mid to tile Clara o ne ind ' nia in c ne A L. f W. B. Co., a - A lor alt iiie to tins i.ii to of tad on the J. L A Co. aad to. we uer son qow IV jonn 01 of No. ot of ieina icrs. tun Law ta, of Cod Ten It a taerofore ord.-re-d that said waaaaaaaat the -- ilv Htm. Jaaa next, aaat ttafand cat salt, satst. will takou lor conaowed them, mat aha tam ul il " " that a copy I Vasal aSmmmJ part hi the tfemphu! JOHN DONOVAN, Clerl Ua Odtes. M.y A If!. I flfswptja t plan i Appoat. in in il in ot BJ or Os a aa to ft ' of WINES AND LIQUORS. TO THE TR A DE. IVOr LD call the attention of MKRI MAMS UtAXJLRM in ALE ASH LAGER BEER, Of my Superior Qnahty, Which I -- an furnish at an ap m City Wars- -. uueosaaca Woui4 also call LIQUORS, ?l, "''aiujcoaaty Whisky. -- "ej. am OAS, Third the my ana i.iorejj nsuidiaa N.irtnr Xar-in- e ranttany ?ZL.CmmmmT kit unipaii) ATL reads 'd'Jy; JmmfLltZ,r,m- - Lull duly atate aad aata mmT' AAintlaey Vrodenburf sate -- menis myls deed. Jaa, Ciomweil'. sooth sooth waived. eaowa estate kinn a Yoxae.,a .luoejues Tasssaer Willi . fall uoaA Draft Alas and Porter. French cordial. Iwne.ii- - rMars-- ail whkah will mttmoSm prtee defy coaaeuuuu " WonXf';. BaHwaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaYM MEGIBBEN & BROTHER, WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers, 981 : MA OT STKEITT : s Memphis, : : : feiint.'st " JanS NATHAN BBO.'S Sc CO., Recond Street, Oppnatr dowrt - ST FOR M MS RHENISH I FRENCH WINES. LIQUORS, SECARS, Foreign Fruit and Produce. w mZ& ."rsa. teat." -- sr. nun i a er ' He York. We e'en I . an rr--e ur 'ir.- - or I to is at 10 do of of be cos at to U tf T o r eel Beat VjN i.r mark Braarll. : - SjeaS Bearhen BTblslry Saerrv aatt Part : !t ttalar. divert rraai :'ite n.rtas ; laillrtralaaines sed Braedie: keaalae P:ar Beiaalrk Ann every nnirle ia the line, too stnuniaj m mention. .yef. .""a "f PORal jN PRi IT and PRO H ' P. C. 111 ids I i iy of ? . i , , . i . rmn ' I'HIIU rKL ec AND ' HI- ::k -- i awtiBj Afu Usui hu ' : - ; n i. l.a ..ii HEftavi: HAHDELlJ,. N LfkNTlU-stLI- vv. ... tab H.K. t A. ETC ETC. E.SIMPSON&CO. N: 17 Deff Street, NEW YOttX, WMesale fesJm and importers WINES, LIQUORS, Etc. CASH CUSTOMERS WUl and it tTeatly to their Interest to ive oa a call before nrcbaslnx, sinew here. tf LEGAL imiiarHL SraT tBamparae: Trustee's Stte 01 teal IstBta, in albse I uaatj o dlt Hisib. ild:. Tens.. ,i; - BY vtrtn or a Peed of Trust to Tie ei the ijth day of Jiarcb, . nv Wltliauis tor the purpose ol securin. .W tor the sum of Vortylx TtlllsSMi Wu with interest irosa dale, due t Ively on the 2Mh of December. i.m at day of December, IXB. o Twaty-thr- e sand Dollars each, owing by him to h . person A Co., and oy nutnor'ttv :i, to sell the land eoeeyed in -- aid : ru -- will. on the BBli day at May liootof th hotel a aiasaboldt.lsiosou i TennesHee, betwe-- n the Iioum "t a in. and 4 o'eloek p ai , linm n recorded n tjitiwin cuuty ; one iru, lag .ere, roaveyed ti. the . W. at rawby by .Med daiy reconted oouuty ; one tea. t conteiuitig ITS veyew to aastt W D. Ply by J p. Wl deed duly recorded in tlibson cot met onlalbing llflft, acres, con vey W. 1). Kly by lohn Prase oy oeeu luiy one 'ract uontHinliug C acre, con ve, W. D. Pry by Henry Phlllit. h. .... oorded in liioson county ; one tract c I3t scree purchad oy the ssdd an, ter a decree of the cuuoty iiounty, .aid tract to 11, estate aud w is .ld Bir psilllaM debts i ota ether tract containing r.'l eaaveyed to said W. D. Ply by i 'harl, ueeddaly reconled m i ibsonc ualy , of ru sa Phillips. John imled and J the south by land iuci n DeU and Mictsjali Ply ; on the . as wiuiam noon aad ,.i e part lain aad 'Jainpueii aadTWilllAia Shaw. Po. a mure par Ueular illacripuou or aoid tract, is made to the deed aud decree ahtive mentioned, to said W. D Ply. all of the above dwnb.,1 ecntw shaw having been old un.l- -r 1 toWTl). Jones bytireen W l. ,,iov , i this trnst BanSaaB ooB 'teeuted payment of purchase as property will be sabdiv ided, and In no to Ml trn upon one of whicii there st a Une dwelling; aad all out houses .ind iiutrnv-me- nl -- r- i- ory . being m high state ot colli auo n. with Une 01000, etc A plan of ta subdivision will De exhibited on day of sale. or Sal. -- One- uatf Cash, balance st beatroaa aaaoaat from date. ciiTed oy deed of trust embracing the atate ie, oa at. that under woteti 1 am now aeung. the right of itiaaaiilsiia waived, aad i he title believed to be good, bat I will eaavey only such tltleaakt In me invested, aasi Wt a. DaX A P, Trust. is Trustee's Sale 9f Seal Estate ia olbse fee a it. Tbb to Be SalB at Humeoltli, olbsua 'tOanl . Teaa.. aa ike Wife Bar ef flay, ssi i a .sn oi trust execnc-- l A 1 ja by December, tmw .ioi nd wm. l). rly, bearing date Uin nurntsw, i.r certain dents doa by said Wm. D. IHy ., u. mmm witicu by autnority vested im me ss T sabaaltuted by decree of the Conaaon law coort o' ihe city oi Memphis, ena tl r h aarB.lA7,.n room oi Wm! , ne. de- ceased, I wall, on the jmjt day of . iier; froot of the Hotel at Saaiboldt, lilhaoo Coan'ty Ta-- . Oelwsi toe hour of tea o'eoaa7Tav and fonro clock p.m.. .ell to the hnrheai bid- - uei, . ..cii not. oi ana eontaipiPt-IS- acre situated in (iioson County au aaout lHmllea noriBweataf Hniubiild' being the saiue traut or parcel of 'uu ....I o ,ul.i Wm n bi. .... t. . oumoyDetd registered ni :1 glaaq V LtiLsion couniy, so winch is i aiMint traia mt land will be suhdlrhled Into a the Bll .si... No i i and 4 each, iiuea running In K a s uaw-l- t 'he purchaser rira 'iaie, anu braadng saa am now acting. attention 'A eo.ssswe. Wises belonged referance Taryina Tsaas m. . . i - . relertace Tenn., d nade Deed lrust. which I The of redemption ia waived, aad tow tittle be!iTed lo bo good, bat I will nniv such tie Ie in m. v e "-1 . l SAI' 1'ILC - Chancery Sale ef Seal Istate Monilay, June 3, 18C,r. &1 N. B. 1 Beiij I. tttldln v. Wm D. n Chancery Cotrt of Itemnhia BY vlrtaaoi aa nterioeuiorj lecrta. in I? 5 Uty of Memphis, fenn., on ' between hoars 12 Tennessee, known lot No. .. Block tiav t -- ON- eon- - of Tlil the lots lit. th of H am. and m.. the and de of In lor of aad. S, ou th anulnslde of sa st own opon the p. an oi uid cuv ,r t.m. mTmt Oayoa street and extending hack KB feat, said lot lying. aa lhi iai of Baa alkw. lietween '.ot and in wu.l block, aa u?kkjio stBmi a IBi lisaOji mcntl Note with good seeurtty mU AtJOUSTOH AXJWON, TT5 td be meij to jc ATA Of ! SB halusaaaaw .. .. I BB j i iu ia city, a ul :.t ml aad NOTICE. of the ejeei- - of E. d ' ' - - notiflod that 1 hav auai of eaid estate tn the i County court ef Unaaa cooaty, Tennoese.and ah aradltor of ah ornate are aoilBrd to die tbatr claiaaa, duly aothentlcatssl, within six montha from toe date kiwtof.ac tis notice wtil oar April AJaLN lying; by eBaT right naaxaes aboat kunaa credit Clark leraof the r a fiAWWivr i hsinislralrr Taw ' aptsf iaaSaaNa A T the Jaa Term. iiwt. at :JiCoup Letters aamual c--. aaaawawa. M p UUOM. mm. I- - i J 1 i

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. · MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD. CHANGE OF TIME--(jastaaaL 8riaanrrs-ln--c is. i, IstT, and tfc r Mini)y. via. I pi:ius Frllay necond. MeeUd Mondsr ot

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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. · MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD. CHANGE OF TIME--(jastaaaL 8riaanrrs-ln--c is. i, IstT, and tfc r Mini)y. via. I pi:ius Frllay necond. MeeUd Mondsr ot






nvn.nr k.'miuwl ner iftDM : : 112 i

- - per week :

To currier aad P py :

Vt:)J annum ito aunvne) senaa-- rt aa rlroV tnlf rat1 n nrill eak

tor a li Urn liu one month.BITE or UVUTUIM.

