The Hollow Earth 3

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  • 8/6/2019 The Hollow Earth 3


    The Hollow Earth.

    In other areas of this site we examine the influence of UFO's upon the past present and future ofour planet. However there is another reputed source of influence - one that according to

    occultists has exerted just as much control. Yet unlike UFO's this influence does not originate

    at the behest of sky visitors, but a vast civilisation thought to lie beneath the very ground westand on.

    Welcome to the Hollow Earth theory!

    Arcane tradition.

    The term Hollow Earth is perhaps not the most imaginative name that might be used for this

    idea, but this is how it has come to be known, and this is how we shall refer to it here. As it is

    Hollow Earth describes the arcane belief that many thousands of years ago an advanced race of

    people founded an underground Kingdom so much more advanced than our own. A world thatis moreover said to have exerted powerful control over every aspect of life on the surface. And

    the purpose? To keep Mankind on a particular course of development towards some unknown

    destiny that is soon to be revealed.

    Atlantean Survivors.

    The most prevalent view is this Kingdom - if indeed it exists - was formed by survivors of the

    Atlantis catastrophe. Others maintain its origins go back further still - a distant era of the

    world's history now no longer remembered.

    This may all sound far fetched, ridiculous even, but the fact is that the more one looks at the

    evidence so much more beguiling does the theory become. So believable in fact that most

    people are eventually left with the uncomfortable feeling that what first appears as a baselessfantasy has more than just a suspicion of truth to it.

    Scientific Objection.

    Lets us now place the salient details of this story in stark perspective. First we must remove a

    prime scientific objection that stems from the name Hollow Earth. We call it Hollow Earth, butthe Earth is most definitely not hollow. On the other hand, the planets rocky crust has ample

    depth to make it possible to excavate enormous underground caverns suitable for living in.

    Occultists believe that survivors of Atlantis did just this - the purposeful colonisation of an

    underground world where surface catastrophes could no longer threaten. In this way progresswould be assured - an upward spiral of uninterrupted development over thousands of years.

    Atlantean Reality.

    We are of course assuming Atlantis did exist. Many readers may have their doubts, but in our

    special feature devoted solely to the subject of Atlantis we can begin to place this great islandfirmly in the realms of historical fact. It is important to address this point in detail because

    much of early history, as well as much of this present hypothesis depends on the historical

    existence of this island.

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    Incredibly the Hollow Earth has parallels with the more arcane traditions of oriental belief. Inparticular the Buddhist notion of Agharta, which like the Hollow Earth, is a mystical

    underground world extant since the dawn of prehistory.

    According to Buddhist tradition the underground Kingdom of Agharta, is reputed to be a place

    of great peace and tranquility whose inhabitants, numbering many millions, have attained a

    high degree of scientific accomplishment. It is also a world of astonishing beauty, with inner

    suns, underground lakes, and palaces made from purest crystal. Crops are irrigated by specialwaters and the powerful rays of the Great Light, reputed to be a secret machine revealed by

    gods, thousands of years earlier.

    Presiding over this subterranean Kingdom, is an all powerful ruler - The King of The World, as

    his name is translated. It is further claimed his rule and influence stretches to the surface world

    by means of trusted emissaries who carry out specific tasks and duties. Eight million surfacedwellers are said to be directly influenced by this ministry whose purpose is intended to elevate

    Mankind to a higher state of spiritual awareness!

    An early tradition.

    The idea of worlds within worlds is nothing new. From earliest times it was imagined that the

    ends of the Earth were hollow. Columbus himself believed that all waters flowed towards thepoles where they became replenished and redirected in their course! It is thought that much of

    the early hysteria regarding sea travel revolved not so much around falling off the edge of the

    world, as plunging down towards its centre.

    Inner Worlds.

    Numerous ancient philosophers were convinced the interior of the Earth was composed of innerworlds, and Buddhist tradition is a well-known source of such references. Additionally legends

    of lost worlds within worlds - places that magically open to those with the appropriate key,

    have survived since earliest times. Shangri-La, and Aladdin with his lamp, are just the bestknown examples, and it seems that locked into the fabric of society, is this undercurrent of

    thought that such places do exist.

    But if so, then was there an archetype - a model for these tales?

    Hidden entrances.

