With the possibility of lower fire insurance premiums for commercial properties that could boost economic development, including the Port of Port Royal property, both Beaufort and Port Royal will share a Class 2 ISO fire rating effective May 1. Working together with improved firefighter training and equipment, the Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department requested a joint ISO fire rating that could greatly benefit commercial property owners in Beaufort and Port Royal, Beaufort Fire Chief Sammy Negron said. For 15 years, Beaufort has enjoyed one of the state’s highest fire insurance ratings — an ISO 2. at can translate to annual savings on fire insurance premiums, particularly for commercial properties. Insurance companies can use the ISO rating as an indicator of a community’s ability to provide fire protection. “With our combined firefighting capability with Port Royal, with our strong water supply system and hydrants, and with our new equipment, we earned the joint ISO 2 rating for both the City of Beaufort and the Town of Port Royal,” Negron said. e rating team was in the Lowcountry in August. FIRE continued on page 3 MARDI GRAS fundraiser at the shed benefits artworks, page 10 Valentine’s Day is coming and love is in bloom at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery. e gallery is gearing up for the annual Valentine’s weekend show to open on Saturday, February 11. See story, page 21 The Island News COVERING NORTHERN BEAUFORT COUNTY WWW.YOURISLANDNEWS.COM FEBRUARY 2-8, 2012 WINE Columnist Celia Strong lives the dream in Napa. see page 23 FOOD e home chef shares recipes for Super Bowl Sunday. see page 25 PROFILE Meet business owners William and Elizabeth Dukes. see page 7 WHAT’S INSIDE? INDEX News 2-5 Profile 7 Social 8-10 Sports 11 School 12-14 Health 16-17 Arts 20-21 Food 24 Wine 25 Pets 28 Events 29 Directory 30 Classified 31 FREE celebration of love Beaufort, Port Royal earn combined and upgraded fire rating Flowers for Mother by SUMAC.

The Island News February 2, 2012

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Page 1: The Island News February 2, 2012

With the possibility of lower fire insurance premiums for commercial properties that could boost economic development, including the Port of Port Royal property, both Beaufort and Port Royal will share a Class 2 ISO fire rating effective May 1.

Working together with improved firefighter training and equipment, the Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department requested a joint ISO fire rating

that could greatly benefit commercial property owners in Beaufort and Port Royal, Beaufort Fire Chief Sammy Negron said.

For 15 years, Beaufort has enjoyed one of the state’s highest fire insurance ratings — an ISO 2. That can translate to annual savings on fire insurance premiums, particularly for commercial properties. Insurance companies can use the ISO rating as an indicator of a community’s ability to provide fire

protection. “With our combined firefighting capability with

Port Royal, with our strong water supply system and hydrants, and with our new equipment, we earned the joint ISO 2 rating for both the City of Beaufort and the Town of Port Royal,” Negron said. The rating team was in the Lowcountry in August.

FIRE continued on page 3

mardi grasfundraiser at the shed benefits artworks, page 10

Valentine’s Day is coming and love is in bloom at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery. The gallery is gearing up for the annual Valentine’s weekend show to open on Saturday, February 11. See story, page 21

The Island Newscovering northern beaufort county www.yourislandnews.com february 2-8, 2012

WiNEColumnist Celia Strong lives the dream in Napa.see page 23

FOOdThe home chef shares recipes for Super Bowl Sunday.see page 25

PrOFiLEMeet business owners William and Elizabeth Dukes.see page 7



News 2-5Profile 7Social 8-10Sports 11School 12-14Health 16-17Arts 20-21Food 24Wine 25Pets 28Events 29Directory 30Classified 31


celebration of love

Beaufort, Port Royal earn combined and upgraded fire rating

Flowers for Mother by SUMAC.

Page 2: The Island News February 2, 2012

My personal success beating dyslexia (before it was even recognized as a reading disorder) to become a college and graduate school honor student, and my two-year consulting on parent engagement in schools in Vermont, Delaware and North Carolina by no means qualify me as an expert on education. However, those experiences heightened my awareness and understanding of schools if only from anecdotal points of view.

With that disclosure, I believe that I, like many others, have been focusing on news stories about attendance zones, budget battles between County Council and the School Board, unfair state funding formulas and most recently fiscal autonomy, while we’ve ignored and failed to support dedicated hard working teachers by acknowledging many good things taking place in Beaufort County Schools and failing to help with the challenges our teachers and administrators face.

Furthermore, perhaps by pointing fingers at school officials we have excused ourselves from our civic responsibility as a necessary part of the solution.

Given my personal interest, I jump at opportunities to visit schools. Within the past several months, I visited Lady’s Island, Broad River, Shell Point, Port Royal, Beaufort Elementary and Riverview Charter Schools.

I have been overwhelmingly enthused to witness the tender care provided by teachers and aides, the sense of community among faculty and students and an engagement in serious learning.

Last month I received and accepted my first invitation to visit a high school though I have attended events at Beaufort and Battery Creek High schools over the years.

I shadowed Battery Creek High School Principal Ed Burnes. My eyes were wide open as I thought about cynical comments by some members of our community who appear to adamantly not want their sons and daughters to attend the school.

Aside from learning first hand what a principal does, I observed classes in progress, the cafeteria during lunch and small groups of students huddled experiencing the fun of give and take while collaborating on projects in the media center.

Fortunately, the timing was such that I got to meet with the school’s Senior Leadership Team which includes the class presidents and vice presidents from each grade also an impressive event.

The following are some observations which, if I am honest with myself, were pleasant surprises against the backdrop of apparent ill feelings about Beaufort Schools and particularly Battery Creek High.

The level of “adult” dialogue among student leaders, expressing their concerns, recommendations of priorities and how the principal

responded to them as young adults who take their responsibility seriously was extraordinary.

The sense of order throughout the school of over 770 students during class changes where students moved throughout the vast hallways and, by the second bell, classroom doors were closed and teachers were conducting classes to attentive and seemingly engaged and well behaved students

While I am sure my findings are no surprise to the hundreds of teachers in our schools, and perhaps some of the parents who give to the community through volunteering at their children’s schools, it was a well worthwhile morning for me and clearly a very pleasant eye opener given I had preconceived notions and have perhaps be wearing “blinders” caused by the negative atmosphere about schools in our community.

Had I been invited to shadow Dr. Durbin at Beaufort High School, I have no doubt the experience would have been similar though some of the programs may have differing focus.

My conclusions are not complicated: 1. Our schools are simply not broken. 2. They need a strong injection of

community support through OUR help and support.

If I had to diagnose the biggest challenge to “fixing” our schools, I would not focus on “shortcomings” of the hardworking teachers and their aides or those who train and oversee them.

Rather I would attend to parent absenteeism, as many parents are not preparing their children for school and failing to participate in their children’s education, leaving an almost crippling burden on the teachers and likely handicapping families and perhaps holding back or slowing down students who are better prepared because they are supported by parents who can do so.

I know I am now getting into politically charged and perhaps even politically inappropriate territory for a Mayor of a small city which formally has little if anything to do with managing our schools.

But, I also understand that — like dealing with gun toting teenagers, as

I did several months ago by helping and encouraging a newly created neighborhood group to work with those at risk for their lives — some one has to start the conversation about what WE might be able to do to help our teachers and their students.

The first place to find the answer is to look in the mirror to see what each of us can offer.

We face a very complicated reality we can no longer ignore:

As important as it may be, many parents are not able to provide the level of support others provide: an increasing number of parents are single mothers who leave for work as early as 5 a.m. and return as late as 8 p.m. leaving no time to spend with their children; during their own childhood some mothers and fathers did not learn from example positive and strong parenting; yet others do not feel adequate, because they were not formally educated, to offer what their children need; and finally, there is the reality of some parents (I would like to think this is fewer than some believe) who simply shirk the responsibility for their children and expect the rest of us to carry the burden.

We cannot change all of this overnight. But we can accept the reality and work together to compensate as children need positive support from somewhere.

Working with parents to help them understand and meet their responsibilities is a huge challenge but, no matter how much we disapprove and perhaps even resent them for not carrying their weight, we must acknowledge what is missing and develop strategies to improve student preparedness and provide aggressive and comprehensive after school support ... if we want our schools to be even better.

I do not know all of the answers, but aggressive tutoring and mentoring is one way we can compensate; volunteering to work and financially support before and after school programs like Thumbs Up, The Boys & Girls Clubs, the YMCA, the new community group called Circle of Hope Coalition and others, is a good place to start. And finally, we must encourage and reward those teachers and administrators who are already going the extra mile to close the gap between those who have strong home backgrounds and those who do not.

Perhaps it is time for us to look in the mirror and do our job as a community by finding ways to support needy students and the many parents who must become better parents so they will be better equipped to help their children when they are not at school rather than dumping large numbers of students on the teachers.

I know we can do better and there is not a better time to engage than right now!

2 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com


The Island News

DIScLAIMER: Unless otherwise credited, all content of The Island News, including articles, photos, editorial content, letters, art and advertisements, is copyrighted by The Island News and Sisters Publishing LLC, all rights reserved. The Island News encourages reader submissions via email to [email protected]. All content submitted is considered approved for publication by the owner unless otherwise stated. The Island News is designed to inform and entertain readers; all efforts for accuracy are made. The Island News provides a community forum for news, events, straight talk opinions and advertisements. The Island News reserves the right to refuse to sell advertising space, or to publish information, for any business or activity the newspaper deems inappropriate for the


DEADLInE: Friday noon for the next week’s paper.

General ManagerWilliam “Buck” [email protected]

EditorPamela Brownsteintheislandnews@ gmail.com973-885-3024

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Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling can be reached by email at [email protected].


Focusing on the good things taking place in Beaufort county schools

Are we missing the real challenge and opportunity for

improving public education in Beaufort


Page 3: The Island News February 2, 2012

Beaufort City Manager Scott Dadson said the continued high levels of firefighter training, strong cooperating between Beaufort and Port Royal, good department management and the City Council’s commitment to update the firefighting vehicles with more responsive all-purpose vehicles and pumpers all contributed to the upgraded fire rating.

Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling saluted the work behind the improved ISO 2 rating and pointed to potential economic benefits as both Beaufort and Port Royal work toward major redevelopment projects, including the Port of Port Royal project and the Boundary Street Corridor.

“The ISO rating reflects these two communities’ investment in providing effective fire prevention for its residents. Getting an ISO 2 rating for Port Royal will have a dramatic effect on the desirability of the Port property for development and, as we continue to bring redevelopment opportunities to Beaufort and the Boundary Street Corridor, the lure of lower fire insurance premiums will certainly help,” Keyserling said.

The last time Beaufort was evaluated by ISO was in 1981. In 2004, the Town of Port Royal received an ISO Class 3/9, with outlying areas having the lower, less appealing 9 rating.

The joint ISO 2 rating for Beaufort and Port Royal applies to property up to Neal Road in Beaufort and up to the Bell Bridge in Port Royal. The Burton Fire District recently underwent a similar ISO evaluation, including for areas in Beaufort and Port Royal they serve under contract.

Additional benefits of a joint ISO rating include allowing joint purchases of new equipment, saving both Port Royal and Beaufort taxpayers money. The shared equipment will serve the

shared ISO, Negron said.The ISO rating system measures

the major elements of a community’s fire-suppression system and develops a numerical grade from one, the highest, to the lowest, 10. Here’s how the review process works, according to the Insurance Services Office:

Fire alarms: 10 percent of the overall grading is based on how well the fire department receives fire alarms and dispatches its fire-fighting resources. Field representatives evaluate the communications center, the number of operators at the center and the listing of emergency numbers in the telephone book. Field representatives also look at the dispatch circuits and how the center notifies firefighters about the location of the emergency.

Engine companies: 50 percent of the overall grading is based on the number of engine companies and the amount of water a community needs to fight a fire. ISO reviews the distribution of fire companies throughout the area and checks that the fire department tests its pumps regularly and inventories each engine company’s nozzles, hoses, breathing apparatus and other equipment.

ISO also reviews the fire-company records to determine:

• Type and extent of training provided to fire-company personnel

• Number of people who participate in training

• Firefighter response to emergencies• Maintenance and testing of the fire

department’s equipment.Water supply: 40 percent of the

grading is based on the community’s water supply, specifically whether the community has sufficient water supply for firefighting beyond daily maximum consumption. During an ISO review, its team checks all components of the water supply system, including pumps, storage and filtration. They check the distribution and location of fire hydrants and the rate of water flow provided by water mains.

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 3

Fire continued from page 1

news briefschange in filing deadline for state income tax returnsThe South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) will honor the April 17th individual income tax filing deadline set by the Internal Revenue Service. Since April 15 falls on a Sunday, and Emancipation Day in Washington, D.C. (a DC-only holiday) is observed on Monday, April 16, the official filing deadline will move to the following business day which is Tuesday, April 17. SCDOR will honor the federal due date but will not change forms to reflect the April 17th deadline. This deadline applies to any income tax return or payment normally due on April 15th; it also applies to the deadline for requesting a tax-filing extension. South Carolina taxpayers who file and pay electronically have until May 1, 2012 to do so without penalty or interest being assessed. The May 1st deadline does not apply to federal returns or to SC taxpayers who file paper returns.

ScDMV hosts driver suspension eligibility week The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announced today the upcoming Driver Suspension Eligibility Week for drivers with certain license suspensions. The program will be held March 5-9, 2012 in all DMV offices across the state and in six offices on Saturday, March 10th.During Driver Suspension Eligibility Week, South Carolina drivers who have lost their driving privileges for suspensions included in the program may be able to reduce or clear the remaining time of their suspension. The program will assist the following types of suspended drivers:• Underage drivers suspended for excessive points.• Those suspended for operating an unlicensed taxi or vehicle.• Drivers suspended for operating an uninsured vehicle that they did not own .• Those suspended for operating or allowing operation of an uninsured vehicle. • Drivers suspended for driving under suspension, excluding alcohol or drug related convictions. To qualify for the program, drivers must meet all of the conditions of their suspensions. All fees must be paid and SR-22 insurance must be filed, if required. If a driver has more than one suspension, DMV will recalculate the suspension time. Drivers with suspensions not covered by the program will still need to serve that suspension. Drivers who have a clear record may apply for a driver’s license. Depending on the type of suspension, they may be required to take the vision, knowledge and road skills tests before getting a new driver’s license. For more information, visit the SCDMV Web site at www.scdmvonline.com.



