The Love of the Lord: A Devotion

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  • 7/29/2019 The Love of the Lord: A Devotion


  • 7/29/2019 The Love of the Lord: A Devotion



    The Love of the Lord

    A Scribd DevotionByDon

    There are so many times I am reminded of the love of God. Certainly, moments

    like the births of my children, the funeral of a faithful servant, each time Ivisit Dick Woodward and seeing immeasurable good coming from

    immeasurably bad places, such as war-torn, drug-infested areas where churches

    have been built. All of these come to mind. More recently, God has shown me a

    new measure of His love through Jimmy, a new friend brought into my life,

    surely by Gods love.

    Jimmy is a relatively young man (Most are, by my standards!) who has had trials

    of which I know not. Coming from a dysfunctional family, Jimmy made his wayinto the military, where he suffered combat wounds and other trauma. It seems

    his path grew even darker when he became prisoner to the pain medication he

    was given. Eventually his wayward path took him out of the military and into

    Williamsburg, where we met.

    Now with 2 broken marriages and a heart filled with anger, he struggles day-to-

    day from wrong decisions that most recently included bouncing a check and

    becoming inebriated after borrowing a friends car and driving it into a total-

    loss status. Jimmy doesnt remember anything about the accident, but reports

    state he was pried out of the car and rushed to an emergency room. Some say

    his injuries and the condition of the car indicate he shouldnt have survived. And

    thats where I have seen the love of God in a new and amazing way.

    It seems God is pursuing Jimmy in a relentless manner Jimmy doesnt

    understand. In one sense, I can see a recasting of the Prodigal Son story, or as

    some have described it, the Prodigal Father, which places the emphasis on Gods

    love. But sadly, Jimmy just doesnt get it . yet.

    When I talk with Jimmy, I hear view after view of how the other person is wrong

    and may be treating him unfairly. His take of having bad things happen to him is

    never related to his decisions. And his view of what is being said is largely

    filtered by how it affects his expectations.

  • 7/29/2019 The Love of the Lord: A Devotion



    However, over the course of the 4 months Ive known Jimmy, Ive seen him find

    friends, a place to live at no cost, be given an opportunity to have meals in

    exchange for providing computer support to a restaurant, get into a recovery-

    support group at one church, get a job and then a promotion in that job, beinvited to another church by a loving couple he met though his job, be prayed for

    by many in that church, be loaned the car he totaled, be forgiven by the owner

    (and the owners wife!) of that car, and be taken and accompanied to court for

    his DUIand bad checkcases by others who love him. Jimmy even recently got a

    job, where he works, for another young man who had been unable to find one.

    Im able to witness this because we occasionally hang out together and because

    Ive taken Jimmy to the otherchurch since he no longer can drive. At this church,each week, I have witnessed the love of God extended to Jimmy in an amazing,

    caring and welcoming way only God could issue.

    A couple of weeks ago, after Jimmy had received the DUI charge and was literally

    nursing his wounds, I asked how he would handle the DUI situation. Jimmy

    essentially said he would just go and see what happened. And thats when God

    showed up once more.

    At dance class, I saw a man from the church Jimmy and I had been visiting. This

    man had brought his two young daughters to class and was sitting by himself,

    working with what looked like papers a teacher would grade. When I sat next to

    him and asked what he was doing, he said, Working on a DUI case. Wait! I

    said, Youre an attorney and youre working on a DUI case?! Yes, said he, I

    specialize in DUI.

    He then offered how excited he was to see Jimmy coming to their church and

    cited the hope he held for Gods direction in Jimmys life. My next question of

    what he charged for his cases, rendered his answer of, $2,500. Wow, I

    thought, Jimmy can definitely notafford that price! Still, I suggested he talk

    with Jimmy the next Sunday, excusing myself to let him finish his work.

