The Institution has been established by the well reputed

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Page 1: The Institution has been established by the well reputed
Page 2: The Institution has been established by the well reputed

The Institution has been established by the well reputed SWARNA GROUP of


VIJAYAWADA. The SWARNA GROUP has been in the existence for more than 35

years with diversified fields of business viz., Hotels, Theatres, Banking, Finance, Real

estate, Granite and Education.


established in the year 2007 for the noble cause of imparting high quality technical

education in Engineering, Technology, and Management sciences. The ACADEMY is

promoted by Sri Muthavarapu Srinivasa Babu, a very dynamic, innovative and

enterprising person, committed and dedicated to the cause of education.


educational institution “MVR College of Engineering and Technology, Paritala”, in

the year 2008, with the state-of-the-art facilities, such as modern computer centre, E-

class rooms, round the clock internet facilities, well equipped Labs, workshops,

conference cum seminar halls, spacious class rooms with OHP and LCD projectors,

digital library, library with rich collection of books, national and international

journals. Placement assistance cell, hygienic canteen, sports, transport facilities and


PARITALA a perfect place to study.

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Academics are a continuing process of exploration, growth and sustenance.

Today information explosion has brought about many changes. New ideas are

generated, new interpretations are given and new applications are invented.

The equations are changing very fast both in education and at the work place.

Every day brings in new demands.

One has to constantly upgrade to cope with the fast emerging trends. A

software professional once said “We are training people in technologies to find

solutions for problems that have not yet been identified”. Moreover the roles

and responsibilities of professionals are ever expanding making it imperative to

move beyond the confines of the classroom and the stipulated curriculum and

focus on the skills needed to cater to the needs of the society.

Hence it has become imperative to all the stakeholders in education to arm

themselves with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to keep

themselves abreast of the rapid changes. That explains everything—the

Chairman’s message to the faculty to constantly update themselves with the

emerging new technologies and concepts, the focus on research, paper

presentations and publications, undertaking new projects, adopting new

technologies for information collection and dissemination as well.

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness”

-- Lao Tzu.

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Another milestone in MVR feather

Happy to share you that MVR college of engineering has got NAAC A grade with

CGPA of 3.09. This NAAC grade will be for 5 years that is from 2016 to 2021

TIPS & TRICKS 1. Send files upto 1GB for free from Pando (https://pando.com/)

That's HUGE!

2. Learn how to make pretty much anything at VideoJug


Learn to make cool cakes or candles or dirty toys or whatever.

3. Learn to read body language and detect lies at Blifaloo


There's no sure shot way to tell if a person is lying, but you can always pretend

that there is and get them to tell the truth anyway!

4. Get free tech support at Techguy (https://forums.techguy.org/)

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If you're having problems with your computer, this free volunteer site will sort

you out. Forget your stupid computer guy who only shows up when you're not

at home!

5. Find free wifi spots worldwide at WifiFreeSpot (http://www.wififreespot.com/)

It even lists some clinics in Delhi with free Wi-Fi! Now I can just pretend to have

amigraine and get free internet woohoo!

6. Send an anonymous email with 10MinuteMail


The email address disappears after ten seconds, so you go scot-free while your

nemes is finally accepts that you are the better human.

7. Learn any language in the world at Duolingo (https://www.duolingo.com/)

With a little patience, you can be spewing French pickup lines and Spanish cuss

words interchangeably. It’s very useful.

8. Watch from hundreds of documentaries at DocumentaryHeaven


It's got Kubrick on the home page, which basically convinced me that this site is

legit. They've got loads of free documentaries ripe for the picking!


1. The Verge (www.theverge.com/)

Former Engadget EditorinChief Joshua Topolsky launched The Verge to be an

accessible technology site, but one with longer, indepth features and reviews

here the design is as important as the writing. Mission accomplished. The Verge

may not have the most traffic among gadget blogs (yet) but it's definitely got

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the buzz; it even won five Webby Awards last year. The site now also features

The Verge Video, with regular video updates about the gadget world.

2. Slate (http://www.slate.com/)

One of the very first online magazines alongside Salon, Slate's come a long way

from the days when it was owned by Microsoft. In its 17 years the online

magazine has covered or argued about everything you can imagine in politics,

tech, business, art, and life. It couldn't make paid subscriptions work but

succeeded in podcasts, and became an award winner at the National Magazine

Awards in 2011.

3. CollegeHumor (www.collegehumor.com/)

Perhaps you wish you could relive your college glory days—the good times when

everything was a riot. Luckily there's plenty of that fun to be had at this comedy

site, home of some of the most consistently hilarious sketches and series of

today. Most of the time they are NSFW (not safe for work), so check it out

before the boss gets. There was a time when only a handful of the PCMag

staffers had Twitter accounts. Now Twitter is a fulltime companion for just about

everyone here, and you're probably no exception. Even if you don't tweet

anything yourself, it's the best place to read breaking news from media outlets,

pithy comments from celebs and comics, and some solid lunch longreads. In

fact, if you follow your favorite sites on Twitter you probably don't need to store

them in your bookmarks bar.

