The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board (BPERB) www.bperb.org.bd 2019

The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

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Page 1: The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board (BPERB)



Page 2: The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)


Organization and Location


Organization in-

charge of



Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board (BPERB) established in 2001 by IEB under the provision of its Bye-Law.

Certified engineers work in Bangladesh as well as outside Bangladesh and represent BPERB.

BPERB admitted to IPEA as a Provisional Member in 2003 in New Zealand meeting.

BPER Secretariat

Space facilities

BPERB office area is about 3500 sq. ft. having required office equipment.

BPERB can share seminar Hall (capacity 250) and council Hall (capacity 200) as BPERB is a sister organization of IEB.

BPERB and IEB office facilities are located in the same compound.


and Record


Documentations are maintained in hard copy and in soft copy.

Individual file is maintained for each PEng.

Pertinent information will be in web-site soon.

Constitution and Governance


Composition of

Board of BPERB

24-Members Board formed by Bye-Laws of IEB that govern BPERB operation and the members of the board are, 1. Chairman and Vice-Chairman nominated the IEB council. 2. Vice-President (Academic and international) of IEB is Ex-officio

member. 3. Honorary General Secretary of IEB Ex-officio member. 4. Chairman, Accreditation Board (BAETE) Ex-officio member. 5. 12 Senior engineers from public and private sectors (Academics, Industry

or professional society). 6. 5 renowned persons from other Professional organizations. 7. One representative from Ministry of Education (additional Secretary

Level). 8. One member from a regional/international engineering body.

BPERB is autonomous and functions independently without any interference.


arrangements or



In absence of Chairman, Vice-chairman conducts Board meetings and forms committees/sub-committees for any specific cases/issues.

Full-time Registrar supported by office staffs to execute decisions of Board and makes contact and communication with any organizations or individuals as well as manages office activities.

Full-time office support-staff, accountant and computer operator assist the Registrar.

Board has authority to form committees and sub committees out of IEB members and any professional engineer from stakeholders.

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Independency of

the Organization

BPERB works independently without any influence from IEB or Government or stakeholder.

BPERB is empowered to make Bye-Laws, rules, regulations for operation of the organization.

BPERB functions by its Bye-Laws, BPERB has full autonomy to become members of any International Organizations of Professional Engineers. It can receive/pay any fees or benefit for professional purpose.

Stakeholders, education providers, social organizations cannot interfere with the operation or activities or decision of BPERB.

Uniqueness of

BPERB and non-



One and only Professional Engineers Registration Board in Bangladesh.

Engineering Graduates from about 120 universities apply here to get certification but at nowhere else.

BPERB is a non-governmental organization, but recognized by the Government.

BPERB participate in the National Professional issues for study/criticism/report/development/research uniquely

Power of BPERB

for Governing the


BPERB can form any committee/sub-committee for evaluation, study and decision for the purpose of assisting Board

BPERB sets competence standards through discussions with stakeholders and Society in coherence with IPEA rules/regulations.

BPERB can amend any Law and Bye-Law of the organization and may place any requisition to IEB for changing IEB constitution.

May organize any workshop/symposium/seminar for the improvement/welfare of the certified graduates.

BPERB is empowered to become members of international professional bodies, and for professional communication with any professional body for the interest of the organization.


Supports to the


Government, engineering communities, education providers and society have representation to the Board for reflecting the need of professional engineers.

Representation from the international professional organizations to the Board also works.

Level of

Governance of




Singly Powered for controlling competence standards and framing any policy for this purpose.

Decision for Registration/certification of the graduates solely lies with a competent body or assessor panel formed by the Board.

Registration matter is carried on by a definite policy which is uniquely framed by an expert committee formed by the Board.

Sound governance principles are followed for functional separation between registration policies, standards and processes.


interferences from

any levels

BPERB is not subjected to any interference from professional organizations, societies or any interested groups.

IEB council has set legal bindings by forming Bye-Laws against outside interference to any decision of BPERB.

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Scope of Activity of Registration


Legal authority to



BPERB is the authority to confer Registration to successful applicants.

Registration of the successful candidates by the Board is endorsed by the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh during Annual Convention of IEB.

BPERB has authority to cancel Registration of the person convicted by court/law or other departmental actions.

Responsibility of

operation of the



BPERB is fully responsible for operating the activities of Registration according to the policy of BPERB set by the Board.

