The Gathering, Ireland 2013 In 2012 the Irish government launched The Gathering Ireland 2013 – Ireland’s biggest ever tourism initiative – taking place throughout 2013. Over 70 million people worldwide claim Irish ancestry. Throughout 2013, Ireland is extending a welcome to those who have moved away, their relatives, friends and descendants and inviting them home to gatherings in villages, towns and cities. Communities throughout Ireland are showcasing and sharing the very best of Irish culture, tradition, business, sport, landscape, food and the uniquely Irish sense of fun. The initiative provides an opportunity for those with ancestral links and an affinity for Ireland to play a part in – and benefit from – efforts to revive the economy. This year-long celebration of festivals, events and other gatherings around the country is providing support for the tourism industry during 2013 as well as a legacy impact for future years. The target is to generate 325 000 incremental visitors in 2013 and to leave a legacy of community structures and engagement with tourism that will benefit the sector in the longer-term. Indications from the Irish tourist industry are that The Gathering is working well and is having a real effect on people’s interest in visiting Ireland. The success of the initiative is backed up by the latest tourism statistics, with encouraging signs for visitor numbers from North America, and Mainland Europe supported by significant growth in transatlantic air access for the peak summer period. Oecd En el contexto de los desafíos que enfrentan tanto en el sector y la economía en general , el gobierno irlandés ha integrado el turismo en el marco estratégico económico más amplio como un componente clave del programa de recuperación económica del país , en lugar de seguir estrategias independientes separados para el sector turístico . Este enfoque estratégico general se complementa con el trabajo de las agencias de turismo . Política turística existente se estableció en el Programa de Gobierno 2011 , que establece las prioridades clave para ayudar a la industria a sobrevivir después de algunos de los años más

The Gathering

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The Gathering, Ireland 2013

In 2012 the Irish government launched The Gathering Ireland 2013 – Ireland’s biggest ever tourism initiative – taking place throughout 2013. Over 70 million people worldwide claim Irish ancestry. Throughout 2013, Ireland is extending a welcome to those who have moved away, their relatives, friends and descendants and inviting them home to gatherings in villages, towns and cities. Communities throughout Ireland are showcasing and sharing the very best of Irish culture, tradition, business, sport, landscape, food and the uniquely Irish sense of fun. The initiative provides an opportunity for those with ancestral links and an affinity for Ireland to play a part in – and benefit from – efforts to revive the economy.

This year-long celebration of festivals, events and other gatherings around the country is providing support for the tourism industry during 2013 as well as a legacy impact for future years. The target is to generate 325 000 incremental visitors in 2013 and to leave a legacy of community structures and engagement with tourism that will benefit the sector in the longer-term. Indications from the Irish tourist industry are that The Gathering is working well and is having a real effect on people’s interest in visiting Ireland. The success of the initiative is backed up by the latest tourism statistics, with encouraging signs for visitor numbers from North America, and Mainland Europe supported by significant growth in transatlantic air access for the peak summer period.


En el contexto de los desafíos que enfrentan tanto en el sector y la economía en general , el gobierno irlandés ha integrado el turismo en el marco estratégico económico más amplio como un componente clave del programa de recuperación económica del país , en lugar de seguir estrategias independientes separados para el sector turístico . Este enfoque estratégico general se complementa con el trabajo de las agencias de turismo .

Política turística existente se estableció en el Programa de Gobierno 2011 , que establece las prioridades clave para ayudar a la industria a sobrevivir después de algunos de los años más difíciles desde hace décadas, y se incluye compromisos sobre el acceso , la comercialización , los visados y el desarrollo de productos (cuadro 1 ) . Compromisos clave del programa de 2011 para que el gobierno se reflejaron en la posterior "Jobs Initiative " del gobierno , con acciones prioritarias inmediatas establecidas en los planes de acción anuales para el Empleo. En 2013, el " Encuentro Irlanda 2013 " fue una iniciativa de un año importante invitar a las personas con vínculos ancestrales y una afinidad por Irlanda para jugar un papel en , y beneficiarse de la recuperación económica del país mediante la conexión con el pueblo de Irlanda , ahora y en el futuro .

Un plan interdepartamental para el desarrollo de la "economía verde ", fue publicado en 2012 - Entrega Nuestro Potencial Verde : Declaración de Política Gubernamental en materia de crecimiento y empleo en la economía verde . El Plan de Acción reconoce que Irlanda tiene un entorno natural privilegiado y el paisaje para apoyar el "turismo verde" y las actividades , así como una imagen internacional establecida como la " Isla Esmeralda ", que podría ser construido en la promoción de su oferta "verde".

