The Fat Divide

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  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide




  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide




    Theres an evident class divide in obesity, and for the first time in history,the poor are getting fatter and the rich thinner. Fran Molloy weighs in.

  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide



    And it seems that todays fat cats are taking

    that philosophy to heart; the wealthier you

    are, the more likely it is that you will have a

    healthy body mass index (BMI).

    Its a global phenomenon. According to

    the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical

    Activity and Health, obesity is an epidemic

    now recognised as critical, with more than

    one billion people worldwide overweight and

    around 300 million of those clinically obese,

    including 22 million children.

    What is behind this epidemic of fatties?

    While theres a genetic component that

    influences your susceptibility to gaining spare

    tyres, humans generally become overweight

    when the calories they eat are greater than

    the calories they expend in physical activity.

    Not that many centuries ago, most humans

    were farmers or hunter-gatherers, working

    hard to collect every calorie we ate. Storage

    and transport of food was minimal and most

    people existed on fairly stable diets of mostly

    local foods. Sugar, for example, was only

    discovered and mass-produced in Europe in

    the middle-ages, and then only a few could

    afford it.

    But modern diets involve a far higher

    proportion of fats and sugars and very little

    raw food. At the same time, technological

    advances have reduced the physical activ-

    ity needed in our work, our transport, our

    domestic lives and even our leisure pursuits.


    Australia is now one of the most overweight

    developed nations, with more than 60 per

    cent of our adults and one in four of our

    children classified as either overweight or

    obese and rates of Type 2 diabetes, a serious

    related chronic condition, are skyrocketing.

    The total direct health care costs (such as

    hospitalisation, medical care and medica-

    tions) directly attributed to overweight and

    obesity in Australia is $21 billion a year.

    And both obesity and Type 2 diabetes

    are far more prevalent among disadvan-

    taged socioeconomic groups, indigenous

    Australians and those without post-school


    Associate Professor Kylie Ball, a senior

    research fellow in the School of Exercise and

    Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University, has

    published a number of papers on the link

    between obesity and socioeconomic stand-

    ing. She says theres definitely a link between

    obesity and social standing, and that link

    seems to be more consistent among women.

    When you look at a persons level of

    education, their occupation or perhaps a little

    less consistently, their income, it seems to be

    that the those who are the most disadvantaged

    according to those type of measures are at

    greater risk of obesity.

    It is also the case that living in a neigh-

    bourhood which is socioeconomically dis-

    advantaged seems to confer an independent

    risk, she adds.

    Her current research involves pinpointing

    the mechanisms by which socioeconomic

    disadvantage leads to a risk of obesity.

    Some of the more obvious ones are physical

    activity behaviours, eating behaviours and

    sedentary behaviours, that is, amount of time

    that is spent sitting.

    She says there is little good evidence on

    why wealthy people dont get obese, but

    plenty of theories.

    Some of the things that we suspected

    probably contribute are around social norms

    and values and an idealised body image of

    being slim for women in particular.

    Ball says that women in more affluent

    countries, or women at a certain socioeco-

    nomic strata in both developing and wealthy

    countries, tend to be more concerned about

    gaining weight than do women in lower

    socio-economic positions.


    behind the abdication of her third husband, formerBritish monarch King Edward VIII, famously said:

    You can never be too rich or too thin.

  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide




    Obesity is a complex and multifaceted

    thing and theres no one single cause, just

    as there is not one single cause of the socio-

    economic inequalities that we see, she says.

    For people of low socioeconomic status,

    theres a combination of factors, both as indi-

    viduals and in the environmental context in

    which they live, that makes it more difficult for

    individuals to avoid unhealthy weight gain.

    Professor Sir Michael Marmot, newly-

    appointed president of the British Medical

    Association, is a world-leading social epi-

    demiologist who chaired the 2008 WHO

    Commission into social determinants of health.

    He says that the Commissions most striking

    discovery was that non-communicable disease

    dominated in almost every region of the world

    except the very poorest.

    Seventy per cent of women in Egypt are

    overweight or obese, says Marmot, while in

    Mexico, the problem of obesity far outweighs

    problems of stunting and under-nutrition.

    But while obesity is clearly part of a major

    global health crisis, its the causes of obesity

    that are the real issue and breaking these

    down is complex.

    It relates to the nature of our food supply, the

    nature of opportunities for physical activity, the

    changing nature of physical activity at work and

    how people make food choices, says Marmot.

    In the poorest countries, better educated

    women are more likely to be obese because in

    these countries, women with little education

    are so poor they dont have enough calories

    to eat. But in countries with an average

    income per person higher than $2700, theres

    an inverse association, where women with

    more education are less likely to be obese.

    We can speculate on why its the case

    that more educated women in high income

    countries are less likely to be obese, and

    its presumably in part cognitive; its about

    fashion and the ability to control your cir-

    cumstances, what you eat, going to the gym

    and so on, Marmot says.

    Despite the rising incidence of bulging waist-

    lines, starvation is not a thing of the past.

