The mission of this congregation is to be a welcoming community which proclaims the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, nurtures Christian beliefs and behavior, and encourages lifelong maturing in faith. Here we are empowered to grow as Christians, so that we may minister to others spiritually and physically. We welcome you!

The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all

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Page 1: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all

The mission of this congregation is to be a welcoming community which proclaims

the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, nurtures Christian beliefs and behavior,

and encourages lifelong maturing in faith. Here we are empowered to grow as

Christians, so that we may minister to others spiritually and physically.

We welcome you!

Page 2: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all



TONIGHT, March 11 at 6:30pm




Page 3: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all



MARCH 11, 2018 9:00 AND 10:30 A.M. SERVICES

For Lenten Meditation:

David’s Fieldstones of Faith is on your pew for the quiet time before worship.

The poems on pages 41-49 are all based on Jesus’ Holy Week. In addition, other

Lent based poems are on pages 15, 29, 30, 39, 40, 69. If you don’t have a copy

you may take one home.

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Prelude Quiet Meditation by Gilbert Martin

Call to Worship

Choral Introit (10:30)

Our Coming Together Prayer, in unison

Holy God,

hear our “coming together prayer;”

accept our “Invocation” to unite with us in worship;

be the “blest tie that binds;”

shape us into the Body of Christ;

grant to us the Communion of Sasints.

* Hymn Community of Christ Hymnal no. 655

* Prayer of Invocation and Confession, said together:

Lord, have mercy!

You said it best so long ago:

“All we, like sheep, have gone astray;

each of us has turned to our own way.” (Isaiah 53:6)

This is our confession today:

Page 4: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all


that we too easily drift off,

that we too often tear apart,

that we accept division,

that we settle for disarray,

that we turn our backs. We confess: this is not your way.


(silence for individual prayers)

* Assurance of Forgiveness

* Gloria Patri Hymnal, no. 35 (This hymn, sung every Sunday, expresses our gratitude for forgiveness)

Welcome and Announcements

Please sign the green registration pad in your pew, and pass it to your neighbor!

Anthem (10:30) Sine Nomine (For All the Saints) R. Vaughn Williams (words: Hymnal No. 637)

Worship of God through Prayer

Sharing our Joys and Concerns

We welcome your prayer concerns. You may write them into the prayer request book in the Narthex, or contact pastoral assistant Rachel Baumann.

Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but

deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.

Worship of God through Giving: (Note: We give in many ways, by various means. Yet it is still important to “present our

offerings” on the altar as part of genuine worship, our way of giving thanks to God.)

Offertory O Divine Redeemer! Charles Gounod

Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11)

* Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all the gifts of our lives)

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* Prayer of Dedication, said together:

We dedicate ourselves, O God, as surely as we dedicate our offerings.

Our best we dedicate to your loving service in a thousand ways, near

and far. Amen.

Scripture, read together:

“Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit

of their deeds.” Isaiah 31:10

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, and grow like a cedar in

Lebanon.” Psalm 92:12

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of God.” Matthew 13:43

Sermon The Communion of Saints David Johnson Rowe

* Parting Hymn Some There Are Who By Their Living Hymnal, no. 648

* Benediction

* All who are able, please stand.

Serving in the Chancel: Deacon Kim Baer

Acolyte: Cassady Dzurik

After 10:30 Worship:

“Religion in the News” with David

11:40 in the Church Parlor

Good topics …

Good people…

Living discussion.

All Are Welcome!!

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Page 7: The Greenfield Hill Congregational Church€¦ · Wendy Gerbier, Mezzo Soprano (words, p. 11) * Doxology Hymnal, no. 46 (This ancient hymn is sung every Sunday to thank God for all



Welcome! On this fourth season of Lent, we continue our spiritual journey

toward the joy of Easter. Thank you for joining us on the way!

In this season of Lent, be inspired by the voices of GHCC church friends:

Our Lenten Devotional, with beautiful daily devotions written by members

of our church family, is available this year via email (no paper edition). If you

or someone you know would like to be added to our list, simply let us know in

the church office, and we will add you to the list!

([email protected], or 203-259-5596). Each morning, you’ll receive

the day’s devotion -- from now until Easter.

