THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. B2 VOLUME \X\1 H LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL S 1S61 NIJMBKK 111 rL-ODISVILl E JOURNAL MEDICAL. urn rrBLiKiun bt pk entice* hknokkson, a oabobn*, Th Early Physical Degeneracy JOURNAL OFFICE BllLUM, GREEN SHUT, ^j^j£j^jQ^JJ PEOPLE JU8T PUBLISHED BY DR. STONE, DKTWKKN THTKi » AM) KuUimIL BimwiannoH*— Daily, ftalinfM in Hi© city. . - . ilO 00 Daily, by inn', in advfuic* 8 00 ObH'Jtry diiilr * » **> Tri-WfH'klf 5 00 W-' kiv , iu advanr«, eiuple copy.... 2 oo Id club-* of 6v© or over 1 M r»^IUiiiitUnc«i by mail iu latere,i Utters at oor ak. 4TR8 OF ADVERTISING IN TID? LonSTTLLK JOURNAL FOR KEOULAK ADVEK 1 ItiKF.S. oe square, chan»'erth,.' wteVv, per annum.. . ov do do r j ~ v - *. r "Titmnj., fiO 00 do do 8 time* -ao do 100 00 Erich addition*! suuarc, one-half the above price. 1 foi * ©rtion and HOcent*- r>i earb mtti-^ueut ooe. Advert.. i -.» alp—ipl tor first in- Annou Yearly /auce. lor each name, it other* in ad- KeaJ wtaV* and steamboat advertisement*, sheriffs' and oommlMonert' sales, patent medicine, theatriial. tirvn*, or rimUar advHrri^in*, not nuMislu-d by tlw year. Advertisements f«»r charitable instituttons. flre compa- panies, ward, and other puhlie niestinfeia, and Batch like, l H* .ri.nl notice* and commie ic-ati ms, ln»erted in ed- l«orlal columns and intended to promote private inter- est*. 20 oents ivr line: ttw*t< onlv inserted at the diner •on ol t No co an di will be Journal 10 line C-tvoh rs Writ ic-ttlons will be in^rted unless aocom- real name of the author, dvfitisemeiit* cents for tlie firnt .m*er- sente for aa-ch c>utiuuauee: each cliauge ww advertisement. mt ni->" "i only iu the Bvenine Hulb-tiu 1 h If the at*. v.- priest; If insert t-d In Daily lutmned. after first insertion, in the Even >ut kevt on tin* inside of the Journal art tr i price. i H.ktk&— fntTrrklv Journal.— Each square i)< tiret insertion $1 "0 lies* ; 50 ic must be riven to take out and stop ad- of yearly advertiser* before the year ex- nf yeaity Hdverti-t i.n-nti- will be dlecon- t ; T; v in i r uotice to iid. oor will .my charge carlv ratee. it.ade for less ' h*»n m<e rear at the Phytirtmn to 7V**v /,mmjt Uy*4*n*c Mn*tttutt+ A Treatise on the Cau?rs of Early Physical De- cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv- ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. r^Thla wont is of * hi*h moral tone, writt—i In duet© yet thrllllnc lanpiaiie, and appeals directly to the moral conetiou*nes- of ail, Parents and QUA» in an* e-'pecisllv. detailiuit scit:utific aud reliable aid" and tr atment fur cure. It will be sent by mail on receipt of too* cent stamp* nri'AWtsni and (IraBirtArfal fail not to rend and obtain thin book. MM 'fovna Men! full not to send and get this book. ffLAUiLal you, too, should at once secure a copr ol this book. A t*7orri of S°lemn Con* cientious Advice to tho e who will Reflect. A clan of maladie- pre nil to afearf 1 -*xt nt in corn mmiitv doomina at lea t l'XJ youth of both sexsui an- nually to »n earl)- Brave. Tbo-o diseases am v.rv im- nerft" t'v understood. Their external iu?.uif>'ptationr or svraptnms are Nervous D Witty, RetaxaHon, and Ex- hatMtion: Marasmus or w a-tinv and c-n-uinpM mi of the tis-mes if the whole Po l": shortness of breathinr or bur ried ! ireathiuR on aseeudins: a hill < r a H yht of stainv m at fxiplt.it ion o' the Heart: A-thna. BrenchrHs. and rore TV oat* shakintt of the Hand- ami Limb-*: aver-ion to .o. i-tv ai.d to iu.«r:t... or ^iuL : d"':;nf-- f V. •'- and other ^'and-" of the body, as I^eurourh'i a or Pleur A'b ts, likewise Kpilepjy, Uysttria, and Nervou- IMEDICAL. MANHOOD. How Lost« Hon KeMored. aioiia, inducing Inipob-nty ci.d Mental and Physical In- capacity. By ROB. J. CULVERWEII* M. D. Author of the "'ureru ii •ok,** Ac The world-reoo* ucd author, in this ad.einbie L°c- ture, clearly prover ti in his om'd experience thtt the awtul co«!^imence« of S- li-a' *u e mav b- vil ctualh- aud tl.i)'i»ard". Kent under teal to any address, j>otf paid\ on the re- ceipt of two postaee ftniupi, by addica^iug Dr. < II. J. KLINE, M. 5., I'iJ Bowery, New York,*Fost Itox 4 y*. a6dly AVrre c\. have i r«. Hen prartice 1 Di\ An Hvgieuic i and w known mt of even* one Vundred all , and a host of other- not tie Lim-s, andthe ra*t in the part of old school to the Troy Lung and ter, and have the medirintu a. Printed interrogatories Hon. Cincinnati Venerea! Hospital, BMiUilixhrd In the vi ur IS1W, FOR TBK CUBE OK PBIVATK DISKABBS. 4u<3 under Ut« eoniro o of the moat eminent Phy- the word, im London and Pans Hospt Vene Yc be |1M n A to Imnotency—vigor re?tor»-d In 1 to 4 wet-ks. AM disease's ofa private imture treated with an paralleled 1 , niale or female. dreti, ©jj tthisi a!***Afes, thr to health, beti"ftcial to all, male and fe- and young nhould read this book. It will ee who grop*- iu darkut-ss. Price K cents, rte*s (Jelebrated Preventive never haa nor il~marrled ladies too fe**hle to btar chil- fct thehaxard of life. -Uould h«- la po-i»*«aion rt. -s French Pmtenf Mai'.*"s*fe! It Is per- ld never fails to give utisfactkm. It Is the sure preventive acafiut pregnancy aud ! price Of the Fre nch Patent MM« Safe Is oue% 44 per hal tdoa>*ti, #7 p- r dozen. Sent le Loxier's Female Montldy Pills are a salt emedy for suppressions and all female dis a gboi Jd not us them during pregnancy, Toduce miscarriage. Price $1 per box Id: tney have been ac- th to witneiw the va- mL and to watch the No letters will be answered uuleas they contain a leuit IMJJ or a po-tage stamp. Una. BOVAPABTK 4 REYNOLDS, Ho. 163 Sycamore street, twt FfOh and Sixth, e*-t ride Citicinnati. O 0*^cr hours. •! A. \\. T<> ** P, M.. fl* lor4iw1t v 33 ONLY DISCOVERT W ORTHY OF AM CONFIDENCE FOR ItESTO R 1 N'Gr THE BALD AND GEAY. pr >ft"**t to bare diricoven^ thing thjtt would product re«nli« identic*;: hut th. v li»rp allcnueimlgom:, l»-in» <an i-cl n»»»- b-.-tln> wonrt-rfiil rvmlt- of Pr-f. WooiT- pri-i«r»tion, and h»vn Ijeeu forc. d to li-ave the field to J. W IUth. Maine, Ai'ri! l»th. o., (Ivutx The letu r I wrot t.mf' Fat.^ntJ. ,t>i>lviTit£ for iitferrooatorU* or advict uu.-'t enrloee turn rtarup* tometf attention. jar"Xht. Attending nh--'talan will lie found at the In- itiation tor BoRMattftloa, Iron. 9 A. U. to » P. M. of each I .i* Sunday * in the forenoon Addrew I>R. ASORKW 3TONH. P^;•;'lriantotheTro5 l.mf: and Hygienic Inrtitutinr. *nd Phyriclan for dwieaw of thr Heart, Throat, and Luiifa, 94 Fifth ttreet, 'I'roy, N. Y. TO rSMALES. MKS. DOCTRESS STONE, Tur. Vatko Who la thr unrhly res the mftny attlictlve at iMSTITl'TIOM, .ted In the i»atholoKV of iting malndi of more -luvivw attention to this cta.i1 of dlt^d-e.. peruHar to here»T. fW—The A»-eudlnr M <lirat d Douche, a rnost impor- tant fireventite ior Kr^aLra, sent br exprea* i'o^ iK, Fetnile." can consult ilr^. l»o< trefa Stone cuntideiMu by l.twr or peraoinilh'. Addree« MRS. N. 0 . 8TOSE M. P.. Matron to the In.Htntlon, oct7 deodtr Tuov, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. QEOBGC T. SUAW DICK PORTF.R. 'ROUND THE rOKXER" IJUU 1 111 II llfiri Corner Sixth Street and Court Place, OPP< ISITE THF. CITY COURT KOOMS, I^oui.-ville, Ky- SHAW St 3?GT1TDR, Proprioto's. EAI der 11 hours of the day and niffht. Our Lar- iii-ti ritfa Flah, M.'*t«, Pouttr:-, Game, e l>e-t ill he murk- t. In our Saloon ere sorted Wine*, Liiiuon, and Cigara of the in Kentucky fir J. .?. Saiid>'« celebrated Iwaukie X. XX. and XXX Pale Cream : wholesale, ill bairela and hall barrela, I) TltK cflKNF.R " n!3 >.«*i»f Coavt'uh nee f«r my CuMomers. /^KDKns for II nry Be«rodTi I phoMi ri r E»taWInh- ^/nnDtwill be taken witii the greatest attention at Mr. J. G. Mather's Carpet Store, So. 319 Main a at, -idjoining the Bank of Louisville. IIENRV BEYEODT, Vphol-terer, Flflh street, between Jefleraon and Green, nol 7 dfim l>iiii..v i!!m. Ky. REMOVAL. Brandies <fe Crawford, CHAIN 03ALZ2HS. IT AVE removed to i he new Wiirelioiw.i on the aontb- II west corner o Main and First street*. We will nay th higheat market iirice for all kinds of irr.in, dp Iiyered at our store or at any good shipping i'oint an the O o river. BRANDEIS A CRAWFORD. POWDER OF ALL qualitte* constantly on hand and foi sale oj DAVIS A Sl'KED, Aifeute for the Mnnufacturen. IXICIBTIU.E. Sept. 3, 1*69. Mmaaa. D*"t» * Srem, Agents of Oriental Powder <if i,ta - We have been using your Blasting Powder and we take pleasure in stating; that we tind It euual li not •uperior to any Powder thai we have ever used. Superintendent for Smith k Smyser. I cordially concur In the above and cheerfully reoom- nieud it to the public. J. D. SMITH. I consider the above Powder superior to any we have vi r 1-eeu able to obtain. U. FOSK'T We take pleasure in recommending your Indian Orien- tal Rifle Powder as eimal if not superior to any w e have ever used. It being very cleauly and strong. This we *j»ert after a thorough trial. Respectfully yours, GEORGE W. WOMACK, J. FRY LAWRENCE, 8. P. BROWDER, n A. KSEASTKR, 7.ACHARY L. TAYLOR, tr7 dtf \ BIHN5. IHiLOH S.HONtIH>I 0u the Euru]»ean Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 cents per Day. fit] Hall Square, (trier of Frankfurt iU OPPOSITE CITY HALL. Meals as they may be ordered in the spacious Refecto- ry. There i- a b-r's Shop ami iiatli-lUioms attached to the Hotel. N. B. Rewnrr or Utinnere nnd lliirltinrit, who say we are full. _ uadly R. PKKNCII. Proprl.-tnr. ERITGE, CHEHTTC&X.S. Blc n 1 am now MrlvUtf .Ni.VV (lOODS. just pn' c ured Tobacco, and .lnog to purchase for eslast summer, tor whith I am very it to my friends and thereby induced iny were skeptical until afk r tr',:,i.st d lid used it with universal success. 1 ravor that you send ms u test by w bleb itllorite from you. A pur>' alticle wilt il I believe where good rffeerj do not is cauw-d b\- the Impute article which or of the good. 1 eccm it my duty, as p you apprised of the cumin ed eff. cl issure all who Inquire of me of uiy un- shaken opiuiou of iu valuable results. I remain, u.-aj - sir, yours, Pbot. O. J. W( pt:'^' vent e great In A. C. KA VUIOISU. I ffiniu-th nf !.«ir, which I i»ro- Wt that. 1)m orijrfiuJ »a«». 1 n to ivcoiuiiti iid thl.-* invalu* av fi-el the ikt* mHst of it. REV. 8. ALLEN itKorK. of ruy i-. - foi your an- ku in uf> utupljcltod- a i'l f « muixia th« raiiti i»««rt r anJ aay uoUUdk. The RpstorftHre It* pot up in bottlef of thrve alroa. Tit: t.irv, reeoiitii!. ..ml nmall: th.-fuiAM hold* % a pint and n tail} for >l per bottle; tin- nedlum hold at l-a>t tarnty per.c»*ut. luorn In prr>i»«rtion tlian th** umall. n*- tiil for i*2 pw hotth-t thf lani- hold a uuart. \*ct cent. iuor»* in jT(»p(H1ioii, aud tail for t?!! a hottli*. *». d. \V< >D « iO., I'roj rii-t«ra» 444 liroadway. New York, and 111 Market *tr< - t, ;*t. Lotita, M* 1 . And e»-id B«ldwhol*falohj Barmorul 4 Tyler, WIIcou. P«itiT, h l>»., J. 8. M -mn & (*on#, K"bini*on & < Liudeu- t.t-i *- ft (v. , Rnthiror ft Bro.. and \ti <*'-iw>U Ohang-o of rirra. T SHANKS ft ro. have it oel .* i V.*. A. OAIL- HilAl I'll with thtdr linn, and purcluv* 1 * the utaud OfflMITII A OMfcK, on tottth il*M of Market -Tr.ct- 8ALK aud hV-TAIL fitWKJKKV a- d i'KOltl t.K imA- run. Conned with thxir Iioune * ! - h:»ve agood WAOON'VAIU), with ample accominodationa for bortee, mngona, and otbor vehicle", and would he glad iuamthdlr >ld Irienda. T. 8IIANK8, II. T. HOKI>. Julv 18. l*-»o. ^tf W. A <; A I LRKAITn. OTAS )NIO N«TICB lh^ mimbers <>f ST. UK'tUCK LODGK. No. 1?9. are her»-be notift d th:.t the iu«ftiuf*« ..ix* ch-nrod to th»* id and 4th Tu*wday <ti ac'i tat nth. A punctual att* ndauc« of thf ra- mher> id rollcittfd. ,| r. RAMBFR^rft S -'• i4 Knw.HH U'll.Dr.R. 514 Main-t. I | KILO KKl IT— A choice artiele pH^led aud unp-ele-l i*ea.-liet«w Dried Apple*, and trench and German Pnirnjs iu gtorn and for t*ali> by rr« W «* H HC'KM *.WT>T, 417 Markrt At. ^HLKSK— A f II s;»rply iunt rHceiye-* We* ten K"' A a*»lts aud S-tp H mrt W. i Nutra.g, EnglLh Ualry, Fine- kllARIVT, 4T7 Market *t. id 3 Marker- 1 iu whol* and . half b.iln an-i kita No. I S»lir. n in wt aud jdtl No i whit** l-'i*h iu half bblr a ftiperior article Codth-h In drums a-:d No. 1 ecaUd HeninR; in etore and lor W. ft II. Bt'KKIIARDT. 417 Market rt. PkJBW FISH TV O. SI GAU—60U hhd» fair u> ch- ice in rt- re and 1^1 tor aaie b> m AM.KN M'»i-RK. A H \T"'V. Bl TTLK—6 ublo frtah roll buitt-r juat nwtjiv, for sale by N. 8. GUjRK ft CO. it Fanners' and i>ICehanics' TOOLS. % plows. Rakes, Hoes. Ferks, Shovels. S|*df«, Ax Hatchet 1 , Hammer-. Knives, forks, SnKiu., lAdl Candlesticks, Waller", chairs. Maws. II ok', Hing Hutts. Si-ri-ws, Lors-s, Bolts, Latchi s, K- trhes. < 'esse AcwhoiosaleandreUil hv A. M-HKIUK. PiarS No. S»1 Third et. I,- l-vil.e. Kv NEW BOOKS. \¥OTl FA'S HISTORY OF TUB UNITED NTTH- Itl KK1.A\Dj, Hem tnedeaili Ol William the Mlent t. thi Senod of IHirt: with a fill vi -.. of th« Eng- llsl -Dutch struggle, agaiiut 8paiu and cf the origin and d .tructiou of the Spanish Armada, it vols. 8yn. $1. . _ r ELS'E V'ENNEK. a Romance of Destiny, by Oliver W. n lell lluiuie*. »vola. *l 7i. o\i; OF I'llEM. be Charles Lever. 80c. ATKINSOS'S TRAVELS IN THE LTP1 R AND LOW F.K AMuUK; with a map and illustrations. S2 5'J PERSONAL HISTORY OF LORD BACON, from un p.ib:ishe»l Papers, by W. H. Dixon. »1 S5. m.i JOHN P. MORTON * CO. (lAMM ES - i lulleul'pl> i siswii, > and Mold V.n.ll. s in store and for sale by .ralli ii ,IVee Spi-i Iu Star, re and for sale by W. * II RI'WKIt '.KH I . '17 Str*". ' 13 IO (,'OFr EE—6ul)b»gs fair to prune iu store aud lor ll SI ml MEDICAL. X> Xt. -EE -A. L Xj'JS Louisville MEDICAL LNPlllMARY, C0N1>L'CTICD ONTIIK PLAN* OF THK HOSPITAL DEB VKNFKIKNS, PARIS, patw nt* in tmp i«H- n- -ct, and (pving them un only fmrn tli.Tf o«-*n Urcisiiii^tciicy wropleti and p*t an- nt cure*' aro ronstantiy being eff. ct d ttt t''li« Infirmary. YOUNG M F.N, TAKK P\RT!''U1 AR NOTICs 8'.- TV. II. d-vote-* natirh of time to the tie«imet t of tho*e ra-.-f. eau-d hy a *-eret habit which ruin* th pitin»r bueinf*'** or *• » i«t'v Th c id «-ff c < f 'l.tve e.rl babita. or the oxc of ri|>er jr-irs. ar. u* weaken «n-» dtb'HUt-* tm i o"ftituti»M. d'vtr^v thf phvvctl an.t me'ttal p>Wfi-?, ditn>>n-^i :."d ••ufs^lde th natural f**«-t- .tittf* 1 . and e x^a'ift th.; vi.al eh r*V-s of man' o-xl; the plea-tiii»t» of ti'"* ar-* Mar™fd. the nbje't of*inar*natf fm«- tnt 'J, and t*xt«>*eii**e Itaelf rendared a (erovr.f iinoea"* inn inui ry and reftr**t, H"ch a<*r*ODa, e-*p- ei.illy thoe>* They can be relied on In all even of Mi'iMtrunl '>b-tme- tiou». IrTwmlaritie*, ftc, m a rure and nale remedy. Patient* living at a distance call bf ftitm*l «t ho^f h\ •end; n** a dewription of their di-jea**e aud iucio*nng a ftamp W. H. 8TOKES, fSVCCESaOKTOB.* W. IL 8TORU8). IMPORTER AND DEALE1 J TN COACH AND SADDLERY liAriDWARE. Old-establlshefl wi .'=!?• ) Warchoitse, ISTo. 435 Main St., betwoen J^ifth and Sixth, Loutsvillo, K.y. t-y^terehatitf and Manttfarturern wrmld find it to tl«lr intfreft to oxamiue mv <tock before tnakinrr thMr pnr " 1 be atteml"d to a- tf m.irt> i r T-^TjSOn. '^-Jm Mi' '" rhatv^r. and rtrdpni from a dl*tan-*i i\IISCELLANEOI T S. .MISCELLANEOUS. no voir W4ST wmsKBBSi DO YOU WAiM" WSII^KCU*! Ort % oil WAST A TIL'ST 4CHC! OOVOV WA\T 4 MU4T VCI1E! B E LTiTNQH A.M'S CFI.F.!tR\TEO Linjuinil\Ul/i\UUI!Jil For the Whiskers and Hair. The subi.-rib. r. c'tiiieni of tile U i the Agcuci for a- Aiucrcnn public til renowned artiel- *i e p'ea urn in an o-inr''iie to the d Stat- s th it thiii hav oMaieer I ase no* onahlej to off ir to t l »e abov^ju tly teleorat^d And v,orld- S«on( d24< stri't t. between First an'i . M. to P.M. U HALL, M. O. This la roally a Qood Kouicine, w»r- rasted to Cnrs. Bio Ifuan, Umlford, Va., Not. 1, 18*4. Maflm Deivg A tlo.—Ocurletuen: I used about one- fourth «f a bottle of vour Turf Oil upon the na. a ol m, Its enntive proper efllcacious than an; have sold thousand similar purj-oeea. Besfectfully, P BONDLILVNT. Svkbt oov>ttt, Va., J.uiuarv, l^S*. G«TtiM¥w: My old man. Billy, white te'iviug sills witli a l.r.>ru::i\i-, -i. lex open down to the bone, about 3 or 4 ting an artery. It bled profuse I for tw tinned to bleed until cold and stilt I 1 hot brandy. I could not sew it up. M niei-e of linen with your Turf Oil and I 1 did not expect him, on account of iti able to work ai-alu. I continued to dm or three weeks with the Turf Oil. Iu i was nutirelv widl. and he was at work s Very respectfully, W. CLA1BI Messrs. Uovi 4 Co., Richmond. Va. For sale by CA111 row. W. SI 1 III J years of age he rail ot th .he* long, rut lays, and con- to give him t saturated a it on the cut. se, ever to Is he wound two weejee the cut *E J0NK8. BOT. I.1>K«, : <k BP.O., 'H, OKO. W. HART, And all Druggists and Country Merchants In the Stab roay17 dly GALLON'S HEAD DISPENSARt, F.STABLISHUD 18JO. For the Cure of ail Private Diseases. A XSrSXCAX. RBFOHT, CotUplnMc TntliTY line Ptott* and KrujraxAnoi n/ the Anattvit/ and Pht/racloav of the Sexual Or- •jasiny <•> a etau uf Health anrf Diseate. PRICK ONLY TKN CK.NTS. fsT~8ent free of postage to all parts of the Union. .JO ON A I ing Sy ture*, C (lO of treat rrhea. Stric- THE STIMTLATIXG OVfiliEXT •r* y;tinl hv I»r C P. BtlrMMBAlii fti eminent eh ian of London, and i a arranted to bt iut* oa* a thi* of WHISKERS 03 A MUST*CHE in from thr e to si, we-ks. Thi arlii-ie !• the only one of ihe kiud us d hy the French, and in Lo.-idsn and Peris it is iu u-iivenial use. It i i: -1. a rs .n if 1 *elp, it » Die o: tie piled nr. or, hair park. leaving Ir - i- an I'tdier I'atinc auaing to tie !UP iu Ar- r towv < cior rr.M" to I. t, insid - WANT"' PMJstNTB TO-FI t »•( KWK of MT VTI< INKKY tfd .TKWKLRY at |»ie. .. m«. tMr»l I' s' than can b- p ircha-. n ilrss fere, t'alonor sddres^ fst qnp .n< los ii) J. L. HA1LKY. N' UvtiVnirt S'r. * t. Iters., Msss. mar 'e itSm a 3 dOUZcXSlTRS, L. S. B. de <*KETY (F. RAPY, Aftntk JWs I ttmk iTrf, i- t ; ; » the .lofir»i»! Office -^T^^Ilai in f-tor-* »nd f.,r p-»Io in quantiti***« ^ I f -f-a-W oU vurt*t)avr« a lue a^'Oitmeat of WINES and LIQL'uRS, such aa HilHI>i:\f'V. Bordeaux; !>• M.«l<ie: M. list phe. BOtTRGONB. Pomird. Fronfiertan; Vciiiey. COGNAC? R^rdca.ix; T.urrl Vfiii-d-* -ele-de Laaeiodoa. MowIIp, Vin de Tokay, Anna-;r.ae. and ('oidiiln. r* d r \p IHK fnv'»r .t«. artlrl,. 1 hjd t wholewtM of r it arr th* only A^r-t- f>>r thf artiel*» in th** Unit* d Statt't*. to whom all orders iuiu* be ad- dre-ssfd l-vic.' One Do'lar a bor. For cah* bv all I>nit*i*i»*t and l»rt*1ein: or n iv i c thf» "On-menl" (aarrnnted o hav*. th*' di-sir- d «-ffect) wl>l b** i-eni to rim who deeln it. hv mult tditx ) -•"• r lv paclitd on recelid of uric and t. ' . 1H Anplv 'o o- nrl lif-a 1JOKACK L- IIKCKM .N & CO., nRI'fM.IBT', AO , fUtdr^ml tn6tla 21 WU i:im itfeet S^m York. Wlien vou go to NI'.W YORK, drive di ect to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROAPYVAY, CORNKR Ot HOU»TOH STKI'KT. CrlONIlUOnBD ONTIIK Hl'KtHT.AN PLVN. Hood s fare, friio.1 rooniM pi*-'** i>t :*tt« i.d t'.r. , aud d-rat n.argt-''. S'tiiflf ro tin & n-n;-. ibie'itr* an l \te d'T. Donhl. room' and r* r^ '* t0 <*• M«:»U n-» orierei Thlj Hotel has all the am* i'it*u*^nt*i f th- lHi»t Hct«tiu a mot central location, and U hrated thron-'hont hy ft a;n. m ti:-tn ^VMI'KI F, MF,\D. Pi-prlchr. (Successors to .foe. Koiih), DHAIsHRS I?* PITTSBtTHO AKI» FSfTONA CAN MB C. OOAX., Ard Sole Agents foi the IPomoT-oy Coal. OROPRS for any of the above Oiils respectfully soil cited and promptly tilled at the lowest mark'-i prices. ' Constantly on hand a large nuppi i ..f the "PUYTl IN * 0ANNEL" and "PKACOi'K" POUEROY COALS, which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no su. penor. Ornce. No. St* Third -trees, between Market and .1(1 .'arson, at Robb's old stand: end at No. sni, lAtullvrstl owner Hrook and Market street.. IcS* dtf of OreufectlODery ran now b - he fallowing hnusca: HKAtUS .'; SIH LTZ. Ixiulsvile, Ky., ». B R1F. Lo.isville, Kv., V. D (iAKTANO it < l>.. Louisville. Kv.. -IAS. U. Vn TRUY. New Alnem . Iurt.. and at »h - factnre n n I i-rli stn-t. hi tareen Mjiu and Market, and at i—talt hv .|T eonf. rtlr-nprs. J7 dli DEDUCED PRICES! TTwllV, rfili-rrilfrhavin-f a larre ctocV of I^liea' and I (ti-it'ii Winter Boot*. Shot*?, aud fta1t*Ti* on linn ! all of h I « >-twii mantifaetnre, oOfts at greatly reducrd i't nt'- lo want of fine CalfWlntar Bootican tx> ar- r iv ii. .<> i.-.t .'ti at the very low price nf jjj- p^ir, fo.- r.t,-h only. \1t»<\ a I'd of Meu> and Boy?' Kip and thick Bxvt*. at P. MA R6HALU t for cash, dfi dtf Main, below Th.'-d «tr.»H. BLIA8 IIOU , jr.. anil S. II. ROPER'S PATENT, TIIK MOST RKCi:\T IMPKOVKD ShuttleSewingMachine FOR ALL KI^-OS uf WORK. PKll K ttt \yarrantod the Ba»t ia the market; sine flulsheil. stremij a.-d ilnrable; wheel feed of great iHiwer. exceedingly gtmflfl in ci»nstnicti-»n: not a win •ebout it; all its pirt> are most admirably and ingenious !y arraugiHi; cannot |.i.sihh- get out of enier. because e.Tything is pcruiaurutlv a4justed: none so su'ivuii. d.-rstood ami ope ret. d, atid -ews the most b*-aiit.1'ie ttitcb ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tal ! .rs and all wh > h ive seen it prououno it the hist Ma nine ever sent to this vic'uity Alt are cordially in- it. d to examine it. T. JOHNSTON. Agent, nM dly . . .h T e-. To itlilicrs, Produce H ercbauts, ait:: Grain Dealers. rUK subscriber offers hisserrioer t- Ha Produce Deal- ers io Ix>uisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain snd Couutr . Produce. Having l.^d long experience at Hew n.I Pi of buying Grain nklin, Woodfoiil. and Chlonel A. G. and O. R. Can<|- .'8 HODGES, ;.-r.-*owr.. Kv. tion I "rt BO of t TKI nla< mo'titn^, n to *> The antd >t mt lervir. on all thi OftW ?14 Fifth All letWr* fui ionht^ •» In a Fir- th- at uv'- di?ea»r* bv-rori' he t-rianw>nt of any o:n . rfe*»»«lnna! <**•*. uu--, t-i whirl eltht-r \M-r-Kinallr or b\ licit hi- work treat*, and e L-uutry with coinpltt*- H'tcnred trom dauber or Hiis -a Market Street, North aide, between Sixth and S-iveath. rJ OUISVITJ lJ K. KY. fyAlwayson hand a complete assortment 01 PIANOS at ISamHUlJll lirices. set 3" dl .- SPECIAL NOTICE. MY CL'STOMI RS ARE III'RKHY NOTIFIED THAT THF'R AOCOIHTS DUE ON THE FIRST OK.'AN- ITAKY ARE READY, AND I WIU. BE VERV IfTJCB 0BUOT£D IP '1UEY WILL CALL AND PAY Ot ON THAT DAY. c. m. jsiccnAvs'. PBE PR A IIC BR\ND OP Ml ,l>a t rrlT <ir new Z) XX jTjl. jVI X 3 J\. 0 1^ El CHARLES FA Til IK (Lat*> Max Sutainr *t ( "o.>, FlllOlXlrV, l^nrrevor-* to the <-oiirt- of FraiiOH, ^nain, au«t Pnuvl.v aLo to the Cflfhratt-d Welllnit*r-in C'ub, Londou. WILLI KY. CABINET, IMPERIAL. AND YIN AN- *^ ia,jn nnifta, nlnt*. M r*- t-. f.<r>alfh •L I!. MCNKOi. Ill H r*ON. a" Will nt may^4dlvftw»>o**r tftri X>T. "W"^. X'TF* ICE!, HavinR be n estshli-ln-J in Ixiuis- ville for tie- last Ii ve»r» and hae- son, Capt. W. S. D. M p stum any stat.-- as nr. W. I.. Loving, John- Coitv.J 1 by I had Fistula and was cored by Dr. Price, without the kuile or ligature, in seventeen days. Joseph yocce. [UA!!MN CO., KY.) I had a negro man v ith l-'lstula, and he was enr-d by Dr. Price in three wcekaf WM. BAUD [iMIIjOO,^*, ILI..1 I had Fistula for nTeen rears, with six epeiiiiigs, aud was cured by Dr. Price in three weeks , RIL' Y WILLIAMS. I am a hralthv and happv resn. havin*: heenrur-d from the horrid effects of 1 Juunism. A. C'lTIZKN. Ollice on Market, between Sixth and Seventh st-. Addres-. encloeiug a isisUge stamp, L ui ville, Ky. febli' DR. ZsA CHOJS"8 PRIVATE MEUiCAL Tltl^.TISE ON THE PJ ITSK >LOGT< 'A 1. V I E W ( I F M AKHI AGE. 30o P.ige. aud lsu l ine Plain and iv.lorcd Lithographs. »r-PKiCEONi.Y tw>:nty-i-ivi: <;ENts.^ii WSent free of postage to all pan.- of the VuUm._Mt tl W, . n Vo I^or Sale. Cash jmi*3 tor Barley REXTITRY mi HOUSE. MIl'TII SIHK MHtKKTXTItKCT, Between Sixth and Seveth. Jan« dtf .town Evr.vt N i ro. YARD, CILLMB, & CO., Jayne's Marble Building, Nos. 617 Ckvsinut and 014 Jay&e St.. X'Xiili-xcloI^lxl^, Have opened their SPK1NO IMPORTATION of su i fisey ill am Dre.ss Goods in great variely, ifUTS tiOODS, KjIBROIDEUIES, Ac. *r., Wliich they will sell at the lowest Easleru prlcrs). CALL AND SEE HSdSm •S»» huds la.r to .iiutlj prim iu sto.-- ... d by (a?J a. W. CoOU. in th.-ears sreaa extremities, con melancu. Ir, mar AND Ll IN I u >N We have for ti our time in V TALS, availing Euro,- and on tl LENOIRE. lilr CL'ltLlNliS, nf I tour extended ti nl Hi s. , full M less of the b iclt aud lowei a., loss of m-n,ory, with 'h* author's NEW PAKlh t *.f the past l ear, devoted IK EUROPEAN liosPl- ' the kuotvh-uge J^lld re- i.-ieiiuis aud Surgeons in ,. nieu as i IVl.M.E '1IETEAU, ACTON, and id English hospitals. Our Ml Italy, Ueroaamy, Hol- land, ami Wales, visitinr eidtals In Paris, London, leu, Berlin, dir., Ac. W. sale by ALLEN, MOORE. ^ HADES. MOLASSFS— I7i. Mils prime, in good cooperage; as; )tfdo do, do do; Receive. i In the Doulsvllle a :d John R un" and for sale m . (,„r) coop * "ii nv. J»RANDY- 10.00b BAGS SH^LLBD JOHN 11IAVE on ham aud to amva mo u hags on shelled Corn, iu new .eaewed gunnies, which is for tale at Icwest cash rate-. 8»M'L M. PARKER, At We ler <B Parker's, ea-t aid.- Slx'h at., 131 dtf . I. - ' .....I M.,rg. KEMUV oannon, BEanmr.1,. & CO.. fffciilesale lltaicrs is Notions, faritt) s F»Ecj(i««ii 11* VS. KKMOVrrt. TO No. 6.'<3 looih Hide of Jlnln. :; elnor, from OUR stock of Ooods Is-lng too larse for th? season, we have concluded to take in payment for Goods th n tee of all the Banks In the dllteieut States that were n good -lauding the 1st of this mouth exeetit tile notes the Banks of Iliiuw., lately thrown out by the Hankers at Chicane.. Our stock ol CHRIST ii *5 TOYS is ';'ilte complete. n27 dtf CANNON*. BIIEKKI' I., x '•• In V, pipes A. Seiguette Brandy; 2u v- I'ipea t'ognar do: Jl iiplpes Rochelle dor 4 i J.p'i < s ' uard, Dupay, & Co. Brandy: 5 i bh'.s N. Y. do; In^store and for ^ro,, ,,.L HALBKRT A CO. M Mu bills 1 1. >ice Plantation alo'a-es; 95U ".do do di tos. .nd tV e ..-de hi taJl H. W. Cimn. F L hfTetofore as ml ofprofot- Uuited St it. s or Cauauns, by jiatiente oomniuuicatiiig Uieir symtoms by letter, business oorrespoudeuee atrietly conndi-titlal. r»T"lir. L.'p Ollice Is still located as established; under the name of Lit LA CROIX. layfo insure safete to atl letters simple- addri-ss "THE LA CROIX MI.DH AL I S- I I H i K," s4 d t » tf No. .11 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y. SEXaZ-RXBD P.EHWALB, No. HI I Foarlh Kt„ bel. .Huiliet nnd JeOerwon, M ANt'PACTURER AND JO BB KB OF EVERY i"l variety of JEVS'ELKV. Fine Diamond Mount- WESTERN HOTEL, LATE VACARO UOl'SK, 801'TH 8D1 MARKET. BET. NURI i FIFTH. JACOB rUIBND & CO.. Piopr'*. was ctfully inform the public that sinee b ds Fxtla Wl.lte W -a anuiy Fl u for sa le by ta j CAhDM.R » " HrtPiNKO sroAit leai bill. A < m ked Baltimore Sugar, a i bbla Love ring's rrush.-d dr; Vi hli s do (irauulated do: U bills Soft cru hed do for sal'" by a3 OAKDNr.R & CO . Brass-b-.uid Rodar Fai's. s- 1\ nO/.ES bia-s-boaud Cedai Palis, 4 tiz-, just r< >U ceivej and lor sale 10, by ORRIN HAWaOM a] i..- Main s f ., between Fourih and Filth MaRBLP.IZRO I .(ON MANTLES AND ORVl'ES A eouiptete stock kepi co sta.itly o-. hand aud tr,: sale low bv „i WAi mix i rni inw. > oo. I I NS CuUNI'kY II il.l.uW-W VHEi assortee rices, for sale ti tm iia e at 1 e> prb—s by WAU.AtlE. l.JTIK.OW * CO •>10 6 I>v. 2a0 I'ouitasiio t, ele Children's Bncaies of everv vari^tv an. d at pi ic s ti sui the prrscut hard tim t mine tin m. al of Uhltdrstn*! Ru-gi - or retail, at J SUt'S' al jr. UV Call and x: rpwr.NTV-SIX diff r. nt m Xm I foe Male irery 'o*, whole-air* VAKIKl'. ST W CyiUiOW CAM at tHaJOl' IH' KN R WvlK^w—Wr* keep e hi'itiv n :i tin-.,, R5 \ no ti ib rot «h-'*ct'l b-at.-d Kane***, nnd are pr tur d to cut lh**m tip at hortuotic *, t or hotel cr lam ilv upe ihey are u iHtnwtd. f">r **' b.- at WAL;.A' K. I ITH«OW % I O \\ lsv 2 cai-kn Madeira V. Ine; * £6 do Port do; 10 do Mii-eat do; 3" hb!o Mat-ttra do; In i»tf re and for nale by . *,] MARSHALL HALRFHT % (X). lie -tnpplii*d with the b*)-t the market at.d -ea-or.r* aiTord, and tit*) Bar will hf*. ftocked with only thi* ,».: ot Winea, ''frWi' re-t* ,icth , Hy aollcit the patronafre of the old pati rnn and of the public in guneraL NJES^VSJT GrOODS BL.U K AND FANCY BROADCLOTHS. FANCY AND SI1 K MIXED ('ASSIMKRES BILK AND MARSEILLES VESTiNUS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. And a most eompl. te ars^rtne-n» ef every article aprsa - taiolns to M""'s W. ar. to ah.cll we call the attexti of ca-h and prompt buyers. J. TON HORIMI S Jt CO., m M C oth Hou.e. No. 1SI Main -t jjAISIN i boxes London Layers; luO do M. R : }00 Wdo do and Layers; rO arums &uitaea for sale tsr ro5 <IEO. M'. MelKR'8. IS! Tlilidj*. KAY— Vd Mis h. (can pot » or 8 1 rinc by railroao, loi i> AKD'iV A it K ANU ^ - , SIM I'.HY. i*T^y^Xti West Maid strsst, ^KjL^s^ bet. Thirl & Fourth. ll'E haveon he-id and daile re..elvlng a larsr a Ml- »» tlon toOlirstOOk Ol HARDWARE nuu Cl l Ll.RY, vhlcb will be told at low flgures *»'«"','' "'* lV >n time. «' 0»J»*M. ILL Out Saw*' ij ClV'-eut Saw."; lfiston'a On hand and for sale low by C ORMSBT. I I and ft OKMSBY. L'imothv aad Clover Hay a choice article for ship. t ' V. «. ni ORE At ro. raKIED PEACHES AND APP'JSS- A bu.helsof 1/ choice Dried peache- and Ap,lei ju.-i isceivja at tiie Wooden W.re aud Broom Store an.i «or sale at mS 3Js M-ln st„ between 'I li rd slid i.uirth. 1 1 KLE.N APPl-LS—ax) bnla Apples, eUioiee vasieties, ajf iu.1 received and ior n.aio ny ro2l TA IT. ANDERS ON s> CO.. U" fonrh -t / Mil* i Ei-.- 5eil ha.s for sale ^> t ml H. D. VKv7i;(WR & BRO. IXTAH-31100 f B.Shoenberiers'N-llBOn hand and for i't sale low by ('. OKMSBY. /"tRINDSTONES- Fcuuilenee, Machiue-S'iopi, and el Tatiaers will nnd a br»e assottncot f Stow at C. OlCMSBk'S. nOE3~5!(ldteeu Pl.uit. :. Il ies ler sal» be C oKMSn l . eVPADES AND (.HOVELS— 6<. dezeu Am-.-' Shovels ao3 Bl ades; W do K .wlanu's " JAOUB FRIEND* CO. NEW PHOTGGBAPH GAUEFU Messrs. OARItETT 4 Nil" KERSON have purl d snr. i in o 1 the art. Idia Ii ... C. Alts tY liall styles of pictures known ll ep'isln oil, water colors, and lo t*aa . i.eu to all. (live us a call it-rr. Oro. H. Kiasmarm. ' is closed on Sunday. niaylu 1 for sale low by C. OKMSBY. 31 :. A It cUKI.I) HAMS i" "tore and for sale by tuv W. ii II. BUKSHAKDT, ,lj s SfOAl' lihds prime Surer ruceiv fovawlMaa fmll OA t*t. and A XX3-S-J doien Axes, dlBercut brands, for ssJe by j\ l^. oimsii 1 . a X HANDLES— IWdoaon Ax Handles for s le hv y\. C. OKMSBY. t^CYTHES - <0 dea -n Orass Scythes* to) do Gra n '• for sale by C OKMSBY HUGH FERGUSON. DAVID FERGUSON. II. FERGUSON & SON, Wholf -ale aud Retail Dealer* In ZF^Ifcr-riXTStr FLOUR, Fifth street, o-ie door uteth of Market, wLOLlSVILLE, KY. BEST BKAND3 OF F.VMILY FLOUU coa»tant:y on hand. I-r~Flcur delivered to any i-art of the eitvfrceof charrr. *l3J3:u 8. S. M\RK. a r. 0 >WN- \V' "'" D0W recel.t of a large portion of ou vT Bprini 'uri- ly o PANCS" and flTAPLB DRY OOODl? mi.h-ac'ng some few new thing in DIIE-s <> DS sue i Arte parasols am sunshades okijan LUIS I.AiV.Na and JACONLTd HO? I ERk. GLOVES u l USDEKWatA* ,1 M\KK * DOW\< t" V lo J. H. S0HR0EDER & SON, NO. ii WALL STUKF.T n AVE ON HAND ONE Of THE Fi^FSF AND LARGEST lols of WINES a id L1QUOI.S iu the contesting in pan of. vie •.0 1 bbl- Bourhon ami Rye Whisky; IN oaafcaa dr; 15 1 baskets t iharasagne, a ; .sortod brinis: Suu bcx^s I'laret, do do; to Wl do di II 100 do £ li casas P 6 p l ps- H ft lalliclus U bbli P HWJaSJ fine II i 60 1 ox s \ 10 si oss P! I. il cases fl llkl do Mai at SO Wine. do do; ine. In d : d Sti 1 Catawba; .. and Sherry, Ram; ile Briudr; ughton llitt. r; shiiio, Ah-ynthe, and ' nrae a* oo Bi'aekb try, atrawb r y. « Omg»r Braady COTTI.TRV KBSUHANTS |^oi;KS AND BINGES Sol dozen I.-eks, ass r ed: too do Hinges, " t"t sale by r ORMSBY. <) 'fAC l le At ai .ale I ID M bv Chas. Dickens. Price Sun. J !• i.'rJ KIFI.E AND LIGHT INFANTRY J vols. Pri eiil Ml. F. MADDEN'8 BOOKSTORE. H'-'l Third strnet. 1'. adle's Dime Publicati us and t rench's j ,| H-.|.,a . Hit- '6 klis Mo. I Maeaerel m store and tor ..u cou.iaxi:ieiit by ' tA^I. GAY - . IMPORTED CIGARS! DIRECT FROM HAVANA, spoSSISTlNO OF THE FOIXOW1NG WELL- v.' known bransia in thl r aiket by oash puichiccrs or by proiuit-paying c,,.CDicrs..neho.t.iu.e. |»R \THER sr SMITH, iiisk i m i . etra RectiB id Whisky; In store al MARSHAL! IIALBI'KT * CO. I Nf bs|#pilmiP.lo te-Ccireii per 11 ejana » P. SEWCvliB BBQ. tjirRKWS-S.itK) gross gimlet poiuted ii 'eaj for sale C5 h e I nri" J L ORMSBY. 1 ECLECTIC for April s ha L's journal of health f,r Ap ti; 'i Ri'MPS. by <«. W. Curtis; Just received and for sale at GUN l'ER 3 BOOKSTORE, n,ao Third st. IJKOI'VI A tTINf. a new remedy for Rheumatism, - ; tepurcd aud sold hv I * *^ . TUGS, tt JENKINS h CO.. IbilI t. and 'Drugiiste, | rar, tgvnwy ot Third and Walnut i J Kega Washington, K«g» l otcno, ^keg^MHan, ^B^'vVs lininnd.d, l'.-nt'i- 1 •'•*•'••» "i, WafMn e toa, ( ouchaa Liio-io. * &c. Id t*tortt and lor ftale lo* b.* B»W. FBTNADO, S1*l MaH «t.. Rassmrerit l.on - ills* Hotel \\ 'J.'casks Port Wine- in Cl 1 E S 1 US m IMPLf ITS H uv.i n i FR- IERS, and thai mas. wh-.ch he is try bin! Cl. W. hlflUW, Sci-d and Agricultural Ware'-oiiae, . !W Main s\. epp sit, |t»i,k of J.oiii-villi | iRrilAUD-GKASS—A I ll: l(l)c'.GHA-'8, CI.O\ I t 13, XH £«;X>S. I S— A tar.e lot prime ami rge lot do do. :R. TIMIII 1IY. HI NOA all aJjsds of tad MIL! KT: together w aARDBN SEEI3S ud F .RM IMPLEMENTS of all klnaa, Akao WHITE I [UK. CA1.CINKD PI ASTER. LAND LA8TER, WHITE SAND, CEMENT, «e. A larg* t iu store anu for sale by O. W. BASHAW, ti No. XI .est Main st. « JA K, LouLviiie, Ky. E. W. .'A'.'K. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, PE'(VIMIinfO^^SmMll' , ll\NTS, Vo. 61s natth aide Main st., between Tlnrd and Fourth, I. "I I*" II. I .E. KY. GAR, 001 1T.K, AND MOLASSES— ii bid. Cl usli d. Powdered and Granulated Suaar; I'l Hl-gallon k< as (i.Jden Sirup; tire and for eale by JAI K A BROTHER, CIS Main st. 1^ JAN'UFAI "IT RED TOB \CCO sou boxes King Missouri Toliae'co; B'si do O. Ellis do do; 5.1 do Swinuey do do; 10 do Vs. auiKy. do, vailoui brands; u store and for sale hy JACK * BROTHER, SlIMslust. FANS AND I.1NSEYS- Hsi Ii .les N cro Jeaus and Liuscys (b.-st brands) in rtore and for sale by JACK A BROTHER, al- Main st. TANAWHA SALT I. » Mil- K uiaa ha Salt, best V oiia tity, in si ir - an 1 for sale by JACK k BROI'HF.R, SISMaiust. »^ UNDRIBS— O 41) half cheit- Gunpowder Tea; lo do do B ack do; o-i doaen an.^er Bro m : 7S do fan:*:" wiie tied do; 10*1 do Painted t.uckrti; •J\ ni^ti do Tur-s 7*. d ^en Zli e Wa-l--lwiards; 6. oailsColton Roue, allsia.-s; 3o do H'-tnp Ak do: K»i boxes Scar OanaUeas 45 do St^r h: 73 d) Ko-iu & ap; im do Palso do. 6!i do Oafman Soap: tu hagac tto i Yam, all numbers; SO do (' nys-f i liaiu; liei bales Baiting: ») do ( a 1 11- -W:r<t; 26 do Wrapping Twine; 15 bags Sp.ee 15 do Pepper: loo m-its C'.uujmon: » i saws Mi lias and Manilla Indigo; 2 casks Madder. 10 bbls Alum; 5 do Sulphur: 6o ca ks N sci.-le Soda- I c«-e Nutiuers; Son.is n O. D. and 8. B. Caps; 7 te - ns no in I out 10 bbls i 600 l.egs N.t i <d a .lte flree and small Blacking: Candy; tegar; , orled uuuibers; JACK ,!: BROTHER. M" Main it WUNDKIFS- i* it i. nl Pecans; 10 bbl. Pubertal 3i bbls Tarraeena Almonds; IS b I. tlieant do; ao bbl. sic l>- do' 10 bbls English Wah.uta; 3,1 kegs French Ppiues; 5 ra-i s - •' in glas«; 6 fraiD Dat a: too pi ksges M R snd Luver Raisins; Un drum- Sun ma E:c : 11 ca-ea Sarltnes. M aud li I- » , 1 . casks Zau'e rurrauts: In store and lor sale, r.v r.FO. W. MORRIS 134 Thirds* LOU) 3VILLE JOURNAL Tkrkific Stoii*.— Ou Tue.«djy last Mudia n Title, Ky., wat rWtast by a rery destructive storm, causing oonsidernlile dimsrso to property. The brh k l o-ldlnr; on the <q'iarp, caxupled Ly Mct!ary& T. un« as a dry p«0. slctv, and by Cj. Miller a« a dru^ g'ore, w. 8 onmpletelv wretked ho roof I. ; .- tnrn off and dreipped into th> .'reot. Several slablea and cribs; in the vicinily •f IcnsL vera Mown down; shad.i treed were up- rooted, end fencini; suffered severely. The R-g i.V.ar eavs, that fn>m all parts pf the country ii haars cf much dumupe in fences, ftuhs, tree.s, 4c. TlIK TllF.AT AND Fl-.CIT C'K"P» IV lLLLtnlS. fho Triine Farmer, published at Chigsago, L-ive- extracU from i's corre-pondents in all parts of tha State, all of whetn speak in the most hcpeful terms of* he piospect nf a heavy wheat cn p the ensuini; luirveat. Those in the southern part of the State also Bay Ih it the fruit crop will be ubun- !ant in that part of the Slate. Og-Ihe Elkhart find.) Review says that a fe- male neuro In that c|itarter of the world presenle-i Iter hubband with four cbililrtn at one btrttl oi^kteen monthi a(;o, aril last week made him n preMintsof live more, making nine in a year ai du li ilf. Snr-Kaairiji I)kai> in Mauthni). The Btrenu- o'H efforts here'ofore made to prepire Marylam! M jiiin in the seees«ion movemen', it is said, are admitted now to have failed utterly. An intill. jint citizen of that Stale, now in Washington, aays that there need lie n i distrust of th* loyalti of the ro isses of the pe.ipie there. It is very wel. known that the secession movement in Mar. land * a. led and controlled by a small clique of met: f d a«pirate fiirttinos, p iliiicil and personal, who Wired revolution and anarchy, in the hope thai in some way opportunity mi|?ht bo afforde-l Miem 'it retrieve their individual ruin. Having failed, I hey are worse off than befote. I' ltEAKg of I.ioiitnixo. 'Japt. J tin II. Gold- sioiih, nf bark Ionia, at Salem, Mass., from the c as* of Africa, repirta that on Ihe morning of ttto fid tilt., on (he u.irih ;rn edj;6 of the <Julf H reitn, (lining a very hestvy (Jalo, «i h rain, wa twice struck by lightning within live minutes, both bolt* atrikinsr tha back of the mainnsait ic I he same place, just below the top, 1oaring a Hack spot a ,out the size of a man's hand, but doing no oihc- injury to the mast. The report was aluut the s ime as from a six-poundor and I be shock k.nvked d iwn two or three men who were standiiiir near the mainmast at I ho time, buL I hey soon recovered. A small dent was four.d in I he deck near the mast-hole, which had not been noticed before. Women Tarring and Feathering a Man. Several yotinii women and young men in female tppareL residii g in the neighbor'.tood of Liver- more, Westmoreland county, l'enn., were recent- ly tak' u before a maps rate, upon the complaint of a young man residing in the town, who ulle/cd .hat Ibe de'eud.ints, while reluming from t nrayer- meeting, threw him down. A' d starving daubed him with tar spplied feathers. The younn •lomen state! that he had made uso of offuusive- I ing—ga concerning th -m. The matter was ar- ranged by the puymeut of a small tine aud costs. Ai>ULrnKATii>\- or Mil. b; IN UosToN, At the la-t meeting of the Bo'ton Sanitary AssiHiiaiion it was staled tb it $1,1 jO,l)IW wa ' annually pai,! io that city for mi V and $liO for what waa not fnilk. The first anu most ini[Ki:tant f.l-iii: ili.t was by means of water, and the largest part o' th* watered milk came from I 'in: la., own, where there was a regular manufactory. At this same meeting, acco diug to tha minute* thereof, "ihe lion. JosUb QuioCT, Jr., give an interesting ac count of h's ex eri nice a- a milk nan." His cows jaT* 0 10 maris a day, and the iJiuntity could be re ised. Out 11 would be at the expense of the quality, Prnpt-r and sttfiicieiit food was necessa- ry to make goo-l uiiik- Ai TS Of THE SOCTHKRX CoxoKKas.The of- ricial paper at Montgomery gives publicity to a number of additional acts of the Sothern Con- gro a, of wliich the following is a synopsis: Act No. HI vests certain power in the Hottmas- ter General, eu ho-izin / him, in the event of the United States m .il servi :e in any of our Sta'ei being discoatfued before cur service is organiz d, 0 renew pr..visionally the c .ntracts under which (ho serv.ee wa« p rformeil. The IV-tmasler Gen- eral is authorized to enter into contracts wi h Saitlei for mail service, ut a time fixed and _d vertised ly him ar.d such contracts beint: niatle i^ier a day to be fixed by hia proclamation all conveyance of uuila within ihe Cor.federucv, ex- e- .pi bv «u' hoi il v of i.a Government, is prohibited. Other aertiona of the net are of Ises general in rarest, and relate to minor tuatier.a in the regula- tion of the service. Poat masters are m aila re- sponsible to the llepartment for moneys c .tested while acini; by Ut i (<i Sta'ea appointment since s. cession, at d must re. der their nccouHIfl. Act No. 86 empowers the I 'resident to appoint, 1 y and with lis. advice at d consult of the S n- .le, a Commiist-uiier nf Ind'an Affairs, with a silarv of .T'2..Vi f and a clerk for ihat bureau will: a silarv of 31.6(0. Act So 71* authorizes th. BSffintmrrnl of SB ; ddili' n il otlicer of the ' rea-ury IL pirtment, 'c ! e Call-.d the Second Ai.ditor, and to l-e charged with audi'inn the gee un Ea of I lie \V ir Uepatt uient, at a salary ot $1 (Kill par annum. Aci N.e 1)1 il.ciilea -hat t in. amount of salary e.tal-lish.d ft each of its efficers doting the cou- tiouince of the Pro\isional Comrresa tshall be le-'in-'d a salary for eno year, and shall be oai'i 'o Ihat amount u|«>n the w-rrant of the Provide!! f tho t'on^r.-.s. i h'ss aAoera, and their pay, as set forth in act No. 76. arethe Seereiaty, *'2.5iNI; Assisli.nt S-ereturv, J lurnal Clerk, at Keaaling i Wk. igi.iiOl) each; L) ai'keeper. fl.2<)(»; Me - n/er, if 1,000; aud ihe Engrossing Clerk, io per diem. Act No 78 provides for Ihe collection of a duty of live cents per ti n. to be denominated u Uf*U Money," from i.ll vessel." entering eur |wirts from any port after the lirst of May next. This dull shall not be OolleOted oftoner tlisn once in three tnoiitha f ern ve.a t.|s tracing regulaily between the p r's of the Onfeil-rucy. Act No .03 uutheriz s the Serretary of tin Treasury to app in) special ayen's to oriratiize the eua;omhnuses, and 'o examine w 11 the Isxyes. ac- counts, returns, and sums on ha d, atid htspecl thniretie al man i^ement of nil the ofli 'es of the- several Critleetors of Ihe customs, sub treasurers, pnblic depositories, min'A and all othvr agencies, t sftici lis of the late Dntten State, may, therefore, pr pare to give a strict account of their siewari - shipadu'int- the interrornnm. Act. No. 74 authorizes the President to e.ppoLit such Qesmmr PTIll agaaUl or con-uls as in his opin- io the coiiimeroial inieresis of the ('o'if, d tr:cv :. qaire, and they Khali charge Ihe fata allowed bj th liovernment i f the United States. Act No. 82 allows the c Election of certain spe- cili il at d con-ideriMe fee* in addfti >n to the sal- iry < 'inpensation of the District Attorneys of the Coufiderato States. New nARKV I IIP. ooks! Mew Books! I -., h John T. Irving. P,ire*i ar. SKY, b John T. l' ving. St SS It S \ eOMKRVI I K or a llnshsil'l's Mystery, by (i W. N. K- i n" ds I'ri-e Me. THK FIRST FALSE STK.P, r,r tha Path to Cilaie, hy G. W M. Koyuolds. Pri 5- c. \t F. MADDKN 8 Ikiokatore, m 4 8-JI Thirri st. UAtBTMS— Ju h xes M. R. and Layer Raisins; 1-si u Jo do di do do, list If do do do do do Itec- iv- i per steatuer Plana and for sale low to close rouslgaiueut by ANTHONY ZANONE A SON, „,, Flftti street, below Vsln Fitistria JoSstM vs. Loon Kosstrrii. Tht Auntritin tCmjieror w un KafjUsh Cwirt. The Km- peror of Auaina appears as a suitor in the Eng- lish Court of Chincery. to restrain Louis Kos- suth from flooding Hungary with bji.u. money. It appears, bv the alii davit of hia Embassador, that certain litho^r iph'-rs in London are prepar ing Hungarian notes of orll fl.irin and upward, signed by Louia BoSM h, and intend, d fir ciicu lation ia llangiry. Tha Embassador thus de* po-ea: The laidy of this document is in the Hu ri n language, with which i am well acqitttutfM. and the arms, of which there is a print at the le.trinii. are the reyal arms t f that country. Hie body of add note, when translated into English, is lows: ' One florin. This monetary note will lie received ii every Hungarian State and public p. v office as one florin in silver three ewaczigers be- ing one fljro: and i's wh lo nominal value is gaaraireed bv the Stale in the name of the na- tion. Louis Kuseulh." Ihe Embiseador iLims that the Emperor of Austria has the side und ex elusive right of authorizing the issue of notes i Hungary, to be circul iteel us money, at d that the spurious notes in prepirati n were to boused, 'among other purposes, to promote revolution and discord in Hungary." The English Govarnrnent declined to interfere, as the law- BtipuHtes that wh»»sotver shall, wi h- i-ut lawful anihatity or exc ise, engrave or make in any way dwanteots pm p or t ing to be thennte' of anyloreign prince or Stale, beshili oedeemul guilty of felnv. t he 1 ondon Mt-rning Chr.-ni- el - stive ihe question as regaids a felor.y commit teat hy 'he aturrsi ers or I yL uis Kossuth "would lis in the decision as to w hether !he\ had lawful anihawfty er exenre fer making nr issuing Hut ga r : au notes. That the c >nunittal of a fe'onv was doubtfal is th iwn by the refusal of tbsBrtttai Government to m eriera, and bj the appsal to th 1'i.trt of Cham cry for an ii.junclion insteed \J the arrest of the actu-ed for forgery. It rather brtrava the cnnseinusueM ol a bad cause whe the Emperor of Austria hesitates to bring to the eriu i'ial bar persons who, if the Emperor o! Austria ia King sf Hungary, must be guilcy of forgery. Ine Ottyeniete arguea that the Emperor rf Aa.itia is rot tne Kiag nf Hungary— that the latter la not an appanage ef Ibe Austrian Iippe t::l Crown, and that, therefore, the Austrian Etnpi-i r, in mak ; ng this upplica'ii n in an En- glish court, has made a grave legal blunder. Of course, there is no justilicaiion for Mr. K' a-uth he he-ink- a piivate ritisen. It rentsins t. be seen what w i 1 be the deci-ii n of the Li id Chancellor of Enadeadin 'his remaikable case. AN OUDINANCE Eetablisl.ing and regu'e in - the Engineer's De- partment. Urn it orduinrt If thu Gmetul Cvmtil of t/u d'f <if LtmitetTU aa ton ir ; Sec. it. A department of the Tity (Vvernm»nt is hereby established, to lie st\ led ihe Engineer's Department, which shall tmbraoe Ihe Citv En- gineer, his aasiaiants and deputies, who shnjl per- forin ihe en'lre duliea of said department. fs S3. 8 The G neral Council, iu the month of Match. 1&C1, and every yenr thereaflcr, .-hall elect one person ss Clfv Engine'ir, who sh 11 lie skilled in the science of ch il engineering :r,d building, and the pnr'ieal applicabilily th.feof. He'hall hold his i tli.'e for a term of ne year and utilil bis Bucce-sor is .tji-c.< <1 and I'talilieil; pnividid. h iwever, said time lie bef.ire ! be expira'ion of the month of M-ireh. See. 4 Sh-iuld the General Council fail to make in elec ion during the month of Match. 18fl , as herein provided for, it shall be bis dnty to Imme distelv d liver to the Mnvor sll I look", plan", in- a'ruments. or o'her matteY, belongitig to or ap- ;iertaiiiirg to -ai.l Engineer's Department, and to acate shI'I i flice of City Engineer. Sec. 5. The Ci'y Enar lnSer, before acting u h, shall live Isni d, with surety to be approved bv the General Council, in the p-nalty of I've thousand d< liars, e nditi med faithfully toperfvrm he duties of his effiee, and to deliver to his aui - •"s r, the Mavor, Of to -uch person as the un- 1 .le-ign i'e. all las k 3 . plans, instruments, papers, lata, maps, ai d other matter belonging to or per- aiuing to his department, a: d shall aim t.ke an ialh to discharge with Hdellty tte duti s , f hi. ffi.-e, and that he ia mt. and whilst in illice will nt be directly or indiree'lv concerned or inter eated in a:.v cimtract with the city of L'.ui-v lie. Sec. 6. He aha I receive as a compensation fi r is servic.s an anneal st.l<ry of fifteen hundred I liars, io be drawn monthly from the City ftea- urv - / i. Sec. 7. He shall be furnished by the Council with a suit ib'e i.ffiee, infltrum nits, lo>ks. f.rma. ,1c . and where he may be found at appointed >urs dailv. Sat. 8. lie shall not be hindered or obstructed iu surviving, leveling, or cn-ing to ha erec ed anv public worka under hi" contr 1. Any person vielaling this clause shall upon complaint nf the Engineer, be fined ten dollars for each off-nce. tsec. 9. It shall be the du y of the City En- iineer 8ec 10. to cause to ba carried into effec' nil ordinances of the city concerning - reels, alleys, and other public pi ices, superin- ending and' controlling the grading and p virg e.s o her impinvement thereof, and remove all ib (ructions therefrom Sec 11. To preserve carefully in his rfll e all ostruuients. maps, plats, and survey*, with all -wv.rds. tanks, papers, aitd other things rotating thereto: Sec. 12. To keep in a convenient fo-m all coin- iii'tnicati ins m .de by him o any department or 111 e .f ibe civ. also si /tied diipl.cates of alt IraCtl as made through him. and also looks gsj iccounts showing sysieuiaticallv all t raits .ctii ms of or relating to his depart inent. Sec. 13 To p iform all surveying and engi- •ering and work relating thereto which mav I e rdereil bv the General Council; also toperwrsi all other ads relating to the matters placed par- icula.lv under his charge, whicli the best ialer- aat of (be i fry in ly r quire. Sec. 14. 10 base cnirge of nil puJdic woiks in tue ciiv, ULd have entire control and suoervi- .'ton of the construction of all work exee-uted bv he city rontittttnt with tho terms <f the con- raet. Sec. 15. To m ike out all bills of apportionments o r tbecoets of all wo:k ekargesvble to property ii ib'ers and submit the samo to the Count il for approval. The contractor being hereby required .1 runrish Hm En i.teer vtth » kstl of ow ners ol . . pet v affected bv hia CO' tract, together with their frontage and 4. p h, and said co-itmcu r shall sustain any loss that may arise fnm want of ac- curacy in (he inform ition furnished. Sec". 16 To close siree's or alleys while under iraproveme'Dt, reserving, if practicable, a passage n one side, and the whole or n part of any street ir alley may be enclosed with harriers. Any i t-o i who shall run sve or interfere with said larriers without permission of the Engineer, or .hall ride, drive, or lead a horse or other animal over such barri'-rs. or upon the .p::c-» i. .tended t" ie excluded, shall lie fined five dolars upon com- plaint of ihe Eiii ineer or contractor. Sec. 17. All public works or lend by the ci'y, unless otherwise directed, shall be let by the Ci y E; gineer to 'ha lowest and Lest bl Ider, notice of he b'ttine having been ruV.ishtd M provid.ad by he citv oh irter and ordinances. Sec 18. Bids for such w ork shall be aeeo-dims 0 form fu.-nished by the Eiori .ei r and signeal bv h c" itractor and his sureties (who shall t o' . p rty to such contract), and enclosed in a scale I nveliipe, end"rsed » ith ihe style of the wnrk nd not to be opened until the day fixed in the o'ice, and 'hen by th" City Engineer in the lirisence of the Mayor, when the lowest and best id ler shall be accepted if the sureties ate ap- proved. Sec. 19. If tha person to whom the work is awarded fail within tea davs to enter Into con- tact a - afnresai't, the ( it v Engineer may award th- contract to the next lowest and best bidler, or advertise for new pmposils, as !h judgment of the Moor and Engineer deem for the Iwst in - lere*(s of (he citv. Sec. 20. Any "bidder failing to enter i'lto-con- rsc( as her. in' provided or to fulfill any contract riiteted into bv him with ih» city, shill not l e II iA-d to bid again for the term of one year, I'mciJeJ. T' e Council does not reinovo this di— .bdiiv before i's expiration. It, A 1 contri.e s fot woik by the citv hall refer to and make part of it, the plans and specifications applicable thereto, and shall conruin a clause that (he same is entered bit •, sm j ct to the power of the Engineer to su p nd the BasaVa for anv violation or failure of the contr 'Clot to oornptv with the terma of the same, or direct! ms f sai i Engineer, c insistent with the tern s there- of, and that such suspension .hall not iiff-ct the right of the citv to any dima^ea or penal ties o: the contractors, failure S.c. 22 Everv city contract, after Iwiii'f made iy the Engineer and approved by the Masor, shall lie fcubuiitted to (be General Council, viho-e approval U neceeaary to m..ke it a binding can- tract. Sec. S3. The Engineer shall report to the' un- 1 all violations of coiilrac e for work to l e done materials In be delivered, and may -tisp^nd th" x (ifinn there >f when the contractor* fail iti imply wilh iheir lerms or wi'li Ihe Engineer's lireclior.s consistent therewith; and shall imme- diately report in wri'ing lo the Council his rea- sons tor such suspensions. Sec 21. All expirations of unfini-hid contracts the Engineer sha'l report the Council together w i'h all inform .lion rela'in,: Ihere'o. fsiee.. 25 All extractors torwotkor material o d-iedby the ci'y thall befart thfir claims are presenltd" lo ihe Audi'or, have the. Certificate of be Engineer that the woik has been d ate, or ma- teriuls furiiishid accoiding t.. contract. 8 c 26 The Bnjftnesr shall not e-rtify the ac- unt of any contractor who ha? fiibd to prose- ta or acconipb-h the »otk let to him I ccrtling ci'ii'r .ct, or in any resp-c' ** 1 'ted 'le same, u >r shall he ccrtity any contractor's utcount in idvance of bis we k Sec 27. The Engineer Asll not estal.ii-b a new grade of a street or alley nor change tha radti of any already eataMi-hid unless di ec'ed to do ib by "the Council, to whom he sh 11 st ite i- ras o:"s for any HI g'ado Ot change of grade wt ieh be mav a<lvi*a. .Si c. 29. He shall from time o time i advance tf improvements extend the lines of all streets ied alley*, and mark them wi b suitable stone monuments. Bee 33. He may ami.loy 'uch riatmen and la- suers as the du.ies of his olH e may req uire, and hall dispense wi tl their eel vices at so.u as ibav .re not requiird. Sec. 34 All ordinances ar.d resolutions in cou- dict with the above tire b rel.v re|e:sled JOHN BAKBEE P. B. A. J. M. Vacuiian. (J. ll C. C. .IAMES TBABOB, P. B. C. C. J. W. TiutrKlxa, C. li. A. Approved March 2H, 1861. ap 3 dl T. H. CRAWFOKP, Mavor. AN OlUHNANe E Licensing Billiard, Jenny Lind, Bagatelle, and other tables. 1-t. Be it ordntnerl hy th- G'nrral C>»nril nf ihe city »f Ijunurilie, That (he price i f liven* f r a Dtluard table for ore year shall be iitti dbl iars, and the same amount for each a/hiitional al ls k.pt or set up by the Btin.e parly. The i.rice of a license for Jenny bind, Bagatelle, or her ta' les use.1 and lacupi.al in like manner, stall be twenty live d' liars, nnd the like sum for each addiiional Jenny Lind or <rt"««r 1 ke table kept or set up by the same person, but the Male barge thereon must be first paid l>efore Btich license shall issue for ei her, and ibsttlt anv p.-t- son or persons set up, k"ep, or use any l'.illur.l table. Jennv Lind, Bagatelle, or other t.blo us«l and occupied in like manner, he or they -hall lined one hurdred dollars for either ort'anse. re covora'de bv warrant us other lines for breach of citv ordinal. co. '2J. Orditiar.ee No. 160 it hereby r»penled. JOHN BARBBS, P. B. C. Ci J. M. VAteellOI. C B. C. C. JAMES TSABCE, P. B. A. J. W. Tompkins. I'. B. A. Approved Maic'i 30, 1861. BpJdl T. II i l{ WVFOKn. Mayor. DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES. THE TRUE MEANS TO PRESEIIVE AND RECOVER HEALTH. LET TIIE SICK READ AND REFLECT. ULtlltVAV'-* ULAI>V II Kl.li'K. ' radwa vn ki:i;i i.atim: imlij*. HAJJWAtX KKNOVATINU IM'stOLVEXT. SWTRE IIKALTll TO ALL, AND ARK ni.ESSHD AS I'KOVinKMTIA L SI'BLIKIt;8 ItV THF. tWkWBtL The Catholic Print* >•' Sslsti Aw^nen. f/s r,rw the Arehbithnf nl (jni'o. '. 'ii ViuamiiL t' 'he Army or V.iptnii-r hare '>een mre-f de thr* int'nttilili' rente rffes. ttwl Aorc tficen thetn to tlte n ek who lutte hern xkeutiite cured. "MAI1SA EST VERITAS ET PR.tCVM IBIT " Rsr| ea\'s Re.rlv Ra liel. The Minute VI. i i e R-dwa '- Heady Re- tie: Prevents Sick- ness. ,, R.dwa 's R.-ad R - lief Step, "ain in a Kadway's RamSy Re- lief is a Pleasant lu-rernee. KadwavV K- a J v R. - II- f cure- Pains lii the llo.elr. K iSa n ' R sdv I! - lief cure* Toothache In in lust mi'. R/.dwn .-'a ' ea-lv Re- l„.i |.r ..r..nt' Bed den att ack" .f Sick- nese. Radwa 's R. ad-. Re- lief Cure- Sick Head-Che. Radwai's R-noia- (|- ePee. | v.. nt ' lires AV'.'ilker's Exchange, TIIIR!) ST.. BET. MAIN at M VKKET. AlCTIOl^i S/M.Kg _ ^ i R-1,1 .i . ' s K»^POVn- II Of Ht-nlrfit ctirrn Itrf-nrhitlii, Weak Urn,;?, Had Oru,cU-,»Inci|>iH!.t (Jon-tm i't. vn, l.liWAf'8 RKtetTi lTIVCi PILL*^. THE PUREST ANT! RE** r |TRe;ATiVE PILL IN TIIE WuKLD. Radway's Reeulatltn I'l lis—warranted to operate in six hours. Kadwar's Rciulatins pt||s ar" a VereHble Sub-titnte for I'slonicl. Illue Pill. Quinine. Ac. Radwnv's Recu' tins Pills slieutd be used bf Females In d' licate health. Radway's Hi i-ulating Pills cir-. all Female O nn.laints. Riuiwi Qidetj Ni rvtiU" Rad One Pill ev( p. sie. p. Sleep, Sleet! I fll>. Indi^estloul TUE S MIN AL OK WOE, HEADACHE. HEADACHE, in all it- distressing varieties, cured IN FROM FIVE MINUTES TO six noma. BY RADWAY'S ItEIU LATINO PII LS, arso RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. BtCK I!EAD\'.'IIE, MENTV HI'.sDK'tlK. NERV'H S IIEADArilE. MALARIOUS UEADACKTsV BILMt'S ilKAPACBB, roN'.ISTIVE HEADACTIB, CATARRH 111 .MiACIlE, BXADACITE I ltoM I I VI ES. UEADA III' FROM TEETIIINO. UEAI' VLll-. l ltOM SUDDEN COLDS. HE \OACtIE— wh"ther as a preruonltnry svniptom o( threaten! d ills, ase, or a- a eoneom t-int of a diss's- 1 1 trenched w iti. in the syst. iu, is instaiitaui-otulj relieves! RADWAY'S REAL Y KLLIEF, audClltl'.!' IN SIX HOURS. RY RADWAY'S KEOI'LATINO PILLS. Th-re is scarC"lv a disease, alin-ent. er malndv that seizes open the liiiniuu s\ st m but that one of its chht nnd primary svtnptoins •'eralieenient or (lie S(' i Is. Ki.lnecs. or 'tladde le.tioli ef the bloodor fion— result* In piin, t< Ity, In the MEAD. IIKXDACIIE Is not of itself a SlBiaaa, hut it is a certain nlfn that forelim and unhealth .- lauii'irs eji-t within th sv-teni. and Hi t disease is hrtsrbw wit!. in th n iy. Ileaaarh.-. tie .-f -re. should new h. BeSlOCtedi It i- a warui .f ot a< proaeliinfr wee, a -i-'n I to the feuYer»T to Ssjtlfy his si steal to r si t and r. p-1 th tl'reat n d dis. a-e Head- ai he s not out. a poatttyi' alsn of threa'enid disea^ 1 . ui it Is ltSewls-. a coti .omit ant "f all the moj f viuui.t. lnfectIona.-epid«niic. aud la'nl dl-ea^ th it allte t male kind. Iu ihe tua'ari.u j . coi ta^ii-u*. and int eti-ai- f- - rsws—loYKI l.'lW.TMMIt'S I YPIIOIH. S' AKI.ET. sUIP FI VER in LUNv) FEVtK, PNEUMONIA, MEASLES, SMALL POX- IN FEVER AOl'K. (thseres Fever. Mar h Fever In all Rrtni*ter t snd I termlttent Pevenj ba Riliqua, Nervoos, and Rbsst- tuatie F-v -rs— in Ififhienaa. stoic Throat, Sudd, n Isolde, in lep'h' ria, lu lmlunimattous, congestions, and I ions. Ill AliACIIE. IIEAHACHE HEADACHE. sreichB Sewn the bwaia nith pal-., and tr-rstorins tln- iuaaoe:ird brain to liidi- us insanity, lu a 1 tluass uis- tle(si..g forms of Headache, RADWAY'S I.EADY RELIEF, and RADWAY'S UK3I LATINO PILLS, LADACHE. , i i. IT 11 The ll«h»i-t u. Row ie cirru- erspira- if sever- , as disrrd r< d ... i a se ap- IKF will re- iu a few uiiu- sr quirk and po itive coa'l-es. lua I ca.es ot'.a. nn.tou.lhi 'K- Ilea' "tMina ll, sudden rt.ld, .xcesslve in plk a.i..u,A:c , K VDW'aY'S f.EADV store the suhe-rer to p. ac ful trautia ntes, aud RADWAY'S IHWIII.S lilOl PILLS wilt, lnsix haios. parte fr.im the sist. mail offendlna huuiors, .end rest .re healtuy eniial sa'i' n to the clicu- latioi'. ... I ,-r f!:^sr sh ac at pr.-s nt sr.ff, ,-ins w 'h II adache .ms lii-exp tliueut. tn from lise miuaie. to six hours e ou w 11 1>. frv^ from pain, and sill iidayaro- f . raUillK Sleep. Don't W .it. t'l.t tij It at rmCC. EMINENT ANliTilsnNClTsllEn State-in n. Lawyers, itleia. men Physicians. Military au.l Naval ofiicers, Merchants, and oth rs end'., se the mperior e-nuw. y ..t Dr. RADWAY'S .EMIUJ1ES. BEAD THE RECORD. Hon. .1. , Q n. .1 .- in- Fred fall. P. Hon .lul R. Suth. of ' si-. Of ' tsiuador, S. A •bar-ts. Mif. 1-slppL Dr s. li Dr S. 1>. Men. ah. Col. Lyoi pr. e. w 8. .1. Ash (' I D. il Lb nt. Q< anil thoitsa used Rl and nave cure dies, altei a'i .above named I a., tin idle lua, La. d, ltl.r--.ille, Ua. i loueiio. tia. ay. (t'e, Va. I :.:! VclllOO, Ga. aucastle, Va. N. Y. S. M. Levitt-'. S. Kksourill , na. ... -t I'.xaa. lav. ntlen.etl hare III.". i rol them and their cniincuaed them, to lUPWAI'S BsSiVf RFtlEF. THE MINUTE MEDICINE. Ins'a' taiu nii. .-a— I i:i\a n by Radwai '* Ready Reli. f AN OKDINANi E As to License for EAhihi'iona. />e it Oril'iine l ly the General Counri! nf tht City nf Lrmuville, Tuat the pnen foi B teMB f ' sny lecture, concert, theatrical exhibition, . r iter exhibiti'ms for money or properly, exc.41' lev-tu ai on scientific sulj cs aitd sueh aa are etherwise ptovid d for, shall be not le*s than live nor more than twenty- five dollars for eaosV day er li-li'. nor less than twenty doll en nor m .re than forty dollars for a month, as the assissor may rate them, or *s'_'00 for a yeai— the time to be specified in ihe license. And old nauce No. If 9 be and the same is here- by repealed. JOHN BARBEE, P. B. C. C. J.M. Vacohan, ('. B. O.O. JAM KS r .J AIIUS, P. B. A. J. If. Tompkins, <\ B. A. Approved March 30. ]«!ll. api3dl T. II. CRAWFORD, Mayer. /HiRli. i Vs fsi r.els 1 otton R'ipe, asjeefed sires; JliO co.le Msnilla do, do Su do Jut- do, do ion dozen Hcn.p Bedeordai IIS) do < 'olt »n do; 100 da Maiill'a do; I'd do Flo* -Lines, for sale it° **ft4n»*rx*LX efl do; dot i RDN'rsR A ro i 'iiukvi ' I PETERSON tR.XNK LESl.Il containing th Stars a id 01 pur copy. At ml? LADY'S ROOK lor April. Pries Sc. ce -ne. ! ILI I STRA7Ell'NEWSPAPV:n, illiftrailou of tie Rai-in< of the ^4 at thi- Court Ucu e. Pi ice Inc. r. M^DDF.VS HOOKS 1 ORE. RSI Thud st. it 1,81 e-i.es I/iodoo I Jti er; leu do M. it. lust received and for sale bv II iiwo W yilHRIS. I'.U Third •». SLNllhiES— New Orl-ans and Refined Su.ars: S3 d) Madeii-a Wiuet s. do Slieuy do B, 00 t.lanvA dot o-> pare M I'as . Win f~i II LM'« 3 Rlaekuerry Wl lu store aud for sal. ft} th. tA U$ W. * tt BLiUUJlRUT, 41" MBJlHilit I -llll' « bar- 1 WAH-'-vt, uxauviV t co I or sale by IS on Molasses; hoi, , M .and it bbls and kite, differ. Starch; Hat tinf; Coralagw; itsins, l ies. Currants. Ac; OKO. W. V' lRRIS. IsUThlrlst Tuaitr. Spas TtsmLal at OsiCB. The Scotts- ville (Va ) Rej-i-ter nci'icesa v.-ry p-etty phe- nomenon, winessed thereon Wednesday niorn- ino;. It was not bin.; less than three suns, which are tha- described: In addi ion to the regular rising of the ''plo- rious orb of day," two dis: irtet suns accompanied the main ls-d;. ; one of which moveel in a nor; hem course, while the other bore along in a southerly direction—liotb ifi'd di-tant from ihe main hi dv, w hich latter orbit pursued its wonted westerly route. After this trio of nina bad reached an hour's height, the two (forniiui; an esc. rt as it were to the ojand I'^ht lo all earth) gradually retired, when a beautiful rainbow.- an emhhru of peace, arched the be-.vens, a siu-ht too j;rand for woids to speak or mimla to contemslate. AQairs a' f. MocoVa »-S ar iel *J ti- osil been appointed Naval S ertkep- r of the Onfeder ate Sta'ea at Pensasola, aim entered upon hia duties on tha 25th. The same day. Commodore Inoyabam also entered trpon Ui* duties as Commandant of the station. I The United Urates steamer Wyandotte same np to the citv 0:1 the 97th to land the snrffeem of the I St. Lonia°. who goes borne in bad boiltll. All the j ifficers of the W yandotte lauded and remained for a fhort time. C'ii/i/ir>isii to <i AVa' Septet. Keeent intelli- t gi-ttee- from California states that within the past six weeks Ihe American clipper shijs Wvbster, , K. Husteed. Eigle Wiui', Jai ob Bell, and the fa- meus ship Great Repu' lic, were loading wheat nd flour at Sun Francisco for England; ard th« elipp-rs Dashing Wave, Ocean Telegrspb, attfl i Ski lark, were receiving similar cargoes for New I York. it. iu I .. il., id lo rapid reaction, imme-iiateli- re i.-vii>c spa lu.-. eo- vol sions, hyi-t tie1 , s.c. For tie d- liili*-.t.si i' is the |.est possible rt.-ni.ael'ic. inSullely better than alcohol In any brus. Have it n h.u-l always. I'<r It rose he re<|uirtd at auy nioaie .t, aud uo dins will aupfty t- plKce WM. SYDNEY MiliRS, E'-Q^flaVawa. ( roa. I!ava>a. I'liu, Jan. S, HAS. n y labs . Ut pe- el had OreatCi bi 'a' K'S- B"i ,' 'rcnri. , ', . IiiB' enaa. olcra M"i lam, IF* H O C3r LEO-S, First of the Sea-oM |UsT reo lv.d a «•- 1 t FKO'i Ll -fit '-'. ' il tKKNS. 9 - IPP. PI OVKR, B l'".<> INU srd mai.'ahu U.I.KS, Potomac sitAi>, sai Mn . I ASS *c Parll.sand famlMio .ui.y'ied with pveTith'ni In our line at thetuortest nolle . •I'lHN CAWF.IN * <tO.. a))*b Th rd st.. between Main and Market N P.-»'ost rer«.lved a 1 "»- bipnient ef LONl ON l> >"S liRANDV. O*. > OTARD. en - .' ADK't.lP .n I -J'''.' CliiZasilMo AlVi* B i KAiVClJJ I- S Wh » dfjeiri' thn niift ttMty nl K»..t, htI fHrlnocrft- ftf b*« I>re*-i Hat C Ui i'-Muii t>h"u!d eall nt * - V ' I - . 0*8 2 jifch Cont'T Foi rt'i *i d M in A: A 1 t* B. d. Hoary & Co. all times rel •-hat's or <VMi' I leims .a«l«f» ..si n. intisav Ri'HASTS tied to us ta 10 sales of Ilea I. Ii.. 0 "A Bbapo t'jat Bat: Cc3 tho Bye," Ta.' fill 111 su. tins, stipe p tinistl. a'-d esse Sstye are th - ens sr*.-n ti of the a l«»tii'ii( sPRINIi Dlti.sS IlvTit't ai at AI.EX. »:ant and d by HI. Soft Hats: may bo rondorad El of ant A' d in th \.i U t >\t-t '—r.it, 1 g. An n-.c vsii.'i ir.t it rt*i ft-.iiili luu no* •***. n xY^ntn iM-auti- ful Ft-s-ndt Si\ kt Bfsvv. r H»tet ,u r bro'tr»»T ou* b, •jj&j u i;K\tti. Southern Hi gilts I El. -IK VEN..KR. 3 sols. SI ?u. PKTI.Y AN.NOY ANCBS. A New Novel. «L I. > VIM i s i ....im N 'Vol *l ai. F»si D i Y SE':M in?. >' *s. PAKTOVS IJfE Or .IA' KSOV. *5. ' *». fsCRH. . Ti. UAJU'EE'S Ril l E AND I.IOII1' INFANTRY TA: - ' TI'--. *' •>«. II M I EE'S ItsVA'.RY TACTfOst. Sv. ls. t». US H'PI EY "N"M »-sti krat:os. Be,-. PtlYBIlslAVS IIANH-ltliOK uF I K vi I'll E. SI 60 MED i l'. TEX K'UJKS. ' RANK Lf SLIE'S MAOAAINIC fer A rib tic. 1'IIE MAN OF I I I- WIVES Sic. sTitllOI.AS NIOKELRY '• (Jhas. DU kens. .'ale. " F.lMILY fcAl'EXeE II aOK. a. w. ROBXtnTSOK. Fourth si.st.-t « . ii Market and Main, u.-.r Main m!' i*h if the Spii.ia MJTGTJL rth Fifth 'PIlE ftf ' nt an i teea h . Ill "-S (f ItVDtOli's I ll. id in et f th. 1> hat— oil i cr..., con.pl- t ! thewors sienow r.ad f.r-n nib r< We Ii v ii b.Dd . f « s t. nf thi. I v ,in -b e woric for w hich w e w -u!d like 'o hare sntsscrlb' rs. Polttieian. sliced p ••» thsins lr.-s up. Piie--s p-r voiuiue, cloth e3. library shesp ^.1 6-', half neir cc . .1*4. m-i. »ftl, F. s *t IM" a -t" -*h-t. GOLD FOR PAPER. BB8T AND CHEAPEST Ola x'lfrstxrx J r OlftFJ. VOOT .Sc. KLINK. mannfaeturnrn. - -- 924 Third «t M Ke.ia-iti .I'-, rf. i lot eispeeti' o ami -aie a sarits aud -pteed'd assorsm. nt of ip and sa-hion :le. Pearl. 4c ul and ev.-ry't ilapoit. New V Dta- eally it to , and FRENI U Mo. E-JtIN HATS t> le rec-i. en ibis dav r»-r '-aiiies- PRATIIEK k i rest ry Main .1 b-t f™ -51 t? liR WN, HLAUK. ANIs PEAR! bOFT BEA Vhlt DA 1 S. au eXln -v ei . - r i- i . iv.e at PRA rilRR A- SMI I ll's. mat! jAr» ; i - . dtfM Main St. AN INVOICE CF POYS' SOFT H A : S ju-t received at PRATHER * SMITH'S. msSj Sh if Main st. MEN'S llltlll AND MKl-H'M I KtiW.N ,1 . H.iTS ittft iecei.i-«l «' PRA I IIER at SMtTU'S. m2 j*b f-f Main st. PRATHER « SMITI'S LO I.' I s V 1 1. 1. K - Pi IN - D it ESS HAT. A large a^eortoitn' read fir t.'.eir alts this nitsmiiist. mSS &b Mai aud e-l iur to t the av.rs of pric. we in ;aiblie to call and examine nui 'hat their wants a-id wishes wl at V ailj.e I by eonsiiniors to L'LOSR OCT -r than returu sonde, aud, us- II i L'STOMEJi OO we Insite esir friends and the . and rest a-siired shall t>- (ratified. il.iitUiVn W. HI IIRLAOR. L ESt. HtUktl GREVE, BUHRLAliE, & CO., "<£*'-*IsC Er*!?? WHOLESALE PARLOR FURNITTTRF M anufhctni»ers *.*•>> ncAi.rtyi t*< Cabinet-Makers' Materials, O'een atreat, between Clay mid Shelby Btroeta, I O'-lxVII.I.K. KV. Htsbi t G0I)II£J}\1 GOODS! JN0. A. MILLER, . >^o. tJOG Koiti'tli st., la notf opgaiso PKKNCH POPLIN'S, Hlt'l HE REREOE ANCI A.S. PLA ' . R R. .F AN .I.AM TRA ' E [NU DRKSS <J )OD9, DE -F. :FS at - rent-. SCPEKI'm LAWNS a' la>v c -nts. 1' KS V ViTON DRII i.s. Pi.AtD i .1 rONS. *e„ Wliich wl!' be sold as law as any house scltins "at cost.' mffSbAi jno. a. lrrttts-an. t the tii.ies. nd varieties. Jtc , bee / 'ORMIll.l. MAOA^i.sEauil LOMHJN .kHl Joi.lt \-s NAI. 0- Ma', b: LONDON 11. l.LVl RATED NEWS, PUNCH, AN. TIMES o: the 1st st date, due; Port b at UL'N 1 FR'rl WK1RSTORK .., a i Third st. II ALL'S lOL'KN VI. OF HEALTH lor Msreh Just tJ r cetved and iur sale a' lilNTRK'S IMlllK-STURR, T ,,ss»f,^jl TtO-.! -I—a^. •J'siE Ful K (.asOkoKS, by W. It. Tiiaekerai. WITS^AnT/uEAIS OF »<K:1KTY I 'ustr.ted. For sole at A. liL.Vl EiL HovKSl 'IKK, B-J bsj 1 lord st II [TNT) k KNOEFEL, Booksellers, Stationers AND BOOK-BINDERS, Impoi te*r* "f RPROrClN 1 11' lU ll RE&lirsit . And Dealer, in SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, Elf GRAY- IROS. GILT MOLDING, FRAMES, MATH-' EHATKAL INSTiUJMENIS, USAW- ING, MATERIALS, 4c. -\e.'J'r> tlnrUrt at . Iietsvreii ernml nnd Thin', ni-ii .-. •* . vomer .l.urkei stud 1're.ton wi... nl4h*t'e I 'M SVtl. I.E. KY. Harpor und Godov. HARPER'S KAOAZ1RE and OstDEY'S LADY'S it' ' 'iv tor .Anrll i-^>-iriai aud for sal" hi A. DAVIDSON, nil" 'Ah St. Charles Eestaurant, Finn ;T.. B«:fWEKN main anu maukkt fl.it ThtrH -tr-.-. t. nw ***»• oha?js»2i or num. death nf our late partner, Timothy Uraag, »t- ul Peters, Cra**, £ Co. was dissolved on thi tstday of last Ootober. We have sirue purchased hb iterest and resold a portion ol the same to Mr. Franci A. RurketL Our business will hereafter be carried ci 1 1 *.hr> name of Prriaa, Wficu. A Oa II. J. PETERS, B. .J. WERB. The buitnnas ot the iatn tim will he settled b .arvlvtn* partners. I. |, nrtu. a. J. wxaa. r. PETEHS, WEBB, & ( 0., MAi*trrA'rtirir;n> or OCRNKK OF isOU n sTRr.r.Ti. JKa. .'hey will no-1 Ihe 'C arc ri..1e. ard 1 ft B. IVIcGILL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN AN! IMPORTER OF ;:IBAHS. TGBACCB. SNBTf. PIPES. &C No. 3- 7 Green street, between Third and Fourth (CO LIU Kit Hril.lXNIiH). tWh lanreasa-rtrneut nf the b.-t brands ot OIO Apr tat r "ut" kept constantly oo baud. numbly Washing-ton. r |AIIE four»h volume f I'll sin's i.ew :! o "rate ! n - I t.uu ' f Lv u.'- W. shins' - n i- row r sdv. C.«o ih-te set. as f ir a* pub i- h- d of IrvingV COnipl- '• » tkt a rays ou baud for uew subsaribera. P ic u. r volun. tn'«i**j F A CRI'MP. Ace t. si Foioth -t POTllMAt; SHAD, OVS KRS N THF SHVLL. D1AM ND HACK EiHt IPINS. •1st* K f.V Pr': Rl.l K. •. IN I DI'I'K- SPK Ssi UUll KENS: SQUABS: And atl other dellca les 1 1 ttle searon, r. ceiv. a daily at ti IT. CARLES RES I' il KANT. C. c Rt Ee'KR, Prcpri.tor. N. R Parties, ttetels, and F"m:lies can be supplied with the above at »l e .b^rt^ss no ic . D * YTON A i E aad Pel" TER constantly on hand and for sale in a.l qisatatitlpa A Ian pph of ai l. thai h lleset WINES. LIQl'ORS." ' OKI 'I 1 1.*, an-i ll' . IIS dire. itu. oration, always on band s> 'Li s t iH\K FA mil .I u.- 1 1 vfcH'tsi j ti ai ilte Cltoaia Lifico Storo tue i o: rtii sr lOiD no. m, VLAltliE a... "II.. lit ef . Ecol i detvd Jaconet ltand«: Do do Inseitlmis; Iki do E 1 lugs; Plain l.inen Cell .rs ami & ts; A'al- uel. nie-s Fdeinas and Laoea; Alsa a lew Lace * ollaiaaud Sets tuew ->les\* At nil" U"Ual I is I rices for e.sli. A let rrf Fl em h Ei-.tucidi-rcdlanru Hands wilt be sold at lea. than cost. CH -\st. y. RAl i llFI'SS' Cheap Lace Store, ci|i#b a. si vn,irth st-set. Oim C U.vl sty. j kill C b'Nll Y Is P. ii au a it- D live.ame. hy 1 " Kev. R. I ' i* ct- ii riiiie. DD I L. >'. Fr- sh sup p y. I6ct-. Aa I,-- .a, 1.1 hb fi t p r has a i'iinib-r I eoptea ter diet It tr-ou will receive a lifaecal reduction t .urn the above p. sc. F..r.. l. t.v A. DAVIDSON, ml " \tth BidTliird treet.e.ar Market. fcPiii.M; IMlMRl'A'riON. Latest Styles Carpeting. HlSSHALLtt UU kl.\S0\, •JI7 Ft IKIII ST. lol.lSYlLlE. E ea'' th - rttentloei of e r lb- ds and h ti'h T le oonrla ieandc auylute st.wik »t .NEW f.OODS, ate d- ". ' fni.i tin ii anolactnn r-au l In ptrters, iur f all crarles. Velvet, R u«-els, ».pi> . J-ply . He p. » l Tinetlao Carp t- iu the latest a d lie * in ke; a s a larjfe a sertm. t nf Daiu- -k. Lace siil SwlssCult i a, l o nice-. Rands, and nss.|ss PIsOoK Cil*sstrt UTS, frexe s ta le leet wide, f al fradus; Has- Mats, and Sta r Rials. INDIA M A 1T.N . ft 4 t1 ' . a dts v.h to ll.tt ur. S I, ' 4. a4 a d tl I C" tea do; S-l. 4 1. su. I f>-t Cotsii Va'tlni: t .{ ev--- tide 1 1 I 1 ',- I-.. n. I u uiblnft lb , ; at BUY uOW PRI' ES F R c .sll. aallMlal.L .v DICKINSON, al Sit F ai.it i .st.. between Malu and Market. ?23,COO WOHTH Mai. Fl< LN I al''H.e%F Men's andBoys'Clothing iur Spring eE'i >uramcr Wear N t*V t-V.S At r. M. Ali',M<H<ONG'S, Itn Mil ', epiio-lle Nntlonisl II- tel. sjnhneina a full a- r.m ut uf all .iaea of MEN'- «PRI^G sfl St. MEN' - DR sl'lTs. JIEN It 1 m ss fLITS, Yol 1 II ' BHIUstii SF'TSL Bots' s fooi. eirrrX < hilokkn's srrrs en ki..d., ; oS'lIH " HOSJEis*, 1. YES. I.MM.RWr.AR, SPVAI'I RS I N Rr.' I .As. tf/. O HE sfVr FOR CASH, Call at i u.e at [us*] aUM^TuOnG'S. w 1MTTSBURG, liAlallOKD CiTV ** a, t\TCO, COAL! I f the best quality and at the lowest prices, for sale t, GRi rTr.SU KN 4 li.l.MT. Wsd Bail at i bird street. iea-s'"" ' ' '•'•"' IM-H i. A> rtr.Ll. (IlidAMy ii!, ruri.xtKias and Iti Vear's Prtst-ni AT WM. KKiNI^lUCK-S. Thb-d sL, betweeu Main aud Maraet o My stock, of -r^ WATCHES, i-sj JEWELRY, : f' SILVER and PLATED WAitE Wa* never oiore complete than at presi-ut, and is often-, e-i as fail terms call lie ti. cured In the city. Ca: andsc* MANY NI'.W THINGS. diilib*"- rstuni you my lumiblc ackuowl.'dcm^nts labl" medicine, whleb may well Is- call, d uau.'* '1 ha.. kin* you from mv onderTul r. mrsl) , 1 have thu hu-or to If, i eurr, RcsiieCfullv, W. SYDNEY MYERS. nf Fever aud AsAie, AS ORDINASCE Hepealiuir an or linaiue SOlti)ad 'An ordinance creaiini; the f.fiice nf Street i'< m-ri -i tier " c>ec. 1. He it trrdaintd by the fimrrtU C"*ne't of the city nf Ijtuitritle Thai the ordtbanse en i I d '•An iniinance crest Int] theifii e nf Sreef Com tnia-io'ier, le and the BOrue is hereby r. po.lt! Sec 1 Tbisi nrdinai ce shall take etfea-t from and af er i'B ptB" !*" JOHN BARBEE, P. B. C. C J. M. Tavoiian. r. n. ( . ('. JAMES TR A HUE, P. B. A. J. W. Thmpsm.ns, C B. A. Approval March 3ii, 1861. a:t -11 T. II. OR IWFOI-Mi. Mayor. OXSLATI. UK ttt.lt'i il. warrsaal d pass, for .ale at mauntact ai r-' p i'e» b THOS. E. JENKINS * CO.. m6l) Comer 1'blnl ami Walnut sta. . . I lit ill E TisAS—lb pars a*'ms tiaice Greto "tl aed black Teas, trc.h ariival. in store and for sale hv ltlRPlTT * SON. a* Fi". D . si-ntcrj'. , rheumatism, P.hf uluati.-bi, Guut, Oss.t, laimt ai'i, Lnrrtharo, All Pains. All Arhea, Aud lurirci'-titw, CTRED! CLHF.D! (TKEDI Hy KADWAY'S READY Rl.l. VV and R\DWaY"S Li .UiJiriNG FILLS! ALSO- Cr.RTAIN OTHER GREAT Cl RF.S ARE DAILY EFFECTED WITH HAKVKUsOlTI HAPIDITY. By RM'WlY'S RENOVATING RE -OLVENT. Hun o-' cf sll Untws Sores, Ulcer-. Skin Eruption-. Sail Rli. urn. T tte.s. P.lnp!e..Hlo'h, -.Tum s. Bcnrnda, Syphilis, fever, S r.s. White Swrlunss. Nud.s.. Erislpclss, Sore Oe.ads. Sore lua wire M'uths. I ans.-rs. ' an. . r. re Chronic ' Vm.plali.t-.. .out. Rheum ti.t... Di P- psia. Dropsy. Hrouciiitue LlCer.-. lu tl.c l b i«L I lines, tc UNHEALTHY I ITIFS, BICKLT < LI'tATES. Dr. Wainbrtrie, of i 'nr. cea. writ-s to the r\r clal acent nl lir. Uidwav a' ioilow,: Tbi» is one if th most in- KAXH STXiBtlT. | JAS re'orued from the Fa«t with the laf'st styles JEWELRY. Call betsre it ia sold at unprecedented low prices. GOLD WATCHED CHEaPER THAN EVi'R BEFORE OFFERED. CLOCKS. ; intently on hand the lamest aseortnteut io tSie eits . The Finest Spectacles i the .vim-IA A^ <jttxt di bin d. 1 J Artyr* o»i ht%nd tf v ction ii wi.rns.ntB i 9. R. F^TltRLEB btu cfcsrce cf tha WfctcVM*.-; . >«lMt UilOut. .V . 1 ( Hll'SniAS \ NEW VE\RN GIFTS f i KT1 'II KK A- R KN > ITT. MAIN STRECT. BET FOI RTII AND FIFTH INVITE attention to their lusa .a. ..I t nietit of flood , . uits.bl- lor HOLID.W PRE-'I'.N -.: prices lower than ever befsire ofl^red,.consistinf art of KI.K'iAST ti'tl.I> rl.lTif/r.a' eAt JKh A'LKV. nd half sets, of Cpral, Carbunrle, Oarue SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. H. I i 4 I* ./rCllUU'H J ltuu, o. 418 Jetr a »» aisattl "4/te, be ow Fourth, leva le tbe ladies a Sne and carefully selected as. liu, r.. , i '.it er., ,t .; s \ ls-. n-t received, do- ven to dr.- s m .k'ne. Wi Mil, •3T!TbT! I'be Ladle- are UBvlted ba call and extmlne my stock of MILLINERY GOODS: tlONSEfS of the latest et> let iliSat o HATS of all shxpi?; EI.EOANT FLOWER'?, BEAU li t i. R RRON3. Receleiny d illy < vers t'il':K new ami u ivel in the Mil- Iflrs. HI J. BRYANT. m pi tf.t : nirtli .tree'. S j )!'i ! i <JT "** t a ICS <5i j L 0 : I J H ING AND Furnishing Goods AT TUB Great Clothing House SrR n UIF&MiNDFVI!LF, Southoast corner Idain and Tourth str^ UNDER TUE NATIONAL 1IOTIX. m23 Oiioop for 0£tsilx! Cheaper timu p.vor at. C. PROAL'8 S1? Third «t„ hetweeii Main aud Market, «l in . f the (JoldeK Saduls Potstoes at ttie don). n-yl 5Jt Milt. i-o S- ... .1 i ...' ) ..nt i e-t.nY aTflsttcdneiub.tr. ll 0 bales C o. . Ba t ui. . Jf» *~ Mhsifvhl Optfhaia; 3 , d . co u d e do: VII no . se. e-W rk 6 do Vr iluK 'l"; for sa e hw J IKFINI D sL" .AK-i'l.tis tt.it two 11 -eft Un.sh. li .d.reieiv ., au foi >,,-; w?nv,.T ,. nn ;< ^BJ0. R'af i—h. cask r ce rv . .t a icr>«'" "' _ Itsitv. * . firiri *- co. ^s i.Ah— h" . rs c r c iv.ai et ^^e nd a i i"' »'j:;-Stnpn.* s Atlao- O. ilo AS IS ' I .is. -. i n -1 Ian silou .a .ulat Item 't. an fi rait* hy ^dt Codar Chests. nCFJUR C;HE^Trt iu ptotv *nd f.»r at nduoc4 pticoe to cioue X'.xt coi-iiir-ini' ii' bv UKKIN b,!3 fcVl Main Htrtw-t >.etw» en I tur-* uttt) Konrfh CL, ( )TiIS X V D ' 'A^SIMl S' S A *p f un* fttidei t*-?llfitit ti*.->ortTfttu of t'ltirhv titid Fanry C-^imnrrrg lor fprtoe; a-id raiai-'**t u*-v, of th*- late.t -vufl iu« i dt i pibtsf* iiAttPto-, In t-tort- attd ( »r -nit? hy „4 .1. VOV ftORKT I-**-! ftM'O 41* Mftln -*t off the KeaJy Brflei itatlnc {''Uj*, iir*'*n a iti Mn*. and tht* Ic* diirP-s oi' Uadway a K* KtDWAl'si RENtiVU'ISC EESOL- yi;\t N AlLH^ 76 ttfaf .Nail-* i br rm't.. rted t>ixtjf) iu t*. ,nii. t '< r SON. f^lia OA Te*. iuni hueh 'I-off imiiv ui.mtx. d N*niU tin Oau )aat rtaveivci by V *r*nricii. fnerg, and FOB SOKE KYK-J, qjbCBKS, AND UVMOBa n* aud Stud*;, ttc. SILVKRWARK. ofti-v I'm-, Seaip Turee-i.. Pi*che: P N'TON. u-hstr<-t. OLD r.Ot KHllN WHISKY rior i'-iaiit > . and six t'^-s mil H._D. B^ 1'HAK-lu hbds lirime reeei * ta aud B. J. Adams aud fni bbh - I v r> sud, »*>m:« * BeO^ steamers Maxeu Toon * fo. cam : S.ls .-, plated Ware of every description and . t tne B. - .uality. at very low yrieee. _„„„ FLKTCIlFR.t nsNNF.TT. dl" LW W-l- ' I' 1 " rtli n'..l f.-li T!i»> ttepTlllc Quartrrly Ut vkw. npilF bis' nun L.t ef th'. Review ha. b > n tro ivis'. 1 IW 7a cts.perouu.ber. F"-;*';^V„. 80Ni m -s Kb tflt Third ...... I ®i 9 ki.vg_ a o on s rnKCKED SILKS ANT) POPLINS: PLAIN AND FANCY* l'KL'9- SII.K9; B SL'HOFF'S PLAIN BLACK SILKS: OUJAN0IK3. LAWKS. AN!) JAi ONETth ICMOL13II BERKftES AND PKKOALs; PLAIN AND PL x lit CH VI.LIES; FHFNCII AND KNeJLI-ll CO. N TZtS; J \K1LH It. r. ANU * a .a h u r. n T'sasi . »N .1 K seat ills ill iel ifcef " fr "1 iVmrT*SON. >f' tl di. a maO al U^kos S n.si iwtej as.es ii. slur, .nd lor sal' - i bo s pri ca li'lHIlITr * SDN. /~«Ol'NIUi LAI ll l..rt reoived a inautity iu k>(* Vs* and bbls aa 1 nu retail by tstM Hiitmrr « son. IIAR.M'I INE 0ANDLF..a_» cares PMatfln- Candlea s i i .tore anu for sale by ,,,„ r .iT-e > anv m30 II I Bbl fT * SON._ sT'ANDLFJ-Jl.'Xsj Ilims, SiJe-, and thaulders in s rt .rc and tor sals by inSO llH'.lilTT St SON. BjJOKFtK-Jtki l>a«' P K ; o Cs.rre* t . arrive (ram ides iu .tore) and tor .ah bv ANH'W Bit HASAN * CO., L'.HD. rol Seronnaiid Wa^hiufton sts. _ . n hashetfl frisil Pecans Just !*• e br Ml HFSi^myy lt?VarV.t.t I.shiSII PKCAX8. t e iv. .1 iiud lei sa i.'s iur. L.t . ba T 417 Market st G It .It K IA.SIILY FUlUtU-sV ht.ls No. I Kx'ra \\b-sat I .our, s. titled exnrvseiy luriauiily W. .- II P i KWIIAKDT. 41? MarSet st MlcFT ZINC, a sup-r.or art c!e, lor WALLACF. I.ITIir.OW. * CO. »0 _: i . al 1.00022 •>{),{)(){, \ ml 1.1 S WlKr-, .Vi L AKD I i bis strictly prime Leal' Lard 7i aeas do do do do for sale by la QAKn.Nf.K at (XI. .iFFER—Stk) hsB'' lltoCaffei Just received |«r steaui nets ifM au o sa-i. The Original flog.— Ilnn. W.N i'orcber Miles, on hia return fri.m Slcnt^oniery, bniuitbl «ltn him the oriy.lntil lis ac of tbe t'etifetjerate Statea, wbt ii be ptventrd in Mrs. ficlteuf, with the re- I q .es; thai «be wculO. ba\i it bvtjls, orur <*«.~t 1 ousw p -t.-.*"w''iiU'ifa|sVri M*n)*rf. Itlicliigaii Potatoes. .}/»/» BBLS t'li UEEB BLUKS: sjUU hhh White lieslianoes; 60 bbls Red do; For sale at O. PROATt. 8ADDLLUY VN AHr H ll'SE, S.M S17 iv. licwecu ys>u> aud M |iisl -Tff KAUWAI At l lao3 oistpeo4i»i^a» Merchants. s, SO ca nts, 1'as eents l-.v Kad- ew York. >. JsTUMe. IlLACK SILK LACE MtNTI ALEXANDER IIOSIKRY AN As lew aa th CLOY KB: ity. MARTIN & OiiC'IftO/vUOrf. BfsV.iSb ly«FvW!alsl.,V-w.K"lulsiid Jl.fij»0U. LOOO i.' > b t / s U, Yi.R -li.Kll 7. has V.. cel.. mSO d and iel* sale by I No F Main. Iielweeii IK IS. N is. '.4 i'B, US, bod lor sab bi i V ||i;ow. » ''O 6 lo is, b- st aus ity bi , UTIIOOW. A CO. _ \NCA BLOCK TIN. '. I.TTIIOOW. * CO. ii cuve -Seed Just re- 110WAKD A CO., ri.ii .1 ai d Feurth sts. 1/ACCtN » sa.s If Skis' iNt> n\ t v > ••»-.;.' i llon. t -ta-iiS y viuaU XlUsal ••••••••••• ~^ aw w w sw «»« s-a _ . I-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-::-: - s:s :b:s: :e.r.el.e„e


