AT THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY October 28, 2012 Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word So I would become More like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. IN THIS ISSUE TEE TIME! Francis Sanchez models T-shirt expressing God’s unlimited rewards for us. --Photos by ELS DANCING -- to the max-- ushered in Eternal Rewards, the third and last talk of the Unli series. More on page 2. Meet the KCON 2012 Speakers See pages 4-6 THESE next four Sundays will be fun! Because today, we start a brand new series titled Vampires. Sorry to disappoint you, it won’t be a series on fanged creatures of the night. Or werewolves. Or frankensteins. Or other monstrous characters from Hotel Transylvania. This month, we’ll learn How To Deal with Difficult People. Admit it. You’ve got these “bloodsuckers” in your life. Creatures that suck the joy and life out of you. Why God tolerates these anomalies boggle our mind. Why they even exist in God’s scheme of things is beyond our comprehension. Look On the Mirror— Do You See Yourself? Can’t He just zap them to utter oblivion? But then we have to ask ourselves: Are WE a bloodsucker? Are we a difficult person? Here’s a big problem: As a general rule, difficult people don’t know they’re difficult. They think they’re an angel living amid demons. Like the Vampire, when they look into the mirror, they have the inability to see their own reflection. Today, we’ll learn the science and art of spotting a Vampire—so that you can deal with them in the right way. Yes, even if that Vampire is YOU. I pray for God’s comfort and conviction upon your life. Enjoy today’s Feast! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ Vampires How To Deal with Difficult People Talk 1: How To Spot a Vampire Talk 2: How To Protect Yourself from a Vampire Talk 3: How To Transform a Vampire Talk 4: Special Message

The Feast - October 28, 2012 Issue

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Page 1: The Feast - October 28, 2012 Issue


October 28, 2012

Today, I receive all of God’s love for me.Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s WordSo I would becomeMore like Jesus every day.Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion.And because I am blessed,I am blessing the world.In Jesus’ name. Amen.


TEE TIME! Francis Sanchez models T-shirt expressing God’s unlimited rewards for us.

--Photos by ELS

DANCING -- to the max-- ushered in Eternal Rewards, the third and last talk of the Unli series. More on page 2.

Meet the KCON 2012

SpeakersSee pages 4-6

THESE next four Sundays will be fun!Because today, we start a brand new series

titled Vampires. Sorry to disappoint you, it won’t be a series on fanged creatures of the night. Or werewolves. Or frankensteins. Or other monstrous characters from Hotel Transylvania.

This month, we’ll learn How To Deal with Difficult People.

Admit it. You’ve got these “bloodsuckers” in your life. Creatures that suck the joy and life out of you. Why God tolerates these anomalies boggle our mind. Why they even exist in God’s scheme of things is beyond our comprehension.

Look On the Mirror—Do You See Yourself?

Can’t He just zap them to utter oblivion?

But then we have to ask ourselves: Are WE a bloodsucker? Are we a difficult person?

Here’s a big problem: As a general rule, difficult people don’t know they’re difficult. They think they’re an angel living amid demons. Like the Vampire, when they look into the mirror, they have the inability to see their own reflection.

Today, we’ll learn the science and art of spotting a Vampire—so that you can deal with them in the right way. Yes, even if that Vampire is YOU.

I pray for God’s comfort and conviction upon your life.

Enjoy today’s Feast!

May your dreams come true,


VampiresHow To Deal with Difficult People

Talk 1: How To Spot a VampireTalk 2: How To Protect Yourself

from a VampireTalk 3: How To Transform a VampireTalk 4: Special Message

Page 2: The Feast - October 28, 2012 Issue


IN last week’s Gospel from Mark 10:35-45, Jesus tells us, “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

In his homily, Fr. Daniel Sormani, CSSP, recalled that during his childhood, people fasted on Fridays to remind them of Jesus’ suffering on Good Friday.

Fr. Daniel asked, “What does suffering mean?“ When we hear of people who have done evil suffer, we think, they reap what they had sown. But then good people also suffer, so we think God must be testing their faith. But Fr. Daniel pointed out that our God loves us and does not want us to suffer. Nevertheless, it’s an imperfect world-- even good people suffer as a consequence of other people’s doing.

