The M. A. C. RECORD. \"01.. 18. PARCELS POST. The potrec:ls past is !lOW in c operation, !lm\ .. re- port s that Jlt'nr!y $5 wor th of st:nnp'" lwei heen s old S;lIun!: ty Thouj.!"h:. mu ch \\ as n:prcscmed Tly pUCk.');!l' ';; re- n: i\ct\ for distrihution. 1'-lr. C. M. Armstrong \\',IS the Ii,.", pcrs ol1 to c:liI for parcel post Slamp,; , \\ hilc john-,\ oll, of thl ' tIe - Ilartnlclll was;\ dose "n:ol1d. Th e Ill :'" "tamps :lfe :'\1>01il the .. il.<: of the tldi\ ,,\,\II1P lind ahout the S;lllll' "hap.:. In ,' olor, they rc,; e'llblc I he ord inary IWO l' t:lll stamp", TI ll' d cnu miu;1' lion s :In: I,.!, -/, 5, 10, '5 and ; 5 Ce n\". There arc :llso 50 ..... iSl'., ;lIld $1 SI:uI1PS, hilt these wiJI pro h- ahl\, not be furni sh t:l\ al this vtlin-. .\ slx-cial .st amp is ab,o IHOI for pu"ta;;c 10 he in COUlh.,,: tioli with pa r cel" pu"t Ill:l.Ucr. In Ih e all p05 1 po .. t:l]:e kept cntirdy 111111 fo rm ,,:t ll ellllrcl\' n ew a l'CIIIIIII in t he 1'. O. . For cO llvcn;en ..:c Ih", L' , IS <IiI id e(1 intO small sllu:lrl '" moill e II)' the of thc "f lali· tilde :md c:lch of sud\ ill' 5uhllil'ided int,] sullicit'lIl 1111I111)<.'r of slJu: ln' s,,;o thai lIe h :1I e a tOlal of 5 ,S 13 !.urh s'l ul ircs, T hi5 pO"lal lI1;'P is rukd in lar froll] which ellth pO .. lot!il·c is ils 111111 ccnlcr. E. LU lliiin;.:' is ",jtll:lte.1 in sllu:ln' 1,i63 Ihis the n: l ller o f a c ircle 1 00 miles ill Iliamch:r. \I hidl cirdc known ;1 " lu nc " Ill'. Oulsille Ilti" l' irde :md illsi.!e the nexl VIle, 1)11 miles fr om Ihis poiu!. is knuIIH II" 1.0 ll e two, : ,n ll so on thr o ugh 01l1 I hc cnlire l'OU l llr \,. T hc lir"t' .I\.1ne {j n llld R:l pid.. ami Detr,)il :111.1 rh;my .. 1H;II !cr tUI\ ns and cili e-. ZlInc 1\\ (.0 comp r ;"cs g rC:lIe:r portil1l! I)f ,hc 10\1 cr )wnin"lIl:l, :lnd ;llsu iudl/dcs ,;e\( :r,, 1 cuu ll ti..,.; in U hin lind Indi. ;1 11 ;1, Th e pO"lal ra lc on Ihe: pa ckag:e .. is lle,ermillcd fmrn Ihc g:ui(\C ill whk-h is \!Icry jllI"I 1,llic.., In the C. "lid lll's iJc sudl "rlin: il "fl't;lre ur unit, a hol'c 11I\'lIlioll\·11. ill whi c h s,lid o llie.., I:' k,cat\'d . For in sta ncI'. Lohllnhi,l, ':\1 0" 10C: I IC,1 in unit to thL' pOSI:11 lIlap sh"I \'s tha, lIumher III -I, :Ind rale of po"I;II!\' 10 he all a 5,11. pa rCl·I , 8c. for lirst pOllnd, I'IC. for 1\10 pound", .:oc. for pounlls, 26t, for four pound". ami 32C. for nl'c pOUlHls. Th is "tric ll\' 1I hIlI ,11".1 docs not apply II :he ll pa..:ka:,(cs :I r c. mail ed to those cOlllllrie:s 110t having pHrccls The Ea .. t Lan s ing of\i.;:c has, fo r some tilile. 1 '1('1'11 re· e eiving parc els for delil'cry 10 Gt'rm:lll \', F r!lll ce :ll1d othe r cou ntri l'S elljol'ini par eds post. A "' copy c:lc ll of map al1(1 guide ubo\'c ref erred 1'1 IIllly Ix: proc ured :It a cost of 75c . J. J. Jakway, lI'ilh the class of 'S6, of Bcnton IInrbor, repr esel1ts his districl in the H ouse in 'he pre5' em 5es5ioll. Ili s <laughle r, iss Clara , is a sen ior ill MIC HI GAN AGRICUL T URAL COLLEGE. Nl'ln joyfully, hail the N ew Year Everyth ing eve rywher e beams with good cheer Gone be our so rro\\ s, Blest be our morrows ! {;i!J Hearts full of hope will ha\ 'e nothing to fe:lr. Br ight gl eams the h olly branch, sc arlet and green: L ow hangs the mistletoe: vVhat may it Ask blus hing Glady s, Blanche - or those laddies Watchin g their chances with glances so ke en J olly the times when the young and the old M eet and make me rn', the wimer so cold, Young folks trip'lightly, Old fol ks be sp rightly. Wh ile th e Old Year's mOllleflt S are told. H ark bells of midnight are rolling the end: H ams and loud whistles their choruses blend ! H appy Kew Year to ),011! Pain ne'er come near v all! He alth, wealth :lnd kind H ea\' en send ! "'" tJ.Ii Off with the old one then , on with rhe ne\\ Suns will be brighter and heart s wiil be true: Ha nds around, even' one, Leaving out never a' ant! Ha ppy New Ye:lr -many, many -t o you! :l.i: -Wdtram Add ison HO\J8h,OO In n. 1f/;1tpmJ tntJ' 'CJ ..... PROF . A. J. COOK, '62, IN MICHIGAN. jJro f. A, J, Cook, of L'ulifornilt, look lu nch wilh I'ruf. ;ll1d .:\Ir,.. J..:e(izie SlIn.!n)" e\'c uiug. l k.:, 19, III' 11:111 hi" SOli, A. B. Cook, \1;) . of OWO SS1> , P,·of. Cook ,I II hi" lIa\' 10 \\ ':lsh in;.:-t o ll to C' :tl l atlenl i'Oll of Ihe Departlllcnt of .Aj!ricllhurc to a IliseaSc II hich threatens the or:'lll)!C illlluslr), of hi s state. Th e discil"c is iutroduced hI ' :1 I"ery .lal1\{crolls pest litH:' · prc ,'al em in :\ft;xi co , (·rof. Cook now he en Slat e CommiS S;Qner of Ilurti e llllure in C:lliforniH a liltlc OVl'r ail e ) ca r, :lIlcl ill the proJ.{rcss of h;!l found il ll("cCSSHr)"o nwkc "CI'e ral in his ollici:\1 family. There arc fil'e lleputi (!s workil1g' under him at :I s:llnr)' of $':,500 each, :mtl Ihe e ntire for cc Jirectly re s ponsible to him [i' II is anlilable fllnd for the fruil inJus, t ries of Californ;n alllounts 10 $ [00,000 pcr ycar. IIi 5 residcnce is now wh e re he finds nn old ilc(llIainl:mcc in Erne5t 1 L Bradner, '69, II Ch ri stian Science practilioner of Ihat cit}'. \V hile in Wa sh inglon Prof. Cook \I ill \isi, hi!. IlnllJ:hter, ";Ite ... \q, : 11111 hcr llu."II;IIIII, 1. 1' IIl:1li J. Bri g').:'!<, IIf I he s al1\e clas .. . :\Irs. Br;!.:':.:' .:> hOls T el'c ml., I "k \'n "I' li ter:lry work, :Hld is noll' n mlr ibu t. ilil': .. fn r th c L(ldi,'s // ""/<' ./ "111'1/(1/, and for the AIIII'rin'lll allll o lh e r lIIa!{a..:incs. She writes unde r Ihe 1111111\' o f J:li..::!1>eth Chillls, Prof. Ch;.,.. F. Baker , '91, whn \\",15 a,.socillted wi,h Prof. Couk fo r :1 lIulnher uf n:ars ill his work al 1'011101111 n .. "ig:llL'd hi" p .. ,,,i. lion shunly ; lfter I'ro f. Look'" ,II" [>oil1 tl11\ ' lI t :IS of Ilo rti c uhllrc . I Ie is 110\\ wil h Ihc ill 'he P. J. as .,xpcrl alollg' IJlC of . wolog') ,\11\1 cn· ' UII account of t he :.!cncrlll dellninJ.;' ill h is Jep anmellt, (' roL Cook \\:lS so r ci\' hI' a nu mbc: r of western 11C\ \ ... 1Ii s r<'l)IUMi t)!) i ll California was Stich. hUllcl'cr, that lh.., opposilion W:IS ove r co me, and he i" 1101\ get· tin;.:' his 0 11 so[i<1 g rollild and mailers he!:, in 10 rUIl s ll1 oothly. p, G, /l.l cKcllI1:l, '10, with Ihc Statc {jeologi st , was ill L,\Ilsing duro thc holidays, ant! called 011 co lege frien ds. Xo. 1,j ALUMN I ·t)S. Frctl L. \\"OOdll \lr\h. 01 Case, \'il1c, SCll:l tnr from his has becn :l ppOilHe (1 dllli rn H II1 .. ,f Ihe C Oll1mi1\('C: (.III .;\Iichil.:llll ullt ur:t l ColIl';.:'c hy I.icllt. Gm. It oss, :11 111 is ,,1,,0 u mcml!('r of Othl ·t illlpOr(:lIIt commiltec ... · ·(XI. Ch:lrle ... , \. \\ arn' n. IIhl) h; l:> :. f:lrm ill C;IS" Co, thc pa st t ..,n Il'ar". ha-.; n'et'ilctl hi ... appo;litrnclIl· 10 the: :,:Overnor, and has :,Ircatly 1I !l»lIl1 led his duties, '0 1. Lee \\' : I, ling', wl lh til €: . \lII cri" lll e .... , sP('/1I Christnu.s with f:llh..,r, i ll r. \\ ':ttlilll:: i,. J.:hl· 1l\i.;t :llld 5upnili,ell,[enl IJf 'he :-'t . Hern:ml Ih:lIIch (Ohio) IIf Ibe :lhme COlli. pany. 'U3· B. BrOIl n, fOfllleril of Calif.. 1$ Il l'\\' wil h rh .. SU('(olltlcllln (:1 ; 11 CO., "f S:kr,llIll·I1'O. Calif. ' (.,1., \\ "hell in Chi l:i"C) Prof. J..:ellzic lIll:t Ida R u'h i n"oll. \1 11() \\:1 ... :ll lh c tim.' Oil he r \\.11 to Shebor:;nn, \ns .. lI> \ isit her ... r. 1.11111 \ Vilcs, '06. ,:\Jj "" 1.1:1 tC:ll"hing- in Ihc ]lIllus. tri,d .' "o rillal SdWul of :\llIl llil', Illd .• :111 ill:'liluli()!J l11:lint "i lll 'd It} p ri l all' c "pi lal. for its object I he ,r:lining- of le:ll'hcr .. fu r int\u,.. Iri:11 Ill)rl... I<oilin .. on dl: lr;;:c of Ihe -(iell ce ,\lid ;Irt ill Ihi", SdlOIlI • 'u:-'. \I.,kuhn Kcd ..:ie. \1 ilh \111 :\],0\ ... !:Ir rc(o\'l'r cd frolll r e(l' 11I illne"" a., I" k:llc Ihe hU!.l'i, tal in SpuJ...allc. :rlld has rc1tlrl1ct! '11 Lihbr. :\/0111. li e hnp .... lIi.\OII lu :I).: :. il1 take up hi .. work ill the fo r · .. en ice ill :\]ol11:lIm, Il is ;\I i" .. R05; II1}Ol lll, whr. ha" hCel! II ith him (0 11 5' :10111', will relllil;n 'II Iltt 11'1'",1, alit! wili 1\'lI eh in the puhlic uf . "". II. Ii. lI :trri:>un is lIOW chief dr:lflsn1ulI wilh thc I:mil dcpartm .. nl of thc AJ:. ba ma 1'0\ler Co" :It HI( ' min gh nlll . .-\Ia, I l is ;ld,lrcJ;S is I I., .\Lt\:;'llo lia ,\\c,' FOllnt;lin lit ". .0<). \\ 'ord h..·cn receil' ('d o f Ille lI1:1rri <l!!c. on Chri stm as till), u f U. F. J..:illlliX :lnd I'auline Ele:lI1or \\'in all ill Lishon, Ohio, and .\1 rs. K iml ig ar c ;1\ hOllle lIfte r Feh. I ;It I! E, Crawfurd Sf.. Elkhart, In d. "mdil:: is nssistanl 91 :11e e llloillo logisiof [nllinll:l. 'II. T . ./. " ,C",th y " ," ,"" th, ,01· le).:'c on Frida y o f I:rst week. l\lr. ;\! c Carthy is in s truclor in horti c ul· tllre in Ihe College o f f\ g r ku lture il1 Ih e U ni l' ersill of Wi scon si n.

