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The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP)

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Page 1: The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP)

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This PDF file is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: Copyright © 2009, The Geological Society of America, Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. government employees within scope of their employment. Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, without fees or further requests to GSA, to use a single figure, a single table, and/or a brief paragraph of text in other subsequent works and to make unlimited copies for noncommercial use in classrooms to further education and science. For any other use, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA, fax 303-357-1073, [email protected]. GSA provides this and other forums for the presentation of diverse opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, regardless of their race, citizenship, gender, religion, or political viewpoint. Opinions presented in this publication do not reflect official positions of the Society. This file may not be posted on the Internet.

Page 2: The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP)


Ralph Waldo Emerson believed in “the education of the scholar by nature, by books, and by action” (Emerson, 1837). He was probably the fi rst North American philosopher to advocate for the education of students using a pedagogy with emphasis on direct student involvement and experience relative to biblio-mania. Over the last half century, the Juneau Icefi eld Research

Program (JIRP) has created a singular summer fi eld experience founded on Emerson’s educational doctrine (Fig. 1). Southeast Alaska’s maritime rain forest and Coast Range Mountains pro-vide the extraordinary glacier laboratory that has guided the program’s founder and director, Maynard M. Miller, with his application of Emerson’s philosophy by “bringing the students into nature” (Miller, 1994, personal commun.). Each summer, JIRP students travel to Juneau, Alaska, and receive an extensive,


Connor, C., 2009, Field glaciology and earth systems science: The Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP), 1946–2008, in Whitmeyer, S.J., Mogk, D.W., and Pyle, E.J., eds., Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modern Approaches: Geological Society of America Special Paper 461, p. 173–184, doi: 10.1130/2009.2461(15). For permission to copy, contact [email protected]. ©2009 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

The Geological Society of AmericaSpecial Paper 461


Field glaciology and earth systems science: The Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP), 1946–2008

Cathy ConnorDepartment of Natural Sciences, University Alaska Southeast, Juneau, Alaska 99801, USA


For over 50 yr, the Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP) has provided under-graduate students with an 8 wk summer earth systems and glaciology fi eld camp. This fi eld experience engages students in the geosciences by placing them directly into the physically challenging glacierized alpine landscape of southeastern Alaska. Mountain-top camps across the Juneau Icefi eld provide essential shelter and facilitate the pro-gram’s instructional aim to enable direct observations by students of active glacier sur-face processes, glaciogenic landscapes, and the region’s tectonically deformed bedrock. Disciplinary knowledge is transferred by teams of JIRP faculty in the style of a scientifi c institute. JIRP staffers provide glacier safety training, facilitate essential camp logistics, and develop JIRP student fi eld skills through daily chores, remote camp management, and glacier travel in small fi eld parties. These practical elements are important com-ponents of the program’s instructional philosophy. Students receive on-glacier train-ing in mass-balance data collection and ice-velocity measurements as they ski ~320 km across the icefi eld glaciers between Juneau, Alaska, and Atlin, British Columbia. They use their glacier skills and disciplinary interests to develop research experiments, collect fi eld data, and produce reports. Students present their research at a public forum at the end of the summer. This experience develops its participants for successful careers as researchers in extreme and remote environments. The long-term value of the JIRP program is examined here through the professional evolution of six of its recent alumni. Since its inception, ~1300 students, faculty, and staff have participated in the Juneau Icefi eld Research Program. Most of these faculty and staff have participated for mul-tiple summers and many JIRP students have returned to work as program staff and sometimes later as faculty. The number of JIRP participants (1946–2008) can also be measured by adding up each summer’s participants, raising the total to ~2500.

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on-site synthesis of Alaska’s coastal geology, glaciology, clima-tology, geomorphology, ecology, meteorology, hydrology, geo-physics, and other landscape information. They are trained in the acquisition of discipline-specifi c data from nunatak base camps located on bedrock ridge tops across the 3176 km2 glacierized U.S.-Canada border region in the Coast Mountains of southeast-ern Alaska and northwestern British Columbia (Fig. 2). Students are required to develop a research experiment and the data collec-tion methodology and analysis to address it. Since initial research on this glacier system beginning in 1946, Miller and his JIRP faculty colleagues have incorporated geoscience education and student training into their own Juneau Icefi eld summer research program, inspiring generations of earth system science students. At the 2002 meeting of the International Glaciological Society held in Yakutat, Alaska, a straw poll of the audience revealed that over 50% of the attendees, a broad spectrum of the world’s work-ing and highly respected research climate scientists and their graduate students were JIRP alumni.

Evolution of a Glacier Science Education Program: A Brief JIRP History

Since its inception, research on the Juneau Icefi eld has been directed toward the understanding of temperate coastal glacier change under the infl uence of climate. Following World War II and into the Cold War, U.S. strategic interests included Arc-tic sea-ice research and measurements of ice thickness to assess effects on missile trajectories beneath the ice. The Taku Glacier in the Juneau Icefi eld system, located in the southeastern Alaska

panhandle, was identifi ed as a more accessible and economical outdoor laboratory for cold regions research. Beginning in 1946, reconnaissance of the Juneau Icefi eld enabled planning for stud-ies of Taku Glacier’s mass balance (Heusser, 2007). The “Proj-ect on the Taku Glacier” (The Project), a 10 yr contract with the Offi ce of Naval Research to the American Geographical Society of New York, led to eight fi eld seasons beginning in 1948 through the International Geophysical Year (IGY, 1957–1958). During the IGY, researchers also measured and monitored Juneau Icefi eld’s Lemon Creek Glacier, one of nine glaciers selected for its global climatic signifi cance (Marcus et al., 1995) and the location of JIRP Camp 17 (Fig. 2). Members of the Project on the Taku Gla-cier also investigated icefi eld-wide glacier processes, the relation-ships between hydrology and ice-terminus positions, their links to climate, and the paleoclimate records in adjacent landscapes through their glacier and bog sediments (Miller, 1947, 1950, 1954, 1956–1957, 1957, 1961, 1963; Field and Miller, 1950; Miller and Field, 1951; R.D. Miller, 1973, 1975; Heusser, 2007). Glacier studies in the Juneau region were built upon the work of Cooper (1937), Field (1947), and others referenced in Connor et al. (2009), who worked extensively on the post–Little Ice Age recessional glacier terminus positions in nearby Glacier Bay.

The nonprofi t Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research (FGER) was established in 1955 to support the Juneau Icefi eld Research Program, which followed the termination of the Project on the Taku Glacier, and which has continued for the last half century with student training in mountaineering techniques, glaciology, and extensive fi eld studies of the Taku Glacier region (Miller, 1976, 1977, 1985; Pelto and Miller, 1990; Marcus et al.,

Figure 1. The Juneau Icefi eld Research Program’s pedagogy is based on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s (1837) Philosophy.

