Islandora Scholar Module 7-x1.3 Islandora Camp UK Donald Moses - UPEI

The Islandora Scholar Module

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Page 2: The Islandora Scholar Module

Scholar Module Features● Integrates with Sherpa/RoMEO.● Attach PDFs to citation records.● Objects or PDF datastream of object can be embargoed

and embargoes can be managed.● CSL for citation display and citation export.● Various citation batch ingest options (RIS, EndnoteXML,

PMID, DOI, RefWorksXML).● Islandora Google Scholar module improves discovery.● Citations exposed via OAI using the Islandora OAI


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Install/Enable● https://github.com/islandora/islandora_scholar (also on

your USB stick)○ Islandora Scholar○ Bibutils, Citation Exporter, CiteProc○ Importers (DOI, PubMed, RIS, Zip, etc.), Islandora

Batch Importer○ Islandora Bibliography, Islandora Bookmark,

Islandora Google Scholar○ Islandora Scholar Embargo

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Configure● Scholar

○ admin/islandora/scholar■ Sherpa/Romeo

● http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/api.html ■ DOI Importer tab

● http://www.crossref.org/requestaccount/ ■ PDF Configuration

● CSL Styles○ admin/islandora/csl

■ https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles

● Islandora Scholar Embargo○ admin/islandora/embargo

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Citation Collection

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Adding a citation object

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Default form associated with the solution pack. Focused on recording metadata about Journal Articles. Other formats can be accommodated by creating new forms.

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Attaching a PDF to the citation

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Batch Ingest Methods

Note: DOI Import needs to be configured.

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CSL - Citation Style Language


You can add any Citation Style Language stylesheets using the CSL Styles module. Admin > Islandora > CSL Styles

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If you download a CSL, you can add it using this option in the CSL configuration.

CSL - Citation Style Language

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Embargo the whole object, or just the PDF ds.

Set a date or make the embargo indefinite.

Select an embargo date.

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Managing Embargoed Itemsadmin/islandora/embargo/list

You can also select the Embargo tab to manage it at the object instead of the repository level.

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● Identify○ http://localhost:8181/oai2?verb=Identify

● ListMetadataFormats○ http://localhost:8181/oai2?verb=ListMetadataFormats

● ListSets (list all the Islandora Collections that are harvestable)○ http://localhost:8181/oai2?verb=ListSets

● ListRecords ○ http://localhost:8181/oai2?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc

● ListRecords from a Set○ http://localhost:8181/oai2?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=ir_citationCollection

The Islandora OAI Module allows you to expose your metadata to external harvesters. To configure navigate to admin/islandora/islandora-oai and apply appropriate settings. Here are some sample commands: