The Importance of Honour in Malory

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  • 7/27/2019 The Importance of Honour in Malory



    The Importance of Honour in

    Malory`s Morte D`Arthur

    Mentor Made by:

    Krste Iliev Alexander Krstev 161270

  • 7/27/2019 The Importance of Honour in Malory


    Le Morte dArthuris an epic written by Sir Thomas Malory, a knight prisoner, published

    around 1485.

    Le Morte dArthur tells the epic tale of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. The

    Arthurian legend, however, significantly predates Le Morte dArthur, and in fact, the majority of

    the text is compiled from other sources, including: Gregory of Monmouths Historia Regum

    Britanniae, and the French Vulgate Cycle (or Romances). These later works treated Sir

    Launcelot as a primary character, and featured most of the story arcs that Malory used, most

    notably the quest for the Holy Grail. Only "The Tale of Sir Gareth" is solely Malory's work.

    Le Morte dArthur is, at its core, a story of the life of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round

    Table. The central themes of destiny, identity, and the ideal quest drive the tales, which move

    from the formation of Arthurs England through its tragic demise. Interspersed throughout the

    story are a variety of colorful characters and circumstances which illustrate the important

    moments in the history of his kingdom.

    Another important theme shown through the characters actions and events is chivalry. A major

    theme throughout the text, chivalry defines the code of ethics that the Knights of the Round

    Table must uphold. King Arthur cements the importance of chivalry within the fellowship of the

    Round Table by asking his knights to renew their vows of knighthood at Pentecost each year,

    promising to protect women and to flee from treason and murder. Most of the main characters,

    including King Arthur, Launcelot, and Gawaine, uphold their promises of chivalry; however,

    they, like many of the other characters, break their vows on various occasions. For instance

    Arthur kills the sorceress Annowre; Launcelot fights and kills other Knights of the Round Table;

    and Gawaine encourages Arthur to go to war with Launcelot. Chivalry is as much an ideal for

    knights to strive for than an easily realized virtue.

    Two parts of chivalry that are important is identity and destiny.

    A person'ss identity is so important within the world of Le Morte dArthur. Each character is

    defined not only by his familial relations, but also by his abilities, whether on the battlefield, as a

    lover, or as a leader. A person is also defined by his loyalties to his country or liege. Knights are

    usually defined with epithets about their abilities or loyalties, sometimes given through fate,

    sometimes through their own accomplishments. Many people struggle with identities given to

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    them by fate or circumstance. For instance, when Arthur was young, he thought of himself as the

    adopted son of a landowner and knight, not as the heir to all of England. After Arthur learns he is

    the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine, he has a hard time accepting his identity, even though

    that identity compels him to take power meant for him by fate. Similarly, his son Mordred also

    has difficulty accepting his identity - though he is predestined to kill his father, he is bothered by

    the Archbishop of Canterbury's statements on his sinful conception.

    Interestingly, though, many characters often don disguises. For instance, Sir Launcelot

    frequently hides his identity so that he can solicit jousts with knights who might otherwise be too

    frightened to fight him. Mistaken identity in Le Morte dArthur often results in tragedy, as was

    the case for the brothers Balin and Balan. Merlin is perhaps the most persistent in his attempt to

    conceal his identity, mostly from Arthur, as he transforms into old men or young children,

    usually to teach the King a lesson. The regularity of disguise suggests that characters often wish

    freedom from an identity that otherwise too fully limits them in the eyes of others.

    Several characters within Le Morte dArthurare predestined to certain ends. Some examples

    include: Arthur was meant to bring peace to a fractured country; Mordred was meant to destroy

    his fathers kingdom; and Galahad was destined to find the Sangreal. The whole epic has a sense

    of inevitable fate because of its title, which foreshadows Arthur's death long before it happens.

    This makes sense, considering that Merlin prophesies it so early. Many of Merlin's prophecies

    are quite complicated; for instance, he sets Galahad up to be the world's greatest knights in

    several different ways. Whether a character's identity is determined by fate, or whether his

    character enables his fate, is a question only implicitly posed in the epic, but the supernatural

    forces that control the world are very explicit throughout.

