Volume 4, Issue 5 Columbus Base Newsletter June 2008 C OLUMBUS B ASE S UBMARINE V ETERANS The Green Board ALL SEAS ARE NAVIGABLE Columbus Base Honors the Memory of Veterans. Columbus Base members at the Navy Memorial at the Powell parade USS Columbus Our replica ready for the parade Columbus Base members posing with the sub and banner Flag decoration at Resurrection Ceme- tery. L to R: Linda, Bill, Marv, Tom, Walt, Jim, Laura & Rick Marv reading off the names while Linda, Walt and Woody place the flags Columbus Base members pose for group photo before taking off to place the flags on the graves of veterans

The Green Board - ColumbusBase · Columbus Base Newsletter June 2008 COLUMBUS BASE SUBMARINE VETERANS The Green Board ALL SEAS ARE NAVIGABLE Columbus Base Honors the Memory of Veterans

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Page 1: The Green Board - ColumbusBase · Columbus Base Newsletter June 2008 COLUMBUS BASE SUBMARINE VETERANS The Green Board ALL SEAS ARE NAVIGABLE Columbus Base Honors the Memory of Veterans

Volume 4, Issue 5

Columbus Base Newsletter

June 2008


The Green Board


Columbus Base Honors the Memory of Veterans.

Columbus Base members at the Navy Memorial at the Powell parade

USS Columbus Our replica ready for the parade

Columbus Base members posing with the sub and banner

Flag decoration at Resurrection Ceme-tery. L to R: Linda, Bill, Marv, Tom,

Walt, Jim, Laura & Rick

Marv reading off the names while Linda, Walt and Woody place the


Columbus Base members pose for group photo before taking off to place

the flags on the graves of veterans

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NJROTC AWARD 2008 This year’s Franklin Heights High School NJROTC Sunset Ceremony was held on Thursday May 8, 2008. The ceremony is traditionally held on the school football field but, due to rain, was moved inside to the school gymnasium. The rain may have damp-ened the football field, but it certainly didn’t dampen the spirits of the cadets, their in-structors Capt Lennon and Chief Torres, or the parents and guests in attendance! 2008 marks the fourth year of Columbus Base participation, and the awarding of the “Columbus Base Award For Military Excellence”. This award is given to the senior ca-det “who, during the course of studies, has demonstrated excellence in academic, mili-tary, and physical fitness subjects, has exhibited excellent leadership qualities, and, by personal performance, has demonstrated an aptitude for career potential for future mili-tary service”. The award includes an inscribed medal, a Certificate of Recognition, and a $500.00 savings bon

The 2008 recipient of the “Columbus Base Award For Military Excellence” is Senior Cadet Blaine Dodson. The recommenda-tion letter noted that Cadet Dodson “has served superbly as the Cadet Operations Officer”, and has also served as Fourth Pla-toon Leader. Cadet Dodson leaves for Navy boot camp in July, and hopes to be selected for service in the United States Navy Special Warfare Program. Columbus Base congratulates Cadet Dodson on his achievements and wishes him well in his plans for the future. In the photo at left, Senior Cadet Blaine Dodson receives the Columbus Base Award For Military Excellence, medal, and $500.00 Savings Bond from Columbus Base Commander Joe Testa.

Other Columbus Base members attending the ceremony were Vice-Commander Jim Tolson, former Treasurer (and retired NJROTC instructor) John Leers, Treasurer Jim Koogler, and WWII submarine Veteran Clem O’Brien and his wife Nancy. (Note: My apologies for the quality of the picture… poor lighting and inept photographer. Jim Koogler)

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Upcoming Events

June 14, 2008 0830 Adopt-a-highway clean-up. Meeting in the Don Gentile parking lot. Rain date….June 21st, same time, same place July 4, 2008 0900 July 4th parade in Upper Arlington July 12, 2008 1200 Base meeting at the AmVets.

Lost Boats


USS O-9 (SS-70) Lost on 20 June 1941 with 34 men when it foun-dered off the Isle of Shoals, 15 miles from Portsmouth NH. USS S-27 (SS-132) Lost on 19 June 1942 when it grounded off Am-chitka Island. All the crew rescued. USS Herring (SS-233) Lost with all hands (84 men) on 1 June 1944 by a Japanese shore battery and surface craft off Matsuwa Island, Ku-riles. USS R-12 (SS-89) Lost with 42 men off Key West, Florida, to un-known causes on 12 June 1943. 3 men survived. USS Runner (SS-275) Lost with all hands (78 men) by possible mine between Midway Island and Japan in June 1943. USS Golet (SS-361) Lost with all hands (84 men) during a Japanese Surface attack off Honshu, Japan, on 14 June 1944. USS Bonefish (SS-223) Lost with all hands (86 men) on 18 June 1945 in the Gulf of Siam during a Japanese surface attack.

