The Flame March / April 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 The Flame March / April 2011


  • 8/7/2019 The Flame March / April 2011


    The FlameThe magazine of Christ Church

    Rev. Shane BishopSenior Pastor

    Rev. Allen MillerAssociate Pastor

    Donna HarrisonEditor

    Justin AymerDirector of Communications

    Service TimesSunday8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm


    Barbara GermanyProof Reader

    Christ Church339 Frank Scott Pkwy EFairview Heights, IL 62208618.277.4659

    For a complete listing of the ChristChurch Staff and to learn more aboutChrist Church please visit:

    Copyright 2011, Christ Church.Questions about the Flame?Contact Donna Harrison at:[email protected]

    A Note From The Editor

    Lamentations 3:22-23(NIV) Because of the LORDS great love we arenot consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every

    morning; great is Your faithfulness.

    The Lord remains faithful in all of life. I can be assured that He wilbring the Spring rains along with a host of new life springing forth fromthe trees. He is especially faithful when I give my whole life to Him; myhusband, children, grandchildren, nances, time, fears, pain and sinMy desire is to be a faithful steward of all He has blessed me with. Mayyou too trust Him this Spring with all you have and all you are.

    In Christ,Donna Harrison

    Contents3 Woman At The DumpsterBy Karen and Marvin Steinke

    4 The World As I See ItBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    5 Spotlight On Ministry6 What You Need to Know about Gods MissionBy Demian Farnworth

    7 MissionsBy Janet Baechle

    8 Driving Down The DebtBy Brian Safarian

    9 Getting To Know You

    10 StewardshipBy Larry Weber

    11 Giving GenerouslyBy Rev. Allen Miller

    12 Easter: A Beautiful DisasterBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    13 Imagine No MalariaBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    14 Passion 2011By Rev. Don Frazure

    15 Watch Us Grow

  • 8/7/2019 The Flame March / April 2011



    Woman At TheDumpsterBy Karen and Marvin Steinke

    As our taxi drove the dark, muddy streets of RioBlanco at midnight, that fateful Friday night inNovember 2003, my life changed forever. There shewas, a young Honduran woman with a child strappedto her back, digging in a dumpster looking for food

    for herself and child. I asked myself, why, how, andon and on the questions keep creeping around in myheart and mind. As we approached our hotel, withclean sheets, decent food to eat, hot water and a/c,the woman at the dumpster kept her vigil in my mind.As the week progressed, she stayed with me, neverleaving my thoughts or my heart. Honduras is a verypoor country with a handful of rich but a mountain ofpoor people with little or no food. Unemployment ishigh; gangs prey on the young children by promisingmoney and food for acts of violence and crimes. It is

    hard to imagine that in a world of plenty and a worldof waste there are those with so little. Soon our weekwas over and back to a world that was far differentthan the one we just experienced in Honduras . Thewoman and her child made that trip home with me inmy mind. Finally I prayed that God would showme what He wanted me to do about her and manyothers like her. Marvin and I both knew deep down inour hearts that God was about to open doors for us,and there was no question that we were going throughthem. The question is simple and so is the answer:Is there need in the world? YES!! Does it have to be

    in Honduras where you are obedient to Gods call?No, it could be anywhere. But for us, Honduras waswhere Gods obedience spoke to us. It doesnt mattewhere in the world you nd a place where your heartmind and soul can put those who are less fortunatebefore the Nike shoes, diamond tennis bracelets, newSUVs, etc. You get my drift, obedience to Gods calfor us to care for the least of these could be downthe street, around the corner or around the world. Weinvite you to come with us to Honduras; experiencethe OTHER side of life, life without hope, a life withoutfuture, a life without. Let Gods call scream at youheart, mind and soul. There will always be NEED inthis world, but those of us who are willing, able andcheerful can make a difference.