    Once again the prime candidate is Agharta. This vast subterranean Kingdom located in the

    remotest Himalayas is said to be reached by a twisting network of tunnels leading down fromsecluded Tibetan monasteries. Early travelers to this region heard stories of hidden entrances

    guarded by trusted monks whose secret duties remained totally unsuspected even to their fellow

    acolytes. Other secret entrances are said to be indicated by strange signs and writings etched on

    rocks, crystals, and curious stone circles, found at heights of over 16000 feet.

    Indeed a fantastic story! But are we to take these accounts literally or are they just a figurative

    example of some metaphysical doctrine?

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    Eye Witnesses.

    The fact is that of all the mysteries of the world this is probably amongst the most baffling. Eyewitness accounts from people claiming to have seen this inner world certainly exist, but their

    stories sound so far fetched, that to our ears they seem scarcely believable. But then the truth is

    often like that! It has a habit of far outstripping our limited preconceptions, and historyillustrates that very little of what has ever been imagined, or surmised, is found to be too far

    from the eventual truth. As such the whole topic of the Hollow Earth gains surprising credence

    when the whole argument is placed in a particular context - the necessary framework that

    would make its existence sound plausible! In this case we must consider it against thebackground of what we believe to have been past ages of great accomplishment, such as the

    time of Atlantis and perhaps even earlier.

    Hidden History of The World.

    The fact that the Hollow Earth civilisation is linked to Atlantean survivors, or even that itpredates it to a considerable extent, places the mystery in a unique setting. Within that time -

    one million years - falls the entire spectrum of world ages as seen by the ancients. Theybelieved successive civilisations were obliterated by global catastrophes, leaving behind nomore than hazy stories sounding no different to so many other myths and legends. Cultures like

    the ancient Egyptians came to appreciate the frequency of these disasters, and realised they

    were accurately predictable.

    An advanced prehistoric civilisation would no doubt have similar insight. An understanding of

    when the next global disaster was likely to occur. Unfortunately they would also realise there

    was no avoiding it. Essentially it meant that every once in awhile their great achievements andway of life would all be swept away. Certainly a fearful realisation, and as the years towards

    the expected catastrophe shortened, there would no doubt have been intense pressure to come

    up with solutions! Put in another way: What would we have done? What would we do to staveoff extinction?

    Nuclear Bunkers.

    At the height of the Cold War when the threat of extinction was perceived in terms of nuclear

    war, the logical answer was to build massive bunkers deep beneath the Earth. In Europe the

    subsequent sell-off of military lands and property now reveals these bunkers to have been on acolossal scale, capable of sustaining hundreds of people in an underground environment for at

    least several years. In Switzerland, most citizens had access to highly sophisticated fall-out

    shelters, and in Gibraltar dozens of miles of tunnels burrow deep beneath the Rock. During theSecond World War these caves and subterranean chambers housed hospitals, workshops,

    military supplies and provisions; in fact a whole city of vital installations, completely

    invulnerable to enemy weapons - even to nuclear attack.

    It shows that when we begin to feel threatened we place our most sensitive places deep


    The "Great Light".

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    The facts are clear. The surface world offers frequent disaster. On this basis a sophisticated

    culture would be looking for other answers - and what better answer than an underground

    solution. A sophisticated civilisation would also have access to incredibly powerful technologycapable of chiseling out vast city sized chambers that according to the legends were kept

    nourished by the "Great Light", and "secret waters!"

    This reference to a "great light" is interesting. To sustain life one needs food. But food

    cultivation needs light, and this "great light", may well have served that purpose. In these

    conditions a steady and unhindered crop output could be sustained almost indefinitely. In this

    way progress would be assured and uninterrupted growth and development would inevitablylead to a highly evolved civilisation. Additionally, its sciences would not have the hindrance of

    having to relearn things forgotten, and this continuity of experience would be the benchmark of


    This in effect would be the appropriate framework into which the setting of an underground

    kingdom could feasibly be placed. Now we are left with the task of filling this framework with

    a compelling degree of evidence that would change hypothesis into fact. In other words to shiftthe burden of proof and make the existence of this underground world sound a little more


    Explorers Tales.

    The search for this proof together with the lure and mystery of oriental lands have fired theimagination of countless explorers. In the year 4 BC, Apollonius of Tyana, a mystic Greek

    physician traveled deep into the Himalayas in search of a magical kingdom rumored to be the

    source of all wisdom.

    Apollonius of Tyana.