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Page 4: The Island News February 2, 2012

4 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com


business briefsBJWSA to remove swing bridge over Whale Branch

Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA) is removing the railroad swing bridge over the Whale Branch River in Northern Beaufort County. Removal of the swing bridge is part of BJWSA’s railroad removal project. Demolition work is slated to begin the week of January 30, 2012, and will be completed by the end of February.

During demolition, it will be necessary for the contractor to place the bridge in its locked, closed position for several days. Performing this

change may make it difficult for watercraft to pass underneath. BJWSA anticipates that the bridge will be closed through February 3; however, weather and other site conditions may cause that closure period to be extended. Boaters are urged to use caution in the area.

BJWSA purchased the Port Royal Railroad in 2008 as a utility corridor. Removal of the rail ties, ballast and rock began in fall of 2010. All work is slated to be complete by summer of 2012.

Jc Penney grant helps children participate in YMcA programsThe YMCA of Beaufort County was one of 235 Ys nationwide to receive a $5,000 grant from JC Penney to provide more school-aged children with financial assistance to attend afterschool programs at the Y. As a result, more children in the Beaufort County community, who otherwise could not afford to participate, have access to life-enriching afterschool programs that cultivate the values, relationships and skills kids need to thrive, now and as adults. This is the fourth year that JC Penney has supported the local Y’s afterschool programs.

Domino’s Pizza reopens under new ownership on Lady’s IslandResidents of Lady’s Island can once again enjoy Domino’s Pizza! After a previous Domino’s owner closed the Lady’s Island store in May of last year, it reopened on Dec. 31, 2011, under the ownership of Domino’s Pizza franchisee partners Chip Burr and Andy Villarreal. “After a six-month hiatus, we’re thrilled to be able to bring Domino’s Pizza back to the Lady’s Island community,” said Burr. “We are dedicated to the area and are excited about the opportunity to become involved in local community organizations. We hope to continue to develop a loyal customer following by delivering hot, great-tasting pizza at a great price.” Burr’s and Villarreal’s combined experience with the Domino’s system exceeds 55 years. Both started with Domino’s Pizza as delivery experts with what would become the largest and most successful Domino’s franchise, RPM Pizza. Villarreal began delivering pizzas in 1981, and Burr began in 1983. They worked their way up to become franchisees, Villarreal in 1983 and Burr in 2003. Burr and Villarreal collectively own 19 Domino’s stores, including joint ownership of the stores in Lady’s Island, Beaufort, Bluffton and Hilton Head Island.

James Scott of Hardeeville has been appointed to the Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority’s (BJWSA) Board of Directors. Mr. Scott was appointed by Governor Nikki Haley with special consideration by the legislative delegation. His term runs through 2017, at which time he will be eligible for re-appointment. Mr. Scott replaces Mark Snyder, who gave nine years of exemplary service to the Board of Directors from 2002 through 2011, and served as chairman from 2004 until 2007.

Mr. Scott has a distinguished history of public service in the Lowcountry, working for the Jasper

County Sheriff ’s Office, the City of Hardeeville and the Beaufort County School District. He is currently a licensed real estate broker and shareholder with Keller Williams Hilton Head and Bluffton Real Estate Company and a licensed residential and commercial contractor.

BJWSA’s Board of Directors is an eleven-member body, with Directors representing Beaufort County, Jasper County, the City of Beaufort, the Town of Bluffton, the Town of Hardeeville, the Town of Port Royal, the Town of Hilton Head Island and the Town of Ridgeland.

Scott named to BJWSA board of directors

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Page 5: The Island News February 2, 2012

With only a handful of slots remaining, the Beaufort 300 fundraiser will close Jan. 31 so that names can begin to be inscribed on new historical markers bound for the city’s Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park.

The goal is for 300 people to contribute $300 toward the new markers that celebrate Beaufort’s 300th birthday in 2011. Corporate and non-profit contributions also are available, said Kevin Cuppia, a downtown Beaufort businessman and chairman of the Beaufort 300 organization.

‘Beaufort 300’ is a unique opportunity to invest in Beaufort’s future by recognizing its past, Cuppia said. “Our noted historian, Dr. Larry Rowland, is helping write the information for the new markers that will better tell the story of Beaufort’s past,” Cuppia said. “We’re almost at our goal for the fundraising and we’re very proud of this community.”

The Tricentennial celebration ended Dec. 31 with a Founders’ Night II in the Waterfront Park. A packed park enjoyed music and historical readings, including the actual charter that founded Beaufort

on Jan. 17, 1711. A huge fireworks show ended the night and the 300th birthday party.

“For a community that celebrates our unique history and culture on an almost daily basis, 300 years is a huge benchmark,” Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling said. “We’re almost at the 300 limit for contributors and we’re

ready to move on to making the markers and getting them installed.”

Important figures in the city’s history include Jean Ribaut, Marquis de Lafayette, Robert Smalls, Laura Towne and Col. John “Tuscarora Jack” Barnwell — and locals can add their names to that list by participating in the ‘Beaufort 300’ fundraiser.

The Tricentennial monument will be an updated series of historical markers in the Waterfront Park showcasing Beaufort’s three centuries. Investors’ names will be included on the monument for posterity.

“It’s a very special way to commemorate Beaufort’s 300 years of formal history, and a way to put your family’s name on the monument that we expect will stand for at least the next hundred years,” said Erin Dean, chairwoman of the Tricentennial Committee.

Beaufort was founded Jan. 17, 1711 by the English, although its beginnings date back to Spanish explorers in 1514. Beaufort was named for Englishman Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort (1684-1714), one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.

For more information on the Beaufort 300, visit www.cityofbeaufort.org and click on the upper left corner named Tricentennial.


Support the permanent Tricentennial monument in Waterfront Park“It’s a very special way to

commemorate Beaufort’s 300 years of formal history.”

Erin Dean, Tricentennial Committee chair

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 5

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Directions: Sams Point Road to Brickyard. Left on Brickyard South. Brickyard South crosses Middle and becomes Springfield Rd. Turn left off of Springfield onto Marsh Hawk Drive (Marsh Hark Plantation). Somerset Point is down less than a mile on left.

The Verdier features 2246 SF with double front porches, a first floor master suite with deluxe bath, 3 additional secondary bedrooms and 2 full baths upstairs, as well as a powder room downstairs. This home features hardwood floors and crown moulding throughout the main living areas, a screen porch, a large kitchen island with granite tops, 2-car side-load garage, hardwood stairs at foyer, 42” maple cabinets with crown moulding in kitchen, granite countertops and black appliances. All bathrooms feature ceramic tile. Call 843-812-2090 for a tour.

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Final days to join ‘Beaufort 300’

A rendering of the monument in Waterfront Park.

Page 6: The Island News February 2, 2012

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- Kent Easty Beaufort, SC

When Kent Easty’s “flu” was a heart attack in disguise, he was glad to be near South Carolina’s first Duke-affiliated heart center. Here, his cardiologist used an innovative radial approachto cardiac catheterization which starts from the wrist instead of the leg. Kent later learned the easier-on-the-body diagnostic procedure is so advanced, it’s not available in many large cities. Now Kent knows the first place to look for the latest care is here in local waters.

How far do you have to go for advanced heart care?

Page 7: The Island News February 2, 2012

Will and Elizabeth Dukes of Creative Interiors Carpet One and Southern Carpet Wholesale

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 7

(and in this case, a gal, too)nice guys finish first

businessprofileAn in-depth look at the people, businesses and organizations that shape our community

By Lanier Laney

Did you know that Will and Elizabeth Dukes are marathoners? He’s done two and she’s done five. They plan on running the New York Marathon in November. Besides sharing a mutual interest in running, they also share an interest in running a business together — two businesses actually. The couple owns Creative Interiors Carpet One, across from the Beaufort National Cemetery on Boundary Street, and also Southern Carpet Wholesale in the Staples shopping center next to the movie theater on Robert Smalls Parkway.

I’ve done business for my own home with them several times over the past 10 years and I’ve always found them to be incredibly nice and great at what they do. I asked Will, a Beaufort native, what his philosophy is behind running his successful business.

“We live in a small town and have to count on happy customers and word of mouth to help grow our businesses. No amount of advertising can overcome poor service so our focus has always been on treating our customers in a way that we would want to be treated ourselves. Our customers trust us to perform work in their homes and we take this responsibility very seriously; starting with trained sales associates and extending to trained and licensed flooring installers.”

“I would love to say we have never made a mistake, but the reality of any business is that issues will arise. Our belief is that how you address those issues and the efforts that you make to satisfy your customer are what separates the good companies from the others,” he said.

Will and Elizabeth met at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., and married

soon after. They recently celebrated their 19 anniversary together.

After college, she got a Masters in Education, and he got an MBA degree. Sixteen years ago they were both working in Charleston in jobs they were not particularly excited about. That was when they learned Creative Interiors in Beaufort had just come up for sale. Says Will, “We knew nothing about the flooring business but were young, hungry, and terrified — all great motivators!”

They bought the business and later expanded by joining Carpet One in 2000, and then they opened Southern Carpet Wholesale in 2002.

I asked Will to tell me about all the items and services available at the various businesses: “We are a full service retail and commercial flooring and installation company. Our two stores are structured to serve different parts of the marketplace. Creative Interiors Carpet One has an expansive showroom featuring all types and styles of flooring such as rugs, rubber

flooring, domestic and exotic woods, and a huge selection of stone and glass tile and mosaics for the discerning customer.

“We carry Karastan Carpets and rugs as well as the Lees, Bigelow and Tigressa lines of carpet. Southern Carpet Wholesale maintains a warehouse full of value buys of carpet, wood, vinyl, and tile. Southern Carpet Wholesale caters to the contractor, homeowner or apartment owner who is on a budget and short on time. Pulling from our stock of over 20 thousand yards of flooring, our trained crews can have the client back up and running very quickly.”

Elizabeth and Will are proud of their two children: Will Jr., 14, who is an eighth grader at Beaufort Academy, and Gina their 12-year-old daughter who is a sixth grader at Riverview Charter School. The family lives on Lady’s Island and feels they are lucky to be able to raise their kids surrounded by the beauty of the river and marsh. They were excited about being able to move back to Beaufort and have enjoyed participating in the growth of the city over the years.

The couple also has been active with The United Way, (where Will ran the campaign several years ago), Main Street Beaufort USA and the Beaufort Chamber of Commerce, where Will was a board member for both business organizations for a number of years. They also like to participate with other local charities.

I’m happy to say that both companies made it through the recent financial downturn due to the Dukes’ combined commitment to putting their customers first, and sales are returning to pre-meltdown levels. Success could not happen to two nicer people.

Creative Interiors Carpet One1404 Boundary Street

Beaufort, SC 29902(843) 524-2612


Southern Carpet Wholesale41D Robert Smalls Parkway

Beaufort, SC 29906(843) 522-3800


dukes’ carpet businesses

Page 8: The Island News February 2, 2012

Lanier Laney

8 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

The Diaries

of Adam and Eve

Jeff and Margaret Evens perform this Mark Twain classic

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Live Theatre for Young Audiences

Oscar Shorts (Animation)Friday, Feb. 24, 7pm

lowcountry social diaryShowcasing the most happening events, people and gatherings Beaufort has to offer.

Every year, the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Foundation does a wonderful thing. They give a terrific party in honor of all the kind hearted hosts of the upcoming dinner parties held before the Valentine Ball. This year was no exception and the party was held in the beautiful home of Ty and Marc Reichel for more than 70 hosts. What’s remarkable about this

party is the incredible gourmet food that is served and it is cooked by the chefs at the hospital. Plus other hospital chefs were brought in from as far away as Augusta, Ga. After all, the chefs were all trained in fine culinary schools before going into hospital work. Their skills are on the level with the finest restaurants. Many thanks to them for all their hard work and thanks also to the volunteers who make the Valentine Ball Beaufort’s biggest charity event of the year.

By Lanier Laney

A party in honor of Valentine Ball dinner hosts

Page 9: The Island News February 2, 2012

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 9

social diary

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Page 10: The Island News February 2, 2012

social diary


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Valentine’s Day


10 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

By Lanier LaneyIn support of ARTworks, Beaufort’s community arts center, Mardi Gras is the grand annual fundraiser that uses the strength of a squeezebox and the zing of the

washboard to get supporters of the arts moving and grooving. For 2012, the committee decided to take over the newly re-opened Shed in Port Royal, with a balcony in French Quarter style by artist Terry Brennan, a jazzy backdrop created by artist Rebecca Davenport, and the delicious tradition of jambalaya and white chocolate bread pudding by Berry Island. Revelers filled the Shed to capacity, finding their tables loaded with beads, masks, and scratch off tickets to determine the Kings and Queens. Led by artist-boardmember Deanna Bowdish in a stunning red gown, dancers filled the floor in front of Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers, direct from New Orleans, and guests took home spectacular art from the silent auction, including artworks donated by the Charles Street Gallery, glass artist Greg Rawls, woodworker Rex Hunter, multi-mediaist Hank Herring, and a much fought over blue crab assemblage by Terry Brennan. Thanks to all who attended and support the arts year round, and kudos to the committee, boardmembers and volunteers, including claudette Humphrey, Helen Roper, Stacie Van Vulpen, cJ norwood, Erika Pyle, carolyn carter and Barbara Kelly. Photos by Richard Darby.

Arts fun-raiser channels spirit of Mardi Gras

Page 11: The Island News February 2, 2012


the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 11

sign up for pals spring youth sportsRegistration for Beaufort County Parks and Leisure Services spring sports begins February 1 at Burton Wells Recreation Center in Beaufort. Registration for baseball participants age 4 to 17 and softball players age 6 to 15 is scheduled February 1 – 22 at Burton Wells. Registration for soccer participants age 4 to 17 will be held February 1-29. Players must provide a completed application which can be obtained online at www.bcgov.net. Select the “About” tab on the home page, then “Public Services” and “Parks and Leisure Services.” Forms are also available at Burton Wells or Buckwalter Recreation Center. Birth certificates are required for participation. The registration fee for baseball and softball is $65 and soccer is $60. Cash, check or credit cards are accepted. A fee of 3% will be applied to all credit card transactions and a $3.95 fee for Visa Debit Cards. Late registration will end one week after the deadline and require a $25 late fee. For more information, visit the PALS pages of the County website or call (843) 255-6680 or (843) 255-6710.