    John 21:15-17

    Dios Le Bendiga (God Bless You)

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    The World As I See ItBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    As we emerge from a snowy winter and build towardthe excitement of Easter, I have four strategic prioritiesI would like to share with you for 2011.

    Hole in Our Gospel Study. During the six weeksleading up to Easter, we will encourage our entire

    congregation to participate in one of our many studiesand small groups that will explore the Richard Stearnsbook The Hole in Our Gospel. This provocative bookcasts a compelling vision of what an obedient churchcould do to truly change the world!

    Driving Down the Debt. Though we will not be in aformal capital campaign from March 2011 to March2012, we have placed a church goal of raisingone million dollars in the next year to drive downour debt. A thousand dollars applied to the principalright now will save us thousands of dollars over the

    life of our loan. You will hear much more about thisin the weeks to come as we strategically move frommortgage to mission.

    Prepare for the Maryville Campus launch. Wehave been approved by the Illinois Great RiversAnnual Conference to open our rst multi-site campusin the Maryville YMCA on September 11. We are inthe process of putting together an excellent leadershipteam and we will need at least 100 pioneers to help

    give us initial critical mass. Much more is coming onthis exciting shift in our growth strategy but for nowplease keep this in your prayers.

    Easter Sunday. Our 2010 Easter Sunday attendanceof 2,282 set a new worship record at Christ Churchbut we are preparing for an even bigger Easter thisyear! Easter has become one of our two primaryevangelistic Sundays each year (along with ChristmasEve) and the more people we have in attendance, the

    more people there are for God to reach! It is not tooearly to invite someone to join you!

    God is moving here in dynamic ways! Keep prayingattending, giving, serving and invitingwe are alreadyhaving an incredible year of connecting people toJesus Christ!

    And Thats the Worldas I see it

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    Spotlight OnMinistry


    Christ Churchs Good Neighbor Family Missions looksfor ways the entire family can serve the Lord side byside. Were creating local mission opportunities soeach able-bodied member in your family can pitch in.Theres nothing more gratifying than serving besideyour parents, children, and church family! GoodNeighbors show Gods love by serving down the halland around the corner. We have helped members ofour own congregation who truly needed Gods helpinghands to tackle some home upkeep projects. Wehave reached out into the community to show Godslove to those who may not otherwise know how much

    He loves them. We have built swing sets, paintedporches, raked leaves, removed dead landscaping,washed windows, and readied gardens for the winter!We have hosted a t-ball game and hot dog lunch forlocal foster and under-resourced children. Thesewonderful children were taught the game of baseballby 4 members of the Gateway Grizzlies baseball teamand a few members of the Christ Church TournamentTeam. Most recently the Good Neighbor FamilyMissions group teamed up with our parish nurses to

    host a Be The Match bone marrow donor registrationdrive in the hopes of being able to save lives in thefuture! Whats next? We are very excited to say thaGod has provided a way for the Good Neighbor FamilyMissions group to help in the community in a big wayRebuilding Together, Inc. is a national organizationthat provides volunteer home repair and renovationservices to qualifying home owners. They are a nonprot 501 (c)(3). Each April Rebuilding TogetherInc. has an annual rebuild day. On April 30, 2011

    Christ Church will emerge upon as many homes aswe possibly can, as only we can! Rebuild TogetherInc. is very happy to have us on board with them thisyear and has promised us as many homes to repairand renovate as we can handle. We will be lookingfor volunteers with all skill levels. At each home sitewe will have people from our church that specialize inconstruction leading us in repairs. Also needed arecleanup crews, painters, landscapers and everyonein between! If this sounds like a great way to geyour hands dirty for God, contact Amanda Cates [email protected] or 618-402-7408.

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    What You Need toKnow about GodsMissionBy Demian Farnworth

    There is a lot of talk these days about living the gospelor being the gospel as if we ourselves are the goodnews. Trouble is the gospel is not something you do.

    Its something you announce and that announcementboils down to this: For God so loved the world that Hegave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes inHim shall not perish, but have eternal life.

