THE HERALD. Devoted to the Upbuilding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newepaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. XXIV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916. No. 20. GREATEST STORE SOUTH Solm- Mrs. These Silks K Al Offer Suggestions for Fall Mian Frocks the a ,ompinph e assortment of shades; also black 1o50 Ssad whi•; : ; :uiches wide ........... ........ . . Th -. i 81lk. a trutl heautiful fabric; soft. with a radiant luster. Wine -•s and pin lots; colors Copenhagen and navy;25 te 0 "g wide .... ...................................... and L s Iaster Satin, a material greatly in demand. All the ear p•ppalar ttreet shades and black,....................2.00 SMetor--.A stylish article for fall; the scolbrs are complete. had S orwe ld advise you to buy now; later we will be unable 1 5 whi )hpheate colors; 41 inches wide...................... 1,15 Bagn A aestr of Aworted Silks and Satns, consisting of foulards day g striped satine, an good patterns and tolors; vales 85c 75 t 1.0 yard; Monia ..... ne............................ cha Sg ChldEton Tafreta, extra soft finish, high luster 1.25 Vr r ,deep shade of jet black, pure dye stree iled Dress Lengths, consisting of charmeuse. crepe de chine. temp meteor, satines, etc.; all desirable shades: 4 to i-yard pren "; marked unanually cheap. o'clo. g- h. Laster Satin; a complete assortment of colors, including at hi Sth new and staple street and evening shades; also 1.2 man j ory and black; yard ......................... . laids. mystifying in color combination with any de- cality Splain shade of material: can be found in this assort- 125 the s '-? ; .............................. ........... H e _- l Staripe., a most carefully selected lot, pretty and attrac- lower t I separate skirts or combination dresses at present. 00 } ... susta He w msat h m JOL HONORED mua REast Awhile," the lovely home of the King's Daugh- flu bet week, a pretty inci- cc place in which one of our cl Miss Alma Pujol, was d( i of well deserved rec_ M As usual, a delightful pro- fo se dered. lo i( middle of the program b3 isetman called Miss Alma er the front, and in her own c, way presented Miss C1 a gold pin, the gift of tee, in recognition services rendered by has display-et -~astive ability in one gw the past two season 0 much time and p1 !l e preparation of a pro- fa ewr bhi-monthly socials, n' what talent there was egsts, putting them ec reearsals and, besides By her unas- 01 . taste and sweetness sh" has endeared her- tr fiats and the members tr WLAVEB ORLEANS. M I. Cutts, in command Barracks in New Or- ri to Fort Leaven- - t will take a post at 1D s chool. Captain 1WE take eommadt at vi i Yl now stationed :,St lowi OCC1 REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTORY tcs IAWAURS OM Hou rators for All Uses B ref: tlng Plants :: Cold Storage Boxes 741 hlfrat St Factory: 1824-26 larieu St. i s_ Now. Orlegins ss hum WOE due 8 tern ORNADOES nill are due and te kno Mui prD Bob STORMS are due ban Policies that will secure you d ,aginst Loss. see are the, A. TANSEY, Oct. In TILE HE RALD Pys SLIGlHT BLAZE. y Saturday forenoon at 10:20 o'clock - fire of unascertained origin was dls 1- covered amongst a lot of winter Lr clothing stored in the attic of the * double cottage home of Peter E. . Muntz, 430 Seguin street, and, be- - fore being extinguished, caused a loss of $200, which was not covered n by insurance. Mr. Muntz is the own- a er of the building, which also is oc- E n cupied on the adjoining, side by is Charles Brodtmann. If y PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. The public schols will close at 2 o'clock on Sept. 2r to enable the pu- d pils to attend the Jefferson parish fair which the oflicials state will be more than an ordinary country fair s -- in fact an exrosition, and will be educational in its character. The public evening schools will open on Oct. 2. The following assignments and transfers are of interest in our dis- trict: Miss Alfreda Golden, from list to McDonogh No. 4 School. Miss Grace Bachman from list to i McDonogh No. 4 School. d Miss Florence Burgis from Mer- t r- rich to Belleville. t i- Miss Georgiana Johnson from Mc- it Donogh No. 4 to McDonogh No. 5. - c n Miss Isabel O'Connor from Belle- i t vllle to Jefferson. d Miss Velma Cooper from list to I Stanton. AND OTHERWISE Miss Alma Alleman, of lHolen Solms, La., spent the past week with Mrs. IReinhold IH. Dletz at her home in .llx street. Mr. Reinhold Dletz. who is en- gaged as engineer at the E. Z. Open. er Bag C'o. at Braithwaite, spent the day here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sullivan spent a few days in Lake Providence the past week. Louis R. Goebel, of Meridian, Miss., was