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athlete OF THE WEEK

Molly Smith of Lady’s Island Elementary School was nominated for her performance at the Sport Stacking meet on January 23. She won the 3-6-3, Cycle, and All Around and took second in the 3-3-3. She was also a member of second place relay team. She has been a member of USA Sport Stacking for a year.

To nominate next week’s winner, send nomination to [email protected] by 5 p.m. Monday.

brought to you by:

this week’s athlete will receive a free medium cheese pizza from Lady’s Island, Food Lion Plaza


Athlete of the week

Page 12: The Island News February 2, 2012

school briefs

school newsA focus on students, teachers and educational events in northern Beaufort County

12 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

• Thursday, Feb. 2, it is Chick-Fil-A night for Riverview Charter School from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Join your Riverview friends for dinner and show your Stingray Spirit. Ten percent of all proceeds (dine-in or drive-thru) will be donated to Riverview.• Tuesday, Feb. 7, Beaufort Academy fifth grade Latin skit, 9 a.m.• Wednesday, Feb. 8, Beaufort Academy seventh grade Latin skit, 10 a.m.

Local student wins 2012 Scholastic Arts AwardsCongratulations to Libby Davis of Beau-fort High School who received a Gold Key in the 2012 Scholastic Art Awards for South Carolina Art Region for her printmaking piece titled “Lords of The Dance.” Her sculpture piece “Galatea” was also recognized. Libby is one of two South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts (SCGSAH) Visual Arts students to receive a Gold Key. Her work will be considered for national recognition; and if she is recognized as a National Medal-ist, she will be celebrated at a ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York where her work will be displayed at a prominent gallery.

Transfer Request Forms now availableParents seeking to transfer their students to schools outside their zoned attendance areas can access the necessary forms on the district’s website. The deadline for completing and turning in a Transfer Request Application is March 2.

Favorite Teacher AwardSt. Peter’s Catholic School teacher Heather Rembold recently won $100 for classroom supplies from the “Favorite Teacher” at Dr. Skeet Burris’ orthodontic practice (Winning Orthodontic Smiles). Joni Embrey of Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented the award, which was nominated by student Mary Bruns.

The STARs come outThe STARs were out at Beaufort El-ementary School on Friday, Jan. 27, for a

performance by Gary Maurer the Magi-cian. These STAR students were chosen by their teachers for consistently demon-strating, during the last nine weeks, the school’s motto “Be Respectful, Be Re-sponsible, Be Ready to Learn”. The STAR event is a part of the school’s Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) program. “We had a Star for our STAR’s” said Mrs. Meredith Fent, guidance coun-selor, who coordinated the event. PBIS is a program that emphasizes recognizing positive behaviors. Kindergarten through fifth graders participated in this magical assembly.

Spelling BeeBeaufort Academy students competed in the SCISA Regional Spelling Bee on Thursday, Jan. 19. Fifth grader Joe Stowe and seventh grader William Lindsay fin-ished overall third in their divisions.

Shell Point ElementaryJanuary 23 was an evening of evening of fun, family, furry bears and reading at Shell Point. Students and their fami-lies attended the Teddy Bear Read-In. Students came wearing their pajamas, brought in their favorite teddy bear and read books with their parents and

grandparents. Everyone gathered in the Media Center while the literacy teachers presented some helpful reading strate-gies for parents to use when reading with their child. Then everyone split up to read books for thirty minutes. Mrs. Parks, the principal, sported her pajamas as well and read a book to the group while they enjoyed milk and cookies. It was great fun for all. Every student left with the gift of a free book to enjoy at home.

Cadet Ashten Maria Byrne of Port Royal has been named to the Dean’s List at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, for academic achievement during the fall 2011 semester. Byrne is seeking a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and is attending the Citadel on an Army ROTC scholarship and will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant upon graduation. Dean’s List recognition is given to those cadets and active duty military students whose grade point average is 3.2 or higher with no grade below a C for the previous semester’s work. Byrne and other Dean’s List students were recognized during The Citadel’s Jan. 27 military dress parade on Summerall Field. The Citadel, founded in 1842, is a public, coeducational military college in Charleston, S.C., that offers a classic military education for young men and women seeking a college experience that is intense, meaningful, academically strong and is focused on educating principled leaders for a strong military and a global workforce.

citadel cadet from port royal named to dean’s list

beaufort high basketball

Pictured from left to right is St. Peter’s Catholic School student Mary Bruns who nominated her teacher, Heather Rembold, middle, as favorite teacher. Joni Embrey, right, of Winning Orthodontics awards Rembold $100 for school supplies.

Gary Maurer the Magician visits STAR students at Beaufort Elementary School.

Beaufort Academy participants in SCISA Spelling Bee included: Back row: Ansleigh Pingree, Kate Gray, Preston Coleman, William Lindsay, Anna Sheppard, Quinn Fleming. Front: Emma Melville, Joe Stowe, John Dastous, Joe Bhoi, and Witt Compton. Not pictured, Coach Amy Melville.

Shell Point Elementary students and their families participated in the Teddy Bear Read-In.

Top: Beaufort High eighth grader Mattie Hibbs goes up for a rebound against a Summerville Green Wave. This is Mattie’’s first year on the varsity squad. She attends Beaufort Middle. The girls lost to Summerville, 36-55.Above: Beaufort High Senior Thurston Milton goes for the ball against Summerville. The boys lost to the Green Wave, 47 to 67.

Page 13: The Island News February 2, 2012


the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 13

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Vendor Applications are available on the County’s website with information about current business opportunities.CONSTRUCTION TRADECONTRACTORS are especially encouraged to submit an application! Visit Beaufort County online today and get started.

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Applications are being accepted for expanded Montessori classes at Beaufort Elementary School, which plans to double the size of its program for 2012-13 due to high interest from parents.

“Our first year has been phenomenal in terms of meeting students’ needs and encouraging them to stretch toward their potential,” said Principal Jennifer Morillo. “Because there was more interest from parents than we could accommodate this year and a number of students were wait-listed, we’re expanding from one class of first- through third-graders to two classes. That means we can offer Montessori to about 25 additional students next year.”

Beaufort Elementary plans to add a fourth- and fifth-grade component for the 2013-14 year so that parents whose first- through third-graders are in Montessori can complete their elementary grades using that instructional option.

The Montessori Method, which celebrated its 100th birthday in 2007, was created by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori. It is a hands-on “discovery approach” to learning where classes are multi-aged

and students work at their own pace, often independently. Montessori teachers are specially trained facilitators who guide students to explore their world and think creatively.

Beaufort is one of 21 South Carolina districts that offer a public school Montessori option. About 5,000 students are enrolled in these programs statewide.

Interested parents and students can see Montessori in action at Beaufort Elementary by contacting office manager Inda Walker, who can arrange a visit (322-2600).

Any Beaufort County student can apply to the Montessori program at Beaufort Elementary. Interested students must complete the Montessori application posted on the district’s website or pick up a form at Beaufort Elementary. Completed applications must be submitted to the school by March 16, 2012. If the student is accepted into the Montessori program, a district Student Choice Option Transfer Request Form will be provided.

Here is a link to Beaufort Elementary’s Montessori application: http://www.beaufort.k12.sc.us/userfi les/fi le/Montessori%20Application.pdf

Accepting applications for Montessori program For just a minute, think about how much

money impacts our lives. We spend most of our time either working for money, wor-rying about money, or figuring out how to protect our money.

Like a low-grade headache, the idea of money is always there, but never quite strong enough for us to actually do something about it. Until, of course, we reach a moment in time that demands we make some changes. One of the in-teresting things going on right now is how many of us are reaching that point now or have done so during the last year. We’re being forced to ask questions about our relationship with money to get rid of the headache.

It’s fascinating that for something so important, so many of us feel ill-equipped to deal with it. On top of that discomfort, the traditional financial services indus-try hasn’t done a very good job at mak-ing things easy to understand. So on one hand, you have incredibly important decisions that need to be made, and on the other hand, you have a giant pile of complexity you need to wade through to make them.

If the way you handled your money in

the past hasn’t worked (which is the case for many), isn’t it time to think about things differently? Maybe it’s time to shift your view. Maybe trying to earn the highest rate of return isn’t the most important thing. Maybe you need to take a look around and see where things actually stand with your money.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that we’re often focused on the means rather than the end. Earning a higher rate of return, being focused on outperforming the S&P 500, or finding the next great investment are not real financial goals.

Too often those things distract us from where we should focus. It’s time that we start having clear financial goals. Being able to afford to put your kids through col-lege is a financial goal. Having the money set aside for a reasonable retirement is a financial goal. Being able to help your par-ents in old age is a financial goal.

Once you recognize what real goals look like, it becomes much easier to sepa-rate them from the complexity that can overwhelm us.

Let’s get together and talk about what’s important to you, you know … goals!

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Page 14: The Island News February 2, 2012

The Beaufort Academy Board of Trustees recently appointed Julia Stewart Corner as Head of School after an extensive search this past fall. Ms. Corner began working at Beaufort Academy last fall when she was hired as interim Head of School.

“We are extremely excited about this announcement,” stated Herb Gray, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. “Since the first day Julie took the helm in August, her background and leadership skills have enabled Beaufort Academy to continue to follow our strong curriculum and implement the core values of our strategic plan. Julie’s dedication and enthusiasm have

been effective in moving the school forward and continuing to achieve our goal of academic excellence. She is focused on improving the academic opportunities and cultural experiences of BA’s students.”

Jim Marks, BA Vice-Chair, said, “Julie has been successful in providing positive and energetic leadership necessary for the school

as it has moved beyond the time of sadness and uncertainty last spring to the current period of growth

and optimism for the future.”Corner received her Masters of Education from

the University of Pittsburgh and completed advanced postgraduate work at Carnegie-Mellon. After several years in secondary education, she worked for more than 20 years in school management in the private sector. Last year she retired as a director for Delta Career Education. Julie was also the Vice President for Training, with responsibility for developing curriculum, coordinating interaction with regulatory bodies on the state and national levels, coordinating marketing and public relations, and conducting faculty training and curriculum mapping.

honor roll

Julia Corner


14 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

St. Peter Catholic SchoolCongratulations to our second quarter saints and scholars. SEcOnD quARTER PRIncIPAL’S HOnOR ROLL • 2ND: Agustin Bell, Luke Burton, Caroline Keenan, Alyssa Rembold • 3RD: Jonathan Field, Matthew Gilbert, Katherine Hurtt, Ben Richardson • 4TH: Brigid Murphy, Molly Rembold • 5TH: Joseph Barras, Grace Davis, Tessa Wilson, Katie McArdle, Noah Goodwin • 6TH: Emma Burton • 7TH: Max Crisologo, Bella Kimbrell, Siobhan Murphy • 8TH: Mary M. Barras, Brooks Denman, Noah Kimbrell SEcOnD quARTER HOnOR ROLL • 2nd: J.P. Barras, Rachel Cain, Annabel Court, Craig Culbertson, Nadia Fernan-dez, Madison Gwin, Alex McArdle, Graham Ruff, Miguel Suarez, Quinn Wilson • 3rd: Mark Alvarez, Henry Centeno, Jillian Coffman, Peter Iacopelli, Hayden Jennings, Jasmine Nolan, Timothy Moon • 4th: Christian Andrade, Christian Bakker, Timothy Barras, Noah Brock, Hunter Burton • 5th: Alex Becker, Maggie Crisologo, Olivia Crisologo, Caroline Massalon, Jayne Trumps, Jason McFayden • 6th: Jacob Horton, Lynn Mezahernandez, Clayton Ruff, Sam Richardson, Brid-get Gallagher, Mia Collins, Casey Bradford • 7th: Katy Binkowski, Jack Gambla, Mary Katherine Gilbert, Matthew Hurtt, Justin Massalon, Tiera Williams, Braden, Wilson, Bianca Algarin • 8th: Lilly Allen, Mary Bruns, Paulina

Dixon, Tim Feltner, Bethany Johnson, Ella Madden, Hannah Ramsey, Jannien Santos, Olivia Trpcic, Brooks Wilson.

Port Royal ElementaryCongratulations to all our honor roll winners in the second quarter! PRIncIPAL’S HOnOR ROLLAlexia SmithAlexis OrtizAllison StacksAriaughn BobianAvery MastersBayli LakeCatherine CastrechinoChristopher BlissDaphne FraleyEllie AshmoreEmily CrosbyEmily RushingGiselle ValdesHayley Trader Ja’Sean LawsonJackson McCaskey Jennifer Cruz Julianna WilsonKatie AshmoreKatleyn CarterLogan AdkinsMaggie HolmMaley BaischMcKinzie DiOrioMelanie CruzMurray FlowersMyra SmithRemy Poulin Samuel Horton Travis CatoTrey YoungdahlTrezure Siplin

Zantae Copeland

HOnOR ROLL (A/B)Adora EmeryAJ ChatmanAlejandro NavarroAndrea Canez Archie WashingtonAshley WeberAustin SutcliffeBraxton TolbertBryan CuevasCarley McAlhaneyChandler JenkinsChasmere WashingtonD’Ayo BrownDay’veon SavoyDiamond YoungDuncan CaldwellEliza PolkElizabeth GrayGregory ScottHannah AckermanHeather ButlerJaiden NorrisKayzon HarrisonKendra Wheeler Kristin BurkeKylie GonzalesMason HerrmannMatthew HaleyMcKenize EmersonPreston Lavender Robert SelfRyan RicksSamantha BrownSavannah WatsonSebastian LazzoSophia Sherman TJ ButlerTrammell Delaney

Clemson UniversityThe following local residents have been named to the President’s List at Clemson University for the fall 2011 semester:• Bryce Coldiron Ferry of Beaufort, who is majoring in Construction Science and Management.• Linnea Leora Granquist of Beaufort, who is majoring in Architecture.• Justin Thomas White of Beaufort, who is majoring in Management (Entrepreneurship Emphasis).• Stephanie Raquel Marie Hudson of Beaufort, who is majoring in Special Education.• Rebecca Elizabeth Tkach of Beaufort, who is majoring in Mathematical Sciences.• Blake Alexander Dubbs of Beaufort, who is majoring in Mechanical Engineering.• Jessica Michelle Heim of Beaufort, who is majoring in English.• Alyssa Marie Petrongelli of Beaufort, who is majoring in Animal and Veterinary Sciences.• Sloane Ellen Wiggers of Beaufort, who is majoring in Biological Sciences.• Brittany Maree Wilson of Beaufort, who is majoring in Pre-Business.To be named to the President’s List, a student must achieve a 4.0 (all As) grade-point average.

