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The Good Earth Chapter Summaries

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Page 1: The Good Earth Chapter Summaries

The Good Earth

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1

The story begins with Wang Lung’s marriage day. He wakes up to his father’s

coughing. Wang goes to the window and feels the wind and thinks it is a good omen.

He picks up some grasses to start the fire under the cauldron. He realizes that today is the

last day he will wake to make tea for his father. Tomorrow a woman will wake up early

to light the fire. After fixing his father’s tea, Wang bathes himself for today’s special

occasion. The father complains that he is wasting the water and that he is hungry. Wang

Lung makes him a corn gruel, puts on his nice robes and heads into the city.

Wang Lung decides to go for a shave. He is surprised that a shave costs four pence.

Wang visits the market and buys food for the wedding dinner his new wife will prepare

tonight. He is a bit superstitious about his marriage, so he stops to purchase incense to

light at the temple. He stops for something to eat because he is afraid to go to the House

of Hwang and ask for the slave that is to become his wife.

Wang Lung returns to the House of Hwang and the gate keeper insists on taking a

silver piece from Wang to gain entry. Wang is nervous and unable to speak at first to the

old mistress. She calls for O-lan and they leave the House of Hwang together.

Wang returns home with O-lan and tells her to prepare a meal for the guests with the

food he bought. All the guests praise the cooking. After the guests leave he finds O-lan

sleeping beside the ox and takes her inside and they go to sleep.

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Chapter 2

The next morning Wang directs O-lan to bring his father the hot water. Wang is very

pleased with his wife, but is curious if she likes him as her husband. She brings him tea

after reporting she completed her task, he feels the woman likes him well enough.

Over the next few months O-lan is a very big help. Wang likes to come back from

work to a meal waiting for him. She cleans, mends clothing, cleans the beddings, and

also works out in the field. She is very quiet and rarely talks. One day when they are in

the fields she tells Wang that she is with child. Wang and his father are very happy to

hear the news.

Chapter 3

As the birth of his first child approaches, Wang suggests O-lan goes back to the House

of Hwang for a slave to help with the birth. She replies that she does not need help in her

home. She will go to the House of Hwang with her child in fine clothing after the birth.

He is astonished she had this planned out already. She asks for 3 pieces of silver for

clothes, but Wang gives her four so that the child may wear silk. O-lan is very happy

because it is the first time she has held silver.

One day while they are working in the fields, O-lan says that she is going back to give

birth to the child. When he comes in from the field, he is surprised to find that his father

has been fed and that his hot supper is waiting for him on the table. Wang and his father

are happy to find out that O-lan has delivered a son. It is a good omen to give birth to a

boy. Wang tells O-lan he will buy red sugar for her and eggs to dye red, so everyone

knows they have a son.

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Chapter 4

The next day O-lan prepares breakfast, but remains home for the rest of the day.

Wang works till noon then goes into town to buy the eggs and red sugar for his wife.

Wang proudly tells the storekeeper of his new born son. He also buys four incense sticks,

one to burn for each family member. Wang was very superstitious and felt that he should

keep in good standing with the earth god.

O-lan is soon back working in the fields, but she also has to stop and nurse the child.

Winter comes and his harvest is better then ever before. Wang Lung is able to sell his

grain at the best price, while his neighbors had to sell at premature low prices. After

selling all of their grain, Wang Lung and O-lan have spare silver. They start hiding the

silver in the wall of their bedroom.

Chapter 5

It is almost the New Year and preparations are being made. Wang buys red stickers

with letters of happiness and luck. He sticks them over farm equipment for good harvests

for next year. His father makes new robes for the gods and Wang Lung burns incense at

the temple for good fortune. Wang buys pork fat and white sugar so O-lan can make

cakes for the new year. Wang Lung is proud that O-lan can make cakes better than any

other woman in the village. She makes two plain ones for guests visiting their home and

decorates fancy ones to take to the House of Hwang. On the second day of the new year

they go to the House of Hwang in their best clothes with to present their son. Wang

feels gatekeeper is now inferior to him. He waits while O-lan goes to the inner court to

the old mistress. When they are walking home O-lan tells him that the house is growing

poor, because the young lords are spending their money freely, the old master has

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concubines, and the old mistress is addicted to opium. When she tells him that they are

considering selling some of their land, Wang Lung decides to buy it.

