The Federal Republic of Somalia

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  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    Name: MatricAli bashi musse daud 218752

    Abdirisaq Mohamed Hussein 222842


  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    Overview of Somalia

    Transportation System of


    Transportation types

    Overload prolems

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    Fla! of Somalia

    Coat of Arms

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Overview of Somalia

    T"e Federal Rep#lic of Somalia is a country located in East

    Africa. It is bordered by Ethioia to the !est" #$ibouti to thenorth!est" the %ulf of Aden to the north" the Indian &cean to

    the east" and 'enya to the south!est. (omalia has a oulation of around 1) million !ith one *ace

    +(omali," &ne -anuae +(omali," and &ne reliion +Islam,. (omalia !as an imortant centre for commerce !ith the rest of

    the ancient !orld" and accordin to most scholars" it is amon

    the most robable locations of the fabled ancient -and of /unt. (omalia has second larest coast in Africa continent after

    (outh Africa.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    (omalia is a unique country en0ironmentally and

    eorahically (omalia is famous for its rich natural resources includin

    resh Air ind %reat atmoshere 3umerous tyes of animals &il (oil that suitable for ariculture &ceans

    -aes %round!ater" and the (unliht for enery and solar o!er

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Transportation System of Somalia

    he main transortation of (omalia is road.

    inadequate transort facilities are a considerable imedimentto (omalia6s economic de0eloment.

    here are no rail!ays. &nly about 1"8)) miles +2")) m, of

    a0ed roads are assable yearround" and in the rainy

    seasons most rural settlements are not accessible by motor

    0ehicle. 9uses" trucs" and minibuses are the main means of

    transort for the oulation. In rural areas camels" " and doneys are still used for ersonal

    transortation and as ac animals.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Transportation types

    Land Transportation

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    (omalia:s net!or of roads is 22"1)) m +1;"7)) mi, lon.

    As of 2)))" 2"

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    As of 2)12" (omalia has t!obet!een 2"4;8 m and ;")47 m> and one 1"524 m to 2"4;7 m lon. here are 55 airorts !ith una0ed landin areas. &ne has a run!ay

    of o0er ;")47 m. Ma$or airorts in the country include the Aden Adde International

    Airort in Moadishu" the Hareisa International Airort in Hareisa"and the 9ender ?assim International Airort in 9osaso.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Sea transportation

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    /ossessin the lonest coastline on the mainland" (omalia

    has a number of maritime transort facilities across the

    country. In total" there are o0er 15 seaorts. Ma$or class orts are found

    at Moadishu" 9osaso" 9erbera and 'ismayo. Additionally" Aluula" Maydh" -uhaya" Eyl" ?andala" Hafun"

    Hobyo" %aracad and El Maan all ha0e smaller orts. Moadishu leads (omalia in seaort traffic. hile daily

    shiments brin in 0ehicles" foodstuffs and electronic oods. he 9osaso ort !as constructed durin the mid18)s by the

    (iad 9arre administration for annual li0estoc shiments to the

    Middle East. (omalia has one merchant marine. Established in 2))8" it is


  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Air transportation

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Air transportation

    (omali Airlines !as the fla carrier of (omalia. Established in 1

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia



    *ail transort in (omalia consisted of the erst!hile Moadishu

    CillabruDDi *ail!ay" !hich ran from Moadishu to o!har. 114 m in total" the system !as built by the colonial authorities in

    Italian (omaliland +(outh Fentral (omalia, in the 11)s. he trac aue !as 5) mm +; ft 1 ;G8 in,. It !as dismantled in the

    14)s by the 9ritish durin their military occuation of the territory.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Ports and S"ippin!

    Ports and S"ippin!:our ma$or orts dee!ater facilities at

    9erbera" Moadishu" and Fhisimayu> lihterae ort at Merca>

    minor ort at Maydh. /ort moderniDation roram launched in

    latter half of 18)s !ith Bnited (tates aid sinificantly imro0ed

    caro handlin caabilities at Fhisimayu" and increasednumber of berths and deeened harbor at 9erbera.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Overload prolems

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


    Overload prolems

    &0erload causes a lot of damaes to the loistics of (omalia

    As there !as no effecti0e rules that control the loadin systemof the country" o0erload is a serious roblem that causes the

    lose of roerty and life. Each year o0erload causes accidents and loses.

    In 2)12 !hich many eole calle the rebirth year of (omalia"o0ernment declared that they !ill tae action aainst any

    0ehicles that e@ceeds the allocated tons. he o0ernment6s declaration reduces the accidents !hich

    many of the society !elcomed 0ery !ell.

  • 7/25/2019 The Federal Republic of Somalia


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