    While millions of people are clogging up

    their arteries and dying early from obesity-

    related disease, the World Food Program

    reported last year that another billion people

    on the planet dont have enough to eat.

    Societal change is driving a bizarre situa-

    tion in which the overweight and the hungry

    jostle for space on the healthcare agenda.

    On the face of it, theres no reason for one-

    sixth of the worlds people to go hungry; more

    than enough food is produced to feed all of

    humanitys rapidly growing population. Despite

    world population increasing by 70 per cent over

    the last 30 years, the worlds agricultural pro-

    duction has increased even more substantially,

    with nearly 20 percent more calories produced

    per person today than was produced 30 years

    ago, according to a UN Food and Agriculture

    Organisation (FAO) paper released in 2002.

    Enough food is produced to provide everyone

    on the planet with about 2700 kilocalories a

    day sufficient for a moderately active male

    aged 19-30, according to the American Heart

    Associations caloric tables, and more than most

    other people really need.

    But many people dont have the resources

    to grow or buy sufficient food for themselves

    and their dependants. It is this basic inequal-

    ity of distribution that has been the source of

    world hunger for centuries.

    Most hunger and poverty is concentrated

    in rural areas, among small farmers and

    landless families in the developing world,

    according to the FAO.

  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide



    Yet it is also in the developing world is

    where much of the battle of the bulge is

    taking place.

    Overeating and its associated medical

    costs are spreading rapidly beyond wealthy

    countries to the developing world, wrote

    the US-based Worldwatch Institutes Gary

    Gardner and Brian Halwell in 2000.

    The worldwide incidence of Type 2 diabe-

    tes is projected to double between 1998 and2025, with more than three-quarters of this

    growth occurring in the developing world.


    Professor Bruce Neal is the Sydney-based

    senior director of the George Institute for

    Global Health and a professor at Sydney

    Medical School. He also chairs the Australian

    Division of World Action on Salt and Health.

    It is widely accepted that the globalisa-

    tion of the processed food industry is a key

    factor behind diet-related ill health, he

    says, adding that this is driving the growth

    of chronic disease in both developing and

    underdeveloping countries.

    Neal says that the key problems are foods

    with too much salt, too much fat (particu-

    larly trans fats and saturated fats) and too

    much energy (calories).

    High consumption of processed food

    is leading to conditions like high bloodpressure, abnormal lipid profiles, obesity,

    diabetes and even some cancers, says Neal.

    Gardner and Halwell also point to the

    influence that the marketing practices of mul-

    tinational food giants have on the purchasing

    habits of millions of consumers.

    This, together with a lack of nutrition

    education, is driving consumption of high-

    calorie, low-nutrient foods at the expense of

    real food.

    Food is the most heavily advertised com-

    modity in Austria, France, Belgium and the

    United States, and more than half of this

    advertising is for candy, sweetened breakfast

    cereals, fast food, and other items of dubious

    nutritional value, wrote Gardner and Halwell.

    With food companies largely unchal-

    lenged in targeting our sweet tooth and

    shaping our tastes, it is little surprise thatmore than half of American adults are

    overweight and one in five are obese.

    According to Professor Barry Popkin of the

    Department of Nutrition at the University

    of North Carolina, today, the burden of

    sedentarianism, nutrient-dense poor diets

    and obesity is shifting to the poor.

    Popkins research into lower and middle-

    income countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle

    East and Latin America demonstrates that

    diet, activity, and obesity are changing very

    rapidly in the developing world.

    Popkin says rapid globalisation is partly toblame for the fast adoption of a high-density

    diet with reduced complex carbohydrates.

    At the same time, the growing penetration

    of modern mass media is promoting heav-

    ily processed foods, and a substantial shift

    in occupational structure is reducing the

    typical daily physical activity of much of the


    Popkin says that his own (as yet unpub-

    lished) research examining the structure of

    rural and urban diets in China has shown

    dramatic increases in energy density and

    increased intake of edible oil and sugars,

    rising by 10 per cent over the decade to 1997.

    Popkin used data from the China Health

    and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) results for

    adult physical activity patterns over the same

    198997 period and found a significant

    downward shift in activity for adults aged

    2045 categorised with moderate activity.

    The main recommendations from the Final

    Report of the WHO Commission on Social

    Determinants of Health in 2008 included

    improving daily living conditions and tack-

    ling the inequitable distribution of power,

    money, and resources.

    Marmot says that one of the key areas for

    action to resolve the social inequalities in

    health is to start at the very beginning, with

    early childhood health.

    We emphasised a life course approach,

    starting right at the beginning of life, he


    But just as the importance of preventing

    obesity from early childhood is recognised,

    researchers are identifying market forces

    working in the opposite direction, with a

    speed and effectiveness that has already

    Dr Lauren Williams, an academic

    dietician at the School of Health

    Sciences at the University of

    Newcastle, found a significant

    link between social status and the

    weight control practices of Australian

    women aged 45 to 50 years.

    Williams team analysed results

    from around 8000 women aged

    between 45 and 50 years who

    completed a large national health

    survey and found that on average,

    the whole group gained weight over

    two years.