The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D21-54...~ Everything everywhere beams with good cheer ~ Gone be our sorro\\s, ~ Blest

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D21-54...~ Everything everywhere beams with good cheer ~ Gone be our sorro\\s, ~ Blest

The M. A. C. RECORD. \"01.. 18.


The potrec:ls pas t is !lO W in ~ c li\ c operation, !lm\ ~lr . l{o~ccr :1I1 .. re­port s that Jlt'nr!y $5 wor th of st:nnp'" lwei heen sold S;lIun!:ty Ili~ht, Thouj.!"h:. much I:lr~cr:tmolint

\\ as n:prcscmed Tly pUCk.');!l' ';; re­n : i\ct\ for distrihution. 1'-lr. C. M. Armstrong \\',IS the Ii,.", pcrsol1 to c:liI for parcel post Slamp,;, \\ hilc I~rof. john-,\o ll, o f thl' EIl~li",h tIe ­Ilartnlclll was;\ dose "n:ol1d .

The Ill:'" "tamps :lfe :'\1>01il the .. il.<: of the "I~ci:t[ tldi\ I.' r~ ,,\,\II1P lind ahout the S;lllll' "hap.:. In ,'olor, they rc,;e'llblc Ihe o rd inary IWO l't:lll stamp", TIll' d cnu miu;1' lion s :In: I,.!, -/, 5, 10, '5 and ; 5 Ce n\". There arc :llso 50 ..... iSl'. , ;lIld $1 SI:uI1PS, hilt these wiJI proh­ahl\, not be furni sht:l\ a l th is vtlin-.

.\ slx-cial .stamp is ab,o IHOI iJ~'d for pu"ta;;c dll~' 10 he u,,~'d onl~ in COUlh.,,: tioli with pa rcel" pu"t Ill:l.Ucr.

In Ihe il~TOUlltillg all par('d~ p051 po .. t:l]:e i~ kept cntirdy ~ep;lr:tle 111111 fo rm,,:t ll ellllrcl\' new al'CIIIIIII in the 1'. O. .

For cOllvcn;en..:c Ih", L' , ~. IS <IiI ide(1 intO small sllu:lrl'" moill e II)' the il\ler~cctjoll o f thc line~ "f lali· tilde :md lon~il\ldc, c:lch of sud\ ill' tl'r ~l'l' lion hL·ill~ 5uhllil'ided int,] sullicit'lIl 1111I111)<.'r o f slJu:ln's,,;o thai lIe h:1I e a tOlal of 5 ,S 13 !.urh s'l ulircs,

T hi5 pO"lal lI1;'P is rukd in dr~·u· lar ~()ne ll froll] which ellth pO .. lot!il·c is ils 111111 ccnlcr. E. LU lliiin;.:' is ",jtll:lte.1 in sllu:ln' ~o, 1,i63 Ihis h~'ill~ the n:lller o f a circle 100 m iles ill Iliamch:r. \I hidl cirdc i~

known ;1" lunc " Ill'. Oulsille Ilti" l' irde :md illsi.!e the nexl VIle, 1)11 miles fro m Ihis poiu!. is knuIIH II" 1.0lle two, :,nll so on thro ugh01l1 Ihc cnl ire l'OU lllr \,.

T hc lir"t' .I\.1ne inl'hl(le~ {j n llld R:l pid.. ami Detr,)il :111.1 rh;my .. 1H;II !cr tUI\ ns and cili e-. ZlInc 1\\ (.0

compr ;"cs th~· g rC:lIe:r portil1l! I)f ,hc 10\1 c r )wnin"lIl:l, :lnd ;llsu iudl/dcs ,;e\(:r,,1 cuull ti..,.; in U hin lind Indi. ;1 11 ;1,

The pO"lal ra lc on Ihe: packag:e .. is lle,ermillcd fmrn Ihc g:ui(\C ill whk-h is lo~alcd \!Icry jllI"I 1,llic.., In the C. ~., "lid lll's iJc sudl "rlin: il

"fl't;lre ur unit, a .~ ahol'c 11I\'lIlioll\·11. ill which s,lid o llie.., I:' k,cat\'d .