    Moreover, Gods chosen us to participate in that goodnews. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus said, Go into all theworld and make disciples of the nations.

    If youre like me, that makes me a little nervous. Imnot particularly fond of talking to people, let alonesharing the gospel. The reason why? I dont trust my

    capacity to get it right. What if I fail?

    Deal is I wont fail because before Jesus said, Go intoall the world... He said, All authority has been givento Me in heaven and on earth. To demonstrate theutter totality of this authority, Jesus said elsewhere,

    This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that Hehas given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the lastday. John 6:39

    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and theyfollow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and theywill never perish; and no one will snatch them out ofMy hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, isgreater than all; and no one is able to snatch them outof the Fathers hand. John 10:27-29

    You did not choose Me but I chose you. John 15:16

    Its clear: This is Gods mission and He gets His man

    He is the hound of heaven. He is faithful and HeWONT fail.

    Furthermore, Jesus talks about this mission usingthe language of conquest: When a strong man, fullyarmed, guards his own house, his possessions areundisturbed. But when someone stronger than heattacks him and overpowers him, he takes away fromhim all his armor on which he had relied and distributeshis plunder. Luke 11:21, 22

    In other words, Satan is defeated. Its in view othis sweeping domination over evil Jesus says, Gotherefore and make disciples of the nations.

    In the end, what you and I thought was a gruelingagenda is actually a pleasant privilege because thethreat of failure has been removed. Jesus has pinnedthe enemy down. All we have to do is loot his houseThat, in itself, is pretty good news.

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    MissionsBy Janet Baechle

    United Methodist Women inherit the vision and toil ofwomens missionary societies of eight denominationssince 1869. Its 140-year legacy started when theWomens Foreign Missionary Society rst organizedin Boston in response to a lack of womens health inIndia.

    As the new president of the United Methodist Women(UMW), I join with the ladies of Christ Church tocontinue the vision of serving through mission giving.

    The UMW is not funded by the Church; we earn allthe money we give to missions with three fundraisersa year. The rst two are rummage sales held in theSpring and Fall. The rst sale is Thursday, April 7 from8 a.m. 4 p.m. and Friday, April 8 from 8 a.m. 2 p.m.The second sale is Thursday, October 6 and Friday,October 7 with the same hours. All we ask is that youbring items that are usable, not stained or damaged.

    Our third fundraiser is a ham and bean dinner withdelicious homemade corn bread and desserts. Weprovide a childrens menu of hot dogs, macaroni andcheese and beverages.

    UMW donates to the following mission organizations:Network of Caring, AWANA, Vacation Bible School,Parish Nursing, Youth Summer Mission Trips,Belleville Christian Center, Fairview Heights Food

    Pantry, Christian Home Care Services, McKendreeCollege Scholarship Fund, Hospice of SouthernIllinois, Family Hospice, Ronald McDonald HouseIllinois Fire Safety Childrens Camp, ViolencePrevention Center, Salvation Army, Beacon, ChristianActivity Center, CASA, Fischer House, Feed MySheep Ministries, Redbird Mission, HendersonSettlement, Cunningham House, Lessie Bates DavisNeighborhood House, Lydia Juico in the Philippinesand Sue Givens, a missionary with Samaritan HandsSchool in Paraguay.

    UMW also provides funeral dinners for families of ourchurch. What a wonderful way to show our love fothem when they need it most.The ladies of Christ Church have fun and fellowshipon the fourth Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.mCome and join us. If you really want to have somefun, help us with our rummage sale or the ham andbean dinner. We can always use more hands. Youwill certainly make friends with your involvement.

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    Driving Down

    The DebtBy Brian SafarianOn March 6, 2011, our Change the World capitalcampaign that began three years ago will come to anend. I want to thank everyone who has contributedto the campaign; while it has been very successful,we will still have $5.5 million in building loan to pay.Our monthly payments will be approximately $42,000a month, which for the last 3 years has been paid byyour contributions to the capital campaign.