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En el contexto de los desafíos que enfrentan tanto la industria y la economía en general , el gobierno irlandés ha integrado el turismo en el marco estratégico económico más amplio como un componente clave del programa de recuperación económica ' s país , en lugar de seguir estrategias independientes separados para la industria del turismo. Este enfoque estratégico general se complementa con el trabajo de las agencias de turismo .

2.6 La experiencia de turismo de Irlanda

54 . Identificar y analizar la experiencia turística de Irlanda, es decir, la experiencia de los clientes de turismo de Irlanda, es de primordial importancia en la formulación de la política de turismo de Irlanda y en la conformación de la posición competitiva de la industria. Desde un punto de vista del proveedor, hay una inclinación natural para definir el turismo a través de la perspectiva de un producto en particular. Mientras que el análisis a lo largo de las líneas de productos puede ser útil, y proporcionar valiosa , aunque parcial , ideas , es esencial que el análisis global de la industria se lleva a cabo desde una perspectiva de cliente, el producto turístico se define en consecuencia. Desde esta perspectiva, el producto turístico puede ser mejor descrito como " la experiencia completa de los turistas de la hora de salida de su casa a la hora de regreso ."

3.1 Los componentes de la política turística

61 . La política del Gobierno para el desarrollo del sector del turismo en Irlanda se ha centrado en el apoyo al crecimiento sostenible de gasto de los visitantes con un énfasis en la difusión regional y de temporada más amplia de negocio.

62 . El Programa Concertado de Gobierno 2002 reconoce que " la industria del turismo seguirá siendo una industria vital requiere un apoyo sostenido y la inversión en los próximos años" . El Programa propone 10 medidas prioritarias relacionadas con la comercialización , transporte de acceso , el desarrollo y las normas de productos, el papel de las autoridades locales y la gestión del medio ambiente, la creación de una nueva Autoridad Nacional de Desarrollo Turístico , y la construcción de un estado de la técnica centro de Conferencia Nacional . El Gobierno considera que el mantenimiento de los estándares y servicios de primera clase , ya un esfuerzo permanente por la industria en relación calidad-precio , como imperativo para el éxito continuo de la industria del turismo .

. 63 Medidas políticas clave en el pasado reciente han apoyado :

- Producto de desarrollo.

- Extranjero marketing.

- Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos / formación: se centró principalmente en la prestación de formación básica de educación y servicios de contratación .

. 64 El Libro Blanco del Gobierno sobre la política de turismo de 1985 fue la primera exposición exhaustiva de la política de turismo en Irlanda y establece los siguientes objetivos:

" Para optimizar los beneficios económicos y sociales a Irlanda de la promoción y desarrollo del turismo hacia y dentro del país para garantizar así una tasa económica de retorno aceptable de

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los recursos empleados y teniendo en cuenta el potencial del turismo para la creación de empleo , la calidad de vida y el desarrollo de la comunidad , el mejoramiento y la conservación del patrimonio cultural de la nación , la conservación de los recursos físicos del país, . y la contribución del turismo al desarrollo regional "

65 . El Libro Blanco ha dado lugar a una respuesta de los grupos de representantes clave de la industria . La industria recomienda ambiciosos objetivos para el sector , que se adoptaron posteriormente por el Gobierno . Desde finales de los años ochenta, los principales objetivos de la política nacional de turismo se articulan claramente en sucesivos planes nacionales de desarrollo de asociación , y dentro del marco comunitario de apoyo de la UE para Irlanda. Algunos puntos específicos son que

La nueva visión de irlandeses Turismo / Objetivos de la Política

66 . La Nueva Visión de Turismo de Irlanda desde 2003 hasta 2012 , según lo propuesto por el Grupo de Turismo de Examen de las Políticas , ha sido aceptada como el objetivo de sostener la estrategia para el turismo nacional. Es que Irlanda será un destino de elección para los más exigentes turistas nacionales e internacionales que :

- Proporciona una experiencia turística que supera las expectativas de los clientes en términos de amabilidad , calidad del medio ambiente, la diversidad y la profundidad de la cultura .

- Tiene una gama de alta calidad, de clase mundial , los productos y servicios competitivos ampliamente distribuidos en todas las regiones del país .

- Es una fuente vibrante de los ingresos en divisas y regionales a lo largo del año .