Chapter 6

Wang gets his silver from the secret stash and travels to House of Hwang to buy a plot

of land. The Old Lord was asleep with his new concubine Peach Blossom and would not

be disturbed. Wang Lung purchases the plot of land from the Old Lord’s agent. Wang

Lung walks the plot of land but decides not to put his markers up for fear the people of

the town would know he was wealthy.

Spring arrives and O-lan is pregnant again. Wang is unhappy, because she won’t be

able to work come harvest time, but she assures him that this birth will be easier. She

gives birth to another man. Wang is very happy because of all the good fortune O-lan has

brought upon him. The harvest was very fruitful. The rice harvest from the new land was

twice that of his fields. Wang sold his harvest and hid the silver. His status rises in the

village, because everyone knows he bought land from the House of Hwang and he was


Chapter 7

His uncle’s family is a disgrace. He has to sell his grain before it is harvested to feed

his family. His wife is lazy and allows the children to run around the village

unsupervised. One day he sees his uncle’s daughter in the village talking with a man.

Wang tells his uncle’s wife that she better marry the girl before she loses her virginity.

The aunt replies that no one will marry a girl that is poor, without a dowry.

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The next day Wang’s uncle approaches him while he is in the field. He claims that the

heavens have willed an evil destiny upon him. His fate does not allow him to bear good

sons or have a fruitful harvest even though he works hard. Wang Lung that he is replies

he is fortunate with his fields because he and O-lan work hard. The uncle denounces him

for being rude to an elder. His uncle threatens to tell the whole village of his behavior.

When Wang Lung returns to the house to gather silver for his uncle, her finds out O-lan

has given birth to a girl. He feels that the birth of a girl may be a bad omen. He gives

the uncle silver and returns to the fields. Wang Lung is upset that he shall have to wait

for another harvest to gather more silver. The crows are flying overhead, another bad


Chapter 8

A drought comes and destroys most of Wang Lung’s harvest. He sold what grain he

had as soon as it was harvested. Without telling anyone, Wang Lung went to the House

of Hwang and purchased another plot of land. The drought continues and everyone in the

town is without food or money.

O-lan becomes pregnant again, and the family has no food. O-lan has to kill the ox to

feed the family. Wang’s uncle meanwhile is spreading rumor’s that Wang Lung has a

stash of food. One day the villagers invade their home to get food. The villagers took the

little corn and beans they had left.

Chapter 9

Wang is very mad at the gods for his misfortune. Everyone was suffering in his family.

Out of respect, he continued to feed his father. One day Ching comes to Wang and tells

him to move south. The people in the village have started to eat human meat to survive.

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O-lan agrees to make the trip to the south after she gives birth. The neighboring farmer

Ching, gives the family red beans to eat. O-lan gives birth to a baby girl that night. The

baby does not survive. Wang Lung wraps the baby up in an old mat and takes it to the

fields. Wang Lung notices the bruises on the baby’s neck and suspects O-lan killed the

baby. Wang’s uncle and some men from the town come and offer Wang Lung a small

sum for his land. Wang Lung refuses to sell his land. O-lan and Wang Lung sell their

furniture for two silver pieces and start walking south.

Chapter 10

Wang Lung and his family start walking south. The south region is warm and full of

food. They pass by the House of Hwang and see beggars cursing the people within

because they still have food to eat and will not share. O-lan and Wang Lung run into a

group of people who are going south as well. They are boarding a train called a

firewagon. Wang Lung and his family board the train to travel south.

Chapter 11

Wang Lung purchases tickets for the firewagon and a small amount of food. He still

has a small amount of money left to buy mats and shelter. Wang listens to a man on the

firewagon who tells him how to beg for food and shelter and buy mats once they reach

the south. The man also tells Wang Lung of the kitchens that will sell meals for one

pence. Wang finds out that he can work as a rickshaw driver in the south.

Once they arrive in the southern city Wang buys mats for the family and they go to the

kitchen to eat. As Wang Lung works as a rickshaw driver for the day, his family goes

out and begs for money.

Chapter 12

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There was enough money to feed everyone. One day Wang takes a foreigner on his

rickshaw and gets 2 silver pieces. Wang hears a man say there needs to be a revolution

against unwanted foreigners such as himself. He realizes that it is impossible to starve in

cites, unlike being out in the country.

One night Wang came home and their was a stew of cabbage and pork on the fire for

dinner. When he finds out that his sons have been stealing instead of begging he gets

upset and refuses to eat the meat. He takes his son outside after dinner and beats him.