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pkentice* hknokkson, a oabobn*, Th Early Physical Degeneracy




BimwiannoH*—Daily, ftalinfM in Hi© city. . - . ilO 00

Daily, by inn', in advfuic* 8 00

ObH'Jtry diiilr * » **>

Tri-WfH'klf „ 5 00

W-' kiv , iu advanr«, eiuple copy.... 2 oo

Id club-* of 6v© or over 1 Mr»^IUiiiitUnc«i by mail iu latere,i Utters at oorak.


oe square, chan»'erth,.' wteVv, per annum.. . ovdo do • r j ~ v - *. . r "Titmnj., fiO 00

do do 8 time* -ao do 100 00Erich addition*! suuarc, one-half the above price.

1 foi*

©rtion and HOcent*- r>i earb mtti-^ueut ooe.Advert.. i -.» alp—ipl tor first in-



lor each name,it other* in ad-

KeaJ wtaV* and steamboat advertisement*, sheriffs'

and oommlMonert' sales, patent medicine, theatriial.

tirvn*, or rimUar advHrri^in*, not nuMislu-d by tlw year.Advertisements f«»r charitable instituttons. flre compa-

panies, ward, and other puhlie niestinfeia, and Batch like,

l H* .ri.nl notice* and commie ic-ati ms, ln»erted in ed-l«orlal columns and intended to promote private inter-

est*. 20 oents ivr line: ttw*t< onlv inserted at the diner

•on ol t

No coan di

will be •


10 lineC-tvoh rs


ic-ttlons will be in^rted unless aocom-real name of the author,dvfitisemeiit* cents for tlie firnt .m*er-

sente for aa-ch c>utiuuauee: each cliaugeww advertisement.mt ni->" i "i only iu the Bvenine Hulb-tiu1 h If the at*. v.- priest; If insert t-d In Dailylutmned. after first insertion, in the Even

>ut kevt on tin* inside of the Journal art

tr i price.

i H.ktk&— fntTrrklv Journal.—Each squarei)< tiret insertion $1 "0

lies* ; 50ic must be riven to take out and stop ad-of yearly advertiser* before the year ex-

nf yeaity Hdverti-t i.n-nti- will be dlecon-t ; T; v in i r uotice to iid. oor will .my charge

carlv ratee.it.ade for less ' h*»n m<e rear at the

Phytirtmn to 7V**v /,mmjt Uy*4*n*cMn*tttutt+

A Treatise on the Cau?rs of Early Physical De-

cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv-

ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.

r^Thla wont is of * hi*h moral tone, writt—i In

duet© yet thrllllnc lanpiaiie, and appeals directly to

the moral conetiou*nes- of ail, Parents and QUA»in an* e-'pecisllv. detailiuit scit:utific aud reliable aid"

and tr atment fur cure.

It will be sent by mail on receipt of too* cent stamp*

nri'AWtsni and (IraBirtArfal fail not to rend andobtain thin book.

MM 'fovna Men! full not to send and get this book.

ffLAUiLal you, too, should at once secure a copr ol

this book.

A t*7orri ofS°lemn Con*cientious Adviceto tho e who will Reflect.

A clan of maladie- prenil to afearf 1 -*xt nt in corn

mmiitv doomina at lea t l'XJ ' youth of both sexsui an-

nually to »n earl)- Brave. Tbo-o diseases am v.rv im-

nerft" t'v understood. Their external iu?.uif>'ptationr or

svraptnms are Nervous D Witty, RetaxaHon, and Ex-hatMtion: Marasmus or w a-tinv and c-n-uinpM mi of the

tis-mes if the whole Po l": shortness of breathinr or burried ! ireathiuR on aseeudins: a hill < r a H yht of stainv

m at fxiplt.it ion o' the Heart: A-thna. BrenchrHs. androre TV oat* shakintt of the Hand- ami Limb-*: aver-ion

to .o. i-tv ai.d to iu.«r:t... or ^iuL : d"':;nf-- ' f V. •'-

and other ^'and-" of the body, as I^eurourh'i a or PleurA'b ts, likewise Kpilepjy, Uysttria, and Nervou-


MANHOOD.How Lost« Hon KeMored.

aioiia, inducing Inipob-nty ci.d Mental and Physical In-capacity.

By ROB. J. CULVERWEII* M. D.Author of the "'ureru ii •ok,** Ac

The world-reoo* ucd author, in this ad.einbie L°c-ture, clearly prover ti in his om'd experience thttthe awtul co«!^imence« of S- li-a' *u e mav b- vil ctualh-

aud tl.i)'i»ard".

Kent under teal to any address, j>otf paid\ on the re-ceipt of two postaee ftniupi, by addica^iug Dr. < II. J.KLINE, M. 5., I'iJ Bowery, New York,*Fost Itox 4 y*.a6dly

AVrrec\. have i

r«. Henprartice 1

Di\ AnHvgieuic

i and wknown

mt of even* one Vundred all

, and a host of other- nottie Lim-s, andthe ra*t in

the part of old school

to the Troy Lung and

ter, and have the medirintua. Printed interrogatoriesHon.

Cincinnati Venerea! Hospital,BMiUilixhrd In the vi ur IS1W,

FOR TBK CUBE OK PBIVATK DISKABBS.4u<3 under Ut« eoniro o of the moat eminent Phy-

the word,im London and Pans Hospt


be |1M

n A to

Imnotency—vigor re?tor»-d In 1

to 4 wet-ks. AM disease's of a private imture treated withan paralleled 1

, niale or female.

dreti, ©jj


a!***Afes, thrto health, beti"ftcial to all, male and fe-

and young nhould read this book. It willee who grop*- iu darkut-ss. Price K cents,

rte*s (Jelebrated Preventive never haa noril~marrled ladies too fe**hle to btar chil-fct thehaxard of life. -Uould h«- la po-i»*«aion

rt. -s French Pmtenf Mai'.*"s*fe! It Is per-ld never fails to give utisfactkm. It Is thesure preventive acafiut pregnancy aud

! price Of the Fre nch Patent MM« Safe Is

oue% 44 per hal tdoa>*ti, #7 p- r dozen. Sent

le Loxier's Female Montldy Pills are a salt

emedy for suppressions and all female disa gboiJd not us them during pregnancy,Toduce miscarriage. Price $1 per box

Id: tney have been ac-th to witneiw the va-mL and to watch the

No letters will be answered uuleas they contain a leuit

IMJJ or a po-tage stamp.

Una. BOVAPABTK 4 REYNOLDS,Ho. 163 Sycamore street, twt FfOh and Sixth, e*-t ride

Citicinnati. O0*^cr hours. •! A. \\. T<> ** P, M.. fl* lor4iw1t v






pr >ft"**t to bare diricoven^ thing thjtt would productre«nli« identic*;: hut th. v li»rp allcnueimlgom:, l»-in»

<an i-cl n»»»- b-.-tln> wonrt-rfiil rvmlt- of Pr-f. WooiT-pri-i«r»tion, and h»vn Ijeeu forc. d to li-ave the field to

J. WIUth. Maine, Ai'ri! l»th.

> « o., (Ivutx The letu r I wrot

t.mf' Fat.^ntJ. ,t>i>lviTit£ for iitferrooatorU* or advict

uu.-'t enrloee r» turn rtarup* tometf attention.

jar"Xht. Attending nh--'talan will lie found at the In-

itiation tor BoRMattftloa, Iron. 9 A. U. to » P. M. of each

I .i* Sunday * in the forenoonAddrew I>R. ASORKW 3TONH.

P^;•;'lriantotheTro5 l.mf: and Hygienic Inrtitutinr.

*nd Phyriclan for dwieaw of thr Heart, Throat, andLuiifa, 94 Fifth ttreet, 'I'roy, N. Y.


Who la thr unrhly res

the mftny attlictlve at

iMSTITl'TIOM,.ted In the i»atholoKV of

iting malndi t« of more-luvivw attention to this

cta.i1 of dlt^d-e.. peruHar to here»T.fW—The A»-eudlnr M <lirat d Douche, a rnost impor-

tant fireventite ior Kr^aLra, sent br exprea* i'o^ iK,

Fetnile." can consult ilr^. l»o< trefa Stone cuntideiMu

by l.twr or peraoinilh'. Addree«MRS. N. 0 .

8TOSE M. P..Matron to the In.Htntlon,

oct7 deodtr Tuov, N. Y.



IJUU 1 111 II llfiri

Corner Sixth Street and Court Place,


I^oui.-ville, Ky-SHAW St 3?GT1TDR, Proprioto's.


11 hours of the day and niffht. Our Lar-iii-ti ritfa Flah, M.'*t«, Pouttr:-, Game,e l>e-t ill he murk- t. In our Saloon ere

sorted Wine*, Liiiuon, and Cigara of the

in Kentucky fir J. .?. Saiid>'« celebrated

Iwaukie X. XX. and XXX Pale Cream: wholesale, ill bairela and hall barrela,

I) TltK cflKNF.R " n!3 >.«*i»f

Coavt'uh nee f«r my CuMomers./^KDKns for II nry Be«rodTi I phoMi ri r E»taWInh-^/nnDtwill be taken witii the greatest attention at

Mr. J. G. Mather's Carpet Store, So. 319 Main a at,

-idjoining the Bank of Louisville.IIENRV BEYEODT, Vphol-terer,

Flflh street, between Jefleraon and Green,nol 7 dfim l>iiii..v i!!m. Ky.

REMOVAL.Brandies <fe Crawford,

CHAIN 03ALZ2HS.ITAVE removed to i he new Wiirelioiw.i on the aontb-II west corner o Main and First street*.

We will nay th higheat market iirice for all kinds of

irr.in, dpIiyered at our store or at any good shipping

i'oint an the O o river.BRANDEIS A CRAWFORD.

POWDEROF ALL qualitte* constantly on hand and foi sale oj

DAVIS A Sl'KED, Aifeute for the Mnnufacturen.

IXICIBTIU.E. Sept. 3, 1*69.

Mmaaa. D*"t» * Srem, Agents of Oriental Powder

<if i,ta - We have been using your Blasting Powder andw e take pleasure in stating; that we tind It euual li not•uperior to any Powder thai we have ever used.

Superintendent for Smith k Smyser.

I cordially concur In the above and cheerfully reoom-

nieud it to the public. J. D. SMITH.I consider the above Powder superior to any we have

vi r 1-eeu able to obtain. U. FOSK'TWe take pleasure in recommending your Indian Orien-

tal Rifle Powder as eimal if not superior to any w e haveever used. It being very cleauly and strong. This we*j»ert after a thorough trial. Respectfully yours,


tr7 dtf \ BIHN5.

IHiLOH S.HONtIH>I0u the Euru]»ean Plan,


Single Rooms 50 cents per Day.

fit] Hall Square, (trier of Frankfurt iUOPPOSITE CITY HALL.

Meals as they may be ordered in the spacious Refecto-

ry. There i- a U» b-r's Shop ami iiatli-lUioms attached

to the Hotel.

N. B. — Rewnrr or Utinnere nnd lliirltinrit,

who say we are full. _uadly R. PKKNCII. Proprl.-tnr.

ERITGE, CHEHTTC&X.S. Blcn 1 am now MrlvUtf .Ni.VV (lOODS. just pn'

c ured Tobacco, and.lnog to purchase for

eslast summer, tor whith I am veryit to my friends and thereby inducediny were skeptical until afk r tr',:,i.st dlid used it with universal success. 1

ravor that you send ms u test by w bleb

itllorite from you. A pur>' alticle wiltil I believe where good rffeerj do notis cauw-d b\- the Impute article whichor of the good. 1 eccm it my duty, as

p you apprised of the cumin ed eff. cl

issure all who Inquire of me of uiy un-shaken opiuiou of iu valuable results. I remain, u.-aj

- sir, yours,

Pbot. O. J. W(pt:'^' vent e great In


I ffiniu-th nf !.«ir, which I i»ro-

Wt that. 1)m orijrfiuJ »a«». 1

n to ivcoiuiiti iid thl.-* invalu*av fi-el the ikt* mHst of it.

REV. 8. ALLEN itKorK.of ruy

; i-.- foi your

an- ku in uf> utupljcltod-a i'lf « muixia th« raiiti i»««rt

r anJ aay uoUUdk.

The RpstorftHre It* pot up in bottlef of thrve alroa.

Tit: t.irv, reeoiitii!. ..ml nmall: th.-fuiAM hold* % a pint

and n tail} for >l per bottle; tin- nedlum hold at l-a>t

tarnty per.c»*ut. luorn In prr>i»«rtion tlian th** umall. n*-

tiil for i*2 pw hotth-t thf lani- hold a uuart. 4» \*ct cent.

iuor»* in jT(»p(H1ioii, aud r» tail for t?!! a hottli*.

*». d. \V< >D « iO., I'roj rii-t«ra» 444 liroadway. NewYork, and 111 Market *tr< - t, ;*t. Lotita, M* 1

. And e»-id

B«ldwhol*falohj Barmorul 4 Tyler, WIIcou. P«itiT,

h l>»., J. 8. M -mn & (*on#, K"bini*on & < Liudeu-t.t-i — *- ft (v. , Rnthiror ft Bro.. and \ti <*'-iw>U

Ohang-o of rirra.

T SHANKS ft ro. have it oel .* i V.*. A. OAIL-• HilAl I'll with thtdr linn, and purcluv*1 * the utaud

OfflMITII A OMfcK, on tottth il*M of Market -Tr.ct-

8ALK aud hV-TAIL fitWKJKKV a- d i'KOltl t.K imA-run. Conned with thxir Iioune *

!- h:»ve agood

WAOON'VAIU), with ample accominodationa for

bortee, mngona, and otbor vehicle", and would he gladiuamthdlr >ld Irienda. T. 8IIANK8,

II. T. HOKI>.Julv 18. l*-»o. ^tf W. A <; A I LRKAITn.

OTAS )NIO N«TICBlh^ mimbers <>f ST. UK'tUCK LODGK.

No. 1?9. are her»-be notift d th:.t the iu«ftiuf*«

..ix* ch-nrod to th»* id and 4th Tu*wday <ti

ac'i tat nth. A punctual att* ndauc« of thfra- mher> id rollcittfd.

,| r. RAMBFR^rft S -'•

i4 Knw.HH U'll.Dr.R. 514 Main-t.

I | KILO KKl IT—A choice artiele pH^led aud unp-ele-l

i*ea.-liet«w Dried Apple*, and trench and GermanPnirnjs iu gtorn and for t*ali> byrr« W «* H HC'KM *.WT>T, 417 Markrt At.

^HLKSK—A f II s;»rply iunt rHceiye-*

We*ten K"'

A a*»lts aud S-tp Hmrt W. i

Nutra.g, EnglLh Ualry, Fine-

kllARIVT, 4T7 Market *t.

id 3 Marker- 1 iu whol* and. half b.iln an-i kita No. I S»lir. n in wt aud jdtl

No i whit** l-'i*h iu half bblr a ftiperior article Codth-h

In drums a-:d No. 1 ecaUd HeninR; in etore and lor

W. ft II. Bt'KKIIARDT. 417 Market rt.


TV O. SI GAU—60U hhd» fair u> ch- ice in rt- re and1^1 • tor aaie b>m AM.KN M'»i-RK. A H \T"'V.

Bl TTLK—6 ublo frtah roll buitt-r juat nwtjiv,

ifor sale byN. 8. GUjRK ft CO.

itFanners' and i>ICehanics'

TOOLS. %plows. Rakes, Hoes. Ferks, Shovels. S|*df«, AxHatchet 1

, Hammer-. Knives, forks, SnKiu., lAdl

Candlesticks, Waller", chairs. Maws. II ok', HingHutts. Si-ri-ws, Lors-s, Bolts, Latchi s, K- trhes. < 'esse

AcwhoiosaleandreUil hv A. M-HKIUK.PiarS No. S»1 Third et. I,- l-vil.e. Kv

NEW BOOKS.\¥OTl FA'S HISTORY OF TUB UNITED NTTH-Itl KK1.A\Dj, Hem tnedeaili Ol William the Mlent

t. thi Senod of IHirt: with a fill vi -.. of th« Eng-llsl -Dutch struggle, agaiiut 8paiu and cf the origin

and d .tructiou of the Spanish Armada, it vols.

8yn. $1. . _r

ELS'E V'ENNEK. a Romance of Destiny, by Oliver

W. n lell lluiuie*. »vola. *l 7i.

o\i; OF I'llEM. be Charles Lever. 80c.

ATKINSOS'S TRAVELS IN THE LTP1 R ANDLOW F.K AMuUK; with a map and illustrations.

S2 5'J

PERSONAL HISTORY OF LORD BACON, from unp.ib:ishe»l Papers, by W. H. Dixon. »1 S5.


(lAMM ES - i lulleul'pl> i siswii,> and Mold • V.n.ll. s in store and for sale by

.ralli ii ,IVee Spi-i Iu Star,

re and for sale byW. * II RI'WKIt '.KH I .

'17 Str*". '

13 IO (,'OFr EE—6ul)b»gs fair to prune iu store aud lor

ll SI






patw nt* in tmp i«H- n- -ct, and (pvingthem un only fmrn tli.Tf o«-*n Urcisiiii^tciicy wropletiand p*t an- nt cure*' aro ronstantiy being eff. ct d ttt

t''li« Infirmary.YOUNG M F.N, TAKK P\RT!''U1 AR NOTICs8'.-

TV. II. d-vote-* natirh of M« time to the tie«imet t of

tho*e ra-.-f. eau-d hy a *-eret habit which ruin* l» th

pitin»r bueinf*'** or *• » i«t'v Th c id «-ff c < f 'l.tve e.rl

babita. or the oxc of ri|>er jr-irs. ar. u* weaken «n-»

dtb'HUt-* tm i o"ftituti»M. d'vtr^v thf phvvctl an.t

me'ttal p>Wfi-?, ditn>>n-^i :."d ••ufs^lde th natural f**«-t-

.tittf*1. and e x^a'ift th.; vi.al eh r*V-s of man' o-xl; the

plea-tiii»t» of ti'"* ar-* Mar™fd. the nbje't of*inar*natf fm«-tnt 'J, and t*xt«>*eii**e Itaelf rendared a (erovr.f iinoea"*

inn inui ry and reftr**t, H"ch a<*r*ODa, e-*p- ei.illy thoe>*

They can be relied on In all even of Mi'iMtrunl '>b-tme-tiou». IrTwmlaritie*, ftc, m a rure and nale remedy.

Patient* living at a distance call bf ftitm*l «t ho^f h\

•end; n** a dewription of their di-jea**e aud iucio*nng aftamp



Old-establlshefl wi .'=!?•) Warchoitse,

ISTo. 435 Main St., betwoen J^ifth and Sixth,Loutsvillo, K.y.

t-y^terehatitf and Manttfarturern wrmld find it to tl«lr intfreft to oxamiue mv <tock before tnakinrr thMr pnr"

1 be atteml"d to a- tf m.irt> ir T-^TjSOn.'^-JmMi'

" '"'

rhatv^r. and rtrdpni from a dl*tan-*i




For the Whiskers and Hair.The subi.-rib. r.

c'tiiieni of tile U i

the Agcuci for a-

Aiucrcnn public til

renowned artiel-

*i e p'ea urn in an o-inr''iie to thed Stat- s th it thiii hav oMaieerI ase no* onahlej to off ir to t l »e

abov^ju tly teleorat^d And v,orld-


stri't t. between First an'i

. M. to • P.M.U HALL, M. O.

This la roally a Qood Kouicine, w»r-rasted to Cnrs.

Bio Ifuan, Umlford, Va., Not. 1, 18*4.

Maflm Deivg A tlo.—Ocurletuen: I used about one-fourth «f a bottle of vour Turf Oil upon the na. a ol m,

Its enntive properefllcacious than an;have sold thousandsimilar purj-oeea.

Besfectfully, P BONDLILVNT.

Svkbt oov>ttt, Va., J.uiuarv, l^S*.G«TtiM¥w: My old man. Billy,

white te'iviug sills witli a l.r.>ru::i\i-, -i.

lex open down to the bone, about 3 or 4

ting an artery. It bled profuse I . for twtinned to bleed until cold and stilt I 1

hot brandy. I could not sew it up. Mniei-e of linen with your Turf Oil and I

1 did not expect him, on account of iti

able to work ai-alu. I continued to dmor three weeks with the Turf Oil. Iu i

was nutirelv widl. and he was at work s

Very respectfully, W. CLA1BIMessrs. Uovi 4 Co., Richmond. Va.

For sale by CA111row.W. SI1 III

J years of agehe rail ot th.he* long, rutlays, and con-to give himt saturated a

i it on the cut.

se, ever to Is

he wound twoweejee the cut

*E J0NK8.

BOT.I.1>K«,: <k BP.O.,'H,

OKO. W. HART,And all Druggists and Country Merchants In the Stabroay17 dly


For the Cure of ail Private Diseases.

A XSrSXCAX. RBFOHT,CotUplnMc TntliTY line Ptott* and KrujraxAnoi n/

the Anattvit/ and Pht/racloav of the Sexual Or-

•jasiny <•> a etau uf Health anrf Diseate.


fsT~8ent free of postage to all parts of the Union..JO


ing Syture*, C

(lO of treatrrhea. Stric-

THE STIMTLATIXG OVfiliEXT•r* y;tinl hv I»r C P. BtlrMMBAlii fti eminent ehian of London, and i a arranted to bt iut* oa* a thi*


WHISKERS 03 A MUST*CHEin from thr e to si, we-ks. Thi arlii-ie !• the only oneof ihe kiud us d hy the French, and in Lo.-idsn andPeris it is iu u-iivenial use.

It i

i: -1.

a rs .n if 1


*elp, it »Die o: tie

piled nr. or,

hair park.leaving Ir -

i- an I'tdier


auaingto tie

!UP iuAr-

r towv< ciorrr.M"to I. t,

insid -

WANT"' P—MJstNTB TO-FI t »•( KWKof MT VTI< INKKY tfd .TKWKLRY at |»ie. .. m«.

tMr»l I' s' than can b- p ircha-. n ilrss fere, t'alonorsddres^ fst qnp .n< los ii) J. L. HA1LKY. N' UvtiVnirtS'r. * t. Iters., Msss. mar 'e itSm

a 3 dOUZcXSlTRS,L. S. B. de <*KETY (F. RAPY, Aftntk

JWs I ttmk iTrf, i- t ;:

; » the .lofir»i»! Office

-^T^^Ilai in f-tor-* »nd f.,r p-»Io in quantiti***« ^I f -f-a-W oU vurt*t)avr« a lue a^'Oitmeat of

WINES and LIQL'uRS, such aa

HilHI>i:\f'V.Bordeaux;!>• M.«l<ie:

M. list phe.


COGNAC?R^rdca.ix;T.urrlVfiii-d-* -ele-deLaaeiodoa.

MowIIp, Vin de Tokay, Anna-;r.ae. and ('oidiiln.r* d

r\p IHK fnv'»r .t«. artlrl,.

1 hjd t wholewtM of

r it

arr th* only A^r-t- f>>r thf artiel*» in

th** Unit* d Statt't*. to whom all orders iuiu* be ad-dre-ssfd

l-vic.' One Do'lar a bor. For cah* bv all I>nit*i*i»*t

and l»rt*1ein: or n iv i c thf» "On-menl" (aarrnnted ohav*. th*' di-sir- d «-ffect) wl>l b** i-eni to rim who deelnit. hv mult tditx ) -•"• r lv paclitd on recelid of uric

and t. ' . 1H Anplv 'o o- nrl lif-a


fUtdr^ml tn6tla 21 WU i:im itfeet S^m York.

Wlien vou go to NI'.W YORK, drive di ect to the


CrlONIlUOnBD ONTIIK Hl'KtHT.AN PLVN. Hoods fare, friio.1 rooniM pi*-'** i>t :*tt« i.d t'.r. , aud d-rat

n.argt-''. S'tiiflf ro tin & n-n;-. ibie'itr* an l \te

d'T. Donhl. 1 room' and r*r'° ^ '* t0 <*• M«:»U n-»

orierei Thlj Hotel has all the am* i'it*u*^nt*i f th-lHi»t Hct«tiu a mot central location, and U hratedthron-'hont hy ft a;n.

m 1

ti:-tn ^VMI'KI F, MF,\D. Pi-prlchr.

(Successors to .foe. Koiih),


Ard Sole Agents foi the

IPomoT-oy Coal.OROPRS for any of the above Oiils respectfully soil

cited and promptly tilled at the lowest mark'-i

prices. 'Constantly on hand a large nuppi i ..f the "PUYTl IN *

0ANNEL" and "PKACOi'K" POUEROY COALS,which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no su.

penor.Ornce. No. St* Third -trees, between Market and .1(1

.'arson, at Robb's old stand: end at No. sni, lAtullvrstl

owner Hrook and Market street.. IcS* dtf

of OreufectlODery ran now b -

he fallowing hnusca:HKAtUS .'; SIH LTZ. Ixiulsvile, Ky.,». B R1F. Lo.isville, Kv.,V. D (iAKTANO it < l>.. Louisville. Kv..-IAS. U. Vn TRUY. New Alnem . Iurt.. and at »h -

factnre nn I i-rli stn-t. hi tareen Mjiu and Market, andat i—talt hv .|T eonf. rtlr-nprs. J7 dli

DEDUCED PRICES!TTwllV, rfili-rrilfrhavin-f a larre ctocV of I^liea' andI (ti-it'ii Winter Boot*. Shot*?, aud fta1t*Ti* on linn !

all of h I « >-twii mantifaetnre, oOfts at greatly reducrd

i't nt'- lo want of fine CalfWlntar Bootican tx> ar-r iv ii. .<> i.-.t .'ti at the very low price nf jjj- p^ir, fo.-

r.t,-h only.\1t»<\ a I'd of Meu> and Boy?' Kip and thick Bxvt*. at

P. MA R6HALUt for cash,dfi dtf Main, below Th.'-d «tr.»H.


ShuttleSewingMachineFOR ALL KI^-OS uf WORK. PKll K ttt

\yarrantod the Ba»t ia the market;sine flulsheil. stremij a.-d ilnrable; wheel feed of greatiHiwer. exceedingly gtmflfl in ci»nstnicti-»n: not a win•ebout it; all its pirt> are most admirably and ingenious!y arraugiHi; cannot |.i.sihh- get out of enier. becausee.Tything is pcruiaurutlv a4justed: none so su'ivuii.

d.-rstood ami ope ret. d, atid -ews the most b*-aiit.1'ie

ttitcb ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tal! .rs and all wh > h ive seen it prououno • it the hist Manine ever sent to this vic'uity Alt are cordially in-it. d to examine it. T. JOHNSTON. Agent,nM dly . . : .h T e-.

To itlilicrs, Produce Hercbauts, ait::

Grain Dealers.

rUK subscriber offers hisserrioer t- Ha Produce Deal-ers io Ix>uisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain

snd Couutr . Produce. Having l.^d long experience at

Hewn.I Pi

of buying Grainnklin, Woodfoiil.

and Chlonel A. G.and O. R. Can<|-.'8 HODGES,;.-r.-*owr.. Kv.


