The Galactic Federation of Light Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min, Adamus St. Germain

The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

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Page 1: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

The Galactic

Federation of


Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla

Og-Min, Adamus St. Germain

Page 2: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Truth 2.1 Truth in the context of the material-based, third dimension 2.2 Truth in the context of the energy-based Dimension 3. The Galactic Federation of Light 3.1 Cooperation 4. Context and Mode of Operation of the Galactic Federation of Light 4.1 Oscillation frequency and oscillation frequency increase 4.2 If Oscillation Frequencies Increase 5. Support 5.1 Support in a personalized form 5.2 General support 6. Challenges 6.1 First Incarnations 6.2 Incarnations Preparing for the Final Stage of Awareness 6.3 Manipulations / Outside Control 6.4 Finding new ways

Page 3: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

1. Introduction If you enter the term "Galactic Federation of Light" on the World Web, you get currently (Sept. 2019) plenty of information that is likely to confuse your mind and inhibit your heart. If you have an advanced and thus energy-based perception, you can also perceive how the whole thing covers with a sticky, highly unpleasant form of energy. An energy that instinctively scares you away, repels you, and connect involuntary inside your head the Galactic Federation of Light with this form of energy. Unpleasant. Ugly. As happened to the Galactic Federation of Light, on this planet, thousands of beings experienced it as well. Fairies, elves, incarnations of Ascended Masters (such as the Empress Elisabeth, whose history may serve as another example), Angels, Ascended Masters, etc. Their history, their nature or even their names have grasped by humans. Humans, who wrap it in their own projections, their own worldview and a lot of fantasy, making out of it, stories and assertions. The people, who do this, often call themselves professionals, and write and talk with a matter of course and dedication, even though they repeatedly tell their own realities. Whatever the purpose of their actions may be, they denigrate other beings or, as in our case, entire organizations, sowing falsehoods and nourishing this unsavory energy form of denigration (we call them that) on planet Earth.

Page 4: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

If you start dealing with the subject, you will find that all these slurs covers with the same sticky, unpleasant energy. Energy that makes you shudder, provided you have a sufficiently high and pure vibration frequency yourself. Movies, books, told stories about people who once lived, realms that still exist on planet Earth or even beings who live on other planets. They all, are mostly mixed with own imagination and own reality of the author himself and thus often encloses denigrations of the concerned ones. A human behavior that nourishes and magnifies the described (sticky and unpleasant) form of energy continuously on this planet. In addition, it causes in the near and distant environment of the planet earth shaking heads and increasingly clear disgust. Therefore, it seems time to point people to their current behavior and honestly, it seems to us that it is more than time for you to stop this behavior and to delete it without replacement. This begins in every single human being. Decide consciously that you stop talking about another human or even another being. Make a conscious decision to stop interpreting, evaluating or even judging. Others and yourself. If you want to tell a story, tell your own, but omit, in a conscious decision to tell stories of other people or beings.

Page 5: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

The focus of your perception is on you and not on other people or beings. In your life, it is primarily about you and your own life. Yet, only when you have mastered this task adequately, you may widen your focus to your closer and then your wider environment. Yet, if you feel in yourself that you have not sufficiently fulfilled your primary task, we ask you to put this book aside and take care of yourself and your own life. To seek and sustain your own deep connection with your own divine self. To devote yourself in detail to your own task, to allow and to have fullness in every single area of your life. In this, your life is primarily about you. Your very own experiences and your own development and wisdom. This is ultimately, what you will take with you as you leave your body and your current life. The wealth of your own experiences. Your very own wealth. The many other things that you are currently receiving in terms of information and entertainment are all substitute gratifications that fill you and your entire system, make you feel empty and dissatisfied, and ultimately make you miss your own life and your own personal experiences. Please do not read this book until you have completed the above task and then, return to this book. The book is definitely not another nice "information book" that entertains your human mind and fills you with new realities.

Page 6: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

Rather, the book aims at people who have a sufficient degree of inner development, have fulfilled the individual tasks of their current lives and know that they are now ready for the next task. We have already written it in many of our other books and will do so again here, in the introduction to this book. It is crucial that humans become capable of knowing the truth again. It is important, that every person has this ability again and has real and independent access to it. The planet earth has filled with realities. This is not negative, in itself. These realities offer diverse experiences. Rather, it is the fact that people unconsciously merge realities and truth in a fresh, cheerful way. They sometimes, clarify realities as truth and at other times, mix reality with some truth and then declare his mixture as truth. If you are an unconscious human, you can never really be sure what truth actually is. Some even go so far that they say, "There is no truth". We will now talk about truth in a first part. Because, only if you have actually grasped this aspect in depth, you will actually be able to understand the rest of the book. Only then, we will turn to the Galactic Federation of Light, its purpose, its attitude and concerns.

Page 7: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

"We", that is in this book: Susanne Edelmann self-ascended Master and therefore embodied Master, but also human embodiment of Lady Nayla Og-Min. For some time now also (human) member of the leadership team of the Galactic Federation of Light. Lady Nayla Og-Min Ascended Master, World Teacher, often embodied in various planetary systems of the Universe, often embodied in the energy-based realms of planet Earth (including as Faerie Queen Titania), often embodied as human on planet Earth (among others as Empress Elisabeth). Member of the Leadership Team of the Galactic Federation of Light. Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems. Currently working as a World Teacher. At the same time also here on the Earth in the area of supporting the expansion of consciousness. Member of the Leadership Team of the Galactic Federation of Light. Archangel Michael, Commander-in-Chief of all Angels stationed on Earth. Personal companion,

Page 8: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

individual of selected current human personalities. Member of the Leadership Team of the Galactic Federation of Light. Ashtar Sheeran, Commander-in-Chief of the largest galactic fleet, member of the leadership team of the Galactic Federation of Light. Currently living and acting in the embodiment of an Arcturian. However, he has undergone numerous incarnations in his life. But never one of them on planet Earth. If you like, dive consciously in every name above and thus perceive in an energy-based way. In this way, you will get much more information about the respective person. May it serve you, this book! Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min, Adamus St. Germain, Archangel Michael, Ashtar Sheeran

Page 9: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

2. Truth As long as man is unable to distinguish between reality and truth, he is like a gambling child pretending, that his play is truth. The game itself is quite positive as it allows humans a variety of experiences that ultimately increase their own wealth of experiences. Rather, it is the fact that most people hold on to their present realities and define them as truth. This behavior on the part of humans makes it impossible to have any reasonable conversation at eye level with a being that is outside of these realities. After all, man will hear or read any information he hears or reads involuntarily within his own frame of thinking and thus within his own reality. This not only means that he usually captures only a small part of the heard or read as it actually presents itself. He now mixes this tiny part more with everything else he has heard or read in the past and - blending this, with the valuation of his current reality - now as a half-truth into the read. Finally, he begins to compare what he has heard and what he has read with his own experiences in his own reality, evaluate and interpret them, and draw a "logical" conclusion from it, which ultimately serves him as the truth. If he even perceives himself as a specialist in this field, he now allows himself to publicly announce or teach the truth he has defined. Many people want actual contact with subtle beings. However, they overlook the fact that

Page 10: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

with their inability to step out of their own realities and with their fundamental behavior of evaluating, interpreting, and judging, they are far away from real contact with energy-based beings. Humans live, for beings not living in the materially based dimension of the earth, an incomprehensible and damaging relationship behavior and even though many people claim to have contact with "the spiritual world", there are only a few Ascended Masters, who repeatedly expose themselves to human behavior. Human relationship behavior is extremely damaging, not just for energy-based beings, honestly. Yet, the human behavior of imposing oneself in realities and interchanging these with truth, and then calling oneself wise and teacher, cannot been taken seriously, outside the materially based dimension, honestly. Therefore, you can safely assume that you can forget most of what you have ever read or heard about beings living outside of the material based dimension of the earth. It usually does not correspond to the truth. Honestly, you might do so, even with the most you have ever read or heard about others, in principle. Well, you would have liked to know anyway, and so we decided to write different books. Among other things, the present one. We do this, conscious of human behavior and some of our

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team members (the human one in particular) doubt a full benefit of this approach. Well, we still believe in people's abilities and in the willingness of individuals to deal in detail with the basic requirements.

2.1 Truth in the context of the material-based,

third dimension The third, material-based dimension is the current habitat of the people on planet Earth. A habitat in which you can study boundaries, the construct of linear time and thus transience and matter in all their diversity. Valuable and wonderful experiences that can only take place because the third-dimensional framework of thought pretends that truth is what has defined as truth. Outside this very specific frame of thinking, on the other hand, completely different conditions exist. Circumstances, which in turn allows a variety of experience and diverse realities in this regard. Another dimension, another world, so to speak. In order to travel to this world, you do not have to embark on a plane or spaceship, but rather, allow your currently material-based frame of thinking to open up. Which causes you involuntarily beginning to grasp the other as well. This, in turn, leaves you open and ready to

Page 12: The Galactic Federation of Light - Nayla - Bildungsinstitut · 2019. 9. 19. · Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master, often embodied on Earth, but also on other planetary systems

let you in on something new. Curious, value-free, beyond any norms and ideas. The earth is currently full of images and ideas, sometimes even, claims what and who exactly beings from other spheres are and if you want to search for the truth, you will probably once again have dealing with these many images and ideas, which have arrested in your own system as well. To then, dissolve them all. It helps you when you get involved in the new without any ideas and without any old pictures. Honestly, that is the only way you can actually capture. Grasping, what is going to present you very much differently than your human mind may have imagine. Truth within the materially based, third dimension is subject to clear criteria, all of which are within the framework of this reality. Truth, in the context of the material-based dimension, bases either on clearly defined criteria and norms (for example, an adult is a further-developed being, a child is an underdeveloped being) or is defined by verifiable data and facts (for example, two apples a little, 10 apples are a lot). In addition, these data and facts have usually interpreted based on own or third-party empirical values and information from so-called "expert people" and these interpretations, in turn, can vary repeatedly. Truth, in this context, is always a bit uncertain.

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2.2 Truth in the context of the energy-based

dimension If a person wants to grasp the energy-based reality, he first needs the understanding of the various dimensions. He must be aware that he lives in a materially based dimension, which is subject to very specific criteria and circumstances and works according to a very specific frame of thought. He thus needs a certain degree of awareness and the ability of consciously opening his own frame of thinking and to allow himself to see what is outside. Well, but that is not enough, since the human behavior of comparison based on personal experience, the evaluation based on material criteria and norms and interpretation has usually so strongly stuck in every human’s system, that he handles impressions (foreign and new) involuntarily according to human behavior if he allows it. A behavior, in turn, that massively affects the truth of the new. It thus, requires the decision to refrain from any values, comparisons and interpretations. In principle. If you want to perceive the energy-based dimension, this requires a certain own vibration frequency and thus the ability of the extended and thus energy-based perception. The energy-based dimension cannot be grasped within the materially based reality and thus not with the material-based perceptual channels (taste, see, feel tactile, hear, smell).