Wang Lung decides that he must return home to his land.

Chapter 13

Spring is approaching and O-lan is again with child. Wang greatly desires to return to

his land. His father tells Wang Lung that he too had to leave his land at times, but always

returned. O-lan suggested that they could sell their daughter in order to buy their way

back to their land. O-lan’s parents had sold her to return to their home. Wang Lung

would not sell his daughter to return to his land.

Chapter 14

It is now officially springtime. O-lan and the boys search for food, while Wang works

his rickshaw. Wang listens to men talking about what they would do if they possessed

wealth. Wang cried out that he would buy land and work to bring good harvests from the

land. They rebuke him saying he doesn’t understand what can be done with money.

One day Wang sees a man being seized by soldiers in the street. He hides in a shop

and asks the keeper what is going on. The man tells him they are seizing men for a war.

To prevent being captured by the soldiers Wang works at night unloading cargo. With all

the things going on in the city Wang’s desire to return to his land is strong.

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One day, the poor break into the rich man’s walls. People are running around like

maniacs carrying the rich man’s belongings. Wang soon finds himself in the innermost

court. He sees a middle age man that is begging for Wang to spare his life. Wang asks

for gold and the man gives it to him. He thrust the gold in his bosom and decides they

are going back to the land tomorrow. O-lan aware of how the rich hide their wealth,

steals a large amount of jewelry from the walls of the home.

Chapter 15

Wang bought good seed from the south and buys an ox on the way home from a

farmer. When Wang Lung and O-lan return to their home they discover that a band of

thieves had been living in their home and destroyed it. His neighbor Ching informs

Wang Lung that he thought it was his uncle living in the home while Wang Lung and his

family were in the south. Ching tells him that while they were gone his wife had died

and he sold his daughter so she would not starve to death. Wang Lung gives Ching new

seed and tells him he will plow his land tomorrow. Wang Lung never forgot how Ching

had given him beans when he had nothing to eat. Wang Lung goes to town to purchase

new farm equipment, household goods and furniture. Wang Lung discovers that his

uncle and wife have left the town, but sold all of his daughters for silver.


Wang Lung discovers the bundle of jewels that O-lan had taken from the rich man’s

house in the south. He decides to use some of the jewels to purchase more land from the

House of Hwang. H e allows O-lan to keep two pearls. He arrived at the great house

and announces to the aged lord that he wishes to buy land from the house. A women

comes and sends the old lord away. Wang learns that thieves broke into the house and it

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was abandoned. Wang Lung goes to the tea house think about the land purchase. He

learns that the old lord is living in the House of Hwang with Cuckoo. Cuckoo was a

slave for years, but became the lord’s mistress after his wife died and the home was

pillaged by thieves. The tea house owner tells him that he is sure the old lord will sell all

of the property with the exception of the burial plots. Wang Lung returns to the House of

Hwang and purchases the additional land in exchange for the jewels.

Chapter 17

Wang hires his friend Ching to help harvest and live in his house. His sons help work

in the fields along with hired laborers. He no longer allows O-lan to work in the fields

because he is a wealthy man. O-lan gives birth to twins, one boy and one girl.

Wang decided to build his fortunes securely so he would not have to move south ever

again. He now had six laborers and built a new house for his family and let the laborers

stay in the old house. Ching now oversees the other laborers for Wang Lung.

Wang was tired of being teased for not being literate and he wants to get his sons in

school so that they can help him bargain at the grain house after harvest. He put his sons

in a small village school taught by an old man. The school teacher and the old man gives

the boys new names. They are named Nung En (elder one) and Nung Wen (younger

one). Nung means “one who acquires his wealth from the earth”.

Chapter 18

On the 7th year from returning to the land, a flood occurs. Wang Lung is not too

worried about the flood because his home was built high on a hill and his store room is

full of grain. All of the grain merchants in town owe Wang Lung money. He grows

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restless because there is nothing for him to do. He has Ching managing the laborers.

His father has become quite senile and sleeps most of his days away. His father does not

know how wealthy his son has become. Wang Lung looks at O-lan and realizes that she

does not look like a wife of a rich man. Nothing seemed as good as it had been to him


He starts walking into town and visiting the tea house daily to pass time. He sits in the

tea house and looks at pictures of beautiful women. One day Cuckoo appears and Wang

Lung learns that she has become the owner of the tea shop. Cuckoo tells him the pictures

are of real women that live on the second floor of the tea house. He becomes attracted to

one of the women in the pictures that he describes as beautiful as a flower on a quince


Chapter 19

The lands remain flooded and Wang Lung still finds himself with nothing to do on the

farm. He continues to visit the tea house in the town. Cuckoo tells Wang Lung that he is

a wealthy mas and encourages him to choose one of the women to do with as he pleases.