For in sta ncI'. Lohllnhi,l, ':\1 0" i~ 10C:IIC,1 in unit ~571. H cfercllc~' to thL' pOSI:11 lIlap sh"I\'s tha, lIumher III ~One -I, :Ind rale o f po"I;II!\' 10 he all a 5,11. pa rCl·I , 8c. for Ijl~' lirst pOllnd, I'IC. for 1\10 pound", .:oc. fo r Ihre~' pounlls, 26t , fo r four pound". ami 32C. for nl'c pOUlHls.

Th is i~ "tricll\' 1I u.~. hIlI ,11".1 docs not apply II:he ll pa..:ka:,(cs :I r c. mail ed to those cOlllllrie:s 110t having pHrccls po~ 1. The Ea .. t Lans ing of\i.;:c has, fo r some tilile . 1'1('1'11 re· eeiving parcels for delil'cry 10 Gt'rm:lll \', F r!lllce :ll1d othe r cou ntri l'S elljol'ini pareds post.

A "' copy c:lc ll of map a l1(1 guide ubo\'c referred 1'1 IIllly Ix: procured :It a cost of 75c.

J. J. Jakway, lI'ilh the class of 'S6, of Bcnton IInrbor, represel1ts his districl in the H ouse in 'he pre5' em 5es5ioll. Ilis <laughle r, ~J iss Clara, is a sen ior ill collc~c.


r~ ~ Nl'ln ~ J oyfllll~r. joyfully, hail the N ew Year ~

~ Everyth ing everywhere beams with good cheer ~

Gone be our so rro\\ s, ~ Blest be our morrows ! {;i!J Hearts full of hope will ha\'e nothing to fe:lr.

~ Bright gl eams the holly branch, scarlet and green: Low hangs the mistletoe: vVhat may it mean~

Ask blus hing Gladys,

~ ~i

Blanche - or those laddies Watching their chances with glances so keen ~

J olly the times when the young and the old M eet and make mern', the wimer so cold,

Young folks trip'lightly, Old fol ks be sprightly.

While the Old Year 's d~'ing mOlllefltS are told.

~ ~ ~

H ark ~ bells of midnight are rolling the end: H ams and loud whistles their choruses blend !

H appy Kew Year to ),011! Pa in ne'er come near vall!

Health, wealth :lnd h:lppi!l~sS kind H ea\'en send !

"'" tJ.Ii ~ Off with the old one then , on with rhe ne\\ ~ ~"3. Suns will be brighter and hearts wiil be true: ~ Hands around, even' one, f:~ Leaving out never a' ant! ~ ~ Happy New Ye:lr -many, many-to you! :l.i: ~ -Wdtram Addison HO\J8h,OO In n. 1f/;1tpmJtntJ' ~ ~ ~~lU':1~,:£,~,;L""Y7S:\~ ~-;:~~ ~ ~Z:;~~~t:J::..~.......s~ ;..,\2.~<> 'CJ .....


jJro f. A, J, Cook, of L'ulifornilt, look lu nch wilh I'ruf. ;ll1d .:\Ir,.. J..:e(izie SlIn.!n)" e\'cuiug. lk.:, 19, III' 11:111 l'isi (~·J hi" SOli, A. B. Cook, \1;). of OWOSS1>, P,·of. Cook wa~ ,I II hi" lIa\' 10 \\ ':lsh in;.:-t o ll to C':tl l tb ~· atlenl i'Oll o f Ihe Departlllcnt o f .Aj!ricllhurc to a IliseaSc II hich threatens the o r:'lll)!C illllus lr), of his state. The d iscil"c is iutroduced hI' :1 I"ery .lal1\{crolls il1~cC I pest litH:'· prc ,'alem in :\ft;xico,

(·rof. Cook ha ~ now heen Slat e CommiSS;Qner o f Ilurtiellllure in C:lliforniH a liltlc OVl'r aile ) ca r, :lIlcl ill the proJ.{rcss of h;!l ~,ork found il ll("cCSSHr)"o nwkc "CI'eral ch:H1~cs in his ollici:\1 family. There arc fil'e lleputi(!s workil1g' under him a t :I s:llnr)' of $':,500 each, :mtl Ihe e ntire forcc Jirectly responsible to him nurnl~rs [i' II is anlilable fllnd for ~uRnlil1).:' the fruil inJus, t ries of Californ;n alllounts 10 $ [00,000 pcr ycar. IIi5 residcnce is now ~at ranll'lItn, whe re he finds nn old ilc(llIainl:mcc in Erne5t 1 L Bradner, '69, II Ch ri stian Science practilioner of Ihat c it}'.

\V hile in Wash inglon Prof. Cook

\I ill \isi, h i!. IlnllJ:hter, ~Jrs. ";Ite Bri~:.:' ... \q, :11111 hcr llu."II;IIIII, 1.1' IIl:1li J. Brig').:'!<, IIf Ihe sal1\e clas ... :\Irs. Br;!.:':.:'.:> hOls Tel'cml., I"k \'n "I' li ter:lry work, :Hld is noll' n mlribu t. ilil': arti..:I~; .. fn r thc L(ldi,'s //""/<' ./"111'1/(1/, and for the AIIII'rin'lll allll o lh e r lIIa!{a..:incs. She writes unde r Ihe 1111111\' o f J:li..::!1>eth Chillls,

Prof. Ch;.,.. F. Baker, '91, whn \\",15 a,.socillted wi,h Prof. Couk fo r :1 lIulnher u f n:ars ill his work al 1'011101111 ColI~J:(" n .. "ig:llL'd hi" p .. ,,,i. lion shunly ;lfter I'ro f. Look'" ,II" [>oil1 tl11\' lI t :IS Coml11i~sioller of I lo rticuhllrc. I Ie is 110\\ wil h Ihc ~ov., rl1rncIII ill 'he P. J. as .,xpcrl alollg' IJlC lin~'s of .wolog') ,\11\1 cn· tOiUolo~O '

UII account of the :.!cncrlll hOll~e· dellninJ.;' ill h is Jepanmellt, (' roL Cook \\:lS sorci\' :rntagoniz~d hI' a nu mbc: r of western 11C\\ ... palX: r ~. 1Iis r<'l)IUMit)!) ill California was Stich. hUllcl'cr, that lh.., opposilion W:IS ove rcome, and he i" 1101\ get· tin;.:' his llep~lrtnlent 0 11 so[i<1 g rollild and mailers he!:, in 10 rUIl s ll1oothly.

p, G, /l.l cKcllI1:l, '10, with Ihc Statc {jeologist , was ill L,\Ilsing duro in~ thc holidays, ant! called 011 col· lege frien ds.

Xo. 1,j


Frctl L. \\"OOdll \lr\h. 0 1 Case, \'il1c, SCll:ltnr from his ,Ir~rrtl·t, has becn :l ppOilHe(1 dllli rnHII1 .. ,f Ihe C Oll1mi1\('C: (.III .;\Iichil.:llll ,\ ~ri , ullt ur:t l ColIl';.:'c hy I.icllt. Gm. It oss, :11111 is ,,1,,0 u mcml!('r o f Othl· t illlpOr(:lIIt commiltec ... ·


Ch:lrle ... ,\. \\ arn' n. IIhl) h;l:> lII :lII :I~<'d :. f:lrm ill C;IS" Co, du ril1 ~ thc pa st t..,n Il'ar". ha-.; n'et'ilctl hi ... appo;litrnclIl· :I~ 111 <o"",clI~e r 10 the: :,:Overnor, and has :,Ircatl y 1I!l»lIl1led his duties,

'0 1. Lee \\' :I, ling' , wl lh til €: . \lIIcri"lll

F er1iliz~ r e .... , sP('/1I Christnu.s with hi~ f :llh.., r , ill I.:msill~, ~I r. \\':ttlilll:: i,. J.:hl·1l\i.;t :llld 'h,.i~t:lIl1 5upnili,ell,[enl IJf 'he :-'t . Hern:ml Ih:lIIch (Ohio) IIf Ibe :lhme COlli. pany.

'U3· B. ~. BrOIl n, fOfllleril of D;I\· i ~.

Calif.. 1$ Ill'\\' wil h rh .. SU('(olltlcllln (:1;11 l'rodtl('l ~ CO., "f S:kr,llIll·I1'O. Calif.

