The Future of Advertising Addressability June 2017 Curious Sessions Issue 1

The Future of Advertising - Global · The Future of Advertising Addressability CRM at scale. Addressable advertising. People-based marketing. Cross-device advertising. Identity management

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Page 1: The Future of Advertising - Global · The Future of Advertising Addressability CRM at scale. Addressable advertising. People-based marketing. Cross-device advertising. Identity management


The Future of Advertising Addressability

The Future of AdvertisingAddressability

June 2017

Curious Sessions Issue 1

Page 2: The Future of Advertising - Global · The Future of Advertising Addressability CRM at scale. Addressable advertising. People-based marketing. Cross-device advertising. Identity management


The Future of Advertising Addressability

The ethos of advertising has remained largely unchanged since

the Mad Men-era. Despite some things progressing, the approach

to creative and media development remains frighteningly similar.

We start research, which reveals a customer need. That goes into

a brief. We then develop a single and pointed creative solution to

answer this need, and a go-to market solution based on buying

a demographic, at the cheapest rate available.

All parties reunite six weeks later and argue over whose fault it

was that it didn’t work. Or, we recut the numbers to show some

semblance of success against a metric that probably doesn’t

matter. And then it all starts again.

To understand the importance of addressability, we must start at the beginning and revisit the origins of advertising.


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The Future of Advertising Addressability

As an industry, we need to pivot towards a new model of persuasion that is timely, contextual and relevant.

What’s even more disturbing is that the industries in which we

work, or work for, have vastly changed to adapt to the changes

in market. As such, the fundamentals on which our approach

was based – captive audience, ubiquitous distribution and high

barriers to entry – don’t exist.

We’ve all read the articles that suggest our audiences fragment every

day and that no one watches TV the way they used to. The way we

purchase has completely changed.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability


Firstly, we need to do this because our budgets are shrinking,

and the traditional methods to make our efforts more effective

are limited. Secondly, we need to do this because it’s what the

customer demands.

Today a customer or prospect needs help completing a mission —

moving, resolving a fault, paying a bill, upgrading their plan, consolidating

their super or booking accommodation.

Being there at the right moment can be the difference between

them choosing us or a competitor.

To do this requires a careful consideration of the moment and the

message, but also careful consideration of the money that we should

be spending. Shifting our focus from broadly persuading to satisfying

real needs positions experience as the new basis for competition.

Customer experience


Word of mouth


Competitor activity


Brand image


The Future of Advertising Addressability

This is all very well in theory, but how do we do it? Previously, we never

had the tools to. Beyond owned channels, paid channels were restricted

to buying on mass metrics, and constructing a single experience across

the whole journey has been impossible.

Until now. That’s where addressable advertising comes in.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

CRM at scale. Addressable advertising. People-based marketing.

Cross-device advertising. Identity management. In this guide we

will break down addressable advertising and explain why we

think this is far more than a niche fad, and actually the future

of mainstream marketing.

In the age of the customer, contextually relevant customer

experiences are the holy grail.

This report presents the state of the industry today, outlining what

is possible and what is simply a great theory. We will move past

the jargon and mystery surrounding addressable advertising and

outline everything a modern marketer needs to know to overcome

their most pressing challenges.

Addressable advertising


more relevant




Better attribution

of performance

Create a single

customer view

Less wasteOrchestrate

a single journey





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The Future of Advertising Addressability

What is addressable advertising?

Like any new capability, the language to describe it often lags behind the

innovation itself. Addressable advertising is no exception. With everyone

trying to ‘own’ this exciting new category, many different names have

emerged, but the definition is much the same.

First-party data has been used for decades to inform audience

targeting. But with addressable advertising, all of the guesswork is

eliminated. Traditional advertising predicts where or what a particular

audience is likely to visit, watch or do, and places advertising there

for them to see. Addressable advertising places the ad wherever

the audience actually goes.

Because of the connected ecosystem we now live in, we have much

richer sources of data which can be paired together to better identify

an individual and their needs.

Addressable advertising uses your own, first-party data (often combined with second- and third-party data) to identify people and to place advertising where that individual is, not just where they are predicted to be. Demographic



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The Future of Advertising Addressability

In essence, addressable advertising turns the ad-buying

model upside down.