a visitor here this week. The railroad transfer barge B. L. Winchell is being reconstructed at the plant of the .ohnson Iron Works and will be transformed into as oil carrier. Upon complaint of Mrs. Lee Flas- wirth that her purse containing $25 had disappeared from a swing cn which she had placed it. Patrolman Bagnetto at Spanish Fort Wednes_ day evening, arrested Vance Rafrie. negro, as a dangerous and suspicious character. Victor Hartmann, of 815 Eliza street, saw an unknown man at- tempting to scale the fence on his premises Friday night at 10:30 o'clock and fired an ineffectual shot at him. Corporal Moran and Patrol- man Hoffman were attracetd to the scene and made a search of the lo- cality but failed to find any trace of the would-be intruder. Henry Hintsz 17 years old, of the lower coast section, fell while work- ing at the Johnson Iron Works and sustained severe injuries. Thursday. He was taken to the hospital. Ilintz - tumbled from the wharf to the barge Winchell and lacerated his scalp and was bruised about the body. k Martin Behrman Tent No. 18, Mac- - cabees, held an interesting review r Thrusday night at Pythian Hall, e when twelve new members were ad- mitted. Tickets are being distri- buted for the ball to be given Satur- 1 a day. November 4., and the committee d in charge anticipate a successful - event. State Commander M. J. Bul- ger will be host to the members of Y the tent at a crab boil next month, probably on the occasion of the last meeting in October. J. P. Cazeau, dairyman, has been charged with violating the ordinance 2 relative to having in his possession milk below the standard, the affda- h vit being filed in the Third recorder's court. Ir Miss F*e Aycoca has returned a from Bayou Lafourche, where she a.as visiting Mrs. Louis Dill at her 11 home. Oakley Plantation. Mrs. Lena Cross has returned to d Algiers to reside after three years 5- spent at the Hotel Dieu training t school. o Misses JAlice Golsten and Elise Prevot were guests of Mrs. L. Cross 0 on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oliver re- r- turned Friday from Wasnsngton af- ter visiting their son. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schulz art re- ceiving congratulations on the arri- - val of a baby girl at their home. Mrs. Jos. Millo presented her hus- 0 band with a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Jop) 'odaro have - the sympathy of ther tlJends in the loss of their infant ., whose death occurred last Thursday. Mrs. Harry Dallam, of 613 Atlan- tic avenue, is at the Presbyterian Hospital where she underwent an operation. M;. L. Munaterman left Sunday for I Buras, La., to spend a week with l relatives. Miss Mildred Ose is spending a while at Home Place, La., the guest of Mrs. Ballay. 1 Mr. Jules Barrols spent Sunday at Jesuit Bend, La., with his parents. Mrs. Frank Pittari presented her -husband with a baby boy last week. Mr. Hy. Munsterm4n, Jr., was a week-end visitor to Buras. La., the dzuest of relatives. Sergeant Anderson has been trans- ferrgd from the Algiers police sta- tior, to the Carrollton station and S~geant 8eelborst is now in com- mand of the Algiers force. Mayor Behrman returned Friday night from New York, where he at- tended the mayors' convention known as the League of American Municipallies. He was re-elected president of the organisation. Mayor Behrman returned by way of Chi- cago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lecouart were visitors to Mandeville Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Ayzen presented her haus- band with a baby boy. Mrs. Thee. Conaway and chil- dren returned Sunday from Mande- rillo, where they spent the summer. Mrs. L. Pujol an daaghter Alma are hon Ima Mandeville where they s sesteral months. Klnghts and Ladies of Breach No. SO, will give a coneertiat the Avenue Theatre on Oct. Ib tolIowing committee Is la e : Mrs. Lt. HIlndelan. M. A FPth, Ostey, Mr. 3. T. liad- teas z• Kema sad iMr L. C. ,- ary.. . 4 LETTERS FROM THI .Mr. Iyaer Writes Interesting Letter. September 11, 1916. t I)Dear Doctor: I I am sending you under separate cover a very good view of Mare Island. Navy Yard and the City of Vallejo, California. As the New Orleans Navy Yard is now classed as Ship Building Plant. I thought you might want to show " your many friends what the Mare Island Navy Yard looks like and I having a great interest in my old home town I knew of no better one to send it to than the Algiers Herald, as I know it reaches more homes in I Algiers than any other newspaper.t The naval force at the New Orleans Station I know will take much inter- t est in it as many of them have been out here. Thanking you in advance and I wishing the Herald the best of luck and that the time is not far off when the New Orleans Navy Yard will' rank with the Mare Island Navy Yard. I remain yours respectfully. STORER G. DYER a P. S.