2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected] SPEARMANGROUP THE KAMITIC TREE OF LIFE

The Kamitic Tree of Life

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2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]



Page 2: The Kamitic Tree of Life

The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]


Page 3: The Kamitic Tree of Life

The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]


This article is based on the ancient Kamitic spiritual system as related by Ra Un Nefer

Amen, in Metu Neter, Vol. I, Metu Neter Volume III, 1990, 2009 and The Wisdom

Chronicles, Lawrence Spearman, 2007

The Kamitic Tree of Life (Paut Neteru) is a diagram (see Kamitic Tree of Life Diagram,

p.7) of the process through which God creates the world, Man, and Man’s sojourn in the

world. It consists of eleven spheres, numbered from zero to ten. Sphere 0 is at the top,

and is depicted as being “above” the tree.

Moreover, The Kamitic Tree of Life is a system for classifying the influences

operating in the spirit of God and Man. These influences also govern the process of

creation. They are felt as urges or inner drives by all people. We are all driven, for

example, by the urge to congregate and unite with others – marriage, family, nation,

etc. This urge for unity originates from the first sphere of influence – Ausar.

Another influence is the urge for happiness. We do not engage in the host of life pursuits

for their own sake. At the end there has to be enjoyment and satisfaction in marriage,

careers, mountain climbing, or whatever. The urge to happiness is closely related to the

universal drive for inner peace. No one seeks aggravation. We need peace for healing and

gaining spiritual wisdom and power. The urge for peace originates from Sphere of influence

0 in the Kamitic Tree of Life - Amon.

We must reclaim and manifest Amon, our original peaceful state, instead of chasing after

worldly illusions that cause pain and suffering.

The Kamitic Tree of Life also classifies the world starting at the supreme state of the

unmanifest, hidden God (Amon) represented by sphere 0. Sphere 1 represents the

manifest GOD in the world. Spheres 2 through 10 represent the forms (gods, angels,

urges, influences, neteru, aspects, or spheres) in which GOD comes into the world.

The relationships between metaphysical forces in the cosmos and Man are represented in

The Kamitic Tree of Life. They are closely associated with The Ausarian Resurrection

Metaphorein in explaining Man’s relationship to God.

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The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]



For the longest time Western scholars have known that the word “perfect” simply meant

“complete” with the connotation of flawlessness. Because they have no model of the

complete man, they have been unable to intelligently apply the concept of human

perfection, which simply refers to a fully developed person. Our Kamitic ancestor’s

knowledge of the Spirit (The Tree of Life) gives us an objective and rigidly accurate model

for dealing with the subject.

The Spirit is not one homogeneous entity. Failure to understand its varied sub divisions –

with their diverse sets of functions, is the reason behind the general failure of the world’s

behavior shaping institutions (religion, education, sociology) and technologies.

An important point to note from the Kamitic Tree of Life is that the sub divisions of the

Spirit house spheres of influence. The spheres of influence must be seen as being to the

sub divisions of the spirit as individual organs are to the organ systems, e.g. the heart,

arteries, etc. to the circulatory organ system.

Another point to note is the hierarchical arrangement of the sub divisions of the spirit.

The higher functions control the lower ones, and the higher the sub division that one

operates out of, the less evil will be in one’s behavior.

Unlike the western tradition of pouring information into the individual (education) in the

belief that this will make a better person, our ancestors developed a person’s character by

initiation (practices that alter consciousness and gradually awaken and elevate a person to

the higher sub divisions of the spirit).

To solely feed information into someone and expect development in character is just like

feeding someone and expecting physical well-being without exercise or physical activity.

That is why the Nazis of World War II, in spite of having an education as good as can be,

failed to rise above the lower parts of their Spirit that generated horrific crimes against

humanity. Initiation is to character development what exercise and physical activity is to

the body.

It cannot be overemphasized that education is merely the act of pouring information into

one of the lower sub divisions of the spirit (the fifth or Sahu) while behavioral control is

the function of the four higher sub divisions of the spirit (the Ba, Khu, Shekhem, and

upper Ab).

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The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]


According to our Kamitic ancestors, life is the journey of spiritual elevation in the sub

divisions of the Spirit. The majority of people evolve through the four lower sub divisions:

1.) The Khab –the physical body (7th sub division)

2.) The Khaibit – the animal senses (6th sub division)

3.) The Sahu – the concrete intellect (5th sub division)

4.) 1/3 of the Ab – the moral faculties (4th sub division)

It seems that nature will evolve man up to the bottom third of the Ab however, the rest is

up to his or her own efforts of spiritual cultivation. When these efforts are not

successful, the absence of input from the higher parts of the spirit and the domination of

the lower, become the fundamental causes of problems in the world.


In short, the goal of spiritual cultivation is to increase man’s ability to acquire wisdom

– the intuitive knowledge that frees man from errors - and gain spiritual power to

accomplish his will; making criminal acts unnecessary.

The spiritual cultivation process consists of a series of practices aimed at programming

the sub-conscious. The doer, activator or energy behind what one does. For these

practices to succeed they must be based on a full understanding of the Spirit. Those who

would conduct it must be in possession of such knowledge.

The preceding is a very simplified explanation of the subject. For in depth coverage read

Metu Neter, Vol. I, or Volume III, Ra Un Nefer Amen, 1990, 2009


First, let’s remember that the spirit is made up of seven functional sub divisions, each sub

division housing one or three of ten spheres of influence. While the top 5 and 2/3 of these

spheres are dormant in most people (not yet evolved), the lower 4, and 1/3 are active


This presentation of the sub divisions of the Spirit and its major 10 spheres of influence

represent a complete view of man’s spiritual make-up.

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The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]


This presentation also provides us with the master key for what is wrong with man and how

to correct it. Since 5 and 2/3 of the spheres of influence are dormant in most people and

the input of all ten spheres is needed to achieve error-free behavior, then we can conclude

that the Man’s problems stem from functioning in an incomplete (imperfect) state. The

solution depends, not on merely informing and educating, but on the awakening of the

dormant, higher spheres of influence.

Moving from the bottom up, following our growth pattern, the spiritual cultivation program

proceeds by using sunlight, proper eating, exercise, study, proper thoughts, reflection,

meditation and proper rest to identify and correct the ill conditionings and imbalances in

our lower spheres of influence. Next, we add, discipline, sound (chants, hekau, mantras),

and fasting to continue moving on to the higher, dormant spheres of influence.

This has been a brief overview of the spiritual cultivation program. Because the subject is

complex, it requires a separate book for its adequate presentation. The system of

spiritual cultivation is the subject of Tree of Life Meditation System (T-O-L-M), RA UN

NEFER AMEN, 1996. For those who are interested, check it out.

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The Kamitic Tree Of Life

2834 Burger Avenue Dallas, TX 75215 469.583.3275 [email protected]


Kamitic Tree Of Life Diagram