THE INSTITUTE OF BREWING - University of Glasgow · 2019-07-19 · brewing and associated industries, with particular inter-ests in researc anhd th establishmene o scientificf t

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Page 1: THE INSTITUTE OF BREWING - University of Glasgow · 2019-07-19 · brewing and associated industries, with particular inter-ests in researc anhd th establishmene o scientificf t







Page 2: THE INSTITUTE OF BREWING - University of Glasgow · 2019-07-19 · brewing and associated industries, with particular inter-ests in researc anhd th establishmene o scientificf t

HISTORYFounded originally in 1886 as the Laboratory Club bya group of brewing chemists who met in a Londoncoffee-house to discuss scientific problems of commoninterest, the Institute of Brewing was formallyestablished in 1890. In 1904, this London-basedinstitution amalgamated with similar bodies in otherparts of Britain to form a national organisation in thebrewing and associated industries, with particular inter-ests in research and the establishment of scientific/technical standards and qualifications.

At an early stage in its history, the Institute developeda broad base, recognising long before the advent ofmodern technology, that a wide range of scientific/technical skills and expertise contributed to ensuring theexcellence of the end product.

Its membership reflects this recognition, and throughits widely respected activities at home and overseasconcerned with the maintenance and enhancementof standards, the Institute has developed a stronginternational flavour.

Today there are seven United Kingdom regional Sec-tions, the Australia and New Zealand Section, and thenewest, the Central and Southern African Section.London includes in its register, members of manynationalities employed in brewing and associatedindustries all over the world. Each Section has its ownrules and customs though all are bound by the Byelawsof the Institute, the central office of which is situated inLondon.

For some 90 years the Institute was registered as alearned body under the Literary and Scientific Institu-tions Act 1854. In 1 975, the old Institute was dissolvedby resolution of a majority of its members and a newincorporated Institute created as an educational auth-ority under the Charities Act 1960 and the CompaniesActs 1948 to 1985.

AIMSThe Institute's motto, "Rerum Cognoscere Causas"from Virgil's Georgics, Book II—or, in modernparlance—"To reason why", reflects the aim of theInstitute

"the advancement of education, especially inthe sciences of brewing, fermentation anddistillation".

In pursuance of this aim, the Institute seeks to main-tain and enhance scientific/technical standards for thebenefit of its members, and the brewing and associatedindustries as a whole.

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Among its most notable achievements was the foundingin 1951, of the Brewing Industry Research Foundationat Lyttel Hall, Nutfield, Surrey, after nearly 50 yearshard preparatory work by enthusiastic early Institutemembers.

These laboratories (8RF) are today regarded as anoutstanding example in the world of co-operativeresearch, fostered and largely financed by the memberfirms of a single Industry (The Brewers' Society) anddirected for the benefit of all.

This Research Establishment, with a staff of scientists,technicians and research workers, is administered underthe general direction of the Council of the BrewingResearch Foundation. The latter is comprised of ninemembers of the Brewers' Society and six from theInstitute of Brewing, whose President is normally theVice-Chairman.

EXAMINATIONSThe Associate and Diploma Master Brewer MembershipExaminations of the Institute of Brewing are interna-tionally recognised. The Examination Scheme wasstarted in 1920, and has been developed over the yearsin conjunction with the University of Birmingham andHeriot-Watt University. Institute Examination Centresare established in June annually, in universities and col-leges at home and overseas, to cover world-widerequirements.

In the last few years there has been a dramaticincrease in applications to sit these Examinations.

PUBLICATIONSThe Journal of the Institute of Brewing is a high qualityscientific publication, and is circulated to some 4200members and non-member subscribers six times a year,it is regarded as the leading publication of its kindanywhere, and has world-wide distribution.

A Newsletter, brewing science booklets, technicalreports, recommended methods of analysis, and otherprinted material is published and circulated on a regularbasis.

EUROPEAN BREWERY CONVENTIONThe Institute is the official representative of the UnitedKingdom/Ireland Brewing Industry, within the EuropeanBrewery Convention, and provides representatives onthe EEC Council and various other Committees. It isresponsible for submitting a selection of learned papers

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from UK and overseas Institute members for presen-tation to biennial EBC Congresses held rotationally invarious European centres. The Institute also coordinatesthe attendance of national delegations at such Con-gresses, and had the responsibility of planning andexecuting the 1 983 Congress in London for approx-imately 1700 delegates and guests, on behalf of theEBC Council.

ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTUREThe affairs of the Institute are managed by its Council,a statutory body composed of representatives of all theSections, together with the Vice-Presidents and 16Elected Members. Subordinate to the Council areStanding Committees which concern themselves withthe different aspects of the work of the Institute, namely:

The General Purposes Committee which acts in anadvisory capacity to the President of the Council inrespect of management, policy and plans.

The Research Board which provides an advisoryforum of scientific brewing expertise, two-way com-munications with the Brewing Research Foundation,and organises specialist technical meetings andworkshops.

The Barley Committee which includes representa-tives of the Plant Breeding Institute, the NationalInstitute of Agricultural Botany, the National Farmers'Union, the Scotch Whisky Association, Scottish Col-leges of Agriculture, and the Home Grown Cereals'Authority. It encourages the introduction of new,improved varieties of malting barley, and arranges andanalyses associated malting/brewing trials.

The Hop Industry Committee which includesrepresentatives of the English Hops Ltd, the HopMerchants' Association, Wye College, East MailingResearch Station, the National Farmers Union, theAssociation of Growers of New Varieties of Hops, andthe English Hop Factors Association. It is particularlyinterested in the breeding and development of newvarieties of hops, and arranges relevant trials andanalyses.

The Analysis Committee which was formed in 1906with a view to enabling malting and brewing chemiststo check their techniques against official analysis. TheCommittee is drawn from a wide variety of scientificand analytical skills among the Institute membership.Together with similar bodies in Europe and the UnitedStates, this Committee is now recognised internation-ally as a third authority on recommended methods ofanalysis.

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The Joint Maker/User Committee formed by rep-resentatives from the Institute and the Allied BreweryTraders' Association. It brings together brewers andthe manufacturers of plant and machinery, and isestablished to encourage the improvement of breweryplant and equipment.

The Publications Committee which is responsiblefor the Journal of the Institute of Brewing and otherprinted material.

The Examination Committee which arranges andoversees the annual Associate Membership and theDiploma Master Brewer Membership Examinations.

MALTING BARLEY AND HOPCOMPETITIONSThese United Kingdom Competitions are run under theauspices of the I nstitue of Brewing.

The National Malting Barley Competition is organisedby the Barley Committee, in two separate groups—England/Wales, and Scotland.

The English Hop Competition and Exhibition isadministered by the Hop Industry Committee, and silverChallenge Cups are awarded to the five Class winners.

OTHER ACTIVITIESIn furtherance of its aims and objectives, the Institutearranges general and specialist meetings, symposia,conventions and workshops in the United Kingdom,(Including major meetings at colleges in Oxford andCambridge and in Scotland), in Africa, Australasia, andSouth East Asia. It also conducts Study Tours in over-seas countries on specific brewing science/technologytopics.

A Register of Linguists is maintained at Instituteheadquarters, to assist Committees or members in thetranslation of papers, and/or in discussions withnon-English speaking persons.

RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER BODIESApart from the European Brewery Convention, a closeworking relationship is maintained with many bodies,notably the Brewers' Society, the Allied BreweryTraders' Association, the Maltsters Association of GreatBritain, and the Incorporated Brewers' Guild.

Additionally, the Institute of Brewing is representedin or has working relationships with many ResearchInstitutes and Establishments, and is a member of theParliamentary and Scientific Committee.

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HISTORICAL LIBRARYA Reference Library is established at the Institute'sheadquarters in London for the benefit of members. Itcovers the historical aspects of the Brewing Industryand related matters, and is particularly well endowedwith 19th Century books.

CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIPThe Institute today has a membership of approximately3500 drawn from more than 70 different countries. Theyare registered in the appropriate class of membership.

Student—persons of not less than 16 years of agewho are undergoing a course of preparation andtraining with the object of qualifying for AssociateMembership of the Institute.

Member—persons associated with the brewing andrelated distilling and fermentation industries who, inthe opinion of the Council, are able to further the aimsof the Institute.

Associate—persons with two years' practical brew-ing experience who have passed the prescribedexamination.

Diploma Master Brewer—Associate Memberswith two years' further brewing experience who havepassed the prescribed examination.

Fellow—by selection, for members with substantialexperience and responsibility in the field of brewing,fermentation or associated activities, and who havecontributed significantly to the interests of theInstitute over a number of years.

