Chapter 14 of “Some Jasper County Pioneers” !"##$%& ()*+&* Richard L. Kenyon

The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

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Page 1: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

Chapter 14 of “Some Jasper County Pioneers”

!"##$%&'()*+&*!Richard L. Kenyon

Page 2: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

This chapter is one of a series if 18 chapters which cover the ancestors and descendants of jasper county pioneer settlers, all of whom are related in various ways.


Number Chapter name

1. Loren and Iris (Kenyon) Milligan

2. A Milligan Album

3. Josephine “Josie” (Scott) Schmidt/Chinn

4. William H. and Estella (Beals) Milligan/Gibson

5. John and Mary (Carey) Scott

6. Jacob and Maria (Hopton) Milligan

7. David and Chelley (Herring) Beals

8. David and Sophia (Torrance) Scott

9. William T. and Anne (Dawson) Carey

10. Jacob and Mary Herring

11. Benjamin Franklin Bleakney

12 A Bleakney Album

13. Madison S. Kinyon

14. Vallejo Kinyon

15. Ira Kinyon

16. Francis/Frank Vallejo Kinyon

17. Don and Jean Kenyon

18. Ruth (Kinyon) Deer

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 1




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Vallejo at 20 Tintype taken about 1875 (Ray Eychaner collection)

Page 4: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 2

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Page 5: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 3

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Landscape on Vallejo's farm The North Skunk River runs diagonally through the farm.(

Page 6: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4

Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown above on a 1901 map. Note the use of the original spelling "Valego." The road that passes vertically through the farm is now State Highway 14. The small numbers give the number of acres in each parcel. The large numbers (21 and 22) are public land survey section numbers.

Vallejo was quite a successful farmer and stock raiser. In a letter dated May 12, 1890, Vallejo's father wrote:

… Fudge [Vallejo] has 69 head of steers to fat this fall that will bring him $2700 in cash. He has 1500 bushels of corn to sell, 1000 bushels of oats to sell, and $400 worth of hogs to sell.

More children were born on the farm: Virginia in 1888, Lee in 1894, and Eathel in 1898.

+#,,&-.?@(=#'>".5@&( Vallejo originally lived in the house built by his father in 1860. In 1892 he built a new farmhouse on the opposite (west) side of the road in order to accommodate his growing family. It was described by Patricia Deaton, whose father purchased part of the farm in 1907:

The house is a two-story home, with four bedrooms and attic space upstairs. A large kitchen, with adjoining washroom, dining room, and a pantry, which was later remodeled into a bathroom, made up the downstairs floor plan. There were also two porches, which have gone through various stages of development and remodeling. My father, Bert Jontz, was born in the downstairs bedroom in 1909, and I was born there in 1929.


Standard Atlas of Jasper County, 1901

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 5

Vallejo's farmhouse in 2000 Although 108 years old when photographed by the author in 2000, Vallejo's farm house was still occupied and in good condition. It retains its original appearance, except for remodeling of the porches. (Richard Kenyon photo)

Vallejo's farm prior to 1916 This photo shows the barn, with the farmhouse in the distance. The photo was taken after Vallejo sold the farm, but prior to 1916, when a new and larger barn was built. (Beth Kenyon collection, gift of Patricia Deaton)

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 6


Addie Virginia Vallejo Vallejo's family circa 1891 The portrait of Vallejo that was published in the Standard Atlas of Jasper County, 1901, was created by copying the head of Vallejo from this family group picture. (Photos above and below by Pardoe, Newton, Iowa, author's collection) Ira Lee Lula


Vallejo's children circa 1894 The family now includes Lee.

Ira Lula

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 7

Vallejo's family and farmhouse c. 1900 A Newton professional photographer was hired to take this portrait of the family posed in front of their home. (Beth Kenyon collection, gift of Ray Pancoast)

Farmhand Eathel Vallejo Lula Addie Virginia Lee Ira

Enlargement of the previous photo, showing the family members

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 8

The rural location of Vallejo's farm made it difficult for his children to attend high school. In 1904, when his daughter Virginia was ready to attend high school, Vallejo moved to the city of Newton. He lived at 601 S. 2nd Ave W. The house was still standing and occupied when I saw it in 2000.


