•V T WEDNESDAY, JUNE lttfc THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS PAGE *\1 PENNY WORD® ' DAY 7M TIMES-HERALD WANTS Phone 500 WILL GET THE RESULTS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Phone 500 fiVvji. PENNY; WORD DAY AGENTS. WANTED—GOOD LIVE AOENT IN each town who wants to double hie income. Write (or particular* to lomeatead Real Estate Loan Co.. 'tret Njjtl^nl Bank Building, Grand AGENTS—LET TJS BROW YOU HOW to make bis money selling new pat- ented specialties. Write (or new Rummer catalogue. Western Supply Houee, Sioux Falls. 8. P. AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALE—FIVE PASSENGER AUTO- mobile, thoroughly overhauled and In >' excellent runhlng order. qulek sale. Apply Grand Forks. 4X4 A snap (or Cottonwood, BUSINESS CHANCES _ ONLY HOTEL IN THRIVING orth Dakota town; Junction point and county seat Commercial men make-It their home. Beautiful dining roem; large cellar; barn; cistern, well, hot water heat. Must sell on account o( poor health and too old to con- tinue In business. Part cash, balance In Installments. Address C. O. Chose, Stanley. N. D. FOR SALE—CONFECTIONERY WITH soda fountain; only one In good town, doing good business. Address 144 Times-Herald. FOR SALE AT ONCE—ROOMING house, cheap. Best location In town. ' <Call Mrs. Busch, Wlttelshdfer Block. CHIROPODISTS SR. J. C. ANSON CHIROPODIST Expert on all (opt troubles. Corns removed without pain. Ingrowing nails and bunions scientifically . treated. Clifford Annex. DeMers Ave. Trl-State SI4M. Northwest- ern 18801* MRS. M. C. PEIRCE 8RD FLOOR ONTARIO 8TORE C orns extracted: Ingrowing nails and unions treated; electric foot massage. CHINA PAINTING. UBSSONS DAILY. WHITE CHINA (or decorating. Firing. Tuesdays and Fridays. Western Art Supply Shop. Over Northern State Bank. FARM LANDS CALIFORNIA LANDS FOR SET- tlera and investors, on easy terms. Alfalfa and fruit lands, with abund- ance of water, at ITS to |150 per acre. Close to good markets. Full information freely given. Write T. B. McManus * Son. Bakersfield, California. FOR SALE—840 ACRES. UNIMPROV- ed. Dawson oounty. Montana. 98 per acre. Choice (arm land, good water, abundance of coal, bumper crops, ten miles (rom N. P. railway. I( you are looking (or if Investment or a good home, look tnls up. Special reason (or filing. C. B. Hanson, Dickln- . FOR SALE—640 ACRES OF LAND one mile south of Great Northern roundhouse. Inquire of Daniel Per- kins. WANTED TO BUY—HO OR 820 ACRES N6rth Dakota land. Must be cheap. Address 148 Times-Herald. SMALL GROCERY STOCK FOR SALE. Good location. Address 139 Tlmfcs- Herald. DRESSMAKING WANTED—COMPETENT DRE88MAK er wants sewing by the day. 1214 Northwestern. WANTED—SEWING BY DAY. 203 North Third street, East Grand Forks. FOR SALE—Furniture FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP— Chairs, range, coal stove, sofa, table, rug, sideboard. 619 Seventh avenue. CASH PAID FOR SECOND HAND stoves and furniture. Phone (SO and ask (or McKensle. 187 RJThlrd St FOR SALE—ALL KINDS OF HOUSE - hold goods. 523 North Third. 425M, Trl-State. FOR SALE—KITCHEN furniture. Call 118 street, RANGE AND Cottonwood FURRIERS FUR GARMENTS STORED AND RE- paired at special reduced prices. 8, Friedman. IS So. Fourth St HELP—FEMALE STUDENTS WHO WISH TO ATTEND the university summer school can fS Tn hy waiting on table ai the University Commons building Write or. phone Miss Treen. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL work In hotel. Good wages.. Write 8? J?" Welcome Hotel, Southern, N. D.. on Soo line. WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing or ironin jMrs. C. 8. Dow, 10# Fourth avenue. WAJfTEjD-^L&T „C0*»t DINING &0OJK girl and kitchen help at the Golden Wfst hotel, Glenburn, N. Dak. VAJ TED GIRL FOR GENERAL ho isework; county hospital. Arvllla, N. D. Wages $26 per month. WAHTED GIRL FOR GENERAL hotsework. No washing. Mrs. T. J. Snath, 881 Belmont avenue. Kemie, ED—GIRL FOR, HOt ' place, good wages. J_ 201 Walnut street WANTED—GIRL . FOR GENERAL SSMiraSu. «.M- 0 ""*- VAHMD - EXPERIENCED WOMAN cow and dining room girl. Occident- al Hotel, Cassation, N. D. , •4 <b r * < It f •<• ED AT PALACE HOTEL— chambermaid, dish washer and short order and pastry eook. a L' WANTED-—BREAD AND DESSERT eOQk at University Commons. Both ijmones. Miss Treon. W4NTED^-GOOD GENERAL GIRL, wages 925 per month. Hotel Glad- stone, Overly, N.D. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL FKKAIiE HELP—Continued. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. 612 Sowtft Fourth street WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. #19 North Fourth street PANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, ill North Third street WANTED —GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. (02 Belmont avenue. GIRLS "WANTED TO WORK ON mangle. Troy Steam Laundry. KITCHEN GIRL WANTED AT RES- taurant. 417 DeMjers avenue. » WANTEtV-TWO WAITRESSES, THE Beach Inn. Lakota. N. Dak. WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER AT ONCE. Apply Box B9,' Sarles, N. D. GIRL WANTED AT ST. MICHAEL'S hospital. Both phones SM. TWO PANTRY GIRLS WANTED AT Hotel Daeotah at once. WANTED DISHWASHER. Northern. -HOTEL HELP—MALE ABLE BODIED MEN 'WANTED FOR the U. R Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 86. Must, be native born or havs flrst jpapera. Monthly P*y to Hi. , Additional compen- sation possible- Food, . clothing, Quarters and medical attendance free. S r »V service can retire with 75 ner cent o( pay and allow- ances. Service on board . shlo and " ore In all parts of the. wo rid. Ap- tl. a Marine Corps Recruiting Forki N. D. * Avenue. GroS WANTED—A MAN OF FAIR INTEL- llgence, qualified to call upon mer- chants and physicians and explain our credit reporting system; also a very success(ul method of collecting old accounts. anf to --T- -—-—. Position Is permanent and earnings from 925 to 940 weekly - willing worker. the United States. Write the Mercan Our territory Jubany X^'Y 1 Reporting Agency, WANTED REGISTERED PHARMA- clst or assistant, North Dakota. Must t be sober, industrious, and take teai intereit In the business. We can and will make It worth while (or the ' wht man; one frho'speaks Scandi- navian pre(erred. Botton Bros., Ed- more. N. D. SALESMEN. INVESTIGATE OUR Ac- cident and health policy; all the old * n °J en . n ?Y features; pays the first week of sickness tor 91 monthly. il'.'S./'u Lfdistrict managers wanted. Merchants' L!(e ft Casualty Stniw ^' ymou *h Bldg., Minneapolis, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. Nocanvasslng or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address Na- il 0 " 11 ., 1 . -Co-Operative; Realty Co., V-U26 Marden Bulldlhg, aWshlngton, F ? RKS MAIL CARRIERS wanted. Average 9»0 month. Grand Forks examinations coming. Specl- ??®" QuesMons ffee. Franklin Insti- tute, Dept. 28819, Rochester, N. Y.. . 8 ALE—BARBER SHOP AND 5?-. ; on J y 8h °P ln town. Reason for selling, have other business. Very J ood opportunity (or barber. Ad- ress 143 Times-Herald. WANTED AT ONCE—HARNESS AND shoe repairer; steady work;..give ex- perience In first letter. . Joe Kavon, Plentywood, Mont W ANTED AT ONCE—AN EXPERIENC- ed butcher. State wages wanted In D. MARKET CO - Souse work; no Washing. »*lett, 9U Belmont Mrs. L. C. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL &,°^£^ ork - . M f»- w - H. Witherstlne, 710 jBelmont Ave. ^ANtED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. J. T. White, 411 Franklin avea<«e. > WANTED •work; gfHUk ,Jk» avenue. BARBER, WANTED—FIRST CLASA job: wages 915 a week and half over 925. Barrlball Bros. Cando N. D. BARBER WANTED—FIRST CLASS workman. At Butler Barber shop. Grand Forks. N. Dak. WANTED—A GOOD BLACKSMITH AT once. Best of wages paid. Apply to C. G. Jackson, Grafton, N D. WANTED—NEXT AUGUST, A NOR- weglan clerk .(or general store. Ad- dress Drawer 29. Fisher, Minn. WANTED LINOTYPE OPERATOR. Couple of months' work. Day shift. ' Evening Times News Room. BARBER WANTED AT BROWN'S barber shop. South Third street WANTED—MAN AND . WOMAN FOR farm. J. Nelson Kelly. TWO STRONG BOYS Congress Candy Co. WANTED AT CARPENTERS WANTED AT MEL- by & Standal's. WANTED—BOY AT LOGAN'S to help In dining room. CAFE HOUSES FOR RENT WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW. ' ' FOR RENT. ^ •' 936.00—7 room all modern house, Uni- versity avenue. 9100.00—AH modern store; good loca- tion. !f5v°2r- A l , .. moa ® rn store, good location, 9125^00—All modern store, £ooil toen- ail modern store, good {16.00—SmaJl modern, store,. 1-7.00-5' I'Qojn hoAiSe .oh v Dell avenue. 920.00—4 room house, all modern but bath; Kittson avenue. 960.00—New ten r6om house, furnished; June 20th to September 20th. 916.00—5 room, house, .city water, sewer and toilet; North FpUrth street 916.00—5 room house, elty water tree; . North Sixth street •10.0ft—Furnished room, all modern. 917.60—Six roomi tlon. 9150.00—Good location. w'ood floors ^ -S I ns, all modern, hard- ; Wi" '' alnujt street. FOR SALE. 1226 00—Lois on Cheyenne avenue; easy terms. 9660.00^—60 foot lots on University ave- nue; easy terms. 11,400.00—New 5 room '• house on Util' verslty avenue. V - i-../'» W. H. KBLSEY.'c.^ FOR RENT—HOUSES 124 N. 7th St. 8 rooms; (ull basement All ijnodero and corner lot Large yard. 945.00 per month. 7 room house. All mffdern. Close in oh 8. 4th St f38.00 per month. Strictly all modern 7 room house lb ' south end. 9*0.00 pier month: All modern, 8 room house on University Ave. 990.00 per m'onth. 6 room . epttage. Close m, south end. 926.06 per month. Fl*e room cottage on Second Avenue. 918.00 per month. Two room cottagis, hot^h end. 96.00 per month. Six reopis. «11 Modern fiat 9S7.$0 per , month- . I room house on. Chestnut street 919.00 per month. ••, T 7 room house on Dell Avenue. 916.00 j per month. room house, south 4th Street 912.60 . per month. IS room houae .on Cottonwood Street 926.00 per month. \ 6 room cottage on Ion« Avenue, 916.00 ^ pit month. ^ 4 rpom holise, JOS Euclid Avenue. 912.60 j_ per. month. , . : T , tW' latge' ofllee rooms. Oyer Greav Northern Express Co's oflce. 990.0U ^•r^ntonth. a »»— smsi»%. iw l.Vifr'a;*". atMTi £{ j. rarris.-" muttiat s i ggJJtg gi c.rT\S3 5®^ HOUSES FOR RENT—Continued. FOR RENT—JULY 1ST, 6-ROOM COT- tage, all modern except hnt: hard- wood floors and gas stove. Inquire M. J. Colton. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM DWELLING good as new. Security Real Estate and Loan Co., 25 South Fourth street LOST AND FOUND FOUND—GOLD WATCH FOB. OWNER call Times-Herald. FOR RENT—PARTLY FURNISHED house or unfurnished; water, bath and gas. 619 Seventh avenue. FOR RENT—MODERN COTTAGE AT 603 Walnut street Inquire at Grif- fiths' Tailor Shop. HOUSE NO. 855 BELMONT AVE. FOR rent See C. L. Graber. Both Phones 98 or 629L Trl-State. FOUR ROOM FLAT FOR RENT—IN- quire Room 2, Gotzlan Block. FOR RENT—HOU8E AT 713 COTTON- wood. Inquire M. F. Murphy. MODERN FRONT FLAT IN block for rent. July 1st. SPRIGGb HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—SIX ROOM HOUSE, CEL- lar, city water, hardwood (loors downstairs. Price 91.100. This is 9200 less than It would cost to bulla the house. The lot is worth 9300. Fifty (oot corner, University avenue, southeast (ace, 1&00 block, 950o. Fifty foot, 8eventh avenue, 9400. . 89 lots, VUlard's addition, 81,800. Will sell separately at 940 per lot. This is less than half the price asked tor adjoining lots in either Wlllmar's or Holes' addition. M. W. Duffy, 817 Cherry street. LOST—3 TEN DOLLAR BILLS. RE- tum to Times-Herald for reward. LOTS FOR SALE. F( ?5_ , S A£E—THREE FIFTY FOOT lots ln University Place, opposite col- one V locl f, fl ' om state unl- Tlm&ke 8 ^ ln aUOy - Addre3S 138 ofFvr £ » R SALE - INQUIRE 214 North Second St., East Grand Forks. Tri-State East 2 2 OR. LUMBER WE ARB SELLING LUMBER AT LOW ffire wi?h u«. V# Grand"^ork^ Luin- Both C pfione." t 43^ ran(1 F ° rks ' Mlnn " MISC.—FOR SALE. FOR SALE—A MODERN BIX ROOM house; a.five room cottage, bungalow style; three acres o( ground, and carpenter shop. Mrs. Geo. Jause, 624 Griggs avenue. MY MODERN 9-ROOM HOME, COR ner Fourth St, also Klssel-80 auto, good as new. W. R. Lash am, 602 & Fourth St SEVEN ROOM garage (or sale. Wldlund, Room Building. RESIDENCE AND Inquire o( A. I. No. 204 Wldlund FOR SALE—MY HOME, 604 BELMONT. James Elton, City Scales. FOR SALE—SIX ROOM HOUSE, ertson Lumber Co. ROB- HOTELS ^•wrtiy . European Transient Finest Cafe in Northwest HOTEL DACOTAH Commercial Headquarters Rooms 91.00 Up Recently Improved European inest and Busiest Popular THE COLUMBIA European Priced Cafe ROOMS 50c UP in the Northwest EAT AT OUR CAFE Quiet, Best Ventilated Hotel ln City. American Transient Family Rooms 91 HOTEL HALL 311 S Third HATTERS. LADIES' AND MEN'S HATS CLEANED and reblocked. All kinds. All shapes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wilson, Ho- tel Daeotah. WE MAKE YOUR OLD HATS NEW ; again. 8. Friedman. 12 8. Fourth St. LIVESTOCK GREAT HORSE SALE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 26 and 87 AT FARGO, N. D. *00 head of good, sound . horses of all classes; forty well broke and weights 1800 to 1600 pounds. 50 saddle, ponies, -50-Indian ponies. This.: Will be our greatest offering of horses of the year and eV-' ery person who desires either; one- animal or a car load' should attend. ^ MARK-WESTERN HORSE CO. FARGO. NORTH DAKOTA FOR BALE—WORK HORSES, BROOD mares and colts; also a few register- ed Chester White boar pigs.- Albert Kovar, Route 3, Warren, Minn. .. LOT OF POLL DURHAM AND Jhorthorn bulls for sale. H. A. ' Struts, Thompson, N. D. "BUGGY 3 u|re T. . team Laundry, City. HORSE FOR SALE—IN re T. G, . Nelson, Grand Forks FOR; SALE-rlMPROVED YORKSHIRE pigs. W. C. Nash. East Grand Forks. . TERRIER Fourth street PUPS. COW FOR SALE—INQUIRE 428 nont ' •_ v "White we are no highbrow, an art *U«r)r ,.«jwms » better show liin a packing house. ^omnwlr^ft «°5 ICB MACHINE Kas engine, can "•erted Into A gasoline engine. rnach, J lea are ln Urst olasa r?ihc !°'i„ an A Car J be for the P r ' c e- Apply to H. Moedlnger, N. Fourth St., City. 11 SA »^t~. BAB J, ES SHOES. SOFT-SOLED, any size, black, colored tops, laced, or it??.'' v cents P atr ; also pink, £=}» T, 4 e ' shoes - laced, 36 cents Ea« W prepa ' d - H. Harris, 536 W. 145th street. New York City. FOR SALE—ONE "EXCELSIOR TWIN" motorcycle with Presto Tank and Old Sol light, luggage carrier with cushion, and extra Inner tube, at a bargain. Good as new. Address 141 Times-Herald. FOR 8ALE—GOOD SPRING DELIV- 5T? •JJ a . eron ' double or single. Call 418 Walnut street, or 685 N. W. FOR SALE—1913 YALE TWIN Mo- torcycle. Good as new. Apply Ed. Stinson, Grand Forks. FOR SALE—GOOD SIZED SAFE AND Apply to W. D. Russell, City. Northwestern 157. MESSENGERS 80 EITHER PHONE BRINGS QUICK* SERVICE 80 MONUMENTAL WORKS MONUMENT W. R. J&ck. MARKERS VAULTS Grand Forks. N. D. PERSONAL MUSIC—SEND 10 NAMES OF YOUR musical (riends, together with 10c to cover mailing expenses, and wt> will send you free one 50c copy of sheet music. Address Schubert Music Club, Lansford. N. D. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—TWO NICELY FURNISH rooms, or two connecting rooms as bed room and sitting room. Referenc- es required. 