Corporate—Companies which are carrying on busi-ness as brewers of beer or vinegar, maltsters, distillers,manufacturers of ciders and wines, barley and hopgrowers, and allied traders. Representation from thesecompanies is limited to one nominated individualfrom each, whose specific company appointment isable to further Institute aims.

Honorary—Election in this Class is made infre-quently, and is used for recognising efforts of non-members who have made exceptional contributionsto the interests of the Institute.

SUMMARYThe Institute covers the widest range of interestsconcerned with the Brewing and associated industries.Through its membership of approximately 3600 indi-viduals, it constitutes an independent, international,technical and scientific learned body, dedicated to theenhancement of standards. Although the Institute is stillstrongly scientific in its aims, individual members arenot necessarily scientists by profession, but much of theoriginal 'club' atmosphere still exists.

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A member enjoys the benefits of an internationallyorientated, learned body covering the scientific/technological interests of the brewing, fermentation,distilling and associated industries, and is entitled to:

0 attend meetings of any of the 7 UK and 2 OverseasSections.

0 attend fee-paying Institute meetings at Memberrate.

A receipt of Institute Journal, Newsletter, technicalreports, and other printed material.

A attend EBC Congresses at EBC Member rate.

£ submit papers/posters for consideration for presen-tation at EBC Congresses.

£ opportunity (where suitably qualified) to obtaininternationally recognised qualification in Brewingthrough Institute Examinations.

0 visit the Brewing Research Foundation for theannual presentation of scientific papers andlaboratory discussions.

A consideration for service on Institute TechnicalCommittees serving Industry.

£ use of Institute Historical Library for research andreference.

£ attendance at Presidential Dinners, and Sectiontechnical meetings, visits and social/sportingevents.

£ opportunity to meet and converse with widestcross-section of individuals engaged in brewingresearch/production and associated activities.

FURTHER INFORMATIONMembership application forms and further details ofInstitute of Brewing activities can be obtained from:

The SecretaryThe Institute of Brewing33 Clarges StreetLondon W1Y SEE

Tel: 01 4998144

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HONOURS AND AWARDSOver the years, the Institute has established a number ofawards to recognise achievement, and to uphold theexcellence of standards in the Brewing and associatedIndustries.

Horace Brown MedalThis medal, which is the Institute's highest honour, isawarded to perpetuate the memory of Dr HoraceJabberer Brown, FRS (1848-1925), one of theInstitute's greatest brewing scientists.

It is awarded to individuals at intervals of not less thanthree years, for outstanding services to the scientific ortechnical interests of the fermentation industries.

John S. Ford AwardInstituted to encourage young brewers, and to com-memorate the life of John S. Ford (1866-1943), adistinguished brewing scientist and Institute member.

It is awarded to a candidate for the Institute AssociateExamination, who in achieving a pass at "Distinction"level, has submitted papers of an exceptionally highstandard.

Winners are encouraged to spend their prize moneyon the study of brewing methods and developmentsoverseas.

Sir William Waters Butler AwardThis award was bequeathed by Sir William W. Butler,second President of the Institute, in 1939.

It is awarded to the best student each year at theBritish School of Malting and Brewing, University ofBirmingham.

The James S. Hough AwardInstituted by the University of Birmingham in 1985, tocommemorate the work of Professor J. S. Hough, lateDirector of the British School of Malting and Brewing,and a distinguished member of the Institute, particularlyin regard to its Examinations. An award is made onappropriate occasions for distinction in the InstituteDiploma Master Brewer Examination.

Cambridge PrizeThis Institute Honour was instigated in 1982 toencourage Institute members under the age of 35engaged in research work.

It is awarded for the most significant contribution tobrewing science and technology over the previous threeyears.

The winner is invited to present a paper on the workconcerned, at the annual Cambridge meeting, organisedby the London Section of the Institute.