  • 7/29/2019 The Love of the Lord: A Devotion



    That next Sunday, Jimmy and I arrived early, as always, and after I watched the

    many hugs for Jimmy, we took our seats with the couple who had initially invited

    him. On the way to church, I had told Jimmy of my meeting the attorney, and

    suggested that if he saw this attorney, he talk with him, since our church friend

    worked on DUI cases. In a few minutes, the attorney came in with his family and,

    not seeing us, happenedto sit immediately behind us. During the service, I saw

    the attorney go to the front of the church during prayer time, and had this strong

    feeling he was asking God what to do when he talked with Jimmy.

    After the service, the two of them talked, as I stepped aside to be out of the way.

    On our ride home, I asked about the conversation and learned the attorney

    offered to barter his services to Jimmy in return for some help with his IT needs.

    While the outcome remains to be seen, the income-of-love was real.

    The story of Jimmy is really a story of Gods love. No matter what Jimmy decides,

    God has already decided He loves Jimmy. For some reason, this experience of

    seeing Gods love in this new way reminded me of a song appropriately titled,

    The Love of God, by Michael Joncas.

    Listen first to what God gives us in Philippians 3:7-11, on which the song is


    7 (But) whatever gains I had, these I have come to consider a loss because of

    Christ. 8More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the

    supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the

    loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ9and

    be found in him, not having any righteousness of my own based on the law but that

    which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God, depending on

    faith 10to know him and the power of his resurrection and (the) sharing of his

    sufferings by being conformed to his death, 11if somehow I may attain the

    resurrection from the dead.

    [Hand out lyrics] Now listen to, and read, the words of the song, The Love of the

    Lord, as it is played. I will ask questions between each line sung, thoughts for

    you to reflect on later: [Play song]

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    All that I counted as gain. [What are some examples of what we have counted

    as gain?]

    Now I consider as loss, [What might this mean?]

    Empty and worthless to me [What changed its value?]

    In the light of the love of the Lord. [How mightlight make a difference?]

    Riches and honors will fade, [What are examples of this?]

    Earthly delights disappear, [What are some of your earthly delights?]

    Fade like the grass of the field [What is this analogy telling us?]

    In the light of the love of the Lord. [What is this light?]


    What more could bring us hope [What has brought you hope?]

    Than to know the powr of his life (of his life)? [What does this power mean toyou?]

    What more could bring us peace, [Read Phil 4:6-7!]

    Than to share in his suffring and death? [How might we share?]

    What more could be our final wish [What is your final wish?]

    Than to live in the love of the Lord?

    Silver and gold have I none, [Does this mean we are poor?]

    No land to count as my home, [Or is it saying all we have belongs to God?]

    Yet wealth beyond measure I own [Ours orGods? Howis that?]

    In the light of the love of the Lord.

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    Faith is the wealth I possess, [A gift from God!]

    Finding its source in my God: [The Source of our riches!]

    Faith in the promise of Christ [Its all of our answers!]

    Is the light of the love of the Lord. [Amen!]

    REFRAIN Again

    During our earlier conversations, Jimmy didnt seem to notice the large number

    ofcoincidences that had come his way. Because I had clearly been impressed, I

    suggested he journal these instances, both as a reminder to him of Gods love,

    and as a testimony ofGods faithfulness something he might share later with a

    friend God gives him.

    This talk ofcoincidences came about the same time I was reviewing a section of

    Dick Woodwards work that dealt with this word. Hear what Dick says:

    I am now thoroughly convinced of the beautiful reality that God has showed up

    in my life and that is the only explanation of my extraordinary journey. I have

    now removed from my vocabulary the wordsfortunatelyand coincidentally,because I no longer believe in luck. I believe in the Providence of God. Some

    spiritual heavyweight said that when we who are the followers of Jesus Christ

    think we have experienced a coincidence, we have merely discovered that God

    often prefers to remain anonymous. Thats why I have eliminated the word

    coincidentallyfrom my vocabulary.

    As this story goes on, Jimmy will have much to reflect on about Gods love, as we

    continue to marvel at Gods pursuit ofhim. What about you? Have you met aJimmy in your life? If not, pray God will send you one. And then thank God for

    that gift, its a part of His love!