1911 2000

Vallejo's house in Newton. Vallejo lived here from about 1904 to 1918. It was still occupied in 2000. (1911 photo from a postcard dated Feb 21, 1911, sent by Vallejo's daughter Eathel to her sister Lula in Des Moines. Collection of Beth Kenyon, gift of Ray Pancoast. 2000 photo by the author.)

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 9

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Vallejo Kinyon and Addie in the 1920's The location is unknown—possibly Oakland, California. (Beth Kenyon collection, gift of Ray Pancoast)

K&33,L/!U'/GH%C!C/!',C#',4,-C!C%,!D&4,!UGD#-,DD!&$G4,-!C%&C!%&(!4&(,!%#4!&!DG$$,DDJG3! J&'4,'*! !^&'4#-H!,BT,'#,-$,(!&!D,'#/GD!',$,DD#/-! J'/4!C%,!,-(!/J!Q/'3(!Q&'!7!C/!-,&'!C%,!U,H#--#-H!/J!Q/'3(!Q&'!77*!!K&33,L/!M&D!/GC!/J!J&'4#-H!U.!C%,!U,H#--#-H!/J!C%#D!',$,DD#/-6!M#C%!%#D!4/-,.!#-8,DC,(!#-!',&3!,DC&C,*!!Y,!3#8,(!4/(,DC3.!UGC!$/4J/'C&U3.*!!

K&33,L/]D! ',C#',4,-C! #-$/4,! $&4,! J'/4! ',-C&3! /J! C%,! T&DCG',3&-(D! C%&C! %,!/M-,(!-,&'!"/D&3#&6!eGC3,'!9/G-C.6!+&-D&D6!&D!M,33!&D!',-C&3!T'/T,'C#,D!C%&C!%,!/M-,(!#-!C%,!Q,DC!)/D!2-H,3,D!&',&*!!5%,D,!#-$3G(,(!C%,!%/4,!#-!9G38,'!9#C.!M%,',!7!3#8,(!M#C%!4.!T&',-CD!(G'#-H!4.!./GC%*!

233! /J! K&33,L/]D! $%#3(',-! 4/8,(! C/! 9&3#J/'-#&! ,B$,TC! 7'&*! ! [&GH%C,'! K#'H#-#&!3#8,(! M#C%! %,'! T&',-CD! &33! /J! %,'! 3#J,6! &-(! $&',(! J/'! C%,4! #-! C%,#'! /3(! &H,*!![&GH%C,'! )G3&! 9&4TC/-! &-(! D/-! ),,! &3D/! 3#8,(! #-! )/D! 2-H,3,D*! ! [&GH%C,'!j&C%,3!O&-$/&DC!3#8,(!C/!C%,!-/'C%!#-!N&-!^'&-$#D$/!M#C%!%GDU&-(![/-*!!j3(,DC!D/-! 7'&! ',4&#-,(! #-! C%,!E#((3,!Q,DC6! &-(!M&D! &DD#H-,(! C%,! C&D@! /J! 3//@#-H!

Page 12: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 10


),CC,'D! (&C#-H! J'/4! <:1S! #-(#$&C,! C%&C! K&33,L/! &-(! 2((#,! ,-L/.,(! H/#-H! /-!NG-(&.!('#8,D!M#C%!C%,#'!D/-!),,*!!5%,!M'#C,'!&-(!%#D!T&',-CD!P),,!&-(!V&/4#R!3#8,(!M#C%!2((#,6!K&33,L/!&-(!K#'H#-#&!J/'!&!M%#3,!#-!C%,!,&'3.!0>]Dl#C!M&D!C%,!4#((3,!/J!C%,!(,T',DD#/-!&-(!M,!M,',!8,'.!D%/'C!/J!4/-,.*!!!