' (.,1.,

\\"hell in Chil:i"C) r~l'el1'h Prof. J..:ellzic lIll:t ':\Ii~~ Ida R u'hin"oll. \1 11() \\:1 ... :ll lhc tim.' Oil he r \\.11 to Shebor:;nn, \ns .. lI> \ isit her si~l ... r. ~Ir;;. 1.11111 l{ ohin~ol1 \ Vilcs, '06. ,:\Jj"" 1.1:1 i~ tC:ll"hing- in Ihc ]lIllus. tri,d .' "orillal SdWul o f :\llIl llil', Illd .• :111 ill:'liluli()!J l11:lint "i lll'd It} p ri l all' c"pi lal. h :lv in~ for its object Ihe ,r:lining- of le:ll'hcr .. fu r int\u,.. Iri:11 Ill)rl... ~Ii~~ I<oilin .. on h;l~ dl:lr;;:c of Ihe ,lumc~lIc -(iellce ,\lid ;Irt ill Ihi", SdlOIlI •


\I.,kuhn Kcd ..:ie. \1 ilh \111 :\],0\ ...

da~ ~. h:l~"o !:Ir rc(o\'l' rcd frolll hi~ re(l'11I illne"" a., I" k:llc Ihe hU!.l'i, tal in SpuJ...allc. :rlld has rc1tlrl1ct! '11 Lihbr. :\/0111. li e hnp .... lIi.\OII lu :I).: :. il1 take up h i .. work ill the fo r · e~t .. en ice ill :\]ol11:lIm, Il is 5i~t\'r , ;\I i" .. R05;II1}Ol lll, whr. ha" hCel! II ith him (011 5' :10111', will relllil;n 'II Iltt 11'1'",1, alit! wili 1\'lIeh in the puhlic !o(hool~ u f Lihh~.

."". II. Ii. lI :trri:>un is lIOW chief

dr:lflsn1ulI wilh thc I:mil dcpartm .. nl of thc AJ:.ba ma 1'0\ler Co" :It HI( ' min gh nlll . .-\Ia, I l is ;ld,lrcJ;S is I ~ I., .\Lt\:;'llo lia ,\\c,' F Ollnt ;lin lit".


\\ 'ord h!l~ h..·cn receil' ('d o f Ille lI1:1rri<l!!c. on Chri stm as till), u f U. F. J..:illlliX :lnd I'auline Ele:lI1or \\'inall ill Lishon, Ohio, ~Ir. and .\1 rs. K iml ig arc ;1\ hOllle lIfte r Feh. I ;It ~ I! E, Crawfurd Sf.. Elkhart, Ind. ~Ir. "mdil:: i s nssistanl 91:11e e llloillologisiof [nllinll:l.


T . ./. " ,C",thy " ,","" th, ,01· le).:'c on Friday o f I:rst week. l\lr. ;\! cCarthy is ins truc lo r in horticul· tllre in Ihe College o f f\ g rku lture il1 Ihe U ni l' ersill of Wisconsi n.

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D21-54...~ Everything everywhere beams with good cheer ~ Gone be our sorro\\s, ~ Blest

T he M . A . C. RECORD pu .... ' ... CO EVon, .. TUEsnA .. Dull'NO To .. : co ....

LEOO: YEA .. a ... THE .. 'e .. ' ......... AU: ...... 'CULTU ....... COLLilaL

8 . ... . ' ''UNc E: , M .. ...... 'N .. l: O,YO_

S U • • CRIPTION 110 CUtTS "I:" YIU ...

Entered as ~coDd-c\.aQ ma.ll matter at

~~-;':ii':;1j~uhaertDtIOn.l.nd advtrtU.l" .. maner to ~b. lL A O. KIWOItD, & ... 1 IA"­P.... Mich. Addreu all comrtbUtioDI to 1hl: ».0 ... 101f Editor.

fLt,mlt by P. O. MOlle T Order. D .... n Or Realnered Lener. Uo not H-od llAmPi.

BLllIlne.. Otftee with La ... renCil « Van Buren Pnotlna 00_ 110-11~ Orand A "e. No_ [,an,ln ... MICh.


D'O yOll write It) 13 on the fi rst Uti}' of J anuMr)" ~

T HE poem by William Addison Iioughion puhlished in this

number voices the :\cw Year ,.CII­

liments of ye editor. \V e sillcerdy wish .;yery reader many, many happy retu rns.

T i l E short course men be:;:1I1l comi ng last week, aud pros·

peets are good for the usuul large d:I",!>es in all departments. The majority of these young men come direct from the farms, :111,1 thus put into inullt:di:lle practice the training received he re. The)' have proven a loyal lot of men, allli always 11II.\C 8)(ood wonl lor i\J. A. C. E\·ery· thing possihle will be done to lll:1ke their stay both pleasaut :11111 profit. ahle, ;lnd we bespe;lk for thcm the courteous trcatnwnl of even' )1. A. C, s tudellt. -

E. A. noycr. former assistant in chemblry, write", from tiollth Omaha. :'\ehr., where he is working for thc Burcau of Animal Industry. Mr. Boyer has heen in Omaha for four \C:lrS. and ft-cls 110" \"I.'n· much al horne. lie stutes that the mcal inspection work is undergoiug some­what of a cha nge, more time J:.cing g:i\-en no\\ to harmful prescn':lti"es Ihan heretofore. The inspectioll is also inc1udinl'( oleo lind renO\Rled hulh;r. In 1911 he W;lS delegated to stUlh the frozen ant) de;.!<it.'1l ted egg product, and spent much timt: in KflnS:J,;" Missouri. Illinois. and Iowa. lie fOlilld SOUle interl!stiog, not 10 say startling, conditions . lie is ju:»t now interesting himself ill the witter content of p;lcking house sllll~:lge.

In the recent poultry show held in L:Ulsing, D. A, Seeley, Joc;!l forecaster in charge of the wellthe r bureau. was given pri;:es on his white Orpillgtoils as follows: 1st cock; 1st cockerel; 4 th hen; 1St and 3d pullet; and a prize for the best solid colored bird ill the show. Frnllk Mitchell. Ollr college electri· ciano \\:15, as IIsual, in the front r:lnk wilh his rose combed brown leg­hOrtl il, winning tst. 2d <lna 3d cock erel,,; I staml~ndcock; Ist. 2nci<lmi 3d hell; :! Iui and 3(1 hell; 2nd lUld 4th pullet :Iml 1st pen. lie IIlso won on bqa ~lt:diterrllneIUl cock. erel, best displa)' in the pari·colored MediterrAnean class, ami second grand sweep stakes.

Mr. ,. C. Bock. instructor in chemist~y last rear, writes inte rest· ingl} of his work in the east, lie stliles Ih~lt it is enjoyable work, and there is milch 10 learn. He is with the Carnegie I nstitution of \rush ­ton in the nutrition laOor;lton at Bostol\. They are living on Bea. con Hill, in Brookline.

The M . A. C. RECORD.


By Lewis Vanderbil t . QDe of Tbe T wo Living Members of the Class

of 1864.

"In a recent issue of the r-.L A. C. R£COll.D, 1 saw the account of the death of Dr. \\'illianl \\' . Dan· iells, the last of my classmates who graduated in '6+ As a tribute to the memory of those who were members of the S!lInc class with me and now are laid away to rest., I had the utmost confidence in thd r up' rightness of cha ractc~ and. were genial and gentlemanly III their tle­portment, alid f:tithful students.

"The frellhmllll class in '61 started with t6 members as ne:lr as I Can recall from memor)'. The Ci\'il \Var commenced in '61 :Uld the call for soldiers and othe r interests re­duced our number La six the third )'ear and five the fourth ),ear.

The college farlll althat time was most]v coverc.i with Limber and the students were called upon to chop dow II the limber, bu rtl tht: brush ,Hid roll the logs togel.her ill heaps the firsl two )'e:'lrS. lused to drive tht: oxen when my turn came to work :1Ilt! I tried to make it lively for the boys 10 get the log;; out of the wny.

In the spring o f d)55 I went out with George II. Cantlon to the northern Jl;lrt of the 10\\t"r penin­SUI:I of :,\1 ichigan 011 a sur\'ey of the puhlic l,tnds, ami on Illy return ill the fall, I went to the ::;tate uni­versity and ente red the freshm!ln class, ,taking- the scientific course. S ickltess and death in IIlV father's flllllil)" compt:lJed me 10 g-i'\e up my studies in Fehrullry. \\'hcn hpring­opcnl'tl I wellt hack with ~lr. Call­lion to fin i.;th his work commellccd in '54' I went back to tht:' uni,'ersiIY in '56. bUI had to :,.:-i\'e up my studit:s in ~l:1rc.:h and return hOllle to assbt my parents. I h:1d for my teachers :H the liuI\'ehlty Profs. Pcck, \\'illiams, \\"inchell, lI u\'en, Brooks and Prcsidelit TapP:lIl . c\t the .-\gricu!tund College I was un· der such men as Prof. Fisk, Drs. :-.Iilcs,. Thurber and Kedzie. aud Pre:;idcnt Abbot. All of thcse men, a", far as J know, hll\'e been laid to rest. .\;; a trihute to their memor\", they wen' men of renHlrk:ahle gifts to tellch, kind and S) mpathelic, and posses;;ed a disccrnment above the most of tC<lchcrs in dr:lwing out the capahilities of the student.