Still, in a world where we are separated by decision, suspicion, hatred, and poverty, we have the choice to reach out. As written in Matthew 25:35-36: “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing...”

Fr. Daniel said that when God calls us home, He will not tell us to bring our material possessions. He will tell us to bring the love we have shared. For the goodness and the kindness we have shared live forever in the heart of the people we leave behind. What are you willing to suffer for?

-- Anna ModestoPhoto by Chino Modesto

What Are You Willing to Suffer For?

Talk 3: Eternal RewardsStart Living in Heaven NowBRO. BO SANCHEZ wrapped up the Unli series with the third and last talk, Eternal Rewards. He started with an announcement: “You’re an immortal being. You will never die.”

For, he pointed out, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.”

Bro. Bo said, “Death isn’t a dead-end. Death is a doorway. Death is simply relocation. Death is changing your soul’s address from one universe to another universe.

He then read from Matthew 6:1: Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Bro. Bo explained that Jesus was saying, “Hey, don’t try to get all your rewards on Earth. There are more rewards in Heaven.”

He said there is an Awarding Ceremony on Earth but the bigger Awarding Ceremony is in Heaven. He said, “the Law of the Farm— you harvest what you plant, and reap what you sow—doesn’t only apply today on Earth but also tomorrow in Heaven. What you do in this world are seeds that bear fruit even after you die.”

God Is a GentlemanThe Law of the Farm means that you choose where you want to go:

Bro. Bo added: “God is a Father. He created us to be one with Him forever. So Heaven is His choice for you. Always.

“But He won’t force you to go there if you don’t want to. The Bible says He knocks at the door of your heart. He won’t barge in. He won’t bulldoze His way in. He’s the perfect gentleman.”

Three Things That Will Happen in Heaven

Bro. Bo described three important things about Heaven:

1. You’ll Be Fulfilled Perfectly. Bro. Bo explained that in Heaven, wealth is permanent: “The only wealth you keep is the wealth that you give away. As long as you keep your wealth to yourself, it rots on Earth. But if you give it away, you “wire transfer” your wealth to your future home in Heaven.

Heaven ... or Hell

In Heaven, tears are wiped away. The Bible says, And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. --Revelations 7:14.

2. You’ll Be Loved Perfectly. Bro. Bo pointed out that throughout history, tens of thousands of people have reported near-death experiences that say that death is a doorway. And these people say there, they felt so loved that they did not want to go back to Earth.

Bro. Bo said his favorite prayer is, “I’m totally, completely, and perfectly loved.” The prayer heals his body, emotions, and spirit. Why? Because perfect love is the deepest need of my entire being. And I will receive it in Heaven.”

3. You’ll Love Perfectly. Bro. Bo said in Heaven, we will be fully engaged, fully occupied, fully loving humanity for all eternity.

“That’s why I believe that Earth is a training camp for Heaven,” he added. On Earth, God trains you to love like Jesus. Because loving God and others is the only thing that you’ll be doing in Heaven!”

Heaven and Hell Starts Now. “Your afterlife will be mirror image of what is in your heart. But it will be eternally multiplied,” Bro. Bo said. “If you live a life of love, you experience Heaven now.”

Purgatory. Bro. Bo described Purgatory this way: “When you die, you’ll see God. And you’ll run towards Him. And I believe you’ll see God running towards you too. So that at that moment when God embraces you, all your weaknesses have totally vanished. And you become perfect as God is perfect.

-- Photos by Ramel Robles

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REFLECTIONS Talk 1: How To Spot a VampireGod Loves Difficult People—Especially You!

Romans 12:10, 13You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.

Matthew 7:4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Romans 12:3Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought…

Philippians 2:3Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

Matthew 7:12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Leviticus 19:18Love your neighbor as yourself.

1 Samuel 24:10This day you have seen with your own eyes how the LORD delivered you into my hands in the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you; I said, ‘I will not lay my hand on my lord, because he is the LORD’s anointed.’