- Respeta el medio ambiente natural y construido y es compatible con su conservación y mejora.

- Proporciona atractivas oportunidades de carrera en el turismo para personas con una amplia gama de habilidades y necesidades de empleo .

- Proporciona la oportunidad para que las personas que trabajan en el turismo para mejorar sus habilidades a través de la experiencia , la formación y el aprendizaje permanente .

- Respeta y apoya la cultura irlandesa en toda su diversidad .

- Proporciona un perfil internacional positivo de Irlanda.

67 . En resumen , la visión para el turismo irlandés es el de un sector dinámico , innovador, sostenible y de gran prestigio - que ofrece a los clientes extranjeros y nacionales una experiencia de Irlanda, que es positiva , memorable y más allá de sus expectativas. Los objetivos consisten en ver a los clientes de la experiencia turística en Irlanda repetir esa experiencia y se comuniquen de manera positiva a los amigos y conocidos. Y en el cumplimiento de estos objetivos turismo irlandés debe ser visto como una fuente importante y la oportunidad de negocio rentable y como una poderosa herramienta de desarrollo social y económico a nivel nacional y regional.

3.3 Drivers futuras de éxito

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68 . Turismo irlandés es un sector muy diverso y complejo . Incluye una amplia gama de operadores de los sectores público y privado. Las acciones combinadas de estos operadores son los que determinan el éxito del turismo de Irlanda en relación con la de otros países y en relación con la visión , las metas y objetivos acordados para la industria. Los conductores estratégicos clave de éxito para el turismo irlandés se han discutido en detalle en Nuevos Horizontes para el turismo irlandés , bajo los siguientes títulos :

- Entorno Empresarial .

- Competitividad y la relación calidad-precio .

- Acceso Transporte .

Tecnologías de la Información - y .

- Desarrollo de Productos e Innovación .

-Marketing & Promotion .

- La gente en el turismo.

- El Sector Gobierno .

- Información, Inteligencia e Investigación .

- Una industria que sí anticipa y abarca las necesidades cambiantes de su base de clientes - tanto en el extranjero y turistas nacionales - y ofrece a cada cliente un producto, servicio y experiencia que supera a la disposición de los proveedores alternativos , tanto en casa como en el extranjero .


In the context of the challenges facing both the sector and the wider economy, the Irish government has integrated tourism into the broader economic strategic framework as a key component of the country’s economic recovery programme, rather than pursue separate stand-alone strategies for the tourism sector. This overall strategic approach is complemented by the work of the tourism agencies.

Existing tourism policy was set in the Programme for government 2011, which set out key priorities to help the industry survive after some of the most challenging years for decades, and included commitments on access, marketing, visas and product development (Box 1). Key commitments in the 2011 Programme for government were reflected in the government’s subsequent “Jobs Initiative”, with immediate priority actions set out in the annual Action Plans for Jobs. In 2013, the “Gathering Ireland 2013” was an important year-long initiative inviting people with ancestral links and an affinity for Ireland to play a part in, and benefit from, the country’s economic recovery by connecting with the people of Ireland, now and in the future.

A cross-departmental plan for the development of the “green economy” was published in 2012 – Delivering Our Green Potential: Government Policy Statement on Growth and Employment in the Green Economy. The Action Plan recognises that Ireland has an outstanding natural

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environment and landscape to support “green tourism” and activities, as well as an established international image as the “Emerald Isle”, which could be built on to promote its “green” offering.

In the context of the challenges facing Both the industry and the wider economy , the Irish government has integrated tourism into the Broader economic strategic framework as a key component of the country 's economic recovery program , rather than Pursue separate stand -alone strategies for the tourism industry . This overall strategic approach is Complemented by the work of the tourism agencies.

2.6 The Irish Tourism Experience

54. Identifying and analysing the Irish tourism experience, i.e. the experience of the customers of Irish tourism, is of primary importance in the formulation of Ireland’s tourism policy and in shaping the competitive position for the industry. From a supplier viewpoint, there is a natural inclination to define tourism through the perspective of a particular product. While analysis along product lines can be useful, and provide valuable, if partial, insights, it is essential that overall analysis of the industry is undertaken from a customer perspective and that the tourism product is defined accordingly. From this perspective the tourism product can best be described as “the complete experience of the tourist from time of departure from home to the time of return “.

