The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds [the key to our abbreviations & techniques] alt alternate approx approximately beg begin[ning] blocking Information about blocking can be found here and here. BO bind off [cast off] cab cable CC contrasting color cn cable needle CO cast on cont continue[ing] dec decrease[ing] dpn double pointed needles[s] foll follow[s][ing] g grams i-cord Using a double-point needle, CO required number of sts. Next Row: Instead of turning work around to work back on the WS, slide all sts to other end of needle, switch needle back to your left hand, bring yarn around back of work, and start knitting the sts again. I-Cord is worked with the RS facing at all times.

The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

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Page 1: The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

[the key to our abbreviations & techniques]

alt alternate

approx approximately

beg begin[ning]

blocking Information about blocking can be found here and here.

BO bind off [cast off]

cab cable

CC contrasting color

cn cable needle

CO cast on

cont continue[ing]

dec decrease[ing]

dpn double pointed needles[s]

foll follow[s][ing]

g grams


Using a double-point needle, CO required number of sts.

Next Row: Instead of turning work around to work back on the WS, slide all sts to other end of needle, switch needle back to your left hand, bring yarn around back of work, and start knitting the sts again. I-Cord is worked with the RS facing at all times.

Repeat this row to form I-cord. After a few rows, work will begin to form a tube.

inc increase[ing]

incl including

Page 2: The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

inst instructions

k knit

k tbl knit through back of loop

k2tog knit two together

kfb knit into front and back of stitch

m meter[s]

MB make bobble

MC main color

m1 Make 1 stitch: Insert left needle, from front to back, under strand of yarn which runs between last stitch on left needle and first stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through back loop.

1 stitch increased.

mm millimeters

mult multiple

opp opposite

oz ounces

p purl

p2tog purl two together

patt[s] pattern[s]

pfb purl into front and back of stitch

pm place marker

psso pass slipped stitch[es] over

rem remaining

rep repeat

rev St st reverse stockinette stitch

RS right side[s]

rnd[s] round[s]

sc single crochet

Page 3: The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

SK2P slip 1 stitch, knit two together, pass slipped stitch over

SSK slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together

SSP slip 2 stitches as if to purl, then purl those 2 stitches together

sl slip

slp slip one as if to purl

sl st slip stitch

st[s] stitch[es]

St st stockinette stitch

tbl through back of loop[s]

three-needle bind off Hold both halves of knitted piece together, so that needles are parallel. Insert needle into first st on front needle and first st on back needle, and knit them together. *Repeat this for the next st on the front and back needles. Draw the first st worked over the second st.* Repeat from * to * until all sts have been bound off. Break yarn and draw through remaining st.

tog together

WS wrong side[s]

w&t Wrap and turn. Bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next st to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back of work, slip st back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin working back in the other direction.

YO yarn over

* * repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated