The media technologies I used throughout construction, research, planning and evaluation stages.

The media technologies i used throughout construction,

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Page 1: The media technologies i used throughout construction,

The media technologies I used throughout construction, research, planning and evaluation


Page 2: The media technologies i used throughout construction,

Panasonic HD DV camcorder

I used the Panasonic camcorder to video all of my music video. This camera was the best camera I could have used, as it videos in HD and has a variety of different functions to get the best videoing quality and outcome. I think that without the use of this HD camera the final quality would of been poor, grainy and possibly pixelated. This video camera allowed me to have a steady hand whilst doing the body cam with its ‘steady’ function. Along with the camera I used lights for the white room video sections, as well as a tripod which I used throughout. Without these two items my video may not have been the best standard possible.

Page 3: The media technologies i used throughout construction,

Nikon D60 DSLR

This camera gave me the ability to produce high quality pictures for both the digipak and advert. Along with the use of the camera I used a lighting kit; which without the use of the Nikon I think the lighting kit would have been to bright and overriding to the person in my picture, but as the camera has many functions like; it can automatically optimize your pictures, improving fine detail and allowing a smooth finish and it creates natural contrast even with bright background lighting.

Page 4: The media technologies i used throughout construction,

Adobe Photoshop

I used this software to create and design both my digipak and advert. This software was a huge help as it had a variety of functions such as easy brightness and contrast changes and its overall ease to work with and find the different functions needed. If I wasn't to have access to this software I think that my digipak wouldn't of been able to be produced at such high quality and may have produced pixalated images. This software was most

Page 5: The media technologies i used throughout construction,

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro was the only piece of software I used to create and edit my video and without it my music video wouldn't have been possible. With the access to premiere pro I was able to have use of a wide range of tools/functions which allowed me to make a high quality video such as colour correction, split-screening and transitions etc. If I wasn't to have access to premiere pro I think that the video wouldn't have had so many effects, wouldn’t be finished at such a high quality, and would have been overall harder to produce and a lot more time consuming if another program was to be used.

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YouTube made a huge contribution to the research and planning stages, with finding existing media products from both other A2 students and professional videos and looking at the different videoing techniques they have used. It also helped with looking at other artists videos for inspiration and ideas. It also helped with embedding purposes when wanting to show on blogger what videos I have been looking at. I think that without the use of YouTube I wouldn't have been able to get much inspiration and ideas to adapt upon.

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Facebook was the main social networking site I used. It was a huge help with gathering target audience feedback and getting improvements on the ideas I had already come up with. This gave me a chance to input all of the production work I had created and gather feedback from my target audience (yet at time most people ignored the posts). Without the use of facebook I think I wouldn't have been able to adapt on my ideas from the feedback some target audience members gave us, and ensure all my work was suitable for them.

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Blogger is an important website that I've used throughout all of my coursework stages, to record all of my research, ideas and final pieces etc. With blogger I was able to give more information and detail on the work I have created, keep all my work together and presented nicely with embeds of videos, images etc. So without the use of blogger I would have no clear way of presenting my work as a whole and evaluating upon it.

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Google was the search engine which helped me a lot throughout the whole of my production work. It was a great help during the research stages of my work, when finding images, looking at other media products, researching on the artist and overall gathering ideas.

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Prezi was helpful during the late stages of the research and planning purposes when I wanted to present my rough ideas to the class and teacher. It was an easy way to present my work as a whole and get quick feedback. Without the use of this I wouldn't have been able to present my work clearly and it detail as a whole.