The CitadelTevin Tramel Radford of Beaufort, SC, has been named to the fall 2011 President’s List at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.

new head of school named for Beaufort Academy

Page 15: The Island News February 2, 2012

By cherimie crane WeatherfordThe confetti settles, the resolutions resolve, and

anxiously we begin the year we shall rush to bid farewell. Change is exciting, it brings about a certain energy to begin, to end, and to improve things within our lives that gave us such fits in 2011.

January 1, everyone is a winner, a saint, a fitness pro, and basically a better person all around. Each has his or her own battle. Although mine falls in line with the usual suspects; it is slightly different.

A few months ago, my favorite little escape closed its doors. It was my heaven, my sanity, my alternative to a life of crime. No matter how difficult the day, regardless the barrage of real estate rocks hurled fiercely in my direction, I found solace in Celadon. Crawling, stumbling or skipping through the doors was my bandage for a day full of scratches and scrapes. I would run on the treadmill, losing frustration with each mile, then retreat to the mat where I would become the greatest Yogi of all time. As if that weren’t enough to banish the bad, the steam shower cured whatever remained. There was one major factor that added to this simple bliss: 90% of the time, I was right by myself. In retrospect, I can see how that may have been a sign of slow business; however, I was too busy enjoying my private heaven to worry.

I can’t simply join another gym. It isn’t that easy. I am not Jane Fonda, matter of fact, my appearance in the

gym more resembles Shrek, Minnie Pearl or maybe Richard Simmons on a good day. Some women leave a gym looking better than I do leaving a salon; unfair, but a reality in which I have grown accustomed. Many years I have spent in gyms, lifting weights at 5 a.m. (forced, obviously), there was even a most humiliating step aerobic phase, thankfully YouTube wasn’t quite so popular,

and there was enough running to sign me up as a fill in for Forrest Gump. Therefore, I feel as though I did my time, paid my dues, and somehow avoided losing a major limb.

Going to the gym isn’t my idea of a fabulous time. I realize there are health benefits and such, but that was never my motivation. I am at least 20% less mean when I have that coveted time to myself. The physical rewards were secondary to my improved personality. After being screamed at, cursed at, blamed, and at times accused of being all that is wrong in the financial realm, being all alone to look ridiculous on a treadmill at Celadon was just what the psychiatrist ordered. Not once did I worry about my form, my outfit, or the granny bun on top of my head. There was no awkward small talk with sweat pouring away the remainder of any make up I forgot to apply. I never once had to fake listening to my iPod to

avoid discussing current events while struggling through a sit up. If I wanted to scream in victory after lifting an impressive 10 pounds, well scream I did.

As a bonus, my cell phone did not work at all within the walls of this fitness fortress. Obviously, the loss has been great, the grieving continues. As tragic as it is, I must press forward. I am in search of a new gym, not a rebound, but a place I can actually begin a new relationship. The requirements are few and relatively basic in nature. I prefer to have the entire facility to myself. The absence of any type of camera or scale is preferred, and absolutely no group fitness at any time, under any circumstances. Regardless of how it may seem, I am not always anti-social. I just prefer not to have conversations during crunches, debates during dead lifts, and honestly, I just don’t want to worry if my socks don’t match. My days are full of social interaction and awkward encounters, I have that covered. Home fitness videos, although an obvious option for one as odd as myself, make almost as much sense as watching Jeopardy instead of going to college. Therefore the odds are favorable that you may see me in a gym near you. I won’t have my contacts in, so I promise I am not making a mean face at you. I can’t see you. If I am hiding behind the Stairmaster, please don’t take it personally. I just want to burn a few calories, blow off some steam, and make it home without anyone pointing out my painfully obvious flaws.

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 15


Richard Simmons on a good day

By Jack SparacinoWhat’s not to like about the best of

show business, especially when so much of the national and world news is so discouraging and stress in everyday life never goes away? We grow up looking forward to entertainment breaks in our schedules. Some people dive into school plays, bands, chorus, and so forth. We read the entertainment pages, watch TV, go to the movies, compare notes with our friends and come to our own conclusions. Like these.

1. How in the WORLD actors can memorize so many lines? I can barely memorize a website or where my sneakers went.

2. The law of averages has hammered TV. With hundreds of cable channels there are so many more shows today, from really horrible to absolutely great. This may be progress, but it sure can be work to sort them out. I guess there’s an app for that someplace.

2a. If you haven’t watched the TV legal drama on USA network, “Suits,” you might give it a try. Recently renewed for a second season, it’s my favorite show these days, partly because it makes Lowcountry life seem even more relaxed. Maybe don’t watch it — or “The Good Wife,” another terrific show — while you’re drinking coffee.

3. We just saw the movie “Paper Moon” for the first time since it came out some 40 years ago. It was filmed beautifully in black and white and it’s hard to imagine it being any better in color. Maybe there are film makers out there now who could make more good movies in black and white. Possibly some of these could make it to the wonderful Film Festival here.

4. Lots of film stars from the black and

white silent picture era look creepy and weird to me, and color may have made it even worse. Makes me wonder what in the world their hair and makeup people were thinking. Or consuming on their lunch breaks.

5. Isn’t it interesting how most people with beautiful singing voices sound “normal,” just like the rest of us, when they’re talking?

6. As much as I love fishing, TV shows about it don’t usually grab me. Could this be a bad case of sour grapes when someone else hooked a really big one?

7. The world has seen thousands of movie actresses over the years and some of them were truly amazing. Then you have Meryl Streep, who has long since jumped off the charts.

8. There may be no escaping it. The greatest rock and roll band in the history of the universe is The Rolling Stones. The data on their record sales, top hits, concert revenues and their incredible longevity seem to bear that out.

9. Anyone who can stand up in front of thousands of people at a sporting event and sing the national anthem well deserves some sort of prize. And a free ticket to the game. And a hot dog. The works.

10. Whatever happened to those kooky novelty acts, often featured on variety shows? Balloon twisting. Spinning pie plates. Playing the kazoo. Yo-yo tricks. Singing under water. Fortunately, we still have some pretty good ventriloquists around.

10a. Yodeling. Probably an acquired

taste.11. How did competitive eating get

popular in the U.S. when so many children go to bed hungry? I like hot dogs, too, but how can eating 50 of them in ten minutes be a good thing?

12. Apparently, freak shows went the way of horse drawn plows and the village blacksmith. This is just as well, though I have nothing against plows, blacksmiths, or P.T. Barnum, for that matter.

13. Still trying to get my head completely around ballet. I get the athleticism, the grace, and the lovely classical music. Even the outfits. It’s the total experience that I don’t quite get. And by the way, don’t the dancers’ feet hurt a lot of the time and maybe even get wrecked from all that pointy toed jumping around? I’ve been advised that running or steel toed shoes may not be the best solution.

14. Isn’t it amazing how many phenomenal rock and blues guitarists we’ve seen over the past 40 years? Hendrix. Clapton. King. Page. Guy. Allman. Vaughn. Beck. Dozens more. Ever wonder what people in the 1920’s would have thought about them if one or two had been time traveled back to a talent contest and competed? Probably plenty of heads would have gone kablooey, but some in a good, visionary way.

15. I had great fun playing saxophone in our high school stage band and still get goosebumps when I hear a really terrific big band today. If it’s been a while for you, try listening to Maynard Ferguson’s version of Duke Ellington’s “In a Mellow Tone” (Live In London CD). It’s fun to try to imagine how composers and arrangers get all those notes, chords and different instruments to come together

so perfectly. And tell me computers will never be able to do this as well as people. Please.

16. Fortunately, we’re still treated to young performers with huge singing voices who keep coming along. Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga and Il Volo come to mind, for instance.

17. Whatever happened to the tidal wave of great comedy teams? Laurel and Hardy, Martin and Lewis, Abbot and Costello, Burns and Allen, The Smothers Brothers, Rowen and Martin, Tom and Jerry, Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner, and lots more from vaudeville, the movies, radio and TV. Did audiences lose interest somehow or did it just get too difficult to get the comedy act together and rehearsed in the first place? I assume two people can still be funnier than one. At four (five if we count Gummo) we got the Marx Brothers.

18. I like movies and baseball. But if you’re trying to look like a ballplayer in a movie, how about having played baseball in the past? I cringed when I saw two well known actors portraying Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth, of all people. (Now Kevin Costner as a ballplayer, that’s a much better story.)

19. There sure are lots of fascinating competitive cooking shows on TV. I wonder how many viewers try new recipes at home based on what they see and how they turn out. Is anyone keeping track of this and could we see the results sometime?

20. What does it say about a person if they sometimes like watching infomercials about kitchen knives and chopping gadgets? Nothing bad, I hope.

OK, enough show biz for now. Back to the news, I guess. Ouch.

Jack Sparacino

Random thoughts from a retiree: Show Biz Edition

Cherimie Crane Weatherford

Page 16: The Island News February 2, 2012

“Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in a small village. The claim to fame that this village possessed was a beautiful white stallion that the old man possessed. Then one morning the horse was gone. The village was sick at heart at the loss, and bemoaned their un-earned fate. The old man said, ‘It is neither good nor bad, he is simply gone.’ A few days later, the stallion ran through town, a string of un-branded mares running behind him. The town rejoiced. The old man said, ‘It is neither good nor bad, he has simply returned.’ Then the old man’s only son was out riding the stallion, was thrown and broke his leg. The village again came to the old man, this time to share his grief, who would help bring in the crops with the son’s leg broke? The old man simply said, ‘It is neither good nor bad, his leg is simply broken.’ Soon after this the country went to war, and the militia came through pulling all able bodied men off to a certain death, but not the son of the old man. The village was ecstatic for the old man and his son. This time even the old man rejoiced.”

Are we so nonchalant about a change of circumstance? Can we find it in ourselves to be so? What about the big stuff: our company is down-sizing and we’ll now have to do the work of two people to keep “our” job; the house we’ve been renting for 10 years has just been sold, and we need to move — in 30 days. Or the little stuff, the bridge is open — again! And we feel a tantrum coming on!

Mel Robbins, nationally noted coach of change, says this about our standard reaction to change,

and how it dis-empowers us, “It’s hard to challenge your feelings because you constantly normalize whatever you do, just because it’s you who did it.”

But how do you go about changing yourself from the inside out? From the “outside in” we all have some pretty good ideas, ranging from plastic surgery to eat your vegetables — but from the inside out?

The answers are as varied as the birds, but one thing stands out. Listen. Greg Levoy has made a living for more than a dozen years doing workshops and presentations from the material found in his book, “Callings, Finding and Following an Authentic Life,” as that is the answer he gives, as it is the one given down through the ages, “listen to what calls you.”

At Therapeutic Solutions we help people actualize their dreams through the removal of interferences — the beliefs and past events that stand in the way of your hearing your own call to action.



Join Us for Our Second Annual Wine Dinner Benefiting - and Celebrating - The Beaufort International Film Festival

Tuesday, February 7, 6 p.m., Welcome 7 p.m., Dinner

Saltus River Grill Hosts Second Annual Wine Dinner to Benefit The Beaufort International Film Festival

Saltus River Grill, located at 802 Bay St., will host its Second Annual Wine Dinner to Benefit the Beaufort International Film Festival on Tuesday, February 7, at 7 p.m.. Beaufort Film Festival Director Ron Tucker will host a welcome and cocktail hour at 6 p.m. Highlights of the 2011 festival will be shown and information about the fes-tival and The Beaufort Film Society membership will be provided. The dinner, which begins at 7 p.m., includes a four-course meal by Saltus Chef Brian Waters and wine pairings by Celia Strong, and is available for $50 per person, with $10 per paid cus-tomer to benefit the Film Festival. “The Beaufort International Film Festival plays a vital role in enhancing Beaufort’s reputation as a vibrant, cultural community and we are happy to do our part in sup-porting such a fantastic organization.” said Saltus Owner Lantz Price. The Beaufort Film Society and the International Film Festival showcase the beauti-ful film-friendly region of Beaufort and the Carolina Sea Islands. For the past quarter of a century Beaufort has served as the backdrop for more than 20 major motion pic-tures, to include “Forrest Gump”, “The Big Chill,” “The Prince of Tides”, and many more. The festival reintroduces Beaufort’s sweeping marsh vistas, antebellum homes, and quiet charm of the old south to a new generation of filmmakers. Reservations for the dinner may be made by calling (843) 379-3474 or visiting www.saltusrivergrill.com. Information on The Beaufort International Film Festival may be found at www.beaufortfilmfestival.com.

Course 1 Glazed Turnip Soup, Wilted Turnip

Greens, Butter Poached Jumbo Lump Crab, White Truffle Oil.

*Alverdi Pino Grigio

Course 2 Beet Poached Striped Sea Bass, Farro

and Quail Confit Salad With Swiss Chard, Butternut Squash, Pickled Scallions

And Chive Oil. *Panther Creek Pinot Noir

Course 3 Painted Hills Beef Short Rib, Smoked Cauliflower

Puree, Melted Leeks, Caramelized Fennel and Golden Raisin Relish.

