The Magic Bell

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  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    The Magic Bell

    14th October 2009

    Posted By Kidsinco

    Categorized Under: 12 characters,Playscripts

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  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell






    C-.- ( / #+ O-

    (John, Henry, Mar!n an" he!r #oher are !n he $!%hen a&'e

    O+-*:hat3s &rong ohn5' 6o$ loo) &orried'

    O.:( a other, &e &or) too hard, and &e can hardly s$r7i7e' (3 tired o% this li%e' ( can3t

    ta)e it anyore8'

    O+-*:(%ry!n)Oh, please ohn, ( %eel terrible'

    (Mar!n *an"* + an" h+)* h!* Moher

    #*+(.:on3t cry, please, don3t cry'

    O.:(*an"* +( a a strong an' (3ll lea7e this 7illage and ( )no& that %ort$ne is

    soe&here &aiting %or e'

    O+-*:6o$3re a gro&n $p an, and ( can3t stop yo$' +a)e this piece o% bread, it3s all ( ha7e,

    and ay od bless yo$'

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    O.:ood;bye other'

    (Moher $!**e* John an" he 'ea-e*

    C-.- (( / (. +-

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    U#*:a, ha, ha, +hat is not possible8' 6o$ better go8'

    O.:( ha7e soe ne&s %ro King #le?ander, 7ery iportant ne&s that ( $st personally

    deli7er to the )ing'

    U#*:@ King #le?ander@ 7ery &ell, coe in'

    (The G+ar" oen* he )ae0 John ener* he a'a%e

    C-.- ((( / (.(- +- P#>#C-

    (The K!n) !* !n h!* hrone0 John *an"* !n /ron o/ h!#

    K(.:hat3s the essage yo$ cae here to tell e5'

    O.: (3 7ery poor and ( need oney' King #le?ander told e that yo$ &o$ld gi7e e a Aob,

    any Aob '

    K(.:*eally5' o King #le?ander told yo$ that5'

    O.:6es, yo$r aAesty, he did'

    K(.:hy are yo$ lying5'

    O.:(3 not lying' ( &ent to see hi, and he told e that yo$ &ere a )ind an and @

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    (The K!n) !nerr+* John

    K(.:King #le?ander is dead8' hat do yo$ pretend5'

    O.:Oh, it3s A$st that ( didn3t )no& &hat to say' ( needed to see yo$' (3 desperate and (

    need to &or)8'

    K(.:(t ta)es co$rage to do &hat yo$ did, and %or this reason (3ll gi7e yo$ a Aob' (n %act, it3s a7ery special Aob'

    O.:(3ll do &hate7er yo$ &ant e to do'

    K(.:#re yo$ s$re5'

    O.:6es, A$st tell e &hat, and (3ll do it8'

    K(.:>isten 7ery &ell to &hat (3 going to tell yo$' ( ha7e a h$ndred *abbits, ( &ant yo$ to

    ta)e the to the %ield so they can eat, and at night yo$ sho$ld bring the bac)' o yo$


    O.:6es, ( do'

    K(.:6o$ ha7e to be 7ery care%$l, beca$se yo$ $st bring each one o% the'

    O.: hat i% one is issing5'

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    K(.:+here sho$ld be no ista)es' (% only one is issing, then yo$ &ill go to Aail and stay

    there %or a year'


  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    (On he )ro+n" here !* a %a)e .!h he Ra&&!* !n*!"e0 John *are* a he %a)e, he oen* !

    an" he Ra&&!* )e o+0They *ar ea!n) /oo" ha3* on he )ro+n"0 A /e. #!n+e* 'aer, John

    r!e* o %a%h he#

    O.:Coe here, coe bac), and get inside the cage8'

    (A'' he Ra&&!* r+n a.ay an" )e 'o*

    O.:Oh no8' ( better go hoe right no& be%ore the )ing %inds o$t' ( pre%er to go hoe and

    be poor again, than being in Aail beca$se o% soe nasty $gly rabbits' Ugh8'

    (John 'ea-e*

    C-.- / #+ O-

    (John, Henry, Mar!n an" he!r #oher are !n he $!%hen a&'e

    O+-*:#t least yo$ cae hoe sa%e'

    O.:( &as a %ool, other' ( don3t )no& &hat happened to e'

    -.*6:hy did yo$ let the rabbits get a&ay5'

    O.:6o$ &ere not there, yo$ didn3t see the ho& they ran a&ay'

    -.*6:( can alost %eel those tho$sand gold coins in y hand' ( can e7en sell the oney8'