208 South Fourth St., Or Inquire M. Raines, at Panovltz. FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS WITH hath, 918. Also one large room, 913. In Improvement block. Phone 1164 L Northwestern. FOR RENT—ONE LARGE MODERN furnished room with bathroom in connection. Centrally located. Phone 1401 Northwestern. FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM, all modern house, suitable for two; gentlemen preferred. 617 Walnut. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS (or housekeeping. 315 International avenue. 9l2. SIGN PAINTING Carriage, Auto and Sign Painting MAURER SIGN CO. 808 80. 3rd. N. W. 661. Grand Forks. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED PRINCIPAL (man), and assistant (lady), desire positions in the same school for com- ing year. Address (or summer, Prin- cipal, ill Eighth street North, Fargo, N. D. COLORED MAN AND WIFE WANT situation. Both good all arounc, workers. Can do any kind of work. Also day work and washing. Tele- phon? Trl-State 144. Brooks. WANTED—POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper on farm by widow with tw«. children, age 8 and S years. Address R. E. Paterson, Hannah, N. D. POSITION WANTED BY LADY AS housekeeper on farm or ln town. .References. Address 145 Times- Herald. BOOKKEEPER WITH MANY YEARS' experience desires position; best of testimonials. Apply P. O. Box 253. WANTED—SUMMER PLOWING—TEL- ephone Tri-State 801J., or inquire 807 North Fourth. STORAGE STORAGE—FURNITURE AND GOODh of all kinds stored. Low Insurance rate. O. J. Barnes & Co. STORAGE IN FIRE PROOF BUILDING. Panovltz Furniture and Carnet Co. " TRANSFERS M. W. DAY MAKES A SPECIALTY OF handling heavy freight, household goods, pianos, safes, drayage. Large storage warehouse in connection. Phone N. W. 837: T.-S. 837L. TAILORS A suit made as you want It made— and which wouldn't fit another person In the world but you Is "worth while." The cost will surprise you—agreeably. THOS. GRIFFITHS. TAILOR. UNWILLING TO PREDICT JjMHPER CROP (Continued from Page 1.) FOR RENT—ROOMS WITH PRIVATE bath. Odd Fellows* block. O. A. Webster. FOR RENT—FURNISHED* FRON1 room, downstairs. 410 Chestnut street FOR RENT—SUITE OF FOUR ROOMb in Gotzlan block. Inquire Room 2. ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN house. 609 North Seventh street. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM OV- er Holseth Millinery. FOR RENT—FURNISHED North Seventh St. ROOM—14 FOR RENT—ROOMS. Fifth street 111 NORTH FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—113 Walnut. RUG WEAVING. GRAND FORKS RUG CO. WILL RB- make your old ingrain or Brussels carpet Into a new. brilliant rug. Phone 1088L. N. W.: 708B. Tri-State. SHOE REPAIRING PAT ?• PARCEL POST Send for pete* - Madsen-8orllt Co. CHARGES list Shoe as 1911. However, ahout 40 per cent of the present crop has been sown ln stubble with insufficient cultivation. A large portion of this stuff Is being abandoned. Probably cultivated wheat is looking well, the plant is strong and the color good. Flax is coming forward all right. Seeding of flax is about completed and the acre- age is probably 18 to 20 per cent less than last year. LaMoure county: Farmers Eleva- tor company, LaMoure—Wheat crop about 84 per cent; flax crop about 80 per cent. Logan county: c. H. Chase Lumber company, Napoleon—Where wheat crop has been put in properly it looks fine. Flax crop good. We have had sufficient rain and good weather. Crop a little late. Morton county: Farmers Elevator company, Mandan—Late sown wheat full of Russian thistles. Wheat and flax outlook very fair. Acreage: Wheat 100 per cent; flax 75 per cent; barley and oats 125 per cent. Mountrail county: Arnold Bros., Stanley—Wheat and flax outlook fair. Nelson county: Hartin Grain com- pany, Lakota—Expect a half crop of wheat if weather is favorable from now on. Flax acreage about the same as last year. Pembina county: Victoria Elevator company, Pembina—Wheat and flax outlook fair; flax acreage about the same as last year; wheat about 30 ner cent less. Ramsey county: Farmers' Mill and Elevator association. Devils Lake— Wheat outlook is less than average; flax average small acreage. Crons are weedy. Ransom county: Baldwin Elevator company, Wahpeton—Flax acreage about the same as last year. Good fair average crop of wheat and flax promised at present. Sheridan county: Andrews Grain company, McClusky—Wheat just fair. There will be very little flax in this section this year. Stark county: Farmers Grain com- pany, Dickinson—Wheat and flax out- look fair. A lot of flax will be very late and so will some wheat and other grains. Steele county: Northwestern Ele- vator company, Finley—Outlook is good. Two good rains fixes the crop Just about right. „W ard county: Farmers Grain asso- ciation, Minot—Wheat outlook pretty good now; flax not up yet. Flax acre- age about 40 per cent of last year. PYTHIANS' TO MEET State Organization Will Hold Forth at Fargo Next Month. Fargo, N. D., June 25.—Much of the' business done at the regular meeting of the local lodge of Knights of Pyth- ias last night was the consideration of arrangements for the entertain- ment of the grand lodge which is to meet at the Fargo castle hall. Tues- day and Wednesday, July 15 and 16. Chancellor Commander Hardy gave an outline of what was expected of the entertaining lodge and he ap- pointed the following local knights to co-operate with the grand lodge com- mittee for the big gathering: Jacob F. Schoeninger, George Wilson, Charles Wilson and Vice Chancellor Enge- bretson, ex-offlcto. Among the enter- tainment features will be an auto- mobile ride over the city, including a tour of the proposed new boulevard, or river drive, also the visitors will be guests of the Fargoans at a perform- ance at the Orpheum theater. It is expected that several disting- uished Pythians will attend the meet- ing in Fargo as a matter of great im- portance to the fraternity will be brought up for consideration. « WIND TURNS OVER HOME. The Markets * * * * * * * * * * * * « * Market Quotations * ****** ** * * * * Furnished by Chas. E. Lewis and company. Grain and Stock Broker* Security block. Grand Forks, N. fit JULY WHEAT. . ChL Minn.- Dal Open 90| .901-90 .... High 911-91 .9l| .912-91 90i .891 .90J—91 Close 902 .91 .9i|s SEPTEMBER WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dal. Open 90|—J .92 J High 9li .93) .94-1 Low 90 .91S-92 .93 Close 91s ,93| .94-1 DECEMBER WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dak Open 93}—9 4 .941-g .... High 93|-| .95-1 .... Low 921 .931 .... Close 931-J .95-1 .... ST. LOUIS. _ Dec. July. Sept. Open 87 J ,88| Close 872-88 ,R8g .91} KANSAS CUT . Dec. Juiy. Sept. Open S4S .85} .881 Close 84 J .86 .88J-89 NEW YORK. Dec. July. Sept. Open 99 8—4 .97J .99} Close 992 .98-4 1.00 WINNIPEG. Dec. July. Oct Open 98 .93 .92 Close 98}b . 938 .92b CHICAGO CORN. _ Dec. J:ily. Sept. Open 59} .602-1 .57|to| High 60} .61}-| .58} Low 59} .60} .571-4 Close 60}b .61}-| .58}s CHICAGO* OATS. J?®?