    Born in Cappadocia, Apollonius was a precocious child who quickly outstripped his teachers in

    knowledge and wisdom. One day a priest of Daphnean Apollo divulged to him a secret map

    marking out the route to this sacred kingdom - the City of the Gods, that lay far towards the

    east. Despite the dangers Apollonius immediately set off in search of this world. Travelingthrough Mesopotamia and Babylon, he finally reached India where he employed the services of

    a local guide to take him deep into the Himalayan mountains. Suddenly after fifteen days of

    arduous walking the scenery around them changed dramatically. In his bookWe Are Not the

    First, author Andrew Thomas sets the scene: "The path by which they had come disappeared

    after them. The countryside shifted its position and they seemed to be in a place preserved by


    Amazing Land.

    Met by a boy who answered them in Greek the pair were then presented to the ruler of this

    amazing land. With a warm welcome he bade them accompany him on a tour of his kingdom,

    and completely spell bound, the pair were shown incredible marvels of a world few outsiders

    had ever seen or imagined. Majestic pillars of light shot skywards, and radiant stones providedconstant light. Philostratus, who was Apollonius' biographer describes feats of levitation and

    complicated robot-like machines serving food and drink as they sat down to eat. As they did so

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    the ruler proudly announced: "You have come to men who know everything."

    According to Philostratus these men "were living on the Earth and at the same time not on it."

    Double Mission.

    During his sojourn in the City of the Gods, Apollonius was presented with a double mission.

    The first to bury certain objects in locations that would later become places of great

    importance, and the second, and definitely the most daunting, "to shake the tyranny of Rome."

    Upon his return to the west Apollonius immediately set about challenging the Roman

    authorities. This placed him on a dangerous footing. Nero was now Emperor, and dissenters

    were harshly dealt with. On several occasions Apollonius was only saved by the strange powershe now seemed to have acquired. Summoned before a tribunal in Rome the chief prosecutor

    was about to read from the scroll outlining Apollonius' offences when suddenly the page turned

    blank. Terrified this was some sort of divine portent the authorities immediately dropped allcharges and Apollonius was allowed to go free.

    On another occasion Apollonius was ordered before the Emperor Domitian, charged with 'un-Roman activities.' Seemingly nonchalant to his fate Apollonius stood before the crowded court

    of three hundred witnesses and confidently proclaimed: "You can detain my body, but not my

    soul, and I will add, not even my body." Suddenly there was a bright flash and Apollonius

    vanished from sight.

    The ironic fact is that later Emperors came to value Apollonius quite highly. Vespasian

    appointed him counselor to the Roman Emperor, and Titus is said to have told him: "I haveindeed taken Jerusalem but you Apollonius have captured me."

    Influencing Hand.

    From our point of view the most important element of this case is that here again we see the

    role of an influencing power that seeks to control the development of a whole civilisation - in

    this case the Roman Empire. One may argue over the exact contribution made by Apollonius,but the fact this story exists at all illustrates the widespread belief in this control mechanism,

    particularly its connection to an underground Kingdom.

    Nicholas Roerich.

    In considerably more recent times the noted Russian artist and explorer Nicholas Roerich cameface to face with yet further evidence of this strange influence. After five years in the most

    isolated regions of the Himalayas, he became convinced that Lhasa the Tibetan capital hid a

    secret link to Shamballah, the principal city of the underground world. According to Roerichthis domain had existed for over a million years, and its network of tunnels extended beneath

    the whole world! He believed a tunnel stretched directly from Lhasa to the pyramids of Giza in

    Egypt, as well as other prominent centres of ancient culture!

    In his bookShamballah Roerich talks of a meeting with a high Tibetan Lama who explained to

    him yet more of the underground world and its ruler - The King of The World! According to the

    Lama "his might is such that distance does not exist for him", and that with his magical mirror

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    he could tune in to all events on Earth! The Lama also claimed that the inhabitants of that land

    were uncountable and that "many new forces and achievements were being prepared for the

    surface world!" He added that the surface world would shortly be visited by the undergroundruler whose arrival presaged a fresh dawning for Mankind, preceded by a brief but catastrophic


    Legend of the stone.