I havt: not t!lken much time for study, but !ew though Us 1Il1ly not be out of pillce, which arc within the scope of most minds.

The human race is suhjt:ct to the laws of growth and decay, and death comes to us the natural eonscquence of decay. ").llIn in II gencral sense is cont rolled by his education, eir­.curnslanccs which surround him, and his organization. Tht: Creator has given him passions, fflculties of comprehension, emotion, friendship tmJ intelligence to con trol thcm for his prosperity, happiness, an,l well· being. His rt:sponsihility com· mences by Ihe actioll of his own -:cill, which is defined to he "thoi pawer tifthe sall/b}, which it is tlli! ("allScitJlIS outhar if on inll'f,litJlla/ ad."

Since graduation my time has been taken up mostly in some de­partment of farm labor. I pur. chased a set of surveyor's instru· ments and went 10 Lassen County, California in 188... I held the office of County Sun-eyor from IS8i to I ~I. In 1&)3 the State Board of

Eugineers g ranted Ille a state license for land survey ing. I left Califor· nia in November, H)OI :Uld went to Eastern ~cw York with an invalicl wife who {lied in September, 1902. I came baek to r-.l ichigan in Septem. ber, 1903. Bod ily ailments com ­pelled me to go where the climate was mildcr. I came here in Mnrch, IQ08. My general he:llth haS been ,'ery good . I ne,'er have used to· bacco o r alcoholic stimulants. An observation of 50 years on the effects of an excessive use of tobac· co and alcoholic drinks, warrants me iu making a statement that it is a physioiogiclil law lhat an over· stimulatcd nervous system call1lot beget its equal. Its appliclltion is as Kood for domestic anituals as it is for the hUlhali rnce. I have now passed my i9th birthday and hope to 1l1ake Illvseif useful tht: rest of m:r life. .

LI-:wls V"SOI-:IIU II.T,

Phoenix, Ari zonia, Dec. 1,1912.


Jan. 11-\\1i1l01l:\ <1t ~f. _.l,.. C. '" ~ 1- 1'. B. R ayls ,It ~l. A. C.

" ..::-!\hn:1 In M. :\. C.


30-1 lo pe at Il oll:U1d, Feb. 6 - X. \\". Colleg-e ;It M. A.

" I I-Detroit" Y" at Detroit. ., 13-;\otre Dallleatl\I.A.C.

:1-llope:u'\/' A. C. t . !6_ St . John;; :It T oledo. .1 ~7-Denllison III Gr:mville. " :!,s-Buchtel:lt Akron.

1Jar. I-Oberlin:lI :'-.1. A. C . II S_ Detroit"Y '· at)I.A.C.

T he basement of the Ilorticul­tural 11u ilding has heen equippell with ){;!s which will f:lcililate work in spntJing IlHlterials, In the past hig-h pressure stea m has been used, but it has 1I0t beclI satisfactory. The s prny laboratory room has i)eel1 somcwhat (·nlarg-ell and lul{ii· tiolwl eqn ipmcnt secured . made nec· essary by the increase ill the num · ber of studellls in the short eour"e and in the regulllr col/egt: work.

Printed progr:lm" ha\'e beellmade for the eI:lshes in the winter cou rst:s llnd thest: will be handed each Slu· {lent. The5C will :,.:-i\"e subjects, hours and room numher, so thut little confusion !<hould rt:sult. It is probable tlul tlO lllilit,lry work will he given Ihis yellr, hut the ebsscs arc so :trran)!ed that the lectures and laboral0ry work will <llternate, thus nlllking it ca"ier for hoth student ami tcache r.

'II. G. \\'. Dewey who is engaged in

fruit storage transportation iln-esti· galions for the Dep:trtment of Agri­culture writes from Orlando, Flo r· ida. Christmas he spent in Tamp/{ but the cn\'ironnJent was \'ery (Iif· ferent from the previous .holi(bys thal he IHIS spellt in Ilo rthcrn ~I kh· igan.

'09' S. S. Fisher hilS recently changed

from Elyria to Cleveland. Ohio. lIis strt:ct addrt:ss is 1920 E. 1051h St.

, 12.

L. O. Benner is now a resident of Lansin~, having begun work KS

assistant IIHII1agCr for thc firm of Gicr &. Dale on June z.

A !ion Francis Willianl , was born to Mr. ,md M rs. F. A. Spragg, Monday, Jan b. Weight 7:r.f lb·

A. J. Hutchins, '09. formerly teacher of Agriculture at St. Louis, was a collt:ge visitor on SlIlurday of last week.

r-.lrs. G . S. Briden, of Kingston, Ontario, spe nt a portion of thc holi­daJs a t the home of her daughter, 1-.Jrs. W. L Lodge,

Prof. and Mrs. J. A. Polson spent II portion of the "acation at the lal· ter's old home in '\lilwaukee.

A very pleasant New Years' party WKS given by Miss Nortna Gilchrist and Miss Uem is for in· structors and others who remained at M. A. C. for the holidays.

Ralph Powell, ' II, instructor in civ il engineering last year lind now of Corne!!, stopped at 1\1. A. C. Fri· day all his return after a \' isit at his old home.

Prospects are bright for II sple n_ did glee dub at)1. .\. C. Some!3 men responded to the sel:ond call. The elub is planning all n short t r ip throughout the stllte {Iurin,l{ the willter tcrm.

Adrian :-.Jagle\·oort. who s pent Olle yearat ,\1. A. C., :ul,1 tlHer com­plelt:{1 a cou rse in chemical engi· neering" ,II the ulJiversi ty , spent :i

day or two at Ihe l'Ollt:ge during the vacation.

i'lr. C. \\". Gilchrist. of Poco· hont8s, 10w,l. was the guest of his mother and sisters Ht the \\ ollian's Building for :1 week during the holi([,IYs. '\[r. Gilchrist iS:I promi. nent fHrille r of lawn.

Mr. and )Irs. J. Bowditch :In· nounce lhe birth of a Willits II.. all Dec. ~ 6. Bowditch is connected \\ ilh ,I

SOil, l\I r.

relll· forced COllcrete com pan} in Detroit, and his work t:lkes him to va rious parts of the countr~.

The College C;lft: has heen sOllie· whllt rem(){lcied recent]\", :lml Ihe se:lling ca p:lcity hll~ hecli incre:lScd by 30 cha irs. This hns hel'll ,n:ldc neecss:lr\' on :lCCOUI11 o f the in· c reascd hu!>illl'SS, :lI1d also in '1Illiei· pal ion of the short \·ourse se<:sioll.

~Ir. and ~Irs . )1. C. \'ullllette r, missionaric" 10 I-'HertO Rico , who ha\'e been spending :1 call pIt: o f months in thc statcs, \"isilell :11 the home of ~I r. :lnd ~1 rs. B. A. F:lunce Sund:1Y and i'londay of 1:\5t weck. They sllil agaiu for the. island ]:111. 1& .

Dr. E. j\'lumfo rd .. lid his eigh t or nine cou nty and (Iistrict !lIell left last week for \Vashing:toll, where they will attend II cOllferellce o f FlIrrn !\''ianageillent workers. Tht:rt: are now SOllie 20 states with f:trlll man, agement organizations, :\l1(i as this con ference is for a\l coun ty and dis. trict men, the meeting should be a profitable one for al\ ,,'ho attend.

A new class room has becn ar. r:lII){etJ for the short course Illell ill gencral agriculture. The room is No. 100 in the Ag-I'"icuiturlll l3uil(]. ing, :Iud will seat IS6 illlldclils. This room was provided so th,lI the firs t ye:lr Illen lIlight be hail/lied in t\I,O sections instcall of one as the plan was last year.

Dr. E. Mead \V i1cox, head o f Agricultural botany in Nebraska University and Experiment Station, :It Lincoln, :-Jeb., spent Suml:iy with his parents and s iste r, .l\lrs. M. V. Bogue. Dr. \Vilcox was 011 his wOJy to :llte nd the meeting of the A. A. A. t)., at Clc\'eland, 0., where he is to present some papers 011 Botatly.

Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D21-54...~ Everything everywhere beams with good cheer ~ Gone be our sorro\\s, ~ Blest

The M . A. C. RECORD.



PUBLICATIONS _" D COLLECE ANNUALS T h, Large!'lt and Best Assortment of Novelties '" CLASS

Neckwear, Fancy Jewelry, Gloves. Hos iery. Etc. We carry ~\ .:r)'thing in the line of A cordial invitation is extended to the College

Announcements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. people to pay us a visit. We spcci:liizc on individual orJcrs for

fin\! ~talion ... ry _ embossed or prinled -----

LANSING. MICHIGAN 'Ohe . Mills Dry Goods Co.

Do You Want EVEI\ Y KIND Of

Pair ~h",:lr;;; FURNITURE <:.-A. LLO\\" us the pleasure of showing you Knife

,he finest collection of Ladies' and Gentle- Safcl\' R:l lor- FOR. YOUR ROOM .. :m .. ttr. Allto "'fOp.

J) men's Furnishings ever brought to Lansing. .~,·"r·H~I.d)· and .:nd .. r~ to ~"' .. ct IrO\1'

We speciali-£e In furnishings fo, College Iioncs ;lnd Strops Cots Fold ing Beds tr:tde. Always find the latest in Sweaters, S:~W."

II:Ullrner" Matresses Mackinaws, Rain Coats, Caps, H ats, Shirts llalehet:,

and Neckwear at Chisels Book Cases Desks Screw Dril'crs

MIFFLIN'S In faCI, :"1Il)"lhing yOIl need in -hardw:lre }"ou will lind -lind :1\ prices to sllit - :\1 ALL GOODS DELIVERED fREE

Norton'S HarOwarB M.J.8. B.M. BUGK

-"""~""'" ~~ ABOUT THE CAMPUS .,.."",.-;, . .:~

E. 1.llohJl(~s. 'I~. li~il<:d L.t1~ill:,: :'11,1 colle:.:t" friend., thc p:.st ,,~·c:k.

Or. Blaisdell. 110\' of .\hm. Col· lcj!"t·. \';oS a collc;.:-c l·i:;IIOrbsl \\n~k.

The Deh:. Cluhg:,,1.' :1 ,' :.rd party to thci r frio.:n.ls (m Ihl.' cvel\ill~ of

-' :'11. 3. :'I1i~:; LO\li~e FrcJhofer :md her

mOl her werl" in Buffalo for olle II l"ck .llIrino:: I ;lcalion.

I n"lrUClor :Illd :\1 rs. Coffeen spenl thc bller part of the holiday ... at C:IfO, the ir old horne.

;..Irs. ;\Iar jorie KelLdl.' Perkins, '/ I, is visitilll-{ her mothcr, l\l rs. Geor:.:c Kctl"l.ie, on .·\bbo t AI·c.

C. C. Inghll!ll, !W perilltendclll of the poultry do.!partlllcl1t, spent his holilb)" vllcation :II his old homc.

Prof. A. Ie Sawyer was al1l0llg those who :.lIended the science mecting-s in Cle\'c1:lIul Illst we",k.

~I rs. [ Iarr}" Reid, now of D ct roit, was the "UCSI of her parents, Dr. :md ~I rs~ 1 bgal\orn, during the holid:ll·s.

:\1 rs. Collill)!"wood elltertaillcd for the [adie:. of Oakwood at a delight. ful thimblo.! party Tuesday after­!loon of laSt week .

S. " -;rt Doty, '07. called 011 Col· le"c frielllls Thu rsdH}". ~ I r. Dot}" is .... lllIUH ... er of the Ooids :\fi agara

o " , . Farm at LaS:tlle, ;". .

~[iss Ann ie L, R obinson, in. structor in sewing lit j\1. A. C., J905-OO, is I IOW inst ructor in do~es­tic sc;cnce in the Orcgon Agncui· tura! College at Con·a llis.

So.:lcrai II('\\" enrolll1lcntj \\ill be mado.: in I·c\o.:r;nan· scicncc this winler term from ihe r:mks of our fn:shmclI IIIU! sopho!llon-s_

:\" il1lerl"sting expcrirnent in strength of truSSes fo r ShCIIs, harns, dC .. 1\",1-'1 ca rrie(\ 011 bst II eck hy Ihe dep,lrlmcnt of brill lIlechanicl!o.

~1. A. Cohh, 'oS, II ilh the ag- ri. cultural department at :\ I t. Plt-asant Sonna1, was al Lansi nl-{ m1(1 :'II.A.C. Thurs,I:.y and Friday of I:lst week.

:O;el1:1 t(J r Fred \ VOlXlworth, '9S, and wife (lierlrtHlc Lowc, wilh '06), who arc now rcsi,lcnts u f Lansil1l-{ fur the willler, cnlled 011 college friends reccnt 1 r.

:'Ilis» Ueilo ruh Cummings, o f Ccntrt:\'ille, Spent a portion of the vacation" ith i\1 is~cs Rebecca and L:mra Collingwood, rClUrning- to her homc Friday morning.

B. A. Knowles, '13. has lef t col­lege, :lIld witl be associ:lted with hi" hrothcr in handlinj! the old home faron. near .A.Ga1i:t. :'IIich. lie hope" late r to rcturn and complete his col­legc work .

:\lis5 Hertha Lym:1Il gave it p:.rty to ,S of hcr school friends Thu rs­day e\'ening of last week. T he e,"eni ng p:lsscd pleasantly with ~,I111es and music. Refreshments were sc n·c(l.

C. L. Uctllis, '7-h who visited :11 :'I I. A . C. during Ihe holidays. W:. 5

cheerel1 recc ntly by the f:lct Ibnt lUI

app ropriation of $100,000 was made fo r buildings for his 1I0 r mai school at Athcns, ' V. '-no

J.:-\. :\lcHride, one of the pn)­~res ... ile memher:; vf Ihc house " f reprcsell t!!!ile", 11":15 :1:;;"ist:'ll t pro· fe"sor o f history ami political eeOIl­limy :U :\1. ,\. C. ill IS9~. :'Ilr. :\l c Hridc \l'l.! :I c:l!I~lill:ue for Ih.:­

l!opeake rship.

I~rof. :-;btcr, of the physic" ~lt:. p:lrtmclIl. l-. of :'II., was the ).!uest of Instructor ami :\Irs. Laycock for 11 fcw days recelltly. lie expressed hath hi" su rpris,' :lI1d pleasure a t the cOlllpletelle,,~ of t.:'luipmell\ for work :110n:.: Ihis line of wor k at;\1. A. C.

Thl.' IIc!crill:lry dCparlrnl"11t rn:lIlc :1 shi pmellt of Topics, or -'apane~c mice, to tht:: I'cterinan' di"isioll at O. S. t o, bst week. -r-hest.: arc the (·[.Iico colored miee which hal'e amused e"cryone who has seen them all :.ccou nt o f their dancing habit.

Instructor v. A. Brown Ius just finished scnding" out his allnOUIlCC­mell! al1ll program of the ~~11I1 all­lll1all;le stock Illcctin:.:-. to be held at)!. .. \. C.,hlll. '5-,6. Therc arc ~Ol1le 6,000 breetlc:rs o f pure hred liVe slock in the stl.le who will rt::­ceil'e thcsc prog- rall1s.

:\Ir. Linton g,u'l" 1I l:mternlcelUre :It :--\. Johns the hiller part of Dcc. Thro ugh the COIIIll)" Y. :\1. C. _\. sccretaries the poultry :Ind corn cx­hibits hllve rccei\"l~d consirlerablc :IHentiOIl by the hoys, espe ~· i:.llr those Ht St. 10hl1s lll1d Cha rlotte, where shuws 'have bl.'l"n conuudcLl.

l>rof. and :'Ilr5. '-"'Ilder eltler· luined !It dillller T hursday evening of !:Jst week, in honor of :\ I r. and

:\Irs .• \. C_ !"'tchh;II'. of LansillJ.(". :\1 r. :-:tehhin .... who \\ as 1\ ilh Ihe c\ac:." uf '$1, i~ ]lre~idellt <If the Lan · sill;! Co. (f" rrnedy 1.:II",ill).:" \\ 'hecl, h:lrr(>1I" Co.), and It'''ve~ e:lrh lIe't week 011 :. bu ... ine..;s trip f(lr .:'Ii ll<leri:. Isbn.! ;1\111 A1g-eria.

i)"i:.:h t C, C:lrpelller, I I. n Oli

of Chc!>0YI!":lI1, (aUed on culleg~ friend" Del'. :)0,

\\". II. I' l. rker, '08,:111,[ 1.;I\\rel1ce O. vordon, '06. with their f:1rnilics, spent ChrisI1ll:t" in 1. :1l\~iIlX'

:\Ir". He llIon Gehh:lrt. of liart, spe nt the p:,st lI!'ek :II thc hOUlt· of he r !;Oll, Field Ageul O. K. '\·h ile.

lnstrlletnr Uil"oll left durin:.:­thl.' holid:J\'s for Y:II.;" where he will completc his work in Ihe Yale Forest S(;hoot.