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1995; McGee et al., 1996–2007; Adema et al., 1997; Sprenke et al., 1999; Miller and Molnia, 2006; Pelto et al., 2008). A semi-nal date for support of the early JIRP program was 3 November 1957, the launch by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the fi rst satellite, Sputnik. This event intensifi ed the space race (1957–1975) between the United States and Russia and resulted in massive infusions of U.S. federal funding for science education. From 1960 through 1975, as selected U.S. elementary students were abruptly switched into learning the “new math,” to fi nd the next generation of engineering students, the JIRP program’s basic research mission included the education of graduate students. Support came in part from National Science Foundation (NSF) awards to the Institute of Glaciological and Arctic Environmental Sciences, which transferred from Michigan State University to the University of Idaho in 1975. Miller’s wide ranging interests in glacier processes and mountaineering led to his participation in the fi rst American ascent team of Mount Everest in 1963, following

Sir Edmund Hillary’s achievement in 1953, and included Miller’s analysis of tritium isotopes in fi rn pack stratigraphy collected at 7470 m (Miller et al., 1965). His annual Camp 10 (Fig. 3) sum-mer evening recount of this expedition has inspired generations of JIRP participants to combine their mountaineering and scientifi c interests. In 1979, eight undergraduates were included in the JIRP program for the fi rst time. With support from the NSF Research for Undergraduates (REU) program (1987–1995), 98 undergrad-uates hailing from 74 different universities were JIRP alumni by 1997. High school students joined JIRP program through the NSF Young Scholars Program (YSP). Beginning in 1996, the Univer-sity Alaska Southeast (UAS) began offering National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)–Alaska Space Grant Scholar-ships to JIRP students annually (Table 1), and by 1998, the UAS Environmental Science Program offered university credits to JIRP students. Since the beginning of the JIRP program, ~1300 students, faculty, and staff have participated in a Taku Glacier

Figure 2. Location map of the Juneau Icefi eld with selected research camps referenced in text. Basemap is by Bowen (2005).

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summer fi eld experience. Program support has also come from thousands of hours donated by the Miller family, summer JIRP faculty (university and agency researchers), and JIRP staffers. Many JIRP alumni have also contributed fi nancially to FGER to help sustain the program through time.


JIRP Students

To create a lasting understanding of the physical processes that have shaped southern Alaska’s coastal alpine regions, JIRP students spend their 8 wk summer learning the questions to ask about the tectonic and climate history of the region (Huntoon et al., 2001) while making quantitative and qualitative observations of glacier ice, mountaintop geomorphology, and the complex bedrock spatial distribution as they travel across this landscape. They journey an average of 320 km on foot, skis, or crampons, across the Lemon Creek, Taku, Llewellyn, and the smaller gla-ciers of the Juneau Icefi eld (Fig. 2). Safety is a primary program concern for all JIRP participants, and much of the early part of the program is dedicated to safety training. JIRP students are typically undergraduates majoring in geology, environmental geology, environmental science, physical geography, or allied disciplines (Table 1). They come from urban and rural universi-ties, range widely in their athletic abilities, and include ski rac-ers, rock climbers, studio dancers, hockey players, tractor drivers, and kite fl iers (useful skills for deploying low-budget, remote-sensing instruments on ice). Many students apply their 3–9 sum-

mer semester JIRP credits toward their respective university fi eld camp requirements or for their degree program’s breadth course requirements. Students come from countries throughout the world to participate in the JIRP program. Summer JIRP student numbers have varied over the years, ranging from between 15 and 50, depending on funding resources and faculty and staff avail-ability. In-service K–12 science teachers have also participated in JIRP, deeply enhancing their climate science teaching. Teacher training methods developed by the JIRP program have provided a template for other glacier-based, science education efforts for Alaska’s K–12 teachers and students (Connor and Prakash, 2008).

Introduction of JIRP Students to Alaskan Glaciers in a Maritime Rain Forest

Students begin their fi rst week in Juneau receiving daily, discipline-specifi c lectures and engaging with the region through introductory sea-level fi eld trips. They learn about the tectonic history of this contractional orogenic belt (Stowell and McClel-land, 2000) and observe its record in local metamorphic and plu-tonic bedrock outcrops and in the area’s extensive gold miner-alization. JIRP students hike through Tongass National Forest’s temperate rain forest ecosystem and learn how patterns of soils and vegetation have developed on this intensely glaciated land-scape. They observe the coastal geomorphic evidence for sea-level dynamism and post–Little Ice Age crustal uplift (Arendt et al., 2002; Larsen et al., 2005).

Throughout this time, JIRP students test their glacier fi eld gear and their own physical stamina. They also learn to make palatable and nutritious food in cooking groups, to share in camp maintenance chores, to develop wilderness fi rst-aid skills, and to become adept at tying the essential knots that will be needed for glacier rope teams and successful crevasse investigations. For many years, JIRP students have marched in synchronized rope teams in the annual Juneau Fourth of July Parade, distributing Mendenhall Glacier ice to the locals and forming one of the pro-gram’s important links with the Juneau community. This commu-nity service activity also aids JIRP students in the development of the teamwork skills and logistical planning that will be needed later in the summer as they travel across glaciers in small fi eld parties over crevassed terrain.

Landscape Traverses and Spatial Thinking

The fi rst week of the program provides JIRP faculty and staff with the opportunities to assess JIRP students’ physical and mental abilities. This facilitates the selections of viable fi eld travel groups for overall team strength and skill set diver-sity. After this fi rst round of intensive and initial training, JIRP students detach from Juneau’s hydropowered electrical system and ascend 1200 m from sea level to Camp 17, the nearest icefi eld camp to Alaska’s capital city. To access the fi rst JIRP camp, students, guided by experienced JIRP staffers, climb steep slopes vegetated by devils club, spruce, and hemlock,

Figure 3. Matt Beedle (JIRP [Juneau Icefi eld Research Program], 1995) atop Taku B (1461 m) east of Taku Glacier Camp 10. View is westward showing Taku Towers in background. This peak is the focus of an annual JIRP program hike to look at Neoglacial moraine loca-tions, Last Glacial Maximum striations, the Juneau Icefi eld Peaks, and for JIRP students to practice their “plunge step” descent back to camp (photo by Alf Pinchak).