- July. Sept. Open 39} .402 .411 High 40J .412 .422 Low 39} .40} .41} Close 402 .412 .422 CHICAGO PORK. ^ July. Sept. H'&h 20.97 20.70 L? w 20.80 20.57 Close 20.80 20.60 MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT. Puts, Sept 928-1 Calls, Sept MINNEAPOLIS CASH CLOSE. No. 1 hard 94 No. 1 northern 92}@93| Arrive 92}@92} Special arrive 93} No. 2 northern 90}@91} Arrive 2 hard Mont 90 @91 No. 3 northern 88}@89| No. 1 durum and arrive.. .93} No. 2 durum and arrive.. .91} No. 3 yellow corn 56} @57 Arrive 56} No. 4 com 52}@541 No. 3 white oats 372@381 Arrive 38$ No. 3 oats 34} @36 Barley 47 @,59 £' a * 1.34}@ 1.341 Flax, arrive 1.33| Rye, and arrive 54}@56 DFLUTH CASH Ciocir. No. 1 hard 932 No. 1 northern 922 No. 2 northern 90g @902 Oats, cash 39 g Rye 53 @56 Barley 50 @58 No. 1 durum 96 No. 2 durum 94 Durum, July 95b Durum, Sept 9X2 Flax, cash and arrive 1.358 DULCTH FLAX. July. Sept. Oct. Open 1.321 1.342 1.341 Close 1.34} 1.36g 1.36} WINNIPEG CLOSE. No. 1 northern 972 No. 2 northern 942 No. 3 northern 90} Oats, cash. No. 2 342 Oats, No. 3 32} Flax. July 1.17s Flax, Dec 1.20 Flax, Oct 1.212b MAKE EXAMINATION North Dakota Zephyr Toys With their Homestead Claim Shack. Reeder. N. D„ June 25.—Tit$lr homestead shack caught in a hurri- cane and turned over and over half a dozen times. Mrs. A. Zattman and her guest. Miss Clara Ranum. had a thrilling experience on the Zattman claim, twenty-six miles ' from here. The women ..Anally escaped from the revolving shack after the floor fel: out. They were repeatedly hit in their revolutions by heavy articles of furni- ture and*wer4 severely injured. Seventeen motorcyclists of San Di- ego, Cal., made a two-day reliability run May 30-S1. Between 250 and 800 motorcyclists participated in the recent reliability run of Wisconsin riders. A hill-climbing contest was a fea- ture of the Memorial Day celebration of the Burlington (Iowa) Motorcycle club.'. ? >!•(. ft*" v . •< <w. •» County Books Arc Brine Cheeked up by Stato Examiners. Washburn, N. D., June 25.—C. I. Marley and R. B. Berry, both deputy public examiners, arrived in Wash- burn last evening and will commence today a thorough examination of the different offices at the county court house. It has been some time since an examination has been made of the county offices, and it is intimated the expert accountants will remain here till a thorough examination has been completed. Since there has been changes of heads of the office of public examiner at Bismarck, Markley and Berry have been assigned to the examination of county offices, and while ln Washburn will conduct as complete an examina- tion as they have of other counties over the state which they have visit- ed in the past few months. While there might be no truth in the rumors of a few Irregularities in the office of certain county officers the people here are hopeful they will be cleared up while the examiners are here. DtrST. (Life.) Dust is used for various purposes. At one time It was employed to manu- facture human beings. It has now gone into the making of useful ar- ticles. Dust is used to throw into people's eyes. In summer time it is a perma- nent feature of most of our land- scapes. Servants employ It for the purpose of keeping themselves busy* They remove It from the places where it can be seen to those which cannot be seen—except when you don't want it to be seen. Without dust we should have no vegetables, vacuum cleaners or mud pies. Mixed with rain-water and phosphates, it produces crops. Crops enable us to linger on a while, until we become dust ourselves. Dust Is produced by a difference of opinion between two molecules. They rub each other the wrong way. They do this to raise the dust. After all, that's about what all of us are trying to do. CMC PRICES * SUCHTIY MR Market Weak at Start, But Soon Turned Firm and Regained Loss. . Minneapolis, June 25.—Rains were reported ln both the American and Canadtan northwest and this caused a lower opening. After the first trans- actions the market eased another half cent and then turned very Arm and all of the early loss was regained, prices •; at the close being a shade higher than > yesterday's closing figures. j Liverpool wheat market closed 1-8 i to 1-2 lower than yesterday. Antwerp wheat closed vnchanged. Berlin closed 11-8 higher and Buda- pest 1-8 lower. Primary receipts today were 644.* 000 bushels. One year ago they were 236,000 bushels. Shipments today were 611,000 bushels. Tear ago 85#,- 000 bushels. Very little rain was re- ported in South Dakota. Good ralne reported ln Iowa. Minneapolis September wheat clos- ed at 93 1-8 bid or 1-8 higher. Juljr wheat at 91 or 1-4 higher. Chicago July wheat at 90 t-4. 1-4 lower. September at 91 or 1-8 higher. CARS RECEIVED. , « Chicago. Tear Today. Con't. Est'd. Ago. 120 90 121 30 436 231 482 <59 338 27 387 848 Wheat Com . Oats . Wheat Flax .. Wheat . Corn ... Oats ... Rye ... Barley , Flax ... Duluth. Today. Tear Ago. 134 IS 41 T Minneapolis. Today. YearAco. 146 87 13 8 20 XX 6 2 25 Winnipeg. Today. Week Ago. Tear Ago. Wheat ...103 138 >87 LIVERPOOL. Liverpool opening—Wheat 1-8 to 1-4 lower. Corn unchanged. Liverpool, 1:30 p. m.—Wheat 1-8 to 3-8 lower. Corn 1-4 to 1-2 lower. FOREIGN CABLES. Paris opening—Wheat unchanged to 1-4 lower. Flour steady, 1 cent higher. Buenos Aires close Tuesday—Wheat unchanged. Corn 1-8 lower to 1-8 higher. Antwerp close—Wheat unchanged. Berlin close—Wheat 1 cent to 1-8 higher. Budapest cloBe—Wheat 1-8 lower. ••••••••••••••a MARKET GOSSIP. * ••••••••••••••••a Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "It was the gossip of the wheat traders last night that should today's weather re- ports show good general rains over the northwest that prices will go lower. Bulls have faith in the 90-cent level as the pivotal point until there la » sufficient large movement of winter wheat to permanently depress prices. Uncertainties in regard to the north- western wheat crop condition made most traders go slow on the selling side.- At the same time the bulls are not getting enough help from the out- side to carry prices up very far. CORN—Com specialists attributed the advance of about one cent yester- day as due to covering of about 800,- 000 bushels short corn bj- local specu- lators. It was also the gossip that Patten was also a moderate buyer, taking in corn sold on the recent bulge. Cash sales of wheat were 150,- 000 bushels, corn 165,000 bushels and oats 230,000 bushels. No export sales were reported at seaboard." Every lnvestlgati6n conducted by a man you don't like Is a farce or a political movement It Is sometimes hard tor the father of a large family to understand peo- ple who adopt children. j THE WEATHER. Wichita, Kan.—Clear and hot, ho rain. Kansas City and St. Louis—Cloudy and cool. Good rain last night. Bloomington, HI.—Raining and cool. Springfield, 111.—Cloudy, light rain this morning. St. Joseph, Mo.—Part cloudy, light rain. Nebraska City—Had one inch rain. Hastings, Neb.—Good rain. Northwest—Partly cloudy, 66 to 70 above. West—Cloudy, 58 to 76 above. Southwest—Partly cloudy, 64 to 78 above. Canadian northwest—Cloudy, 48 to 68 above. Forecast. Minnesota, North and South Dako- ta, Nebraska and Kansas—Generally fair tonight and Thursday. Not much change ln temperature. •" ^ *********** « Grand Forks Markets. * *********. * * « Wheat. No. 1 northern No. 2 northern No. 8 northern No. 4 northern Rejected No grade .... 45 lb. bright . 43 lb. bright . 41 lb. bright . 37 lb. bright . No. 1 No. 2 Rejected .... No grade .... Barley. Flax. No. 2 No. S No. S white . No. 4 white . No. 3 mixed No grade .., Kye. ... .82 ... .80 / % ... .77 "<• ... .78 V ... .88 ... .63 ... .43 ' 4 ' V ... .41 •V? 5'?'^ ... .39 ... .38 .8120 v-j; . 1.15 ...x.xo >..1.08 y- ; . .45 . .42 . .81 . .81 .. .8* . .39 •4J BREAD AS JAG CCBB. .. ^ (Springfield Republican.) A new use has been found : for bread—curing drunkards. The method in which bread is employed ha« been tried in Sweden. Tkke patient reetv- lng treatment for dipsomania 'tmtlli to eat bread soared In wine tor a week. At' jthe end of the week tfec patient hi revolted by the slci*t «p scent of liquor; It Is not ssserted tftSt the cur* Is permanent.,, mm