1 Samuel 8:7And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.

Personal Reflection and Group Discussion:Who are the difficult people in your life and what are their most common characteristics? Are you also a difficult person to others? In what way?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Resuscitating PassionBy LALA AGUELO

A YOUNG blood full of hormones – that’s what I was. I could write a piece, fiction or non-fiction, in just a snap. I was the bum poet in the movie Before Sunrise. You give me a word and I make a poem with the word in it. You give me a sentence and out of that I make a short story. I can’t say those written pieces were good, but my passion for writing stories was fiery. It made me feel I was human. It gave me the feeling that I was sucking the marrow of life. Writing consumed me. I was and am not a good writer, but I long for my lost passion for it. I ache for the confidence that I used to have as a young adult.

I am in my late twenties and these past few years my life has been a complete nosedive. Quarter-life crisis. I am grateful for my job. Because of my work I am able to eat, and I am able to sleep soundly at night. Because of it, I have the chance to discover more of who I really am. I have learned a lot of things. I have grown-- personally and professionally. But I realized that the job is not where I belong. I’m not good at what I’m doing. Due probably to the repetition of work, I am able to manage the day-to-day work. I don’t want to spend most of my waking life doing something just to get by. I want to bloom in my niche. I want to be somebody in my niche. I wish my job could be given to someone who is really passionate about it.

I still write a journal every so often. But every time I read works of others,

it makes me feel nauseous about my written work. I start to doubt that it comes to a point where I couldn’t stop sobbing. I want to lead a meaningful life. I don’t want to be a wanderer, drifting aimlessly. I need purpose. I once

read that if you’re looking for something, that something is looking for you too.

I first attended the Feast PICC on September 2, 2012. The talk series at the time was Younique which was about God making each person a creation like no other, that in His loving eyes, we are special, one-of-a kind. And I was like, the Younique topic was made for me. I wasn’t able to attend and hear the other subtopics for Younique but there were video archives on the Kerygma website, which I really appreciate.

Bro. Bo Sanchez’s talk on Passion, Potential, and Purpose gave me a new hope, unwrapped my core gifts, and resuscitated dying ones. My doubts about my self worth. I gained back a portion of my lost passion for writing. To this day, every time Bro. Bo’s words reverberate in my consciousness, at the back of my mind, I say probably, just probably, my purpose is to write. It’s what I love doing. It’s my passion. And no matter how embryonic my potential is, it is still a gift and it’s up to me to develop it. I must hone it. I need to be good at it for His greater glory.

I couldn’t thank God more for the Feast!

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Meet the Powerful SpeakersTalk 1: FoundationHow To Pray Boldly and EffectivelyMike Joseph Jr.

Talk 3: RepetitionMaking the World Your ChapelAlvin Barcelona

PRAYER: THE POWER LIFTGET READY to learn new, fresh, edifying, inspiring knowledge about God to deepen your faith that He may use you to proclaim the Good News! That’s what Kerygma Conference 2012 is all about-- the biggest Catholic learning event to be held at the SM Mall of Asia Arena and the SMX Convention Center by the Manila Bay on November 24 to 25.

Gathering some 15,000 participants, Kerygma Conference is an annual event, discussing Catholic issues and practical living in the modern times. The conference stemmed from rallies of the readers of Kerygma, an inspirational magazine Bro. Bo founded, named after the Greek word kerygma which means “proclaiming the Gospel.”

Bro. Bo launched Kerygma Conference 2012 at the Feast, the Sunday prayer gathering held at the PICC by the Light of Jesus, a faith community which he also founded.

During the launch, Bro. Bo announced that Kerygma Conference 2012 centers on the theme Champions Arise!

Kerygma Conference events in previous years focused on the power God gives to His people, discovering the miracle in one’s inner self, winning big, restoring one’s spiritual strength, and going from glory to glory.

Kerygma Conference 2012 consists of 14 conference streams—powerful teachings on practical Christian living based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On Day 1, November 24, conference streams happening simultaneously are Prayer, Worship, Education, Health, Career, Business, and Catholic Faith. On Day 2, November 25, the streams are Solo Parents, Singles, Single Blessedness, Inner Healing, Family, Youth, and Leadership.

Now, meet the powerful speakers of Kerygma Conference 2012!

Mike Joseph Jr., president of Performex Inc, is a well-known speaker and facilitator with an extensive background in Training and Organizational Development. He has over 30 years experience in Leadership, Organizational and Community Development, Pastoral Care and Counseling.