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Year Student University Major 1 2008 Nicholas Chamberlin Appalachia State University Environmental Geology 2 2008 William Honsaker University of Cincinnati Geology 3 2008 Benjamin Kraemer Lawrence University Environmental Studies/Biochemistry 4 2008 James Menking Tulane University Geology/Spanish/Latin American

Studies 5 2008 Wilson Salls Vassar College Earth Science 6 2007 Seth Campell University of Maine Earth Sciences 7 2007 Corinne Griffing University of Nevada Geoscience 8 2007 Ruth Heindel Brown University Geology-Biology 9 2007 Marie McLane Smith College Geology 10 2007 Megan O’Sadnick Wheaton College Physics/Minor Astronomy 11 2007 Brooks Prather Central Washington U.* Geology 12 2006 Peter Flynn U. of Alaska Southeast Environmental Science 13 2006 Lauren Adrian Whitman College Geology 14 2006 Alana Wilson University of North Carolina Environmental Science 15 2006 Xavier Bruehler Western Washington U. Environmental Geology 16 2006 Dan Sturgis University of Idaho Geology 17 2005 Linnea Koons Cornell University Science of Earth Systems 18 2005 Orion Lakota Stanford University Geology 19 2005 Janelle Mueller Portland State University Geology/Earth Science 20 2005 Mathew Nelson U. of Alaska Southeast Environmental Science 21 2005 Nathan Turpen University of Washington Earth and Space Science 22 2004 Evan Burgess University of Colorado Boulder Physical Geography/GIS† 23 2004 Keith Laslowski Brown University Geology/Geomorphology 24 2004 Erin Wharton University of Washington Earth/Space Sciences 25 2004 Kate Harris University of North Carolina Geology and Biology 26 2004 Aaron Mordecai University of Utah Glaciology 27 2003 Lisa Chaiet University of Idaho Geoscience/Environmental Science 28 2003 Emilie Chatelain University of San Diego Environmental Science/Physical

Geology/Geography 29 2003 William Naisbitt University of Utah PhysGeog/Geomorph/Remote

Sensing/GIS 30 2003 Andrew Thorpe Brown University Geology 31 2003 Heather Whitney Colorado State University Chemistry 32 2002 Ari Berland Pomona College, California Geology 33 2002 Liam Cover U. of Alaska Southeast Environmental Science 34 2002 Ryan Cross U. of Alaska Fairbanks Geology35 2002 Anna Henderson Brown University Geology 36 2001 Eleanor Boyce Colby College, Maine Geology 37 2001 Chris Kratt Plymouth State College Physics and Geology 38 2001 Evan Mankoff SUNY§ Oneonta, New York Geology/Geomorphology 39 2001 Colby Smith University of Maine Geology/Geomorphology 40 2001 Haley Wright U. of California Santa Cruz Geology/Environmental Science 41 2000 Michael Bradway University of Idaho Geology 42 2000 Danielle Kitover Alaska Pacific University Environmental Science 43 2000 Brady Phillips Oregon State University Environmental Science 44 2000 Jeanna Probala Western Washington U. Geology 45 1999 Matthew Beedle Montana State University Physical Geography 46 1999 Julian Deiss U. of Alaska Southeast Environmental Science 47 1999 Hiram Henry Western Washington U. Geology48 1999 Kevin Stitzinger U. of British Columbia Geography 49 1998 April Graves U. of Alaska Southeast Environmental Science 50 1998 Hiram Henry Western Washington U. Geology 51 1998 David Potere Harvard University Geology 52 1998 Joan Ramage Cornell University Geology 53 1997 Matthew Beedle Montana State University Earth Science 54 1997 Joan Ramage Cornell University Geology 55 1996 Adam Hopson Wesleyan College Environmental Science 56 1996 Johanna Nelson Stanford University Earth Systems Science 57 1996 Shad O’Neel University of Montana Geology 58 1996 Brett Vanden Heuval Hope College Geology 59 1996 Erin Whitney Williams College Chemistry/Geophysics Note: This table provides a snapshot of the diversity of U.S. institutions that have sent their students to the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP). Participation by international JIRP students from Canada, the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and South America is not reflected in this table, since non-U.S. citizens do not qualify for NASA Space Grant scholarships. *U.—University †GIS—global information system §SUNY—State University of New York

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transitioning through tree line into alpine elevations covered by mosses and heath family shrubs. Students end this fi rst ascent with a fi nal climb up the Ptarmigan Glacier (Fig. 2), walking directly on the fi rnpack, which still covers the lower glacier ice in the early summer. This vertical traverse develops students’ observational skills and begins to familiarize them with the effects of elevation on synoptic weather patterns and surface hydrologic processes. Important weather and climate concepts such as insolation, albedo, sensible and latent heat transfer, and land surface radiation in high mountain environments begin to make sense during this initial climb up onto the icefi eld.

Adjacent to the northeastern Pacifi c, the Juneau area receives frequent storms generated by the Aleutian Low. JIRP students quickly make the connection between the high rates of precipitation and the location of Alaska’s temperate glacier systems along this southeastern mountainous coast. The JIRP camps provide crucial shelter for learning and working in this wet glaciated environment and facilitate safe access to and from the glaciers’ surfaces. Climbing up and down the icefi eld nuna-taks, students begin to make the links between longer-term cli-mate and landscape development over geologic time scales that are relatively recent (Herbert, 2006). This physically challeng-ing introduction to the rain forest and alpine glacier systems lingers for a lifetime in JIRP student memories and provides them with important ground-truth experiences for the informa-tion they have received earlier in discipline-specifi c lectures (Huntoon et al., 2001).

Students move onto and off of the glacier surfaces from these bedrock glacial refugia. They soon are adept at camp life, can self-arrest with their ice axes on steep, ice-covered slopes, and are able to rescue their colleagues from crevasses. They are skill-ful at running diesel generators, ColemanTM lanterns, gas cooking stoves, creating walk-in freezers in snow banks, and safely load-ing and unloading helicopters. Students are also trained in the daily collection of meteorological data at each camp. These data are used to complement long-term temperature records collected by a network of temperature sensors and data loggers located across the icefi eld (Pelto et al., 2008).

Icefi eld camps are strategically located about one day’s travel apart. This requires development or refi nement of student skills in skiing with heavy packs, map and global positioning system (GPS) navigation, cold wet weather survival, and the identifi ca-tion of crevasse types. After much glacier and camp safety train-ing, students are assessed as “ice-safe” by ever-watchful JIRP staff safety trainers. They are next able to begin glacier mass-balance data collection through the digging of surface snow pits. Snow stratigraphy, structure, and density are measured in snow-pit profi les at a network of annually studied sites. Through these glacier surface activities, JIRP students become adapted to life in this environment. They learn to ski safely across glacier surfaces and navigate in bad weather. These activities are a prelude to longer-distance, multiday glacier travel across the Lemon Creek, Taku, and Llewellyn Glaciers, which rise up to 1980 m in their uppermost snowfi elds (Fig. 2).


The location of JIRP camps on emergent bedrock ridges pro-vides students with the opportunities to also study the glacially polished exposures of the Yukon-Tanana and Stikine terranes, the Sloko volcanics, and the plutonic rocks of the Coast Range batholith. Many interesting geologic structures and petrologic and mineral assemblages can be easily observed on these Juneau Icefi eld nunataks. JIRP students can compare their observations with other geologic regions they have familiarity with. These iso-lated bedrock exposures surrounded by glacier ice, also provide JIRP faculty with many outcrop-scale, fi eld mapping exercise opportunities. Students evolve their spatial analysis and mapping skills as they interpret the forces that have formed and exposed local geologic structures. This understanding links them with the published tectonic interpretations for the region (Ernst, 2006). As JIRP students create outcrop-scale geologic maps, they also develop insights into the linkages between orogenic continental margin development as recorded in the bedrock and the forces that have sculpted the landscape surfaces under the infl uence of changing climate (Anders et al., 2008). The uplift and intense deformation of the region is mirrored in the near real-time forma-tion of extensional and compressional crevasses in the glaciers. Fast-fl owing, warm glaciers are noisy as they actively deform with ice fl ow. Their brittle upper surfaces contrast with their plas-tically deformed, sheared, and folded basal ice and provide an important rheological contrast. Students can observe these ice deformation features and understand the stresses that formed them. Higher-order thinking allows them to apply this glacier ice deformation knowledge to observed bedrock structures that locally have recorded plastic deformation structures such as the ptygmatic folds of deeply exhumed Yukon-Tanana terrane gneisses that underlie the western regions of the icefi eld (Kastens and Ishikawa, 2006).