*Silver Palm Cabernet

Course 4“Dinner and a Movie”

Dark Chocolate Coca Cola Cake, Salted Caramel and Buttered

Popcorn Ice Cream*Lunetta Prosecco

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16 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

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The White Horse Story

Have you ever wanted to participate in a half marathon or full marathon? But, you didn’t have the drive or support to do so on your own? If this sounds like you, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT) is now forming teams in Beaufort and Bluffton to help get you started.

Whether you’re an experienced runner or just starting out, this is a great way to not only train for a race, but to make new friends and to help a great cause. TNT participants fight against blood cancers by raising funds and training as a group to run or walk a full or half marathon or a swim, bike and run a sprint or Olympic triathlon in honor of local patients.

Through the support of the Team, the staff at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and people like Kevin Green at Carolina Sportscare and Ian Hart of Earthfit who volunteer their time to help. You can become a marathon runner and there are no excuses because you can do it.

This past fall, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society created Team in Training Team in Beaufort. There were 17 runners on the team and they raised over $38,000 towards Leukemia & Lymphoma research. Many of those on the team had never run before let alone run a race. Everyone on that team ended up completing his or her race. Become part of Team in Training and help save lives.

Please contact Jade Lawson with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for more information and to sign up: Jade Lawson, Campaign Coordinator, (843) 881-8176, or email [email protected]. Online at www.teamintraining.org/sc.

Page 17: The Island News February 2, 2012

Takiya Smith, Beautique Lash & Brow. Master Lash & Brow Stylist, CPCPwww.blb-boutiques.com

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 17


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By Takiya SmithWe’ve all seen her, maybe even know her,

possibly could be her — the beauty who lives on your block, the fashionista in your book club or the fabulously fresh looking mom in your son’s Cub Scout troop. Her hair is perfect, her nails are polished and her makeup is flawless. She’s dressed to impress, her shoes are stylish and she’s got a handbag to match every outfit in the room. Her step is sure, her confidence is magnetizing and she’s got a smile that outshines the sun. Who is that woman? That fabulous, gorgeous, beautiful woman we sometimes find ourselves secretly hating because she is beautiful.

Well, my friends, have no fear because the doctor is in! You see, I’ve got a bit of medicine for you today. The dose is a huge one and it’s gonna taste pretty bitter, but as long as you follow my instructions, in no time you will be cured of this horrid, ill-fated and widespread epidemic. The cause of most our known and unknown idiosyncratic behaviors lies buried within our own desires to pull off what “the beauty” is already doing. She looks good, meaning she has taken the time to pay homage to the most important person in her life: herself. Yes, she’s a

wife, yes, she’s got kids and yes, she’s got a life, however, “the beauty” recognizes that she must come first.

As a single mother of two, a full time student, and a business owner, working in the beauty industry allows no leniency on my behalf in regard to my appearance but has all the more caused me to step up to the plate when it comes to desiring to be “the beauty.” Insert being the locally recognized beauty columnist at any given drive thru in Beaufort (that’s a whole other article) and I totally forfeit all rights to walk out my house with a split end, chipped fingernails, sweat pants and flip flops ever again. The point is, I as well as the next woman can and should make time to fuss over themselves. My day starts at 5:30 a.m. just to give myself that extra time. You deserve to be the woman that every other woman wants to be like.

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

This February, Beaufort Memorial Hospital has planned several events in recognition of Black History Month and we hope the community will join us.

HEALTH FAIR — LIFEFIT WELLnESS SERVIcES, 989 RIBAuT ROAD, FIRST FLOORWHEN: Saturday, February 4 COST: FREE AND LOW COST SCREENINGSTIME: 8 – 11 a.m. WHAT: A morning of free and low cost screenings at the LifeFit Wellness Center located on the campus of Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Screenings offered will include: free blood pressure checks for hypertension; free blood sugar checks for diabetes; free breast, skin, and prostate exams (when clinician present); free PSA blood tests (part of prostate exam); Cholesterol tests for $10; HbA1C (3-month blood sugar average/fasting not required) $10. For more information, call 843-522-5570.

BLOOD ALLIAncE OF THE LOWcOunTRYIn FROnT OF BMH BIRTHInG cEnTERBLOOD DRIVE In MEMORY OF HELEn cORInE RHODInWHEN: Wednesday, February 15 COST: FREETIME: 2 – 8 p.m. WHAT: Sponsored by the PanHellenic Council. Children and adults with sickle cell disease need your help to survive. All donors’ names will be entered for drawings and gift cards. For more information or to make an appointment, call 522-5169. Walk-ins are welcome.

BLOOD DRIVE In MEMORY OF HELEn cORInE RHODIn – AT THE EnTRAncE TO KATE GLEASOn PARKWHEN: Thursday, February 16, 2012 COST: FREETIME: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.WHAT: Sponsored by the PanHellenic Council. Children and adults with sickle cell disease need your help to survive. All donors’ names will be entered for drawings and gift cards! For more information or to make an appointment, call 522-5169. Walk-ins are welcome!

BLOOD DRIVE In MEMORY OF HELEn cORInE RHODIn – AT THE EnTRAncE TO KATE GLEASOn PARKWHEN: Friday, February 17 COST: FREETIME: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. BLAcK HISTORY cELEBRATIOn – BEAuFORT HIGH ScHOOL OLD AuDITORIuMWHEN: Saturday, February 18 COST: FREE - OPEN TO THE PUBLICTIME: 2 – 4 p.m.WHAT: This year’s theme is “Black Women in American Culture and History.” This celebration is totally free and features local talent. Please join us in celebrating our history. For more information contact Doug Rhodin at 843-522-7892 or Latoyia Palmer at 843-522-5842.

BMH events recognize Black History Month

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Page 18: The Island News February 2, 2012

By Daniel SmallsGrowing up here in Beaufort for

me was adventurous, exciting, and full of fun. Although we didn’t have many of the things that we have today, we never seemed to have a dull moment. We were very creative when it came to games. When we weren’t playing games, we would visit the museum where many historic items could be viewed. We also visited downtown Beaufort where gun battles took place. Fuel was so much cheaper than it is today. The cost of food and the quantity was so much cheaper then and you got more for your money. The toys were made from a better quality material, as well as cars.

18 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com




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starts here! colonial Dames On January 19, the Dr. Henry Woodward Chapter of the Colonial Dames XVII Century met at the home of President Anita Henson. Guest speakers were historian Dr. Stephen Wise, Director of the Museum and Cultural Resource Manager for the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and Mary Lou Brewton, Vice President of the

Beaufort County Historical Society and most recently elected Vice President of the Beaufort History Museum. Members and guests heard Wise and Brewton discuss the upcoming 450th Anniversary of Jean Ribaut’s settling of the Port Royal Island area. The historic event is planned for May 25th at Parris Island. Pictured from left is Dr. Stephen Wise, Mary Lou Brewton and Chapter Anita Henson. (Photo by Eliza Oliwa)

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Joint meeting of coastal sc dar chapters

On January 18, the Captain William Hilton Chapter of Hilton Head Island, the Emily Geiger Chapter of Bluffton, and the Thomas Heyward Chapter of Beaufort held a joint meeting at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. This facility is responsible for training male Marine

recruits east of the Mississippi River, and all female recruits enlisted nationwide. The depot, which began recruit training in 1911, has been in continuous use as a training facility for Marines since 1915. Before its use for Marines, the base was used as a naval station in the late 1800s. Today, a drive through the base on any given day will reveal recruits marching in formation, assembling on the parade deck, or a recruit graduation ceremony. A combined 39 members from the three chapters were in attendance. Also attending was Elizabeth Billham, SC District IV Director. Following the luncheon meeting held on site, Parris Island Museum curator Dr. Stephen Wise shared his extensive knowledge of early settlement and activity in the local area, with a focus on Revolutionary War battles. The museum features Marine memorabilia from all eras and also covers local history.

history with hollyBeaufort Then & nowThis moment in Beaufort’s history is an excerpt from the book “Beaufort ... Then and Now,” an anthology of memories compiled by Holly Kearns Lambert. Copies of this book may be purchased at Beaufort Book Store. For information or to contribute your memory, contact Holly at [email protected] or [email protected].

Left to right: Lydia Hudsick, Regent- Emily Geiger Chapter; Elizabeth Billham, Director-District IV; Nancy Crowther, Regent – Thomas Heywood Chapter; Andrea Helfrich, Regent – Captain William Hilton Chapter.

Page 19: The Island News February 2, 2012

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Page 20: The Island News February 2, 2012

Arts events

20 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com


The York W. Bailey Museum at the Penn Center presents “Gullah Art: A Legacy of Preservation,” a traveling art exhibition by the Chuma Art Gallery of Charleston. The opening exhibition will be Saturday, February 11, from 1 to 5 p.m., with Artists’ Talks beginning at 2 p.m.). Museum admission is $5.

The original paintings and sculptures in this exhibition examine the everyday lives of the Gullah people and their culture in the Southeastern region of the United States of America. It celebrates their cultural legacies, and deals with the struggles and issues they face in trying to sustain their culture in modern day America. The Gullah people are primarily, descendants of the slaves who worked on the rice plantations on the Sea Islands of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. They speak an English derived Creole language with vocabulary elements and grammatical features from several African languages.

The exhibition explores and defines what is now termed “Gullah Art” as embraced by collectors, critics, students and scholars.

The artists represented in the exhibition are all contemporary

artists working today. Their art is about cultural heritage and cultural celebration. It’s about supporting and advancing the very notion of contemporary Gullah art while still acknowledging the rich Gullah history and artistic expression that came before it. The artists value their work not just for the aesthetics but also use their work as a voice to help preserve a rich cultural legacy. These artists are Legacy Preservationists.

The exhibition includes varied artworks from all Gullah culture areas, and is comprised of paintings and drawings executed

in conventional art media and mixed media, basketry, sculpture, video artist, and storytelling. The exhibition utilizes a multi-media experience in visual art, video art and storytelling to place the viewer in the Gullah Islands.

The exhibition was organized by the Avery Research Center at the College of Charleston in collaboration with Chuma Art Gallery of Charleston. All paintings will be sold by the artists.

For more information, call the York W. Bailey Museum at (843) 838-2474 or email [email protected].

Red Lips by Jonathan Green.

creative classes held at carolina StamperCarolina Stamper is located at 203 Carteret St. Here are some upcoming classes:• Wrapped Loop Onyx BraceletSaturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.$22 + Kit• Girls Night OutTues., Feb. 7, 5:30 - 9 p.m.Free. Bring whatever project you are working on and join in with other crafters for a night of fun. You must call by 4 p.m. tolet us know you are coming.• Copic Art Marker BasicsFriday, Feb. 10, 6:30 - 8 p.m.$15. Come find out why Copic Markersare all the rage!• Copic Marker Color Blending/AirbrushingSaturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.$25. Take your skills to the next level with these markers.• Elizabeth Crafts Card ClassSaturday, Feb. 11, 2:30 - 5 p.m.$25. Enjoy learning how to embellish greeting cards with lots of Glitz & Glitter.• Earrings By DesignSaturday, Feb. 25,10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.$85+materials. Join polymer clay artist, Barbara McGuire and learn to make two pairs of earrings.• Silver SolderingSunday, Feb. 26, noon - 4 p.m.Create a beautiful silver solderedpiece to wear and enjoy.• Precious Metal ClayFeb. 24 (tentative)$75+materials. Create a beautiful silver clay bird to be worn as a pendant. Call for details: 843-522-9966.

Well-known poet to give seminar at ARTworks

The Poetry Society of South Carolina is pleased to present Starkey Flythe Jr. and his Poetry Seminar “The Ant and the Elephant.”

Starting off with the smallest possible subject, not love or time or death, starting, say, with a flea — see 16th Century poets — instead of a hippo, a humming bird instead of an albatross.

Reducing the poem from Britannica to Pocket Book.

An exercise in moment — see Emily Dickinson. Intensifying emotion.

Excluding the extra, murdering, as they say, “your little darling.”

Starkey Flythe Jr. received a grant from the South Carolina Arts Association. He has taught in public high schools and colleges in South Carolina, Georgia and Indiana. As a Georgia Poetry Circuit winner as well as a Yaddo and Breadloaf Fellow, he helped found the Sand Hills Writers Conference.

His previous poetry collections, “Paying the Anesthesiologist” and “They Say Dancing” were published by Furman University’s Ninety-six Press and his current collection, “The Futile Lesson of Glue” is the winner of the Violet Reed Hass award given by Snake Nation Press.

The poetry seminar will be held Saturday, February 18, from 10 a.m. to noon, at ARTworks, 2127 Boundary St., Suite 18A, Beaufort Town Center, Beaufort, SC 29902.For more information, call 843-379-2787.

The South Carolina African American Heritage Commission is proud to announce that its Foundation has been awarded a $7,000 matching grant from The Humanities Council SC for the “African American Civil War Lecture Series.” The goal of the lecture series is to enlighten the general public to the roles of African Americans during the American Civil War, moreover the series will provide opportunities for much needed dialogue about one of the most pivotal events in U.S. history.

The following lectures will be held on Thursday, February 9 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Darrah Hall at Penn Center, 16 Penn Center Circle W. St. Helena Island.• Dr. Eric Emerson: “The Ordinance of Secession”• Dr. Abel Bartley: “The Causes of the War”• Nicole Green: “Slavery in South Carolina”• Rosalyn Brown: “The Port Royal Experiment”For more information, visit www.penncenter.com. All lectures are free and open to the public.

also at penn center: african american civil war lectures

Legacy of Preservation

Would you like to see your arts events listed in The Island News? Be sure to send your information to [email protected].

Page 21: The Island News February 2, 2012


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the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 21

Valentine’s Day is coming and love is in bloom at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery. The gallery is gearing up for the annual Valentine’s weekend show to open on Saturday, February 11. A collection of works by gallery artists Johnnie Griner, Howard Hunt, S. A. Hunter, Miss Kay, Mary I. Mack, Susan McLendon, Saundra “Renee” Smith, Victoria A. Smalls, W. J. Wilkie will share varying views of love.