One sqonr on inserrtoa :::::: fl IBeach additional Inwrtlon : totwo Hklon moots :

Mr Al! KlviT'.imimd MMMM uu afirehe net insertion.mt Kigbt line of solid nonpareil HMMH

a square.Allwmtgiatilla IheHoeel! Noticec..,uan will charged SDcenu per line.

otncror Adverili menu to be Inserted In the

Weekly paper only, ora' trrwlr iutarraJ Ineither or trie paper, will h chart t! persquare for each and every insertion.

Mr AU ad minimis t no! marked for a spe-

cial time will be discontinued al the end of oneweek.- AD adrertlsemenU for the Ami I. moatbe handed la at Ue Cir' desk.

Mr TVonsum adt erumumu mutt 6 mmmt for"air NoadTertlaamcnt will appear In' the Wlnee, Llqnors, Fruits etc-- ,Vk1.it ilwr unless, by special centra. :.

friends are iiaied to tte uiei bestti. to send os sohsenb. r. and nil np onr

Hats, and also to .'ocward any items of Metthut mac be of fulsdrtil local luipcrtone towarrant their publication.

As an Indneement to ret up clubs, we hareadopted the following aaaseof arte,, which are

. our currelil offlce . i(l- - aof: JfiW JiVf WJ

ue tiopy. one yeajr ss noTo ctnb of ten or more, each 4 Sti

twenty or more, : : 4 v


HEBREW llfB lASaSKA.-- . S3T.

1 Tlsrt, Mth Septeanher1 Kheavan, lUth October1 cawle u. ftth Kovsanberi Tebeth. u nsosmri.r..I rneit. Tib Jaaoary1 Adar. Vh Kebrmaiy,1 Wad-- . h Hates,1 Nisaa, Ui Anril1 liar, tub May, ...XZ.1 ell Mia. 4Ul 1'1 Tliamtn. t'h1 Ah. Sd Auiro1 Klul, 1st

rear. '




IDGSS.AwoiaoMA. Se. 1V Meet" lit

evev iiiot.lt al ll.i4-- r .liowand Main. UlC. Trader, W. St., H. T. Turnlinson. Hoc

Boitu NltrHP.each rassitr Mj

J. T Bellar. W.Li: I. a Hcott. No.

month llall. eoAiMiie. w. v.:

Hiltos, No.month tM- - Ke!W M ; W. H. Bi

Kn.wiajenan. la.of ear wellV urtl.ani.

paatK ".ar.



tlrtd-K- lews'P

Fr" I'ouueii.

lUj J. W.K.P.. RTBVPX.A:

CTraa'a t'OT.n.anderi'. t.inoittu.

VI tf

AND bCO'lTISHStrert.

H saa rs LodjteSlated Comniuof inoati



CoSSl-STOB- or




JtUnkM tf




llnnlif laear.


m i.


it P.l tth rldTsireet John J.

w. M : K. nden, 23d. Sec.ASCII.

Ho 4. ofA. J. WL.ee.ar,

11. H. Pay uter. St.


each mootTh. 11.

Noday of each








par each


Hall. John mmt

Masts tb Mod.John 7m. Com.; N. J.


uiahtM .; caartes al. Carroll, lth. ..

js lediLe of Periectlou, liih.; i. 1Meeia ma Weuneaday of aaQhraaalh UxorsM..,erh. ad. .'. E'i A. A. Fi an k land.

Casi MtA encil at Pr aces J ernaalaav lath- -;






Beni. K. JJd Tacb,-- . tJiUUt.'U.CHAPTKB

Charles Adaoultueon. C iSet ".

DTl'Lasso. P.

William V. ItnfliWl






tl r

, il.


st h



Rose crolx. laui., 1.CM, at.'. ; H.T.T(tu- -

i'., ;

mt TsNBisrK. CM. JohnIn Chief ;




(jastaaaL 8riaanrrs-ln-- c

is. i, IstT,

and tfc r Mini)y. via.

I pi:ius


MeeUd Mondsr


Henry Comm..



Traiaaupon Koad will run as lo lowsElpress Train -- l se Mernpai. every

day (Kunday eM.-1'U-- t ! " m . luiikincit aaaul" at lluiiioovli with M il.

i J .cason, Treulaa, TaMann, radaeah Coluuibus, and at Cairo withlllnisaaCaMutral Ka.lroad lor


"iu'ir:iiii tnil Jill pointtt Rasi. A 10,NMJabvlMf via Cirktvtl kn hours, ho J toLaHltSTtti

WITHOUT CHANCE OF CARSMaklDg eWww? ronnpcttonfi tber Witt; Jeffenowi- -VlllC lilTOtad

FORALL POINTS EAST,Mea. hian New Vorfc at p.m , beinz

Nhrtrte-t- , Brst and Qilrkest ItoHtr

To Mew fork and all Eastern Ones.

Mail Train at 4 p.m. even- - Jay. toplni atall Btaatoaa, uiaalua connect. on- - for

ill. PwfBTC BMT, WEST i'B KTI.







4t I T HOI T ( H AM.K OF AR-- S

Mevpinc latra on all Sight Trati ii


n.vilm-- nr.,



Atv ... t n.






.. ;



sleanphis SiSO am. and

tickets ate: all mformailou,Maun iAre-v-

, andof Mslu street.

IS AM .JONTXUwaeri.1 Haperl'iMi, dent.



'or ok .ioi. i ., urn ueve







at at





Onlueabta. Nashville, Uouis--

Ai ihei4aitora, tot al iices la EasternUeosa.it, Neath .i.d Carollaa,

VeweAf-""'1- 'Tl eeuaa Mall msnnlssl Wsaad JuocUuli..li tran for ncltoar asal Jackaou. Tann.At luawar. Ut Ala s. Pulaski, aIsCoIusb- -

buv N,hvd'e,ete.At (."battauiHa Mail train, ninuea for eaiae

et and fun hSo 13 Uouri


I lianioiid 1,ftMKCJJ Heeeip ln forf till. oln nail ny r:isl or river.

lead tlass sealed l .n.New York-- W.Ji





K- -a. Ul.






h "tf

. o, i rj

a s

o c.

Hon apply at

Kin, t.AKeUL.






MILLINERY,Oar. BUin and Jeflemon Streets.

THE MISSES QUINLANJwwsAlA. iecpt of lsra svud ctirelul

AKJC of Ue most eleafsuii

Of ib Wbbxb. vbleh dermlnllSjftlff



u attAj iiwuet: aaa lira us.IbvT OO Mad to lKKHk)

snliswt aim

WEBBERHouse and Steamboat Roofer

al,K dealer In llnsftan Uum asW phetTlmxaruJMd XooHu Iui. rtedwlii mTimi fart nnT arlo preparation




OoBffftlontry l 7 Vsrtetv,And all of Ike beat quality, rrsaataally on hud

and lor oat al prima to anil the lime.A LARGE LOT OF TOYS.


Of .superior TlutAge.

WEDDINGS AND PARTIESscpd wh wrm, -e- e.





WUo!ui and Retail


in Tm ported

Ctnn,Ac Trent Street,m MEMPHIS. TEWsT.


.l KMASULife Insttrance Company,

80 Broadway, ITew York.


JOHN H. FRERICHS,302 Nam Street,

Geaeral Asat Tor Wrttrra



Assets 1st over : SL50U,000.

D. A. J AM 4 RY, : Preoident.J M C AS, 1 icclTesiileii!WN. T. SKI.HY. : Secretary.WsL M. BES I O, en'I Ag nt.

DIREOTOHS:Jame. H. Lucas, Oterstolz,Mamnel Wild, Sick. Se.he.vr.Boot M. runkhoaser, Wtllsssn T.G iy.Clsaa. H. Peck.Rol.t. K Wood.Jules Valle.(teo. R Rohlnsrm,Chaa. W. Mct'orJ.Johu f Thornton,hen. M. Knnyan,


as siiv olgerd tsPrn.1

j are divided

on o

It Is inpaid git.i.eeein tL-- .

. M. 1).


rc.pany Poheiea



VA9IS05 STKK4T, DeSoto Block.


litisGeneral Agents, Met

West Mausspwhom all ai'pllraliou m

Agencies aodreased.



Madison Street.

f. W.Bmlth


W. Trotter,

a p.aiuith.C. Partee.

. Ooronna,

A. P. Biirdltt.

1 . Clrode,

Oscar Minor,

H. A.

Kapoleon HU1,

S.. U

-- And-




AS. H.

