The Light of The

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  • 8/17/2019 The Light of The


    The Light of the WorldPosted on June 18, 2013 by K. Gallagher

    Light. Science and nature will not deny that e ery li ing thing de!ends on light eitherdirectly or indirectly to "aintain li#e. $his !icture in the natural world has a "ighty lessonto teach us about the i""ense s!iritual world around us. So, what is light% & ho!e to showyou through the scienti#ic e'!loration o# natural light and the Scri!tures that our (lohi")God* is truly the +Light o# the orld -1 .

    What is Light?

    /s any scientist and you re li ely to get aried answers. $he truth is that e en with the"any technological ad antages that we ha e today, light re"ains a scienti#ic "ystery -2 . /ssoon as scientists thin they e #igured out this "ystery, light sur!rises the" yet again.Perha!s this is what !ro o ed /lbert (instein to say

    “For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what light is”

    uantu" !hysics and the theory o# 4elati ity, two o# "odern !hysics great !aradig"shi#ts , started #ro" ano"alies in the beha ior o# light. 5oth thoughts led to radical newunderstandings o# the nature o# light. &t see"s that light occu!ies a ery s!ecial !lace in theuni erse. &n so"e ways, it is "ore #unda"ental than s!ace, ti"e or "atter.

    $he biggest 6uestion o# light is whether it is a wa e, a !article, or both. $he classicaldescri!tion o# light de#ines it as an electro"agnetic wa e. $his "eans that it is a aryingelectric and "agnetic #ield, which s!reads out #ro" one !lace to another. Light doesn t ha e

    !hysical "ass7 instead it is +energy . $he "odern 6uantu" "echanical descri!tion says thatlight can also be considered to be !articles called !hotons. $hese !hotons carry energy and"o"entu" but they also ha e no "ass.

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    Science de#ines light as ha ing no !hysical substance or no "ass, yet it is carried by a eryreal and observable "eans. 9: : describes :i"sel# as +Light thousands o# years be#ore"odern science. Li e light :e has no !hysical substance7 :e is a S!irit -; . 9et, :e hasgi en us an +obser able substance :is ord. &t is the ord that too u!on #lesh to showus the Light -< .

    Ps. 27:1 YHWH is my light and my salvation…

    Jn. :12 !hen s"a#e $esh%a &Jes%s' again %nto them( saying( I am the light of the world…

    1Jn. 1:) !his then is the message which we have heard of him( and declare %nto yo%( thatGod is light ( and in him is no dar#ness at all.

    Jn. *:2* God is a Spirit : and they that worshi" him m%st worshi" him in s"irit and in tr%th.

    uantu" "echanics tells us that no "atter can e'ist without light and all "atter e'ists o#

    in isible !articles. $hus, light is necessary not only #or li#e, but #or any #or" o# "atter. $he#irst recorded s!eech o# (lohi" )God* in our 5ible s is + +et there ,e +ight . $his is the:ebrew word =>? + ohr . &t shares the root with the :ebrew word #or order and ,o- . &n:ebrew thought, a bo' hel!s ee! things in order. $here#ore, light is also necessary to"aintain order -@. ( en the (nglish word or der begins with this sa"e sound + ohr . $hus,light is a sort o# contain"ent #or the structure o# our uni erse. /s good science teaches us,light is what +holds 6uanta !articles together and all "atter consists o# invisi,le !articles.$hus, light literally holds our uni erse together.

    om. 1:2/ For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen(being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal "ower and 0odhead so

    that they are witho%t e-c%se:ol. 1:17 3nd he &$esh%a' is ,efore all things( and by him all things consist [ ! 4are held


    /ccording to i i!edia, + +ight is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visi,leto the h%man eye &in a range from a,o%t 6 / or *// nanometers to a,o%t 7 / or 7 / nm'.

    In "hysics( the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength(whether visi,le or not . -8

    Light is a #or" o# what we call radiation. $he electro"agnetic wa es !roduced by light"o e in a "anner si"ilar to the wa es !roduced by a stone dro!!ed in a !ool o# water. $hetrans erse wa es o# light #ro" a light source s!read out in e'!anding circles "uch li e thewa es in a !ool. :owe er, the wa es in the !ool are ery slow and aw ward in co"!arisonwith light, which tra els a!!ro'i"ately 18@,000 "iles !er second.

    Scientists ha e co"e to the conclusion that the s!eed o# light is not only obser ed to beconstant, but that it does not e en "a e any sense to say that it aries -A . $he s!eed o# lightis constant or eternal, because it ne er sto!s tra eling -10 . $hus, our God o# Light is also

  • 8/17/2019 The Light of The


    constant or eternal and does not ary. Batural light teaches us about the s!iritual reality o#9: :.

    8t. 66:27 "he eternal God is thy ref%ge( and %nderneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thr%st o%t the enemy from ,efore thee and shall say( 8estroy them.

    9ic. ):2 %t tho%( ethlehem ;"hratah( tho%gh tho% ,e little among the tho%sands of J%dah( yet o%t of thee shall he come forth %nto me that is to ,e r%ler in Israel whose goings forth have ,een from of old( from everlasting#

    (instein s theories o# S!ecial and General 4elati ity also teaches us about light in res!ect toti"e and s!ace. $i"e is relati e to the obser er. /s an obCect accelerates, ti"e slows downrelati e to that obCect. &n other words, ti"e and s!eed co"e together at the s!eed o# light.

    e can i"agine this i# we thin o# a !erson riding a bea" o# light. 4elati e to e eryoneelse, he would a!!ear to be #roDen in ti"e. :e could tra el #or se eral "illion years withoutaging a single second. :owe er, to hi"sel#, ti"e a!!ears nor"al7 it s Cust that the rest o# the

    uni erse see"s to be aging in#initely 6uic ly. Li e God, anything tra eling at the s!eed o#light does not change. Just as God e'ists outside o# the laws o# ti"e and s!ace, ti"e as wenow it does not e'ist at the s!eed o# light.


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    • Batural light still "ysti#ies scientist EH so does 9: :I9eshua

    • Batural light is energy that can beco"e "ass )( F 2* E 9: :I9eshua is S!irit

    )energy* and can ta e u!on #lesh )"ass*

    • Batural light holds "atter together E 9eshua holds all things together

    • Batural light is eternal and constant E so is 9: :I9eshua

    • Batural light o!erates outside o# ti"e and s!ace EH so does 9: :I9eshua

    $here is still "uch "ore to co"e on Light &n #uture !osts, & ho!e to co er theelectro"agnetic s!ectru", the "enorah, rainbows, and "uch "ore.

    4ead "ore in Part &&.

    -1 John 8 127 A <

    -2 htt!"I 18@HenduringH""l

    -3 9ahweh, the #our letter tetragra""aton in :ebrew )yod, hey, a , hey*. $his is the Fost:oly Ba"e o# God. M#ten translated as $he LM4N in (nglish bibles.

    -; John ; 2;

    -< 4ead all o# John cha!ter 1

    -@ See Je## 5enner s 3ncient ?e,rew +e-icon of the i,le under entry :21@

    - See Strong s nu"ber G;A21

    -8 htt! IIen.wi i!edia.orgIwi iILight

    -A htt! II"ath.ucr.eduIho"eIbaeDI!hysicsI4elati ityIS!eedM#LightIs!"l

    -10 $his is !ro ed by (instein s theory o# S!ecial 4elati ity.