The Ideal Port of Vigo

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  • 7/29/2019 The Ideal Port of Vigo


    Not long ago, in an area of the fishing port of Vigo, called Berbs,a ten

    year old boy called Perry. lived in a small house close to the sea.

    Perry's family was one of those families who lived from the sea. Some members

    used to go fishing, some sold fresh fish and others sew nets for a living .His grandparents and his mother sold

    the fish caught by Perry's father who

    sailed the Bay of Vigo in a small

    boat, whose name was Marisquio.

    One day the father was about to go

    fishing, like any other, day and said

    to Perry.

    The next time youll comefishing with me, I promise.

    The child nodded with a big smile.

    Days passed and the father did not return home, the child was concerned and

    decided to make his own search to find him.

    Perry went to the port of Berbes and found a little bit shattered small boatand decided to restore it to begin his journey. He saved all the money he

    could to afford the boat fixing in a shipyard in Vigo.

    Several days later he started his

    journey in search of his father,

    even though he was so young he was

    not afraid of anything, so he

    tracked down the bay from north tosouth and from south to north in

    search of his father's boat. Despite

    his effort Perry could not find his

    father, so he strated to get really

    worried, until one day he found a

    piece of wood with the name of his

    father's boat, and some other parts of the it which near the Cies Islands.

    Suddenly everything changed .He looked at the horizon and discovered

    something shining in the night. The Cies Islands were still at some distance,

  • 7/29/2019 The Ideal Port of Vigo


    but he could clearly see a bonfire on the sand. Behind the fire a man in

    rags, waved at him. He rowed as fast as he could towards the beach and jumped

    off the boat beafore reaching the Sand. Perry ran into the arms of his father

    an both hugged for a long while.

    After that, his father told him everything about his adventure. The tragic

    moments when the wildest storm he had ever seen had broken the boat into the

    pieces Perry had found later, the strong winds, the huge storm, the long time

    he had to wait until the daylight could clear his long swim to reach the

    isles.....Perry began to make all kind of questions relating to the adventure

    and his father patiently answered each of them.

    Then, it was time to return home. In the middle of that starry night, with

    their thoughts full of memories of big waves and painful cold, they started

    their way back home.

    After a few moments of calm a strong wind

    appeared on scene again. They had to hurry

    to avoid a new and maybe even stronger

    storm. Their family had to be really upset

    because both had disappeared, and the

    weather was bad, and may sailors had lost

    their lives in those rich but dangerous


    Exhausted of rowing they saw the lights of

    the city.

    The closer they get to the coast the further

    it looked to be , but finally they reached the

    port. The news of his return spread quickly.

    By the time they arrived home, dozens of

    friends were waiting at the door of their