R. P.lsaae W

Win. J. !' is,V. Jr.,

Hon. Hu

lames livesHall. t'onrt




lu this city In

tm. 11



par sV uaesatto

shoe tie









B Abstract

Preiddeiit.V s'l andhec'y.



lvkl Keith,








W. H.




Term.,Fund Arfcinti











Kdward Warburx,


NOsUUs President.




i il- T.i


t. sf.J. W.


J. J.


L. M.

H. M.




J. K Secretary.

Company in now tfnerJ I n- -

1 I'tt-K b byotf elty anI biuiu-pt- inn. lu uatitoduHiHif 1m hojaiufew to tbe .vlvaaiatcof bdlb tb C'omj-aiu- y aud Ihe Policy Holder-

: :


uib'21 m


S. B W11.I.1A.MSO.H,A C. I'llUI'WU.:,.

: : Secretary.





Cloths A asimprTs Just Uecolved,

asrW.M. KllOKKIS, fonuerty withPower A McUeoy, can he here ready I"waft i his old and new customer.

myl lira

cuat. St a. aiToai-T- .



Merchant TailoringUj K make every aariuent oarealTV naarauteeHaiisfactlon all case.apt Is


Dmaa, SCOURING, gaijmztt

SEP AI BINlOaa ml watkOrl DUtlC bf


ISAAC ISAACS,54 2 Jefferson Street.



dofngHu.u--- . owned





All JbW XCUUHl With laaaWlatjBBB SaJOaJ

aVlati t liLirtJ AM,litaiaWtiU a;Uar4VtJ Ltftod WQS1work in aonc niur3


The floeat, aiuat varied and complete stock of

CLOTHINGKoreserrp owned by

J. H. WAOQENER,I. now retailed KKLOW Ku



ctiMT, by





L.. FRAIt. C AkMST&OW,A ot of rurchaaer. Th whole of tea,

varied sIk- ol In- - t'ri k.A i'Uriluooiai evp.h aaot n MKMPina

Most be Sold wittn Siity DaysThose who sail Oct will have the f rat choice.

Possession of the tioase must tie ivu withinstxly days.

CALL AT ONOEtVUy ami Trunin Supplied,

H 'lit.;, -- at, ami Retail,mm tf


Corner Maaree andir hav










more than a years' trial of their accuracy,eu a trciui experience iu the business, (aaon mistake having o. urrd la all that ilasei,w aie enabled to furnish euaplete deralan-menaa-

bile to allPort Pickering, Memphis and Shelby

County Lands,a aa aba a aaBBat al sa fa mmi . .son.hie lenu. a. J. CAM PsiKLL a



"Rt.tlYIKi.Maximilian', experiment cost

$3fK,o010N. aud probably his life.Wonderful to relate, the sultan of

Turkey in to vle.it Paris.Ta rammers in Ruse ran America

last about twenty minotea.-- The applioationa for divorce in Chl-cajr- o

average four per day.A temperance convention for thestate of Maryland lacalleii to meet in

Baltimore.A m.n has died In New York from

hyiirophobia, although tfoe hut deathhe did not remember to have been bitten.

rnrrmas Austin, of NorthfleM, N.H.dleil on Sunday, ared one hundredyear and nine months.

La--t week, in Cincinnati, a lariv oversixty-tw- o years of age gave birth to trip-lets.

Some freed men in Montgomery,Ala., have organized a debating society.

A spring of dear, cold, and soajk- -

ling water burst up in one 3the streets of Patterson, N. J., last Hat ui -

day.Mr. Benge, ot Miami county, Ind.,

r.H n tJ ' .hot a inru n .i., -yard of Mr. Jackson, playing around likea kitten, and apparently enjoying itselfheartily.

The strawberry season is nearly overin Charleston, but blackberries are abun-dant and cheap. Wheat will be ripe ina month, corn is Ave or six inches high,and potatoes are in full bloom.

The attorney-gener- has given a de-cision in regard to the effect of a presi

iiaeiy to result ; UIJ,m the of skirta t i lerabie depletion of the treasury, is by a Land of mohair,Dr. Daboey, author of StonewallJackson's biography, censures Oen.Joeeph E. Johnston's denial of the prac-ticability of going to Washington, afterthe battle of Manassas, in a seven-colum- n

newspaper article, full of testimony from-- inordinate officers, and ends by sayinur :" All I can say is, that I have beard hiicsay what 1 have atataji."

A planter in Leon county, Texas. liasbeen furced by the military to supportthe families of some negroes that werexuied on his place.

James Ferguson, of Benham, Texas, wilh narrowwishing to sun-ide-

, recently of small silk tassels electricity. methodsinto a prsveyard and cut his throat.

A guard in charge ol two prisoners,undergoing some punishment at Lyneh-btiri- r,

Va., one day last week, desertedwith the prisoners, leaving his gun andaccoutrements.

(Jen. tiillem, one of the negro bureaugentry., reports from Mississippi that"there is very little chance in the mar-riage relatione of the freed " Theystill continue to "take op together" astsfore toe war.

The French emperor has commis-sioned several naval officers and hy-d- n

irrapliers to proceed to varkins pointsof the iflobe in order to determine a cer-tain number of fundamental meridiauswhich will serve to fix the geographical

ii. on or intervening points.Ii-


Nearly one-ha- lf the members of themnectk-u- t legislature, or 104, are farni- -

in.i all but twentyefour are marrietl.rate The . l.ui member is seveuty-nin- e years


of age. the youngest twenty-thre- Uov.Jjaigiisb is nfty-fiv- e years of age.

- At Na-an- , New Providence, oneHaaday, recently, a portion of a baptist

,n tr re-r- ion were ataidenly inimersetiin the latptlstery. The joist and brick

flooring of the front etps gaveway, precipitating those above into thetank.- The I niversalists of Vermont haveraised fifty dollar for a uni- -

versity at Barre, and the building is tobe at once commenced.

Maine has iu operation at present! twelve railroads, estendine an aggregate

distaui e of 873 mitea. The new roadsnow (.tiil'ling are ten ta number, and

I will run an aggregate distance of 458j miles.

The first of July, it is said, is to betbedav on which tl.e new dominion of1Canada will go into operation, and itwill hereafter be a genera day of rejoic- -

in the provinces.No less than fifty-tw- r. churches ltd -

been consecrated in Landon a the pastfour years, and this exclusive of all the '

temporary iron churches which havebeen erected.

Jas. Alexander, of Parkeviile, luii., i

is the father of fourteen children, sevenaud of round

raised families biacknow living, lie nas one hundred andthirty grandchildren, one hundredeight great grarsdchildren, threegreat grandchildren. His posterityin all numbers two hundred and rJfty-flv-

Trie Lynch bun; Sfwx learns that onthe 1st of June the Adams express com-pany will retire from the Virginia routesand transfer them to the Southern ex- -press company.

The government life saving commis-- ion has oucluded its labors, after having been in session thirty-nin- e days andexamined tiiree hundred and rifty-tiv- e

lifT'ereut devices. It is believed theirreport will do oaocb toward decreasingthe destruction of life at sea.

The annual meetintr of the board ofdelegates of American Israelites willtake place at Philadelphia aest week.The sessions will commence aa thechambers of the ."seventh street ua-gogue

ou Monday, May JTtb, at 3 p.m.Pike'- - New York opera boue is

nearly completed. The is eighty-tw- o

feet wide, seventy-si- x feet deep andforty-nin- e feet high. It will satat 2500persons, and its coat is estimated al a

j round million of dollars.I A Frenchman has invented a gunj which is to 1 fired by electricity. Two'electric batteries are inclosed in thestock, the conducting; wires from whichemerges at the surface nsr the breech.Off a simple arrangement Uiey can be'connected at pleasure with a isiaatinum

inclosed within the charge wtiteo iaignited.

" Blaekbird of Sonr," is the term ap-

plied y the London Km U Blind Tom,who is annul performing at t. James i

hall. His power-- s of musical imitationaxe prououuesd " superhuman."

A curious strike has occurred in anKnglisli mine the boys striking againstthe men. A fine had been imposed on j

several of the lads for breaking lamps,which they deemed unjust. The rest of

'the boys, forty in number, made com- -mon cause with their comrades, and re--fused to go down the pit uuless Use lineswere remitted. The result was that thatworking of the pit bad to suspended, i

The men had gone down were ob- -

liged to return, and some f.iur hundredminers are in cotMetjuence thrown out ofwork.

A " tin " wedding was observed af-

ter an unusual manner, in Vermont, theother The d with a youngfellow, takinif with derail the "tin" herhusband had saved in ten years. Thaidiscovery of her absence of course closedthe festival.

8ueh has been tha influx of invalidsinto Florida that hotels cannot be builtand enlarged fast enough to aooommo- -

date them.A Boston locksmith has rarritsbed

three hundred and forty duplicate keysto one club room established to checkmate the state constables.

c. off .Nashvillenillowe of his bed, said he had by aecident put tbem mts bis earn for wads ofcotton.

The Muucio ( Ind. ) Guardian tells astory of a reputes I who set all j

the susceptible girls oi that city eraay, j

rjirted and promised to marry a score ofSea, finally got drunk, got in jail, andwas Dy a cuulriDuiion ironihis friends.

Railroad men in have de--

cided to cover the cuts in the mountainsto prevent their being tilled withsnow is winter A very strong speciesof roof must be devised.

A radical organ advises that con-

gress forbid the Alabama legislature tocall a new county " Diaie."