Developing Authentic Student Research Projects

With its focus on earth systems science education, especially with respect to climate, the JIRP summer program has welcomed many U.S. and international university faculty and researchers from a wide range of disciplines, as well as in-service secondary science educators. Faculty participants overlap their tenure on the icefi eld, moving by helicopter on and off the ice throughout the 8 wk fi eld program. They provide basic information to JIRP stu-dents through in-camp lectures and also through the guided col-lection of data and its interpretation. JIRP faculty cumulatively expose students to published research data in glacier mass bal-ance, ice physics and ice velocity, ice thickness, nunatak struc-tural geology, fi rnpack and supraglacier stream hydrology, alpine meteorology, nunatak botany, and fi rnpack ecology over the course of their 8 wk summer experience. They often give evening programs about their own current research.

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Students keep lecture and fi eld notes in waterproof Rite in the RainTM notebooks for permanent and portable records of their daily observations and experiences. These durable archives are also used for student research project data, gear lists, and other pertinent information. Students can later refer to their camp lec-ture notes as they review for their comprehensive fi nal exam given during the fall semester following their JIRP summer fi eld experience. This discipline-specifi c information, coupled with their fi eld observations, helps to prime JIRP student thinking and guides the development of modest, short-time-scale research projects. Students also evolve data collection plans and identify appropriate analytical methods for data reduction with help from the resources of the JIRP camp libraries. Field project logistics are organized by JIRP staff around each student’s geographic requirements. Once research plans are developed, students are subdivided into synergistic research groups. Students assemble their fi nal research abstracts and reports on laptops at Camp 18 prior to the fi nal descent of and departure from Llewellyn Glacier at the end of the program (Fig. 1).

To complete their JIRP fi eld experience, students leave Camp 18 and traverse across the high ice plateau region that forms the Alaska–British Columbia border (Sprenke et al., 1999). This segment of the Continental Divide forms the headwater bound-ary of the 847,642 km2 Yukon River watershed and separates the south-fl owing Taku Glacier system from the north-fl owing Llewellyn Glacier. JIRP students ski northward up the Taku and Matthes Glaciers and cross the International Border, following the Llewellyn Glacier’s north-directed meltwater into Lake Atlin, British Columbia (Fig. 2). Students leave the fi rnpack on the upper Lewelleyn Glacier and hike using crampons over the blue bubbly Llewellyn Glacier ice to Camp 26 (Fig. 2). They continue descending down the glacier, exit onto the southern shoreline of Lake Atlin, and cross the 133 km lake by boat, returning to civilization in Atlin, British Columbia (population 400). In Atlin, JIRP students refi ne their project results and present their work in a specially convened annual JIRP Science Symposium for local Atlin residents and visitors alike.

At the end of their JIRP summer experience, the students are generally transformed individuals. They have gained great confi dence and maturity from their research experiences, from their enhanced capabilities in remote-site fi eld logistics and gla-cier survival, and, most importantly, from the cohort bonding resulting from their shared understanding of the processes oper-ating in this wild, sometimes dangerous, glaciated environment. Such experiences early in an undergraduate’s education can often change a student’s way of thinking about their long-term interests and may redirect their career paths.


Adding Value to the Climate Research Community

Spanning the 50 yr between the International Geophysi-cal Year (IGY) 1957–1958 through the International Polar Year

(IPY) 2007–2009, JIRP faculty and their students have expanded their research area footprint beyond the Juneau Icefi eld to other Alaskan glaciers, as well as glaciers in the Canadian Arctic, the European Alps, Asia, South America, Greenland, and Antarc-tica. The long duration of the program has created an extensive network of student and faculty alumni, including internationally known glaciologists, climatologists, geophysicists, geologists, physical geographers, mineralogists, palynologists, physicians, barristers, economists, photographers, educators, and politicians who have published a cornucopia of information related to the Juneau Icefi eld region and other Alaskan glaciers (see bold-faced author names in the References Cited section). This ever-grow-ing knowledge base provides an important starting point for each summer’s incoming JIRP students.

JIRP student observations over the past 60 yr across the Juneau Icefi eld have documented (1) a rise in the minimum winter temperatures over the past 20 yr on the source névés, 1–3.8 °C above temperatures recorded 30–50 yr ago, (2) a rise in the elevation of the icefi eld’s regional freezing level, resulting in a substantial increase in snowfall on the higher névés, and (3) the marked thinning and retreat of several low-elevation distributary glaciers (Lemon Creek, Mendenhall, Herbert, Eagle, Norris) rel-ative to the continued and even accelerated advance of the Taku Glacier, with its high elevation source area and currently shoaled tidewater status (Pelto et al., 2008). Over the past 30 yr, mass-bal-ance studies utilizing JIRP student data in the Llewellyn Glacier region have documented a rise in minimum average temperature from −30 °C to −10 °C (Miller and Molnia, 2006).

JIRP Student Scholarship and Career Pathways

Table 2 provides a summary of the scholarship that devel-ops out of JIRP summer research. JIRP student projects have ranged from structural maps of the bedrock, petrography, and mineralization of Taku Glacier nunataks (Abrams et al., 1990, USF senior thesis) to studies of the valley geomorphology of the glacially carved Gilkey trench (Fig. 2). Students have pro-vided ground-truth data for remote-sensing imagery by exam-ining the relationships among snowpack, surface geochemis-try, and synoptic weather patterns (Ramage and Isacks, 2003). They have charted the changing distribution of nunatak fl ora and fauna with warming climate (Bass, 2007, Ph.D. thesis, Uni-versity of Georgia) and identifi ed the cryobiologic elements liv-ing in the fi rn pack atop glacier ice. JIRP students have dug countless snow pits to measure the mass balance of the Lemon Creek and Taku Glaciers and skied many hundreds of kilome-ters implementing global positioning system (GPS) surveys


Senior/honor’s thesis

Master’s thesis

Ph.D. thesis

Peer-reviewed paper authors (1995–2008)