Provisions for jurisdictional registration by the Board at the level of Agreement (IPEA)

Board decision is final on any issue of Registration matter.


consideration for


Bangladesh is geographically a plain land. The whole country may be considered to be one territory or jurisdiction.

Territorial influence on the standards and processes are unimportant.

BPERB plans to initiate Registration process in the public and private organizations to increase professional engineers Registration.

Development Long

term/Activity plan

for better



Development of competence to Engineers needs a long term plan. They should be capable to communicate effectively within professionals and in society. BPERB shall achieve this goal through its long term policy.

Government has initiated a long term development plan. Engineers should be professionally trained in the line of IPEA procedure to make them fit in government program. BPERB plans to adopt processes to train engineers for development programs of the country.

Code of Conduct Elements

Compliance with

Code of Conducts

Professional engineers shall abide by the Code of Ethics of IEB which is binding to all corporate members of IEB and PEng.

Maintain Social responsibility to uphold ethical values of the society following the rules of Code of Ethics.

Ethics Board shall observe the implementation of Ethics rules on Professional Engineer. Violation of Ethics rule is subjected to punishment at different levels by the disciplinary board.

Assessors’ final recommendation is placed before the Board after getting clean statement from the Ethics Board about the applicants or else the case is rejected.

Funding and Auditing


Source of fund for

BPERB operation

IEB is Government sponsored organization and it receives fund from Government through Ministry of Works. IEB allocate fund to BPERB for operation and maintenance.

Fees collection for Registration of Professional Engineers and admission fees.

Time to time donations and grants from companies/ stakeholders.

Auditing of BPERB


Local chartered Account Firm audits the account of BPERB every year and the audit report is submitted to Annual General Meeting of IEB for approval.

Internal audit team looks into the accounts frequently.

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Registration procedure for an applicant starts with the following:

A) Pre-requisites:

1. Accredited bachelor degree in engineering recognized by IEB

2. Corporate member of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

3. Minimum 7 (seven) years professional experience must be required

including a minimum of 2 (two) years’ experience in responsible

position where he/she had to manage projects or parts of large

projects / engineering activities independently and having

responsibility for the financial & technical outcome of work of an

engineering nature.

4. Evidence of achieving a level of Five 5 days / 30 hours Continuing

Professional Development (CPD) in the last twelve (12) months of

seeking PEng examination. The quality of CPD has to match with the

core competence of IEA.

B) Sponsor’s / Referee’s Reports from 3 (three) Fellow of IEB with at least 10

(ten) years standing or PEng having 03 (three) years standing.

C) Completed Application with CV and Work Experience

D) Competence & Commitment Report (3000-4000 words) on 5 (five) Core

Professional Competence Standards

E) Written Examination (WE) in a controlled condition on questions on Code

& rules of Ethics and Communication Skill assessed by the Assessors. The

answer should be within 1500-2000 words in 2 (two) hours’ time.

F) Oral Interview by the Assessors.

G) Assessment by Assessors and Final Result.

Information regarding “Getting Registered as Professional Engineer” provided in BPERB

Website: www.bperb.org.bd

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To meet the minimum standards, an engineer must demonstrate his/her ability to

practice competently in own working area to the expected standard level of a competent

Professional Engineer. For this purpose five Core Professional Competence Standards

have been identified namely:

i. General and specialist knowledge and understanding to optimize the application

of existing and emerging technology for solving problems.

ii. Application of theoretical and practical knowledge to the analysis and solution of

engineering problems.

iii. Technical, commercial and managerial leadership skills with a sound

understanding of economic and procurement policies.

iv. Effective communication and interpersonal skills with professional commitment.

v. Professional conduct, commitment to society, health and safety, environment

and regulation.

While gaining work experience the engineer will be expected to develop many of the skills

defined in the Core professional Competence Standards and will be expected to

demonstrate his/her status through the submission of a Competence and Commitment

Report on Core Professional Competences within 3000-4000 words (hand written).

Each competency standard contains elements of competence which will have their own

indicators of attainment. The elements of competence indicate the capabilities related to

the competency standard concerned and the indicators of attainment is a guide to

indicate the type of work the applicant is enable to demonstrate and that determines the

candidate’s relevant level of competence. Grading Criteria for Indicator of Attainment as

per level of competence shall be 0 -poor, 1 –fair, 2 –good, 3 – very good, 4 – excellent.

The applicant must achieve average level of competence grading 3.

The competences along with elements and indicators are given below.

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i. General and specialist knowledge and understanding to optimize the application of existing and emerging technology for solving problems.