    We needed to develop a vision and plan for how tohandle this debt. After much prayer and consideration,we have decided on the following 4-year strategy.

    The rst part of this plan is to pay $10,000 of the debteach month from your regular tithes to the church.The Finance Committee has a plan to incorporatethe entire loan payment into the operating budget by2015.

    The second part involves taking a year off of the typical

    3-year capital campaign routine and just concentratefor one year (from March 2011 to March 2012) DrivingDown the Debt. The decision to begin one more3-year capital campaign in 2012 will be made at theend of this year.

    As we think about our debt, we need to think about whyits important that we pay it off as quickly as possible.Theres always something to be said about keepingyour nancial house in order. However, I believe it

    goes much deeper. I truly believe we cant do thework God has called us to do if we are saddled withthis debt. In order for us to achieve what God intendsus to do, we need to have the appropriate nanciameans.

    To help prepare all of us to achieve this vision, we havelaid out several tactics in which we can all engage.

    1) Rev. Shane is asking all of us to participate in theLenten Study of The Hole in Our Gospel. This wilhelp us all see what God has called us to do.2) Rev. Shane will preach a sermon series this summeon Gifts to help us gain a deeper understanding of

    Biblical giving.3) We are going to ask everyone to take a personanance class to help get our personal nances in orderWe will offer a short 6-lesson course in Sep Octthat will teach us Gods principles of stewardship anddebt reduction. Then in Jan Mar, a more intensivenancial management course from Dave RamseysFinancial Peace University will be offered. I plan toparticipate and hope that you also consider attending4) During every month that has 5 Sundays, in additionto our normal offering, we will take a special offering topay directly on the debt.

    Finally, we plan to keep you updated on our progressvia several methods; The Flame Magazine, e-newsFacebook, the bulletin, and worship services.

    God has done many great things here at ChrisChurch over the 10 years that I have been a memberbut I believe the best is yet to come. I am excited toexperience what God has in store for us over this nextyear!

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    Getting To KnowYouName: LuAnn BeemJob Title: Ofce ManagerJob Description: Primary function is to oversee allactivities of the main church ofce. This includesmaintaining a cheerful, organized and friendlyatmosphere for all who enter the ofce area, meetingthe needs of guests, volunteers and congregationalmembers, scheduling all church events, andmaintenance of ofce supplies and equipment.

    Tell about a favorite event of your adulthood/

    childhood. I have two events. One would have to be

    Christmas out at my Grandparents farm. This wouldbe a great celebration of the Birth of Jesus. Grandmawould have cooked for days and everyone wouldreturn home for the holidays. It was, over the riverand through the woods to Grandmas house we wouldgo. The next would be Easter sunrise service at theEdmore Methodist church in Edmore, North Dakota.Here we would hear that Jesus is Risen, Risen indeedand the very small choir (maybe 20) would ll theLords house with Up from the Grave He Arose. Ican still hear Billy Hodus singing.

    What is your greatest accomplishment? I wouldhave to say my children. Kelly graduated fromKendall College in December of 2009 and Michael justgraduated from Marquette University in December.We have been truly blessed that they both have jobsand are on their way.

    What is your favorite food? My favorite food isanything Mexican. I am a big nacho and taco fan; justask my husband and kids. They have been known toset a limit on how many times they will go with me to

    a certain Mexican Restaurant in Millstadt.

    Who do you admire? I would have to say my parentsBill and Kay Martin. They showed me how to be astrong Christian and to love the Lord with all my heartMy dad taught me my work ethics. My mom taughtme patience and how to have a Servants heart. Theyalways traveled the distance to make certain mychildren didnt feel left out from having grandparentsat a special event in their life. (Sixteen hours by cawas just a days drive.)

    What is your favorite part of your job? I love datainput in ACS, the church software program. Whenthe Flame Goes Green letters started to come in, was in my element. If you havent returned your letterplease do, as I am keeping a running total on howmany people return them!