35 41 25 21+

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to determine glacier surface ice velocities (Pelto et al., 2008). JIRP student glacier-hydrologists have calculated discharge of supraglacial streams and fi rn packs and studied the annual ogives at the base of the Vaughn Lewis Icefall (Henry, 2006, M.S. thesis, Portland State University, Oregon, PSU). JIRP alumni have adapted seismological tools to identify avalanches and crevassing events and have determined the great ice thick-ness of the Taku Glacier above its underlying bedrock (Nolan et al., 1995). Student project results are fi rst presented to their peers and interested citizens of Atlin, British Columbia, at the end of the summer program. Student reports are archived as open-fi le reports of the Glaciological and Arctic Sciences Insti-tute, University Idaho, and stored in JIRP camp libraries and in the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) Egan Library. Some of this student work has been further developed into abstracts and presented at Geological Society of America (GSA), Ameri-can Geophysical Union (AGU), and International Glaciological Society (IGS) meetings in poster and oral formats. Some work has evolved further into journal articles and has been published in peer-reviewed publications (Table 2). Some examples of recent JIRP student publications are cited in the references sec-tion (Molnia, 2008; Cross, 2007; Deiss et al., 2004; Hocker et al., 2003; Currie et al., 1996; Nolan et al., 1995).

JIRP student alumni can be found carrying out research on Arctic sea ice or Alaskan, Antarctic, and Greenlandic glaciers; working for mineral exploration companies; practicing environ-mental law; carrying out oceanographic research; working over-seas in the U.S. Peace Corps; employed by the National Weather Service; guiding the Mars Rover projects; working on programs in geodynamic research (Kaufman et al., 2006); working for government resource agencies or in the National Parks; interpret-ing satellite imagery to monitor global ice loss; earning medical degrees and practicing medicine; teaching the next generations as college and university earth science faculty (Copland et al., 2003); and working in high schools as science teachers. The value of this research-based fi eld experiences is evident in the accomplishments of its alumni and has been widely documented for other fi eld-camp experiences (Huntoon et al., 2001). Since the program’s inception, ~1300 students, faculty, and staff appear on the participants’ lists. Many of those listed have returned for additional JIRP summers, raising the sum of annual participants to ~2500 (Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research, 1997; unpublished JIRP participant lists 1994–2008).

Long-Term Value of the JIRP Field Experience: Six Alumni Case Studies

From 1996 to 2008, the University Alaska Southeast, through the Alaska Space Grant Program, has provided scholar-ships to partially support 59 JIRP students through their 8 wk JIRP summer (Table 1; Fig. 3). Six of these awardees are profi led here as they continued their Juneau Icefi eld studies into related graduate studies. The synopses serve as longitudinal surveys with which to track the long-term value of the JIRP experience.

Matt Beedle: JIRP (1995)–Doctoral Candidate (2008)

Juneau Douglas High School graduate and Alaskan Matt Beedle completed his fi rst JIRP summer in 1995 while still a high school student (Fig. 3). As an undergraduate at Montana State University, he returned to the program as a JIRP staff member in various forms in 1997 and 1999. He received his B.S. in earth science in 2000. He returned to JIRP during the summers of 2003, 2004, and 2005, working as a Manager of Field and Safety Oper-ations and leading the mass-balance data collection effort. Matt began a master’s program in geography at University of Colorado (CU)–Boulder in 2004, working as a research assistant with the National Snow and Ice data center in the Glacier Land Ice Mea-surement from Space (GLIMS) program. Portions of his work included identifi cation of the boundaries of southeast Alaskan glaciers from satellite imagery. Beedle’s M.A. thesis focused on the relations between the Lemon Creek and Taku mass-balance records and North Pacifi c climate variability (Beedle et al., 2005; Pelto et al., 2005). Beedle received his M.A. in geography in 2005 from CU along with a Graduate Certifi cate in Environment, Policy and Society. He also completed a project on Alaska’s Bering Gla-cier (Beedle et al., 2008; Raup et al., 2007). Beedle is presently a doctoral student in natural resources and environmental studies at the University of Northern British Columbia. He is working with Brian Menounos and Roger Wheate on measurements of volume change of British Columbia glaciers and their relationships with climate as part of the Western Canadian Cryospheric Network. Matt is a member of the Alaska–Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) community and provides data updates on the St. Elias, Glacier Bay, Juneau, and Stikine Icefi elds.

Shad O’Neel: JIRP (1996)–Research Glaciologist (2008)

Shad O’Neel (Fig. 4B) participated in the 1996 JIRP during the summer preceding his senior year in the Geology Department of University Montana (UM), from which he received a B.A. in envi-ronmental geology in 1997. Like many JIRP students, Shad had previous mountaineering and glacier travel experience in Alaska before joining the JIRP program. Such skills are very useful as trail parties move from camp to camp. Groups of 10–12 JIRP students, staff, and faculty make their way across the Lemon Creek, Taku, and Llewellyn Glaciers carrying their own food and sleeping in tent camps directly on the fi rn pack. Following graduation from UM, Shad began graduate work at the University Alaska–Fairbanks, under Professors Keith Echelmeyer (JIRP faculty 1974), Will Har-rison, and Juneau-based Roman Motyka, in the Glaciology Group at the Geophysical Institute. He received his M.S. in 2000. Initially collecting data on Juneau’s Mendenhall Glacier (Motyka et al., 2002), O’Neel’s master’s research migrated to a study of tidewater glacier calving retreat at North America’s southernmost tidewater glacier (LeConte Glacier) near Petersburg, Alaska (O’Neel et al., 2001; 2003; Connor, 1999). He next worked as a geodetic engi-neer with University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO), assist-ing in NSF-funded glacier research projects in Antarctica, Alaska,

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and Iceland. O’Neel began his doctoral work at the University of Colorado–Boulder under Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Professor Tad Pfeffer, returning to work on Alaskan tidewater glacier calving retreat dynamics, this time at the Colum-bia Glacier in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Shad’s JIRP training paid off when, from 2004 to 2005, he was in charge of fi eld logis-tics for the Columbia Glacier seismic project, including schedul-ing helicopter, organizing all personnel, supplies, and instrumenta-tion, including a blasting campaign. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 and has published his Columbia Glacier research, as well as other work, including seismic studies on the Bering Glacier (O’Neel et al., 2005, 2007; Anderson et al., 2004; Harper et al., 2006; Meier et al., 2007; Pfeffer et al., 2008). He completed two postdoctoral research fellowships at University of Alaska–Fairbanks and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University California–San Diego. He is cur-rently employed as a research geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center in Anchorage, where he works on glacier-climate interactions and sea-level rise. Shad is also affi li-ated with the Glaciological Group at the Geophysical Institute at University Alaska–Fairbanks.