I "rt

BOof t



mo'titn^, n to *>

The antd >t mtlervir. on all thi

OftW ?14 FifthAll letWr* fui

ionht^•» In aFir-

th- at uv'- di?ea»r* bv-rori'

he t-rianw>nt of any o:n.

rfe*»»«lnna! <**•*.

uu--, t-i whirl

eltht-r \M-r-Kinallr or b\

licit hi- work treat*, ande L-uutry with coinpltt*-H'tcnred trom dauber or

Hiis -aMarket Street,

North aide, between Sixth and S-iveath.

rJOUISVITJlJK. KY.fyAlwayson hand a complete assortment 01 PIANOS

at ISamHUlJll lirices. set3" dl .-



Ot ON THAT DAY.c. m. jsiccnAvs'.


Ml ,l>at rrlT<ir new

Z)XX jTjl. jVI X3J\.0 1^ El

CHARLES FA Til IK(Lat*> Max Sutainr *t ( "o.>,

FlllOlXlrV,l^nrrevor-* to the <-oiirt- of FraiiOH, ^nain, au«t Pnuvl.v

aLo to the Cflfhratt-d Welllnit*r-in C'ub, Londou.

WILLI KY. CABINET, IMPERIAL. AND YIN AN-*^ ia,jn nnifta, nlnt*. M r*- t-. f.<r>alfh

•L I!. MCNKOi. Ill H r*ON. a" Will nt

may^4dlvftw»>o**r tftri

X>T. "W"^. X'TF* ICE!,HavinR be n estshli-ln-J in Ixiuis-

ville for tie- last Ii ve»r» and hae-

son, Capt. W. S. D. M p

stum any stat.--

as nr. W. I..

Loving, John-

Coitv.J1 byI had Fistula and was cored by Dr. Price, without the

kuile or ligature, in seventeen days.Joseph yocce.

[UA!!MN CO., KY.)I had a negro man v ith l-'lstula, and he was enr-d by

Dr. Price in three wcekaf WM. BAUD[iMIIjOO,^*, ILI..1

I had Fistula for nTeen rears, with six epeiiiiigs, audwas cured by Dr. Price in three weeks ,

RIL' Y WILLIAMS.I am a hralthv and happv resn. havin*: heenrur-d

from the horrid effects of 1 Juunism. A. C'lTIZKN.

Ollice on Market, between Sixth and Seventh st-.

Addres-. encloeiug a isisUge stamp, L ui ville, Ky.febli'


30o P.ige. aud lsu l ine Plain and iv.lorcd Lithographs.

»r-PKiCEONi.Y tw>:nty-i-ivi: <;ENts.^ii

WSent free of postage to all pan.- of the VuUm._Mt

tl W,. n Vo

I^or Sale.

Cash jmi*3 tor Barley


Between Sixth and Seveth.

Jan« dtf .town Evr.vt N i ro.


Jayne's Marble Building,

Nos. 617 Ckvsinut and 014 Jay&e St..

X'Xiili-xcloI^lxl^,Have opened their SPK1NO IMPORTATION of

su i fisey ill amDre.ss Goods in great variely,


Wliich they will sell at the lowest Easleru prlcrs).


•S»» huds la.r to .iiutlj prim iu sto.-- ... dby (a?J a. W. CoOU.

in th.-ears sreaaextremities, conmelancu. Ir, marAND Ll IN I u >NWe have for ti

our time in VTALS, availing

Euro,- and on tl

LENOIRE. lilrCL'ltLlNliS, nf I

tour extended ti

nl Hi s.

, full M

less of the b iclt aud loweia., loss of m-n,ory, with'h* author's NEW PAKlh

t *.f the past l ear, devotedIK EUROPEAN liosPl-' the kuotvh-uge J^lld re-

i.-ieiiuis aud Surgeons in,. nieu as i IVl.M.E

'1IETEAU, ACTON, andid English hospitals. OurMl Italy, Ueroaamy, Hol-land, ami Wales, visitinr

eidtals In Paris, London,leu, Berlin, dir., Ac. W.


MOLASSFS—I7i. Mils prime, in good cooperage;as; )tfdo do, do do;


Receive. i In the Doulsvllle a :d John R un" and for sale

m. (,„r) coop * "ii nv.


10.00b BAGS SH^LLBD JOHN11IAVE on ham aud to amva mo u hags on

shelled Corn, iu new .eaewed gunnies, which is for

tale at Icwest cash rate-.8»M'L M. PARKER,

At We ler <B Parker's, ea-t aid.- Slx'h at.,

131 dtf . I. - ' „ .....I M.,rg.

KEMUVoannon, BEanmr.1,. & CO..

fffciilesale lltaicrs is Notions, faritt) s F»Ecj(i««ii

11* VS. KKMOVrrt. TONo. 6.'<3 looih Hide of Jlnln. :; elnor, from

OUR stock of Ooods Is-lng too larse for th? season,

we have concluded to take in payment for Goodsth n tee of all the Banks In the dllteieut States that

were n good -lauding the 1st of this mouth exeetit tile

notes the Banks of Iliiuw., lately thrown out by theHankers at Chicane..

Our stock ol CHRIST ii *5 TOYS is ';'ilte complete.

n27 dtf CANNON*. BIIEKKI' I., x '••

In V, pipes A. Seiguette Brandy;2u v- I'ipea t'ognar do:

Jl iiplpes Rochelle dor

4 i J.p'i < s ' uard, Dupay, & Co. Brandy:5 i bh'.s N. Y. do;

In^store and for ^ro,, ,,.L HALBKRT A CO.

M Mu bills 1 1. >ice Plantation alo'a-es;95U ".do do di

tos. .nd tV e ..-de hi taJl H. W. Cimn.


hfTetofore as

ml ofprofot-

Uuited St it. s or Cauauns, by jiatiente oomniuuicatiiigUieir symtoms by letter, business oorrespoudeueeatrietly conndi-titlal.

r»T"lir. L.'p Ollice Is still located as established; underthe name of Lit LA CROIX.layfo insure safete to atl letters simple- addri-ss

"THE LA CROIX MI.DH AL I S- I I H i K,"s4 d t » tf No. .11 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y.

SEXaZ-RXBD P.EHWALB,No. HI I Foarlh Kt„ bel. .Huiliet nnd JeOerwon,

MANt'PACTURER AND JO B B KB OF EVERYi"l variety of JEVS'ELKV. Fine Diamond Mount-



JACOB rUIBND & CO.. Piopr'*.

was ctfully inform the public that sinee

b ds Fxtla Wl.lte W -a anuiy Fl u

for sa le by ta jCAhDM.R » • "

HrtPiNKO sroAitleai bill. A < m ked Baltimore Sugar,a i bbla Love ring's rrush.-d dr;

Vi hli s do (irauulated do:

U bills Soft cru hed do for sal'" bya3 OAKDNr.R & CO .

Brass-b-.uid Rodar Fai's.s- 1\ nO/.ES bia-s-boaud Cedai Palis, 4 tiz-, just r<

•>U ceivej and lor sale 10, byORRIN HAWaOM

a] i..- Main s f., between Fourih and Filth

MaRBLP.IZRO I .(ON MANTLES AND ORVl'ESA eouiptete stock kepi co sta.itly o-. hand aud tr,:

sale low bv„i WAi mix i rni inw. > oo.

I I NS CuUNI'kY II il.l.uW-W VHEi assortee

rices, for sale ti tm iia e at 1 e> prb—s byWAU.AtlE. l.JTIK.OW * CO


6 I>v. 2a0 I'ouitasiio t,

ele Children's Bncaies of everv vari^tv an.

d at pi ic s ti sui the prrscut hard tim t

mine tin m. al

of Uhltdrstn*! Ru-gi -

or retail, at J SUt'S'al

jr. UV

Call and • x:

rpwr.NTV-SIX diff r. nt m XmI foe Male irery 'o*, whole-air*


tHaJOl' IH' KN R WvlK^w—Wr* keep e hi'itiv n :i tin-.,,

R5 \ no ti ib rot «h-'*ct'l b-at.-d Kane***, nnd are pr

tur d to cut lh**m tip at hortuotic *, t or hotel cr lamilv upe ihey are u iHtnwtd. f">r **' • b.-

at WAL;.A' K. I ITH«OW % I O

\\ lsv2 cai-kn Madeira V. Ine; *£6 do Port do;

10 do Mii-eat do;3" hb!o Mat-ttra do;

In i»tf re and for nale by .*,] MARSHALL HALRFHT % (X).

lie -tnpplii*d with the b*)-t the market at.d -ea-or.r* aiTord,

and tit*) Bar will hf*. ftocked with only thi* ,».: ot Winea,

''frWi' re-t*,icth ,Hy aollcit the patronafre of the old

pati rnn and of the public in guneraL





And a most eompl. te ars^rtne-n» ef every article aprsa -

taiolns to M""'s W. ar. to ah.cll we call the attexti

of ca-h and prompt buyers.


mM C oth Hou.e. No. 1SI Main -t

jjAISINi boxes London Layers;

luO do M. R :

}00 Wdo do and Layers;rO arums &uitaea for sale tsr

ro5 <IEO. M'. MelKR'8. IS! Tlilidj*.

KAY—Vd Mis h.

(can pot » or 8


rinc by railroao, loi

i> AKD'iV A it K ANU^ -

, SIM I'.HY.i*T^y^Xti West Maid strsst,

^KjL^s^ bet. Thirl & Fourth.

ll'E haveon he-id and daile re..elvlng a larsr a Ml-»» tlon toOlirstOOk Ol HARDWARE nuu Cl l Ll.RY,

vhlcb will be told at low flgures *»'«"','' "'*lV>n

time. «' 0»J»*M.


Out Saw*'ij ClV'-eut Saw.";


On hand and for sale low by C ORMSBT.

I I and ft


L'imothv aad Clover Haya choice article for ship.


' V. «. ni ORE At ro.

raKIED PEACHES AND APP'JSS- A bu.helsof1/ choice Dried peache- and Ap,lei ju.-i isceivja attiie Wooden W.re aud Broom Store an.i «or sale at

mS 3Js M-ln st„ between 'I li rd slid i.uirth.

1 1 KLE.N APPl-LS—ax) bnla Apples, eUioiee vasieties,ajf iu.1 received and ior n.aio nyro2l TA IT. ANDERSON s> CO.. U" fonrh -t

/ Mil* i Ei-.- 5eil ha.s for sale ^>t ml H. D. VKv7i;(WR & BRO.

IXTAH-3—1100 fB.Shoenberiers'N-llBOn hand and for

i't sale low by ('. OKMSBY.

/"tRINDSTONES- Fcuuilenee, Machiue-S'iopi, andel Tatiaers will nnd a br»e assottncot • f Stow at


nOE3~5!(ldteeu Pl.uit. :. I l ies ler sal» beC oKMSn l


eVPADES AND (.HOVELS—6<. dezeu Am-.-' Shovels ao3 Bl ades;

W do K .wlanu's "



snr.iin o 1

the art.Idia Ii ...

C. Alts


liall styles of pictures known ll

ep'isln oil, water colors, and lo

t*aa . i.eu to all. (live us a call

it-rr. Oro. H. Kiasmarm.' is closed on Sunday. niaylu1

for sale low byC. OKMSBY.

31 : . A It cUKI.I) HAMS i" "tore and for sale bytuv W. ii II. BUKSHAKDT, ,lj ,

sSfOAl'— lihds prime Surer ruceiv

fovawlMaa • fmll OA



A XX3-S-J doien Axes, dlBercut brands, for ssJe byj\ l^. oimsii 1


a X HANDLES— IWdoaon Ax Handles for s le hvy\. • C. OKMSBY.


<0 dea -n Orass Scythes*to) do Gra n '• for sale by



II. FERGUSON & SON,Wholf-ale aud Retail Dealer* In

ZF^Ifcr-riXTStr FLOUR,Fifth street, o-ie door uteth of Market,


BEST BKAND3 OF F.VMILY FLOUU coa»tant:y onhand.

I-r~Flcur delivered to any i-art of the eitvfrceof

charrr. *l3J3:u

8. S. M\RK. a r. 0 >WN-

\V' "'" D0W recel.t of a large portion of ouvT Bprini 'uri- ly o

PANCS" and flTAPLB DRY OOODl?mi.h-ac'ng some few new thing in DIIE-s <> DS sue

i Arte parasols am sunshades okijanLUIS I.AiV.Na and JACONLTd HO? I ERk. GLOVESu l USDEKWatA*,1 M\KK * DOW\< t" V lo



contesting in pan of. vie•.0 1 bbl- Bourhon ami Rye Whisky;IN oaafcaa dr;15 1 baskets t iharasagne, a ;.sortod brinis:

Suu bcx^s I'laret, do do;

to Wldodi II

100 do £li casas P6 p lps- Hft lalliclus

U bbli PHWJaSJ fine II i

60 1 ox s \10 si oss P!

I. il cases fl

llkl do Mai


Wine. do do;

ine. In d :

d Sti 1 Catawba;.. and Sherry,

Ram;ile Briudr;

ughton llitt. r;

shiiio, Ah-ynthe, and ' nrae a*

oo Bi'aekb try, atrawb r y. « Omg»r Braady


|^oi;KS AND BINGESSol dozen I.-eks, ass r ed:

too do Hinges, " t"t sale byr ORMSBY.

<)'fAC l le


ai .ale

I ID M bv Chas. Dickens. Price Sun.


!• i.'rJ KIFI.E AND LIGHT INFANTRYJ vols. Pri eiil Ml.

F. MADDEN'8 BOOKSTORE.H'-'l Third strnet.

1'. adle's Dime Publicati us and t rench'sj ,| H-.|.,a .

Hit- '6 klis Mo. I Maeaerel m store and tor

..u cou.iaxi:ieiit by ' „tA^I. GAY-



spoSSISTlNO OF THE FOIXOW1NG WELL-v.' known bransia

in thl • r aiket by oash puichiccrs or by proiuit-paying

c,,.CDicrs..neho.t.iu.e.|»R \THER sr SMITH,

iiiski m i . etra RectiB id Whisky;


I Nf bs|#pilmiP.lo te-Ccireii per 11 ejana

» P. SEWCvliB BBQ.

tjirRKWS-S.itK) gross gimlet poiuted ii 'eaj for sale

C5 h e I nri"



1ECLECTIC for Aprils ha L's journal of health f,r Ap ti;

'i Ri'MPS. by <«. W. Curtis;Just received and for sale at

GUN l'ER 3 BOOKSTORE,n,ao Third st.

IJKOI'VI A tTINf. a new remedy for Rheumatism,- ; tepurcd aud sold hv

I * *^. TUGS, tt JENKINS h CO..

IbilI t. and 'Drugiiste,

|rar, tgvnwy ot Third and Walnut i


Kega Washington, K«g» l otcno,

^keg^MHan, ^B^'vVs lininnd.d,

l'.-nt'i- 1 •'•*•'••» "i, WafMnetoa,

( ouchaa Liio-io. * &c.

Id t*tortt and lor ftale lo* b.*

B»W. FBTNADO,S1*l MaH «t.. Rassmrerit l.on - ills* Hotel

\\ 'J.'casks Port Wine-


Cl 1 E S 1•

US m IMPLf ITS Huv.i n i FR-IERS, and thaimas. wh-.ch he is

try bin! Cl. W. hlflUW,Sci-d and Agricultural Ware'-oiiae,

. !W Main s\. epp sit, |t»i,k of J.oiii-villi


ll: l(l)c'.GHA-'8, CI.O\I t •

13,XH £«;X>S.I S—A tar.e lot prime ami

rge lot do do.:R. TIMIII 1IY. HI NOA

all aJjsds oftad MIL! KT: together waARDBN SEEI3Sud F .RM IMPLEMENTS of all klnaa,


t iu store anu for sale byO. W. BASHAW,

ti No. XI .est Main st.

« JA K,LouLviiie, Ky.

E. W. .'A'.'K.

New Orleans, La.

JACK & BROTHER,Wholesale Grocers,



Vo. 61s natth aide Main st., between Tlnrd and Fourth,

I."I I*" II.


.E. KY.


ii bid. Cl usli d. Powdered and Granulated Suaar;

I'l Hl-gallon k< as (i.Jden Sirup;tire and for eale by



sou boxes King Missouri Toliae'co;

B'si do O. Ellis do do;5.1 do Swinuey do do;10 do Vs. auiKy. do, vailoui brands;

u store and for sale hyJACK * BROTHER, SlIMslust.

FANS AND I.1NSEYS- Hsi Ii .les N cro Jeaus andLiuscys (b.-st brands) in rtore and for sale by

JACK A BROTHER, al- Main st.

TANAWHA SALT I. 1 » Mil- K uiaa ha Salt, bestV oiia tity, in si ir - an 1 for sale by


»^UNDRIBS—O 41) half cheit- Gunpowder Tea;lo do do B ack do;o-i doaen an.^er Bro m :

7S do fan:*:" wiie tied do;10*1 do Painted t.uckrti;

•J\ ni^ti do Tur-s7*. d ^en Zli e Wa-l--lwiards;6. oailsColton Roue, allsia.-s;

3o do H'-tnp Ak do:K»i boxes Scar OanaUeas45 do St^r h:

73 d) Ko-iu & ap;im do Palso do.

6!i do Oafman Soap:tu hagac tto i Yam, all numbers;SO do (' nys-f i liaiu;

liei bales Baiting:») do ( a 1 11- -W:r<t;

26 do Wrapping Twine;15 bags Sp.ee15 do Pepper:

loo m-its C'.uujmon:» i saws Mi lias and Manilla Indigo;

2 casks Madder.10 bbls Alum;5 do Sulphur:

6o ca ks N sci.-le Soda-I c«-e Nutiuers;

Son.is n O. D. and 8. B. Caps;7

, te -

ns noin I out10 bbls i

600 l.egs N.t

i <d a.lte

flree and small Blacking:Candy;tegar; ,

orled uuuibers;

JACK ,!: BROTHER. M" Main it

WUNDKIFS-i* it i.nl Pecans;

10 bbl. Pubertal3i bbls Tarraeena Almonds;IS b I. tlieant do;

ao bbl. sic l>- do'

10 bbls English Wah.uta;3,1 kegs French Ppiues;5 ra-i s - •' in glas«;

6 fraiD Dat a:

too pi ksges M R snd Luver Raisins;

Un drum- Sun ma E:c :

11 ca-ea Sarltnes. M aud li I- »,

1 . casks Zau'e rurrauts:In store and lor sale, r.v

r.FO. W. MORRIS 134 Thirds*

LOU) 3VILLE JOURNALTkrkific Stoii*.— Ou Tue.«djy last Mudia n

Title, Ky., wat rWtast by a rery destructive

storm, causing oonsidernlile dimsrso to property.

The brh k l o-ldlnr; on the <q'iarp, caxupled Ly

Mct!ary& T. un« as a dry p«0. slctv, and by Cj.

Miller a« a dru^ g'ore, w. 8 onmpletelv wretked

ho roof I. ; .- tnrn off and dreipped into th>

.'reot. Several slablea and cribs; in the vicinily

•f IcnsL vera Mown down; shad.i treed were up-

rooted, end fencini; suffered severely. The R-g

i.V.ar eavs, that fn>m all parts pf the country ii

haars cf much dumupe in fences, ftuhs, tree.s, 4c.


fho Triine Farmer, published at Chigsago, L-ive-

extracU from i's corre-pondents in all parts of

tha State, all of whetn speak in the most hcpeful

terms of* he piospect nf a heavy wheat cn p the

ensuini; luirveat. Those in the southern part of

the State also Bay Ih it the fruit crop will be ubun-

!ant in that part of the Slate.

Og-Ihe Elkhart find.) Review says that a fe-

male neuro In that c|itarter of the world presenle-i

Iter hubband with four cbililrtn at one btrttl

oi^kteen monthi a(;o, aril last week made him n

preMintsof live more, making nine in a year ai d u

li ilf.

Snr-Kaairiji I)kai> in Mauthni).—The Btrenu-

o'H efforts here'ofore made to prepire Marylam!

M jiiin in the seees«ion movemen', it is said, are

admitted now to have failed utterly. An intill.

jint citizen of that Stale, now in Washington,

aays that there need lie n i distrust of th* loyalti

of the ro isses of the pe.ipie there. It is very wel.

known that the secession movement in Mar. land

* a. led and controlled by a small clique of met:

• f d a«pirate fiirttinos, p iliiicil and personal, who

Wired revolution and anarchy, in the hope thai

in some way opportunity mi|?ht bo afforde-l

Miem 'it retrieve their individual ruin. Having

failed, I hey are worse off than befote.

I' ltEAKg of I.ioiitnixo.—'Japt. J tin II. Gold-

sioiih, nf bark Ionia, at Salem, Mass., from the

c as* of Africa, repirta that on Ihe morning of

ttto fid tilt., on (he u.irih ;rn edj;6 of the <Julf

H reitn, (lining a very hestvy (Jalo, «i h rain, wa

twice struck by lightning within live minutes,

both bolt* atrikinsr tha back of the mainnsait ic

I he same place, just below the top, 1oaring a

Hack spot a ,out the size of a man's hand, but

doing no oihc- injury to the mast. The report

was aluut the s ime as from a six-poundor and

I be shock k.nvked d iwn two or three men whowere standiiiir near the mainmast at I ho time, buL

I hey soon recovered. A small dent was four.d in

I he deck near the mast-hole, which had not been

noticed before.

Women Tarring and Feathering a Man.—Several yotinii women and young men in female

tppareL residii g in the neighbor'.tood of Liver-

more, Westmoreland county, l'enn., were recent-

ly tak' u before a maps rate, upon the complaint

of a young man residing in the town, who ulle/cd

.hat Ibe de'eud.ints, while reluming from t

nrayer- meeting, threw him down. A' d starving

daubed him with tar spplied feathers. The younn•lomen state! that he had made uso of offuusive-

I ing—ga concerning th -m. The matter was ar-

ranged by the puymeut of a small tine aud costs.

Ai>ULrnKATii>\- or Mil. b; IN UosToN,—At the

la-t meeting of the Bo'ton Sanitary AssiHiiaiion

it was staled tb it $1,1 jO,l)IW wa ' annually pai,!

io that city for mi V and $liO for what waa not

fnilk. The first anu most ini[Ki:tant f.l-iii: ili.t

was by means of water, and the largest part o'

th* watered milk came from I 'in: la., own, where

there was a regular manufactory. At this same

meeting, acco diug to tha minute* thereof, "ihe

lion. JosUb QuioCT, Jr., give an interesting ac

count of h's ex eri nice a- a milk nan." His cows

jaT* 0 10 maris a day, and the iJiuntity could be

i re ised. Out 11 would be at the expense of the

quality, Prnpt-r and sttfiicieiit food was necessa-

ry to make goo-l uiiik-

Ai TS Of THE SOCTHKRX CoxoKKas.—The of-

ricial paper at Montgomery gives publicity to a

number of additional acts of the Sothern Con-

gro a, of wliich the following is a synopsis:

Act No. HI vests certain power in the Hottmas-ter General, eu ho-izin / him, in the event of the

United States m .il servi :e in any of our Sta'ei

being discoatfued before cur service is organiz d,0 renew pr..visionally the c .ntracts under which(ho serv.ee wa« p rformeil. The IV-tmasler Gen-eral is authorized to enter into contracts wi h

Saitlei for mail service, ut a time fixed and _dvertised ly him ar.d such contracts beint: niatle

i^ier a day to be fixed by hia proclamation all

conveyance of uuila within ihe Cor.federucv, ex-e- .pi bv «u' hoi il v of i.a Government, is prohibited.

Other aertiona of the net are of Ises general in

rarest, and relate to minor tuatier.a in the regula-

tion of the service. Poatmasters are maila re-

sponsible to the llepartment for moneys c .tested

while acini; by Ut i (<i Sta'ea appointment since

s. cession, at d must re. der their nccouHIfl.

Act No. 86 empowers the I 'resident to appoint,1 y and with lis. advice at d consult of the S n-

.le, a Commiist-uiier nf Ind'an Affairs, with asilarv of .T'2..Vi f and a clerk for ihat bureau will:

a silarv of 31.6(0.

Act So 71* authorizes th. BSffintmrrnl of SB; ddili' n il otlicer of the ' rea-ury IL pirtment, 'c

! e Call-.d the Second Ai.ditor, and to l-e chargedwith audi'inn the gee un Ea of I lie \V ir Uepattuient, at a salary ot $1 (Kill par annum.Aci N.e 1)1 il.ciilea -hat t in. amount of salary

e.tal-lish.d f t each of its efficers doting the cou-tiouince of the Pro\isional Comrresa tshall bele-'in-'d a salary for eno year, and shall be oai'i

'o Ihat amount u|«>n the w-rrant of the Provide!!

f tho t'on^r.-.s. i h'ss aAoera, and their pay,

as set forth in act No. 76. are—the Seereiaty,*'2.5iNI; Assisli.nt S-ereturv, J lurnal Clerk, at

Keaaling i Wk. igi.iiOl) each; L) ai'keeper. fl.2<)(»;

Me - n/er, if 1,000; aud ihe Engrossing Clerk, ioper diem.

Act No 78 provides for Ihe collection of a dutyof live cents per ti n. to be denominated uUf*UMoney," from i.ll vessel." entering eur |wirts fromany port after the lirst of May next. This dull

shall not be OolleOted oftoner tlisn once in threetnoiitha f ern ve.a t.|s tracing regulaily betweenthe p r's of the Onfeil-rucy.Act No.03 uutheriz s the Serretary of tin

Treasury to app in) special ayen's to oriratiize theeua;omhnuses, and 'o examine w 11 the Isxyes. ac-

counts, returns, and sums on ha d, atid htspecl

thniretie al man i^ement of nil the ofli 'es of the-

several Critleetors of Ihe customs, sub treasurers,

pnblic depositories, min'A and all othvr agencies,

t sftici lis of the late Dntten State, may, therefore,

pr pare to give a strict account of their siewari -

shipadu'int- the interrornnm.Act. No. 74 authorizes the President to e.ppoLit

such Qesmmr PTIll agaaUl or con-uls as in his opin-io the coiiimeroial inieresis of the ('o'if, d tr:cv

:. qaire, and they Khali charge Ihe fata allowed bj

th liovernment i f the United States.

Act No. 82 allows the c Election of certain spe-

cili il at d con-ideriMe fee* in addfti >n to the sal-

iry < 'inpensation of the District Attorneys of

the Coufiderato States.


I IIP. .

ooks! Mew Books!I -., h John T. Irving. P,ire*i ar.

SKY, b John T. l' ving. • St SS

It S \ eOMKRVI I K or a llnshsil'l's Mystery, by (i

W. N. K- i n" ds I'ri-e Me.THK FIRST FALSE STK.P, r,r tha Path to Cilaie, hy

G. W M. Koyuolds. Pri 5- c.

\t F. MADDKN 8 Ikiokatore,

m 4 8-JI Thirri st.

UAtBTMS—J u h xes M. R. and Layer Raisins;1-si u Jo do di do do,list If do do do do do

Itec- iv- i per steatuer Plana and for sale low to close

rouslgaiueut byANTHONY ZANONE A SON,

„,, Flftti street, below Vsln

Fitistria JoSstM vs. Loon Kosstrrii.


Auntritin tCmjieror w un KafjUsh Cwirt.—The Km-

peror of Auaina appears as a suitor in the Eng-

lish Court of Chincery. to restrain Louis Kos-

suth from flooding Hungary with bji.u. money.

It appears, bv the aliidavit of hia Embassador,

that certain litho^r iph'-rs in London are prepar

ing Hungarian notes of orll fl.irin and upward,

signed by Louia BoSM h, and intend, d fir ciicu

lation ia llangiry. Tha Embassador thus de*


The laidy of this document is in the Hu ri n

language, with which i am well acqitttutfM. andthe arms, of which there is a print at the le.trinii.

are the reyal arms t f that country. Hie body of

add note, when translated into English, is

lows: ' One florin. This monetary note will lie

received ii every Hungarian State and public p. v

office as one florin in silver—three ewaczigers be-

ing one fljro:—and i's wh lo nominal value is

gaaraireed bv the Stale in the name of the na-tion. Louis Kuseulh." Ihe Embiseador iLimsthat the Emperor of Austria has the side und exelusive right of authorizing the issue of notes i

Hungary, to be circul iteel us money, at d that the

spurious notes in prepirati n were to boused,'among other purposes, to promote revolution

and discord in Hungary."The English Govarnrnent declined to interfere,

as the law- BtipuHtes that wh»»sotver shall, wi h-

i-ut lawful anihatity or exc ise, engrave or makein any way dwanteots pmpor ting to be thennte'

of anyloreign prince or Stale, beshili oedeemulguilty of felnv. t he 1 ondon Mt-rning Chr.-ni-

el - stive ihe question as regaids a felor.y committeat hy 'he aturrsi ers or I y L uis Kossuth "wouldlis in the decision as to w hether !he\ had lawful

anihawfty er exenre fer making nr issuing Hut gar

:au notes. That the c >nunittal of a fe'onv wasdoubtfal is th iwn by the refusal of tbsBrtttai

Government to m eriera, and bj the appsal to th

1'i.trt of Cham cry for an ii.junclion insteed \J

the arrest of the actu-ed for forgery. It rather

brtrava the cnnseinusueM ol a bad cause whethe Emperor of Austria hesitates to bring to the

eriu i'ial bar persons who, if the Emperor o!

Austria ia King sf Hungary, must be guilcy of

forgery.Ine Ottyeniete arguea that the Emperor rf

Aa.itia is rot tne Kiag nf Hungary— that the

latter la not an appanage ef Ibe Austrian Iippe

t::l Crown, and that, therefore, the AustrianEtnpi-i r, in mak ; ng this upplica'ii n in an En-glish court, has made a grave legal blunder. Ofcourse, there is no justilicaiion for Mr. K' a-uth

he he-ink- a piivate ritisen. It rentsins t. be seen

what w i 1 be the deci-ii n of the Li id Chancellorof Enadeadin 'his remaikable case.

AN OUDINANCEEetablisl.ing and regu'e in - the Engineer's De-


Urn it orduinrt If thu Gmetul Cvmtil of t/u

d'f <if LtmitetTU aa ton ir ;

Sec. it. A department of the Tity (Vvernm»ntis hereby established, to lie st\ led ihe Engineer's

Department, which shall tmbraoe Ihe Citv En-gineer, his aasiaiants and deputies, who shnjl per-

forin ihe en'lre duliea of said department.

f s S3. 8 The G neral Council, iu the month of

Match. 1&C1, and every yenr thereaflcr,

.-hall elect one person ss Clfv Engine'ir, whosh 11 lie skilled in the science of ch il engineering

:r,d building, and the pnr'ieal applicabilily

th.feof. He'hall hold his i tli.'e for a term of

ne year and utilil bis Bucce-sor is .tji-c.< <1 and

I'talilieil; pnividid. h iwever, said time lie bef.ire

! be expira'ion of the month of M-ireh.

See. 4 Sh-iuld the General Council fail to makein elec ion during the month of Match. 18fl , as

herein provided for, it shall be bis dnty to Immedistelv d liver to the Mnvor sll I look", plan", in-

a'ruments. or o'her matteY, belongitig to or ap-

;iertaiiiirg to -ai.l Engineer's Department, and to

acate shI'I i flice of City Engineer.

Sec. 5. The Ci'y EnarlnSer, before acting a«

u h, shall live Isni d, with surety to be approved

bv the General Council, in the p-nalty of I've

thousand d< liars, e nditi med faithfully toperfvrm

he duties of his effiee, and to deliver to his aui -

•"s r, the Mavor, Of to -uch person as the un-

1 .le-ign i'e. all las k 3. plans, instruments, papers,

lata, maps, ai d other matter belonging to or per-

aiuing to his department, a: d shall aim t.ke an

ialh to discharge with Hdellty tte duti s , f hi.

i ffi.-e, and that he ia mt. and whilst in illice will

nt be directly or indiree'lv concerned or inter

eated in a:.v cimtract with the city of L'.ui-v lie.

Sec. 6. He aha I receive as a compensation fi r

is servic.s an anneal st.l<ry of fifteen hundred

I liars, io be drawn monthly from the City ftea-

urv - / i.

Sec. 7. He shall be furnished by the Council

with a suit ib'e i.ffiee, infltrum nits, lo>ks. f.rma.

,1c . and where he may be found at appointed

>urs dailv.

Sat. 8. lie shall not be hindered or obstructed

iu surviving, leveling, or cn-ing to ha erec ed

anv public worka under hi" contr 1. Any person

vielaling this clause shall upon complaint nf the

Engineer, be fined ten dollars for each off-nce.

tsec. 9. It shall be the du y of the City En-


8ec 10. to cause to ba carried

into effec' nil ordinances of the city concerning- reels, alleys, and other public pi ices, superin-

ending and' controlling the grading and p virg

e.s o her impinvement thereof, and remove all

ib (ructions therefrom

Sec 11. To preserve carefully in his rfll e all

ostruuients. maps, plats, and survey*, with all

-wv.rds. tanks, papers, aitd other things rotating


Sec. 12. To keep in a convenient fo-m all coin-

iii'tnicati ins m .de by him o any department or

111 e .f ibe civ. also si /tied diipl.cates of alt

IraCtl as made through him. and also looks gsj

iccounts showing sysieuiaticallv all t raits .ctii ms

of or relating to his depart inent.

Sec. 13 To p iform all surveying and engi-

•ering and work relating thereto which mav I e

rdereil bv the General Council; also toperwrsi

all other ads relating to the matters placed par-

icula.lv under his charge, whicli the best ialer-

aat of (be i fry in ly r quire.

Sec. 14. 10 base cnirge of nil puJdic woiks

in tue ciiv, ULd have entire control and suoervi-

.'ton of the construction of all work exee-uted bv

he city rontittttnt with tho terms <f the con-


Sec. 15. To m ike out all bills of apportionments

o r tbecoets of all wo:k ekargesvble to property

ii ib'ers and submit the samo to the Count il for

approval. The contractor being hereby required

.1 runrish Hm En i.teer vtth » kstl of ow ners ol

. . pet v affected bv hia CO' tract, together with

their frontage and 4. p h, and said co-itmcu r shall

sustain any loss that may arise fnm want of ac-

curacy in (he inform ition furnished.

Sec". 16 To close siree's or alleys while under

iraproveme'Dt, reserving, if practicable, a passage

n one side, and the whole or n part of any street

ir alley may be enclosed with harriers. Anyi t-o i who shall run sve or interfere with said

larriers without permission of the Engineer, or

.hall ride, drive, or lead a horse or other animal

over such barri'-rs. or upon the .p::c-» i. .tended t"

ie excluded, shall lie fined five dolars upon com-plaint of ihe Eiii ineer or contractor.

Sec. 17. All public works or lend by the ci'y,

unless otherwise directed, shall be let by the Ci yE; gineer to 'ha lowest and Lest bl Ider, notice of

he b'ttine having been ruV.ishtd M provid.ad by

he citv oh irter and ordinances.

Sec 18. Bids for such w ork shall be aeeo-dims

0 form fu.-nished by the Eiori .ei r and signeal bv

h • c" itractor and his sureties (who shall t o' b«

. p rty to such contract), and enclosed in a scale I

nveliipe, end"rsed » ith ihe style of the wnrk

nd not to be opened until the day fixed in the

o'ice, and 'hen by th" City Engineer in the

lirisence of the Mayor, when the lowest and best

id ler shall be accepted if the sureties ate ap-


Sec. 19. If tha person to whom the work is

awarded fail within tea davs to enter Into con-

tact a - afnresai't, the ( it v Engineer may award

th- contract to the next lowest and best bidler,

or advertise for new pmposils, as !h • judgment

of the Moor and Engineer deem for the Iwst in -

lere*(s of (he citv.

Sec. 20. Any "bidder failing to enter i'lto-con-

rsc( as her. in' provided or to fulfill any contract

riiteted into bv him with ih» city, shill not l e

II iA-d to bid again for the term of one year,

I'mciJeJ. T' e Council does not reinovo this di—

.bdiiv before i's expiration.

It, A 1 contri.e s fot woik by the citv

hall refer to and make part of it, the plans and

specifications applicable thereto, and shall conruin

a clause that (he same is entered bit •, sm j ct to

the power of the Engineer to su p nd the BasaVa

for anv violation or failure of the contr 'Clot to

oornptv with the terma of the same, or direct! msf sai i Engineer, c insistent with the tern s there-

of, and that such suspension .hall not iiff-ct the

right of the citv to any dima^ea or penal ties o:

the contractors, failure

S.c. 22 Everv city contract, after Iwiii'f madeiy the Engineer and approved by the Masor,

shall lie fcubuiitted to (be General Council, viho-e

approval U neceeaary to m..ke it a binding can-


Sec. S3. The Engineer shall report to the' un-

1 all violations of coiilrac e for work to l e done• materials In be delivered, and may -tisp^nd th"

x (ifinn there >f when the contractor* fail iti

imply wilh iheir lerms or wi'li Ihe Engineer's

lireclior.s consistent therewith; and shall imme-diately report in wri'ing lo the Council his rea-

sons tor such suspensions.

Sec 21. All expirations of unfini-hid contracts

the Engineer sha'l report the Council together

w i'h all inform .lion rela'in,: Ihere'o.

fsiee.. 25 All extractors torwotkor material

o d-iedby the ci'y thall befart thfir claims are

presenltd" lo ihe Audi'or, have the. Certificate of

be Engineer that the woik has been d ate, or ma-teriuls furiiishid accoiding t.. contract.

8 c 26 The Bnjftnesr shall not e-rtify the ac-

unt of any contractor who ha? fiibd to prose-

ta or acconipb-h the »otk let to him I ccrtling

• ci'ii'r .ct, or in any resp-c' ** 1 'ted 'le same,

u >r shall he ccrtity any contractor's utcount in

idvance of bis we kSec 27. The Engineer Asll not estal.ii-b a

new grade of a street or alley nor change tha

radti of any already eataMi-hid unless di ec'ed

to do ib by "the Council, to whom he sh 11 st ite

i- ras o:"s for any HI g'ado Ot change of grade

wt ieh be mav a<lvi*a. •

.Si c. 29. He shall from time o time i advance

tf improvements extend the lines of all streets

ied alley*, and mark them wi b suitable stone

monuments.Bee 33. He may ami.loy 'uch riatmen and la-

suers as the du.ies of his olH e may req uire, and

hall dispense wi tl their eel vices at so.u as ibav

.re not requiird.

Sec. 34 All ordinances ar.d resolutions in cou-

dict with the above tire b rel.v re|e:sled


J. M. Vacuiian. (J. ll C. C.


J. W. TiutrKlxa, C. li. A.Approved March 2H, 1861.

ap 3 dl T. H. CRAWFOKP, Mavor.


Licensing Billiard, Jenny Lind, Bagatelle, andother tables.

1-t. Be it ordntnerl hy th- G'nrral C>»nril nfihe city »f Ijunurilie, That (he price i f liven*f r a Dtluard table for ore year shall be iitti dbl

iars, and the same amount for each a/hiitional

al ls k.pt or set up by the Btin.e parly. Thei.rice of a license for Jenny bind, Bagatelle, or

• her ta' les use.1 and lacupi.al in like manner,

stall be twenty live d' liars, nnd the like sum for

each addiiional Jenny Lind or <rt"««r 1 ke table

kept or set up by the same person, but the Malebarge thereon must be first paid l>efore Btich

license shall issue for ei her, and ibsttlt anv p.-t-

son or persons set up, k"ep, or use any l'.illur.l

table. Jennv Lind, Bagatelle, or other t.blo us«l

and occupied in like manner, he or they -hall l«

lined one hurdred dollars for either ort'anse. re

covora'de bv warrant us other lines for breach of

citv ordinal.co.

'2J. Orditiar.ee No. 160 it hereby r»penled.


J. M. VAteellOI. C B. C. C.


J. W. Tompkins. I'. B. A.Approved Maic'i 30, 1861.

BpJdl T. II i l{ WVFOKn. Mayor.




ULtlltVAV'-* ULAI>V II Kl.li'K.'

radwa vn ki:i;i i.atim: imlij*.



tWkWBtLThe Catholic Print* >•' Sslsti Aw^nen. f/s r,rw

the Arehbithnf nl (jni'o. '. 'ii ViuamiiL • t' 'he Armyor V.iptnii-r hare '>een mre-f de thr* int'nttilili' renterffes. ttwl Aorc tficen thetn to tlte n ek who lutte hernxkeutiite cured.


Rsr| ea\'s Re.rlv Raliel. The MinuteVI. i i e

R-dwa '- Heady Re-tie: Prevents Sick-ness. ,,

R.dwa 's R.-ad R


lief Step, "ain in a

Kadway's RamSy Re-lief is a Pleasantlu-rernee.

KadwavV K- aJ v R. -

II- f cure- Pains lii

the llo.elr.K iSa n ' R sdv I! -

liefcure* ToothacheIn in lust mi'.

R/.dwn .-'a ' ea-lv Re-l„.i |.r..r..nt' Bedden attack" .f Sick-nese.

Radwa 's R. ad-.1 Re-

lief Cure- SickHead-Che.

Radwai's R-noia-(|- ePee. | v.. nt ' lires

AV'.'ilker's Exchange,TIIIR!) ST.. BET. MAIN at M VKKET.

AlCTIOl^i S/M.Kg

_ ^ i R-1,1 . .i .' s K»^POVn-

IIOf Ht-nlrfit ctirrn Itrf-nrhitlii, Weak Urn,;?, HadOru,cU-,»Inci|>iH!.t (Jon-tm i't. vn,

l.liWAf'8 RKtetTi lTIVCi PILL*^.


TIIE WuKLD.Radway's Reeulatltn I'l lis—warranted to operate in six

hours.Kadwar's Rciulatins pt||s ar" a VereHble Sub-titnte

for I'slonicl. Illue Pill. Quinine. Ac.Radwnv's Recu' tins Pills slieutd be used bf Females

In d' licate health.Radway's Hi i-ulating Pills cir-. all Female O nn.laints.

RiuiwiQidetj Ni rvtiU"

RadOne Pill ev(

p. sie . p. Sleep, Sleet!

I fll>.• Indi^estloul


HEADACHE, in all it- distressing varieties, cured












HE \OACtIE—wh"ther as a preruonltnry svniptom o(

threaten! d ills, ase, or a- a eoneom t-int of a diss's- • 1


trenched w iti. in the syst. iu, is instaiitaui-otulj relieves!


RY RADWAY'S KEOI'LATINO PILLS.Th-re is scarC"lv a disease, alin-ent. er malndv that

seizes open the liiiniuu s\ st m but that one of its chhtnnd primary svtnptoins•'eralieenient or (lie S('

i Is. Ki.lnecs. or 'tladdele.tioli ef the blood—orfion—result* In piin, t<

Ity, In the MEAD.

IIKXDACIIEIs not of itself a SlBiaaa, hut it is a certain nlfn thatforelim and unhealth .- lauii'irs eji-t within th sv-teni.

and Hi t disease is hrtsrbw wit!. in th n iy. Ileaaarh.-.tie .-f -re. should new h. BeSlOCtedi It i- a warui .f ot

a< proaeliinfr wee, a -i-'n I to the feuYer»T to Ssjtlfy his

si steal to r si t and r. p-1 th tl'reat n d dis. a-e Head-ai he s not out. a poatttyi' alsn of threa'enid disea^1


ui it Is ltSewls-. a coti .omit ant "f all the moj f viuui.t.

lnfectIona.-epid«niic. aud la'nl dl-ea^ th it allte t malekind. Iu ihe tua'ari.u j

. coi ta^ii-u*. and int eti-ai- f- -



(thseres Fever. Mar h Fever In all Rrtni*ter t sndI termlttent Pevenj ba Riliqua, Nervoos, and Rbsst-tuatie F-v -rs— in Ififhienaa. stoic Throat, Sudd, n

Isolde, in lep'h' ria, lu lmlunimattous, congestions,and I ions.

Ill AliACIIE. IIEAHACHE HEADACHE.sreichB Sewn the bwaia nith pal-., and tr-rstorins tln-

iuaaoe:ird brain to liidi- us insanity, lu a 1 tluass uis-

tle(si..g forms of Headache,



LADACHE., i i. IT 11

The ll«h»i-tu. Rowie cirru-

erspira-if sever-

, as disrrd r< d... i a se ap-IKF will re-

iu a few uiiu-

sr quirk and po itive coa'l-es.lua I ca.es ot'.a. nn.tou.lhi 'K- Ilea'

"tMina ll, sudden rt.ld, .xcesslve in

plk a.i..u,A:c , K VDW'aY'S f.EADVstore the suhe-rer to p. ac ful trautia

ntes, aud

RADWAY'S IHWIII.S lilOl PILLSwilt, lnsix haios. parte fr.im the sist. mail offendlnahuuiors, .end rest .re .» healtuy eniial sa'i' n to the clicu-

latioi'. ...

I ,-r f!:^sr sh a c at pr.-s nt sr.ff, ,-ins w 'h II adache.ms lii-exp tliueut. tn from lise miuaie. to six

hours e ou w 1 1 1>. frv^ from pain, and sill iidayaro-f . raUillK Sleep. Don't W .it. t'l.t tij It at rmCC.

EMINENT ANliTilsnNClTsllEnState-in n. Lawyers, itleia. men Physicians. Military

au.l Naval ofiicers, Merchants, and oth rs end'., se the

mperior e-nuw. y ..t Dr. RADWAY'S .EMIUJ1ES.



Q n. .1 .-

in- Fredfall. P.Hon .lul

R. Suth.of '

si-. Of '

tsiuador, S. A

•bar-ts. Mif. 1-slppL

Dr s. li

Dr S. 1>.

Men. ah.Col. Lyoipr. e. w8. .1. Ash('

I D. il

Lb nt. Q<anil thoitsa

used Rl

and nave curedies, altei a'i

.above named I

a., tin idle lua, La.d, ltl.r--.ille, Ua.i loueiio. tia.

ay. (t'e, Va.

I:.:! VclllOO, Ga.

aucastle, Va.

N. Y. S. M.Levitt-'. S.Kksourill , na.

... -t I'.xaa.


ntlen.etl hare


i rol them and theircniincuaed them, to


Ins'a' taiu nii. .-a— I i:i\a n by Radwai '* Ready Reli. f

AN OKDINANi EAs to License for EAhihi'iona.

/>e it Oril'iine l ly the General Counri! nf tht

City nf Lrmuville, Tuat the pnen foi BteMBf' snylecture, concert, theatrical exhibition, . r • iter

exhibiti'ms for money or properly, exc.41' lev-tu ai

on scientific sulj cs aitd sueh aa are etherwise

ptovid d for, shall be not le*s than live nor morethan twenty- five dollars for eaosV day er li-li'.

nor less than twenty doll en nor m .re than forty

dollars for a month, as the assissor may rate

them, or *s'_'00 for a yeai—the time to be specified

in ihe license.

And old nauce No. If9 be and the same is here-

by repealed.JOHN BARBEE, P. B. C. C.

J.M. Vacohan, ('. B. O.O.JAM KS r .J AIIUS, P. B. A.

J. If. Tompkins, <\ B. A.Approved March 30. ]«!ll.

api3dl T. II. CRAWFORD, Mayer.

/HiRli. i

Vs fsi r.els 1 otton R'ipe, asjeefed sires;

JliO co.le Msnilla do, doSu do Jut- do, doion dozen Hcn.p BedeordaiIIS) do < 'olt »n do;100 da Maiill'a do;

I'd do Flo* -Lines, for sale

it° **ft4n»*rx*LX efl



iRDN'rsR A ro

i 'iiukvi' I PETERSONtR.XNK LESl.Il

containing thStars a id 01pur copy.


LADY'S ROOK lor April. Pries Sc.

ce -ne.

! ILI I STRA7Ell'NEWSPAPV:n,illiftrailou of tie Rai-in< of the

^4 at thi- Court Ucu e. Pi ice Inc.

r. M^DDF.VS HOOKS 1 ORE.RSI Thud st.


e-i.es I/iodoo I Jti er;

leu do M. it.

lust received and for sale bvII iiwo W yilHRIS. I'.U Third •».

SLNllhiES—New Orl-ans and Refined Su.ars:

S3 d) Madeii-a Wiuets. do Slieuy doB, 00 t.lanvA dot

o-> pare M I'as . Win


II LM'«•

3 Rlaekuerry Wl j» lu store aud for sal. ft} th.

tAU$ W. * tt BLiUUJlRUT, 41" MBJlHilit


« bar- 1

1 WAH-'-vt, uxauviV t co

I or sale byIS

on Molasses;

hoi, , M .and it bbls and kite, differ.

Starch; Hat tinf; Coralagw;

itsins, l ies. Currants. Ac;

OKO. W. V' lRRIS. IsUThlrlst

Tuaitr. Spas TtsmLal at OsiCB.—The Scotts-

ville (Va ) Rej-i-ter nci'icesa v.-ry p-etty phe-

nomenon, winessed thereon Wednesday niorn-

ino;. It was not bin.; less than three suns, which

are tha- described:

In addi ion to the regular rising of the ''plo-

rious orb of day," two dis: irtet suns accompaniedthe main ls-d;. ; one of which moveel in a nor; hemcourse, while the other bore along in a southerly

direction—liotb ifi'd di-tant from ihe main hi dv,

w hich latter orbit pursued its wonted westerly

route. After this trio of nina bad reached anhour's height, the two (forniiui; an esc. rt as it

were to the ojand I'^ht lo all earth) graduallyretired, when a beautiful rainbow.- an emhhru of

peace, arched the be-.vens, a siu-ht too j;rand for

woids to speak or mimla to contemslate.

AQairs a' f. MocoVa »-S ar iel *J ti- osil

been appointed Naval S ertkep- r of the Onfederate Sta'ea at Pensasola, aim entered upon hia

duties on tha 25th.

The same day. Commodore Inoyabam also

entered trpon Ui* duties as Commandant of thestation.


The United Urates steamer Wyandotte same npto the citv 0:1 the 97th to land the snrffeem of the

I St. Lonia°. who goes borne in bad boiltll. All the

jifficers of the W yandotte lauded and remained

: for a fhort time.

C'ii/i/ir>isii to <i AVa' Septet.—Keeent intelli-

t gi-ttee- from California states that within the past

six weeks Ihe American clipper shijs Wvbster,

,K. Husteed. Eigle Wiui', Jai ob Bell, and the fa-

. meus ship Great Repu' lic, were loading wheatnd flour at Sun Francisco for England; ard th«

elipp-rs Dashing Wave, Ocean Telegrspb, attfl

i Ski lark, were receiving similar cargoes for NewIYork.

it. iu

I .. il.,

id lo

rapid reaction, imme-iiateli- re i.-vii>c spa lu.-. eo- vol

sions, hyi-t tie1, s.c. For tie d- liili*-.t.si i' is the |.est

possible rt.-ni.ael'ic. inSullely better than alcohol In anybrus. Have it n h.u-l always. I'<r It rose he re<|uirtd

at auy nioaie .t, aud uo dins will aupfty t- plKce

WM. SYDNEY MiliRS, E'-Q^flaVawa. ( roa.

I!ava>a. I'liu, Jan. S, HAS.

ny labs. Ut pe-el had


bi 'a'


, ' 'rcnri.


. IiiB' enaa.olcra M"i lam,

IF*H O C3r LEO-S,First of the Sea-oM

|UsT reo lv.d a «•- 1 t FKO'i Ll -fit '-'.

.» ' il tKKNS. 9 - IPP. PI OVKR, B l'".<> INU srdmai.'ahu U.I.KS, Potomac sitAi>, sai Mn .

I ASS *cParll.sand famlMio .ui.y'ied with pveTith'ni In our

line at thetuortest nolle .

•I'lHN CAWF.IN * <tO..

a))*b Th rd st.. between Main and MarketN P.-»'ost rer«.lved a 1 "»- bipnient ef LONl ON

l> >"S liRANDV. O*. > OTARD. en - .' ADK't.lP .n I


CliiZasilMo AlVi* B i KAiVClJJ I-


Wh » dfjeiri' thn niift ttMty nl K»..t, htI fHrlnocrft-

ftf b*« I>re*-i Hat C Ui i'-Muii t>h"u!d eall nt* - V ' I - . 0*8

• 2 jifch Cont'T Foi rt'i *i d M in A:

A 1


B. d. Hoary & Co.

all times rel

•-hat's or <VMi'

I leims .a«l«f»

..si n. intisav


tied to us ta

10 sales ofIlea I. Ii.. 0

"A Bbapo t'jat Bat: Cc3 tho Bye,"Ta.' fill 111 su. tins, stipe p tinistl. a'-d esse

Sstye are th - ens sr*.-n ti of the al«»tii'ii( sPRINIi Dlti.sS IlvTit'tai at AI.EX.

»:ant' andd byHI.

Soft Hats: may bo rondorad El of antA' d in th \.i U t >\t-t '—r.it, 1 g. An n-.cvsii.'i ir.t it rt*i ft-.iiili luu no* •***.n xY^ntn iM-auti-ful Ft-s-ndt Si\ kt Bfsvv. r H»tet ,u r bro'tr»»T ou* b,•jj&j u i;K\tti.

Southern Higilts IEl.-IK VEN..KR. 3 sols. SI ?u.

PKTI.Y AN.NOY ANCBS. A New Novel. «LI. > VIM i s i ....im N 'Vol *l ai.

F»si D i Y SE':M in?. >' *s.

PAKTOVS IJfE Or .IA' KSOV. *5.' *». fsCRH. . Ti.

UAJU'EE'S Ril l E AND I.IOII1' INFANTRY TA: -' TI'--. *' •>«.

II M I EE'S ItsVA'.RY TACTfOst. Sv. ls. t».US • H'PI EY "N"M »-sti krat:os. Be,-.

PtlYBIlslAVS IIANH-ltliOK uF I K vi I'll E. SI 60MED i l'. TEX K'UJKS.' RANK Lf SLIE'S MAOAAINIC fer A rib tic.1'IIE MAN OF I I I- WIVES Sic.

sTitllOI.AS NIOKELRY '• (Jhas. DU kens. .'ale."


a. w. ROBXtnTSOK.Fourth si.st.-t « • . ii Market and Main, u.-.r Main

m!' i*h

if the Spii.ia

MJTGTJLrth .« Fifth

'PIlE ftf ' nt an i teea h . Ill "-S (f ItVDtOli's

I ll. id in et f th. 1> hat— oil i cr..., con.pl-


!n»thewors sienow r.ad f.r-n nib r<We Ii v ii b.Dd . f « s t. nf thi. I v ,in -b e woric

for w hich w e w -u!d like 'o hare sntsscrlb' rs.

Polttieian. sliced p ••» thsins lr.-s up.Piie--s p-r voiuiue, cloth e3. library shesp ^.1 6-', half

neir cc . .1*4.

m-i. »ftl, F. s *t IM" a -t" -*h-t.


Ola x'lfrstxrx


r\» OlftFJ.

VOOT .Sc. KLINK.mannfaeturnrn. - - - 924 Third «tM

Ke.ia-iti .I'-, rf. i lot eispeeti' o ami -aie a sarits

aud -pteed'd assorsm. nt of

ip and sa-hion:le. Pearl. 4cul and ev.-ry'tilapoit. New V


it to

, and

FRENI U Mo. E-JtIN HATSt> le rec-i. en ibis dav r»-r '-aiiies-


rest ry Main .1 b-t f™



liR WN, HLAUK. ANIs PEAR! bOFT BEAVhlt DA 1 S. au eXln -v ei . i

- r i- i . iv.eat PRA rilRR A- SMI I ll's.

mat! jAr»;


. dtfM Main St.

AN INVOICE CF POYS' SOFT H A : S ju-treceived at

PRATHER * SMITH'S.msSj Sh if Main st.

MEN'S llltlll AND MKl-H'M I KtiW.N ,1 .

H.iTS ittft iecei.i-«l «'

PRA I IIER at SMtTU'S.m2 • j*b f-f Main st.

PRATHER « SMITI'S LO I.' I s V 1 1. 1. K- Pi IN - D itESS HAT. A large a^eortoitn'read fir t.'.eir . alts this nitsmiiist.

mSS &b

Maiaud e-l

iur to t

the av.rs of pric. we in;aiblie to call and examine nui'hat their wants a-id wishes wlat Vailj.e

I by eonsiiniors to L'LOSR OCT-r than returu sonde, aud, us-

II i L'STOMEJi OOwe Insite esir friends and the

. and rest a-siired

shall t>- (ratified.

il.iitUiVn W. HI IIRLAOR. L ESt. HtUktl


"<£*'-*IsC Er*!??


M anufhctni»ers*.*•>> ncAi.rtyi t*<

Cabinet-Makers' Materials,

O'een atreat, between Clay mid Shelby Btroeta,

I O'-lxVII.I.K. KV.





>^o. tJOG Koiti'tli st.,la notf opgaiso


PLA ' . R R. .F AN .I.AMTRA ' E [NU DRKSS <J )OD9,

DE -F. :FS at - rent-.SCPEKI'm LAWNS a' la>v c -nts.

1' KS V ViTON DRII i.s.

Pi.AtD i .1 rONS. *e„Wliich wl!' be sold as law as any house scltins "at cost.'

mffSbAi jno. a. lrrttts-an.

t the tii.ies.

nd varieties. Jtc , bee

/ 'ORMIll.l. MAOA^i.sEauil LOMHJN .kHl Joi.lt\-s NAI. 0- Ma', b:

LONDON 11. l.LVl RATED NEWS, PUNCH, AN.TIMES o: the 1st st date, due;

Port b at UL'N 1 FR'rl WK1RSTORK.., a i

Third st.

II ALL'S lOL'KN VI. OF HEALTH lor Msreh Justt J r cetved and iur sale a'

lilNTRK'S IMlllK-STURR,T,,ss»f,^jl TtO-.! -I—a^.

•J'siE Ful K (.asOkoKS, by W. It. Tiiaekerai.

WITS^AnT/uEAIS OF »<K:1KTY I 'ustr.ted.

For sole at A. liL.Vl EiL HovKSl 'IKK,

B-J bsj 1 lord st


Booksellers, StationersAND

BOOK-BINDERS,Impoi te*r* "f

RPROrClN 1 11' lU ll RE&lirsit


And Dealer, in



-\e.'J'r> tlnrUrt at . Iietsvreii ernml nnd Thin',ni-ii .-. •* . vomer .l.urkei stud 1're.ton wi...

nl4h*t'e I 'M SVtl. I.E. KY.

Harpor und Godov.HARPER'S KAOAZ1RE and OstDEY'S LADY'S

it' ' 'iv tor .Anrll i-^>-iriai aud for sal" hi

A. DAVIDSON,nil" 'Ah

St. Charles Eestaurant,Finn ;T.. B«:fWEKN main anu maukkt

fl.it ThtrH -tr-.-. t. nw ***»•

oha?js»2i or num.death nf our late partner, Timothy Uraag, »t-

ul Peters, Cra**, £ Co. was dissolved on thi

tstday of last Ootober. We have sirue purchased hbiterest and resold a portion ol the same to Mr. Franci

A. RurketL Our business will hereafter be carried ci

1 1 *.hr> name of Prriaa, Wficu. A OaII. J. PETERS,B. .J. WERB.

The buitnnas ot the iatn tim will he settled b.arvlvtn* partners.

I. |, nrtu. a. J. wxaa. r. i

PETEHS, WEBB, & ( 0.,MAi*trrA'rtirir;n> or


n sTRr.r.Ti.JKa.

.'hey will no-1 Ihe'C arc ri..1e. ard 1




No. 3- 7 Green street, between Third and Fourth

(CO LIU Kit Hril.lXNIiH).

tWh lanreasa-rtrneut nf the b.-t brands ot OIOApr

tat r "ut" kept constantly oo baud.


Washing-ton.r |AIIE four»h volume f I'll . sin's i.ew :! o "rate ! n -

I t.uu ' f Lv u.'- W. shins' - n i- row r sdv. C.«oih-te set. as f ir a* pub i- h- d of IrvingV COnipl- '• » tkt

a rays ou baud for uew subsaribera. P ic u. r volun.

tn'«i**j F A CRI'MP. Ace t. si Foioth -t


D1AM ND HACK EiHt IPINS.•1st* K f.V Pr': Rl.l K. •. IN I DI'I'K-

SPK Ssi UUll KENS: SQUABS:And atl other dellca les 1 1 ttle searon, r. ceiv. a daily atti IT. CARLES RES I' il KANT.

C. c Rt Ee'KR, Prcpri.tor.

N. R —Parties, ttetels, and F"m:lies can be suppliedwith the above at »l e .b^rt^ss no ic .

D * YTON A i E aad Pel" TER constantly on handand for sale in a.l qisatatitlpa

A Ian pph of ai l. thai h lleset WINES. LIQl'ORS."' OKI 'I 1 1.*, an-i ll' . IIS dire. itu. oration, alwayson band s> 'Li s t iH\K FA mil

. I u.- 1 1 vfcH'tsi v« j ti ai ilteCltoaia Lifico Storo

tue i o: rtii sr lOiD no. m,VLAltliE a... "II.. lit ef .

Ecol i detvd Jaconet ltand«:Do do Inseitlmis;Iki do E 1 lugs;

Plain l.inen Cell .rs ami & ts;

A'al- uel. nie-s Fdeinas and Laoea;Alsa a lew Lace * ollaiaaud Sets tuew ->les\*

At nil" U"Ual I is I rices for e.sli.

A let rrf Fl em h Ei-.tucidi-rcdlanru Hands wilt be soldat lea. than cost.

CH -\st. y. RAl i llFI'SS' Cheap Lace Store,ci|i#b a. si vn ,irth st-set.

Oim C U.vl sty.j kill C b'Nll Y Is P. ii aua it- D live.ame. hy1 " Kev. R. I ' i* ct- ii riiiie. D D • I L. >'. Fr- sh supp y. I6ct-. Aa I,-- .a, 1.1 hb fi t p r has a i'iinib-r

I eoptea ter diet It tr-ou will receive a lifaecal reductiont .urn the above p. sc.

F..r.. l. t.v A. DAVIDSON,ml" \tth BidTliird treet.e.ar Market.

fcPiii.M; IMlMRl'A'riON.

Latest Styles Carpeting.HlSSHALLtt UU kl.\S0\,

•JI7 Ft IKIII ST. lol.lSYlLlE.

E ea'' th - rttentloei of e r lb- ds and h ti'hTle

oonrla ieandc auylute st.wik »t .NEW f.OODS,ate d- ". ' fni.i tin ii anolactnn r-au l In ptrters,

iur f all crarles. Velvet, R u«-els, ».pi> . J-ply

. He p. » l Tinetlao Carp t- iu the latest

a d lie * in ke; a s a larjfe a sertm. • t nf Daiu--k. Lace siil SwlssCult i a, l o nice-. Rands, andnss.|ss PIsOoK Cil*sstrt UTS, frexe s ta le leet wide,

f al fradus; Has- Mats, and Sta r Rials.


ft 4 t 1 '. a dts v.h to ll.tt ur.

S I, ' 4. a 4 a d tl I C" tea do;

S-l. 4 1. su. I f>-t Cotsii Va'tlni:

t .{ ev--- tide 1 1 1 I1 ',- I-.. n. I u uiblnft lb , ; at

BUY uOW PRI' ES F R c .sll.aallMlal.L .v DICKINSON,

al Sit F ai.it i .st.. between Malu and Market.

?23,COOWOHTHMai. Fl< LN I al''H.e%F

Men's andBoys'Clothingiur Spring eE'i >uramcr Wear

N t*V t-V.S At

r. M. Ali',M<H<ONG'S,Itn Mil ', epiio-lle Nntlonisl II-tel.

sjnhneina a full a- r.m ut uf all .iaea of

MEN'- «PRI^G sfl St.

MEN' - DR sl'lTs.JIEN It 1 m ss fLITS,

Yol 1 II ' BHIUstii SF'TSLBots' s fooi. eirrrX

< hilokkn's srrrs en ki..d.,;

oS'lIH " HOSJEis*, 1. YES. I.MM.RWr.AR,SPVAI'I RS I N Rr.' I .As. tf/.

OHE sfVrFORCASH,Call at i u.e at [us*] aUM^TuOnG'S.



** a,t\TCO,

COAL!I f the best quality and at the lowest prices, for sale t,

GRi rTr.SUKN 4 li.l.MT.Wsd Bail at i bird street.

iea-s'"" ' ' ' ''•'•"'

IM-H i. A> rtr.Ll. (IlidAMy ii!,

ruri.xtKias and Iti Vear's Prtst-ni


WM. KKiNI^lUCK-S.J» Thb-d sL, betweeu Main aud Maraet

o My stock, of-r^ WATCHES,i-sj JEWELRY,

:f' SILVER and

PLATED WAitEWa* never oiore complete than at presi-ut, and is often-,

e-i as fail terms a» call lie ti. cured In the city. Ca:

andsc* MANY NI'.W THINGS. diilib*"-

rstuni you my lumiblc ackuowl.'dcm^ntslabl" medicine, whleb may well Is- call, duau.'* '1 ha..kin* you from mvonderTul r. mrsl) , 1 have thu hu-or to


i eurr, RcsiieCfullv,W. SYDNEY MYERS.

nf Fever aud AsAie,

AS ORDINASCEHepealiuir an or linaiue SOlti)ad 'An ordinance

creaiini; the f.fiice nf Street i'< m-ri -i tier"

c>ec. 1. He it trrdaintd by the fimrrtU C"*ne't ofthe city nf Ijtuitritle Thai the ordtbanse en i I d

'•An iniinance crest Int] theifii e nf Sreef Comtnia-io'ier, le and the BOrue is hereby r. po.lt!

Sec 1 Tbisi nrdinai ce shall take etfea-t from

and af er i'B ptB" !*"

JOHN BARBEE, P. B. C. CJ. M. Tavoiian. r. n. ( .



J. W. Thmpsm.ns, C B. A.Approval March 3ii, 1861.a:t -11 T. II. OR IWFOI-Mi. Mayor.

OXSLATI. UK ttt.lt'i il. warrsaal d pass, for

.ale at mauntactai r-' p i'e» bTHOS. E. JENKINS * CO..

m6l) Comer 1'blnl ami Walnut sta.

.— . I lit ill E TisAS—lb pars a*'ms tiaice Greto"tl aed black Teas, trc.h ariival. in store and for

sale hvltlRPlTT * SON.

a* Fi".D .


rheumatism, P.hf uluati.-bi,

Guut, Oss.t,

laimt ai'i, Lnrrtharo,

All Pains. All Arhea,Aud lurirci'-titw,






Hun o-' cf sll Untws Sores, Ulcer-. Skin Eruption-. Sail

Rli. urn. T tte.s. P.lnp!e..Hlo'h, -.Tum i s. Bcnrnda,

Syphilis, fever, S r.s. White Swrlunss. Nud.s..

Erislpclss, Sore Oe.ads. Sore lua wire M'uths.

I ans.-rs. ' an. . r. re Chronic ' Vm.plali.t-.. .out.

Rheum ti.t... Di P- psia. Dropsy. Hrouciiitue LlCer.-.

lu tl.c l b i«L I lines, tc


Dr. Wainbrtrie, of i 'nr. cea. writ-s to the r\r clal acent

nl lir. Uidwav a' ioilow,: Tbi» is one if th most in-


|JAS re'orued from the Fa«t with the laf'st styles

JEWELRY.Call bets re it ia sold at unprecedented low prices.


CLOCKS.; intently on hand the lamest aseortnteut io tSie eits


The Finest Spectaclesi the .vim-IA A^<jttxt di bin d. 1

J Artyr* o»i ht%nd tf vction ii wi.rns.ntB i

9. R. F^TltRLEB btu cfcsrce cf tha WfctcVM*.-;. >«lMt UilOut. .V . 1


MAIN STRECT. BET FOI RTII AND FIFTHINVITE attention to their lusa .a. ..I

t nietit of flood , . uits.bl- lor HOLID.W PRE-'I'.N

-.: prices lower than ever befsire ofl^red,.consistinf

art of KI.K'iAST ti'tl.I> rl.lTif/r.a' eAt

JKh A'LKV.nd half sets, of Cpral, Carbunrle, Oarue



4 I*./rCllUU'H

J ltuu,o. 418 Jetr


»» aisattl "4/te, be ow Fourth,

leva le tbe ladies a Sne and carefully selected as.

i liu, r.. , i '.it

er.,,t .; s \ ls-. n-t received, do-

ven to dr.- s m .k'ne.

