Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heard and two chil- dren nre taking thelr vacation in Mich- igan. Doh Langston. completion report clerk. Memphis, was a Sunday vlsitor in our fair citv. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE CHAFFEE, MO. ANNA GOLDEN, Reporter Mrs. E. A. Barnett wife of 8 Foreman at ~aruth&sville No. gone to Denver, Colo.. to 'spen summer. We are putting In seven mil ings on the Jonesboro Sub on hi& WO. 61. Just completed an extension t passing track at Menfro, Mo., will now hold 110 cars. Our Extra Gangs at Menfrc Ste. Genevleve are busy apl stone ballast and restoring tra normal condition after the floc Mr. Peter Burr is working at tus. Mo., in the absence of Mr. Stanley, who is away on his tlon. The ditcher is workln~at G cleaning out cuts that caved in ing the recent heavy ralns. Mrs. F. A. Rathburn of l Bluffs. Mo.. is v i s l t i n ~ friends and tives at Jefferson City, 110. ection h~n the cross- :hway River Division is right to the front with her special trains; we had one' June 12th for the Cardinal game in St. Louis and another the 17th for "Lindy's" reception. Both mere well patronized by Southeast Missourians who desired to attend these events. Alvin Xlages. cashier at the freight house enjoyed a meek's vacation spending the time in Omaha and othe; western points. M. E. Gesi and Roadmaster Ellis re- - Ila dsk visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Long: In Fort Scott during the holidays. Mrs. W. R. McDonough spent the past Week !n St. Louis having her teeth 'treated. Trainmaster's Offlce :o the which 3 and plying clc to >ds. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cooper are vaca- tioning for a month in California V. E. Hopkins is relieving him as night train- master. Fes- k L. vaca- W. V. McAdams and son wlll leave real soon for L vacation in New Orleans and El Paso, Texas. W, 5. Johnston 1s rellevlng W. J. Lud- wig at Pocahontas. &k. while he Is act- Ing &=I agent in the absence of J. D. Boyd Who Is taking a vacation. "Pap" Adams, engineer, attended the Veteran's rcunion and then spent a few vith home folk rtt Thavrr, Alo . Hopkinn ~ttended the telegraphers ltion which wa held In St. 1.0111s =ek of May 9. Mrs. Hopkins and k7ent up to :-ttc4 the 1 nnn~let and given a t the Chase Hotel. Greishaber, second trick operator, In on the job after enjoying a week ting and fishlnr nrOund Pestrls. NO. cently motored to St. Genevleve to spend week end with thelr respective famllies. Gesi said it was a flne trip with the exception of some extremely muddy roads and have to fix a few flat tires. Bert AIcAllen and Cletus Prlce re- cently merit Bundnv in St. Louis and ravois I dur- llvend up tho nld town. Divlslon KnKincer G. W. Koontz has moved his famllu to Chaflee and I WESTERN DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DEPARTN WESTERN DIVISION-EN1 - Our Slogan - Boost or Blot dws \ 1 ' . E conver the WI Ililly .i dance Ben Is agal of hun Jam1 timn r Ralph distrib XI. 1 from hren v 111. a provin will occupy the property vacated by former Divislon Accountant L. W. Pip- lcln. 1% V. Thompson and Russell C. Bennett have been added to the en- g i n e c r l n ~force. If all the boys get in at one time some body is golng to have to work in the corridor. Operator Norbert Spaulding, who hns been workinr at Rlstheville for some time pald the otTice rr vislt on the 16th. James Mbraan has accepted R place with the Silteston station force and rupects to make the move rerrl soon. Ralph Stcvens will succeed hlm as rlr tracer In the tralnmaster's of- e3 Mor~an has accepted the posi- 1s warehouse clerk at Sikeston. Stephens is now worklng as car CAJIPBELL and CABIPBELI Reporters ~utor in this Offlce. H. Stnbhlefletd has returned home Collinsville, Illlnoia where he has vith his hrother, who has been very re are sorry to say he Is not Im- g a s rapidly as could be wished. Thompson and famlly drove to 3 to spend Decoration Day with es. and Mrs. R. J. Robinson and daunh- he1 Mae have returned from a visit wacola. Florlda Ahout two weeks ago Mr. S J. I appeared on the scene with a'bran straw hat which was quite all rld when he showed up just a few da with another and much lamer st caused some comment. A commltt d111v7pnointrd to flnd or~t wh-8 1.1 pened to cause the increase in hen and thev were informed that the1 a arandson in the familv and th: enounh to make any man's head Conmatulations. anA we can all out for a new president one of dav-. or another "Lindv." Ada Dillon, the keeper of the clerk's desk. was forced to take : tended leave of absence due to and expects to recuperate In Co Durins her absence Maraery wll care of the chief's desk and Miss Schomalter