~The Korean War~ 1950-1953 By: Kymberly Porter

~The Korean War~

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~The Korean War~1950-1953

By: Kymberly Porter

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1950• June 25: North Korea invades South Korea• July 5: U.S troops and South Korean troops fought for the first time

in the Battle of Osan• August 1: retreating U.S and South Korean troops form the Pusan

Perimeter• Sept. 15: U.S and United Nations Command troops launch an

invasion at Inchon, South Korea• Oct 1: U.S troops cross the 38th parallel and enter North Korea• Oct. 14: Chinese troops enter North Korea• Oct. 19: UNC forces capture the North Korean capital of Pyongyang• Dec.: UNC forces are driven back. Communist forces launch a

major offensive and recross the 38th parallel into South Korea.

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Timeline Contd……………….

1951• Jan.5: South Korean capital of Seoul is recaptured by communist forces• Mar.18: Seoul is retaken by the UNC forces• Apr.11: General Douglas Macarthur is relieved of the command of U.S and UNC

forces by President Harry S. Truman• July 10: Peace talks begin

1952• May 7: Both sides announce a stalemate in peace talks over the POW issue

1953• Mar. 30: China agrees to an exchange of sick and wounded POWs• May 28: U.S And U.N negotiating team presents their final terms for peace• Jul. 27: Armistice (truce) ending the fighting is signed at Panmunjom

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The History and Causes • The cause of the war began after World War II in 1945, when Korea

was divided into two areas. The U.S and Soviet Union agreed that the 38th parallel would border between North and South Korea. The 38th parallel is an imaginary line that follows 38 degrees longitude on a map. The soviets occupied and controlled North Korea. Americans occupied and controlled South Korea. In 1947, the U.S tried to reunite Korea by asking the UN General Assembly to supervise a nationwide election. The UN agreed, and wanted all foreign troops to withdraw from Korea after a new government was elceted and took power. However, North Korea refused to take part in the elcetion and thought they had the need to unify the country by force, so they struck.

• It was a conflict between communists and non-communists forces in Korea to try to unify the country.

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Map Of Korea

This is where North Korea invaded

On June 25th, 1950

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Who Were Involved?

• General Douglas MacArthur

• President Harry S. Truman

• Dwight D. Eisenhower

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General Douglas MacArthur

• Born: January 26, 1880• Death: April 5, 1964• Contribution to war: led the Korean

effort until he was removed from his

command by president Truman.

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President Harry S. Truman

• Born: May 8, 1884• Death: December 36, 1972• Contribution to War: authorized the bombing

in North Korea and sent American ground troops

to the area June 29th, 1950.(Put this on Timeline)

to prevent a World War III

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

• Born: October 14. 1890• Death: March28, 1969• Contribution to war: wanted to end war with

A negotiated settelment. He felt it was unlikely

to achieve “…..a positive and definite victory

without possibly running the grave risk of

enlarging the war.”

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Where Are You????

These are murdered civilians slained by North Koreans during the war whose loved ones are looking for them.

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North Korean prisoners of war under guard before they are interrogated at the 21st Infantry Regiment’s command post.

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Dear Mom……..

Soldier writing his loved ones during a break.

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Primary Source• This a document written by

General Douglas MacArthur to

Congressman Martin.

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• In conclusion, the United States, China, and North Korea sign an armistice which ends the war but fails to bring about a permanent peace.

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• www.myreportlinks.com

• www.gi.grolier.com

• www.trumanlibrary.org

• www.washingtonpost.com

• www.koreanwar.com/TimeLine/1953/timeline1953.html