The Markets a CMC PRICES * SUCHTIY MR · 2017. 12. 16. · Forki N. D. * Avenue. GroS WANTED—A MAN OF FAIR INTEL-llgence, qualified to call upon mer chants and physicians and explain

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Page 1: The Markets a CMC PRICES * SUCHTIY MR · 2017. 12. 16. · Forki N. D. * Avenue. GroS WANTED—A MAN OF FAIR INTEL-llgence, qualified to call upon mer chants and physicians and explain









each town who wants to double hie income. Write (or particular* to

lomeatead Real Estate Loan Co.. 'tret Njjtl^nl Bank Building, Grand

AGENTS—LET TJS BROW YOU HOW to make bis money selling new pat-

• ented specialties. Write (or new Rummer catalogue. Western Supply Houee, Sioux Falls. 8. P.


• mobile, thoroughly overhauled and In >' excellent runhlng order.

qulek sale. Apply Grand Forks.

4X4 A snap (or


BUSINESS CHANCES _ ONLY HOTEL IN THRIVING orth Dakota town; Junction point

and county seat Commercial men make-It their home. Beautiful dining roem; large cellar; barn; cistern, well, hot water heat. Must sell on account o( poor health and too old to con­tinue In business. Part cash, balance In Installments. Address C. O. Chose, Stanley. N. D.

FOR SALE—CONFECTIONERY WITH soda fountain; only one In good town, doing good business. Address 144 Times-Herald.

FOR SALE AT ONCE—ROOMING house, cheap. Best location In town.

' <Call Mrs. Busch, Wlttelshdfer Block.


Expert on all (opt troubles. Corns removed without pain. Ingrowing nails and bunions scientifically . treated. Clifford Annex. DeMers Ave. Trl-State SI4M. Northwest­ern 18801*


Corns extracted: Ingrowing nails and unions treated; electric foot massage.


(or decorating. Firing. Tuesdays and Fridays. Western Art Supply Shop. Over Northern State Bank.


tlera and investors, on easy terms. Alfalfa and fruit lands, with abund­ance of water, at ITS to |150 per acre. Close to good markets. Full information freely given. Write T. B. McManus * Son. Bakersfield, California.

FOR SALE—840 ACRES. UNIMPROV-ed. Dawson oounty. Montana. 98 per acre. Choice (arm land, good water, abundance of coal, bumper crops, ten miles (rom N. P. railway. I( you are looking (or if Investment or a good home, look tnls up. Special reason (or filing. C. B. Hanson, Dickln-

. FOR SALE—640 ACRES OF LAND one mile south of Great Northern roundhouse. Inquire of Daniel Per­kins.

WANTED TO BUY—HO OR 820 ACRES N6rth Dakota land. Must be cheap. Address 148 Times-Herald.

SMALL GROCERY STOCK FOR SALE. Good location. Address 139 Tlmfcs-Herald.


er wants sewing by the day. 1214 Northwestern.

WANTED—SEWING BY DAY. 203 North Third street, East Grand Forks.


Chairs, range, coal stove, sofa, table, rug, sideboard. 619 Seventh avenue.

CASH PAID FOR SECOND HAND stoves and furniture. Phone (SO and ask (or McKensle. 187 RJThlrd St

FOR SALE—ALL KINDS OF HOUSE -hold goods. 523 North Third. 425M, Trl-State.

FOR SALE—KITCHEN furniture. Call 118 street,

RANGE AND Cottonwood


paired at special reduced prices. 8, Friedman. IS So. Fourth St


the university summer • school can fSTn hy waiting on table ai the University Commons building Write or. phone Miss Treen.

WANTED — GIRL FOR GENERAL work In hotel. Good wages.. Write 8? J?" Welcome Hotel, Southern, N. D.. on Soo line.

WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing or ironin jMrs. C. 8. Dow, 10# Fourth avenue.

WAJfTEjD-^L&T „C0*»t DINING &0OJK girl and kitchen help at the Golden Wfst hotel, Glenburn, N. Dak.

VAJ TED — GIRL FOR GENERAL ho isework; county hospital. Arvllla, N. D. Wages $26 per month.

WAHTED — GIRL FOR GENERAL hotsework. No washing. Mrs. T. J. Snath, 881 Belmont avenue.


ED—GIRL FOR, HOt ' place, good wages. J_

201 Walnut street


SSMiraSu. «.M- 0""*-

VAHMD - EXPERIENCED WOMAN cow and dining room girl. Occident­al Hotel, Cassation, N. D. ,

•4 <b r

* < It f •<•

ED AT PALACE HOTEL— chambermaid, dish washer and short order and pastry eook.

a L'

WANTED-—BREAD AND DESSERT eOQk at University Commons. Both

ijmones. Miss Treon.

W4NTED^-GOOD GENERAL GIRL, wages 925 per month. Hotel Glad-stone, Overly, N.D.



housework. 612 Sowtft Fourth street

WANTED — GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. #19 North Fourth street

PANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, ill North Third street

WANTED —GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. (02 Belmont avenue.

GIRLS "WANTED TO WORK ON mangle. Troy Steam Laundry.

KITCHEN GIRL WANTED AT RES-taurant. 417 DeMjers avenue. »

WANTEtV-TWO WAITRESSES, THE Beach Inn. Lakota. N. Dak.


GIRL WANTED AT ST. MICHAEL'S hospital. Both phones SM.

TWO PANTRY GIRLS WANTED AT Hotel Daeotah at once.




the U. R Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 86. Must, be native born or havs flrst jpapera. Monthly P*y to Hi. , Additional compen­sation possible- Food, . clothing, Quarters and medical attendance free.

Sr»V service can retire with 75 ner cent o( pay and allow­ances. Service on board . shlo and " ore In all parts of the. wo rid. Ap-

tl. a Marine Corps Recruiting Forki N. D. * Avenue. GroS

WANTED—A MAN OF FAIR INTEL-llgence, qualified to call upon mer­chants and physicians and explain our credit reporting system; also a very success(ul method of collecting old accounts. anf to

--T- -—-—. Position Is permanent and earnings from 925 to 940 weekly

- willing worker. the United States. Write the Mercan

Our territory

Jubany X^'Y1 Reporting Agency,

WANTED — REGISTERED PHARMA-clst or assistant, North Dakota. Must

t be sober, industrious, and take teai intereit In the business. We can and will make It worth while (or the

' wht man; one frho'speaks Scandi­navian pre(erred. Botton Bros., Ed-more. N. D.

SALESMEN. INVESTIGATE OUR Ac­cident and health policy; all the old *n°Jen. n?Y features; pays the first week of sickness tor 91 monthly. il'.'S./'u Lfdistrict managers wanted. Merchants' L!(e ft Casualty Stniw ^'ymou*h Bldg., Minneapolis,

LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. Nocanvasslng or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address Na­il0"11.,1. -Co-Operative; Realty Co., V-U26 Marden Bulldlhg, aWshlngton,

F?RKS MAIL CARRIERS wanted. Average 9»0 month. Grand Forks examinations coming. Specl-??®" QuesMons ffee. Franklin Insti-tute, Dept. 28819, Rochester, N. Y..

.8ALE—BARBER SHOP AND 5?-. ; onJy 8h°P ln town. Reason for selling, have other business. Very

Jood opportunity (or barber. Ad-ress 143 Times-Herald.

WANTED AT ONCE—HARNESS AND shoe repairer; steady work;..give ex­perience In first letter. . Joe Kavon, Plentywood, Mont

WANTED AT ONCE—AN EXPERIENC-ed butcher. State wages wanted In


Souse work; no Washing. »*lett, 9U Belmont

Mrs. L. C.

WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL &,°^£^ork- .Mf»- w- H. Witherstlne, 710 jBelmont Ave.

^ANtED — GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. J. T. White, 411 Franklin avea<«e.

> WANTED •work; gfHUk

,Jk» avenue.

BARBER, WANTED—FIRST CLASA job: wages 915 a week

and half over 925. Barrlball Bros. Cando N. D.

BARBER WANTED—FIRST CLASS workman. At Butler Barber shop. Grand Forks. N. Dak.

WANTED—A GOOD BLACKSMITH AT once. Best of wages paid. Apply to C. G. Jackson, Grafton, N D.

WANTED—NEXT AUGUST, A NOR-weglan clerk .(or general store. Ad­dress Drawer 29. Fisher, Minn.

WANTED — LINOTYPE OPERATOR. Couple of months' work. Day shift.

' Evening Times News Room.

BARBER WANTED AT BROWN'S barber shop. South Third street

WANTED—MAN AND . WOMAN FOR farm. J. Nelson Kelly.

TWO STRONG BOYS Congress Candy Co.



WANTED—BOY AT LOGAN'S to help In dining room.



' ' FOR RENT. ^ •'

936.00—7 room all modern house, Uni­versity avenue.

9100.00—AH modern store; good loca­tion.

!f5v°2r-Al,..moa®rn store, good location, 9125^00—All modern store, £ooil toen­

ail modern store, good

{16.00—SmaJl modern, store,. 1-7.00-5' I'Qojn hoAiSe .ohv Dell avenue. 920.00—4 room house, all modern but

bath; Kittson avenue. 960.00—New ten r6om house, furnished;

June 20th to September 20th. 916.00—5 room, house, .city water, sewer

and toilet; North FpUrth street 916.00—5 room house, elty water tree;

. North Sixth street •10.0ft—Furnished room, all modern. 917.60—Six roomi

tlon. 9150.00—Good


w'ood floors ^ -S I

ns, all modern, hard-; W i " ' ' alnujt street.


1226 00—Lois on Cheyenne avenue; easy terms.

9660.00^—60 foot lots on University ave­nue; easy terms.

11,400.00—New 5 room '• house on Util' verslty avenue.

V - i-../'» W. H. KBLSEY.'c.^


124 N. 7th St. 8 rooms; (ull basement All ijnodero and corner lot Large yard. 945.00 per month.

7 room house. All mffdern. Close in oh 8. 4th St f38.00 per month.

Strictly all modern 7 room house lb ' south end. 9*0.00 pier month:

All modern, 8 room house on University Ave. 990.00 per m'onth.

6 room . epttage. Close m, south end. 926.06 per month.

Fl*e room cottage on Second Avenue. 918.00 per month.

Two room cottagis, hot^h end. 96.00 per month.

Six reopis. «11 Modern fiat 9S7.$0 per , month- .

I room house on. Chestnut street 919.00 per month. ••, T

7 room house on Dell Avenue. 916.00 j per month.

• room house, south 4th Street 912.60 . per month.

IS room houae .on Cottonwood Street 926.00 per month. \

6 room cottage on Ion« Avenue, 916.00 ^ pit month. ^

4 rpom holise, JOS Euclid Avenue. 912.60 j_ per. month. , . :T, tW' latge' ofllee rooms. Oyer Greav

Northern Express Co's oflce. 990.0U ^•r^ntonth.


»»— smsi»%. iw l.Vifr'a;*". atMTi £{

• j. rarris.-" — muttiat s i ggJJtg gi

c.rT\S3 5®^


FOR RENT—JULY 1ST, 6-ROOM COT-• tage, all modern except hnt: hard­

wood floors and gas stove. Inquire M. J. Colton.

FOR RENT—SIX ROOM DWELLING good as new. Security Real Estate and Loan Co., 25 South Fourth street


call Times-Herald.

FOR RENT—PARTLY FURNISHED house or unfurnished; water, bath and gas. 619 Seventh avenue.

FOR RENT—MODERN COTTAGE AT 603 Walnut street Inquire at Grif­fiths' Tailor Shop.

HOUSE NO. 855 BELMONT AVE. FOR rent See C. L. Graber. Both Phones 98 or 629L Trl-State.

FOUR ROOM FLAT FOR RENT—IN-quire Room 2, Gotzlan Block.

FOR RENT—HOU8E AT 713 COTTON-wood. Inquire M. F. Murphy.

MODERN FRONT FLAT IN block for rent. July 1st.



lar, city water, hardwood (loors downstairs. Price 91.100. This is 9200 less than It would cost to bulla the house. The lot is worth 9300. Fifty (oot corner, University avenue, southeast (ace, 1&00 block, 950o. Fifty foot, 8eventh avenue, 9400.

. 89 lots, VUlard's addition, 81,800. Will sell separately at 940 per lot. This is less than half the price asked tor adjoining lots in either Wlllmar's or Holes' addition. M. W. Duffy, 817 Cherry street.

LOST—3 TEN DOLLAR BILLS. RE-tum to Times-Herald for reward.


lots ln University Place, opposite col-one Vloclf, fl'om state unl-

Tlm&ke8^ ln aUOy- Addre3S 138

ofFvr £ » R SALE- INQUIRE 214 North Second St., East Grand Forks. Tri-State East 2 2 OR.


ffire wi?h u«.V# Grand"^ork^ Luin-BothCpfione."t43^ran(1 F°rks' Mlnn"


FOR SALE—A MODERN BIX ROOM house; a.five room cottage, bungalow style; three acres o( ground, and carpenter shop. Mrs. Geo. Jause, 624 Griggs avenue.

MY MODERN 9-ROOM HOME, COR ner Fourth St, also Klssel-80 auto, good as new. W. R. Lash am, 602 & Fourth St

SEVEN ROOM garage (or sale. Wldlund, Room Building.

RESIDENCE AND Inquire o( A. I. No. 204 Wldlund

FOR SALE—MY HOME, 604 BELMONT. James Elton, City Scales.

FOR SALE—SIX ROOM HOUSE, ertson Lumber Co.


HOTELS ^•wrtiy . European Transient

Finest Cafe in Northwest HOTEL DACOTAH

Commercial Headquarters Rooms 91.00 Up Recently Improved

European inest and Busiest Popular


Priced Cafe ROOMS 50c UP

in the Northwest EAT AT OUR CAFE

Quiet, Best Ventilated Hotel ln City. American Transient Family

Rooms 91 HOTEL HALL 311 S Third


and reblocked. All kinds. All shapes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wilson, Ho­tel Daeotah.

WE MAKE YOUR OLD HATS NEW ; again. 8. Friedman. 12 8. Fourth St.




JUNE 26 and 87


*00 head of good, sound . horses of all classes; forty well broke and weights 1800 to 1600 pounds. 50 saddle, ponies, -50-Indian ponies. This.: Will be our greatest offering of horses of the year and eV-' ery person who desires either; one- animal or a car load' should attend. • ^



FOR BALE—WORK HORSES, BROOD mares and colts; also a few register­ed Chester White boar pigs.- Albert Kovar, Route 3, Warren, Minn.

.. LOT OF POLL DURHAM AND Jhorthorn bulls for sale. H. A.

' Struts, Thompson, N. D.


3u|re T. . team Laundry, City.

HORSE FOR SALE—IN re T. G, . Nelson, Grand Forks

FOR; SALE-rlMPROVED YORKSHIRE pigs. W. C. Nash. East Grand Forks.

. TERRIER Fourth street


COW FOR SALE—INQUIRE 428 nont ' •_ v

"White we are no highbrow, an art *U«r)r ,.«jwms » better show liin a packing house.

^omnwlr^ft «°5 ICB MACHINE Kas engine, can

"•erted Into A gasoline engine. rnach,Jlea are ln Urst olasa

r?ihc !°'i„an ACarJ be for the Pr'ce- Apply to H. Moedlnger,

N. Fourth St., City. 11

SA»^t~.BABJ,ES SHOES. SOFT-SOLED, any size, black, colored tops, laced, or

it??.'' v cents Patr; also pink, £=}» T, 4

e' shoes- laced, 36 cents Ea« W prepa'd- H. Harris, 536 W. 145th street. New York City.