will look after the 1 that ocrnr ;n thr orfico of the d endneer. We xre a11 verv m ~ c h with Clara and welcome her in family and hope a nermnnent nln be found for her when Ad? returne will prohahly keep us advlned a s progres- in Color~doand we wil the ~ o o d hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu 18 asnin working In the Chaffee office while some of the telegraph force are en- joying vacntfons. Conductor and Jlrs. H. V. Ch~nt- ham have returned from short visit to St, Louis whcre they wrnt to iittcnd the commencement e~erciscs Of Wash- inaton Universitv, their son, Bert, qrnrluatinr In lax;. Elizabeth Grieshaher and Anna Guethle spent the recent holidays In St 1,ouis txkina in all the good shows Burl Illinois relntiv Mr. . ter Et in Pel r,- re. a9 tom^ the YC Barks. tor he - ~. - -- es Oliver Is the name .selected for mnp son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mr. Barks Is third trick oDera- re. and Mrs. P. C. Baker and son ino- to Gxllatin. Mo. on .June 11 to spend davs. Mr. tored ( a few an e Illne! lord 1 td Cla vorri Iviqi andpshopplng. - Mrs. Paul Krueger has bcen enter- taining her sister who motored down Mrs. Mt. Vt fee fa1 lister Hunt and two children of rrnon, Illinois are visiting In Chaf- - a month. Mr. Hunt was former- with friends from Joplin, 310. IP em Mr. nfter ' funera They Alexar nfrs. 1 31~4. vlsited cently. Mrs. from I viaitin Ilton. mothe Miss Center Colleg~ ~10vedhere. - - and Mrn. T. C. Moore are at home hcinn to %rin~fleld to attend the 1 of Mrs. Moore's slster-in-law. OFFICE OF 8. & B. AND MAIN- TENANCE OF WAY CHAFFEE, MO. EVA WRAY. Reporter. W. .J. Alsobroolc and crew are now bull din^ n section house 2.t Stc. Gene- vleve which they expect to complete about the 10th. were accompanld home hy F. G. ~der, of Detroit, Mlch., a brother of J. J. Wehling. wlfe of dispatcher, I her mother in Calro, Illinois re- Junior arrived at the home of 11 Mrs. Waltrr Settlcs. June 4th. beinr our hassageman. and It 'I?. J. Odom has returned home Detroit. Mich. where she has been g: her dnunhter Mrs. Harold Ham- Mrs. ~ a m i l t d naccornpanled her r home for the summer. unanimous opinion that the YOun is ace hiah. Blanche and Harrlet have just re from spending a meek visltin~ wi folks a t home. They hoth repol verv aood time. and would llke ..--~. - We are getting the piling in for 1927 bridae work. Have 400 ~illna on hand and driver runnlna steadily. M.xteria1 is being unloaded at Blythe- ville to ~ u t In s new standnrd wa- turn1 th tl rted to l Lizetta Wehling attended the ~nial celebration a t Lindenwood e. St. Charles. Mo. agaln soon. Mr. K. 0. Daunhtrey, trainmaate family are vacatlonins in Californ' course thry are havlna a most en: trlp and will have lots to talk when he returns. You folks should see how very attra tive the grounds around the offices Enid are beginning to look. The Ian beds of flowers that were recently set 0 are coming along in very flne shape, a1 with the added improvement of a ve teF- crank so vassen~er trdns ran take water whfle doina thelr statlon work, going elther north or south. Scction Foreman H. E. Langley has resumed work at Blytheville, Ark., after havlng becn in the Frisco hos- pital for several weeks. Mrs. Harvey Polk and son, Hnr- vey Jr.. of Turrell, Ark. are spend- lnq'their vacation in Birmlnghaln and Linevllle, Ala. Mr. H. G. Harmon, who has been extra gang foreman on the Ch~foe sub since 1922 has left this 1)lvlslon and is now Estrn. Gane I'oremnn wjth tr, n la. ( lOYat abo Freight .House and Alrs. John Simpson and chll- 3rove to Anna. Illinois spend the y and see the damage done by the flood. Mr. drcn I hollda recent Nor,d has been received here of the rge of Miss Helen Slpes, daughter ,. and 3Tr.i T. .T, Sines of Olney, , to a young man also of that clty. ipea was formerly assistant cashler i offlce. Their many Chaffee frlends the young couple much happlness. and Mrs. Charles Allen visited rela- md friends here this month. Charles 3 one of our former "boys." and Mrs. A. W. Fay and Alvln a attended the veteran's reunion eport the usual good times. and Mrs. Alvln Klaaes and chll- #pent the last two weeks visltlng in uka Ynln 7223 Res. Walnut 401 Nicely Furnished Rooms-Hot & Cold Blthl Louis Koleas & Co. FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT FOR LADIES AWD GENTLEMEN 508 S. Main St. MEMPHIS, TENN the system Steel ~ a n g . An extension track is beln~ con- structed at Caruthersville. 110.. to serve the Caruthersville Canning Company and will be ready for uFe at an early date. Also. a storage track Is belnir 1,ut In at Blytheville. Ark.. to take care of the cotton buslness In that vicinity. Mr. Klage and R nrr. dren I Nehra