-- China baa population : w,iju,uuopeople, and her rulers govern an area of1,0V-,-. urn square miles.

The Boston Itt strawberriessell at a quarter of a dollar a smell inthat city.

Much of tbe land bordering on theHt. John river, in Florida, has been pur-

chased by northern men, who have em-

barked in the cultivation of ora gas.Tbe consumption of beer in England

is increasing. In 18.i7 there were 17,4,-77-

barrels brewed, whilst in, 1) therewar barrets brewed, as

of over forty per cent. Tbe ratioof increase in population during theaarae period was but six per cent.

In 1IW6 the American Baptist publi- -

oation printed 171, OOu.lMX) pages ofreading matter. The Home Mtneionaortiety, during the year, employed 317missionaries, who baptized : : convertsand bad 38,71:1 children in the mission8abiath school".

A man named jonnson was roooeu$4u"' In a sleeping car on i- '

..iT..i ..llr.1 . lew mirhtx uu The CUmotiey waa ail subsequently recoveredbv tbe detecUvea,

West Virginia has a coal bedextends over 40,000 aeres and is sevenfeet thick.

TweBty-flv- e of the forty-fo- mem-baa- s

of the senior class at Phillip'."Andovar, Mass., hav been ex

peifed for going out of town without

A new religious journal nas Deeustarred IB

CO.. l?T7L7L'lauAi U osooeaaor. to Bond at to the rave.


fashion far Jnae.reran Madame aVetiiorcat's Mirror or Fnahlon,

flat Jane. ,One of the styles of morning drees is

of dotted muslin, the skirt made narrowat the top. ami wlthaetngledeep flounce,edged a plain hem, aad pat on withbot little fullness. High body, edgedround the throat, and down the front,with narrow Valenciennes lace, aadwide, open sleeves with a short puffedundersleeve at the top.

Another style of morning dress is ofwhite French print, dotted with blaclt.This skirt also is made with a deepnounce, inmiueo wim uireerowsoi verynarrow black vine leaf boniering, whichacenmpanieh the drees. The flounce isheaded by a strip of the same. The belt,and the bony, winch is made with adeep pointed yoke, are trimmed to match.The sleeves are shaped, and trimmeddown the back, and upon the curT.

A third atyle of morning dress gored )

is of plain blue cambric, trimmed withwhite braid ia two rows, to similate atunic, and with three round the bottom

the loog skirt. The is trimmedacross the descending inpoints, back and front. Sleeves flow-ing, and edged with three rows of braidto match the skirt. White crotchetbuttons down the entire front of thedress.

Walking dress of lilac-stripe- d mohair,the long skirt scalloped out round thebottom, and edged with a black silkbraid, which is carried up between everyscallop, aud separates them. Short sac,the edge iiuisbed to match the skirt.

Short walking dress of light icray mohair, with small paletot, ornamentedwith plaiting of blue silk. This plaitingedges the skirt and paletot, ornamentsthe tops of the sleeves, and descends

dential paruon mat is tn front the


The petti- -coat similatedtrimmed with lengthwise straps of bluesilk.

Carriage dress of cbene silk, dovecolor, gold dots. It is cut in theemsjire style, with a very long train, andworn with a black lace burnouse, andbonnet of blue crape aud lisse.

A dinner toilet dress for a young ladyis of white muslin, with high tuckedbodice, and loog Grecian sleeves,trimmed with lace. Around the ..tttomof the skirt is a narrow flounce, alsoedited with lace. A peplum of blue andwhite stripe.1 silk, trimme.1

commit went blue satin, When those are pot











and narrow fringe of pearl or crystal1 leads.

A simple evening dress is made of'

tulle, putfed over a stiff net skirt closelyi;ored; the puffings are divided by rou-- !leaux of violet satin, edged with narrowblonde. The corslet, with basque at theback, is of violet satin, etixed with whitebead fringe; and the coirlure of violets,with a single white caoielhi.

Another evening dress is of wljitestriped gains tie chamoery, the skirtedged with a dounce, which is headed bytwo rouleaux of maize-color- ed satin. Amaize satin tunic cut in points at theaide, and round at the back, where it isejecpest, U edged with white aud goldsatin, aaade iuto a twisted cord. Thepoints are tiuiehed with gold-dolor-

tassels. A tulle scarf, dotted with gold,commences underneath the upper skirt,aad is tied iu a wide bow, with floatingends, low upon the skirt below.

The new round hats are very similar tothe old mosquetaire shape, only smaller.The crown b low and slightly oval, thebrim narrow and rolled.

The very latesis the chignon hat. Itis in line F.uglish straw, anil lias a nar-row brim, wbi'-- rolls ii( decidedly at theback, but run- - off very narapw in front,wiser it liescends low Upon the forehead.Scarfs of lisest, tijlle, or lace, are verygeneral upon the louud .a..

The above are the pr tailing moniesin New Virrk. The fofluwing are taris- -

esM copied from a London paper :

China crepe has once more come intovogne, and it has happened in this wise :

As shawN have not been much worn oflate, some ladies had their Chmewshawl-- cur up into peplunis, with large

Crep-- J drapes so well that on itsreapprarani in this form it was at oncetaken Into favor, eyep crepe shawlsare to be seen now occasionally.

There are as maoy shapes in patetotsas there are in bonnets, but the lattstniivelties in outdoor covering is the

Imagine a large talmawith pointed euti at each side, hollowedout at the back and with no sleeves.This peplum is made In both black andwhite cashniere, and is trimmed all

iioye seveu girls, thirteen whom wirb irimpand niue of whom are fSoruetimes








and narrow guipure,velvet studded with

jet, and narrow eluny tdgio round thevelvet, is substituted for the gimp. Twolong ends commence at the top of theback of the peplum aud fall severalInches below it : they termiuate withpoints. The peplnm-iuaperatric- e will bepopular at the seaside and spas.

PepibBW JRPile entirely of cluoy laceare IikewiVff the same 'orm. and theyare bordered al! arounJ wit narrowclBny edging to match. (tressee ofcluny lace worn over either blue cr co-ri-

silk, aud mads with both high andlow bodices, with pepluma, to match,are to be seen both at the theater audat fashionable dinner parties. Mmc. tieMetteruich wore the first of these ciunydresses o it maize silk petticoat, aud awide maize seh covered with bouquetsat the back. Yellow, tr;Dge to say, isthe favared color of this very elegantprincess, and she has succeedeu iniwaiting some of its shades fashionable.Her eanisus painted a gold-yello-

aud the Marlou) of Uallifet has oflate adopted the same aLada for herequipages, the princess Ue ateUe.-ni- h

very frequently wears black ami yellowdresses the Austrian colors and thelast time I saw her the dress she worebad a most original effect. The silkpetticoat was the golden yellowshade, and it was pleated roundthe edge in horizontal insteadof perpendicular lines, as is usual, overthis petticoat there was a black silktuuic, divided into two parts: It wasround at the hack. and was trimmed withblasial ilk gimp richly worked with goldbeadts. Tlio small and very short pale-tot had f .: jr. ... sleeves toil, andthese were lined wiUi gotic yellow silk.They opened stirhcieutiy to -- w.w thenarrow underaleeves, likewise of yettowsilk, which were aloaed to the wrist. Thepaletot was trimmed lu mabib tile tuuicwith blackgimp, worked wiUigold beads.

The Hungarian sleeves, witieti atestraight aud open to the top of the arm,and slashed together agaiD with silkcord, are very stylish. As the narrowcoat sleeves are worn under them, manywho are economically inclined are re-

modeling their old paletots with thisnovel eisjeve. This cannot be done withthe other new sbteve, the OaMlee, whichis wide, but require an narrow one be-

neath it.

irATi 1 1 1 1.The Afrssrioasi (Tamn of iSuoijay says

the business of Chattanoowa fur tbe pastweek has been most fnsulferably dull,aud general stagnation appears to havtaken complete control of the city

Z. M. Taylor, of Clarksville, ofTersto be one of one uantjred to give a hun-dred dollar each to build a Masonic,

s, Temperance and City ball,on the site of the old Masonic hall, tobe worth ten thousand dollars when

Tiiesaa? night Dine prisoners escapedTbe itron of a cheap boarding from the workhiHis at Nashville.

when accused of can vmg ate The Unton and fjUtpat'h



up ,






says that a voung man wl use name hadt'ecn published as one of tbe fallen Con-federate soldiers on the sanguinary fieldof Murfreesboro, and whose funeral badbeen preached shout a year ago. sud-denly appeared to bis friends at the oldhooitvtead, a day or twe since, arrivingjust in time to claim his share of theestate which was to have been dividedamong the heirs iu a iiiw days. He hadbeen in California all tbe tlavto hln friendswere monrning him as dead, anil sameback a robust and healthy as when heleft his home as a soldier.

A letter from Gallatin contains thisencouraging paragraph : During a cripto the couutry yesterday va bail an op-portunity to see large fields of growingwheat. They were, without exception,very luxuriant, and almost ready for thereaper. ludeed, we noticed one fruitfulfield, a part of which had been alreadycut. It will be a blessed thing for thepoor when the golden grain is brought tomarket. Tbe present famiue prices ofHour are grinding their faces terribly.