Wang Lung gives Cuckoo his money and asks for the beautiful girl holding the lotus

flower. Cuckoo takes Wang Lung to her room. At first, Wang Lung is not able to talk to

the girl. He stares at her and wonders at her beauty. He returns every day because he

becomes obsessed with her. He can no longer work or eat without thinking of Lotus.

Wang Lung becomes particular with his clothes, hair, and the way he smells. O-lan

comments that he is starting to resemble the lords in the great house. She is aware that he

is pulling the silver from the wall. Wang Lung is spending a lot of silver on visiting and

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buying trinkets for Lotus. One day, Wang Lung comes home and asks O-lan for the two

pearls from her breast.

Chapter 20

Wang Lung’s uncle, aunt and wife come back to the town in bad shape. Wang Lung

feels it is his responsibility to offer them housing and food because they are family.

Wang Lung hears his uncle’s wife tell O-lan of the affair he is having in town. He

decides that he can no longer live without Lotus and asks her to arrange a union between

them. In anticipation, Wang builds a court for himself and Lotus. He becomes very

impatient, but eventually an agreement is made to bring Lotus and Cuckoo to the house.

On the day that Lotus and Cuckoo arrive at the house, O-lan was not at the house.

She eventually returns to cook dinner and go to bed without acknowledging Lotus and

Cuckoo. Wang Lung visits Lotus every night.

Chapter 21

There is hostility in the house between Cuckoo and O-lan. O-lan still despises Cuckoo

because she served in the lord’s court when O-lan was a kitchen slave at the House of

Hwang. Wang builds a new kitchen for Cuckoo so she can prepare expensive food for

Lotus. Lotus befriends the uncle’s wife and Cuckoo, Lotus, and the uncle’s wife sit and

eat expensive food all day. Wang Lung is not happy that the uncle’s wife is welcome in

the inner court and tells Lotus to stop inviting her.

Wang Lung’s father discovers Lotus in the house and calls her a harlot. He was

angered that his son had taken another woman in his house and started doing mischievous

things. The children are curious of Lotus and start sneaking into her court. One day,

Lotus discovers the poor fool touching her garments and calls her an idiot. Lotus is

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furious and requests Wang Lung to lock them out. Wang is angry because Lotus has

called his children idiots. The anger melts away, but the love is not as whole as it was

before. One autumn day Wang sees the water has receded and he goes out to work the


Chapter 22

Wang Lung is now free of his love sickness and starts working in the land. He no

longer is disturbed by Lotus and her demands. He doesn’t care that she complains about

his children, his smell or his earth stained clothes. He continues to work in the earth and

is happy. The people in the village admire him and think he lives in a great house.

Come harvest time Wang takes his eldest son to the market to read and sign

documents for him. When walking home Wang decides his son is a scholar and should

not work in the fields, he should have a wife. Ching offers his daughter for marriage, but

Wang thinks that the daughter of a common farmer would not be good enough for his

eldest son. Wang Lung learns from his younger son that the eldest son is not attending

school. He is angry and beats the older son until O-lan gets him to stop. O-lan tells

Wang that he is acting like one of the young lords of the great house and Wang is secretly

proud to hear this,

Chapter 23

Wang Lung discusses with Lotus that he is looking for a wife for his son. Lotus tells

him of a grain merchant named Liu who talked about his daughters when he came to the

tea shop. Wang Lung is hesitant to approach rhe grain merchant. But, one morning the

eldest son comes home drunk and Wang learns that his uncle’s son has been taking his

eldest son to an old whore in town. Wang Lung pays the old whore and instructs her to

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stop seeing his eldest son. He asks Cuckoo to visit the grain merchant to see if a

marriage can be arranged.

Wang Lung is mad that his uncle’s son has led his eldest son to drinking and visiting

prostitutes. He goes to his uncle and tells him and his family to leave his house. The

uncle opens his coat and shows Wang Lung the red cloth. Wang Lung now realizes that

the uncle is a member of a group of thieves called the redbeards. Wang Lung decides

that his family is probably in less danger with the uncle living in the house and decides to

let the family stay.