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu

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Page 1: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heard and two chil- dren nre taking thelr vacation in Mich- igan.

Doh Langston. completion report clerk. Memphis, was a Sunday vlsitor in our fair citv.



Mrs. E. A. Barnet t wife of 8 Foreman a t ~ a r u t h & s v i l l e No. gone to Denver, Colo.. to ' spen summer.

W e a r e put t ing In seven mi l ings on the Jonesboro Sub on hi& WO. 61.

J u s t completed an extension t passing t rack at Menfro, Mo., will now hold 110 cars.

Our E x t r a Gangs at Menfrc Ste. Genevleve a r e busy apl stone ballast and restoring t r a normal condition a f t e r t he floc

Mr. Peter Burr is working a t tus. Mo., in t he absence of Mr. Stanley, who is away on his tlon.

The ditcher is w o r k l n ~ a t G cleaning out cuts tha t caved in i ng the recent heavy ralns.

Mrs. F. A. Rathburn of l Bluffs. Mo.. is v i s l t i n ~ friends and tives a t Jefferson City, 110.

ection h ~ n the

cross- :hway River Division i s r ight to t he f ront

w i th her special t ra ins ; w e had one' June 12th for t he Cardinal game in St. Louis and another t he 17th for "Lindy's" reception. Both mere well patronized by Southeast Missourians who desired to attend these events.

Alvin Xlages. cashier a t the freight house enjoyed a meek's vacation spending t h e t ime in Omaha and othe; western points.

M. E. Gesi and Roadmaster Ellis re-


Ila d s k visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Long: In Fort Scott during the holidays.

Mrs. W. R. McDonough spent the past Week !n St. Louis having her teeth 'treated.

Trainmaster's Offlce

:o the which

3 and plying clc to >ds.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cooper are vaca- tioning for a month in California V. E. Hopkins is relieving him as night train- master.

Fes- k L. vaca- W. V. McAdams and son wlll leave

real soon for L vacation in New Orleans and El Paso, Texas.

W, 5. Johnston 1s rellevlng W. J. Lud- wig a t Pocahontas. &k. while he Is act- Ing &=I agent in the absence of J. D. Boyd Who Is taking a vacation.

"Pap" Adams, engineer, attended the Veteran's rcunion and then spent a few

vith home folk rtt Thavrr, Alo . Hopkinn ~ t t e n d e d the telegraphers ltion which wa held In St. 1.0111s =ek of May 9. Mrs. Hopkins and k7ent up to : - t t c 4 the 1 nnn~let and given a t the Chase Hotel. Greishaber, second trick operator,

In on the job after enjoying a week ting and fishlnr nrOund Pestrls. NO.

cently motored to St. Genevleve to spend week end wi th thelr respective famllies. Gesi said i t was a flne t r ip with the exception of some extremely muddy roads and have to fix a few f la t tires.

Bert AIcAllen and Cletus Prlce re- cently merit Bundnv in St. Louis and

ravois I dur-

l l v e n d u p tho nld town. Divlslon KnKincer G. W. Koontz

has moved his famllu to Chaflee and I WESTERN DIVISION


d w s \ 1'. E

conver the WI Ililly .i dance

Ben Is agal of hun

Jam1 timn r Ralph distrib

XI. 1 from hren v 111. a provin

will occupy the property vacated by former Divislon Accountant L. W. Pip- lcln. 1% V. Thompson and Russell C.

Bennett have been added to the en- g i n e c r l n ~ force. If al l t he boys get in a t one t ime some body i s golng to have t o work in the corridor.

Operator Norbert Spaulding, who hns been w o r k i n r a t Rlstheville for some time pald the otTice rr visl t on the 16th.

James Mbraan has accepted R place with the Silteston station force and rupects to make the move rerrl soon. Ralph Stcvens will succeed hlm a s r l r t racer In t he tralnmaster 's of-

e3 M o r ~ a n has accepted the posi- 1s warehouse clerk a t Sikeston. Stephens is now worklng as car CAJIPBELL and CABIPBELI

Reporters ~utor in this Offlce. H. Stnbhlefletd has returned home Collinsville, Illlnoia where he has vith his hrother, who has been very re are sorry to say he Is not Im- g a s rapidly as could be wished.

Thompson and famlly drove to 3 to spend Decoration Day with es. and Mrs. R. J. Robinson and daunh- he1 Mae have returned from a visit wacola. Florlda

Ahout two weeks ago Mr. S J. I appeared on the scene with a 'bran straw hat which was quite all r l d when he showed up just a few da with another and much lamer s t caused some comment. A commltt d111v 7pnointrd to flnd or~t wh-8 1.1 pened to cause the increase in hen and thev were informed that the1 a arandson in the familv and th: enounh to make any man's head Conmatulations. anA we can all out for a new president one of dav-. or another "Lindv."

