The M. A. C. RECORD. \'01.. 18. M. A. C. AGAIN THE VICTOR . De PAUW IS TAKEN INTO CA MP 58 to o. . ;\n UllUSU,tlly l'nhH] II it- Ilcssed \he 0\ en l hclillillr:" ,ldc:11 of I he illlli:lIla Il'am all Ille bOlll\: licl<l. T ill! g-:nllC full of thrill;; from 10 tilli"h, :ultl k. ·pl tile ),!'llc,""illg" CI l'r,l' min- Ill<:. Th c;;lIpcriori l.' of the hOllll' l'-':I1I1 WlI" :tpp:trCIl1 frOIll lhe lirSI. a.., 1[,(',' ru shed thcir opponl'l1U d,HII1 the tkld on SCI'C' ral durio;.!' \hl' l;r,,1 half, and hUI for ftlll1hk" thl' ,.core IIOU]t! halc l'n 'll CIl"1l lar\("cr. In thi ... half :.Iso the fonl lIni ,li{iuOI prole Icr,' AI\ lhi" WitS 1I1:I\lc up. htl\\c\'cr, ill the 1:\:. , half. as :lpp:lfl ' I\II .' l '\ {'ry- thin;;:- \\ hi ch \\:IS tri..,d oul work.,.1 \0 perfn,tion, The unly .Iqlartnlellt ill \\ !lich thl: Dt: !' :UI\\ Illl'll ex<:elll,,1 in kick in:,:'. Howell, the li ... quar· tl·rh;lI: k. ;I I cn,:,:'e d at least 5".1 anls ill hisspirab.:lI1din' ·;lri<lhl.\ tlrcJPped Ihem within :'01. A. C.'s tin:.: ani lilll·. H ih1ct W II S one of 111(' hOlh in his position at qllarh:r ;lnd 1l:11£' In til\: ;;cco nd half, liuuthi er h:II1' ,l1e,1 th..: tcam in tim: ;;h:l]>l', :111(\ 1111;; a lIl!)st plul ' ky pl:t}l·r. Grelll ;,::"ps were opened up in the OppOI!' "'n,'" line, Ihruu;.::h \\'hlch .I uli:m. Scni;; and C:lr,,;, made Suhslantial gHins at el'ery ;lIIernpL iJon:nl1o ;lIId the :'\rillcrs \lac cOllsi .. CCn' ;.::aincrs, and t1H1dc sn:ral !>cn;;;lIiOlml dash.:", --arullllli the eml." T h(; work of l;if(onl. on ddl'IlSC, 11115 j..('relll, he breOiking throu gh repl'llledly, :md nluling' the runn cr hl'hind the line. [n f:I<.:I. it was all :1 11 Sl:lr gatioll II hich hl'!lt De 1';111\\. E' · l·rl' m:1!! II .It his ,111,1 de· ... en .. :., e re,lit for thl' ;lI<lil'idllal ef· fort as I,ell;ls for tcarll work . The onl\, chn ll CC fo r t he visitors to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld qua rter. whcn R owen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmll ine. They were helll fur the f ourth down when the b,l ll wen t Ol'er 011 all ilK'O'llplcle fonl:lrt! p:IS!!. Aftcr this Ille I' isitu rs took 110 chances, bllt till: ball al l'I'cry opportunity. The ), wcn' ,I plu cky hunch, and gamely to the last, ,>11 1(1 On ne),t Salurd;IY 1\\'0 "ill be pla.1 C,\ 011 the home field. !"I:lrl· iug probHbl)' ;11 Olle 0 dock, all· frbhrncu team will clash lI'ilh the Uuilcrsit)' freshmcn te:l1l1. This will he lUI e,cellent :,:':lme. The :'0 1 ichigun team has 1I0t lost a J,!'(Imc Ihlls fur, :Inti our 0\\11 te:lIn II ill try ;111<1 break Ihe r ccurd. Ohio \\' esle}all h:ls a re ord this fall. olltside of h ... 'r game wi th Uberlill, :md Ihe latter is cspe· cia11), s l rong: this) c:lr. The), will gil 'c M. :\. C. n )..:"0011 g- ame , ;lIld une whidl wil! he wdl ,,"orlh sec· IIlI.{. R e llle l1lbl'r thaI 111'0 )!llllles will be played. t hem both. MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. FIELD WORK IN BOTANY AT NORTH ADAMS. AGRlCULTURE IN THE PUB - LI C SCHOOLS . Th .. ' r" 'port of I'rof. Frendl 011 :\gri..: ulwre in Ihe Il i;!h of :'\ I il'hi"atl .. ·o nwins some Il'rl intl'r · "sting'''' fallS. The intrOi.luliioll of thb II;lS he:,:-ull four ye:lrs :'g-o, ami the repOrt is ill!cllllcd to shull' the pl;lIl" and jlllrpoSl'S of the work. all,1 1I'1l:lt h:ls herl! :ICl'Olll ' plishl.'d. TIll' tot:!1 !lumher of studen", ell' r oll"d for :I;.:ricultllral work .Iuriu;.: Ihe <:':U' \l'llS 3uS hoys alld 30 ;.:trls. In "e\'l'ral of Ihc the inSlrut'lor 1:lII:.:-ht bill n:.:-ri , culture. \1 hile ill oth.,rs he h:llldl,·.1 ,\lie or IWII "uhje,'1-, f oulld ill tb,' reg-ular H'hool Cl1rricululll. In sCIl'r:.1 of the COIllIllUllit;1:!! It'clures were gilell for the hellent of the f armer". ll11d ill fo ur of Ihese ,;ehoob a 11· ... course wa" l!il'ell. T he :I .. ·lual enrollrnCll1 for this work II as :'olare than !o ,,;chools ill :'\Ikhi· )!:111 noll' lun! :1 ill :1;Cricllitllre, Ililh al! :'\1. A. C. 1I;1It: ill "h:lr;,!",' ;ulIl. in a.I,lition, lillie of ou r men have l)('t'lI c all"d to w ork ill othe r stllte". T he huHelill ,'olll<lin5 :t lIumher of cxceiteul h;df tones of reprCSC llt;l· in Ihl' \'1lriOIiS schools. is a li"t of schools Il1ld tc udll'rs for 191 : Hillsdale - Teache r. R. .\ . Turner; Superintendent. S. J. Gier. :-':orth J. W. Clu1. pin: Supt. . J. W. Chapin. Otsego - Teacher, W. C. Geagley. Supt ., L. W. Lawton-Teacher, C. D. MWIOn : Su pt .. C. R. ) Iur phy. St. Louis-Teache r. W. A. Wvod. Supt " Ch arle8 DawBOfl. Union Cily-Tt"aeher, C. L. N'ash . Supt .• 11. E. Stearns. Wat en·lielo-Teache r. C, S. LangdO!l. Supt" F. W. So ut h Sa'ell - Teacher . C. N. Frey : Supt., A. D. Prenti ce. St, Joh us-Teacher. A, M cVittie: Supt" F, P. Buck. Trs"erl!e City-Te acher, L. B. Gard· ner: SU jlt. L . L . Tyler, Flushing--Teachc r. C. L. H ar r iso n : Supt., W. S. Goudy. Addison- Ten . cher, H. G. Taft. ; Supt Carl Binn s. {OOll t1nued On ' .J OMICRON NU. The hOllnr.,n fr:ltt'rnil\ fur \\ 'HI1ell. Omi<:rl)l)J Xli . helt! ,,'n mi. ti:l,io1\ meelil!" \\·cdnt·sd:tyen'nill" of \\eek.:t which lim .. · thc 10'1 ing' "t'llior WOntl'lI we re initiated: :":mith. :'of:lIlge i .;lIlIOrt'aIlX, ;\laUllt· :'01:15011, :tllil [I:t ShCrlllall. In w.ldi\iOIl. til'l) IWII :'oli'<5 Ora G. Yt'Il!l\\'ine, instructor ill ,10. !!lestic ;lrt, :lnd \ ·i r;.!'ini:! C. H iche:'OII, i'I"lruclor in do IlleS ti c SC;ellt·l·. lI'erc :l lso llI;!de IlIl' Hlhers of Ihe 'Jr:,:-:uli/atiol1. 1\1l illll · n" .. prog-r;llll then g-ivell. :'\[r .... I.orcc, a ... the ;ttldre!>'i: :'\Ii"" \\, :.I.lrolJ :::n e a ... pltlHlill hook reI il'l\' uf "lloll",,,hol,1 :,\1 n-cl<l\lly puhli,.hetl hI :'\I;"s '1':111>01 :m.1 ;"Ii"s of l·lIill·r· ... it.l. pi;1I10 - olt,s Freyhof.'r l.'o mpldl· ,1 the pro:!r;1II1. 'I'll\' medin!.:. IIhid\ 1\':15 hel,l ilt the of the \\ '01111;' 11'_ Build· in;.::. was :tlh."ndell h\ all of tht' resill"nt members of I'he fr:lternity. PUBLIC SPE AKING ASSOCI - ATION. T he Puhlic ,\ssocl<ltioll met Fri(];" of last week. when olli· ..:crs wt·r electl:d "tid comlll ittee s appointed. \ ". T. Pickfo rd \\':1" chosen presidc!ll of Ihc assf)l'illtion, ,II 1d :1 committee of ti'e was <lp' poinled to the of a seril'S uf illter.sociel\· ,Ieh:nl''' . Thc committee will makl' it>; repnrt , :Iftl'r II hieh th e situation will he )!ene raJ!y Tho .. c preS ellt s':el)l"d \'-'n tllUch in favor of thc pbn. ' :\ntoll:;r othe r subjec ts lliseus"c,l wa" that of :l. troph\' to Iw g-inc'll to the SOcio::lI' winlting ill the firl;1ls. . \HOther \\';15, thal pholOJ,!'ral'hs of Ihe winners ;,holllil be taken :111.1 ptnec<i in conspicuous prior 10 the dc1I<!ICS. The l'Ollllllittt'e represclllitll':' women Stut!elll:. IIcre I' en' much in blor ot !he pl:lII". ami (t is to he hopc!.1 \, ill t;lke a morc a..:til-e part ill Ihe fultlre. Bu rll, to 1\1 r. :\tIIJ :,\1 rs. B. Il ow;trd,ol1 O ct. a 5011, Sher. 1Il :1I1 Burt(,u. Mr, I [oward is the college p:tillkr. :-:1,1. 6 ,_ ALUMN I ·/X) "f 1,:IIl .. in)!, :Sl'ellt ,'oll,ilit-r:lhle I'"rt IIf the sum· liter ill dud lc:IVCS :'\0\ .. 6. for .. Calif.. wlll're he :ttI.! II ill spend the The trip h<ls heen 011 :1C('OIB11 of tho:: biter's d"liell e hl,:tlth. :'\Ir. :":atterlee 'I:lS ollli:.;-e" IrC;tiUrer of the :-i\;\t .. · Sociel I'. Ilt:l'alISL' of trip. . III II,.,ni c u1tur:l1 th L• II :\1 [1I1"r""a'e l.ell·e COlilell· tillll, hel,1 at :'\Ietnphi", TCnlt" O il Sept. l'. C. j' a"hhy repre , ",eliled . \I;,),,,r L'rump. (If ;"kmphi", Oil th.: prog:r;lIll. I I,,,, alilirc"s \\;1" 011" Lelecs tho:: 01111 Plnn," '1)1). I .. I h. I 'I dlllll;':l'li his ]...Ic;ltioll tn"11 Furt \\ ·o rlh. 10 q..:S .\Ie·., Chick . aiha, ()I.,llI. :'\Ir. is now I:mpl",\ed Ity the L'oltnn Oil CO. :I S rhellli,,!, "til . R. I.. [!r')IIJ! i ... '" Uklahotn!l Citl. IWlill:';: re ..:e l!lll IIl.Hed to this plaZe frOitl )) ,lIl tl s: T ex. lie I" \\ith the Cr. \"lal h't' Cre:llll Co. 't A. I:. Da), •. 111. 1 :-'Iiss :\nll:l l"nderhill I\'er\' lIl1trrieo at the home of the (1]\ R um;;l'l' . \1"\'" l.alll>ll1:'::. till TUl'l .. d'IY, 0('1. i. :'\[r. ;tllt! , \Ir ,.. 1l:1\ ;lre:tt h"me Il(':lr Olil'el. where :'olr. I)a\ \\ill h:llc of his f:lI he r''l f:;rlll Ihe CO lli· 1II:-r ,-;lr. \', (; .. \lIder :l>ulI i .. I\ilh the Humk,\' j' r",lu eli Co., of I.aporte . Iml., I'nlllll ,. ,iol\ ,lcp:tr lml·tll. IIi s addn';;!> to .Ieffer;;o ll St. I .. \. Ilu ltien "itlt the LiUle :'\(otO( (':lr e.I., ur Flint, II ith Uti· llr.·!!s at I 13 1 \\ '. Court :-it. .. ·rn h:cI <: hurn is tlnillg' licltl :ItIIt o il ice \\ork in h:ol)h ' lwi VoreSI Re,>:;cfl'; lI iClll. al l.ihhYt :'\1.0111. II, I':. BOlle is wilh the Indi :llm I.>Clwcr Co., :It Bedford , where he il! working- IIJl tl'SU, de· si::rns, etc., ;1\ the company'", nllke, :1IIt! also rt1illliu;! ;11 the imlliS· tria l p1:uIIS. 'q. J. II. Uri,l;.!'es is in rel'Ol1noiSlince work, with 1h':I(i(l'larters :1\ Coolin, I daho. Th e ollke W:I!, moved from Scwporl to Ihi .. place ill 11111'. ;'m\l \\ ill h ... per1ll:llle;It.· ' It is 011 n r ise of J,::roulld. and B. "t"tcs thaI from his II il\do\\ call heseell SOllie pe:lks o'f the mountains ill !d:lhn, ami B ritish Cohllnhi;\. II I! is afr;lid he I\ill ha r dll kllOI\ how to acl II hell 011 \c1-cl'J..'rolllld, as h is pa r ty h;lS h:lt! to climh cliffs, hlufb lind c\'e rything il\ the wav of rock Willi s. .\Ir. Brid)..( cs 11";1;; a fOn:iler with cl a s!; of 1913.

