Logline: Without anything to lose, a girl in a fictional depiction of the 16 th century takes destiny into her own hands and attempts to reap revenge on those who tainted her path to royalty.

The film pitch

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Page 1: The film pitch

Logline: Without anything to lose, a girl in a fictional depiction of the 16th century takes destiny into her own hands and attempts to reap revenge on those who

tainted her path to royalty.

Page 2: The film pitch

• The Protagonist:Name: Alycia Carvaliant (Volare) Age: 20Gender: Female

• Origin: Alycia Carvalant was seven years old when she was made an orphan. Her father, Lord Carvalant, was killed by what was said to be a looter in the night, only after coin to fill his pocket. A likely story, but the law of men gobbled it up, “A looter killed the king’s cousin and his daughter snatched or killed with him. “ The words spread like wild fire through the spiral of alleys in the shamble city. Unable to defend herself without a parental figure, Alycia was quickly taken in by a man with his own reasons for kidnapping a child; to raise her to be a whore. • Current Situation: 13 Years On… Alycia no longer bears the name of her father, but goes by something entirely different. Volare. One of the most desired whores in the City, however she is one most protected by the owner of the House. Only been available to those who pay high coin for her services. Volare is forced to stay in her situation, as to leave would mean to starve on the streets as a peasant. Though her life, as she currently knows it, is nothing to be desired, with her quick tongue and temper she tends to earn her beatings most nights and other nights she is made to feel worthless by the job she holds. • The Opportunity: At first everything seems like the average night, the men are drunk and mere while her friends are being treat like objects. Yet, when she goes up to attend to a customer, she walks in on a masked man plunging a dagger into his chest. Alarmed she screams, with only to be accused of the man’s untimely death. A whore is nothing. So, she is held accountable.

Page 3: The film pitch

• Audience would be 18-30, the majority would be aimed at a male audience due to the action sequences and the nature of the film having revealing Women. Yet it will also bring in a female audience, due to the Anti-Hero (our guide through the story) being female and underlying plot of equality between the sexes.

• The genre of Fantastical Adventure, with period setting similar to that of Pirates Of The Caribbean, that presents that it can be a commercial success due to the previous movie franchise that continues to draw in an audience. In addition to similar movies and T.V Shows (Black Sails(2014-) & Da Vinci’s Demons(2013-)), there is also an audience It can gain from the Assassin's Creed video game series which holds similar settings.

• Considering the audience being 18-30 we touch upon the main people whom attend the cinema, but also the audience who are attracted to the genre on different platforms.

Page 4: The film pitch

• As the film is a genre unable to be created by Independent companies, it will require a large amount of facilities and people to create the Blockbuster.

• A costume designer and researchers to gain the right time period fashion style, though there

is space for imagination as The Sparks That Fly is set in a fictional location.

• Sword fighting/hand to hand combat teaching for actors/actresses, Stunt men, Choreographers.

• Large set construction of period architecture with elements of CGI where impossible or

necessary to virtual create settings. I.E wide shots.

• CGI for small explosions.