Ada Dillon, the keeper of the clerk's desk. was forced to take : tended leave of absence due to and expects to recuperate In Co Durins her absence Maraery wll care of the chief's desk and Miss Schomalter will look after the 1 that ocrnr ;n thr orfico of the d endneer. We xre a11 verv m ~ c h with Clara and welcome her in family and hope a nermnnent nln be found for her when Ad? returne will prohahly keep us advlned a s progres- in Color~do and we wil the ~ o o d hrod along

'raakr d new ~ t , but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w

SWP nmt, thc


flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu 18 asnin

working In t he Chaffee office while some of t he telegraph force a r e en- joying vacntfons.

Conductor and Jlrs. H. V. C h ~ n t - ham have returned from short visit to St, Louis whcre they wrn t t o iittcnd the commencement e ~ e r c i s c s Of Wash- inaton Universitv, the i r son, Bert, qrnrluatinr In lax;.

Elizabeth Grieshaher and Anna Guethle spent t he recent holidays In St 1,ouis t xk ina in all the good shows

Burl Illinois relntiv

Mr. . ter E t in Pel


re. a9

tom^ the YC Barks. tor he

~ - ~. ~ - - -

es Oliver Is the name .selected for mnp son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.

Mr. Barks Is third trick oDera- re. and Mrs. P. C. Baker and son ino- to Gxllatin. Mo. on .June 11 t o spend davs.

Mr. tored ( a few

an e Illne! lord 1 td

Cla vorri Iviqi

andpshopplng. -

Mrs. Paul Krueger has bcen enter- taining her sister who motored down

Mrs. Mt. Vt fee fa1

l i s t e r Hunt and two children of rrnon, Illinois are visiting In Chaf- - a month. Mr. Hunt was former- with friends from Joplin, 310.

IP em Mr.

nfter ' funera They Alexar nfrs. 1

31~4. vlsited cently.

Mrs. from I viaitin Ilton. mothe

Miss Center Colleg~

~10ved here. - - and Mrn. T. C. Moore are a t home hcinn to %rin~fleld to attend the 1 of Mrs. Moore's slster-in-law.



W. .J. Alsobroolc and crew a re now bull din^ n section house 2.t Stc. Gene- vleve which they expect to complete about the 10th.

were accompanld home hy F. G. ~ d e r , of Detroit, Mlch., a brother of

J. J. Wehling. wlfe of dispatcher, I her mother in Calro, Illinois re-

Junior arrived a t the home of 11 Mrs. Waltrr Settlcs. June 4th. beinr our hassageman. and I t

'I?. J. Odom has returned home Detroit. Mich. where she has been g: her dnunhter Mrs. Harold Ham-

Mrs. ~ a m i l t d n accornpanled her r home for the summer.

unanimous opinion tha t the YOun is ace hiah.

Blanche and Harrlet have just re from spending a meek v i s l t i n ~ wi folks a t home. They hoth repol verv aood time. and would llke

. . - - ~ . - ~

W e a r e ge t t i ng the pil ing in fo r 1927 bridae work. Have 400 ~ i l l n a on hand and driver runn lna steadily.

M.xteria1 is being unloaded a t Blythe- ville to ~ u t In s new standnrd wa-

turn1 th tl rted to l Lizetta Wehling attended the

~nia l celebration a t Lindenwood e. St. Charles. Mo.

agaln soon. Mr. K. 0. Daunhtrey, trainmaate

family are vacatlonins in Californ' course thry are havlna a most en: trlp and will have lots to talk when he returns.

You folks should see how very attra tive the grounds around the offices Enid are beginning to look. The Ian beds of flowers tha t were recently set 0 are coming along in very flne shape, a1 with the added improvement of a ve

t eF - crank so v a s s e n ~ e r t r d n s r a n t ake wa te r whfle doina thelr s ta t lon work, going elther north o r south.

Scction Foreman H. E. Langley has resumed work a t Blytheville, Ark., a f t e r havlng becn in the Frisco hos- pital for several weeks.

Mrs. Harvey Polk and son, Hnr- vey Jr . . of Turrell , A r k . a r e spend- lnq ' the i r vacation in Birmlnghaln and Linevllle, Ala.

Mr. H. G. Harmon, who has been ex t r a g a n g foreman on the C h ~ f o e sub since 1922 has left this 1)lvlslon and is now Estrn. Gane I'oremnn wjth

tr, n la. (

lOYat abo

Freight .House and Alrs. John Simpson and chll- 3rove to Anna. Illinois spend the y and see the damage done by the flood.

Mr. drcn I hollda recent

Nor ,d has been received here of the rge of Miss Helen Slpes, daughter ,. and 3Tr.i T. .T, Sines of Olney, , to a young man also of that clty. ipea was formerly assistant cashler i offlce. Their many Chaffee frlends the young couple much happlness. and Mrs. Charles Allen visited rela- md friends here this month. Charles 3 one of our former "boys." and Mrs. A. W. Fay and Alvln

a attended the veteran's reunion eport the usual good times. and Mrs. Alvln Klaaes and chll-

#pent the last two weeks visltlng in uka

Ynln 7223 Res. Walnut 401 Nicely Furnished Rooms-Hot & Cold Blthl



the sys tem Steel ~ a n g . An extension t rack i s b e l n ~ con-

structed a t Caruthersville. 110.. t o serve the Caruthersville Canning Company and will be ready for uFe a t a n early date.