The M. A. C. RECORD. · to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld quarter. whcn Rowen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmlline. They were helll fur the fourth

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD. · to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld quarter. whcn Rowen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmlline. They were helll fur the fourth

The M. A. C. RECORD. \'01.. 18.



. ;\n UllUSU,tlly lar:.;~ l'nhH] II it­Ilcssed \he 0\ enl hclillillr:" ,ldc:11 of Ihe illlli:lIla Il'am ~alurJ,,~ all Ille bOlll\: licl<l. T ill! g-:nllC \\;;.~ full of thrill;; from ~I;tn 10 tilli"h, :ultl k.·pl tile ~pcc\n\ors ),!'llc,""illg" CI l'r,l' min­Ill<:.

Thc;;lIpcriori l .' of the hOllll' l'-':I1I1 WlI" :tpp:t rCIl1 frOIll lhe lirSI. a.., 1[,(',' rushed thcir opponl'l1U d,HII1 the tkld on SCI'C' ral on';I~iol1" durio;.!' \hl'

l;r,,1 half, and hUI for ftlll1hk" thl' ,.core IIOU]t! halc l'n'll CIl"1l lar\("cr. In thi ... half :.Iso the fonl lIni p;I~S

,li{iuOI prole Icr,' "lIl·{'C~sfll1.

AI\ lhi" WitS 1I1:I\lc up. htl\\c\'cr, ill the 1:\:., half. as :lpp:lfl' I\II.' l '\ {'ry­thin;;:- \\ hich \\:IS tri..,d oul work.,.1 \0 perfn,tion,

The unly .Iqlartnlellt ill \\ !lich thl: Dt: !':UI\\ Illl'll ex<:elll,,1 \\:I~ in kick in:,:'. Howell, the li ... itil1~ quar· tl·rh;lI: k. ;I I cn,:,:'ed at least 5".1 anls ill hisspirab.:lI1din'·;lri<lhl.\ tlrcJPped Ihem within :'01. A. C.'s tin:.: ani lilll·.

H ih1ct W II S one of 111(' ~!;lrS, hOlh in his position at qllarh:r ;lnd 1l:11£' In til\: ;;ccond half, liuuthi er h:II1' ,l1e,1 th..: tcam in tim: ;;h:l]>l', :111(\

1111;; a lIl!)st plul' ky pl:t}l·r. Grelll ;,::"ps were opened up in the OppOI!' "'n,'" line, Ihruu;.::h \\'hlch .I uli:m. Scni;; and C:lr,,;, made Suhslantial gHins at el'ery ;lIIernpL

iJon:nl1o ;lIId the :'\rillcrs \lac

cOllsi .. CCn' ~round ;.::aincrs, and t1H1dc sn:ral !>cn;;;lIiOlml dash.:", --arullllli the eml." T h(; work of l;if(onl. on ddl'IlSC, 11115 j..('relll, he breOiking through repl'llledly, :md nluling' the runncr hl'hind the line.

[n f:I<.:I. it was all :111 Sl:lr :1~J.!rc·

gatioll II hich hl'!lt De 1';111\\.

E'·l·rl' m:1!! II :,~ .It his he~t. ,111,1 de· ... en .. :., e re, lit fo r thl' ;lI<lil'idllal ef· fort as I,ell;ls for tcarll work .

The onl\, chnll CC fo r the visitors to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld qua rter. whcn R owen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmll ine. They were helll fur the fourth down when the b,l ll wen t Ol'er 011 all ilK'O'llplcle fonl:lrt! p:IS!!. Aftcr this Ille I' isiturs took 110 chances, bllt boot~',1 till: ball al l'I'c ry opportunity. The), wcn' ,I plucky hunch, and fOtl~hl gamely to the last,

,>11 1(1 1I~31.KYAS ~.\IUItI}A\·,

On ne),t Salurd;IY 1\\'0 ~arnes "ill be pla.1 C,\ 011 the home field. !"I:lrl· iug probHbl)' ;11 Olle 0 dock, all· frbhrncu team will clash lI'ilh the Uuilcrsit)' freshmcn te:l1l1. This will he lUI e,cellent :,:':lme. The :'0 1 ichigun team has 1I0t lost a J,!'(Imc Ihlls fur, :Inti our 0\\11 te:lIn II ill try ;111<1 break Ihe rccurd.

Ohio \\' esle}all h:ls a ~ood rec· ord this fall. olltside of h ... ' r game w ith Uberlill, :md Ihe latter is cspe· cia11), s l rong: this) c:lr. The), will gil' c M. :\. C. n )..:"0011 g-ame, ;lIld une whidl wil! he wdl ,,"orlh sec· IIlI.{. R e llle l1lbl'r thaI 111'0 )!llllles will be played. ~ee them both.