Erin Whitney: JIRP (1996)–Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2008)

A graduate of Service High School in Anchorage, Alaskan Erin Whitney (Fig. 5A) fi rst participated in JIRP in 1996 while an undergraduate at Williams College. Interested in chemistry as an undergraduate, she later worked as a researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory, completed her M.S. at University Colorado–Boulder in 1999, and returned to JIRP as a staff member in 2004. She continued her graduate work in Boulder and earned her Ph.D. in 2006 in physical chemistry under Dr. David Nesbitt. She was initially interested in studying the chemical processes occurring above the icefi eld and in the upper atmosphere. For her doctoral research, she used high-resolution infrared spectroscopy to study the structures of slit jet-cooled gas-phase halogenated methyl radi-cals, as well as quantum state-resolved reaction dynamics in atom + polyatom systems (Whitney et al., 2005, 2006). Now employed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Whitney’s research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of novel nanostruc-tured materials for the storage of hydrogen in next-generation automobiles, as well as the development of new electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. This work will lead to solutions to our global fossil-fuel dependency and its consequences.

Joan Ramage Macdonald: JIRP (1997–1998)–University Professor (2008)

Joan Ramage (Fig. 5B) began her interaction with JIRP in 1997, at the beginning of her doctoral research at Cornell Uni-versity under geology department professor Bryan Isacks. At that time, she had already earned a B.S. in geology from Carleton College (1993) and an M.S. from Pennsylvania State University

(1995). In her second JIRP fi eld season in 1998, she guided 16 other students, staff, and faculty through delineation of the 1998 glacier ablation surface characteristic to provide ground truth for glacier zones detected from Synthetic Aperature Radar imagery of the icefi eld. She and her team recorded many measurements

Figure 4. (A) 2008 Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP) student and NASA Alaska Space Grant Awardee Nicholas Chamberlain of Appalachia State University pictured at the Herbert Glacier terminus (photo by Connor). (B) JIRP 1996 student Shad O’Neel deploys an ice velocity survey tetrad on LeConte Glacier near Petersburg, Alaska, in 1999 (photo by Connor).

Figure 5. (A) 1996 Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP) student Erin Whitney poses in front of the JIRP program’s fi rst Camp 17 building, the 1954-vintage Jamesway, before skiing about 25 miles from Lemon Creek Glacier to Taku Glacier’s Camp 10 in typical temperate coastal rainforest weather (photo by Connor). (B) Joan Ramage Macdonald on the Taku Glacier circa 1998 (courtesy of Joan Ramage Macdonald).

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of wetness, roughness, grain size, and meteorological observa-tions of the snowpack as it metamorphosed and roughened over the summer season. She earned her Ph.D. from Cornell in 2001 using these microwave observations of Juneau Icefi eld glaciers to study its snow and glacier melt characteristics (Ramage et al., 2000; Ramage and Isacks, 2002, 2003). Joan has held faculty positions at Union College, New York, Creighton University, Nebraska, and Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, where she is presently an assistant professor in the Earth and Environmental Science Department. She teaches courses in remote sensing, and her research interests have taken her beyond the Juneau Icefi eld into the Yukon Territory, Canada, the loess hills of Nebraska, and the Peruvian Andes and the Patagonian Icefi elds of South Amer-ica. Most of her research centers on observation of spatial and temporal variability of seasonal snowpacks and past and present mountain glaciers.

Hiram Henry: JIRP (1999)–Geo-Environmental Engineer (2008)

Juneau Douglas High School 1992 graduate, Alaskan Hiram Henry (Fig. 6A) received his B.S. in geology from West-ern Washington University. During his fi rst summer with JIRP in 1999, his research project involved descending 300 m down the bedrock cleaver below Camp 18 onto the Gilkey Glacier (Fig. 2), where he measured diurnal fl ow stage relationships in its supraglacial streams. Hiram returned to JIRP in the sum-mers of 2000 and 2001 as a senior staff member and teach-ing assistant. During the winter of 2000, he worked in Antarc-tica. In 2004, he began a graduate program in glacier hydrology and engineering at Portland State University in Oregon under Christine Hulbe (JIRP student in 1989). He fi nished his study of fi rn pack hydrology and meltwater production (Henry, 2006)

and earned two degrees in geology and civil engineering from Portland State University, Oregon, in 2007. Henry worked for Golder Associates, an international environmental and ground engineering company, in Anchorage, Alaska. His fi rm recently worked on a study for the Alaska Department of Transportation. Hiram helped to delineate the geologic hazards along a pro-posed Juneau access road corridor in northeastern Lynn Canal, bordering the western edge of the Juneau Icefi eld (Golder Asso-ciates, 2006). Henry has since returned to Juneau to work on bridge engineering with the Alaska State Department of Trans-portation and Public Facilities.

Eleanor Boyce: JIRP (2001)–Geodetic Project Engineer (2008)

Alaskan Eleanor Boyce, a graduate of Haines High School at the northwestern end of Lynn Canal and the Juneau Icefi eld, participated in JIRP in 2001 while an undergraduate at Colby College in Maine. For her JIRP summer project, she looked at strain rates in the wave-bulge (ogive) zone of the Vaughan Lewis Glacier, a tributary of the Gilkey Glacier. She received her B.S. in geology in 2003. She began her graduate work at University Alaska–Fairbanks under Roman Motyka, Martin Truffer, and Keith Echelmeyer of the Geophysical Institute’s Glaciology Group. Working with University Alaska Southeast environmental science student undergraduates in 2004, she carried out a study of fl otation and terminus retreat of the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau (Boyce et al., 2007). Since completing her M.S. in geo-physics, she has worked as a UNAVCO project engineer on the Plate Boundary Observation (PBO) Nucleus project, facilitating geodetic research across western North America and the Afar Triangle through maintenance of high precision GPS networks (Boyce appears in Fig. 6B; Blume et al., 2007).


The JIRP summer fi eld program places students directly into a dynamic glacial environment and gives them the tools to observe and understand local ice and landscape processes and discover the linkage with the global cryosphere. The 8 wk length of the program allows time for a pedagogy that blends faculty instruction and mentoring with student fi eld studies and authentic research in the context of a challenging wilderness glacier expe-dition. The success of the program can be partially measured by the scholarly work of its alumni and by their career pathways.


The extraordinary efforts of Maynard M. Miller, Joan W. Miller, Ross Miller, and Lance Miller have put students on ice for more than 50 yr and provided the spark for generations of climate research scientists. Without them, this paper would not be possi-ble. Thanks also go to Dave Mogk and Steve Whitmeyer for orga-nizing this valuable Geological Society of America Special Paper.

Figure 6. (A) Juneau Icefi eld Research Program (JIRP) 1999 student Hiram Henry returns to the program in 2000 as a staffer (photo by Connor). (B) JIRP 2001 student Ellie Boyce surveys U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey monuments for uplift measurements in Glacier Bay National Park circa 2004 (photo by Roman Motyka).

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(JIRP faculty and student alumni authors are given in bold type.)

Abrams, R.H., Miller, M.M., Leadbeater, J.M., and Vrooman, A., 1990, Petrogenesis of Migmatite Complex on Vantage Peak Nunatak, Juneau Icefi eld, Alaska: San Francisco, Glaciological and Arctic Sciences Insti-tute, University of Idaho, Open-File Report 1990 (Abrams’ senior thesis: University of San Francisco).