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    O.:+hen go, aybe yo$ can ha7e better l$c) than ( did' B$t (3 s$re o% soething@

    O+-*:hat is it5'

    O.:( )no& that those rabbits &ere $nder a spell8'

    -.*6:a, ha, ha, there is no agic in here8' Coe on8' 6o$ are only gi7ing e?c$ses %or yo$r

    lo$sy Aob8' (3ll go there, and (3ll be bac) as a 7ery rich an'

    O+-*:enry, don3t go, please'

    -.*6:( ha7e to other' ( ha7e to sho& y brother that ( can do the Aob he co$ldn3t do8'

    O+-*:+a)e this piece o% bread' (t3s the only thing ( ha7e to gi7e yo$ %or yo$r Ao$rney'

    (Henry a$e* he !e%e o/ &rea" an" +* ! !n a &a)

    -.*6:on3t &orry abo$t e, (3ll be bac) in a &ee)'

    (Henry 'ea-e*

    C-.- ( / #+ +-

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    =U(**->:Please, gi7e e soe bread' (3 7ery h$ngry8'

    (Henry *%are* a.ay he S2+!rre' hen he ea* he &rea"0 He *an"* + an" &e)!n* o .a'$0 He

    arr!-e* o he a'a%e0 The K!n) !* !n h!* hrone0 Mar!n *an"* !n /ron o/ h!#0 A G+ar" !*

    *an"!n) &e*!"e he K!n)

    K(.:ho are yo$5' 6o$3re not %ro aro$nd here' hat do yo$ &ant5'

    -.*6:(he &o.*Oh, yo$r aAesty, please help e, ( really need a Aob8'

    K(.:ell, &ell, &ell, yo$3re the second one this &ee) that coes as)ing %or a Aob' #nd tell

    e, yo$ng an, &ho sent yo$5'

    -.*6:.o one sent e, yo$r aAesty' (3 here on y o&n'

    K(.:( belie7e yo$' #re yo$ &illing to do any )ind o% Aob5'

    -.*6:6es, yo$r aAesty' $st tell e &hat to do, and (3ll do it'

    K(.:(3ll gi7e yo$ a 7ery special Aob, so listen care%$lly' ( ha7e a h$ndred *abbits' ( &ant yo$

    to ta)e the to the %ield so they can eat, and at night yo$ sho$ld bring the bac)' o yo$

    thin) yo$ can do it5'

    -.*6:on3t &orry, yo$r aAesty, (3 7ery cle7er' o& $ch &ill ( get paid5'

    K(.:6o$ &ill get all the oney yo$r hands can %eel, and all the oney yo$r nose can sell'

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    K(.:6o$ )no& e?actly &hat ( ean' y g$ard &ill tell yo$ &here to go and &hat to do' Oh,

    and one ore thing@ there sho$ld be no ista)es@ i% only one o% y rabbits is issing, then

    yo$ &ill go to Aail and stay there %or a year' o yo$ still &ant the Aob5'

    -.*6:6es, ( still &ant it'


    (The G+ar" an" Henry 'ea-e

    C-.- (( / (. +-

    (On he )ro+n" here !* a %a)e .!h he Ra&&!* !n*!"e0 Henry *are* a he %a)e, he oen* !

    an" he Ra&&!* )e o+ o/ he %a)e an" )e a.ay0 They *ar ea!n) /oo" ha3* on he )ro+n"0

    A /e. #!n+e* 'aer, Henry r!e* o %a%h he#

    -.*6:Coe here, coe bac), and get inside the cage8'

    (A'' he Ra&&!* r+n a.ay an" )e 'o*

    -.*6:Oh no8' y brother &as right, these rabbits are $nder a spell' ( better go be%ore the

    )ing %inds o$t' ( don3t &ant to end $p in Aail A$st beca$se o% *abbits'

    (Henry 'ea-e*

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    C-.- ((( / #+ O-

    (John, Henry, Mar!n an" he!r #oher are !n he $!%hen a&'e

    -.*6:(3 sorry other, b$t ohn &as right'

    O.:( told yo$ it &asn3t going to be easy'

    #*+(.:.o& it3s y t$rn, other'

    O+-*:.o, artin, yo$3re y yo$ngest son, ( &on3t let yo$ go'

    #*+(.:( ha7e to' +r$st e, please, other'

    O.:>et hi go'


    -.*6:e3s o$r only hope no&'

    (Mar!n *an" + an" $!**e* her #oher

    O+-*:(%ry!n)hat i% ( ne7er see yo$ again5'

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    #*+(.:6o$ &ill, yo$ ha7e to belie7e' (3ll be bac) &ith those gold coins'

