THE LUMBER BOOM. MILLS ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Plum Creek Timber Mill was reopened in march after being shut down for 4 years Its local pay role is $1.5

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THE DETAILS Logging employment rose 3.5% last year which was the first increase in 12 years In 2005 lumber was 65 billion board feet dropped to about half in was back up to 37.5 billion 146 lumber mills closed in 2008 and 14 of those have either reopened or announced that they are going to reopen (5 of them in the US)

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THE LUMBER BOOM MILLS ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Plum Creek Timber Mill was reopened in march after being shut down for 4 years Its local pay role is $1.5 million and employs 30 This is affecting home builders, home improvement retailers, truck drivers, and furniture makers THE DETAILS Logging employment rose 3.5% last year which was the first increase in 12 years In 2005 lumber was 65 billion board feet dropped to about half in was back up to 37.5 billion 146 lumber mills closed in 2008 and 14 of those have either reopened or announced that they are going to reopen (5 of them in the US) THE DETAILS Plywood prices are up 43% and lumber prices are up 64% Saratoga Forest Management has also reopened and now employs 80 after being closed for 10 years This is also bring up the price of homes-different materials are starting to rise It is predicted that lumber prices will rise 9% next year and 22% by 2017 TODD SCHELLING Worked at Plum Creek for 19 years Truck driver in North Dakota Rehired by Plum Creek as a blade sharpen ECONOMICS: EMPLOYMENT The opening of these mills has created jobs for local citizens Logging employment rose 3.5% last year which was the first increase in 12 years ECONOMICS: HOUSES This is also bringing up the price of homes-different materials are starting to rise 2005 was a housing boom, and in 2010 there was a housing low Single family housing last year was 23% and is predicted to rise to 26% for 2013 VIDEO THE GDP The GDP will rise With higher employment rates, consumer spending rises Government spending increases Investment rates go up THINGS TO CONSIDER What are other ways the economy can benefit from the opening of these mills? What are the pros and cons? How do you feel about the destruction of forests? Do you think this event could personally effect you? WORKS CITED " Continue to Your Page. |" Broken Controllers Latest Topics RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May "Kingsboro Lumber Company." Kingsboro Lumber Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May "Open BIG Neon Sign." [Open-Sign-Big]. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May "Optimistic Projections Image of the Week." Bill Frymire RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May "Energy Cannot Be Created nor Destroyed." Energy Cannot Be Created nor Destroyed. "KREX Weather." KREX. N.p., 2 May Web. 06 May 2013.