Adema, G.W., Sprenke, K.F., and Miller, M.M., 1997, Inferred bed mor-phology from seismic depth profi les of the Taku Glacier, Juneau Icefi eld, Alaska: Program with Abstracts: Eos (Transactions, American Geophysi-cal Union) v. 98, abstract H31A-27.

Anders, A.M., Roe, G.H., Montgomery, D.R., and Hallet, B., 2008, Infl uence of precipitation phase on the form of mountain ranges: Geology, v. 36, no. 6, p. 479–482, doi: 10.1130/G24821A.1.

Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S.P., and MacGregor, K.R., O’Neel, S., Riihi-maki, C.A., Waddington, E.D., and Loso, M.G., 2004, Strong feedbacks between hydrology and sliding of a small alpine glacier: Journal of Geo-physical Research–Earth Surface, v. 109, p. F03005.

Arendt, A.A., Echelmeyer, K.A., Harrison, W.D., Lingle, C.S., and Valentine, V.B., 2002, Rapid wastage of Alaska glaciers and their contribution to ris-ing sea level: Science, v. 297, p. 382–386, doi: 10.1126/science.1072497.

Bass, P., 2007, Nunataks and Island Biogeography in the Alaska-Canada Bound-ary Range: An Investigation of the Flora and Its Implications for Climate Change [Ph.D. thesis]: Athens, Georgia, University of Georgia, 225 p.

Beedle, M.J., Pelto, M.S., and Miller, M.M., 2005, Drivers of glacier mass balance in southeast Alaska in the second half of the 20th century, in Climate and Cryosphere (Clic) First Science Conference Program with Abstracts, 11–15 April 2005: Beijing.

Beedle, M.J., Dyurgerov, M., Tangborn, W., Khalsa, S.J.S., Helm, B., Raup, R., Armstrong, R., and Barry, R.G., 2008, Improving estimation of glacier volume change: A GLIMS study of Bering Glacier system, Alaska: The Crysosphere, v. 2, p. 33–51.

Blume, F., Meertens, C., Anderson, G., Erikson, S., and Boyce, E.S., 2007, PBO Nucleus Project status: Integration of 209 existing GPS stations in the Plate Boundary Observatory, in Southern California Earthquake Cen-ter Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts, September 9–12, 2007: Palm Springs, California.

Bowen, W., 2005, Alaska Panoramic Map Atlas: (accessed 2005).

Boyce, E.S., Motyka, R.J., and Truffer, M., 2007, Flotation and retreat of lake-calving terminus, Mendenhall Glacier, southeast Alaska, USA: Journal of Glaciology, v. 53, p. 211–224, doi: 10.3189/172756507782202928.

Connor, C.L., 1999, LeConte: A Tidewater Glacier in Calving Retreat: Juneau, University Alaska Southeast Media Services, 11 min DVD, (http://www.uas.alaska.edu/media/productions/index.htm?collection=Miscellaneous).

Connor, C.L., and Prakash, A., 2008, Experiential discoveries in geosci-ence education: The EDGE program: Journal of Geoscience Education, National Association of Geoscience Teachers, v. 56, no. 2, p. 179–186, www.edge.alaska.edu.

Connor, C.L., Streveler, G., Post, A., Monteith, D., and Howell, W., 2009, The neoglacial landscape and human history of Glacier Bay, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, southeast Alaska, USA: The Holocene, v. 19, no. 3, p. 381–393, doi: 10.1177/0959683608101389.

Cooper, W.S., 1937, The problem of Glacier Bay, Alaska: Geographical Review, v. 27, p. 37–62, doi: 10.2307/209660.

Copland, L., Sharp, M., and Dowdeswell, J., 2003, The distribution and fl ow characteristics of surge-type glaciers in the Canadian High Arctic: Annals of Glaciology, v. 36, p. 73–81, doi: 10.3189/172756403781816301.

Cross, R.S., 2007, GPS-Based Tectonic Analysis of the Aleutian Arc and Ber-ing Plate [M.S. thesis]: Fairbanks, University of Alaska–Fairbanks, 100 p.

Currie, L.D., Carter, D.T., Cooper, J., Gunter, M.E., and Connor, C.L., 1996, Geology of the northeastern end of the Juneau Icefi eld Research Program Camp 26 nunatak, northwestern British Columbia: Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1996-E, p. 77–86.

Deiss, J., Clover, D., D’Amore, D., Love, A., Menzies, M., Powell, J., and Walter, M.T., 2004. Transport of lead and diesel fuel through a peat soil near Juneau, AK: A pilot study: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 74, p. 1–18.

Emerson, R.W., 1837, American Scholar: From Addresses Published as Part of Nature: Addresses and Lectures, An Oration Delivered before the

Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, 31 August 1837: http://www.emersoncentral.com/amscholar.htm (accessed 1 October 2009).

Ernst, W.G., 2006, Geologic mapping—Where the rubber hits the road, in Manduca, C.A., and Mogk, D.W., eds., Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth: Geological Society of America Special Paper 413, p. 13–28.

Field, W.O., 1947, Glacier recession in Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay, Alaska: Geo-graphical Review, v. 37, p. 369–399, doi: 10.2307/211127.

Field, W.O., and Miller, M.M., 1950, The Juneau Ice Field Research Project: Geographical Review, v. 40, p. 179–190, doi: 10.2307/211279.

Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research, 1997, 50th Anniver-sary Directory of Participants 1946–1996, The Juneau Icefi eld Research Program: Seattle, Washington, Foundation for Glacier Research and the Glaciological and Arctic Sciences Institute, University of Idaho, 88 p.

Golder Associates, 2006, Lynn Canal Highway Phase I, Zone 4 Geotechnical Investigation State Project Number: 71100 Final Report: Juneau Access Road for Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Southeast Region: Anchorage, Alaska, Golder Associates, 361 p., www.golder.com.

Harper, J.T., Humphrey, N.F., Pfeffer, W.T., Fudge, T., and O’Neel, S., 2006, Seasonal evolution of subglacial water pressure: Annals of Glaciology, v. 24, no. 6, doi: wiley.com/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00079.x.

Henry, H., 2006, A study of the role of fi rn in the melt season hydrology of tem-perate glaciers [M.S. thesis]: Portland, Portland State University.

Henry, H.M., and Hulbe, C., 2005, The role of fi rn pack in melt season drain-age from temperate glaciers: Eos (Transactions, American Geophysical Union), v. 86, p. 52.

Herbert, B.E., 2006, Student understanding of complex earth systems, in Man-duca, C.A., and Mogk, D.W., eds., Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth: Geological Society of America Special Paper 413, p. 95–104.

Heusser, C., 2007, Juneau Icefi eld Research Project (1949–1958): A retrospec-tive, in Van der Meer, J.J.M., ed., Developments in Quaternary Science 8: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Elsevier Press, 232 p.

Hocker, C., Schwarz, T., and Carstensen, R., 2003, The Streamwalker’s Com-panion: Juneau, Alaska, Discovery Southeast, 60 p.