The gallery’s curator, Victoria Smalls, says, “The collection will look at love in a lighthearted generic sense, as the love between shrimp boats such as the ‘Tide Runner and Miss Behaven’ and ‘Love Birds’ by local artist W. J. Wilkie.” Smalls adds, “The exhibit also reveals the more traditionally conceived theme of couples in love as in ‘Looking Good’ by St. Simons Island artist S. A. Hunter; ‘You’re Still the One’ by local artist and gallery owner Mary I. Mack; ‘Flowers for Mom’ by Susan McLendon (who signs all of her artwork SUMAC); and ‘I Do’ by Gullah Lifestyle artist Cassandra Gillens.” Smalls will have her signature “Contemplation of Love” series of pastels painted on paper that nearly sold out in last year’s exhibit.

The exhibit will run February 11-28. The public is invited to a Meet & Greet the artists reception on Saturday, February 11, from 12 -5 p.m. at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery located at 870 Sea Island Parkway on St. Helena Island. For more information, visit www.RedPianoToo.com or call (843) 838-2241.

celebration of Love at Red Piano Too Gallery

chamber music charleston comes to sea island presbyterian church

On Monday, February 6 at 7:30 p.m., Chamber Music Charleston returns to Sea Island Presbyterian Church (81 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort) for an evening of chamber music for piano and strings. Violinist Frances Hsieh, violist Ben Weiss, cellist Timothy O’Malley and pianist Irina Pevzner will perform Schubert’s Sonatensatz in B Flat Major, Piazzolla’s Primavera Portena and Faure’s Piano Quartet in c minor. Tickets are $15 general admission and $5 student admission. Tickets will be available at the door the evening of the performance. For more information, please visit www.ChamberMusicCharleston.org or call (843)763-4941. Chamber Music Charleston (CMC) is Charleston’s only arts organization that presents chamber music concerts year round. Under the leadership of Director and Founder Sandra Nikolajevs, CMC performs over 60 concerts per season – from intimate House Concerts and Gallery Concerts to larger scale performances at Memminger Auditorium, Dock Street Theatre and Churches in Summerville, Edisto Island, Beaufort and Hilton Head Island. CMC’s core of 13 professional musicians are some of the best classical artist residing in Charleston - all conservatory-trained musicians who have performed around the world on such renown stages as Carnegie Hall in New York City; Symphony Hall in Boston; the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria and the Musikverein in Vienna, Austria.

Above: Endless Love by Charles Desaussure. Far left: Looking Good by S.A. Hunter. Left: Quiet Rendezvous by Saundra Smith.

Page 22: The Island News February 2, 2012

22 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

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We are taking reservations now for VALENTINE’S DAY

By Tess MalijenovskyIt’s a lovely day outside and you and

your buddy are driving some golf balls out on the green. What better way to start and top your afternoon than to come inside Lady’s Island Country Club for some delicious grub at the Royal Pines Bar and Grill?

Every Thursday, Lady’s Island Country Club has a buffet at lunch, and every third Thursday of the month they feature a special prime rib dinner with other entrée options. Also, on Sundays, hungry restaurant goers can feast on classic brunch dishes including crab omelets, steak and eggs, or blueberry pancakes from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

On this Thursday afternoon, popular local chef, Chef Will, prepared Lunch Bunch some tasty food, each dish for $8. Buck’s chicken BLT looked mouth-watering and he hailed it as one of the best chicken sandwiches he’s ever eaten.

Our new salesperson Nikki couldn’t resist her love for Italian and ordered the grinder with ham, Genoa salami, onion, pickles, tomato, lettuce, Provolone and

Italian dressing on a hoagie. Pamela’s ahi tuna salad, as

recommended by our excellent waitress Glenda, looked gorgeous. Pam loved the flavor and texture of the mandarin oranges and cashews. She said the tuna was cooked perfectly. I also went the tuna route, ordering the tuna burger with a tuna steak two inches thick! The homemade coleslaw was a delicious side.

Elizabeth had the black bean chicken quesadilla, which she said was really yummy. And Gene ordered the Blues Burger, a burger with crumbled blue cheese, lettuce, tomato and sautéed onions on a Kaiser roll.

If you have a sweet tooth, I highly recommend one of the clubhouse’s homemade cookies.

After lunch, we all got to hit a few golf balls out on the course under the sun. It was a wonderful afternoon at Lady’s Island Country Club.

The Royal Pines Bar and Grill is located at 139 Francis Marion Circle, Beaufort, SC, 29907. Call 843-522-9700.

lady’s Island country clubgreat food & golf at

Ahi tuna salad.

Blues burger with fries. Italian grinder with coleslaw.

Learning from a pro on the driving range.

Page 23: The Island News February 2, 2012

About a week ago I was in Napa. For real this time. For anyone who has ever been there, you know it does define life in a new way. There is such a feeling you get from driving up and down Highway 29 and the Silverado Trail, hills and vineyards on both sides of you, quaint towns with really good restaurants and fancy shops, and the massive homes you see way up the hills. Then, there’s the sipping wine from morning to cocktail hour, when you stop sipping and start drinking for real, nothing to worry about except what your next sip is going to be. And with GPS toys in cars, now you don’t even have to really pay attention to where the road is going — the voice in the box will tell you when to turn. All of it makes for a relaxed state of mind and, somehow, doesn’t seem completely real. Like a dream.

So, my long weekend included some repeat stops for tastes because I do have my favorites, and one noteworthy new stop. I’ve never been to Domaine Carneros before but I think it’s one of my favorites now. This winery is located at the southern end of Napa Valley, in the Carneros AVA, about 5 to 10 minutes south of the town of Napa. The chateau, which you can see from the highway, is a landmark in Carneros. It was built in 1989, a copy of the 18th century chateau in France owned by Taittinger Champagne. (Yes, Taittinger is the parent

of Domaine Carneros.) The views from the Napa chateau are phenomenal — vineyards on rolling hills, blue skies on good days, and, off to one side, what looks like a group of sheep. The word “carneros” means sheep in Spanish and an artist has a display of multiple fake sheep on a hillside “canvas.”

Domaine Carneros makes two types of wines — sparkling and still Pinot Noirs. (The winery for the Pinot Noirs is like a carriage house behind the chateau.) We have talked about Carneros before — home of great Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wines and bubbles too because those are the two main varieties of real Champagne. I was lucky enough to join a group tour at the chateau that was a great experience. Not because I really learned anything new about sparkling wine but because our guide, Andrea, was so very good at giving us the information, and I got to watch the rest of the group, mostly way younger than I am, come into the fold of good sparkling wine lovers. The winery tasting room opened at 10 a.m.

and the tour started at 11. Both were full and busy. (There we are — back at the dream life again — sipping bubbles by 10 in the morning!) For the tour, we tasted several versions of Domaine Carneros bubbles.

First, the basic, Domaine carneros Brut cuvee. This wine, unlike most others, is always vintage dated. Of course, this makes it cost a bit more than some of it’s neighbors, but it is definitely worth it. It is made from estate grown, all Carneros fruit, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. It is delicate and sturdy all at the same time, with tastes of apples, lemon zest and brioche — all traditional Champagne flavors. Part of the wonderful flavors of this wine comes from special yeasts that Domaine Carneros uses. And, I am happy to say, our price of $22.99 a bottle, is a bit less than the winery price. A bit more than some other California sparklers, but a step up for sure.

The second wine we tasted we also have at the store. It’s the Domaine carneros

Brut Rose. This one isn’t a vintage dated wine, and — like roses — is more expensive. I’ve always loved Rose bubbles and the first time I tasted this one, if I hadn’t know it was California, I’d have thought it was real, French Champagne. Clean and crisp and delicate, with strawberry and hints of white chocolate. At $39.99 a bottle, this wine is really under-priced. With Valentine’s Day getting close, this is a “go to” bottle if you really love someone.

The last wine we tasted was “Le Reve.” “Reve” is the French word for “dream” and this wine brings new meaning to “living the dream” or, more accurately, “drinking” the dream. Le Reve is made from 100% Chardonnay. This makes sense because Taittinger in Champagne, France, is located in the Chardonnay part of that region and their house style leans is the lighter style that Chardonnay makes. Many wine reviewers say this is the best bubbly made in the United States. All I know, standing on the terrace of the Napa chateau, looking out over Carneros vineyards, nothing much else to do that day except finish “tasting,” Le Reve was a dream.

So, there we have it. This trip is now in the past and I get to start dreaming about my next time. And I’ve promised myself to drink these wines more because, not only are they great glasses of bubbles, but they’ll help me remember a very special morning in Napa. Domaine Carneros lives in my home and in my dreams. Enjoy!

the island news | february 2-8 ,2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 23


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Grooming l Daycare l Boarding


By Terry Sweeney

Recently I attended a wine tasting where a lady and her husband,

visiting our fair city, were very vocal about what they thought about every wine; although from their earlier conversation (which anyone but the stone deaf could overhear) I gathered they spent most nights belting down the Jim Beam and, according to her, “knew absolutely nothing about wine.”

“I’m only going to try the red!” said the burley husband defensively, as though one sip of white wine would start him twirling pirouettes in a tutu and turn his manhood to mush.

“Oh ... ” said the wife disgustedly, “I can’t stand red wine. Gives me an instant headache.”

I know the feeling. As the two of them ranted on about how bourbon was medicinal but how you could actually get sick from wine (“Where do they

wash their hands ... ya know .. after they do their business?”), I felt an instant headache starting in my temples.

As the evening progressed, their loud exclamations of “Yuck!” and “P.U. Where’s the spit bucket?” and my favorite, “Ew, this one smells like a dirty mop” drove the rest of us — who, for the most part, were trying to make up our own minds and perhaps learn something from the poor bullied wine rep — to the brink of manslaughter or madness or both.

My point is clear. I go to wine tastings, like you, to learn about wine. I’m interested in what the winemaker was thinking. After all, he or she is devoting their whole life to these grapes. Not to mention, sometimes barrels full of their own buckeroos. You know what everyone’s favorite joke in Napa/ Sonoma is? “How do you make a small

fortune in the wine business? Start with a large one.” That’s why I try to be fair and somewhat respectful when I taste the final product. If I don’t really like a wine, I simply tilt my glass and pour it into the receptacle provided and move on to the next wine without a derogatory comment that may humiliate the rep or winemaker (if present) and ruin someone else’s experience of it. The person next to me may love this wine. And the lady I mentioned earlier yelling out “This tastes like cat pee!” will definitely mar their experience and make for an embarrassing moment for me and my fellow wine tasters. How would she know what cat pee tastes like?! Unless she ‘d drunk it on some earlier unfortunate occasion?!

I attended a wine tasting with a friend of mine who, when a wine was not to her liking, and holding her shoulder length

hair back would melodramatically spew a torrent of wine back into the spittoon with such force that it made horrified onlookers think she had been taken ill and that projectile vomiting could not be far behind! At first, I too was horrified, but, alas, was taken with a case of hysterical giggles. Needless to say, we both had to excuse ourselves and slink red-faced out of the wine tasting.

You don’t have to swallow the wine. True. But really. Really? You can’t take one tasteful sip and swallow it and if displeased quietly pour the rest back without making a Shakespearian tragedy out of it? If not, maybe public wine tastings aren’t for you.

However, if you are interested in continuing your wine education, may I suggest you bring a small notebook for such occasions and take notes. Observe the aroma, the color, the taste and characteristics of the wine, its place of origin and a little something of interest about the wine maker. That’s how I learned and continued to learn by trying new wines and researching the wine makers of the wines I like. Let wine itself be your teacher. Get your wine tongue wet. But, please — keep the rude lip zipped!


Sip happens!

Terry Sweeney

• Thursday, February 2, at the Red Dot Store next to Outback from 5:30 - 7 p.m.• Thursday, February 9, there will be a tasting at Suzarra’s Kitchen from 5:30 -7 p.m.• Thursday, February 15 again at the Red Dot Store next to Outback from 5:30-7 p.m.

upcoming local wine tastings

Wine tasting etiquette

Page 25: The Island News February 2, 2012

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Kick off Super Bowl Sunday with some of these majorly manly munchies

As an international flight attendant for 28 years, Harlene wrote a

column for flight attendants on where to go and what to eat while on layover in various cities. After retiring, she started her personal

chef business — the home chef on Fripp Island.

about the chef

Black Bean Dip

Pigs in Blankets

InGREDIEnTS• 4 bacon slices• 1 medium onion, chopped• 1 small red bell pepper, seeded, chopped• 1/2 tsp. ground cumin• 1/2 tsp. ground oregano• 2 15-ounce cans black beans, undrained• 1 tsp. chopped, seeded canned chipotle chilies*• 1/2 cup sour cream• 2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro• tortilla chips*

DIREcTIOnSCook bacon in a heavy large skillet over medium heat until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Coarsely chop bacon and set aside.Pour off all but 1 tablespoon of the bacon drippings from skillet. Add onion, bell

pepper and saute until onion is soft,about 6 minutes. Add cumin and oregano, saute 1 minute. Add beans with their liquid and chipotles. Lower heat to medium-low and simmer until slightly thickened, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes.

Transfer 1 cup of the bean mixture to a food processor. Blend until smooth. Stir blended mixture into remaining bean mixture. Season with salt and pepper and transfer to a bowl. Cover and refrigerate 2 hours. Stir half of bacon into dip. Top with sour cream. Sprinkle with cilantro and remaining bacon. Serve dip chilled or at room temperature. This can be made 2 days ahead. Chill bacon and dip separately.Makes 4 cups*Chef notes: Chipotle chilies are available in small cans with adobo (spicy tomato sauce) in the Latin food aisle at Publix. I like to make my own tortilla chips but a great substitute are the corn tortilla chips made by On the Border and are availableat Bi-Lo.

InGREDIEnTS• 1 1/2 pounds of Portuguese chorizo• 1 pound Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed and cut into2 by 4-inch rectangles• Petite pickles or cornichons• Creole mustard

DIREcTIOnSPreheat oven to 350. Cut chorizo into 2-inch pieces and wrap each piece in a piece of the puff pastry. Press the seam to seal. Place seam-side down, on a baking sheet. Bake until pastry is golden brown, about 10-15 minutes. Serve with pickles and mustard.Serves: 6-8. Of course, can be doubled.

the home chef ... on the Super Bowl

By Harlene Deane

Page 26: The Island News February 2, 2012

26 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com

dining guideA listing of local restaurants in northern Beaufort County:Your resource for where to eat

AMATA THAI FUSION: 2127 Boundary Street, Beaufort Town Center; 843-379-9197; L.D.