Wang Lung continues to work in the fields to escape from the problems in his house.

There is a plague of locusts which he and his laborers must fight off in the fields. Wang

Lung is able to save his best fields.

Chapter 24

Wang’s son tells his father that he can’t learn any more from the village teacher. He asks

to go south so that he may become a scholar. Scornful of his son’s looks, Wang sends his

son into the fields to work. Later Lotus tells him that his elder son is pining to go to a

southern school, but Wang quickly dismisses the idea.

One night O-lan tells Wang that his elder son is spending time in the inner courts

while he is away. She thinks it would be good to send him away to the south so that he

would no longer be a burden. Wang csn’t believe his elder son would go to the inner

courts. Wang pretends to leave for the village the next day, then sneaks back to watch

the house. Just as O-lan had said, his son was entering the inner court to visit Lotus.

Wang Lung beats his son and sends him south.

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Chapter 25

After the eldest son leaves, Wang feels relieved. Wang decides that his second son

should seek a jog as a grain apprentice. He sends Cuckoo to ask the grain merchant if he

will meet with Wang. Liu agrees to apprentice Wang’s second son and betroth his son to

Wang’s daughter.

Wang Lung’s daughter complains of the pain in her feet to her father. She tells her

father that O’lan insists that she keep her feet bound. If her feet do not remain bound,

her future husband won’t love her. Wang is shocked by O-lan’s comments, and sad

because he knows what she says is true.

Wang Lung needs someone to manage the fields, so he decides to keep his youngest

son home. This chapter ends with a doctor telling Wang Lung that O-lan will die soon.

When the doctor leaves, Wang Lung goes into the kitchen and weeps.

Chapter 26

O-lan is lying in bed and is unable to do any work. Wang realizes what a big presence

she was in the house, because no one knows what to do without her. Wang’s father is

restless because O-lan can no longer comfort him.

Wang is always thinking about O-lan. He keeps a fire burning in her room to keep her

warm. Wang Lung goes out and buys a coffin for O-lan and his father. Close to the New

Year O-lan becomes better and asks that the girl betrothed to her older son should come

to live at the home so she can properly teach her how to prepare for the New Year. The

maid comes with a servant and O-lan is comforted because there is a woman to tend to

her. At O-lan’s request, the elder son is brought home from the city for his wedding.

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Shortly after the wedding ceremony, O-lan dies. Then Wang Lung’s father dies

within days of O’lan. Wang Lung had O-lan and his father buried under a date tree on a

high hill in his fields.

Chapter 27

Ching tells Wang that a flood like none ever is coming. Soon villages become

islands. Day after day it rained. Wang’s home is safe because it was built on a hill.

Because he was a wealthy man, he had plenty of money and grain stored to take care of

his family during the flood. Because of the flood there was no harvest that year , people

were starving and left without homes.

Wang’s nephew is back from the war and hanging about the house. Wang’s elder son

starts complaining about his cousin. The cousin is peeping at his wife and she feels

uncomfortable with him in the home. Wang Lung explains to his son about his position

with the uncle’s family, that he dare not ask them to leave.

Elder son suggest that they buy opium for the uncle’s family to keep them harmless.

Wang Lung got upset when he found the cousin molesting his daughter one night. He

takes his thirteen year old daughter to live with Liu for protection. On the way back, he

purchases six ounces of opium.

Chapter 28

He gives his uncle the opium and tells him that his father used to smoke it when he

was in pain. The uncle greedily takes the opium and soon the whole house smells of it.

Wang does not mind, because it brings him peace.

People start returning to the village when the floods stop. They need to rebuild their

lives and need cash. Wang Lung starts loaning money at high interest rates. While other

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men are selling their daughters and land for money, Wang Lung buys six more slaves for

his house.

The elder son is still restless because he feels the uncle’s son is peeping at his wife and

at Lotus. He suggests that they move inside the village walls. Wang Lung is hesitant, but

agrees when the son mentions that they buy the House of Hwang. The second son

agrees, they should live under the same roof.

Chapter 29

Wang quickly gets the move under way. His elder son arranges renting the house

while the second son helps Wang move. Lotus, Cuckoo, the slaves, elder son and his

wife, and their servants move to the House of Hwang while Wang Lung, the youngest

son, the poor fool, the uncle’s family, and the laborers remain in the old house.