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OUR CREED “ To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme

sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government”

Vice Commander’s Corner By Jim Tolson

Just a Thought I just returned from the USS Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600) reunion. The first person I saw when I arrived was Columbus Base plank owner George Sanderson. George was on 6 subma-rines and I didn’t realize the Roosevelt was one of them. After visiting with him, I have a much bet-ter understanding of his Roosevelt responsibilities. I also talked to Bill Britt, former Holland Club Commander. Bill is a Roosevelt Plank Owner and lives in East Liverpool Ohio. You might consider taking a few copies of All Hands Down to your next submarine reunion. I found Roosevelt shipmates very interested in the book and sold all of the copies of All Hands Down and Red Star Rogue that I took. Dave Creekmore has had the same experience at his re-union. If you have any questions, Dave Creekmore can answer them and provide some books. Upper Arlington Independence Day Parade – Friday July 4th

Start planning to participate with Columbus Base in the Independence Day parade. The parade has a 9:00 AM start time. Look for the details that will be sent via email and will also be on the Co-lumbus Base web site. The last two parades have provided opportunities to meet new shipmates that didn’t know about Columbus Base and the opportunity Columbus Base provides to share sea stories with boat sail-ors that understand them. When I recently talked to Bill Britt, former Holland Club Commander, he commended Columbus Base for actively participating in the parades and community service activi-ties. I invited Bill to participate in our next parade. There are benches on each side of the subma-rine float so you can ride the whole parade route if that is convenient. Bill Britt’s comments just reinforce Commander Testa’s Green Board comments last month about how fortunate we are to be part of Columbus Base and the many service opportunities available to us.

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C o l u m b u s B a s e S u b m a r i n e V e t e r a n s

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The Conn

Base commander

Joe Testa

Vice Commander

Jim Tolson


Jim Koogler


Tom Baughman


Sharon Lloyd


Marv Pastor

Membership Chairman


Frank Lloyd

Activities Chairperson


Jan Creekmore

Editor’s Note If you have comments or articles, please contact the base newsletter editor. Jan Creekmore at e-mail [email protected]

June Birthdays

Al Albergottie 06-03 Bryan Ledbetter 06-03 Gus Hoehl 06-05 Tom Baughman 06-13 Gary Pelini 06-14 Bob Clark 06-20 Ed Ellsworth 06-21 Gary Frothingham 06-21 Frank Lloyd 06-23 John Pendleton 06-25

Spouses Sue Strahm 06-21 Lorraine Leers 06-24 Karen Darland 06-28 Mamie Murphy 06-29 Maxine Smith 06-29

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Columbus Base Meeting Minutes June 7, 2008

The June 2008 meeting, held at the Columbus AmVets Post 89, was called to order at 1317 by Columbus Base Commander Joe Testa. There were 27 members and guests in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by COB Marv Pastor. Opening invocation was lead by Chaplain Sharon Lloyd. The tolling of lost boats for June was conducted by Chaplin Lloyd and COB Pastor Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as posted in the Green Board. Treasurer’s Report was given by Jim Koogler. Motion to accept was given by Woody Cook, seconded by Dave O’Car-roll, and passed by voice vote. Webmaster Report: No webmasters report… Webmaster not in attendance. Chaplin’s Report was given by Sharon Lloyd… reporting that Bob Wells, Joan Pastor, and Mamie Murphy are doing well. Ed Ellsworth has a stomach aneurism and will be undergoing surgery soon. Wayne Cummins, subvet from Florida, is now living with family in the central Ohio area. Membership Report was given by Jim Koogler who introduced prospective new member Brian Farnsworth who qualified on USS George Washington Carver (SSBN-656).

Committee Reports Book Committee

• The Columbus Base ad is in the current issue of American Submariner. Several orders have been placed through PayPal since the magazine was mailed.

• 42 copies of Ken’s Book All Hands Down have been sold

Activities Committee • Adopt-A-Highway Saturday June 14, 2008. Meet at American Legion Don Gentile post at 0830 hours. Alternate date in case of rain is Saturday June 21, 2008. • Independence Day (4th of July) Parade Upper Arlington, Friday July 4, 2008. Parade has a 0900 start time. De tails on location will be provided on the website (www.columbusbase.com) and via email.