Judge Walker, of Pulaski, is at Kaah- -VlllH.

The Cnion and Disjxtleh of the 30thsays: There are uow 4iu conviota inthe penitentiary the largest number ofprisoners ever tieiu iu uiat institution atany one time.

Tbe same journal nays tbe radicalBilbo is to addreec his fellow-citizen- s atthe Tbe speech, itis naid, will be a dissection of Ktheridgeaud everything conservative.

Chief Justice "Cuane has appointedJohn E. Peebles register in bankruptcyfor tbe eighth district of this state.

T. II. Kainey, knight of the silverstar, carried off the flret prize, at the

of trie



tournament, onBasil I hike waa

tbe 29thnot re

ent, aa expecteu, ana mere were nospeeches OB tbe occasion, though (Jen.Uuarles aud Maj. (Jus. Hwnry werethere.

Thb state department at Washingtonaaade public a Chinese history of theCoiled States, which was written bySeii-- - Yu, during the be was gov.eruor of Fuh-Kie- from 1844 to I860.A high tribute is paid to Washington, astbe founder of the country, and it mild

Indiana for the express pur- - irmtitutioua, which is even compared toin..sjaee of "savagoiy pitcumg iato cnris- - a leature of tlie celestial government.tiao ladies who wear mzxlea hair and The daring author was deposed for hietbiinfs. pains by the emperor in 1850, but through

M. Do Chaillu, the great African ex--1 tbe influence of Mr. Williams, latepfdrar, has incurred the displeasure and charge of tbe United states at Pekin, hetavuked the wrath of the radicals for hi waa nubtieo; ueutiy recalled, aad given a

of the inferiority of the negro position in the toreigu office of th gov- -OamphaU. arumeut.

ELstCTstlC I.18HTThe nineteenth la already most

snicnous among the centuries fargreat inventions which minister to thewants of mankind. Three-tenth- s of itstill remains; and the leaders of progressin science and the arts are more nunieroua and active than ever before. It iscertainly far from impossible that manywho are now living may witness pro-

ducts of genius yet untbooght of, which,for usefulness, may be ranked with thelocomotive, the telegraph and the photo-graph. Indeed, we are not visionary inbelieving that we are already advancing '

Into the shadow of something whichmay be as admirable aad useful as anyof them. Recent advances in scienceseem to indicate plainly the path whichpromises to lead to on of the moat be-

neficent developments,ft has been demonstrated that what we

light, heat and electricity, and sup-pose-d

to be peculiar kinds of matter, are,after all, only forms or modes of motion ;

that the motions which constitute theirpeculiarities have no greater differences




among themselves than the motions of minion Canada is to be organized withour ordinary machines. It has Mr. Bellan as lieutenant andaemonstraieu mat tney oe con- - ampDeii, neiionani, McDougal, How-verte- d

into each other that either of laud, (.'artier. Gait, McQee Longiverthem may be converted into ordinary ' as ministers of state,motion and, conversely, that ordinary Aunatolm, May 31. Themotion may be converted into either convention adopted a billthem. In other their production slavery shall not be inand operation involve simple questions state: but been aboAshedof mechanics. The precise amount of the policy and authority of the Unitedmechanical force required produce compensation cnetderation

and electricity have been exactly thereof due from the United States,and mathematically determined. Thus, Gen. Eckert, assistant sec re --

the force the falling a one tary war, testified that diarypound a distance of 772 feet will produce is now the same condition whenneat just sufficient raise a pound of first seen by him.water one degree Fahrenheit. This ex- - Begistering in South Carolina is corn-a- ct

transformation of falling force into Dieted, 60,000 negroes and 450,000neat may uw accoanpii.-iie- u oeio legisiereugreatest ease. The two verse, however,we have uot yet reached in practice. Jaour attempts by the steam engine to getheat into ordinary useful motion, wepractically realise only about Ave percent, of what we strive after. It is pos-sible that, before the nineteenth centurycloses, we shall learn how to secure all,

nearly all, ua that ninetv-fiv- e per cent,which now eacaef-us- . When we havethat knew ledge, one pound uf fael whichwe use for generating power haveits present value multiplied nearly twentyfold.

The labors of scientific men, withinthe last five years, have developed meth-ods of transforming ordinary force into

folds blue






into the moat practical form, we shallhave electricity so cheap that its appli-cations inawr be multiplied a hundredfold.

Practical resul ts have not been so fullyobtained attempts to transform me-chanical force into light. But what weknow ia sufficient to nil with, themoat exalted expectations. The possi-bilities are too bright even for dreams.The precise amount of force required toproduce a given degree of light has notbeen determined, mainly for the reasonthat it is mi ait,..i ti,at eludes our meas-urement. It is asserted by savana tlaithe strength of a child wooid be sufficientto turn night into day for the city ofNew York, provided that strength werewholly converted into, and should reap-pear as, light May not this be accom-plished iu tlu) nineteenth century?

But, couueruiug eleutrui light, wonder-ful things are already accomplished facts.We have transformer! force into lightthrough the medium of electricity, andthe process has been a success. Such alight promises to come, ere long, intogeneral use.

Tbrouirli experiments in France andKnKiand, and official arrangements fortests in the L'aited States, indicate theimportance attached to electricity forilluminating lighthouses. Trie results at('ape La lieve on the French, and atDungeness on the British coast, provethat," in clear weather, the electric lightia visible seven miles further Z. milesagainst SO) than the best lights ever be-

fore shown at those points; while theadvantages are still greater In thickweather, as its density, whiteness andbrilliancy enable it to penetrate fogs thatalmost totally obscure other lights. The

experiments of the Frenchlighthouse board, corroborated by theItritish experiments, may well encourageour jj.r,encan lighthouse hoard In thetest, about to t,e instituted in this coun-try, especially as this difficulties yhyifccause t he British author ties to hesitateabout introducing the electric light gen-erally along their coasts " lest th- - 'rheavy machinery might breakdown")are understood to have been overcomeby inventions of American genius.

It may be added that the brilliancy ofthe electric light will actually throwshailows from the flames of street lampson a wall distant about 1500 feet, andthat it surpasses sunlight in photograph-ing effecting the object in one-thir- d ofthe time required by Sol himself. Someof the lintish phssographers now use tbeelectric light alight for much of theirwork, especially fer copying and enlarg-ing pictures a profitable part of theirbusiness.

Tlie occasional worjf (ng cf the Atlanticcable both being thrown into one circuitof nearly 5uUu miles, by the inliuites-imall- y

small battery in a lady's thimbleBias ts utterly revolutionised the notionsof electricians and telegraphers ti'iuottrn-in- g

the power required for working thaivast telegraphic circuit, that intelligentpeople are now scarcely surprised at thelatest assertions concerning the illimit-abl- p

resources for cheaply generatingeiectrls: 'n., Tn:! the quality of thatlight compared with solar hgut.

The electrical display on top of theMassachusetts state house one fourth ofJuly nigbt, which shed a flood lighttiat taahleti people to read newspapersen Honton sionimoc, wip; useri'i luui

kliL- -i this terbln calamitv."costly. . r". . - rf .apparatus less clumsy andalso with the " weighty machinery "that produces brilliant results iu fog orclear weather .if the Dungeness light-bous- e

on the British coast. Simplify andcheapen tbt! mode of effecting such re-sults, and what Is thare to prevent thegeneral use of electricity in producinglight? Why should not streets andour harbors, our factories and workshops,

offices and our homes, be thus bril-liantly and illuminated, nowthat American scientific skill has deviseduertain modes of producing electric lightwhivl; arc olaimed to be " more econom- - j

icai and more elective than any of themethods hitherto employed 11

We scarcely open a foreign scientiticjournal without finding allusions vari-ous uses for wuiab electric light are em- -

ployed, or about to be employed. One oftbe latest papers says that one of theselights is arranged for service on boardthe Prince Jerome, Prince Napoleon'syacht not to the vessel itself,but, on the contrary, to throw light onother such as a vessel, or a coast,for purposes of attack or defense. Forsuch uses, in case of fog, thislight promises to prove very valuable, as

at full speed, of lyng-to- , or at an.oborage, can thus be kept free fforn dan-ger ai collision, and, in battle, the ob-ject to be attacked can illuminated," However late in the field of praotioaladaptation," says the Loudon ChemicalXews, " the electric light, once estab-lished on board of a vessel, will becomea necessary adjunct to tbe marine andtransport service," and Invaluable onboard of the Beet passenger steamers." Tbe illumination of this eame Ufbtfor railways, at the stations, and the ap-proaches thereto, at curves, and other-wise." savs a Parisian writer, 'has beentlie order the day, and the subjectdeep study for some weeks past ;" andthe experiments on the isast railway ofFrance are said have been " sueCcwsful, that there is reason to expect tbebest results." Why not this newlight be advantageously used on looouio- -

tiVes .'

Multitudinous ways will be found forem ploy in a light -- o powerful, and soeasily and cheaply geuerated ; and,profiting by experience of " the wayibey oW these things in France" and inKugland, our Auieruian inventors, whoclaim tohavedevisedstill better metboua,can bardlv fail to meet prompt andproper attention from people who are an-

noyed and over-taxe- by the effluvia andenAoriwii of the if. companies.

uiiivi t 1 1 tr aa.Bishop O' Neil Catholic of the Geor-

gia diocese, left Savannah this week forthe grand convocation of cardinals audbishops at Rome.