The first core competence of the Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board

indicates the fundamental knowledge that the graduate engineer earned during the study

period. The vision of the engineer and his/her way of thinking shall be demonstrated in

this competence standard which will have elements and indicators of attainment as

indicated below:

Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

1. Maintain and extend a

sound theoretical

approach for

exploitation of new

and advancing


a) Ascertain academic knowledge and practical skills earned, gained in engineering education through application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that impacted his/her work or the working environment of engineering projects/activities with which he/she had been associated.

b) Ability to maintain, broaden and deepen own knowledge base through research, thesis and project activities/group activities.

c) Ability to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of local, national and international, codes and standards, Laws, Acts and Regulations such as- Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), Building Construction Rules, Bangladesh (DMINB), Bangladesh Standards (BDS), BS, ASTM, NFPA, ISO, IEC, NEC, ANSI, VDE and DIN etc. in enhancing knowledge for safe design, safety, reliability, proper supervision and quality control of engineering tasks that affect the quality and performance with new ideas & concepts and new technologies.

d) Ability for striving to extend own technological capability by undertaking continuous professional development (CPD) i.e. life-long learning.

2. Engage in the creative and innovative development of engineering technology and its improvement and continuous improvement system.

a) Assess professional needs and contribute to

improvement of engineering profession.

b) Identify constraints and exploit opportunity for

development and transfer of technology.

c) Promote new application of technology when


d) Secure the necessary building code rights in profession

complying regulations.

e) Develop and evaluate continuous improvement system.

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ii. Application of theoretical and practical knowledge to the analysis and solution of engineering problems

The second Core Competence Standard of the Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board requires the Professional Engineer to be competent, by virtue of the candidate’s initial formation and throughout the candidate’s working life, to the competence standard which will have elements and indicators of attainment as indicated below:

Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

1. Identify potential engineering problems and specify the tools of analysis available for solving the engineering problems. This may need use of Information Technology.

a) Improvement of existing practices, products, processes, systems and services.

b) Identify appropriate new and emerging technologies.

c) Meeting requirements of stakeholders as much as possible.

d) Assessment of the viability and sustainability of the projects and tasks undertaken.

e) Assess, review and analyze tools for solving problems.

2. Conduct appropriate

research and undertake

design and development

to evaluate possible

solutions of engineering

problems. Such problems

may include

maintenance, risk, safety

and health issues.

a) Knowledge and use of related and relevant Acts, Rules, Codes and Standards National & International, Laws, Acts and Regulations.

b) Identifying appropriate research methodologies, technical studies and applying why-why technique for solving possible solutions and responsible for making decisions for selecting the best one justifying the decision.

c) Acquisition and management of required resources

d) Carrying out necessary tests/validations, quality assurance and quality control.

e) Exercise sound professional judgment in carrying out engineering designs giving due consideration to costs, quality, risks, environmental impact, safety and health issues etc.

3. Demonstrate the procedure for an appropriate solution of an engineering problems and risk management (determination, assessment and mitigation).

a) Ability to identify and define possible solutions of engineering problems, working independently and exercising independent judgment.

b) Undertaking engineering design considering emerging technology and the prevailing codes & standards, rules & regulations and responsibility for decision making.

c) Analyzing the problems taking account of cost, quality, risk and safety issues, reliability and security

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Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

d) Ability to determine, assess and mitigate risk, environment, health and safety issues.

e) Applying appropriate information system to ensure safe transfer of information in the work place situation i.e. MIS- collection, analysis, evaluation and dissemination of data.

f) Having good command and practice over ISO 9001 throughout his/her engineering projects, tasks.

4. Implementation of designed solutions with appropriate planning and evaluate their effectiveness.

a) Application of related and relevant codes & standards, Laws, Acts, rules & regulations and meeting all legal and regulatory requirements and protect public health and safety in the course of his or her activities.

b) Determining the criteria for evaluating design solutions.

c) Ensure that the application of the design results in the appropriate practical outcome and evaluate this against original requirement.

d) Implement the design solutions taking account of critical constraints including safety using critical decision making process.

e) Actively learn from feedback on results to improve future design solution.

iii. Technical, commercial and managerial leadership Skills with sound understanding of economic and procurement policies.