    However, the group of middle-class

    and upper-class women gained around

    one kilogram over the period, while the

    working-class women gained 1.27 kg.

    Its well reported in the literature

    on this topic that people of lower

    socioeconomic status tend to be

    more overweight, Williams says.

    However, we didnt know much

    about what people were doing to

    control their weight gain.

    Williams found that women who

    reported themselves of upper or

    middle class status were more likely

    to use a combination of exercise and

    methods like reducing portion sizes

    and between-meal snacks. These are

    more effective long-term weight loss

    methods, she adds.

    However, she found it was more

    common for women who self-

    reported themselves as working

    class to use methods shown to be

    less effective in the long term, such

    as dieting, weight loss powders, pills

    and diuretics and this group was

    less likely to exercise.

    With sedentary occupations

    now crossing all classes, and many

    options for exercise (such as gym

    membership) something of a luxury,

    cost may be a factor.

    But theres no data about

    motivation and any conclusions are

    speculative, Williams points out.

    She theorises that what and how

    people eat is a way for them to define

    who they are and often reinforces

    membership of a particular group.

    Its possible that our weight

    control practices are also a way of

    defining who we are, in terms of

    defining our social class, she adds.

    Why weight?

    The worldwide incidence of Type 2 diabetes is projected

    to double between 1998 and 2025, with more than three-

    quarters of this growth occurring in the developing world.

  • 8/22/2019 The Fat Divide




    outstripped the slow-moving pace of govern-

    ments and NGOs.

    A 2008 World Health Organisation

    report completed by the Institute for Social

    Marketing at the University of Stirling

    showed that the food industry is systemati-cally targeting children in its marketing.

    The report noted that children play an

    important role in developing new market

    opportunities for fast-food and quick service

    restaurants in low and middle income coun-

    tries. Children-friendly initiatives have been

    effective entry strategies in fast growing mar-

    kets in low and middle income countries,

    the authors state.

    The majority of foods and food products

    promoted are energy dense, high fat, sugar and/

    or high salt, and in sharp contrast to national

    and international dietary guidelines.Strategies that have been tested and honed

    on more media-savvy western markets are now

    bombarding the children of developing nations.

    Marketing strategies in lower income

    countries follow very similar patterns to

    more affluent markets, with the emphasis on

    low nutritional quality foods, the dominance

    of TV advertising but increasingly supple-

    mented with other forms of promotion that

    reinforce marketing objectives and build

    brand awareness and allegiance.

    Viral marketing, competitions, games, on-

    pack promotions and store-based advertising

    are all used to target children who increas-

    ingly play a key role in family purchasing


    Sugar-sweetened breakfast cereals, soft

    drinks, confectionary and savoury snacks

    are the most frequently advertised categories,

    with fast-food promotion continuing to gain

    marketing share. Promotion of unprocessed

    foods, such as fruit and vegetables, whole-

    grain and milk is found to be almost zero.


    In the first episode of the 2007 Australian

    political satire The Hollow Men, the Prime

    Ministers proposed campaign against junk

    food withers when food industry heavy-

    weights pressure the government to instead

    introduce a lame voluntary code.

    The satirical storyline held no surprises

    for Professor Neal. He made headlines

    in September this year when he quit as

    an independent arbiter of the Australian

    Responsible Childrens Marketing Initiative

    code, because the program was ineffective.

    Can self-regulation of the food industry be

    successful? Neal is unsure, but thinks we

    have no choice but to try it. If governments

    are prepared to legislate, a lot more could be

    done, but it takes a long time and immedi-

    ately puts everyone into a sparring position.

    Industry will fight long and hard against

    regulation, he points out, and global multi-

    nationals have a lot of political clout.

    Working with the food industry is the

    key to getting action on nutrition content,

    he says.

    Neil believes that effective and fast food

    reform can occur by pushing industry into

    voluntary regulation, with clear voluntary

    agreements, setting goals to be achieved in a

    specific timeframe, with monitoring by a

    credible independent third party.

    When government regulation is a credible

    fallback position if a voluntary code fails,

    theres incentive to get it right, he says.

    Neal cites the highly effective UK Food

    Standards Agency salt reduction campaign

    which began in 2003 with voluntary agree-

    ments from food industry participants.

    Britain now leads the world in salt reduction,

    with average daily salt intake down from

    9.5g in 2003 to its current 8g, and plans to

    reduce it to 6g.

    By changing even a small part of the food

    supply, people cant help but make better

    food choices, Neal says. Its much easier

    to get a few hundred food manufacturers to

    take ten per cent of salt out of everything

    they make than it is to change the food habits

    of six billion consumers.

    In Shakespeares Comedy of Errors,

    Dromio warns: Marry, he must have a long

    spoon that must eat with the devil.

    But as the global food industry wallows in

    its profits from tubby junk-food consumers

    the world over, it seems that sitting down

    with the food-devils and developing co-

    operative targets for nutrition content may

    be our only chance to hold back the tide of


    Fat chance? Lets hope not.