Th .. ' r"'port o f I'rof. Frendl 011

:\gri..:ulwre in Ihe Il i;!h ~d)().)b of :'\ I il'hi"atl .. ·onwins some Il'rl intl'r · "sting'''' fallS. The intrOi.luliioll of thb ~lIhjed II;lS he:,:-ull four ye:lrs :'g-o, ami the repOrt is ill!c llllcd to shull' the pl;lIl" and jlllrpoSl'S of the work. all,1 1I'1l:lt h:ls herl! :ICl'Olll ' plishl.'d.

TIll' tot:!1 !lumher of studen", ell' roll"d for :I;.:ricultllral work .Iuriu;.: Ihe p!l~t ~ <:':U' \l'llS 3uS hoys alld 30

;.:trls. In "e\'l'ral of Ihc ~.:hool!> the inSlrut'lor 1:lII:.:-ht llUlhilJ~ bill n:.:-ri , culture. \1 hile ill oth.,rs he h:llldl,·.1 ,\lie or IWII "uhje,'1-, foulld ill tb,' reg-ular H'hool Cl1rricululll.

In sCIl'r:.1 of the COIllIllUllit;1:!! ~peeial It'clures were gilell for the hellent of the farmer". ll11d ill fo ur of Ihese ,;ehoob a 11· ... t·k·~ course wa" l!il'ell. T he :I .. ·lual enrollrnCll1 for this work II as 6~j f:lrmer~.

:'olare than ! o ,,;chools ill :'\Ikhi· )!:111 noll' lun! :1 r r~lIl.lr !'·Clll r~e ill :1;Cricllitllre, Ililh al! :'\1. A. C. ~rad· 1I;1It: ill "h:lr;,!",' ;ulIl. in a.I,lition, lillie of ou r men have l)('t'lI call"d to thi~ w ork ill othe r stllte".

T he huHelill ,'olll<lin5 :t lIumher of cxceiteul h;df tones o f reprCSCllt;l· ti~'e d:t~se~ in Ihl' \'1lriOIiS schools.

Follo\\'ill~ is a li"t of schools Il1ld

tcudll'rs for 191 ~-I:3 :


Hillsdale - Teacher. R. .\ . Turner; Superintendent. S. J . Gier.

:-':orth Adam~-Te.acher . J . W. Clu1.pin: Supt. . J . W. Chapi n.

Otsego - Teacher, W. C. Geagley. Supt., L . W. ~~8~t.

Lawton-Teacher, C. D. MWIOn : Supt .. C. R. )Iurphy.

St. Louis-Teacher. W. A. Wvod. Supt " Charle8 DawBOfl.

Union Cily-Tt"aeher, C. L. N'ash . Supt .• 11. E. Stearns.

Waten·lielo-Teacher. C, S. LangdO!l. Supt" F. W. Ewe~n.

Sout h Sa'ell- Teacher. C. N. Frey : Supt., A. D. Prentice.

St, J ohus-Teacher. A, McVittie: Supt" F, P. Buck.

T rs"erl!e City-Teacher, L. B. Gard· ner : SUjlt. L . L . Tyler ,

Flushing--Teachcr. C. L. Harr ison : Supt., W. S. Goudy.

Addison- Ten.cher, H. G. Taft. ; Supt Carl Binns.

{OOll t1nued On ~e ' .J


The hOllnr.,n fr:ltt'rnil\ fur \\ 'HI1ell. Omi<:rl)l)J Xli . helt! ,,'n mi. ti:l,io1\ meelil!" \\·cdnt·sd:tyen'nill" of b~t \\eek.:t which lim .. · thc fll~ 10'1 ing' "t'llior WOntl'lI we re initiated: [.t),li~· :":mith. :'of:lIlge i .;lIlIOrt'aIlX, ;\laUllt· :'01:15011, :tllil [I:t ShCrlllall. In w.ldi\iOIl. til'l) IWII t~"ll'her!>, :'oli'<5 Ora G. Yt'Il!l\\'ine, instructor ill ,10. !!lestic ;lrt, :lnd :'oli<;~ \ ·i r;.!'ini:! C. H iche:'OII, i'I"lruclor in do IlleS tic SC;ellt·l·. lI'erc :l lso llI;!de IlIl' Hlhers of Ihe 'Jr:,:-:uli/atiol1.

1\1l illll·n" .. till~ prog-r;llll wa~ then g-ivell. :'\[r .... I.orcc, a ... pre",id~lIt, ~ale the ;ttld re!>'i: :'\Ii"" \\, :.I.lrolJ :::n e a ... pltlHlill hook reI il'l\' uf "lloll",,,hol,1 :,\1 al};t!.:el1l~nl.·' n-cl<l\lly puhli,.hetl hI :'\I;"s '1':111>01 :m.1 ;"Ii"s Hre(kellrid~l'. of Chic;t~o l·lIill·r· ... it.l. ~e\'cral pi;1I10 -olt,s ,,~ ~I is~ Freyhof.' r l.'ompldl·,1 the pro:!r;1II1.

'I'll\' medin!.:. IIhid\ 1\':15 hel,l ilt the p:orlor~ of the \\'01111;'11'_ Build· in;.::. was :tlh."ndell h\ all of tht' resill"nt members of I'he fr:lternity.


T he Puhlic ~pe"kill;':: ,\ssocl<ltioll met Fri(];" of last week. when olli· ..:crs wt· re· electl:d "tid comlll ittees appointed. \ ". T. Pickfo rd \\':1"

chosen presidc!ll of Ihc assf)l' illtion, ,II 1d :1 committee o f ti'e was <lp' poinled to ~o ll s idcr the ;\rr;lIl~elllent of a seril'S uf illter.sociel\· ,Ieh:nl''' . Thc committee will makl' it>; repnrt , :Iftl'r II hieh the situation will he )!ene raJ!y di~cussl·(]. Tho .. c preS ellt s':el)l"d \'-'n tllUch in favor of thc pbn. '

:\ntoll:;r other subjects lliseus"c,l wa" that o f :l. troph\' to Iw g-inc'll to the SOcio::lI' winlting ill the firl;1ls. . \HOther \\';15, thal pholOJ,!'ral'hs of Ihe winners ;,holllil be taken :111.1 ptnec<i in conspicuous JlI;l..:e~ prior 10 the dc1I<!ICS.

The l'Ollllllittt'e represclllitll':' women Stut!elll:. IIcre I'en' much in blor ot !he pl:lII". ami (t is to he hopc!.1 \, ill t;lke a morc a..:til-e part ill Ihe fultlre.

Bur ll, to 1\1 r . :\tIIJ :,\1 rs. ~. B. Il ow;trd,ol1 O ct. ~~, a 5011, Sher. 1Il :1I1 Burt(,u. Mr, I [oward is the college p:tillkr.

:-:1,1. 6

,_ ALUMN I ·/X) •

J;t11ll'~ ~:Inerlee. "f 1,:IIl .. in)!, :Sl'ellt ,'oll,ilit-r:lhle I'"rt IIf the sum· liter ill Pl'IIII~\'II';l!Iilt, dud lc:IVCS

:'\0\ .. 6. for 1.~ .. " \ Il:.;-elt·~, Calif.. wlll're he :ttI.! ~[rs. ~:Ith'rh:e II ill spend the wil1t~ .·. The trip h<ls heen tll;lIl~ I IL'l'l's~;tr) 011 :1C('OIB11 o f tho:: biter's d"lielle hl,:tlth. :'\Ir. :":atterlee 'I:lS ollli:.;-e" IrC;tiUrer of the :-i\;\t .. · Sociel I'. Ilt:l'alISL' of trip. .


III ro,;~i~1I !I~

II,.,nicu1tur:l1 th L• II e"t~'rl1

:\1 th~' [1I1"r""a'e l.ell·e COlilell· tillll, hel,1 at :'\Ietnphi", TCnlt" O il

Sept. ~ I_~t'>. l'. C. j 'a"hhy repre , ",eliled .\I;,),,,r L'rump. (If ;"kmphi", Oil th.: prog:r;lIll. I I,,,, alilirc"s \\;1"

011" Lelecs tho:: 01111 Plnn,"


~. I .. I n)!cr~1l1l h.I'I dlllll;':l'li his ]...Ic;ltioll tn"11 Furt \\·orlh. Texa~. 10 q..:S :,\lill!ll'~nLt .\Ie·., Chick . aiha, ()I.,llI. :'\Ir. 111::l' r~oll is now I:mpl",\ed Ity the Cbi l k:l~llu L'oltnn Oil CO. :IS rhellli,,!,

"til .

R . I.. [!r')IIJ! i ... '" Uklahotn!l Citl. IWlill:';: re ..:el!lll IIl.Hed to this plaZe frOitl )) ,lIl tls: T ex. lie I"

\\ith the Cr.\"lal h't' Cre:llll Co.

't ~.

A. I:. Da), 'I~ • . 111. 1 :-'Iiss :\nll:l l "nderhill I\'er\' lIl1trrieo at the home of the hri,tl"~ p'irellt~, (1]\ R um;;l'l' . \1"\' " l.alll>ll1:'::. till TUl'l .. d'IY, 0('1. i. :'\[r. ;tllt! ,\Ir,.. 1l:1\ ;lre:tt h"me Il(':lr Olil'el. where :'olr. I)a\ \\ill h:llc ~h:lr).:'.· of his f:lI he r''l f:;rlll Ihe COlli· 1II:-r ~ ,-;lr.

\', (; .. \lIder:l>ulI i .. I\ilh the Humk,\' j ' r",lueli Co., of I.aporte . Iml., I'nlllll ,. ,iol\ ,lcp:t r lml·tll. IIis addn';;!> i~ ~ to .Ieffer;;o ll St.

I .. \. Ilultien i~ "itlt the LiUle :'\(otO( (':lr e.I., ur Flint, II ith Uti· llr.·!!s at I 13 1 \\ '. Court :-it.

\· .. ·rn h:cI <: hurn is tlnillg' licltl :ItIIt

oil ice \\ork in h:ol)h' lwi VoreSI Re,>:;cfl'; lI iClll. al l.ihhYt :'\1.0111.

II, I':. BOlle is wilh the ~outhern Indi:llm I.>Clwcr Co., :It Bedford, where he il! working- IIJl tl'SU, de· si::rns, etc., ;1\ the company'", nllke, :1IIt! also rt1illliu;! te~ts ;11 the imlliS· tria l p1:uIIS.

'q. J. II. Uri,l;.!'es is in rel'Ol1noiSlince

work, with 1h':I(i(l'larters :1\ Coolin, Idaho. The ollke W:I!, moved from Scwporl to Ihi .. place ill 11111'. ;'m\l \\ ill probahl~ h ... per1ll:llle;It.· 'It is ~itll:ltl'd 011 n r ise of J,::roulld. and B. "t"tcs thaI from his II il\do\\ call heseell SOllie pe:lks o'f the mountains ill !d:lhn, \\':I~hillJ,!'ton ami British Cohllnhi;\. II I! is afr;lid he I\ill hardll kllOI\ how to ac l II hell 011 \c1-cl'J..' rolllld, as h is pa r ty h;lS h:lt! to climh cliffs, hlufb lind c\'erything il\ the wav of rock Willis. .\Ir. Brid)..(cs 11";1;; a fOn:iler with cl as!; of 1913.

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD. · to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld quarter. whcn Rowen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmlline. They were helll fur the fourth

------~--------------------~~~ The M . A . C. RECORD .

The M. A . C. RECORD ill the ahsence of Pres. I"el.ersoll, of lhe sophomorc ..:I:IS:>. C. \ V . LOl eland repr~l>e l lte~ 1 the c!:lss, :Ind made :1 hit with his jokl'<; and 0:.'1-

hibil:.. Ilc :lcklltlwledg'ed Ihat the frCshm:1n c1uss 11':15 th e hest ulle which hall entero:d i\1. A. C. billet: his tinle, and th:lt, outside of !!ome .!oo or 3')() which hau ttl he hrullg-ht 1I1l!ler suhjectioll, lhe r~st \\cre relt !!y very un:Jsslitnin;.:'. as well :IS m::colll m(J(lnt i II ~.


P ".L' GMC " urn T UCSon "U ,,, .... TH e ~OLU .. C U " .... THe . ,,, .. ,""" STAn

. ... ":.UlTUAU ~L["[

8 . ... . r.ur'lCt. l1li .... .. ,,, ,, itO'TO.



AC01>" of the ;,ddrcssdc\i\crc,l h\" Dr. Bla;"ddl :It his ill!lu~ ,

ur:tlioll' as prcsidcnl of the Aim:' collc):c h;lif hL"Cn rccc;,cII, :llId forms a must illtcrc!;tini; hullctin.

Dr. Bbi:,dcll tir,;, t:.kcs up Th .... J{cllllii'Sall l'l' as:' hl~. then the "Church:ll' a i\11.'h<.:~ of Colle),.!"c,;." Ihcn Ihe ··l{clwi,;<;:tJIcc "f 11ll.> Co'll­lege:' Other pllint:; '\llIdll~d IIpOIl afl' ('ollege cUlr.lI1l:l', "Iudl'n! ~o\'­L'rlllllcnl, l'()llo:~c and ciliz"'Il:>hip. college :Ind morab. college cxt.::u­,,;UII. ell".

Th ... d.,.-tor hdicn~'" that (Jlle of Illl' dfccb of the renaissance is th~ indiduu!ll touch ... most l;llu'lhk thin:.: in col1~g{' life. lu conllecti()11 with th~' suhject! we qllot~ th~ fol-10winJ..:":

"The foothalll'oach knlllls c\'er)' Illall 011 hi~ te.UlI; knuws his!'t n:n~th and his \\ eilkllcss. li e pUIS hilll wlu.'n: he l-:m render Ihe ' greatest .!Ief\·i,--~. li e de\'c!0pb him for th:tl pl/tcc. li e studi~1i the indi\'iduul a ... III) otht'r cullege instructor studies him. Thl' [ootball ideal will he­COUl~ the .. .-ollcg'c ideal ere the Re­naissan('e has tinished its wor k, E,o:r) }oung nun an,u el'er~ y~un~ WOlIIan will L..: stllChed as all IIIll!·

ddu:tl :111,1 \\'ill be tnlincd hJ do thc work he "hows Ill' is I ... ·~t titted for. And the indil'idu ul stmly growin~ out of a cluser touch hctw~el1 in ­structor ami student lI"ill enable Qur colleges to del'clop an etlicien~.r lu:n·ttlfure unilllllgillt._od.


T:lkcn from en::ry point of I-iell. the allllual ])Ow WOI\" h;trbccue. hcld in front of \Vdl! 11!l1I Friday night, W!lS a --howli.ng s lIccess."

The crowds g:'thcred at 7 to i :30-around the big hontire. cild\ on~ ca,"cr to hear and sec it all. and • anxious \0 get a tastt! of the de· lit-ious ox, which h:ld been roasting

alldu}. _.'

J,I rs. L :ltllioll is in rl'eeipt of the followill,r letter from i\lrs . Il ettie


III passing the car ving' knifc to the freshmell, he btMed the das.,; Wit" proutl of their r~conl, alill onl) hoped tht· lir,;t year men IIQII1,1 H1ltke jllllidoliS u,,"e of s:IIn e. .

I-'res. Malllienlicrg thcn recelvcll the knife, prom i ... ing 10 keep it ill good shape :u1(1 free from r ll~t. .

Th e IlCII lIl:tle 'Iuartetle 1":15 111-

trodlll·c.1. ami was rOI1ll(lly ap­pl;tlule,1 for their e)l;cclknt I~' ork. The work o f \.h~ hand WilS hIghly :ll'preci atell, allil added .Illllch 1\) the enjoyment of the occaSion.

Following th~ "bllr).ing- of the harchet." the c rowds hrK'(1 up 011

each si~lc of the enclosure, the 0)1;

\\as lifted from the fin', ami till' dispcnsc rs of s:ul(lwiclles :lIId cicler were kept hilS)' for :r couple of hours.

h: ris Bemis was all th:lt coulll he desired ill the master o f cerclIlonies; Fat led in the yells; the lIi,rht was ideal for lhe affair; :tllIl tl~ls P:lss(·d the hi~ . suc..:essful h:uhecuc of ' 9'~'


The haud will gin: the lirst prom­cnade cOllcert o f the ~cason;1\ the armon· Friday en'lIing, :\"0'-' lSI. To thuse Jlot f:\llliliar with the promen:tdes. a ",.ord o,f. expl:u1:lti.oll will not be :lIIl1SS. I h~y arc 111'

fOflnal :.Il-collc!-!'l' huwtions. CtJIlI'

bin at ion concerts :lIld d:lIlcc$, 10

which th~ whole collc~c communi!.1 i$ cordialh- illl·iled. The new Stll. dents arc cbpt.-cililly IIrged to tu rn 0111

and become hetter llC(luaillted with the fa CIlIt,- and older stll(lents. In orde r to bOring this ahol1t. it will o f course he neeess:lry fo r the faculty and older stude1Hs 10 he on hand, and therefore they :tre aboespecililly \lrve.! 10 1I11turil out.

~rhe \lomen of the collt:;!e arc in­I' iled to.) .tlt eml ill a LOti)" [l0j; they do al the Illa~s meetings. I n order to IleJral' cxpenses, the 111('11 are charged the s lll:111 Slllll of '5 cents each .

The band is working hard to pre· sent II fine program Friday nij.!'ht, and a good tinU~ is assured c\"cry' one:


\\' r ighl l~ hil1ips, :1111 1 throllgh I~er kindness we arc allowed 10 publish the sallle :

.. \Vhcn thc H.l~CO IW c.:tllle this wee k I fclt that I uwt"d you it

Idter'to cxp1:,in :.wa), the evidcllt dell!Sityof the poslcilnl I mailt.:.: l YO.II a few weeks :1).:"0. I suppose It IS

due to the !:let thul il is so lleccSS:.rr to couuense wht'lI puttin~ !;ever:11 ,;cutences on a postca nl.

" The b els uf the c:,;:;e nrc, that ) 1 r. P h illips ;'" \Indcr the cil' il se n ' · icc. his tiTle;'" "Expert Farmer," allli we :tre lil'illg' at the ;tJ!el1ey, which is Ih'c miles frolll thc Ilcaf(·st railroad st:tlion. \Vlle ll we came herc,ol'er two ye11rs ago, the dis· ta nce of 3.1 miles {rulIl ".1:lll1ath Fails was covered hy hoat 111 SUIII­

mer :tnd sWge ill wil1t~r. Sllrvey­ors were:lt work therc, however, :l1ld now the r:tilruad extclld", 15 miles beyolill Chiloquin. (}ne hl1 l1 -dred miles tu thi: north .11l0ther is com ing this WlIY, so we II ill soon 11:11 c allot her to the north.

