The Horoscope in Manifestation - Psychology and Prediction Liz Greene Bridging the apparent gap between psychological and predictive astrology is not easy, and many astrologers feel they must polarise and espouse one while rejecting the other. The seminars in this innovative volume explore the psychological dynamics which accompany concrete events, focusing on the important psychological model of the complex as both a generator of individual behaviour and an archetypal image of individual fate. This book offers profound insights into the ways in which inner and outer reality coincide and reflect each other. Review by Robin Heath - Astrological Journal 1998 When I was at school - a curious mixture of traditional English public school colliding head-long with the drug induced surrealism of the late 1960's - I was continuously told: "You are not here to learn facts. Facts are in books and libraries. The world is full of facts, you will have no trouble finding as many facts as you ever need." "You are here to learn how to learn. If we can teach you to learn, then your education will never be finished, and you can put all the facts you come across to good use, instead of just regurgitating them mindlessly." I don't know if my old school succeeded in its admirable aim, but I am reminded of their attitude whenever I read one of Ms. Greene's books. I am sure that being introduced to serious astrology by 'Relating - An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet' (her second book, still a classic) - moulded my practice and understanding of astrology for the rest of my days. For Ms. Greene does not come with facts and more facts. She produces no cookbook guides (no doubt to the despair of her publishers), though the careful reader may glean some clues as to the meaning of some planetary patterns. Instead her books show a way of looking at 1

The Horoscope in Manifestation

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The Horoscope in Manifestation - Psychology and Prediction

Liz Greene

Bridging the apparent gap between psychological and predictive astrology is not easy, and many astrologers feel they must polarise and espouse one while rejecting the other.

The seminars in this innovative volume explore the psychological dynamics which accompany concrete events, focusing on the important psychological model of the complex as both a generator of individual behaviour and an archetypal image of individual fate. This book offers profound insights into the ways in which inner and outer reality coincide and reflect each other.

Review by Robin Heath - Astrological Journal 1998

When I was at school - a curious mixture of traditional English public school colliding head-long with the drug induced surrealism of the late 1960's - I was continuously told:

"You are not here to learn facts. Facts are in books and libraries. The world is full of facts, you will have no trouble finding as many facts as you ever need."

"You are here to learn how to learn. If we can teach you to learn, then your education will never be finished, and you can put all the facts you come across to good use, instead of just regurgitating them mindlessly."

I don't know if my old school succeeded in its admirable aim, but I am reminded of their attitude whenever I read one of Ms. Greene's books. I am sure that being introduced to serious astrology by 'Relating - An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet' (her second book, still a classic) - moulded my practice and understanding of astrology for the rest of my days.

For Ms. Greene does not come with facts and more facts. She produces no cookbook guides (no doubt to the despair of her publishers), though the careful reader may glean some clues as to the meaning of some planetary patterns. Instead her books show a way of looking at and interpreting the horoscope wheel which, if it suits you, will teach you more than a shelf-full of more conventional tomes.

Her latest volume for the Centre for Psychological Astrology (CPA) 'The Horoscope in Manifestation' continues the remarkable contribution that she is making to modern astrology. Two of her seminars for the centre are presented, the first dealing with complexes (or 'fate' if you feel more comfortable with the term), the second with transits and progressions. The usual format is followed, a presentation of the basic themes by Ms. Greene followed by a discussion with the seminar participants, in the main using their horoscopes and experiences as examples.

The fated nature of (substitute The role of projections in......', or The influence of planetary patterns on......' if you prefer) some relationships, illness, artistic expression and even plain ordinary everyday behaviour is considered, and the text is full of useful pointers to how the practicing astrologer can pick up clues as to which complexes in operation. I particularly liked "The complex has a certain monotony of voice and vocabulary" and "the complex (has no) sense of humour". So true, so true, and something


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which we can, of course, hear in ourselves, as well as noticing in clients. And once a complex/chart pattern is noticed? Well then there is a chance to reclaim it, especially if it has been projected on another, and the energy it contains should become available to the self, instead of being buried in the unconscious. Or to put it another way, the client can begin to use their planetary patterns instead of being tossed around by the vagaries of the ephemeris.