Wi Mil,


I'be Ladle- are UBvlted ba call and extmlne my stock of

MILLINERY GOODS:tlONSEfS of the latest et> let

iliSat o HATS of all shxpi?;


Receleiny d illy < vers t'il':K new ami u ivel in the Mil-

Iflrs. HI J. BRYANT.m pi tf.t : nirtli .tree'.

S j )!'i ! i <JT"** t a ICS <5i

j L 0 :


Furnishing GoodsAT TUB

Great Clothing House

SrR nUIF&MiNDFVI!LF,Southoast corner Idain and Tourth str^


m23 —

Oiioop for 0£tsilx!

Cheaper timu p.vor at.

C. PROAL'8S1? Third «t„ hetweeii Main aud Market,

«l in . f the (JoldeK Saduls Potstoes at ttie don).

n-yl ———

5Jt Milt. i-o S- ... .1 i ...'

) ..nt i e-t.nY aTflsttcdneiub.tr.

ll 0 bales C o. . Ba t ui. . Jf» *~

Mhsifvhl Optfhaia;3 , d . co u d e do:

VII no . se. e-W rk

6 1 do Vr iluK 'l"; for sa e hw

J IKFINI D sL" .AK-i'l.tis tt.it two 11 -eft Un.sh.

li .d.reieiv ., au foi • >,,-; w?nv,.T,.nn;<^BJ0.

R'afi—h. cask r ce rv . .t a icr>«'" "' _

Itsitv. * . firiri *- co.

^s i.Ah— h" . rs c r c iv.ai et

^^e nd a i i"' »'j:;-Stnpn.*s Atlao-


ilo AS IS' I .is.

-.i n - 1 Ian silou .a .ulat Item 't. an

fi rait* hy^dt

Codar Chests.

nCFJUR C;HE^Trt iu ptotv *nd f.»r at nduoc4pticoe to cioue X'.xt coi-iiir-ini' ii' bv

UKKINb,!3 fcVl Main Htrtw-t >.etw» en I tur-* uttt) Konrfh

CL,( )TiIS XVD ' 'A^SIMl S' S A *p f un* fttidei

t*-?llfitit ti*.->ortTfttu of t'ltirhv titid Fanry C-^imnrrrglor fprtoe; a-id raiai-'**t u*-v, of th*- late.t -vufl iu« i dt i

pibtsf* iiAttPto-, In t-tort- attd ( »r -nit? hy„4 .1. VOV ftORKT I-**-! ftM'O 41* Mftln -*t

off the KeaJy Brflei

itatlnc {''Uj*, iir*'*n• a iti Mn*. and tht*

Ic* diirP-s oi' Uadway a K*


NAlLH^ 76 ttfaf .Nail-* i

br rm't..rted t>ixtjf) iu t*. ,nii. t '< r


f^lia l» OA Te*.—iuni hueh 'I-off imiiv ui.mtx. d N*niUtin Oau )aat rtaveivci by

V *r*nricii.

fnerg, and


n* aud Stud*;, ttc.

SILVKRWARK.ofti-v I'm-, Seaip Turee-i.. Pi*che:

P N'TON.u-hstr<-t.

OLD r.Ot KHllN WHISKYrior i'-iaiit > . and six t'^-s

mil H._D.

B^ 1'HAK-lu hbds lirime reeei* ta aud B. J. Adams aud fni

bbh - I v r> sud, •

»*>m:« * BeO^steamers Maxeu

Toon * fo.

cam :

S.ls .-, plated Ware of every description and . t tne B. -

.uality. at very low yrieee. _„„„FLKTCIlFR.t nsNNF.TT.dl" LW W-l- ' I' •

1 " rtli n'..l f.-li

T!i»> ttepTlllc Quartrrly Ut vkw.npilF bis' nun L.t ef th'. Review ha. b > n tro ivis'.

1 IW 7a cts.perouu.ber. F"-;*';^V„.80Nim -s Kb tflt Third ......


®i9ki.vg_aoon srnKCKED SILKS ANT) POPLINS:







J\K1LH It. r. ANU* a .a h u r. n T'sasi

. »N .1 K—seat ills ill iel ifcef

" fr "1 iVmrT*SON.

>f'tl di. amaO

al U^kos S n.si iwtej

as.es ii. slur, .nd lor sal'-

i bo s pri ca

li'lHIlITr * SDN.

/~«Ol'NIUi LAI ll l..rt reoived a inautity iu k>(*

Vs* and bbls aa 1 nu retail bytstM Hiitmrr « son.

IIAR.M'I INE 0ANDLF..a_» cares PMatfln- Candleas i i .tore anu for sale by ,,,„r.iT-e > anvm30 II I Bbl fT * SON._

sT'ANDLFJ-Jl.'Xsj Ilims, SiJe-, and thaulders in

s rt .rc and tor sals byinSO llH'.lilTT St SON.

BjJOKFtK-Jtki l>a«' P • K ;o Cs.rre* t . arrive (ramides iu .tore) and tor .ah bv


L'.HD. rol Seronnaiid Wa^hiufton sts. _

. n hashetfl frisil Pecans Just !*•

e brMl HFSi^myy lt?VarV.t.t

I.shiSII PKCAX8.t e iv. .1 iiud lei sa

i.'s iur. L.t . ba

T 417 Market st

G It .It K IA.SIILY FUlUtU-sV ht.ls No. I Kx'ra\\b-sat I .our, s. titled exnrvseiy luriauiily

W. .- II P i KWIIAKDT. 41? MarSet st

MlcFT ZINC, a sup-r.or art c!e, lor

WALLACF. I.ITIir.OW. * CO.»0 _: i .





1.1 S WlKr-, .Vi

LAKDI • i bis strictly prime Leal' Lard7i aeas do do do do for sale byla QAKn.Nf.K at (XI.

.iFFER—Stk) hsB'' lltoCaffei Just received |«r steaui

nets ifM au o sa-i.

The Original flog.— Ilnn. W.N i'orcber Miles,

on hia return fri.m Slcnt^oniery, bniuitbl «ltnhim the oriy.lntil lis ac of tbe t'etifetjerate Statea,

wbt ii be ptventrd in Mrs. ficlteuf, with the re- I

q .es; thai «be wculO. ba\i it bvtjls, orur <*«.~t 1



-t.-.*"w''iiU'ifa|sVri M*n)*rf.

Itlicliigaii Potatoes..}/»/» BBLS t'li UEEB BLUKS:sjUU hhh White lieslianoes;

60 bbls Red do;For sale at


S.M S17 iv. licwecu ys>u> aud M |iisl



lao3 oistpeo4i»i^a»


s, SO ca nts,1'—as eentsl-.v Kad-

ew York.>. JsTUMe.




MARTIN & OiiC'IftO/vUOrf.

BfsV.iSb ly«FvW!alsl.,V-w.K"lulsiid Jl.fij»0U.

LOOO i.' >

b t

/ s U, Yi.R -li.Kll 7. hasV.. cel..


d and iel* sale byI No F

Main. Iielweeii

IK IS. N is. '.4 i'B, US,

bod lor sab bii V ||i;ow. » ''O

6 lo is, b- st aus ity






ii cuve -Seed Just re-

110WAKD A CO.,ri.ii .1 ai d Feurth sts.

1/ACCtN» sa.s IfSkis'

iNt> n\ t v > ••»-.;.'

i llon. t -ta-iiS

yviuaU XlUsal

• •••••••••••— ~^ aw w s«w

sw « » « s-a _ .


- s:s :b:s: :e.r.el.e„e


LOUISVILLE JOURNALmm sTHsrr WflM thii:" ,ni. s.voara.




rati). *» t paid in advancethree month*: Couutrv 1 >»ii

any period less than one ye-vl

£1. Evening RuH^'titi. ^:Weekly rive copies or I

ADVERTISING -INnnl> (ill line* or leesl fir

seut bj1 within, *6; foWeekly.


f 1 01

Bach additional insertion, at

IN WEF.KLY .JOURNALsgo »re (10 linos or lees) first insertion

We lay dowa this propoaitktB: That even- good

citizen will hnneMly ahide by and defend the

policy of his. country", whether it meets his views

r BOtj nr if that policy be such as be cannot

eartilv indorse and • .;•;» rl, ho will forthwith

leave the country. We do think it is the oou»J-

c» duly of every good citizen to defend his coun-ry iu every measure *he may adopt, or leave it

at once. It is wrong and wicked to remain

Anions us. opposing our government, and stirring

up strife and dissensions among our people, in

opposition to the established order of '.bit and

do gout man wiU be guilt v of it.

Atlanta ((nt.) Co^r'nleracf.

This is the doctrine that they promulgate

aid insist on in the Cotton Suites Confederacy.

•For lull particn

....$1 oe

Each additional insertion .


ara as to terms of yearly adver-nmn on flr*r pate.

( Is. fKKVrit'K.) •

PAIX K. •silIIMHN,Editor*.


OLIVER UXUJV I.orn.1 Lilltor mid lirportrr,


(ST*The communications of our correspon

dent "B," a very scientific professional gen.

tlcman, will bo found highly instructive.

Border State Convention.—It will be

seen by onr Frankfort letter that the House

of Kcjircsentatlves yesterday passed, with bu'

two dissenting votes, the same propositions a«

have already passed the Sennte unanimously

They provide that the people shall at the May

election vote on general ticket tor twelve del-

egates to the Border Mute Convention to b.

held in Frankfort on the 27th May or such

other time as may be selected by the delegati

to conform to the wishes of the different

States. We nre gratified to learn that the

Union members of the Legislature have de

tcrmined to nominate a full ticket of dele

gatcF, to save the people the trouble and ex

j>ense of holding a State Convention. The

loyalty of the majority of the Legislature is s<

u:i impeached that there will lie no dissent

Craan their uclion, and their nominees will be

•leeted by triumphant niaprities.

-Practice doesn't alwayi tally with pro. |"mem l« bring them back. They believe that

OcavCucULATIOK in the BoOXH.—A friend

informed us two or three days ago that he was

under the impression, that, since the commence

incut of the discussion of the secession move

mcnt, the circulation of the Louisville Journal

in the South had been considerably or at least te

•orae extent reduced. Perhaps that impression

Oziata in the minds of some others, but it ii

entirely wkwtw/. Certainly we should nc

have been at all surprised, in view of th

itltempud tyranny over public sentiment by

the Southern secession leaders, ii our cireula

lion in that section had been somewhat cur

t .lie ), but it has not been at all.

Indeed, setting aside our mere campaign

smbscr ib?rs, our circulation in the South ami

c\cn in the seceding States, instead of beinc

diminished, has been decidedly increased. Wehave lost soiiio subscribers at a very few

|s)ints, but have gained more at other points.

We nre gratified in being able to state this, and

we rejoice at it as an excellent indication, for

it shows, that, as yet, the citizens of the South-

ern Government, arbitrary and intolerant and

dictatorial as it may be in its policy, are not

afraid to read the truth as set forth and ex-

pounded by an organ w hich they have learnt d

through long years to trust as their own and

the country's honest and bold friend. Wehave often had occasion of late to denounce

unsparingly and in the plainest language the

c induct of men in the South, acting, as we

b'lieve, in reckless violation of their own in-

t 'rests and of the highest and most sacred of

a ! earthly obligations, but we have never had

a ly other opinion than that the people of the

Southern States, in their sense of honor, in

noble pride, in generous hospitality, in warm-hearted courtesy, in lofty chivalry, and in

many other of the best qualities of the race of

man, are unsurpassed by any population upon

the face of the earth.

They contend, that, if any good citizen can-

not heartily endorse and support the policy of

country, he will forthwith leave the coun-

try. They liold that it is wrong and wicked

for people to remain under a government, op-

posing it and stirring up strifes and dissensions

among the people in opposition to the estab-

ishod order of things. They regard this as

ason, and arc determined that it shall not

be tolerated among them. We wonder how

their sympathizers in Kentucky, Tennessee,

Arkansas, Missouri, Virginia, and Maryland,

those who are stirring up strife and dissensions

and doing all in their power to degrade and

subvert the government under which they live

and to which they arc indebted for the protec-

tion of lite and property, like this doctrine.

How do the;' like to be told by their Southern

brethren, whom they admire so extravagantly,

that no good man will be guilty of living in a

country and yet endeavoring to revolutionize it;-

The very men, who now, as citizens of the

Southern Confederacy, would put down every


hing like the freedom of the pen and tongue

in that country, who would punish for treason

dl who, living under a government, dare to

peak against it, were themselves avowedly,

vhilst citizens of the United States, guilty ol

endeavors, and, as they now think, successful

eti leavors, for weeks and months to overthrow,

to destroy, the Government under which they

lived. But they would take a man's life for

exercising, under the new government, the

privilege which they exercised and which their

triends are still exercising under the old one.

According to their own doctrine they were

'ase traitors, and their friends here arc base

traitors now.

One thing must be perfectly clear to all

minds. It is that the freedom, the broad

freedom, which we all, as citizens of the Uni-

ted States, have ever rejoiced and exulted in, is

t > have no existence wiihin the limits of the

Cotton States Confederacy. Hero we speak

and write and publish whut we please, but, let

Kentucky go into that Confederacy, and all

such privileges are at an end. Cotton States

newspapers contend, and Cotton States Judges

have already decided, that the citizen whothere utters words calculated to create public

discontent or dissatisfaction with the (iovcrn-

mcnt is chargeable with disloyalty and trea-

son, and this doctrine will be enforced, for

only by such doctrine can the new Govern-

ment be sustained. That Government will

tc, and indeed already is, a tyranny, a despot-

ism, and the feelings of all free-born citizens

should revolt from the thought of being sub-

jected to it. Are our people tired of their

freedom that they should wantanly and madly

throw it away and invite the riveting of chains

and fetters upon their limbs?

the honor and the interest of Kentucky are of

as high a nature as the honor and interest of

South Carolina, and that when Kentucky, re-

garding her honor and interests, accepts a satis-

factory settlement, she has as much right to ask

South Carolina to return to the disrupted Union,

as South Carolina has to endeavor to call her out

of the Union. This plan it is hoped will lead to

a reconstruction of the old Union. Mr. Fisk said

let no votes be obtained by false pretences: make

the Issues plain and direct so that the people cao

see the secessionists and disunionists in all their

beauty or deformity. Disunion ptr te will then

have a fair chance.

Mr. Breckinridge reached here by the morning

train from Lexington, and was received by a few

early risers among his friends. As he will address

the legislature, by invitation, at 11 o'clock, 1

wish to call the attention of my readers to a few

facts, upon which I may desire to comment here-

after. It will be remembered that in this Capitol,

on the 2) st of December, 185!», Mr. Breckinridge

i v i ,v.„ accepted the office of United Slates Senator a" theNor does his brother ...

hands of our Legislature ' with a loyal purpose to

deserve its confidence." At the same time he( )n the contrary, the Gazette, the

|^ „, (m of that Kbool wnich hol(lj the uoc .

trine of instructions, and whenever my convic-

tions will not allow me to reteive and obey the

ously against flic condemnation of the Union I instructions of the State, I shall lie ready to give

fession. The variance has lieen remarked from

time immemorial. ''The Senator's party, '

exclaimed Mr. Powell to Senator Trumbull in

the Senate the other day "have come into pow-

er; they will have 4be offices; and I am satisfied

they will bestow offices upon none other than

Republicans, unless it be some one from a slave

Stale w bom they expect to make an instrument

to build up a Republican party In one of those

States. The good, true, and loyal men of the

South scorn the offices at their hands." Nowthis nourish was neither statesmanlike nor

patriotic. It didn't in any respect become a

Senator ol" Kentucky. And in ono respect,

strange to say, it didn't becomocvon a disuniou


The Republican Administration has just ap-

pointed a secessionist to the office of Postmast-

er of the city of Nashville. And the seres-

sionist has accepted the appointment. He does

not ''scorn'' the office

secessionists of Nashville "scorn'' him for not

scorning it

Nashville organ of the secessionists, not only

applauds the appointment but defends it vigor


Family Dm? and Prescription Store



COKNUK OF FOURTH* JK1TKR30N... r. DAWSB, Proprietor, sfamtf

buhut aura. JAMES HICHANAN.

CARTER & BltCHlM,DrxLXis m

Garden and Grass Seeds,AJTT> M&lflTTTJUmrUBB OT


men. "In their bitter disappointment," says

the ( ia/.ette, choosing thus to stigmatize the

complaints of the Unionists, "these growl-

ers may even go so far as to get up a remon-

strance against the appointment of Mr.MeNish

to be signed and sent to the Postoffice Depart

ment at Washington. But even if they do stoop

to anything so far beneath the dignity of

gentlemen, there are, we hope, but few detent

people in this Postoffice District, who will lend

themselves to this mean expedient of displacing

a worthy and competent incumbent, to make

room for some less deserving man—or for

same one equally deserving, for certainly

nobody, either here or elsewhere, is more de-

serving than Buck McNish. The |>eoplc of

Nashville know him. He has labored dili-

gently in their behalf for many years as a

clerk in the postoffice, giving entire salisfac

tion both to the people and his employers. Hi

is not a partisan, and has taken no further

interest iu party struggles than expressing his

preference and casting his vote. He is a mod

est, unobtrusive gentleman, not given to the

habit of saying much about politics or any

thing else, outside of his business. That he

was born and reared in the South will hardly

be a sufficient reason, we trust, for saying to

the Department at Washington, that he is not

acceptable to the people of Nashville." Thus

speaks the Nashville organ of secession.

This may be all very well. We at any rate

do not undertake to dispute it. We say only

that it is a mighty queer way of closing up the

flourish of Senator l'owell. The old story

must be told over again. Secession practice

at Nashville doesn't tally with secession pro

fession at Washington.

tJ- The alliance between literature and

politics is growing more and more close on the

other side of the Atlantic as well as here.

The public authorities of Great Britain, not

back the trust confided to my hands. " At that

time we had the assertion of Mr. breckinridge

that no complaint of violated rights had been

heard, and no evidence was offered that the Con-

stitution, the laws, and the courts, were not com-

petent to protict personal rights and private prop-

erty, and "hence," said he, "while I would never

abandon a constitutional right, especially after

it has been Judicially determined, I never would

prematurely raise any question to distract the

country, when no voice demands it North, South,

East, or West." He had then, only fifteen months

ago, no fears of all the bugbears w hich he and his

fellow-diBunionists are cot juring up now. He

said "it should be cause of congratulation to ev-

ery patriot that the territorial question i» nearly

fought out. ft is nearly fought out. No man

of sense or observation over supposed that the

institution would penetrate into Minnesota, Ne-

braska, and other Northern Territories. As to

the terrritory south of a certain parallel of lati-

tude, where slave property is really profitable,

and where the interests of both races seem to

harmonize in this relation, I do not doubt that

climate and interest and the proximity of slavo

Slates ami the Constitution and the Courts will

sustain us there in all our rights, and that we will

have Southern States out of Southern soil."

There were a plenty of solutions, then, in bis

opinion, for all our troubles. He denied that the

Democratic party desired to employ the Federal

Government to prepogate slavery; be denied that

his party, "not content with the guarantees of

the Constitution, has erected itself into a great

pro-slavery organization." lie said that while

some States might contemplate resistance to Re-

publican aggression in the form of a separate po-

litical organization, "Kentucky, while a single

ray of hope penetrates the thick dirknes". will

resist under the <„ nstitututn and tcithin the Union."

He proclaimed that we had other, and, he hoped,

adequate remedies than a separate Slave-State

organization, and, referring to the probability

that one or more States might force a dreadful

issue, he said: "In all this Kentucky has an in-

terest superior to any other State. She is not

only a liorder State, but an interior border Slate,


lowest market pries). Also, HEKOII BOTTOMCOAL at ranch lower rates bv

J. N. KELLOOO, Agnnt,septal JUtX Near the corner of Third and Mala.



CLASS IH. At<ril 9 lWl!

19 -1 56 «3 4» M 43 i7 13 17 ?'i -i

CLASS I K. Aurtl S. 1*1:

ill 40 IS 93 73 46 65 89 13 -« »4 76A. D. ELLIS. A Kent for R. France * Co..

iM Main rtrwrt. Louisville, Kr.

Hr-Drawlnw take place dally. Capital Prizes *5.uoo

10 970,0110. Price of tickets $1 to fan. Circulars with

»cuitoc« and full particulars »»ii» free of rhariie br id-

d,v-sing R. FRANCE * CO.,

as Louinvillc, Ky.




/IS},,: I.A.MI, in Harden, in-adow, and was).^*TlR»n, 1.. miles fioni the citv, on th" mil

read. Apply to W. H Wa:ker or J. Map-pin. Smith's Station. Pewee Valley, or to Tboina' Smith,

at Coruuall 4i Bro. -.

New York Store,

31*7 Fourtla St.,


.lust received from the late great Auction sales in New

York 100 pieces JCNOLiSH BERF.OE at lOcts per yard

lou pieces CRAPE do at 3o cts p?r yard; 600 p'.eoas

LAWNS at 10, m, and 16 cents: a splendid stock of

SILKS, POPLINS, 4c, purchased at reduced prices;


magnificent assortment of SILK and LACE MANTLESDOMESTICS of every description: CARPETS, OIL:

CLOTH, LACE and DAMASK CURTAINS, 4cOur entire stock will be sold CHEAP. We solicit of

purchasers an examination of our stock.

a2dl B BAHSBR & OO.

Tor Rent,ROOMS IN COURT PLACE, suitable for

office.- and lodtlus-rooms. Apply t*F. A. KAYF.

a" A • Cnrner FirM* sn*1 Broadway.

Commsiciai Bank ot Kentucky,PsTT7*~ March *>. 1861.

HANK NOTICE.-T11B annual election fur Direeiors. f this Institution and Branches will be held at the

Direct- r»' room of the principal Bauk.Mondav, the Mh day of Mav nexth3 d£wt.Ma>li

this place, on

.IAS. L. DALLAM. Cashier.




Fashionable Dry Goods



and \l 01 Km-- Men'sl&econiiiii-udatioiii*.

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The Death Mystery,a




New York Mercury.IVSend In your orders Immediately. a3 00

War Proclamation



1 r* Uid ' > in - nwi ii.* : -r. I havedtt«r--I. fi^ra tbid date, to chauge my mode of doini;

burtn«ft» trom

Oi-oca.it to Casb. !

I know I ew make it to the Advantage of all in want ofDEY GOODSTO BUY FOB CASH 1

Mr stock uf DOMESTIC UOODS is as large as atformer eea-nn*. A ca'l 1* solicited from those nccklmrbargains iu DKY CUODS FOR CASH.

lVIotto—Small Profits and Quick Sales.

No. 4«7 south Market street, four doers below Fourth-

al' d6 E M. STONE.

Having determined to change my system of business

to a caal: ba?is, I will this moraine effer my entire

stock of seasonable

DRESS GOODSAt :«? PKK CENT. LESS than , rer sold In this mar-

ket before.

Linens, Hosiery, Embroideries^ bite

Good?, and Dome-tics

Offered at from M to 33 PER CF..NT. LESS than

heretofore in the city.

AM are Invited to call and compare quality and prices

w ith any other bouse iu tbt city selliug at coat or other


J. T. BERRY,Wo. 'i .HR.Ofilc Temple,

lull ;AM1 Jeffer*on, b it. Fourth and Fifth sta.

BOARDING.ONE family and two single ladies or two gentlemen

can be accommodated with plnasaut rooms andboard by applying early ou Center street, between Jef-

al ji'iAbitfer-on and t ,!*»•« .4.3. we,t *iile.






WE HAVE THIS ll \ V RETIRED FROM I HE INSURANCE AtiENCY BUSINESS, AND HAVE TRAlh-1 rrrd mir htisiurss to MViurs. DANFOK'l H * KOHERTS, whom we would respectfully recommend, as

well as tne COMPANIES th«-y represent, a. worthy of th. entire confidence of the community, nd bespeakfor th'-ni a eoutinuance of the patronage which has l.eret fore been bestowed upon ua.

Louisville, Ky., March I, lagl. BULLOCK A CO.

Special Notice.ALL persons indebted u> the late linn of II. & J. Dep-

p*-n are Ii ri by request-d to call and Fettle. All ac-

counts uot settled by the I .th of April will pass out ofour iiaud. for collection.mSOdtApIS II ft J. DEPPEN.

Fran w a it i).

V're Cmincilmeri—WILLIAM F. Rl.'BEL and HUGHIRVINE. Fur School 7Vu«£sc—ALEX. OILMORE.

SIM'O I) WARD.Fi/r Ahiemum -JAMK3 >fc. OSBORNE Ftr Coun-

rilmm—THOS BRADLEY and OEORUJC W. SMITHFur School Tivjre Id! 8. N. HALL.

THIHD WAIM).For Ccvncilmen-F. C. W ICEMAN and V. OVER-


For Alderman-THOMAS SHANKS. J'or Councilmen- Dr. N. B. MARSHALL and E. A. BUCKNEB.For School Trnntee-Dr. R. Q, HOLLAND.

FIFTH \VAItI>.For Counrilmen— WILLIAM TERRY and Dr. J. V

SETCLIFrK. For School Tnulee—Sm WA1KINS.

sl.VT'l YVAItlr.For Alderman—I.. I. SHRKVE. For CouncUmen—

W. II. DULANEY and J. C. HILTON. For School


MF.VKNTII WARD.For Counc<lmen—r>r. O, W. RuNALD and JOHN ii.

BAXTER, For School Trustee—GEO. W. MORRIS.

KIUTKII WAItl).For Alderman- .IOSEPU GAULT. For Council,


rnltt dte


would lespvctfully solicit a share ol the palrooag ) of tl.a public of Louisville and vicinity..1. L. DANFORTH,

Louisville, Ky., March 1, 1891. a. BOBKRT8, Jr,



General Insurance Agents,Offiue in Newcomb's Building, corner of Bullitt and Main sts. (efitranoe on Bullitt it.),

ivillb, icy.

The Connecticut Election.—Accordingtn the despatches of yesterday evening, the

Kepublicans in Connectiiut have clotted their

State ticket, a majority of CEch hranch of the

Legislature, and two and possibly three of the

four National K^presentalives of the State.

The State ticket is repined to be carried by

"an increased majority." So much for the

existing party iWm ot Connecticut, as given

in the earliest telegraphic despatches.

List April the Republicans in Connecticut

elected their State ticket, a large majority of

each branch of the Legislature, and the entire

Congressional delegation. The State ticket

was then elected by a majority of .",41. In

November Mr. Lincoln carried the State by a

majority of 10,2M over all competitors. If,

as the despatches say, the State ticket is elect-

ed now by "an increased majority", the ma-jority nevertheless falls doubtlets many thou-

unds ithort of that of November. Moreover,

the despatches are silent respecting the new

Republican majority in the Legislature, which

in all probability U less decided than the old


We have, then, as the result of this compar-

ison, a Republican loss in Connecticut of one

if not two members of Congress, a probable

Republican loss in both branches of the Legis-

lature, and a Republican loss of many thous-

ands in the general majority. This is the true

complexion of the ret.trns as they are given iu

the earliest despatches. And yet wo do nut

doubt that the secessionists from Arkansas to

Virginia are at this moment pointing with ex-

ultation to the Connecticut election as a proof

of the justness of their favorite cry that there

il "no hope" and that "all is lost."

The Republicans in Connecticut have evi-

dently not held their own. A reflecting andcandid patriot, however, wott'd see no reason

to despair if they hud. Nobody who thinks

Uirly upon the subject expects that the dispo-

sition of the Northern people to yield just

guarantees to the South will be manifested

alone in the broken fortunes of the Republi-

can party. Much less does any sincere

and ratiopal Unionist expect that the

overthrow of the Republican party can be

achieved at a single blow. The mere fact

that the Republicans at this earlv day stiil

adhere to their organization is by no meansconclusive against their disposition to adopt

a fair settlement when it comes be-

fore them. We own the fact is

not a welcome one but yet it is not disheart-

ening. It is a fact that reasonable Union-

ists amongst^os fully anticipated. He whoshould exact as the price of his faith in

Northern justice the instant disbandment

or discomfiture of the Republican party in

the States of the North would act like

anything but a man of candor and of sense.

The demand would be irralional if" not insin-

cere. It overlooks or sets at nought the com-

monest principles of human nature. No think-

ing • « no; would be apt to make it.

But, as we have said, the Republicans iu

Connecticut have evidently not held their

own. They have lost. They apjiear to have

lost on all sides. llow much we shall

presently learn. The result is decidedly en-

couraging instead of discouraging to the

friends of the couutry. The sign is

one of hope and not of despair. Nercrtheless, as wo have already intimated, wmake no doubt that tha secessionists, whosefancies arc as plastic and as servile to desire as

the fancy of Polonius himself, will see in

"yonder cloud" in the K*st something "back-

ed like a weasel" or "very like a whale.

Mark the Courier this morning, and observe

with what a knowing stoop it peers tinder iuhand, and fools the Genius of Secession to the

top of his bent.

CsySoine of the secession organs abuse menfor consenting to hold office under the present

Administration. There's no reason in such

abuse. Either men must hold office or the

Government must come to a full stop; and, if

the offices are to be filled, there's no sort of

reason why good and true men should insist onleaving them all to be filled by Abolitionists.

And, no matter what the secession organs maysay, there is not a seceding State in all the

South that doesn't contain enough willing se-

cessionists to fill all the oflieesin Mr. Lincoln's

gift throughout this country and all foreign


©Wc learn from good- authority that Col

Humphrey Marshall says that he is a candi-

date to represent this district in the Border

State Convention. We are rather glad that

he is. He takes his place among the most

violent of the disunionists, so that there can be

no misrepresentation or misconstruction as to

his position. He boasts that he was the first

to advise the Cotton States to scue and con-

BfWtte to their own uses the Federal pruperty,

that is, the common property of Kentucky and

all the rest of the States of the Union, and the

people will be glad to hear him upon the sub-

ject of the statesmanship and morality of that

measure and to render their own verdict in

regard to that as well as various other matters.

Mr. Marshall's talent is umincstionable, but

everybody understands that it is the only thing

about him except his instability and seltishncjs

that can be depended on. We presume that

he is one of the very last men in the district

whom the masses of the people would choose

or consent to rely on as a leader or prominent

agent in shaping the course of events in

mighty crises like this when the whole future

of our section and our country depends uponthe adoption of cool, deliberate, dispassionate,

wise, patriotic, and utterly unselfish action.

Humphrey Marshall will not represent this

district in the Border States Convention. His

cause is unpopular, and he has no popularity

to supply the lack of it in his party.

When Cassius M. Clay was publishing a

withstanding the pressure on their patronage locked up in the heart of the Confederacy, wilh-

by lricnds and political partisans, continue to

recognize the valuable services rendered to the

State by men of letters. Thus John Forster, a

Newcastle-upon-Tyne barrister, who is knownand honored among all men of learning on-

lx>th sides of the Atlantic as the biographer of

Oliver Goldsmith, the author of that great

work the "Statesmen of the Commonwealth,"and, later still, the "Arrest of the Five Mem-bers," has been appointed to the honorable and

lucrative post of a Commissioner in Lunacy.

For several years he had acted as Secretary of

the Commissioners, and he is now promoted.

The place which he fills at present was long

occupied by Bryan Waller Proctor, a name

out an ocean or other ou!li;t. She would continue

a border State, no matter into what form tbc dis-

severed and bleeding fragments of the L'nion

m'ght be thrown. Hence tho country has the

highest guarantee that whatever she does or ad-

vises will be in a spirit of loyalty to the Consti-

tution and the Union. »fAe c<m tee no hope after

the?/ thall be destroyed." The effects of u disrup

tion of amicable relations between confederated

States was thus graphically pictured by the then


At first on account of the friendly relations wesustain to the States that touch us on the North,

we might be exempt from ho-tile collisions. Hutit could not continue. War, inevitable warwould come upon us, and ?uch a war as human-ity would shudder to liehold ! At 1 njth wemight be driven by the last degradation thai



E.W.MACDQNALD,Wholesale Dealer in and Manufacturer of




WA TE It- CO OLE It 8,





Spring, 1861.


REFRIGERATOR;St* aiuho^tj, etc

lCK-CHcsTS, f>r Hlantatiuurap4i dpAaeowSm

which recalls the memories of the golden davs c0" 1 '1 befall American Commonwealihs, tanime r- ts-a, sis • » "

I alliances to protect us from one another, and theof English literature. Then, again, Lau- CSsHiOllia spectacle wobU be presented of

rence Oliphunt is gazetted to an important di-

plomatic position in Japan, while Mr. Crowe,is Consul-General at Leipsic, and the late Mr.

James filled a similar office at Venice until

his death. Mr. Tom Taylor, known to all

play-goers, holds the Secretariate in the Local

Government Act Office; and Mr. Arthur Helps

countersigns the official documents in the

Privy Council. Sir J. Emerson Tennent has

long enjoyed a valuable place at the Poor LawBoard, after having distinguished himself as

Secretary under Lord Torringtou in Ceylon;

and thus we might proceed with the catalogue answerable to her chiracter and historv. She

showing that the book-worms are not all left»fll to_ib* CoMlitutk* while a shred of it

remains; and if unhappilv madness, and fmlv.to wnher under the cold shade of government- and wicked counsels succeed to destroy the fairest


America falling bark under the control of Kurope, and this continent parceled out anions the

powers of the old world. Could we ever hope fur

a re-construction of Government on a lietter basis

than this our fathers gave us? Would it not be

impiety to hope that Providence would ever ex-ert its omnipotent power to create and sustain aconfederation of free States under circumstancesmore auspicious than those which have markedour origin and history? No, fellow- citizens,

we must hold wilh a deathless grusp to ourrights, and to the Constitution. That we will

do this, let our conduct prove on everv pist occa-sion of danger and alarm. When 1 rememberthe history of this glorious State I am proud to

be her son. And when questioned I will say in

your name: Kentucky will act in a manner

al neglect in aristocratic old Britain.

sSyThc editor of the Memphis Avalauche,

the bitterest of the secession organs, calls the

editor of the New York Tribune " Hon.Horace Greeley." We presume that the edi.

violent Abolition paper at Lexington, Hum- tor of the Tribune calls the editor of the Ava-phrey Marshall was one of the writers for it.

He was then for abolishing slavery from Ken-tucky. If he U now for the same thing; he

lauche Hon. M. C. Galloway. These ultra

secessionists and ultra abolitionists may well

render all honor to each other, for they arehas sense enough to know that he is pursuing engaged with equal zeal in a common causethe most direct course for the accomplishment the destruction of the Union,of his object. He knows very well, that, if


lie and those who are conspiring with him canA Mississippi paper expresses the wish that

Geo. D. Frentico H the Louisville Journal, whosucceed in making the Ohio river the dividing a 'horn, in fact a whole forest of thorns in the. I iiwl a . ' .. ^..... . . . L I J l - a . msss

line between two Governments, slavery will

vanish from every square" mile and acre of

Kentucky's soil in one-fourth of the time that

he deemed necessary to the attainment of" that

side of secession, should visit that section. "Wewant," adds (he editor, "to see a performance onthe tight-rope."—I.ransrtlle Journal.

If the Cotton Confederacy wants anything

of us, can't it help itself without inducing us

fabric ever erected to liherty among men. shewill conduct herself with so much lirmnees, mod-eration, and wisdom as to stand justified before

the tribunal of history, and in the eye of heaven,for the part she will unwillingly play in the mostdisastrous drama ever enacted ou tho theater of

the world.

The act to provide for an election of delegates

to a Convention to be held at Frankfort, c:»me up

as a special order of the House. This, as it comes

from the Committee on Fedoral Kelations, pro-

poses an election on the first Saturday in May by

general ticket, and the Convention to be held in

response to the call of Virginia, Missouri, and Ar-

kansas. Mr. Hodge moved to amend bv submit-

ting the minority report, which provides for an

election by districts, and Mr. Leach, to postpone

the election until the first Monday in August.

Mr. Goodloe said the friends of the original bill

were anxious for a vote on this subject, but would

not call the previous question, if any other

amendments were to lie proposed, but it was a

result when he was the Abolition correspondent to v 's ' 1 ant< then violating the rites of hospi- waste of time to have its opponents quarreling

of an Abolition paper. He seems to become,

as he grows older, more sagacious in the adap- Inavy after u.-

tation of means to ends.

tality? Why doesn't it send iu army and

KTl'he Courier says the Journal has not

"yet stated the facts in the case" of the letter

of Judge Lyon. We cer ainly have given the

Courier's own statements in the ease. Whetheror not they are "facts" we have left our read-

ers to judge for themselves.

The Courier now republishes a Card't'rom

certain prominent citizens of "the village of

Abbeville, South Carolina," impeaching both

CarCarlvle said some years ago "the Amer-ican Government is anarchy plus a street con-

stable." We are afraid that events have

proved and arc proving Carlyle to have been

a good deal nearer the truth than the Anieri.

can jieople w ould have dreamed of admitting

ut tho tunc.

•ETThe secession movemeuts in Kentuckyhave all failed. It is time for another. What'sto be done? Where are the big six? Why do

the authenticity and the accuracy of the letter I you not swell yourselves into a dozen, even a IMr. Machon, which was a resolution tmMm/mg

'no baker's dozen, and reappear upon the theatre

of affairs?

among themselves on immaterial points. Several

amendments were then submitted and then the

previous question was ordered. The first amend-

ment voted on was the amendment of Mr. Leach,

which was rejected—50 to SS. The next was, that

one of the delegates shall live in each district,

which was adopted—86 to S. The next amend-ment enumerated twelve delegates to represent

the State, among whom were Wm. O. Butler,

James IS. Clay, Pavid Merriwether, and Helm,

sandwitched between Crittenden, Morehead, Bell,

and l>ixon. This received the unanimous support

of its mover, Mr. Gowdy, the vote being—\eas 1,

nays 87. The next amendment was offered bv

(3-The Southern Confederacy will not get

along with less than twenty millions a year.

The wealth of the Confederacy consists chiefly,

almost solely, in lauds and negroes. Thiswealth represents itself to the world in cotton.

This cotton, for ten years to come, is now-

placed under a "first mortgage" of public faith

to meet the present small loan of fifteen mil-

lions. Whence will be derived the security of

the many future millions needed by the Con-federacy in all the vicissitudes of peace andplenty, or short crops ami war, lor ten vears to


(jyMr. Joseph Barbiere, whom many of out

citizens may remember as a dancer upon the

stage with Madame Hutin, has, we are sorry

to say, sunk from his high position into that

<if a >ecession candidate for the mavoraltv of


sfyWe published a paragraph two or three

days ago, reflecting upon the Hon. Cave John-

son, of Tennessee. We were mistaken in re-

gard to him. Hu is a staunch champion of

the Union. We honor him for if.

C3T There has as yet been no evacuation ol

Fort Sumter. We expect the South Carolin-

ians are Impatient to give; it iome iron pills.

in question. "There i«," says the Card

Judge Hubert Lyon living here; there never

was such a Judge here, or elsewhere in this

State. There is no Hubert Lyon in this neigh,

borhood. The letter, purporting to be writ,

ten by Judge Kobert Lyon from this place, ii

a base fabrication, and its statements are en-

tirely false." Our readers now have the latest

"facts in the ease." We take it for granted

that the sweeping statement of this Card is at

least made honestly. We leave our readers to

accept the statement in other respects for what

il is worth.

Eh ects of Secession-.—Those who im

agine that since their secession from the Unionthe Cotton States have gone on prosperously

and that all the suffering from the crisis is

confined _to the trading and manufacturing

N'jrth, should observe such paragraphs as the

following from the Aberdeen Conservative, a

paper published in the northern part of Missis


We attended the Sheriffs sale on Mondav last,

and were perfrctly astonished to see such a'sacriflee of property. One gentleman actually pur-chased one hundred and sixty odd seres of land for

$40; another bought a half interest in a bricklaw office for $60; a $125 buguy was sold for $30,and other property sold equally low.

Yet on property so much reduced in value

heavily increased taxes have been assessed,

and will be exacted, to pay for the oligarch!

cal government at Montgomery, and maintain

an expensive army and navy. Of course

tafTexas, having deposed Gov. Houston,

is now threatening to hang bim. Let her doso by all means. The hanging of the authorof her independence is all that is wanting to

render her character complete.

sjyTlie name of Camp Floyd in Utah has

been changed to Camp Crittenden. 'Tis quite

t ;me the name of Floyd's Fork in this State

should be changed too.

s£e*"If you are a drunkard, you are fitter to

be dead than alive. You had better cut either

liquor or the throat 'tis poured down.

ISpecial Com spondence of the Louisville Journal.]

Kuo.M No. 40, QaHmv Hotel,)Fhankfokt, April 2. J

At the afternoon session of the Senate yester-

day, Mr. Pennebaker offered a joint resolution

directing the Superiutendent of Public Instruc-

tion to digest the Scbod Law, to make necessary

suggestions for perfecting the system and r«|icrt

a remedy for the large amount of special legisla-

tion which seems now requisite in its workings.

This is a timely and important movement on the

part of our Senator and is vital to our School

System Abuses, the result of carelessness; orrors

proceeding from the ignorance of those elected to

direct the i-chools, and gross injustice in the dis-

bursement of the fund, must all be detected and

•radicated. The present Superintendent of Pub-

lic Instruction is admiral.lv fitted to Hie task of

digesting the whole School Laws as they nowproperty ull over the cotton kingdom mnst be I

stand and bis experience will enable him to report

very greatly depreciated in value, for there is

an embargo on trade, emigration is discourag-

ed, and even the produce of the country is

levied upon to yield tribute.

(^Thc personal liberty acts arc all in a fair

way to be repealed. Public opinion in the

North is gradually and steadily crushing them

out. Hhode Island has done its part; Massa-chusetts has stricken out nearly everything of a

to the next legislature the plan for a perfected

system. The Senate also adopted the preamble

and resolution from the House, ratifying the Cor-

wta amendment to the Constitution. The differ-

ence between the preamble submitted by the ma-

jority of the Committee on Federal Kelations and

that adopted on motion of Mr. Carlisle is this,

the former recognized the adoption of the Corwi.n

amendment as a step towards pacification taken

by the North, while the latter regard its ratifica-

tion as an evidence of the sincere desire of Kenreally objectionable nature; the Supreme Court tucky to remove all pretexts for agitating the

of Maine has declared its act unconstitutional,

and its future Legislature will undoubtedly

take steps accordingly; Connecticut has nosuch act; New Hampshire and Vermont will

not long stand out; and we doubt not the

same course will be followed by all the Free

States, in turn, which have passed such un-

friendly laws.

f^-The Charleston Mercury, which lias

something of a literary turn, says that the

Southern Confederacy "must give encourage-

ment to the cause of letters." We don't think

that it gives much encouragement to letters

by doubling and trebling the postage ou them.

^The Courier seems to favor the election

of Mr. Gilliss to the Mayoralty. Wouldn't it

like to republish his famous report to the Coun-cil subsequently to "Bloody Monday" uponthe events of that day and upon the Catholic


eyWhenevcr the Black Republicans are

defeated in the free States, the Louisville Cour-

ier tries to explain away their defeat and seemsto be as they themselves are. Black ltepubli-

canism and secessionism weep upon each other's|the old L'nion, and that unless South Carolina

slavery question

The House held an afternoon session yesterdav.

A scries of resolutions relativ e to the refusal of

Gov. Dennison, of Ohio, to deliver up a fugitive

from Kentucky, and opposing coercioa, were vo-

ted upon under the previous question; some were

adopted and others rejected. They were a series

of abstract propositions, intended for partisan ef-

fect. The Senate resolution on the ratification of

the Corwin amendment came up in regular order,

being the same for whieh in the morning Mr. Car-

lisle's amendment was substituted. There was a

great deal of tillibusteriug to stave off a direct

vote. A call for the previous question was fol-

lowed by motions for a call of the House by Mr.

Macheu, and for adjournment by Mr. Burns, both

of which were negatived, and then Mr. Hodgemoved a call of the House, and Mr. Thomas an

adjournment. This see-saw process was kept up

until the patience of the House was exhausted,

when un adjournal'-' > ' ss ctrrieJ, after a very

unprofitable session.

In the Senate yesterday. Mr. Fisk took Deci-

sion to point ont the real issue between the dis-

unionists and the Unionists. By "recon-

struction,'' the disunionists, calling themselves

the Southern Rights party, mean that they will

not reconstruct with less than all the materials in

tender bosoms.

C^"We presume Fort Pickens is to be aban-

doned. Probably the United States will take

away everything valuable within it, leaving fo

Florida nothing but the bare Pit kin's.

C3-A secession editor in Alabama charges

that "tho doctrines of the Louisville Journal

urc paradoxical.'' Very well, nothing is par-

adoxjcal that isn't true.

can be worked in as one of the timbers, they will

tear the remaining slave States from the Govern-

ment framed by Washington, and transfer themto a new Confederacy. The Unionists on

the other hand, say if the Border Slave States

can agree u|>on an adjustment, and the North

accepts it and gives it all the sanction of consti-

tutional guarantee, then Kentucky will also ac-

cept it as a final settlement, whether the seceding

confederated States do so ami roturn to the L'nion

or do not, tbougli Kentucky will ns« ull friendly

the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and recom

mending them to the Convention as the sense of

this legislature. Upon this several points of

order arose, before the disposition of which the

hour of eleven arrived, and Mr. Breckinridge wasintroduced by the joint committee, the Senatcrs

also coming into the hall of the House. Hon. JohnJ.Crittenden and Gov. Magoffin, the latter with

his arm still in a sling, were among the auditors.

He spoke nearly two hours, and after he had

concluded the House resumed its business

Mr. Wolfe proposed to amend the

resolution of Mr. Machen, by reaffirming

ths Kentucky resilutions of '98, with the

interpretation given to them by Mr. Madison in

his report to the Virginia Legislature of 19-

This was declared to be out of order, as an amend-ment in the third degree. Mr. W*!f« then a-led

Mr. Machen to accept, as a modification, an affirm-

ation of the above resolutions and report, and the

Proclamation of Gen. Jackson as the true prin-

ciples of governmental policy. Mr. Machen re-

fused to adopt this, and the question bein^ taken

on his prop3sition, it was adopted—14 to 40. Mr.

Harrison explained that be should vote for the

amendment, though he was opposed to the mini r-

ity report to which it was an amendment; sndMr. Jacob said be would have voted for it with

the Madison construction, but as that was not en-

grafted he should vote nay. Mr. Finn then movedthe adoption of the Madison interpretation, whichwas carried—43 to 40. The question then recurred

on the substitute as amended, which is the elec-

tion to be held in May, in districts, with the Mad-ison construction of the Kentucky resolution (f

(j,S, which was rejected—11 to 41. The ques

tion then came up, on read ng the bill

the third time; Mr. Goodloe moved to dispense

with the reading, which was agreed to—78 to 7.

Mr. Cleary then moved an amendment, providing

for the per diem and mileage of the delegates.

Thus was a ruse on the part of "the member

from Cynthiana ' to defeat the bill, as the Cousti-

tuti>n rsqnires a majority of all the inember-

elected to pass nn appropriation over frlOO. There

were, however, enough to defeat it by eighteen

majority. The bill then passed finally by an al-

most unanimous vote, Messrs. Machen and Dr.

D. P. White being the only negative votes, with

82 in the affirmative. The protests and reason-

of the Democrats before recording their voles

were very amusing. Mr. F. Neel moved that the

House take a recess until three o'clock, with the

understanding that local bills only should be con

sidered. Mr. Leach moved a call of the House,

for the purpose of consuming the fifteen minutes

to the regular hour of adjournment at two o'clock.

The cull was refused—63 to 10. Mr. liice re

newed a motion for adjournment, and thus the

tims was consumed without caring for the local

interests of the people of the State.

The Senate amended the Military Appropria-

tion Bill by striking out some $13,501) worth of

items, and I l>elieve this was all the public busi-

ness acted upon by that hranch.

Mr. Breckinridge's speech did not cover any of

the ground which he held fifteen months ago,

and the extracts from the address of Deceml er,

1859, which I have already quoted, would have

been the best refutation of his effort to-day. / 5

Stenographers were present to five the remarks

of Mr. Breckinridge in full. I shuU not attempt a

sketch of bis plausible speech. It was of course

eloquent— if eloquence can exist without that fe:-

ver which finds its fuel in the heart of conserva-

tive patriotism— it was clearly the studied effort

of a leader of a party to place that party in a posi-

tion of advantage by presenting all the worst fea-

tures of its opponents without conceding to them

anv patriotism or love of the L'nion. The gener-

al current of Mr. B. s speech was very similar to

thut which he delivered a week ago in the I'nited

States Senate, the tenor of which all know.

There were, however, incidental departures from

his former programme. Hut I will send you

down the entire speech to-morrow, and you can

judge for yourselves of its merits. If Mr. B.

chained no reputal ion as an enlarged statesmau,

1 ran say he lost none us an adroit party leader.





Ladies desiro is of obtaining the latest and most ele-

saut styles ot BONNETS will do well to call soon.

Misses' Hats of al! styles,

Boy>' Jockeys and ( oinhinitals,

LSonnet>, KibboHS, and floner.*Receives! a'uiost daily by tzpreas at

Mrs. m. J. BUTANT'S,a3 S14 bourtli aueet-

For Hire.

TO hirr for the balance of t h- year, a No. 1 COI .OH15DMAI. K. COOK. A, such has been engaged for sev-

eral years past iu some of our tirst-c'.a's hotels. Th<b st of references niven. Apply to G. W. McCawley, at

the l»«- oltice of McCawley * Kaiifix. N>.2co,.rt PUcea3di;* li. W. McCAWl.bY.

BOARDING,rooms, run I* had on

residence fourth r*wildin< gouth iron

WiitVr-W rka office, etut <ld«i of Thiid, betwewi (.rem

and Walnut. "3 d *

pt« private f&mllv, with thr*MJ. appiicatioa at re*

special NoncnefiiLa's.j- --


I ocihville, April 2, Htfl.j

SHIPPERS OF MBRCH VNOSK tc.r pis. v. in air

the Southern Contederate States are uotined ti

to comply with the la*s of th States in r.vanduty, it will be nto-seary to litnilso ns Invm^e* an4plw-at^-. stri,ni to, for a'l inerehan<lt«e pi imw-d h\

trhicli ,.•«.. .< the transit to destitution mlhout deten-

WhTS goods are In more than one package, the pack-

ages thould be li'inib, red. and a ren-ark ou the invoice

showing the couteuts of each package.vJdlm » A. .IQNrS. «.en».

BANA NO ilea.Bam or Kkxti i kv. I

Louisville, April 1.', WSl.j

THE aunua! meeting ot the Hnx-kliaQders <>f this

lUuk will be held at the ba .king-house in this city

on Mondav rooming, the 6th ot May next, at 10 o clock,

wht n a*i • 1 ction for seven directors to si-rvethe ensuing

year will take plac*. 8. H. ltl'LLEN. Cashie

a3 dtMVonHay.

NOTZCB.We wru d re*p..cttullj* inform tbecttlaem

of Louisville and vicinity tha' we are nowpreiaredto furn sti MO.M MENT8 TAB.LEI'S, and all kinds of MAKBl.E WoKK•_'ii per o nt. cni ap r than it can lie purchased in New York and delivered here.

We invite all to call and exa.ii.ine oui

work and our dei-igus b^loie purchasingeisewh re.

We i iiinlry nine but ths be"t of designers

and workmen, aiel sie theref ir*1 enabl-'d to

iud ol wo-k that may he wanted iu the beat

ma uier possible. M MlXIloOX 4 0 >.,

a? dli 811 liieeu st.. between Third and Fourth st.

OrrtCE or rar. Fbixkmx Ixsurcm f «:,»ii-a>vor UsDHVIUJ^ April U 1" '. 1


this day, to elect a I'r-sid' nt and twelve Directors,

to serv. the present year, the fulluu iug gentkmeu wereduly elect ih MUMWm. Garvin, Ja nee H. Wild t.Wm. (lay, Bainuel L. Nock,Wm. Uiigher, Wn. T»-rv.

Jas. S. Utugusr, Oeorgs W, MorrisJohn W. Anderson, W. flio. Anderson,Warren Newcomb, Joseph P, lorhi t,


Theatt ution of n erch-nts and stock traders is par-

ticu arly illvit. d to this old established and successful

lu-:ii.i'i e '. uipany which continues te doage-ieralFiie an 1 M irine Iut'.r.mre hu-iiiess on the most tib-ral

terms irtlni.. corn.*, ol Main and Bullitt streets, overCommercial Bank.

3 AHMA 'AM IllTK. Sec'

The Fastest TUlltBg Stallion in Hontucliy,

CAPTAIN LKi IITFOOT,WILL make hi> first MM in K ntuftcy at inyfnmi bttVVM 'lit- Sht'lband Ta>'lorn villi* road*1 , six niilen fron'

f 'i • it of I,cnii«viUe. Season fron:

April let to .July UtTemiM payable in four month*,

p>.t lie**" ot putt inn a ."tin •>- 1 own the honwor hi- 11va*. until the mare is with foal,

ajd'&wl .JOHN BI KK.[.Journal and l>&uj(jcrat v py da ; ly H tuxiee and week, v

1 tim*1. and charge fiis office.— ('tmrirr.l

-KTEI^W* GOODSI II SI'iM K OF SPK1NO U<M»1>3 IS SOW t OMpiete. rompriitiiis a full a^ortuient of LACK'. KM-

mtO!l>KUIK8, HOSIKKV. a line ot FANCY M>ol>S.WHll K (iUOItd, at., fa: e.\aniinati'>n of ouretock, hr the ladi's, will convince them that «e> i

af.limxaf To bl l T THKTI4K8. t.a«h andprompt time cuft-imerj' w ill flr.d it to their adv»niatv'e t<-

make their puirlia-e-j of m. O ir JAPANESE HOOPSKIKi S (» new etyl") •Mirputf,.* anything that : t- here-tofore been iut' e market.

(iKKUART & CANNOX.mSMtf ?,'i4 Fourth *tr«*>-i, pp.'nl»- M-^r* IMl. '


\LL families who are he!r> to prop-rtv in foreignconn trier? are hereby notified that there i-« h in

amount cf property and money king in her Maje^ty'-'• rea.-iirv, mid with admini<>tratorfi in Kuplaud. to whichtheir immediate, attention ii> called, no matter how oldthe 2latm.

N. U. BgWAU op COFNTrarriTR and Imitatio- i

from other parties, t)KBETON A (JO., have th'

right nf publication for the t'uittnl s- • - u willrielld A iLft of name* of p'lrtie* or peivous entitled tomoney or property, and tho*** to whom letter* .-iV-nld b<

addrrrtrifd or xppllca'ion made, in I>on<1ou, for *'<» u -nt**

»r l\ 8. poetatce s>tamp«, hy rrturn uutU. pout freeOur Unit of :ihout '> '. name** is rontiimati inr ea-uu'.\ .!!. for piit-cular* p- rtainiiit; to next of kin.

U VI. U'.M OKKKTllN A <'i>..m**l d<twlm IIh vchili. F-tex eo. >i

NOTICE.THE firm of DAYIS <tt UPKKD ! diraolved by the

death of B. O i-avi- irom thii dnt". The husi-

will be i-ouducted a* heretofore, at the old sia-id. iu myown name.Alt p -rs^ns indebted tt th* late firm of DavU A 8p*ed

are re-iue-t-d to make p a ment to roe.niatOdti J. SMITH SPEED.














FOR OTAYOR.\I VNASSKII DEVAS i-a can M it foi Mayoii'l isinf

in ID dte

Hui favor of Southern Rights and fur Secession.

JOSEPH A.ensuing April election.


. . i . .1 by the citycharter, at the Usual places of votlil*. tor the choice

of Mayor aud other e-t> ottlcers, on Saturdw, the tith

day of April l*)l. The fol owing officers have boon ap-pointed to eouduct the same;

l'li.8T war.n.First Precinct fl. 11. Oosuett aud O. Clarke, judges;

Wo d Fe nsoa. clerk; .John Gay, sh -riff.

Seconal Piwstkit—L«oJa Sioll and James Gregory,JatoM .los. B rii tt clerk; Johu Kuril s, sheriff.

Third Precinct—John Moore and John Randolph,jtlrie.-s; Win. Mc nnaith. clerk; R'ss Winn, sheriff.

Fourth PrSsinct—Wna. Sillini.n and J. Balfurd,Judge-; Hani id cassellv. cletk; O. Myers, sheriff.

Fifth Precinct— I*. H King and Pat. Campion, judges;Ishaiu Laveille, clerk; Henry Kmpp, sheriff.


First Precinct- John Counel. aud Hugh Hays, judges;E. Bnsea Trai n -.clerk; John Bill, sheriff.

Seconi Precinct—H. Conuell and C. Elliott, judges;Dick Watts, clerk; John Foroes, sheriff.

Third rS'lTf—f—Was. Cross and E. M. Stone, judges;W. Johnston, clerk; A. A. ChicKerlug, sheriff.

Tlllali U'AKII.

First P,ecinct-K. J. Ellioit and Willis Francis,Judg- s; V. Mori clerk; '1 hos. M. Eitetin. sheriff.

btotBSMf PrecinH Geo. W. Morris and Coleman Dan-iel; judges; Kobt. Triplett, clerk; J. W. Ball, sheriff.


First Precinct James Kitdd and 8tephen Shalcroas.judges: Leu i- Ebrniau. clt rk; Scott Jouea, sheriff.

Sccvtul Preciitct -J. M. St. pliens and J. M. Moi.ohan,judge.; l'rauk Madden, clerk; J. N. Glover, sheriff.

I'lTTII warii.

Firitt Precinct -V. M Atkinson ard Henry Tyler;judges; Issc Chambers, clerk; U. N. Smith, sheriff.

St'ctnut Pn rin.'t -W. H. Stokes and James E. Shaw,judge.; R. W. Marin r, clerk; Eli Esterlec, sheriff.


Fi'rsf Precinct—.John R. Thompson and Sam'l Bttllen,judve-; J<>e Mur*y, clerk G. M. Peuny, sh> riff.

Secoml I'rc'inrt i;eo. Mullikeli and J'ie Ch inents.judges; Geo. T. Megowan. clerk; Thos. Prather, sheriff.

SEVENTH WARll.First /VrWrW -James A. lUrr and .fames Urowu.

judg-s: John Niveu clerk; .1. II. Price, sheriff.

Secotul Precinct —W . f». Condy and Win. Gaulbert,judges; B. Mu-Ukiu. clerk; Ja.. Crowell, shuliff.

NHOB WARD.First Precinct—J. M. Al lander and Jofca Brent,

judges; I ;. r,argent, clerk; J. R. B -ttlson, sheriff.Second Precinct—S. B. Garrett snd J. M. Gamble,

indue-: W. F. Warriuer, clerk: Johu Scheenl .ker,sheriff.

rniVil Precinct—That D. Howard and Tho,. Purrent,judges; clias. G -rman, clerk: Smiley Cosbv, sheriff.Fourth Precinct Sam'l Parker and Johu llolluni.

Judges; Win. Ten mau, clerk: G o M-adows, sheriff.Fifth Precinct - John B. Mitchell and Henry New-

halt, judges; S. Butterfifhl, clerk; J. M. llust in, sheriff.

iWPolls will b" opeuM at 7 o'clock, A. M., audclosed at •'< o'clock. P. M.. of the same dav.mSO 'td I. 11. CRAWFORD, Mayor.Maviir's ttrricK March ;t th ts«l.

AIK.SSRS. EDITORS- Please announce me a candl-,sl dnte foi Mayor at the ensuing election.mlO dte J. It. DELPILHON. T. II. CRAWFORD will he a candidate for re-

election as Ma. or of the city ol Louisville,ml dte

TILLIS8 is a candidate for Mayor at thef19 dte*

WE arc aiithcriacd to announce A. KKIEL, as acandidate for the Ma) oratty at ensuing dic-

tion. mr7 dte

rOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE.|-|R. THUS. E. WILSON will la, aiirportcd for thenJ office of School Trustee from the Third Ward byni^dU* MANY ViiTKRS.

MR. A. S. WOODRUFF is a candidate for SchoolTr




• $1,500,000386,00032S.000

320.000211.000250 000420,000212,0002;'i«,000

313,000- 301,(KM)


HOME nsi RVVn: CO., Fire and fariro, of \ew YorktIKTROPOLITW FIRE INSURANCE < 0., of \cw York< ITIZEVS' FIRE INSURANCE CO., of IVew York - -


HOPE FIRE I.VM liAM E < 0„ of New York - - -


SPRINGFIELD INSURANCE 10., of tlabs. - - - -



t9~M*9*ses Frmnpily .Ii!jotttd unit Puitt in M.ottlsrilte,

marll en<13;ii DANFORTH Be ROBERTS.

TrnsWe from the Tulnl Ward. nil* dte

FOR CITV ATTORNEY./ ^ W HITE, E»i.. h a candidate for City Attorney

at the ensuing election. mi* dte-

UYRON BACON fs a candidate for the office of CityAttorney at the ensuing April election. m& dte*

\1TM. K. WOODRUFF is a candidate 'or »h« office ofv v ' lty Attorney at the ensuing April election.m'2 dte

WB. HOKE Is a candidate for the office of City At-• torney at the ensuing April election. m 1 dte

WE are authorised t<i announce BENSON ORMSBYas a candidate for the office of City Attorney at

the ensuing April election. tT2 dte

JO WILSON is a candidate for the office of (My• Attorney at the ensuing April election. flS. dte

<«J N. HODGES is a candidate for the office of CityAttorney at the ensuiug city election. fig dte

\\"E are authorized to announce ROBT. A. HAMIL-» v TON as a candidate for City Attorney at the en-

auing April elocticn. ffib at.

FOR ALDERMAN.^y>: are aithrla : (•Ban nee Dr. MAT. PYI.ES


\i '

-.'1 sent t

fs a candidate for Alderman in the Fourth Ward




Rugs. Mats, and Stair Rods,

China Mattings, all widths.

Oil-Cloths.All widths, S to M feet wide, and at all pi Ices.



MUSLIN CURTAINS at all prices:


Having purchased our stock of Dry Ooods aud Carpet

infs at reduced prices, we are able to offer unusual in.


O. JDTJVJ^TjH, Sc go.,

Main si, 1*1 Second and Third.

al J*hS



Kast a?ido Fourth St.,



NEW GOODSFr Jin the late large Auctiou sales iu >.*• . York.

We rill open MONDAY, April 1, LARGE LOTS of


NOTICE.BY the deatli of m . ale v±i Ul r, S. S. VOODY, Esq.

the firm ..t" ci N ill A Moolli is dis-olved. Theilndcisig-ied will continue th- WIIOI.S SA I .E (iROCEKY and COMMISSION ou.iu-tsnt the same stand, and• -; I im! I

. luvites the coutinuaooe ot bnsiuts, fromhis f. iend, and customer.-. 11. W. COOli.^April 1 Ml_dl2


W. PARKS and K. OAKLING retired from tbffirm of N. S. GLOBE & CO Augn-t I. IM).

N. 8. GLORE * CO.IjOniivitte. March So. !M1. at d«

ARRIVAL OK 1AUAMB ALWIN,The Glreat Clairvoyant, from Paris.I.I. jv-ivotl*' H i - !

! to kDOW tlll'lf futlltV JifA LL penom u i-ttifte to know tlu-ir f

caii havt* them roa*pct|>- ntsttnl hy MAl>. ALWIN.it Iflf Jeffi'mon rtrett. U-t-ecu First anil Second (couth»id ), wh*-r«* eh>< nwy be onmi',t**d on ftll rDHtt-tiv con-oer.sitiL* Lov< , Marriiitv, < 'ofins-.'iiist. Law-matter*. Buhi-iitw attaini, and will t«il t It*- ii.nne of *hH 1 dy or gen-m a** th**\- wilt in;. try, al*o the uaiue*} of her vUitoin.al jA'rt•

KITE <fc SMALLA*e oov receh iuf for their Spring trade an 1MMLNSKSTOCK ofCARPETINGS

HOUSE - FURNISHINGSpurchased direct from th«_> largest importer* for ea^h

nr*INI»ri;KMK>T8 o&Vred to p«rchaterf during the

awm. FOR ( ASH. UREA rF.K than any house weet of

th* mountains.H TB & 81QAZ.I.,

Main ft., 8d door went Hank of Loulavllls.aS between Third and Kmirth *tmtte.

Dress Goods,

Linen Goods,

White Goods,

( otton Hosierv.Domestics,


Lare Curtains.

Negro Goods.&c.

Havinc purchased these Goods for cash at a GREATSACRIFICE, we can offer

Unprecedciited liidiiunents

at iltf


3. R. EmirxiT & CO.


C. T. MERRIMANWill exhibit on MONDAY all the NEW STYLE8 in

Ladies' Spring Summer W rappings;

Traveling and Walking Suits;

Lace Mant'es and Points;

Children's Garments, kid Cloves, &c.


c.t. n^ER^inv^EA.nsr,I dx National Hotel Building, Fourth st.

EDITORS: If Col. W.^P. Rione will con-to heco :ie a candidate to r present the Ninth

Wsrd in the It ard of Aldermen, lie ivill rec-ive theheartv support of ' MANY VOTERS,

a .' dte



MISS M. T. DAILY(Of 3NTox*7- York


Respectfully invites the Ladles cf Louisville to a test

of her .kill in the above art. Orders received from

10 to U o'clock A. M. at C. T. MERRIMAN'S Cloak,

ShawL and Variety House, National Hotel Building

Fourth street. i iJUdD

UENRY DEPPEN,MorcliantTailor

NO. M SOl'TH SIDE MAIN STREET,Fou.- doors below Fifth.

Tn the FAUirrs of the l.otiismlle Journal:' At the sollri!

red to b eonieHffcfhWrjfC

sTJ.B.NTLKMEN: At the solicitation >f many Wends. IVI hsve consented loll c'nie the f'.iion candidate for


Jefferson .st., between Third ami Fourth sts., near United Stiles Hotel,

isouisviiiija, ky.


pairing done in the best manner.

ARUIAOES ON HAND. WHICH WE ARE »|4LLIN0 AT GREATLYarriages of all descriptions made to order and warranted to give > A'.lsfaction. E


A:d«*rni&n In Hi•iu.li. ftl nt<

lea*« ATinounrp meH. DENNIS.

W.ror< oouNon.TttUN.

P. CA M HUE ; LI'S caudldate for Councilman inthe Second Ward. niJS dte-

HUOH IRVINE is a candidate for Councilman in theFirst Ward at the tusuing April election,

mil die*

WILLIAM F. Rl'BEL Isa candidate for Csunciluianin the First Ward at the April election.

m21 dte"

W. BULL is a candidate for Common Councilman in the Third Ward. ml8 dteWK are authoriz- d to announce WM. H. FAi.AN asa can 'id.ite to represent the First Ward In the

Common Council. mOdte\\*E are authorized to announce M. A. DOWNING as

a candidate to represent the First Ward in thCommon Council. n ftdte

FOB CITY TREASURE It.EDITORS .JOrRNAL: Please unnoiinc*- me M a can-

didate for re-election to the office of City Treiuurerat the approaching municipal t-l**cMon.ma dte IlKXRY WOLFORD.

TOn AUDZTOa.VirE are authorized to rtunonnce WM. A. WARNER" a* an ndependent candidate for < Tity Auditor, notcubject to the decision of any Convention. m5 dte

PLEASE announce nie a* a candidate for the office ofCity Auditor at tho enmi in* April election, which

office I have h»*ld tr appointment of the Mavor sinceSeptember lart. ftidte ALEX. DUVALL.HARRY STUCKY in a candidate for City Auditor at

the enmiiuie election. tn3<i dte*

WE are authorieed to announce T. W. 8PI1.MAN ua candidate for the office of City Auditor,

m 14 dte*

WALPHOVSO McGILL Is a candidate for the• office of City Auditor at the emming April elec-

tion. m5 dte

J CARL TOnNSTON Ii a candidate for City Auditor• at the ensuinffApril election. ml dte

OTI are authorized to announce THEO. B. BOYD aav * a candidate for Auaitor of the City of Lnui»ville

Tor Rent,A new and convenient DWELLING, -ituatedon Jackaon dtreet, between Main aud Market,

I contain in c ftve roonm and klichen, with irood

^JL <


-I and cellar. Rent to a prompt ten-ant. -Npply to Capt. JNO. SHALCKOSS,

a'i hrt-i


Jeff--rt*on. t*-t rittX and 8' cou J ctd.