Also. a s torage t r ack Is belnir 1,ut In a t Blytheville. Ark.. t o t ake care of t h e cotton buslness In t ha t vicinity.

Mr. Klage and R

nrr. dren I Nehra

Page 2: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu

nice lawn, we are looking dressed up for a fact.

We are still handling fruit trains from Avard to West Tulsa, handled 362 cars during the month of May against 92 the month of April and 108 cars during May of 1926. So far thls month have handled 123 cars against only 106 cars for the entire month of June last year.

Believe we are all set to handle the wheat business. The new wheat started to load several days ago.

C. D. Brewer, dispatcher, has been flsh- Ing again, and Carl reports some luck. of course. If there is anything tha t Carl llkes better than fishing, wc don't know it.



V. L. THOiMAS. Reporter

The accounting department, which has hitherto depended on the kindness and skill of the reporters of the transporta- tion department, will. commencing with this issue, submit i ts own news. V. L. Thornan having been appointed the of- Rcial reporter. May we introduce Mr. Thomas hy the brief statement that he wme to us from the southwestern divi- sion. with the re-establishment on May

'16th of the positlon of completion report clerk.

Miss Mabel Cunningham, our proflclent steno-clerk, has just returned from a short vacation profltably spent in Chi- cago. Having now learned the trafPic regulations of that busy clty. Mahel re- ports that on future visits there will be no d:mser of her being again tapped by a moving taxi.

Golflng holds a great attraction for division accountant C. U. Allen. When he phones Mrs. Allen to "have a sand- afch reads" i t is understood that he picks up the sandwich in passing hia residence after 5 p. m., joins division storekeeper John Walker, who carries a ~im~lar pnckr~ae. and together they pro- ceed to the golf course. I t is reported that in lieu of supper they ea t their sand- wiches while walking between holes, the Idea belng to waste no tlme upon un- necessary matters.

One of the best gardens in Enid faces :he back door a t the residence of J. R. Sickles, hfll ond vmrchei. c l ~ r l i .Tncli. how- ever, relates the worms therein being very numerous, he enticed the sparrows to his rarden I)y feedinr: them Idrd seed so that they would ea t the worms. Now he doesn't know which are the most destruc- tire the snarrows or the worms.

During the absence of 3Trs. D. 9. Thornton, who is visiting relatives In St. Louis. Mr. Thornton has seen flt on some occasions to ask the reporter to his home u hid guest. Mr. Thornton evidently has wne orlrinal ideas about brealtfast a s he served soup.

On the western division we have a vet- vr3n who alnravs seems to "net there" in ppite of discouraaements. We should be tickled If he would visit the other divi- $Ions. His name is -

PERCY "Oh, Percy," cried a friend to me,

"What are you doing there-- Up In the top of tha t high tree.

Where people a t you stare?"

"And Percy, howe'er dld you climb A tree so tall and slick?

Pray, spare a moment oP your time, And let me know the trick "

I shouted down, "No trick a t all, Just has a trick's appearance,

You see I climb and do not fall, Because I'm Perseverance."



IVA SEWELL, Reporter - H. R. Glascock, the Fort Worth re-

porter, is a patlent a t the Sherman hos- pital a t present. We wish you a speedy recovery, Hobart.

Floyd Baldwin spent several days the latter part of May visiting in his home a t Boynton. Okln. He uxs acco w v i c d on the trip by Mildred Baldwin, daughter of Bert Baldwin, who works in this de- partment.

E. E. Glascock has returned to work after being off several days account of sickness.

John XcKinstry had the misfortune to lose his suit case in Dallas. Texas, on his return from SUDD~Y ca r triD. He explains it by say in^ he-v& riding in a car and it fell off of the running board.

Followina employes are patients a t the Sherman hosnital a t nresent: Dale Cab- tree. machinist appr6nticG Glen ~ u n n . cal.man: A. 1,. Lawrence, switchman. and W. H. Rohlnson. stationary flreman.

E. V. Nasfleld. of the claim depart- ment, Fort Worth, was a Sherman vis- itor hlay 15.

Lee McDuffie of Ennis, Texas, is in the Sherman hospital a t present. He Is the son of Harve McDuffie, statlonary flreman. Leo as a t one time employed as accountant in this office. W e wish him a speedy recovery.

Have been requested to report tha t the following made up the train crew that brought the Fort Worth Special to Sher- man for the Texas Lines picnic, held here May 30: Bnglneer, J. C. McLean; flre- man, Geo. A, Madden (engineer): hrake- man. N. A. Jones: conductor. Thomas Jordan. Mr. 0. H. McCarty was in charge of the special train.

In thls connection will say tha t the only thing tha t kept our picnic from be- ing a big success was tha t G. w. Koontz, former division engineer of the Texas Lines, but now of Chaffee, was not here to help eat the long promised fried chicken furnished by the stenographer.