    The most repetitive theme in the text is that of the journey, or quest. Knights within Le Morte

    dArthur have a strong desire to seek adventure, to do noble deeds, and to find glory within the

    most difficult of circumstances. They undertake journeys for the sake of the journey alone, and

    not always for a specified goal (as is the case with the Sangreal). The desire to find adventures is

    sometimes all-consuming; for instance, King Pellinore is so intent on his quest that he ignores a

    young woman's pleas for help. The existence of the Questing Beast suggests the importance of a

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    quest - even if it seems impossible, a knight will continue to pursue it. The most prestigious

    quest is certainly that for the Sangreal, which has both a physical and spiritual component,

    suggesting that after the age of Arthur, people will need to journey inwards into themselves to

    find purity, and not simply outwards to find fame. Even the task of reading Le Morte dArthur is

    a journey in itself, as we travel with the characters from one adventure to the next.

    Variations of love exist within Le Morte dArthur. The most immediate is that which the Knights

    of the Round Table have for Arthur, a love that helps the fellowship stay strong. There is also the

    love of God, which inspired the Knights to attempt the difficult task of finding the Sangreal.

    Love of family is prevalent, whether characters were defending or avenging family members.

    Perhaps the most dominant form of love within the text is courtly love, which by its definition

    encourages knights to perform acts of valor in honor of their lady, who is usually a married

    woman of noble birth. Launcelot often engaged in combat in the Queens defense, or for her

    honor. Malorys courtly love varies from the traditional usage by refusing to delve into a

    character's inner feelings and instead allowing the love affairs to be clearly based in lust.

    The main exception to this involves Launcelot's feelings. While the narrator does compare their

    love to the flourishing of spring, the story reveals the dire consequences of illicit, sexual love.

    Launcelot and Guenevers affair contributes to the downfall of the kingdom. Overall, there is

    rarely easy love within Le Morte dArthur, and even the basic code of courtly love is

    complicated throughout the narrative.

    Prevalent throughout the text of Le Morte dArthur is the theme of family. No character is

    introduced without some familial tie given as important aspect of his or her identity. The younger

    Orkney brothers are usually introduced as the siblings of Gawaine, until they distinguish

    themselves. All of the descendants of King Ban are constantly referred to by their connection to

    Launcelot. For instance, Lionel is defined as his nephew, and Ector as his brother. Launcelot

    himself is blessed in part because of his familial ties to Joseph of Aramathie. Galahad, his son, isone rare example; he is defined as much by his purity as by the identity of his father. A lack of

    connection between a character and his family often results in confusing circumstances. For

    instance, Arthurs seeming lack of a proper family connection incites a war when the six Kings

    of the North challenge his early reign.

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    It is when the family unit is off balance that the most damage is done. For example, Gawaines

    revenge on Launcelot for the deaths of Gareth, Gaheris, and Agravaine causes severe harm to the

    kingdom. The most tragic example of familial difficulties is that of Arthur and Mordreds

    relationship, which begins when Arthur tries to kill his infant son, and ends when Mordred

    destroys his fathers kingdom.

    Although the focus of Le Morte dArthur is almost exclusively on the male characters, the

    female characters play an important yet often subservient role. They often serve as little more

    than motivation for acts of valor like jousting, tournaments, battles, and war. Many of the women

    throughout the text do not have names, whereas similarly insignificant male characters have not

    only names but lineages.

    However, despite their lack of agency, women are frequently depicted as dangerous through their

    sexual power. The most powerful women are temptresses, sorceresses, seducers, or malcontents

    like Maledistant. However, the most powerful woman in the narrative is undoubtedly Guenever,

    who through her sexuality and inability to deal with Launcelot causes the kingdom to fall apart.

    The Christian ideal of redemption provides strong motivations throughout the epic. Characters

    often attempt to rectify their sins by devoting themselves to God - Launcelot does penance while

    on the quest for the Sangreal; Percivale wounds himself over temptation; and later, Guenever

    enters an abbey in atonement for her affair with Launcelot. Even Gawaine, perhaps the most

    sinful knight who is not doomed early for his sins, redeems himself before dying by begging

    Launcelot's forgiveness. Especially once the epic reaches the quest for the Sangreal, its Christian

    purpose becomes clear - we all live lives of aggression and sin, but it is within our power to ask

    forgiveness and be redeemed by God.