The third Core Competence Standard of the BPERB requires the Professional Engineer to

be competent, by virtue of the candidate’s initial formation and throughout the

candidate’s working life, to provide technical, commercial and managerial leadership

which will have elements and indicators of attainment as indicated below:

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Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

1. Plan for effective project implementation following relevant standard codes: national/ international.

a) Taking a lead in preparing implementation schedules

b) Ensuring that required resources are acquired

c) Identifying, assessing, managing risks as depicted in codes and standards and taking responsibility in decision making. Identify and manage risk through elimination, reduction, minimization and avoidance techniques.

d) Reviewing the factors affecting project implementation taking into consideration public health, safety and well-being of personnel and sustainability.

2. Planning, Budgeting,

Organizing, Directing

and Controlling task,

people and resources

and procurement of


a) Setting up cost effective management systems through quality control, time control and cost control and responsibility for decision making.

b) Preparing quality standards, programs and budgets, fund management and cash flow, monitoring the same and taking a sound judgment for corrective action in respect of any deviations.

c) Arranging procurement, contractual agreement adhering to procurement policy and guideline as per Procurement Acts & Rules and resources management and responsibility for decision making.

d) Organize and lead teams and coordinating project activates and responsibility for decision making.

e) Collecting feedback and recommending improvements to systems and processes.

3. Leading teams and developing staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs.

a) Agreeing on objectives and work schedules with project teams and individual members of the teams

b) Leading and supporting individual and team development

c) Promoting team work and leading work teams d) Assessing team and individual performance and

providing feedback to them.

4. Bring about continuous improvement through quality management.

a) Ensuring quality standards in operations throughout the organizational activities.

b) Promote quality throughout the organization and its customers and supplier networks by developing and maintaining operations to meet quality standards.

c) Carrying out project evaluations and making recommendations for continuous improvement

d) Plan and implement best practice methods of continuous improvement through QMS (ISO 9001) and taking corrective actions through sound judgment.

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iv. Effective communication and interpersonal skills with Professional Commitment.

The fourth Core Competence Standard of the BPERB requires the Professional Engineer to be competent, by virtue of his/her initial formation and throughout his/her working life, to demonstrate communication and Interpersonal skills which will have elements and indicators of attainment as indicated below:

Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

1. Demonstrating effective personal communication in English (written & oral) and presenting and discussion of proposals.

a) Providing oral/verbal, written instruction and preparing reports on technical subjects and writing recommendations.

b) Contributing Lead Chair and recording minutes of meetings and discussions and proper following up of the decisions taken at such meetings and discussions and communications to stakeholders.

c) Exchanging information effectively with stakeholders and provide advice to technical and non-technical colleagues.

d) Preparing and delivering presentation and feedback results to improve the proposal.

2. Ability to provide best solution, leading teams, training, mentoring and developing staff to meet changing technical and managerial issues.

a) Leading teams, developing staff and setting individual work packages and providing technical guidance how to proceed satisfactory execution of the task and help team determining the best solution of problem and train them as mentor.

b) Leading teams for execution of professional work according to relevant codes of practice in providing solutions of engineering problems

c) Recognizing the needs and guiding the teams in incorporating knowledge of Codes and compliance and ensure solution of problem in design during construction, implementation, supervision and quality control.

3. Enhancing productive working relationships and resolving conflicts between team members and aware of the needs and concerns of others and social skills in engineering profession

a) Building team spirit among subordinates and colleagues towards achieving collective goals.

b) Enhancing productive working relationships and resolving conflicts between team members and colleagues/peers, making judgment and communicating decisions of resolving conflict.

c) Managing multi-disciplinary activities in a project and briefing the group or sub-group members.

d) Assessing needs and concerns of others. Encourage team members to speak out and contribute their own ideas/thoughts, opinion and share these.

e) Identifying and managing the limits of own personal knowledge, skills, emotions, strengths and weakness.

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Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

4. Demonstrating ability to contribute and organize professional seminars/workshops, giving presentation and providing training on technical issues.

a) Organizing and presenting professional seminar, symposium & conventions of IEB.

b) Preparing reports and assessing project compliance with Codes, Standards and Regulations.

c) Making technical presentations. d) Leading and sustain debates with audience. e) Relate professional activities to the development of

society and motivate the people.

v. Professional conduct, commitment to society, health and safety, environment and regulation.

The fifth Core Competence Standard of the BPERB requires the Professional Engineer to be competent, by virtue of his/her initial formation and throughout his/her working life, to demonstrate a personal commitment to the IEB Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, recognizing obligations to the society, health & safety, sustainable development and the environment which will have elements and indicators of attainment as indicated below:

Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

1. Comply with relevant professional codes of conduct and involvement with IEB, professional bodies local and international and Loyalty to employer/superior and social responsibility.

a) Complying with the IEB Code of Ethics, Rules of Ethics and Codes for professional engineer and any other professional work norms and practices related to the work place.

b) Leading professional work according to relevant codes of practice, regulations and legislative requirements.

c) Participate and Contribute to seminar, symposium and conventions of IEB.

d) Social responsibility to uphold ethical values of the society.

e) Responsibility to maintain high standards of professional quality.