Wang asks Ching to look for a maid to be the wife for his second son. Ching finds a

maid three villages away and Wang Lung signs the papers. Wang Lung is relieved and

will be content after his youngest is wed. Wang has so much land, he starts to renting

his fields out for villagers to farm. He has very little left to do at the old house, so he

moves into the House of Hwang with the rest of his family. He leaves his uncle’s family

in the old house. They are very little trouble now because the uncle’s son left and joined

the army, and the uncle and aunt sit peacefully and smoke opium all day.

Wang’s eldest son and daughter have the first grandchild, a baby boy. Ching, Wang

Lung’s good friend dies when a new laborer hits him accidentally with a flail. Wang

buries Ching right outside the wall of the family burial plot.

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Chapter 30

The second son is soon to be married. The eldest son feels that the house needs more

tables, chairs, and bowls for the second son’s marriage. He also feels that the commoners

need to leave the outer courts, because they need space for their family. Wang tells him

to do what he likes, as long as he is not disturbed. Soon the house is full of decorations,

and the commoners are kicked out of the outer courts. The outer courts are fixed up and

decorated. In the village he is no longer known as “Wang The Farmer”, but is called

“Wang The Rich Man”.

Wang Lung’s sons are all complaining to Wang. The elder son is spending too much

money an is upset that second son is managing Wang’s financial affairs.

The youngest son is unhappy working the land, so Wang hires him a tutor

Winter comes and it is the coldest one in years. Wang buys a pair of coffins for his

uncle and uncle’s wife. They are like dry sticks because they have smoked opium for a

long time. The uncle dies and is buried next to Wang’s father. The uncle’s wife moves

into the House of Hwang.

Chapter 31

The war has moved closer to their village. One day a group of soldies are passing and

Wang Lung’s nephew recognizes his uncle. The nephew leads his fellow soldiers to the

House of Hwang and they hang out in the outer courts.

The nephew is allowed in the inner courts because he is family and his mother is still

alive. The women are afraid of the cousin and they devise a way to keep the nephew

occupied. They allow him to have a slave of his choice. The nephew picks Pear

Blossom, but Wang Lung is able to encourage his cousin to take another slave after Pear

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Blossom begs to be saved. Lotus never forgave Wang Lung for allowing Pear Blossom

to remain in the inner courts after she would not obey her. who is very scared of the

cousin. The nephew and his fellow soldiers eventually move on.

Chapter 32

The house is repaired after the soldiers leave. Shortly after, the uncle’s wife died from

her opium addiction and her son’s slave gave birth to a baby girl. This slave eventually

wed the laborer that accidentally killed Ching. Wang Lung is now about sixty-five years

old and has 5 grandsons. Hopefully, the third son will wed, and he can live in peace.

The two son’s and their wives are constantly bickering at each other in the house. The

second son thinks the eldest spends too much money and the eldest is mad that the

youngest has control over the money. Soon his two son’s wives start bickering and anger

brews in the house. Loyus accuses Wang one day of looking at Pear Blossom with

desire. Wang Lung had not done so, but starts to notice how attractive and young she is.

Wang Lung is feeling a lonely and considers how young and beautiful Pear Blossom is.

Chapter 33

Wang Lung could not get Pear Blossom out of his mind. He thinks that she would be

a good match for his younger son, but secretly wants her for himself. He asks Pear

Blossom if she would like to marry his youngest son. She is reluctant of the thought and

she says she prefers old men. Wang then picks her up, and carries her into his own


Wang tells no one of the affair at first. He then calls his sons in one at a time, to talk

with them about his relationship with Pear Blossom. The second son doesn’t care about

the affair, but the eldest one is envying Wang Lung. The third son comes in and is angry

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that his father has Pear Blossom within his court. He tells Wang Lung that he is leaving

and becoming a soldier.


Wang Lung loves Pear Blossom. But their relationship becomes more like that of a

father – daughter. She takes care of Wang Lung well, and feels safe in his inner court.

He trusts Pear Blossom and asks that she take care of the poor fool when he dies. She

agrees to feed poison to the poor fool in the rice bowl when the time comes.

Wang is elderly now and spends most of his time laying around. He occasionally

visits Lotus and his son’s courts. They all are very courteous, but he feels like an

outsider in his son’s courts. He stops visiting the courts and relies on Cuckoo to inform

him of what is happening with his family.

Every spring Wang goes with a servant to the old earthen house to be with his land.

Wang Lung watches the laborers work the land, because he no longer can.

He has his elder son pick out a durable coffin for him and plans to live out the rest of the

days in the old earthen house.