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Unfinished Business: None New Business:

• Opportunity Drawing tickets available. See Joe Testa to purchase, or if you want to take some to sell.

• District Commander election: Tom Barnes is running un-opposed, but we still have to turn in a vote tally. Good of the Order

• Treasurer Jim Koogler advised that, in accordance with direction from Columbus Base members, Columbus Base will donate $100.00 to USSVI Charitable Foundation in memory of Rick Larson. Treasurer Koogler will also accept donations from the membership. Please make sure to identify whether you want your donation sent to USSVI Charitable Foundation or to the Springfield Township Fire Department.

• Jim Koogler advised that the 2008 Columbus Base Awards Dinner and Holland Club Induction will be held Saturday evening August 2, 2008 at Columbus Maennerchor, 966 S. High Street, Columbus Ohio. More info will be broadcast soon.

• Jim Koogler announced that Kay Larson has donated the R-15 bell to Columbus Base, in Rick’s memory.

• Jim Koogler reminded members that the bell we use for our base meetings was donated by Honorary Member Don Crinkey. Shipmate Bob Frier provided a small brass plaque that will be attached to the bell holder, commemorating Don’s gift and identifying Don and Betty as the donors.

• Galin Brady announced that Rick Larson donated his original “Lost Boats Board” to Cincinnati Base and that it was used for their tolling ceremony in May. See Galin if you’d like more information. Bob Frier asked about the status of the bill to allow hand salutes by veterans. The bill has been passed and signed into law. Veterans can render hand salute, or the traditional hand-over-heart salute. Announcements:

• Next Officer’s Meeting will be Tuesday June 17, 2008 at 1800 hrs at Jim and Bonnie Koogler’s home.

• Adopt-A-Highway Saturday June 14, 2008. Meet at American Legion Don Gentile post at 0830.

• Upper Arlington 4th of July Parade Friday July 4, 2008

• Next Base Meeting will be Saturday July 12, 2008 at AmVets Post 89, 3535 Westerville Rd, Columbus, OH

Raffle Total ticket sales were $142.00. The 50/50 winner ($71) was Bill Anderson. Bill donated his $71.00 to be sent to USSVI Charitable Foundation in memory of Rick Larson. Additional winners of donated items:

Ken Sewell cupcakes Sharon Lloyd book (Whale’s Tales) Joe Testa wine Frank Lloyd mini Mag Lite Bryan Ledbetter wallet Tim Barker candle Galin Brady cupcakes Woody Cook Buckeye necklace Bill Dumbauld cake

Closing Prayer was given by the Chaplin Sharon Lloyd Motion to close by Woody Cook; second by Jim Rivelli Meeting was adjourned at 1416 by Commander Testa. Submitted by James L. Koogler Treasurer

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Brotherhood Jan and I attended my third bi-annual boat reunion this past weekend in Groton, CT, we took the base tour, not to much looked as I remembered from 36 years ago. Demo-lition and contracting out were two well used terms around the tour. Also did the Nau-tilus boat and museum tours, that was well worth the time. We spent sometime doing the scheduled reunion events, took a tour of the Nathanael Greene House up in Rhode Island opened just for our group and spent a good deal of time looking up old memo-ries from when Jan and I lived there after all this was our 36th anniversary week also. Our banquet though was most interesting, let me set the stage for you. In October 1974 the Nathanael Greene's blue crew was departing Holy Loch on the Clyde River, this would have been the next patrol after I left the sub, it also was after Walker had sold our codes and after the Pueblo incident. As they entered the Irish Sea they were being tracked by a submerged, Project 671 (Victor Class) Soviet submarine. The Sovi-ets knew our messages and moves but to track us the easiest was to follow us from the start. They were literally under the rudder until the Greene dove. At that point to avoid contact the Soviet sub flooded heavy and sank, some said they did “bump”. Aboard this Soviet sub was an officer, Captain 1st Rank, (Russian Navy Retired) Veniamin Al-exandrovich Azaryev. He at the time was a Lieutenant working with a team in charge of nuclear emplacement in the subs of the Northern Fleet of the Soviet Union. Azaryev and his daughter Anya, whom did the translation were our guests and in his brief speaking he talked about and showed a true example of what Bernie Kenyon has showed in so many examples, the BROTHERHOOD OF THE PHIN. Azaryev spoke of how now that we are not adversaries we are all brother that we’re all doing the same work of protecting our countries. In his closing he offered the reunion membership a bronze coin that was made from the decommission of that sub. I sat there and had mixed feelings, I was awed by the fact this man traveled from St Petersburg, Russia to be with us. I thought briefly how hard it was or is for the men that served in wars and conflicts to be able to move on. In my thoughts this Captain is as brave today as when he rode the boats. Another event we attended was the Groton Base Sub Vets. They had invited our members to a steak dinner, as Jan and I sat and dined we saw this photo on the wall and both looked at each other in disbelief. I know Rick was there watching over us, I won a $50.00 gas card in the 50/50 drawing and I seldom win anything. Thanks Rick, Dave Creekmore

