The Facilitator’s toolkit Get results and build a team

The Facilitator’s toolkit - Scrum Alliance

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The Facilitator’s toolkitGet results and build a team

Page 2: The Facilitator’s toolkit - Scrum Alliance

Ice breaker

I live in this city (center = yes)

I am technical person (center = yes)

I have kids (center = no kids)

I know a lot about facilitation (center = yes)

It’s my first agile event (center = yes)

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Who am I?

Sylvain Mahe

• Agile and Lean coach since 2008• Publishing, Telcos, Industrial Property, Banking...

• Passionate about behaviors and team dynamics

• Enjoys the journey, the goal is secondary

• Always tries to understand the why before jumping to the how

• Transformational coach since 2014 (International Coaching Federation)

Cedric will co-facilitate the session with me. Thanks Cedric!!!

Twitter: @mahe_sylvain

LinkedIn: https://sg.linkedin.com/pub/sylvain-mahe/2/275/8b0

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Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Agile promotes collaboration, face to face communication, shared vision, make problems visible, alignment…

It’s also true with Lean Startup, Design Thinking...

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So you decide to put people together.You’re lucky, Agile offers a lot of opportunities…

Vision workshops

Sprint Planning Meetings


Daily Stand Up Meetings


Sprint Reviews


Brainstorming sessions



What happens?

Typical challenges for change agents and agile teams : lack of engagement, lack of buy-in and ownership, poor outcome, unclear

goals, some individuals dominate...

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Facilitation is key

Facilitation is keyTransition from meeting to workshop

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What is facilitation? - Definition

Facilitation is a process, a role - the facilitator- and set of toolsto be able to work with and manage groups to achieve outcomes.

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• Engage and empower participants

• Align people

• Achieve tangible outcome faster

• Build a team

• Have fun!

Facilitation techniques can be used in a variety of contextsIdeation/brainstorming, vision, alignment, requirements gathering,

planning, retrospectives, team building...

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Designing a session experience

Universal model

• Opening/setting the stage (check-in +

icebreaker) - capture mood and allow

participants to clear their minds

• Align - align all participants

• Exploration (brainstorming, divergence)

• Decision/Prioritization (convergence)

• Closing (crystallization + check-out + get

feedback) - summarize decisions/learnings

The facilitator picks activities that serve the goal.

Participants should ideally receive a report within

48 hours detailing decisions, actions and the

product of the workshop.

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Time to experiment !

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The facilitator - Attitude


• Designs the workshop in order to achieve the

goals (structure, people)

• Keeps the groups focused and on track


• Catalyst

• The role evolves as the group matures


• A diplomat, a referee, a guide, a mediator

• Attentive to feelings and levels of energy

• Neutral

• Not responsible for the content

• Independent of workshop outcome

• Trusts that group can make good decisions

• Readjusts format in real time if necessary

• Does not force decisions and agreements

Is not

A trainer, a consultant, a coach

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The facilitator - Skillset

• Enjoys working with and helping people

• Analysis skills

• Is a good observer

• Practices active listening

• Asks powerful questions

• Leadership

• Warmth

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• Experiment new formats

• If an activity does not work, try

something else

• Consider co-facilitation

• Flexibility in format, but clearly

defined objectives

• Use visuals, record visually

• Improve your listening & questioning


• Learn about models

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Going further - Explore models


• Spiral dynamics


• Non Violent Communication, Toltec

agreements, Transactional analysis

Team dynamics

• Tuckman model


• Process Communication, MBTI, 16PF


• Kubler-ross

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Dealing with dysfunctional behavior

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Going further - Graphic Facilitation

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Going further - Graphic Facilitation

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Going further - Whole experience

Source: http://www.wheretofromhere.asia/

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Further reading

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