Entrance Ticket (write this down) If you were King George III of England, what would you do in response to the Boston Tea Party? Si usted fuera el rey Jorge III de Inglaterra, ¿qué haría usted en respuesta a la Boston Tea Party?

The Intolerable Acts

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Page 1: The Intolerable Acts

Entrance Ticket (write this down)

If you were King George III of England, what would you do in response to the Boston Tea Party?◦Si usted fuera el rey Jorge III de Inglaterra, ¿qué haría usted en respuesta a la Boston Tea Party?

Page 2: The Intolerable Acts

The Intolerable Acts

A.K.A. the Coercive Acts

Page 3: The Intolerable Acts

The Intolerable Acts, also known as The Coercive Acts, were a series of laws passed to punish the colonists for resisting British authority.

Response to the Boston Tea Party & Boston Massacre

“We must either master them or totally leave them to themselves.” – King George III

Page 4: The Intolerable Acts

The Five “Intolerable” ActsQuartering Act

Boston Port Act (MA only)

Massachusetts Government Act

Administration of Justice Act (MA only)

Québec Act

Page 5: The Intolerable Acts

Quartering Act Applied to all colonies

Colonists were responsible for providing housing for British soldiers

Direct response to Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party

Colonists were upset for having to house British soldiers whom they felt should not be in the colonies at all.

Page 6: The Intolerable Acts

Boston Port ActResponse to Boston Tea


Closed Boston Harbor◦Until the British East India

Company was repaid for the destroyed tea

Colonists were upset that it punished all of Boston rather than just the individuals responsible for the Tea Party

Page 7: The Intolerable Acts

Massachusetts Government Act

Nearly all positions in the Massachusetts Colonial Government were to be appointed by the King

Banned town meetings in Massachusetts unless called for by the governor

Essentially eliminated any participation in government by the colonists in Massachusetts

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Administration of Justice ActResponse to Boston Massacre

Governor could move the trials of accused royal officials to other colonies or to England.

George Washington called it the “Murder Act”

Many believed that British soliders would be able to harass colonists and then escape justice

Page 9: The Intolerable Acts

Québec ActCreated a government for the British

Canadian province of Québec

Extended the Canadian border south to the Ohio River

Prevented colonists from settling in Ohio River Valley

Colonists resisted the spread of Catholicism in the area

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Page 11: The Intolerable Acts

Colonial ResponseColonists claim these as a violation of

their constitutional and natural rights

“A most wicked system for destroying the liberty of America” – Richard Henry Lee (VA)

Britain aimed to separate the rebellious Massachusetts colony from the rest◦Ended up uniting colonies against Great Britain

Page 12: The Intolerable Acts

Your taskPlaying the role of one of the Sons of Liberty,

write a speech to convince other colonists to resist English rule & the Intolerable Acts

Use concrete facts, but also play to the colonists identity and desire for freedom

Anyone who gives the speech to the class will receive 8 bonus points

Due in class on Friday

Page 13: The Intolerable Acts

Exit Ticket

When Britain learned that the colonies were on the brink of rebellion in 1768, what was Parliament’s response?◦A. Parliament closed Boston Harbor◦B. Parliament did nothing◦C. parliament sent a letter to the colonies◦D. Parliament sent troops to Boston

Page 14: The Intolerable Acts

Paul Revere’s engraving of which event was an example of Propaganda that led to more intense anti-British feelings among the colonists◦A. Bosto0n Massacre◦B. Boston Tea Party◦C. Intolerable Acts◦D. Liberty Affair

Page 15: The Intolerable Acts

Which act gave the East India Company an advantage over colonial merchants?◦A. Declaratory Act◦B. Stamp Act◦C. Sugar Act◦D. Tea Act

Page 16: The Intolerable Acts

What was the dramatic act of defiance that some colonists celebrated.◦A. Boston Massacre◦B. Boston Tea Party◦C. Coercive Acts◦D. Intolerable Acts