ATHENIAN GARDENS: 950 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-9222; Greek; L.D.

BACK PORCH GRILL: 950 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 525-9824; L.D.

BARBARA JEANS RESTAURANT & BAR: 47 Ferry Road, Lady’s Island; 524-2400; Home-style Southern; B.L.D.

BELLA LUNA: 859 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-3188; Italian; B.L.D.

BERRY ISLAND CAFE: Newpoint Corners, 1 Merchant Lane, Lady’s Island; 524-8779; Soups, salads, ice cream; B.L.D.

BERTOS GRILL TEX-MEX: 9 Market, Habersham Marketplace; Mexican; 644-1925; L.D.

BIG JOE’S BAR-B-Q: 760 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort; 770-0711; L.D.

BLACKSTONE’S DELI & CAFE: 205 Scott St., Beaufort; 524-4330; B.L.

BLUE DOG CAFE: 736 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island, inside The Lowcountry Store; 838-4646; L.

BOONDOCKS RESTAURANT: 1760 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-0821; D.

BREAKWATER RESTAURANT & BAR: 203 Carteret St., Beaufort; 379-0052; Upscale dining, tapas; D.

BRICKS ON BOUNDARY: 1420 Boundary St., Beaufort; 379-5232; Salads, sandwiches, appetizers, sports bar; L.D.

CAROLINA DOG & DELI: 968 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-2122; L.

CAROLINA WINGS & RIB HOUSE: 1714 Ribaut Road, Port Royal; 379-5959; Wings, ribs, sports bar; L.D.

CAT ISLAND GRILL & PUB: 8 Waveland Ave., Cat Island; 524-4653; Steaks, seafood, pasta, burgers, more; L.D.

DOCKSIDE RESTAURANT: 1699 11th St. W, Port Royal; 524-7433; Seafood; D.

EMILY’S TAPAS BAR: 906 Port Republic St., Beaufort; 522.1866; D.

FACTORY CREEK FISH COMPANY: 71 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 379-3288; Seafood; L.D.

FOOLISH FROG: 846 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-9300; L.D.

FRYED GREEN TOMATOES SOUTHERN EATERY & CAFE: 2001 Boundary St., Beaufort; 379-9601; Buffet-style Southern cooking; B.L.D.

FUJI RESTAURANT: 97 Sea Island Parkway, Hamilton Village, Lady’s Island; 524-2662; Japanese steak house; L.D.

FUMIKO SUSHI: 14 Savannah Highway, Beaufort; 524-0918; L.D.

GILLIGANS: 2601 Boundary St., Beaufort; 838-9300; Seafood, steaks; L.D.

GOURMET ON WHEELS: 812-8870; Healthy home-cooked meals delivered to your door weekly; D.

GREAT GARDENS CAFE: 3669 Trask Parkway, Beaufort; 521-1900; L.

HAROLD’S COUNTRY CLUB BAR & GRILL: Highway 17-A & Highway 21, Yemassee; 589-4360; Steaks, wings; L.D.

HECKLERS: 2121 Boundary St., Suite 100, Beaufort Town Center Beaufort; 379-2090; L.D.

HEMINGWAY’S BISTRO: 920 Bay St., Beaufort; 521-4480; bar & grill; L.D.

HOUSE OF TOKYO: 330 Robert Smalls Parkway, Beaufort; 521-9011; Japanese; L.D.

JADE GARDEN: 2317 Boundary St., Beaufort; 522-8883; Chinese and Japanese cuisine; L.D.

JIMMY JOHN’S: 2015 Boundary St., Beaufort Town Center; 379-3009; Sub sandwiches; L.D.

JOHNSON CREEK TAVERN: 2141 Sea Island Parkway, Harbor Island; 838-4166; L.D.

KOOKY MOOKY’S: 101 Scott St., Beaufort; 521-4445; L.D.

L.T.’s HOMECOOKED MEALS: Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 524-3122; L.

LADY’S ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB: 139 Francis Marion Circle, Lady’s Island; 522-9700; L.D.

LA NOPALERA: 1220 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 521-4882; Mexican; L.D.

LOS AMIGOS: 14 Savannah Highway; Beaufort; 470-1100; Mexican; L.D.

LUTHER’S RARE & WELL DONE: 910 Bay St., Beaufort; 521-1888; Burgers, salads, seafood, bar and grill; L.D.

MAGGIE’S PUB & EATERY: 17 Market, Habersham; 379-1719; L.D.

MAGNOLIA BAKERY CAFE: 703 Congress Street, Beaufort; 524-1961; B.L.

MARILYN’S LUNCH AT SOUTHERN SWEETS: 917 Bay St., Beaufort; 379-0798; Sandwiches, soups; L.

MARKETPLACE NEWS: 917 Bay St., Beaufort; 470-0188; Ice cream and sandwich cafe; B.L.

MARYLAND FRIED CHICKEN: 111 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 524-8766; L.D.

MEDICAL PARK DELI: 968 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-0174; B.L.

MOONDOGGIES CAFE: 930 10th St., Port Royal; 522-1222; Steaks, salads; L.D.

NIPPY’S: 310 West St., Beaufort; Seafood, burgers; 379-8555; L.D.

PALM & MOON BAGELS: 221 Scott St., Beaufort; 379-9300; B.L.

PANINI’S CAFE: 926 Bay St., Beaufort; 379-0300; Italian, wood-fired pizzas; L.D.

PIACE PIZZA: 5-B Market, Habersham, Beaufort; 379-3287; L.D.

PIZZA INN: 2121 Boundary St., Beaufort Town Center, Beaufort; 379-8646; L.D.

PLUMS: 904 1/2 Bay St., Beaufort; 525-1946; Sandwiches, seafood, live music;L.D.

PORT ROYAL PASTA COMPANY: 1340 Ribaut Road, Port Royal; 379-0146; D

Q ON BAY: 822 Bay St., Beaufort; 555-

1212; Barbecue, Southern cooking;L.D.

RED ROOSTER CAFE: 1210 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-2253; B.L.

RYAN’S FAMOUS PIZZA & SUBS: 14 Savannah Highway, Shell Point Plaza, Beaufort; 379-3479; L.D.

SAKE HOUSE: 274 Robert Smalls Parkway; Beaufort; 379-5888; Japanese; L.D.

SAN JOSE: 5 Sams Point Road, Lady’s Island, 524-4001, and 2149 Boundary St., Beaufort, 524-5016; Mexican; L.D.

SALTUS RIVER GRILL: 802 Bay St., Beaufort; 379-3474; Seafood, upscale; L.D.

SAND DOLLAR TAVERN: 1634 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-3151; L.D.

SANDBAR & GRILL: 41B Robert Smalls Parkway, Beaufort; 524-3663; L.D.

SEA ISLAND PIZZA: 136 Sea Island Pkwy, Beaufort; 522-1212; L.D.

SGT. WHITE’S: 1908 Boundary St.; Beaufort; 522-2029; Southern cooking; L.D.

SHOOFLY KITCHEN: 1209 Boundary St., Beaufort; 379-9061; B.L.

SHRIMP SHACK: 1929 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-2962; L.

SOUTHERN GRACES BISTRO: 809 Port Republic St., at The Beaufort Inn, Beaufort; 379-0555; L.D.

STEAMER: 168 Sea Island Parkway; Lady’s Island; 522-0210; L.D.

SUSHI SAKANA: 860 Parris Island Gateway, Port Royal; 379-5300; L.D.

SUWAN THAI: 1638 Paris Ave., Port Royal; 379-8383; Thai cuisine; L.D.

SUZARA’S KITCHEN: Newcastle Square, Beaufort; 379-2160; B, L.

SWEETGRASS: 100 Marine Drive, Dataw Island; 838-2151; L.D.

TOOTING EGRET BISTRO: 706 Craven St., Beaufort; 521-4506; B.L.

UPPER CRUST: 97 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 521-1999; L.D.

WEEZIE’S CRAB SHACK: 1634 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-2197; Seafood, burgers; L.D.

WREN: 210 Carteret St., Beaufort; 524-9463; Local seafood, steaks, pasta; L.D.

YES! THAI INDEED: 1911 Boundary St., Beaufort; 986-1185; L.D.

a guide to dining

• All area codes are 843 • B = Breakfast • L = Lunch• D = Dinner • To feature your restaurant in the SPOTLIGHT, email [email protected].

As the most authentic, unseeming restaurants tend to be, House of Tokyo (located in the Cross Creek shopping center) is a best-kept secret. If you’re looking for some oriental satisfaction, look no further. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Lunch specials Mon.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Located in the Cross Creek Shopping Center next to JC Penny. Call (843) 521-9011.


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last week’s crossword & sudoku solutions

games pageStay busy and entertained with themed crossword puzzles and Sudoku

THEME: VALENTINE’S DAYACROSS1. Canine pests6. Tabby’s boyfriend9. Dart13. Animal helper in Southwest U.S.14. Street address15. *Tim McGraw’s valentine16. Nisei’s parent17. Substance infamously used by baseball great George Brett18. Twisted cotton thread19. *Candies with a message21. *Like refined suitor23. Sign of a lion24. Controlled by the moon25. European tax28. Engineer30. Possessed by green-eyed monster, pl.35. Shining armor37. Known for its sword-shaped leaves39. Ringworm40. Cher has only one41. *His aim is true?43. Hindu woman’s dress44. Stand on end46. Indonesian resort island47. Julia Roberts’ Oscar-winning role48. Six performers, e.g.50. Officer training program52. *Couples often talk about how they did this53. Thailand money55. As opposed to “stood”57. It’s sweet home, according to Lynyrd Skynyrd61. Obsolete office position64. *Common pet name, pl.65. Double helix67. The lowest deck69. City in Belgium70. Used for canning71. Variant of “beneath”72. Concludes73. He famously judged O.J.74. Bordered

DOWN1. Hoover’s agency2. Boozer3. Gaelic4. “_ ____ job”5. *Where future couples meet?6. They’ve become mainstream fashion statements7. Female reproductive cells8. “_____ beaucoup!”9. Like Eliza Doolittle10. Contains several to-dos11. “__’__ have to do”12. People in general15. Like a Spaniard who speaks Spanish20. Often served with Tanqueray22. Lyric poem24. With three parts25. *Goddess of love26. Wide open27. It took a licking but kept on ticking29. Chow31. It prevents movement32. *The two were arm-__-___33. Spooky34. *Valentine, e.g.36. Type of email box38. Silage holder42. Scatterbrained45. To lower in value49. African tam-____51. *Alleged mastermind of St. Valentine’s Day massacre54. Mecca pilgrim56. “Give me your _____, your poor...”57. Often goes with “willing”58. Past participle of “lie”59. Tucked in60. A dog does this for scraps61. Edible root of Pacific islands62. Ore smelting by-product63. Type of bag66. “Unforgettable” singer68. Highest degree

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petsLearn about canine behavior with Tracie Korol, or find a furry friend to adopt

Mounting the campaign

Broad Marsh Animal Hospital

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BowWOW! Is a production of Tracie Korol and wholeDog. Tracie is a holistic behavior coach, a canine massage therapist (CCMT), herbalist, and canine homeopath. Want more information? Have a question? Send a note to Tracie at [email protected] or visit www.wholedog.biz.

Like many doggy behaviors we humans find annoying, inconvenient or embarrassing, mounting (“humping”) is a perfectly normal canine behavior. And like other annoying, inconvenient or embarrassing behaviors, it’s perfectly reasonable to be able to tell our dogs to stop. Can it be that simple? Sometimes.

Occasional mounting of other dogs in canine social interactions can be acceptable as long as it doesn’t lead to bloodshed, crushing a neighbor’s tiny dog or total oppression of the mountee. However, the longer the dog has practiced his humping skills, the harder it is to change. Logically, the sooner you intervene in your dog’s unacceptable mounting, the better your chances for behavior modification success.

Neutering is an obvious first step. A 1976 study ( Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, JAVMA) found an 80% decrease in mounting behavior following neutering. (Mounting is far more a male dog behavior than female.) The same study determined that within 72 hours of surgery, the bulk of the hormones leave the dog’s system. As mounting behavior is partially a learned behavior as well as hormone-driven, the extent to which neutering will have a positive effect depends on how long the dog has been allowed to hump at liberty. I am all for having dogs neutered as soon as the presiding vet deems it medically viable. It not only moves you into the ranks of Responsible Pet Owners, but it makes it easier to modify unwanted behavior

before it becomes a habit.Good Manners training is also of

benefit when dealing with a happy humper. If a dog is trained to respond promptly to cues — sit, leave it, go to your place — simply asking for an incompatible behavior will squelch a mount before it begins. If you see your dog get that goony-eyed stare when a dog friend comes to play, you can divert him to his rug with the “go to your place” cue or instruct him to sit. (Reward lavishly when he does.) This technique will be effective if you work with your dog on a daily basis, reminding him daily that he is a guest in your house. So many owners will trot their pets to puppy class and rarely, if ever, review.

If, during a play date, as excitement and activity builds, a cue may not be enough to divert the humper. In that case, try a subtle body block. Every time your dog approaches the other with obvious mounting posture, step calmly in front of your dog to block him. If you’re skilled and have a tight relationship with your Best Friend, you might be able to simply lean your body forward or thrust out a hip or knee to

let him know the fun’s about to stop. Or, if your dog is on lead you can cheerfully announce “time out!” and lead your dog out of the area of activity. Sit with him until the arousal level has diminished and then release him back to the game.

Keep in mind, the earlier you intervene in the sequence, the more effective the intervention as your dog has had less time to become fully engaged in the behavior. It’s also important that you stay calm and cheerful during the modification process. Yelling or physically correcting your dog increases the stress level in the environment and may set up a condition where a fight could occur.

For your average run-of-the-mill human mounting, simply get up and walk away. Or clue your guests before their visit that if Charlie gets frisky it would be to their benefit to not

respond, but simply move away from the impending action. Explain that Charlie does not have a romantic crush, that it is not sexual behavior, but attention-seeking and anything they try to do to talk Charlie out of it will only reinforce the behavior, or make it worse. You can use a light line (I like a length of clothesline rope) to help extricate your friends from your dog’s embrace while announcing cheerfully, “time out!”