Charles L. Bemis, ']4, prinl' ipal of Concord :-=1. "orlllal School at Alhl.'us_ \V. '-a .. spcn t the holidays with his fa mil) at :\1. A. C.

:\lasler A llan .\ustin KIIIl7.e, 6~l pounds, came to :.:-Indden Ihe hOll1e of Prof. :lIId :\lrs. EdwanlJ. Kun"l.c, E,eTg-reen A,·c., all :'IlouJ:I)' , Dec.


\\'ortl COUICS that :\Iiss P:l1Iliu:l. Ral'cll , 'oS, i~ n::coverin;.:- Iliecl}" from :111 opcrauon fur appel1dil'itii. to which she submitted somc Iwo wcek!'! ago.

:\1 iss )'hrg-arel 1I0lh rook, ''-I , w:'s op<:r:.ted UpOIl fo r appclldicill-'1 in the Sparrow Il ospital 011 Dec_ ";!6, ;111(\ is now :It he r honll" 011

Gnmd River J\\' e., and doing nicely.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D21-54...~ Everything everywhere beams with good cheer ~ Gone be our sorro\\s, ~ Blest

The M. A . C. RECORD .


It completely covers the lield of local news, politics, and the world of sports.

B ecause its telegraph and corresponde nce service enable it to give ils reader!! the lulest general news of the day in ad. \":m ce of any olher newspaper comi ng into Lansing.

Have T HE STATE JOURNAL deli vered t o your home by ca rrier


A leona, Harrisville, J nuua ry S-<); fosco, \\"hi ttcmorc, 10-11 ; Glad­win, Gladwin, '3-1../; Eaton, Char­lotte, 15- 16; Ogem~lw, \Vest Branch, I :t-16; to l ontcaim,Shcridan, 16-1 i: Clinton, Ovid, Ii-IS; Gratiot, IthaC:I , 20-:.! I; lsnbclla, nIt. P leasant., 21-12; Clare, Clare, 22-

23; Osceola, EV:lrt, 23-::q; Grand Tr;wcrsc, T raverse City, 23-14-25; )'lallistec, Bear L:lke, 23 - 24-15 ; ~ I idland, Coleman, ll:4-15; Ingham, ;"[;15011, :,q-l5; H uron, H arbor Beach, 1-j.-15; K alkaska, K:llkaska,

.27-28; Leelanau, Sutton's Buy, 27-28; Lapcer, Imlay City, 27-2~j Bar, Auburn, 27-28; St. Cillir, A\."oca, 28-29; Anlrim, Alb:!, Jan. 28-29; Shiaw:lssee, Owosso, 28-19 j Tuscola . Caro, 29-30; VlIn Buren, Bangor, 29-30; Ch:lrlel'oix, Ch;lrlt:I'oix, 29-30; S;milac, :'lIar· Icue, 30-::\1 : Ott<l\\'a, Coopersville, Jan. 31, Feb. I; Allegao, Fennville, Jan. 31, Feb. I.

O~E 0,1 \' IN ST ITU TES .

Allegan Co., Moline, Jill1. 6; PI!linll'ell , 7; Allegan,8; Monlen:y, 9: Burnip's Corners, 10j H amil· ton, II.

Lellllwce Co .. Medina, Jan. 3; Lime Creek, -j.; Fruit Ridge, 6; 11:1dison. 7; l·hlllson Cente r S; CIIJmus, 9; R ome 10; Adrian Twp., I I; Ridgeville, 17; Bliss· ti.eld, IS; Addison, 20; O ll sted, 1; I ; TiplOlI, 13; T ecum!>eh, 23; ;"IaCOII, 24; H olloWlIY, 25; Ogden Center, 27; MorCllci, 28.

Ncwaygo Co., Sitka, Jan. 6; \\'h ite Cloud, 7: Big Pnlirie, 8; Newaygo, 9; Oak Grovc, 10; Ens­ley, I I.

OU:lwa Co., I tolland, 6; Zeeland, 7; jamestown. 8; i1ud sollville, 9; Allendale Centrc. 10; IIerrington , 11; Nunica, 13; Conklin, 1+

\':m Buren Co., Glendalc,Jau. 6; Lawn:llcc, 7; l lamiltoll, 8; Kel'lcr, 9 ;; Covcr\. 10; Lacota, 11.

Graliol Co., ~orth Star, j :m. 7 ; Sumner Twp .. 8 : Arctillia, 9; Breckenridge, 10; Sl. Louis, J 1.

S;lU'ill1lW '0. , Ihidgeport,Jnn. 9; " , F rallkenmuth, 10; I'recland, 1 I ; L;lwndall', 13: lIemlock, 14; Ches­aning, 15.

Grand Tral' cTsc Co., 1\lonrae 'Center, Jan. 14; Kingsley, 15; Williamsburg, 16.

B:ly Co., l\lunger, Jan. 20; Ban· gor, Z I: Bedell , 22; Linwood , 23 ; Pinconning,:q; Bentley , 25.

Charlevoix Co., East Jord:lIl, jan. 2Z-23j Boyne City, 2-j.-25; Boyne Follis, 27; Bay Shore, 28.

'82 . It is inle resting to note the f;lct

that Dr. L. II. Bailey, of Cornell, is suggested for the position of Sec. o f r\~ricuILUre in Pres.·clec t \\'il­son's cabinet. In the j i!nu;Jry num· ber of the .lIic/u!;a/l Tradesman fl on. Chil". \V. Garfield has' iHl ex­tended artidl' setting forth Dr. B"ilc\"s qU!ll ific;ltions. It would be a <>'00<1 ti ltl e for others of our alumni to "'lend their illi'1l1cnce at this ti me.


To the r-. I. A . C . REeo lt!): In this neighborhood arc thirty,oll.e

persons w ho h:n>e attended the agn· cultural college or Ih'ed near there. T his includes the ch ildren of se \·· e r:ll familie s _ the Bu\terficlds, the Kenneys, the Bilkers, the :'Ilarshalls. These families united in getting to· gether a good dinner 011 T hanks· givillg, where they filled three tao bles at the home of Presidcllt But­terfield on the hill.

Every little while some one from ;\1. A. C. is attracted to A mhcrst, where he is shown more th:lII the hills of thc neighborhood . Yester· day i\1 rs. Baker tll1sll'ered the call of the telephone by Louis A. B(cg' gar, '88, whose brill hOllle is at Bangor, "lichig-II11. H e is a truly rO)':ll feilow frOJll a good town in:1 model COUll!\,. He was 011 his \I'll)'

home from Boston, whe re be had SpCIll two dars at a g-:I thcring of people known as a single tllX can· ference.

A t \11;5 dllte, D ecember 3, we hUI'c seen no snow excl'pt when we looked at the distant hills.

\\' .J. D£ AI .•


Another year, :lS pregnant as usual with va ried experiences, has hurried br. Some of the happen. ings of this year haye been pleasant, yielding:l few red· letter days to adt! to those who wish nCI'er to forget. Other days hiH'e heell charged with the stern discipline of life that incul· c:lles t ractability and charity for others, or insurg:ency and hardness, according to our illdividual fibre.

A sustaining power th.rough it all is hope; hopc for it faIr chance to work, :l1ld I~'o r k hard at \~' hat we c:m do best, WIth such ITIOdlCUnl of peace as shall make rest possible after con tinued effort; espccillily hope of friends , and of their sym· pathy. ulldersttll1ding amI loyalty; alld finally, hope that in the part we play, good may overbalance cvil in OU,r natures, illlt! the many errorS we constantly com lllit be forgiven lind forgotten.

Onl)' with these hopes C:11I our hcarls he kept young, the resilency of Oll r s pirit s Ill:lilllainc.d, ;Ind the possibility of "going' on" vouch· safetl 115. So at this timc 1 am g-re:ltly hoping nll of these things for YOll;; work. rest, peace, contellt., and the deep s;,tis faction and com­pensation of man}' friends.

C. F . BA " 1::11, '91, Professor of Agronomv,

university of lhe Philippines.

' I '!.