2. Applying and managing safe system of work and ethical responsibility for engineering design, construction, erection, installation, execution, supervision and quality control.

a) Uphold paramount safety, health and welfare of public and individuals while exercising professional task.

b) Taking responsibility and making decisions for all health, safety and welfare related issues and code of practice for safe design of building & structure and engineering project/activities etc. and judgment regarding endanger of life.

c) Developing, implementing and improving appropriate hazard identification and risk management system.

d) Acquiring and applying a sound knowledge of health and safety related legislation (BNBC, Labour Code etc.).

e) Manage, implement, monitor, evaluate and improve the systems justifying the decision.

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Element of Competence Indicators of Attainment

f) Taking specialized care in design, site preparation, use of proper and standard material, safety at workplace, employing skilled manpower, close supervision, checking and monitoring to achieve a safe system.

3. Undertake engineering activities that contribute to sustainable development and responsibility for environmental, health, safety and welfare issues.

a) Commitment to keep environment clean, pollution free and sustainable.

b) Using resources efficiently and effectively to ensure a sustainable environment.

c) Taking responsibility of environmental, health, safety and welfare issues justifying the decision and making judgment against adverse effect of environment.

d) Developing, implementing and improving appropriate hazard identification and risk management systems.

e) Ensuring proper environmental, social and economic outcomes.

f) Using imagination, creativity and innovative skills to maintain and improve the environment.

g) Engaging stakeholders focusing on sustainable development.

h) Efficient in understanding and demonstrating the application of ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and ISO 45001 for Health & Safety Issues.

4. Exercise responsibilities in ethical manner and commitment to public interest in all aspects of professional work demonstrating examples where applicant has applied ethical rules of professional conduct during his/her professional activities.

a) Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner and commitment to not allowing anything that goes against public interest.

b) Responsibility to uphold ethical values in engineering profession.

c) Responsibility to maintain high standard of professional quality.

d) Responsibility to maintain high standard of personal behavior in responsible manner.

e) Demonstrate examples where you have applied ethical rules of professional conduct during your professional activities.

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the systematic procedure for improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal attributes necessary for the discharge of professional and technical duties throughout the engineer’s working life. CPD intends to bridge the gap between education and Professional Knowledge and Understanding. It encompasses both o Technical and non-technical matters such as: Professional Codes of Conduct, BNBC, DMINB, Laws, Acts, other relevant Legal & Regulatory requirements, engineering design, construction, erection, installation, execution, supervision and quality control, safety, health and risk management, environment & sustainable development and Social Responsibility, Risk Management, Engineering Problem Solving, communication skills, leading teams, mentoring and developing staff to meet changing technical and managerial issues and ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 etc.

CPD may be achieved by attending, imparting, presenting or undertaking programs actively in Table below. The quality of the program has to be equivalent to that in the core competence of IPEA.

CPD Activities and Weight Factor Sl

No CPD activities Unit/period of activities Weight factor

1 Convention/Conference/Seminar/ Symposium/Meeting on Technical


Each Hour in Audience/Attending

0.5 hour CPD

Each Hour in Imparting/Presenting

1 hour CPD

2 Training/ Workshop/ Short course

Each Hour Attending 1 hour CPD

Each Hour Imparting/Presenting

2 hours CPD

3 Preparation and Presentation of

Technical Lecture Each paper

3 hours CPD (equally divided among


4 Publications in Technical conference

proceedings Each paper

2 days CPD (equally divided among


5 Publication in recognized technical

journals or publishing technical books Each paper/book

3 days CPD (equally divided among


6 Post Graduate courses/Tertiary

courses Each credit hour

(i.e. 12-14/hours a semester) 2 days CPD

At the time of seeking the Professional Engineer status, an Engineer should have evidence of 30 (thirty) hours of CPD during the previous twelve (12) months. The assessors expect the applicant is actively involved in CPD. After getting registration as Professional Engineer, s/he must maintain 30 hours of CPD each year. After getting IPEA full membership, CPD requirement may be 50 hours for a year for International PEng as per IPEA requirement.

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