Visitors: We are glad you are with us today. Want to know more? Take a bag

home from our Visitors’ Table, just outside the front door! If you are interested in

joining this church, please just speak with Alida!

At our 9:00 a.m. service, you have been greeted by Deacon Dan Carpenter and

Junior Deacons Owen Edminster and Eloise Gaccetta. At our 10:30 a.m.

service, you have been greeted by Deacon Dan Carpenter, Junior Deacons

Carly Jones and Caroline Lacey, our Junior Greeter Avery Burnham. Junior

Deacons assisting with Church School are Helen Glover, Ian Greenwood, Liam

Hawley, Maggie Burns, and Henry Houghton. Our crib room helper today is

Everett Patterson.

Join us for Fellowship!! After the 9:00 service, please join the Fellowship

Board in the Church House Memorial Room (across the street) for refreshments

and fellowship.

A note about children in worship: We love them! But if you’d prefer to enjoy worship on your own, our Church Nursery for infants-toddlers is across the

street in the Church House. Special beepers/pagers are available to parents so

that they may be quietly contacted during the worship service if their child

misses them! If your child in worship becomes restless or unhappy, please make use

of the Parlor (through the double doors by the choir loft, or head outside and

through the side doors). There is a comfortable space there for your child to play

with toys and a speaker which carries the service!

A single red rose has been placed on the altar in memory of Len Morgan for

his birthday, Tuesday, March 13.

The flowers on the communion table are given by Cary Peirce and family in

loving memory of Tim Peirce.

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Remembering our Soldiers

Laura Riebel …Mark Riebel …Brian Shelton …Derrick Keene …Mike Lincoln …David Elliott …Stephen Honan …Molly Hanson ...Shelby Wallace …Cooper Harris

Kelsey Wallace …Lawrence Benjamin …Brad Ritzel

If you or a loved one is hospitalized, please contact us, or have someone contact us. Hospitals do not notify us independently.

Many thanks for helping our pastoral ministry.


This morning in our Church School classes…Our preschool through

Kindergarten classes are learning about Bartimaeus Shouting to Jesus.

Our 1st Grade through 6th Grade classes are learning about the Parable of

the Good Samaritan, through our rotational learning centers…

1st & 2nd Grades – Science Center

3rd & 4th Grades – Story Center

5th & 6th Grades – Mission Center

In order to allow our parents and teachers to have an opportunity to meet

and greet one another, our Church School Dismissal Procedures for all of

our church school classes up through and including 2nd grade will be for

parents to pick up their children from their respective classrooms, promptly

at 10:00 a.m. dismissal time. Children in Third Grade through Seventh

Grade will be dismissed from their respective classrooms at 10:00 a.m.

Some of our church school classes share a morning snack during their class

time. If your child has any food allergies, we ask that you alert your child’s

teacher in order that we may ensure the safe participation of all our



Religion in the News: Join David after the 10:30 service, in the Parlor, for

conversation about today’s news from a faith perspective. There’s always great

discussion; all welcome!

Youth Group today: JPF (for our 6th and 7th graders) will meet in the Barn at

5p.m. It’s never too late in the year to have the kids join us!! Bring friends too!!

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Bible Study: We call our weekly Bible Study 'The

Gathering'… No pressure. No assignments. No guilt.

During the season of Lent, each week the scriptural

background to one short story from David’s new book (see page 14 for details!)

Give it a try, you’ll enjoy it, we promise! Thursdays, at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in

the Church House Library.

SPF (our high school youth group) continues this Thursday from 6-7:30 pm in

our Len Morgan Youth Barn. This week the youth who participated in our

India mission trip share their stories and pictures!


Easter Lilies! Help us to decorate our sanctuary beautifully for our Easter

service! By purchasing one (or more!) you can also honor or memorialize

someone dear to you. Their names will be listed in the Easter bulletins. Lilies

for this year’s Easter Services are $15 each. To order and pay online, go to the

News and Events section of our website (www.greenfieldhillchurch.com) or use

the purple order form located in the Narthex or Church House.