O. \V. Schleuss ner writes from Corvall is, l\Iollt:ma, where he is ell­j;aged in work for :he ~lontana StiHt! Board of H ortlcultu re, that V an H orn , 'II, who lives fotl r miles from there, recently fell from a bicycle and b roke his coll ar hom: ill two pl aces. H e is now in the hos· pital lit H amilton, .Mon tun a.

~VERY reader 0/ the M. A. C. Record is cordially invited to

. visit our store, use our rest room, telephone, and ou r mail order department by writing for samples or ordering mer­chandise; money refunded whenever you are not pleased.

FOR YOU who have thought that you Illust buy at an exclu.si\'e \\'Olllen's or ;\ len's Yurni.;hing Store, this message is especially intended. No "tore calTies n better or more \'lIried assortment than Ihis one, and we can saxe you mone~- au reJiIl I)le Hlercbandise. Therefore. because of

better merchandise, larger assortmeut." and more reasonllble prices. it is to your IId"lIlltage to shop here.


J. W. KNAPP CO. C loaks. Suits, Furs. Women's and Men's Furnishings , Dry Good s, House

Furnishings, and a n immense. SC and 10C store.

Lawrence & VanBuren Printing Company

2 10_212 Grand A ve. North

Li lley College Uniforms

Are Ihe n"know· 1~,li<{'{\ ~ tundard for millt .. . y school~.

.. nd I1re worn M ull the lendlu.o: colleges e,·erywher\<. They ure mo~ "~Irl!.eth·e In "ppea"" lee a"d .o:1\·e bo::ner se,,'lee tha" .. nyoth~r mll ke or collele u"Horm.

\\'rlle fOT CIIUl.log. Addre ...

The M. O. /illey &. 00.


Ener$.veu Print e r s Stat ioneu

LA ,\,,,;/ XG . .1lICIIIGA .Y


PROFESSIONAL MEN. The name~ In thl~ \)l reeIOr,.. II $ ""elllL'l

those 01 flll our other adverll~nI, are of reill.ble Pl'rUt!$. W t! f,op<) Ih"t th., Illculty and students ,.,111 tllke pains 10 Pl'lronlu tb03e "'ho Pl'tronl~e us.


CO 1. 1. ~~ n E SARB E R SHO I'. In BtHh HoullC. A.nd y IS gtl ll ""Ill> ')1. A. O. A hundY 11 .... lo •.• ",d "ood work don ....

N ~:W UAftHIr,R SHOI'. I" Ob"$ t~ulld· Inl<. "nder I:lauer'~ Drui< a"d Grocer,.

Store. 11 you ... ·Ish" .tyll~1I 11,,1, cut ..:1'· ... us " eall . t:. ~:. Reynolds. Prop.


A M. IOn~RY. lI" \' ,,~h . A\'e.N. !:looks. , l"lne Slflllone..,.. Rn..:ra\'oo OaHllIg

Oanis. t'ountaln l'en8. I'lctur ... s. l","me •. Fine I',,,mln t a Sp<)clally. Up.to-dflle Ityles. Out Gt8ll~ut In Lansing.


BLUDEAU .t. Sn:B EkT. Bookblnde,s. acconnt book makers. PftP<!r ruling.

IIb,ary "nd nne 8rt bIndi ngs. file oo:l'e8. map n'ollntlngs. "lbu m 8. po<)l'et boou ete. OIUzen'" phone No . .f8IJ. In Oily NAl lonal ' 'RAnk RIIl1dlnil'. Gco.G. Bll1dc"n and Henry H. Slel*rt.


E f..GlN ~nFFf,il". Ladles and Gentle_ men's i"u r n lshlne Goods. 500 ad.


H H.I,ARNlo:n.-Qblna, Glllu <l ·Lamp •. • lor; Washington AI·e. S.


N R. MOOR~. I). D. 8. omee ~lt·"13 Hal· • liner I:lulldln..: . I .... nsln ..:. Mich. Bell

phone!l8O-J; OIti1:"ns Au\.omaUc WIt.

D E. I'AR"fEr,t~~:. lJoenUst. UjJ1! Wasb· • InglOn A\'e. S .. Lan.lng. MIChl..:an.

Automatic phone. omce 3m: residence. :If(I:l.


ROUS~R'S 0,0. PITA L URUG Up to datt!. UOrll(" .to'e. HolII ~Ier Block .


C0J.U:G~; "ReG A~ J) G ROC ~:RY (.'0. E"p,es~ oHlce. Agency Slar 1.ll,,,,,lry_


J W. K.l'1AI'P CO. n ,y Good" 811d Fu,· • n18hln,,8 . ~:!:t~ Wa~hlnll'lOn Ave So.

M 11.1.8 1)HY ('OODS 0 0. nry GOOIl$ Sult ~. O(l8t.~. Waists. A.rt Needle Worl.:. ~:t c. 108-110 Wa~h l n"ton Ave. Soutb •


CAPIWL E I. ~;OTRJO ENGIN~:~:RING 00.":' Full Une of ~:Iectrlc"l S uppllu.

Inc ludln,.. al"dents' sh lU.le. flnd <'<lTd". car· bon. l anlatmn And n",z/h, 1't'8dlllg IAIllPS. t); E. :ltlcht":fln A\' e,


M J. '" H. ~1. RUOl" FurnIture. Corner • Wa~hl"g!on An'. 8"d lonl" Street.

See 8d.


NOHTO:O:'S HAR])\\'AR~l. Gene ral H"rli ... ·" .... TI"Y'are. G .... llllewllre. Out.

lery. ~IO\'1~~. ete. III WflShln..:ton A\'e. S. See 8d.


M RS. O. T. OASf;. ~ 1 "'lUfaCI"rhllJ. Sh""'IMX>I,,1I' &: lIAlrdr"~Sln/l Pa,lors.

S ... · llch ... ~ ",,,de of cut It ... lr Or ~'<ltnblngs. also colored .. nd ,enO"!Iled to look IU .0:00<1 AJ! "t!w. The Fr .. nc"' .... ",;" I""" Uy..:lenlc Toilet KeQ"I~la~" ~'F.c I .u .. T\· . Automlltlc phone NIl. ~l.K \\'"shlnlllOn Ave. S.


GR1~~ ~;,.L I:lHOS. "~llehl..:an·~ I.elldln ll: MU$IC Hon_"e." H ll!'h (;l'1Id" """'03

lind l' l"ye, i'la"o~. EII ~y 1'erm~. Pianos to K .. "t- Y"nT '~ 1{,, '1Ifll 0111 Oil Purchflse ],1,·fOr)·thlng In the H~nltn of "lu~lc . I."",: >U,," )'iTO""': ~I~ N. W .. shlnll' l ()n .'" ' ·e.


D R.OSQAH H. I:lRU)o;G~:L. (·or. ~tld,. ,\""."",1 (;r""d Hh· .. t Ave .. Ellljl [..n".

~Inll'. Houts. 7 te. !I:;J) .... nt.; t to ~ a"d ,to II I).m. Sundays. l~tol .. nd (; tOGp."l. OI M. ,.ells phone I;J.H; 8 ... 11 ~:If>.

DR. H . w. LA:O:OO:O:, ~;llSt 1 ... ".ln..:. Mich. om.·" hours: j 10 8~10 II. m .. 1~:3J to i

a"d &~'II' to 8 p. m. SU"days, 10 to 11:>l\ a_tn. ; to 8 I). m. Oltl •. e"s' phon .. lItiS.

E\'~;. EAH. NOI'H: AKI) TflKO .... T. 1),. J. S.llw!'n. Il~ W. AII('""" S! .. I "'l1~h'iI'.

()IU ... "n~ phou.-·~;:;.


L .... W 'U:Nflt; .l:. VAS' IlUH~;K l'R I:O: T · I:O:U <l(!.-2!11-~lt Grund A "tH'Ue Norlh.

-,--,-C,·C"~>(' l' rlnUng. Hoth Phones.

AI..'·I':~ I'R I .... Tl:O:0 00. (JornerO .. plto t ,"·enu.· ,; nd 10nl" Hl re ... l. I'rlntlng.

Qlflc~ ~"pplle~ . ~:n..:mn ... t (·".d $. PrOlfrllms. ~Ilrey nOOdM. n..,1l pbone 1001. AutontaliC pholl" ~Io !tl. ""111"",1)", O\lt " e ,,· locIIUon.

RO IH:ltT S~IITl1 I'TO. OO.-OOr. W lllh · III.o:ton A",· ..... d l"nlll foit.


T H J>; ;\1. e. LI1.1.I>:Y '" oo~ Golt""bul. Ohlo.-~la"l\ri ... tU'~rs of )III \la,y and Soclely G()()d~.