Page 55



R. M. McGLASSON, Reporter - Vacation time is again here, tracer

clerk Castle has just returned from his and reports such an enjoyable time.' saya he would like another about July 1st

Miss Maloney who was one of the &en- o g r a ~ h e r s in the office has moved lmclc t o s<. Lollis and Miss Iies has taken he; plnce. Miss Ilea is also of St. LOUIS.

The western thoroughbred RRsorlxtlon close: their race meet on the 4th of June the Friscd' was featured verv nrorn! inently there being-set--&?de' y h a k d w , June 2nd as "Frisco" day. there being presented to the winner of the "Frlscij Derby" a silver cup and a very beautiful bouquet of hlg red roses. The races of the afternoon were: The J. W. James purse: The 0. H. Reid nurse: The F. A. Connell purse: dnd Thk 3fi.k~ 3 f a r j o s O 'nr~on purse. Sonw of the horses were kept here and we are havina three dave of -racing this week.


We regretted very WITII to lose Mr. Ar- nett of the passenger department buQ hope his change was for the better anQ wish him every success in his new place..


C I T Y , O K L A . ' - J. K. DAVIS. Reporter -

We mlssed giving our readers an news, from this part of the Frisco in tl?e last issue. but we are right on the soot this: - time.

First of a1 I want to tell you about the wonderful time we had on our Frlsco. cluh picnic, May 27th. which was a fointa. celebration of the Frisco cluh, chapter No. 4 of Oklahoma City and the employ- ees of the mechanical department. The. picnic was preceded by- n big parade- through the town, lead by a motorcycle police squad, which consisted of 102 floatsL and automobiles of Frisco employees at- Oklahoma City. I am sendlng you en--

tion" - you control --- - the speed by the ..-7- - amount you save

,&~;~2 - - monthly. Star t now. "Safety First Operation"

THRIFT ACCOUNTS Monthly installmema on bash of $5.00 and up particlpate In dlvldend earnlngs on

regular basls. IP needed, savlngs are suhject to wilhdrawal vith accumulated earnlngs on short notice. INVESTMENTS

Investment certificates hued upon payment of $500.00 and up In muitlples of $100.00 and earnlog 8% per annum, wlth the dlridond payable In cash January and-.Tuly oP each sear, or the dlvidind may accumulnte and compound aemi-annually at the same rate. So membenhlp Pee.

MAIL TODAY Without obligation on my part , please send your literature.

I Name ...................................... .. ....................................................... 1 I Address ............................................................................................................. I RAILROAD BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION D K , ' ; $ j A ~ u ~ ! ~ ~ ~ s

Anthortred Cnpttnl $5.000,000 W. M. WHITENTON, Actire Pr.8. J. F. LEHANE. Vice-Prea. J. C. GILBERT. Yicc-Praa. and Sec'y

Page 3: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu
Page 4: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu

July, 1927 Page 57

Harrln. The usua l c igars a n d candy s e r e dlstrihilted.

Tulsa Is Miss Emelia Kalt Ale clerk who left on June lGth for ~ a A e t t wherk she will spend a few days prior t d a n extend- ed trip through California and on the Pacific Coast,

Mr. E. L. 'Cl'illsey, Car Foreman, West Tulsa, also left on his vacation on June 16th. Mr. Willsey will spend his time in AIediclne Park, Government Reservation, near Lawton, Okla., where the Ash run in schools.

Mr. Tim Wilson, Car Inspector at Altus. has been granted a sixty d a y leave of absence, effecLtive J u n e l s t , account t rans- act ing personal business. Mr. Wilson has been relieved by Mr. F. E. Harshaw. for- merly Inspector a t Wes t Tulsa.

Southwestern Division accident preven- tlon meeting was held a t Wes t Tulsa in the oflice of the Master Xechanic on Tuesday, June 14th.

Engineer A. Wortman is awav on leave of absence, at tending R. of L. E . Conven- tion, a t Cleveland, Ohio.

Mrs. J. M. Cheek is a w a y on vacation

Bliss 0ma- dams, former s tenograph- er to t ra inmas te r a t Oklahoma Citv. has retunned to Sapulpa a s s tenograph- er to t ra inmas te r a t t h i s noint. Miss Adams is well k n o w n at-Sjll;uGa, hG; ina worked severa l positions here.

JIrs. H. A. Van Ness h a s been elccted nresident o f t h e auxi l ia rv to Veterans. Thcse women a r e d e e ~ l f interested in - - .-- F!.isco a f fa i r s a n d rendei. valuable se r - vice with the i r h e a r t y co-operation.

M. E. Gleckler. a g e n t a t Wellston has accornpanled h is w i f e to S a n ~ i e : go. Mrs. Glcckler h a s been confined to the hospital in Oklahoma a n d i s be ing take11 to a s a n i t a r i u m in S a n Diego for treatment. 0. L. Haddon i s a c t i n g agcnt a t TSrellston d u r i n a Mr. G:eck-

three days. Xonroe Mitchell, a live wire on the

dock, has been off for several days ac- count sickness. Be glad to see him back agaln.