    O+-*:+a)e this piece o% bread, and ay od help yo$'

    #*+(.:e &ill other, ( tr$st i as yo$ sho$ld tr$st e' ood;bye'

    (Mar!n 'ea-e*

    C-.- (

    (Mar!n .a'$* !n he /ore*0 He *!* on he )ro+n" an" *ar* ea!n) he &rea"0 A S2+!rre'

    aroa%he* h!#

    =U(**->:Please, gi7e e soe bread' (3 7ery h$ngry8'

    #*+(.:ere, ta)e it'

    =U(**->:( don3t &ant all yo$r bread, A$st a sall piece o% it'

    #*+(.:.o, (3 %ine, ta)e it all'

    =U(**->:6o$ are 7ery )ind8' ( &ant to gi7e yo$ soething' ait here'

    (The S2+!rre' 'ea-e*, hen he %o#e* &a%$ .!h a &e''

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    #*+(.:hat is that5'

    =U(**->:+his is a agic bell' Use it &hen yo$3re in tro$ble, and yo$3ll see'

    (Mar!n a$e* he &e'', +* ! !n h!* o%$e an" *an"* +

    #*+(.:+han) yo$' (3 lea7ing no&'

    =U(**->:on3t %orget &hat ( told yo$' +he bell &ill bring yo$ bac) e7erything that is lost'

    #*+(.:( &on3t, good;bye'

    (Mar!n 'ea-e*

    C-.- / #+ +- P#>#C-

    (The K!n) !* !n h!* hrone0 Mar!n *an"* !n /ron o/ h!#0 A )+ar" !* *an"!n) &e*!"e he K!n)

    K(.:6o$3re the third an this &ee) that coes loo)ing %or a Aob' #re yo$ related to the othert&o5'

    #*+(.:6es, yo$r aAesty' +hey are y brothers, and ( beg yo$ to %orgi7e the' O$r

    sit$ation is not good right no&, and o$r other is s$%%ering beca$se o% that'

    K(.:ell, ( s$ppose they told yo$ &hat to do'

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    #*+(.:6es, that3s &hy (3 here'

    K(.:( don3t )no& &hy, b$t ( ha7e the %eeling that yo$ &ill be the one'

    #*+(.:( don3t D$ite $nderstand, yo$r aAesty'

    K(.:( can %eel yo$3re heart' 6o$ cae to e as)ing %or %orgi7eness, and yo$ entioned yo$r

    other3s s$%%ering, and ( ha7en3t heard a &ord abo$t oney'

    #*+(.:(% ( don3t belie7e in ysel%, ( &ill not see the oney' ( belie7e in ysel%, and ( )no&

    that oney is there, A$st &aiting %or e to get it'

    K(.:, ( ha7e nothing else to say' $ard, please sho& hi the &ay'

    (The G+ar" an" Mar!n 'ea-e

    C-.- (

    (On he )ro+n" here !* a %a)e .!h he Ra&&!* !n*!"e0 Mar!n *are* a he %a)e, he oen* !

    an" he Ra&&!* )e o+ o/ he %a)e an" )e a.ay0 They *ar ea!n) /oo" ha3* on he )ro+n"0

    A /e. #!n+e* 'aer, Mar!n r!e* o %a%h he#

    #*+(.:Oh, y brothers &ere right' +his is not easy' hat &ill ( do5' y other &ill be

    disappointed o% e' +he bell8' +he bell the sD$irrel ga7e e, that3s it8' e told e to $se it i% (

    &as in tro$ble'

    (He a$e* he &e'' /ro# h!* o%$e an" r!n)* !0 4hen he Ra&&!* hear he &e'' hey %o#e &a%$

    an" )e !n*!"e he %a)e

  • 7/26/2019 The Magic Bell


    #*+(.:+he sD$irrel &as right' +he bell bro$ght e &hat &as lost8'

    (He +* he &e'' !n h!* o%$e0 The K!n) aroa%he* Mar!n, he 'oo$* *+rr!*e"

    K(.:( )ne& there &as soething special abo$t yo$' +a)e these gold coins, yo$ ha7e earned


    (Mar!n a$e* he )o'" %o!n*

    #*+(.:Oh, than) yo$8' y other &ill be pro$d o% e'

    K(.:( )no& she &ill' $t be%ore yo$ lea7e@ tell e, ho& did yo$ do it5'

    #*+(.:ell, it3s not a secret at all' Kindness &as all ( needed'

    K(.:+hat3s &hat ( &anted to hear'

    +- -.