LY LOCATED HOUSE TO RENT, containingi* room*. 1 he rent will be taken iu board.Addrers G S. II. , through the poet-office,

m*™ tiri#

For Bale,ACRES O? LAND, m (efferwn eoun-

flfa* ty. ou branch of the Shelbyville ro.id. ;ind-w thn-e iHile»frctn Louisville. Thcreareon

the land a (0fi4 dwelling and all ui-o-swaryout-hou«-». Applyto the k»uhwriber, nt E. A. Buck nerA OowSl Second rtreet, betwef-n Main and the river.nr*dlm* A. B. AN'OEKSON.


For Sale,One of the moat desirable LOTS, centrally locared, with a iub->t>uitial and comfortabl


!!!| DWELLING. The lot ha* M feet front by adepth of im fpei to a> alley The Houae id a

three-.«torv Brick Dwelling, with Mtrhen and servants'roonw attached, and a<l n^ceniiary out-buildlnt Willae,l very cheap for cash and short time. Address Box1,115 Louliville P O. !\ <i*t

For Rent.THE lar«e and npari.wis ar"h«>ii?e ou the alley. In the

rear of the building formerly occupied by ua onWall st reet.

noil dtf THOS. II. HUNT A CO.

Slog-ant Country Seat for Sale,Containing '>'. acred of rich laud, on theShelbyville pike, three mile* from the-TUJ

'J!city, in the r» t ueighnorhood In the coun- "Jtm ty. The Imnrovementi* are all fine and of

the ruo«t aubttantlal kind, comprif inn everything necee•ary for ^mfort and convenience, with fine fruit, shrubbery, a large spring, Ac. For particulars, apply to

J. B. WHITMAN,0-20 dtf No. 411 Main ft.

at the eoe ilug April election. i.j .itc'

<alB Has- 'n-t returned from the Ea t, and beli

in ri t-t i i.t "t one of tin- tineot and bert-i-elect

j2 rt ckt ot s.'M.Vi GOODS, of the latert ntyh^«Lt_.-vor brt'tiifbt »o thin market, cousictlng



< I 'M IIS. (\V>SIMERES. VESTIVGS; and GENTLE-MEN'S H"R vI>HI G GO -DS, which I would rei-p-ct-lully offer < HEAP FOR CASH and >o pa> inn cuabmi.ern None oth*»rs n«*s-d »,ect\'. nil-* hAiti

The Blackhaws Trotting- StaJhonEDWAHD BVESRT

Will make In- tir-t tennon in Keu-turfcy at the tsrtn of J. B. Par^i*. five


mile-f east of Louisville. Terms o>3ii

the sra-on; *£u to Insure. Edtrardverttt ww bred by Mr. Mott of Vt r-

mont—wae dred by Sherman Black- 1

duced mere trotting horoe» than anyhor^e in the United States. Hie dam, Mar> KYI er. wabv the iin ported horse GaiuetUr. Cft 1 and s-e him oraddre»ii* R. J VEi * H,

St. Matheww. Kv. 111"*. dl»** J B. PARKS.r|MIE nii'-cnt.' r v. uid reapantftUly iafpf bin friendj .

1 and the public itenerallv, that be hae 1111*1 opened an erally.entire n-w and tH-lect ^tock of Merchant TailorV Goods,

| A t.kBlack aud Fancy D, e

TOR CITY ASSBSSOR.I W. K. II UtKIS iaa candidate for re-election to» • the ofnee of City Assessor at the ensuing April


eleetloii. feb*i dte*

TOR CITT TAS COZ.Z.BTTOR.To the folers uf the Eastern IHslHrt:I 11KKKHV announce nn s, |c as a candidate for re-elec-• tion to tin- ofno- ..f City Tax Colh-etor at th- Aelection. m3u dte'


Tor RAILROAD IAS COX.X.BOTOR.To the foters uf the Weslirn IHstrlrt.BKBBT annniiiice mvs. lf a. a candidate for elec

1 tion to the oilice of Ktilroad T«x Collector at theApril election. [iu25 dte) II. M. tiARRtrrT.ALLEN KKNDALL is a candidate for Railrosd Tax

Collector of the Eastern District. m2U dh

TOR STRBBT INSPECTOR,Y^TH areauth' ri»-d toannoiiuce .1 \8. RAVKKTY as

taiididate for Street Inspector In the WesternDistrict st the ensuing election. nil'u dte

IpEANCIfl DUfT is a candidate for Streetii


in th- l^astern District.

RKWITT is a cais* ot the Eastern Distr ct.

1 i.|"iful


g I> PREWITT ^s a candidate for Street Inspectormil dte*

oousistinK of fino Kr, nch Clotskill", tone! her with the neatest ai d most I Inst • sti lesof fa :cy French and English l as,inu res, silk. Cash-mere, and .Marsailles Vesting* that the Eastern marketaffords, all of « liich he is nrep^red to make to order atti,e 1. .nest cash price, aid iu styles uusnrpa.-td. Thepublic are respecffu'ly invited t-, ell and examine thostock at '-'no Third street, next to the old < '.mrler ofti,-e.

in"' dim .lulls T. iv nyH'iiix

PrlralC Discasrs, aVc.—Imporlant.DO TOR FORD, late of Ncn Orleans, La., where he

has had great experience, will give written advicefor the cure of Secret Diseases in all their phases, astreated by the celebrared Ricord. of Paris. .Soms lateand imimrtatU iiscocci ies by that great physician.St te it the dwMin is new or old. Cures guaranteed.Medicines oan be had at am- drug store. Consultationsgratis. Address L ul-ville Y. I)., Box No. ii*. enclosing1*0 and our postage stamp fir prompt answer.

I will also give acarelufly writteu treatment far Ks>lliale and Chronic Dise««<~, the late discoveries of emi-nent physicians, on tlieterm.alnve. References given.

N. H. \.> cIm. f,. r let.,-, s of ln.|iilry. maia7dls:l


ISAACS <fc BOOKEPNo. 310 rourth street,

Wol LD respectfully call the attention of the ladies

of Louisville and vicinity to their large and well assort-

ed stock of Dry Ooods, embracing every article iu theway of staple and domestic g- ods.

Also a beautiful and well select-d stock of mediumDress floods; all of which they are prepared to offer verychetp jsr cash.

Feeling assured that they can make It greatly to theadvantage of ca*h buyers, they would solicit an exam-ination of their stock, as they are determined to aell

goods for Cash as cheap as the cheapest-

mar 2.'. httbMksrl

'I' C. TINNER announces himself as a candidateM- . for atree t Iusiiectorof the Eastern District, andhopes to he supported by his friends and the public gen-

m7 dte

ALEX\NDER CRUTCH FIELD Is a candidate forStreet Inspector or the Eastern District, and will be

supported by numerous friends. nit nte

WM BAILEY is a candidate lor Street Inspector ofthe Eastern District. Ws d'e

HENRY 111STETTER i« an Independent candidatef r Street In*pector In the Eastern District,

til' dte

AT the urgent request of many friend", I have conseuted to be au independent candidate lor the office

of Street Inspector tf the Western District,n.andw ti. W. HUTU

HARD JIMES!Drugs.Medicines.Fancy Goods.




OISSOLI TION of the I nion. talk of civil war. andelection of Old Abe have combined somen h .t to af-

fect niv finances, and I desire this year to put up ae.tssiprescriptions. 1 w ish further to sell 5u,tssi,isi-i glassesPI'HF. MEAD and SODA WATER, made in my ClassFountains. I should he pleased if rov friends will pur-chase Hsj dozen "Kiss Me Quick" Perfume Sachets,ma 'e st my • staWlaflsmtll and warrant'd to last.The putil c w ill be satisfied with niv stock of Perfume

ry. Soaps. Flavoring Extracts, Imported Havana Cigars,Jamaica Oinger, Blackberrv Wine, aud iu truth e%*eryarticle in my line, and I hind mvself to furnish all thegoods wnich may be called a A paid for at Itiw ratea.

O. H. STKATTAN. Aiwtbecarv,marx7 dtf Opposite I ost-office.

Hints to Married Peoplo Only.BY an eminent English Surgeou Something well to

k.mw. For particulars, stating sex. address DrDumout, box No. HV, postollice, Louisville, Ky.

inari', dXmis

BOARDING.A l EW peiBon- ma o« -t CMU...I i at«d with hcardinft

fvrith or without r»on^) at th> uorthwHi<t corner ofJefferaon and KinhTh tre«»te. mU Ait

To tho Stockholders of the SouthernPacific Railroad Company.

AT a meeMnn of Stockholder, held on the 15th Inst


the following resolution* were uuaniuionrily adopied:1st. /iVwofrei/. That each shareholder shall"mAmtUm

for and pur base of the Conipsny a- main- shires of Itsunsold capital, at ii v. dollar^ the shaie, not to be fuh-)ect t 1

' additional calls, as will make a sum of moneye«iual to "ne dollnr for »*ach share now held by him. forwhich, when paid, certificate-" AinW issue.

2d. That the Company shall opeu sultccription booksIn each tftatf, aud appoint nirents to see each rhare-holder and take up siibr>chptions and receive the pay-ment thereupon of one-fourth iu cash and the remain-der rti rood cmninerciiil rniper. Iu wpial mon hly install-ments of two, f ur, and six months from this date.We are now prepired to act under the above resolu-

tions and the iiUfitxt of the company demand a promptresponse from tin* stockholders.

illii dim W. A H, IU KKHARDT. Atrent-

»i iii nn; ii.i:mi;m e look.XJE PARIS.

Robes, Manteaux, Toilette de

Ville and de Bal.

402 Taird St., bet. Joiftrson and Oreen.mar15 distf

A J&ure Chance,a oorrEs-nousE and stock or

LIQUORS FOR SALE,T1IK undfrsianed, in con«et|ueuce of s cknesf, hu

come to the couclusion of disposing of his < offee-hou*e, ou the northwett comer of Floyd and .J- Hereonstre -ts, together witii his ftock ot Li'iuorw and t7er>*-thini,' pertaininn to the fame.

It would be uneleai to say that the location Is ona ofthe be-t iu the city, aud that such an opportunity la notof every day occurrence.

GEOBOE VACARO,mrll dtf t'orner of Flov d snd .)> fferson.

OAIIOON'SBroadcast fcseod-Sower,

rnu ids ikuWHEAT, OATS, 1 1 K M I', BA RI.KY, OKA SS S EED.


Hope Cotton Hills.PITTSBIKO, 1*A.

Mantifactiimrs of

SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS of every variety,ol (ISSAHl Kils :j in- In s to WlhohlS aioV,aiid of COTTON WAKPS.

Aannts for sale of Goods in Louisvillp.Mcaara. JOHN I . HOWAKI) A CO.,

'ant sj^ocltr M^ln KM TI'irH an.t K"o.,rt»i etm.

m mmmm ami himaiim.leave to anunuuoe to hisilly that his arranitementalie various deuartnieuta of

\|('NS. ,1. PAKtiNY bc«*! friends aud public gen«i


ew feature in this city.



J All. -Wa,


ith utterUe. t

ire at , !!.:..

his business ar» fully «>

The La.1i^'H#* ; t.unaud Mona. Fai irny pip.

ducted in the must ordi

The entrance Is throuKmost car,* will be takenbe ouly such as the mothe delicacies ot the sei

Jtc.y are always on banThe Confe«tiooBiT L

can tsfinpt the eye or pi

tides have never befor-

The Gentlemen's Re?Bar la kept, but the punished to the K'uvts a<

• v.-m dish which Is witcook can be had, from a si

jtati dr foU ^ran. Mons,hie cmww. is equal to a:

past favors, he hopes by a

a coutinnance of tha sam«*.

Parties, Brlvnte aud jsiblic Dinners, Supper.*, Ac, will

be sui'ptivHl in the be*t manner^and nn rt-*-.m*Me tunna,eith. i at tlW RentauiAiit or ei»«w here, fl6b4jtt

W. ^l. McGILLLs an Independent Candidate for the Office

at dt

CITY AUDITORAt the ensuiug April Election.

Tor Sale or Hire,^ NKUKO WOM AN, about 5» yeait old,

cumbraiiee, first-rate cook,


ithout in-lu juir^ at

UOWARIVg,Thin! st.. nbtr .letferarm

Is .,uiet :tnd orderly. Notluest of liquors are fur-blea. Every article andh of the resources of theof American Ham to a

Paritny tlatt>-rs himself that- in America. Thankful fort ution and politeness to merit






Dry Goods & Clothingnl6 bijiwistf GARVIN, BELL, & CO.



a largest aud best aaaortment of

MASKS AND WIGSAn to be fouud

H0GAN & DUTEIL'S,J 13 distc No. 86 Fourth st.. Dear Market.

J. B. WALKER,Morcliniit TailorHAVING

pMe as

st>les of

SPHXItfO GOODSTliat could be purchased in the Eastern citiea, which heoffers to raiiNG a (noue otb»-r need apply) atliteral rat«s. The celebrity of this houae, a id thewidi*-spread fame of Mr. Fuller aa a cu fter, commandmore attention than Abe Lincoln's inaugural.m2ii dim

.JT3T KETI KNEI) WITH A COM-ortmeut of tho bed material aud lateat




Lorisvu.i.K. March ita, t


Th« Louisville and Frankfort and I. xington andFraukfoit iiailroads are desirotu of coDtractiug for,m,f«st white oak Orosa-ties, to be delivered from May let,

October 1st, asreM'iir- d, on th** line of said Kallro^ds.The Tii-s must lie cl ared of bark, aawed, and cut offi|uare at the ends. w feet louif and counter-hewed on twopposltesider to a thickness of <\ to 7 iucJ.es, with faces notIws thau inchea clear of aap wood Persons pioposiug

onrvact will pleaM address tlie undcrsi|tued, at Louis-Tille. Jvy.

IMUatwl S\MCELOTLU SuneMnte^d-nt

THE OMEeiPftSeVl AuivICLLi L UAL IMP^KME.NTin the woriu ior the work it tstes and the uuioi itis.

THE HAND MACHINESowt from Fot,'K to bix aerea \<et hour;

THE HORSE-POWER MACHINEFrom tt.n to iimvi; doing the work in the most perfee* manner.HundredSsif farmers have testified tb^t by their nae

they more thau saved the cost of a Machine In a eingleseasou.

W< irculars descrihinir the Machines, with testimo-nials friu multitudes of those who have them in use,can be bad on application.Manufactured and eoM to the trade hy

HEAKS A SPARROW,marta jistf 4« Third «t.. I-ni.i.yUlp, Kr.

IVIAVORB of tbe GREAT CITIES.IV'E. Um und-TsiKued Mavurs, hrrcb>" certify that the** Ot lu.vi-'T-. Apothecaries, aid Physfelana of our

several cities- have tinned a document of aasurauve to uathat rhe Rem* dies of Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., of Lowell<Ayke.V S*Ehai abii.la, IM li.p, AQVM ( inr. and t urnRYI'hu.hai have been found to be medtciu^a of great ex-

Id in--- and worthy the oontidt nee of the community:

J. W. COOK,Opticianfrom Paris.

Long Practical exp*>ri*ncs> and a lame assortment of


4 DM Third at., bet. Ji llsrun nml (Jrern,

tin AUlf LOUISVILI.K. KY.N. It. Watchis, and Clocks repaired and warranted.

Situation Wanted.A WIDOW ladv, who is fully ... -

;• to tsarh the

f*ianr>-Kortii and Vocal Music, wishts lor an , naaar>ment in a Seminar)*. A k -od salary rei|iiired. A-ldresaA. N «.. N»-hviI!sf. T.nii ,,-tt il.tin*

WE wish to pi

livered durwill nay the fail I


Hemp Mauled.) of rood quality, to be da-

iry mid March, for wM -h we

TIIOS. II. HI"NT I. a '.




Water Pipes, Hose, H j dranis,&c.

WE are preparedDwellings, Stor

WALL PAPERAt Reduced Prices

For a Few DaysCall soon If yon want BARGAINS.

WOT. F. WOOD,nn dlstl Third, above Main it



would inform my old customers that I am again tob*» found at the olllceof Wm. L. Murphy A Co., east sideFourth street, bet. Main and River, where I will behappy to be thf means of.^rint7 uj* all who desire to havethe best and cheapest Pitts re and Hartford City Coalnow In the city. Having good teams, good drivers, anddetermined to plrasey I hope that I wilt be all powerjulIn driving a brisk trade with my old friends. Call audaee me. fjludtf] M. POWER.

GALLERYthe leadingful Gallery inIt Is aurprla-

fection they haveBeautiful Art.

WEBSTER'Salways beenmost success-West andto what per-brought thli

were not a- ware until we visited thiafitmoua Gal- lery a few days since, andam*' the walls completeh- covered withelegant and truly artintic gems ofPortraiture, of every size andstyle, and all seeming so perfectlylife-like; we ?ay that untittheuwe had uo idea that all the)

Messrs. Web- ater say inthe papers la reallytrue. But thehalt has not

§ been told.

Jtfl BP CIO AND si:k.^ii

' HASandtbe!«



1c r- Pitchers, ke-Cream Savins. Watcr-l rns, rki


EU3. IHCUTEH,At the old Gold and Silver Plating Establishment,

S35 Third st., between Market and Jefferson.mar5 dim is

sNOTXCB.THE Stockhidders in the Louisville and Salt River

Road Company are requested to meet at the chan-cery Court Clerk's onVe, in l/misvilla on SaturJay, theISth of April, to elect a President an 1 five Managers forthe enaulug year. KOBERT N. MILLER.mtU dtd President.

Private Medical Dispensarj,Conducted on the European Plan,

For th* Out* of all Frirat* DImimi,

Those afflictssd with any dla-

i*e of a private nature, whowculd escape the imposition of

ignorant 'iiiacka, should not fail

to read "Da. OAnte's Pa ivanM >-!!. a i. TsKATiex on Skxuaj.Dibeases,"* a new and revisededition of one hundred pages,handsomely iOustrated withplates and engravings representIng tbe genital organs of bott

in a atate of health and disease. Treating ou all

private diseases Incident to both sexes, such aa geuerajnervous and eexual debility, solitary habits, seminalweakness, impotence, Ac. Price by mail TEN CENTS.

DR. GATES baa for man> years devoted bia whol<time and attention to the treatment of disoaeea of a

private nature In all their varied and complicatcc*fortua. Hie anoceea In those long .landing and difficult

cases , such as were formerly coiuidered inairable, it

auificient to commend him to tbe aitiicted as worthy of

the extensive practice which he haa heretofore receivedAuo .te pledget to spare neither time nor expense to reudor himself proficient in the profession of his adoption.Those who believe they have contracted disease should

make Immediate application, as. by bis recent discovertes, he ls enabled to cut short all cases In a few days.Yooyo, Mii>Di^-aeai>, and Old Mem, who, by indulg

Ing In solitary habits or excessive ludulgeuce of theirpassions, have produced Seminal WxAKNaee or an abillty in advance of their yean, may be restored to theirformer health and vigor by making immediate application.

TO THE LADIES.—Dr. Gates ia agent for M. LACROIX'S FRENCH PREVENITVE POWDERS. Bjtheir use, those who, from any cause, wish to limrthe number of their offspring, can do to without dange:to health or constitution. Price by mail, and twrpostage atAinpa.Alao, for MADAME CAPRAU'S FEMALE MONTH

LY PILLS—a aafe and effectual remedy for Irregulari-ties, Obstructions, Ac Price by mail, $1 and outp rtage stamp.Cannon.—Theae pills ahould not be taken dnrtns

pregnancy* as they are sure to produce miAoarriaoe.To persons at a distauoo who wish to be cured at horn*

we wilL on receipt of a brief statement of their case, senda Hat of such questions as we would ask on a personal interview; and. on receipt of the list filled out, wo wil:forward medicines particularly adapted to the case, fre»

from damage or observation, to any part of the countrywith full directions for nae.Consultations may be he Id from « A. M. to 9 P. M

(ou Sunday from to 11 A. M.,) at his office, DOrtbeascorner of Third and Market streets, up stairs - privatMitrance on Third street—Louisville, Ky.l*sy~The absve business will hereafter be eondnctec

nnder the name aud style of DR. H. G. MILLER A CO.to whom all orders and letters should be addressed. Dr.GATES can, aa heretofore, be consulted personally, during busiuesa hours, on all diseases on which his bocktreats.

Secrecy inviolable. Don't forget the name an.'

place. All letters should be addressed toDR. H. G. MILLER A CO.

fehSn dtsAwenwIv Ijooisville. Sr.

to introduce Water Pipes IntoLngs, Stores, and Factories on reasonable

terms. We have a full stock of Bath Tuba, WaterClosets, 81iower Hatha, Wash Basins, Hydrants, DoseBoxes, the. Having a loug experience in the business,we guaranty to give entire satisfaction for all work sotrusted to ua.


MORRIS & HOGG,405 Main St., third house below Fourth



All "I ft. in stock and made to order:

Ladies' aud Gentlemen's FurnishingGoods, Com lis. Brushes, Soaps,

Ac.. Ac.s' dls'.f




The largeet and most varied as-sortment of all the article* per-tainiug to the SADDLERY busi-ness to be touud in th** city. Pur-*

in will consult thuir interest by giving

It. E. MZZsES,No. 911 Malu st., between Second aud Third.

lanis: rtKniis


TII.CfF£B.llIllB»IiSEMarket st., between Sixlh and Seventh (south side),

LOUISVILLE, KY.raT~K >onin)* and Ilou-eWork will be attended to with

punctuality and dispatch. Orders from a distance soli-

cited. flu dii-rttn

The lirinhj Plow*

VO >! VN CAN Ml-: \ Si:ct:ESSFUL FA11MFR1^ withoit uriiu a ro-k! Plow Every tarm**r wishes)tn rt.- Hiif-ct w'ul: heure he mti-t u-e not only a rood butif possible tbe 6«*s' Plow, a Plow, to deserve the namsi*'Kood." miut be of liicht draft, that The t«'aui maj pullit easily; must nin steadily: do its work thoroughly;clean it jelf iu every soil; must be simp'ein construc-tion and have no useless weight. The P>ovr that excelsall oth'-r-* iu these particulars i*1 n*'»t onlv a * kat>od" tait

the 6e.-«f Plow, and, f: com *«*, should hr-u.-. d on everyfarm.


Brinly's Patent Steel Plow,has proved i'self in one hundred and nxfy trials withthe mot popular Plows In tne cxuii.ysnd on everyfarm on **hu-h it has bsjaja u»ed. Lvt ever? tanner tryit. Send for a circular.STFRBLE, f*VtH», C< LiTVATINC. Sl'BSOIL. AND

SHOVEL Pl.t)Wft, CILTIVATOK**. Ac, manufac-tured under the personal fiipervisio i of the Inventorai d patMttt-e T. E <:. Bnuly.Seud iu your orders. They » il 1 be rromptl y filled.

BHINLV, DODOB. & CO.,s'XS Main b^tiffpcn Third ami Fourth s'reeta,

SImMb I.liriSVII.l K. KY.


BULLOCK \ HARLAN.Attorneys At Xiaw.


WILL give their undivided attention to the pra»*tice

of tbe Law in a l the Courts held in i he cit.\ otLouisville and in the Court of Appeals and FederalCourt at Frankfort They will also attend resularlythe Circuit Court* of Shelby, Spencer, Bullitt, Henry,Franklin, and Oldham counties.

Pi* ricular attention given to the collr ction of Easternclai a.

0»fiok No. 43S Main street between Fifth and Sixth,near the corner of Fifth. mSl dU'&wil


Garden Seeds,Put up and sold wholesale and retail, iu papers or

bulk, by


Seed and Asrricnltaral Warehouse,634 MAIN 8TKE :T, NEAR SIXTH.

FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS.To Farmers aul D;*al rs I can offer superior induce-

ments In these Seeds.

KaV"Correspondence promptly answered, and descrip-tive catalogues of Machines, Seeds, aud Fiult Tr**sjmmished on appMratlon. dti dAwtf



WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING AND HAYSou baud a full supply of


Alio all the various luialitlm of


COLORS, and TLKFENTINB,The trade and consumers aupplt d on the most liberal


IXEain street, between Ninth and Toath.fl4di84*^ui

\\\k I \T MH.Ti:, i.t ftmerlcaa. Keilpa*, assl

of Hortfusia, by Cont**ufion:

OMVRK, bs Wiujorr, out of Fltuht, by Im-ported Leviathan;

BAY DICK, by (.leiiroe, out Traobjuaa,by imported Tranby:

gr\ Will make the season »f t-rt at my:/J stables, near Bardstowi.. K.., at # ft

th- ceAa*on, and #J'> to v\ - re. Thept'digreesof these Stallion-' have beenwbhuhfd so often, and ti-e are so

. well known as belug s' rlctl)* thoroughanuTrtshioiiaoly bred horses, aud r-uperlor brt-ediTs, thatit Is not thought uecessarv to sav any hing more sboutthem. Mares from a distance wel^ taken care of onmodi-rate terms,m-iMA-am F. O MURPHY.

Dogs, Rabbits, &FancyPoultryNewfniindland Dons,

Kiitlisli P.'i. ters. Mada-gascar and coiuiuou Kui.'-

Qsjfa Ka' bits. lllackSpan-lish, Whit,- llorklnaa,Hiiiiibiiras. Pdlands. and

^ lour varieties of Hautsiu Fowls, three oftn.r, of Turkeys, tc. oVnd for dnular

W. A. GOOIIINC,ilniftaT' Oak I.usrn Lockport, Will CO , III.



BUtch alike on both aides. This Machine Is full)

guarantied in every particular. _ ,» .. .. . ffr c u„sonlc TerrTpls.CM and see thi.n at I

nil doodly f. L. F08KFT I

Mayor of I I Mass.Ma>. Worcvster. Mass.

M:i' or of Salem, Maas.Ma,-or of H «ston. Mass

.Mayor of New rU-dtortl, Maas.Mayor of Fall Kivi r.

. . .Mavor cf Nashua, N. II.

..Mayor of Manchester. N. li.Mayor ot Concord, N. H.

. . - Mayor of Providence, R. I.

Mayor of Newport, K. I.

Mayor of X-r, irn, Ct,— Mayor nf New I. ndon. Ct,Mayor of New York.

Mayor of Ciucfhnati. i.

Mavor of Lsmisville, K>.Maim of Montreal C. E.

...Ma.iorof llamiltoii, C. W.Mayer of Toronto. C. W.Mayor of Augiuta. Me.

Mai or of llallouell. Me.Mayor of Frtileriektou, N. II.

Mayor of Lyons, Iowa.Mayor of I lubu^ue, Iowa.

Mayor of Galena, III.

...Ma' or of La Cross*1

, Wis.Sk. DUN ANKOMl l I'.l.lliA'r.ltlA. Mayor uf Havana.

Cuba.The Mayor, uf thei-li'ef eilies of the 1'iiited States,

l^aoadas, and BrituS Provinoea, CbltL l'.-ru, Brazil.Mexit-'i. and In fact of almost all the cities on this cou-tinent li v.- signed this duciimeiit to assure their peoplewhat remedies they may use with safety and contidence.Put our epacc liere will not adu.it anv c-jusidiiralile por-tlou of them, and we only publish those in this moreimmediate vicinity,

leer's a.irsspai ills, i !ierrv P< • toral. Avei's Pills andAcer's Ague Cure, ptepand liy UK. J. AYER A CO.,Lowell. Mass. rut! dexxl&ivcow










Commission Merchants.NO. »'J CAMP STREET,

Ng"w Orleans.iJli riUmAwitrr

punHavana Tobacco SeedJLST RECEl'V-TO. FOR S \L15 IN QUANTITIES

to suit purchasers. Price one dollar er ounce.Mailed free of poetage.

». 1YIAUPAY,ml.Sd&wlmts No. til Oravler ,t.. New- Orleans.

FAHaXXsY risOUR.1 I Wl URLS sup rior No. 1 Extra family Flcur.1 II \l :% bbls Model Mills do do dr

76 bbls Central do do do do;l si bbls Temple do EitraFamllrFhurln sicks:50 bbls City do do do do do;

To which w . invite the attention of dealers.

Unbolted Flour ou hand at all time* and for sale byH. FERGUSON A SON,

mal d t'2 Fifth street, one doer north of Market.

Boone Tobacco Warehouse,Main ctrtwt, betwr*ra Ninth end Tvuth,

wcwnuM ky.rTMIK above larff> and commodious Warehouse it dostI in operation tor tin- Inspection of Tobacco.The proprietors have ppan»d no expense to make it inevery respect what a Warfhouew pfccmld H* for the saleand purchase of Tobacco. The building bring of brick,tboroiiKhlv Hichtxi, wilh metallic root and on thesquare adj'<iulng the two Warehotiec* now in operation,will, they hope, with thidr own excttione, merit a ahareof tl.H plant*<rs' and dt-alen1' petrouagn.

I VT'Hr.t r.B. sera -The merchants a:id husltinjifi men 'H


' GLrOVeR 4 OO.

Oil, XstAmp», Oil,Oil. 3Li*«trK3.i>*3, Oil.Oil Lamps, Oil;COAL LUNAR OIL,LARD OIL, AN O FLLTDLAMPrl tl every ftyle and emb inciu, all t^»- latest im

fet'RNIland i vtsi

city form*de).

\\\ OILS ande whiles* t.ts tor thii11 Ah* b(»s»

METHODIST BOOK ROOMS, XZtNo. 228 Third atreet, near Main.

SCHOOL HOOK9 Of KVKRY DF.SC'RIPTIONkept constantly on hand.



and invented by J. J. Qwyun, of Louisville, is thetticcst, tchiiCMt. and b ut article of the kind manufac-ture.!, aud fer mending liieken rhina, (class, 4c., is unamialed. It Is ouly Vt cents per bottle, and iu every' fam*ily will be the means of savin* more than twenty timesits cost. It can be had wholesale aud retail at O. II.

STKATTAN'S Capitol Oliis Store, com. r of Third andUreen streets, and at retell at all the Faucv and DrugStore- In the citv Trv a pottle. niUeod&yejowtm

W'HITk; FUM In half hlil. for sale by>\ uM U1BUITT b SON.

light equal to I «r I candle" can Ije h l

cost cf one caitdlef Lunar and iv.al 1 .11 1.-

safe as candies. HAi;l^Y si ct;

ans dssw" ' n Fourth st . near Nat .

ALEXANDER'S SIXsAIS:I.HIB Ri:sioio 0 THE NATI.KA1r I UK HAIR W1I HOUT81ANB WITHOUT 1'IUtPAilATlON.A sin pie application pmdueii.* any sha

from brown to beautiful black, dcpcu^enlberol applications, producing ainun' . ut

color, and a beauii ui. sott, .ilk v. :

Tills article is ono of the most extra 'I'dli.


NO FA1UAL IN THE \\ OKU)!gold by all Druggists.Wholesale hy RV*. O. A. WRIOH1 r;

JanM sodrm






AKPARTURE OF TRAINS,JsgtrsomtiSUs Hmllrom*.

U*nle, Cincinnati and Chicane Expre**. ..tfcUO A. M.t«ai.ciiinatl and lndiaiiopolt* Eastern Eaproae.fctHl P. M.M. Louis and Cairo Night Express Mil P. M.

Louie. ill.. JKtm Jlhmny * t'Mraru *_</ro««l.

On and after Wednesday, December la, IBou, trainswill lean .Mew Albany aa rollowr

8t. Loub and Chicago Ki press Mall lu-Ul A. M.t LouUNlicht Express in 16 P. M.roach Accommodation fcU P. M.Train* arrive at New Albany u follows:

Louisville Express) few A. M.Accommodation 1:16 P. MLouisville Mall 7 80 P. M.

Vomtsmill. and Lsjrimflom Hailromi.ngsr Train No. 1 at ti:uu A. M.ngsr Train No. a at 1:10 P. M.

accommodation Train at 4:5c P. M.L oui.etll. mm* .VaiMMt Hmilrmm*.

Mall Train No. I 7:«S A. M.Express Train No. a (Sunday* excepted) 7:00 P. MBardstown Branch No. a fcls P. MLebanon Hranch No. 1 7:16 A. M.Lebanon Branch No. a. 1:16 P. M.Memphis Branch No. 1 7:00 A. M.








Eastern District—ALEX CBUTCHTOtLD.Weatern " GEO. W. GRIFFEY.


Kastern District—THOMAS T. SI MMERS,Western " N. L. McCLELLAND.

RAILROAD TAX COLLECTORS,Eastern District—" . T. MAY.Western «« . P. THIXTON.


Councilmen—-\V. F. Ruliel and Hugh Irvine.

HECOSll WARD.Alderman—J. W < islmrne. Councilmen—Thos

tiradley and T. C. Tucker.

THIRD WARD.• Councilmen—V. Overall and G. W. Hull.


Meats W ARD.

Alderman—Thos. Shank*. Councilmen— K. Aliuckner and Dr. N. U. Marshall. School Trustee—Alvin Wood.

FIFTH WARD.Councilmen— Dr. T. L. Caldwell and J. M

Armstrong. School Trustee Sim. Watkins.


Alderman —.las. Trahue.' Councilmen Dr. MGoldsmith and Jobs llarbee. School Trustee—S&ndford Duncan.

SEVKirrit WARD.Councilmen—T. C. Pninernv and Josb.

Brown. School Trustee— ti. W. Morris.

Ktc.IITII WARD.Alderman—W. P. Boone. Councilmen—


Milt. Moore and H. C. Caruth.

TENTH WARD.For Councilman— \V. A. Downing.

WWe are requested to announce the following

TENTH WARD.Councilmen—John W. Story and las. li. Creg

ory. School Trustees—Robert Snyder and SilasYoung.

A Handsome Prksf.sjt.—We have had the

pleasure of seeing a beautiful silver canteen, in

the shape of a keg, given by that highly accomplished and talented cflicer Maj. Thos. H. Huntlo the Hunt Guards, Capt. C. J. Prentice, com-

mander, as a priae to the member of the companywho, in successive trials, shall prove himself the

best marksman. The trials are to take place at

intervals of three months, and, when any mom->>er shall have won in three trials, the prize will

be his.

The gift is as appropriate as it is tasteful and

costly. The design is original, and the execuiion

in all respects exquisite. Maj. Huat is entitled

to high praise for bis successful efforts to create a

feeling of patriotic fervor in the hearts of the

State Guard*.

CoRUErTIiiX.—A paragraph appeared in this

paper a few days ago, copied from the Nashville

Manner, associating the name of Mr. John S.

Miller with the murder of tbe late cashier of the

I'nion Bank, at Nashville. We have already

published a refutation of tbe charge: but we have

since receivi d the West Tennessee Whig, con

talning the proceedings of a meeting of the citi

zens of .lackson. ana* of the Directors of tbe

L'nlon Bank at that place, which fully endorse

Mr. Miller's character for respectability, and hon-

or, and relieve him of the unj ist imputation.

Benefit or Mr. J, F. Lttton.—The benefit

of this favorite Comedian will take place to-mor-

row evening at the theatre. Tbe programme,

which hus been prepared already, is exceedingly

attractive, Mr. l.ytton appearing as Kagged Cat,

ai d in a number of songs and dances, Mr. Sidney

Smiih as Juddy OT'rot, and in a trial jig with

Mr. Lytton, Miss Jennie Height as Razee in

Slasher and Crasher; and then we are promised

a song by a member of the Musical Fund Socie-

ty, a clog dance by C. B. Williams, while several

amateurs have volunteered to appear in the Sev-

en ( larks. Tbe entertainment, it appears, will

possess an interest, too, beyond that which will

be thrown around it by the dramatic representa-

tion, as will be seen by reference to the following

correspondence:Locisvili.e, March. 81, 1861.

Cajt. Jas McDkrmoit, Hear Sir: The man-agement of the Ixiuisville Theatre have kindlyset apart Thursday evening, the 4' h inwt., as theoccasion of my benefit. To this euierlaiiunent I

moat cordially extend an invitation to your gal-lant company, the Jackson Guards Trusting thatit will be received and accepted wltb tbe samehearty feeling that it is tendered,

1 remain, verv truly,

Your obedient servant,


D>cisriLLB, April 1, 1861Mr. J. F. Lyttds—Dear Sir: In behalf of the

Jacks in Guards, I accept your li d invitation to bepresent at your benefit, indulging the hope tbeoccasion mav prove as successtul as your meritsas an actor and accomplishment* as a gentlemandeserve.

I am, sir, vour oliedient servant,

James mcdekmott,Captain Jackson Guards

To the Editor* of the fyouisrille Journal:

Nasiivii.i.r, March 31, 1861.

Gentlemen: 1 saw it stated in your paper (1

think it was) that Mr. Crittenden would be run

for Congress in his district. Not noticing any-

thing further on tbe subject for some time past,

I have fears that he will not run. How is this?

He will certainly uot decline to render bis coun-

try this further service, lot the sacrifice be what

it may. At least I hope not. And I trust the

friends of the country will urge it on him, and, if

need be. force bim to it.

This is no time for any patriot to withhold his

•id when he may do good in tbe causa of a bleed-

ing country.

Here, we are detrrviincd to make Mr. Bell run

whether he be willing or not.

With Crittenden and Bell in Congress, Ken

tucky and Tennessee would exercise a moat salu-

tary influence over the destinies of the nation

Don't let Mr. Crittenden rest until be consents,

and al-o lend ua a helping band t» induce MrBell also to consent.

We are still unwavering in our love of the

Cniin, and we hope to see our twin sister Ken-

tucky stand just as firm as we i!o. and intend to

continue to stand as long as the shadow of a hope

is left. Your friend, M

Nominations.—At a moeting of the citizens of

Portland, last evening, Dr. G. H. Walling was

called to tbe Chair, and Mr. J. P. (iheene was

appointed Secretary. The meeting at once pro-

ceeded to nominate candi la'e- f r ward officers,

with tbe following result: Fer School Trustees

Daniel McCulloch and J. W. Errick, for the Com-mon Council, H. H. Buchanan and W. A. Duck-wall; for Alde-mun, Robt. F. Baird.

Christt's Minbtrkls.—The second perform-

ance of this troupe was given last evening. In

the class of entertainments which they give, they

are very superior—their performance having qui *

an air of originality, mingling song, dance, and

farce in each part. Many of the performers evince

musical talent of a high order and cultivation,

and would not do themselves discredit in the opera.

To-night is the last night of tbei.- appearance.

Si'ddkn Oka i n.—Mr. R. B. Alexander, a gen-

tleman well known in this city, was found dead

in his room at the National Hotel yesterday.

He was a native of Cumberland county, Ky., and

a man of family, having a wife and two children,

who are in New Orleans at present. The deceased

had been employed as bnok-kee|>er in the house of

Messrs. Kahn *; Wolf, and was universally es-


Hki.d eor Trial. — We ave already an-

nounced that two men named Wyatt and Smith

had been arrested in this city on tbe charge of

stealing copper pipe in Jeft'ersonville. They were

examined yesterday before Justice Scliell, of Jef-

fersonville, and the former committed in default

of aj.100 bail and the latter in default of . 100 bail

for final trial.

tfi»"The Evansville Journal informs us that the

paragraph in allusion to Mr. Hugo, of New Har-

mony, Indiana, which we copied from tbe I'nion-

town CKy.) News, wherein Mr. Hugo is charged

with enticing a voung woman away from her pa-

reuts.did that gentleman injustice, and tbe Evans-

villa Journal is good Authority.

Tom, the MrsioAi. Pkodiov.—Tom, the blind

negro boy musician, tbe greatest wonder of this

or any other age, closed a series of concerts, in

this city, last evening. He will leave for Frank-

fort to-day, giving an entertainment in that city

this evening.

NiTrRAMZED.—Mich'l Murphy, Jno. O Bryan,

Samuel Seigrist, Daniel Callahan, Henry Tobe,

Wm. Hoffman, Charles Schmitt, Pat Crowley,

Pat Dailey, John Bollmyor, L. Knoblock, L.

Lerner, and Phil Whalan took the final oath as

citizens in the City Court yesterday morning.

It)' telegraph to tbe Cincinnati papers ]

Washington, April 1

On Saturday evening last, three members ofCongress, one of whom was from Ohio, called onthe President. They found him engaged in look-ing over a number of maps of the gulf coast. Aconversation ensued alaiut the disposition of theSouthern posts, in the course of which the Presi-dent gave it to ba understood, in unmistakableterms, that even though tbe evacuation of FortSumter should lie determined upon, tbe otherforts vet in possession of the federal troops willbe held to the last. Hafurtbermore hinted rathermore plainly at the intention of the governmentto blockade'the Sou'hern ports and collect therevenue with men of war.W. H. liussell, the Times' corresp indent is

being considerably lionized, both bv toe Administration and the pulil'c at large. He dined withthe President on Sattirdav and bad an interviewwith the Southern Commissioners yesterday. Hehas now laid out his route through the South, andwill start in easy stages for Montgomery towardsthe end of the present week. The Secessionistswill receive Utile mercy at his pen.A bearer of dispatches from the United States

Consul at St. Domingo arrived here yesterday.They bore upon the high-handed measures of an-nexation lately resorted to upon that Island bvtbe Spanish authorities. It is known that thesubject has already occupied tbe attention of tbePresident and Secretary Seward, and the latterwill address an energetic pretest to the SpanishGovernment without delay.Assurances have lieen received here from New

I rk financial men of the highest standing inthat city that the new loan will be readily taken,at from ninetv-two to ninety-three, and perhapseven ninety-four.

_The reinforcing of the forts at Tortugas and

Key West by the troops from Texas does not inthe least disconcert the Southerners here. Theybelieve, and say that thev have reason for thefaith, that the works will all be evacuated beforesix months.

I learn that some Western men called upon thePresident to day, and urged him to collect therevenue in tbe seceded States. Mr. Lincoln aaid,that, as far as be was personally concerned, hewas in favor of it; but he would fn that matterdefer to the judgment of his Cabinet.

I believe that it is the object of the Governmentif possible, to keep its policv until its representativshall bave arrived abro id". All of the new Minis-ters have been requested to hasten their departureabroad. Mr. Corwin will leave on the lltb inst.

It is decried that neither Messrs. Fogg, Minister to Switzerland, nor Pike, Minister resident tothe Hague, can have secretaries. They are enti-tled to them by law, but there have never beenany appointed, and the Administration has nori^ht to appoint to fill vacancies existing previousto tbe adjournment of the Senate.Governor Houston's agent passed through here

to day on his way to New York to purchase arms.He says that Houston will raise an army of fromtwo thousand to live thousand men in lexas, Ar-kansas, Missouri, and Tennessee, who will opposethe juriadiciif n of the Confederate States, but ultimatelv intending to invade Mexico.The Secretary of tbe Navy is arranging the

preliminaries for the construction of seven warsteamers. Three of the sloops will undoubtedlybe built at the New England yards, two at Kit-terv ai d one at Boston, or rice versa.

The vacancy in the Supreme Court cannot befilled until the next session of Congress. It is

not impossible an effort will lie made then to re-organize i be present judicial districts.

Owing to an unfortunate omivio.t or oversightno appropriation was made for the pay of any ofthe officers of the three Territorial Governmentsorganized last session.

It is understood that soon after the Californiaappointments are disposed of, the Southern Statesappointment* will be taken up, the first of whichwill be those at Baltimore. Mr. Corcoran, amerchant and a strong Republican, seems likelyto be appointed Collector. Colonel Whitely is

strongly backed for Naval Officer.

I For the Louisville Journal. J

At a large meeting of the I'nion men in Mai-shall county, Kv., held at Denton, on Monday,March 2oth, 1861, Col. Shelby Whitesides wascalled to the chair, and Andrew Strow was ap-pointed Secretary. The object of the meeting be-ng explained, the chair, on motion of ColemanMiller, appointed Cato Clark, Richard Palmer,Allen Walpole, J. Reed, and S. Tommason acommittee to adopt resolutions expressive of theentiment of the meeting on tbe great questionsnow agitating the public and threatening ourcountry's destruction.

V. Downing, being loudly called for, came for-

ward, and, in a brief but pointed and telling man-ner, showed tbe history of the rise and progress ofour present troubles, brought on to a considerabl«xtent by the hasty and inconsiderate conduct of

our Southern brethren in their efforts to separatefrom us, and abandon the dig of I'nion and Lib-erty. He also stated that we have enemies in tbeNorth—men of towering intellect and mightypower, but whose inlluence, he was happy to say,is on the wain, and will soon lie felt no more.He thun depicted in its proper light the conse-quences that will follow a dissolution, and thelorrors of civil war, and closed by declaringimself the fast and lasting friend of the I'nion,

which must never lie separated, and in which tbepanacea for all evils can and should be found.The committee re|sirted the following resolu-

ions which were unanimously adopted, viz:

keatilved. That the framers of our Constitutionnd the founders of our Government intendedbat the union of these Slates should be irrevoca-

ble am1 the Government perpetual.Retulced, That we have un abiding confidence

ii the good sense and justice of tbe masses of ourbrethren both North and South and that theywill no longer be led astray by designing polili

ciana and smooth-tongued demagogues, hut willreturn to the harbor of safety aud ship of free-

dom.Kesolred, That the secession meetings held in

this county by a few individuals only, do notxpre-s the sentiments of this people, and thatwe are opposed to secession, believing it to be aremedy for none of our evils.

Raotrtd, That a State Convention of Kentuckyis uncalled for and unnecessary.

Rejoiced, That we heartily endorse the courseof tbe Louisville Journal and Democrat and re-

commend all reading persons who can, to sub-scribe for one or the other.

Rriuilcfd, That these" proceedings be publishedin said papers.

JUf.-lced, That this meeting adjourn sine die.

SHELBY WHIIESIDES, Cb.irman.A. Strow, Sect'y.

Tow.Nsmr Ex, -cotton.—At an election in the

city of Jefferson ville, Ind., on Monday, for town-

ship officers. John Howard v.a- elected County

Trustee, and Jas. Dustin, R. O'Keefe, Saxe

Ryan, and Jas. Lichler Constables. There was

considerable lighting at the pills.

The Theatre. — Tbe entertainment at the

theatre this evening will be unusually attractive,

as it will embrace the beautiful play of Theresa,

tbe orphan of Geneva, and the laughable Ger-

man comedy of Happy Man.

Mail Contrk t.— Postmaster Speed adver-

t'ses for proposals to carry tbe mail between

this city and New Albany—all propositions to be

sent in to bin, bv the 1 2tb inst.

Masoxh- Tkmi-i.k.—The exclusive control of

this popular hall ha* passed into the hands of Mr.

Robert C. Matthews, a gentleman in all respects

qualified to conduct it.

Interesting: to Saloon- Keei-krk —Tbo at-

tention of keepers of billiard, baggatelle, Jenny

l.ind. and other games is invite! to tbe ordinance

in another column.

ffS~The number of interments in tbe New Al-

bany Cemeteries during the month of March was

twenty-seven, of which number sixteen were


(flt'< are undented to Messrs. Sullivan. Col-

lins, Overmeyer, and Nunemacher, "f the Adams

Express, for papers in advance of the mails.

Alarmed to Death.—A valuable young ne-

gro woman belonging to Col. James E. Newsoin,

living a few miles from Nashville, was frightened

to death by the storm Friday evening. With a

number of others she was in tbe lieldatwork,

and when the overseer discovered the storm com-

ing, he oidered the bands to go as fast as possible

to their quarters. The storm br< ke in all its

fury just as they reached their cabins, and tbe

woman fell upon the fioor and died instantly.

Helena (Arkansas) Shield.— This paper,

after a suspension of seven or eight weeks, caused

by the destruction of the establishment I y fire,

has mads Its appea-auce, looking better than

ever. A negro, who confessed to applying tbe

torch by which tlte office was burned, has been

arrested. _____________ErtCAEETj.—Tha Princeton Bulletin aays the

slave, Wesley, who wss committed about i'l

months ago on tbe charge of killing Edmund Ste-

vens, escaped from tbe jail of Celdft-ell county on

Saturday last. Tbe door of tbe jail was oaiened.

thongh tbe lock was in ho respect broken.

Coal Oil Di&covi-jiv.—Dr. C. P. Culver, of

Washington City, who has a lar^e tract of land

1 1 Mason county. Virginia, has recently discover-

e i rich deposits of oil on these lands, and is now

organizing for tbu further development aiil relin-

!rg of these oily depesits.

(j.jT'Tbe lion. Wm. Allen, representative in

< '- ngress from tbe Pique (Ohio) District, wit h'n

the last two months has lost his whole family of

I m children by that dreadful scourge, diptheria.

ijeyA despatch from Washington a.;. a that

I ,idge Allen A. Burton, of Kentucky, will de-

dine the Chief Justiceship of Dakota. an4 wilt

probably receive a better appointment.

Fatal Accident.—Mr. Jos. Wray, a citizen

of the county, who resided near Boston, was

k led during the storm of Satrmtoy last, a t»f_

barktC bsw» blown apon bim.

To He Editort of the Louisville Journal:

Is it true of all the Kentucky troops, at thebattle of New Orleans, that they "ingloriouslyfledr"

Gentlemen: As your Frankfort correspondent,in his letter of the Man inst., in reviewing Sena-tor Johnson's unjust allusion to the conduct ofthose Kcntuckians in the battle of New Orleans,who "ingloriously fled," contents himself withdefending them by explaining that they were un-armed men, but docs not claim for other KentuckHiHs the glory to which thev are entitled for tbepart thev took in that brilliant battle; and as, in

the opinion of the present writer, there is a verymistaken notion pervading tbe community inreference to the matter, he begs leave to exirac'a single sentence from tbe late John A. McClung'sexciting account of that memorable engagementto tie found on page 86 of "Collins's Kentucky:"

"Although scarcely a tenth of Morgan's forcewis c omposed of Kentuckians, and although theKentuikians formed the strength of that centralftirce which repul-ed Packenham, yet the flight ofone hundred and eighty Kentuckians upon theright bank is conspicuously set forth in GeneralJackson's official report, while the steady braveryof eleven hundred men under Adair upon the left

bank is left to be gathered from other sources."It is stated also on page 166 of tbe same volume,in tbe Sketch of General Adair, that there was"an acrimonious controversy between him andGeneral Jackson, growing out of tbe imputationscast by the latter on the conduct of the Kentuckytroops on that eventful day." It is painful to thepresent writer to refer thus to the injustice doneKentuckians by General Jackson at a lime whenthe influence of" the patriot, President Jackson, is

so whole. ome. but justice to Kentucky and "thetruth of history " seem to him to require it.

T. B.Woodvikw, Kt., March 80, 1861.

FLOTDSurso, Oldham County, Ky.,)March 30, 1861." /

To tlit Editors of the /.uuitrille Journal:

Gentlemen : Patriotism is not all deud yet,

as you will see bv tbe following beautiful inci-

dent, related by Mr. John K. Gaggin, in an elo

quent I'nion speecli delivered by him a few davsago at this place. He said, speaking of the old

flag reminded him of an incident witnessed byhtm a few days ago. You all are aware of thefact that the citizens of Louisville, on tbe 22dday of last February, to do honor to the memoryof "Washington, reared a beautiful flag over theCourthouse ef their city. On last Thursday I

was there. While going from the lower to theupper part of tbe cily 1 bad occasion to pass theCourthouse; before me I saw an old man standinglooking intently up to where tbe (Id fl ig floated

so gracefully ucon the breeze: ihs tears wererolling thick and fast down his furrowed ana care-

worn cheeks, and his whole frame quivering withemotions. Not wishing to disturb his reverie, I

attempted to pass as silently as p<«sible, but just

as I reached a spot opposite to him he extendedhis aged bands and told me to stop; I did so.

Said be, "My yonng friend, do you see that tj iguo there?" pointing to where it floated, I told

him I did. Tbe old man continued: "Of all hu-man beings that I have been taught, from myearliest childhood recollections to the presenttime, to lock upon with the deepest reverenee andlove, my mother is that one. You see that 1 amold now, yet that mother still lives, althoughtrembling upon the verge of the grave. MGod- I would as soon think of cursing that motheras to curse that Old Flag!" Just as he ceased to

speak a breeze, gent le as an angel's breath, un-loosed its beautiful folds and seemed to cast o'er

us tbe brightest, purest ravs of tbe ncondav sun.at « •*»!'»

I have tried to give you the story, as 'twas told,

as near as possible. UNION.

To Die Editors of the Louisville Journal:

Greentille, Kt., March M lSnl.fJI

i;rnti.e>ien: We are deeply interested in hav-ing an able, conservative, I'nion man, to repre-sent Kentucky in tbe next Congress. Then let

the Union loving people of each district select

from their midst a patriot and a statesman, with-out regard to former*partv predilections.

I am satisfied that it is the wish of a majorityof the citizens of the Second District that theHon. Edward Rumsey should make tbe raco asthe standard bearer of the I'nion party. Thatbe would be triumphantly elected, there can beno doubt, I am, moreover, satisfied that all otheraspirants who bave rauged themselves under tbe"stars and stripes," would gallantly yield thetrack to the old patriot. With the Hon". John J.

Crittenden and the Hon. Edward Rumsey in thenext Congress, Kentucky need have no fear ofabolitionism or secessiomsm.

Will Mr. Rumsey respond to the call of tbeL i lion party • the Keeond Districl?

AH 111 I, Mil I.'1



Senate.—A committee was appointed to inform

tbe House of the acceptance of the invitation to

unite in joint session to hear the address of HonJ. C Breckinridge.

Mr. Whitaker — Circuit Courts— A bill to

amend the criminal laws of this State. [Provides

for punishing convicts in the penitentiary, whomaim ihemsolves to keep from work, by further

confinement, for from one to three years after first

sentence ] Referred to Committee on Peniten-


Mr. Pennebaker—Military Affairs—A Housebill to carry into effect cer'aia provisions of the

act for the belter organization of the militia, wi'h

amendments. [ The amendments strike out the

appropriations tor ammunition and building mag'a/ines. ] Amendments adopted, and after somediscussion the bill was passed. leal '-'••, nays 6

Mr. Johnson offered a series of resolutions in

relation to Federal Affairs, opposing immediatesecession, in favor of the Border State Convention, and the Crittenden plan as an ultimatum.

Ordered to be printed and lie over one day on the


Mr. Fisk offered the following joint resolution,

which was ordered to be printed, and lies over oneday on t be table, viz:

Resolred, That if the Border Slave States agree

upon a plan of adjustment of the matters in controvorsy, and that plan is accepted by the North,

and made a part of the Constitution, it will be

the duty of Kentucky, and the whole South, to

accept said settlement as a finality, and that all

tbe States should liecome and remain one nation,

under one Constitution, and the glorious old flag

made by tbe fathers of the revolution.

Leave was granted to bring in the following

bill, which was appropriately referred:

Mr. (iilliss—A bill lo provide for the paymentof fees of civil officers under the militia law.

A bill to provide for building a fence around the

grounds of the Institution for Feeble MindedChildren [appropriates not over $50X1]; passed.

A House bill requiring Toll Bridge, Turnpike,

and Plank-road Companies to declare dividends;


A House bill to charter Salt River Lodge, No.180 of Free and Accepted Masons; passed.

A Senate bill to allow certain fees to Clerks of

Circuit Courts in criminal coses; referred lo the

Judicisry Committee.A bill giving further time to delinquent Com-

mon School Commissioners to report.

Before any action was taken the hour arrived

for the Senate to repair to the hull of the Houseto hear the address of Hon. John C. Breckinridge.

After the Senate relumed to their Hall, onmotion they then took a recess until 3 o'clock.

House.— After transacting some business of a

local nature, the House took up the bill allowing

the banks of issue in Kentucky to issue notes of aless denomination than ifo, together with the

amendment offered thereto by Mr. Gaither.

Mr. Gaither 's amendment was adopted, and the

bill passed.|Will publish the bill in full to-


Tl e House then took up the bill reported bythe majority of the Committee on Federal Rela-

tions, providing for the election of delegates to a

Border Slave State Convention. [The bill pro-

vides for the election of twelve delegates by tbe

Stat at large, on the first Saturday in May uex',

aconven'ion tobe held in Frankfort on the

27th of Mav, or at such time as a majority of the

delegates elected in th a Slate may appoint, to

suit the convenience of the delega es from olher

States—the delegates to be commissioned by tbe

Governor ]

Mr. Hodge offered the bill reported by the minority of said committee as a substitute for said


I Tbe su'islitute provides for the election of

one delegate from each Congressional District,

who is io receive the same per diem and mileage

as a member of the Lecislature.")

An amendment was offered providing for the

lection of delegates on the first Monday in Au-gust, and the Convention to lie held on the 27th

of August. Rejected—yeas, 38; nays, 50.

An amendment was adopted to the original

bill to the cii ct that Ihe delegates shall be re-

quired to reside in the district which they repre-


An amendment appointing Messrs. Jas. Outli-

ne, W. O. Bu'lar. Joshua F. Bell, Jas. B. Clay,

Charles A. Wickliffe, John J. Cril tenden, JohnL. Helm, V. S. Morehead, David Merriwether,

snd Arch. Dixon delegates to said Conventionwas rejected.

Several other amendments were offered, but

before any vote was taken upon them the hour

arrived for the delivery of the address of the Hon.John C. Breckinridge.

At the conclusion of Mr. Breckinridge's address,

the lb use resumed the consideration of the bill in

relation to the election of delegates to a Border

State Convention.Mr. Machen's amendment was adopted—yeas

44. navs 40.

Mr. Wolfe offered tbe following amendment,which was declared out of order, us lieiug anamendment in the third degree:

Be it further enacted, That the principles set

forth bv Andrew Jackson, President of the United

Slates, in his proclamation against South Caro-

lina, contains the true principles upon which the

Government is foundid.

Mr. Finn offered an amendment to the substi-

tute, w hich was adopted.

The substituee. as amended, wns then rejected

—yeas II. nays 14.

An amendment was offered, allowing the dele-

gates the per diem and mileage of a member of

the Legislature. Rejected—yeas 32, nays 50.

The bill was then passed—yeas 82, nays 2.

And then the House adjourned.

To the Editors of tht Louisville Journal:

The senior editor of your paper w ill doubtlessremember an assurance given me some dayssince that be would liud space for a series of com-munications on vurious points connected with themeteorology and vital statistics, and more espe-cially with Ihe sanitary condition, of Kentucky.

I propose, then, to begin these communicationsand to continue them at such intervals as tberelaxation of my professioml duties will afford,

and as long as \ ourselves or your readers maybelieve that they are not displacing more valu-able or more agreeable matter from your columns.My object will be to direct popular attention to

those points included under the above captionwhich from time to time may present themselvesto my mind, as posse-sing practical value, eitherbecause thoy teach some lesson in regard to thosephenomena of human life whose recurrence undergiven circumstances is so exact and uniform thatwe characterize their svatematic succession bythe term -laws of p pulalion;" or else of moreimportance than this, because they may teachsome lesson in regard to ihe avoidance of pre-ventable sickness and death; and if this latterend should las be reached in but a solitary instance,surely liotli writer and publishers will enjoy apriceless source of aslf-gratulation.

I design in this first letter to call attention tosome measures of security against small pox,which from all accounts Is now manifesiing anunusual tendency to become epidemio in variousparts of the Slate.

Whatever questions may arise with regard tothe possibility of restricting the progress of manyother diseases, there can be none in intelligentminds as to whether small pox is or is not undercontrol of properly devi-ed means of prevention.Its history as a moat frightful and fatal devasta-tor of tbe human family is fresh with all its hor-rid reci-als in the mind of everv read jr of medicalbooks.

Bu', from doing a work of death which some-times overtopped the combined mortality of allother diseases, it has since the g. neral adoption ofVaccination become an inconsiderable cause of


Notice to Clerks oa- Klf.ctiow.—Yon will

please call at the clerk's office of the General

Council and get your poll laxks in time for Sat-

urday's election.

»S_~ The manner in which the gords are ar-

ranged bv tbe catalogue sale at L. Kahn & Co.'s,

enable our city and country merchants to ex-

amine the same before they are offered for sale,

thereby having ample time to examine carefully

everv article. Go early to No. 404 Main street,

tako ycur catalogue and examine the goods, and

we are confident you will be pleased with the as

sortniesjt, and will boy your stock there. The

sale commences at 10 o'clock. dl


To the Editors of tht iMUiscille Journal:

Gentlemen: In Mr. Crittenden's admirable

address yesterday to the Legislature of Kentuckyhe speaks of the deference paid to Ihe name of

American, in Europe, and to the sentiment of just

pride which an American feels all over the *orld

in that 11 ig which assures bim respect and pro-


That passage of his speech recalled to me. with

feelings that I am unable to express in words, an

incident that occurred neaily thirty years ago.

Three young Ameti' e~is had been for nearly

eighteen months traveling in F^urope and hadextei d-d their rou'e into Egypt and Svria. Ontheir return, intending to pass through Italy, un-expected news required two of them to go homeimmediately, leaving their nmpmion at Trieste.

He continued his journey to Naples. Expectingto remain there a few weeks, he procured a roomin tbo third story of one of those buildings near

tbe v..ter. commanding a view of that baywhich I shall by no means attempt to describe.

In that day, letters from America were slow anduncertain. More than seven mouths had pissed

since he had beard from home. His latest news-papers were more than four months old. He had

just returned fr. m his banker's, disappointed in

the bope of letters. He went up to his room,

seated himself bv the window, and looked out

upon tbe bay. tt was early June; ihe sky wascloudless, the breeze gentle, the temperature de-

licious. Ocean, eartla and heaven smiled. Hegazed far over the waters, thinking of ho ne. No-paradise would then have been so dear lo him as

ti e r<ak-bound shore of his native land. Ii nghe looked, till his eys grew dim and his heart

taint with desire. Far down to the southeasi,

among a crowd of the sm. II. graceful vessels ot

the Mediterranean, rose a tall ship which seemed,

to his fancv. homo-like in its proportions. It bore

no flag visible to him, and he watched it with sad

and half idle curiosity. The entrance of the old

laundress diverted his attention, and occupied himfor more than half an hour, while trying to ex-press himself intelligibly in French to her, and to

comprehend her quick, Neapolitan dialect. Sud-denly a heavy gun rolled its deep tones over the

water; another, and another. He sprang to the

window. A gallant fiigate was just roundiug to

and heaving her anchor. Broad nnd full on ihe

tapering mast stream) d out tbat flag "whose hues

were born in heaven."He could see the blue and gold uniforms on her

drck, the men on the yards and in ihe rigging.

Tbe answering guns from tbe battery on sbore

roared out their greeting. He sod elate, the

tears of joy and pride unrepressed at d irrepressi-

ble, "it "is the war-ship of your country,

signor?" questioned the old woman in Italian;

and her eyes were bright with swnpaihy andadmiration. He answered har, but his thoughts

were not in that little chamber. In imagination,

he stood "the monarch of her peopled deck,' tbe

living guardian aud representative of the honor,

power, and glory of the Great Republic.

He did not thm think of seceding. Even a

NtatrAitan mob would have torn in pieces the

man who bad turned on tbat flag a look that

threatened it with insult.

My mistaken Southern brother (I don't meanvou, my dear sir), for I am a citizen of the far

South, your lUg of broken U. ion and buried

bope will not kindle light, even in the eye of an

old Italian washerwoman. I'niltd Italy will

learn with dismay and fearful forelaaling tbat

any stars of that jubilant constellation have be-

come silent or dim.

"Come bark, come back, he cried in griefAcmes that aUirm water.

Ami I'll forgive your Highland chief,

My daughter, oh my daughter.

Thank God, tbe great body of the people will

vet vindicate their attachment to the best gov-

ernment and the happiest couutry on earth

Great men will arise, hare arisin, who will pilot

us through this pass of peril. All utterances of

truth and courage and patriotism have not died

awav with the trumpet voice of Clat; the last

defender of the Constitution is not laid in the tombof Webster.

I intended only to relate a little incidert. Myfeelings have led me further. Excuse this intru-

sion on your time, and believe meVerv "respectfully, vours,

Mahcii 27, 1861. * * 1* *—


To tht Editors of the Ijouiscille Journal:

Lottsville, Ky., March 29.

Gr.M I.EMEN: I have read in the Journal of the

2!»lh, the letter to its editors, dated ' Lit le Rock,

March 22." 1 have a suggestion to make. Assome diseases are beat overcome tiy small anil oft

repeated doses, so I think it should be in the case

of Arkansas. If it should be publicly known that

some of tbe most prominent and ir.flnential Unionmen were to canvass the State of Arkansas, there

would be a multitude of opponents in the field to

counteract their inflnence and to create discord

and dissension. The effort would be but one

the infl ienct depending upon the success; the ac-

tion sudden, ana the ef? ct, if great and beneti

cial, liable to be uouuteracted by powerful opponents who have easier access to the State, audwould use their influence after Hie force of the

Union had been withdrawn. I therefore suggest

that at proper intervals Union men of irfluence

be sent to Arkansas, in behalf of the Union, to

use their efforts in sncb munneras tbey may judge

best for its interest. Social intercourse has a

silent influence, but as powerful and extensive as

pnblic declamation, without producing as great

opposition and excitement, while its effects are

perhaps more enduring. 1 will not occupy \ our

time longer, as I believe you can, from what I

have said, conceive that which 1 desire to convey.

My position and influence are such that niv real

name will but add only a few letters to this ad-

dress, I therefore subscribe m\ self


Lousvn.LK, Ky., March "0, 1861.

To the Editors of the Louisville Journal:

Gentlemen: A number of voters in the Fourth

Ward are desirous of putting men into the Com-mon Council ar-d Boaid of Aldermen who c-rm andrill perform the duties appertaining to their re-

spective offices; and to that end D. S Benedict,

Sr., is suggested for Alderman, and Win. Kayeand Frank Carter for Councilmen in said Ward.If tbe a'love named meu would consent to run,

they will receive tbe suffrages of a majority of

the voters of the FOURTH WARD.

fatality. Why, then, if science has alreadyachieved so much may it not go fu'ther anileradic tie this loathsome malad> ? But so far arewe from a realization of this possible achievement,that facts prove that small -pox is on the increaseThis is no idle statement, and can be shown to betrue by statistics both from this country andabroad.

There are two theories which may be made toexplain the revivification of this plague, aparfrom its own well known habit of manifesting?eriods of subsidence and of renewed activity,hesearc i

1st. The probability that people had becomecareless on the subject of protect io", had almoslforgotten that there was even a necessity for anprotective measures whatever.

2d. The probability that vaccine matter, fromits transmission through so many different sys-tems, had tiecome somewhat impaired in force,and consequently in protective efficacy. The degree of prevalence of the former probability canbo as well estimated by yonr readers as myself,but the measure of influe'neo of tbe latter p'robabilitv I propose to discuss.

We have not within my medical knowledge anvfacts which prove that genuine vaccine virus mavnot be transmitted through any number of healthyhuman systems without undergoing degeneration.But to insure this preservation of its integritythrough an indefinite succession of crops, as wellas to secure its protective virtues in individual in-stances of vaccination, it is absolutely imporianthat both these circumstances should combine.

It would of c iur.se hi impossible to say to whatextent all vaccine virus which has gone throughnumerous transmissions may have become insensi-bly degenerated in passing through constitutionslacking in health or vigor; or, on the other hand,to what extent i' may lie susceptible of regenera-tion by strict oliservance of lules whose neglectproduced its deterioration. My observation hastaught me to believe in a capability to retrievetbe protective powers of vaccine matter whichhave declined from vaccinal ions improperly per-formed, either upon vitiated constitutions or frompustules lacking the requisite characteristics.

I tbink it extremely probable that the increas.of small-pox may be "to a considerable extent dueto the imperfections of vaccine matter, and thiscondition of the virus due to loose performanceof the act.