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Professor H. E. Armstrong LLD PhD FRS 1926Dr E. S. Beaven 1930F. P. Whitbread 1934SirW. W. Butler, Bart 1937J.S. FordFICFRSE 1941Julian Baker FCGI FRIC (presented 1948) 1946Professor H. Lundin PhD 1951Professor E. S. Salmon 1955Professor Sir Ian Heilbron DSO FRS 1958Phillippe Kreiss, Legion d'Honneur, Croix de

Guerre 1961Professor I. A. Preece DSc FRSE 1964DrF. Mendlik 1967L. R. Bishop MA PhD DSc FRIC FIBiol 1970C. Rainbow BSc PhD DSc FRIC 1976Professor Anna M. MacLeod DSc PhD FIBiol

FRSE 1976J. H. Hudson BSc PhD FRSC 1982


Christopher J. Dickenson PhD BACharles W. Bamforth BSc PhDRoyS.TubbBScDPhil



Norton, Oscar ThomasPeacock, BarryEssex, Edward ArnoldJohnston, RobertBarker, William JamesMackay, Clifford FurnessMorison, Kenneth Ernst JohnDoig, William McLellanDickens, RobertFoote, Sydney James MillerHill, Arnold MauriceLaing, HectorAbbott, HowardBradbury, John HarveyDonald, Malcolm PringleGuest, John Holden ElliotJessup, George AlbertPenrose, John Denis Fitz-GeraldWilliamson, Alan GrahamHenson, John CarterMills, John Edward


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Brandon, ReginaldSharratt, DonaldTickner, Bernard OliverBlack, Robert GeorgeGirdham, Ronald WalterYoung, Michael HughPratt, Charles William GeraldShardlow, Peter JohnBarnes, Wilfred ThomasAuchincloss, LeslieOliver, William SidneyRegan, David RossMacleay, AlistairManners, Arthur Edward RobinWellington, Stephen Leslie RussellO'Donnell, Dermot CarolanGreen, Anthony JamesRoberts, Trevor ReginaldComline, Peter DavidMurray, Malcolm StuartFraser, Maurice LachlanSwanson, Ian MichaelMachin, Timothy JohnPollard, Roger MartinReeve, Peter Terence VictorBurton, RobertHarding, DerrickMacDonald, JohnNoble, Charles StuartTaylor, RobertGriffin, Stephen RichardKennedy, Alistair Joseph LeightonO'Neil, MichaelSheard, KeithCarter, Sheelagh Mary Geraldine


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Charles Hagart Babington 1904-1905Sir William Waters Butler Bart 1905-1906Montagu Martin Weller Baird 1906-1907Alfred Gordon Salamon ARSM FIC 1907-1908James Grimble Groves DLJP 1908-1909Edwyn Frederick Barclay 1909-1910Henry Herbert Riley-Smith 1910-1911Alfred Chaston Chapman FIC FRS 1911-1913Francis Pelham Whitbread 1913-1915Thomas Watson Lovibond FIC 1915-1917Adrian John Brown MSc FIC FRS 1917-1919Sydney Oswald Neville 1919-1921Henry Edmund Field 1921-1923Edward Ralph Moritz PhD FIC 1923-1924Robert Valentine Reid 1924-1926Francis Pelham Whitbread 1926-1928Robert John Baker Storey 1928-1930Percy Gates 1930-1932James Stenhouse ACGI 1932-1934Christopher George 1934-1936Harold Wallis Harman 1936-1937Cecil Ernest Wells Charrington MC 1937-1938Thomas Edward Grant 1938-1939Lt.-Col. James Herbert Porter CBE DSO 1939-1941George Thomas Cook 1941-1943Harold Wallis Harman 1943-1944Cecil Ernest Wells Charrington MC 1944-1945Walter Scott JP 1945-1947Maurice Vandeleur Courage 1947-1952John Morison Inches 1952-1954John Edmund Martineau MA 1954-1956George Mesnard Parsons 1956-1958Maurice Arthur Pryor 1958-1960The Lord G retton QBE 1960-1962Lt.-Col. Francis Northey Richardson TD JP 1962-1964Arthur Harold Brook 1964-1966Norman Bryce Smiley MA 1966-1968Clifford Furness Mackay 1968-1970Professor Anna Macgillivray MacLeod

DScPhD FIBiol FRSE 1970-1972Ewart Agnew Boddington MA JP 1972-1974Anthony John Richard Purssell MA 1974-1976Charles Henderson Tidbury 1976-1978Peter Beal Hossell 1978-1980Michael Henry Van Gruisen TD MA 1980-1982Michael Chalcraft 1982-1984Norman Sydney Curtis BSc CChem FRSC 1984-

Printed in Great Britain by Henry Ling Ltd., at the Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset

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