Everybody concerned w a s s o much de- lighted AIonday morning. J u n e 13th, to greet the following posted on the board:

BEST REC,ORD-FETEST ERRORS The f o l l o n m ~ letter from Mr. 0. L.

Young, Superintendent of Terminals: (Personal)

- . Icr's absence. BIr. E. G. Shedlebar. ticlint rashier- -. -. . - - .

telegrapher, a t ~ i n i t a , and--wife, a r e cnjoylng a n extended t r i p to Cali- fornla. They wil l be gone t h i r t v days. stonoing a t var ious f o i n t s of in te res t in Canada.

Nr. J a y Decou, Drop P i t Foreman, W e s t Tulsii. Is a w a y on vacation.

Mr. F. L. Brite, main line hostler help-

whiie enroute. , - ~ -

"&Ar. C . H. Hensley, Agent: I have a ropy of Freight Clalm R e -

vention Bulletin No. 132. which shows OFFICE SUPT. T E R M I N A L S

W E S T TULSA, OKLA. er, has been Issued leave of absence. ac- count of vacation. tha t Tulsa has made t h e ' b e s t record of - - ~

Mil iT. ~ . - ~ o l e i ' Inspector West Tulsa and hls Forcl coupe, had a n Lrgument witl; a Ford truck by,!he High School a t Sa- Duloa. Henrv's Henrv." however. looks

shipments handled for the last periG,arid I want you to please tell your organiza- tion tha t it is very gratifying, Indeed, t h a t thev have secured th!s nennant. and I a m

EDNA A. WOODEN, Repor te r

Mr. W a l t e r E. E a g a n mas ~ r o m o t e d to General Yardmas te r J u n e 7th vice Mr. 3. B. Vander ford , who w a s i r a n s - ferrred to t h e South End. The bes t wishes of the en t i re Tulsa Termina l go with Mr. Vander ford to h i s new lo- cation, and W a l t e r h a s a hos t o f f r iends hcre who wish him a wor ld of success

iike i t came k u t ahead 'in the argument^ a s i t was in the best shape when it w a i

very glad to know tha t they 'are Inter- ested so a s to make thls kind of a record. Please tell each and Cvery one how much all ovcr.

Fireman A. C. Bell has returned to work this is aonreclated. and ask that thev after being away for a considerable time.

Account of pulling off Henryetta Switch- er, Engineer Saner is back with us again, worklnx off W e s t Tulsa board. We are

continue to keep the good work up whlch I know thes will, bemuse T thi;lk you have a n excellent organization." in his new duties.

Xr. Lynn C. Hal loway h a s been a s - signed a s Steno-Clerk. W e a r e g lad to Ilavc this y o u n g m a n in o u r mids t a n d wish him much success.

Mr. G. D. Smith. Yard Clerk. i s off o n

clad t 6 have hlm back. a s we had al- ACCOUNTING D E P A R T M E N T h o s t forgotten what he looked like; he had been a t Jlenryetta so long.

Firemen Taler. Robbins and Hale have C. P. HENSLEY, Reporter been sen t back - to S ~ r i n ~ e l d . beinc c u t his vacntlon, which h e s a y s ivas badly

nceded. Dlvislon Accountant, R. E. Pipkln, spent several days in St. Louis the week of J u n e 13th to 19th.

Traveling Accountant, J. C. Chenot of St. Louis. spent several days thls week in Sapulpa, checking Bills and Vouchers. Mr. Chenot was =companied by his wife.

H. E. Fariss, who was appointed As- s is tant Bill and Voucher Clerk, reported for dutv J u n e 13th. Mr. Fariss came to this office from the office of the Divlsion Accountant, Memphis, Tennessee. The

of? West Tulsa Rremin ' sex t r& boa& -~

Fireman T. A. Pickens Local Chair- man for B. of L. F. & E'.. has been off

~ ~ . . . .- Our Balt Club came near w i n n i n g a

game Tuesday, J u n e 16th. T h e score being one to no th ina . f a v o r t h e T e x a s attending meetinc of brotherhood of fire- - --- -

men in Sprlnglleld. Engineer C. C. Prescott, Wes t Tulsa

has been granted leave of absence ac; count of illness.

Company'# nine. s u c h ball p l a y i n y a s thls 1~111 p u t o u r boys in t h e s h o w i n g y e t The g a m e las ted f o r eleven in- nmw.

3lr. C. L. Pender, of Mr. Johnson's office, w a s recent ly a v is i to r a t T u l s a Terminal.

Mr. W. P. K e n t Depot T i c k e t A g e n t visited w i t h re la t ives in Missouri, l a s i wcek.

Mr. H. 0. Long, Yardmaster , i s o n thirty-days' leave of absence which tlme he i s spending w i t h r e l i t i v e s i n Kentucky.

Mrs. 0. L. Y o u n g a n d daughter , W11- ma, a r e Visitlng re la t ives a t H a b a n a , Kansas.