But is it that simple? Surely not, or the world would be full of happy, smiling people living totally fulfilled lives (and what an inhuman hell that would surely be). Which leads nicely to the second seminar on transits and progressions. For what is it that causes a nicely behaved, comfortable and well-worn complex to suddenly rear up and create the havoc of an illness, a trauma, the loss of a partner or even a bicycle accident? If the astrological model is to be accepted, then the triggers for these events are the living horoscope of daily planetary movements - progressions and transits.

Ms. Greene presents a model of three levels of manifestation of these energies; the teleological (or 'deeper meaning'), the emotional and the material - as in a general election, one of the fascination examples she uses. Transits, secondary progressions, the progressed full and new moons and the solar arc are all discussed, as is the difference between applying and separating aspect. But the thread which runs through the text is that, due to the nature of mathematics and physics, the timing of these movements is fixed from the moment of birth, and it is these movements which trigger our growth.

This is deep stuff, and my own feeling is that the acceptance of this concept contains in itself some logical consequences which very few astrologers really care to take responsibility for, though it is the very basis of astrology, both of the psychological and 'traditional' type. Looked at trivially it is the endless 'fate versus free will argument' again, but presented in this way only adds to its value - and though this text does not solve the problem (and the argument has raged for several thousand years, so it is unlikely that there are any answers on the way yet), it is thought provoking and, as usual with CPA publications, full of good tips for those who dare to take on this kind of work in their daily life.

My usual complaints about CPA books - no index and nearly unreadable horoscope wheels (slight exaggeration, but only slight) - still hold, but these comments notwithstanding, rush out and buy 'Manifestation', or just plague the CPA to come with a subscription plan so you do not miss any of their publications.

So for those of you who haven't got the message yet: If you can only afford one astrology book in 1998, then make it one of these maroon, gold blocked, volumes (especially this one, though as the year is still young are there are hopefully more on the way). You will not be disappointed!

© Copyright 1998 The Astrological Association of Great Britain

Review by Chris Lorenz - Horoscope 2002

Astrologers use a variety of techniques to make predictions, but generally rely on transits and secondary progressions. Outer-planet transits and the progressed chart (based on the formula that one day after birth is symbolically equivalent to one year after birth) can be compared to the natal horoscope to arrive a t a forecast. Depending on which natal planets and houses are activated, the astrologer can see what part of the psyche is manifesting. However, the first step, the key to making


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accurate predictions or helpful forecasts, is being able to recognise the psychological complexes in the natal horoscope.

In The Horoscope in Manifestation, subtitled Psychology and Prediction, Liz Greene focuses on the nature of complexes and how they can be identified with specific planetary configurations. Only when the complexes are understood can predictions be made for when transits or progressions trigger the underlying dynamics. The book is actually a transcription of two seminars given by the author, with Part One devoted to the astrological perspective of complexes, and Part Two to how transits and progressions are used in psychological astrology. Perhaps the most fascinating element of this book is how Ms. Greene begins with traditional psychological concepts and advances additional, more sophisticated insights through astrology. By using the horoscope as a map of the psyche, the reader realises the tremendous advantage astrology has over mainstream psychology.

Carl Jung introduced the concept of the psychological complex while he was still a student of Freud. Freuds' Oedipus complex was originally thought of as a universal subconscious fixation, but Jung was inclined to think in terms of categories of complexes, which he called normal, accidental, and permanent. Later in his life, Jung determined that varying degrees of psychic energy fueled the compulsiveness of the complex. From astrologer Liz Greene’s point of view, the strength of the psychic energy behind the complex can be seen in the horoscope's aspect configurations, angular planets, singletons, or anything that is deemed to be exceptionally charged.

The psychological complex, in the way that Greene uses the term, is not necessarily or even generally considered to be pathological. Everyone has complexes, and they can be associated with any difficult natal aspect because the individual ego doesn't handle inherent conflict very well and tends to suppress one side in favour of the other. Then the suppressed side gets farmed out (projected) to others, and the individual begins to learn about the personal complexes through relationships. The complex may be dormant for long periods and then suddenly awaken when the time is ripe - that is, when an outer planet or progression comes along to trigger the planetary configuration.

Complexes determine the fundamental structure of our psyches. Our physical