-The Mare Island Employ. ees Association operate the ferry be- t tween Vallejo and Mare Island, hav- ing taken over the franchise aboutI one year ago and have reduced the a fare from $2.50 per month to $1.00 per month and are making money f at that. How is this for working men. S. G. D. NOTE. I Rlegarding the last paragraph of Mr. Dyer's letter in which he speaks h of reducing the ferriage from $2.50 fi a month to $1.00 a month by the employees taking over the franchise shows what can be done here in our t tistrict While L'- ,how in. at the ferry between Vallejo and Mare Island is 150 per cent, we believe that we will be able to make a much larger showing here should the ferry franchise be taken over by the city! and operated for the benefit of the! people instead of for the benefit of the corporation. We thank Mr. Dyer very much for making note of this as it is a subject that the Algiers peo-1 ple are much interested in at pres- b ent. For the information of those . interested we will state that The n Herald his had :e cut of Mare g Island Nav.•Aard potd at our local n Naval Station General Office. 1; WANTEI IN JEFFERSON PARISH I it Otto Bauderdisthe, a blacksmith, s working for the Johnson Iron Works in Algiers, was placed under bond of $50 Thursday afternoon by Jus- tice of the Peace George J. Trauth, V of Gretna, on a charge of assault and C battery, made by Joseph Avery. Bau- A derdisthe was arrested by the Al F giers police and turned over to Con- w stable Jacob Walters, of Gretna. He C is alleged to have knocked Avery 4 down at a dance in McDonoghville l and kicked him while he lay on the F -ro :nd. C TEACHEIRS McDONOGII NO. 4. h ,Elizabeth Kelly. Principal; Mrs. Margaret Hopper, 8th grade; Misst Loulse E. Averill, 7th grade; Miss Su- a san Murphy, 7 B and 6 A; Miss Co- rInne Hughes, 6 A; Miss Alfreda Voegtlln, 6 B; IMis Margaret Walsh. 5 A; Miss May Strassel, 5 B; Mrs. Mary E. Fortler, 4 A; Miss Margaret Marshall, 4 B; Miss Grace Bachman, 3 A and B; Miss Alfreda Golden, 3 B and 2 A; Miss Ida Da- vis, 2 A and B; Miss Hazel Meagher (substitute), 1 A and B. Total num- ber enrolled, 400; beginners, 12. Notice of Removal Our rapidly expanding business 1 has forced us to seek larger and t more commodious arters. We l are now located at2 aronne St., ground floor. S Fa. Pel .Stek 6% fmms D.te of 1.mN qgS ld CITIZENS' Homeste Assn. 'Ut mm mn. a •m am . bas Vo• nsmashe Ia, i es. m s(i• nb sem 511 Whim ye thinkq ea, thak ' bMn stek IIONO)IS. The A.lhamibra Gymnastic ('lub agaiin has rcetived rcognition as - lhavingl stnie, extra stro•ig mnnllhebr s hen it corme. to athletes. Wallace McGuire. one of the most popular lmemnberr s of the club. en- tered the ract., at the Engineers' pitnlliC last Suntlday and w iol siglnal honor- for hiniselI and incidentally I for the club,. Mr. Maguire finished I tirst in the 1,c, yard dash and third in the half mile run. Mr. McGuire is gaining quite a reputation for himself as an athlete lie has many medals to his credit already and the club should feel proud to have such representative at the different events scheduled. lHe is indeed an enthusiastic athlete and a splendid worker for the club. At present he is physical director for the Ladies' Auxiliary and has ac- complished splendid results along this line. KAI sER'S BODYG1'UARD BECOMES ('ITIZEN. The kaiser lost another of his for- mer bodyguard Monday when Henry Moorman. a baker's helper, went into the Federal Court and obtained his final papers in his naturalization as an American citizen. Moorman is six feet two inches tall, and on account of his size was selected as a member of the kaiser's bodyguard while in the German army. He was one of the best rifle shots in Germany and was decorated for his skill. Nine years ago Moorman came to America in charge of a shipment of Holstein cattle from Holstein, Ger- many. and landed in Baltimore. This country looked so good to him that he decided to stay, and took out his first papers in naturalization in Bal- - timore. A short while later he re- moved to Pascagoula. Miss., and three years ago came to Algiers. lie spent about a year at Bay Adam, where he was care taker of Dr. Kraft's camp. He returned to Al- giers and is now in the employ of Jos Susslin. MA.WI'ABEE DAN('E. Martin Blehrman Tent No. 18, the Maccabees, will give their first grand ball on Saturday, Nov. 4,. at Pythian - Hall. The committee of arrange- ments is made of the following: Mayor tl>.hrtu•. honorary ch..i- man; E. J. Mothe. chairman; M