    What was the worst job you ever had? I am not sure

    this was my worst job but it was a job that I wasnt verygood at. Gas Station Attendant, this was back in theday when all the stations were full service and for $5.00you could purchase 8.5 gallons of gas. My job wouldconsist of washing the car windows, checking the oiand lling the gas tanks of all the customer vehiclesThe only problem I had was sometimes I would havetwo or three vehicles at once and I would forget thegas cap. I would forget this because I was alwaystalking. Thank goodness I had my only transportation(a bicycle), so I could pedal down to the store or postofce and put the cap back on before anyone knew. was really fortunate that I knew all the customers andmy dad was the general manager of the grain elevatoand gas station. (Job security)

    What is your motto? Let no one ever come toyou without leaving better and happier. Be the livingexpression of Gods kindness; kindness in yourface, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smilekindness in your warm greeting. Mother Teresa

    Where are you from? I am from North Dakota

    Born in Devils Lake and raised in Buxton. (pop. 350farming community)

    Which sport do you like? I like golf. It is alwayschallenging. When summer comes around youcan see me hurrying to play Ladies League onWednesdays or Couples League on Fridays at theRidge Golf Course in Waterloo.

    Contact LuAnn: [email protected]

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    StewardshipBy Larry Weber

    I remember so distinctly the decision to tithe ourincome. Many had suggested I should do so-myaccountability brothers, Rev. Shane, and those in mySunday School classes. I had read about tithing foryears but with seven children, poor personal nanceand a constant need for more money at the end ofour month, there was no way I thought I could affordto tithe. I already tithed my time; I tithed my talents;but my money? How could God ask that of me whenHe knew we had all those kids to support? Nancyschildcare was already caring for too many childrenin addition to our own. I was a school administrator;where would I get additional time to work for additionalfunds to cover what tithing would take from ourbudget? We didnt even own our house at the time.

    Then we decided we had no choice; God insisted.

    He insisted at a time in our lives when we couldleast afford to do so. Sure enough, He opened thewindows of Heaven for us. In Malachi 3:8, He says,I will pour out a blessing so great you wont haveenough room to take it in! Try It! Put Me to the test!I have tested Him and He is faithful when I am.

    Check out the newFlame Magazinestand in ScriptureHall.

    You can always pick up a hard copy of theFlame Magazine in Scripture Hall.

    Get the digital editions

  • 8/7/2019 The Flame March / April 2011



    Giving GenerouslyBy Rev. Allen Miller

    In Scripture, Jesus talks a lot about money. Sixteen

    of the thirty-eight parables of Jesus are about howto handle money and possessions. In the Gospels,one out of ten verses deals directly with the subjectof money. The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, lessthan 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,000 verseson money and possessions.

    Money is important. Theres no getting around it. Allof us have had some kind of taste of money. When Iwas 18 I was a waiter at Red Lobster here in FairviewHeights. Those were the days! After working thenight shift at Red Lobster, I used to rush home (I had

    school the next day), run into the house, run up thestairs and bang on my parents doors around midnight.Id barge in and toss all of my money on the bed andsay, Look at all of this money and I get to keep it!Then Id toss about a hundred dollars on the bed withsomething like 65 one-dollar bills and so on.

    In the midst of our wrangling and dealing with moneywe are invited to think generosity and give generouslyIn 2 Corinthians, Paul makes his appeal for giving tothe church: a farmer who plants only a few seeds wilget a small crop. But the one who plants generouslywill get a generous crop. You must each decide inyour heart how much to give. Dont give reluctantlyor in response to pressure. God loves a person whogives cheerfully. Give a little, you receive a little. Givea lot, you receive a lot. God will provide us with manyopportunities to be generous. In fact, God will soenrich us that we can become even more generousWe have the opportunity as a church and as a peopleof faith in general to glorify God through our generousgifts. This does not mean that giving is the only wayto glorify God. Not at all Scripture does say: givinggenerously glories God.