He graduated from De La Salle University, Manila, major in Economics and received the DLSU Outstanding Alumnus Leadership Award in 1993. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Murdoch University in Australia. He is a professor on Leadership at De La Salle University Graduate School of Business MBA, and assistant professor for International Management at the University of Western Australia MBA Program in the Philippines.

Talk 2: ProgressionTurbo Charge Your Prayer LifeBert MirandaBERT MIRANDA, together with his wife Lesty, is the head of the Elim Couples Ministry in Cebu. He is also cluster head of several branches and startups of Elim Missions in the Visayas region and Hong Kong. Bert is a fiery preacher and he hosts the Visayan version of the radio program Buhay Tagumpay. He is also a successful entrepreneur. He and Lesty have seven children.

ALVIN BARCELONA, folksinger-turned-preacher, is the Feast Builder of Feast Marilao and Feast PICC afternoon session.

He has a monthly show on TV Maria titled Nakita Ko (also the title of his book) and he co-hosts Gabay sa Biblia Tuwing Linggo on Radio Veritas.

Bro. Alvin is president-headmaster of the Barcelona Academy and Power Kids Academy in Marilao, Bulacan. A school administrator and classroom teacher for 18 years, he was storyteller to preschoolers and taught Christian Living/ Values Education, and English to grade school and high school students, Logic, Ethics, and Creative Writing to college students.

He is a writer for Kerygma and Fish magazines and Didache and Gabay Daily Reflections . His new book, School Is Still Cool (Or Why Things They Say Against Schools May Be Wrong), will be launched this November.

A singer, songwriter, musician, and concert-recording artist, he founded the Himaya Music.

He is married to Marites Ciscar, directress of Barcelona Academy and Power Kids Academy. They have two children--Aio, high school student in Ateneo de Manila; and Aia, 3 years old.

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Talk 1 - IMMERSE: Deepen Your Understanding of WorshipPat Keady

Talk 3- ILLUMINATE: Be a Beacon Towards a Brighter Future Msgr. Gerry Santos

Gigi de Jesus

Talk 2 - SYNCRONIZE: Tighten Your Teamwork as a MinistryGeorge T. Gabriel


PAT KEADY is the director and worship leader of one of the leading voices of contemporary Catholic Music in Australia, the Emmanuel Worship Band.

For the past 15 years, he has worked in various youth and music ministries. He considers writing and recording contemporary Christian music and leading people in worship as his main gifts from God.

His goal in life is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ here on Earth.

Pat has recorded a number of albums with Emmanuel Worship and has written two books: Walk With You, the journey of his faith and life as a young Australian, and Worship: the Activity of Disciples, a reflection on the lessons he learned over the years through leading worship.

More than a band, Emmanuel Worship is the worship ministry of the Emmanuel Community, a Catholic mission community in Australia whose vision is to be a force for renewal in the Church and the world.

GEORGE ANTHONY TOLENTINO GABRIEL graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication from Ateneo de Manila University. He was 12 years old when he gave His life to God through a Youth Life in the Spirit Seminar. His longtime dream of working full-time for the Lord came true when he became managing editor of FiSH— twice named best youth magazine at the Catholic Mass Media Awards. He is also creative director of Shepherd’s Voice Radio and TV Foundation Inc.

Bro. George is the Feast Builder of Feast Bonifacio Global City (BGC) and the worship director of the Light of Jesus Family.

MSGR GERRY SANTOS or ‘Monsi’ to his close aides and friends, is recognized for his leadership and dedication to his educational apostolate. He is known for his Go Genuine Program, a partnership with the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines, Microsoft Philippines, and First Data Corporation. The program helps member-schools avail themselves of a special package of genuine licenses, services and training in support of quality education. The first three years of the partnership has brought to the CEAP an accumulated savings of at least P 20 million. He is well appreciated for the active role he played in continuously building the technology highway in the CEAP.

Monsignor Gerry is a pillar in the COCOPEA and its member organizations such as the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) and the Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAPSCU).