3.1 The Components of Tourism Policy

61. Government policy for the development of the tourism sector in Ireland has focused on supporting sustainable growth in visitor expenditure with an emphasis on a wider regional and seasonal spread of business.

62. The Agreed Programme for Government 2002 recognises that "the tourism industry will continue to be a vital industry requiring sustained support and investment in the coming years". The Programme sets out 10 priority measures relating to marketing, access transport, product development and standards, the role of local authorities and environmental management, the creation of a new National Tourism Development Authority, and the construction of a state of the art National Conference Centre. The Government regards the maintenance of top class standards and services, and a continued focus by the industry on value for money, as imperative for the continuing success of the tourism industry.

63. Key policy measures in the recent past have supported:

−Product development.

−Overseas marketing.

−Human resource development/training: primarily focused on the provision of educational, basic training and recruitment services.

64. The Government White Paper on Tourism Policy 1985 was the first comprehensive statement on tourism policy in Ireland and set the following objectives:

"To optimise the economic and social benefits to Ireland of the promotion and development of tourism both to and within the country consistent with ensuring an acceptable economic rate of return on the resources employed and taking account of tourism's potential for job creation; the quality of life and development of the community; the enhancement and preservation of the nation's cultural heritage; the conservation of the physical resources of the country; and tourism's contribution to regional development."

65. The White Paper gave rise to a response from the key industry representative groups. The industry recommended ambitious targets for the sector that were subsequently adopted by Government. Since the late eighties, the prime objectives of national tourism policy were clearly articulated in successive national partnership development plans, and within the EU Community Support Framework for Ireland. Some specific points are that

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The New Vision for Irish Tourism/Policy Objectives

66. The New Vision for Irish Tourism 2003 to 2012, as proposed by the Tourism Policy Review Group, has been accepted as the objective to underpin the strategy for national tourism. It is that Ireland will be a destination of choice for discerning international and domestic tourists which:

−Provides a tourism experience that exceeds customer expectations in terms of friendliness, quality of environment, diversity and depth of culture.

−Has a range of high quality, world-class, competitive products and services widely distributed throughout all the regions of the country.

−Is a vibrant source of foreign and regional earnings throughout the year.

−Respects the natural and built environments and supports their conservation and enhancement.

−Provides attractive career opportunities in tourism for people with a range of skills and employment needs.

−Provides the opportunity for people working in tourism to enhance their skills through experience, training and life-long learning.

− Respects and supports Irish culture in all its diversity.

− Provides a positive international profile of Ireland.

67. In short, the vision for Irish tourism is that of a dynamic, innovative, sustainable and highly-regarded sector that offers to overseas and domestic customers an experience of Ireland which is positive, memorable and beyond their expectations. The objectives are to see customers of the tourism experience in Ireland repeat that experience and to communicate it positively to friends and acquaintances. And in meeting these objectives Irish tourism should be seen as a major source and opportunity for profitable enterprise and as a powerful tool of social and economic development at national and regional levels.

3.3 Future Drivers of Success

68. Irish tourism is a highly diverse and complex sector. It includes a wide range of operators from both the private and public sectors. The combined actions of these operators are what determine the success of Irish tourism relative to that of other countries and relative to the vision, targets and objectives agreed for the industry. The key strategic drivers of success for Irish tourism have been discussed in detail in New Horizons for Irish Tourism, under the following headings:

−Business Environment.

−Competitiveness & Value for Money.

−Access Transport.

−Information and Communication Technologies.

−Product Development & Innovation.

−Marketing & Promotion.

−The People in Tourism.

−The Government Sector.

−Information, Intelligence & Research.

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−An industry that itself anticipates and embraces the changing needs of its customer base – both overseas and domestic tourists – and offers to each customer a product, service and experience which surpasses that available from alternative providers both at home and abroad.

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Strategic Success Driver 5 Product Development and Innovation

Objective To ensure that the tourism product which Ireland offers to overseas and domestic customers provides, and continues to provide, a positive and memorable experience beyond their expectations.

Rationale The Irish tourism product is highly diverse, built around the three pillars of people, pace and place. It encompasses the natural and built environment, a wide range of hospitality products and services, a range of visitor attractions and cultural facilities, transport facilities and, importantly, the interaction with people. The tourism product is the fundamental determinant of the tourist customer experience on which the success of the Irish tourism industry rests.