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Lay another Wreath upon the Sea On Wednesday May 28, 2008, we received word that Machinist's Mate, Master Chief (SS) Richard Austen “Rick” Larson, a Retired Veteran of the US Navy had succumbed to the cancer that he had battled so cou-rageously for six months. Even though we never served on a vessel together during the 23 years that Rick served in the Submarine Service it is not hard to state that I mourn the death of a shipmate. Our association began when Rick responded to a Blind CC of a Columbus Base of USSVI recruitment e-mail sent to all known State of Ohio’s Fast Attack Submariners in mid-March 2004. Rick wrote, “I am leaving for the Von Steuben reunion this week end but will get in contact with you when I get back be-cause I would like to find out more about the Columbus Sub Vets.” Upon Rick’s return he got back to us, became a member of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc and its Central Ohio affiliate, the Colum-bus Base of USSVI which is the group we belong to. It was as a new col-league that he learned that the only cruise that a submarine veteran is guaranteed to make is his final one, known as our “Eternal Patrol”. Qualifying for that last mission occurred many years before when he stood before his ship’s company and had a small pin attached to his mili-tary blouse. A pin comprised of twin dolphins and a submarine silhouette to be worn over his left breast, from that day on, signifying, “I know my job aboard my vessel and can do every other shipmate’s job if called upon to do so”. That is the simple explanation but a lot of intense time and studying went into the process of learning every mechanical and/or elec-trical component of his boat and how to operate every piece.

That is about all any of us submarine veterans know of each other’s previous service unless one joins the USSVI. It is the place where submarine veterans can talk about their past missions and contribute in many different ways toward promoting the history of the “silent service”, the branch of our military that so few know about. Just becoming a member is very important toward preserving what submarine personnel were involved in, but if one really wants to donate more than just his membership dues the opportunity exist within our USSVI fraternal organization to do. Rick Larson became a major contributor through his actions supporting the USSVI Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater ac-complishments”. Upon receipt of our new shipmate’s application for base membership we introduced Rick by way of an e-mail broadcast to the rest of our members as having served on three submarines: USS VON STEUBEN (SSBN-632) (GOLD), USS NATHAN HALE (SSBN-623) (Gold), USS HALIBUT (SSGN/SSN-587), and two submarine tenders, USS CANOPUS (AS-34) and USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40). We highlighted our notice by including pictures of ship’s patches for each of the vessels he served on.

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From Rick’s reply to his introductory summary we knew we had found a shipmate that was already living the USSVI Creed when he stated that he had found the insertion of the patches in our an-nouncement interesting because he was a serious boat patch collector having over 1600 patches and boat shoulder (tabs or rockers) and that did not include the Squadron, Groups, and Division patches that he had. He also had submarine tenders and ASR patches in his collection. That disclosure led to our discovery that Rick had many other items in his “silent service” collec-tion and on the night of our Submarine Birthday Dinner Celebration in April 2005 he arrived in his SUV loaded with submarine memorabilia. Way too many items for the two tables we could allow him for display. A lot of what he had with him that night was eventually brought to subsequent meetings. Items covering all classes of submarines…things that inspire sea-stories wherever subma-riners gather.