Addressable advertising works by

solving two problems:

1. How to identify a device, and

2. How to match that device to a person.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

I get what it is in theory.

But how do I actually advertise to an individual, and not a broad audience?

Addressable advertising ensures you can apply the same levels of

personalisation to paid channels as you can with owned channels such

as mail, email or on-site personalisation.

Like the traditional customer profile that is the centre of all CRM activity,

addressable advertising works by creating a profile for every individual.

In this new vernacular, you will often hear this customer profile referred to as

an ID Graph, which is a fancy description for a database. This database holds

customer profiles that include behaviours or attributes of an individual,

as well as known identifiers.

There are two types of customer profiles that can be created:


Role Pro Con


A profile that is built using

identifiers such as cookies

or device IDs.

• Easy to gather

• Timely to execute

• Short lifespan

• Single channel

• Single device


A persistent profile that is

created using an email address

or customer ID post login.

• Long - lasting

• Multiple channels

• Multiple devices

• Harder to gather

• Difficult for brands

without a login state

The Future of Advertising Addressability

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Example 1: Non-authenticated



1 2

Cookie/ID passed to your DSP.

Cookie sync and bidding.

Cookie/ID passed to publisher’s SSP.

Prospect visits your website.

Prospect re-targeting with your ad on another website.

Re-targeting is limited to the device and browser they used to visit your website.










This is addressable advertising at its most simplistic. In this example, you

don’t know exactly who the visitor is or indeed very much about them at

all. When this ‘device’ interacted with your website it wasn’t recognised

and no record or profile of them existed. And because the first-party data

you are using is a cookie, you can only re-target this person on the same

device and browser. If they were to switch from their desktop to their

mobile, you would not be able to re-target them, in that environment.

Equally, if they were to visit you on their desktop, app and mobile web

browser, you would see them as three different people.

The most common example of non-authenticated addressable

advertising is cookie-based re-targeting. A user visits your website

and they are ‘cookied’. After they leave and go somewhere else

on the internet that same cookie is used to identify them and put

a relevant ad in front of them.

What do we know?

• Behaviour on your website (e.g. they visited

certain product pages but didn’t convert).

How can this be used for ad placement?

• Re-target this individual with ads on other websites.

• ONLY identify this person on this device

(e.g. Mac laptop) and browser (e.g. Chrome).

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Example 2: Authenticated

The most widely used example of authenticated addressable

advertising is Facebook Custom Audiences. As an example, you

may have a segment of prospects who have inquired about your

product but who have not purchased it. As part of this inquiry

process they provided you with their email address, a significant

piece of first-party data your business now has. These email

addresses could be uploaded to Facebook Custom Audiences,

where this email will be matched (in a hashed form)

with those of Facebook users.

In this example, your prospect’s email address (first-party data)

is matched with the email address they used to create their

Facebook profile. Any match that is made is authenticated

because the email address is a persistent identifier that doesn’t

change (at least not regularly).


1 2


Email address is stored in your


Hashed emails matched with Facebook’s

hashed data.

Purchase inventory on Facebook.

Prospect visits your website and

subscribes for emails.

Prospect is re-targeted with your ad on Facebook’s

mobile app.

Prospect is re-targeted with your ad on Facebook’s

desktop website.

Re-targeting on Facebook can find the user across any device and browser they log into.









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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Now any time that user is on Facebook you are able to place your ad in front

of them. Unlike the previous re-targeting example, because they are required

to log in (or be logged in) every time they use Facebook, your ad can be seen

if they are on their mobile or desktop and across any browser.

What do we know?

• They are a prospect who has not converted.

• Additional attributes collected during inquiry (e.g. age, location).

• What product they were inquiring about.

• Estimated customer value.

How can this be used for ad placement?

• Target this individual with ads on Facebook.

• Place ads anytime the individual is on Facebook – on any device.

(e.g. laptop, phone, etc) and across any browser (Chrome, Safari, etc).

• Personalise the creative based on additional known attributes (e.g. age, location, etc).

Facebook is the most common example of this, however we are seeing rapid advances by other publishers (Google, Mi9) and increasing capability driven through the adoption of Data Management Platforms.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

While using non-authenticated profiles is still technically addressable

advertising, it is authenticated profiles that truly drive addressable advertising.