There are two means of obviating this diffi ul-tv. The chief one is that no one but a physiciannoiild venture to vuccinate, because a non-pro

fessional person is not competent tn judge, eitherof the state of the constitution or quality of mat-ter, whose concurrent integrity is necessary toin-ure full protection. And the physician shouldbs required, rot simply to insert genuine matteru ider such circumstances of constitution as hejudges best calculated to secure a good result, andt ien dismiss Ihe subject from further attention,hut he should be asked to watch the progress ofthe pustule, that be may determine by its appear-ance and the period of its maturation that it i:

healthy cow p x pustul>, running a regularcourse, and likely to prove protective.

By means of this verification the physician con-firms, so far as his science enables him, thegenuineness of the vaccination ; but no amountof observation, or experience, or philosophy willenable him to declare with apedictic certaintywhether tbe vaccination will or will not beprotective. He cannot guarantee this result, andthen the other means left us to obviate the dan-ger of imperfect vaccination is to re-vaccinate.This has been the policy of the Prussian Govern-ment with respect to its army for many yearspast, aud they have succeeded by its stringent en-forcemen' in almost entirely banishing this mal-adv from their ranks.

I w ish you to present to your readers the lead-ing propositions of a report of the Belgian Acade-my of Medicine, in 1858, upon the subject of vac-cination :

1. The preservative power of vaccine virus is

absolute in almost the totality of cases.

2. In a very small number ol cases in whichthe virus has only imperfectly destroyed the con-stitutional predi»p sition to small-pox (whichcannot be ascertained by any appreciable sign),this prevention lasts only for a time, the durationof which cannot lie assigned, but which does notcease prior to the seventh or even the tenth yearafter vaccination.

3. The cases of small pox supervening on vac-cination are few in Lumber, and in getferal arevery slight, consisting in most esses in an erup-tion called from its mildness varioloid,

4. Small-pox muv appear after small-pox aswell as after vaccination.

5. Human vaccine virus becomes graduallyweakened by successive transmissions without",

however, entirely losing its preservative properly.It is, therefore, both useful and necessary to re-

new the lymph whenever true cowpox matter canbe procured.

6. The regenerated virus produces a finer erup-tion, the course of which is slower and more reg-ular than that of the old virus.

7. The reaction or vaccinal fever which accom-panies the eruption is more marked and active

a condition of its preservative power.8. The number of pustules produced by this

h tnph is greater, and they appear on individualswho had resisted the influence of the old virus.

St. The new lymph succeeds better in revacci-naiionsrthan the old.

10. Tbe lymph should betaken from the finest

and beet developed pustules.* • • • * •

14. Revsccination is the useful snd indispen-sable complement of a first vaccination, not tbatit is always necessary, but in order tbat certaintymay be acquired that all disposition to the recep-tivity of small pox has been extinguished in theeconomy.

15 From the tenth to the fifteenth year is thebest time for a revaccinatinn, supposing the sub-ject to have been vaccinated in early infancy.

16. If tbe revaccinalion succeeds we have aright to believe in the continuance of Ihe preser-vation against small pox. If it fails, it should beripeated at more or leas distant intervals, so thatwe may be assured by i hnso test vaccinations ofthe immunity of the subject.

17. Vaccination, farfrom having had an injuri-

ous influence upon mankind, has delivered it fiomthe scourge of small-pox and the various evils

and infirmities which accompany or follow it.

There are but four statements which I regardas important to be added to this report. One ofthese is that virus taken from the pustule is moreenergetic than that produced by the scab. Jen-ner's golden rule was to 'only use virus taken onor befote the eighth day, or before the formatimof ' he areola. " Another is that we have no facts

Inch prove that vaccination which has oncebeen efficient will in any given period or indeedever, lose its preservative clficicv, although somestatistics support an opposite theory, and seem loindicate that this preservative influence is in

some manner diminished or annulled by changeswhich occur in the economy about the period ofpulierty, say from the tenth to t Je fifteenth yearsot life. The protective powers of vaccination aretherefore not limited to septennial or other fixedperil ds, as manv suppose. Tbe third is, thatthere is no well attested case on record of tbecommunication of a constitutional disease, asscrofula or consumption, from one person to an-other by means ot vaccination, although somephysicians assert that simple cutaneous diseases,

as itch, have been imparted in this manner. Ery-sipelas, however, may occur orce in many thous-and instances from the puncture made to intro-duce the matter; and poisoning of the blood, evento ihe extent of destroying life, may arise iromgicd matter which has become putrid, or fromimpure matter.The last is, that infancy, say before the sixth

month, is the best period of life for vaccination,both on account of its safety and its protectiveinfluence to the subjects. B.

1ST Messrs. S. O. Henry & Co. will sell this

morning (Wednesday), at fen o'clock, at the

dwelling house, on East Btreet, between Walnut

and Green, west side, a general assortment of

household furniture—carpets, beds ami bedding—

the property of a gentleman declining housekeep-


aj^-For all kinds of lumlier. dressed and un-

dressed, sash, doors, blinds, irrouldings, boxes,

tc, call at Alexander. Ellis 4 C>.'s planing mill,

sash, door, and blind factory and 1 timber yard, on

Fulton street, just above Preston, fronting the

river, or at their lumberyard, corner of Walnut

and Preston streets, or leave your o. tiers at their

warerooms on Main street, nearly opposite the

Gait House, Louisville, Ky. Janl tf

business wroTicns.

rf_rElrod's pictures are admired for their faith-

fulness as well as durability. Indeed he is n true

artist, and we are pleased to learn that he is

properly appreciated. a2 d5

Robert A. Hamilton, candidate for City

Attorney, will address his fellow-citizens at the

following named places at half past seven o'clock.

The candidates for City Attorney are invited to

attend. Monday, at the corner of First and Jef-

ferson; Tuesday, in the east -room of the Court-

house; Wednesday, at the corner of Twelfth and

Main streets; Thursday, at Portland; Friday, at

Rescue engine-house. apl did

RB&D TED EVIDENCE!Mwni. Clailc. ilreaory, A (to.. Nashville, Tenn.—liontlemen- I havi ju.f ised some of yearAnteMW

Oil for a de*»p and |Kiimisnt pain In fie reirlon of mrheart, and found relief in tin mtDtitea. I have an aftttrtcdfamily, and this Oil aaetM to uc a remedy adapted toevery cam*. Please aend me one dozen tiottles by expressto Torre"c Depot, MUfl., Central Railroad. Yalobushacounty. tUsa. .1. M. KKLLEY.Nov. 34, 1869.

From the eanie geutirinan. April la, Isflu: Mr.Me*.>riiinr. a oei^hltor, lias been v> ry much benefittedby your A mbroidal ( 111 in a case of rheumatism. I «*»*•sortie to a lady afflicted woti rheumatism who has notwa.k.d a at.-p for five or six yenrs; three bottles, she«>-., afforded her more relief than anything else unaever ua d. There was not enough la a-lve tier a perfectcure, and ehe la unable to procure It here, gend me.-umi' hunted latch-, n* I think I can eell a ipiantlty here.I have tried it and proved Its efficiency, and uiuat have•ome for my own family at least.

J M. KEXLEY.Torrence Depot, Yalobusha county, Miss.For sale bv KA Y JIOND dl TYLER,mat essdifeeowUw

C_rCitn.LS asii F'evekI Chills and Fe-vrR'l—One of the sreateet remedies that has ever been

laid liefore the ptiblar for Fever aud Afrue, and ahich

have recei red the h . r» - 1 enooiutums from the presi and

•he people, la DK J. IIOoTKTTKR'S CELEKRATKORITTBR3. Who ws-aild endure the tortures arlalna

from thi. terrible dua-tue when it can be to eaelty cured?

Who would enduie Bleep!--** nights, burning fevers, andicy chills, alternately, when a remedy can be obtained

let a incite triflef And yet how many families linger

out a painful existence under this deadly blight, and do

nothing but gulp down quinine, until it becomes as com-

mon se Tielr dally meals, and yet they are not relieved!

None but the fonltih and weak would heeltate to procure

these va1 liable Hitter* and save themselves Intense ago-

Sold by all druggist* and dealer* generally every-

where. fS dim

~Sr mething to restore: and it will do it. Bee Prof.

Wood's advertisement.


whnt a nam : Rp : tin : fin

greet,ok of-

frotn th*i

' •r,



BosT»!C,.June 7, 1855.

For several years I have suffered from a Catar-

rhal AJfectton consequent upon Bronchitis. I tried

various remedies without relief. Tbe system ap-

peared failing under repeated attacks. I made a

trial of the PF.Rl.'VIAN SYRUP, and soon found

decided improvement. It is now six mouths sines

I had any attack, and I am no doubt adding myexperience to that of others that the PF.KL'VIAXSYRUP produced this favorable change.


aHT Peruvian Syrup is a solution of protoxide

of iron, a new discovery in medicine, and strikes

at the root of disease by producing healthy blood.

the source of all vitality in tbe human organism.

For sale by all Druggists.

CART & TALBOTT,m28 d!2 Agents, Louisville.

- Thl* 1* the

*en received

-fend* by

ig prema-

or bald. Toavoid an ything ro unpleasant, you uave only to use LY-

ON'S K S.THA1RON, the most excellent and popular

.lreparf tlon for tbe Hair ever made. Sold everywhere.


APPEAL. TO SOIENOBIf yoo wish to be *ure of obtaining a perfect hair dye

wi :hout one deleterious element. Caiaranoao'a Kxoax-

su is L*t« 1* the t r.li/ one ever submitted to this ordeal.

It has been

,*.NAX*—ZED BY CHILTON.tbs i fim chemist In the country, and hi* certificate set-

tip g forth its harmlessnass 1* within the reach of every

in rev.

THE BSQUZBITB BEAUTYof the lurtrcca black* aud brown* which it produce*

th unerring certainty In ten minute* ha* fairly wonfor- it the appellation of the most natural hair dye ever


sold everywhere Applied by all nalr Dreaaer*


Obistauobo, No. a Aator House, New York,

wl nAwl ro


Ja.mk.stuw n, Kv., March '27.

To the Editors of the Liuisrille Journal:

Please say to my old friend lilanton Duncanthat I am one of Ihe Bell and Kverett men thathe cannot transfer to the secessioni ts; and lamglad to say there is not one in my count v w ho en-dorses his transfer. We are all for the Union,now and forever, and say with Clay that we cannever, never—no, never—consent to a dissolutionof this glorious old Union.

Inmi-kst, No. 2U8—Heldat IheXat ional Hotel,on the 2d inst., over the imdyof R. B Alexander,aged alaiut 15 years. Verdict—"Came to his deathon Sunday or Monday morning lost from violenceat bb own hands."

r>*J. BUCHANAN, Coroner.

To the Editors of the hmiscille Journal:

Gentiana 1 announce me as a candidate forCongress in the 3d Congressional District,nifadt&wl" JAMES st. JACKSON.

[For the Louisville Journal.


Ss 1


a?p o'















y •i SD





~i n~ sTS *«T ».es 1. Wm Variable.a 75 88 M 29.4T 9. W. Do.s SI 40 5» 39.911 .13 0. w. < 'loudy.4 _ 40 29 So .30 w. H. w. Variable.» *! 81 ::ip'-' SO 29.KI w. no.* s« P.. * 41 29.711 1. w. clear.I a* S4 1- 35 tfi.iM e. Do.8 5) 54 88 29. 40 .80 . w. cloudy.» at at 11 as 39.33 .18] n. w. Do.

Iio.lo as 311 89..'9

11 m ii 13 17 89. S6 1. w. Variable


U 49 ;u><:ii3 mi 39.53 a. w. Dp.tt 4» 44 41 45 29.62 .as w. Cloudy.It til 38 39.511 W. D. W. Do.;• 33*4 47 44 81 39. 5« a. w. Do.lit «u s:t « 43 _ i V .10 calm. Do.

B 411

!I7 39.111 n. n. e. Variable.i: as n 39 29.iV' e. u. e. Clear.

1* as i-", ii--- 35 29.i)l v. i, w. Variable.i as 81 a 29 1


IX>.a] 18 STJa 39 39.lw :a V. Do.V as 84 St 48 39.57 e. Do.til aa 49 ii!.; 48 S9.14 .40 w. Do.M S3 tlH .Vi 44 39.87 w. • Do.

Cloudy.40 ' • u~ oS 99.l-l .10 a.

» 88 49 67 Ut ati'.ai .55 a. w. Do.ST 41 i> 48 44 39.89 .St a. w. Do.-'- !!> • J «T f3 29 Sii e. Variable.*> ty i


4 71 81 29. i>; .10 a. Do.tl 4S 44 45 as. i .» n. \v. Do.tl OK

r49 29.72 e. a. e. Do.

^ 8.4S

MARRIED,At th* nVdent-t; of Jam's B. Robert, In Franklin

cmiiitv, Kv on March at I' o'clock. P. M . bv Elder\V. W. Toree, Kin Sm.ijeE. Fum«> to Mr. .1. J. L..n»j,of Shelbv comitv, Kv.

DIED.In thli rity on Ihe 3d in.t., Mr*. Jl-LIKTTE Txumi*,

In the 7sth year of her age.

Ilecea-ed was a rative of Maryland, aud for the laatfifty-, ijrht years a resident of Kentucky.Uard.t^wu pipers please copy.

In this c tr, on Moudav April I. Mrs. Ku.b* Co\Lttin the !»sth year ol her age.The funeral will taki- place from her late resilience on

'he north sideof Main, bet*ei-u Lli-vvnTh and Twelfthatfeajta, at 8 o'clock till* (Wednesda* • at'teruo-.u. Thef.-leude ul the f.imily are invited to attend.

Pitt ljtirg paper* please copy. ' •

nltlKD lil'.KMAN AND FRKN'MI P1.UM8-6 casksDried German aad French Plums for sale low to

To tiik l.Ai>rK9. — Fkjcsh Impoiitatkiw or

String; and Slmmkr Dry Goods.— I would re-

spectfully invite the attention of the ladies to mvextensive stock, which 1 am offering lower than

at any previous season, consist ing in part of

Broche barege Anglais, printed linen lawns,

embroidered mozamliiqtie, plain foulards, droquet

grenadines, plain black and colored worsted gren-

adines, black gauze de laine, broche hareife, crape

bare'ge, all colors; embroidered English barege,

checked French silks, 75 cents per yurdj black

silks, plain silks, all shades; pineapple foulards,

plain and checked French poplins, organdies and

jaconets, parasols, lace points, lace manties, black

silk mantles, French chintz, percalsand gmgharr s,

Alexander's kid gloves, plain and plaid nainsook s,

white cambrics, soft finish cambrics, table dan i-

nsks and napkins, 10 4, 114, and 12-4 linen

sheeting, pillow linen, all widths; cottonades and

heavy plantation drills, bleached cotton sheeting


All of w hich will be sold low at

(i. B. TABB'S,

rail j&b Comer Fourth and Market sts.

A CARD.Utrn-Kn Status Hotkl, Oct. 2, 1860.

To Sfr. Hugh Wilkms-The carpet lining put down for us by you is the

only thing of the kind tbat we have ever see.,

that we would care to have put under our carpets.

So much are we pleased with it, that we wouldbe very unwilling to have another carpet (old or

new) put dowm without it. The difference be-

tween a room where it is used and where it is not

is so striding as to arrest the attention of themost unobservant. It i« worth more thati its cost

in the increased softness and pleasantness it gives

the carpet, and we think you do not overrate its

economy in stating that it adds one-half to the

carpet's wear.If our reco-nmendation of it will add anything

to yonr sales, we cheerfully give it, feeling we do

your customers a much greater kindness than wedo you. HALL & HARRIS.

J"Hap.riwotow's Carpkt Lining Dkpot is

on the west side of Fourth street, between Mainand Market streets. HUGH tVILKINS.olO dtf

By B. Q. Henry Ot Co.




ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 4. at 10 o'clock

at Auction-rooms, No. 834 Main street.

;sr~We would call ppscial attention to a variety ofiscble-slftb Furniture and other articles for house-

k'*epln*t. which will be sold without reserve to pay cashadvance*.

8. G. UENRY & CO..at <I3 Anetioneers.




ON MONDAY MORNING, April 8. at 10 o'clock, will

be sold, at the residence! of I apt. Geo. P. Fraaer. onthe river road, thn-e mile* above the city, hU entireHousehold and Kitchen Furniture, consisting ef theneual variety, all of wt.I"h Is of the very* finest kindand In exrellent order. Including a rup-rinr Piano: alsa

hi* stock of Horses, < tows. Wagons, (tart*. Plows, RakesHarrow. Harness, and Faimiug Implements generally.

"The attention of all in want of elegant Pumltureand tine £tock is called to thl* sale. Tbe Cows are said

to be tbe finest in tbe Sta'e.

Tfrms—$25 and u*,1 er, cash: over 8 months'credit: joint nates, trash approved security, payable labank.

"Sale p-wltive and peremptory, as Capt Frar.er hassold his place aud is about removing. An Omnibus will

leave no Auction-room* at pr,d*ely 9 o'clock to takeperson* from the city to aud from the sale free of charge.

C. C. SPENCER,at dfi Auctioneer.


. AT AUCTION.ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. April. 8, at 10 o'clock,

we will sell, at tin- dwcllinir-housi' on Eastsir.ef,

betsreen Green and Walnut, west side, a general assort-

ment of Household Furniture, Carpets. Bed*. Bedding,m t othi-i Hoii'i keeping article*, the property of a gen-

ts' man decliuiuc hou'ekeewlng.Sale positive for ca-li.

8. O. HENRY ft CO.,a3 d3 Auctioneer*.


Mm*. K. Lorto- Solfl he****.Kou'T tiKtnfioii Sts tt*> HCMfK,Tin-*. J. C-uurr Treisuror.

THIS KVENIN(i iWVdne-taentpH the px_-»Iimd1 Dr

PRiaan of Ai'MIkmion. - I>n— rirrli riml Purquette75c; S.v.niti TifT and Family Circle 'Ac: PrivateBoxm 106: Colored Boxes 3&c; Gallery lie; Colored(r*llery lJk

le-dt'. ), April 8, will I- v •>r*ma ef THK11KSE, THE

OKPHAN OF GENFVA (Par-will (an AdvocMej,Mr Chttrle* Krone; Koutaine (a Pnstfir), Elraoit;

L*vi>ur (a farmer), Sldoev SmitH; Deli/are, Slevin;< on nt DeMorville. Wallace— To ct octtide withthe German Ccm»*dy,fn 8 acta, entitled the HAPPYMAN, or Kin Gi.ck'Klicuf-r Fa.mu.if.»*>'atcb.

"Th»* laTniite Comedian, MR. SCAL_AN, i* eu-tfayed and will itlioitlv appear.

'Poors open at 7 and Curtain rise* at 1% o'clock.

"Box « 'ttica- wii; be opeu daily from 1*M o'clock A. M.till 1 P. M., aitd from 3 to 6 P. M . wlwn t*-aU mayIV »w*ir.ired.

Or 3R, -A- 3>T H>






MANAGERS:i ten. 8. B. Buckner,Col. 8. (till.

Col. V. Tr. on.Mai A Cassedev.Maj. W. E. Woolrufl.Capt. Svmme*.Capt Emig,Capt. Pope,Capt. Lawler.Capt. D. C. Stone,

Col. B. H. Helm,Col. C D. Pennebakrr.Ma). J. A. Heat tie,

Mai. T. H lluut,dpt. Monis.dpt. McD^rniott,Capt. Pr nt oe, •

Capt. O : ni-by,Capt. 'l timer,Capt. J. G. P. Hoe.

rLOOR MANAGERS:Mai. W. E Woodruff,Maj F. Madden,laVut. H. Weiuedel,T. J. Smith,

Capt. D. C. Stone,Capt. A. L. Svmtuee,JohnM. Wcslli.yLieut. George Stealer.

Everv arrangement has been made to make this oneot the most select affair* of the kind that has ever takenplaca In the city, aud the Manager, promise that every


thing *iia!l be conducted i.i the most decorou* and re-

spectabi- manner.f,*r~Ticketa evi be procured from any of the Floor

Managers or at F. lfaaleu'* Book*tore.


•liiantltlri tn -mit byA. HoKJK, TM "d it.

%W Ladies' Tickets can be procured of the Commit-tee, at tbu Armory, cu First utret t, between Jefferran

and Gret-n. aj d*

MOZARTCommoiicins; Monday Evening. April 1.


George Christ?/

GREAT TR01PE OF MI\STRELS,Com orising- Sixteen Performers.

THIS celebrated company i- under the immediatedirection and personal eupurviniou Of Mr. George

Chrirty, the acknowledged Burton of the Ktliioniandrama, whose performance* in tbe I'nited Stat* * f«r thela^t 1* yearn if a Mirlicieut guarantee for the excellenceof the entertainments he ffuhmit* for public approval.The company will apuear during their etay in a varietyof Original Afterpiece", Kthtoplan Kxtravaganzaa.Burlet»«iue Operar, Plantation Scent c. Teaching NegroM-l xlien. dtc.

iAdnii-ciou a' cente; rhildren and servant* 25 centoDoor* open at 7, commence al ]tf %9 &

JOHN |\ SMITH,m**>.j&bU BuiiuetM Agent.

rVGKOKGK CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS will appearat Lexington. Ky.,ou Till KSHAY EVENING. Apr 14,one - wht only, aud CoVINGlON uu FKIOAV andSATVKPAY, April 6 and rt.

IT 1» the great cur« for Coughs, Cold', Consumption.Sore Throat, Drxpepsia. L-rer Complaint, -fee In

cases of Croup It ha- never bettn known to full.


DniB-rr, O., 1 Mo., P, 'tl.Mr. L. Q. C '. .»«»»:

Big: My wife has been afflicted with the comumption,a* report d by my phyauf.u. She epit blood and mat-ter frequently She has b* en afflicted "ne year. I havetried almost evai > thing that *a* aaid to cure, but to noeffect. I found a circular of the Pine Tree Tar Cordial,and concluded to trv it. I purchased one bottle, andafter taking It *he vaa much better. She continuedt king it, and after taking the fourth bottle had minedeight ponuds of flesh. She now- ha* a good color, andtill continue? tn Improve. I am satisfied it will cureher.Your* truly. 8. FRAVl'Z.Sold whol.isie aud retail bv

KAYMOXD * TYLER,7< Fourth *t , near Main.

tVAU persons art cautioned to beware of Counter-


W. K. GUMP,Wertern Wlioieaale Agent,

Dayton, O.

nr~My Dyspepsia Pill* are a sure aire for Dyspcpsif^ ub eioatim

Jeflerson Insurance Company.i inlce on tie North Side Main Street, Opposite the Bankof Loul ville, over the store of Kawsou, Cood, a ToddChaite. ed Capital f3t*j,uuoPaid in and secured il2&,U00

K1SKS takeu ou Shipments by Steamboat*},_____ V, by Sea, and by the usual mode* of Inlandtransportations; alio ou the Hulls aud appurtenance* ofStoamboata. JOHN MUIR, President.WM. ML LB, Secretary.


r Bustard, John Cornwall,John Ferguson, Jr., P. Kiug,A ttaweou, I. W. MoutgorutryJ.iIm. White, . tl. Hear) .

SPECIALThree Days' Auction SaleBY THOS. ANDERSON & CO.,

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,

Ms :M, and tlh April. I Mi I




Dry Goods, ( lolhiug, Boots, & Shoes.

ON WKONKSPAY, 8.1 April, will be sold, withoutreaerve. a choice assortment of Staple and Fancy

Good*, 6(i dozen Umbrellas, >>*» doaen Sila Parasols,

do-en woreu Hoop Skirts*, 30 dozen Boys' Straw Hats,dtc!

ON THl'RSI>AY. 4th April, will be sold, wHhont re-

serv. , h !»«•* stock of nea«onable Dry Goods* con-sUtiiiic in purt of Invoice* blemrhed and brown Muslinsbe vv D-nims, Stripes, aud t'nt'ouad"*: J«>au«* Cloths,Casnmen***, and H itin.-ts; Prints, fine Ure^s Goods,Ho-tiery, Ilonp Skirts. Small Wan s, *c.Also a Mtock of *.r*t-claa>i Summer Clothing, invoices

of Stock Good-1, —c.

At 3 o'clock P. M-,100 ca%es extra >iuality Bcots, Shue=, and Bropan*.

IVThe attention of city and country buyers la soli

cited to the above sales.

Terwi cash (baukable funds).

THOS. ANDKRSON <fe CO.,miiOM Auctioneers.




No. 404 IVZn 1 ii Stroot,


Commencing at 1U o'o'ock.

We will sell, by Catalogue,


From he Droning Bulletin.

Washinoton, April 2.

A proposition has been made by the Biltimoreand Ohio railroad, and ia under the considerationof the PostofHce Department, to change theschedule time so aa to secure the arrivals of themail., at Washington and the Scuth earlier thannow. Similar advantages are to be secured tothe West. The change ia to take effect on theISth inst., provided the Southern linea arrangeaccordingly.

Oen. Lane, Juat previous to leaving New Yoikfor the Pacific, wrote to a friend here: "I am outof politic*, but I shall continue to stand by th.right. I will urge ihe Dem icracv of Oregon toadopt the Constitution of tbe Confederate Slatesas their platform."

Nkw Tonic, April 2.

The Tribune's correepsmdent aavs that Gen.Scott has given assurance that there has neverbeen anv idea entertained by the Administrationof alatndoning r'orireaa Monroe. The principleannourced In the Inaugural will not be abandon-oil, and if military necessity be accepted as toSumpter it will be for reasons which will not beheld to apply elsewhere.The World says that the Administration dis

credits the reported sailing of an Anglo -Frenchfleet for our coaat.The Times says it Is reported that the Pawnee

has been order. d to Sumpter to tnke on UiardAnderson and his command The other Southernforts are not to lie disturbed.The Southern Commissioners have advised Jeff

Davis that Sumnter will be evacuatid ibis weekAdvices from Virginia sav that the secessionists

headed by Huntet, Floyd, Dejjrnett, Mason, andlien McCulloch are making superhuman effortsto carry that Stale. The latter favs some coupde etat will be resorted to as in Texas if the Con-vention faila to carry its point.

Hartford, Ct., Aprl liThe Republicans have probably cirried the

Slate ticket by an increased majority. Theyhave both branches of the legislature.' Loomis(Rep ) is believed to be elected in the Firat Con-gressional District by 100 majority.

Hartkorii, Ct., April 1, A. M.The Republicans elected State ticket bv an

increased majority. They have carried "bothbranches of t lie Legislature and the First andThirl Congressional districts. Thev have lustSecond (list. Fourth not fully heard from.

Hartford county— Buckingham's vote is X,2ti3.

Majority against bim 65; laat year it was 210.

Cincinnati, April 2.

Full returns of the cily election yesterday showa Democratic I'nion average mijnrity of' 2,800.The_highe.it majority is 4.1% and the lowest2,077. The Republicans elected eight Councilmenand the Demncrut* and Union men 26. Tbstotal vote was 23,000.

Ci.hvEi.ANi>,April 2.

In the city election yesterday, FklwardS. Flint,Democrat, was elected Mayor, and the entireDemocratic ticket is probably carried.

Kansas City, April 2.I!. T. Van Horn, I'nion candidate, was elected

Mayor yesterday by a large majority.

Jkkff.rson City, Mo., April 2.At the election yesterday Kwing was elected

over Miller, unconditional 'I'nion, by two ma-jority.

St. Louis. April 2.The Republican publishes letiers. dited L -

Vegos, New Mexico, March 12, detailing an ac-count of the seizure of Fort Marcev bv a party ofAmericans and Mexicans with lien." Rinchef at'heir head, but later arrivals here as well as theSanta Fe mail of the 18ih deny any knowledgeof auch a movement.

(LOTUS, CA^SIMEKr'S. S \TINKTS, TWEKDS,I)o«vkinr, Cauvao, Farmers' Satins, Shirts, Lu-tera,

Print*, I*»w i and iltnghim . ll«-d Ticktncs, Del^aine*,Challi'f, Orc-ndies. Brilliants, Swisses, Jaconets, Pock-et lland^en hi fn and* Neckerchief-, nue Irish Linen,Linen Towel*. Hon ind Half Rote Suspenders, Shaa Is,

Shoes an A Boots, aud Clothing.

tVThp sale will continue until every lot is sold. Inthis sale are the choicest and most nelect Goods we hareoffered this seA^ou, and, a* every lo* will positively be•old, buyers may expect great barc iins.

tVGxxli readv for examination on the evening be-

fore aale; Cata'ogue on the morning of sale.

Terms cash (bankable funds).

I. CRAl'M \N, Auctioneer.L. KAHN h CO.

m£.> d5


Importers of Guns& Fishing TacktrWHOLESALE AND RETAIL, •

NO. U Third itrwet. nnr Main, LonUvilU, Ky„

WE are now receiving a large stock of fine and plaij

double and single barrel Guns, Coif• %pd Allen'*

Pistols, Rifles of every 6<£tcriptlou and every artichneed by Gunners snd dporcsmw, also Fishing Tackle o:

ever)' descripti >u; all of which they will soil for cash 01

to pnuctnal costemen. Give us a call, all ef yon wb<are in want •**rA disAwaviwtf


Improve yonr "Vision.E. SINCERE,

Scientific A fnu tin 1 Optician,OFKIOK AT MICHOT8 JEW^LPY STORK,

Main street, under the National Hotel,and OMIs

Fishintr Tackle ! Fishing Tackle !!

JOSEPH OKirriFTH,Hfita "Street. Mr >IrIb. LouLvllle. KajtUnck,

A1IK1VAI. OF TIIK III IRI'S^U.New Vokk, April 2.

The Bomsaia arrived this morning with dateaof the 19th. No markets received.The London Times, in referring to President

Lincoln's inauiruml, says his expressions are stu-diously cautious, hut really amount to the factthat he will recapture the forts, citadels, &c.Advices from Warsiw ann unce th.it sweeping

reforms are proclaimed bv the (.'ear for PolandEvery town ia io have elective municipal coun-cils.

The Russian manifesto proclaiming the emancipaiion of serfs was published on the 17th. Theproprietors of landed property preserve the rigli

attached to the same, but must cede to the peasants f.r permanent use the dwfllinK with crouni:attached, which will be allowed them by law i

consideration of the payment of duties. Tl,peasants are also permitted by law to purchasetheir dwelling and land; the landlord consenting,they then become landed proprietors.

Sardinia is urging Napoleon to withdraw histroops from Itome.

Liverpool Monday—<'otton—sale* to-dav SO.noo bales,iticludinn ».0i*i to speculato * and for ei p it. Advice,per America caus-d au advauce of HwM4 V D) ovtrFriday's quotations.

ARRIVAL OF THF. NEW YORK.Sanut Hook, April 2

The steamship New York from Southampton onthe 20;h is paseing this point. Her dales areth ree days later than per the Africa, and one daylater than per Borussia.The Liverpool cotton sales on Monday snd

Tuesday amounted to 32,000 biles, including 12.000 to speculators and exporters. Jas. Hewitt &Co. report an advance, on all qualities, ofmirket closing active and buoyant. MiddlingOrleans quoted at 7^, middling" Mobile ',} j duplands 7. The same authority quotes an advanceof Xi.

Advices from Manchester are favorable Yarnsadvanced Jrtt and holders demand an advance onloth.

Liverpool. — Breadstuff's quiet but steady.•Vhaet quiet and steadv. Corn sterdy. Provisions generally quiet. Beef ai d pork quiet; ba-con steadv and in belter demand; long middlesat 4'.>-<gl0s Gd. Lard dull at 53<£>osK Good re-

ing talluw quiet and steady. Sugar quiet.Rice steadv.

Consols "closed on Tuesday at 91^@92 for mo-ney, 92X(5! , '-.

1i for account'

Tbe steamer Canada from Portland arrived atLondonderry en the 19th.The genera ii news by the New York is no later

than by the Borussia.

Latest.—The Paris conference assembbd to-dayto sign a convention prolonging the French i c-cupation of Syria to June .Vh.The bourse had declined; rentes clesed in the

afternoon at G8f. 20c.Paris, Wednesday.—The convention w^s signed

by all i be jiowers.

Rome, March 19.— In the consistory hold yes-terd iy, the Pcpe declared that he would Havegranted tbe concessions advised by the Catholicsovereigns, but he could not receive the counselsor unjust demands of the usurping Governments

Snples, March 18 —Celbelladel Troutecapitu-lated yesterday eveaing before the orde-s fromFrancis II. reached thereto surrender. To-davthe garrison saluled the proclamation of theKingdom of Italy. This city and the Provincesare tranquil.

A di spatch to the Times, dated Naples 19th,says that all the Counselors were dismisi-ed.

The Coancil of Lieutenancy is dissolved. Thismorning a grani and imposing fete was held inhonor of Garibaldi. All is tranquil.

I'isnno, Wednesday.—The whole Hesesgovia is

1 revo'u'ion, supporied by the Montenegrins,he lighting is general. 'Several Turkish vil-

lages on the frontier have been reduced to ashes.

Pittsiu-ho, April 2, M.River 8 feet I inches by pier mark and falling.

Weather cloudy and cold^

Cincinnati, Apri! M.River risen 2n inches, now 19 teet 2 unhes in

the channel. Cloudy; thermometer 68.

St. Lot is. March 2.

River risen 9 inches in the last 24 hours. Tl •Illinois river reported ri-ing rapidly.

[For the houlsville Journal.]

».» Yukk, March 29, 18(11

A short time before Laving Louisville for theINorth, some nine or ten davs ago, I had been visitlng a friend at Charle -ton, S C, and not beingable to see any paper while there but Ihe Mercurv,I was credulous enough to believe that New Y< rk'if not the whole North, was in a Btiite of starva-tion and ready for insurrection in ila worst formThis is only my second visit to this city in tiv<

years. I am not a Northerner. I have spent fir

teen years of my life within half a milefrom vourolBce. There was no reason, therefore, whyshould co'me here with any prejudicea against theSouth or her institutions. If I had any such theywere of the opposite character. But what arethe facts? I have been very agreeably surpriseto find so little feeling even agsinat Soutb CaroUna. There ia really none save among a veryaroall knot of AUiliti ni.^ts. All ihe rest regardher aa a apoiled child, who has injured herselfmore than anybody else, although ahe has thecredit of having lead ,11 Ihe other secessioniatsInto the same predicament she is in herself.

Here it would be necessary to enter into partic-ulars In order that your readers might understandthe real Vateof fef'ling in New York; but that I

reserve for another letter. Let it suffice to savnow on this point that the only cliasea of peopleI fit d in any unpleasant fiame of mind are th ise

whose misfortune it is to have bad business rela-tions almost exclusively with the sec-ssioniats,and the office-seekers whose chances of succeasare daily diminishing somewhat, like the tressesof the Nut Brown Maid. Of the two the latterare, perhaps, more to be pitied than the former;yet they are rather laughed at. Even Ihe Hon.Horace Greeley, whose valuable services in thewihiJv business has been so cruellv overlookedbas but little sympathy. Only think of his hav-ing nurcha-ed a whole suit of clothea ' ogei h* r, to

wear as ambassador to London or Paris, he didnot care mui h which. Now he is to be no am-bassador at all except be goes to Montgomery orl.ilieria on hisownhrsk What makes this all

tbe more provi king is that "ihe little villian" hasbeen done for so handsomely—getting *>"i,000 andsome little extras as our consul to Paris. True,Mr. Kavinotid himself th'n ks be is rather an in -

red party—he thinks he should be at leastenvoy extraordinary, if not a member of the Cba-inet.

Of the terrible distress of.which I hadhiard somuch among the Palmettoea there is liitle to beseen. Business is not so go**] as it used to be incorresponding setsons of past years; but this is

caused much more by want of confidence thanany real injury done by secession as a political

part, if pari it lie. What is curious ia thjit noneare more anxions to buy bete just now than thesecessionists. If only their note and word were-iken they would purchase on pretty nearly aslarge a scale as ever. That's the difficulty. Thosewho have robbed good old L'ncle Sam are not tobe trusted so soon.

It is a curious and interesting illustration of theperfection to which engraving his attained inthis country, that the American Bank Note Com-

jpiny are at this moment executing plates for the,

Governments of Rusi-ia and Greecs. 1 note the i

fact as important because it proves that in unionthere is intelligence and skill as well as moraland physical strength; fir while each of sevmlCompanies' in our principal cities acttd on theindependent sovereignty plan, our notes wereanything but beautiful. But a perpetual union


of patents and facilities once formed, the artjbegan rapidly to improve, mukinir such strides

that in a few years it has surpassed European artfa similar kind, as much as the great AmericanRepublic, in spite of secession, s ill surpasses all

other governments. The Bank Note Lnion hasits cnngresSj nut in the political, but the com-


Orrior nr rnr LuviaflUJ .fonimat,/WuisrHiiAv, Ayri 3, 1W. f

We have rarely rxp rieuced a uuiete day iu uiun 1 1-

ry affair* than yesterday. There asaa u*t a hadow ofetiaoae either in money, curr ucv, or exchange. Has-ten! exchange Is neglected, hut is Iffllai when souxhtfor at 'A tf ceut. prem., the buying rate being Xpram. There Is a .teady demand f >r New Orlieo* excharijeat par to « # cent. prem. acllioa, and % dis-count buying. The general inarkot was dull and without chang*-.

1i or a ami Gaais.— I.urfit demand for llour fur con

•umptlou. Bale* M aMa at **.£•) 75. Wh-at Is Armwith aales 9,000 bushels at lo for red aud primewhite. Sale* l.issj bushel* corn at o.

8HKiTiNus.-Very nulet, with *ale* 17 bales at 9cBcttui asto i nsiBK. -Cncliaugid. galea So boxe*

cheese at sHOSc. aud sou lbs butter at Sua.

Potatws. -Market well lupplled. galea 1 u bblNorthern at 41 Mai tt.

Woisxr. -Dull and uuseltled. Salea 150 bb'a raw atKt,Yabns asn Hope. -Limited demand, with sales Cu

bags May.ville rams at «. », and toe. and 30 hags Geor-gia at Ha. Sales, al«o of So rei-ls cotton rope at 17cURocaai»s._Allartirle* tfSmt, Sale* 16 hhds sugar at

^Jit^'^c, and 1 18 bags coffee at IB.'s,_l«e. Tlurew.renc sales of molaases.

Provisions. -Market very quiet, but holder* firm atformer .|uoUtlon*. M ssrs. Stewart A: Bsrt«r report•ab a 100 Mils city mew pork at *17, and W cask* baconat fo. mer rates.'

Toiiaooo. Sale* 40 hhds: 1 at *3 90; 9 st 3(S8 HO; 9at 4«S3 h-

: , at 5 jto}5 41; 8 at a IU0*ii 30; 7 at 7hi7 It-

3 at » 25(*« (a, j «t >. :;,, and i at lo ttftlo 10.

Mandtacti aan Toiiaooo. -Sale- ai boxe* at I»<S4oe.

KATES OF EXCHANGE.The following will show the rab« at which exchange

wa* wiling at the given date in some of the li adiugWeatern and Southern cities:


Ti l-graph. CiiGrev I'-ag-le. N.N'ssh ill.- Ota.Emma lltiiican,

K. II. SairchlM.


. . i YKSTKRIMr.

1 1. tssafcN. O.

Cincinnati. April 1

Chicago, April 1

St. Lsiuls, April I

New Orleans. March 3D.


Memphis, Man h M

New York.H pii-m.

i» pn-tD.H prem.\ prem.

'i'tj pr. m.

Thompson * Ha- k Note It potter ofijuotes Laud Warrants as follows:

1*1 acre*,.

130 »

80 "

40 u

liming..* li.".


N. Orleans,par

Ix^r*i3 prem.


Saturday last


• 75noN

1 lo

Money matters at sit. Ixnils on Monday were all t-p-sy-turvv, in couseuuccce of the new* of another db-crediting rp—e b the Chicago bank*. A go<d manyba«ine*a men in St. Louis are interest- d l'i Illiniismoney, aud will make an effort to save some < f thebank* now discredited, and raise their notes lo fa. Iti, certainly h'gh time *uiuething was done to prob-ctthe public aaatnal a quarterly bank avalanche, and notdouble the present already grievoua di-tiesscs of thepeople by robbing them of their hard earn. il pittancethrough bank note discounts.

I.atic*.|er. l arrollton.lainlee. Win e'lng.Ionia n of Ihe West.I'rluin Ilouua, S. O*


£*__»&*•__ I. ..ca.ter, . srrollton.N shv.iie, Nashville,

ma Lluucao, Cha.-t, ft O. E

The river wa* falling at this point y.-.tarda with ff«t 5 Inehea In the canal. Tka »«ati.M »•* ,;i„ rwarm, and ipring-llkc.


At Pitt>burg at noon yesterday the river »a*tat|ln-wiih 8 fret 4 Inches In the channel.AtCln Innatiatth* same iuie tbe river wajrijir,,,

fait, ha* log risen 20 lucii- In the pravfoii.Si nturs.The neat little Dove, capt Sanders, will leavs far a

short trip to tbe Kentucky rlvor at tho usual amir t. -


The fine *t»amer Desmoir.es Capt. Height, !• adver-tised for St Lout* at 6 o'clock this afternoon.Tbe new steamer J. II. Ba dwln, i apt. Mc;ulie, will

leave for Nashville at 5 o'clock this altera >ou.

The ep'endid steamer Jacob Strader will bare ft)Cincinnati at noon to-day.

The regnlar packi t Iaetia, Capt. Windsor, will leavefor Nashville at the usnal ho r thl* a'temoon.The big Gray Eagle, Capt. Daniels, will leave for

New Orleans poritiv, ly at noon to day. She is a charm-ing passenger pack t- Mr. J U Duncan la tbe clerk.The Loulsvl le will bo found at the Pirtland wharf to-

day, and will leave for New Orleans to-morrow.The ranlsa, Capt. McLure, i* advertised to leave for

Pittsburg at ten o'clock this morning.The SUr Grey Eagle, Capt. Donnelly, la the regular

mall and pas .eng-r packet for Henderaou >t ft usualhour this afternoon.

Capt. .fa*. II. Johnson, of the Dis Vernon, died InLouisiana. Mo . on Saturday last. He was a native ofKentucky, and was universally esteemed.

The L cal In p-eto s for the St. Loui* dbrrlct haverevok.dth - license of Thomas Han„tlcld, an , uglnoer,for inattintiou and carelessness.

St ii

Tbe llhiola State Journal ol Mouday. pubii-hed stSpringfield, after giving a !l-t of the discredit! il banks,the sauiutliAt appeared iu our papi ron Monday, remark*as follows:


Guns, Rifles, Pistols,AND FISHING TACKLD.

HAVING ;u-t o|. n .1 a large stock of Gun*, HlfJe*,

Pistol*, aud line KUhing Tackle, dealer* would dcwell bymakini

calling and examining good* and price* beforeriser T» 'eh.«— «oS* ftw

Now Wi.bin Reauh of All.


Noiseless Sewing Machine,

Prices Established for 7 Years.

From if4i and I'pward*.

302 Fourth Street, Louisville, Ky.

C. T. I1AKBKK, Agent.

24T-A Urge stock of SllkTwIet. Marshall *: Co.'s Pa-

tent Linen Thread, Orr AT Mvcnaught's, and Oeorge A.

Clark's best Srool Cotton, always on hand at Wholesale

and Retail. uiar2o eodllm

t*T~ Person* nndeclded

about trying Uarrington'a

Carpet Lining would do

well to read the letter un-

der the head of "Notices

the Day," in another

seluniu, beaded "Mr Ilcea


M 4lh

JACOB SCHMITTWinn i-n -,i » ami ;;k C


Hardware and Cutlery,BAR and SHEET IRON, NAILS,


JV©. 1 I 7 Jnnrlttl slrssl, south slat*, *<fs><a > l mm* If, .... jl .

bins- M bdsreUTp

Hoportf.d for the Journal.

Nkw Ori.f.axs, April 2.

Texas advices say that Col. Ford was reliablyinformed from Matatnoro that General Anipudui,with 3,000 Mexicans, was sixty miles off advanc-ing on liruwnsville. Anipudia despatched expresses with placards and handbills announcingthat Texas rightfully belonged to Mexico; thatshe had no longer the support of the Federal Gov-ernment, and that the time hail arrived to retakeher. Re-enforcements in large numbers wererapidly coming to him. Ford ordered all the heavyguns and ordnance and stores at Brazos Island to

be immediately removed to the scene of antici-pated difficulties-.

The Mohawk arrived off Pass Cavello on the29 h with 600 troops. The Kmpire City and Starof the West were lying at the Pass.The schooner Satterthwaite, of Philadelphia,

reports seeing off Dnuhle-head-shot-kev, a barkaliandufied, supposed to be set adrift off Cardenas,aficr landing a cargo of slaves.

MoxTcnMF.Ry, April 2.

W. II. Wade, editor of the Key of the Gulf,has arrived here from Peiisacnls.

" He states thaton tbe 25th ult. the steamer General liu-k arriv-ed at Kev West with 200 troops, fur tbat place,

and 100 for Tortugas. The Crusader had reachedKey West with sealed orders, under charge ofCaptain Craven, faith marines The Brooklynwas going into Key West on the 26- b ult., andthere was no doubt that she left troops at FortPickens. The Texas Commisioners stipulatedthat the troops on the General Ku*k should belanded at New lock. The commanders of threecompanies on board the General Rufk had signeda d icument exonerating Captain Smiih of theKusk, from all blame from the deception prac-ticed.

Mr. Wade further states that by an arrival atKey West nn the 26th, it was reported that theSpanish flag had been hoisted at San Domingo bythe Spanish and French. The Spmish Presidenthad previously written to Havana, stating that if

Spanish forces were nnt sent tbiiher immedia'elv,'lie Spaniards would hoist the Spanish Hig.Whereupon live Spanish war vessels and 1,000men sailed from Havana, and tot-k formal posses-sion of San D imingo, aided by a French cor-vette.

General Miramon, it is reported, was at Ha-vana, endeavoring to raise a force for Ihe purposeof invading Mexico, and it w.is said tbat theSpanish and French sympathized with the move-ment. It was believed at Havana on the 25th.that those governments would, bv squadrons, aidin landing such an expedilion. It was also af-firmed at Havana, that the Knglish, French, andSpanish fV-ets had sailed for Vera Cruz—the ob-ject of which ia not publicly known.

Nkw Yokk, April 2.

A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to

Collectors says that in consequence of the controlof the warehouses of the government in the portsof South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,

l>iui-iana, Florida, and Texas having beenusurped, it h impracticable to continue the privi-lege of hording goods for transportation to thoseports and Collectors are instructed that no entries

for transportation in bond to said porta can bepermitted.

The Post's Washington despatch Bays that thequestion of reinforcement of F Tt Sumpter is st all

open, and reinforcement ia not considered improb-able.

Ciiicaoii, April 2.

A passenger train on the Dubuque and WesternRailroad ran off the track 7 miles west of Du-buque this morning. Wm. Loomis, a hnkeman,was killed- Barney Giffird, the Conductor, wasseverely injured; and several passengers werehurt; none seriously however.

Washixotox. April 2.

The bids for the new United States loan wereopened to day. About $30,000,000 were bid for.

The average for the accepted bid- was about 93MC,and no bid was accep ed below t'3 1 7 100c. Tbebids ranged from 90c to par.


The Pennsylvanian newspaper has su pendedfor the prtueut, on account of the pressure of thetiui.a.

SixprsKT, April 2.

The Democrats elected their candidate for

Mayor by 155 mej.irity. The Democratic Treas-urer, Solicitor, and 3 Councilmen were elected.

The City Clerk and Marshal are Republicans.Two Republican Councilmen are elected.

Porti.axii, Me., April 2.

The Republicans elected Wm. W. Thomas for

Mayor. A Democratic Mayor was elected last

year by 31 anajority.

Tui.KiMi, April,-.'.

At the city election yesterda\ the Democratselected their Mayor and Treasurer »*id seven of

the ten Councilmen.

mardai capital of the nation (;n the Merchant'sKxchange, Wall street); and although it h .s

neither a Fort Sumpter, nor a ''Brooklyn" frigate,it does not af piar that any State", North orSouth, bas tbe least notion of disputing its su-premacy.

Tbe ladies were as much rejoiced "opening day"notwithstanding the storm, as if Sou h Carolinahad never declared herself one of the great pow-ers of the earth, and in proof thereof set up aliberty pole and threatened to do sundry greatand terrible things. Of course I need not explainto the ladies what opening day means; but per-haps nil ihe gentlemen are not aware tbat it is

the day on which a "picking choice" is to be hadof new bonnets, cloaks, robes, &c. This remindsme that the Charleston Mercury has a person herewho goes about and puffs all the millinery storesfrom the Astor House to Madison Square: and thetout ensemble is called a "letter on fashion!" Someof our Abolitionists ,re very thankful to the Mer-cury for being so willing to serve them. But ofthis and other things another time.

E. C. D.

Spaix and thk Slavs Trade.—We learn

that in tbe Senate at Madrid, on the 6th of

March, the Spanish Government announced that

tfaey had resolved upon stationing cruisers along

tbe coast of Africa which cruisers would be au-

thoriiad to visit Spanish and English vessels for

tbe purpose of preventing the tlave trade.

The a»'Ovi- hwiksnr nths atfo. aud ai ots-s of either of t

at a sacritici-. It 1

most of them, be r\V„ shall pub!i-hl ank slatenn ut, byth'-si- hanks are

io worse than they were threei*e all persons „ ho have theI MM, nut io pa t v. ith them" J •


.""' ,h *'' "HI. all r

'ed within three or fiair weeks,rr.w the Auditor's <|iMrt'Tlvi it will lie seen that many of

,_r-d, and will probably be ablet* r.-ilceui their circulation at par.

In .the meantime don't let the people imaglue that an."panic" 1* camlnp.othi r

nice from Pitt-bura. April 2. 1*>*S1 II Kg.II*

' '' 'I l'i ''I'- 1 " K^., II I. ,|,l n ,, r

, * oca buckets: L. A N. K. k„ 4 bait* andl S. Moivls & Son Kihismns

: H»eau itd' : K M rrl* A S n. S pkss: Wilson. P--k-. 3 bxs md*,': A. It. P, it A . o , ai pkj,.

3pks; P.. *ilder. S pk-: liisxbrook A l^>!Taj lor & Co. 14 bdsmdse; U.ldemanAnn n.o k paper: J. D. B ndnraot, 1 pk.itt. t hx mi*,; owner. *o hale* havj .1 fin'i d z hucl e-«, 13 tub- : M nr urt A Pae*.Nee*. Wick A Co, 3 pk : Owln Haw, ,n ,

Dinson, 2 u.s: S. e A Co, I pk; Miil-r.1 kiis, thr*sh!ur-in*chhi

; Hhdford And 1 hj copper: Thomas A' Ai der on, liNock. Wicks k Co, Jo bojs vfnearar-Co, 1 In drv-amwis: a. A. Kobbmon, i

pk-; John 1. Ilo ard. bat-a sheeting: A. Bocbanatiil" I. hi -uesi- II ||. Iluihsnan, 27 bu"- II J .rirer Scradle-: .1. F. Howard, 1- but* teed; yy. ||. Belknai., Cokits nails.

P- r I'mmi Duncan, from SL, Louis— jj casl* musketsMivi head,VCo: 2 ke«s shot O rdim-i A-Co ; 2.343 piece*iue»t. Arii sToni-, 1.1 bile* hemp, Kithardsou: »4 pkgs.

It Co 7 j dodo2 has mi's : .

ecott, dor A Co, il catKeDon* d.

pk-: II W. '

o. 5' bdls t

I. H. He kharTerry A Co. t*

Ml bass oats;pk*; L. A.



_wW «__*Coal ar S)and respsth ir nil .



rtlcle ofNT1XD—niue of

Police Piiockkmnos.—Tuesday, April 2.

Wm. Lciber, drunk, disorderly, and firing a pistol

in the city limits. Fined H and sent to the

workhouse for three months.

Geo. Walking and Ben Putcell, disorderly con-

duct. Workhouse for four months.

Win. Eop, on a peace warrant by August

Spade. Continued until to-morrow.

Cath. Ryan, on a peace warrant by Mary Mc-Greggor. Continued until to morrow.

O car Swinney, injuring property of BanDetta

Hardin. Fined ftSS.

Rockaways and Coaches1861. Tor Spring-, 1861.

Clockaway Buaeie*Extentlou Top Slide-seats,

Shifting Top flurgle*.

No Top Biiaaie*.Spring Wagons,

And a larire assortment of Carriage* of every deecrip-tion, which we are off'--

AT PKK K.s TO Sl'lT TIIK Tl M KS.Also au a .ortmeut of OABaUAOI TRIMMINGS,

00aapa'lallM| Springs, Avli-e. L*atli.-r Rands. &i-.. at

,F.ST0N£A.C0.S,One suuar*

above the GrattHou.north *idi

wjiii|. ii-ii. *. oi'iiiiKS, .-v \ us. i,. mi H. r i ..nils (. - .


SZEEaZOS.BLUE-GRASS SKUi, cleaned and stripped;


A LARGE lot of prime and resh n store and for aalail at prices to suit tbo time* at

G. W. BASHAWS,mil No. •2-J West Main stivet.

IAVA COFFEK—A supply of superior old Java Coftee for sale by

J. T. I antUM A CO.,Bil4 I-.nnrt.T. of Tv c~ Third st

Cotton XXopo, &c.A FULL a*aortiii*-ut of all sir.es Cotton, Manilla,.lute, and Hi mp Kcpe: Cotton. Hump, aud Flax

Twine*: Seine Twine: Chalk Unee, Fiau Line*. TrotLine*, Staging, Ao.; just received and for sale lew by

ORRIN RAWSON.mil 8.HS Msln st . twtw-i.ii Third and Fourth.

KICK In tierci* prime landing from mallboaf andfor»alehv fr'931 illiill . MOODY.

|>OfATi KS- -AO bills p.n- »«• Neebafloc PvtatoesI. lust recaiv^d from Ohio and tor sal. la-

ii, vi A -Ptt:n Vs..-

rllKKSE—J> b in of*» by [nils]

lino quality in *toiHiBBirr i

i d for8i )N.

HOES—2 si doaen American Hoe*, assorted size*, forale low by [p.] C. ORMSHY.

SUGAR—40 hhd* prime Sugar landing from theWoodford and for sale by


TslllLASSKS -balbbla prime Plantation Molasses Juat..vl received per ateamboat K. II. Fairehlld and foralnhv I1T1 H. D. NEWCOMH * HRO.

f^OFFKK -122 bag* prune Rio Coffee received ixrVv John liable and fir aale by


l'i MsKERKC -MO kit* No.

ami for ssle ayMackerel received pf Wl WM. GAY.

rail aud for]l«

6 porkets prime Java Coffee received per- ale by


W UGAR-TiOO and for sale byhlida prime Sugar received per Baltic

U30] WM. GAY.

t ' LOVER SKEI) -2o hbl* in atore and for sale byV> f!1 TA IT. ANDERS! IN. A CO. 1411 Fourth st.

riSXsD SBED3, CHOP 1860.4 1*11111 BOBHRLfl Kentucky Blue Gias* Seed;•UUVt.tsWalo do Orchard do do;

SOU bush "is Millet600 do pure Timothy

1,1100 do Si ed Oats;6u0 d? CloverSou do R.-.i Top or Herds' Grassaou do li ...

40U do Hungarian Grass100 blil* Ne.-banue and Pink Eve Potatoes;50 hii.h.-'s Seed Corn, White and Yellow;

In atore and for sale at the lowest cssh price* byJ. D. BONDUKaNT,

flJ North si.l.. Main st.. ti",r Sixth.



APPLE AND PEACH Bf.ANDY-15 bbls pure old Apple Brandy;15 do do old Pearh do:

u store and for sale byANTHONY ZANONE A SON ,

jas Fifth st., below Main.

aJJUGAR—TJhhds prime Sugar lauding from theWood-ford aud fur sale by


jj^ALMON-Iu lib!*, X bbls, sad kits. In store aud forsale by

nn W. A 17 BfRKIIARDT. 417 Market at.

Church Almanacs.CHURCH ALMANACS tor 1551, with lists of clergy,

statistic*, Ac., at CLARKE'S.

Diaries for 1861.A FINE assortment of Diaries for the current year at


Only 10 Cents!IARIES for 1m!1 at


Tho Church Primer.NEW and beautliiil Church Pibuer:New Sunday School Liturgy an>l Hyinna;

First Scripture Lesson* for Infant Miuds;Easy Ouestion* for a Little Child: at


Now Church Books.IIRISTMAS Ida: Ralli, the Kauuimaux Christian-Jessie Moore's Four Gifts; Christmas Day: Not

Lost, but Laid Aside; Samuel Guun '1 he Happy Laud:at CLARKE'S,

jl Mozart Hall, Fouith at

HEMP SRED 5iX> bushels new crop tor sale byfjli PITKIN. WIARD, A CO.

/ • RAIN IIAI,a i [too 3 bushel For Pitt;

liaai ~'i do do do;8.000 2 do r. nn Mill;

Just received and for sale byJNO. F. HOWARD A CO.,

flfl Ag.-nts for Maiiularturera.

OATS—l.OoO bushela Oa's just received and for aaleby

113 TAIT. ANDKRSON. tt CO.. 140 Fourth at.

RIO COFFEK-100 bag* prime Rio Coffee laudinffrom ateamer* Fanny Bullitt and E. H. Fairehlld

and for sale bv [1141 COOD * MOODY.

F'AMILY FLOUR Wl hhls K»tra F'mily Flour"Spring Creek Mills," in store and for sale by


JAVA COFFEE-50 pocket., strictly prime old JavaCoffee received per uiaitboat and for sale by


ilAY—100 tuua good T inothy Hay just received andfor calo low to close consignment bv

J. D. BONDURANT,Main st . W»i»n Fifth and Bltth.

APPLKS—6o bnls choioaound and in good order for shipping'

by tbe bbl at CjSoJ

New York packed Apple*,for shipping, for aale onlyN. S. GLOBE <S CO.'S.

llDLASSES—J.V1 sou bht* Mo'asees:

Sio Hdo do:Just landing from iteambcat Diana au.t for sale by)2» II D. NEWCOMR * BRO.

HERRING—20 bbl* No. 1 Boston Herring;

loo boxe* No. 1 Dried do;Just received and for sale by

(II (»»>. W. MORRIS. 1S4 Third at.

TEA—4oo package* G. P. Imperial Tea;3o half cheat* Black do;

In store and for tl" byt«* MARSHALL "ALRFHT ts CO.

TEA—20 half chest* Gunpowder Tea received perail and for sale by

J16 '_ GARDNER * CO.

JAVA ct)FFFK-5o pockets prime old Java received•s* mailboat and for sale by


\JAILS- -800 kegs Belmont for sale byCA8TLBMAN. MI'RKFI.L. k CO

Cat h for Wool,^' i: .. in pay cash liir wool

New York, April 2, P M.Cotton, under the favorable news by the steam, r, bus

alvanctd '.(jaj \c—sales :;,sOo bales at Wa'c f ir middlinguplands. Fkur opened ..oite Arm at an advance of 5ewith very moderate iuqulry for eiport and home coi.-

nimption, cloilng nulet at yea'erday's [irtc a—sales 12,0 -0

bbl* at »5 3U@6 4j for superfine State, $5 45 <»S S3 f-jextra State, *s 3«<r5 5o for superfine Weatern, *5 4s,


t "0 for extra Western.

Whisky lea* active and the market a shade easier—aale* 45U bbl* at lsnjlsj.c. Wheat le bitter and bi goodexport demand—sale* Include SAoOu I ushel* Mil »aukceClub at $1 S1<«M 32; 13,700 bushel* winter reil Wesb ruat ijl 3a'</«l 1W. Rye firm—aales of HO buihela atiKc. Barley more active, but decidedly lower -.ales cf15,200 basheU at 700,73c. Corn qirte firm-eales of84.000 bushel* at 0>S(^lJJc for 0ld mixed Werteru; liH&iacfor new do; aud 67)<;(«(70c for white Southern. OaUplenty aud dull at 33334c. Pork rlrm-sales MM bblsme** at «K17. Lard «te»dy—salea Soo bhla at inailoc.

Sugar—raw less active aud pric-sj unchanged-sale* S2Sbhds at 5«@6)»c f ir Cuba, Stfc for Porto Rico. b<4c forNew Orleans, and 4-0 boxes Havana at iii^ic, andby auction, 137 bhda New Orleans at b<4<£A'4c, go day*and 4 months. Molasses without change—sale* 55 hbdsCuba Muscovado at l!)(oJ2»c and 65 bbls New Orleans attZQSilc. and by auction, l,90o bbU at 20'.;' <33c.

8tock» dull and lower. Chicago * Ro.k Ialaud 57 .Cleveland. Burlington, & Quincy 74K, Clevel.nd k To".ledoSs',, Galena & Chicago 73'4, Illinois Central scrip

UM, Michigan Southern 17tsj, ditto gnarant-ed It i


Michlgan Central 57X, Reading U^, Harl, m K .. SewYork Central Wfi, Pacific Mail Kfltf, Hudson 45S, nil.

noia Central bond* 07)<j, Ohio 6** lot, ML-aomi «. 01,Tennessee 75.

Bvltiwori. April 2. P. M.Flour firm. Wheat advanced 2n_nd *1 34r«tl 37:

white tl 50(">1 03- Corn firm—mixed 57(^5Sc; yellow«0(«alc: white «3<3i!5c. Pork firm—mess *17, prime *1 1.

Lai. (JXOlOc. Coffee active and firm at ViH<H\Z'icWhisky steady at 17><;«l>ic.

New Orleans. April 2, P. JI.

Sales of cotton bwUy m.coh bales—middling lsVfsjIS^-sales of three day* 23,000 balrs; receipts for threeday* 8,000 biles, again.t 15,750 Hales last year: receiptsbus than last year 17,500 bales; receipt* at all Southernports less than last year ;*V>oo hale*. Flour steady s,

1*5 lo.ai 25. Mixed corn S4<Si7c. Freights of cottonto Liverpool t*C

Cincinnati, April 2, p. M.Flour unchanged aud dull, with van little demand;

superfine +4 511 and nominal. Red wheat declinedclosing at !Hr, white unchanged, and in moderate ia>mand for export at *l 0"C41 12. Corn and oat* un-changed. Whl»ky advanced to lS\c- sales l.msi Mils.

Provisions ijulet and nominal. Groceries 11 changedand firm at full price*. Coffee rather buoyant under tbeadvices from New Orleans.

For Mew Orleanai.- 11 1 in _The niagnificeut passenger steamer

if C DIANA, K. T. Stpsheo!,, master,n 1,1 ll>arIIl leave for above and all wa> port* onSaturday, the nth inst., at 6>'Vlock. P M.For freight or passage apply on board or to

KRsXK 1 M.l . t. :i!2 Main at.

For Clarksviile, Nashville, Burkaville._ii _The new side v. heel steamer

f -P •!• II- BALDWIN. Capt. MoGrnw,aaas^sa-aaas-saaxawiii leave for above and all way porta outru* day, the ::d inst., at 4 o'clock. P. M.For freight or passage appl r on board or toat! LONG A BALLARD. Agents.

Nashville.raught steamer, Capt. J II. BttNot,•nd all way porta on

Por Clarksviile ai

will leave for ai ov-.-

this dty, the 3d inst., it 4 o'clock. 1'

Tor fr»»l_*ht t p*/* i. apply on board or to' Ti.V- HAU.AHI). A--v>t*.

Mt rc.mnt-, Mtbe Falls *

nud n 1 i.tl.1

M ich of j oi

dir Kited t-» (

ittt/ular 1m

i I 0 M KKU LIN Imufacttirer-. Mcrliauicas, and Citixeiis ofitv. ftuard will yo-r intrretjfs. K«*iiiUrLouittvilte pticK^ti iitustt be tm-tiln»>d.

r U Kihmattj trade and bu-iu. ntj U bciii<

Lie Pa**eng-*T and Freight racistFor memphia, Napoleon, Little Rocit,

Van Buron, and Tort Smith.Tha iit'w aiifl M|>1 ndid ntde-H heel rftaatnftr

IZLTTA, Capt. Wm. WiNirfioe,ienvM for tin- dl>ove port* ad II ioter-

tln. day„thu 3rd iiut.,wharf-uo fioett acronimoda-

at 4 o'clock P. M.iFor freikebc oi p

: I- , Oil ba-

8t. T ons Makkft, April 1.

Tobacco Dnnand (r<v>«l. but otTrrin.: 'null. ShI 1

hhd planter/* kijcn at tj?, m. 1 hhd nwondu at (ft, 1 hhdcommon macnfacturinic at -t4 9 i; and 4 bbl« at 4£(<$*J 3oHt iup— Ke liitht aud market Pt- adv. Sab-, 2_baW so. ad *t $Tu, .15 and 10 habf prinu- »t 1 7".

1'ork—Market tjuiet aiid Ktead.-. S ilasM bhlp nr at$17, 20U bbln heavy do. and asli«htl>- overweight at AI7 lb


C.it Meat*—Inactive «irid nothlne wa§ r- portfd.Bhcou—MArkt t inactive but iiiiclmnffrd. Paleg 4,t"fli

\\>t notintry clear -i-b iu bulk *t .<• imhi \-\ r - heavydo. Iu bu k nt 10c, and U atukt country j»ork houaeebonldeia at 7c.

Lard-Salet« were rep^rtM of 1.10 bhla iblx-M, partprime, at .t

H "*J round, and 74 bbls No. 1 at fic V '\Greiise aud Tallow—No ml, * of either rf-jior ed.

CisiriNNATi Provision Market, April 1.

Tliin haf been a verv quiet diy In the provision mar-ket, but prices remain a." larit quoted. Mt>^ p rk l# <|uitegenerally held at #16 75 and #17 for the best countryand city, but i« very dull. No doubt nalea could bemade at 2fte lew, hut holoent are firm. Tli- i X|*ort« ofbarrel pork during the p,nt week were I4IN bbls. Inhaenn tbe tirmne>>a of holder* put* a stop to anv trnn-ar-tion*. .vt i*ii<-! for rib t>id«* plenty of Hales c^nld bemade, but holders a*k 9^^:*^ c; cleur rib ar-* held atlie. d4 clear fidet* at lo)_c Sh. ul-ir-i- rema.n as -.ull

aa 1 vt-r at 7c. There was some little i tjuiry to-dav forthem at with s uall sab-*. Holder*, in ome a<*e ,

are willing to mbmit to a slight decl nfl in flinulders,and refu-e to s II nidea at less* than $%c.

1 he ei ports of b icon f»r the iMi^t week werel,771 hhd ,

1,224 ti rces. and 344 boxes. The Amine.-* * hlch ehanc-terf*ed bulk iuf*ftts on 8 iturday still continu<>», but 1«*at>

dtfpoeitioii to buv. We <aiote ciden iu limited d maudat ^'ifaii-^'oc and held flrm'y at r5\.(aijx' r c. Sh-mld- ivare dull at rV; pxeked thev are held ',

: c higher The bestcity 1 ird iu tiercea in held at ^c. with a fa r demand t

l*c; ken U held at 10c; couutry, not strictly fir-t classcan be had at }^i<t,


jc U low our quotation* for city.



No. 31 Pine rtrect. New York.Ca_*h Capital. $*5»rO,euo.

This Company does business on the mutual plan, re-

turning to the policy-bolderi thre4>fourtlis of the profits

of the c^mr«any.1MHKMX FI«K INSl'KAM K TOMPANY,

No. t» Wall street. New York.Capital and Anrulus A3W,0O0.

,H»TA(K F I K E DWCRANCB t OUPA.NY;No. t50 Wall street. New York.


No. 14 Wall street, New York.Capital and Surplus .?34ii,tHX).

PARK EIRE INSURANCE < (Ml PANY,No. 60 Wall street. New York.

CapiUl aud Surplus.... 'J'1,000.