In some respects all :1genC)' re· sembles :t SIfl:lIl collc).!"c tOIl'II. There :Irc lWO s to res, :I postol1ice, all I lid ian hoarding school, two Jor­mitories . ~ school house and ~hapcl , dinill~ halls for employes :tlld In _ dian children, :U1d nume rous cot­tages for the o:mployes ami their families .

Not coun ting fo resters and polic~. mcn , there are somc 35 clnplo)'cs 0 11 the rc,;en ation. Fiftcell of these h:11 l' f:uHiliL-s, so \l'e arc Ij llite :1 little conlin unit \. :111 by ollrsch 'es.

T his is :t I'cr)' rich soil, 1II0St o f it heing I'ole:mie ash, but as w e :t re in thl' seUli-a r id re;.::ioll east of the t: lscades, il has 10 be either irrigated or Il r\' farmel\.

\\-~ arc within Ilri"ing' dis tance of Crater L:lke :\":1tiOllal P :i rk. ami mall\' tourists :Ire through here in the ~sumrner. The attr:lctiuns a re <h, o·ooJ hunt in '" and fi shirw ant! e • e Cr:lIe r Lakc. \\. c arc almost su r­rounded by mountains. EI·CII when we look to the south. W:ly beyoud "hlm:lth La ke is snow cO\"l'r(:d ~I t. ~hast'l. Oir~ctly west, ;u:ro!;s th.e C:lscades, is ~Iedford. ~ I r. K el­Iller, '03, is :11 ~leufor(1. lie is :l lso wor kin" for Uncle Sam, but umler a diffe;ellt depar t ment. Gordun Tower, 'O~, is near Ashllll1d, ~nd up at l~ortl;\nd is the Alumni Associ­atiOn for thc stale (Oregon). \\'e should like to sec more of O\lr friend ... over on Ihis sidc of the cab­('ades,eveil if onl)' for a hUllting trip.


An examinatio ll for clerk will ~ held at the posto tti cc ill Ihis dty on No\,. 23, 19'~, for the puq)Osc of e!!l:tblishing :tIl c1 i;.::ible register for the East Lansillg postolli cc .

Age limil, l ~ to 45 years, 011 tlte d:lle of the exam ination.

i\-Iurricli women will not be ael ­mitt ell to the examimttiOIl. This prohibitioll, howevcr, docs not apply to wo men who arc divorced. o r those II ho arc sc parated frOll1 their hus­ballds :Iml s upporti ng thelHsell' cs, hilt they lire elig'ible for appoint­ment only f!s clcrk.

l\ ppliclllltS I1IUSt he ph ysica lly SOIl Il<l. and nwlc applicant.s mllst he not less than S feel -\ inches in height without boots o r shoeS, :11111 weigh not less th:1II 1::5 po unds withoul. Ol'ereoll t or hal.

For :1pp lie1ttion hlanks :11,,1 for full information relativc to the ex-:tminatiOIl, ,!ualil'ic;lIions . "Il tie s, sabries. \' :I(,:l1;0IlS, promotions, etc., mldress immediately

13. I.. ROSRC It AX:;. 1'.l\ I. . E:lst Lausi n).! , ~ I i..:lt.


T. A. I-'ilrr:md, of £:11011 I<apids, :111 old timc fri end o f thc Ilurt. Cluh, addressed its lI1eetill ).{ \Vcllnesd:ty e\'e nillg. l\ l r . Farr:1I1l1 is in the midSI of his big apple han'cst" :trllI to ld about the I'arious pluses COII­

neeted with pick ill).!, packill).! :U\d selli ng. An orch:lnl ~tt c..;r:ll ul Le(lge which he has Icnsctl is silililo Ix: une of Ihe fin est ill the state, beinl:' :1 yOllng- orch ard.:lnu 1.IOSl ly Northern Spys. Il is crop there is cons icle r. ably Ol'er •• thOIlSM!!J barrels.

]-'-J r. F :lrtalld is ;In cnthusiastic pusher for ~lic hiJ.!:1Il horticulture, and is always ready to tell the fi lle points which he has acquired th rou;.::h experience. li e touched UpOIi the market conditions th is yelt r , :lIId the IiIbor problem" :IS well. showing the difliculties o f Iwndlin;.:: the crop. Ilis t,.lk s .tre :Ilwuys 1\ ekome.

J. 11. i\IcClintoek gave:1 resume of his work this slimmer as pathol­ogist for the hOlallY de pa rtlllcnt. After everyone hall s:llIlplc(1 the Gold Drop peach, Prcs. I lend rick· SOil adjourned the meeting.

~hortly after i :30. "ns BemIS. 'is' mounted the platform, caBell thc mceting to order (?), and pro· ceeded. with jest and Slory, to intro­lluce each speaker on till' program.

IURrch, The Victors _______ .... __ __ F;lllt'l

" 1 tried to j.!il'c you, ve ry b r iefly, an idea of wh:lt the Indian l:Cparl­nlcnt is . ,,' hen we entered the Serv ice we hud 110 iden o f wh:lt the wurk W!lS like, IIml I suppose :1 majority of the people lilil.1).:" e:lst of the ~iississippi :tre no WI~er about this resen';ltioll work thall we were thell. EI'ery reservation is in charj.!c of a supc rinicmlellt , :md he h:ls authorit}' o,-er evcry other cmploye. There arc three different tribes of Indi:lns here. • • ."

The Cl'lebrated Cohurn P1:lyc rs l.re playing "t thl! (jbdmer this weck, :lIld a IHlm bcr of collc}!e peo­ple arc lakinJ.! at!"'U1lage of the op· porulllilr 10 witlless Shakcspeare's produc tions. The i\ler..:hant o f \ . enice is ~i"clt this evcninJ,!; to­morrow afte rnoon, 'Ll1ning of the Shrew; :tnd \\ 'edncsday c\'ening, Otbello. Prof. "ing 11":15 ill his usual good

spirit:;. and kept t~\1!. cro~l'd laugl;. in .. with a dramilUC n .-cltal of IllS . . . Slllltiq' :md ~'llrious cxpen~llct's III

conllection II-ith barbecueS. h;llI­quets. etc.

Capt. Riblct was the second speake r, .tnd p.lili stlldellt';.:lnd 001-lege people in gCllet:ll a IIh.:e com­pliment for the gener.ous support accorued the tealll thiS year, and clilIinK attenlion 10 the g:lIne with De l~auw alltl the part they should h:we.

Coach ~Inekli\l .\lul A ssistant Cortrif;fht were eallcli \l1~01l, :Iud l)Oth. "ith a fund of stones, kept e\ erl'hOlh happy, the fonne r gi\'in~ one or I\~O sUllImo:r expericnces in which Prof. }':;ing hUli figured.

Two·Step. LI)\'e's Dream Ilfter the D\II. __ Cziblilka Tete.a-Tete ____ . ____ • ____ ___ _ ThollljJII011

Wlilt>:. llinuett. ___________ . ______ PallereU"ski

Selection. TheSprillg Maid .• Reill/lardf Two-Step. Reine Vltlse ____ • _____ . ____ . _ ScJnca~tz LoI'e's Old Swoot Song, corOlet 11010

JloIloy Mr. Gott}leimer.

Wil-Itz .

.\1 the .\rmorl' Friday , :\'01'. 1St, 7 :30 tQ 9 :30 p. '~I. Be there.

The final cross-colIIl\ ry run will be made SalUrda}' of this week. Tell mell will enter the nlce, and the first live to finish wilt represent J,1. A. C. in lUlY alld all college con· tests.

T he RI-;COIII) :Iims to puhlish corrccl n ews items always, but just think what iln interesting lette r we it:lve gaine(1 hy thai last slip. i\ m :tfraid this il< imlllcemclIl enough to make :lllother. \Vish we Illight h:l\'e more like the abovc.-E I).

Dr. and Mrs. Blaisdell, with thei r two sons, Tom :md Billy. spent S;lwrday and S unday at ~1. A. C.

Thc l\lichigan Apple ~how, held in Gr:uul Ra pid s N OI'. 1 ::_ 16, prom­ises 10 he big~er :lIId heth'r tllilll

ever. Practical!) all of the senior Ilorts. :Ind :1 larf;{C numhl' r o f juniors will attend. Fifteen senior!! h:II'e becn appoint cd by the cbss 10 ;.::il·e five 01;1111 1<' talks on hortiellhur:ll subjecls . T he uSllal prizes arc offere(1 for the three best t:llks. The show is held in connec tion with the anllual Illeetillf;{ of the State Horticultur:11 Society. T he i\l. A. C. cadet hand has heen inl' iled to furni sh lJlusic on this occ1lsion, which is cert:linl)- :t fine compliment to our musicians.





Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD. · to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld quarter. whcn Rowen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmlline. They were helll fur the fourth


The M. A. C. RECORD.





Announcements, Programs, \\' 0: ~p"'l';:tlil.t; fill indi\illual

Finc SI'~liorH.: r.\ ~'mb{l""c(1

the lin\: ul

Invitations, Etc.