    Tap into, participate in Gods generosity. Give andwatch the joy follow. As your associate pastor,

    tithe and do some additional giving, special offeringsand the like. Giving only begins as a money issueGiving is a spiritual issue a gauge on the strengthand depth of our relationship with God. Giving is afaith issue giving speaks to our belief, trust, relianceand commitment to God. Last, giving is a heart issueGiving identies whats in our hearts and why. Givingis about so much more than money. Gods provisionsare joined together with our efforts, our work, ourgiving. Giving doesnt make us extra-spiritual. Bugiving does focus us on the spiritual.

    There is joy in giving; giving is a spiritual gift! InRomans 12, the Bible teaches: God has given eachof us the ability to do certain things well If you area teacher, do a good job of teaching. If your gift is toencourage others, do it! If you have money, share igenerously. Giving generously is the follow-throughfound in Gods climate of generosity and abundanceBy giving faithfully to Christ Church, you help establisha church seemingly without limits. Or, you canestablish a church with fewer limits. We can conneceven more people with Jesus Christ.

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    Easter: A BeautifulDisasterBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    Our center sanctuary window was created by artistKen vonRoenn. We invited Ken to feel the energyof Christ Church and then produce an original art

    work for the new sanctuary that opened in December2007. Ken wrote, I wanted to nd a theme that wouldallow for an expression that conveyed the feelingof joy that I believe is a unique characteristic of thecongregation. I decided to use the theme of Creation,for it allowed me to develop an imagery of movementthat was energetic and uplifting so as to representthis feeling of joy. The swirling colors suggest theformation of life. Scattered throughout these swirlingcolors are small clear areas, which are faceted glassjewels, representing the stars of the universe. I hope

    these designs adequately convey this theme as wellas embodying the enthusiastic joy of the congregationof Christ United Methodist.

    We were excited about the installation of our roundwindow and there was a lot of enthusiasm when aphotographer showed up to mark the occasion for uson November 27, 2007. The rst three panels wereinstalled slowly but without incident. I went home forthe day and assumed I would arrive the next morningto see the completed window in its splendor. But thatevening, while the nal panel was being installed, the

    unthinkable happened. While the installers were ontop of the scaffolding, wresting the window into place,we had a brief electrical blackout and the sanctuarywent dark. The installers couldnt see where to sitthe glass; it hit the scaffolding and the pane of glassshattered. The installers hurriedly took the nal paneldown, loaded it back into the truck and sped back toKentucky. For the entire Christmas season, we had75% of an art window. It was a disaster. One daywe received a call from Ken vonRoenn who said theshattered glass had held its integrity and was arguably

    even more beautiful than before. Rather than createa new panel of glass, Ken suggested shattering theother panes of glass as well. I was suspicious atbest; when the previously shattered panel arrived,I walked into the sanctuary expecting to hate it andprepared to stop the project in its tracks. I could nothave been more surprised. The pane was beautiful!It was innitely more interesting and complex than ithad been before and the artists made short work ofshattering the other three panes of glass. The central

    feature of our sanctuary is a beautiful disaster.

    Palm Sunday had seemed so promising. Jesusrode into Jerusalem and the people cried, Hosannablessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!It seemed salvation history was about to be installedand then the whole thing shattered. Jesus wasbetrayed by Judas, arrested by the Temple Guardbrought before the High Priest, paraded before theRoman Governor Pilate and condemned to death. Ona Roman cross, Jesus cried, It is nished! and thehope of the world was dead in His grave. But thencame the third dayand up from the grave He aroseEaster is a testimony to what God can do with a totadisaster! Perhaps your life or the life of someone youlove seems shattered right nowif so, just take a goodlook at our window on Easter morning. God can makeeven the worst disasters into something beautiful!