T U L S A W A R E H O U S E -

W. A. RYLANDER, Reporter - When the J u n e issue of The Magazine

had been looked over by our Foreman, Frfd Bashe he said:

You kndw, i t does look like to mc somebody in the gang of Afty men or more ought to hbve get-up enough about them to see to i t tha t this warehouse has a write-up occasionally. I t seems every warehouse on the Svstem can break

Mr. Dale A. Young, Per formance Clcrk, h a s re turned f r o m F o r t Smith Arkansas, w h e r e he s p e n t severa l day; visiting h l s p a r e n t s a n d bro ther . Xlr. J. H. Rodle relieved Dale d u r i n g h is absence.

One J u n e 10th. a to ta l of 4,304 c a r s were handled T u l s a Termina ls d u r i n g a twenty-four hour period.

Another improvement to T u l s a Term- Inal is the complet ion of t h e n e w s tock yards, which a r c located n e a r R e d Fork.


L. A. MAGIC, 0. R. TUCKER, Reporters

i n t o - m i n t but Tulsa." - - - - - ~ ~~- - l+om tha t I take It very few .of the

Frisco employees a r e acquainted with us. Thls first at tempt will Introduce the "of- Ace bunch." -

Fred Bashe, the General Foreman, how- ever, must be pret ty well known. One would readily thlnk so to hear hjm get a f t e r the Yardmaster over the Dhone. and a few minutes later on the dutside directing hostilities with 'the snakes.

Hy-Cho! That's the Assistant Fore- man. Lon B u d . Twice daily Hi pockets Slim, Shorty, etc., etc., and should one fail to answer to this roll call somebody is sure cu t off t h e pay roll for tha t da.-.

Allen Lewis, the 0. S. & D Clerk says things on his desk a r e like 'the &ather man says, only difYerence "102 degrees in the shade and no shade." 0. S. & D:s and all w o r k H e seems t o think if the f a t chickes would check the stuff a s t h e W. B. reads would help him out mate- riallv.

TRAVEL FOR "UNCLE SAM" $158 to $925 month. Every semnd week &-full p~y, Comrnan educnllon sflrlent. Wrtle IN3WDIATELY for free 32-nore hook mlrh snedmen eoaehln# and I t s t of U 9. God1 ~ o s l l ~ o n v obtvlnnble by men nnd women IR and up. F R A N K L I N INSTITUTE, Dew L-230. Rochester, N. Y.

The first of the pleasure seekers from t h e office of the Master Mechanic a t Wes t


s ince A. C. Carl s i ts on the opposite side of the F. desk as clerk, h e has lost one leg off of his glasses. He's there with the dope any t ime you call for hlm, and leaves a clear desk every evening.

How tha t receiving clerk, Bert Martiu. does receive when a n L. C. L. shipment shows up, tha t in all respects should go C-L. Usually he checks up the shipment.

R . M. McLemore the good Cherokee Scout and seal cleric, seems to have lots

And they snap on. No seu.in,- necessary. Detach- able, too. Pilcher Bachelor Buttons are meat in an emergency. A strong but- ton for constant use. If dealer cnn't supply, send his name and 25c for full as- sortlnent of 3 colors. 3 sizes.

IER MFG. CO., Inc. Louisville, Ky.

Get your favorite michine at a savinu of 40% to 60%. Latest models Underwoods. .. - - -~

Royals. L. C. Smiths, R&&%ons, remanufactured hke new from top to bottom 5-year arantee. 10 dam free Irfal. Sold direct on $2 rnontft"ly payments. Write for latest catalog-FREE

PI LCH Dept. 4202

Page 5: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1927€¦ · the ~ood hrod along 'raakr d new ~t, but vs ago raw It ee mos A hq- d #I2 "l= w rt w SWP nmt, thc chl flce Operator W. V AIcAdamu

Page 58 ~~/TQw ~ M P L O ~ S ' ~ ( Z A I C ~ ~ B Z ~ N E July, 1927


Peter Adamson Coal and Mining

Company Mines Located



Tulsa - - Oklahoma

Official Frisco Ambulance




Nichols Transfer & Storage Co. DISTRIBUTORS OF CAR LOADS


North Boulder and Friaco Rlnht-of-Way Phone 2-1117 & 2-11 18 TULSA, OKLA.

1 Oil Flyer Cafe 1 A Good Place To Eat

15 North Main Street Tulsa, Okla.

B A R N S D A L L Be Square PetroIeum Products

3 Modern Refineries






Oklahoma Steel Castings Co.


Railroad, Oil Field and Commercial Caetinge in


Tulsa, Okla., Box 658



and Use a Bonded Company for Your Baggage


White Line Baggage OPERATES


Phone 20151 TULSA. OKLA.

S u M d l a v Barnsdall Corporation Executive O#I3cem General Sales O1IBees

Petroleum Building, Tulsa, Okla. 624 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

For AU Purposes -Under All Con- ditions - Every- where - KEIRITE - G i v e s U n- equalled Service.

Phone 4-0221 Wholesale Prices


I SAMPLE FURNITURE SHOPPE I W e Buy for Less and Sell for Less