A#@%(7&#'@(K&33,L/!(#,(!&C!&H,!F<!/-!E&'$%!<I6!<:0I6!&-(!M&D!UG'#,(!#-!C%,!+,-./-!J&4#3.!T3/C!C%&C!%,!%&(!TG'$%&D,(!&C!7-H3,M//(!E,4/'#&3!O&'@!9,4,C,'.6!7-H3,M//(6!9&3#J/'-#&*!!7-!C%/D,!(&.D!C%,',!M,',!dG#C,!&!J,M!',C#',(!7/M&-D!#-!)/D!2-H,3,D6!&-(! C%,.! J,3C! &! DC'/-H! DT#'#C! /J! @#-D%#T*! ! 5%,! ,3(,'3.! /M-,'! /J! C%,! e'&4U3,!^G-,'&3! Y/4,6! &! J/'4,'! 7/M&-6! #D! D&#(! C/! %&8,! $/4,! /GC! /J! ',C#',4,-C! C/!T,'D/-&33.!/8,'D,,!C%,!JG-,'&3!&-(!('#8,!C%,!%,&'D,!C/!C%,!$,4,C,'.*!!Y,!('/8,!C%,!$&'!U.!C%,!D&4,!'/GC,!&D!%,!%&(!C&@,-!M#C%!%/'D,!&-(!UGHH.6!4&-.!.,&'D!U,J/',*!!Y#D!('#8#-H!M&D!',T/'C,(!C/!U,!&3&'4#-H*!

2((#,! $/-C#-G,(! C/! 3#8,! &C! C%,#'! %/4,6! $&',(! J/'! U.! %,'! (&GH%C,'! K#'H#-#&*!!2((#,!(#,(!&C!C%,!&H,!/J!F0!/-!N,TC,4U,'!116!<:hh*!!N%,!M&D!UG'#,(!&3/-HD#(,!K&33,L/*!


Vallejo Kinyon and the author c. 1934 (Beth Kenyon collection, gift of Ruth Deer)

Addie Kinyon and the author c. 1940 (Author's collection, gift of Ray Pancoast)

Page 13: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 11

!"0,4'&1(.=(+#,,&-.(#14(B440&(/012.1(3'#(CD(/012.1!!e/'-!2T'!<:6!<FF16!Q,UDC,'!9#C.6!Y&4#3C/-!9/6!72*!![#,(!&C!&H,!;0! #-! 9%&-GC,6! +N6!E&.! 106! <:hS*! ! ^&'4,'*! !E&''#,(! /-!2GHGDC! 1>6! <:>F6! #-!e&CC3,J/'(6!N&D@&C$%,M&-6!9&-&(&6!C/!!,&>&1%01&(A0,,0#1(E,&#;1&26!M%/!M&D!U/'-!#-!+,33/HH6!726!/-!X&-!<06!<FF;!&-(!(#,(!&C!&H,!;S!#-!)/D!2-H,3,D6!926!E&.!106!<:S<*!!e/C%!UG'#,(!#-!j34M//(!9,4,C,'.6!9%&-GC,6!+N*!A5,#( B11( FA5F( /012.1! ! Z'#H#-&33.! )G3G*! ! e/'-! XG3.! I6! <FF06! )#U,'C.! 5MT6!Y&4#3C/-! 9/6! 72*! ! [#,(! &C! &H,! II! /-! E&'$%! <h6! <:;<6! #-! )/D! 2-H,3,D6! 92*!!E&''#,(!V/8!1I6!<:<16!#-![,D!E/#-,D6!72!C/!G0,H5'(GD(!#>$%.16!',&3!,DC&C,!D&3,D4&-6!M%/!M&D!U/'-!XG-!1>6!<F;F6!V,M![&'3#-HC/-6!Q76!(#,(!&C!&H,!;;!/-!E&.! 116! <:0S! #-! )/D! 2-H,3,D*! ! e/C%! UG'#,(! #-! 7-H3,M//(! O&'@! 9,4,C,'.6!7-H3,M//(6!92*!!!!+0'9010#( 3'&1&( F+0'90&F(/&12.1! !e/'-!X&-!<S6!<FFF6!E&3&@&!5MT6!X&DT,'!9/6!72*! ![#,(!&C!&H,!F;!/-!E&.!0>6!<:Ih6!#-!)&HG-&!Y#33D6!92*! !E#33#-,'*! !eG'#,(!#-!7-H3,M//(!O&'@!9,4,C,'.6!7-H3,M//(6!92*!!V,8,'!4&''#,(*!I,>&'(A&&(/&12.1(J;1.K1(#@(ID(A&&(/&12.1L*!!e/'-!XG-,!1:6!<F:h6!E&3&@&!5MT6!X&DT,'!9/6!72*!![#,(!&C!&H,!IS!/-!XG-,!<I6!<:I>6!#-!)&HG-&!Y#33D6!92*!!9/=/M-,'! /J! 7'4&!E&.! ^3/'#DC6! e,8,'3.! Y#33D6! 92*! ! E&''#,(! /-! XG3.! <I6! <:1F6! #-!e,8,'3.!Y#33D6! 926! C/!C#.>0( M&.'90#( N#"16!M%/!M&D! U/'-!2GH!0>6! <:><6! #-!93,8,3&-(6!ZY6!(#,(!&C!&H,!F1!/-!Z$C!1S6!<:F06!#-!)&HG-&!Y#33D6!92*!!e/C%!UG'#,(!#-!7-H3,M//(!O&'@!9,4,C,'.6!7-H3,M//(6!92*!!I#%"&,(8#'-.'0&(/&12.1!!e/'-!E&'!<06!<F:F6!E&3&@&!5MT6!X&DT,'!9/6!72*!![#,(!&C!&H,!Fh!/-!2T'#3!1h6!<:F16!#-!)&HG-&!Y#33D6!92*!!E&''#,(!E&.!06!<:1h6!#-!N&-!^'&-$#D$/! 92! C/! O.1#,4( B>.@( P#16.#@%6! $/-DC'G$C#/-! DGU$/-C'&$C/'6! M%/!M&D! U/'-! 2T'#3! 0>6! <F:h6! #-! [&-8#33,6! K,'4#33#/-! 9/6! 7)6! (#,(! &C! &H,! ;F! /-!Z$C/U,'! 1I6! <:;16! #-! )/D! 2-H,3,D6! 92*! ! e/C%! UG'#,(! #-! 7-H3,M//(! O&'@!9,4,C,'.6!7-H3,M//(6!92*!!!(