Women of the church! Sign up now for our annual

GHCC Women's Retreat. With Alida leading, we'll be

in Darien, at beautiful St. Birgitta's retreat center, from 9

to 3 on Saturday, April 28th. Cost will be $35. Contact

the church to let us know you are coming!

Our Vacation Bible School Program will be held this summer from August 13-

17, 2018. Registration is open via the website OR forms will also be available

in the church house. IF you are planning to attend, please register soon! Registration is limited so don’t delay! Questions? Please contact Marcia

Carothers at [email protected].

An Evening of Health and Wellness, hosted by our Fellowship

Board, March 21st, 7-9pm at the Norma Pfriem Center 111

Beach Rd in Fairfield. Did you know that the Norma Pfriem Wellness Center Fairfield is open to everyone, including those

who are cancer free? Discover this local gem and what it has to offer. Even if

you have attended the workshop in the past, come again for there will be new

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topics such as healthy eating, naturopathy, guided meditation, and more. Bring

a friend and have a little “you” time. All ages welcome with NO Fee. Please

RSVP by emailing the Church Office at [email protected] since

there is limited space. Please reserve ASAP to reserve your spot!


Help us make our Church even MORE beautiful for Easter! We need just a few people to help with the lily decoration in the Sanctuary on Saturday, March

31 at 9 am. It will only take a half hour or so! Please let Marcia know if you can

lend a hand!

Parish Court Luncheon Help Needed! – On Tuesday, April 17th our church will

be hosting a spring lunch for the residents of Parish Court in Fairfield, Parish

Court is the affordable elder care housing complex, jointly owned by a few other

churches AND us!! If you’d like to help out with the luncheon, please let

Marcia know!

Easter baskets needed .... for our 'Covenant to Care' social worker to distribute! Kim, who works with kids in foster care, has primarily teens on her

list right now, and is looking for baskets to

brighten their Easter. We need 20! – candy, gift

cards, games, all of that is great. We actually

have a ton of empty baskets you could use...

pick one up at the Church House, fill it with new

items, and bring it back to us... Easy! Or you can

buy and make your own. Please bring the

baskets to the church or Church House by Monday, March 26!

Alida's recruiting for ASP!! We will need 90 adults to accompany our 225

teenagers to West Virginia June 30- July 7 for a life-changing week of service

through the Appalachia Service Project – and we’re only halfway there! It's a

week of home repair for families in need - but you do not need to be a skilled

carpenter!! All we need is your willingness to work alongside our teens. Please

take a look at the Adult Leader information on the ASP page of our church

website (under 'Mission and Outreach') ... and if you like what you see, click on

the online adult advisor registration!! And of course contact Alida with any

questions! ([email protected])

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The CT Institute for Refugees and Immigrants is looking for a few items to

help some of their participants who are in need. They could use new or used

infant car seats, toddler car seats, booster seats, and any good condition kid’s

soccer cleats. You can bring them to the Church House any time over the next

few weeks. Any questions, contact Kristin Jennings at [email protected]

Caregiving for someone in your life? Come learn and find

support in our Caregiving Series, presented jointly by

Watermark and GHCC. Each presentation takes place in

the Memorial Room at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesdays – come to one or all!

• March 20: How to take charge of the situation-medical proxies, POA,

conservators, eldercare attorneys

• April 17: Managing multiple medications and physicians for your loved


• May 15: Taking time to care for yourself-local support groups, daycare

programs, respite programs

Presenters: with over forty years’ experience, Denise Julian is Director of

Health Services at Watermark Retirement Community (twenty-six years) and is certified in Geriatric Social Work, as a Dementia Practitioner and as

a Alzheimer's Disease Dementia Care Trainer. As Supervisor of the

Assisted Living Services at Watermark Retirement Community for the past

eight years, Kathleen Pye has over thirty years’ experience in the nursing


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Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

(3/11) 9:00 a.m. Church School in classrooms in Church House

10:30 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

5:00 p.m. JPF (6th and 7th grades) – the Barn

6:30 p.m. Sports Worship in the Sanctuary

Monday 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class in the Barn

(3/12) 7:30 p.m. All Church Board Meetings in the Church House

Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Duke University Chorale in the Sanctuary


Thursday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study – The Gathering –in the Library

(3/8) 6:00 p.m. SPF in the Barn

7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir (and Chorale) in Parlor

7:30 p.m. Bible Study –The Gathering – in Library

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

(3/18) 9:00 a.m. Church School in classrooms in Church House

10:30 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

2:00 p.m. YPF (4th and 5th grades) in the Barn

5:00 p.m. JPF (6th and 7th grades) – the Barn

7:00 p.m. Jr. Deacons Meeting in the Barn

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Words to the Offertory

O Divine Redeemer

Ah, turn me not away, receive me though unworthy. Hear Thou my cry, hear Thou my cry, Behold, Lord, my distress! Answer me from Thy throne, Haste Thee, Lord, to my aid!

Thy pity show in my deep anguish. Let not the sword of vengeance smite me, though righteous Thine anger, O Lord! Shield me in danger, O regard me! On Thee, Lord, alone will I call!

O divine Redeemer, I pray thee grant me pardon, and remember not my sins!

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Dogwood Festival


Preparations for this year’s festival, Mother’s Day Weekend May 11th, 12th, and

13th, are well underway and we need YOU to help make 2018 better than ever!

Interested in volunteering? We would love your help!! Please consider signing

up right now! Just click the ‘Dogwood Festival’ page on our church website to

find our sign ups!

This favorite community event has some new areas this year including live music by the Angry O’Hara’s on Saturday and an amazing raffle with three

prizes and opportunities to win! Don’t forget to spread the word to friends near

and far that our old fashioned fair will be here before we know it!

The Dogwood Festival’s net proceeds go to amazing charities! Be part of this

festival, in any way you are able to! Email Michele Whelan and Brenda Steele

with any questions [email protected] and [email protected].

Dogwood Festival Ads and Sponsors! We

once again will be printing and distributing

around 2,000 copies of our attractive,

informative Festival Program, and folks can

help support the Festival by placing Ads in

the Program for all to see. Maybe you have a small business that you’d like to

promote, or want to wish mom a Happy Mother’s Day, or congratulate a

graduate! If so, then please consider placing an Ad in our Program! Also, we

continue to look for more Sponsors of the Festival. Potential Sponsors include

banks, realtors, auto dealers and other local and regional businesses with whom

we may deal on a regular basis. Our Sponsor packages are terrific, and entities

that support us usually return again and again. Please consider any businesses with whom you may have a relationship or connection who would be

appropriate to serve as a Dogwood Festival sponsor. The pre-Festival support of

Ads and Sponsorship goes a long way to ensuring a successful Festival that can

be enjoyed by all. Please contact Karen Mitri or Mike Mitri for more

information on Dogwood Festival Ads and Sponsorship. Thank you!

([email protected])

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New this year: Easter Eve Service, at 5 pm in the Sanctuary!

A little smaller, a little quieter: no less joyful!!

and of course: Easter Day Services at 7am, 9am, and 11am

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An American

Story: Finding

Home in Fairfield


On View in the Spaght Gallery in the Fairfield Museum, from February 8 – July 23, 2018. This exhibition highlights the experiences of refugees and immigrants who have built new lives in Fairfield County. A series of photographic portraits and biographical narratives share how eight individuals from Cambodia, Congo, Cuba, Hungary, India, Rwanda, and Syria have rebuilt their lives and created a sense of home. Seeking safety and opportunity here, refugees and immigrants from around the world have added to the fabric of our communities. The exhibition also honors the 100th anniversary of the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI), founded in 1918 to help new immigrants in their journey to making a home in Fairfield County.

Other Programs in conjunction with the exhibition include: Women Rebuilding | Thurs, March 15, 6 – 8pm Marco Werman, Senior Producer of Public Radio International’s The World, will moderate a discussion about women’s empowerment projects in Connecticut that are giving marginalized women opportunities including: Our Woven Community, Ratatouille, and IRIS.

Sanctuary: Interfaith Forum on Refugees | Thurs, April 19, 6 – 8pm Discover the different ways that faith-based communities are offering diverse approaches to meet the needs of refugees and immigrants, with members of the Bridgeport Islamic Community Center, Fairfield Clergy Association, and The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, Inc.