(II' printcil orllcrs for ~



_ A LLOW US the plt::lsure of showing YOll

C,../1. the finest collection of Ladies' and Gende-men 's Furnishings ever brought to Lansing. \Ve speciali!.c In furnishings for College trade . A lways find the latest in Sweaters, M ackinaws, Rain Coats, Caps, I-\a rs, Shi rts and N cckwcar at



We are Showing T he L:trgest and Best Assortment of Novcltit:s III

Neckwear, Fancy Jewelry, Gloves , Hosiery. Etc.

A cordial illl'it:ttion IS extended [0 (he College

people to pa~ LIS a visit.

ohe Mills Dry Goods Co.

Do You Want ['air Sh"llrs r.:: Ili£., :-::tft'l) 1<:llOr-

,;,11"11.' .. \ Ul n "lcOP, ~:"·r.Il.·,,,ly .. ,,,I ~:",I~ra to ",11'1"1 Ir"'"

li on..,,,, :Ul([ Slrop~ :-;" 1\:> 1 1,,111 11 I ... r", l ialo:het", Chisels S crew Uril· ... n.

In bct, anything- yOIl Ill''':!! ill hard" a rc \ ou \\ ill Ii 1111 _ allil at pri .... ·s 10 ,."it -:IT

Norton'S Hardwar6



Cots Folding Beds


Book Cases Desks



ABO UT THE CAMP US IrblruCtor Coffeen t>pukc beforl'

the II1"I1;1n, CUUllh' FarIlH:r,; Clul" S:.tunl.lr. al ~ l a"uil.

In" trUClf,r :'\cwl:llltl~'r, of our .bin ,kpartn,clll . Wit .. ill Chil';!~" \a~I' wed .. , wh.:n: Ill' alll'm!l·d Ihl; :'\ :uiollal J) :lir~ ShOll,

E, A. Yok.·, "I':, I\b" I" hom ... frOl1l Okl:111011l:l f"r:1 ~Il<>rl I'is i!, n i lled 'HI c(llll;~ ': friclld~ Vridllv. I i i" h()lIIl; i" in 1 'III1~i l li-!: ' wl'<'r~ I;.: II ill <'::1'" hi..; h"lIoL

l'olili~'.-; i" lakllli-!: hold :II \1. ,\, C ... ulUng- Ihe~tll'\.:1I1~, ami lariOIl.., clubs will 110 duuht he formed. The prog-res..,in:s held .. 1I1C(:lill;.,!" ill 1(11 Ag-ritllhllr:11 Bllild ill!.!' r<'c~n ll ,\.

1\ h.'n ollker,. w ... re 1:\.:..:1.:11.

\1 i.;hig all pro..llIccti :;0,1)00 f.: .... ' c.f boanl lumhe r 1:.,., sca"OIl, eOSIIlI~, ull all :11 cnl;:e. $:;0,00 p.: r 111. Thi" was rnade from old orchards :111.1 \\ illd f:11I 1n.:.:S. Thc produl'l I' ;I~ Llsed maillh' in the IlIallll(a.;IlIrc of "al\' h:lIullcs,

!'rof. Bak.' r·" 1:1:15" in fur""lry h:t~ heen I'i"iling- the lumh"r y"rlh in the .il.\" Ihe p:tst 1\\0 S:ullrila,I~ . \\ lu:re Ill..:) !:I\lul.1 Ih..: ::.lruc1ure "f woods 1:lkell lip in the I:thor:tlOry, "fler which LI} lIll1\errial IUl1Ih.'r ill ,ani lOIs is ino-pn:lc,1 :!lul cxpl:li!led. 'I'he :II'era"e I :lrd c:lrri.:s abolll ,0 species. ·fhe'lnr).!' ... cil.1 ~:Inls "':I rr.' from 50 10 60 s p(;L'ies. The lul:1I /lUlIllx: r thcll in \/ic hi;.:-an is :choul 100 speclc:>. T h.: fa.:tories u", ... 11 laSI 5.:a"01l 1,~Sl.'i61 ,~OO ], 0:\ r d feel o f hilnhcr. <H ,hi" HIlIUlllll,

1l~.6 pcr cent. 11":\$ J.{rowlI in \1 ichi, K:ln .

Uean ~h:tw allend..:!l the F:lf!I1' er .. ·- Hank(·rs' b:IIH!"ci. Friday uf 1:1"'1 \I ... ck. hdd 'I' . \lIeg-:II1.

\[i~" Frc\- h" f..:r ,·ulerl:linl.'l! IIll.' le:ldlCrS uf I ti., \ \' u", ... n 's B llirdin:: ,,\ IUlICIIl.'OI\ >II her hOlne. \101\ \1 :\ \ C\ en, il1;':- of I""" II ... ck.

. \ 1 i"s Vred<·ric:l I l uhha rd. ill "01 -k:: ... Ih .. pa,,1 }ear, is uow :1lll'I!dillg rlt c (jcrll1all \\ 'aILtc Culleg-.·, al Ikr"a, Ohio. 1111<"r ..... h ... i" "Ik.,(·ializ­in;.:- 111 !llU~il·.

\[i .. ~ ,'\'orll1'l Ide, ill colle;.:-.: 1:t~1 .1,·ar,lla~ !I1arr i"'l l r C"l'ml) lo\lr. Jllme!; H . 1.<1\\·cll. ;\ / r . ami ,\ I r ...

·'.OIVl·1l wil! lie :It ,hl' ir fa rm holn.: afte r Jan. I,:H H . F. 1J, J, L:lIJ .. in;:,

,\le~lIr", I.(;\\i", Fulle r :llld "on. '(J~ . ar.· pl:tI1l1in;: In ('lIblrg-c their poultry pl:illt :II I ': "~I L:m~ill;':-, ami \\il! \\inlcr 1,0110 l:lying h"II" in .. rder 10 ,ake ca r ... of !lwir rapid! .1 ~ro" inl.:" .:;:;: 1 r,ul.:.

An UIIII'>\"ll!y 1:lr;:<' n" " lh"r .,f 5111l1.'nh lk .. irin;: Ilork h:ls b.'cil l"k"'1\ C:lr..: of thi .. f:tl! In the CIIl­pIO)'II1('1II \.urC:ILI, of II:hich \l r . I.or,·e is 1I1:IIHI;..::er. IllIskin;.:' {'orn, di;:~i l l::! potal,,(·~, ,mt! p i ... kiu~ apples h3l.: t'OIl,~I l lulet! tllc ;..:: r e:llcr part uf Ihl' Ilork.

TIll' jlltl~il1.\.:' l ... a1l1 froll1 Ihe tI.:. 1'~lrl"'enl of Il:tiry hu"hal1dr~ r l.'. turncd SuniL" nil-!hl from Chic:wo. "hl'rc Ihel ','IIlI"ed sloc k 11\ ~1'" . " ;\ ation;!l !Jain' !-'how. The tellnl i~ t;otll po:>ed of \Ic",~rs. P ip ... r, \l am. ilton 'llul Rc.:d, Pro f. !\nd ... rsOIl, \\·ho 11150 lIU"'llilerl the show, i" e;,:. p.'cl ... IIIO relllrll lomorrow,

l\l r . (). h.. \\ 'hil l' Ilill :lddr ... ~~ Iltl' I lorl. Clllh \\ · .... \rll·".l:ty el,·n· inl-! aI6::;o,

\lr~, A .. \kCrl'llTl, Clf 1".11:111' :Ipoli~, i", ,i:;ilil1).:: .11 Ilil h"lIIe " f hc:r daughl<'T, \lr~. \laTtl. un \;r:l",l Rh ... r /\Il·.

Four n ... w piallfl~ \\.:re pur..:!l!1;. ... d for Ihe dcparlllll:1I1 of " 'lIsil ,lurin;: 11ll' 1':1,.\ ~1I111nH·r. '1'\\0 <If Ihe~l in~trurnents :Irc \ '<I'\c al1,I ,\n, ~"h· IIlcr.

, \ IIl!W ga!I:lllOlIlel.:r. with:t fUlir foot ,;call', h:l~ h"cn pla ... ed in Ihe ma ill ph,l .,It'~ Ic( lure roolll. Thc li;.!ltt is £0015 .... 11)11 a ..;cr.'en frorn" .'onC1Wt; mirror, II hidl i" ilb ... rled in the g-nll·:IIIQlIIe t.'r,

~c"eral he.!.. Ilf .. h nlhheTl M e h,·inJ..{ lo r n lip, Ihc shr uh~ tak.·i! 0111. :mll will hI: rl'I'J:lI1tcd hI' n~·\I. t:lc:1Il SIUl·k fn>lll rill.' l'olkie IIlIr"erics, A I"rt::(' p:lrl of lhi5 .. hruhl,.'r) had l'cculI1': (Jltl :11,,1 worlhless. .<.; cl-e r :.1 uf Ihe n ... 11 heds will Ioe eh:III~ ... ,J m:Ilcrialll, :IIHI will he ~f, pl:1I11,'d :I

to :I\'oid ~on.\.:"·~ lioll.

l ' r.:",idcnI T:rft, Oil Fchru.IT) _" I r) I r, folio II IIIg :t r",1 iew of 1,-lIXI t'l"lclS al Ihe l'ni" ... r",i\1 of I llinui~, w rute:t~ follol' 't III Ihe· prc.,id,'lll of thll! ilhlilutiorl: ,,\\'t· are :111 in L,,'or of <.ol1c~c ",hleti,-.. , hu t Ollc "f thc ,lekcl!> of :tl hlctil'" i" thc !c11,1-"IlCI to (I'!llinc Ilork 10 Iho"e I\ho >Ire l131urally hl.'~t :lIlaple,1 10 iI, wh ilc the "r'::lt swdt;lIt ho.ll ta1.. ... , 110 actil'" rart III the ~aHlc",: This is no! Irlle of militan' tmilling: Ih:.1 CO III",S f rom lhc or~:lIIii::tliol1 :11111 mail11enlmCc of :1 school regimen!."