Because they don’t expire like non-authenticated profiles, you get the benefits

of always-on recognition, allowing you react to customer behaviour in a

moment across any channel.

Currently, individual profiles only exist for advertising in digital channels, and

traditional CRM channels such as email, mail and in-store at the point-of-sale.

There are already initiatives being made to move TV (through the use of set-

top boxes or streaming services) to a similar model, albeit at a household level

rather than an individual level.

Equally, channels such as radio and outdoor are

also working through solutions for their spaces. It is

important to note that there is currently no single piece

of technology that ties all of these together. As different

channels move further towards addressability, the market

will no doubt fragment for a period before consolidating

to a number of technology solutions.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

So we’ve got profiles. How do I continue to track and understand their behaviours?

Just as there are two types of customer profiles (or ID Graphs), there are two ways to match

data to an ID: deterministic and probabilistic.

DeterministicThis refers to one-to-one matching using known customer

information or a unique identifier such as an email address or

loyalty number. Deterministic matching is essentially just a look-

up table – if the data is the same then it’s considered a match.

If someone logs into their internet banking account on their

desktop and then on their mobile, deterministic matching will

understand and identify this as the same person.

So while accuracy is incredibly high with deterministic

matching, for most companies the scale will be quite low.

ProbabilisticThis is matching that uses anonymised data such as an IP address,

browser type or location to create a statistical connection between

devices. As the name suggests, it determines the probability of

devices being connected to an individual using sophisticated

algorithms. It is essentially an educated guess. Like any probability

modelling, it generates a score to indicate the likelihood of the

match. Probabilistic matching is typically built from a subset of

deterministic data, where patterns in the relationships between

data (known to be a match) are extrapolated.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Let’s say you visit a website on your work computer and later on your

mobile while connected to the work Wi-Fi. Later that night you again

visit same website on your mobile and your tablet using your home

Wi-Fi. This information (combined with lots of other data points) can

be used to determine that you are probably the same person.

The major exceptions to this rule are the data giants: Facebook, Google

and Apple. Their massive scale combined with their logged-in states have

provided them with unrivalled customer profiles that are both accurate

and far-reaching.

What probabilistic matching lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in scale.

Deterministic matching

Probabilistic matching





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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Great – we want to create profiles and are tracking behaviour.

Who will own that data?

Put simply, you can own your profiles or rent them from a third party

– or a combination of both.

In an earlier example we discussed how you could use your first-party data to identify

a group of prospects who had not yet converted, and try to convert them via

Facebook advertising. This is a combination of using both your own profile (email list

of prospects) and renting a third-party profile (Facebook). In this example there is a

scale benefit in using Facebook – with 16 million Facebook users in Australia, there is

a high chance that a large portion of your email prospects will be matched, and that

they will see your advertising. The negative of using Facebook in this example is that

it does not provide back data on these individuals for you to add to their profile.

There are significant benefits to owning your customer profiles. But there are equally

significant financial investments and there is complexity in doing so. Ultimately your

decision on what to own vs what to rent or leverage should be driven by three factors:

• sophistication of your business,

• type of product or service you sell and

• future revenue plans.











Applied for








Didn’t watch

Didn’t watch

Didn’t watch









SharedInteracted with

Interacted withInteracted with

Came back to

Came back to

Came back to

Holds these products

Holds these products

Holds these products





Applied for


Applied for








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The Future of Advertising Addressability

How to decide what type of profiles to create.

We have developed a framework to help your business decide whether

there is a need or benefit to investing in your own customer profiles,

or whether renting may be enough.






Do you have a

large first-party

data set?

Do you offer

a mass product?

Consider leveraging

a publisher or

data provider.





Do you

have a Data



Use your Data Management

Platform for authenticated

profiles complement as needed for scale.

Use a matching

process to create



Is it usable

in some form?

Note: you don’t

have to be able

to use it all.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

We want to own the data. Where will that data reside?

Creating profiles (ID Graphs) is only beneficial if you can act on them

– which, for the purposes of this paper, is the ability to buy, place and

evaluate advertising. This requires a piece of technology known as

a DMP (Data Management Platform).

This is not simply a database, despite what the name suggests.

While it is indeed a database of sorts, there are a few things that make

it different from a regular CRM database that you may be familiar with.

The right DMP for your business will depend upon many different criteria.