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Thursdays in Lent at GHCC

Special Bible Studies, at 10am and 7:30pm

Each week the scriptural background to one short story from David’s new book,

Water Into Wine March 15: “A Church for Christopher Hitchens”, Atheism and Faith.

March 22: “He and She”, A Study of Heaven and Sorrow.

Maundy Thursday, March 29th, 7:30pm: A Reading of “Jesus’ Iftar” presented by Ward Horton,

actor and GHCC member.

Help Water Into Wine.... Many Church Members are in Book Clubs, Book Chats, and Reading Groups.

Many are in civic, social, and community organizations. David would love to

speak with your group, do a reading, presentation, Q and A.... you name it! Contact David at [email protected]

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’THIS Tuesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. at GHCC!!! Admission to the concert is free, but they will gladly

accept donations to support the operations of these

fabulous choirs. The Duke University Chorale, the primary choral group of the Department of

Music at Duke, is composed of 50 Duke graduate and undergraduate singers. In

previous years the Chorale has toured China, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the

Czech Republic, England, Wales, Mexico, Costa Rica and many parts of the U.S.

The Chorale is delighted that their 2018 tour brings them to the Northeastern

U.S., with concerts in New York, Greenwich and Fairfield CT, Philadelphia,

Richmond and Culpeper VA, and Winston-Salem, NC.

The Fairfield County Children’s Choir (FCCC) is a community-based choral

program made up of 300 children in grades 4-12 from communities in and

around Fairfield County, Connecticut. The chamber singers have performed in

venues in England, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic, Canada; in New Orleans,

San Francisco, Hawaii and in New York at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center,

Madison Square Garden and West Point, among others. The Fairfield County

Children’s Choir has been directed by its founder, Jon Noyes, since 1995 and is

accompanied by Donna Beatty.

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FAIRFIELD, CONNECTICUT Telephone: (203) 259-5596 Fax: (203) 255-4641

Website: www.greenfieldhillchurch.com email: [email protected]


OFFICERS: Rev. Dr. David Johnson Rowe, Pastor; Rev. Dr. Alida Ward, Pastor; Carol McCullough, Church Council Chairperson; Sue Bambach, Church Clerk; Aun Singapore, Treasurer.

STAFF: Roni Widmer, Office Manager; Sandra Shaw Murphy, Music Director; Sara Mastrony Hoefer, Junior

Choir Director; Marcia Carothers, Director of Christian Education; Susan Rippey, Nursery School Director; Jessica Campbell, Financial Manager; Amity Almond and Kelcey King, Assistant Treasurers; Sarah De Meneses, Accountant; Jim Zalenski, Sexton; Rachel Baumann, Pastoral Assistant.


Adult Education: Rebecca Huselid, co-Chairperson, Sandra Timmermann, co-Chairperson, Linda Allegretti, Edward

Jordan Children and Youth Ministries: Erika Duffy, co-Chairperson; Andrea Muhlhauser, co-Chairperson; Mike

Dwyer, Scott Ettl, Amanda Heyn, Anna Taylor, Michelle Wormley Communications: Dave Hinkle, Chairperson;

Lauren Raps, Sarah Schunk Development: Joe Holland, Chairperson; Tom Kreitler, Don Lord, Martha Lord,

Joanna Patterson, Adam Snyder, Jeff Taylor Diaconate: Carole Lisi, co-Chairperson, Ellen Waugh, co-Chairperson;

Kim Baer, Greg Bambach, Seth Baratz, Dan Carpenter, Jason Dies, Jen Hinkle, Karin Keith, Pat McCullough, Jon

Passmore, Blake Titrud Facilities: Andy Hoder, Chairperson; Jeri Barrett, Jim Cullinan, Todd Flanagan, Mike

Licamele, Gary Rafsky, Dom Savino, Walt Siemon, Fred Zarrilli Fellowship: Cathy Fell, Chairperson; Kathy Baratz,

Chris Gannon, Barbara Hayslip, Amy Hios, Heather Lajeunesse, Casey Mitchell, Pamela Patterson, Beth Schaefer,