Dog owners are often surprised to discover that some dogs masturbate, neutered or not. There’s no harm in it, as long as the objects used are washable — his personal stuffed bear as opposed your couch cushion — and it doesn’t become obsessive. Again, removing an inappropriate object or resorting to time outs can re-direct behavior to objects that are more acceptable.

As with many unwanted dog behaviors, some time spent learning positive rewards based training will pay off in spades, and you will change the undesired behavior. Making use of basic training cues and distraction — get the ball!, squeak the squeaky toy or simply moving to a different room can diffuse a situation with kindness and as always, with humor.

pet-relAted eventsGet to know Palmetto Animal LeagueThere are many animal lovers in this community interested in the care and well-being of homeless and stray animals. Palmetto Animal League is organizing these Get To Know PAL meetings to better understand the organization’s contribution to the community, and how they can help PAL help animals through volunteering or donating. There will be a meeting Saturday, Feb. 4, from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Hampton Room of the Hampton Hall GOLF Clubhouse Anyone interested in attending these free and non-binding meetings can contact Tom Curry: [email protected] and please put “PAL” in the subject line. The specific address will be given when you email your RSVP. Please visit www.palmettoanimalleague.org for more information about PAL.

Page 29: The Island News February 2, 2012

Black chamber holds networking eventThe Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce (BCBCC) will have its First Friday Networking Event from 6 - 8 p.m. Friday, February 3, at the “Green Herring Art Gallery” located at 1001 Bay Street (corner Bay and Charles, street level) in Beaufort. There will be drawings, prizes, and refreshments. Open to the public. The cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. For more information call 843-986-1102.

Oyster roast benefits Humane AssociationThe Humane Association of the Lowcountry is holding its 4th Annual Oyster Roast and BBQ with silent auction and live music on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Pleasant Point Clubhouse, 8 Barnwell Drive on Lady’s Island. Tickets are $30 per person or $55 per couple. For ticket info and reservations, call 843-525-1831 or visit www.halsc.org or email [email protected].

Local branch of nAAcP to meetThe Burton-Dale-Beaufort Branch of the NAACP will be having a reorganization meeting on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at the Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce located at 801 Bladen Street (corner of Duke and Bladen) at 7 p.m. We encourage all members to attend. Those who would like to become members are invited as well. The mission of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. For details call 843-271-0376 or 843-986-1102.

classic car show will be held at HabershamThe Car Show will be at Habersham on Market Street on Saturday, February 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by The Classic Car and Truck Club of Beaufort, the show will benefit Thumbs Up, a year round program that focuses on academic achievement and character development by working one on one with referred youth, their families and their teachers. For more information, call Dan Silva, 617-513-3938.

BHS Booster club has oyster roast fundraiserThe Annual Family Oyster Roast/Fundraising event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Live Oaks Park in Port Royal (next to the elementary school). The event will be from 5 to 10 p.m. Cost will be $25 for singles and $40 for couples, children under 12 free! Beer, wine and oysters provided with the ticket cost. Silent auction, raffles and door prizes will be offered with all proceeds used to benefit the athletic teams at Beaufort High School. For additional information, call Jane Stewart 247-1897 or Jonolyn Ferreri 986-4093.

community health fair will be at Helena HouseA community health fair will be held on Wednesday, February 8, from 9 a.m. – noon at Helena House in Port Royal. A variety of complimentary health screenings to include blood pressure, skin cancer, and balance/fall risk assessments will be offered by Beaufort Memorial Hospital, THA Group and Hilton Head Dermatology. In addition, information on weight loss, holistic ways to heal your body, and wealth management tips will also be offered. Other participants include: Lowcountry Compounding Pharmacy; Roxanne Cheney, LLC Personal Organization;

Therapeutic Solutions; John Troutman of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management; Alzheimer’s Family Services of Beaufort; Doctor’s Express of Beaufort; Cecelia Ansola Certified Health Coach; IV Specialists, and Lowcountry Home Oxygen. Beaufort Memorial Hospital will also offer lipid profile cholesterol screenings, prostate/psa tests, HgbA1C 3-month blood sugar tests. Those tests will be $10 each. Complimentary breakfast will be available to all who stop by the health fair. For more information, contact Helena House at (843) 982-0233 or e-mail [email protected].

Sea Island Fly Fishers to hold meetingThe Sea Island Fly Fishers will meet next on Feb. 8 at 6 p.m., at Bay Street Outfitters, Beaufort. The club welcomes anyone interested in fly fishing. The program for February will be a talk by local guide Owen Plair on redfish. Owen is a Beaufort native and Orvis endorsed guide. He grew up on local waters and will share his knowledge and experience. Attendance and refreshments are free. Call Jack Baggette with questions and visit www.flyfishingbeaufort.com.

Panini’s to celebrate Grand Re-openingPlease join us at Panini’s on the Waterfront for a Grand Re-opening celebration on Wednesday, February 8 at 5 p.m., with the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce helping us with a Ribbon Cutting ceremony. During the monthlong renovation project, we’ve made several changes to the interior of our restaurant that we’re very excited to show you. Mark your calendar, and join us for complimentary hors d’oeuvres, complimentary beer, and other beverages at the new Panini’s on the Waterfront, 926 Bay Street in Downtown Beaufort.

Support group helps post-abortion womenIf you are a post-abortion woman struggling through the pain of issues relating to an abortion experience, there is healing and hope. The

Beaufort Women’s Center is offering abortion recovery assistance through “Healing Hearts”, a 10-week support group that will meet at the center on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 9 p.m. beginning February 9. All inquiries are confidential. Seating is limited so call 843-525-0300 and let the healing begin. Ask for Susanne or Donna.

Sportfishing & Diving club will meetThe Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s February meeting will be held on Thursday, February 9 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club off Meridian Road, on Lady’s Island. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting at 7 p.m. The guest speaker will be nationally renowned charter captain, humorous radio star and fisheries trivia expert Captain Fuzzy Davis of Hilton Head Island. He will reveal his secrets of winter fishing. Guests are welcome. For additional information, call Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

uScB to kick off workshop seriesThe University of South Carolina Beaufort Office of Career Services Director, Rachel Hoover, is hosting a Backpack to Briefcase workshop series in an effort to prepare USCB students for the job market on Feb. 7-14 from 12-2 p.m. These events are for USCB students and alumni. As a finale to the workshop series, the “USCB Spring 2012 Career Fair” will take place on Feb. 16 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. This event will be held in room 237 of the library located on the Hilton Head Gateway campus on Hwy 278 in Bluffton. Contact Rachel Hoover at 834-208-8263 or [email protected].

upcoming classes offered at ArtLoftsHere are upcoming art classes offered at ArtLofts, located at 208-B Carteret St,:• Feather Jewelry with Susan Stone will be Saturday, Feb. 11 from 9 a.m. - noon. Cost is $30 plus materials. Contact [email protected] or 843-441-7493.• “Improv” Your Painting with Susie Stockholm will be Feb. 18 from 1-4 p.m. Cost is $35 plus supplies. Contact 843-473-7706 for details.• Oil Painting Workshop with Mary Grayson Segars will be held Feb 27, 28, 29 from 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Cost is $150. Call 812-9509 or go by ArtLofts to register.• Painting The Lowcountry with Mary Grayson Segars. The class held at the Society of Bluffton Artists on Feb 10, 13, 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost for SOBA Members is $150, non-members $170. Contact 812-9509 for details.

catholic Social Teaching to meetHave you ever asked how can I respond to Catholic Social Teaching in these challenging times? Are issues such as poverty, jobs, health care, economic inequality, social safety net, and housing a concern to you? Join others in exploring a response on Sunday, February 19, 3- 5 p.m. at 17 Wina Road, St. Helena Island. For more information, email [email protected].

what to do

the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com 29

Page 30: The Island News February 2, 2012

service directory

30 the island news | february 2-8, 2012 | www.yourislandnews.com


KFI Mechanical, LLc399 Sam’s Point RdLady’s Island, SC 29907Tel. 843-322-0018

Beaufort Air conditioning and Heating, LLcJohn C. Haynie President 843-524-0996www.beaufortairconditioning.com


christopher J. Geier Attorney at Law, LLCCriminal Defense & Civil LitigationLocated on the corner of Carteret and North StreetOffice: 843-986-9449 Fax: [email protected]://geierlaw.com


Broad River constructionChandler Trask (C): 843.321.9625 (P): 843.522.9757Chandler@BroadRiverConstruction.comwww.BroadRiverConstruction.com


Merry Maids Bob Cunningham [email protected] Parris Is Gateway Beaufort, SC

collins Pest controlTommy Collins843-524-5544Complete Termite and Pest Control Residential, Commercial, Free Estimates, Licensed and Insured



Lohr Plumbing, Inc.Brett DoranServing the Lowcountry for over 20 years.Service, New Construction, and Remodeling. (843) 522-8600www.lohrplumbing.com


DA Roofing co.Donnie Daughtry, OwnerCall us for ALL of your roofing needs. New Construction, Residential and Commercial, Shingles, Metal, Hot Tar & Hydrostop.All repairs and new additions.FREE ESTIMATES524-1325


Southern Tree Svs. of Bft., Inc. Ronnie Reiselt, Jr.P.O. Box 2293 Beaufort, SC 29901843-522-9553 Office843-522-2925 Fax

Furbulas Dog Grooming and Pet Sitting Brittany Riedmayer843-476-2989 • [email protected]• Member of National Dog Groomers Association of America. • Change your dog from Fabulous to Furbulas with a personal touch.



Randy Royal, MD- OBGYn and Pelvic Surgery843-524-5455www.wernerandroyal.comWe’re now providing a new level of patient comfort.

Lawn SolutionsJim Colman843-522-9578www.lawnsolutions.usDesign, Installation, Maintenance

coosaw Landscapes, Inc.Landscape, Maintenance and Design ServicesChris Newnham843-694-3634



Mamasfurniture.comCloseouts • Bargains • DealsOver 21 years in Beaufort and Savannah $56,550 donated to Local Churches and USO.Check us out on Facebook and Craigslist.

First Step Driver Training, LLc Tommy Collins, InstructorTeen/Adult/Fleet/ and 4 Point Reduction Classes 843.812.1389


www.firststepdrivertraining.comLicensed/Bonded/InsuredOver 27 years law enforcement experience


Gene Brancho Marketing ConsultantFull service marketing consulting for your smaller business. Social Media Marketing • Marketing Representation • Networking...and more. Phone: 843-441-7485email: [email protected]


For All Your Insurance needsAndy Corriveau phone: (843) 524-1717

For All Your Insurance needsAmy Bowmanphone: (843) 524-7531


Palmetto SmilesJennifer Wallace, DMD 843-524-7645palmettosmilesofbeaufort.com


Damn Yankees Auction House Steve AllenAlways accepting quality consignments

from one item to an entire estate.www.dyauction.com • [email protected] * 843-784-2828 * 843-784-5007 Fax


The collectors Antique Mall Jane Tarrance Furniture, Glassware, Collectibles, Multi-dealer, 5,900 sq. ft full of antiques, art

Free parking! 843-524-2769102 C Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island Center Beaufort, South Carolina, 29907

Dawn H Freeman MSW LISW-cPIndividual, Marriage and Family Therapy43 Sea Island [email protected]




OFF. 843-525-1677FAX 843-524-1376

E-Mail: [email protected]


Palmetto Shores Property ManagmentLura Holman McIntoshCall 525-1677 or fax [email protected]

Rodney MuckenfussDesign ConsultantFurniture Warehouse Design Gallery745 Robert Smalls Parkway, Suite 1Beaufort, SC 29906 Days off: Sundays and [email protected]: (843) 524-8695Fax: (843) 524-6011Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10A-6P, Sun 1-5P


The Beaufort Day Spa843.470.1777 304 Scott St.massage ~ facial ~ mani/pediwaxing ~ spa packagesspa packages

Lime Lite SalonStylist Jennifer RayA True Balance of Substance & Style843-379-5463612 Carteret Streetwww.limelitesalon.net

Beaufort chiropracticDr. Bridget Gutzmer703 Bladen St. 843-522-1115BeaufortChiropracticCare.comLicensed Massage Therapy & Nutritional Exams Available.

Never pay retail

Over 100,000 satisfied customers



Go to our web site to see the entire paper online, to view past articles or to post

your comments. We also have the latest news updates from

around town.


Beaufort Mobile Website Design Paul Richardson843-441-8213

[email protected]://beaufortmobilewebsitedesign.com

Page 31: The Island News February 2, 2012


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AnnOuncEMEnTSTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012, IS THE LAST DAY to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: (483) 20X The Money.ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter and diabetic testing supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter eliminates painful finger prick-ing! Call 877-327-7224.AucTIOnSAUCTION - SPECTACULAR WA-TER TRACT – Marion, SC – 79 +/- Ac. in 4 Tracts – 3 Large Ponds – 1600 +/- sq. ft. Log Home. 1129 New Life Rd. Sat. Feb. 4 @ 11 AM Hunting, fish-ing & development. Damon Shortt Real Estate & Auction Group 877-669-4005 SCAL2346 www.damonshorttproperties.com.ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 112 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.6 million readers. Call Jimmie Haynes at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. BuSInESS OPPORTunITYA COKE & M&M Vending Route! 100% Financing w/g/c. Do you earn $2k week? Lo-cations available in your area. 1-800-367-2106 Ext 16 SC#307.EDucATIOnAL SERVIcESALLIED HEALTH career train-ing - Attend college 100% online.

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Order by 2-3 ~ Delivery on 2-7• London Broil w/ Balsamic Roasted Vegetables• Beef Stroganoff• Sticky Chicken Thighs w/ smashed New Potatoes & Tomatoes• Turkey Tetrazinni (casserole)• BBQ Pork Butt Dinner• Shrimp Scampi• White Chicken Chili and Antipasto over Fresh Greens

Don’t want every meal every week? Pick and order only

the meals you want.

Page 32: The Island News February 2, 2012

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