FOR SALE—ONE "EXCELSIOR TWIN" motorcycle with Presto Tank and Old Sol light, luggage carrier with cushion, and extra Inner tube, at a

bargain. Good as new. Address 141 Times-Herald.

FOR 8ALE—GOOD SPRING DELIV-5T? •JJa.eron' double or single. Call 418 Walnut street, or 685 N. W.

FOR SALE—1913 YALE TWIN Mo­torcycle. Good as new. Apply Ed. Stinson, Grand Forks.

FOR SALE—GOOD SIZED SAFE AND Apply to W. D. Russell, City.

Northwestern 157.





Grand Forks. N. D.


musical (riends, together with 10c to cover mailing expenses, and wt> will send you free one 50c copy of sheet music. Address Schubert Music Club, Lansford. N. D.


rooms, or two connecting rooms as bed room and sitting room. Referenc­es required. 208 South Fourth St., Or Inquire M. Raines, at Panovltz.

FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS WITH hath, 918. Also one large room, 913. In Improvement block. Phone 1164 L Northwestern.

FOR RENT—ONE LARGE MODERN furnished room with bathroom in connection. Centrally located. Phone 1401 Northwestern.

FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM, all modern house, suitable for two; gentlemen preferred. 617 Walnut.

FOR RENT — FURNISHED ROOMS (or housekeeping. 315 International avenue. 9l2.

SIGN PAINTING Carriage, Auto and Sign Painting

MAURER SIGN CO. 808 80. 3rd. N. W. 661. Grand Forks.


(man), and assistant (lady), desire positions in the same school for com­ing year. Address (or summer, Prin­cipal, ill Eighth street North, Fargo, N. D.

COLORED MAN AND WIFE WANT situation. Both good all arounc, workers. Can do any kind of work. Also day work and washing. Tele-phon? Trl-State 144. Brooks.

WANTED—POSITION AS HOUSE-keeper on farm by widow with tw«. children, age 8 and S years. Address R. E. Paterson, Hannah, N. D.

POSITION WANTED BY LADY AS housekeeper on farm or ln town.

.References. Address 145 Times-Herald.

BOOKKEEPER WITH MANY YEARS' experience desires position; best of testimonials. Apply P. O. Box 253.

WANTED—SUMMER PLOWING—TEL-ephone Tri-State 801J., or inquire 807 North Fourth.


of all kinds stored. Low Insurance rate. O. J. Barnes & Co.

STORAGE IN FIRE PROOF BUILDING. Panovltz Furniture and Carnet Co. "


handling heavy freight, household goods, pianos, safes, drayage. Large storage warehouse in connection. Phone N. W. 837: T.-S. 837L.

TAILORS A suit made as you want It made—

and which wouldn't fit another person In the world but you Is "worth while." The cost will surprise you—agreeably.



(Continued from Page 1.)

FOR RENT—ROOMS WITH PRIVATE bath. Odd Fellows* block. O. A. Webster.

FOR RENT—FURNISHED* FRON1 room, downstairs. 410 Chestnut street

FOR RENT—SUITE OF FOUR ROOMb in Gotzlan block. Inquire Room 2.

ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN house. 609 North Seventh street.

FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM OV-er Holseth Millinery.



FOR RENT—ROOMS. Fifth street




make your old ingrain or Brussels carpet Into a new. brilliant rug. Phone 1088L. N. W.: 708B. Tri-State.



Send for pete* -Madsen-8orllt Co.

CHARGES list Shoe

as 1911. However, ahout 40 per cent of the present crop has been sown ln stubble with insufficient cultivation. A large portion of this stuff Is being abandoned. Probably cultivated wheat is looking well, the plant is strong and the color good. Flax is coming forward all right. Seeding of flax is about completed and the acre­age is probably 18 to 20 per cent less than last year.

LaMoure county: Farmers Eleva­tor company, LaMoure—Wheat crop about 84 per cent; flax crop about 80 per cent.

Logan county: c. H. Chase Lumber company, Napoleon—Where wheat crop has been put in properly it looks fine. Flax crop good. We have had sufficient rain and good weather. Crop a little late.

Morton county: Farmers Elevator company, Mandan—Late sown wheat full of Russian thistles. Wheat and flax outlook very fair. Acreage: Wheat 100 per cent; flax 75 per cent; barley and oats 125 per cent.

Mountrail county: Arnold Bros., Stanley—Wheat and flax outlook fair.

Nelson county: Hartin Grain com­pany, Lakota—Expect a half crop of wheat if weather is favorable from now on. Flax acreage about the same as last year.

Pembina county: Victoria Elevator company, Pembina—Wheat and flax outlook fair; flax acreage about the same as last year; wheat about 30 ner cent less.

Ramsey county: Farmers' Mill and Elevator association. Devils Lake— Wheat outlook is less than average; flax average small acreage. Crons are weedy.

Ransom county: Baldwin Elevator company, Wahpeton—Flax acreage about the same as last year. Good fair average crop of wheat and flax promised at present.

Sheridan county: Andrews Grain company, McClusky—Wheat just fair. There will be very little flax in this section this year.

Stark county: Farmers Grain com­pany, Dickinson—Wheat and flax out­look fair. A lot of flax will be very late and so will some wheat and other grains.

Steele county: Northwestern Ele­vator company, Finley—Outlook is good. Two good rains fixes the crop Just about right. „Ward county: Farmers Grain asso­ciation, Minot—Wheat outlook pretty good now; flax not up yet. Flax acre­age about 40 per cent of last year.

PYTHIANS' TO MEET State Organization Will Hold Forth at

Fargo Next Month. Fargo, N. D., June 25.—Much of the'

business done at the regular meeting of the local lodge of Knights of Pyth-ias last night was the consideration of arrangements for the entertain-ment of the grand lodge which is to meet at the Fargo castle hall. Tues­day and Wednesday, July 15 and 16. Chancellor Commander Hardy gave an outline of what was expected of the entertaining lodge and he ap­pointed the following local knights to co-operate with the grand lodge com­mittee for the big gathering: Jacob F. Schoeninger, George Wilson, Charles Wilson and Vice Chancellor Enge-bretson, ex-offlcto. Among the enter­tainment features will be an auto­mobile ride over the city, including a tour of the proposed new boulevard, or river drive, also the visitors will be guests of the Fargoans at a perform­ance at the Orpheum theater.

It is expected that several disting­uished Pythians will attend the meet­ing in Fargo as a matter of great im­portance to the fraternity will be brought up for consideration.


The Markets * * * * * * * * * * * * «

* Market Quotations • * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Furnished by Chas. E. Lewis and company. Grain and Stock Broker* Security block. Grand Forks, N. fit

JULY WHEAT. . ChL Minn.- Dal Open 90| .901-90 .... High 911-91 .9l| .912-91

90i .891 .90J—91 Close 902 .91 .9i|s


Open 90|—J .92 J High 9li .93) .94-1 Low 90 .91S-92 . 9 3 Close 91s ,93| .94-1


Open 93}—9 4 . 9 4 1 -g . . . . High 93|-| .95-1 .... Low 921 .931 .... Close 931-J .95-1 ....

ST. LOUIS. _ Dec. July. Sept. Open 87 J ,88| Close 872-88 ,R8g .91}

KANSAS CUT . Dec. Juiy. Sept. Open S4S .85} .881 Close 84 J .86 .88J-89

NEW YORK. Dec. July. Sept.

Open 99 8—4 .97J .99} Close 992 .98-4 1.00

WINNIPEG. Dec. July. Oct

Open 98 .93 .92 Close 98}b . 938 .92b

CHICAGO CORN. _ Dec. J:ily. Sept. Open 59} .602-1 .57|to| High 60} .61}-| .58} Low 59} .60} .571-4 Close 60}b .61}-| .58}s

CHICAGO* OATS. J?®?- July. Sept.

Open 39} .402 .411 High 40J .412 .422 Low 39} .40} .41} Close 402 .412 .422

CHICAGO PORK. ^ July. Sept.