    For part of his travels Roerich was accompanied by his wife Helena. Together they travelled in

    a pony caravan from Darjeeling in India across the Himalayas to the Gobi desert. This arduousjourney was later immortalised by Roerich in a painting entitled Chintamani, depicting the

    pony caravan in a deep mountain gorge. Especially interesting is the strange load carried by one

    of the donkeys. This shows a glowing radiance of colour emanating from a simple box keptunder constant guard by the Tibetan bearers. In her bookLegend of the Stone wife Helena

    outlines the inspiration behind this scene. Referring to a passage from theBook of Lun she

    quotes: "When the Son of the Sun descended upon the Earth to teach Mankind, there fell from

    the skies a shield which bore the power of the world."Some believe this "shield" was a piece of meteorite or perhaps some strange artefact ofextraterrestrial origin. Either way, incredible powers were attributed to it. Its rays were thought

    capable of influencing events and happenings over the entire world. According to author

    Andrew Tomas: "The main mass of the stone is kept on a tower in the city of the Starborn -

    Shambhala in Central Asia."

    The Mystery of Mysteries.

    Roerich was not the only traveller to hear of these mystical accounts. In his bookBeasts, Men,

    and Gods published in 1922 author Ferdinand Ossendowski described a journey to Central Asia

    where he came to hear what he called the "Mystery of mysteries!" Local people gave accountsof a certain tribe put to flight by Genghis Khan. Somehow they were able to escape massacre

    by taking refuge in a subterranean kingdom. Ossendowski claims to have been shown the

    entrance to this world which was through a vast smoking gate beyond which he was forbidden

    to venture.

    In a meeting with the Gelong Lama the author gives the following quote:

    "All the people there (Agharta) are protected against Evil and crimes do not exist within its

    bournes. Science has developed calmly and nothing is threatened with destruction. The

    subterranean people have reached the highest knowledge. Now it is the largest kingdom, andmillions of men with the King of the World as their ruler. He knows all the forces of the world

    and reads all the souls of humankind and the great book of their destiny. Invisibly he rules eightmillion men on the surface of the Earth and they will accomplish his every order!"

    Lost Kingdoms and forgotten places.

    The popular American psychic, broadcaster and clairvoyant 'Doc' Anderson was another welltraveled visitor to the Orient. He too brought back fantastic accounts of lost kingdoms and

    forgotten places. Amongst other things he claimed that Tibetan Lamas had shown him a highly

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    detailed map of the connecting passages joining Europe, Asia, and North, Central, and South


    Anderson claimed to have spoken to certainBogdos or Holy Men who informed him that the

    mysteries of the underground world would only be revealed when the seven pyramids of Shensi

    were opened. These pyramids - as large, if not larger than the great pyramids of Egypt, werecompletely unknown until recent times, though the inhabitants of these flat plateau lands

    always knew them as the relics of the gods - a race of supreme power whose knowledge was

    reputed to lie deep inside these massive structures. The assumption was this knowledge would

    eventually be discovered at an opportune moment, but only when Mankind was felt capable ofhandling it.

    Malign Influence.

    Anderson was further convinced that although this subterranean Kingdom was predominantly

    benign, there also existed another order of underground being that was evil and malicious."There is supposed to be a dark order in the underground world totally dedicated to the absolute

    destruction of surface mankind. They can strike down an entire nation with plague, anearthquake, or a disaster. These are supposed to be the demonic forces behind tyrants, dictators,and other brutal men in history!"

    Apparently the worse excesses of this Evil order are held in check by the greater power of the

    Good influence which according to some occultists is planning to make itself known in a quitedramatic fashion. In the meantime it seems we are being monitored. Adepts of the underground

    world are said to be able to tune into the minds of surface people and be able to read their inner

    most thoughts and intentions.

    Impenetrable Obstacles.

    Occasionally surface people felt worthy enough are invited to join this underground Kingdom,

    and occultists maintain this is the only way of entering it. Anyone attempting to break in

    uninvited would find their route blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Like an Indiana Jones epic,

    these winding subterranean passages are reputed to contain the most hideous man traps, as wellas sliding partitions to keep trespassers permanently entombed in a labyrinth of dark and airless

    passage ways.

    Continental Tunnel Network.

    Although the high Himalayas are thought to be the principal entry point to this kingdom thereare believed to be many others spread throughout the world. Occultists believed they connected

    the lost island of Atlantis to America, and Europe - and in fact to every continent on Earth.They also believe that survivors from Atlantis helped dig this vast tunnel network and in sodoing were able to escape the dreadful catastrophe that extinguished it!