Talk 2- INNOVATE: Discover and Develop New Ways of EducatingAlvin Barcelona

GIGI DE JESUS, head of the Feast Music Ministry, started to serve the Lord through music in a prayer community. She was then only 16 years old.

She got acquainted with Bro. Bo Sanchez professionally in 1996 in a TV program titled In His Presence at Channel 9.

She then directed the BoToks concert of Bro. Bo held at the Meralco Theatre in 2006 and eventually joined the Light of Jesus Family in December 2007.

Sis. Gigi worked in the United States for about a year, but she decided to come back to serve the Lord through LOJ. “I am super blessed in the LOJ Family and the Feast,” she says. “Lessons from the talks have helped me improve my relationship with my loved ones and gave me better outlook about how to live in abundance.”

CAREER: GET ON THE RIGHT TRACKTalk 1 - THE STARTING POSITION: Is Your Path Your Purpose?Benedict Hernandez

Talk 2 - FIND YOUR SECOND WIND: Overcoming Challenges in the WorkplaceChinkee Tan

Talk 3 - THE FINISH LINE: Being Happy @ WorkJon Escoto

BENEDICT HERNANDEZ is a leader in the tele-communications industry, sharing his more than 10 years experience in start-up, managing, and growing customer service organizations.

He serves as BPO operations chief for Philippines at Accenture plc. He served as head of the Philippine Region of Telecare Global Solutions Inc., vice president of Philippine Operations of eTelecare Global Solutions Inc. Prior to joining the eTelecare team, he served as vice-president for Customer Care of Nextel Communications Philippines Inc.

JON ESCOTO, mission director for FAMILIA (a nationwide parish movement for the evangelization of families) and a corporate training consultant, gives seminars to Philippine government employees in tandem with Beaconlight Development Center. His teachings refresh and inspire people not only to be good at work but also to become better in life. He is the author of Go Find Extraordinary Joy at Work.

FERDINAND CHINKEE TAN is known as an “Edutainer.” A former television and movie actor, comedian, and writer, he is a gifted speaker, keeping his audience wide awake with his inspiring talks.

Before becoming a motivational speaker, Chinkee managed his own sales organization, leading over 30,000 sales force. He sold his business in 2006 and started to be a speaker professionally in 2008. He has spoken to various groups from all walks of life, as few as four to as many as 12,000 persons in one event.

Talk 1 - INSPIRE: Light a Fire in Your Student’s Heart


Talk 3 - EMERGE: True Worship Results in Social Justice

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Talk 1 - TAKE THE FIELD: Find the Right Business for YouPax Lapid

Talk 1 - WRESTLING WITH YOUR FAITH: Ask the Tough QuestionsArun Gogna

Talk 2 - MUSCLE TRAINING: Strengthen Your ConvictionFr. John Paul Del Rosario

Talk 3 - FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT: Championing Your FaithFr. Mario Sobrejuanite

Talk 2 - NICHE-HITTER: Maximize Your Target MarketRex Mendoza

Talk 3 - HOME RUN!: Share Your Profits, Multiply the BlessingEdward Lee



DEAN ‘PAX’ LAPID is known as a mentor and model in successful entrepreneurship. With an extensive background in Information Technology, Retail, and the Oil and Gas industry, he is a much sought after senior business consultant.

REX MA MENDOZA has 20 years of working experience in the financial and real estate industries. He is a registered financial planner and certified investment solicitor, and licensed business solicitor for life insurance.

He is the chief executive officer and president of Philippine American Life and General Insurance Co. (Philam Life). Prior to his appointment as president and CEO of Philam Life, Mendoza served as senior vice president for the publicly-listed real estate arm of the Ayala Corporation, Ayala Land Inc. and its chief marketing officer. He was also the president and chairman of the Ayala Land International Sales Inc.

Mendoza completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, major in Marketing and Finance, at the University of the Philippines. He then earned his Master’s degree in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Management.

EDWARD K. LEE is the founder and chairman of CitisecOnline.com Inc. which has been publicly-listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange since July 12, 2006. He is also a chairman of the board of CitisecOnline.com Hong Kong, Ltd., chairman and chief executive officer, CWC Group of Companies (Subsidiaries include CWC Industries, Barrington Carpets, Citimex Inc., and CWC International Inc.).