B6;1.K,&49&>&1%@(E/DC! /J! C%,! (,D$,-(&-CD! /J! K&33,L/! 3#8,(! #-! C%,! )/D! 2-H,3,D! &',&6! &-(!J',dG,-C3.! H/C! C/H,C%,'6! UGC! C%,! J&4#3.! %#DC/'.!M&D! -,8,'! (#D$GDD,(*! ! 5/!4.!,8,'3&DC#-H! ',H',C6! 4.! J&C%,'! &-(! 2G-C! K#'H#-#&! T&DD,(! &M&.! M#C%/GC! 4.!%&8#-H!#-C,'8#,M,(!C%,4!/-!C%#D!DGUL,$C*!!7!4#H%C!DC#33!@-/M!&34/DC!-/C%#-H6!#J!#C! M,',! -/C! J/'! 4.! (&GH%C,'! e,C%! U,H#--#-H! C%,! ',D,&'$%! &-(! /UC&#-#-H!#4T/'C&-C! #-J/'4&C#/-! J'/4! ',3&C#8,D*! ! ^/',4/DC! &4/-H! C%,D,! ',3&C#8,D!M&D!4.! $/GD#-6! C%,! 3&C,! "GC%! [,,'6! M%/! M&D! H,-,'/GD! M#C%! %,'! %,3T6! &-(! &!M/-(,'JG3!D/G'$,!/J! #-J/'4&C#/-*! !E.!$/GD#-!"&.!O&-$/&DC!T'/8#(,(!D/G'$,D!J'/4!C%,!,DC&C,D!/J!K&33,L/!+#-./-]D!(&GH%C,'D!j&C%,3!&-(!K#'H#-#&*! !2JC,'!4.!4/C%,']D!(,&C%6!7!(#D$/8,',(!D/G'$,D!J'/4!C%,!,DC&C,!/J!K&33,L/!+#-./-!DC/',(!#-!%,'!H&'&H,l-/!/-,!%&(!,8,'!3//@,(!&C!C%,4!D#-$,!K&33,L/iD!(,&C%b!!5%,!3&C,!

Page 14: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 12

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Page 15: The IAGenWeb Project - Iowa Genealogyiagenweb.org/jasper/families/milligan/chapter14.pdf · 14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 4 Map of Vallejo's farm The location of Vallejo's farm is shown

14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 13

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 14

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14 Vallejo Kinyon Page 15

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