Tbe uuderilgned, Agent of the abovereliable Companies will do a general FireInsurance business at the lowest estab-lished rata*. Lo—oa, aa UMiial, pmniptly

idji.dted and paid. He solicits a return of the pntrouape•if his former friend's business- and of tbu public fnu--raUy. JOUN MUIR.J**"office at .lefferson Insurance Company, Main et.pposite Bank of Louisville. febl dtf

Gruthrie Insurance and Trust Company.chartered Capital M&(Xi,oo*J

Paid In and Secured >tUoo,ouuThis Company Is now organ-ized and ready to engage in ageneral Fire and Marine In-surance business ou liberal _

terms, office iu basement of Southern Bauk, coruer ol

Main and Bui. itt streets, l^oiusville, Ky.ANDKKW G*h-U1AM, Pn**idon!.

TS. A. PEYTON, Secretary.DiaatTrcBS.

W. A. DuckwaU, John H. notchlsou,Dennis I-aon*, Jacob I Smyaar,J. P. Marshall, Ben. F. Avery*Kca.r?lev' Cart**, Jo. D. Allen,

mns Jacob K. WeBer* B. C. Levi.-4 Alex. Craig, William Muss. Iman,

mT~°" XT



American Jcsur-nco Company,No. S3-J Main stivst. North side, opposite ths bank ol

Louisville, over the Agricultural store of G. W.Bashaw.

Till* Company I* sjBfjaajBi In

a aeneral Mariue aud FireInsurance business on themost liberal term*.


.;.,!: K. BKLL, Presideut,HliNRY DENT, Secretary.


Jesse K. Bell, Wm. H. Stoksa,K. L. Ilufrniao, John Barbee,Karaball llalbsrt, Samuel Cary,Robert A. Bell. W. H. Sparks.

B. Frank Outhrie. dinstf

Tor New Orleans.!_, a .The splt-ndid passenger steamer

ifc 1 .Tfv^mLim]"' '' A"AMS -

K,,MKV mast 11

til leave for above and all way ports ot

4th iu-t., at 4 o'clock, P. M.lhiirv.lay.tll

F.ir fre-ik-lit or passant, apply on board or to

al MOOKHGAD A CO.. A*eiit>.

For Bastport. Tuscumbia. & Florencen-cs— s.Tbe light-drauKht passeuker steamei

r *^^aP7J^ TlMB, Johnson, master,*V^sa**1**^****Ws/iii leave for above and all way ports or

1 hun- lay. the 4th inst., at 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage apply on board or to

al M'lOKHKAD&CO.. Airenta

Regular Wednesday and Saturday United Slat

Mail Imm Passenger Packet

For Brandonburg-h Leavsnworth, Sto-plionsport, ('luvetrrsirt, Hawesville, CunneltonTell City, Troy, Kockport, Oweusboro, Evansville, and Henderson.

The new *id'.'-whecl itteamer "star"kiKF.Y KAULE, Captaiu A. Donmsllt.'J.A.Ldsk. clerk, leaves for above sud al

way ports ou YVediiesdsi , 3d inst., at 5 P. M., positively,

from the Portland wharf.For freight or passage apply on board or to

al LONG A BALLAKL), Agents.

srd to* RAl.t.AHD. Aa nt*. IS" Wall st.

For Vicksburg: and Now Orleans.ssaaasa k_The liuht-draiisht passenger slearner

r ' ^1.— V* »IG i.KKV KAG1.E, Capt. Oaarina,

mm"mm**"*S'*-ill leave lorabovs and all way ports ontht* day, the 2d lust, at 12 o'clock, M.For freight or passage apply on board or tohi LONG A BAU.AR1). A.ents. 187 Walt *t

People's Line— In the trade to stay.Travellers and 6/u/yws please ' take notic.

Heirulnr Tuesday Pas.senjjcr PacketFor 1*1 1. Vernon.' XTniontown, Shaw-neetown, C'aseyville, Weston, Elizabatbtoarn,Gnlcondii, Smiililand, Puducah, Mound Citv,Metropolis, Cairo, Cape Ciirardeau, and Saiiii

Loads.splendid sid-.wheel clipper ateamerri.MDINKd. Cs.pt. 8i..as HaiuHT,ison and Earhart, clerksjeaves 1jiii-

ively for the above port* and all iuteme diataaudiugs on I hi* day, the 3d iuet., at 4 P. M.,irtia-d wharf.it or passaare, having ur*urpa.ssed aocouiluo->!v on hoard or toLONG k. BALLARD, Agents, 137 Wall st.

-'. iihi r Dtvmoine* give* throush receiptsand tickets passefifes* tn all landiugs on tba1, i'enneseee, M esoiiri, l'i'perMi*sis*ippi,andr--: Kor further informatiou in juire of the

For Clarksviile and Hashville.rpsaaa .Tile tine light draught steamer

'ni.-*r-" JOUN GAULT, Br~<—, master,«*a-—aasamisaafca* i\\ leave for shove and all way ports onthis day, the 3d inst., at 4 o'clock, P M.

F-ir freight or passage apply on board or toaft T. «. RRWIN A CO.. Agents.

Arkansas Biver.light-draiiKlit passenirer eteamer

IZK'l'rA. \\ i -HKOK, master,II leave for above and all way ports on

this day, the 3d inst, at 4 o'clock. P. M.For freight cr passage apply on board or toal

this day. theFor freighta|

T. M. F.RW1N * CO., Agents.

For New Orleans..The splendid passenger steamer

.. DANigf-s. masternd all way ports on

Id Iu-t., at 13 o'clock, V.or passage apply on beard or to

T M. VKWIN * CO., As—its.


For Clarnsville and ftashviile._The new side-w h. el passenger steamer_flJlllIN 11 BA DWIN. i ipt. MrKlnar,*« ill leave for above and all way ports ou3.1 iu-t.. at 12 o'clock. M

t or nsssace ap«l- mi heard or toBALDWIN k SANDEHSON. AgenU.

For Frankfort and Woodford, short trip.The regular passenger packet

DOVE. SAMuraa, masterwill leave for atvive and all way porti on

thl* duv, the 3d inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M.For freight or pas-age apply ou board or toaS^ MOORUEAD at IX)., Agents, 33 Wall at.

Beg-ular Zsouisville <_ Arkansas RiverPacket.

~- w The light driou-ht passenger steamer-'**'. —: y* l/.l.TTA, WiMsjin, master

a— in, II leas-e for above and all way i*)rt*

lis dav, the 3,1 inst , at 4 o'clock. P. M.For freight or passage apple on board or toa.1 MiiiiKI1F.au * I'll. Agents.

For Clarksviile and Nashville.rrwsasa _ Ihe superior iiassenner steamer'..». ..j^ J' "IN GAL'LT, BuMix, master,

*«**"-*ii""s'ill leave for above and all way port, onthis day, the 3d inst., r.t 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or iiassage Apple ou board or tos3 HOOKHEAD « CO.. Agents.

For New Orleans.frasaas _.The llght-ili aught passeuser steamer

^ "*!'..— < . Kl.-i KA..1.1;. lUMi s. i ia*ter,

111 leave for above aud ail nay ports on.is day, the I d inst. at 0 o'clock. A. MFor might or passage apply on board or to

Mt'ORHFAD * CO.. At»n»*.

For New Orleans.^mmmm _The magnificent passenger steamer'^^i^ '-^ . .

I'l-^N-^, i-- I'- bTiruiiKON, master,swill leave for above aud all way porta on

iturday. the »th in.t., at S o'clock P. M.For freight or passage apple on board or to

I). 8. BENEDICT fi SON. ..i

aS T M EKWIM * I'll . .Went*.

For New Orleans.saoa .Tbe maguinceut paseengi-r steainur

E-*0, ,> H .1 AH VMS. Cu.;. .1 Hi. :;r

T-—-U—l» ir !il I „ . |will leave for above and all way porta ou

llnirrd.i.v, the Ith inst., at 4 o'clock, P. 31.

For freight or passa- e apply on board-or toa3 JAS. K. SAGE. Agent. 14.1 Wall sr.


henjport, ClOTer-- Troy, Ruck-


iIji place oi Big Qruy Bag-le.)REGULAR MONDAY AND FRIDAY U.S. 1

PASSENGER PFor Brandenburg, 1-eavenwertlp«rt. Hawe-ville, Canoelton,port, Owoinboro, Evsnsvilte.

The splendid rue side-wheel Steamer111 Gi:NE, Capt D. F. Satkk. Duvatl <b

Davldson, clerks, leavesa. anove Friday,-'.fli lu-taut, at ;> P.M., positively, from Portland whan.The steamer Eusene makes direct connection at fcvans-vllle with the EvtngvtUe, Paducah. and Cairo D. 3.mail packet Charlev Howeu, also with the Evansvilleand H it llug- Green U. 8. mail packet Mattie Cook.For freight or passage having the finest accommoda-

tions, appl> on board or toL'lNG J! l'.ALLARD,Agents.l37Wallat.

For Bastport, Tuscumbia. & Florence.The freight aud passenger packet

T IMF, Cspt. Jiill'SON'will leave for above and all way ports ou

1 l:ur*day, the 4th inst , at 4 u'liork. P. M.For freight or passage apply ou board ar toa3 LONG A BALLARD. Arents.

For Cairo and bt. Louis.spessa _Tlie lunguiticeiit ps.senger steamer

f» LEU1G11, CapL SllCKK., ill leave for above and all way port* on

I'liursdav. the 4th inst., at II o'clock, M.For freight or passage apple i-n board or to»2 LONG .t- BM.LAKn. A rent.

i or Cairo, Bt. XsOU'S, Keokuk, Qalena,llock Island, Dutiui(ue, L i Crosse, ^ in na, KedWinfr, Hasting?, St. Paul, and Minnesota riv-

er—direct.sraaaas _The light-drauglit iias*i'nger steamer

f f* Wt.NON \, l.apt. I*. S. DAvinano,*™"*—asivill leave lor above and all way porta ou

Friday, the 5th iuet., at 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage apple ou Iwaro or toai LONG k BALLARD, Agents.

For Now Orleans.The maguiriceiit passenger steamer

a.IAS. MONTGOMERY, Capt-Mo.-. ro-iMFET.[will leave for above and all wai ports on•Weduenday, th- 3d April, at 4 P. M.

For freight or passage apply na b-iar 1 or to

mSJ MOORUEAD k CO.. Agent*.

For New Orleans.jajmm _.The magnificent passenger steamer

» •*J'.^..--f* .IAMKS MONl'GUMK.K V.

* ii" 1"——wSas M . mi-... i iiiandel

will leave for above and intermediate ports Wednesday,the 3d April, at 5 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage, having splendid accommoda

tions, apply on board or tomSi FRANK CARTER. Agent. 813 Main st.

THOS. II. all NT * CO.

SUGAR—37 ,J hhd* good aud prill*, u ueil j.-i Innunand for *ak- by


j^IO COFFEF.—300 nag* lauding Irom ruailboat audli 1 sale by


\| AI'KLIN HAMS -A choice lot sugar-cured Hams1*1 and voiiutry Bacon Juat received iu atore and fortab* mm

aar.ti YV. * H IG'RKHARm',417 Market at.

GAR Su iihd* prime Sugar received by the Atlau-* tic aud for sale bym COOD a MOODY.jy|OLASSI'S


100 bbl* Plautatlon landing front

•, TODD. At CO.

steamer Wooifoid and tor aaiaiby

Hior._ioale b,

ca.k* Klca received per mullbost aud for


Louisville and ISemphis Packet Xsine.The staunch and elegant new passenger

steamer C MMERCIAL. hsvjng tieen pur-chased expi e_*ly for the trade, will with thtMARINER, form a regular tine of relialilt

nackets between Louisville and Memphis,freight aud passenger packets between Louisville ancMemphis, leaving Ixiiilsville every Tuesday eveuiug aucMemphis every Monday eveniug.The int.-rest* cf the shipping community will be kept

constantly in view iuthe management of the above boat,in -m-li a manner as w ll', .t is le 'l- d,

li"!jo',- '

of this city.

Through receipts given on freights to all polut* on tu*White. Arkansas, and St. Francis rivers,

rule dtf J. B. ARCHER, Superintendent.

RK(iUL.\ li PA CKKT U N.}.A II. VOHMXG LIXtConntct.no at t'iiwciniui/t tcttk early hasteentrains.

For Cincinnati,sr—mm w Tne ut>w —"d magiilnosut passenget

* T sjsjisaPltl in— 1 lb tei.KGBAPH No. S, Hil.nui.-Tn, masterJACOB STRADER, Dittman, master.

One of tbe above steamer* will leave tor the abonport daily at 13 o'clock M.Fer freight or passage arpty on board or to

JOSEPH CAMPION, Agent.OfflSM «t the WhsrfUrtat fnnt nf Tilled rt**el, as*

I^LOUR— tlx) bblsextia flue White Wheat Flour Just

received ou consignment and f r s:tl>- bfJ. D. HONIU RANT,

Main, between Flit L sud Sltth .U.

For New Orleans.rrwxm w'i'he magnificent passenger steamer

"* ' T-_f* l-OI IrsVll.l.l.. Hi. i.ix-uolT master^i-n"*' —"will leave for above and all way port* onThursday, the 4th inst., at 4 o'clock. P. M.

F'or freight or passage applv ou board or to

a-J T. M. ERW1N 4 CO., Agents.^

TT. S. I.I.nl Packet for Henderson.REGULAR .MONDAY AND FltiDAY PAl'KET

For Braudenburg, Leavenwiuth, fStephnis()OTt,

and Cloverport; llawesville. Cannel on, Tell

Cily. Tiov, Kockport, Oweuuboro, Kvansville,

ami lleiiOcr.-on.

The sple ndid new side-wheel steamer F I*


J_T_JV%0F.sk. Call. 1). F Savrc Duvalland Da__________ ^ 1 -.hi. eletks, will lea- e, as above, o-,"

' " *"l ii a , tin- ith instant, at 4 o'clock, P. M

positively, fioiu the Pi rtland wharf.The Bteaiuer tigene makes direct ecmruunlratlo-,

at Evansville with the Evansville, Paducah. snd i or-U 8. Mail Packet Charley Bowen, also with the Evan*.ville aud Bowllng-Creeu U. S. Mail Packet MattiCook.For 'right or past age, having superior accommoda-

tions, apply ou board or to

as T. M. ERWIS, Agent. 37 Wa'l st.

For New Orleans.1 1

i ,a . The maguiflceut paeseneer steamer"*

f* LoL IS l 11. 1.K. HoLUlBOtT master.

Tlmrtdav, the 4tl

For freight or [


d all way ports ouat 4 o'clock. P. M.a'.'plv ou board or toBHERI.EY, BELL, k CO.. orMOOKIIF.AD « C<>.. Agents.

j." Wheeling- and Pittsburg.i ..e ligbtstraucht passenger steamer

EUNICE, McLraa, masts**,will leave for above and all way ports on

Wednesday, the Sd lust., at 4 o'clock. P. M.For freight or passage apple ou board or toal MOORHF Mi si CO.. Agents.

For Cairo and St. X-ouis.*___ - The lisht-draught passenger steamer— • *!«;... W l'i OKI Nt K. Bkickei., master,

•a**—*sa***"*""a**wlll leave for above aud all way port* ouW-anwday. the Sd lust., at In o'clock, A. M.For freight or passage upplv on board or toa3 MOOKIIK HI k CO.. Agent.

For Now Orleans.—___ _The magniticent passenger steamer

~ {* B. I. ADAMS, RnuEV, master.

Thutadav, the 4thFor freight or pa

al . T. M.

nd all way port* ouP. M.ird or to\gent. 37 Wall st.

For Bastport. Tuscumbia. fit Florence.The ligtit-drainrlit passeiu-er packet

TIMIs Johnson, master,til leave for above and all way uorta on

Thursday, the 4th inst., at 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage apply on hoard or toal T M. ERW1N * CO.. Aassnta.

Tor New Orleans.*j i.i .The msgniiii-ent passenger steamer

L -fa B. J. ADAMS. Riouav, ma*tcr,s-™miMaaii**.. ill for above and all wa>* ports on

Tliur-day, the 4tli lust., at 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passase apply on board or toal BALDWIN 4! SANDERSON, Agents


PARAFF1SE CANDIES A -nuply of this anperlevwadle r»ce1,ed a»4 fur sal. by




t, ,

svn ,


|p^Qp WOOD'S CITY DIRECTORY, !Snow Thyself.kM in 1>. vix,. nut BMAMtMM^-ni ArrRngoa Alphabetically in Regard to iyy*,".


F.rm'PKAN Dpmvn-ii mit Ukkai'SII.'KI'H — Th*

jVrw i'urt Marl*' Ictxrt.— I'll'- Ktinliah news l.y

the Cnv of lUlt more, to ibe 14th instant, ia t.x-

T .ribsu to all Hum fat interests. Cotton is but-

ter; brcadat'.ifls in p«d demand at an udvaner,

and a full bMiofdl i'i American pr. Juce of all

kinds. The private advices received at Sew

T >rk oonc-rninj b wittlF. are said to lie very

•ncouratjirg. T o Kxprrn says:

1 here ird considerable activity and excitcmer t

on the U m Krsch.iiere tn-day, cunwque it U|kui

there e pt of fivo-»b e Esiropean acHios by the

City of.Ualtimore. I h. re w.sa verv litaivy t>u-

•inessi trjfcsscted in I re idslnffp, outiilv for export.

Mild Ulioss shnir rlnrjltiill huprovement. the ail-

rar.ee Ira ire; t< <g)"2<« cpi t.< per lurrel M (lour, 2(g i>

cents per bush. I on v h at, and 1®2 cents i er

bushel on S rn. Trie I'tf^re^.tn lm-iness is unus-

ua'.lv larue, at d in fac there his not been so

much animation and buoyancy exhitii cd pa any

one d i\ SsF a verv I ns time piai .

Kefrrei-c. totheoiM I tables,. Brit i-h imports

.liuwa that til the mcrei s-«4 purchases of I r iw-

Hx-.tfi a verv lar^e pr. p r ion U receii t(l from the

U"i 1 ed Stares ami un il aii"ther c op is u-ulipred

In Ku ope DO liitx can | r vent a continualce of

this i dv.miue. Atfricultnral anthori tie* are by

roniein- pal at ine of the crop prospects of the

Kinj.d •«> for l^Gl, and ar^ue ibat, In reason of

tbexveriti of the witter, ubich has impeded

the planting < f wheat, there tMst, with an »jrer-

egc \i.'!d p>n tbe bie.id h 0' luid planted, I e a

mri us ilificoetitv in breadstuff*, to be made up

fr..m Aniv icun Sources in a great measure. At

this moment the cr -p prsp.c* of the filled

t> o'es are gisil, aid it is pr per to assume. Mcr mialtv to the e;rain crop iniervenintr, that u

Is rue export will be inula, to the great advan-

tage of the g'nin section of the coun'rv. In less

thsti nine v d .ys new wtieat from Georgia mid

rithpr SooiWef slaies will lie in market, ai d in

iir^e quanti ics, ja ! giug from the crop rei on s

roCeti l.< uittdj.







Health nf thr r'rnvh A.'ia/nfM.—The Kmpress

T. igaoi i. a d io In- in a state of perpetual ter-

ror about the crn d tim i f lier toul. Her misd is

fasti, ing A one moment she is for set ling out

on a pifgriMage to the II Iv Lai d; at numberal e i« »b o'l.-d in all the myHerofe of ?| irii rap-

j i f, I bun 'bo Emparor rods her in a state of

nerveas i»ff*.t ion as if ii'e wsro an al»s.du e l-ur-

den to her. Il is said that she •erinush doubts

» lie her it is etv I" da y to loavo her hu band

and child a id go into a co.it en t.

A rough Indlvidu il, whose knon bdgeof classi.

anl Linguaga w»- not q die complete, had Is-en

aick, and on nMuwiafi •«< laid bv his doeloi

thai ne nii.rht rskn a litilo anim.sl fo d.

i4'."s id lie, '-I tisk \0Jr giuel easy en<>uah,

Lu. bang uia if I ca i go y ur hay and out*."


Grei. LtstraM prevails among the muslin wcav-Ois in on.e piric if Ulster, in Ireland.

(1 ne du Sud i- the idiom in Vreact for our

rein Uioae sUti , Ninth Carolina.

Mi s atularh, author of "John Halifax," has

wiilitn a Iwk called "s udiea from Life."

Walter Savage l/mdor is the Florentine cor

re ;- ' dent of the Lot.don Arhoueum.

Ill ,iu£ar4 .lern.ld, son of Douglas, has bicomerdi' .r ol II c Welcome Guest.

M ir.y men are like glass; smooth to thn touch

as lei g as it is I elide- ly handled, but tlurp and

piercing when bn ken.

I. il> O w«y was ricently roblad ot XI, 700 of

Jew dn wb l-'she was asleip in Iwd. ibe thief,

or thhfVta, even took a ring fr- m her finger.

The (Jiomiile d' Verona, of tha iiili ult., savs

that Slamini is now at Cuprera "to arrange the

hext e.\pedi:ion wirh his Lieutenant, Garibaldi.

las tern from I'sly state that Girilaildi is pre-

pai ing for a I ru ling in lllvrii. Men are being

rccrui ed f..r Lis lejfioii n I'aris, Lyou* at d Mar-


A debtor who could not nay, in ancient Etrurla

was followed by a crowil of bovs through tin

rtrects -h king an empty purse at him ai d si.out

ing at bis heels.

There Is not a wall in the Eternnl Ci'y on

which th<re is not chrlked up, "Vive Victor

Xaamel, King of lialy.

H'.ron I'i 7Zi has been arrested at Naples for

having p >stcd up sedi' iotts pluc irds in the si reels.

Thfl PungViio, of ItTian, atatea that tbelwmbiirdinent of G le'a has coit 15 000,000 francs.

An cglo, nieisuiing four feet four inches from

tip to tip, w is c p'.ured alive in liolton, Gonirec

tku*. some days siirce.

William Hnrilson Ainsworth is writing a novel

f r l!-nilev's Mi cellany, called The Constable of

the Tower.

Th» rir t r.umlver of Anthony Trollope's newaerial, O l-y Farm, ha> b.ssn issued l y the Londonpal li-lier*.

The velKrity of ihe el c ri: enr'ent ii es'im-ited

by Waeats o ie to be 388,0 n miles per sec md.

The Const!' ntinnnel and Cays, I'ails newspa-pers, are both owned by Mires, the great defaull-

e '.

The Evpreas "f France has inauirnralid a newk d of wu te artiucial res.s, made from ibe bam-boo,

Dindy. the paintar, is said' to have I.^I a sor-

rowful Ii'e, tie ugh be ro-e to great eminence in

hi- profes-ion.

Two new histoties of Rng'and have nf peared

one I v Mr. Mav, ihe idlicr bv ibe Bar. JaSJMIWhite'.

H> k« reli'ing to Amorica. are raid ly the

Lnod n A ben. uni. Io find a baWai muiketinLondon than in Puaton ir New V rk.

The usual test of oz me In thi air It Said to bequite valueless. It gives, or ought to give, a

blue tinge to p p -r c u ed wi:h i. dine u :d -run li.

M. 11 .mm r* is d ad He was an eminentFrench engineer, a d had ch-irge of tbe c instruc-

tion • f nuny important ralTWayl in France audSpain.

The M ieon ('! i ) Telegraph, which has n-id

Georgia and Sub Ca-olin i pi:p-r for tbe past

three y *air, is cow pvin ed on paper impjrtt-d

from m.

I. vi Q ('. HcGI inis was lunged at Cummlrg,Ga.,oa Fr<d>v last. The execution was public,

and the crowd uaiountesl to Menu 16,IMMj persms.

i'h« VVi!mi i«'on (X. C.) Light li.fantry haveado ne- 1 f..r a prmpoii a natural pine bur, which,

in the case of .ffi;erf, is ^ilJ^d, atld for privates

is v.rui-hed

Th^ R ims (r,.i ) S vitherner ssys thil four

wealthy planter* fr- 'in Maryland, one owning 1 f -0

slaves, pi s-d thr ugh that place a few days ay.0,

on -h'ir wsy to Alabams to purchase plantation-,"•nth the iutentiou of settling in the Confederate8' a tea.

CUMMNKI'IAL.< incisnati. ApriI2. M.

Flotir dn'I w'.tlio'it chanr-1. Whi-ky u-i-ettl d arid

4iL Pi\jvul>Q- i.ai.'t ami ir cliatue 1, tli« d^ninnd li

quit* It -rt <il bat bvldori rtjmftiu flrui. Orootriea uu-


IV'EW Vokk AprP 2. HIt- Hp'l or fl t r 3,7^3 bbfc-i market be btl'rr: fale-

11' un b\,U at 3 ';>W5 40 f«r u t-rfiaf ?t:it*?, 5 (£5 5."i

for <-xtra 0Ute. 3- <as 4i f»>. m,K-rfin»- 'WfcU rn,

ftOfgpri f 1 for co I'tnon to nv uium ext»» Wo t* rn. antl ^5TO « fi 7-"> for rliipi'liiir bntnd* i xtra R. II. O i


floor 6c b« tte ; t ft'i-8 1,^00 hhlt a' 54Ha*7. Rye flmir

fU -lyat *3 :n^l in. R c of whtat 4,7«Ki t»i-ltc!-»

ma- k» t It- h. t < r «1th fvr txport dwand; «a:» 1115,000

bu-h l- at fl 19 f-ir ' \r.cxs> cj rlnf, *1 31^1 «2 for

MilwAiik ec'uh, $1 24(3,1 :>i f r at b-i Io»a, »1 36<<fa

• • '->'A f^r v lutt r led wettajru, tv-.d 4\ 45^1 bo for wLi(«wtatern.

Rye trtetj m\om of 10,00-: burtl at Mb. Barley lower;

talu- ( f 12, 00 bo b In Urate at 7o ..7.lr. Corn—vcvipUof l«.8-4 bn-h-1 ; markvt tiiwied tirm and closti d du> :

*a:f* of 43.0 u biMbi lu at fH(<£7uc t>r old mixed We-t«rnIn rstor.- and d Uv r d a- d Clo for uew mixed W*tt-•rn. CM- dull at ail^il'tfc for We-teni, < ansiiian, andBttt« Pork <jitU.t«iid -t-a-J ; ttalfbtof 6>t b > at 9$6:>; ! «J f r rn- fi, >- 2 5 mu 7 . fnyirime. 1V( f iinchaun

pd. C t m >at4 duil. Lard rt^Ad. ; i<«le- of 5«i ht i* at i>

fr.Oc B i t- r b fair mnnt Cbee^t >tead>* At 9%@*cf -rcommmi to t-rimp. WuUk/ less active and ta«i*r;

ale« of KM bblf at IS d)l^cfct«>ckd net very acti- e but nrfc •» hldif r. Money quiet

and ('xrhanp. i-j fnir d -ninnd artd "mi at !'jH>O!09V f-,r

bankero Milt CM ago and Kock fxlund iif, Ddaw ar


Lak-rhore, ai:d Northneetern Bl, C, P., at d A. IS,Cleviand and Tc l do Gib ua and C'bica^o 73 £, Ulln-t-ii c ntral rcvip * \%. Micbifan Southern 17 a , do gnar»nV.d 3£»>tf. MlchLau C ntral ^8, Cl lcag •. Burliu^t-u.

and Q ii ;r; 74^, Reading 44H» Har em l^f, UarKiii.

pruned, 43.t

WUKLY CoKFk-KST \ TLMKNT.ArrimT|«l' c l»t ,luh\dlr^ctArrivaU ftrnt* \-t Jul-. 00 >at»i e. ..

Hanid tiiiiu la>t yea\(, directba:a«j lime b«rt yvar, cja«tH \.w

r)f»rreace of impirt^ din ct thi* y.-ar.


B»ock it. firr! hi il* thi dahi <•.; i t - (..i d fasMMa thia J %/baiuu time l±:t j. ar

this year.


....Vs4,i)42 hup-

.. Nnn«.-2ot,<-4j. .S4'-\77**

16,i7(* 259 (ir,?


... tf.liJO

... NvJisC— LUB


'at I3fr, IWSatM»o m at liitc.1 Kt lu:4q, Ibi hT

ht k k nu hand ia*t week.11' t iv. -d iioeo...! \ Noui*.—Stock on b iLd thia day (<.it

Tnk«n for ron^'imp \<m 1".0M;M'ltk t ejoae* tlit- day-Ord-nary 11c, fair W}£c^

"'o, gO'-d f ir 13-, jr m . i»nei«i « •Jikef.

H. T. LON4U .Lti. SOX, & CO.Ntw Orleane, Manhjtf. Uy.|.



Nr.w OBi.RA^o*JariLS MaiiiiKT, Marrh 35.

IVof Ca* It* - aoilma Un i iv tbe p=*ft w»-ek jtfti w»j.tern anl U i Tejtaa ruttt *. :-t « ( ivit o t *>al^ comurv.


60 We**.-™ a d Sfi i T x im rg -I Wh t.» W t i

at Ttjav aud 6)6e Lb u.*t, L'ex<»« at $lu .v>2^ aud *3y %he u.

Bof*wQnlv SO b -ad r'matnon aab*. n: . f \.*efk 300 h ad Wit rjooGD a! *»y (47c lij uronf.

Shn. p—AiriT**d d i -

fiVt h » 1 1 arrin d ^•'(^r^T^a Cil uiinOrire- t;7 J h' ad. 31

bii:»d. \V«i qnuw 't 41 M ••il

.Mil h Coora—Wf> «i<io *• atTeriirt.ii o i wilt-, st-ck r*7 b •

V.al t:attl--R-c pU t»-we«k 1SJ U.-ad. Pili at ...»

A lot * f

•in Tom. Th« et ck o*iua t to-»iav -"o'.d at *3 V>

*'Ki>i£» V Ilea'!. 75 be*<'I

»v h ad; during ihi1 1 heafl.

8t. l»uia Livr. ^t<»»;x «ARurr, Bfarefa 30.

Bwf Cft/tUt—Til r- 1r« a ftirr-upp v. Mnd the d*m «.t»d

la njo-i." at • »tt *«3<" V lb grna- for pond and oh i .

A d 1^ ' f r or>u imou »tiivp d Son hdu.ing'h--

''— '»'*m.tiil ft\fr and ATpp'y fhflrt. KutrhiTnair

V 1' » V< t • 0 |c ^ lb n t: »hip|>;ra & tv> 5Jtfc u« t. SWi -

p da iutntln «t* k, 7 0 Iim it,

S-ih p— Fair e>,p(M. and fiir demand at -;3 to $1 50 fr


Mr t > eiinicj, *uu #2 >a3 c3 uitaa for e<>miuou. bh>t> * '•

100 h^ad. -

<: «r- etfpo" Tha murk 1 1^ Wl Th m ar* f .

fft iin." but tin r-upnt 1^ a p'.e or th« vtvv limit-


ri-tiaiid th«t xi-rf*. Wuout uetJ ,n te at «3u to *8"«

V huAd. aa Li ituality.

Nfvx- t >BLt£AKa M*rJii:r,

C-.Utt.—Tho dcniti'd o«.t u a fa ., aidOOnipr n.-d 0,1a) i n*] n at fa 1 ,ir c *a"lui l-'l ii ; tu advAiitin.*.' i»M i*r n the aide o. t

I o cc —Vh i>h a -" Id, v %• in at —, 20.' aiJUt't akdiO« aslio tU-d :it •€ tb.

kfaT' me>t or* Tonanco.

Stock "f t -b crooa Iiand -t pt 1, 19H hhdg 8?,7?2I; ct;i t.d t<»- toy n-jd

Kjicivw pr^viua ly 19.307—lL»,o-t

Fat tor:

2Xid 5

*o,'^«Kxpo-*ted to-dar


Lxpjitud to ddt*

fit >ck on lia d not clean* 1 1d.lkMSiiL-i — Krlc -> riruj- 6 ilt* I 3> 0 hhds at £(%•'>€ ^ lb for

fa r to mi> fi r.


See nhat a distinguished Si. Louis PhyM-

cian nays of it;

St. Lone, July 10, W\t) ^ WOOIX Kpq.: Pear 8ii: Allow me the oleoadre

and i»ati-f-icti n 1 1 tranamitto you the beoeflci»t i fff tf

'•f >ou* Iltir [' " aft»r a trial ol tivs • t ar* I

iuiiuii nc d ltsfto)fl your K>ctorttivt> iu .IrtDimry, ISUsnilxe ah c'i time I haw n tteeu witbo.t a bottn-utihand. Wlii-ii I c imm"-i'»Hl th u*>*, my hair WMttttlethn a-.d at leuft one-third ifray. A trw appilcnti.'iu1

u pyusi it f*ll i i a. atni intbres' vrooka* Otine IbaeoWTMnot n grA) h»ir to be loand, neither has there b.-eu uo tothie time.

A'li-r ruy hair was compl -t» lv restored. I eontinn- d UOM b> ai ph iuy two or time tine n per mouth. My liair

iim<* t-T. r cotitlt>ut4 hea th-> , a> ft, and gloaay. Quo my-Crtlp p-'rfectly fn-e from dan<iniff. I ilo not imaaifsW ti e

tufts *b- ve m« ntion<-d m ill be ol any BOIti ular ad< an-tafte to you, or ev.-u fla tter your vauit> at thi* Ute da)-,

a* I am well a*are they an; a I well known already,audevrn more wond'-rf d onea, tliro-i^hotit 'h 1'iilon. I

hire occupl-d my time lu traveling the greater (tart ot

thn timn the p-u-t tin 14* iea:s, and have taken pride nudptrtamire in recommeudiug yrur Reitora^ve, \

ttiug it* effect* in my o*n cA**e. In ewer*! Hi>-tanrer> I

havi met with pt-oplH thxt.have pmuouneed it a hoon-l» «. e.iyiiu tli. > h -d iicel it aim without effect. In ev-er) In tance. bowevef. it prov* d, by pr btna the matter,tlint thev h*d not u-* 'ii yoni* artich* ut ail, but had uardrouif BOO) aiticle. aa*l1 to be as good OJ > our*. a-ni ••* rit-iJ

at ulrout half the irice. 1 haw no'it^d t*o or thru** ar-

ticle* mrpcif. adverti-M*1 aa above, •* h>rV 1 h+ve uodouhtnr.- hiiuib.ik*. 1 1 ir est -nUhing that p*r>ple will pairo:--

'a aii article f t no repiit^th n, wh-n there la oue at

ha: d that Imp been pr v. d u- >'<md a doubt.Apparently, eome of th<> e chartatHna have not brai'in

enough to write at. ndvt rticenieut, a- I notice thev havec -pied your/, woid for word, in never* J inatancea, meruU iu!*ertiug *onir other name iu place of your*.

I have w ithiu tbe pa-t fiv- yeaia. seen and talked withraon UMo Ioto ihouaand peraoup that have us 4 yourpr piration w ith p -rfect *uctvaa—eotue for haldiie*s. (trav

iiiir, -caUi heaU. dandrulT, and every disease the scalpa id head are subject tc.

1 cal ed to *>-e j on, i>ereonally, at your original v » vf bu-iiufs hurtt, but Icatued you were no»r li\uj^iuNejw York. Yours, trul'.

J AMt-d WHITB, M. D.

Paor. Wonre,ft y« ar o ir

pirrp-we of cleaned with it u.-ou

Wabrm Srai^ca, P*>rry OOunty, Pa..)June- 7lh, IMI, J

HearSin — T ana ludu:*d. mo:ethanvourvalusb.e liair Kectorative, f..rtd*i

Ing ny hv.d • C dv dmff. I bad aufT r-

uy head lor years, and had uevei b -mi

bough', a i-'t i

t ' onlOWkol Uitdtitff from Myweeka keeps it

aotu pa. i mm1

iaiitc white iu phas b-vii feat

tnd a*u uqw pr. pur d to recommend it

f »r it ban completely removed all dan-head, and an uppti atieu Alice iu tw »

t boo from a y itcuiug or other uup'.eAa-

Uiat aloo .t-iit- that my haii bad becomei p:acos. and by thi pao oi your prepantiooor d to it 1* ong nal e*dor I am now S

years of age, and altb -ush I bavn used tw o b til s ot

the Restorative^ uo one t as a<>y kunwit-dgu of if, as 1 al-

low a few &rey hairs to remain, in ord.-r to have my a

p «i a i. e c mport witbm>ia*.e. My head is now of 1

troubl-to me. iu ksvpine it cl an, if. thau mt any timeaince I have been a chHd. 1 cmxider rour preprtratuof ftreat va u -, and although 1 do not like to exj-o v m,oelf, I coif iJ r it mvduty to say so. You can u-ethior auy p it oi it. in oay ahr.pe you thiuk piorer, if it

v oi th anything to you.Youi., Ac,. n. H. BITER.

Bloomin^ton, I*iv July Jath. 1KTO.

Pevn Sie:-I b re s> ad you a ntatvmeut th it I thinkrouarooa it d to tlu Wu-'fit ot. lam a r.t-id'iito

Biwoio n^to.i, and have b-«-u or over thirty j ears. 1

»iu i.ow ..u r m year« nf age. lor about tweutv>« irr

pi et. my hair liar* b<eu turning oooarldeffatblf fiav. Andh»4 aliuOft entirel> w hite, and toi> stiff and unpii tui h ^4 stts u a uiuoiii r oi es'i ti .catewof tbe very w ond -r-

lul.tl^ct ol yum Ha r U sloratiTc but r-uppo-etl th reams ui-'te I cl ou than T tii iu them; but * u : ertAiitiug ai mu| deeirii to huv- iu; I a r, if ptuble, r*-ttored i

its orifciual c lor . nd fineness, aa it w as iu me juuiiiji

Utjt a beautilbl H*tck, I coniludr-d I woul-1 m <ko tuetxp ttm$BH% commein iug iu a small way. I i :rrh . . <l

a > oi ; our niuall b t'les, at on» dollhr, aud c mm- uc aU'iiiv, to-low ing dir cfinns as t ear-y aa I could. I soonuicuov- r d the oau r ff t em-iVed, s>iid my mir, that w.ia

fetliuia-, t If nl rge «4U,tut. ties, was coustderably tighten-ed, aud » radical c augu taking piaca lit the color. I

it ive eoitt..u< d to u *- if, til 1 liavt* used three of yourauiull hoU.ee, udjuft efuu ou the fomth. I have dowa- prt tty a head l u_.uk b. wu or 1 gbt black hair as anyit . .i. . at> 1 n.. d iu in. yoitthtul da a when a boy in tbeoil's, of W etm Vi gia>a. It b0«dl4 entirely im- ot

an iu J, and thn nair eeae> de.itiiUy falling eff, and ia

ar soti a diiite.a..dto la A« oil> , as though it waaluattrjtn under tue h*i:d* of a Fr. neb ch lupo uer. Many

l my ac| .uiLtntiC s freejiieittl v say to me. "B.til -r.

where did you g 1 1 »t tine wi^T" 1 tell them ht%aa Smif ct of yeui' Koitorativ- . I: i* Almost iiupoa inle to

c >i.vmce th m tiint it i- the origiual hair oi thu sameuid bray head. Youiy, t uly.

KhK^KRKK T. BUTLKR,ZUooujintftou. Houixe 'count) , I^oUana,


Is tho only rellsb'o article for you to use.


Lalies and gmtbmen. in all '"arts of t'.e worM. trstifv

t >. e efftoacy of Ptof. t>. J. Wood's Hair Restorative,

and gentlemen of the pr««s are unauiuious iu it* prni-e.

A f.-w tentimonials only cao lie here given.; we < > ctnarI, r more, aud it will bo Impoesible for you tj doubt.

FiiorrsjOB s. tilylberg, pianist,

soya «n his arrival In th* Unit- d BbaOH l awa- rapidly becoming gray, but on applyingWcod's lia r R*Mo >tive his hair soou rt-

covered its orUiuul hue.


PA. s the gray hairs on his wife's h«*ad were,afti r a few aeeka' tii d, turmd it t a dm kbr>wn, at tbe same ua.o beautif>Lug audLiiickeuln* tbe hair.


says he is now Hxty yean old. and his haira .d winskers were two-th.ri? *:rav, but bythe use of two bottlea of Restorative, theeray hairs have disappcAred. both oa hir<

brad aud fj.e- , and is more soft aud flossythan f >r tweut.\-tive years previous. Hbwife, at the age - 1 filty-tao, baa used it withthe f am.* euVut.


sayt that he lost his hair by the Yellow Fo-v -r, in 1V.4 IU u»"d WcxxlV lliir R- stora-

tiv 1

, aud his hAir is now thick aud gloesy.


sars the Restorative has done roiteh goM inbis pxrt of the country. Hu iued it forbalduess, aud now has a fine head of hair.


mvs he has se**n Word's Hair R' storativan-tf din hu'idreda of ca*es, and never knewU to fail iu acc jmpiiehlug all It pr. fwfsei todo,



savs he had the a*ald head eight year-, andwas bald, but by the liberal use of Wood'sHeir Ri-r-toratWe, ha uow has a rich, flossybl ad of hair.

LiuiM!-*, Noble co., Ind., F b. 3, V6m\Prif. O. .T. Wood -Dear Sin la the la*t*r part of th

i \ "-?. m !, ;.-r riding the stit and N;*ti nal !.»«

Sotw ol ot tm- rttnt- of New York, ray hair, from a ouaunknown tome, coniiuene d fal.iin: off very rapidly, si

I iat i*i ihe jiho* t •: ace of six uouths the whvle npiae-

one bottl... amss pioduciag th.used seven ool

a result have «

no thorny c*t

table Hair BeotorAtlvo In u e. i ;i i ,

'<'und to me at sati-faction that it <

I- sfn«i eff. ct. Bine** thi t thu:. I hat..r/w- rthof rour Re*torat)ve, and a

: eh coat ot very soft black hair, whic

A* a mark of my gratitude for year labor and skill in• he production of to woudi rfnl an article, I hav- reeoiu-.irmJcd i;s u*e to many of my frieuds and ecxin lintces. who, I am happy ts> iuf,.im yon, are tuing it with

ik6in\<:t. Very respt-ctfu. ly, yeurs.A. M. LATTA,

Attorney aud (Jouustllur at Law.


U-o Prof. Wood's hair rtstorattvoIf yoo" nalria gray.

Oat Prof. Wood'* h»lr restorative.I? y nr hair Is thin.

Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative.i f \ ou are bald,

U*e Prof. W. 0.1's hair restorative,'fyoo have nervous b^diche.

Use Pio:. Wcod's hair rtfctoiative.I f you have dandmff

U«o Prof. Wood's hair restorative.J ycu have eruption .

UaeProt. Wood'a hair restcrative.;f 3

rou d siro Elotvy hair,L%« Prof. Wood's hair restorative.

If ycu do'ire to preeerve the eol-T,Ua« Prof Wood's hair n storatlve.

..f yoo ueeire no tj]- -- t ' col--> .

t;*e Prof. Wood's hair roetorfltivc.If you want a cheap arti !e.


Kahn, L. A Co. north eid* Maui, bet. 4th and ath.A. i.n rsou, Tho & Co., <»8u Main street.

Henry, Samuel O. & 0>., Maiu st. bet. 8d and 4th.

bpeucer. C. C., Mam st. but. M aud 4th.

AaHriillurrtl Iuit>li>nien(a nod vpr*.Rondnraut, J. D., No. O Malu St., near rTth.

Baahaw, (i. W., 51»; Main -t.

Brent, H. A Co., W~ Main at.

Sherman A Bro.. Main, U-tween Sixth and Seventh.Muuu tb Co., comer ol unao and btlwPitkin, Wlard, A Co- b\b Maiu st.

Carter sfe Buchanan, 4*4 Main st.

lluHiirrrrotMie \ . n i!ei Im.

J. C. Klrod's fformerb- Harris'a) Gallery, Main, b#vtween Fourth aud r itth sta.

Webster &> Bro., Main st , between Fourth and Fifth.

Hi>okM-ltri^Mnii«inerM, A lUunk llooU Alanu-fafiurcne.

Morton sk Gri-wold, 44W Maiu at.

Mavw eii fz (jo.. Main T.. bet. 6th and ffth.

K«ouMi-li(*ra, Stntluucra, & IVrlndicHl llenlrrw.

Kobei tsou, Os W„ * Co., Fourth streut, ue*r Main.Redford, A. 11.. Tlilrd streetCrump, F. A., 4th st.. bet. Main and Market.Davidson, A., 8.1 st., bet. .leffen*on and Market,tiuuter. A., «kl *t„ bet. Jefferson and MArket.Madden, F., 3d st., b« t. sTo|Haoa am) Market

KajCjeltiA' niul Hope.Hunt, Thoe. il. A Co., Main St., bet. and 3&.


Curtis sfc Warren. 471 Main st.

Itonnrt Illrnehrr.

Osborne, Mrs. Wm.. .feffersnu st., bet. 3d and 4th.

Krltlua nnd Win- I «kmU.

B. W. Wilkes, 4th st., bet. Main and MarkntCloihlna nrtrl (iriillrinrnV Kuriilwhlna floods..

Mandovitlt*, .?. C., <t Co., Main. bet. 3*-cond and Third.Armstrong, .1. M . corner 4th and Main sta.

Spmule .*: Mandeville, enruer 4tb aud Main t*.

t'lntliw nnd < irni Irmen'a FiimlMhltia: booits.

J. Vou Bonies ft 4k>.. i- Main at., bet. Bullitt and Mh.(.-nri*rtA, Ott Cloihw. nnd Curla in Comb*.

Hlte * Small, Malu st.. bet. 3d and 4th.Marshall Si Dickinson. 4th. b-t. Market and Main.

Clonk*, .tlarillllusa. nnd Varleilew-.

Merrbnan, C. T., 4th at. Lear Maiu.

ClHtim.PHynado, Ed., Main st, bet. tth and Tth.

I'blua rimI i-l in." :in,

<*assedav ft HopMn*, V14 Main st.

(.intcher ft McCready. 413 Maiu st.

laeger, A. ft Co., 4th st„ bet. Market and JetToreoa.

Con, I Irenlri-H.

Chtn-nden ft,(lantt. -1 .-t.. Iiet. Main and MarketK Iksflh J, SL, :•:«! st.. bet. .Lib and Markett;hae. Miller ft Co., Wall st.

t'hpiiiUtM and Apntheriirlra.

Dwwee, S. F., corner 4t h and Jefferaon ste.

Jeukina, Thus. 1£. ft Co., corner itd and Walnut sta.

OinenuMcllarry, F., Main at, bet. Hk aud tth sta.

Curi-tagr \ , , , , orera.

Stone, I. F. ft Co., Main st., bet. 1st and Brook.

I>iii«i*s Dvr-siullw, Oii<«, Paint*, AivMorris. J. S. ft Sons, 4»>1 Main st.Robiuaou, K. A. ft Co., Maiu *t, bet f>Ui and 6th.WH-ou, Peter, ft Co.. 4"*J Main stWilder, K., i i - Main st

I>i*> Cood*. ClMhw, A-o-BatTTs J. Taj lor, .leffiTsou *treet. Masonic Temple,imvall, C ft Co., Main *tn*et, tM<tw«*eii 2d aud 2d,unthiie Rros.. 4th. between .leffet son and MarketMark ft I man*, Maiu street between tth aud 6th.Milii r, John A.. 4th *treet, between .leffersou ft Market.Martin ft Cmmbau.'h. 4th, betwoeu Market ft Jeffersou.1 abb, It., corner 4th and Market.

DRwii«*rrrol>i>!Mt Hnl« riula, Wnll Pnpera, tVr.Hegan ft l>tcotf. Main street between 4th aud (th.

Kxprrswi Compnnlea.Americaa K

. :- Co., Main street, betweeu 6th ft 9th

Furs and Fur (*aotU.Craig, A., Main street between titb and 7th.

Fancy l.<:mU, Fiubroderica, aud Trinimliisxs.

RauchfusN Charles F., 4th street, bet. Market aud Jeff.

Fitbtnii Tackle, (ntw, nnd PLiiola.

Dickson ft Gllmore. 3d street bet. Maiu and Market<iri:Mh, Joseph, Mh street bet. Maiu aud Ma: ket.

Fore 1 1; n and HoiucniIc FrnllM, Camliesi, tiro.

Borie, Alfred. 3d stn>et. between Market and Maiu.Oaetano, V. D. ft Co., Main street. botVM 7th and >*th

Flrr, ,>|ariue, aud l.ife luMuranca Co."* andAaeiiiM,

American Ins. Co., H. Dent See, Main, bet. Sd and 4th,Jsfferson Iua. Co., Wm. Muir, Sec.. Maiu, bet. 3d aud 3d.Louisville Ins. Co., Robt Atwood, bee. Main, bet Sdand 4th.

Mulr, John. Main st., bet. 2d and Sd.Rosa, Wm., Main st., bet. 2d and 3d.Washington Iua. Co., Wm. Roaa, Sec, Mala at., bet 3daud Sd.

Founder*., Engine Hulblrrw, nnd ^Inrhinlata.Hawley, Billings, ft (Jo., cor. Mb aud Water sta.

I.ei lieinen'a Foruishllta- <iiio<:L

Armstrong, J. M.. cor. ith and Main sta.

IMate b ird. Geo. ft Sou, cor. 3d aud Main sta.McCraw, C. M , 47H Maiu st.

Cm. Fitter*, Plumhs>r«, cVe.

Donally ft Sti ader. Sd -t.. bet. Market and Jeffenon,en- f - ir^. ! n < -,. nnd Tobneo*,.

Stewart ft Barter, bib Maiu street

l*M|iinr*t, Wlnna, nnd Alcohol.Hart ft Clark, 3d st. bet Main and MarketMonks, Joseph, 3i»1 Main street,

ftabzooder ft Son, Wall st, b«'t. Main and Water.Zauone, A. ft Sou, 5th st.. bet. Mum alid Wator.

I ; ..ti :..-i , Sasih. Doorw, 4Vc.Alexander. Fill*, ft Co., cor Prestou, ft Walnut ft Main

between 1 rt and 3d.Bred*-n, I. N.. cor. Main ft Wenxel and Walnut between

Eaat ft Floyd.Charles, Stephen, Main, between Campbell ft Wanxull

.lluntrnl liiNlriimeniH nutl 3Ium1c4Peters. Webb, ft Co., comer *tb aud Main streets.

mm FurnUblDA;.Herbert ft WHght lb 3d street

Printing Paper .UnniifnrlHr«>r«.

Dupont ft Co., Main street between tth and (to.

Powder.Dupont ft Co. .Main street bet** Ben 4th and 6th.DavU ft Spetid, KB Main street.

Pit teat .Heilkhtes and Prrfumea.Raymond ft Tyler, 4th street, betwean Maiu ft Market

Itratntirama.Caweln, J. ft < V>. (Walk. r's), 3d. between Market ft MainKueffer, C. C. (tit Charles), 6th, bet. Market and Main

HtOTC i '.. • i r*-.

Wallace, Llthgow, ft Cc, corner 3d aud Main strosta.

Bnwlusj i ., •.

Ba.U'r C T, Agent for Gio.er ft baker's Sewing Maai-lite, Fourth st.i

Kbsgeji, f. U, «tn street.Vt. Green aud JefferaoaSniimer ft Co., Jeffer.'fiu street l**t. 4th and 6thWilliams, J. H., ai Fourth street.

Steamboat A*ri:l* and ( ounin<«<loa and Farwardliitf .Ylerrlianla,

I.enedlct. D. 8. ft Son. Main, bet 3d and 4th.Carter Frank, S&i Main streetl^rwiu ft Co., Wa'l streetLong ft Bailarsi, Wall *t., bet. Main and Water.Moorhead ft OOw. Wall street, bet. Main and Watar,

Tuva, Vnlictle*>, nnd Fancy (.aoda.Cannon, Sherrill, ft Co.. 41 1 Main street

Tens and buries (.roeerlra.Lauham ft Co., 3d street bet. Market and Jwfferaoa.

T»»bnc4 oiilai.

McGlII, S. B., 307 Orooa si., bet 3d and 4th,

Tuhncco C . . ;.,n.

Nock, Wicks, ft Co., 613 Main str. «t.

( ndcrtaker.W Wyatt, cor. 7th aud JeiTeiton strewta.

White Lend and Lln-ced OU.Wilson, Peter, 4 Co.. 4*-j Main street

Hardware and Cutlery.McBrlde, A., «& Third streetOrcuby, Coil is, £sj»i Main t-tnvt

llui and C up .tlantifnrturera.Craig, A., cor. 4th and Slain, aud Main bet Hth and 7th.Piatiier, Smith, ft Co., Maiu street bet. Fifth aud Sixth.

Iron, Stcrl, Nulla, Ac.Belknap, W B Co., corner Third aud Main.

Jewelry, Wnichca. and Plate.Fletcher ft Bennett, Maiu st, bet tth and 6th.Keiuirak, Win., 3d st, bet. Market and Main.Hitts, John, ft Co., Mh.ru xt, bet 4th aud 6th.Ramsey, M. C, Maiu at., below 4th.Voght ft Klink, 3d -t., ML Main ami Market

Iron Hnnlicn, Fancy t nitliiKs, A a.

Wallace, Lithgow, ft Co., corner Sd aud Main sta.

Camp*. Hurnhta Fluid, Coal (HU, A *.

Hardy ft Beatt)-, 4th stieet, betwi-en Main aud MarketKiimnvhn Snlt \uc-\t.

Brooks, W. OL. :td st.. bet. Maiu and the river.

(-enprnl Produce and Provinlao Urokora.ra.it. Anderson, ft Co., 4* Fourth streetMien, Moore, ft Hayden, Main at bet 3d and 3d,

me ana srieutilir. met nod, witb..uquestions. Some profes* to do thaouie leading qm^tions in ordtd: ea^e. W« ii" tiotliiitaT of tli '.!

bly given satisfaction. Consults


rtaintyi aim

skuiK the patient anyyet are careful to asko obtain a clue to thend. and have invaria-nt* and exaroiuatioua

AND LDMOfl treat-


Gr n. O OERS,Comhinina Beauty, Mnrabllltr, and Lightness, (on mission mm iiwts,

r-onico corner *-v. mh luid ji Birson. Loui«uiii.jM Agents of Oriental Powder. &c.. . t

" " *

Improved Metal Burial Gases

>. Fits, Iliseasea of the Kye andSkin Hiveases. Rupture, Diar-curable diseaeea. We are not

and will undertake no caae with-

01 "r -. rowt'TttOYial treatment.vtve*"abh\, which ha\In rim ioltowing diset'i9 Throat and LunjIc&vn. r. e. Kidneys,CHsii, Bci-oftila, ChrorFAmlyals, Fistula, SKar, Seminal Weakrlii t. aud, in thnrta "e.ire all" doctor,out a fair prospect of recovery

rurriALU diseases.Females troubled with Supprnviona, Irregularities.

I^eucorrhea or Whites, Falling of the Womb, Folypu* ofthe Uterus, Turners of any k iud. Barrenneas, all Lrinar>Dlaoaaoa, Painfull or Uilhcult Menstniation. Nervous De-bility, fte., will be speedily cured without the use ol poi-sonous drugs or injurious or unpalatable medicine* ot auykind. Have no delicacy in calling no difference what,~our troubles may be. I do not expect you to place your*self under my treatment unless yon prefer It.

All communications strictly confidential. The afl'.lct-

ed are cordially invited to call and satisfy themselves.Office 8iw First st.. between Market an i Jefferson cts.,

Louisville, Ky. All letter*closing a stamp, giving symwill receive, prompt attentparts of tbe l. nlted SUtos.P.M. Addreaa

J. II. McCANN. W.nlO d4thpftweowly Louisville, Ky.

«o a 1-

All i

• of Corr.i rated Sheet'ercka or IndU Rubber

E. N. & 0. B. WILCOX,Attorneys tit Uaw,

DETROIT, MICHIGAN,PRACTICK In all r h Conrt. and make < li. «•!-.--> In

,QV p*rt ol' Th. Stat'-.

REKKKKNCK8 IN LOUISVILLE:B. C. Plndull, l-jm., Mawn. Anil'w Buchanan Alio.0*1 <1Kin

adilrewd to our run-, en-[dotti. and ualurn of diM^wc,ion. Medicim. nent to all

I 'Bit.' hour, from 8 A. M. to


B.irkhardt. W. «Cobtan, J, H_ \vHilihirt * S..'i, M:Uuod A Mooil}-, \VCuitlrmau & Tori'itirdiH'r A (>>., 41

:Ulhrrt!"M. * Co,


II. I)

ain and river,lu-t. 1st undid,

•t. l«.t. 4tb and i tb.

Sd and 3d.r. Main and the rlTat,aUat.rent. •

Main and WaterJ

'Hon-, N. S. It Uo., Wall street.OUrr & Alku. Sixth »tr.*t, n -t. .Viarkot and Main.Itawson. Todd, f: I o.. ".14 Main .tr«»t,Smj iI.t. .lolin, \Un et strict, but Firat and Brook.Wclhv. flm.. Sad Main ttn-^X.

'LMAR-» 8 0 hhdsfnlr

I hli.ls lVl.lt. i It.-, urd Uo;

r t« pr^m^ Sufiar;

In t'cre ....d for ialmn7



[UMInli o-I 6UI' bu-heli Black 8. id Out*;

Sjn abai Nortassa Potato*.;Itsj .nek. d i do- I'. i ri - :

: r .j I t.. \;-.\t> -—-d;]n0 do Bine liraw do,ICO d.i c'-oi.'.- Al-i'las;<ii rirkn. Iruit.-n

if you admire the ber

If yc-u admire the ben

If you wifih a beantlfn

t- olot,lot- at I


Md for (M Son.

>ld at SV. and 7*oat Mc y buahtl.ut.ru sold at *riS y t n..suuld-tmlriWy lib!. Mess retails

d. via; S sboaldi-re at OTe. 10 clear

biiei. sold at ll^t'lb ttub.loeold.Tz: I u at Ire, im) at llStfc,

i 6un.tHl'<«. iloatJil^o, »4lat

ju wtro takoa up for LiTerpool at

t-T L'il-is M asset. Ma' ch 30.

Pirk—Murk*,t fo- meus haary, di-maad and rft'e* lim-r« d. viz: ri i, x • and 'J I hl'li'ary aieaj at r?t"; 7? bhlcXtra .v. r •• kht dj ut *I7 Ms and 61 ur.la M :>.. in Iota.

X S|i< .Vi y llld.

i;.,t M-'-i s— Msrket nul -t—.alua coullned t3 4,4ftfl

I r « tn ti!d. r . in hu k, at li'.c

lliauii <lil4 -Hi onlv Mle uoti d wu 3,U)V Kit dear

k:i*-d viaivi t dull—eal.-. S-i bb> sood manuficttir'nc

Wfi 15 h fit- 1' hiss country at Wic; 8J bbU db ut »c;

l.'i^. PivC Wood*, hair rratorative.

Pr f. \Vood'» hair r» toratlve.

Pros'. Wood's hair rctorative.

L'^e l-rof. Wood's hair re itorativc.

turnout font jl'I d.i as d .t «iu 15.

ba • fair at >v.; 1*

Liib.ilui.triaHypiat arSft; ,2 do,

•tood for nil finalities and price:l * I h'ld plttltt'T;' U„*S Rt^fS 1)5;

> -t'l to &i 6 •: 4 Ja coniiuou nitmofAfo t-o Hh, I dj iu* diuiu a' le* 16 a

If yoo wlah a face free

U*e Prof. Wood's hair n^torAtire.If yovi wish to ai>i>;-ar young,

Liar Prof. Wood's hair r»^torali%-e.II ;

- ii want t«4tiinony ovotfa helinlng.R. id tbe circular of 1*1x1 Wooa'a hair restaratke.

O. J. WOOD i CO.,

ill Market street, St. Loul^; 141 lVoadray. Now York.

Manufacturers and Wr.ole»&l • Dealers laPatent MeOicrius.


Bj R. W. Dillon, M. M V mdn-wii, aud hy d^alora ere-ry wh^re.

&u : fo*" -ale brINDBRftON, A CO.


ols and half bii A'o>. 1. J, . u J ri


I^L. UK-r U.i bhls Hue Flonni-OU hbl; No, I E-.ta Flour;

In .tore aud for naic brAND'W Bl'CMAN'AN A CO.,

mil Corner »*. ond and W».him ton .fa

I »Hi eOFFBH14 las In store i


b„r. eeeel fair and prime Rio Oof.and '.or sulr by


i,' ca.ku teestsaS p.-

ATJ.KImuiiimur uid for uahM'i"Ki:. * ii tril-


If M INK. - «li»V.'» IH nlil- Lurrrusa'a Cm, hut.It- Powdt-rid, and tirai'ti!«t.'d in ftore and for ^ah byn. i ALI US. MllOKK. a ll.li.rrs.

Lbl» Crush. d, Pnwdirvd,l .t.r^ a:-.rl In, r,le bv


KKKINKD i-l'ii.»RS—31

S'l.l Grantllats d dnuar.


1»1 hblu Plantation:75 Mdo do;

Landing from ean.tr John Rair.s and for sale byl' " RAWHON. TllOll. * CO.

s P1*LKb— »-."a. Or»-.-uii!SM,

eed for «alr by

bb:. saleaiae .1 n: etmau, P^annaim..auii other choice varieties ja.t recivi-d

» IVN'PON. 124 Perth rt.

ack.. mixvd eheile 1 Com;4t* do White do do;

In ne. re.i>wed ennniee; rtc. ivins per JeffereonvilleHailrcud aud for sale bi

AND'W Bn.lIANAN h CO.,mlt Corui-r eVcoud aud Wanliiuston ate.

CODFISH— IS whole and hall drum, largo Codfirhiu more sud for salt- bv


>Hjr«cg CII0IUK.TEA8—We have lust rewind a«. fr,.sh ,U|%.:y o! ill • cll'iictat Black aud liim

.». T.Iniportire of Ti

LAMlAM * CO.,as. tc.. HI Third ft

Clover Seed and Timothy S^ed,


. w. bashaws.

BallWestern Agrltuliuial ud Sf 4 ntore,

T23 Main st.

/ kKASGLS AMI l.KM'V/ lM boxcai Mvestoa and Palermo Oranges;

4:1 do do do do lymoua;To arrive by the B. J. Ai.ani- and for ualt by«n'« V. D. <iAKTA.NO * CO.

UUUAItS Cruitied <iia..ul «t-d, Puwdcred, aud Loafso alro Browo aad CUnflei, f r aale by

I T. LANHAH * CO^aul iKiportiT. ot Ti a.. Ok., Third >L


I, il

We are now In re^t lpt of

Lara' and New Selected Stock



It, 498, north side M»rktt, bet. tttai I Tfeird.

IiOUlUVlllo,Price. and term. cash. apiii dly



At tbe Old Stand. 958 Main Street,LOUISVILLE, KY.

SOUTIIFBN OKDKKS PKOMPTLY ATTENDEDto and Caih advancer made on Con.irnment* to

Which we are elling at

Greatly Reduced Prices

TO SUIT IHI TIMES.Call roon If you M-i.h to have the at lection of

largct atock ever brought here at


LAPP & BROTHER'S,Sn3 Fourth rt.. m-ar M rlrol.

J3oyi£i 7 Clotlaiiag.

J.M. ARMSTRONG-.On Main Ntrert, opponite> thi* Nutiiiiinl Hotel,

^^AS Just received some very beautiful new etyle?

SI'RINO S1IT8For Uuj.' a. to OaUdrsn'i wear,




4c.Which ha will aett ebesn fnr eewh. mi4

MiiBIC 6c BOWKS,413 Main, street,


KID ULi'VKS. assoi-b-4;


For sale at low prices.

m!4 MAKK * DOWNS. SISMaln rt.

WE ar^ n-sw recelvlnr a sood rtock ofBOXNI5T8, KIKROvs. iihi^

DREN'S and MISSES' HATS. H1LLI-NEKY GOODS, LACES, VEILS. EM-1IKOIDEKIES, FANCY GOODS, andSIIAK1 K GOODS, to which we invitatbe attention of Milliner, and Mer-chant*.

CANN.jN 4 RYEKS,No. tt tS .Main al ri rf,

Keurly oppouite Louiuville UoteL

ra7 di.

IrL 33 TML


Ua- beeu rem^vei to north sid" of Market street,!/*." * ii Third and Toarth,


UUH1 dlr ren evrrvSni



To Fathers, Teachers and Voung IdeeHI SXLUTl.i* TO a


By W S, CHINat « , M. I).

Medical Supcrhiteud' nt of tbe Lunatic A» luiu. Leaiuatou, Ky.

"On what la generally reputed to ha IA* of Onanaomi thins veiy pjiuted .liuuld lie epoken.'*

Thi. work .h iiM b-i In every fnmilv and .chool in th.land. Price 60 cent.. Ky mafl SOemta

L. A. UVLLL a WOOD, Publialier.,f37 w2*d Louisville, Ky.


ctnupr.iiinf; a lot of the very bent brand., uucb a.


Always ou hand and for sale at whi.leuale and retail b>

BQWD. P3YNA30,IDS No. 310 Main st, under the Liulsvlll.' lint.


B Br—gTI^raj^er liooks,


NEW GIFT BOOKS,For said by

MAXWELL & CO.,453 illnln al.. nntr FlOh.


». Have on hand :


.isbt lot of WINES,i. aud govd thruiKty for the holidayrniethlns to keep up I

d be int'irj-." <L7l


O UTLERT.coisisia oxiHExaa?,

N'ornh wide Mnln at., hftwecn :jd nnd 4ffe

RKUL1V1NO daily Inr^e additioiu to uur btock <

HaiUwiu-o, eonsistiinc of An% iln, Vi Ma, uaAHlirg»3a, Scri'wa, holts, Healer Hatnoa, Savs, CofT*Villi, N.ii.s, 8a/h Weights Coolmt's an 1 (.'arptMit^rTools. For «ic low hv ^v*;] *:OIJ>Ig OKMSBY.

1860. FALL. 1860.

(^^'"bon:e „\

JSBORN I. noa-receiv.-ted .tock of








U OSBOKVS,SH.Ieffnrsnn St.


THE Hotcln at Hot SiriiiRs (Halo and Proctor Ho mrhave been blended and un proveiui-uts made te

accommodate riirUT llt-Miuaxi vimthRu at anv ttnir-

tlmmuout tbe ' ear. These - ond-rlul Sprima poaiUnly cure Rheumatism, Contrarted Jolata, Ne,ir»l(rl«

s'toriiity.'lmV.tru'cy froni diss-ase. Venereal dlafcrciirea! dist-uac*, Scrcfii!:i aud Glandular diseasesand all forma of Skiu disea'ea

R. 8. CLAYTON, Froprietor.

Dr. G. W. Lawrencf, the M-dicil erxaminer of HotSprluf. will -npply circular, to applicants.

N. B.—Men-urlai, lodfrjs. Suli'hnr, aud other tnedieat.'d vaporr fumish'-d wht-u rcniired. Iai>22 dly

S>IAgfii:s VimWe have a large variety of theee n.oful MEMORAVDU.VI BOOKS, many of them of fine Turkey morocc-

with POCKET-BOOK attached. For .ale by


Main st., near Fifth.ti

PREPARE for SPE1KG,1801.

J. M. ARMSTRONG,Ou .Main, oppunlte site .Vatlonnl Hotel,

It now In receipt of some nice CLOTHS nnd CASS!.MKKES, to which he li.vit .s the utumtion nf tbo-e inwant ot a nice Dreaa or Biisiueu. Suit. Uia stock . f

KEADV.KI.4DG CLOT 91 1 \OIs now large and well-aetorted both for uiiu and boisAlso

Shirts. Hosiery, Gloves. V7ndersrcar,fiicFor aale ch* ap for rum or t-> prompt Ciut.in.er. wisBavr sam tiiiub janhart iuuj*. i3ri



Ne* i '—lean.

J. VON BOilRiaS A CO.,OLOTH IIOXJS313,:-c .' ; HCALRK8 lit


4fH» .Mnin ntrert, belwern HulUti and Fifth.