    Another hub of this underworld civilisation is believed to lie beneath the snow and ice of

    Antarctica! In his bookThe Flying Saucerers author Arthur Shuttlewood describes references

    to the Hollow Earth theory in Brahmin scripts of ancient India. He says: "One old record tells

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    us that scientists perfected an instrument to melt snow and had a secret base in Swabenland, an

    unexplored region of Antarctica."

    The Water City.

    At the other end of the world, in the frozen Arctic wastes, a German submarine is reported tohave stumbled upon a huge system of underwater passages leading to a beautiful water-city

    deep beneath the ice fields. Alaskan trappers have likewise claimed to know of a mysterious

    snow people said to inhabit a world beneath the ice. Seen only very infrequently, they are

    described as tall luminous people who speak with a strange musical voice. Author ArthurShuttlewood quotes an old man of these parts who knew "of a kingdom constructed under the

    icy polar regions, and of a beautiful race of beings who conversed in an ostensibly

    unintelligible tongue. He also told of underground machines equipped for high speed travel andvast halls of sophisticated apparatus and wonderful cities wherein floated strange suns!"

    Cavernous Cities.

    It was believed this inner world of the Twin Suns was the dwelling place of the Golden Race. Itwas a resplendent world of immense beauty with cavernous cities, fast flowing rivers, peculiarvegetables, and flying vehicles travelling at supersonic speeds. Trappers in these icy regions

    were always reporting weird events and happenings, together with murmurings that would

    seem to come from nearby mountains. On occasions bright lights would mysteriously shine out

    in the depths of remote valleys and then quickly disappear.

    Many theorists also believe that UFO's are explainable in these terms. Not as hitherto supposed,

    as an extraterrestrial phenomenon, but craft from an underworld domain that developedindependently of surface technology.

    The Underworld.

    The notion of a subterranean domain is as ancient as it is widespread. It was contained incultural and religious writings found in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Israel, and even in Christian

    texts including theBook of Revelation.

    Egyptian hieroglyphs show the pictorial characters that form the word necropolis to mean "the

    god beneath the desert", and the hieroglyph for the underworld is composed of characters that

    can be translated as "the gateway to the star room!"

    Whether these references are meant to be seen in a figurative, literal, or spiritual context is of

    course a matter for each individual! The fact is these references nearly always imply someliteral interpretation that is hard to understand in any other way.

    Worldwide tunnel network

    Although the kingdom of the inner world is reputed to be a secret domain where no uninvited

    person may enter, we find that across the world there are literally dozens of bizarre tunnel

    networks whose purpose has yet to be explained. Some believe these are the antechambers to

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    the vast underground network that may lie beyond.

    Intricately carved passageways.

    In South America abandoned tunnel networks stretch for hundred of miles beneath the

    Amazonian jungles. In some areas these intricately carved passageways tunnel below thePacific Ocean and their purpose has never been explained. The author Eric Von Daniken

    believes the tunnels predate even the time of the Biblical flood, and are roughly synchronous

    with other impressive tunnel networks in neighboring Peru. He comments: "I assert that the

    tunnel system existed thousands of years before the Inca Kingdom came into being!"

    Madame Blavatsky.

    The renowned mystic Madame Blavatsky claimed to have received a map of these South

    American tunnel networks, but bureaucratic red tape and enormous physical difficulties meant

    she was never able to challenge their accuracy. Nevertheless she believed the network had afocus on the ancient Incan capital of Cusco. Her sources divulged that from this ancient City of

    the Sun tunnel networks extended 900 miles into Bolivia, with other passages emerging on theMato Grosso, the high central plateau of the Brazilian Amazon.

    Abandoned cave systems.

    In Meso-America abandoned Mayan loltun, or cave systems, are reputed to hide amazingtreasures. In their bookMystery of the Ancients authors Eric and Craig Umland comment: "Just

    how extensive these cave systems in the Yucatan might be, and what might be hidden in the

    miles of unexplored passageways is a question we cannot answer. Unexplained forces preventthe exploration of these caves. It is possible that not only books, but whole cities and whole

    populations might be concealed in the Loltun!"

    Turkish Refuge.