4. Consumerist (consumerist.com/)

When a tech product is flawed or an online service doesn't work like it should,

you'll read about it in PCMag's review. But when customer service reps refuse to

listen to your cable troubles or restaurants are overcharging for their meals,

you'll read about it on The Consumerist. Now owned by Consumer Reports, it's

updated throughout the day and is chockfull of useful shopper information.

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Indians and Bangladeshis use the internet for job hunting. Very few people in

India and Bangladesh use the internet – only 20% and 11% respectively. But

among those who do, job searching is a popular activity. Majorities of internet

users in Bangladesh (62%) and India (55%) say they have looked for a job

online in the past year, the highest rates among the 31 countries surveyed that

have enough internet users to analyze.

Young Thais are internet enthusiasts. In every country we polled, younger

people ages 18 to 34 are substantially more likely to say they use the internet

than those who are older. Especially large differences occur in Asia, and

particularly in Thailand, where 83% of 18to 34yearolds are online.

Nearly eightinten Russians own a computer. Due to the rise of smartphones,

many people in emerging and developing nations access the internet from a

device other than a personal computer. But about eightinten Americans (80%)

and Russians (78%) have a working computer in their household. In contrast,

only 3% in Uganda say they have a computer in their home

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Priyanshi somani

She can be better called as the 'human calculator'. This child prodigy was the

youngest participant of the Mental Calculation World Cup (2010) and won the

overall title. She left everyone amazed with 100 percent accuracy in addition,

multiplication and square root.

Akrit Jaswal

Considered to be the smartest person in India with an IQ of 146 performed a

surgery when he was just seven years old. He successfully operated on an eight

year old girl who badly burnt her finger without any formal medical training or

experience. He is the youngest student to be admitted in an Indian University.

The child prodigy is about to discover a cure for cancer.

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Lydia sabstain

This Indian origin girl in UK beat Albert Einstein's and Stephen Hawking's IQ

with a score of 162on Mensa IQ test. She is believed to have the highest ever

IQ in the world.

Koutilya Pandit

This seven year boy from Haryana left the world mesmerized with his

unbelievable memory skills. He could recall 213 countries and answer general

knowledge questions related to politics, economy, per capita income, geography

and many more. Kautilya got an opportunity to host Amitabh Bachchan's Kaun

Banega Crorepati in 2013

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Lalita prasida

This 13 year old girl from Odisha won the 'Community Impact Award' at the

prestigious Google Science Fair in California this year. Lalita's project was

low cost water purifier which could purify waste water by passing it through

different layers of corn cobs.

Ajay puri

He became the youngest web designer of the world at the age of four. Ajay Puri

could operate almost all the programs by the age of two. His website,

Website of Ajay Puri is a hit and he was lauded for his achievements by late Dr

APJ Abdul Kalam, Bill Gates, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and

many others. He holds the Guiness World Record of the youngest web designer.

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What Are The Basic Principles of Good Networking? 1. Remember the name.

As long as the person tells you his/her name, remember it (How do I remember

names during a business networking event? Is there a way to remember more

than 2-3 names?). Mention their name several times during your conversation.

It builds rapport fast.

2. Find commonalities.

Before you start talking about business and what the other person is doing,

have a little small talk that helps you find commonalities. When you will have a

strong common ground, you will leave a stronger impression.

3. Give a genuine compliment.

Compliments are the most valuable, under-utilised currency. And they are free!

Make the effort to find something you genuinely like about the person you just

met and tell him/her. Sense of fashion, great question they asked, interesting

observation they made. Before you start making business, it helps to develop a

good personal connection.

4. Give value first.

Most people make a mistake of thinking it's o.k. to ask others for a favour

without not giving anything. The most important rule of networking is to GIVE

VALUE FIRST without expecting anything in return. That's just good karma. We

never know who from the people we have met at a networking event turns out

to be a great and valuable connection. But leaving a great impression by

helping others usually comes back to us via recommendations. Or by being on

top of mind in case others hear about an opportunity that we should know


5. Always follow through.

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People go to networking events, but most connections never develop into a

business relationship due to lack of follow up. The most successful startup

owners and entrepreneurs made it, because they had a system in place of

following up.

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Events @ MVR 2016

International women’s day celebrations

Chief Guest: Gottipati Satyavani

CONGRATULATING Md Sulthana for her Gold Medal

From Krishna University

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Manam Vanam Program @ MVR


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MVRCollege of Engineering & Technology

Affiliated To JnTu Kakinada, Recognised By AicTe

Opp Hanuman Statue, Paritala, Vijyawada Rural