We recommend that, above all, what is important is the ability for the

DMP to integrate with your existing technology, solutions (or planned

technology, if restructuring). This should be your greatest priority as the

capability of most DMPs is similar. We’ve listed the main players in this

category on the following page.

• Purchased by Salesforce in mid 2016, expect more seamless integration with the Salesforce

Marketing Cloud to be high on their roadmap.

• Made their impact in Australia by initially focusing on publishers and now have significant impact

in that space with Foxtel, Kellogg’s, Vodafone and News Corp all using their technology.

• Their significant market share with publishers means sharing data with publishers should be easy.


• Leads DMP Forrester Wave report 2015 with strategy and current offering.

• Seamless integration with other Adobe products such as Analytics or AEM.

• Significant market share in Australia with the four big banks, major Telcos and

both major airlines using their technology.


• Strong performer in the Forrester Wave report, with a user-friendly interface.

• Definitely a strong contender for businesses that have already committed to Oracle in

their marketing or data services, using other tools such as Eloqua, Responsys or Siebel.

• Oracle’s acquisition of AddThis helps to further enrich the data and targeting options open

to users of the platform.


• Google Audience 360 is available as part of the Google 360 product suite.

• With native integrations into Double-Click and Google Analytics as well as the ability to

draw on Google’s vast repository of device and behavioural data, the solution will hold

appeal for advertisers that have a strong focus on Google’s other products and services

in their technology setup.


• Positioning themselves as “true real-time”, with simpler integrations than other DMPs in the

market, Signal has already picked up some big clients in Coles and Optus.

• The product features a strong second-party data sharing component, Audience Trust, allowing

selected high-end advertisers to share traits and device matches to strengthen their knowledge

of known customers’ interests and behaviours beyond their own data pools.


LOTAME • Independent DMP that was started way back in 2006.

• Similar to Krux, initially focused on the publishers’ market, but has since expanded more to brands.

• Known for their excellent customer service and support, plus flexibility, ease of use and value.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

We might want to rent data sometimes.

Who should we consider and what are their capabilities?

Renting profiles and data is likely to be a core component of any brand’s push into

addressable advertising. It is unlikely that you will own all the data required to meet

your addressable advertising objectives. No matter how much or how little data you

are required to rent from third parties, a key criteria in your partner evaluation should

be the willingness of these partners to share some information that will allow you

to enrich your own profiles.

The walled gardens such as Facebook and Google are unlikely to negotiate

on data pass-back.

Partners can be broken into two categories:

For the most part, publishers are also data partners

(e.g Facebook, MCN), essentially because they own the channel

or platform where they are collecting the data and they are

developing profiles for those that engage.

But there are also some data partners that have no publishing ability.

These third-party data providers provide profiles of users ranging

in scale and breadth based on local market penetration. Examples

include Acxiom, Bluekai, Lotame, Datalogix, Experian, TruSignal,

Alliant, IXI and comScore.

Data will include consumer behaviour, interests, demographic and

psychographic variables as well as inventory-specific data such as

brand safety, context and relevance. The data can be bought via

programmatic and applied universally across a digital campaign, to

target relevant users and evaluate their relative value to the advertiser.




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The Future of Advertising Addressability

The Current State ofAddressability in Australia

The Future of Advertising Addressability

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The Future of Advertising Addressability


As the search market in Australia is dominated by Google,

addressability in this space will continue to expand as Google

expands its capability. As it gains scale, it is in a prime

position to dominate the addressability category.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Customer MatchAdWords Customer Match lets you show ads to your customers

based on data about those customers that you share with Google.

It is a useful advertising tool for many business goals, from

increasing brand awareness to driving performance.

When you could use this:

• Optimize your campaigns by adjusting your bid based on what you know about your customers’ activities.

• Sequence messaging, or provide more relevant messaging based on pages viewed on your website.


While Bing lacks the scale of Google, the acquisition of LinkedIn

by Microsoft (which owns Bing) could provide both targeting

and addressability opportunities specific to B2B marketers

that Google is lacking.

Customer Match is not available on Bing yet. We can do

re-marketing but not any type of matching.