3 Product Clusters: In order to address the under utilisation of certain historical, cultural and sporting attractions and facilities, it is essential to achieve a better presentation and more integrated and cooperative marketing of clusters of products that complement each other and broaden the offerings available to visitors, including those with disabilities. The clusters can be single product (e.g. golf, heritage etc.) or multi-product (e.g. golf/health-related, culture/ heritage etc.) and could be promoted and supported at regional level or on an all-island basis.

• Closer linkages between tourism policy and other policy areas including those dealing with national economic development, regional development, transport, arts and culture, sport, conservation an environmental planning

• Tourism promotes an enhanced awareness and positive appreciation of local traditions, way of life and cultural facilities

• Our marketing efforts were complemented again by the implementation of an attractive and compelling programme of festivals and cultural events which

served to heighten the appeal of many tourist destinations around Ireland. Similarly, in the nation’s capital, ‘The Dubline’, a Dublin Cultural Discovery Trail, also began its development in 2012 with capital funding of over €4 million secured to bring the project to fruition.

• Our marketing efforts were complemented again by the implementation of an attractive and compelling programme of festivals and cultural events

• Elaboración de definición de Turismo Cultural– Cultural Tourism embraces the full range of experiences visitors can

undertake to learn what makes a destination distinctive – its lifestyle, its heritage, its arts, its people – and the business of providing and interpreting that culture to visitors.

(Commonwealth of Australia Creative Nation, 1991)

• Industrias Creativas

En 2006 Fáilte Ireland (National Tourism Development Authority) solicita una consultoría para crear una estrategia nueva para el sector.

Preguntas de investigación

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– What is the role of Cultural Tourism in delivering on our broader national tourism agenda?

– How can Fáilte Ireland support other stakeholders and the industry in capitalising on Cultural Tourism to deliver on the broader national tourism agenda?

– What are the priorities for delivering on this role in terms of the offer, product development, positioning, marketing and promotion?

– Which areas of Cultural Tourism (markets, consumer segments and corresponding ‘offers’) represent the best opportunities for delivering sustainable growth in the near term?

– What is the action plan for how Fáilte Ireland should deploy its resources during the planning period to deliver against these priorities and opportunities?

The core tourism appeal of Ireland is characterised by people, place and pace. Visitors to Ireland are motivated principally by the expectation of a warm and welcoming people, the perception of beautiful unspoilt scenery and the relaxed pace of life. The holiday experience of visitors to Ireland has met or exceeded expectations in the case of over 90% of visitors

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FI to:¾

understand the nature of demand & pass expertise onto the industry

Ensure marketing individual products ties up with marketing overall

• Industry participants to work together for benefit of all

• Link to other products e.g. Angling, golf, EFL, inland cruising, etc.

Overall strategic objective of increasing the number and value of visitors, and improving regional and seasonal distribution.

• Main target markets: Britain, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Netherlands & Italy.

• Segments: Independent travellers primarily, but also special interest groups and specialist trade.

• Emphasis is on real heritage and authenticity.

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Cultural Tourism is “mainstream”

Culture is central to the current destination strategy for Ireland

Product quality variable versus competition but when packaged with a high quality “visitor experience” the bundled package is genuinely compelling

Infrastructural development and visitor capacity issues to be addressed

Cultural Tourism Marketing under-funded - limited resources, poor consumer insights, limited collaboration between stakeholders.

Fáilte Ireland’s focus to date –niche areas and reactive

Barriers to Growth

Lack of coherence in cultural offering

Planning Process Product integration Marketing & Promotion

Poor international image as cultural destination

Poor information provision (to consumer)

Recommended Initiatives

Product Development measures

Multi Annual funding for arts & festivals

Innovation project on Traditional Culture

Finalise Genealogy Project

Reinvigorate Historic Towns &Villages offering

Image Enhancement measures �

Collaborative networks / establish Cultural Tourism Forum

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Improved Information/ online ticketing

Urban Tourism

• Roll out of pilot integrated ticketing project in Dublin

• Development of specific marketing programme for galleries and museums (working with the Nat Cultural Institutions)

• Clustering initiative to be developed in Dublin, Cork, Waterford and Sligo

• Development of new themes for historic towns & cities

• Continued publicity programme to capitalise on Cork City of Culture

Next Steps

Final Genesis report (16Th June)

Secure stakeholder buy-in to recommendations (Q3 2007)

Pilot ‘traditional culture’ product (Sept)

Develop new Festivals & Events Fund format (July)

Develop new Cultural Tourism website (by end ’07

Factor recommended action plan in 2008 Cultural Tourism Plan (Nov)

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