H'&h 20.97 20.70 L?w 20.80 20.57 Close 20.80 20.60

MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT. Puts, Sept 928-1 Calls, Sept

MINNEAPOLIS CASH CLOSE. No. 1 hard 94 No. 1 northern 92}@93| Arrive 92}@92} Special arrive 93} No. 2 northern 90}@91} Arrive 2 hard Mont 90 @91 No. 3 northern 88}@89| No. 1 durum and arrive.. .93} No. 2 durum and arr ive. . . 91} No. 3 yellow corn 56} @57 Arrive 56} No. 4 com 52}@541 No. 3 white oats 372@381 Arrive 38$ No. 3 oats 34} @36 Barley 4 7 @ , 5 9

£'a* 1.34}@ 1.341 Flax, arrive 1.33| Rye, and arrive 54}@56

DFLUTH CASH Ciocir. No. 1 hard 932 No. 1 northern 922 No. 2 northern 90g @902 Oats, cash 39g Rye 53 @56 Barley 50 @58 No. 1 durum 96 No. 2 durum 94 Durum, July 95b Durum, Sept 9X2 Flax, cash and arrive 1.358

DULCTH FLAX. July. Sept. Oct.

Open 1.321 1.342 1.341 Close 1.34} 1.36g 1.36}

WINNIPEG CLOSE. No. 1 northern 972 No. 2 northern 942 No. 3 northern 90} Oats, cash. No. 2 342 Oats, No. 3 32} Flax. July 1.17s Flax, Dec 1.20 Flax, Oct 1.212b


North Dakota Zephyr Toys With their Homestead Claim Shack.

Reeder. N. D„ June 25.—Tit$lr homestead shack caught in a hurri­cane and turned over and over half a dozen times. Mrs. A. Zattman and her guest. Miss Clara Ranum. had a thrilling experience on the Zattman claim, twenty-six miles ' from here. The women ..Anally escaped from the revolving shack after the floor fel: out. They were repeatedly hit in their revolutions by heavy articles of furni­ture and*wer4 severely injured.

Seventeen motorcyclists of San Di­ego, Cal., made a two-day reliability run May 30-S1.

Between 250 and 800 motorcyclists participated in the recent reliability run of Wisconsin riders.

A hill-climbing contest was a fea­ture of the Memorial Day celebration of the Burlington (Iowa) Motorcycle club.'. ? • • >!•(. ft*" v . •< <w.


County Books Arc Brine Cheeked up by Stato Examiners.

Washburn, N. D., June 25.—C. I. Marley and R. B. Berry, both deputy public examiners, arrived in Wash­burn last evening and will commence today a thorough examination of the different offices at the county court house. It has been some time since an examination has been made of the county offices, and it is intimated the expert accountants will remain here till a thorough examination has been completed.

Since there has been changes of heads of the office of public examiner at Bismarck, Markley and Berry have been assigned to the examination of county offices, and while ln Washburn will conduct as complete an examina­tion as they have of other counties over the state which they have visit­ed in the past few months. While there might be no truth in the rumors of a few Irregularities in the office of certain county officers the people here are hopeful they will be cleared up while the examiners are here.

DtrST. (Life.)

Dust is used for various purposes. At one time It was employed to manu­facture human beings. It has now gone into the making of useful ar­ticles.

Dust is used to throw into people's eyes. In summer time it is a perma­nent feature of most of our land­scapes. Servants employ It for the purpose of keeping themselves busy* They remove It from the places where it can be seen to those which cannot be seen—except when you don't want it to be seen.

Without dust we should have no vegetables, vacuum cleaners or mud pies. Mixed with rain-water and phosphates, it produces crops. Crops enable us to linger on a while, until we become dust ourselves.

Dust Is produced by a difference of opinion between two molecules. They rub each other the wrong way. They do this to raise the dust. After all, that's about what all of us are trying to do.


Market Weak at Start, But Soon Turned Firm and

Regained Loss. .

Minneapolis, June 25.—Rains were reported ln both the American and Canadtan northwest and this caused a lower opening. After the first trans­actions the market eased another half cent and then turned very Arm and all of the early loss was regained, prices •; at the close being a shade higher than > yesterday's closing figures. j

Liverpool wheat market closed 1-8 i to 1-2 lower than yesterday.

Antwerp wheat closed vnchanged. Berlin closed 11-8 higher and Buda­pest 1-8 lower.

Primary receipts today were 644.* 000 bushels. One year ago they were 236,000 bushels. Shipments today were 611,000 bushels. Tear ago 85#,-000 bushels. Very little rain was re­ported in South Dakota. Good ralne reported ln Iowa.

Minneapolis September wheat clos­ed at 93 1-8 bid or 1-8 higher. Juljr wheat at 91 or 1-4 higher.

Chicago July wheat at 90 t-4. 1-4 lower. September at 91 or 1-8 higher.

CARS RECEIVED. , « Chicago.

Tear Today. Con't. Est'd. Ago.

120 90 121 30 436 231 482 <59 338 27 387 848

Wheat Com . Oats .

Wheat Flax ..

Wheat . Corn ... Oats ... Rye ... Barley , Flax ...

Duluth. Today. Tear Ago.

134 IS 41 T

Minneapolis. Today. YearAco.

146 87 13 8 20 XX

6 2 3« • 25 X«

Winnipeg. Today. Week Ago. Tear Ago.

Wheat ...103 138 >87

LIVERPOOL. Liverpool opening—Wheat 1-8 to

1-4 lower. Corn unchanged. Liverpool, 1:30 p. m.—Wheat 1-8 to

3-8 lower. Corn 1-4 to 1-2 lower.

FOREIGN CABLES. Paris opening—Wheat unchanged

to 1-4 lower. Flour steady, 1 cent higher.

Buenos Aires close Tuesday—Wheat unchanged. Corn 1-8 lower to 1-8 higher.

Antwerp close—Wheat unchanged. Berlin close—Wheat 1 cent to 1-8

higher. Budapest cloBe—Wheat 1-8 lower.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • MARKET GOSSIP. * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a

Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "It was the gossip of the wheat traders last night that should today's weather re­ports show good general rains over the northwest that prices will go lower. Bulls have faith in the 90-cent level as the pivotal point until there la » sufficient large movement of winter wheat to permanently depress prices. Uncertainties in regard to the north­western wheat crop condition made most traders go slow on the selling side.- At the same time the bulls are not getting enough help from the out­side to carry prices up very far.

CORN—Com specialists attributed the advance of about one cent yester­day as due to covering of about 800,-000 bushels short corn bj- local specu­lators. It was also the gossip that Patten was also a moderate buyer, taking in corn sold on the recent bulge. Cash sales of wheat were 150,-000 bushels, corn 165,000 bushels and oats 230,000 bushels. No export sales were reported at seaboard."

Every lnvestlgati6n conducted by a man you don't like Is a farce or a political movement

It Is sometimes hard tor the father of a large family to understand peo­ple who adopt children.


„ THE WEATHER. Wichita, Kan.—Clear and hot, ho

rain. Kansas City and St. Louis—Cloudy

and cool. Good rain last night. Bloomington, HI.—Raining and

cool. Springfield, 111.—Cloudy, light rain

this morning. St. Joseph, Mo.—Part cloudy, light

rain. Nebraska City—Had one inch rain. Hastings, Neb.—Good rain. Northwest—Partly cloudy, 66 to 70

above. West—Cloudy, 58 to 76 above. Southwest—Partly cloudy, 64 to 78

above. Canadian northwest—Cloudy, 48 to

68 above.

Forecast. Minnesota, North and South Dako­

ta, Nebraska and Kansas—Generally fair tonight and Thursday. Not much change ln temperature. •" ^

* * * * * * * * * * * «

Grand Forks Markets. * * * * * * * * * * . * * «

Wheat. No. 1 northern No. 2 northern No. 8 northern No. 4 northern Rejected No grade ....

45 lb. bright . 43 lb. bright . 41 lb. bright . 37 lb. bright .

No. 1 No. 2 Rejected .... No grade ....



No. 2 No. S

No. S white . No. 4 white . No. 3 mixed No grade ..,


... .82 ... .80 / %

... .77 "<•

... .78 V

... .88

... .63

... .43 '4 ' V

... .41 •V? 5'?'̂

. .. .39

... .38

.8120 v-j;

. 1.15 ...x.xo >..1.08 y- ;

. .45

. .42

. .81

. .81 .. .8* . .39

•4J BREAD AS JAG CCBB. .. ̂(Springfield Republican.)

A new use has been found : for bread—curing drunkards. The method in which bread is employed ha« been tried in Sweden. Tkke patient reetv-lng treatment for dipsomania 'tmtlli to eat bread soared In wine tor a week. At' jthe end of the week tfec patient hi revolted by the slci*t «p scent of liquor; It Is not ssserted tftSt the cur* Is permanent.,,