    In Turkey the discovery of a massive underground city at Derinkuyu revealed a stunning

    complexity of deep passage ways constructed on at least ten separate levels. Some estimatesbelieve there was adequate living space for at least 20,000 people. Precisely what purpose this

    city served or when it was constructed is hard to determine. Von Daniken who visited the

    location was impressed with it's high level of architectural design. In his bookAccording to the

    Evidence he comments: "When the city was inhabited it was no impoverished refuge. The

    community had a most sophisticated infrastructure. There were enormous communal rooms,

    dwellings with bedrooms and living rooms, stables and even an extensive wine cellar, not tomention shops and other amenities!" In addition the whole place was well ventilated by a

    series of sophisticated air vents that brought a continuous supply of fresh air to the very deepestlevels of this extraordinary city.

    Above ground meanwhile, a flat barren landscape gives absolutely no clue to the existence of

    the vast subterranean chambers that lie below it.

    The Bottomless Pit.

    The idea of a vast subterranean Kingdom could even help place in context several of the more

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    difficult passages of the Bible. For instance scriptural references to a physical underworld are

    frequently overlooked or simply ignored altogether. When they are confronted they are

    invariably placed in the rather nebulous setting of a fantasy world that has little bearing on ourown.

    The prime mystery concerns the "bottomless pit" mentioned in theBook of Revelation. Untilnow the universal tendency is to see this in terms of an allegorical world where Satan, the Anti-

    Christ, and indeed all evil doers are enchambered where they can do no harm. Theologians

    have attempted to explain this in a number of ways, but almost no-one has had the nerve to

    treat the idea as a physical reality.

    Does it exist?

    But could the bottomless pit actually exist? If so, where does it feature in our continued theme,

    namely the controlled sequence of events and happenings that lead directly to Armageddon and

    its immediate aftermath?

    We can answer this by going straight toRevelation, and several key passages that can now beinterpreted in an altogether different light. We find that in the 17 th chapter ofRevelation, StJohn describes a beast that ascends from "the bottomless pit." Up till now this "bottomless pit,"

    has been viewed solely as a symbolical description. But knowing what we now know of the

    Hollow Earth, would it be too daring to place this "bottomless pit" in a similar setting? That is

    the setting of a deep inner world that according to some has existed for millions of years?

    The Anti-Christ.

    There is also a direct link to the Anti-Christ.Revelation implies that the rule of the Anti-Christ

    is an amalgamation of two separate entities. These are symbolised as beasts that become

    empowered by Satan to work his deception. In chapter 13 ofRevelation the first beast emergesfrom the sea, and the other from the bottomless pit. Both have seven heads and ten horns.

    Moreover the sea beast has a mortal wound that miraculously heals itself. This fatal wound is

    often seen in terms of a Nazi resurrection, or even the resurfacing of communism, or perhaps a

    much likelier explanation that we shall deal with later. Either way, Satan gives authority to thissea beast, to the point where "the whole world followed the beast with wonder." In factRevelation insists that the inhabitants of this planet are so pleased by what they see, that they

    will worship Satan quite openly, proclaiming "Who is like the beast and who can fight againstit?"

    Economic System.

    Empowered by Satan the two beasts unite to form the economic system of the Anti-Christ!Here there are hints of a much broader symbolism. For instance the origin of the two beastssuggest a considerably more exciting picture than hitherto imagined. It is the possibility that we

    have a clear link to Atlantis. In other words the head with the fatal wound that heals could be a

    direct reference to Atlantis. This long lost island disappeared beneath the waves, yet conversely

    the sea beast emerges from the waves, perhaps symbolising a reborn Atlantis.

    "Was and is not......"

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    More intrigue emerges in the 18th chapter ofRevelation. Here we are told that the beast of the

    bottomless pit "was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit." This too hides a

    probable reference to Atlantis! The island most certainly "was and is not." In other words it didonce exist, but no longer does so. And as we heard, some occultists believe survivors from

    Atlantis hid beneath the surface of the Earth taking with them their knowledge and secrets! In

    Revelation the beast is described as healing the wound of the sea beast giving it fresh life,perhaps re-establishing the Atlantean ideal, or at least that part of it that Plato was quick to call

    degenerate. We must not forget that originally Atlantis is described as a virtual paradise on

    Earth, resplendent with all things good and virtuous. Then the tender idyll turned progressively

    sour, and the island was destroyed in a catastrophe that wiped out much of the habited world ofthat day.

    Mass Invasion.

    Revelation appears to confirm this rebirth with the awesome promise of a mass invasion.