The Future of Advertising Addressability

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Digital display/video

The addressability capabilities discussed on the following page indicate

what is offered by various publishers if you were to rent profiles. If you

have a DMP then your digital display advertising can be addressable

using your owned data, and executed across these channels.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Google Display NetworkIn September 2016 Google announced that it will be rolling

out cross-device re-targeting across its display network. So now

if a user comes to your site on their mobile, you can re-target them

on a desktop. This helps with frequency capping, messaging

and negative list exclusion. This functionality is expected to be

available in late 2017.

Also expected in 2017 is the ability to use your customer or

prospect data (emails) to identify users and serve advertising to

this user across multiple devices and browsers – this capability

is currently available from Google on YouTube and as a Gmail

sponsored promotion only.

Customer Match — YouTubeUse the emails of existing customers or prospects and find those

people when they are on YouTube. Once created you can advertise

and track responses across any device. A maximum of 75 million

email addresses can be uploaded. A minimum of 1,000 matched

email addresses are required to serve.

When you could use this:

• Nurture a prospect by communicating the brand story or

product information in a highly visual and sensory channel.

Google Sponsored Promotion (GSP)Use the email for existing customers or prospects and find those

people in Gmail. Once created you can advertise in Gmail on

desktop in any browser and on mobile in the Gmail app. The same

minimum and maximum criteria apply as per Customer Match.

When you could use this:

• Cross-sell products to existing customers if response rates

in regular emails are declining.

Similar audiences (YouTube and GSP)Find people who are similar to your customers or prospects by

building a look-alike audience from email lists (first-party data).

A similar audience will only be created from a minimum of 5,000

customer matches.

When you could use this:

• Always-on support to boost volume of visitors or converters.

Currently limited to YouTube and Gmail.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Significant targeting capabilities with their reach and partnership

with Quantium and Telstra.

However, there are no addressability capabilities to rent – you must

have your own DMP.


Audience match/syncThe partnership with Microsoft provides Mi9 with incredible

precision and scale as they leverage the 15.3 million Microsoft

authenticated users (Outlook, Skype, etc). Like Facebook and

Google they can identify and target the individual across any

device or browser.

Like Google’s Customer Match, you can match your customer/

prospect email addresses and target these individuals across

their network.

When you could use this:

• Tell a brand or product story to an existing customer across

multiple channels to encourage cross-sell.

Audience look-alikeFind people who are similar to your customers or prospects by

building a look-alike audience from your email lists (first-party data).

When you could use this:

• Acquisition campaign to bring in new customers that resemble

your most valuable customers.

Audience insider:Think of this as re-targeting, but with added insight. By placing

a pixel on your site, every site visit is then mapped backed to their

IDs, allowing you to see a profile of your website audience. This

can be used to influence your re-targeting strategy and messaging.

When you could use this:

• The site browsing behaviour does not provide enough insight

to craft the re-targeting messaging.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Email targetingCustom audiences from email addresses allow advertisers to

use their encrypted CRM data to target or exclude their existing

users. They support any email address domain, and can trigger

an ad regardless of whether the user is logged in. To protect

personal data, encryption is automatically applied by the

platform or the advertiser.

Additionally, Yahoo!7 provide access to exclusive Brightroll data

within the Brightroll DSP. These include exclusive access to Yahoo’s

data sources like mobile analytics, email, user registration, search,

Yahoo apps, and content consumption, plus partnerships with

other data providers such as Eyeota and Inivio.


Audience matchThe partnership with TEG gives Fairfax access to 12 million+

MyTicketek members, again providing them with authenticated

profiles across device and browser.

You can match your customer or prospect email addresses

and advertise to these individuals across their network.

When you could use this:

• Tell a brand or product story to an existing customer across

multiple channels to encourage cross-sell.

NEWS LIMITEDThere are significant targeting capabilities with their reach and

partnership with Quantium but addressability is limited to logged

in users or panel members. However, this lacks scale.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Digital display/video — Social

Social channels have the significant advantage of being built off the

requirement for an authenticated profile because of their logged-in states.

As they gain scale, they are in a prime position to dominate the

addressability category.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


All Facebook addressability functionality is available across their display and video inventory.

Custom audiencesUse the email or mobile numbers for existing customers or prospects and find those people in Facebook. Once created you can advertise and track responses across any device.

When you could use this:

• If your response rate in traditional 1-2-1 channels such as

email is declining.

• Support and encourage purchase for prospects with more

content-driver advertising for those who have inquired but

haven’t yet purchased.

Custom audience from your websiteSimilar to custom audiences described above, but this time you don’t need an email or mobile – simply re-target visitors to your site. This is like all other re-targeting, but in Facebook, there are enhanced behavioural traits you can use to refine your treatment strategy.

• Frequency: how many times someone does a certain thing,

like visit a page.

• Time spent: how much time someone spent doing a certain

thing, like exploring a website or viewing a specific page.

• Dynamic date: a range of dates the person has shown

interest in, like for a flight or a hotel reservation.

• Aggregated values: total amount a person has spent.

• Devices: including Android, iOS devices, desktop and

other mobile devices.

When you could use this:

• Sequence messaging or provide more relevant messaging

based on pages viewed on your website.

Look-alike audiencesFind people who are similar to your customers or prospects

by building a look-alike audience from your website visitors

or customer audience lists.

When you could use this:

• If current visitors to your website have been converting

at a high rate – but volume in your current channels is declining.

• Always-on support to boost volume of visitors or converters.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities

INSTAGRAM Same as Facebook


Matched audiences — listsUse customer or prospect emails and find them for advertising

on LinkedIn.

When you could use this:

• Support and encourage purchase for prospects with more

content driver advertising for those who have inquired but

haven’t yet purchased.


Tailored audiences — listsUse customer or prospect emails or Twitter handles (if known) and

find them for advertising on Twitter.

When you could use this:

• Exclude your existing customers from an offer you want to

advertise to a new audience of potential customers.

SNAPCHAT No capability – too early in the product.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

TV – Broadcast linear

Broadcast, linear TV will NEVER be addressable due to the nature of how

it is distributed – a single signal. The networks are working to make their

targeting abilities more granular and on local hard drive solutions, which

will dramatically change the landscape.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Foxtel (or MCN, as their sales division) has partnered with Quantium

to enrich their segmentation and create more granular segments –

50 segments in total.

The main difference between their segmentation and any other

network is that the Quantium data contains actual purchases not

claimed using NAB credit card data and the Woolworths Everyday

Rewards card data.

The actual viewing data of the 210,000 Foxtel panel is combined

with the actual purchasing data from Quantium and modelled

out across the entire viewer base. The profile of every ad break

is modelled against this data to optimise placements using the

Landmark platform.

Sky AdSmart in the UK is the model that Foxtel will look to follow

with household addressability.


Seven utilizes industry data, such as Nielsen, matched to OzTAM

viewing data to create their buying segments. This is facilitated

via TubeMogul/Adobe. Segments are created based on advertiser

target and availability of data.


Not currently available, but Nine have announced a move into

programmatic TV in 2017. Data could be linked to their digital

offering and partnership with IGA and Metcash to provide similar

segmentation to Quantium.


Currently Ten do not provide segmentation beyond OzTAM for

trading. As they are part of MCN with Foxtel, they will move into

programmatic and adopt the same segmentation (incorporating

Quantium data) in 2017.


SBS utilizes industry data, such as Nielsen, matched to OzTAM

viewing data to create their buying segments. This is facilitated

via TubeMogul/Adobe. Segments are created based on advertiser

target and availability of data.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

TV – Video on demand and catch-up services

The video on demand and catch-up services for all networks have the

ability to deliver addressable advertising. All of these services require a

logged-in state, and should track at an individual viewer level what viewers

are consuming. The opportunity to link these authenticated profiles to

other digital profiles will unlock the capability to plan journeys across both

the web and TV.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities

FOXTEL GO Similar targeting ability exists to Foxtel linear with the use of

Quantum through MCN.

TENPLAYNo current data offering, but looking to include segmentation

based on Telstra customer profiles in 2017 via its relationship

with MCN.

PLUS7 Demo, age and location targeting available, but limited in how

targeted you can go, due to inventory volume.

NINENOW Demo, age and location targeting available, but limited in how

targeted you can go, due to inventory volume.

SBS ON DEMAND No data offer currently.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Outdoor – Digital

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Adshel has created a beacon network that allows advertisers

to push messages to consumers via its app. Advertising can

only be pushed to its own app users, so is only possible for

brands that have a large number of customers using their apps.

The advertising is compliant to iOS and Android privacy

policies, which means that the user must have opted in to

receive these notifications.

The same technology can be used for listening, to gather

data and plan broadcast advertising based on the information

gathered from app users.


oOh!’s partnership with Quantium promises to allow advertising

the ability to target audiences using their transaction and

behavioural data matched with oOh!’s geographic data.

This geo data coupled with Quantium purchase information allows

sites to be recommended based on the propensity of a target

audience to be living in those areas.

oOh! also has the tech capabilities to trigger digital sites based

on camera recognition, as seen with its campaign with Porsche,

where billboard creative on digital sites was triggered to play

when cameras recognised Porsche vehicles approaching.

Triggers for creative can also be tied to other data sources,

such as weather conditions or time of day.

Finally, oOh! also has the technology to deliver messages

to consumers who they know are actively engaging with our

small-format panels. This can be achieved via the Excite network

(in the retail environment) where facial recognition technology

is able to determine things like gender, approximate age bracket,

and facial emotion. This information can then be used to influence

material rotation based on how well received creative is through

the facial emotion recognition.

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


Val Morgan’s DART 2.0 software (Digital-outdoor Audience Real Time)

is positioned as the most intelligent outdoor measurement system

in the market. It tracks those who view your advertising by age,

gender, time and number of views. Val Morgan has used this data

to create 18 demographic profiles to help with audience targeting.

Using these age and gender profiles as triggers, advertising can

be served based on real-time audience data that the DART AMD

(Audience Measurement Devices) detect, as well as overlays of

historical data from each site.

On sites where AMD are not installed, historical data from other

panels in centre or mapped from the 30% of locations that do

have AMD capturing data can be used to set timing and daypart

parameters for ads to be served.

Val Morgan will grow installation of AMD to the majority of its

panels going forward, with a further rollout later this year.


Similar to oOH!, QMS has access to both Geo-Emma data as well

as a data partnership with Zetaris, which allows each site to be

profiled with richer audience insight. Sites selection can be then

bought based on this propensity information vs advertisers, key

audience targets.


APN is following suit to the other large-format suppliers (APN, QMS)

and offering deeper audience insight into its sites using Lexar

and Trendwise location analytics. Site selection can now have this

overlay of audience data.

As with APN, digital inventory can also be triggered with camera

recognition, as shown with its campaign for Lexus.


JCDeacux will be launching a new insights platform called Codex

this year. It is also partnering with Data Republic and will have

access to Westpac transactional data as part of this agreement.

This provides the ability to overlay this transactional data with

JCDeacux’s Orbit platform (a geo-spatial mapping tool using

multiple databases including Emma), to deliver greater campaign

optimisation and targeting across its network.

Yes, on some inventory

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Music streaming

Given the service is provided digitally and the majority of users utilize

the free (non-authenticated) streaming, the format offers significant data

opportunities. Digital audio produces large volumes of data including time

of day, location, device, operator, age and gender. Additionally, a user’s

mood can be inferred, by tracking genres they are listening to, and user

activity at any given time (such as commuting, at the gym or relaxing).

Publisher Addressability Data capabilities


A range of targeting and contextual advertising capabilities

are offered, such as sequential messaging re-targeting across

all Spotify platforms. These services are, however, very limited

as they are only based on their listening behaviour – no purchase,

off-platform or other data can be used.


Pandora can offer addressability based on declared first-party

data for logged-in users. This includes age, gender, geographic

location or postcode and email.

The email component enables advertisers to do a first-party

data match with Pandora data.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Appendix Data source

QUANTIUM A data analytics company that is part-owned by Woolworths and has access to transaction data

from the supermarket chain’s stores as well as NAB transactional data and RP property data.

GEOEMMAgeoemma enables the provision of audience profiles at the local-area level for proximity marketing,

including side- by-side comparison of locations, location ranking by spending potential and market

coverage analyses.

ZETARISA data analytics company that is part-owned by Westpac and that offers a raft of data-sorting and

management products that clients can utilize to take unstructured data, such as email and social media,

and make accessible alongside the structured data in company databases and data warehouses.

TRENDWISE Trendwise provides internet-style visitor analytics and customer insights for the offline world using

Trendwise Sensor or existing Wi-Fi networks to measure traffic at a given location.

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The Future of Advertising Addressability

Co-authored by Elizabeth Geor and Susan Lyons