The Albany .Vetos of the 26th, says r

The recent rain has revived everythingexceedingly, and cotton that last weekwaa thought reedy to die, is lookingfinely. The wheat this locality nowabout ail harvested. Tbe yield in gen-

eral is light, and the crop was also lim-

ited.Mr. John l- Robinson, of Newman,

has the Herald, that place,with some very large ripe cherries,grown on his lot. His early varietieshave ripened and gone.

the purchase of some tnirty miles ofiron, part of which has reached

aud Columbia, and that trackhad been commenced. This is a very '

enterprise, and will lessen thedistance between western state andWashington, by the route through Geor-gia the Carolines, sixty miles.

J. E. Hays, proprietor of the Repib-Usxa- a,

Sued and imprisoned for libel inMarch last, was released by pardonGov. Jenkins, on the 26th ult.

Mercer will be removed toAtlanta, and the Dr. Tucker,D. D., was in Atlanta ou Tuesday select-ing a site for the buildings.

St. Phillips church at!Atlanta, is being enlarged by two wings,giving it fork of a Greek cross, andthe work ia rapidly progressing to com--pUteoo. j

There are forty-nin- e (reeilnien'sagent ia the stale of Texan,


NoonIWBSTsaui AsaocuTCD rasas

.New York, May 31. -- The ofUen. Tope declares that the mayor tookno measures to orevent the dVitiiHiauaesaLwhich everybody expected, and that thecnier ponce was either In i; aipatkywith the rioters or unfit for office. Shep-herd says Kelly's speech was dignifiedand patriotic, and fully aeqaft him oftue cnarge or provoaing tfceKelly delivered bis rloslaiDanville yesterday. Usual crowdbled, with the addition or several ladyteachers of colored schools.

A Montreal special savs new doof



constitu- -ot Clonal

words, thehaving under

to States, iabeat is

formerlyof of weight of of Booth's

in aato

whiteswi'.u toe












of of

to so

iu la







Cincinnati. Mav 31. The Preahvt.rian general assembly adopted the ma-jority report on reunion.

Aaron Jones and Miles McCboi metlast evening anddepoeited thvae hundreddollars each, forfeit money, and willmeet again to-d-ay to sign the articles ofagreement for a prise tight, to csw offin ten weeks. "

Charleston, May 31 A bill ofwaa admitted in the United States

district court yesterday, restraining Fra-- ,ser, Trenholm Co, from disposing oftheir real estate here.

Oen. Sickles will meet President John-- ,son at Haleigh.

Washlugton, May 31. Gen. Thomashas been given full discretionary powersin regard to affairs in Tennessee. Hewill, no doubt, protect the people fromKrowulow'a militia, and sea that Ethe-ridg-

if elected, takes his seat.E. C. Augemar, special levee

of Louisiana, has been appointedmember of the board of visitors forWest Point, this being the first timeLouisiana has been represented ou thatboard since the war.

Toftosrro, C. W , May 31. -J-effersonDavis was enthusiastically received here.He goes to spend a few days at NiagaraFalls, and intends to reside at St. Cath-erines.

LTNVHaritt,, Va., May 31 A freefight eaane off here yesterday betweenmembers of Lnited States bureau corpsauo a numoer or negroes, two beingwounded on eacb side.

London, May 30. Tbe uncertainty ofthe tale of Maximilian creates an intenseand painful feeling Europe,in the house of oomiBons LordStan! y. iu reply to a request for information in regard to the safety of tbeMexican emperor, replied that thegovernment had received no officialinformation on the subject.

Paris, May 30 It is expected that theemperor of Austria will arrive in thecity the first of July.

HiautalPPI ITEM.A mad dog created no little excite-

ment at Hernando oa Wednesday k as.Finally he was killed by Sheriff Bynum,hut, uniortuiiately, not before be bad bit-te- a

several uai ves, bogs and dogs.Col. Felix l.tbauve, an old and tioc

ular citizen of Hernando, left for POilsjFrance, on Thursday last.

The ice cream and strawberry festi-val given by the ladies of Hernando onThursday night of this week was a com-plete success, and tbe Memphis visitors,especially, are unanimous in commend-ing both the excellent management ofthe entertainmen' and the cordial hos-pitli-

extended to visitor from otheruities and' lowiw.

Cl,trm of the rth last, con-tains a list of persons sentenced to hepenitentiary by the circuit court, re-

cently in session at Jackson, for variousperiods from one to twenty years. Ofthe number live were white and ninecolored, three of tbe latter being women.The crimes were burglary or larceny ineach instance.

Tbe town of Tupelo, famous in tbeannals of the late war, is the county seatof tbe newly created county of Lee.

The Purest Rnngt r is the name of anew paper published by Mr.J. P. Dement, formerly of the CarthageHerald.

The registration at Vickburij ia asfollows, Whites, 135; negroes, 374total, 509.

Leonard, 2lth C S. infantry,is on trial before the military commissionm session at Vicksburg, for the killing ofa comrade at Matches last week. BrevetBrigadier General Dudley Is president ofthe court.

The Oxford Paicon of the 25th says :

" We received the painful intelligenceMr. M. Wilson, a gentleman living

thirteen miles southeast of this place, a'ew days since was fearfully mangled bythe running away of his horses, attachedto a buggy. His wife, also, was nwfjfrvbruisetl, pierced by the fall, and theirrecovery is very doubtful. They bad

i,ii.t iu- - .leating what may be profitably by w Lv

less So 7. .








exiint t 'ounee BMBfl of tne litnuienuoiis the killing of Major KrankI'laibnrn, a few days previously, by Mr.Edward Vignee, and says the latter iajuatrned in public for thehomicide.

The editor of th Brandon Miss,Eepubiian has been shown a hen's eggwith a small snake on the little end of it.The snake is made of the same materialas tbe egg shell, and lies on top, but fas-tened to the shell. The bead is flat andperfect, and the tail winds around theegg- -

KKSTVCKT ITBBUa.fie work on the new Gelt house,

is pcogressmg Whenfinished it will be one of the largest and

hotels in America.The Oweusboro Monitar supplies the

following: A gentleman near lion Har-bor gigged aud seined three hundredpounds of fine fish in one of the sluicesin that region Saturday last.

Dr. Thomas Higgias and wife werepoisoned in Owens bo ro, it is supposed,by a negro girl. The poison was administered in sugar, and ' is victimson account of its be ig an overdone

Mr. W. T. Lea, oi this county, shearedseven sheep one day last week, tbe woolq which weisjlied sixty pounds one, ayearliBg buck, yielding nrteen pounds,nice and olean wool. Where is yourblue grass sheep ?

The Statesman says : Thesmall-po- x bas almost entirely disap-peared. We hear of only a few cases mthe city.

n the same authority we give tbe fol-

lowing: The other night, three hand-car loaded with men ar-

rived in Stanford, and proceeded to theresidence qf the gallant Maj. James H.Bridgevater, with the intention, it Is

supposed, of lynching him. On arrivingat the premises tbe mob were fired uponby Maj. Bridgewater, causing tbe mobto disperse. As they retreated throughStanford, they called for a man whomnone of tbe residents seemed to know,and, fortunately, no blood was shed.The mob then










Toe Augusta uironrcrc learns mm aia recent meeting of the directors of theAugustaand Columbia railroad company,the president, Wm. Johnson, reported JAJBalibb













iiouisviile, rapidly.





Gh MOFFATT,347 Main St., Bests, of IstoR,


Ladles' and Trim-mings,

French and German Battens,Fancy Goods, Notions,

Zephyr Worsted,Worsted Patterns,



Dross Cloak


Boulevard Hoop Skirts!01019 Be


No. 153



ModiHon Street.

RXmS. :



names ated depository ash v aav- -U -- tal Afent of the United At at rapltaJ

! point, in the mthe



A.T. LACKY, : !- -

J.J. FKEKMAN. : :Oinactoaa, Aoso WooawaC

Ca.pt. TJ. B. Chatoh, H A. Parte.UMali. M. E, t oenran. A. J. White. 11. T. Tttnson. lohn - Taylor, Mermoan. Tho.j smith. A. T. Lmtmj. W. caaanr. tf


SB. M BAM la.

General Tt.sa.T-- . t- -


American ami EuropeanEXCHANGE BUtNESS- -

PiJTE,FRIB. WlKJIB, - - - -



DefMMttorj and rinanclal mWmX

XJixltod StAteiF. DAVIS, - -

a. c. nnun,C. F. MORRIS, --

T. W. JOHaflTOsf .


. DAVPA,DAN ABI.S.L HOWES.H. ' RR. NK1.KY.a. a. BEAi.'M.ia-r- ,

Hoa. J. W.myfltf

23 i s MA

J. T.

F. M. -

I.J. MURPHY,T. A. EL-ri-

ora o.aT a.J F PRANK.J. T. STRATl'ON


TRia laatsaalaaa at


JL poalta. to buy aud mU-- riiicip.it

ou this



teood- -wyn.

















this section.






sWmitlsMce promptlyk DAaaL



JAMBS UBKa. ?r;lident.W.B. WMI, . . nce-PrelaB- t.