Pruf. :md \1 ro;, ],,,),,0 11 \I en' ~· :tnl·d to IUI\a :-::tlllrtl:ll, 011 a lTOUlll of Ittl.' 11l':tlh tlf Ihe for;lIl'r',; mOlh ... r.

I:lInc" \\ 'ald ",I1, '1 0 . TCl'llin .... h. i .. · le .. ling- fo r ;IIII:1lJ ,,:cl l rl'J..{hlry. \llIlle r th.: .lin't: li tlll IIf the tlair) dc. p;.n'II':1I1.

;\Ir. Spr:lJ.!g, \\111) Iw", hc,'11 "pcml . ill;::1 IIlonlh at hi~ \.1<1 hUlllC in \10111;111.1. rl'lurlll',1 111l: pil.~1 \le ... k, h rill~il1~ hi" lIIother \Iith hilll,

Th e I!irct:lorl of Llr.:uh\ OIlId ::.W.

Ilclih i~ w,,' i,; Ihl' ":Hld,: IIf .. "Ik-~e pcopl .... :tlld i,,:o 1I1(>~t I ;Iluaiolc oIUI'II. !lIcnt. Th.· dirl'Our, \I a,; J.,:0Il ... rI 0111 h~' ,\li~" Y'I1..l'l I:I'.

Ch:trlc,; (jvi:'11 ju,h::.:d Ih.: :t:{ri, ntllll ral " 'hil'it ill COHlll'Clioli \\i1h Ihe Balll-!lJr .. Ir ... el !:tir 011 Fri.1:!1 Il f Ia::.t wl·ck. " I r. ChibOIl i~ Ihc hllstli"" le·ldll'r uf a"ril'llllllrl' :11 Ilwl pl:7 .. c, . ....

(;rO\'l'r J ..... cc"r<l. " furllll.'r \1, . \. C. II\;CU: II rill'~ fr')\\1 Sih l'T Cill, :-':ew \/"'l lO, Ih:!t ht· ha~ ~1"'lIr",(a I'O~ili"'l "ith Ih ... '1\·rr :. hOIl I1 ... :-'11!.!;If Co .. "f \IIII" ... :.!:lI, /.a .. {<lr thc "0111_

ill:': ;;..:a~()II, :<rlll II ill n'porl fo r lIorJ.. Ihe bltcr p"rl of O Clohc r, ,\ 1,.:-'1; coni will he :I~ .. i~lall\ cllcmi .. 1 f,) r :th(l\·~· lIaI111',1 "''''111:111.'.

.\11 cI"'ll(,ri (,f "llOuloi lk.·:tr ill milld

ElI51 J.:II!~in!{ Ihe fa ll Ih:ll to

ahle 10 \01\' at Ihe g'cllcral dc.-!i.", on ;\[)I-, :;. Ihl.:l' mu~t rc"i::.tcr ~at, urll:l\, ;\O\,!: ,\11 Ih; .. e ill the lir.,t 'lc;;i"IIIIil'" Ili"l rict will rl.';.!ish'r al Ih ... puloli..: ",choul huu,>,:, :\Iul Iho".: ill Ihe seculld di"trict :It the collc"<' power hou"e. Thc hOllrs ar ... fro~n ~ \0 S.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD. · to sC(J re ca;nc in Ihe secolld quarter. whcn Rowen dr.:1ed the end for 30 Y:l rdli. :md wHstlowl1cd 011 the fuur. pmlline. They were helll fur the fourth


The M. A . C. RECORD.

Evecybody , .. d5_ TH E STATE JOURNAL B ECAUSE

It completcly co vers the field o f local news, politics, and the world of sports.

ilec:mse its telegraph and correspondence sen-icc enable it to g ive its readers the latest general news of the day in ad. vance of lIny other newspaper coming into LalJsing .

Have THE STATE JOURNAL delivered to your home by carr ier


A nation-wiJc CtlIw:\s is being made nmong educational people to raise a Memorial Fund iu bOllor of :\1 r.:i, Ellen II. R ichanls.

)lrs. Richa rds is II J..,,,:tdu;ltc of the Massachustlts Institute of T ech lIolog}" with which institution ~hc was conllcctc~l fo r _10 YC;1rs. } or ::5 yenTS she was in charge of sani ­tary chemistry, and was the firs t to apply science to home bettermell t in lIl:llters of food, clothing, shc!ter, ami the a rt of Ih'ing.

She was founder and chai rnllHl o f t.he Lake Pilicid Conference on H ome E conomics, 1~1908, fi rst p resident and then honorary presi. den t of the A meric:tn 1I01l1c Econ· omics Association, Igo8-191 I, she establ ished tbe 70llrllul '!! /lome ECONomics, 19o9, the first publica­tiol1 (lc\'ote(1 to the application of science to home problems. 1 ts purpose is to establish temporary lectureships ill colleges aud uni· versities, thus ope ning the w:ly fo r regular instruction regarding Ihe 110I1s<:hol<l, both in ils pri\'alc and public relationships; :tid in the inlroduction of household arlS illto demelltOlfy schools uml highcr ill­stitutiotlS; pron~olc rese:lrch ami in\cstigatio ns mto problems of fond, clothing, hOllsing, child care, san itatio ll , ami household IlHlIl;lge· 1I1<:nl; ;lid Ihe hO\lscwife by POP\I. lar bulletins bring ing to the average hOllle sug-g:estiotls makin~ for a higher le,'el of comfort fo r the: in· <lividll:tl f:nllily group,

Olle hundred- thirty colleges, one hundn.:d normal schools. sc\'en hUIl~ d red big-h :;chools aud mail)' other institu tions already g i\'e: cou rses of stulll' in home economics. The ll on;e Economics Fund will uim to fllrnish light and lead ill); ill this nationlli 1ll0'iement fo r a better home life.

A Cflll'iIlS is to he made shortly of the facul ty throu~h the Omicron ~u Society, uud it is hoped that all wil! be ,tllie to :;i\·c the one dollar suhscriptioll asked fo r this worthy cause, As soon as the alxn·e ClUJ· vas is completed among- the [acuity, one is to be institu ted among the col· lege students. I II other institutions a twcnly.fil'e ccnt subscription is asked of the student body, and it is the plan of the society to adopt th is, unless one cares to pny the I:lrger amounT.

\V c a r c n1ry :lnxiouS 10 have a brgc suhscription list to h:llld ill to the trustees of this Fund.


Dr. Lyman has been some· what lInder the wC;Lther o f la te, :Iud only able to he at his desk a portion of the dav. X e\L r itis is the calise of the t rouble.

Dr. C. E . . Marshull, now of Am · herst. has been making a trip throuKh the \Ves l. inl'cstigatillg conditions rega rd ing graduate wo rk ill :Lgriculture.


(COHIlHU<,d from IlfIlI'el.)

Budson - Teacher, C. V, Ballard; Supt., C. L. Poor.

Grand Ledge- Teaoher, T. IJ. Cald· well ; Supt. . Jonas Bawdon.

Bart-Teacher. A. W. Eidson: Supt., Frank Jenson.

Croswell- Teacher. R. E. Duddles; Supt., Geo. F. Manning.

Fremout-Teacher. S. S. Smith; Supt .. A . R. Shigley.

Odd-Teacher. L. E. Eyer; BUIlt .• L.. E. Birdsall.

Maoist_Teacher. L. D. Hard; Supt., S. W. Baker.

&mgor - Teacher, C. B. Chil son; Supt., E. V. Roo~.

Muskegon-Teacher. A J . Hu tchins; Supt., J. ?If. Frost.


Fresno, Co.L-Tea.cber. A. A. Sorenson. Colenine, Minn.-Teacher, A. G. Bo·


Rush City, )linn.- Teaeher. Harry Olin.

Cloquet , }lino.-Teacher, K. D. Van \Vagenen.

I.e Roy, "llinll .-Teache r, E . F. J uer ­gens.

Sun Prairie, Will.- Teacher , G. G. Gabel.

Red Creek, N. Y. - Teacher, E. L. Rodegeb.

Griegs"l'"ille, N. Y. __ T"'8oher. E. W . DeGraff.

Le Roy, N. Y. - Teacher.C.G. Ryther. Elyria. O.-Teacher . E. O. Adams. Syracuse, ~. Y. - Teacher, S. A.


E. E, P ele rson, '15e, was called to his home last week, Oil account of the se rious illness of his brother.

All slud<!nts hold.ing receipts fo r rOOIn deposits plellsc /UrI! ill to sec· retlln·'s otnce at once and receive a v. -

G. D,Rcmer, ' 13, recently submit· ted to an operation fo r appe nd icitis at D;n\'S, la. L nst reports Hre that he is doing- nicely.

T he upper peninsula train, bear· ing the college representatives, ar· rived home :::iund",y en:ning. A repor t o f the trip will be fo r thcoming I:lter.

C . L, lI odgmall. '10. wi th the COOlmonwe:llth Power Co., o f] ilck· son, was ill Lansing recen tly 0 11

business, and called on college friends 011 the e\'cnillg of the bar· becue.