As the year 2006 rolled around Rick mentioned to our Tolling of the Bells Chairperson, Liz Kenyon that he was in the process of creating a unique device which he hoped the base might be able to use if he could get it completed in time for its upcoming memorial cere-mony. Liz was enthused with Rick’s idea and urged him to proceed. His finished product was an astounding dis-play of electrical switches, lights and a world map which he tagged “Columbus Base Honors Lost Boats Board” and was completed just in time for use at the 2006 Toll-ing of the Bells Ceremony. In the photo to the left we

see Rick, his creation, and his wife Kay who assisted him during our observance that day. Since then, it was employed at the 2006 USSVI National Convention, held in Little Rock, AR and has been invited to participate in other ceremonial venues around the country. Next, Rick came across a couple of things that were easily incorporated into our festivities. One was a ship’s bell taken from the submarine USS R-15, in 1946, when the boat was being scrapped. The R-15 XO took the bell and kept it in his garage for nearly 50 years. Rick obtained it in time for our use at the 2007 Tolling Ceremony. The other item was miniature submarine candle holders which he ordered for our use as dinner table center-pieces at base banquets. Rick became one of the many veterans of our group who have contributed to our legacy by replying to our stories regarding submarine affairs. From our member’s feedback we sometimes get to know what their former duties or missions were and these firsthand accounts undoubtedly add to existing records. One such example came from Rick when we broadcast that there was a possibility that the USS NARWHAL (SSN-671) would be obtained as a museum boat to be located in Cincinnati. Rick wrote that he had been an instructor on the NARWHAL plant in Idaho in 1968-1971. Then, it was known as the S5G plant and all the special testing for the boat was done up there. Rick believed that the Cincinnati acquisition would be a very interesting project to get involved with.

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Remember to bring your coffee, tea or hot chocolate donations for the VA Hospital to the monthly meetings! We are also accepting copies of the American Submariner that you may be done reading or get two in your household. They do appreciate our members donations for the veterans.

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Another response was prompted by our broadcast pertaining to the disastrous fire aboard the USS BONEFISH (SS-582) in of April, 1988; Rick replied that he was stationed on the submarine tender USS FRANK CABLE AS-40 in the R-5 division when the Bonefish fire occurred. He and another sailor were sent aboard her three days after she was brought into port. They had to search for radio-active sources that were kept in the radiation detection equipment at that time. The destruction of the interior of the boat caused by the heat from the fire was mind boggling. Plastic light covers for the AC lighting had melted and formed stalactites from most of the fixtures. Equipment like Xerox copiers were melted in half, mattresses used in attempt to keep the water out of the battery wells were oil soaked and charred black. The black smoke residue was all other the place, every nook and cranny. Copper piping and tubing was either bent way out of shape or dissolved. Rick stated that hearing the stories from the guys that survived demonstrated their superior training and teamwork and that he was very glad that he did not have to go through what they endured, but he was proud of their accomplishment in saving their Boat and most of the crew. Rick made numerous offers to enlighten us with power-point presentations and some were worked into our monthly meeting agendas. Considering that one of his shore billets while he was on active duty was that of a Lead Instructor at the Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Training Center located in Charleston, SC we can understand why he was so informative with his show-and-tells. Rick Larson’s impact with us was even greater than what is recorded here and his time spent with us was way too short but in the very little time it was he gave a lot. It could not have happened, how-ever, without the patience and understanding of his wife, Kay. Her love, devotion and support really showed during those final weeks of Rick’s fight to remain with us when she kept us informed of his battle to survive. We were very happy to read her account of how peacefully Rick slipped away. As we salute his passing, I cannot help thinking that whenever lost boats are honored with the crea-tion that he so passionately produced that if we look real close we will see an imaginary point-of-light positioned in the south central Ohio area of the map. At which time I will silently pray, ship-mate rest your oars, we have the watch! Respectfully submitted by Bernie Kenyon

Clean-up day is Saturday June 14th. Meet at the Don Gen-

tile Post at 8:30. Rain date will be June 21st.

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Article from “America’s Civil War”

Sub Talk

To lose the bubble is to cave in under pressure. When you say, “I’ve got the bubble,” you mean that everything is under control. The term comes from the old-fashioned liquid-filled inclinome-ters that used a bubble in a water-filled tube, much like a level in the garage. There’s still a bubble gauge mounted above the ship control panel in the event of an instrument failure, but the center of the panel show the ship’s angle in degrees, with each degree shown in fractions of a degree. (The human body can sense a quarter to a half of a degree of incline.) There is also a bubble gauge for left-to-right angle, or list.

Secrets of the Deep

U.S. submarines cruise at specific keel-depth levels, such as 410 feet and 546 feet. This was learned the hard way because our Russian friends cruise at even keel depths of 50 meters, 75 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters, etc. After one too many collisions, and based on Russian hull sizes, it was found that if U.S. subs re-stricted their cruising depths to these “air traffic control” depths, the risk of colliding with a Rus-sian would be minimal.

The above 2 articles from the book “The complete idiots guide to Submarines. Courtesy of Ben Grimes