Huntoon, J.E., Bluth, G.J.S., and Kennedy, W., 2001, Measuring the effects of research-based fi eld experiences on undergraduates and K–12 teachers: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 49, no. 3, p. 235–248.

Kastens, K., and Ishikawa, T., 2006, Spatial thinking in the geosciences and cognitive sciences: A cross-disciplinary look at the intersection of the two fi elds, in Manduca, C.A., and Mogk, D.W., eds., Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth: Geological Society of America Special Paper 413, p. 53–76.

Kaufman, A.M., Freymueller, J.T., Miura, S., Cross, R.S., Sato, T., Sun, W., and Fujimoto, H., 2006, ISEA (International Geodetic Project in Southeastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat. 2: Establishment of continuous GPS sites (CGPS): Eos (Transactions, American Geophysical Union), v. 87, p. 52.

Larsen, C.F., Motyka, R.J., Freymuller, K.A., and Ivins, E.R., 2005, Rapid vis-coelastic uplift in southeast Alaska caused by post–Little Ice Age retreat: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 237, p. 548–560, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.032.

Marcus, M.F., Chambers, F., Miller, M.M., and Lang, M., 1995, Recent trends in the Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska: Physical Geography, v. 16, no. 2, p. 150–161. (Scale 1:10,000 Lemon Glacier Map by Juneau Icefi eld Research Program.)

McGee, S.R., Welsch, W., and Lang, M., 1996–2007, Geodetic Activities dur-ing Various JIRP Field Seasons (with contributions by Welsch, W., and Lang, M.): Münich, Germany, Universitat der Bundewehr (also available as Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research [FGER] Open-File Reports, http://crevassezone.org/).

Meier, M.F., Dyurgerov, M.B., Rick, U.K., O’Neel, S., Pfeffer, W.T., Ander-son, R.S., Anderson, S.P., and Glazovsky, A.F., 2007, Glaciers dominate eustatic sea-level rise in the 21st century: Science, v. 317, no. 5841, p. 1064–1067, doi: 10.1126/science.1143906.

Miller, M.M., 1947, Alaska glacier studies, 1946: American Alpine Journal, v. VI, p. 339–343.

Miller, M.M., 1950, Preliminary Report of Field Operations: The Juneau Icefi eld Research Project, 1949 Season: Offi ce of Naval Research Task Order N9, p. onr-83001.

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Miller, M.M., 1951, Englacial investigations related to core drilling on the Upper Taku Glacier, Alaska: Journal of Glaciology, v. 1, no. 10, p. 579–580.

Miller, M.M., 1954, Glaciothermal studies on the Taku Glacier southeast-ern Alaska: L’Association Internationale d’Hydrologie Publication 39, p. 309–327.

Miller, M.M., 1956–1957, Glaciological Investigations on the Juneau Icefi eld, Alaska with Special Reference to the Taku Anomaly [Ph.D. thesis]: Cam-bridge, UK, Cambridge University.

Miller, M.M., 1957, The role of diastrophism in the regimen of glaciers in the St. Elias District, Alaska: Journal of Glaciology, v. 3, p. 292–297.

Miller, M.M., 1961, A distribution study of abandoned cirques in the Alaska-Canada Boundary Range, in Raasch, G.O., ed., Geology of the Arctic: Toronto, University of Toronto Press, p. 833–847.

Miller, M.M., 1963, The Vaughan Lewis Glacier, Juneau Icefi eld, Alaska: Jour-nal of Glaciology, v. 4, p. 666–667.

Miller, M.M., 1964, Glaciology and geology of the Mount Everest region, cen-tral Nepal: Chap 16, in Ullman, J.R., ed., Americans on Everest: New York, J.D. Lippincott Co., p. 401–412.

Miller, M.M., 1976, Comments on the thermo-physical characteristics of glaciers: Toward a rational classifi cation: Journal of Glaciology, v. 16, p. 297–300.

Miller, M.M., 1977, Quaternary erosional and stratigraphic sequences in the Alaska-Canada Boundary Range, in Mahaney, W., ed., Quaternary Stra-tigraphy of North America: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 492–563.

Miller, M.M., 1985, Recent climate variations, their causes and Neogene per-spectives, in Smiley, C.J., ed., Late Cenozoic History of the Pacifi c North-west: Interdisciplinary Studies on the Clarkia Fossil Beds of Northern Idaho: San Francisco, Pacifi c Division for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 357–414.

Miller, M.M., and Field, W.O., 1951, Exploring the Juneau Ice Cap: Research Reviews, April, p. 7–15.

Miller, M.M., and Field, W.O., 1951, Exploring the Juneau Ice Cap: Offi ce of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, Report NAVEXOS P-510, p. 7–15.

Miller, M.M., and Molnia, B.F., 2006, Extreme global warming impacts on Alaskan coastal glaciers shown in long-term mass balance records from the Juneau Icefi eld: European Geosciences Union: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 8, p. 10,363.

Miller, M.M., Levanthal, J.S., and Libby, W.F., 1965, Tritium in Mt. Everest ice: Annual accumulation and climatology at great equatorial altitudes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 70, no. 16, p. 3885–3888, doi: 10.1029/JZ070i016p03885.

Miller, R.D., 1973, Gastineau Channel Formation, a Composite Glaciomarine Deposit near Juneau, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1394-C, 20 p.

Molnia, B.F., 2008, Glaciers of North America–Glaciers of Alaska, in Wil-liams, R.S., Jr., and Ferrigno, J.G., eds., Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-K, 525 p.

Motyka, R.J., O’Neel, S., Connor, C.L., and Echelmeyer, K., 2002, 20th century thinning of Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska, and its relationship to climate, lake-calving, and glacier runoff: Journal of Global and Planetary Change. v. 35, p. 93–112, http://uas.alaska.edu/envs/publications/pubs/motyka_etal.2002.pdf.

Nolan, M., Motyka, R.J., Echelmeyer, K.A., and Trabant, D.C., 1995, Ice- thickness measurements of Taku Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., and their relevance to its recent behavior: Journal of Glaciology, v. 41, no. 139, p. 541–553.

O’Neel, S., Echelmeyer, K.A., and Motyka, R.J., 2001, Short-term fl ow dynamics of a retreating tidewater glacier: LeConte Glacier, Alaska,

USA: Journal of Glaciology, v. 47, no. 159, p. 567–578, doi: 10.3189/172756501781831855.

O’Neel, S., Echelmeyer, K.A., and Motyka, R.J., 2003, Short-term variations in calving of a tidewater glacier: LeConte Glacier, Alaska: Journal of Gla-ciology, v. 49, no. 167, p. 587–598, doi: 10.3189/172756503781830430.

O’Neel, S., Pfeffer, W.T., Krimmel, R.M., and Meier, M.F., 2005, Evolving force balance at Columbia Glacier, during its rapid retreat: Journal of Geo-physical Research, v. 110, F03012, 18 p., doi: 10.1029/2005JP000292.

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