S. FASmWSSTS. .... Caaaaw.


BsBkinic House 19 SadlsonThis lasjBa

n ooutlnuous and sucoeasful operation far thepast ten continues 'rsnsanlaaTSSTtAT, SIC HAN ASV

BAiSKIlfG BTJSIITBSS.Will BaoaiT mills. Bar seat Baa

--ai doretgai A, iMaaeaaaa Watga, oatee.l saawsaa wlliai streets. Meen

Louden leading cities the Unitedstates, ia mm i



pases la taw Bar i

B. S. aTeBT,

fatal I










JSflS U-IB- a, PreaidBBt.tf


SAVINGS INSTITUTION,Baaataa t oawaa, Teawj a Co- -.

Ia. 1 Jefferson Street, Seraphi. Tenn.St K..TOBET ; r. , C. KIRK, Cash.

rpiUN&ACra s Creneral Banking Business,1 Receives liepon nlca in Hold, SlilTer,Kxctiaii. Uovernment SSeeurlties and Unour-rei- u

Money -Collection promptly atteuded



trial MT



J. rifiS. Jr., :

B. t. wABTB, : : : :

allspin I


J. : ; i


of t le


: I

la la dtr. aad ail




atwth re- -






B. PrealdenL


a p.iS

W. W.C P.'Jieo w

K.J. C

14. aP. M.






on an of

at ta



sr to.





JAM. (J. HI 1)1EJI.

E. C.



BANK BnHBIJIO,Corner Madison mm Hsis


BUSINESS;Cot:,, Unemrrant manafand Government Baa aiiaaai

ClletloBS from



No. 393 Main Street.fiTHA" C0B0HHA,

BASm SKIT tit,J.JB55T,





t i







Act of




Freeiilsat.tarry .


pninte in










il. passed December 2th. ltB. an

ise eOectaaf wbica have or aaay aassiKOmeuU among their creditors,'' aotlhst slse sSsssw to holders of ntiPlanters' Bank of Teunesaee to them withLne inderslarnud. ai tlie lluik in .shvlle. be--

PAH ta





the the

me nrst lay etnd idlly-nin- ilSWl, and

for, or wUl be for--be received

of detils the Bank,or alter me ist or jun-

ta WKAVKR,Tranae.

LAW1I1CI 4 il. itlliVo. 9 Ifam Sareat, Mem Yark.

or Sale tf IstdU,


mt ta moat uaral.t iraat atnattfU.JU- - ' L ws--s.

Hi&itolutionHE flrm of PTJCKlSTT A NKKLT is dayoimoived by maUAni J. C. Neruyaioue


rner they

We have secured Ul i""'










J. C. N ft ELY





TTAVIaWin flsa a




i Dernin-i,- - ap ajLOri-- i MPTfTAI. f.l irar i Veil-- .

a safe, certain aad rellsol iwhich tw asar BSBfB

Aainat-wa- ct ia uw wal of death, or them-aaese- a

Masai 1aaeABtM as aa la eaa

associated with dm and ts

Oar lwJTs",e5,"ol. aaMadi'n OrofftSiansa.. Deasto faoek where we will he Sea ja aaaan say information to Uaaws dm- -

law Ua Inestreneaawa J M. MosfAJwaMa,



Fire and 'mmmm Iawnnee mt J . M . E "V J iS ,New row.

11 - ..aVwAjaTI m laspotasr and WoaLasala Dealer .a

mr' ...d mmm mmfew ts 'Mjtxm at i

W Hai BL, esaaaia, TeaaCaterprla Ii - rauce (Of J1.SH TTAJS ia star and to arr- t-

Aasssa. ..jt.oaai.ac XX

i , la hatress ;

Patmua Ia.ur.ar Caaaak.y ntPSiCi."1sh(ajitl .mtajm ia plpea Hollaod aad Setieyim ,:--

JE well estahllehed rpatatlon o, tkw..C'JSniT tuT ".s and 1'aanaahsa. ts asasa ;

waVuf na'f. bUTS. rZZJZn i?--rty Holders who deaire .asaraa. for do BoVjrt '

aaUtar frre or Manne. We represent no com- - a eat Tl as si is, danan les bat those authorize. I bytoeal law. All tosses adjusted and paid thla Parser aai Hntteh Aim:

mSZTST' F1a A Oo. Porter -ii waaatacd naatxa-ve- ty Una;Ownetal lasaranee Aaen. No. 11 Madison walasaas a son Brownstreet lap ataass), Meaaphls, Tenn. apat aaa jta aad qsnw"



Capital, ... $200,000.





T. P. K KN V N

ejrl daw


rtfflre in





take Pire Marina




OFFICERS :W. B. 6REK1 dt W. . . Pteoideat.J1SB8 BLSBS, - -

8. P. It it 9. . - ... scrretar)mhi 1m

B I LSS OWK.V. SB. aooaa.

Owen, Moore & West,AGENTS FOR THEis Hone unmet lompssj.

Of ( 'oltunbaa (Is.Cash TaplUl aad - BUT US SI.

State Insurance Company,Of Nab.vUle, Term.


F.tss Life iBsarsBceOf liartforU

sawsjtts Over . . .

KM yna waul your !

Northtoew.- -i





psits. Ter. i







Property red.ofltr.

Main Maduh7 tm


Stray Cow.TAKES L'P, one dry COW. wuite n.l red.

say lot last wtni r. Tlie ownerwill pleaae prove property, pav cha tee, andtake her away. 0. WHITE Chelsea,


CAjLVARY cemeteryFOR

to .1



or in



Purchase of Hots.Moarliweet corner of LindenOPPIt:R street.. Honrs: to to am..

from US nm.






llBBOlKI A1B H 1'CST ST1TSAIBH1VA5A l.i'T fclil K.l.


H K T sr drawn under Ktaic- Cliartsprs uave1 bttenflrawa 'or orr KORTT VKAK- -.

Bond it moAvL titt ind avre dvpuatafBti with V.Co ltsctor sm

Tne prize miv drsAwsi plite toy twoworai.oiiiuiiMer fpFtuted by Um SwaUt.

Maim hm drawn ir tU k. tm avrv sold or not.

PRIZES ALL CASH.There are two Stat Drawl ntr each day, and

two Biivuua Drawing- - em-- month.Drawlnas ean be seen two hour

ciiaa of Ucketa.One-ha- lf tne Tickets are Prise.Prise paid day of parebaTickets fl to Ml. according toPrise to ainu.iMi, itceonllna toPrincipal Anent. UkU. W. fA.1 VDABT.







a JaBataoa atieet,

IruMee's Sale.virtue of deed of trust to me executes!BY Charles Pfannenesteth oa tbe 'Bah day

ul September. ISA, and duly recorded a theKswi.ier's office or Hh, .by county, tenners- - e.In Record Boon. No. .ir, part second, pass, ass.is and S7U. ix-t- bar IS. UK), for the purpose ofsecuring a uotc ror roe sum or saxty-tw- unn-oted and Thirty-tw- o Doll.-- Stic SS), owed bymm to a. i.eecu, in-- i iy aotnoniy

in me teaeB the properly conveyed 10me in 'aid trust 1 will, on tbe luth day of

uar. sen, on tne pi emtucK. n o'clockaca.lo the htahwst bidder, for caah. the

described procertj- A certain tract orpai of land Mtuaeed. lying; and h. trc is thecity or atetnpius. sneioy county, stale or tenlessee, aeaignt

in and of thetnree nun





original lotsemphla aa of let

aoty-on- e aadthe ill ldeurge

8 feet westward!- - rrora the Interaction olind fhird Stic-1- . neuce eastwanlty

with the aide of Jefferson m 11It termination and Hon with Thirdstreet thence southwardly with the weal side

Third street 1S 't to an alley thencewestwardlv w th the porta side or said alleylttw feat to tasaaa satst of another allevthence northwardly with the east side --eldallay l feet to th boundary line of the

Cromwell let: thane taatwardlysaid Cornwall's south boundary line feetto the southeast corner of the said Cromwelllot thence northwardly with the east bound-ary hue of the said Cromwell lot U'S feet tth beginning, together with all the privneg-e- s

and ipurtec.Anoea tliereonto belonging.The title is Palwvad to be good, but 1 sell only

as Trustee the, right of redemptionTHOB. LKKCrJ.Trusle.

Memphis, Stay 9. ls7. uiylu Lta

Chancery Hair of Seal Estate.On Tuesday--, June 11, 1SOT.

No. 3s N. B. B Baatuel Tat et al. va Lewisttelby et at. Chanoary Court of Memphia.

Tj)Y virtue of an lnterloontory degree ni me nJJ thia caasr, will sell. t pahlie anelioa, tuthe highest bidder, at the Courthouse door. Inth city of Mom puis. Teaoaasee, oaTuesday J une 11,167,

between the hoars of a nt. it at., tofollowing dsseri bed real estate, t: Aesvaain lot or esxce: of ground situate, lying andbelrtg ut Baa by county. Htate of Tenne-ae- e,

aad in the 1th Civil tttr1ei of aid couniy.eaataiBlng -- i.lit acre- - inj fourteen hanuredtcsof an acre, the

knownltam-sa- r

1ve"i.. --nhuivi.iedrod).

loickei's marked Tate.

months, noienwith .ecorlty. interestretained

purchase money.aimliv eoemot barred.



creditors Ma.onehereby notified n.elinsolvency

County Courtof Tipton county. Tennessee,

momhan5a?daSh?or" "SAANPOaVD, Administrator.

Attachment Suit.Oowrt Memphia.ttlaavi. plalntiflk, nil ffswali

defendantisPPiBAVlT tkunt having

having taoaodofficer levied, etc..''fendanu. Uavnie






said withUu1,



, the north oflea No. 17 of subdl -- Ion no. 7, as oatne plan of tne suix. ision oi the jonn

grant of and askw B. A. Kerr and is. S. Lot Ho. 17 a,

on ma T. 14

IBB in ' cred t of stz and twe' vea jd wlta

fsaaa d.y of sale, ami lien tillof ta

of on


flI are


... Ai ci .,

Aof th estate of 8. B.

'hat I haveof mid to tile Clara o ne


nia in c neA L.

fW. B. Co.,a -

A lor altiiie to tins i.iito of

tadon the

J. L A Co.



uer son









icrs. tun



of Cod Ten

It a taerofore ord.-re-d that said waaaaaaaatthe -- ilv Htm.

Jaaa next, aaat ttafand cat salt, satst.will takou lor conaowed them, mat ahatam ul il " " that a copy

I Vasal



hi the tfemphu!JOHN DONOVAN, Clerl

Ua Odtes. M.y A If!.I flfswptja








in otBJ

or Os

a aa toft ' of



IVOr LD call the attention of MKRI MAMSUtAXJLRM in

ALE ASH LAGER BEER,Of my Superior Qnahty,

Which I --an furnish at an

ap m


uueosaacaWoui4 also call

LIQUORS,?l, "''aiujcoaaty Whisky.

-- "ej. amOAS,





i.iorejj nsuidiaaN.irtnr

Xar-in- e


?ZL.CmmmmT kitunipaii)



JmmfLltZ,r,m- -


duly atate aad aatammT'AAintlaey Vrodenburf sate

-- menis










a Yoxae.,a .luoejuesTasssaer Willi . fall uoaA Draft Alas andPorter. French cordial. Iwne.ii- -rMars-- ail whkah will mttmoSm

prtee defy coaaeuuuu" WonXf';.



WHOLESALELiquor Dealers,

981 : MA OT STKEITT : s

Memphis, : : : feiint.'st "JanS

NATHAN BBO.'S Sc CO.,Recond Street,

Oppnatr dowrt -



Foreign Fruit and Produce.w mZ& ."rsa. teat." --sr.nun i a er '

He York.We e'en

I . an


ur 'ir.- -


I to





of be cosat to



T o r


Beat VjN i.r mark Braarll. :- SjeaS Bearhen BTblslrySaerrv aatt Part :!t ttalar. divert rraai :'ite n.rtas ;laillrtralaaines sed Braedie:keaalae P:ar BeiaalrkAnn every nnirle ia theline, too stnuniaj m mention..yef. .""a "f PORal jN PRi IT and PROH ' P. C. 111 ids

I iiy of


i ,





rmn ' I'HIIU rKL ec AND ' HI- ::k - -i awtiBj Afu Usui hu ' :



n i. l.a ..ii HEftavi:HAHDELlJ,. N LfkNTlU-stLI-vv. ...tab


E.SIMPSON&CO.N: 17 Deff Street,


WMesale fesJm and importers


CASH CUSTOMERSWUl and it tTeatly to their Interest to ive oa

a call before nrcbaslnx, sinew here.tf





Trustee's Stte01 teal IstBta, in albse I uaatj

o dlt Hisib. ild:. Tens.. ,i; -BY vtrtn or a Peed of Trust to Tie ei

the ijth day of Jiarcb, . nvWltliauis tor the purpose ol securin. .Wtor the sum of Vortylx TtlllsSMiWu with interest irosa dale, due t

Ively on the 2Mh of December. i.m atday of December, IXB. o Twaty-thr- e

sand Dollars each, owing by him to h .

person A Co., and oy nutnor'ttv :i,to sell the land eoeeyed in --aid : ru --

will. on the BBli day at Mayliootof th hotel a aiasaboldt.lsiosou iTennesHee, betwe-- n the Iioum "ta in. and 4 o'eloek p ai , linm n

recorded n tjitiwin cuuty ; one iru,lag .ere, roaveyed ti. the .W. at rawby by .Med daiy recontedoouuty ; one tea. t conteiuitig ITSveyew to aastt W D. Ply by J p. Wldeed duly recorded in tlibson cotmet onlalbing llflft, acres, con veyW. 1). Kly by lohn Prase oy oeeu luiyone 'ract uontHinliug C acre, con ve,W. D. Pry by Henry Phlllit. h. ....oorded in liioson county ; one tract cI3t scree purchad oy the ssddan, ter a decree of the cuuotyiiounty, .aid tract to 11,estate aud w is .ld Bir psilllaMdebts i ota ether tract containing r.'leaaveyed to said W. D. Ply by i 'harl,ueeddaly reconled m i ibsonc ualy ,

of rusa

Phillips. John imled and J

the south by land iuci nDeU and Mictsjali Ply ; on the .

as wiuiam noon aad ,.i e




'Jainpueii aadTWilllAia Shaw. Po. a mure parUeular illacripuou or aoid tract, ismade to the deed aud decree ahtive mentioned,to said W. D Ply. all of the above dwnb.,1ecntw


having been old un.l- -r1 toWTl). Jones bytireen W l. ,,iov , i

this trnstBanSaaB


'teeuted payment of purchaseas property will be sabdiv ided, andIn no to Ml trnupon one of whicii there st a Une dwelling;

aad all out houses .ind iiutrnv-me- nl -- r- i-ory . being m high state ot colli auo n. with Une01000, etc

A plan of ta subdivision will De exhibitedon day of sale.or Sal. --One- uatf Cash, balance st

beatroaa aaaoaat from date. ciiTed oydeed of trust embracing the atate ie, oa at. thatunder woteti 1 am now aeung. the right ofitiaaaiilsiia waived, aad i he title believed tobe good, bat I will eaavey only such tltleaaktIn me invested,

aasi Wt a. DaX A P, Trust. is

Trustee's Sale9f Seal Estate ia olbse feea it. Tbb

to Be SalB at Humeoltli, olbsua 'tOanl .Teaa.. aa ike Wife Bar ef flay,

ssi i a .sn oi trust execnc-- lA 1 ja byDecember,




wm. l). rly, bearing date Uinnurntsw, i.rcertain dents doa by said Wm. D. IHy .,

u. mmm witicuby autnority vested im me ss T

sabaaltuted by decree of the Conaaon lawcoort o' ihe city oi Memphis, ena tl r haarB.lA7,.n room oi Wm! , ne. de-ceased, I wall, on the jmjt day of . iier;froot of the Hotel at Saaiboldt, lilhaoo Coan'tyTa-- . Oelwsi toe hour of tea o'eoaa7Tavand fonro clock p.m.. .ell to the hnrheai bid- -uei, . ..cii not. oi ana eontaipiPt-IS-

acre situated in (iioson County auaaout lHmllea noriBweataf Hniubiild'being the saiue traut or parcel of 'uu....I o ,ul.i Wm n bi. .... t. .oumoyDetd registered ni :1 glaaq VLtiLsion couniy, so winch is i


traia mt land will be suhdlrhled Intoa the Bll


No i i and 4each, iiuea running

I n K a s uaw-l- t'he purchaserrira 'iaie, anu

braadng saaam now acting.









m.. .

i -





Deed lrust.which I

The of redemption ia waived, aad towtittle be!iTed lo bo good, bat I willnniv such tie Ie in m. v e"-1 . l SAI' 1'ILC -

Chancery Sale ef Seal IstateMonilay, June 3, 18C,r.

&1 N. B. 1 Beiij I. tttldln v. Wm D. nChancery Cotrt of Itemnhia

BY vlrtaaoi aa nterioeuiorj lecrta. in I?5Uty of Memphis, fenn., on '

between hoars 12

Tennessee, knownlot No. .. Block

tiav t

-- ON-

eon- -






th of H am. and m.. the

and deof In



aad.S, ou th anulnslde of

sa st own opon the p. an oi uid cuv ,r t.m.mTmtOayoa street and extending hack KBfeat, said lot lying. aa lhi iai of Baa alkw.lietween '.ot and in wu.l block, aau?kkjio stBmi a IBilisaOji mcntl Note with good seeurtty


TT5 td

be meij to


ATA Of !



.. ..





iu ia city,a ul :.t ml


NOTICE.of the ejeei- - of E. d ' ' - -

notiflod that 1 hav auaiof eaid estate tn the i

County court ef Unaaa cooaty, Tennoese.andah aradltor of ah ornate are aoilBrd to dietbatr claiaaa, duly aothentlcatssl, within sixmontha from toe date kiwtof.ac tis notice wtil





by eBaT







leraof the

r a fiAWWivr i hsinislralrrTaw ' aptsf

iaaSaaNaA T the Jaa Term. iiwt. at :JiCoup

Lettersaamual c--. aaaawawa.


mm. I- -