He was also a former Governor of the Philippine Stock Exchange.

CitisecOnline.com, Inc. (COL) is the leading and fastest growing online stock brokerage firm in the Philippines with over half a billion in paid-up capital and is the first and only broker to list in the Philippine Stock Exchange.

ARUN GOGNA is the Feast Builder of Feast Alabang. He started to preach when he was 16 years old and though he has a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from De La Salle University, he has chosen preaching to be his life mission.

He is a former Theology professor at the De La Salle College of St. Benilde where he taught for ten years.

He earned his Master’s degree in Theology from Don Bosco Center of Studies, where he graduated magna cum laude.

He has been invited as a resource speaker in many leading companies and associations.

Also, he has been spiritual adviser to various organizations and communities.

He is married to an orthodontist, Dr. Lalaine Lucas-Gogna. They have two children: Andrea Helene and Yohan.

Rev. Fr. John Paul “Raprap” del Rosario is director of the Diocesan Office for Human Resources and Personnel, Diocesan Center for Evangelization and building administrator, pastor of Madonna del Divino Amore Quasi-Parish. He was born on June 24, 1981, and was ordained on December 03, 2011. A young priest, he gives inspiring talks for the youth and singles. Last February 2012, he celebrated the Mass and gave a talk at the 19th International Conference (ICON) on Singles for Christ in Tagbilaran, Bohol. He always reminds his congregation and community: “Let’s all work together to bring God’s message of life and love to as many people as possible.”

Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite is the head of Rivers of Living Water Catholic Community. He celebrates Mass at the Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord at SM Megamall. He has a Sunday TV Mass program on Studio 23 at 9 a.m.

He inspires thousands of his parishioners and viewers nationwide. A special ministry of the ACTS Catholic Prayer Community is to reach out to the homebound: the sick and their caregivers, the imprisoned and the spiritually afflicted, through the weekly telecast of the Sunday Mass – live.

During his homilies, Fr. Mario shares interesting stories about life and faithfulness to God, with some flavor of good humor. He is one of the priests who have helped the Roman Catholic Church become more vibrant and more interactive.

He has a string of companies, among them, Meals & Meats (restaurant), Buns & Meats (food sandwich kiosks), St. Mellion Farms(lettuce farm), MetroPicks (convenience store), Music & Me (musical coaching company).

Bro. Pax served as dean of the Entepreneur School of Asia from 2004 to 2011 and faculty member at the Asian Institute of Management. Today, he is working on a degree as Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Development.


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Editor’s Note: Have you a similar story how you have received blessings from God? Share! and let the world know miracles still do happen today to give hope especially to the lost. For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.


WE are ‘United Nations’. This is how I call my big family, in jest, every time the topic about religion crops up.

I am the youngest in a brood of 12. My mother was a devout Catholic. I remember waking up at 5 a.m. every Sunday to accompany her to Mass, or as early as 4 a.m. to join the Via Crucis every Lenten season. The religious music and the ringing of the bells from our parish church summoned every Catholic in the area to attend Mass. I miss those bells and the music which remind me of my mother.

I was educated in a Catholic school. When I was 13, I thought if I were not Catholic, life would probably be boring -- no Christmas, no Lenten season, no saints.

When I graduated from college, my elder sisters and brothers moved to other Christian groups. When he was 14 years old, my favorite brother converted to the Seventh Day Adventist religion. Then, one of my sisters fell in love with a member of the Iglesia ni Kristo, and she joined his church. She even invited my other brother and his family to join the Iglesia.

Another sister became a Jehovah’s Witness. My favorite nephew is an active member of Ely Soriano’s Dating Daan

after another brother encouraged him to watch Bro. Ely’s program on television.

I, on the other hand, was ambivalent about my faith. Although my mother always reminded me to hang on to my faith and attend the Holy Mass every Sunday, I searched for something deeper than merely attending the Mass. I found myself studying the doctrines of other religious denominations, and began to question the doctrines and traditions of Catholics. I searched in vain…

In 2002, my mother, the only person binding me to my Catholic faith, passed away. I then started drifting away from my faith. To make matters worse, my boyfriend at the time found out that he had cancer. I began to question God why I should suffer such tragedies.