    Chapter nine tells us that the shaft of the bottomless pit is opened by a star that falls from the

    skies. From it pours the smoke of a great furnace dense enough to darken the light from the sun.A swirling maelstrom of smoke billows in all directions. Suddenly there emerges a swarm of

    locusts. Only these are no ordinary locusts.Revelation describes them as some sort of

    mechanical machine with "scales like iron breastplates, and the noise of their wings like thenoise of many chariots..." Nostradamus mentions locusts on numerous occasions, and these

    locust machines are now sent to punish the inhabitants of the Earth. AsRevelation puts it: "they

    were allowed to torture them for five months but not to kill them, and their torture was like thetorture of a scorpion, when it stings a man. And in those days men will seek death and will not

    find it, they will long to die, and death will fly from them."

    The Destroyer.

    Revelation makes it clear these locusts have as their king, the angel, or messenger of thebottomless pit. It names him as Apollyon, which translated from the ancient Greek means


    In the 11 th chapter ofRevelation the identity of the "beast of the bottomless pit," is confirmedas the Anti-Christ. In these passages he persecutes two holy prophets in Jerusalem.Revelation

    implies that the testimony of the two prophets is the only remaining voice of righteousness in a

    world almost totally committed to the worship of Satan. The "two olive trees", asRevelation

    calls them are endowed with supernatural powers that for awhile grant total protection against

    all harm and danger. Thus: "if any one would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and

    consumes their foes; if any one would harm them, thus he is doomed to be killed. They have

    the power to shut the sky, that no rain might fall during the days of their prophesying, and theyhave power over the waters to turn them into blood and to smite the Earth as often as they


    The Two Witnesses.

    Finally after three and a half years the "Beast of the bottomless Pit" kills the two witnesses, andtheir bodies are left to lie in the street! This sparks off widespread celebration.Revelation tells

    us their bodies will be looked upon and reviled by the nations. Then just like Jesus they too will

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    rise from the dead: "But after the three and a half days the spirit of life from God came into

    them and they stood on their feet causing great fear amongst all those who saw them!"

    Last Chance.

    In a sense the witnesses become the last clarion call before the impending disaster. Like thetime of Atlantis, and the world of Noah, the world is now drunk on the image of its own

    greatness. To this background God offers a last chance of redemption - one last image of Christ

    before his prophesied return! But suddenly even this voice of reason is removed as the two

    prophets are raised to the skies in front of a crowd of bewildered onlookers. With theirdeparture this last chance of salvation now vanishes, and the world is plunged into a fearful


    A Physical Reality.

    The events that now transpire were covered in the first part of this book. What is now of greatinterest is the fate of Satan, and the Anti-Christ. The Bible says that following their capture

    they are thrown into the bottomless pit, which is sealed over them. Once again this is ascripture that now assumes fresh meaning, and one question looms larger than any other: Couldthis "bottomless pit" be a physical reality? The reality of an underground kingdom that now

    seals the very embodiment of evil?

    The fact is there is really no other way of looking at it.Revelation has always insisted on thispit as a physical reality. Until now no one dared image how this could be so. But between the

    very pages of this book we have documented thousands of years of evidence that at the very

    least, ignite a flicker of suspicion that maybe this world does exist. Indeed these passages ofRevelation cannot make sense in any other way. They plainly indicate that following the battle

    of Armageddon, Satan and his emissaries will be entombed in a pit whose physical location lies

    deep beneath the Earth.

    An apparent paradox.

    Before concluding this look at the Hollow Earth we must deal with an apparent paradox. It isthe difference of interpretation between the Buddhist view of the inner kingdom, and the way it

    is depicted in the Bible. To Buddhists this world is a source of great peace and wisdom. On the

    other hand theBook of Revelation almost certainly identifies it as a source of great evil.

    So areRevelation and Buddhist belief on separate wavelengths?

    Perpetual Conflict.

    Perhaps the answer can be found in an earlier paragraph. Here we heard how American psychic'Doc Anderson', believed the subterranean world was a mixture of good and bad influence. In

    his view it was just like the surface world, where good and evil were in a state of perpetual

    conflict. Perhaps this darker side of the underworld kingdom attempts to restore the lost glory

    of the Atlantean era. It would undoubtedly cloak its intentions in a sugary veil of deception tillthe trap was well and truly sprung! AsRevelation tells us "they that dwell on the world shall


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    The supreme irony is that in attempting to revive the era of the fallen Golden Age, the "beast of

    the bottomless pit", touches off a far greater catastrophe than the one that destroyed it in the

    first place