The Importance of Making a Will

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  • 7/28/2019 The Importance of Making a Will


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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    If you die without a will, there are certain rules

    which dictate how the money, property or

    possessions should be allocated.

    This may not be the way that you would have

    wished your money and possessions to bedistributed

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    Unmarried partners and partners who have not registered acivil partnership cannot inherit from each other unless thereis a will, so the death of one partner may create serious

    financial problems for the remaining partner

    If you have children, you will need to make a will so thatarrangements for the children can be made if either one orboth parents die

    It may be possible to reduce the amount of tax payable onthe inheritance if advice is taken in advance and a will ismade

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    The Importance Of Making A Will



    The legal declaration of a man's intentions of what

    he wills to be performed after his death.

    Is drafted for the implementation and distributionof the assets as per the testators desire.

    Once executed it becomes a testamentarydocument.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    A codicil is a supplement to a will which makes some

    alterations but leaves the rest of it intact.

    A codicil must be signed by the person who made the will

    and be witnessed in the same way. However, the witnesses

    do not have to be the same as for the original will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    TESTATOR - the one who makes a will or a


    EXECUTOR - The person or entity named in a will

    who has the responsibility of carrying out the terms of

    the will (that is, collecting the will maker's assets, payingthe debts, and distributing the remaining assets to thebeneficiaries)
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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    LEGATEE - Also known as a beneficiary. A legatee isa person to whom a legacy is given by a last will andtestament.

    ADMINISTRATOR - A person appointed by aprobate court to manage and to distribute the estate ofa person who has died without a will; and is

    distinguished from an executor of a will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    A probate means a copy of the Will, certified under the seal of

    a competent Court with a grant of administration of the

    estate to the executor of the testator.

    It is the official evidence of an executor's authority. A

    probate is mandatory when the Will is executed by a

    Hindu, Christian or Parsi in the cities of Mumbai, Calcutta

    or Chennai, or pertains to immovable property situated in

    Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION In the event a person dies intestate or a Will does

    not name any executor, an application can be filedin the courts of law for grant of probate.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    Made by a person who is 18 years old or over and madevoluntarily and without pressure from any other person

    Made by a person who is of sound mind.

    In writing and signed by the person making the will in thepresence of two witnesses

    Signed by the two witnesses, in the presence of the personmaking the will, after it has been signed. A witness or themarried partner of a witness cannot benefit from a will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    If a witness is a beneficiary (or the married partner or civilpartner of a beneficiary), the will is still valid but the

    beneficiary will not be able to inherit under the will.

    Although it will be legally valid even if it is not dated, a willshould also include the date on which it is signed.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    CHALLENGING A WILL A person may want to challenge the testators will because:-

    They believe that the will is invalid; or

    They believe that they have not been adequately provided

    for in the will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    When a will has been made, it is important to keep it up to

    date to take account of changes in circumstances. It isadvisable for you to reconsider the contents of a will must

    be regularly reconsidered to make sure that the will still

    reflects the testators wishes.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    The Most Common Changes Of Circumstances

    Which Affect A Will Are:-

    Getting married, remarried or registering a civil partnership

    Getting divorced, dissolving a civil partnership or separating

    The birth or adoption of children, if the testator wishes to

    add these as beneficiaries in the will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    INTESTACY When a person dies without making a Will, his property devolves upon

    his heirs as per the laws of inheritance/succession applicable to him/her.

    When this occurs, the Intestates assets are frozen until a court appoints

    an administrator and they are then distributed according to a rigid legalformula.

    Until the administrator is appointed, it is possible that no income willbe available for the intestates dependants and a legal battle may follow if

    the distribution is contested in court.

    Hence the possibility of any dispute surfacing between dependentscould be greatly reduced just by drafting the Will.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    Equal Share of the property to be divided between each of thefollowing persons:

    Mother being alive (1 share)

    Widow (1 share)

    Living sons (1 share each)

    Living daughters (1 share each)

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    Equal Share of the property to be divided betweeneach of the following persons:




    Son and daughter of predeceased son (equally together 1


    Son and daughter of predeceased daughter (equally together

    I share).

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    INTESTATE MUSLIMConsanguineous heirs


    True Grandfather


    True Grandmother

    Daughter Sons Daughter

    Residuaries are those who are not entitled to aprescribed share, but are entitled to take theresidue after the sharers take their prescribedshares. Children of the deceased or of the son

    of the deceased and the father of the deceasedare residuaries. Male descendants of the truegrandfather are also residuaries.


    Full Sister,

    Consanguine Sister

    Uterine Brother

    Uterine Sister Distant kindred are all blood relations

    not being sharers or residuaries If thereare no sharers or residuaries other thanhusband or wife the balance shall begiven to distant kindred.

    Unrelated successors are those who areacknowledged kinsman, universal legateeand government by escheat. In theabsence of relations, the acknowledgedkinsman shall succeed. In the absence ofany in the group, it will go to universallegatee, and if there is none, theprinciple of escheat will apply.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    INTESTATE CHRISTIAN Widow / widower 1/3 of the property

    Lineal descendants equally to share 2/3.

    In the absence of lineal descendant, to all grand

    children, - equally In the absence of grandchildren, to great grant children


    Lineal descendant of a predeceased child or linealdescendant of a predeceased child of a predeceased

    child if present - division is based on equal shares,taking the predeceased child to be alive, and adownward distribution amongst the lineal descendants.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    With no lineal descendant:

    Widow /widower 1/3 Father balance entire

    If Father is dead, to mother, to mother, sisters and

    brothers- equally

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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    Widow / Widower and Children Share Equally

    Living parents-each to get a share equal to half of aChilds Share

    Wife and children of a predeceased son to share theshare of the child as if the son died after the death of thedeceased. If the child predeceased is a daughter, her

    share would be equally distributed to her children.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will



    If the testator's intends to appoint somebody as the guardian of their minor

    children, it would be wise to discuss the matter with the proposed guardianbeforehand in order to ascertain whether he is genuinely willing to take on this

    important responsibility should the need arise.

    A Will should be very specific and thus should make the intention of the person

    writing a Will very clear.

    The "Video Recording of the Will" and copies of CD could be made available to

    concerned persons for smooth succession. This can help in hassle-free


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    The Importance Of Making A Will


    Will is a private document . Amongst other things, it is

    also an expression of the testator's relationship with his

    family members and other relatives, the testator's

    opinions, views, and feelings are indicated through this

    document. It is thus far better to make a personalized

    Will rather than let the impersonal rules of inheritance

    take effect.

    A Will is the only way to make sure that the testator

    can carry out wishes after his death.

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    The Importance Of Making A Will

    CONCLUSIONWhere there is a will . There is a way .


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