T he puhlic is cordia!!y illvitt.-d to attend a sacred concert, Sundar af ternoon :It three o'clock in the chapel of the F irM Church o f Ch rist Scientisl, corn er of Allegan :11111

\ Vainul s t ree ts.

According to th e vote cast re· ce ntly at .11. A. C ., the ll ouse of R epresentatives wi!! ha,·c a joh of electing the next president, ' I he results of the st raw vote were as tollows: T olal votes ClLSt 1,120. F or R oosevelt, .\46: Wilson, 43.1 ; Tafl, 182; D ebs, 4 I; Chapin, L 7.

VERY reader of the M. A . C. Record is cordially invifed to visit our store, use our rest room, telephone, and our mail order department by writing for samples or ordering mer· chandise; money refunded whenever you are not pleased.

New Silks and Dress Goods Much Under Price. S1.2G Storm Serge, 54 and 56

inches wide: heavy qual · ity. Special. the yard .. $1 .00

$1.50, SI. 75 and $2.00 qUllli · ties of D ress Goods and Suilings. 54 inches wide. Samplel)ieces,yard ...... $1.25

$1.25 Princess Messal ine, rull yard wide; all oolors. Special the yard .... . ............... 98c

$.1.25 ric h , he~L.\"y, pla in Saiin Failte, 8 sample hatf pieces; lIew faU oolors. It wears. Special, the yard . ........... 75C

J. W. KNAPP CO. Cloaks, Suits, Furs, L ad ie s ' and G e nts' Furnishings, Dry Goods, H ouse

Furnishings, and an immense 5t and lOt store.

Lawrence & VanBuren Printing Company

210_212 Urand A ve. North

Lilley College Uniforms

Are the acknow. 1,,<1"'1.><1 ~1"r"JRrd for m I I I t u r y .,ehooI8. and nn! wOrn at nil the h~l"t!,,!! cottO:II'el! e'·'1Tl· ... hcre. They 11ft' more IHlmc!lW~

Ln "ppcnnluce fwd I'h'l.' bNl(>r sen·lce lh,w unyottwr m nk.;. Of ,,01l':lI'e unIform.

WrLte for elI1810,,". .\CI!INlllli

The M. C. Ulley ol Co. Col._ •. O_/O


Enc ... vera Printer. Station", ...

L.1-YSI ,YG, Jl lell/Q.H>


PRO FESSJONAL ME N. T.!.Ie nameS Ln tbll I)lreetOry, a s ... ·elt II!

~boBe o f lilt OUr other "d,·erIl8er8. III"(! Of reHabl .. partle". We hop<! thll ~ the facul t y and nuden t" ",,'Ill take I)8,I"S to t)IIlronlze tbOH ... ·bo PlHTOnlze Us.


CO I,LEO.l>c BAHBIo!H S HO P. In Bath HOUBe. Andy Is .<llll .dth ~ I . ..... O. A hn",ly I}Rrlor./\Jl(llloo\l work don~,

N ~;w BAH.ItI':K SHO I'. Ln Obll.>C Build· Lnll. uudl'r HRul'r· ~ DrUlj'lIud Grocery

Storl". If YO" ,,·tSI, IIM)'IL.h 1 ... lr cut ~I,·e us "<,,,It. ~:, E . Reynotds. P roP.


A M. E~H~RY. 116 \\' lIsh.A,·e.N . 8ook8. • ~'I"e S,,,tLonery • .li:np:ra\'C'd O .. tIlU/il'

Cards. Fouutliln l~n8. l '1eturl"S. Fra':lIelL. F hl!! "r ... mL n ..: B Specllllty. Up-to-doue Ityte •. Out GI"'U-~u t III I.lInslulI:.


B LUIlEAU & SI~~lnlH'l'. l:Iookblnders. account ~k " ... k e ..... PIIa>er mUll".

library aud fIne a rt blndlnl<"8. 111(1 boxes, map mountl"1f8 ... IOO 'ns. pocket ~k~, etc. Oltlzenl' phone l'o. 41\1 . In OIlY Nlltton,,1 Ran k Hulldln/(. Gro.G. BludNt.U and Henry H, ~Iebert.


E LG IN MII'I'LI N.-I.Adles and GenUe. men'~ Furnllh lnLI Ooods. See ad.


H H. LARNf: D.-{Jblna.. GIIlS8 '" L .. mps. • l(ti w .. shhllnO~"~A~'~ •• "5~.~~~~~


N H. MOOR J.:. n. D. S. OHl ef! ~I t_I1S Hoi· • lister HnUdlnp:. I ... "slll l/: . ~I( ch. He ll

pho,,~ 38}..I: OLthl'n~ AutonunLr ll\l()t.

D 1:':. PAR)I I!: LJ.: K Henlls!" lliX W.uh· • Ington A,·e . S .• Lqnslng. MichIgan.

Auton""L", pholle, onl.:: ... IWP-: resLdence.3iOO.

J E. STOFFER. D. O. S. Olflc"~('lt,. • Natto"al Hank Bldll'. "'Ulo,na!h, pltone

661; Sell pllO/W GI, Former,l/ . A. O. ~tudent.


R0tJSKR"S OAPITAL DRUG STORE. Up 1<> datc. llorner &tore. Opt>Olllte H oLlIster Block.

COU"~~G ~: IHn;(l AND t;ROQE RY uO. t~"pre,,@ oll\rf. Alleney ;'-IUlr I.aundry.


J w. KNAI'P 00. Ory Good~ lind n,r· • nl shlng s, ~::tH WlIshlnlL'ton Av~ So.

M II,LS I)J(Y OOOlJS CO. Dry Good>; Rults. Coots, Wllts t$. A rl :-;e~tll,; Work. Etc. 1rt<-110 WashhllL"lOn A.-e. South.


CAPITOL EU:QTHIO ~;N(.;IN""'F.HINO 00.- ~'ullllne 01 ~;lootrlcIII Supplies.

jnclmllnp: students' shades "IU' cOr<t~. e"r. bon. tantllinm lInd mll~dn rell<Hnl!' IlImp5. 1J7 ~;. !,\lehIJOIon A,·e,


M J. ," B. ~1. auo};", ~'urn!ture. Corner , Wa.shlnlrtou A .. e . lind lonta Street,



NOR'rON·S HARnWAH~. Gener al Hllrdwllr\!. TI"Warl". {ir .. "I1(' .... · .. r". Ou~.

Jery. StO\,l"S. etc . 111 WMhl'lJUOU A \'I'. 8. See ad,


M I-tS. 0. T. OASK Manul .. cLu.lna ShRllIpOoLu..: ,f; HlOIrdruslnlJ; Pll rlor8:

Swncbe~ tII ... l " of cut hlllr or ~omblnLI'" 11.1>10 oolore-d IIlId reno\"tlted to look a Jl J>ood "" new. The t'rlln~o-Amerh-lin HYII'I"nlc Toilet Requl~'te~ .. "PKC'A/,1· , · . Autotnatlc phone fili i. ~ly' WlUbtnlflon A,·e. S.


G 1111'0. t-;I.I. 1:1/(08.-·· ~ltc"llI>Ln '. r,O!a<.lln /il' ~tu8Lc I-Iouse." HI/th lirll d ... PI ... n08

..,,,t 1'III)"er Pill no~. !;1I8Y Terms. Pln"o~ to Hent - YCllr·~ R,'n tp.! OUI on Pureh"se tc .. crylhtnlL' In th" H .. alm of ~1" ~lc . .. .. "'.: ~IS('1i1"ORY.: :llll N . WlL'ihl"l'ton An.,.


D R.OSOAH H. BH.U.li:G~~L.-{'or. ;\Itct •. A '"e. IInd~Gr"'''1 Rh·"r A ,." .. tn~1 L",n.

~Ing. Houu. , to 8:00 a. "'. ; t to f IIlId "; to 8 p. Ill. SUllday ... It to I ... nd ~ to ft II. m. 111U. Il'.ns phone I.j.lt: B(>tl~ .

D J(· H. W. I.AN OOl\', ~;a~t Ut.nSIIlI< ')llch Ott!c\'. hOUrs: 7 10 8;llO II. Ill .• I~ ;'~ to ~

... nd ft:~to8P.m . SUlldaYl.lOtoll;OOam 7 to 8 p. Ill. Olllz~Il~· phone IIti8. ..

EY~;. ~EAH. N01i~;. A~ll TI.IRO."T. \)r. J. ".OW",". tl~ \\. Alle/<an 1i1., l~n~lng.

Oltlz;,ns phonl" ~;M.


LA\\"ln:~OE &: VAN llUR~;~ PRIST . IS(~ OO .--!1"1-21~Orllnd A\'enue Nurth t·lne PrtntlnlC. Roth I' ho"e~ . .

A LLEl' PRIS TtSG 00. ()ornerOapltot 1t.,:~uUl' " n d._ lonta .Ir.,.,t. P rlntlnlC .

Ortlee i"iupplle,. hn~n" ·ed Cards. I' rogrllms Mneel· Goods. Bell phon!! 10111. AUlo", ... t1~ phone...:\)ft. Reml'lnoor our new 100'111 Ion.

RO IH:HT S M IT H 1"1'0 . OO.-cor. \\" 11$11 . InlL'lon AI'!! . lIlId lonl .. St . -~


TH ~l ) 1. O. LI ]'L~;Y '" OO·" •. "OOoC:-'o-.. -,"C .. - ." Ohlo.-)1 8nurllet· ur~.", of )lIl1ll1ry lind Sotlc,y Goods.

. , \





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