Our atock is now rvry .at?* And compli t**, to whichhowerpr va are adding daily all the latnrtstvlfta of voosi1 i onr line. n,2i

I 1 VKRINifffl RKFI^RD tsl/OARS« s niri I'uivt ria-^1 rtorved p rn,Ai:

bbls tjra, hi dho*t Miid lor salt

IAVA *;»*i> l-i-; -kbv mats cboiuo oUl J ..a iu ti< nand fur -alt* br

' L'-in: mi n 1


1 \ v ON, nstir by

2? r-hIMTS.\*.'r. an: diii> reedrtus Amertcan prtuta. to which we

iiivit- the att ntinn of d*ah rst r i --h r.n li , a- wtc n and alll a^il rl.. in cbeaperthsu auy WesUru hou r.

nd can ador 1 to do it.

n.3 .IAWFS LOW * <•'!

LMSII-1 j , ,j»bbl« vi hit. Pltkl

•JU V,bMs Trout:luat rnceivi-d per Railroad and for sale bv

i. « SARIHtm ft CO.

Eeino Twine.VFL'LL asecr'ment cf all milliters of Seine Twine

'net received at the Wood, n Ware and BroomStore. OKKIN KAWSON.

mil'. SS" Slain St.. betwten Third and Fuui th.

U7HUKV";ii. I l.r- -Vyi ar^ld pure Bsmrb n eoti'dy Whisky;

5 " bblsS-v ni^ld do do dob(> hh'e lint. Hou li u Whi.ki


In Stem and lor -al- by J. MONKS,in* Ni rtli -Ide Main. bet. Sevi uth aud Eitlitli sts.

1 SKANI'Y—I5 3 ,pr itard. Dnpoy, dl Co. Cornae Brandy;

I H do I dard & M. laduy dj do;6 I, do Rorhf lie do;I II du do do:

In .tore and for .ale bv ImSK] J. MONKS.

s2 USURIES—3 puucbeOOa x'. E. Rum, hot p.;1 pu'iihHon -larnaica Kt'ln;

1 do St I r- X do;

1 do I-l. h Whisk)


3. pip 8 pur*- H Hand Gin;2o cask." N. Y. Brandy;


NOCK, WICKS, & CO.,wnoleaale GrrooersesSj

ooitikiisbion ronncEAwtb,Aseuta for

Tobaeeoa, Liqnors, and Cotton Tarns,Boa tit and 317 Main at., bet Tlilrd and Fourth,

LOriSVH.l.r.. KY. mil


Comii.is.sion aud Produce Iflcrrhanh,AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN




No. Fourilisl., H.ouisviilc Kf.km Liberal advance, made on Conrlsnmenta.

Befm le[ Ricb'd afiSSL a^ll Lottl*T,!l»-

J and i rinciiuiatl Dsersaaats saseMaaV,n


Steam to Londonderry, Glasgow, and Liverpool.

Th*- Montreal Oc»?<ui tit**aTTiship Oom-pany's rirvte-claav full-pow»mHl, Clyde

fa^arbiiilt itsHtacri:



i IMssv



FOR ST. IsOl'IS,, IIICAliO, DETROITAud nil . i- v.oi nnd Nnrthwesit.



nix c»




1860. Wi.

derry.Londonderry, Glaa.

datlon)..f»ISaDd *Wiliroa).... SO1 to each steamer,rales.

it paasenrer. from all

u and Ireland at therat.'.

Wholesale and Retail Dealer In

HARD1VA KKG A CliTLEBf,and manufacturer

Fiance end mechanics' Toole,Ne. (13 Third

taw air i.orixvtf.i.K. ky.

J. E. MOOKE,(arnmcaaoR to wm. bihooais),

rorwxrdiDg- «3t Oommiaaion SrZerchantAjrit


Frtight Aotnt far Penna. Centra RnitroaHNa 4t FOURTH (OR WAJX) STREET,

eepl dtf I»iii.rlll». Ky,

U. W. riTKIN. WM. L. p. wtasn

PITKIN, WIARD, &C0.iISiicc sers tsj Pffkiii Itrothcra],


Machines, Trees, Plants,Hydraulic Cement. Xaimo. Piaster, Sic.BIS lVTalzi street,fig dtf MH7TSVI1 • i

. KV.

Londo .derry to New York «S« 00Olaeaoir " " 811 60LlMs rnoo! " " SS 00From any R. R. StaHon In Eneland 40 00

From " " " in Inland WFrom Antwerp, firemen, llaiubuif:, aud Rot-terdam to New Y rk 46 00

Ticket. »a ued at rednci-d rates per Wa-hinffton Lineof si Uhis Packet*, leaviuf Liverpool .for New Yorkweekly.For paaiiaci'. apply at the office of the Company,

Broedway, New York, 8AUEL ai SEA RLE. Oeperalusnte. jylli dly

a3ia TUTJE AND OBT.EINHF «Tcr.ID A.T.iKOtlsrt ' Ai t os Cnntrntm,


And l>alt-r in all kind, of

FEES AND PRODUCE,No. tt Fourth st., betacen Main an. I river, LnulavilU.

Ky., and No. 6 Commercial at., Portland. Ky.IW'Ilay. Oak and all kit<d* of Produce bc-iutht an-

.old on otun.iasion.L-tanral ca.h advances made.

IneoiTUCK'. r. a 111

modiolistock c

•Id settIv aolic


Notice to Stock Shippers.opened the KENKy. Stock^leal

1 would respectful


8'> Obi* Domestic Iliandy;90 bids 8we*t Wine;

>le Ginircr do:ind lor sale bv 3. MONKS

S. 8. MARK.


it'OrKantlleeParts p.-mte.Cheekid OhFrsiirh andBonnet aud

And a ceuerai stockml)

Lawn, and Jacouete;d Brtlnante;

Fuallsli i liintz and Calicoes;Bell Ubbe is:

Dswne ti- and St»i le G ?oJaMA1IK * DOWNS. Ill Main .t.

r> Il A No. 1 Ertra Flour;tin lib's fino d :

In sure and recelvins dally and l ir sale hyAND'W BUCHANAN * CO.,

SBf Coni'-r Second and Washinrton sta.

|{' ' 1 '-.K * ^'K' ,: sikiDS B' St Iu stors and forsale low to close consignmet-tby

' i. .> KM i.N, I I Fourth rt

LiREtH FKLIle, ftc.-Peais^ rie>, 8traw hori-ies, Aiiricot^Ureeu Pesuv also PitL-u ves, J


, Cher-i Corn,



Iranort 'r- of Tea-. A*., Third si

OH i

Le1.3 AND . LMON3—1IJU txuee Oranges and

Lemons for «aie h-w byI *. BORTF. Third wt.

CIKiARd' itualitymis

h-'eoo Heury ciay Cisais of a superiortor sal, very low by

A. BORIS Third -t.

LAYER RAISINS—S'Ki boxca Layer Raislua just re-ceived and tor sen by


u^.il.vw al Wkvi La* tvu*, Ur«c.,d, i K'-u:

PETER, A CO.,Iu Loaisvillo, Ky.

-•i id LowisviUe sad

C'Ol 11\-M I S—40 tiemia ireah Cocoa-Nuts to arrive

' and lor sale, bymt4 V. D. GAETANO A CO.


• i'l


cases rierrt Win, I

llaut 3 .ut.rne Wine;Muscat do.trha. Fame Cbampairue;Cabiuei do;Fren h CrliaU;Italian Wine-Letli. V B.ttsjr.;

CuraroaAb-vniheVeTluout'i\1no:Brandy l b. il l. i;

Italian Macaroni;H boxes 8ardit.es;


lVOTXCsC.For 0n*f Chanii»Kne aud C^UwhaWines, fzr^m-For Hue oM Port, Ma Jen s, aud 81i«ti j I ~±*~4^\

For fn«* ol «'o*:nac Brantiisj*, *>-*»w>Ay1

For f..v old Hou^hoii drimtv WhUkr* *

Yor tin- old IVarh and Api le lirai-dr.

For Sctrh A.«-. London tartar. t\n i Brown Stout,And lor dm, thiuif «li--*> cood n the Lu.ii r line,

<"Jo *o thu **OLD DLll! HuL'iil." H"«t vmi will -ureiytin<J i*. J. P. THOM 'S' N,U'23 Prinvl**! -r.

Ltsm oocos-m , \ \ ~ ' i ruipt'rfl^e TssM* l^soraak;Id rsi-os lii-h I i t'-ns. a-aoitt^l;

$ do tasuMi Ltnun;i do I-l do:

2,00» pair bro* n IslnM TahV (Jloths;

at ck i i h nv.r LllieAA Dlii iii|fs;

B do Meatbcd do;3 do fwicv J'H-

Keri'i-.fd And for sale hyJAMK8 T.OW «% <X>.,

m29 jn6 and 310 in >Ma 9\rM* -t.

*^ byI-*- !..r oaU low

A. B«»Klt,Whr»lv«ale i


.niifrrt,.'»ne*r. r raiterar, iJir.,

Va Id Tl.lni -t. n«*sr Main

It BON TON *1X At-ril, !>Gl;J ATLiVNHO MjMULY lor April, 1*11.

For salt* at

JIBI P .>'< i»Ackae<-s i-xt.a Colden Mruai, In v hol«-

and U&U bb.s uni K< as. r, c i\ e \* r iuMilhi>at andSor sale bym?3

ANI'RI'.W HI IJ1ANA N « Co..'onier sVcnfidand Waahiosto'l ate.

.Jl- 'AK-41 hlid' iniint: buifar just nan-ived ou con'

I isumuut aud for sale hym;':l I iA VIS « SPKKH. Mail, al.

Ha Mo 6 caaka ch ice llama ou cui-iaumeut audor aale by

marl DAVIS k SPKKD. Maiu at.

xtra ijo.den Simp

* SON.

w IHI I -O iu ki-i

V. I. in.- mill laiv. ruia a

• aud o letail byHIHBIS'S

•(MMO TOHAsjsJO—Beewax'e end H>:.sii-'a,I I ra quslrty, lor aale bymSi niiiiirrr A son.

MSCKKRH'. A^ri SAUtOM lu wanle, half, and'lllalt i 1 his and on letad l.y


Lh.M > .. 'i

•J boxes Me'. ti...ee. i i

II seeks NuReceived by steanS3

i.ooi rd and for sale byV. D. GAXTANO * GO.

^INDKIF.S—o n ea

10 bids Terr5 bhls vrin;

« b'.l Hapl5 trails ue.

Received by mal I for aale bvV D. GAFTANO * CO.

W I I.LLAi^ for salelis

- 100 ttl^l

J >

Si.' a- .'


lai. Is red'lvedaudLOW fill),Mf side Six'h .*.

TO PlsOW-MAHEHS^yK hav- in stoie 8TK1L VMN'-S aud MOLD-

BOARDS, of the most Iniprored patttow h» lill] W. II BBLR N I


for sale* CO.

I \VA COFFEK—25 bass rew-ived iJ ( r .sa.lc byllhoat and


nAV- ossD hales heavy press Timothy and ll"iixai Ian11 ty now in store and for sale to cl<

BJ N.byoss. C"iisi«iiu.ei.t


IJILOUB—ISO bbls Knisht-tiian Mills XX FamilyI lour received per letti rsom ille Kailivad anil fan

.-ale byfli

AND'W BL'CTI INs.i at C( .

On er Serottd .Dk Wasninrton at'

Unions and :i'0 I bl.

.ale to cloee cousisrnmei.tfl& I. >i.

IK —'..'.bid. Ibdaud White'hcice White Nesbanorsfor

• NTOV'S lis -.urth st.

HAY—ft 0 bales prime 'i iuiothv- and HunssriauGiaestor sale by

fl5 J. A.JMsNTON. 131 Fourth St.

\ Ii'LASSI'S-IOn bhls received per tts.-aa-.bcat Louia-s* 1 vLle aud for aale nruS ALLEN, MOORE, .v H.VDEN.

IMPROVED PORTABLE V]buhrs aud made ou h-.t knownSM1T MACHINES—SeveraMill Irons, Screws, bcrevua, h

Mill articles cenerally.W.. have on hand a larre stock of the above-named

articlia. For aale low and .|uality warranted.„ _ IIEKBERT at WRIGHT,

aepr. dtf No. IS Third .t . 1s t Main and river.

-rs la-st make.-With solid French

ent klnda..Piaat>rParla,and


ON and art-r December Ifleave New Albany (not

10:16 A. M. ST. LOLT8 AMAIL a>stly excrpt


8:15 P. M. THBOCGB ACIcvid Saturaa) s>.

10:16 P. M. Ml.Cincinnati.falo, Philad

Two Train- dallyA. M. and I

Two Trains dailjM. and 10:1

Two Train- datl>A. M. and ;

Two Traiiuidal.jIn: 15 A. M

Two Trai l, daili

I .l.'iTlT.l lit.



erlK Ismo, Pa'Xensw Trains will(oppoaite Lotllsvlllr) as follows:



X PRESS, for 8«. Loula, Cairo,airs. Baltimore. Cleveland, Buf-, New York, and Boston.

Pt^Sunday.) for St. Louis at 10:15

pt Sunday.) for Cairo at 10:15 A.

pt Sundays) for Memphis at 10:15

pt Sunday.) for Hew Orlean> at


sud turn!manner,for Cflfnr mmowuhiFor WK i KSKS

nBVlUTY.utaiIt niHy he tak Ln

rate patient, and I

of tb

n ryr .vr ? tti%farm of.Ih-d.

i s of

Twe Tains dailiA. M. and I

Two Train, dail (except Sum8)-rncn-a.,8t. Joseph, Haton. SprluaS'ld. IlecatiBurllnrtnn, Iowa irity,

Northwest.One Tram on Sunday eveuins.

sir-Time tn sr. Ixiuls. 18)4 hoiSI hours- to St Jos.-ph 4-1 h.airsMemphla. H hours; to New Orleal

Oiitu one Change 0/ Ci'es to St.

nr-Bareate clicked throush a

in Sundays) for Chloafo at 10:15

. M.) t Suudaye) lor Detroit at 10:15


J . H.COLSTO & CO.XsTc 188 I»o«.x-tlx, botwoen Main and


CIDER, APPLE, AND WINE VINEGAR,No Acid or other li'leUricn* smWilm i turd.W



10 ANHWK" '°" a " ,M •»•«>•«* SOK WHICH VlMUaAst II. dAUlA larie sni'ply always In store aud lor sale in lots to the trad- '"iw.


PureBourbon anaMlye Whisky,w n , r

Foreign and Domestic Liiquoiv;.

and all points VS e-t |

ri: to *Tf>nVrM.a City,to < "airo, 15 hours: toit, 4i* hours.

/yOiitA, Cincinnati, or

i*l all transfer* frei«.

A. M. and 4.4* P. Mii Trrtini South; arrlv

rtiuns at ilitcln.ll. t

n to and from am

at OreencarLailroad, Werl

>ntral KaUnrnd foriorthwest. Also loi

Alhfinv, (V*oh»>r *. 18*5o.


K. RIOKKR, Sup't.o-» f*tf




luvalid" should !>« cari*l\il tr>]

d ivputati' n !f they Mrfl the

hat** advaiitaffs of xhfi Tvm"<]

i arn has d**cid»'d t-fidcncHs ot

isl ands. MunaUctuied only by

Import.o3»" tif>ni

irthase oil of undnnbt-no-t active and imnir-. That a-hich we pre-

•uperiurity over other

BAKKR & <;0.,

' and Dealers in Dni/r-', Cb'-mirals. At*,,

fit N. Sd -t ThiWrtelv-hlv

_N ew Importations.CRUTOHSn & McCaHADY,

At No. S77 Main strei_t, three doors Iwlow the Louisvilh


RAILROADA.nd Its Branches1860. 1861

Winter Schedule.

fomnieiic.iiR Suiulay, Not. 25, 1860.

TRAINS GOING SOUTH will run as follows


Lesre LoiiIsTiil...


Arrive at La-hanon lunuioii...



. 7-45 a. tt.

. Still"

. 9:4S


. 1:13 rs Din.. 3-47 *. 3:«l "


No.J.7:110 p. uS:3il "9:ia> p. mll:il "

. 1:00 a. a2:16 "Sr:« A. a.5:0li

\RK nowChina t


R.ET-a.IIaDrng& Prescription Store, tig

MOZART HALL,Coratr Fourth and Jefferson streele.

•^"fr-^rilotlons carefully aud accurately eomroande.!at all hours day or clsht null

HIBBITT & SON,WhnleaalPand Retail

onocaRy.ri.otria.ATiiA store.No. 4Hii Market st., bet Second and Third,


fJSlth* P*?'"'"l" of the public.

stork ofrrlvinp aBrit, and


Water-:h will bemarket.



I hare Jit«t now opened and ready for sale or Inspec-tion the larsest aud most elegant stock of

China, Glass, and QueenswareKver offered In this or any other oiti- In the North 01South. I hare also on hand and Intend always to havethe best-selected stock of 81 1.V KR-PLATI I) \V \RK• rUTLKRY, BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN ANDWIILLOW WARE, and OAS FIXTI RK3 in thecountry, and which I will sell at pric- to suit the tiinosPersons havins old ( 'handeliera, Lamiw. Ac. can letthem cleaned and made look aa well as pa a at a sintnilius expense. 7

i i *il"i,"J'°ta run OAS and STKAM PIPK

into^Buildiuirs or Steamboat, at the .horteait notice.

D li:K_lo tlsrces lamllns from mailbrat and for .ale'* hr 31 KAWSON. Tm Hi. Co

S lfo,A.Kr?-hl"',*



n"' 8l"n,r mvU f ^'ana andfoiaalehv ulii- OARI'XKR * I'O.

ABKAUTIlllall ,t

froo Exhibit onPirt xhl>.lflon freete

LABTCrTA. V-rar, Hall.

R' andlUX' """ " Ct,T'd by Mpt-

_lf D^VI« * SPKKD. Main st.

Diaries lor 186i Given to Ev< rvbodvA l.l.p.r-..;ia, aithmrt ranireta Poet " "

- a r-ir .sti" bv caMi' p nt IS• t lib

I UK! '-'


l 1!

..a Iron.i. —r,'"" b!i*: .'rict y priu.e Kiu laudl..

the Atlantic ami for sale bynoon * vonriv.

nEPINKD si.ii.ik ».„bbi- ruehed,rx.wdersAS iTannlaiedlii st re ami for .ale brAl I Mli'iRF



(^OKFEE—li.J steamer Pe

basstone i

pnn.eml for

Rio i if..,- landiua livm>ale by


Aaouh.8 asks au . texaan^J^LL^ahu sattl^ .heap Buoaaaud citaiiuiieri ahould

.li r.t rjl'J iKatH rt Hail.

isVirl LAU 'a rloo*v loi rcbtuar>. l'litt i5c.i'« i « - .kiAuatiZlNi: lor t«Uuar> . tttcv

kSeAt r. UOOKSTURJ^Jli i>i Ihudst.isf'All ni'» Pnhlicattnns r>-ct iv*-t1 *« -n » h - i-r-iit*t.

IVUtS-eTT 1j caaks Mruleira Wlna;

lo caaxs I'urt do;Jt bbls Mala*** do;

lu store and fur .alu byjai MARSHALL HALBKRT h CO.

tt UTTER- A lew bbls choice roll Butter lu store anda* lor sale byJlP ASD'W BUCHANAN A CO.

llrowu's Troches!A,'ua -a'e by


Biown s Trocheti!9. f. UAWlJi.

\tlT,rt ||.1|

IkUcK WHEAT' rLoUK—Cuaack- Peuuay Ivauutilucki-S wheat Flour iu BSore a..d fur sale by

W. A. II HI K' HAI'.llT. ' Market st.

UUGAtt IND MXlLASSKB—x^j w hhds nisue augar;

7u bbls Plantati' u Molasses; *

Received per steamer B. J. Adams and for aale bylis) A LI .KN. MOORK is HAHKN.

\i\ri.r si iiis I eetseJ and for

-KM Iba pure M pl'i rilifar Just r.

leby* H. I'l Ki'VAFPT. J17y..s>etrf.

/ 'OLNTKY tyOLAiSEes" and for aale by

A piiiue nrlkl.i lu store

TtfRfll > triT 117 M.rlte. .t

K v F aMMsY l-LutK-o bt.ls riiuice WhiteWheat Floui hut refN-ivM nnd «br*>1d hy

SIRailicad btuca lor fcale.

n^'t"'i .ntQLTGLLY, LYONS, & CO.

SSHMtKi Lexius-t.m ,nd .Frankfort Railroadlock for sale.

8. 8. MAKK. O. F. DOWNS.

UBOHVED this day a full aseorlmjnt of MOURN-ING DRESS liiloDS, Tit:

Summer Brnil'azines;

Berei-e AnaiaieMack Point iV VVnlca'

Tamuiar i.n s, black and colored;

li-. rrgs HemaniB aok Motisatline.

t»"We are dally ed lins to our s'ock.

„,»{ M^KIC Ir DOWNS, Ji" Main st.


HJi b Is Noa. 1.8, and 3;

10 y d i do;Kill V its do-

tal '-ibbls Whir.- Fish: for sale bymSI CA8TLF.MAN. MITBRBLL.

C'Ol TON YAKN/ 15j bis.


o-t.-d numbers;8U d i Carpet » liaiu

be balea Cot*on Twi"e;10 do C»lid!e-Wick;

100 do No 1 Ban ins for sale hy5 CASILEMAN. Ml RKKLL, A CO.

(TANDI.E4 AND SOAP-J Son b"Xes Star I andlea;




do Mold do:do roo m .u bar Soap:do r^nimau do.do" Toib t dodo Casti e do; for sale by




00 bbls rTantatimi;luo Musi do;6li l b a Stu-ai-'House;60 *ido do:60 whole, X. and Vf bb's (iolden pimp; for sale by

mi' l AST1.KM AN. Ml RKKI.I.. ai ci/.

I UGAR 30hhu>pitni S uarr. r. iv-d llaltiraild

h lni'i-1 OAKl'NFH * Its.

/ 1 0FI- LE -li UM.)irilue KioCsteam -r John Ra'.uu aud for -ale by


ffea just lece.v... p,r


nAMBURO DAIRY CTIEF.SE 2'J box,a Uain'turg

Cheese in stoie and 'or sale 'h-

m to W. « H. Bl KMIAItOT. 417 Market at.

O AT8— 1.1HS' bush. I.. WL-cuusiu Oats uow being re-

ceived and for sal.- bvi.r'l TAfT \vr'l'l'S'IV * 140 Fenrtn .*


PlsOt R si. bbl-

) in store and lor sabAI.I.KN

Ne. I Lit. a iKu. hv^leIm

MO' it". * II \DKN.

SSI*HLl»r<3-STOCKMen's CWhiiig,

Youths' i lolliins,

Boys' Olfltlilng,

Chiltiren's Clothing



Arc , Ac

Fresh, uiea, full stock for Saritaf aod Summer wearjust op- ued at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,ni'-'l On Main street, opp .it- th- N-.li'.'ial H«t»l.

-24 tans Dri-U Apelltli 'or sale byHAVIM St BPKED. Man. rt.


I -.RIEI) FRUIT-I 9 ...1 f«r »-

-75 hilahrlsrm^l

lied Peavht* ill stonHlriRiKI" >r BON.

EgTJOAR— 2-Vi bbls Loverinx's Crushed, Powdered, and. laatiulated in store ami lor -ale bvtu« ALLEN. MOORE, A HADEN.

Btvaiaers Atiaut.c andAND'

j!9 C-.mer

i .ling p.He byCO.,eton sta.


30 kens p'-inie family lard forHIHH1TT * SON

Ht xmIn store and I

t Flour;


s 1


lust i


niN—f.'owb.'- jpool C tton, assort* d;SI'adw. do do. Cotud tor taile by

.TAMES LOW st CO.,Si- and nin west side Sixth st.


sale by

ACKEREL-31'0 w hole and' half bbls N s. 1. 3. anil8, . .

. . medium, and small, pu t rea-eived aud to.

AND'W Bl IT1A.NA.N at CO.,e mil and Wasliiiietsm

ttUGAR—tt hbds tullv lair to prune S. O. Suilar land^~ iua from steamer Diana and I'eytonii and lor aale h:il COOD A MOODY.


BF.ANS-31 bbhi choke White Navy Beans Just received ai'd lor aale by


Sundries Just Received.17 n EeSH i Irani**;

L he us;

Do D.tee;Ik> Fi.s:Do Prunee;Dried Pluruf;p- setsuajellies;

Can Emit':Cataw ba Wine:Claret do;Ca i s sue Confectlo..aiiv,

low byThird st.. above

B i-'. s;

Almcnos;Pea uts;

Peranei< In an.-Nuts;FUbert.;P. j ii. r sauce;Catchup:C sv Oysters:Cisara, tssorud brands;Pipe Heads;

i ever, d crlptii

W UGAR— bat hhds lair Vt prim's N. o. Suyar in stonl^ ai-.l h.rsale by [):;] WM. GA\ .

X'AlLti AMi i PIKES—X a 4uo kens uasorted Nails:

eo do Spikes;In stove a- d or sale by




I » rniOKS-Tbe latent PuUi.atlon c atI. A KEF'S.


SUN--.OWKT FLAT'S.OF A'.L SI/.E-t AM) i u|.


AT F. MADI1I N"» BOilKri'i

AT F- MADDEN S I'OOKti'lgold pens: gold pe:Fr^ra tire h. st mii'tifiu ture

A. MOIf • N a; i O.and


Now Ready for Delivery.CJTOSCRIBEBS TO THE Cf.S.MOPOLlTAN ARTa5 ASSOCIATION can obtaiu their Cenilicates andEngi-iving—





Popular Tales and Rousehold Btoiies.


N. .t HYDE,ap at. 1KS10RE,.et.



of s l wintry Parson;Iop»sjind Fear-, by Heir of RedclySe;

, br Jen is;

teou ibe Formation of Relii-lon. 0|.|nion:d7] CL\KKE'S. Mosart

^PKIMi DRKHS G: UJDS—O 3 balea plain Pen I -;

3 do colored JaOi m-ts;

S" ca-^s new style La vim;

ll do printed i maudies;R.wived and lor aale by

JAMES I.OW A CO.,m S3 Oils >m| >;„ v.|. Jt sixth st

PRINTS—X a ca-es 4-4 Turkev re.l Prints:

•:r. do Ri.-hiiioud new st> le Piints;

it. cei,ed nnd lor sale byJAMES LOW A CO.,

m23 3o» aud 1" west side Sixth st.

| SOMEr-TICS-U bo ..aha l.rov.-n, bU-ached, and a'ate Dii'lin-.'s:

iO c,s«' Bemper I Jvm 4-1 and 7-4 ai.d Ijjn'ilale

ble iclusl C'Vlons;Received aul f..r sale by

JAMES LOW * CO.,mij *o" aod ale we., .ids sixth rt.

Trot-Isine ar.d .. '..i r. -.

LBS SV' t Lin in bills 3 "• feet ion5;

lbs do do U0 " '*

3'al lbs Staplue:£6al be Patent Statins;

lust received and for anlc byORWIN RAWSON.

in20 net* Main .t.. U... i. Teitd ai.d Foirth.


tnuikliii" G.illatin** N*-hvi.le

Both tr«iii» will stop nt all isvular stations belowLebanon duiictinn on ritmaJ.Train No. 1 cniaDfi t* at Care Cltv with staffs for

(.taofow anil .VamnioTli (Javo.DoTh trains ci>iiutH t at N t h* i!!t> with the Nivlmlle

tin-, i liiiT 'i mi' r -a.'H K. U.,anJ 1 i-iinf-i'i- and Ahthania K.R., for Gm.it. Junr+ion, HfmphU. Holly Sprlnns, (Jr-JUada, Cantnii. .larkson. M iss , Vick'-htiriv. Natchrrt, Ne*(>i i"s.ns, and Mobile ; alsu for < hattanootira Knoxville.Lynchbur'.', Ileitis villi*. Montifonu'rr. Uohuulms. Macou.SavaunsAk, Atlautft, Auc;iuUi, Charleston*, and all point-South.


Ls?avs I>OMi4Ti||p P. H.Arrive at Hanl-ttown 6:W **

Both trains stop at all re-cular stations on si^naL

LEBANON BRANCH,Na. 1. fir. 1

Leave Louisville 7:IB a. m. *"p. m.

Arrive at Lflmnon Junction.. ih"0 **4:-l(>


** r Ubanoa 11:***.* 7:25 **

Both trains stop at all rt'eiilar stations bs>tweon Loiilevville and 1^ h.wioo Junction, aud ou Lebanon BranchWtlt'U i il.

TraJll No. I ironnecU at Lebanon with stages forOaiivith, SniintxlU-Ifi, PcrryvUle, Harrodsburg, Crs.tOrchard, 3oi:it-r*#et, rif.-eiinlnirc. i'anirb-dlsrille, C-olumhia. Bin iuville and ail principal points in intuior Ken-tucky,

MEMiMHS BRA NCII.Leave ;>«. .;-«. ?:00 p. u.Arrive at Bovi liug-Crttn I:uu a. ir.

l^veBov. Hug-Green (5:)t0 a. «.Arrlveatlt i-.-ellviUe 8:15 **

* kSt 'tf line t.:ii6

wCtarksville ll:oO •*

This train t-tops at all regular stations on signal.Train ofmnecti st Russellvith and Tail's 8tation with

Train Nc l n V,:iin Htein « iil mu daily. All othertrains d*ily (Sundai s exc-nt- d.>Trains arrtvr at Lotiisrifle as follows


From Nashville and Clarksville 11:45 P. M., and 11:45A. M.From Lebanon and Ilaid-foun U'-.'io A. M., and bn.;

P. M.fy Throu-.h tlck. t.' for p!1 principal points Io tin

South for sale nt the depot, corner of Ninth and Broad-wav.rtnd .it tin- Tier* et ot.iue. No. 7u Fourth str»* -t, op-posit ' the National Hotel, Lotiitville.

" *" TV" R, \ N'lsKR!*' 'V. Si'TW»rintend«>nS

LtiubiiH'.' aud i rauk i'urt and Lex-inirtou and Frankfort


will leave Louisville daily (Sundays exct-i te.i) asfollows;

I I RSI TRAIN- H A. M., stopping at ail .tattooswhi tiHagK- d, except Fair Grvnnds. RiiceCouise. Bmwtw-boro, auu r-t'llevifv. . connecting at Eminence with stagesfor Ne..- Ca>tle; at Franklort tor l-HWivnci hurg, liarrodf-burc. and |>anvillf>: at Midwm for Versailles: at Paynes*Station for QtaWgetown, and at Lejtin t:ton via railroadaud staff fur NicholasvilK*. DaiiTillt*. f inimlsi fwatiirrrhard. Somert rior tAwns.SECOND TRAIN


t, Richmond,

2:10 P. M.

Fn iitht is


r. 1*. MtlfThroiiffh Tipl:*;s fo

Orchard. Somerset, Vers,ther Information canl»*liooruer of JeifcTsou and R


Mt. Sterling, and all in-

,stepping at all stations

r ds. Point, Race IJourse,is and North Itcuson: coa-for New Castle; aod at

AC<;oMMODATi()N—Leave at 4:*vAl Statioii.-t; and returning, will leave. M.. -i-Jt-i'iiig at all stations, and art ":5ft A. M.l.ouirviili as follows; First Train atTrain at n :3o P. M.: Lagrange Acjm-

ave Louisville daily (Sundays except-rriving in l^xtngton at 4:4i» P. M.id and dischar-tted Horn ftM A. M. to

Danville, Harrodsburg. Crablies, (ieoreetown, and all fnr-d at the Depot in Louisville.->ok stri-ets.

L G1LI«, Superintendent,L. A- V. and L. * F. R. R.

FAST LINE EASTVia Cincinnati.

Commencing .lunell.

MPColumbus and Xonia

(liDcinnatt, Hauiilton,& Dayton

1800 mWB5BBg~^& 186CXl^.IIsZlO^.X>S.

FR(>M CIN11NNATI TOWoston In HSJs; benrs. Nrw York In 3nV< honrs.Phi .ait IffsSas. dri hours. Haltitnore in - "i hours.

BatTaloin 1.5 li'mis? "'hii.'^U'iiM.'houraelaial in ».v tsonar. PIM-biirs in 12k- hours.

>yliorliu« in HV- honn. Stwibt'irville in 1»\| honra.Crvstliup in a hinirs. Zsnpsvillf i:i H hours.Sandusky iu 10 hours. Toi. «lo in hours.

Di-trolt In MX hours,

liiroii.h Tlnlrm Is-nvr ( iurlininlt

7:3li A. M. BXPl I'i LI Mi

11, follow SU

mi Di-tiot and

ImI lis, and Pitts

nrg. •

ti. Hamilton, TuWo, Dp

burn: v U t.'oliiliihua. R. uaoo.1, and Pltl

7:3tl A. M. KXl'KKSS- Kroiu ClncinA Dai ton in-pot, also eoinipcta via Lirrolt, anil Canada: via Dartea, (My4t\ and Sandusky

In A. M. KXPRKSS from Li'IIh Miami D-p.lt. P"Dnprts via Cohuiilms. Lit- 1 lair, and Ka-uwood: via I'olunibus, H. Hair. Pittsburs; via Coliinihiis, Crtstlino, andPittsburS' via (Joluciliu-. Ulei Claud, Dunkirk, and Hutfalo.

6 P. M. EXPRKSS-Fmn <;in<rlnn,tl. Hamilton, *Dayton Drpot. oounrrts via Lima, Toll-do. Detroit, and(Janada: via Dayton, Clyde, and Saiui.iskr.

.Horfrni Sit

11 P. M. KX1na '/v-iedo.

ni D.-pot, con


s 84 hhds prime Undiug from steamers Wood-an*t for sale hv

CARlord and J< hn Rn'u

l/Uil R h 0 hT \ IT. ANOFRrH

1 aud to* rale byf-N. * fV>.. lio V

^l&H- Salmou, Mackerel. -11- innjf, and Sardines in

At* Train.

leafing CiucinnatLeaving at 1<ii':.!

, gaturdavs, makes all conpt tor Db'.roit and points if

packages and ou retail bynilri HTBRTT A SON.

^L(i.\R— ItV bbda [ rime aud choice received p<.r Pty^ *oua aud for sale byb.1» II. D NKv7CT»MR £ HRO.

CIIAMPAONK AND CATAWBA WINi. &-Uo ca^^*1 VeClUtjuot Chanipa-sue;S5 liai.gets V. rz« ncy do;SI do old Hifd-ick do:-25 cases Mo. Sparatiui>; t nixwha

In stitre and formate iu onwHtiee to suit purrliib-.-'Ts bym7 J. P THOMPSON, Trt 1-v.t.ith ft.


AR M tthdf prime lamhug iP'Ui sTt-aiuer Ralucr and cal- by


4W . 1 bAOfer-Vl 1 I

- -ale h>-a.-**,.-!. Uam - C» I- l .1"


WDOAK• t'.i.'f

M hods fully fair to prime landing fromr John Raine and for wa'e hv


s I li XM—H bbls H un . i. A Ci i-axsxt lauding pi i

st«auic*r Jami's Moi.l^oi .pr, and for sale hyAMlRLW BUCHANAN or CO.,

?u r'omM rr.-pn. d and Wa.i-lnrl.-M. sta.

IAV.V CuKITSl* load and for ss

llsi mats unsold rtci-ived JVT rail-

'* b7 Kiwinv, Ton*, * co.

LM.Nl; BKAKI i, \M1I.-KV, Arc.—a. 10 doss n palp Oijruric llran.i


i F«o!d IVairbou nI.I.I A Pl.t.. Ilia:

Wliili.rv's Clulold .lain. le. II

iinty Whisky,

llousp Gin:a -t,1 PSON'st. 7S Fourth st.

\1 ol.AS.-ha - . '> n i bis i. d .iiuu h ilt

.»! nnslltr aijfl In fJUlSsi spperlscecrp rase, ff'r saleif [mllj



d '

.'..(hi half hhls prinipsup, for ss


C'I/ S9 *e. A full as Coiton Kloss. and a I

f all siaes. jual rvcpirru

mJ •

s'ilk, f llsfsi pudit of Uoop Skirts

• txv f- CO..• plHs «i»*l- .t.

is U 1— 14Il aale by

casks Kiee ec. is.al p i tii.iris.at a nl forRAWSilS. TODD. A Cl).

S^AP BUI Kil l .< IV. i . i .v i, H Pa. i -u-t Iwil-Pdand for sale at th« Wo*alpii Warp ^to»-p hv

Ollltl.-i RAW80N,fie SS' V-ilh at.. bpt». . -i I'i Isri a»d F.-iith

'.If, VA:J and for

I. (JAR At

i.ie Hi, rtc ivtal lair Pif) wm. <; IT.

1 conilmmant nyDAVIS A 8PFF.D. Main


M 11. and La> nr. on coii

siKumput and for salp low bvH. D. NKWCOMlS 4J4RO.

i i.acaaa.sfer

K.Ki.ltAKKi >WI i-m Raim.ad aud b:u»- iV hppi'Inffll I :. ' iKMSHV

New Books—New Books.T IFK IN THE OLD WORLD, by Frvdrika Brprnpr.I_i S vols.. b"ii"d in croth. Prlcp is*' fstl.

THE MAN Wi l li FIVE WOODS) by Alpxandpl' Di.-nias. Pripp hi c.

Till RUINED GAMESTER, by G. W. M. Rivnolds.

T1IK GREATEST PLAGUE OF LI FE, hy a Ijidy winhas hern almost woi ri. .1 ti dralh. Price r.ia;.

THE Nl llll EM AN'S DAI lillTER. by the llou. Mrs.Norton. Pi ice 25c.

At F. MADDKN*8 Koox Store,fa **S1 Third str--pt

FINE SHERRY, MAIU IUA, aud PORT WINES.1J doxsii (.ait- Sl..rr\ WUsSrj12 uo old Madeira do;13 do old Port do: st

jra7 .1 V. THOMPiioN'S. 'SFcurthat.

iUNPRIES^ Uo larse barrels Tar:r< -, do do;75 pa-ks Soda;on hox^s do In lb papers;

SlHI bu- h- Is Dripd AupIks;10U do do Peaches-t i hhls S.li Idpr Vliu gar;7.1 hales 11 ittinx.

Im b..xe.- Dt-i.il Herrin*r;"liw do W R. Corpse:16u (lo E D. do;xi) do IX I. Ulacking;

lis) despn Rroomstsi do Red-fV-rds;fin do as.oried Buckets:3? nests TuIm:t«" i d'- Wr it pins-Paper:

in store and for sale brMA HUHALL HALHKRT a, Mt

nil <in».lse.


BBLS BALTIMORE Gi ILI iEN SIRUP, wlndiand halt tbis and kess. in .fore and for salp b-



nill.S 1»M Ml E EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR ivstore and for sale hy


UUGAR- rai Uuida'Suitar rata iv. d per B,i^s for sale by

Adams am*

AND'W B r '('HAN \N * CO.

i Mii-'H E—\-y iuy l i.-. id



Coffee (vr John Raine:•a) pockita -lava Cotfce per railroad;

'ivod and tor aale b>i;ahdwr a ('o.

HEW GOOUS.I1."E are uow In r- cvlpt ol a tine ami wpll-selpctpdi" stock of all arliclie in our line, comp'isiiui Cloth..

Ca^'mi'ies, Ypstin-rs, and Iritumins.--, to which we callthe att.-ution of tne trade.ml I VON MllltRtVS * l'(\ PiWaina

\|A KEKEI. l.iKSI rackI'l ter bbls and kits, all nomi

Ps, wh le hall, and i(ttai.

bera. lor aale b)ALLEN. MOORK, et HADEN.

Iskyer and M. R. Raisins;FIfa:

SW bMs Bourbon Whi.ky;30 do do do, 4 years r id:4') casks tine French Brandy, all bxsaja*81 do ya'le ; r* and Slitti'/ Wloeili do PortWinucS do pure Malasa Wlm?;20 t.bls Apj !• Brandy,15 do Pesrh do-

8 pipe' H -'land Gin;8 puui-heoii lainaica, St. Croix, and New England Rvwr

50,000 Havana and G. rmao Cigai's:

In store and fur sale b-ANTHONY ZANONE A BOH,

xn!« Fifth straps. t~.lnw Main.

kl-a, P.



WISES, 4ic. — Frpiuh Brandy, ScotchHolland's laiuaict Rum. Bo irbon Will**

iprri , 8 uiternp, and Cataa haW ue f .r-ale.Lgcnta iu Ltaiisviile for Due lie Moutebeilo

,1. T. I.AMIAM & CO.,liiyslgayr^ ol T. aa, .Pp.. Third St.

11av3 dtwlidtoiilli,* * If

>} COFFEE -4o I: .a-s good to priose Rio Coffeo lastore and .or sale bv

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO..mi wotuac gsKewl au4 WaaUivitoa sts*

SHEETINGS—xu cases lu 4 h'Own ShPetlnga;lu do 1 1 -a bleached do;» do li-l do d .:

Just rtcpivtsd and for aale byJAMES LOW * CO..

ms So" and J|n west .Lie Sixth st.

^Ul.AR 6 Ii! I fair to pilule Silstar received Jers5 Peytona aud John Raine and for alp byra" UUOD s. MOODY.

'OUDEN SIRUP—luo uapka.es Baltimore Oold(.n8 Sirup landiij.' fiom ciairla; a and lor sale byfit kam BOM, l niin. a co.

-UNBRIEB—5 15 bhl- o-'- I ( Id r;

loll I

J'JO t

m^l>aen B oonts; forra!'

TA1 r ANDER* > CO.. laa Fourth -t.

Epitomo of Braithwaitc.A NOTHEi: new supply of Wells's Epitome of rtraith-a\ wa.te's Rpt'-ospect. 3 larse voluuiea. bleep. s>7.

Also lliaithaa.lte for January, 'lil. $l.ta Itraet.

F. A. CHUMP.Atlul6

r HEF.SE—boo boxes Western Resrrve Cheese;4.si do llamb'irs do;600 do Enclish Dairy do;

la store and for rale byJNO. F. HOWARD ir CO.,

lis Main, h..t.: ppn Third and Fourth st*.

OhlN'lb1 1I

1' .-. s Hamilton purple Pih.tr;5 d i do lanry do;?8 d'i new st . le Spravue's dee m

do do jo Merrimack Prlntai**"

j5 do do '4V) Sprira Dreaa Goods..Just received and for sale ev

JAMES LOW * CO.,m« Hi' and Slowpst -i.le Sl.ih st

buthoiliu's 'A'obacco.I fill BOXI S Sutli.-rlio's Eiinka Toliapco.I OU nin F..r sale l.y NOCK. WICKS. & CO.

WT-Paasenceat I'M A. M.. hA. M., make di

t-r-The S P.necticue aa advCanada

The A'syAr E^prttt runs Daili/. 8aturduy3 ext cp/eaAlt other Truuit run ihiiitj. Sundays txceplrd.

tW~Vrains run hy Columbus time, ivhlch is 7 niiuut"faster than Cinciuuatt time.

Baggags Checked through to nil Eastern Citie-tf-Pllsaenper- sllould Ixair in luilld that III- • ci:.

CINNATI i. theOIJ) and FAVORITE lloUTU. Conupctiou.i are made promptly, thp Koa^s are thorou-hl-BALLASTED, ami all modprti in pr. . .-toenU adoptedInsuring sjiired, OOMPTMST. nud SAFETY.

THROUOtl TICKKTBAre sold a? all thp PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TICKE1OFFlCia ill th- WEST and SOU TH. Ask lor Tick•ta via CINCINNATI.

P. W. STUADER,Oeneral Tlckent A^cnt,

l incinoatl.


Main Street, Near Sixth1 8 AGENT for the principal Nurxeries in this vlcuiit)


„ . ORMSBY HITE.This Is tho prr ppr timp for Tran-plantiiip.Catalogs!as ol Fruit Trpos, Shrurss, and Everrreen.

Agri.-tiltural aud Ucrticultural liuplemeuts, luruialuou appiicatiou to

J. D. •qoWDURAWT,Bscl aud Agricultural \larcuouse.

NO. 5:1-1 aiAlS ST., and 3? SIXTH ST.

tr*~ A larcethis iiiir' l"-o




RAILROAD.^ast P'reic-ht Line

TO 0Baltimnrr, Pliilaiielphia, New lork,

aud lioMoii, via Cincinnati audParkcrsburg.



stock o•th. Li

ie.d and Gan'.en Seeda, all ol'I ill— t t. the trade. oil

»OTATOKS_store and lor aale hv

0 til.ls.lDi ele hv


Nortl.e u Put ate es in

St flf).. Un Wall .t.

Xtw it Ittiproveu statiomT) HaiifjcFOR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE.

ll^E art; nrmrtsnttT m^nufacti* Kan... . of vario

w 1 NDRIEaO p> hlrds choice S-isar--o hhls extra Plantrition Molaaspe;3& sdo do do do:6u hasts primp Rio coff.-e: for salp hy

fll Oft). IV. KIIKKIS. • SS 'n.lrd rt

Now Bjoiis and Mew Editions.IT'ENTS COMMENTARIES. New edition. Justre-1\ r. ived.HARDEE'S TACTICS-Cavalry Tertips; Imtrnptions

f .r Field Artillpry: Bamurt Exercises Killes andR tie Practice S. Irn.il of the Guides.


HOPES AM) FEARS, by tho author of " i be Uelr olhVdrlvffp. $1 f.u.

LAKE-HOI'SK. by Fanny Ijiw ild. 75c.

tAI I'HFUl. EoREMiK. by Coventry Patmorc. 75c.

OUERSES AT TRl TH. hi- the ilaie Brotlipra. *1 «').

TRAVELS IN 'flip. REGIONS OF Till: UPPERAND LOWER AMOOR, by Atkinson. I voi. bto.Illustrated. Sri ou.


(">OTTlJ WOIcue

A lalge l<





Ci LOVER SEED—1 1?<) bass prima

S.) bbls do;Jus received and for sale by

flS Malu.JNO. F. Howard,en Tliird anil Fours! <>.

\|Oi ASS: aceived per Dia

II. 1


IL GROCERY, FLOUR,y Mauar,t Ettwt, betweenK7.1 4ut

\1 Ai sTKREL—


ITl sud kits, ai-st ir, and lor s:sir

loom plaatatiou, re-

B 4 BRO., Wall at.

xhoie aud y. bblsbhls ami kits, lu


oi I..


.ills' lidkt;

MOLASSES—74 whole and half bbls laudnp; fetalsteamer Atlantic and for aale by

f--S RAWfSOrl. Toon * CO.

|NCU Bit

laud Glu, Jamaha Wii.is W.Due dp Motit.lpointid th, aols

fS t

I.M/l. O- A 1U Jltixl by

For sa e at loir pi ices

tan B

P lTATOES-l-iO blies, itist "easived


id Rul

ARK i DOWN-. 413 Main st.

itheni Potatoes, tine varie-r aie l.y

N. ss i O . 14U KoopSh «t

agents lu this P't» .

J. T. LAN11AM * CO.,Iniportprs of Teas. Lc.. Sib J'liiid st.

thpvprsal r;l

These K>rleof th.

HOlllle til

at «»

the above Cookiu.d to family uso oi


i 'Ol * I

Vs HolloStew Potsfor sale toad WALLACE. LITIMOW. A CO.

l :. Si ...\li WHOLESALE DI IRS, CIGARS, and ]

Third street, have InCKsale—60 bhls superior Bonrbou Whisky, 4 years old:luu do d-i do do, on-ly !t casks Copuac Bi andie.;

BID S' do do do;111 Is do Rocl.elle do:8 X do Port W

IS JC do Mad- irado;IS ti do Sherry tn;

t8 INr OHOaud foi


Fresh Fruit*,of all rk'spj-jp



Lu A.

Books, Stationery,WA LL-PA PE R, WINDO W-Si IADES,

Z,ookin^ GlassosScPicturorrame.,

Bmili ao'l Jub Printsrs ai:<) llimlrrs,

431 MAIN ST..tt*


Arranepmptit" ate completed by ,

airted over this Short Lino of Railsjonatl in the time aa stated aliove

liich frpU'Iit is transay to aud from Cun-

nfOver (jharses aud Damasos Promptly Adjusted.

A. II. Waters, General Freight Asrnt, Cincinnatiippot.

G. P.. Brown, Aeont, No S Burnet Iloase.H. T. K. vs. An nl, llaltirnore. M'l.I rAlhoun Houston, Aituut, Sixth aud ChPrtnut street.


\pw York,ktdwlu 8. Col

rveil, Genpral Asent, or W. H. Darling,A O. K. R.. 2Xi Broadway, above A, tor.

s. Arsnt, 70 Washlmrton strret, Boston.

SHIPPING DIRECTIONS.Ploa-p din-Pi Eastern correspondent- to mark "Via BO.

t. R.

• hi

* M. a. ('. R K . and -hip by Ba timore dl Ohio

LOUISVILLE SIIIPPI RS.irll hilU ladilis apply to II. II. CLIFFORD.Fourth street, between Main and Water,in have th ir choice of ail rail or rail andLaA. B. WATERS, Gen. Freight Agent,

Ci icinuatl.E. B. Bbown, Gin. Western Freight Agen',nladlr s». I "ol. Vn


Wholesale Grocer*. Flour and Com-mission JVIerchantw,

SOS Main street. Is' londaud Fourth,


of Flour and Pnalupp.. KN TO THE SAL

•d'.ous. auSI

J. B. CAZ.BW2.Zsx. ot CO-tOi Chestnut street, opposite Glrard Uouie,

PIIILAIlELPniA.NEW I ,>lFORTATIONS FINE VFATIIIEPatek, Pliillip... A Co., Watphea, in Genpve.I rharlpp Frodshait

all sixes in

tsr-Solp A

Gold and t

Rich Jt-welrDiamonds. I

Sil . oi Wan

» l.ondoii TlniH-Keers-ra,race.

, English and Swiss WATCHE9.

, and all the Fashionable styles.trj.-s.ed in style, 'piality. and flnlsi.

lsltlng Philadelphia are Invited to

Baltimore and OhioEAILROAD,


MORE on the Ea-t. and Wha M'ig. Ken wood, andt'arkershorg ou the WpsL at which plaeee it Hits. S Itti I

ailr >ads, steamera, die., for and from all points in tbe



For all the Eastern Cities.tyTliis Is the only rnutet o Washington City.Passengers by this route ran visit Baltimore. Plilla-

l.-lphia. New York, and Boston at the cost of a ticket to

fSW"Straitgersamine their

NEW MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT.A visit entailing no obligation to purchase.VUiufnrm Prices, In plain flrurps. and no variation.oh-a d1v»


Steamboat AgentftrnOXsESAXsE GBOCBBL,


All .iiassrlptlona of iioat s-'iorra.


RAILROAD at auy ot the principal Railroad Offices intbe West. E. F. FULLER,

Geui-ial West, ru Agent.L. M COLE,

General Ticket Agpnt.W. P. SMITH. Master of Trtiti.post.ti. ii s*4

iBfraRBoxwucTi raiisBoab.

Change of Time.

*wK wts .svu —a i tar—^sxwss'ii i. tsxsxe

rjp RAINS will leavp Jefferaonville, opposite Loiiirvlllp.

si 6 A. ,11.. tfsSO P. Wm and ts*M P. IM.



Boston. 1'hila.t. lp im Baltimore, and all Eastern «»tie.; and at Indianapolis with Bollefoutaitie Hue fo.

Cleveland, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and al.

the principal citler in the East: also with Trains on tbTprre Haute and Lafayette Railroada for St, LouisChicago, Rock island, Quiucey, lianiitoal. St. Josephand all the otb.br principal Cities In the West audNorthwest.

7:15 P. M. TRAIN—Connects at Seymour with the Ohioand Mississippi Railroad for Vlncennna, Sandoval,Cairo, Memphla, New Orleans, St. Louis, JefferaouCity. Atchison, and all the principal Western and

Time to I.af.iyette a hours; Tune to Cairo. ... IR hours" to Chicago 14 " " to St. Loiti) 1 1

"" to Detroit il » "to Memphis St •

Sxr~Perpons arriving on fbf IsrrniUvillp and Nash rlllt

or Louisville and la-xitigtou Railroads connect withTrains on this route for all the principul cities in theEast, West. North, or South.

Trains arrive at Jelfenionvill, as follows*Indianpolis and Cincinnati Night Express ut 3:00 A.M.Chicago, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati Day Express at

fcSd P. M.-St. Louis and Cincinnati Accommodation at 0:3o A. M.

JOPilsT FLECK,: Laid Oil and CandleM AN!'FACTFKER,

No. 1SS Third .t., between .Mntn nnd the KITS

And No. .St! .leffersou st., north side, betweenClay end Shelby,

I_io\ilsit7illo, Ky.)nil dlv


RIFLE MB BLAST!.Ky POWDER,in HKrass i-.. • J

Wster-*.g'at and Tix proot

We have in magazine a full supply r » fas above cele-

brated brand of Powder, put up iu /xtiaevfron awe, ar.,

for sale at tame price as woodpn kegs ky

A. V. OuF4JNT ct CO.r*S~N. B.-For salp hi all the I/. .i'vPI. in-rrhants.

T. o. uaaraMo puili.ip Taiiaao— a a. Taraao.

V. D. GAETANO «te OO.Wholesale Pancy Grocers

AMU 'lr.sU.ltEA IIV

Mrvr.ufftctn of

Candy, Sirups, and Preseri-es,

?IO ttitlu soe. i. !.-< i ». ..<-> PeTenth und Mskth,


JAS. Vi GttMHLU A 4 0.,WMOl.TgAj .K hSALKltS 1W.

Leather, Hides, and OilNo. sm Main street, Louisville, Ky.

WE havp now in store s good assortment ol Leatbecon'url-lns—

at the JMain ai

In JeffeCLINTON .llillSSoN. Agent.A. 8. CKOTHERS. Snp't.

I86OI I860!

K AI L]U) AD.260 Miles -Double Track.

The Capacity of thla Head la now ea.un.1 to anyIn tbe t'onntpy.



^lONNECTING dirrctin the Union flppot, at Pltts-

Phila.l, Ipliia, New York. Uostou, Ha'.tilnor'e ami Wash

Dailyuul E:

rpasaed for speial and comfort

i run through to Philadelphia

•h d to each train: WoodnifT-s and East Trains. The EX-Mail nnd East Ida. Sunday.Trains connect direct fir Now

ast Line couuect for Baltlmor.

ins provided with IjOtigh

nder perfect control of th.

o the safety aif travelora[liladelnhia and New YorkNew Bork ami Boston

ire good on tft.il of th.

BOAT TICKETS to Boston are food via Norwich" Uiver. or Stonington Lines. Boston paaacsifrdrthall

trar.'. any ot

also onthp important Kailroad oilieea lu the Vnhoard any of thp regular Line of Steamers on the Mi'iasipoi and ( )hio Rivei>; ard at thv Offipes of the ( 'ompany In Boston, Npw York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia

Fare alwarn a. lutv mid time aa fjuipk itab>

any other Koutc.A.SIfi FOlt TH'IiKTX It Y PITTr*Bl 111'.

The eomplption of the Western eounpctions of thsPennsylvania icailroad make this the

Direct Xsinn Between the Bast and tbe

GREAT W£8T.fittsburg. avci.fiiisairdravaco and fi rHare cf Erftght.tog.ther with the savins' of '.Imp, are „|. anta;r.-s lennil;ippn-eiated by Shippers of Ereisht ana the Travelinj,I'uhllc.

For Freight Contractp or Shipping Directions apply tcT address either of the rollowlng Agents of the CompanyD. A. STEWART. Pittsburgh: fl. & Pierce A Co.

'.ancrvHIcO.; .1. .1. Johnston. lUnlcy. «».: K. MiN-.L.

I'. G. O'Hilci- A I o.. Evansi isle, Ind.; N. W. Cralinm ACo., Cairo. HI.; K. F. Baas, Shalfr A Glass. St. I.ouhMo.; John II. Harris, Nashville, Tvun.; Harris A iliurt,

ISamphk, Term.: Clark A XU>7, Chicago, 111.: VY. II. II.

Koonta, Alton, III.: or to Freight Aleuts ot ilaili-oa la at

liffereut points in Un West.Tbe tJrentpM rnrlllllpN offrretl fnr Ihe l'roree>lion nud Mueeriv Trnueporlatiou of LIVESTOCK.

And Good Accommodatlona, with nnial privilegea foreersaius travelliut; lil charge thereof.

FH£XGHTB.By this ronte fr**Vhts of all dt'srriptlons cad for-

.s>rd i to and fntm Pliiladi Iphin, New York, Bostuu. or


Wm I:



Alsoand *


7S do Sole»l d'.xen Uprerlu do Kip4:> 00 Wester

t good aasorttnen

do;do. heavy and good;

large and good:

nt ot Kteu. Ii E'rp and Ca'l-Sktuof which we arc offering at th

oal Leather are invited to call aare bin Ing.


U II.I.llEKUAyV J.4M A11V 13, IMil,

A. Practical Ti-eatiseSOB TUE USB or

Justices of fhe Pface, f onstaMes,

Sin riirs Jailors, anil ( orouersiu Kentucky,

By KlCliAKD IL STANTON. May.vllla, Ky.


JM LawP.iMi.hei- Ko M't" l.iv'is' ill* . Kr.


Missouri aud Tennessee Money

Hi E A.TH E IR -

wvr*Money at t

k of ail kiudaof Leatbalissouri SvoSI Teuuesse.

GAMBLE A CO.,Se, . ud an * Tklrs star.

r il.AK.LT— 4 cssas sUpenor iu stot

Ls IllU

and loi s

W MUs bvGAY.

UK) ( OFEEC iral ba^s good tai- and prmc arriving

Iaud f rsale byml RAWSON. TODD. A CO.

^1 iiAI.-l.1l hnde fair tu prune Su^ai- lu sUle ands^ for sale by

ANDREW BUCHANAN A CO..ruS Comer Second '.nii Washii istou stleeta.^

(~< ()( oA-NUTS-ii tierces Co. oa-Nnt, received by Bal-

vy tic and for ialp by _ . .„„,7 V. I). GAETANO * CO.

\|i)l.*S»i:s-- 4oLLIs Planta it n ip.-eived per .vim-ill tra Muutgomery aud Macnta and f.»r_-

KAWS4 1 . T. fin

SU .AR-aal. bi

r hod.


tmH]; Ui it aus Sugar -n •t'1

WM• ao.l foGAY.

| FANS AND l.IN-tEYS— 6 balea Bluauis Mills la*r store and lor caie 1 w to ctcrp c^naiguni* ot bl

,„U WM. GAY.

/"MIAMPAG V E as hox-s a.'sorted (.marts, pints, andL octavos) iu snore and lor »alo low byOAY

XlVB, Nails and trfteol.

TOO Tl NS v-''*''1;"'J a"<1 st-snaixal Iron, aiatrted

3 IXSI kegs Nails, from 3 tn laid

601 do Spikes, cut and » rottrl.t;

100 ton« Steel, Cast, Slabs, Wings, and Americanlllistpp:

In atote and for sale very low h7W. n. r.EI KNAP A CO.

AND LEAD— t full supply onbyDAVIS it SPEED. Malu .

fyiwni ft, .; i'

' r,

1 band and tor sal.



LIME, AM) I EMt N I' 5"

W I SIU.ll~II son s Hats Ba-k. t

.al»t.' fml

B .0' t-ts, Cburu 1. ".' .. ;^r .'..-,

Mori. Ac . In store snd forHinniT > s<iN.

Mis* lui., tsatuu, is

lot on tile Railroads of

llliuois, Wisconsin, io t a, or

I io' I 1

II.- S SUll P MAPLE VIOLA: StS. AND ST.LOUIS SIRUP ia 10-galron keis and on r tail,

al 1. | to . I IHI. BIT ! a - OV.

ii, ai rnrsd

HinillTT SON.

I kRIE i HE i —\a exclttut ijl'.alityof

Is il i. d IW.f for aale by

H d z n Iflwj,L'UU do Ladttr.

8, (it) do doItiflj da doL'iJO do dn

Receive and fo. ssiti by


' white Cotton II >ssj;

d'i do t«V>;

; -. ! do do:Mack do •>•,

sltiUi do d'S

"-. U, i«-a|.


J.\.Mi S I-<jW & CO.,^ 1

• SNi.i -*>.

. Julleo Claret Wine;

trusting the traiirrJi-ortation

jany c*ui rtly with confi-

•imfs as f&vorabio tu are chai^i d by auy other fUil«*d' roiuiiauies.

stax*~lse particular to mai k paeliagea "Yia Pcmka. tt.

MAUItWV i XOi iNS, so vorth street, Baltimore.LEECH at CO.. He 2 Astor II-mai, cr No. 1* William

LEEi.il A CO., No. V7 State street, IVston.H. II. HOUSTON.

Genpral Freight Airprrt, Pitilarlt iphla.

Goneral Tick : AgeTHOS. A. SCOTT, (kneial Supt. .



an BAUS FINE BOTATO. 11/ boat on cou>iguiuetit and for sale b

s lust received per mail-I for sale b-




Received audni; HIHBITT A SON.

/i HOICK FLOUR-40 bbls extra Family Flour ffrsale by lulT] UltlRITT <s SON.

<TA<.',i IIAMS-ACs Hams

lipt'lv of this excell- ut l.iand of[ulTl IIIBIUTT K SON.

UACKEREl^-xa bhls new Mackerel;ii Mdo do do;So V,.!o io dot100 kite do da;

In storp aud for salp bynl« W. * II II1TIKH\«DT. •117 Market st.

IAV.V l.OirE.. ... It,..'- r! tt'.li |. e .l,,iai ttt" n ceived per mailboat and for sal" by130 , co o * MOODY.

V LARGE and full supply i


t .-nniiay School Books, at

Rooks of Iusiriirtimi.FipiSCoPAL Eook oiTu,tiuitiou, for:' at ulo

siud.w Schools,CLARKE'S.

Hew Hooks.rUE latest Publications of thp day, at


nlO Morairt ' rail.

( 4)0<:


BACCO. For sale byTO

Nock, wicks .e co.

IAVA COFFEE—50 bapss received per stean.er Eunice' and lor saU byn34 .. TV! EW * MARTIN.

H Ac!

lia) I


lu store|


"leah Cxn'O Oysters;

-tern do;


li .u ..J.lii CV'llsElB AMI CVvlUlyUJ

Wi.tox's Hoop Ski-ts, assiined;S.iri; ) i i cc* as* rted na-het iriaid;

3iK) do do do Tri~.-e.inr;

llec. i.-.-d and for sale byJAMES I OW 4 CO.,

ml .ir" a id .l.i Main aL

.liWk DOZ VA! RAS HANLiKEIlCHIEl"S;villi J.«. ds.l il dr;

xM pi ce. Silk do;Received ami lor i-Ue by

JAMES LOW * CO.,ml a d 31 S' - th 't

WW AS>ES—hols p< hue 1

JtfrlC. CO'laoiaiiou M la--

do d •

wrvrc rttfor-

I \N •

1 1 ACKEHEli* I atom Olid

b Is No-.; aale by


1 a, and a alac.ii.i in

' nl'ri'A'lN * CO.

I't.ATOl-S—a car lead" pr uie li.tal-.ea just re-

aived and for sale bvn.8 AND'W BUCHANAN A <A).tv

f!.VI I

IN llAf!8-st.">'

E rt Pitt brrxc) re

and for sale by J '

mt Milu, h


s? ucSe.dPo.a oesat!for *alp hyat

'snxrlCsts Ba i

tv.d i-rs-1. F. I ()\Y,

Anent' for ^

I v. . a n T. iri!



131 I'ourth


\PPi ES I'm HI. ch lee Np.-aapps. m-i-iv. ii il.i-dr.:

same kit.d) and for snip Li lots


laud lu daiibyv. a. irldKI' * cry


1 1 of

aJU Alt~ aud Pnil.

~l,«i hoi- LcwscWxta Cr.ntiej. Grauuiaresi,

tivdereJ Suxar jtut rteeivsd and tor sale byi.AKDNI h CO

111 storeCAY.

/^OFFFJ.—'iai basts fair to prime Kio Coff...

Vy ansl «>»!.>. f IS! WV.

A New York

WW HY.pEl'INiD Sl'liAR-Sii hbl< C-rcleIs i mshtal In storp and for »ale by

JiOLI'EN SI HUH ii bbls aud iris

rlor S rup recvivtd per ;n 'byII IL NEAVlxlMIl at H UO.

. I, 3, and IACKEKI'L—a-si wh ih and * bbli 1

Mackerel in stoi. mid for .aiu by4 AND'W BUCHANAN A Ci

l|.fOLASSES m l.ir.

ifl .-eaiiiioie.i E. H Fain

s probably the hut';t \Vi.f.ky ,icr for .ale La the State.n34

In store and lor sale byo»7

otti.n P.'.i e. , ' 1 slaws;.0 Mavsv.llp hattluE.MS'K, WICKS, A CO.,

•IS and SI? Main stress!.

/~<ODI'TSH-li> drums larje Codfish received by mailboat and for ealu by


:for sale hy•ASTI.KMAV. MU

rcnuessee .ilonej ! Tennessee iVIouey


I> ANK Notes of the old Banks of Tpimrasea will beI S received in crxrtianre for CROI 'Eltl irs.

\loLASSL^ill aoafora.

li of a'l

Flslnt Pa'liMile tow by


JJ—lis" bbls prime N.O. Flaut -

ist hi

.vived jjBt

I\ DsTN.


»».= Malu st

OR 111N RAWl.etwp*n 1 hint and

HITE WINE— 5 liMn Haut Sauhrne I"

..!t tminj WM. GAY.

fr^orr ousirr.i) i

k3 BSuftcruah O Si


Oaah forbout ten tons h> tup.




Braithwait for jTanuary.PaRT Fottj-s. nud, lor Jaiui.irv. ls.il. at

IstN CI.'HKE'S. Mox.rt Hall.

\fOLASSES 73 bbls eturts plain.-* I . . .

i.1 tiai.rt ' i -t. t AutuPk

f4 irtli

50 Biggl*v> toua un

Fumy BnUH

d for salt- b jt in ii i .tj uooin .

ui* U. l.saT .lA.^Ka til t. Altil.S ju-t rMtived per su-aiue:


i itiic Kio landitiK tVoiu .-tcamer-*air*rhtld snd (< r i*al«- by


X. a: II HUKKH lKiiT. tlfM.nk-t '.

AILS«*iss k»c Belmont tor sale byw.»TU>UN, W1UMU* « '.v.

I . . S —* t i-it prim - &t.r. rr-.i I i.'- ' .ir. tv.. and fora «l-bv fnil41 *. D. OAETSNO sk 4*

j^'. llAK SK hhls p. impKeiita and Pe> i jr.a aud lor

fll IE'

LEd--Cv hvis Apples lost r. eelved ai..l tbr sale byml stsNJw'W tlvUA>-i.N 4. CO.


aud (or sals bv

ived per .teaniei. Ma-

rsoN. TODD. A CO.

Refined Pearl Lu slurs

COf FF.E-loil hu^s

Is -V-

BAWsK'N, TOQD, a go,

f.s•hy»N. MURREI.U A CO.

i^- hod. prime S.t(,r r

»3 Autotrat aud larasle byto* A.WW

ived per sieaiu.

I'UUWe * WO,

(.' i-.n RxBs,iu wholn.

/1IIRIS1M VS UACON-Niiw Ham'V stasis Hams, and Di tod B,«f in stot

drii Hit

w 1 1 r A K-TO hbds tUr snd sood wswliO and Chancellor aud for aal<

id Shoulder.,

("SliT I.OAK StJ eel

4K 3S

and for rale byA sW'lv- BI'CHAN

A !•'



POSIN AND PITCHtt Si bbls No. Kosiu:

1'itcksf for salp bv^n«VH * SPPII'D. at.



IONl.'ON PQKTBS AND-4 1>.I docen Loudon Porter


-J do Srotco »le;

Sold by tbe dozen or cask to suit tan chasers byBsl i. f, XMwalPSw.N, 7< EoarUsK.

PLOUK—r IM bM« Ertra and Double Kitra to0 sacks rluck - heat

ft HI;'.

\"SNK£C NCltlOXS for n.s-r.b-.rJA f. MADDKN'S 1"

>'".s .1