For so many years after Nanay’s death, I was just existing, not living. I was spiritually dead. I did not bother to hear Mass every Sunday and I hardly prayed. Praying, however, already flows in my blood. Although my mind commanded me not to pray, my heart was always murmuring prayers that continued to connect me to God.

One day in 2008, I found out that I had numerous cysts in my breast. I realized

then my mortality, and that I needed God. My ailment awakened in me a hunger for Him again.

Fe Clemente, one of our consultants in the company I then worked for, invited me to attend the Feast Pasig at the Valle Verde Country Club. I went to check out what this Feast was all about.

Now, six years after Nanay’s death, I am home again, back to my faith. Now, I look forward to celebrate the Feast every Sunday, to worship my God, and somehow be with my mother in spirit.

Our family is still “United Nations” with various religions. But now, I can say that I am much happier as a Catholic with stronger faith because I experienced the forgiveness and witnessed the love of God despite my family’s religious differences. And above all, I am so blessed I’ve found new friends and a spiritual family in the Light of Jesus Family.

FINDING A NEW FAMILY. Lourdes (8th from left) finds her way back to the Catholic Church and a new set of friends, the Caring Group led by Pat Morales (10th from left).

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LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.

The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].



BELLA ESTRELLA Managing Editor


EDMUNDO SANTIAGOChief Photographer

CRIS LEGASPIAssistant Chief Photographer








CHICHI BARBAAssistant Head




BE RENEWED.A priest will hear your confession at the second floor

lobby, Reception Hall


The Awesome Kids ministry takes care of your children while you attend the Feast. After the 10:45 Holy Mass,

bring the children to the Awesome Playroom,

2nd floor of the PICC main building.


Got One More Miracle? A mysterious, inexplicable experience—a miracle God has allowed to happen to let you know He loves you? Share! Email your article with your picture to [email protected].

“CAN you pray over my wife and me?”Joey* suddenly asked me, but I

couldn’t respond right away. You see, Joey would be the last person to ask for a pray-over-- from me.

His family and I started on the wrong foot. I came to know them only a couple of months ago. One day in August, Joey’s brother Mar rode with a friend on the latter’s motorcycle. The motorcycle

collided with the car my son was driving. Mar suffered a broken leg and he had to undergo four operations. We had to pay for his hospital bills.

Through the ordeal, we had some miscommunication and some arguments over who should be responsible for Mar’s medical expenses. Joey, at one time, raised his voice, threatening to bring us to court. I assured Joey we would not turn

our back from our obligations to Mar. Inside Mar’s hospital room, I told the family that my husband and I have had an intense spiritual renewal, and so we know our responsibility not only to them but more so to God. I shared with them about the Feast and the lessons we’ve learned, especially keeping good relations with our fellowmen. I also shared some miraculous healings I’d witnessed, especially after we pray over the sick. I explained to them what a pray-over was.

“It is written in the Bible, ‘Believers will lay the hands on the sick and they will get well,’” I told them. “So when I lay my hands on the sick, he will get well. He must believe that he will be healed.”

I was not sure if they believed in what I said. So, I dared add, “We can pray over Mar, here, if you like.”

They agreed, so I prayed over Mar, asking the Lord to heal his broken leg.

Then, after the pray-over, Joey asked me to pray over him and his wife Lily, too.

Though surprised, I managed to ask Joey, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Ahm, we’d been married for eleven years now, and we still don’t have a child.”

“Oh, okay,” I said.But at the back of my mind, I

was like, “Eleven years? Is there hope for this couple?”

Nevertheless, I gathered all the faith I could muster, lay my hands on the couple, and prayed that they would be blessed with a baby.

A couple of weeks after, Mar got healed already and was discharged from the hospital.

Before I said goodbye to them, I told Lily, “Let me know when you get pregnant.”

I got busy with work, so I was able to visit Mar and his family only after about a month. Joey and Lily were there. And the moment he saw me, Joey said, “Thank you very much for the pray-over. Lily is now pregnant.”

*Names were changed.

A Baby for LilyBy DIANA SHOWERS Illustration by ROMY MELLA

8 THE FEAST October 28, 2012