No- lan, ex-officio; J. Schroder. J. E. Worrell. W. J. Boylan, J. P. Skelly, E. A. I.alande, A. F. Reaney, Geo. Trauth, T. O. Hotard. J. E. Huck- ins. T. Allingham. Dr. M. O. Carey, S. Richards, J. A. McGlvney and J. W. Alkman. The reception committee is com- posed of Geo. Hahn. chairman, J. W. Reynolds. A. Short, R. Domaway, C. Brodtman. A. Gouner, J. Lawton, A. Bush, F. Richards. J. Sparacino, B. G. Smith, G. Russell, B. Treada- way. Dr. J. E. Pollock, J. Brodtman, C. Hymel. G. P. McCord, J. W. Mlessner, H. J. Daigle, W. J. Owens, R. E. Owens, J. Yokum. E. C. Keegh, F. J. Folse, C. Gouner, C. Corbett, C. Schubert, J. H. Pollock A. Ben- inate, W. E. Silver, T. P. Horn, J. H. Hildebrand, S. Lagarde, R. Sten- house, W. Ellis, L. Facuis, J. McCord. The price of admission will be twenty-five cents Ladles will be admitted free. BRISK BLAZE. Arthur Gayaut, of 1042 Verret street, turned in an alarm from box 34, Monday morning at 1:30 o'clock for a fire that originated through some unascertained cause in the dou- - ble cottage, 1118-20 Nunez street, owned by Mrs. Dedner Berry, col- ored, of St. Louis, Mo., and occupied on one side by Emmaline Cunning- ham, the other side being unoccu- pied. "The building and contents proved a total loss, the former being valued at $800 and the latter $175. The Cunningham woman carried no Insurancce. IThe adjoining house, 1114 Nunez street, owned by An- thony Mumford and occupied by Wi- ley Golden, colored, was damad $50, the loss being covered by in- surance. Golden's furniture was saved. DANCING (LA~B•SES. Mrs. Daudelin will open her dane- ing class beginning first week in Oc. tober. Children's class will meet on the first Wednesday of October at 5 p. m. Cost for this class will be $1.00 per month. Arrangements may be made for other classes by ringing Uptown 608-W. The classes will be held at the residence of Mrs. Jules Babin," 4SO Alix St. .NNW DISIWMCT NURSE. 'Miss Catherine Wilson, of New Or- leas, has bg appointed district mare in charge of the Child's Wel- fare Association's enic la Algiers, and has asumed the position. Miss Wilson can be seem any day at the clinic i the courthouse, where she wil be •sle to M the mbtes call witLh theb ehirem. Corset Waists and Brassieres For the Young Miss, Athletic Girl or Mature Matron if ou .seetk t i- c t an.in (e -ase anI -I l•uorl \itlh the prc- vailini stle., ask to -cc thi h line t lihve are clillrcn'.s ,otists which give the s.nugne. essential t,, terect carriage, without hindlirg'- n is s ' ta i-t. ,t hich mn 't I 'thle t. r it, in• figure tpro;perly aln train it twar l an erect. stylish \•, ,anha.; 'li- ladtie' \xaists which give all the co•lfort and ihea:th tqualities of a \xtai.t with the correct figure of a cor-et-Maternity xwai.ts which assure a trim. stylish figure with comfort andI safety to( mother and child durring the wearing ieriod--and Brassieres which, ,y perfectin ,f design. finish off the figure superbly, and add materially to) the trinnes.., and .set of the gown. Price 50c Up D. H. Holmes Co. P.,.. .ew Yr , LIMITED rafetie.hd eo.lin, .. ed s' lwe,,•. AnU ?, 143. SOLO CAROLA INNER-PLAYERI F.,r eight )years our experts worked upon thts marvel. For eitght years it under went the :n,.st severe tests it is possible to exa.t of a pl.ayer-piano. Over one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars was insested in at before a single instrumilet was offered for sale. No player-piano you have ever played, seen or heard is like the SOLO ('AR1 .A. It is unique. And it is simple in the extreme to operate. Without exception it as the greatest player-piano ever made. It is so easy to prove the truth of oiur ptatements. Merely send us your m te and adds ress. WeIl nil you ph•t.gr.taph atn I dt'.huled descrtptions of this M\raclae I!a)yr. Send the coupon NO' . Thuqiqa, 175580 15m"pu 912-914 U" P-J . CANAL Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET TennisShoes White Black Tan. High and Low, with sad without heels; also Baby doll style. All slsee sad grades from 49c UP All of our customers will tell you we save them money. Why not you be our customer. ONYX LINE OF HOSIERY. REIECKY RSHO STREETS. PATTRSON* VALETT School Supplies We bought our blank books and all Paper School Supplies before the big advance.in price. This fact insures you THE SAME PRICES YOU PAID LAST YEAR for your Blank Books, Inks, Pens, Copy Books, Pencil Boxes, Blotters, Pencils, Erasers. FF• PUPP, Drugdst Bermuda,, A &terrret t&: New GooiI ARE COMING IN RAPIDLY Have just hauled a carload of New Crop Cereals. California Fruits, Asparagus and many others. From now on every day will bring new pack goods at SOLARI'S THE BIG GROCERY HOUSB Heinz Fig Pudding is a brand new dessert with an entirely new appeal to the taste, that wins instant favor wherever served. NO. I CANS 8sd Dosem $400

The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1916-09-21 [p ]fair which the oflicials state will be more than an ordinary country fair s -- in fact an exrosition, and will be educational in its character

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Page 1: The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1916-09-21 [p ]fair which the oflicials state will be more than an ordinary country fair s -- in fact an exrosition, and will be educational in its character

THE HERALD.Devoted to the Upbuilding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newepaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD.




These Silks K Al

Offer Suggestions for Fall Mian

Frocks thea ,ompinph e assortment of shades; also black 1o50

Ssad whi•; : ; :uiches wide ........... ........ ..Th

-. i 81lk. a trutl heautiful fabric; soft. with a radiant luster. Wine-•s and pin lots; colors Copenhagen and navy;25 te

0 "g wide .... ...................................... and

L s Iaster Satin, a material greatly in demand. All the earp•ppalar ttreet shades and black,....................2.00

SMetor--.A stylish article for fall; the scolbrs are complete. hadS orwe ld advise you to buy now; later we will be unable 1 5 whi)hpheate colors; 41 inches wide...................... 1,15

BagnA aestr of Aworted Silks and Satns, consisting of foulards day

g striped satine, an good patterns and tolors; vales 85c 75t 1.0 yard; Monia ..... ne............................ cha

Sg ChldEton Tafreta, extra soft finish, high luster 1.25 Vrr ,deep shade of jet black, pure dye stree

iled Dress Lengths, consisting of charmeuse. crepe de chine. tempmeteor, satines, etc.; all desirable shades: 4 to i-yard pren"; marked unanually cheap. o'clo.

g- h. Laster Satin; a complete assortment of colors, including at hiSth new and staple street and evening shades; also 1.2 man

j ory and black; yard ......................... .

• laids. mystifying in color combination with any de- calitySplain shade of material: can be found in this assort- 125 the s'-? ; • .............................. ........... H e

_- l Staripe., a most carefully selected lot, pretty and attrac- lowert I separate skirts or combination dresses at present. 00 }

... sustaHe w

msat h


mua REast Awhile," the lovely

home of the King's Daugh- flubet week, a pretty inci- cc

place in which one of our clMiss Alma Pujol, was d(

i of well deserved rec_ M

As usual, a delightful pro- fo

se dered. lo

i( middle of the program b3isetman called Miss Alma er

the front, and in her own c,

way presented Miss C1

a gold pin, the gift oftee, in recognition

services rendered byhas display-et

-~astive ability in onegw the past two season 0

much time and p1

!l e preparation of a pro- faewr bhi-monthly socials, n'

what talent there was

egsts, putting them ecreearsals and, besides

By her unas- 01

.taste and sweetnesssh" has endeared her- tr

fiats and the members tr

WLAVEB ORLEANS. MI. Cutts, in command

Barracks in New Or- rito Fort Leaven-

-t will take a post at 1Ds chool. Captain

1WE take eommadt at vii Yl now stationed






rators for All Uses Bref:

tlng Plants :: Cold Storage Boxes

741 hlfrat St Factory: 1824-26 larieu St. is_ Now. Orlegins ss





are due and teknoMuiprDBobSTORMS

are dueban

Policies that will secure you d

,aginst Loss. seearethe,A. TANSEY,Oct.



y Saturday forenoon at 10:20 o'clock-fire of unascertained origin was dls

1- covered amongst a lot of winter

Lr clothing stored in the attic of the* double cottage home of Peter E.

.Muntz, 430 Seguin street, and, be--fore being extinguished, caused a

loss of $200, which was not coveredn by insurance. Mr. Muntz is the own-

a er of the building, which also is oc- En cupied on the adjoining, side by

is Charles Brodtmann.If


The public schols will close at 2

o'clock on Sept. 2r to enable the pu-

d pils to attend the Jefferson parishfair which the oflicials state will bemore than an ordinary country fairs -- in fact an exrosition, and will beeducational in its character.

The public evening schools willopen on Oct. 2.

The following assignments andtransfers are of interest in our dis-trict:

Miss Alfreda Golden, from list toMcDonogh No. 4 School.

Miss Grace Bachman from list toi McDonogh No. 4 School.

d Miss Florence Burgis from Mer- tr- rich to Belleville. t

i- Miss Georgiana Johnson from Mc-it Donogh No. 4 to McDonogh No. 5. - c

n Miss Isabel O'Connor from Belle- i

t vllle to Jefferson.d Miss Velma Cooper from list to I



Miss Alma Alleman, of lHolenSolms, La., spent the past week withMrs. IReinhold IH. Dletz at her homein .llx street.

Mr. Reinhold Dletz. who is en-gaged as engineer at the E. Z. Open.er Bag C'o. at Braithwaite, spent theday here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sullivanspent a few days in Lake Providencethe past week.

Louis R. Goebel, of Meridian,Miss., was a visitor here this week.

The railroad transfer barge B. L.Winchell is being reconstructed atthe plant of the .ohnson Iron Worksand will be transformed into as oilcarrier.

Upon complaint of Mrs. Lee Flas-wirth that her purse containing $25had disappeared from a swing cnwhich she had placed it. PatrolmanBagnetto at Spanish Fort Wednes_day evening, arrested Vance Rafrie.negro, as a dangerous and suspiciouscharacter.

Victor Hartmann, of 815 Elizastreet, saw an unknown man at-tempting to scale the fence on hispremises Friday night at 10:30o'clock and fired an ineffectual shotat him. Corporal Moran and Patrol-man Hoffman were attracetd to thescene and made a search of the lo-cality but failed to find any trace ofthe would-be intruder.

Henry Hintsz 17 years old, of thelower coast section, fell while work-ing at the Johnson Iron Works andsustained severe injuries. Thursday.He was taken to the hospital. Ilintz-tumbled from the wharf to the bargeWinchell and lacerated his scalp andwas bruised about the body.

k Martin Behrman Tent No. 18, Mac--cabees, held an interesting review

r Thrusday night at Pythian Hall,e when twelve new members were ad-

mitted. Tickets are being distri-buted for the ball to be given Satur- 1

a day. November 4., and the committeed in charge anticipate a successful

-event. State Commander M. J. Bul-ger will be host to the members of

Y the tent at a crab boil next month,probably on the occasion of the lastmeeting in October.

J. P. Cazeau, dairyman, has beencharged with violating the ordinance

2 relative to having in his possessionmilk below the standard, the affda-

h vit being filed in the Third recorder'scourt.Ir Miss F*e Aycoca has returned

a from Bayou Lafourche, where she

a.as visiting Mrs. Louis Dill at her11 home. Oakley Plantation.

Mrs. Lena Cross has returned tod Algiers to reside after three years5- spent at the Hotel Dieu training t

school.o Misses JAlice Golsten and Elise

Prevot were guests of Mrs. L. Cross0 on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oliver re-r- turned Friday from Wasnsngton af-

ter visiting their son.Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schulz art re-

ceiving congratulations on the arri-- val of a baby girl at their home.

Mrs. Jos. Millo presented her hus-0 band with a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Jop) 'odaro have- the sympathy of ther tlJends in the

loss of their infant ., whose deathoccurred last Thursday.

Mrs. Harry Dallam, of 613 Atlan-tic avenue, is at the PresbyterianHospital where she underwent anoperation.

M;. L. Munaterman left Sunday for IBuras, La., to spend a week with lrelatives.

Miss Mildred Ose is spending awhile at Home Place, La., the guestof Mrs. Ballay. 1

Mr. Jules Barrols spent Sunday atJesuit Bend, La., with his parents.

Mrs. Frank Pittari presented her-husband with a baby boy last week.

Mr. Hy. Munsterm4n, Jr., was aweek-end visitor to Buras. La., thedzuest of relatives.

Sergeant Anderson has been trans-ferrgd from the Algiers police sta-tior, to the Carrollton station and

S~geant 8eelborst is now in com-mand of the Algiers force.

Mayor Behrman returned Fridaynight from New York, where he at-tended the mayors' conventionknown as the League of AmericanMunicipallies. He was re-electedpresident of the organisation. MayorBehrman returned by way of Chi-cago.

' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lecouart werevisitors to Mandeville Sunday.

Mrs. Jos. Ayzen presented her haus-band with a baby boy.

Mrs. Thee. Conaway and chil-dren returned Sunday from Mande-rillo, where they spent the summer.

Mrs. L. Pujol an daaghter Almaare hon Ima Mandeville wherethey s sesteral months.

Klnghts and Ladiesof Breach No. SO, will give

a coneertiat the Avenue Theatre onOct. Ib tolIowing committeeIs la e : Mrs. Lt. HIlndelan. M.A FPth, Ostey, Mr. 3. T. liad-teas z• Kema sad iMr L. C.,- ary.. .4


.Mr. Iyaer Writes Interesting Letter.

September 11, 1916. tI)Dear Doctor: I

I am sending you under separatecover a very good view of MareIsland. Navy Yard and the City ofVallejo, California.

As the New Orleans Navy Yard isnow classed as Ship Building Plant.I thought you might want to show "your many friends what the MareIsland Navy Yard looks like and Ihaving a great interest in my oldhome town I knew of no better oneto send it to than the Algiers Herald,as I know it reaches more homes in IAlgiers than any other newspaper.tThe naval force at the New OrleansStation I know will take much inter- test in it as many of them have beenout here.

Thanking you in advance and Iwishing the Herald the best of luckand that the time is not far off whenthe New Orleans Navy Yard will'rank with the Mare Island NavyYard.

I remain yours respectfully.


P. S.-The Mare Island Employ.ees Association operate the ferry be- ttween Vallejo and Mare Island, hav-ing taken over the franchise aboutIone year ago and have reduced the afare from $2.50 per month to $1.00per month and are making money fat that. How is this for workingmen. S. G. D.

NOTE. IRlegarding the last paragraph of

Mr. Dyer's letter in which he speaks hof reducing the ferriage from $2.50 fia month to $1.00 a month by theemployees taking over the franchiseshows what can be done here in our ttistrict While L'- ,how in. at the

ferry between Vallejo and MareIsland is 150 per cent, we believethat we will be able to make a muchlarger showing here should the ferryfranchise be taken over by the city!and operated for the benefit of the!people instead of for the benefit ofthe corporation. We thank Mr. Dyervery much for making note of this asit is a subject that the Algiers peo-1ple are much interested in at pres- bent. For the information of those .

interested we will state that The nHerald his had :e cut of Mare gIsland Nav.•Aard potd at our local nNaval Station General Office. 1;


Otto Bauderdisthe, a blacksmith, sworking for the Johnson Iron Worksin Algiers, was placed under bondof $50 Thursday afternoon by Jus-tice of the Peace George J. Trauth, Vof Gretna, on a charge of assault and Cbattery, made by Joseph Avery. Bau- Aderdisthe was arrested by the Al Fgiers police and turned over to Con- wstable Jacob Walters, of Gretna. He Cis alleged to have knocked Avery 4down at a dance in McDonoghville land kicked him while he lay on the F-ro :nd. C


,Elizabeth Kelly. Principal; Mrs.Margaret Hopper, 8th grade; MisstLoulse E. Averill, 7th grade; Miss Su- asan Murphy, 7 B and 6 A; Miss Co-rInne Hughes, 6 A; Miss AlfredaVoegtlln, 6 B; IMis MargaretWalsh. 5 A; Miss May Strassel, 5 B;Mrs. Mary E. Fortler, 4 A; MissMargaret Marshall, 4 B; Miss GraceBachman, 3 A and B; Miss AlfredaGolden, 3 B and 2 A; Miss Ida Da-vis, 2 A and B; Miss Hazel Meagher(substitute), 1 A and B. Total num-ber enrolled, 400; beginners, 12.

Notice ofRemoval

Our rapidly expanding business 1has forced us to seek larger and tmore commodious arters. We lare now located at2 aronne St.,ground floor. S

Fa. Pel .Stek 6% fmmsD.te of 1.mN qgS ld

CITIZENS'Homeste Assn.


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bas Vo• nsmashe

Ia, i es. m s(i• nb sem 511

Whim ye thinkq ea, thak '

bMn stek


The A.lhamibra Gymnastic ('lubagaiin has rcetived rcognition as -lhavingl stnie, extra stro•ig mnnllhebrs hen it corme. to athletes.

Wallace McGuire. one of the mostpopular lmemnberr s of the club. en-tered the ract., at the Engineers'pitnlliC last Suntlday and w iol siglnalhonor- for hiniselI and incidentally Ifor the club,. Mr. Maguire finished Itirst in the 1,c, yard dash and thirdin the half mile run.

Mr. McGuire is gaining quite areputation for himself as an athletelie has many medals to his creditalready and the club should feelproud to have such representativeat the different events scheduled. lHeis indeed an enthusiastic athlete anda splendid worker for the club. Atpresent he is physical director forthe Ladies' Auxiliary and has ac-complished splendid results alongthis line.


The kaiser lost another of his for-mer bodyguard Monday when HenryMoorman. a baker's helper, wentinto the Federal Court and obtainedhis final papers in his naturalizationas an American citizen.

Moorman is six feet two inchestall, and on account of his size wasselected as a member of the kaiser'sbodyguard while in the Germanarmy. He was one of the best rifleshots in Germany and was decoratedfor his skill.

Nine years ago Moorman came toAmerica in charge of a shipment ofHolstein cattle from Holstein, Ger-many. and landed in Baltimore. Thiscountry looked so good to him thathe decided to stay, and took out hisfirst papers in naturalization in Bal- -

timore. A short while later he re-moved to Pascagoula. Miss., andthree years ago came to Algiers. liespent about a year at Bay Adam,where he was care taker of Dr.Kraft's camp. He returned to Al-giers and is now in the employ ofJos Susslin.


Martin Blehrman Tent No. 18, theMaccabees, will give their first grandball on Saturday, Nov. 4,. at Pythian -Hall. The committee of arrange-ments is made of the following:Mayor tl>.hrtu•. honorary ch..i-man; E. J. Mothe. chairman; M No-lan, ex-officio; J. Schroder. J. E.Worrell. W. J. Boylan, J. P. Skelly,E. A. I.alande, A. F. Reaney, Geo.Trauth, T. O. Hotard. J. E. Huck-ins. T. Allingham. Dr. M. O. Carey,S. Richards, J. A. McGlvney and J.W. Alkman.