Christine Wegener Finance: Amy Johnson, Chairperson; LaWanza Holder, Jason Konschnick, Andy Muhlhauser,

Jon Persson, Aun Singapore, Chris Tormey Junior Deacons: Hannah Amendola, Witt Badger, Maddy Baker, Liam Ballou, Reid Brown, Maggie Burns, Elizabeth Cutler, Garrett Cutler, Ava Derbyshire, Casey Dies, Cooper Eckert, Owen Edminster, Eloise Gacetta, Helen Glover, Ian Greenwood, Liam Hawley, Ella Holland, Taylor Horine, Henry Houghton, Carly Jones, Mary Keden, Caroline Lacey, Meghan Lajeunesse, Caroline Lauf, Cole Markham, Maddy Markham, Allison Milicia, Connor Navin, Sophie Nightingale, Gillian Orben, Emma Powell, Anna Ruppert, Olivia

Savino, Peter Schwinn, Georgia Sharpe, Charlie Simon, Hope Smith, Will Stearns, Ben Steele, MacKenna Tormey, Severin Tormey, Hunter Vogel, Jack Vogel, Isabella Whelan, Devenny Widmer, George Wyckoff, Amelia Yoder,

Caroline Young Member Care: Wendy Savino, Chairperson; Nicki Callahan, Sharon Jacobs, Carol Langeland, Kim

Markham, Anne Orvis, Eleanor Page, Sue Trischman, Elyse Tsou, Lisa Vacheron Member Involvement: Jen Chandler, co-Chairperson, Adam Simon, co-Chairperson; Tony Derbyshire, Glenn Horine, Kerry Manning, Jon

Sabrowski Mission and Outreach: Michelle Stearns, Chairperson; Michelle Baker, Val Collison, Murray Jacques,

Chris Kenney, Meg Lowe, Laraine Petersen, Bevo Tarika Church Council At-Large Members: Scott Craighead,

Mike Howard, Martha McKeon Church Historian: Lynn Van Winkle Internal Auditor: Mark Durham.


Dogwood Festival, Mike & Karen Mitri Flowers, Lynn Davies Ushers, Marcy Michaud CT UCC Conference,

Vicki Frankenburg, Bobbi Williams Church Housing Representatives (Parish Court), Tony Derbyshire, Scott

Powell, Peggy Ruble Memorial Garden, Lynn Davies Nursery School, Alison Lochridge Fairfield East Delegate,

Bill Carothers Bridgeport Council of Churches, Michelle Stearns Human Resources, Cheryl Jones


Bert Andren, Cary Andren, David Callahan, Lia Carter, Wendy Gerbier, Thomas Grant, Zoe Grosser, Rebecca Huselid, Sue Leiss, Donald Lord, Peggy McCain, Art McCain, Michael Moore, Jon Passmore, Melinda Reynolds, Beth Schaefer, Earlyne Seaver, Dianne Simpson, Bob Stilson, Michael Trnik, David White

CHURCH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS Amity Almond, Kim Baer, Meghan Baer, Katie Baiocco, Jennifer Bargas, Jessica Campbell, Sarah De Meneses, Dawn Dzurik, Scott Ettl, Betsy Ewing, Karen Fox, Mark Gilrain, Rachelle Giordano, Marjorie Glover, Ann Harvey, Kelly Hayes, Amanda & Ted Heyn, LaWanza Holder, Katie Holland, Andra Horsch, Mary Janacek, Stacie Kenney, Bob & Molly King, Jen Lubarsky, Krishna Lynch, Mollie Milano, Andrea Muhlhauser, Rachel Parrish, Gwen Powell, Allyson Power, Lauren Raps, Jen Richard, Kirsten Sabrowski, Amanda Schmidt, Sarah Schunk, Skylar Smith, Kara Snyder, Cate Steczkowski, Brenda Steele, Wendy Steinfeld, Marike Toothaker, Chris Tormey, Kelly Vogel, Ellen Waugh, Nikki Wingate, Michelle & Nick Wormley, Sara York, Kathy Wyckoff, Betsey Young