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    Imagine No MalariaBy Rev. Shane Bishop

    This year in Africa, 800,000 people most of themchildren, will die from malaria. In these days and times,

    it seems inconceivable that a tiny insect, the mosquito,can do so much physical damage and cause so muchpersonal heartache. (

    Malaria is a disease of poverty that is within the reachof the world to completely drive from the planet.The United Methodist churches of the Illinois GreatRivers Annual Conference are joining with people ofgoodwill around the world to wipe out this disease.

    I have been asked by Bishop Palmer to be a majorplayer in the worldwide effort to eradicate malaria by2015. We will take up a special offering at Easter toget this emphasis started at Christ Church! This isa reachable goal and we invite the people of ChristChurch to give generously!

    Our Easter services this year will be held on Saturdayat 5:00pm and Easter Sunday at 6:30am (traditionasunrise in the chapel) 8:00am, 9:30am,11:00am, and6:00pm.

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    Passion 2011By Rev. Don Frazure

    For the rst time in my life, I look forward to Easter asmuch as, if not more than, Christmas. Why? Becauseover the past couple of years at Christ Church, wehave taken Holy Week and expanded it to HolyMonth! Our goal is to give Easter as much attentionas Christmas. The church through the centuries hasheld the week between Palm Sunday and Easter tobe the holiest time in our church year. A few yearsago we noticed that many people were missing out onthe importance of holy week because for most peopleSunday is when they go to church. We began to thinkwhat it would look like if we presented the events ofEaster as a series spanning over 4 or 5 Sundays.The result has been an Advent for Easter seasonthat begins three weeks before Easter and concludesone week later. This lets us present the events of

    Holy Week on consecutive Sundays when we havethe most potential of reaching the most people forChrist. It can be confusing if you are looking at yourwall calendar and see Palm Sunday as April 17, yetwe are celebrating it on April 3, but this gives us agreat way to prepare our hearts for Easter. Just besure to make note of the dates listed below and mark

    your calendar accordingly. The schedule for Passion2011 is as follows:April 3 Palm Sunday (Worship)April 10 Passover Sunday (Communion)April 17 Passion Sunday (Crucixion)April 24 Easter Sunday (Resurrection)

    May 1 The Road to Emmaus (Communion)

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    Watch Us Grow

    New Members--------------------------------

    JanuaryKevin J. Young, Jackie D. Young

    FebruaryJudith A. Abbott, Allison N. Bartle, Alyssa S. Bartle,Austin M. Bartle, Braeden A. Bartle, Mark S. Bartle,Mary Birchenough, Peter Birchenough, David Bitner,Marcy Matson Bitner, Carla Brown, Logan FredrickBurgess, Val Burgess, Robin Burgess, Vince Butler,Matthew Denny, Mistie K. Denny, Anita Doermann,

    Chuck Doermann, Dody Ganim, Barbara Givens,Carl Ed Givens, Jarrod Klier, Jenna Klier, CharlesMichels, Deanna Michels, Daniel Nelson, ChristineNelson, Natalie Painter, Melinda A. Peach, MelissaPeel, Gary Peel, Camille Sexton, Richard Sexton,John Suryk, Kimberly Tinge, Philip Tinge, DawnUntch, Lea Dawn Wallace, Linda Whitworth, HaroldWhitworth, Dee York, Steve York


    JanuaryNolan Henry Ballard

    FebruaryLogan Fredrick Burgess

    Member Passings--------------------------------

    Jack E. Hurst February 5


    --------------------------------January Worship = 1,586

    Jan. Connection Classes = 331

    Year Avg. Worship = 1,404Year Avg. Connection Classes = 379

    Finances (as of 02-14-11)--------------------------------

    General BudgetYTD Giving = $248,381.88YTD Expenses = $155,452.47Annual Budget = $2,041,873.99

    Change The WorldTotal Remaining Debt = $5,751,166.91Remaining Pledges to Collect = $241,411.73

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