The reception committee is com-posed of Geo. Hahn. chairman, J.W. Reynolds. A. Short, R. Domaway,C. Brodtman. A. Gouner, J. Lawton,A. Bush, F. Richards. J. Sparacino,B. G. Smith, G. Russell, B. Treada-way. Dr. J. E. Pollock, J. Brodtman,C. Hymel. G. P. McCord, J. W.Mlessner, H. J. Daigle, W. J. Owens,R. E. Owens, J. Yokum. E. C. Keegh,F. J. Folse, C. Gouner, C. Corbett,C. Schubert, J. H. Pollock A. Ben-inate, W. E. Silver, T. P. Horn, J.H. Hildebrand, S. Lagarde, R. Sten-house, W. Ellis, L. Facuis, J. McCord.

The price of admission will betwenty-five cents Ladles will beadmitted free.


Arthur Gayaut, of 1042 Verretstreet, turned in an alarm from box34, Monday morning at 1:30 o'clockfor a fire that originated throughsome unascertained cause in the dou- -ble cottage, 1118-20 Nunez street,owned by Mrs. Dedner Berry, col-ored, of St. Louis, Mo., and occupiedon one side by Emmaline Cunning-ham, the other side being unoccu-pied. "The building and contentsproved a total loss, the former beingvalued at $800 and the latter $175.The Cunningham woman carried noInsurancce. IThe adjoining house,1114 Nunez street, owned by An-thony Mumford and occupied by Wi-ley Golden, colored, was damad$50, the loss being covered by in-surance. Golden's furniture wassaved.


Mrs. Daudelin will open her dane-ing class beginning first week in Oc.tober. Children's class will meet onthe first Wednesday of October at

5 p. m. Cost for this class will be$1.00 per month. Arrangementsmay be made for other classes byringing Uptown 608-W. The classeswill be held at the residence of Mrs.Jules Babin," 4SO Alix St.


'Miss Catherine Wilson, of New Or-leas, has bg appointed districtmare in charge of the Child's Wel-fare Association's enic la Algiers,and has asumed the position. MissWilson can be seem any day at theclinic i the courthouse, where shewil be •sle to M the mbtes callwitLh theb ehirem.

Corset Waistsand

BrassieresFor the Young Miss, Athletic

Girl or Mature Matronif ou .seetk t i- c t an.in (e -ase anI -I l•uorl \itlh the prc-

vailini stle., ask to -cc thi h line t lihve are clillrcn'.s ,otistswhich give the s.nugne. essential t,, terect carriage, withouthindlirg'- n is s ' ta i-t. ,t hich mn 't I 'thle t. r it, in• figuretpro;perly aln train it twar l an erect. stylish \•, ,anha.; 'li-

ladtie' \xaists which give all the co•lfort and ihea:th tqualitiesof a \xtai.t with the correct figure of a cor-et-Maternityxwai.ts which assure a trim. stylish figure with comfort andIsafety to( mother and child durring the wearing ieriod--andBrassieres which, ,y perfectin ,f design. finish off thefigure superbly, and add materially to) the trinnes.., and .setof the gown.

Price 50c Up

D. H. Holmes Co.P.,.. .ew Yr , LIMITED rafetie.hdeo.lin, .. ed s' lwe,,•. AnU ?, 143.

SOLO CAROLA INNER-PLAYERIF.,r eight )years our experts worked upon thts marvel. For eitght years it under

went the :n,.st severe tests it is possible to exa.t of a pl.ayer-piano. Over onehundred and seventy-five thousand dollars was insested in at before a singleinstrumilet was offered for sale.

No player-piano you have ever played, seen or heard is like the SOLO('AR1 .A. It is unique. And it is simple in the extreme to operate. Withoutexception it as the greatest player-piano ever made.

It is so easy to prove the truth of oiur ptatements. Merely send us yourm te and adds ress. WeIl nil you ph•t.gr.taph atn I dt'.huled descrtptions of this

M\raclae I!a)yr. Send the coupon NO' .

Thuqiqa, 175580 15m"pu 912-914U" P-J . CANAL

Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET

TennisShoesWhite Black Tan. High and

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also Baby doll style. All slsee

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School SuppliesWe bought our blank books and all

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YEAR for your

Blank Books, Inks, Pens,Copy Books, Pencil Boxes,Blotters, Pencils, Erasers.

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Fruits, Asparagus and many

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day will bring new pack goods



Heinz Fig Puddingis a brand new dessert with anentirely new appeal to thetaste, that wins instant favorwherever served.

NO. I CANS 8sd Dosem $400